1st Eden
Dalamatia City .
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. Susa
Van/Admason civilisation
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The Targum on the run thoughts fron various Forums research replies
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line 110: Having delineated the Nodite antecedents of the ancestry of the secondary midwayers, this narrative should now give consideration to the Adamic half of their ancestry, for the secondary midwayers are also the grandchildren of Adamson, the first-born of the violet race of Urantia.
line 111: Adamson was among that group of the children of Adam and Eve who elected to remain on earth with their father and mother. Now this eldest son of Adam had often heard from Van and Amadon the story of their highland home in the north, and sometime after the establishment of the second garden he determined to go in search of this land of his youthful dreams.
line 112: Adamson was 120 years old at this time and had been the father of thirty-two pure-line children of the first garden. He wanted to remain with his parents and assist them in upbuilding the second garden, but he was greatly disturbed by the loss of his mate and their children, who had all elected to go to Edentia along with those other Adamic children who chose to become wards of the Most Highs.
line 113: Adamson would not desert his parents on Urantia, he was disinclined to flee from hardship or danger, but he found the associations of the second garden far from satisfying. He did much to forward the early activities of defense and construction but decided to leave for the north at the earliest opportunity. And though his departure was wholly pleasant, Adam and Eve were much grieved to lose their eldest son, to have him go out into a strange and hostile world, as they feared, never to return.
line 114: A company of twenty-seven followed Adamson northward in quest of these people of his childhood fantasies. In a little over three years Adamson's party actually found the object of their adventure, and among these people he discovered a wonderful and beautiful woman, twenty years old, who claimed to be the last pure-line descendant of the Prince's staff. This woman, Ratta, said that her ancestors were all descendants of two of the fallen staff of the Prince. She was the last of her race, having no living brothers or sisters. She had about decided not to mate, had about made up her mind to die without issue, but she lost her heart to the majestic Adamson. And when she heard the story of Eden, how the predictions of Van and Amadon had really come to pass, and as she listened to the recital of the Garden default, she was encompassed with but a single thought--to marry this son and heir of Adam. And quickly the idea grew upon Adamson. In a little more than three months they were married
line 123: This center of civilization was situated in the region east of the southern end of the Caspian Sea, near the Kopet Dagh. A short way up in the foothills of Turkestan are the vestiges of what was onetime the Adamsonite headquarters of the violet race. In these highland sites, situated in a narrow and ancient fertile belt lying in the lower foothills of the Kopet range, there successively arose at various periods four diverse cultures respectively fostered by four different groups of Adamson's descendants. It was the second of these groups which migrated westward to Greece and the islands of the Mediterranean. The residue of Adamson's descendants migrated north and west to enter Europe with the blended stock of the last Andite wave coming out of Mesopotamia, and they were also numbered among the Andite-Aryan invaders of India.
line 111: Adamson was among that group of the children of Adam and Eve who elected to remain on earth with their father and mother. Now this eldest son of Adam had often heard from Van and Amadon the story of their highland home in the north, and sometime after the establishment of the second garden he determined to go in search of this land of his youthful dreams
In the following is what I believe the Vestiges of the Adamson/Van headquarters and civilisation.
Note: In the following images notice the 3 co-planar circles, the triangle temple area with a circular temple in the middle and general layout of the highland triangle valley. Also note the great circular feature/anomaly in the lower valley area. A marker or Symbol of the entry to the highland retreat of Van and Adamson.
Some images of the vestiges of the Adamson civilisation.
The Anomalies using google
A view of the possible city in the hidden valley note the rectangular features. It certainly looks like a layout of highland retreat.
There are many rectangular features, Perhaps the chambers next to the temple was used for water storage? and again surrounded by rivers and water. This location is definite contender to the one of many vestiges of the Adamson civilisation in North Eastern Iran.
There also appears to be a wall system that surrounds the triangular plateau using the natural features of the surrounding hills. Perfect for protection and being hidden away guarding the tree of life in this temporary temple. Also the Vanites, Amadonites and supporting Nodites came from this area over a period of 150,000 years ago.
A close up of the Triangular enclosure and the circular temple within.
A city and temple with a small surrounding city
surrounded by many rivers. |
In this image is an overview of anomalies of protection. Defensive anomalies can be seen at every entry point protecting Vans headquarters. |
Here is an image of the Northern co-planar rings protecting the triangular plateau. ![]() |
Here is a Google Earth
file with Place marks
Google Earth Adamson
Civilisation Other Connections of the 3 co-planar
circles |
A great discovery in symbolism of the triangle and circle chevron
The Triangle and the circle chevron in Van headquarters, the home of the Adamson civilisation where the Javan, the young came from.
The same symbol can be found above the entrance of
the family tomb of Jesus.
I wonder if there is supporting myths of Iran that speak of a City of the Rivers or something similar and connected to the tree of life?
Updated 29th October 08 The Confirmation
The tree of life and its Seven branches enclosed within the triangle highland capital of Van where the tree of life was fed by many streams from the surrounding mountains
Note the continuous triangle and circle patterns in the pipe and the eye with the circles similar to the highland capital.
The Map of the locatrion
By 8000 B.C. the slowly increasing aridity of the highland regions of central Asia began to drive the Andites to the river bottoms and the seashores. This increasing drought not only drove them to the valleys of the Nile, Euphrates, Indus, and Yellow rivers, but it produced a new development in Andite civilization. A new class of men, the traders, began to appear in large numbers.
- line 38: When climatic conditions made hunting unprofitable for the migrating Andites, they did not follow the evolutionary course of the older races by becoming herders. Commerce and urban life made their appearance. From Egypt through Mesopotamia and Turkestan to the rivers of China and India, the more highly civilized tribes began to assemble in cities devoted to manufacture and trade. Adonia became the central Asian commercial metropolis, being located near the present city of Ashkhabad. Commerce in stone, metal, wood, and pottery was accelerated on both land and water.
the confirmation from Vans headquarters. The Sign of the highland capital of Van as perpetuated in the symbols of the Jet Stone from 5500 years ago found in Anau or Adonia symbolizing the location of the Van capital. The triangle Valley with the triangle Temple fed by many rivers that surrounds the temple. The double triangle.
A highland head quarter surrounded by water and tributaries that watered the tree of life.
Now looking at the highland capital it from behind note the 3 trinity prongs in the mountain ridge that are in line with the 3 prongs of the temple.
The central sector of where the 3 prongs or ridges intersect could be where the location of the tree of life was planted. In the central sector.
It has the Sevenfold branches all feeding the tree of life
Much to consider
more to come! Praise the Father in Paradise
The Seventh Mountain
http://www.dalamatiacity.com/SevenMount.htm (With links)
Jesus Family Tomb triangle Chevron
A post on how this discovery came to pass.
Now at this stage of the research go to this link and have a look at the study on the great Pyramid. Note that in this study you will see the same double triangle containing a circle, actually if you look deeper you will notice the symbol is 2 triangles with circles in them inscribed in the shaft block.
The shaft plug
Now note the the layout of Babel
The circle in the triangle
Here is a search in the Urantia Book of the Adamson Civilisation that began in the North Eastern area of Iran 36,000 years ago and has perpetuated as the Javan peoples who were the pre Greeks.
Now look at the symbolism of the so called Tomb of Jesus, again a double triangle with a circle in it.
Here is a short study on Jesus tomb
and recently the same commonality with Dalamatia City
The Great Pyramid mystery in symbolism
and Dalamatia City
Search on entire archive
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line 868: 5. Adamson and Ratta
line 34: The Salem missionaries might have built up a great religious structure among the Greeks had it not been for their strict interpretation of their oath of ordination, a pledge imposed by Machiventa which forbade the organization of exclusive congregations for worship, and which exacted the promise of each teacher never to function as a priest, never to receive fees for religious service, only food, clothing, and shelter. When the Melchizedek teachers penetrated to pre-Hellenic Greece, they found a people who still fostered the traditions of Adamson and the days of the Andites, but these teachings had become greatly adulterated with the notions and beliefs of the hordes of inferior slaves that had been brought to the Greek shores in increasing numbers. This adulteration produced a reversion to a crude animism with bloody rites, the lower classes even making ceremonial out of the execution of condemned criminals.
line 82: 5. Natural causation. Mankind has been very slow to learn the material secrets of the interrelationship of cause and effect in the physical domains of energy, matter, and life. The ancient Greeks, having preserved the traditions of Adamson's teachings, were among the first to recognize that all disease is the result of natural causes. Slowly and certainly the unfolding of a scientific era is destroying man's age-old theories of sickness and death. Fever was one of the first human ailments to be removed from the category of supernatural disorders, and progressively the era of science has broken the fetters of ignorance which so long imprisoned the human mind. An understanding of old age and contagion is gradually obliterating man's fear of ghosts, spirits, and gods as the personal perpetrators of human misery and mortal suffering.
line 136: The descendants of Adamson, clustered about the shores of the lake of Van, were willing listeners to the Hittite teachers of the Salem cult. From this onetime Andite center, teachers were dispatched to the remote regions of both Europe and Asia. Salem missionaries penetrated all Europe, even to the British Isles. One group went by way of the Faroes to the Andonites of Iceland, while another traversed China and reached the Japanese of the eastern islands. The lives and experiences of the men and women who ventured forth from Salem, Mesopotamia, and Lake Van to enlighten the tribes of the Eastern Hemisphere present a heroic chapter in the annals of the human race.
line 42: For thousands of years the descendants of Adam had grown wheat and barley, as improved in the Garden, throughout the highlands of the upper border of Mesopotamia. The descendants of Adam and Adamson here met, traded, and socially mingled.
line 118: Almost two thousand years after the settlement of Crete a group of the tall descendants of Adamson made their way over the northern islands to Greece, coming almost directly from their highland home north of Mesopotamia. These progenitors of the Greeks were led westward by Sato, a direct descendant of Adamson and Ratta.
line 119: The group which finally settled in Greece consisted of three hundred and seventy-five of the selected and superior people comprising the end of the second civilization of the Adamsonites. These later sons of Adamson carried the then most valuable strains of the emerging white races. They were of a high intellectual order and, physically regarded, the most beautiful of men since the days of the first Eden.
line 120: Presently Greece and the Aegean Islands region succeeded Mesopotamia and Egypt as the Occidental center of trade, art, and culture. But as it was in Egypt, so again practically all of the art and science of the Aegean world was derived from Mesopotamia except for the culture of the Adamsonite forerunners of the Greeks. All the art and genius of these latter people is a direct legacy of the posterity of Adamson, the first son of Adam and Eve, and his extraordinary second wife, a daughter descended in an unbroken line from the pure Nodite staff of Prince Caligastia. No wonder the Greeks had mythological traditions that they were directly descended from gods and superhuman beings.
line 157: For almost twenty thousand years the Andonites had been pushed farther and farther to the north of central Asia by the Andites. By 3000 B.C. increasing aridity was driving these Andonites back into Turkestan. This Andonite push southward continued for over a thousand years and, splitting around the Caspian and Black seas, penetrated Europe by way of both the Balkans and the Ukraine. This invasion included the remaining groups of Adamson's descendants and, during the latter half of the invasion period, carried with it considerable numbers of the Iranian Andites as well as many of the descendants of the Sethite priests.
PAPER 74 - ADAM AND EVE, Oct 19 2000
line 110: Adamson was the first-born of the violet race of Urantia, being followed by his sister and Eveson, the second son of Adam and Eve. Eve was the mother of five children before the Melchizedeks left--three sons and two daughters. The next two were twins. She bore sixty-three children, thirty-two daughters and thirty-one sons, before the default. When Adam and Eve left the Garden, their family consisted of four generations numbering 1,647 pure-line descendants. They had forty-two children after leaving the Garden besides the two offspring of joint parentage with the mortal stock of earth. And this does not include the Adamic parentage to the Nodite and evolutionary races.
line 113: The bodies of Adam and Eve gave forth a shimmer of light, but they always wore clothing in conformity with the custom of their associates. Though wearing very little during the day, at eventide they donned night wraps. The origin of the traditional halo encircling the heads of supposed pious and holy men dates back to the days of Adam and Eve. Since the light emanations of their bodies were so largely obscured by clothing, only the radiating glow from their heads was discernible. The descendants of Adamson always thus portrayed their concept of individuals believed to be extraordinary in spiritual development.
line 101: About 35,000 B.C. Adamson visited one of the easternmost of the old Vanite settlements to found his center of civilization.
line 108: 5. ADAMSON AND RATTA
line 110: Having delineated the Nodite antecedents of the ancestry of the secondary midwayers, this narrative should now give consideration to the Adamic half of their ancestry, for the secondary midwayers are also the grandchildren of Adamson, the first-born of the violet race of Urantia.
line 111: Adamson was among that group of the children of Adam and Eve who elected to remain on earth with their father and mother. Now this eldest son of Adam had often heard from Van and Amadon the story of their highland home in the north, and sometime after the establishment of the second garden he determined to go in search of this land of his youthful dreams.
line 112: Adamson was 120 years old at this time and had been the father of thirty-two pure-line children of the first garden. He wanted to remain with his parents and assist them in upbuilding the second garden, but he was greatly disturbed by the loss of his mate and their children, who had all elected to go to Edentia along with those other Adamic children who chose to become wards of the Most Highs.
line 113: Adamson would not desert his parents on Urantia, he was disinclined to flee from hardship or danger, but he found the associations of the second garden far from satisfying. He did much to forward the early activities of defense and construction but decided to leave for the north at the earliest opportunity. And though his departure was wholly pleasant, Adam and Eve were much grieved to lose their eldest son, to have him go out into a strange and hostile world, as they feared, never to return.
line 114: A company of twenty-seven followed Adamson northward in quest of these people of his childhood fantasies. In a little over three years Adamson's party actually found the object of their adventure, and among these people he discovered a wonderful and beautiful woman, twenty years old, who claimed to be the last pure-line descendant of the Prince's staff. This woman, Ratta, said that her ancestors were all descendants of two of the fallen staff of the Prince. She was the last of her race, having no living brothers or sisters. She had about decided not to mate, had about made up her mind to die without issue, but she lost her heart to the majestic Adamson. And when she heard the story of Eden, how the predictions of Van and Amadon had really come to pass, and as she listened to the recital of the Garden default, she was encompassed with but a single thought--to marry this son and heir of Adam. And quickly the idea grew upon Adamson. In a little more than three months they were married.
line 115: Adamson and Ratta had a family of sixty-seven children. They gave origin to a great line of the world's leadership, but they did something more. It should be remembered that both of these beings were really superhuman. Every fourth child born to them was of a unique order. It was often invisible. Never in the world's history had such a thing occurred. Ratta was greatly perturbed--even superstitious--but Adamson well knew of the existence of the primary midwayers, and he concluded that something similar was transpiring before his eyes. When the second strangely behaving offspring arrived, he decided to mate them, since one was male and the other female, and this is the origin of the secondary order of midwayers. Within one hundred years, before this phenomenon ceased, almost two thousand were brought into being.
line 120: Adamson lived for 396 years. Many times he returned to visit his father and mother. Every seven years he and Ratta journeyed south to the second garden, and meanwhile the midwayers kept him informed regarding the welfare of his people. During Adamson's life they did great service in upbuilding a new and independent world center for truth and righteousness.
line 121: Adamson and Ratta thus had at their command this corps of marvelous helpers, who labored with them throughout their long lives to assist in the propagation of advanced truth and in the spread of higher standards of spiritual, intellectual, and physical living. And the results of this effort at world betterment never did become fully eclipsed by subsequent retrogressions.
line 122: The Adamsonites maintained a high culture for almost seven thousand years from the times of Adamson and Ratta. Later on they became admixed with the neighboring Nodites and Andonites and were also included among the "mighty men of old." And some of the advances of that age persisted to become a latent part of the cultural potential which later blossomed into European civilization.
line 123: This center of civilization was situated in the region east of the southern end of the Caspian Sea, near the Kopet Dagh. A short way up in the foothills of Turkestan are the vestiges of what was onetime the Adamsonite headquarters of the violet race. In these highland sites, situated in a narrow and ancient fertile belt lying in the lower foothills of the Kopet range, there successively arose at various periods four diverse cultures respectively fostered by four different groups of Adamson's descendants. It was the second of these groups which migrated westward to Greece and the islands of the Mediterranean. The residue of Adamson's descendants migrated north and west to enter Europe with the blended stock of the last Andite wave coming out of Mesopotamia, and they were also numbered among the Andite-Aryan invaders of India.
line 128: Among the children of Adamson there were just sixteen of the peculiar progenitors of the secondary midwayers. These unique children were equally divided as regards sex, and each couple was capable of producing a secondary midwayer every seventy days by a combined technique of sex and nonsex liaison. And such a phenomenon was never possible on earth before that time, nor has it ever occurred since.
line 131: After the default of Adam the primary midwayers returned to the service of the Melchizedek receivers, while the secondary group were attached to the Adamson center until his death. Thirty-three of these secondary midwayers, the
line 135: chiefs of their organization at the death of Adamson, endeavored to swing the whole order over to the service of the Melchizedeks, thus effecting a liaison with the primary corps. But failing to accomplish this, they deserted their companions and went over in a body to the service of the planetary receivers.
line 136: After the death of Adamson the remainder of the secondary midwayers became a strange, unorganized, and unattached influence on Urantia. From that time to the days of Machiventa Melchizedek they led an irregular and unorganized existence. They were partially brought under control by this Melchizedek but were still productive of much mischief up to the days of Christ Michael. And during his sojourn on earth they all made final decisions as to their future destiny, the loyal majority then enlisting under the leadership of the primary midwayers.
line 40: 3. The Andonites maintained five or six fairly representative settlements to the north and east of the Adamson headquarters. They were also scattered throughout Turkestan, while isolated islands of them persisted throughout Eurasia, especially in mountainous regions. These aborigines still held the northlands of the Eurasian continent, together with Iceland and Greenland, but they had long since been driven from the plains of Europe by the blue man and from the river valleys of farther Asia by the expanding yellow race.
line 145: These conquerors of Mesopotamia carried in their ranks many of the better Andite strains of the mixed northern races of Turkestan, including some of the Adamson stock. These less advanced but more vigorous tribes from the north quickly and willingly assimilated the residue of the civilization of Mesopotamia and presently developed into those mixed peoples found in the Euphrates valley at the beginning of historic annals. They quickly revived many phases of the passing civilization of Mesopotamia, adopting the arts of the valley tribes and much of the culture of the Sumerians. They even sought to build a third tower of Babel and later adopted the term as their national name.
line 61: The civil rulers of the Adamites were derived hereditarily from the sons of the first garden. Adam's first son, Adamson (Adam ben Adam), founded a secondary center of the violet race to the north of the second Eden. Adam's second son, Eveson, became a masterly leader and administrator; he was the great helper of his father. Eveson lived not quite so long as Adam, and his eldest son, Jansad, became the successor of Adam as the head of the Adamite tribes.
line 69: Up to the time of leaving the first garden, Adam and his family had always subsisted on fruits, cereals, and nuts. On the way to Mesopotamia they had, for the first time, partaken of herbs and vegetables. The eating of meat was early introduced into the second garden, but Adam and Eve never partook of flesh as a part of their regular diet. Neither did Adamson nor Eveson nor the other children of the first generation of the first garden become flesh eaters.
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WebGlimpse search found 31 matches in 10 files
(Some matches may be to HTML tags which may not be shown.)Early images
The Targum from the
"on the run
1st Eden
Dalamatia City
Northern Dilmun Eastern Dilmun Babel
Susa Van/Adamason civilisation
Recorded from various forums over the timeline beginning
around 2005 eventually overlapping and transitioning to facebook.
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Click here For the Hymns of the Pearls by St Ephraim Click here for the Book of Toth Click here Nostradamus Quatrains Click here The Nag Hammadi Library, The Apocalypse of Peter Click here The Lost City of "Dalamatia" discovered Click here The Lost City of "1st Dilmun" discovered Click here Aleister Crowley and Sevenfold Click here A collection of personal replies in various forums in the timeline of the search for Eden in the scripts and in discovery of Dalamatia. Click here George Washington's Vision and its possible link to the current timeline. Click here Antimatter the utopian energy and its study. What are the clues to antimatter and how could it help this planet. Click here An analysis on the end times and its characteristics regarding the End times, Judgment day. Click here Seven hymns of St Ephraim of the Eastern Christian church 200AD - early300AD. Incredible connection to the scenario. Click here Ivan Panin and sevens Click here
Verses 11 Judgment day connection?? and some 9/11
connections perhaps Click here 12 gates of Eden Click here for the Jesus and the garden prophecy Click here for ongoing research into the Amorites Click here about The sphinx, the riddle and the Isle of Maati, 1st Eden, Atlantis. Click here Discovering Atlantis through the writings of Diordorus Click here on thoughts about Edgar Cayce's Atlantis Rising prophecy. Click here Sevenfold connections in OKEANOS & THE CONSTELLATION OF KALLISTO & PARALLELS Click here for a highlight of Tennyson's work The Mermaid and its Sevenfold connections and interesting descriptions of the sunken city now discovered of Cyprus. Click here for other disaster records. Click here of the Sevenfold and Marduk connection. Click Here for the Sevenfold truth connection with the Essenes. Click here for the Jesus and the Egyptian connection study (ongoing). Click here for 1stEden/Atlantis/isle of Maati/Sevenfold research on the run (ongoing). Click here for word search for Book of Mormon latter day clues. Click here for Urantia Book extracts for the second coming of Jesus. Click here The Ark of his Testament. Click here The Last Days, The Eden Connection, Mountain of the Lord Click here The Samson Story and the Riddle of the Test, the last days Click here Jacob's Prophecy concerning His Sons which is all about the end Days, this time know and its connection to Eden of Cyprus. Click here God's Assurance to Israel in the last times especially the probation time in the Testing period. experience in the moment of time. Click here Isaiah 44 Another Vision of the last days and the again another confirming message of the current timeline of the test and Cyrus. Click here Isaiah 45 The Commission to Cyrus and Eden and The Test The proclamation of the Father Click here Isaiah 46 The appeal to mankind, The appeal to reconsider the Testing period. Click here Isaiah 51 Gods assurance before the test. Click here Isaiah 52 The Lord servant and the message of the test and the effect Click here Another signs of the times Click here Jesus, the stone and the parable.