Hi my name is Sevens, Im an individual religionist
and I research all the books of religion in focalization to fragments that
relate to the submerged cities mentioned in the Urantia Book.
Its a simple journey, I just read about the ancient places and I try to find
evidence that supports the assertion in the book.
I believe a new and wider expression of religion is about to arise through the
verification of these ancient places with its messages, found in fragment form
of the places what happened to them, the journey of discovery in the images
and all the things that pertain to a new Epochal age.
This presentation it follows the read and see principle.
However, what is required is to verify the places and its anomalies seen in
NASA worldwind. There is many other things I know about the city and what we
may find, there is even a forecast of the find.
This wider expression of religion will not be believed by the traditional
religion and neither by the Atheist and yet I believe its the world greatest
mystery related to the Seventh mystery.
I reckon if this was demonstrated it would prove God or verify God and the
source information.
Today, 05:16 PM #3No I want to go there one day and
see if the anomalies exist physically, I know the wall was confirmed in Eden
but I would like to see if there is a city in the Persian Gulf.
The anomalies I see, matches the Urantia account in many ways.
It would be a journey of faith from the book and what lays there physically.
Do you remember the posts when I nominated some dates on the
Judgement period.
The actual dates to be on alert for following the Sevens
pattern for this 1st Month of the 1styear of the Jesus
Millennium are. Aug1st 08 was an eclipse.
7th August
14th August
28th August
and the 21st August Jesus birthdate.
However, it could be a period that extends to
October 3rd.
and Remember down the track I found the Nostradamus Connection
Then, today I watched this Video on
Nostradamus, wow, it
was interesting, I hadn't seen this before.
Part 2: The Prophecies of
Nostradamus for Year 2008
In the Video there is a study on the prophecies of
Nostradamus in harmony with the Bible Code.
Apparently in one of Nostradamus quatrains, the one male,
so to speak will have his Holiday on Thursday, the
Sevenfold Day, The Sabbath, the Day of Rest, a Holiday,
the accomplishment of the 7th, A holiday that will be set
for the future.
Now, regarding the dates I nominated look what day they
fall on. THURSDAY!
It appears that Thursday will be the Last Messengers
Holiday Thursday and it falls on the Sevens multiple in
other words he has accomplished his goal in the journey.
This could imply a Judgment Day in a demonstration on the
Seventh or the sevens dates.
Now above dates must connect with the following
Nostradamus Quatrain with previous thoughts..
Here is the post to study because there is much information
The above ties into Enoch's 10 weeks Judgment process
Have a look at this and remember in this period we are in the
first week od the Seventh. Right
August Aug7th 08 - Aug14th 08 = first week.
Look at this from Enoch
3 And Enoch began to
recount from the books and
said: ' I was born
the seventh in the first week,
could it be August 7th 2008 where this month was marked by an
eclipse and appears to be significant month on many levels. While judgement and
righteousness still endured.
Here is Enoch 10 week judgment and some thoughts from last
year as I went through this same thing, like a rehearsal as
written in the dead sea scrolls.
3 And Enoch began to recount from the books and said:
' I was born the seventh in the first week,
While judgement and righteousness still endured.
4 And after me there shall arise in the second week great
And deceit shall have sprung up;
And in it there shall be the first end.
And in it a man shall be saved;
And after it is ended unrighteousness shall grow up,
And a law shall be made for the sinners.
And after that in the third week[at its close
A man shall be elected as the plant of righteous judgement,
And his posterity shall become the plant of righteousness for
6 And after that in the fourth week, at its close,
Visions of the holy and righteous shall be seen,
And a law for all generations and an enclosure shall be made
for them.
7 And after that in the fifth week,[ at its close,
The house of glory and dominion shall be built for ever.
8 And after that in the sixth week all who live in it shall be
And the hearts of all of them shall godlessly forsake wisdom.
And in it a man shall ascend;
And at its close the house of dominion shall be burnt with
And the whole race of the chosen root shall be dispersed.
9 And after that in
the seventh week shall an
apostate generation arise,
And many shall be its deeds,
And all its deeds shall be apostate.
10 And at its close shall be
The elect righteous of
eternal plant of righteousness, To
receive sevenfold instruction
concerning all His creation.
I believe i s related to this journey to the ancient places
and the source information that underpins this journey and
includes a new Book and embraces all the books.
11 For who is there of all the
children of men that is able to hear the voice of the Holy One
without being troubled ? And who can think His thoughts ? and
who is there that can behold all the works 12 of heaven ? And
how should there be one who could behold the heaven, and who
is there that could understand the things of heaven and see a
soul or a spirit and could tell thereof, or ascend and see13
all their ends and think them or do like them ? And
who is there of all men
that could know what is the breadth and the length of the
earth, and
to whom has been shown
the measure of all of them ? 14 Or is there any
one who could discern the length of the heaven and how great
is its height, and
upon what
it is founded, and how great is the number of the
stars, and
where all the
luminaries rest ?
Here is a link here I study a journey in what I thought was
the Judgment period last year, perhaps maybe I have it right
this year. Bring in the conjunction into the Seventh.
It appears Enoch's countdown appears to be a countdown of this
time period but using all past Epochs in its timeline coming
up to our time in the 10th week, today.
Here is the rest of Enoch's 10 week judgment process.
Chapter 91
12 And after that there shall
be another, the eighth week, that of righteousness,
And a sword shall be given to it that a righteous judgement
may be executed on the oppressors,
And sinners shall be delivered into the hands of the
(This means knowledge and understanding and truth that imbibes
truth beauty and goodness of the soul. Not hatred.)
13 And at its close they shall
acquire houses through their righteousness,
And a house shall be built for the Great King in glory for
(In this period the upright will be blessed and given
spiritual and perhaps material houses in the new world.)
14a And after that, in the
ninth week the righteous judgement shall be revealed to the
whole world,
b And all the works of the godless shall vanish from all the
c And the world shall be written down for destruction.
(The times is getting closer and the noose is tightening and
realities are becoming apparent.) 14d And all mankind shall look
to the path of uprightness.
(So its a path or a lead of truth that man recognizes as
righteousness maybe through a discovery.)
15 And after this, in the
tenth week in the seventh part,
(Dilmun, 1stSusa was discovered 16-17th September around
midnight. I believe this the Seventh Part, the discovery of
the Sevenfold?) Dilmun, the Tower, 1st Susa of Babel found in
The Seventh part.
In retrospect, the test period process was proclaimed on 4th
July 06 to the Ancient of Days and mankind in very spontaneous
and natural way without any knowledge of Enoch's judgement
process. It was during this proclamation time period that
Enoch's process was discovered. A process/judgment discovery
that followed the Sevenfold pattern of time/space in perfect
This is truly the most fantastic experience all in one night
of research and discovery following the threads of truth.
One of the early second Nodite cities to the west of 1stDilmun
called 1st Susa
There shall be the great
eternal judgement,
In which He will execute vengeance amongst the angels.
(The end in the Tenth week in the Seventh part or the
Sevenfold part. Also is the judgement of the Angels an
indication of the end of the adjudication of the rebellion by
the Ancients of Days and that's the reason why are discovering
our physical origins.)
4th July a proclamation was made of the test spontaneously, 70
days onwards 10 weeks falls on September 11th after which
began the Seventh Part of the prophecy and 1Susa, Dilmun and
the foundations of the tower of Babel was discovered,
..16th-17th September 06 midnight by Sevens.)
16 And the first heaven shall
depart and pass away,
And a new heaven shall appear,
And all the powers of the heavens
shall give sevenfold light.
(There is a real Sevenfold awakening and quickening in these
17 And after that there will
be many weeks without number for ever,
And all shall be in goodness and righteousness,
And sin shall no more be mentioned for ever.
Interesting what happened last year in the same period, it
wasn't judgment day but cities where discovered in the same
Thursday Aug 7th 08 + 10 weeks = Thursday October 16th 08
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:10 pm
At the great battle of Armageddon
Shall join the crusade through rows totally attached
The pertanious army
of God against the army of the evil Serpent
The Dragon shall be loosened on October third
this connect this to the following Enoch 10th Week
14a And
after that, in the ninth week the righteous judgement shall be revealed
to the whole world,
Thursday July31st - 7th October 08 + 10 weeks = Thursday October 2nd 08
October 3rd 08 falls precisely on the 10th week.
Figure it.
1stWeek = Thursday July 31st - 7th 08
10th Week =
Thursday October 2nd - 9th Aug 08 October
3rd is the 2nd day in the nine week
Nostrdamus The Dragon shall be loosened on October third
Its interesting that I opened the Office of the Messiahs on October 2nd 07,
precisely on the first day of the 10th week. This is my first realisation of
Then look at this connection in Genesis 7 in relation to the times suggested
4 And the ark rested in the seventh month,
on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. 5
And the waters decreased continually until the tenth
month: in the
tenth month, on the first day of the month,
were the tops of the mountains seen.
6 And it came to pass at the end of forty days,
So again we have time period related to the ark of the 1st day of the Month
October, that would be the end of the 8th week.
Also another big connection is my discovery of the Babel foundations in
Dilmun and the foundations of 1stSusa.
Discovered 16 -17th September 06
Now in this calculation it could be one week offset because the 1st week
could actually begin on
August Thursday 31st July
08 - 7th August 08 where Enoch was born on
the Seventh in the first week, that would be 7thAugust 08 the first week
where the 1st Aug 08 was marked by an eclipse.
So therefore the 10th week would begin on the
October 9th 08
and end on October
16 08, all multiples of
2, 4, 8.
Either way you look at it, despite where the first week begins, the 10th
week appears to embrace the 9th and 16th October.
Discovered 16 -17th September 06 at midnight 12.00 was discovered
Dilmun/Babel/1stSusa, if you calculate the 40 days from the 7th August + 40
days it = the discovery date of Babel/Dilmun and 1stSusa, precisely on the
16th/17th September, the date of the discovery of the cities in 2006, this
also falls in the Seventh week of Enoch to.
Seems like a perfect match.
so my new weeks are
1stWeek = Thursday
July 31st August 7th - Thursday 7th 08
eclipse 1st Aug 08
7th Week =
Thursday September 11th 08 - October 18th 08 babel/Dilmun discovery
16-17 Sept-06 at 12 midnight.
9th Week =
Thursday September 25th 08 - October 2nd 08
Judgment will be revealed. 10th week =
Thursday October 2nd 08 - 9th October 08
(Nostradamus: The Dragon shall be loosened on October third (on the 10th
week and could it be on the 3rdOctober as mentioned by Nostradamus, the 2nd
day of the 10th week?)
7th Week
= Thursday September 11th 08, 9/11 was
7 years ago.
Isaiah 30? 25 And there shall be upon every
high mountain, and upon every high hill, rivers and streams of waters in
the day of the great slaughter,
when the towers fall.
Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light
of the sun, and the light of the sun shall
be sevenfold,
as the light of
seven days ,
in the day that the Lord bindeth up the
breach of his people, and healeth the
stroke of their wound
Seven days is a week where it shines Sevenfold like a great enlightenment, I
believe the 10th week in the Seventh Part or the Sevenfold part. In the
light of the Sun is like enlightenment and a revealing.
And after this, in
the tenth week in the seventh part,
.16 And the first heaven shall depart and pass away,
And a new heaven shall appear,
And all the
powers of the heavens
shall give sevenfold
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods
Whilst I was working on last night post, I started a new thread on another
Atheist site.
Well its more of the same type of responses ahahahaha.
This time I wont be giving out any information like I did on the Richard
Dawkins website.
This time I be short and low key.
This work just brings out the anger in people which such hatred.
Its interesting, Im just reading a book and wondering if the places exist
and look at the response.
Its true what Jesus says about the non believers that they will hate you for
the truth in the End times.
These people dont realize they are falling into a huge trap and this is the
sorting out of the chaff and weak in light of revealed truth. This is not
evolutionary religion but revelatory religion, the religion of Jesus.
Evolutionary religion doesn't have a chance to penetrate these people like
this kind of thing.
Because you can read it and see it and its all points to the Father and
Jesus in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Its very clear now and the Atheist just hates this information and hates the
people who express this. I never realized the Atheist has a real hatred
towards the truth or religion for that matter.
What bondage is that to be filled with hatred. That is terrible for any man.
Im glad that I feel love and light compared to what I read, I am very happy
in my soul and that I know the Father. I can see a real contrast.
Mind you I know my website provokes this but Im being bold in making the
call in faith and Im proud to represent the Father and Jesus.
Remember, in my journey and the way I see things, we are in the final weeks
and we know in the beforehand of what to expect and I believe we are very
safe, all of us. Im glad Im with a group that have the Holy Spirit within.
Its so much better than being in the Atheist lifeless world.
We are so much better people for having Jesus and the Holy Spirit within our
lives. Our spirit is so much more peaceful than what I see in the world of
Dalamatia, the original home of the GodsFri
Aug 08, 2008 11:53 pm
In the following is the time period for Enoch's 10 week time table taken from
a previous post.
so my new weeks are
1stWeek = Thursday July 31st August 7th -
Thursday 7th 08 eclipse 1st Aug 08
7th Week = Thursday September 11th 08 -
October 18th 08 Babel/Dilmun discovery 16-17 Sept-06 at 12
9th Week = Thursday September 25th 08 -
October 2nd 08 Judgment will be revealed. 10th week = Thursday October 2nd 08 - 9th
October 08 (Nostradamus: The Dragon shall be loosened on October
third (on the 10th week and could it be on the 3rdOctober as mentioned by
Nostradamus, the 2nd day of the 10th week?)
Now the question I have is. Is there any Jewish festivals that fall within
this time range today that Im working on?
If so, what was the purpose and the reason? and did it fall on a Sabbath or a
Thursday in the date? and how does it relate to today's timetable? and what
was spoken about the festival? Im sure this will give us clues to what we face
today with greater definition.
Incidentally the 9th of October 08 falls on a Thursday.
Enoch15 And after this, in
the tenth week in the
seventh part,
so what would be the Seventh part?
It would have to be related to the Sevenfold and Seven days of Sevenfold
Light. A period of one week of Sevenfold light, a week of rest for the elect.
Quote: Enoch
15 And after this, in the tenth week in the seventh part,
.16 And the first heaven shall depart and pass away,
And a new heaven shall appear,
And all the powers of the heavens shall give sevenfold light.
Much to think and contemplate about. Whatever it is, its good news for the
Regarding festivals and the above verses the Seventh part would be akin to a
Jubilee festival Week, was that last year?
Gee its all by faith, isn't it. Just going by faith in what we read and see
about us and the experience of bringing this forward. Just in the journey I
believe is the activation and is determined by the experience of the last
message and journey to the doors of judgment week.
But then no one knows the time nor the hour and its all by faith in its
We recognize the signs along the way and walk the path and then guided to
something else. All seeing a complete panorama of all realities on every level
that can be reflected in History, science, religion, discovery. Just
Its just not about the cities but we experience and learn along the way. That
was the purpose of the journey, to the very first times. The experience will
set us straight for the New world to come ion the age of the Messiahs, Messiah
Jesus and Messiah Melchizedek who is the Planetary Prince and our will be
physical King.
Hi everyone
Ive been away on Atheist forums sharing the journey and its a real test of
everything. Many insults and personal attacks! But they have to know what's
happening and many ways they have determined the future of the realites of
the Most High.
In short I believe we are in time period where one must be aware of
themselves and everything about you. According to my calculation as a result
of forming a conjunction in a number of independent prophecies, I feel we
are in a possible judgement time period of where the sorting is happening.
This period, I feel was marked by the eclipse on the 1st August 08 and it
will run for 10 weeks based on Enoch's judgment timeline.
Its a faith journey and everything I say is being tested and I am happy for
that. I want to know the truth in the outcome.
I share with love and goodness for all and I think its should be a time of
preparation, spiritual preparation.
I believe its beyond religious ideas now, it depends upon your spiritual
foundation and what is within you in spirit, the witness of your life before
the judges. Its for all mankind and I believe we are in the period with my
words being tested.
I just want to wish everyone all the best in the future. No problem, I love
all my brothers, of all mankind. My service is to him and if there is a
problem that I foresee in the triangulation of prophecy, I want to let him
know, so that he and his family is successfull in the things of the Most
High regarding planetary destiny and where we are all at today.
The outcome of the judgment timeline is the
adjudication by the Ancient of Days of all interned rebels and the physical
judgement of this planet including Last Rebel who still remains here.
I know I haven't been here lately but I'm glad I have a
little home here. Thank you.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:48 am
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:39 am
About feast Son of Sirach
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods
About feast Son of Sirach
Son of
47:9 He placed singers before the altar, to make sweet melody with
their voices.
10 He gave
beauty to the feasts, and
arranged their
times throughout the year, while they
praised God's holy name, and the sanctuary
resounded from early morning.
The Sanctuary and the
Morning which is the Beginning,
a hidden clue in metaphor to this journey with the message coming from the
beginning. Like the early morning. And feasts arranged purposely
throughout the year reflecting a countdown event, seen in the future. This
timeline involves all the Sabbaths, the Seventh, the Sevens, the Seventh
days in the weeks of the countdown beginning in August 01 08 marked by an
Jubilees And thus He
created therein
a sign in
accordance with which they should
keep Sabbath with
us on the
seventh day,
to eat and to drink,
and to bless Him who has created all
things as He
has blessed and sanctified unto Himself
To me the Sabbaths are also a remembrance of the future great
Sabbath/Seventh where all is revealed and cleansed.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:39 am
About feast Son of Sirach
Son of
47:9 He placed singers before the altar, to make sweet melody with their
10 He gave
beauty to the feasts, and
arranged their times
throughout the year, while they praised
God's holy name, and the sanctuary
resounded from early morning.
The Sanctuary and the
Morning which is the Beginning,
a hidden clue in metaphor to this journey with the message coming from the
beginning. Like the early morning. And feasts arranged purposely throughout
the year reflecting a countdown event, seen in the future. This timeline
involves all the Sabbaths, the Seventh, the Sevens, the Seventh days in the
weeks of the countdown beginning in August 01 08 marked by an eclipse.
Jubilees And thus He
created therein a
sign in accordance with which they
should keep
Sabbath with us on
the seventh day, to eat and to
drink, and to bless Him who has created
all things as He
has blessed and sanctified unto Himself
To me the Sabbaths are also a remembrance of the future great
Sabbath/Seventh where all is revealed and cleansed.
While Im in Jubilees looking for feasts. Notice this timeline of Noah
relating to the Seventh month to the 10 month. In complete parallel to
Enoch's 10 week timeline that began on the last day of the Seventh month
Thursday, July 31st 08 and where the time line ends in October 9th in the
10th month. a direct Parallel! Lets see what what is said and see if we can
find more clues. I know it can be about earth seasons but in metaphor it
could reflect other clues.
21 commandment unto them: one day in
the year in this month they shall celebrate the festival.
For it is the feast
of weeks and the feast of first fruits:
this feast is twofold and of a double nature:
22 according to what is written and engraven
concerning it, celebrate it. For I have written in the book of the first
law, in that which I have written for thee, that thou shouldst celebrate it in
its season, one day in the year, and I explained to thee its sacrifices
that the children of
Israel should remember
should celebrate it throughout their generations in this month, one day in every year.
23 And on the new moon
of the first month, and on the new moon
of the fourth month, and on the
new moon of the seventh month,
and on the new
moon of the tenth month are
the days of remembrance,
and the days of the seasons in the four divisions of the year. These are
written and ordained
24 as
a testimony
for ever. And
Noah ordained them for himself as
feasts for the
generations for ever,
25 so that they have become thereby
a memorial unto him.
And on the new moon of the first month he was bidden to make for himself
an ark, and on that (day) the earth became dry and he opened
26 (the ark) and saw the earth. And on the new moon of the fourth month
the mouths of the depths of the abyss beneath were closed. And on the new moon of
the seventh month
all the mouths of
27 the abysses of the earth were opened, and the waters began to descend
into them. And on the new
28 moon of the tenth month
the tops of the mountains were seen, and
Noah was glad.
And on this account he ordained them for himself as feasts for a
memorial for ever, and thus are they ordained.
Just thoughts
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:08 am
Here is another reference to feasts and the
beginning as in the wasted places.
Ezekiel 36: 35 And they shall say,
This land that was desolate is become like
the garden of Eden;
and the
waste and desolate and ruined cities are become fenced,
and are inhabited. 36 Then the heathen that are left round about you
shall know that I the Lord build the ruined places,
and plant
that that was desolate: I
the Lord have
spoken it, and I will do it. 37 Thus saith the Lord
GOD; I will yet for this be enquired of by the house of Israel, to do
it for them; I will increase them with men like a flock. 38 As the
holy flock, as the flock of Jerusalem in her solemn feasts; so
shall the waste cities be filled with flocks of men: and they shall
know that I am the Lord.
I just feel this can have connection to this journey as the ancient cities
are the desolated ruins where the first cities are built and God will do it.
Bring them forth like walking around 1stEden, at the moment they are fenced
of through the in action of man to explore further. This is the complaint!
Have you ever thought that the Seven feasts of Israel is
in metaphor the Seven feast being the one great feast in completion of all
the feasts of Israel and is a reflection of the feast of the Bride. The
great Seventh Feast!
here is a subtle clue
moon of the tenth month are
days of remembrance,
and I thought this was
interesting referring to the 10 month relating to a memorial forever.
Like a future memorial event and the feats that were ordained as a
memory in the future and in this day we are looking at the Noah's day.
moon of the
tenth month the tops of the
mountains were seen, and
Noah was glad.
And on this account he ordained them for himself
as feasts for a
memorial for ever, and thus are they ordained.
Hymn IV of the Seven pearls
Because the Good One saw that
the race of man was poor and humbled,
He made feasts as a treasure-house,
and opened them to the slothful,
that the
feast might stir up the slothful one to rise and be rich.
Lo! The First-born has opened unto us
His feast as a treasure-house.
This one day in the whole year alone opens that treasure-house: come,
let us make gain, let us grow rich from it, ere they shut it up.
That is a beautiful hymn.
His feast as a treasure-house and
that the feast might stir up the slothful one
to rise and be rich seems to be a very accurate reflection.
In this feast,
the gates are glad before the
gates,3 and the Holy One rejoices in
holy temple, and
the voice
resounds in the mouth of children, and
Christ rejoices in His own feast as a
mighty man.
and this fragment from the first Fifteen Hymns for the Feast of the
Epiphany a definite reflection of this journey were the cities are in the
Persian Gulf and a few things that sound quite prophetical for Persia.
48. "The world on high and the world below bear witness to Him,-all
the Watchers and the stars,-that He is Son of God and Lord.-Bear ye
His fame to your lands!" 49. "All the world on high, in one
star,-has stirred up Persia and
she has learnt the truth,-that thy
Son is Son of God,-and to Him shall all peoples be subject."
50. "Peace bear ye to your lands:-peace be multiplied in your borders
apostles of truth may ye be believed-in all the way that ye shall pass
51. "The peace of thy Son, it shall
bear us-in tranquillity to our land, as it has led us
hither;-and when His power shall have grasped the worlds,-may He visit
our land and bless it! 52. "May Persia
rejoice in your glad tidings!-may Assyria exult in your
coming-And when my Son's Kingdom shall
arise,-may He plant His standard in your
53. Let the Church sing with rejoicing,-" Glory in the Birth of the
Highest,-by Whom the world above and the world below are
illumined!"-Blessed be He in Whose Birth all are made glad!
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:53 am
Fifteen Hymns for the Feast of the
(Translated by Rev. A. Edward Johnston, B.a.)
1. The
flock of Jacob came
down-and stood round the
well of water.-In
the water they put on the similitude of the wood that was covered by
these and types
of the Cross,-wherein
the parables are
Upcoming Feasts or days of observance.
30, 2008 (1st of Tishrei, 5769) Trumpets
(Rosh Hashana) October 09,
2008 (10th of Tishrei, 5769) Day of
Atonement (Yom Kippur) October 14,
2008 (15th of Tishrei, 5769) Tabernacles
These 2 feast seem to fall in the 10th Week in Enoch's timeline.
September 30, 2008
(1st of Tishrei, 5769) Trumpets (Rosh Hashana) October 09, 2008
(10th of Tishrei, 5769) Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
10th week = Thursday October 2nd 08 - 9th October 08, a Thursday.
(9th October 08, The Seventh Part, in the
10th week on the 10th month
falling on a Thursday and on the Day of
Atonement, Yom Kippur.) reconciliation. The Holy day of the one male, the
Seven. The revealer of the trees or the knowledge of Eden or the paths of
the tree of life.
Perhaps Nostradamus
October 3rd
the 2 day of the 10 week and what do we see.
Nostradamus At the great battle of Armageddon
Shall join the crusade through rows totally attached The pertanious army of God against the
army of the evil Serpent The Dragon shall be loosened on October
Nostradamus seems to be like a forecast of the beginning of the 10th week pf
Enoch's timeline to judgment.
Some Christians with an interest in Biblical Eschatology believe that
the Day of Atonement, the sixth of the Feasts of Israel, will mark the
very last day of this age. They believe that
the Day of Atonement will be the final
day to repent and that this epic future day in holy history will come
on the eve of the Last Judgement.
3 crescent moons are representative of the 3 circles of the
Melchizedek and also has relation to the circles of the cities of the first
times with the symbols being 3 co planar circles..
The Eclipse is the 1stAug 2008 period of realisation.
I never thought about Luxury and its not a requirement to me. I get much
sustenance with what I find in this path following the hidden tracks. I just
get so much thrill out of exploring ancient mysteries, treading path never
ventured into. Like a mad professor!
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Sun Aug 10, 2008 2:05 pm
It is written, Zech 4:2,11-14-AND SAID
Lets delete the thread if you dont like it.
I got no problem with that and I wouldn't feel offended in anyway and
neither would you.
Unless deep down you are curious?
I think your'e right evolutionary religion is stuck in the mud and totally
stagnant and completely blind unto there own book in many ways and many of
there interpretations are way off and they are far to judgmental on everyone
not in their exclusive club. Even the Atheist see this. I believe in the
future this will be completely highlighted and demonstrated.
That's a fair comment and that's why I want to see if its my brain in a
delusional state or whether there is some truth in this focalization that
may lead to other things. So far I feel, Im coming up with some interesting
results. Im going by from what I see in my mind and what I see as a
connection. It appears that many connections are making up a whole
living reality that I see about me in the reality foreseen. The key is
grouping the connections from all sources into a whole picture in a
particular focalization, like the ancient cities. The journey appears to
have a duality in what was seen documented in all relevant books and the
current living reality to the places.
In saying this, it has to be tested as we move forward in the foreseen
By no means do these findings
constitute definitive proof that a Neanderthal was the source of the original
copy of the D allele. However, our evidence shows that it is one of the best
Bruce T. Lahn
The scientists said they have developed the
most robust genetic evidence to date that suggests humans and Neanderthals
interbred when they existed together thousands of years ago. The interbreeding
hypothesis contrasts with at least one prominent theory that posits that no
interbreeding occurred when the two species encountered one another.
collaborated on the studies with Patrick D. Evans,
Nitzan Mekel-Bobrov,
Eric J. Vallender
and Richard R. Hudson, all of the University of Chicago.
In their studies,
Lahn and his colleagues performed
a detailed statistical analysis of the DNA sequence structure of the gene microcephalin,
which is known to play a role in regulating brain size in humans. Mutations in
the human gene cause development of a much smaller brain, a condition called microcephaly.
Earlier studies by
Lahn's group yielded evidence
that the microcephalin
gene has two distinct classes of alleles. One class, called the D alleles, is
comprised of a group of alleles with rather similar DNA sequences. The other
class is called the non-D alleles. Lahn
and colleagues previously showed that all modern copies of the D alleles arose
from a single progenitor copy about 37,000 years ago, which then increased in
frequency rapidly and are now present in about 70 percent of the world's
population. This rapid rise in frequency indicates that the D alleles
underwent positive selection in the recent history of humans. This means that
these alleles conferred a fitness advantage on those who possessed one of them
such that these people had slightly higher reproductive success than people
who didn't possess the alleles, said Lahn.
The estimate that all modern copies of the D
alleles descended from a single progenitor copy about 37,000 years ago is
based on the measurement of sequence difference between different copies of
the D alleles. As a copy of a gene is passed from one generation to the next,
mutations are introduced at a steady rate, such that a certain number of
generations later, the descendent copies of the gene would on average vary
from one another in DNA sequence by a certain amount. The greater the number
of the generations, the more DNA sequence difference there would be between
two descendent copies, said Lahn.
The amount of sequence difference between different copies of a gene can
therefore be used to estimate the amount of evolutionary time that has elapsed
since the two copies descended from their common progenitor.
In the new studies reported in
PNAS, the
researchers performed detailed sequence comparisons between the D alleles and
the non-D alleles of microcephalin.
The scientists determined that these two classes of alleles have likely
evolved in two separate lineages for about 1.1 million years with the non-D
alleles having evolved in the Homo sapiens
lineage and the D alleles having evolved in an archaic, and now extinct, Homo lineage.
Then, about 37,000 years ago, a copy of the D allele crossed from the archaic Homo
lineage into humans, possibly by interbreeding between members of the two
populations. This copy subsequently spread in humans from a single copy when
it first crossed into humans to an allele that is now present in an estimated
70 percent of the population worldwide today.
The estimate of 1.1 million years that
separates the two lineages is based on the amount of sequence difference
between the D and the non-D alleles. Although the identity of this archaic
lineage is yet to be determined, the researchers argue that a likely candidate
is the Neanderthals. The 1.1 million year separation between humans and this
archaic Homo
species is roughly consistent with previous estimates of the amount of
evolutionary time separating the Homo sapiens
lineage and the Neanderthal lineage, said Lahn.
Furthermore, the time of introgression of the D allele into humans about
37,000 years ago is when humans and Neanderthals coexisted in many parts of
the world.
said the group's data suggest that the interbreeding was unlikely to be a
thorough genetic mixing, but rather a rare - and perhaps even a single event
that introduced the ancestral D allele previously present in this other
species into the human line.
By no means do these findings constitute
definitive proof that a Neanderthal was the source of the original copy of the
D allele, said Lahn.
However, our evidence shows that it is one of the best candidates. The
timeline - including the introgression of the allele into humans 37,000 years
ago and its origin in a lineage that separated with the human line 1.1 million
years ago agrees with the contact between, and the evolutionary history of,
Neanderthals and humans.
And a third line of evidence, albeit weaker, is
that the D alleles are much more prevalent in Eurasia and lower in sub-Saharan
Africa, which is consistent with an origin in the former area. And we know
that Neanderthals evolved outside of Africa, said Lahn.
also said that although the disruption of the microcephalin gene in humans
leads to smaller brains, the role of the D alleles in brain evolution remains
unknown. The D alleles may not even change brain size; they may only make the
brain a bit more efficient if it indeed affects brain function, he said. For
example, someone inheriting the D allele may have only a slightly more
efficient brain on average. While that enhancement might confer only a subtle
evolutionary advantage on that person, when that effect is propagated over a
thousand generations of natural selection, the result will be to drive the D
alleles to a very high prevalence.
and his colleagues believe that other genes might well show similar telltale
signs of an origin in archaic Homo
lineages such as Neanderthals. They are currently using their analytical tool
to search for evidence of that origin for other genes in the human genome.
Such findings may have broader implications for
understanding human evolution than just revealing the possibility of
human-Neanderthal interbreeding, he said. In addition to being perhaps the
most robust genetic evidence for introgression of genes from archaic
species into humans, I think this finding demonstrates that the evolution of
our species has been profoundly impacted by gene flow from our relative
species, said Lahn.
Finding evidence of mixing is not all that
surprising. But our study demonstrates the possibility that interbreeding
contributed advantageous variants into the human gene pool that subsequently
spread. This implies that the evolution of human biology has been affected by
the contribution of advantageous genetic variants from archaic relatives that
we have replaced or even killed off, he said.
Until now, said
Lahn, the scientific debate over
genetic exchange between humans and other Homo
species has led to two prominent competing theories. One holds that
anatomically modern humans replaced archaic species, with no interbreeding.
And the other states that extensive interbreeding did take place and that
modern humans evolved from that interbreeding in many regions of the world.
Genetic and fossil evidence for the latter
multiregional theory has been inconclusive, said Lahn, so that
theory has been largely discredited. However, he said, the newer evidence of
gene exchange as well as other genetic evidence that might follow could give
rise to a more moderate version holding that some genetic exchange did take
place. Furthermore, it will become increasingly appreciated that such genetic
exchange might have made our species much more fit.
I find that inspiring and fascinating. That's where the answer and
verification lays.
Within us! how fitting is that to come to that realisation. Definitely a
journey of the Gods, so to speak.
Here is a link to another forum. I post this
link here instead, as I am not sure how this will be
Its proves the Garden of Eden is real and the location. The answer lays in
our Genes.
Here is a study of evidence they uncovered in our Genes and proves the the
information about Eden.
For me this is a major breakthrough all guided by the one God of Paradise.
We were guided the whole time and the real and final evidence is found in
our blood and corresponds to the dates and the places. It also proves the
authenticity of the information that has led us to things that were hidden
but now is revealed.
I also find in the research that Oct 2nd 08 - Oct 9th 08
is a time when many prophecies triangulate including feasts. Its seems to
point to an important week of truth revealing itself, it could be Judgment
week where there is an important day, a Seventh Day. According to my
calculations, its just thoughts where I piece all the relevant prophecies
of every prophet into a final reality puzzle forming a oneness. The path
in this journey is Love for one another and for all mankind even your
enemies. That's is the truth of Jesus for this time and forever and its
through this path that the Dajjal will be adjudicated and will taken off
the planet. Where all things will be restored between Man and the One God
of Paradise. Faith and truth is the only way that man will survive the
According to my research we are in the actual timeline of the judgment
process and a clue is the 10 week judgment timeline of Enoch. Which is
like a countdown over 10 weeks using the known key history events of the
world counting down to our time but in our reality its 10 literally weeks.
The countdown in my view began on Aug 1st 08 marked by the eclipse! The
key dates in my calculation falls on the Seventh day or the Sabbaths or
the Sevenfold Days, the Seventh!! and the seventh/Thursdays dates in
August has multiples of Sevens in Aug like 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th and they
all fall on Thursdays following the Thursdays/Seven pattern which was seen
by Nostradamus. Nostradamus also saw the Aquatic triplicities where a man
was born and this speaks of the multiple submerged cities expressed in
this journey.
There is so much more but its the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in
a real mystery reality manifestation of things seen by all the prophets in
part all coming into a oneness of reality in truth. Very good!
I do this because I love all mankind and I want him to be successfull.
Truth, beauty and goodness!
Eclipse was on a Friday! I was midday into a calculation manifesting
gradually over 2 days based on a call I made in faith, no knowing where
the call would lead. When I realized the eclipse on TV I saw great
significant and soon after I was led to uncover more of the timeline and
the oneness in the final calculation. Truly led by Paradise in a personal
timeline event calculation.
But now it has to be tested and we are in Elijah's 2nd test I proclaimed
on the Atheist site. This proclamation of proving the God as opposed to
the Baalim religion of materialism and denial. Elijah's 2nd test in
proving God was proclaimed to the Atheist was made whilst under immense
personal attack. This test of proving God to the Atheist is still
activated even though I am not there it still runs today.
After the activation of the test I found the calculation. It was after the
eclipse there was a natural watershed of parallels and connections leading
to where I am now.
The thing is I believe the beginning places and its
related messages is the truth of the Father and which can be tested. Now
that the truth has been revealed the Father has to standby his truth. If
man like the Atheist completely deny the truth as revealed then the
judgment process has to occur because the Father has to stand by his truth
as it is revealed. In gross denial its was foreseen that the Father will
respond and stand by his truth.
Ok here is my Bombshell, here is the big Bomb and a great hurdle for the
Atheist and all Religion to over come in the evidence.
This is it! The great drop of truth and verified.
Here goes
Here is some information that proves my point in all of this, Evidence that
points to the time and place. These are scientists involved
Lahn collaborated on the studies with Patrick D. Evans, Nitzan
Mekel-Bobrov, Eric J. Vallender and Richard R. Hudson, all of the University
of Chicago.
By no means do these findings constitute definitive proof that a
Neanderthal was the source of the original copy of the D allele.
However, our evidence shows that it is one of the best candidates. Bruce T. Lahn
The scientists said they have developed the most robust genetic
evidence to date that suggests humans and Neanderthals interbred when
they existed together thousands of years ago. The interbreeding
hypothesis contrasts with at least one prominent theory that posits
that no interbreeding occurred when the two species encountered one
another. Lahn collaborated on the studies with Patrick D. Evans, Nitzan
Mekel-Bobrov, Eric J. Vallender and Richard R. Hudson, all of the
University of Chicago.
In their studies, Lahn and his colleagues performed a detailed
statistical analysis of the DNA sequence structure of the gene
microcephalin, which is known to play a role in regulating brain size
in humans. Mutations in the human gene cause development of a much
smaller brain, a condition called microcephaly.
Earlier studies by Lahn's group yielded evidence that the
microcephalin gene has two distinct classes of alleles. One class,
called the D alleles, is comprised of a group of alleles with rather
similar DNA sequences. The other class is called the non-D alleles.
Lahn and colleagues previously showed that all modern copies of the D
alleles arose from a single progenitor copy about
37,000 years ago, which then increased in frequency rapidly
and are now present in about 70 percent of the world's population.
This rapid rise in frequency indicates that the D alleles underwent
positive selection in the recent history of humans. This means that
these alleles conferred a fitness advantage on those who possessed one
of them such that these people had slightly higher reproductive
success than people who didn't possess the alleles, said Lahn.
The estimate that all modern copies of the D alleles descended from a
single progenitor copy about 37,000 years ago is based on the
measurement of sequence difference between different copies of the D
As a copy of a gene is passed from one generation to the next,
mutations are introduced at a steady rate, such that a certain number
of generations later, the descendent copies of the gene would on
average vary from one another in DNA sequence by a certain amount. The
greater the number of the generations, the more DNA sequence
difference there would be between two descendent copies, said Lahn.
The amount of sequence difference between different copies of a gene
can therefore be used to estimate the amount of evolutionary time that
has elapsed since the two copies descended from their common
In the new studies reported in PNAS, the researchers performed
detailed sequence comparisons between the D alleles and the non-D
alleles of microcephalin. The scientists determined that these two
classes of alleles have likely evolved in two separate lineages for
about 1.1 million years with the non-D alleles having evolved in the
Homo sapiens lineage and the D alleles having evolved in an archaic,
and now extinct, Homo lineage. Then, about 37,000 years ago, a
copy of the D allele crossed from the archaic Homo lineage into
humans, possibly by interbreeding between members of the two
populations. This copy subsequently spread in humans from a single
copy when it first crossed into humans to an allele that is now
present in an estimated 70 percent of the population worldwide today.
The estimate of 1.1 million years that separates the two lineages
is based on the amount of sequence difference between the D and the
non-D alleles. Although the identity of this archaic Homo lineage
is yet to be determined, the researchers argue that a likely candidate
is the Neanderthals. The 1.1 million year separation between humans
and this archaic Homo species is roughly consistent with previous
estimates of the amount of evolutionary time separating the Homo
sapiens lineage and the Neanderthal lineage, said Lahn. Furthermore,
the time of introgression of the D allele into humans about 37,000
years ago is when humans and Neanderthals coexisted in many parts of
the world.
Lahn said the group's data suggest that the interbreeding was unlikely
to be a thorough genetic mixing, but rather a rare - and perhaps even
a single event that introduced the ancestral D allele previously
present in this other Homo species into the human line.
By no means do these findings constitute definitive proof that a
Neanderthal was the source of the original copy of the D allele, said
Lahn. However, our evidence shows that it is one of the best
candidates. The timeline - including the introgression of the allele
into humans 37,000 years ago and its origin in a lineage that
separated with the human line 1.1 million years ago agrees with the
contact between, and the evolutionary history of, Neanderthals and
And a third line of evidence, albeit weaker, is that the D alleles are
much more prevalent in Eurasia and lower in sub-Saharan Africa, which
is consistent with an origin in the former area. And we know that
Neanderthals evolved outside of Africa, said Lahn.
Lahn also said that although the disruption of the microcephalin gene
in humans leads to smaller brains, the role of the D alleles in brain
evolution remains unknown. The D alleles may not even change brain
size; they may only make the brain a bit more efficient if it indeed
affects brain function, he said. For example, someone inheriting the D
allele may have only a slightly more efficient brain on average. While
that enhancement might confer only a subtle evolutionary advantage on
that person, when that effect is propagated over a thousand
generations of natural selection, the result will be to drive the D
alleles to a very high prevalence.
Lahn and his colleagues believe that other genes might well show
similar telltale signs of an origin in archaic Homo lineages such as
Neanderthals. They are currently using their analytical tool to search
for evidence of that origin for other genes in the human genome.
Such findings may have broader implications for understanding human
evolution than just revealing the possibility of human-Neanderthal
interbreeding, he said. In addition to being perhaps the most robust
genetic evidence for introgression of genes from archaic Homo species
into humans, I think this finding demonstrates that the evolution of
our species has been profoundly impacted by gene flow from our
relative species, said Lahn.
Finding evidence of mixing is not all that surprising. But our
study demonstrates the possibility that interbreeding contributed
advantageous variants into the human gene pool that subsequently
spread. This implies that the evolution of human biology has been
affected by the contribution of advantageous genetic variants from
archaic relatives that we have replaced or even killed off, he said.
Until now, said Lahn, the scientific debate over genetic exchange
between humans and other Homo species has led to two prominent
competing theories. One holds that anatomically modern humans replaced
archaic species, with no interbreeding. And the other states that
extensive interbreeding did take place and that modern humans evolved
from that interbreeding in many regions of the world.
Genetic and fossil evidence for the latter multiregional theory has
been inconclusive, said Lahn, so that theory has been largely
discredited. However, he said, the newer evidence of gene exchange as
well as other genetic evidence that might follow could give rise to a
more moderate version holding that some genetic exchange did take
place. Furthermore, it will become increasingly appreciated that such
genetic exchange might have made our species much more fit.
The Atheist has now a real uphill battle now to disprove this and the
existence of God as the evidence is mounting.
I just found this piece research yesterday and I see this work proven as the
key is in our blood and it goes back to a time and place as written in the
Urantia Book....proven!!!
08-11-2008 01:48 PM
The answer is in our Genes,
I find that inspiring and fascinating. That's where the answer and
verification lays.
Within us! how fitting is that to come to that realisation. Definitely a
journey of the Gods, so to speak.
Its in our blood! our Genes and it can be measured.
ahahahahah I have to laugh ahahahahahah! it can be measured and connected to
the time and place ahahahahahahah! Genetic Evidence!
That is Victory, no one has that kind of evidence ahahahahahahahah!
Oh! God and I just had to have the last laugh!
08-11-2008 04:08 PM
Oh this is just brilliant and it
comes at the right time in the appropriate place and 1stEden warrants further
investigations of our origins.
This proves the Discovery of Atlantis by Robert Sarmast and it can seen
in the Genes and its the fingerprint of the Gods. In the case of
1stEden/Atlantis it points to the time and place. Its a record of two
mutations in different times that can be measured and seen. It verifies the
Urantia Book account and it proves true all the work that has been done and
that has prevailed throughout the whole time in a day by day account that led
to the other places of the path of the tree of life. It was all being revealed
on the run.
Cant wait to get out there, kick some goals explore everything with core
samples and the works.
We have the Genetic connection and signature.
The track of the uplifted Great River that came out of
the peninsula and ancient shoreline
It all verifies and points to the same things as written in a
book and as seen in 2 expeditions. The article above is also a record by
identification of a specific gene signature that is in our blood and speaks
of 2 mutations that derive from a single source in a time period that is
also spoken of the UB information. The article points to a time and location
and what occurred.
Its a direct match to the UB info.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Tue Aug 12, 2008 7:44 am
Just working with the 7 numbers on the
Oct 2 08 - Oct 8th 08 are both days that fall on Thursdays and both are
Seventh Days.
Oct 2 08 - Oct 8th 08 = 7 days
7x1=7, Enoch's 10 week
timeline is 70 days
7x10=70, Daniel 70 weeks
has the same multiple of Sevens 70 weeks = 490 days
From a study of Jeremiah's prophecy Daniel had calculated that the time
of Israel's captivity (seventy years) was about to end (Dan.9:1-2).
Interrupting his fervent prayer in this regard the angel Gabriel
"informed" him (9:22) of coming events related to the people of Israel.
The content of that prophecy, recorded in Daniel 9:24-27, follows
(author's translation).
(24) "Seventy sevens are determined upon your people and upon your holy
city to bring transgression to an end, and to seal up sin, and to make
atonement for guilt, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to
seal the vision and prophet, and to anoint the holy of holies.
(25) So know and have (this) insight, (that) from the issuing of the
word to restore and to build Jerusalem until an anointed one, a prince,
(shall be) seven sevens. And (for) sixty-two sevens the street and moat
shall return and be built, even in times of distress.
(26) And after the sixty two sevens (the) anointed one shall be cut off
but not for himself. And the city and the holy (place) shall be
destroyed by the people of the coming prince. And his destruction shall
be in the outpouring; and until the destruction there shall be war,
desolations are decreed.
(27) And he shall cause a covenant to prevail with the many for one
seven. But (for) half of the seven he shall cause sacrifice and offering
to cease; and upon the wing (shall come) a desolating abominable idol,
even until the end, and until that which is decreed shall be poured out
upon the desolator."
The final wrap up day will have come, not only for the year, but
also for the Jubilee cycle, and for this age. The final climactic
Day of Atonement will come on day 1290.
It looks very much like this final
day of this age will come on the
Hebrew fast day of Yom Kippur. This will be the
final Day of Reckoning, or
Judgment Day. This will then usher in the Day of the Lord.
The heavens will open and the world will see the Second Coming of
Christ as Messiah
and remember my calculation according to what Im led to in this
journey of faith.
October 09, 2008 (10th of Tishrei,
5769) Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) what I was led to and was
confirmed in the above. Before I found this above fragment from the
recent link.
And did you know that from the date
21st Aug 08 (Jesus birthdate 7BC) -
9th Oct 08
(Atonement Day/judgment) = 49 days 7x7
and = 7 weeks!
The index page on my website was created on
March 12th 05 just add 3.5
years and you get Sept 12th 08
halfway in the 10 week timeline. The journey since the index was
created has been going on for 3 and a half years and falls in the
middle of the time line.
The next day of date Sept 12 08 is the first day of the
Seventh week from the 1st Aug 08 marked by an eclipse!
Babel Dilmun was discovered on 16-17 Sept 06 in the Seventh week
timeline from Aug1st 08.
Anyway I have posted research of other
scientists that confirms what has been suspected. The replies are just
personal and not related to what was posted.
You guys have nothing to say that is worthwhile.
Since Gardner's book so much been established and discovered which makes the
book superseded by the evidence. It was always a crap book and everyone knew
it by the evidence they already knew. Going no where book. Hasn't even made
a dint in truth as the truth overwhelms the crap.
Obviously the key was brain efficiency in Gene improvement and it all came
about in the general location of 1stEden 37,000 years established dah!
In other words, you are immune to
skeptical attacks on the book.
I think you are wrong.
So lets see. The book is way wrong on the age of the universe. It
claims that some species evolved without a transitional species
stage, and apparently aliens like to plagiarize human works as well.
Mog prove it.
you may think that, prove it! Forget all the opinions what does the
scientist say, in his non bias scientific research.
Has the scientist found everything...No, that's why we have scientists
because they have not found or discovered everything.
The scientist does know everything because he is secular and that imposed
limitation restricts his thinking.
By the way, the Urantia Book uses everything that is from Human knowledge,
if it cant fulfill that, it uses super human knowledge.
Its tells you that straight. Im sure scientists use other human knowledge in
there research to build a conclusion to just like everyone else!!!
Hiding your information in a book of
dubious credibility and choosing to punish any one who doesn't get
it, is not my idea of unconditional love. You dwell in the realm of
wishful thinking. Welcome to the world of the Theist.
Hiding? all the books are available, in just
the short time here I have shown you scientific gene research and mentioned
many things. I given you the research, images and links with out price or
What's your story, we both know religion screwed in many ways. People screw
up or get it wrong we all know that, it doesn't mean there is no truth in
it. What religions do is there business. I know in my journey I have given
everything to all man, like here. I haven't held back at all and I haven't
asked for souls or money.
This expression of this personal religion in the walk, is just in your face.
Really, this journey has nothing to do with any religious organization and I
never had to rely on a church to find this truth of God with related
evidence in the complete expression.
"dubious credibility" judgement already, you haven't even read the book nor
even researched it properly. How stupid is that comment.
By the way since someone mentioned the Nodites, the system we
live in today is the Nodite system, rule by fear, lifetime debt with the
allurement of materialism and crap and not to mention the gross usury going
on to keep man and the system under control.
The physical rulers of this system are the Nodites and its in there genes.
The worldwide monopoly of the Banks are all driven by the Nodite Atheist
doctrine, that's how the system is geared and has been tailored over the
years. Secularism is just part of the Nodite world motive of constriction,
restriction and limited knowledge at a price. There is really no spiritual
liberty in this system, everything has a cost and its usually the human who
has to sacrifice all just for even a survival.
Even then the human is not told the truth, not at all. He is told absolute
bullshit even the history he is taught only goes back 10,000 years. Man is
the biggest liar around if he wants to protect his position or his BS
doctrine. That's goes across the board.
Religion should never get involved in politics and commerce, this was their
biggest mistake and was a betrayal of the true message of Jesus that they
are supposed to follow but dont in many cases. The biggest advances society
made was not having church involved in state.
But now its gone too far the other way where there is total rejection of
truth or knowledge of the Gods even when its revealed. Total rejection of
integral things makes man dumb in many ways.
I personally think there should be some balance in the views of man which
harmonizes with the evidence and where man is willing to explore even if it
involves exploring religion or expanded truth, truthfully. Even if he is an
Atheist who bloody cares the only thing that should matter is what is the
truth! and no Bullshit!
Really, regardless of what we think, all man
should be concerned about what its the real truth and what is the crap and
then go from there.
The personalities in the eternal realm have been
with man since the very first times up to this time and have a plan for this
planet. Blame man for all the stuff up along the way. Man has to take full
responsibility for his actions in his poor interpretations and especially
the motive. That's where it all goes wrong, the motive, what is the motive
of man in this world?
I just dont buy that in a few generations
suddenly God is all bullshit. Out of all the generations here is a few that
think there real smart and know everything. No one knows everything or ever
will as life and its continuance in personality self recognition, is a
journey of learning on higher levels of truth and self realisation which is
sympathetic to science.
To think there is a few that say God doesn't
exist because of these certain characteristics we can see. No one is perfect
but there is a divine truth in it all no matter how limited religion seems
to be.
Religion today is not expressing itself in
its full potential of truth and are not willing to go out and explore to
find truth, for out of fear. The Atheist being all scientific wont explore
it either for out some commercial fear and not open to explore and find out
for himself. Even if he was wrong or right!
What is presented in the opening thread is
the perfect construct to test all things out once and for all and let
general man know along the way in virtual time, the truth and what is
If verified that would mean the source
material is true and what if it is true?? and there lays a great adventure
before for all of us and if it was accessible without buildings, crowds and
pressure to give money with all these doctrines. But eh! lets test it out
and see what lays there physically and see if man is really up to the
challenge regardless of what he thinks but what is the truth of the matter?
there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with
me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew
unto thee the judgment of the great whore that
sitteth upon many waters:
2 With
whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of
the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
3 So
he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman
sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy,
having seven heads and ten horns.
4 And
the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour,
and decked [1]
with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full
of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
5 And
upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE
6 And
I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of
the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
7 And
the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the
mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth
her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.
8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not;
and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they
that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in
the book of life from the foundation of the world,
when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. 9 And
here is the mind which hath wisdom.The seven
heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
10 And
there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet
come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
11 And
the beast that was, and is not, even he is the
eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth
into perdition. 12 And
the ten horns which thou sawest
are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as
kings one hour with the beast.
13 These have one mind,
and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
14 These
shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord
of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and
chosen, and faithful.
15 And he saith unto me,
The waters which thou sawest,
where the whore sitteth,
are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
16 And
the ten horns which thou sawest
upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and
naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.17 For
God hath put in their hearts to fulfil
his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast,
until the words of God shall be fulfilled. 18 And
the woman which thou sawest
is that great city, which reigneth
over the kings of the earth.
is this like a time frame
having seven heads
and ten horns
Seventh Pattern falling on the Sevens 7, 14, 21, 28 Aug all
Thursdays and then the timeline ending on the 10th month, also the 10th Oct is
one day after the end of the Seventh part in the 10th week. Could it be
the date?
This a timeline declared and the message has to do with the
beginning. Also Elijah's 2nd test was proclaimed in an Atheist site to
prove the existence of God as opposed to the No God position.
The journey contains messages that come from the beginning.
The outcome of the Test maybe reflected in this verse.
they that dwell on the earth shall wonder,
whose names were not written in the book of life from
the foundation of the world,
Book of life from the Foundation could very well be related
to the beginning places and its related ramifications.
Could the following reflect the judgment of the Harlot that
is related to this journey of the Sevens and the Mountains of the Father is
equated to the submerged cities?
9 And
here is the mind which hath wisdom.The seven
heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
Her judgment sits on the journey to the ancient places and
note that its verse 9 like the 9thOct 08. The journey brings her
to judgment riding on the journey to the ancient places like bringing her to
court by unlocking a related mystery in this case the Seventh Mystery.
The following seems to have related numbers or related
dates. perhaps 8thAug following the Sevens Pattern in Enoch's timeline?
And does it reflect The Seventh in the 10th Week of Enoch's timeline.
Interestingly, I do have an alias called Seven8 on an Islamic forum but
they are told not to speak to me.
11 And
the beast that was, and is not, even he is
the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth
into perdition.
Also in the above, is there two Eighth of the Seven, a
usurper of this journey? Is this the Anti Christ/Beast usurping the
knowledge to gain power? Not enough time in accordance to the timeline.
Its seems like the lamb or the defenseless and harmless lamb
defeats the world of the Beast in truth. Like the No God Baalim
14 These
shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is
Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and
chosen, and faithful.
15 And he saith unto me,
The waters which thou sawest,
The water thou sawest I
believe is a reflection of the submerged cities of the earlier ages and its
the catalyst for change..
Looks like there will be great retribution on the beast for
deceiving all the nations, the truth will set the nations free.
these shall hate the whore, and
shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her
with fire.1
In following reflects great wrath of
the Father when his mystery is fulfilled and completed. I wonder if the
usurper of the journey to the ancient places uses the cities to beguile the
kings who give the beast power? Assuming there is an imposter using this
to usurp power.
17 For
God hath put in their hearts to fulfil
his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast,
until the words of God shall be fulfilled. 18 And
the woman which thou sawest
is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
Hey I thought you wanted this board to
drop of shhhhhhh
Anyway I reckon I kick goals in this track
Ive got more than anyone on the planet and its coming to pass.
Everything is forming this huge conjunction and looking quite obvious.
This research will have the last laugh when the fat lady sings. ahahahahahaha
How many times in History when man has discovered something and man says its
wrong until the evidence comes in and even then man denies.
I think its the same scenario now but this scenario has direct consequences
that all man should be at least aware off.
Especially you ahahahahahahahaha!
Anyway, even half-heartedness is fine in all of this.
yeah yeah yeah
The problem is Mog no one believes this. Im the only one
The journey of this is seen in the Dead Sea Scrolls, that's why they were
discovered to bring in the final construct before change, in this day. Its
all to do with recognition and realisation!
Because everything about God is shut off by people, people think its a scifi
and would have no understanding and would criticize.
You main word was Current.
The Big Bang is a theory to, right, it hasn't been completely confirmed
right with the Current knowledge. Like the ancient places, we know about
them but has to be verified right??
Isn't that the case with everything else, we have an idea and we search the
idea until we get confirmation.
Actually knowledge in the manipulation of the Ultimaton could lead to
dematerialization and could be good for nuclear waste.
Current thought but has to be explored and confirmed. its a track or lead
that can be explored.......Right!
The dead sea scrolls are almost a
half-century old (from their discovery) and they have not improved
the state of religious or spiritual belief because no true believer
will seriously consider any thing the scrolls say that isn't already
their current dogma.
Yes that's true because they are to biased on
one book only, essentially the bible which is a Catholic Church Bible
compilation excluding many other books that are completely relevant. I can
understand also what you say but there are things in there that reflects
this journey particularly about the guy, the last message, information the
general leader teacher of Christianity just wouldn't see.
Mind you no one studies the Dead Sea Scrolls including the Christians but
the Essenes or the teacher of righteousness had much to say about the last
construct before change. You have to be in the middle of the construct to
recognize how important the DSC are.
I think much of the work of the last teacher of righteousness was designed
especially for this journey to the first places where change will come from.
A huge amount of information is there so the last guy can recognize himself,
the signs and the harbinger of change.
Its like Revelation, I know the book has been
tampered with abridged ideas and distortions and many things the Christians
think might happen simply will not come to pass according to what they think
specifically. Again you have to be living in the final construct to get a
glimpse of what the real construct is. They have a general inaccurate idea
but not specific enough, like for example: What is the actual key that
activates the judgment process? or What is the Seventh or Sevenfold mystery?
They have no idea and are to biased to learn. Its the same problem all over
the planet right across the board.
That's my take on the DSC in my focalization
on the first places.
I have said that I am a individual religionist, even though
we have opposite views there is no reason why the Atheist and the
religionist cant be friends with varying ideas in a working study of finding
the truth of the matter especially in sympathy with science.
I think in this time we have a perfect opportunity of research between the
Atheist and the Religionist where both will get a surprise.
Atheists or Religionist, its all the same but with opposing ideas and a huge
gulf in between of no understanding of each other.
Going out to all the places to verify would be the perfect project for all
mankind in different positions and with varying views. I think to go out
there all man can see for himself and then ascertain what the truth is, in
the demonstration. True or false!
1stEden is certainly no creation of mine. Its just there as written about.
With the other cities, they are exactly where they are supposed to be using
the words of a book as a reference. Like how the city of Troy was discovered
by Heinrich Schliemann. Same process.
Available evidence? so there is more to find
and yet its still a theory?
Yes, a theory that is based on available
evidence. You're taking a theory and trying to create evidence for it.
1stEden is certainly no creation of mine. Its just there as written about.
With the other cities, they are exactly where they are supposed to be, using
the words of a book as a reference. Like how the city of Troy was discovered
by Heinrich Schliemann. Same process.
Available evidence? so there is more to find and yet its still a theory?
True, but once we unlock the secrets
of Voltronium, we'd
finally be able to tame the wild Optimus Primium, and nuclear
power would be a thing of the past. It's just too bad this is all made
up (ultimaton included).
Scientists are getting closer especially
now they have use of superconductors. I have seen documentaries where they
appear to be getting close in comparison to what I know of the Ultimaton and
seeing the characteristics they present in the
secrets of Voltronium, I
was thinking that if they follow the tracks of the Ultimaton in the UB and set
up experiments that would obtain a foreseen result they might be successfull.
Assume the Ultimaton and develop a series of experiments to ascertain its
existence in the results.
Its all to do with spin rate and radius of the ultimaton to the centre of the
electron which is antimatter, the quicker the ultimatonic spin with variation
of the radius of the layers of the Ultimaton changes matter. The Ultimaton
makes up the electron and what's within the electron can be manipulated to
transmutate matter into other matter or even antimatter. Its would be great
for Nuclear waste just by varying the spin rate of the ultimaton within the
electron of the waste.
Instead of exploding the electron why not harmonize with it and vary the
energy it requires to transmutate it. Energy can be harnessed from this and I
feel it could benefit anti gravity in simple devices.
Heading for the Utopian Ages through this manipulation of the Ultimaton.
"Wankatron". Thats the best one aahahahah
How do you know its stupid, you dont know at all. No one has researched this
like yourself and read with already coloured glasses. I would like to
explore the truth of matter even matter itself.
Maybe there is clue in all of this that you have already shut out. Why cant
these things exist? Why is that not possible? What's wrong in finding out
and sharing it.
Im a gonna mate I get banned everywhere
for this information even on the Richard Dawkins forum man. People in the UB
are not in this level they think Im over the top
ahahahahahahahahaha. They dont respond to my posts
even the Christians and the Islamics,
there told not to speak to me but they all read the information. The problem
is its a linear journey on different levels in the fragment form and people
dont understand this.
Why else can I go?? Im a reject on all levels, least a get a response here
and I can talk to someone. In the scheme of things that is positively
counted for but who would know that eh!
The thing is my forum days will be over soon because God will have no choice
but to stand by his truth even in a demonstration for all mankind.
The thing is my forum days will be over soon
because God will have no choice but to stand by his truth even in a
demonstration for all mankind.
If my journey is the truth God will have no
choice but to stand by this little Seven or Seventh. All I can do is lay
down the tracks in case its required for further review. The dates Im
looking is within Oct 02 08 - Oct 9th 08 This week is an important week, its
a Seventh week according to my calculations.
Oct 02 08 - Oct 9th 08
It could be either verify the places before this date week when something
may go down and completely be caught off guard or go out there and verify
and prepare oneself in light of truth and verification.
But going out to the places wont happen because faith is required and man
has got no faith in this as demonstrated so there is no alternative but to
reveal in words the forecast and that's all I can do to help man.
If man, all man doesn't activate and explore
these things regardless what he believes, it could be the biggest mistake he
has ever made and the whole world system could get a thrashing!! Im serious
man, this involves all families who I am concerned about and it will like in
the days of Noah. I just know it! because I live it and experience it
living out the last mystery and everyday I receive constant rejection and
that fulfills the scriptures that pertain to the last message which comes
from the beginning, like the beginning cities and its attached messages.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Fri Aug 15, 2008 9:55 am
9:27"And he will
make a firm covenant with the many for one week,
but in the middle
of the week he will put a stop to
sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations {will come}
one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction,
one that is decreed,
is poured out on the
one who makes desolate." [/quote]
The above to me, reflects the final 10th Week (Aug 2nd - Aug 9th 08)
of Enoch's timeline from Aug 1st 08.
9:27 "And
he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week,
but in the middle of
the week
The rest of the verse is the Last Rebel being brought to Universal Justice
and taken of the planet.
look at
the verse of the opening
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Fri Aug 15, 2008 11:02 am
I was working through this the other night look at this in focalisation to
the places and the current calculation as you know.
This may seem controversial but its just how I see it and Im looking at from
the ancient places point of view to see if there are reflections that maybe
relevant to this journey.
17And there came one of
seven angels which had the seven vials,
and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment
of the great whore that sitteth
upon many waters: 2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed
fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with
the wine of her fornication. 3 So he carried me away in the spirit into
the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast,
full of names of blasphemy,
having seven heads and ten horns.
4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked [1] with
gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand
full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 5 And upon her
forehead was a name written,
the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of
the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great
7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell
thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven
heads and ten horns. 8 The beast that
thou sawest was, and
is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into
perdition: and
that dwell on the earth shall wonder,
whose names were not written in
[color=#FF0000]the book of life[/color]
from the
foundation of the world, when they
behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
9And here is the
mind which hath wisdom.
The seven heads
are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. 10 And
there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not
yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. 11 And the
beast that was, and is not,
even he is the eighth, and is of the seven,
and goeth into
perdition. 12 And the ten horns which thou
sawest are ten kings, which have received no
kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. 13
These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the
14 These shall
make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them:for he is Lord of
lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and
chosen, and faithful. 15 And he saith unto me,
waters which thou sawest,
where the whore sitteth,
are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. 16 And the ten
horns which thou sawest
upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate
and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. 17 For God
hath put in their hearts to fulfil
his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast,
until the words of God
shall be fulfilled. 18 And the woman
which thou sawest is
that great city, which reigneth
over the kings of the earth.
In metaphor to this focalisation in the judgment timeline now declared in
this thread.
Its this like a time frame?
having seven heads and ten horns
Seventh Pattern falling on the Sevens 7, 14, 21, 28 Aug all Thursdays and
then the timeline ending on the 10th month, also the 10th Oct is one day
after the end of the Seventh part in the 10th week. Could it reflect the
10th Month following the Sevens pattern?
This a timeline declared and the message has to do with the beginning. Also
Elijah's 2nd test was proclaimed in an Atheist site to prove the existence
of God as opposed to the No God position.
The journey contains messages that come from the beginning. The outcome of
the Test maybe reflected in this verse.
they that dwell on the earth shall wonder,
whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the
Book of life from the Foundation could very well be related to the beginning
places and its related ramifications.
Could the following reflect the judgment of the Harlot that is related to
this journey of the Sevens and the Mountains of the Father is equated to the
submerged cities?
9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom.
The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
Her judgment sits on the journey to the ancient places and note that its
verse 9 like the 9thOct 08. The journey brings her to judgment riding on the
journey to the ancient places like bringing her to court by unlocking a
related mystery in this case the Seventh Mystery.
The following seems to have related numbers or related dates. perhaps 8thAug
following the Sevens Pattern in Enoch's timeline? And does it reflect The
Seventh in the 10th Week of Enoch's timeline. Interestingly, I do have an
alias called Seven8 on an Islamic forum but they are told not to speak to
11 And the beast that was, and is not, even
he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
Also in the above, is there two Eighth of the Seven, a usurper of this
journey? Is this the Anti Christ/Beast usurping the knowledge to gain power?
Not enough time in accordance to the timeline. but then again the Kings give
him power in one hour. very quick to perhaps a realisation but they could be decieved by the
imposter, the Anti Christ. Eventualy
the imposter and the harlot are caught out through the judgment and the
Kings turn on the Harlot for the decpetion.
Its seems like the lamb or the defenseless and harmless lamb defeats the
world of the Beast in truth. Like the No God Baalim religions.
14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and
the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings:
and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. 15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest,
The water thou sawest I believe is a reflection of the submerged cities of
the earlier ages and its the catalyst for change..
Looks like there will be great retribution on the beast for deceiving all
the nations, the truth will set the nations free. These nations shall hate
the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh,
and burn her with fire. This would be a reflection of the adjudication of
the last rebel.
17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until
the words of God shall be fulfilled. 18 And the woman which thou sawest is
that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
In following reflects great wrath of the Father when his mystery is
fulfilled and completed.
16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon
the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and
naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. 17 For God hath put
in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom
unto the beast, until the words of God shall be
I wonder if the usurper of the journey to the ancient places uses the cities
to beguile the kings who give the beast power? Assuming there is an imposter
using this to usurp power, its all speculation.
11 And the beast that was, and is not,
even heis
the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
There appears to be 2 Eighth of the Seven like one evolving out of the Seven
(in metaphor ok, I know people see it as a kingdom literal but there maybe
more to it)
I cant do anything but write but some one with money could easily usurp this
journey and claim it to himself in order to position himself and make out
something that he is not, that would be a beast act of the Anti Christ
nature deceitfully usurping the final message for self vain gloriousness.
I had a look at eighth in the UB, I thought the following was interesting.
line 140: After Michael's final and
successful bestowal on Urantia he was not only accepted by the Ancients
of Days as sovereign ruler of Nebadon, but he was also recognized by the
Universal Father as the established director of the local universe of
his own creation. Upon his return to Salvington this Michael, the
Son of Man and the Son of God, was proclaimed the settled ruler of Nebadon.
From Uversa came the eighth
proclamation of Michael's sovereignty, while from Paradise came
the joint pronouncement of the Universal Father and the Eternal Son
constituting this union of God and man sole head of the universe and
directing the Union of Days stationed on Salvington to signify his
intention of withdrawing to Paradise. The Faithfuls of Days on the
constellation headquarters were also instructed to retire from the
councils of the Most Highs. But Michael would not consent to the
withdrawal of the Trinity Sons of counsel and co-operation. He assembled
them on Salvington and personally requested them forever to remain on
duty in Nebadon. They signified their desire to comply
There were few homes in the gentile world of those days that could give
a child a better intellectual, moral, and religious training than the
Jewish homes of Galilee. These Jews had a systematic program for rearing
and educating their children. They divided a child's life into
seven stages:
1. The newborn child, the
first to the eighth day
Thanks for your open-mindedness regarding
what I say, regarding the Richard Dawkins site . "I have a way to prove God"
thread, If the thread is not deleted its at the bottom of the board but I
got banned. Do a search if you like there is heaps of scripts and
information I posted unlike here. I think it made the Mods very uncomfortable because
it was penetrating and they could see it and attempted to destroy it by
crying preaching as the excuse to ban.
They were looking for excuses through entrapment in order to ban me. When
you use all the scripts in focalisation to the places, its very ominous and
it really penetrates the soul because you can see the scripts alight in this
journey, in the reality where you read it and see it.
The things is, the powers wouldn't want to get rid of me because if I am
right I am the watchtower of danger alerting all mankind to keep watch and
dont under estimate this includes the system and leaders of the world.
Half-heartedness is OK and its all counted for Good.
By the way my writing is crap, I would never write a book but engage an
experienced author to help me write the book proper. There would be 2
versions, my bad English on the run version as in the website and the proper
book. The journey at this stage is collecting information fragment upon
fragment and percepts upon precept making the connections and parallels
using guided creative imagination in the focalisation. I feel if there is
any book proper it will be in the new world.
Also I want to say that all the information is given on the run and all can
download it. Its was given freely without price or reward so it accessible
by all man and his family incase the information is required.
If something goes down and the Internet still works my site will not last
long. Also consider there will be a closing of the ranks and persecution
will come from that. There is a strong possibility that I will not be around
because the elect will be taken for rest during the eventful process. This
taking away is available for all man if he desires in his heart/Soul right
Personally, If there is an event the system wont survive very well
especially the banks and all related systems. All control systems will be
decimated by earth changes/responses to Paradise presence. Putting money in
banks will be useless, it will be a matter of food and survival. That's how
bad I think it will be in light of mans rejection of Paradise generally.
By the way the Universal Paradise Government has no time for Usury and
lifetime debt imposed on families, its illegal and used as a weapon against
Anything the Last rebel has set up will be completely destroyed utterly and
his children. Im sorry to say for some, that is what I see. If there are
Lizards like some think, they are finished.
I also think the taking away of the elect and faithful is the Great Sign and
the evidence of God. That will be first sign and then man will know that
something is up and is going down in the actual reality and especially you
guys will know that the truth was here.
However, we are testing everything! Sorting the crap from the truth.
That would be a giveaway right there
that the book speaks pseudoscientific gibberish, but studies in
splitting the electron
doesn't lead to Ultimatrons.
Yes fair enough but you have look
deeper than subatomic particles. We are talking about the electron and it
goes deeper and science is discovering there are many mysteries to the
electron highlighted in the Supercollider's. We are only touching the
surface at this stage. When I talk about the electron I do use creative
imagination to see if I can make sense of the ultimaton and how could we
prove that it exists or not.
Really speaking we are speaking about the basis of matter and antimatter and
how can we manipulate antimatter to develop new clean energy systems based
on the antigravity/antimatter relationship.
Personally, I think this understanding could be reserved for the new world
because the motive of many leaders are all wrong and with this technology,
man as usual will use against his fellow brothers, Atheist or religionist
doesn't matter.
Its the antimatter within the electron that scientist should be looking for. Actually what inhabits
the centre of every electron is antimatter which is Paradise.
Really speaking Antimatter will bring
us to the Utopian world on this planet but it will take a 1000 years but in
this day a correction is forecast that will lead us to these times. Its not
possible with the current
thinking of man.
Right. I am now going to give you a
hint. Get hold of a book "The Never Ending Days of Being Dead" by a
prominent and well regarded science writer. Can't remember his name.
Read it CAREFULLY and then get back to me.
Next: Read up ALL the articles in the reputable science magazines on
the implications of an INFINITE Universe. There was a particularly
good one recently in Scientific American (or maybe NEW SCIENTIST I
read so many) which explained that given infinity there MUST be
another duplicate of you. Read that and then start thinking about
SCIENTIFIC PROOF and not fuckwit ASSERTIONS from priests. OK. Also,
study the words in CAPITALS and you will find something to help you.
Do not be dismayed. There is an unseen force at work. There will be
a sign very soon. Here is a hint: Ground of Being/Tillich/Brain is
part o Mind/Buber. Go to it. Forget about your crap writing. Mine is
much worse. We are after bigger fish here than hanging fucking
participles and when to use the subjunctive. You know what, if I
were a god I would be setting a test and you are one of the few who
could bring to it that mixture of imagination, creative feeling and
intellectual courage to follow the path whereever it leads.
Gotta go.
Hey thanks for your input and your book
suggestion, I really appreciate it. When I get the opportunity I will
purchase the book, I have no doubt it would make for some interesting
If things change I will buy the book and Im sure it would be good reading.
I feel confident that something is going on. I can see it reflected in many
places on all different levels of knowledge. I feel there is a grand
conjunction of fragments of truth forming an image in the oneness of truth
and discovery. If I am dead on in what I sense and perceive this should a
great time for general man and his family but there is a line drawn in the
sand and yet the path through the abyss is quite easy and accessible for all
mankind, no matter. The clue is in Jesus' words and his foresight of this
moment 2000 years ago and many clues he and the prophets reflected.
However, in all of this you as the individual have to gauge your own
feelings of within in the reality shaping up. All I know that what is
forecast will approach in the most unseen subtle way, you wouldn't even know
it from a general mans prospective. Completely unseen but in the Eternal
realm of existence there is much activity.
With priests and that, I know that from an outside point of view they may
appear backward or whatever but that I believe including all associated
things will be all shaken down into a more elevated understanding that will
deepen and widen religion as it explores the understanding of everything in
the demonstration.
You know what! the key in all of this is Love one another in truth,
beauty and goodness. By exhibiting that in action you display faith in
goodness and unconditional love. you know! That's the key which gets you
through the abyss in the Judgment week. That action of love for another
honors and actually acknowledges God. This action of truth replaces church
and doctrine. It can be all individual, intimate and personal.
Anyway we have to continue on and see how the realties shape up.
Thanks for your post I appreciate it.
Glad you enjoyed it. The more science I
read the more I agree with Richard Dawkins' point that there is
enough wonder around us without narrowing it down by dragging in
religion. Hell, I don't know where it all came from or what the
explanations are but at least I an be transfixed by the mystery and
Last night my wife hauled me outside to look at an eclipse of the
moon. It was a starry night and while this may have been nothing
phenominally spectacular I loved it. I love looking at the stars and
do this most nights. I don't know their names any more than I know
the names of all the trees, plants and insects. I used to think I
should learn them to enhance my pleasure so I bought a book on
insects. Then I came across a group having a dispute about what kind
of beetle they were looking at. They were still there an hour later,
eating their sandwiches, and still arguing. I love beetles and
I like geologists when I meet them and some of the best I have met
come from the USA and they can really open my eyes, in a friendly
and encouraging way, to the age of the cliffs round here (around 400
million years) and the meaning (as in revealing age) of the layers
and fossils. They don't buy the 4OO4BC certainty of the fundies as
given by their infallible bible.
Hey Broga was their an eclipse last night?
wow the 16th, 2 eclipses in one month, that's amazing, is that normal? Two
eclipses in one month!!
For sure man I agree with all you say, you're right, I feel its alot more
expanded, wider and deeper that all have to explore and discover for the
individual. If all is right and true it will be in the verification.
I glad you see this, I believe it beholds a great mystery and a good
manifestation for all man in the truth of the matter.
Right on Broga!
Broga wrote
Sevens, think about this. How much of the universe
are we even able to perceive? What about "dark matter." Also you
might find some interesting and enlightening information in "A Short
History of Time". Not an easy book to read if you approach it
"rationally" but you and I ain't thinking "rational" man. We are not
"thinking" at all. We are moving into the "trancendant rational
phase" which you are no doubt more familiar with as the TRP. So DO
WILL understand.
One or two quotes to help you a little. Time: "The subtlest of
confusions known to man." Walter de la Mare.
"Dogs is dogs; cats is dogs; but tortoises is insects." One of my
favourite quotes and VERY profound. (Explanation as to why the
London Transport System charged passengers for Dogs and Cats but not
for Tortoises. But you, sevens, must look deeper and beyond the
Hey Broga thanks for your suggestions III read these books
when I get an opportunity and will keep your thoughts in mind. At the moment
Im just flat out keeping the office running.
With Dark Matter, I wonder if that is the Puissant Energy that pervades all
space where I think this energy is pre matter stuff. Like a form of
Apparently, when the singular ultimaton in puissant energy slows down the
ultimaton attract each other and forms matter. From what I understand this
Puissant energy is not affected by gravity but is responsive to Paradise
direction. Only when the ultimatons form matter that its is responsive to
gravity and consider that the centre of the electron is antimatter or
Paradise kind of makes sense to me.
Thanks for your encouragement and guidance for me to gain wider
understanding in your thoughts and in what you recognize at truth. I
appreciate it and Im sure there are things to learn.
I have a feeling that scientist are seeing as Dark Matter
could very well be the Puissant energy in all of space. Perhaps Antimatter
Visualize a single ultimaton in puissant
energy whizzing away beyond the speed of light in a prematter state.
Overtime it slows down and begins to be responsive to gravity and attracts
fellow ultimatons in the same state to form matter. Its appears that
antigravity in the centre of the electron seems to be a glue in the
attraction on the electron unit.
Then again the inner
layers of the ultimaton have a radial velocity close to the speed of
light, beyond the speed of light must be the world of antimatter, however
the ultimaton cannot go back to puissant energy. The electron unit and its
ultimatons is nothing different to a solar system.
Perhaps if scientists can visualise
this construct using creative imagination and then apply physics and
mathematics to see if there is an harmony that fits then maybe they could
discover something really good and unlock all the secrets of antimatter
and matter.
Food for thought and all very exciting trying to unlock the mystery of
matter and anti matter.
Also, I remember that the huddle of the electron has been seen. I
believe this is the outer layer of the Ultimatons where the Ultimaton
huddles together and have a vibration that would relate to there radial
spin. This would relate to a frequency and would have energy. Having spin,
it would also have centrifugal force within each ultimaton. Each ultimaton
layer would have a radius from the antimatter nucleus. The Ultimaton seems
fixed but spins in of itself and huddles.
In language that was at turns almost
lyrical, Pope Benedict XVI today offered a paean to “new age”
spirituality – though, to be sure, certainly not of the “tune in, turn
on and drop out’ variety.
Instead, Benedict described a vision of
the “new age” proclaimed by Christ, and animated by the Holy Spirit, in
• “Love is not greedy or self-seeking,
but pure, faithful and genuinely free, open to others, respectful of
their dignity, seeking their good, radiating joy and beauty”;
• “Hope liberates us from the shallowness, apathy and self-absorption
which deaden our souls and poison our relationships”;
• “God’s gift of life is welcomed, respected and cherished – not
rejected, feared as a threat and destroyed.”
The pope’s comments came in his homily
for the closing Mass of World Youth Day in Australia, before an audience
at Sydney’s Randwick
Racecourse estimated at 400,000.
Benedict called upon the young pilgrims
to be “prophets of this new age.”
The pope wraps up his week-long visit to
Australia tomorrow, meeting with donors and organizers of World Youth
Day, as well as volunteers. He’ll leave Australia at 10:00 am Sydney
time, arriving in Rome at 11:00 pm.
In his homily this morning, the pope
argued that the technical and material accomplishments of the modern
world often have not been matched by an equivalent spiritual depth.
“In so many of our societies, side by
side with material prosperity, a spiritual desert is spreading,” the
pope said, pointing to “an interior emptiness, an unnamed fear, a quiet
sense of despair.”
Benedict also indirectly warned against
the inroads of secularism, lamenting the psychology of “a world that
wants to forget God, or even rejects him in the name of a
falsely-conceived freedom.”
Benedict challenged the young pilgrims
gathered in Sydney not to be conditioned by that social milieu, urging
them not to be afraid “to stand up for Christ, letting the truth of the
Gospel permeate the way we see, think and act, as we work for the
triumph of the civilization of love.” He challenged the youth not to
succumb to "blind conformity to the spirit of this age."
There were reminders during the Mass that
Western-style secularism is not the only threat faced by religious
believers today. During the General Intercessions, a Sudanese Catholic
prayed for “Christians unable to serve the Lord openly, because of
political pressure, unrest, or fear.”
Sudan has been torn by religious and
ethnic conflict over the last two decades, sometimes pitting a
Muslim-dominated north against a Christian and animist south. Sudanese
Christians have repeatedly decried what they described as a program of
forced “Islamicization” by the Muslim-dominated government in the north.
It’s not just the outside world that
needs a “new age,” Pope Benedict said, but also the church.
“She needs your faith, your idealism and
your generosity, so that she can always be young in the Spirit,”
Benedict said.
In that context, the pope called youth to
be open to the action of the Holy Spirit, and in particular to be people
of prayer. He defined prayer as “pure receptivity to God’s grace, love
in action, [and] communion with the Spirit who dwells within us.”
In comments directly especially at young
people considering a vocation to the priesthood and religious life,
Benedict urged them, “Do not be afraid to say ‘yes’ to Jesus.”
During the course of the Mass, the pope
administered the sacrament of confirmation for 24 people from various
parts of the world. The candidates were presented to the pope just
before his homily, then confirmed immediately afterwards as the rest of
the congregation renewed their baptismal promises.
As he has throughout the trip, Benedict
struck a brief ecological note this morning, praising the “beauty of
nature” in Australia. He cited Jesuit poet Gerard Manley Hopkins,
identifying him as “the poet,” to the effect that the natural world is
“charged with the grandeur of God.”
Benedict XVI arrived at Randwick
Racecourse this morning by helicopter, flying over the site before
landing nearby. More than 200,000 pilgrims had camped out overnight in
anticipation of the pope.
Benedict then moved around the racetrack
in the Pope-mobile. He moved especially slowly, perhaps in part in
response to complaints earlier in the week from people who lined the
streets of Sydney that the Pope-mobile whizzed by so quickly that they
barely caught a glimpse of Benedict.
At one point, the Pope-mobile stopped in
mid-route so that a crimson-clad baby could be held up by a Vatican
security official for a brief kiss from the pope, also decked up in a
crimson mozzetta
over his white cassock.
In the run-up to World Youth Day, the use
of Randwick
Racecourse had generated considerable local controversy. Protests came
from Australia’s racing industry that other sites were available which
would not have involved shutting down races for an entire weekend. In
the end, the federal and state governments tripled the compensation for
use of the park, to almost U.S. $40 million, and the Australian Jockeys
Club’s lease for the racetrack was extended by 50 years.
World Youth Day organizers described
today’s closing Mass at
Randwick as “the largest
gathering of people in the history of Australia,” exceeding turnout even
for the 2000 Sydney Olympics.
Completely relevant and consistent with the
journey to the ancient places.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Mon Aug 18,
2008 12:13 pm
Hey check out this video and the dates this guy
forecasts as the end times and go over the timeline Ive been working on. He
mentions some interesting dates that seem to be close or in the day after of
some key dates in the time line to Judgment Day.
I wonder what calculations they used to come up with 2008 as the End Times?
In the video the speaker claims August 20th
08 (Jesus Birthdate Aug 21st 7BC and the beginning end of the 3 weeks
in the current timeline) as the end of the 1260 days. Wow that's tomorrow.
Apparently they have been counting down for the last 120 years.
I say prepare in case they are right, you can never underestimate anything
and their prophet could of been right??
Apparently the 1290 days mentioned by Daniel, they believe will fulfill
itself on September 18th 08, that's 7 days after my journey has completed
its 1260 days (12thSeptember 08) from when I made the index page of my
website and that is also 4-5 days before I discovered Babel/Dilmun submerged
in the Persian Gulf on September 16-17th 06 at 12.00 midnight. The discovery
of Babel/Dilmun is 2-3 days before the completion of the 1260 days (19th
September 08) according to video prediction.
to recap
Daniel 12:7 = August 20th 08 = 1260 days
Daniel 12:11 = September 19th 08 = 1290 days
Daniel 12:12 = Nov 3rd 08 = 1335 days
Very interesting that another people are talking about the same time period
that I have calculated.
Quite a true video.
I think there prophet is Ellen White.
Is Ellen White related to the Seventh Day Adventist church?
Apparently 1888 is when the countdown began spreading over 120 years based
as in Noah's day in the time period of when the Ark was built. 1888 + 120
years = 2008!!!!!
Guys dont underestimate a thing in all of this. We all could be wrong or
I think the Puerto Rico idea is questionable however, the cities could be
speaking of the ancient places, the beginning. Isle of the land would the
island nations who believe in Jesus, all the nations??
The white horse and the rider could be an individual and the Bow is the
journey in truth. The Crown could be the message and the ancient places it
could also be a gift for the work of the last servant.
A name was written that he knows but no body else... sounds like an alias?
maybe a sevens but not revealing his name.
He mentions October 9th 08...unbelievable
that he came up with the same day and date as I have in my calculation.
2 witnesses!!
I found this morning and it did confirm or close to the dates of mine in my
calculation and in the right context.
I also found it curious that 1888 according the 7thDay Adventist began the
process and just think the Olympics began on 8/8/08 which relates to the
Nostradamus prophecy and the seventh accomplishment in that year.
Anyway Mog, if there is
something that affects families and individuals, its my duty to bring this
out and make man aware of this believe or not! Whether its right or not, it
does confirms my dates and is a independent double witness, the 2 witnesses
of the time period and especially Oct 9th 08 date. Half-heartedness is fine!
My index page of my website
http://www.sevenfoldthruth.com was created on March 3rd 2005, 6 days
before the prophecy in the video was made. This is timeline confirmation of
the timeline working in parallel to the same date 9th Oct 08 and fulfilling prophecy of relevant scriptures and seeing 2
witnesses independently coming up with the same timeline period. That's the
witness of 2 people found separately and not associated with each other!
Underestimating your gullible nature?
Well lets see what happens, lets test his
point of view like mine, he does give dates and tomorrow is Aug 20th 08
which is an important date especially Oct 9th 08.
Anyway lets see what happens if anything, its all being tested.
The Author seems to think in this video that 17th Aug 2008
is a day where great destruction will come. It wasn't a day of
destruction but it was a partial eclipse! I find that quite
interesting considering the calculation of this time line.
The Partial Lunar Eclipse on August 17th 2008 will be
visible at Moonset for all of Australia, Asia and New Zealand, though
New Zealanders will only see the Penumbral stage. Africa and most of
Europe will see the Partial Eclipse in it entirety, and South Americans
will see the eclipse at Moonrise. North America and Canada won't see
this eclipse.
The Partial Lunar Eclipse isn't likely to generate quite the same
excitement or media interest as the Total Lunar Eclipse of last August,
but they still happen infrequently enough that it's worth making an
effort to get up early to check out the Moon as it heads into Earth's
For Australians and New Zealanders, it will occur as the Moon is setting
in the West. In fact for most of us, the Moon will set before it reaches
the greatest partial eclipse. West Australian's get the best view this
time time around and will see almost the entire eclipse from start to
The only thing that occurred was a
partial eclipse on the 16-17th August 2008 which I find interesting
considering this journey.
The Partial Lunar Eclipse on August 17th 2008 will be visible at Moonset
for all of Australia, Asia and New Zealand, though New Zealanders will
only see the Penumbral stage. Africa and most of Europe will see the
Partial Eclipse in it entirety, and South Americans will see the eclipse
at Moonrise. North America and Canada won't see this eclipse.
The Partial Lunar Eclipse isn't likely to generate quite the same
excitement or media interest as the Total Lunar Eclipse of last August,
but they still happen infrequently enough that it's worth making an
effort to get up early to check out the Moon as it heads into Earth's
For Australians and New Zealanders, it will occur as the Moon is setting
in the West. In fact for most of us, the Moon will set before it reaches
the greatest partial eclipse. West Australian's get the best view this
time time around and will see almost the entire eclipse from start to
Here is another article where the eclipse was seen in India at Midnight
Lunar Eclipse - on 16th/17th August, 2008 - at Midnight - Visible in
Few minutes before Midnight on 16th August 2008 the last eclipse of year
or last lunar eclipse of the year would occur.
As seen from earth Moon enters penumbra (lighter shadow) of earth at
11.53 p.m. on 16th August, 2008. Then by 1.06 a.m. on 17th August,2008
you will notice moon moving into the umbra (Darker part of earth's
shadow). At 4.15 a.m. moon will leave the umbra. Whereas finally eclipse
ends at 5.27 a.m. when moon leaves the penumbra of earth.
Interesting that Babel/Dilmun and 1st Susa was discovered at 16-17 September
06 at Midnight.
So what happened in the first two
years? Did your predictions turn out as asinine as your current
predictions will?
What happened in the last two years I
found Dilmun/Babel and 1stSusa on Sept 16-17
06 and then Dalamatia City on
June 28th 07. The
discovery of the cities was made 3 days before and after the times. In the
case of Dalamatia City I found the beginning at the end of the timeline
like in prophecy. The end will come from the beginning!
I had to find the construct first which I did over the 3.5 years, the
cities. However, this year I feel the calculation is spot on but then
again Im going on gut feeling and what turns up each day.
I had to find the construct first, the cities. However, this year I feel
the calculation is spot on but then again Im going on gut feeling and what
turns up each day.
Maybe I had to go through the 3.5 years to
find the complete construct and its message? That was the purpose of the
journey to find the truth and construct.
I reckon it would be fun to go out there
and see what lays there, stimulate the old curiosity of mankind and have a
great time at the same time changing history turning everything upside
down ahahahahahahahah.
Just say we find everything!!!!!!! Wow! and you where there to be a
witness that would be recorded in the annals of Paradise for eternity of
the great universal drama, epic and manifestation.
You found underwater cities using NASA
data that NASA scientists didn't find? Where did you study
I wrote to NASA after I found the anomalies
to confirm that the data was right and they confirmed it. I even told them
that I thought I found a city. In the course of emails they encouraged me
to use photoshop
filters to enhance to anomalies.
All I can say is that NASA was helpful and they did stand by there
I tell you what, why dont you write to Randy
Kim of worldwind. Grab a copy of the Dalamatia City image and send it to
him and ask him if the NASA worldwind data is correct.
try that man
Rhino the pic you see is a
reflection of the Forty Foot brick walls that surrounded Dalamatia City.
These walls are very very old and ancient, the city was surrounded by the
walls that took a triangle shape with a circular temple in the middle.
What we see in the images is the circular foundations of the city.
No one would know unless they read the Urantia Book.
All the other smaller triangles are the reflections of the 10 subdivision
that were futher
subdivided in five as written in the UB.
Here is a reflection of a subdivision that was firther subdivided into 5
divisions as written.
Here is another close up view of the 5
divisions a Subdivision as written about in the Urantia Book.
Here is another view of the 50 pattern homes of Dalamatia City.
See, its in your face and you can read about it but unfortunately your in
full of denial
Can you point out where Nostradamus
lives on this picture?
Here is where Nostradamus would of Lived
in the Temple.
Here is a view of the Southern side of the temple where the walls, the
circular foundations of the temple and a circular junction can be seen.
Run for the hills everyone.
Gee we talking about banning when I
requested to post up images by Rhino
Oh well.
Here is a view of the triangle city.
and here is a view of the submergence that was followed by a tidal wave
that destroyed the city.
In the Bible its says that that when the 2
witnesses finish there work the last rebel will come out of the bottomless
pit and slay the witnesses and then goes to perdition.
That prophecy could very well be the experience on the forums where
threads of truth get deleted , destroyed. It could reflective of purely
the internet experience of one of the witnesses.
food for thought.
1. a.
Loss of the soul; eternal damnation.
Apparently when the witnesses are slayed, everyone rejoices for three days
over the bodies because of what they went through and is reflective here.
After the 3 days the witnesses arise and then shit hits the fan.
The final interpretation could be all about the internet experience and
could point to deletions of threads and the mockery in the adventure of
truth and discovering it.
He's avoiding my question about the
dogs. That's got to be part of the prophecy.
The Dalamatian Dogs come from wolves
dont they? ultimately!
Its interesting, I was on a boat called the Adriatic Sea 14 years ago when I
read the Urantia Book and desired to find the ancient places. Its
interesting that a province called Dalmatia
lines the Adriatic Sea and where I was on a boat called the Adriatic Sea
where eventually I
discovered Dalamatia City from a book.
Bizarre "and he lives with fishers and hunters" DSC?
I cant leave here for the moment, Im committed here till the end of
October then Im out of here.
Have patience or meanwhile enjoy the journey. Remember it could be all
wrong and we will know in October whether my calculations are wrong, then
you have every opportunity and I will have nothing to say.
Mog wrote
Saying the data is correct doesn't tell you that
your interpretation of the data is correct.
Its not the data we're questioning but your interpretation of it.
Thats I want to go there and verify in the physical.
I read in the Urantia Book and its description and I see in the images so
far but we have to go there for the ultimate verification....truth of
I just gotta laugh at that one.
same with me, I cant wait for October 9th 08
I have to put up this till October, hell on earth ahahahahahaha
I have to be here to make sure the Atheist alike have the information as
it comes forth in of itself! All Im going to cop here is mockery for the
next month or so. ahahahaha Oh well.
I just gotta laugh at that one.
same with me, I cant wait for October 9th 08
I have to put up this till October, hell on earth ahahahahahaha
I have to be here to make sure the Atheist alike have the information as
it comes forth in of itself! Because no Christian or any religion would
even bother.
All Im going to cop here is mockery for the next month or so. ahahahaha
Oh well.
Wake up in the morning only to receive the voices of abuse city ahahahah
oh well I asked for it with this information.
Lets just say that you seem
unusually obsessed about us. It seems like you think that
arguing with Atheists about your pseudo scientific BS is your
destiny. So maybe keeping a thread open in an atheist forum
fulfills some ancient prophecy of yours?
I could be
Mog, fulfillment of
prophecy, I going on hunches and what I read reflects much.
Again your quite welcome to have it deleted.
Everything is being tested and Oct 9th is d day.
But I could be wrong but I could be right, it has to be tested.
A way to make sure Im out of here is to ban
sevens, that way after the 9th Oct 08 I cant reply and then you guys
can go to town on the thread in summing up.
I think oyu are right
about it fulfilling his prophecies - probably something about
'the one' being reviled and abused lol
You just never know about this one, it
could be the real thing and the real activation.
you are not real??
Very real, stuff everyone, III go out
there myself on my inflatable with my pet ducks.
You're all full of crap there is nothing
worthwhile here. You may think you're all confident but if Im right
you dont realize how much peril you put yourselves into.
Anyway who cares, everything is based on decisions right! so you guys
have made your intentions and decisions known. So the dye is cast upon
yourselves and what if Im right?? Obviously you guys are in deep shit
and no turning back.
As far as Im concerned its spiritual suicide from really dumb and
stupid people.
Do what you want to do and dig
the hole deeper, go for it! You're
thoughts are so stupid that you leave no option open for yourselves
just in case its all correct and there pending sudden change in the
short term future.
On October 9th, its a very important date for mainly Judaism and
Christianity alike. You guys might bag it and all that. but you never what
happens in that week.
You just dont know and if this is the right message and everything is
going as foreseen as we will find out soon, it could be really devastating
for many here.
All the religions have been looking for the final key and it was always
known that one guy would find it and activate the sequence. Everything
that happens to last guy will determine many things in the sequence.
Just the fact of this reality of the experience on this forum could be
completely relevant to this sequence and completely fulfills prophecy.
All Im doing is letting you know of what maybe around the corner.
Its not a matter of God or no God its a matter of a possible pending
reality as I go by faith and faith alone in the findings and how I read
it. Im just letting you know so you have chance if there is a situation
about to happen.
That's all!
Is Seven's going to get super-powers?
What kind? Can I be Spiderman? Oooo,
wait, no, I want to be Green Lantern.
I dont know man see what happens, could be
either right or wrong.
All I know is that these places are the crowns from the treasure houses of
the planet that have symbolic spiritual import to our day. There are gifts
to those who work for man in the final forecast.
The greatest gift is wisdom!
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Sat Aug 23, 2008 10:28 am
Isaiah 9:1
The use of Isaiah 9:1 by the Gospel author of Matthew has led many
Christian authors to cite its messianic applications. [6]
“But there will be no gloom for her
that was in anguish. In the
former time he
brought into contempt
the land of Zebulon and the land of Naphtali,
but in the
latter time he
will make glorious the
way of the sea,
the land beyond
the Jordan, Galilee
of the nations.”
To me it also reflects the components of the journey.
Psalm 16
The interpretation of Psalm 16 as a messanic prophecy is common
among Christian evangelical hermeneutics. [20] “I bless the Lord who
has given me understanding, because
even in the night , my heart warns me.
I keep the Lord always within my sight; for
he is at my right hand, I
shall not be moved. For this reason my heart is glad and my soul
rejoices; moreover, my body also will
rest secure, for thou wilt
not leave my soul in the
abode of the dead, nor
permit thy holy one to see corruption. Thou wilt show me
the path of life, the
fullness of joys in thy
presence, and delights at thy right
hand forever” (verses 7-11).
The following is a reflection of Jesus but I also see metaphor of the
current junction in journey especially in my current experience on the
Atheist site and also connected to what I propose with the ancient places
of former times. Also consider the current test of my words and research
with invitation and connected to proposed expeditions to all the ancient
submerged cities. Testing everything
[edit] Wisdom of Solomon 2:12-20
"Let us lie in wait for the righteous man, because he is
inconvenient to us and opposes our actions; he reproaches us for
sins against the law, and accuses us of sins against our training.
He professes to have knowledge of God, and calls himself a child of
the Lord. He became to us a reproof of our thoughts; the very sight
of him is a burden to us, because his manner of life is unlike that
of others, and his ways are strange.
We are considered by him as something base, and he avoids our ways
as unclean; he calls the last end of the righteous happy, and
boasts that God is his father. Let
us see if his words are true, and let us test what will happen at
the end of his life; for if the righteous man is God's son,
he will help him, and will
deliver him from the hand of his adversaries.
Let us test him with insult and
torture, that we may find out how gentle he is, and make trial of
his forbearance. Let us condemn him to a shameful death, for,
according to what he says, he will be protected".
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods
[edit] Rule at a time when everybody believes in God
He will rule at a time when all people
will come to acknowledge and serve
one God - "And it shall come to pass that
from one new moon to
another and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come
to worship before Me, says the Lord" (Isaiah 66:23) [30]
Here appears to be a timeline.
from one new moon to
another and from one Sabbath to another,
From one Sabbath to another = 1 week ......Oct 2-7th 08???
and from one new moon to another another timeline.
In the following is a listing of the new moons in the time period of the
Enoch's timeline activated on the 1st Aug 08 on a full solar eclipse.
7/2 New 11˚32' Can 7:19 pm
7/18 Full 26˚04' Cap 12:59 am PDT 8/1 Solar Eclipse 9˚32' Leo
3:13 am PDT (Beginning
Enochs timeline) 8/16 Lunar Eclipse 24˚21'
Aqu 2:16 pm PDT
8/30 New 7˚48' Vir 12:58 pm PDT
9/15 Full 22˚54' Pis 2:13 am PDT 9/29 New
6˚33' Lib 1:12am PDT
(October 2nd - 9th 08, the end
of test, Seventh Part of the 10th Week, Yom Kippur, Day of
Atonement! Following the Sevens Pattern that began on all Thursdays
in months beginning with sevens date in august, on every Seventh or
Sabbath day with dates in multiples of Seven in AUG.)
10/14 Full 21˚51' Ari 1:02 pm PDT 10/28 New
5˚54' Sco 4:14 pm PDT
The Last week 2ndOct - 9th Oct 08 falls with the period of two new
you can get rid of the thread, I thought you were the man with MOD power
around here. Full of Shit!
Display your power and BS influence man.
Delete the thread come on! I dont give a hoot whether its here or not. No
one gives a crapper for this stuff.
However, if its still here Im going upload heaps of Bible scripts and
Urantia Scripts. III preach my arse of, if you want??? I can dig the hole
or snare deeper for yourself if you like. Its a trap and a snare to sort
shit from the smart people who think into things.
Attitude and the motive is exactly what is seen. This thread sorts the
crap and you fall into the snare of Paradise for stupid man currently
You know what? I know Im right and you are completely in error and dont
rise up to the standard of this activation, falling well short in your so
called crap that comes out of your small brain.
Get with it man, get onto the schedule within yourself if
there is anything there...knock knock knock!
Just get the thread deleted then man.
You seem to be a man in spiritual turmoil as no truth or anything
worthwhile comes out from within you. Nothing!
You must be exhausted in all your anger with no peace
and including all that stupid swearing.
Sure the replies a disappointing but have no penetration because I feel
bloody happy and very peaceful with the way its all going. Its according
to schedule and everything is fulfilling itself, as foreseen. There are so
many things that you dont know that I dont reveal here. But Im very
impressed with this construct.
I know I am right!
This guy is as insane as they come.
You have nothing going on just emptiness
in everything you express. Non relevance! All you do is impale yourself
in light of truth and run like coward in light of new things.
That's all your are a coward and runner. No big deal man! to any one.
You'll never be a grinner. On your current path there is nothing but
disaster for yourself and you determined that by your own words.
In other words you created your own judgment and demise.
When you fly in the face of Paradise with your BS and disrespect you set
your own realities that you did for yourself.
You get what you express in return man, with compliments from Paradise
especially for your correction. Its all based on your own decisions and
motives, they know everything about you man and what you think from
within yourself.
They know about your BS. The Seraphim's are on to you man, they have you
tagged especially in light of your defecation of the first city.
That goes for the other guy too.
You and the other guy went to far!! Paradise is very
sensitive about these treasure houses of the planet and the Seraphim's
are given more latitude in these final days.
Like with anything concerning these questions
only shows you cant prove a thing in countering the evidence that is there
in one of the submerged places of our origins.
You say there is no God right! judging by what you say and yet you cant
prove the assertion thereby you believe in faith that nothing exists
without the hard evidence. Who walks by faith eh!
Looks like Im not the only one who walks by faith! the only difference
your thoughts are in the reverse polarity and yet where is your evidence
of anything. String theory, exactly another theory that has not been
proven because there is one component missing.
Big Bang theory,
still a theory! Although I believe the dimension of space time just
appeared in the first instance and has run the evolutional process since
the first instance with some creational input along the way.
Creational/Evolutional thought.
We're not trying to prove that he
doesn't exist. We're just stating that there is no evidence for his
existence. Can you see the difference?
You have to have faith in the notion that no evidence exists that proves
God. Just in thought of that exercises faith and belief in thought.
Just the fact of faith belief in anything proves God as he is the author
of Faith and belief which we exercise each day as a
natural response to life and its paths in the decisions we make regardless
of any position.
That natural propensity of faith and belief shows that man has a divine
natural quality within himself and civilisation is a product of faith and
belief in a better life man even though a few screw it for others in there
selfishness with greed.
Three out of the four great Nodite centers
were established immediately following the Bablot conflict:
The western or Syrian Nodites.
The remnants of the nationalistic or racial
memorialists journeyed
northward, uniting with the Andonites to found the later Nodite centers to
the northwest of Mesopotamia. This was the largest group of the dispersing
Nodites, and they contributed much to the later appearing Assyrian stock.
The eastern or Elamite Nodites.
The culture and commerce advocates migrated in large numbers eastward into
Elam and there united with the mixed Sangik
tribes. The Elamites of thirty to forty thousand years ago had become
largely Sangik
in nature, although they continued to maintain a civilization superior to
that of the surrounding barbarians.
After the establishment of the second
garden it was customary to allude to this near-by Nodite settlement as
"the land of Nod"; and during the long period of relative peace
between this Nodite group and the Adamites, the two races were greatly
blended, for it became more and more the custom for the Sons of God
(the Adamites) to intermarry with the daughters of men (the Nodites).
Page 860
3. The
central or pre-Sumerian Nodites. A small
group at the mouth of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers maintained more of
their racial integrity. They persisted for thousands of years and
eventually furnished the Nodite ancestry which blended with the Adamites
to found the Sumerian peoples of historic times.
And all this explains how the Sumerians
appeared so suddenly and mysteriously on the stage of action in Mesopotamia.
Investigators will never be able to trace out and follow these tribes back
to the beginning of the Sumerians, who had their origin two hundred thousand
years ago after the submergence of Dalamatia. Without a trace of origin
elsewhere in the world, these ancient tribes suddenly loom upon the horizon
of civilization with a full-grown and superior culture, embracing temples,
metalwork, agriculture, animals, pottery, weaving, commercial law, civil
codes, religious ceremonial, and an old system of writing. At the beginning
of the historical era they had long since lost the alphabet of Dalamatia,
having adopted the peculiar writing system originating in Dilmun. The
Sumerian language, though virtually lost to the world, was not Semitic; it
had much in common with the so-called Aryan tongues.
The elaborate records left by the
Sumerians describe the site of a remarkable settlement which was located on
the Persian Gulf near the earlier city of Dilmun. The Egyptians called this
city of ancient glory Dilmat, while the later
Adamized Sumerians confused both the first and
second Nodite cities with Dalamatia and called all three Dilmun. And already
have archaeologists found these ancient Sumerian clay tablets which tell of
this earthly paradise "where the Gods first blessed mankind with the example
of civilized and cultured life." And these tablets, descriptive of Dilmun,
the paradise of men and God, are now silently resting on the dusty shelves
of many museums.
The Sumerians well knew of the
first and second Edens but, despite
extensive intermarriage with the Adamites, continued to regard the garden
dwellers to the north as an alien race. Sumerian pride in the more
ancient Nodite culture led them to ignore these later vistas of glory in
favor of the grandeur and paradisiacal traditions of the city of Dilmun.
4. The
northern Nodites and Amadonites--the
Vanites.This group arose prior to the
Bablot conflict. These northernmost Nodites were descendants of those
who had forsaken the leadership of Nod and his successors for that of
Van and Amadon.
Some of the early associates of Van
subsequently settled about the shores of the lake which still bears his
name, and their traditions grew up about this
locality. Ararat became their sacred mountain, having much
the same meaning to later-day Vanites that Sinai had to the Hebrews. Ten
thousand years ago the Vanite ancestors of the Assyrians taught that
their moral law of seven commandments had
been given to Van by the Gods upon Mount Ararat. They firmly
believed that Van and his associate Amadon were taken alive from the planetwhile they were up on the mountain engaged in worship.
Mount Ararat was the sacred mountain of
northern Mesopotamia, and since much of your tradition of these ancient
times was acquired in connection with the Babylonian story of the flood, it
is not surprising that Mount Ararat and its region were woven into the later
Jewish story of Noah and the universal flood.
Single names are useful but require careful
investigation, for:
a. There are the changes in form in
transmission and with time. The laws of these transformations are well
known, the result of the work of philologists.
E.g. Haburi may become Khaburi, Khuburi,
Huburu, Hyperi, Heb'ri, Hib'ri, Iberi, Tiberi, Tiburi, Tib'li, Tif'li,
Habiri, Haburi, Abari, Arberi, Arbeni, Armeni, Ormeni.
b. Compliance with the rules is not
sufficient, the history of the word and the route by which it came must be
investigated, e.g. one might think that the name of the river Araxes
was derived from the Sanscrit "rasa"
women buried alive 'for choosing husbands'
I couldnt believe this when I saw it.
I thought this is most evil. How can a religion drive this error and think
it is fine with Paradise.
Pakistani women buried alive 'for choosing husbands'
A Pakistani politician has defended a decision to bury five women
alive because they wanted to choose their own husbands.
By Our Foreign Staff
Last Updated: 10:14PM BST 01 Sep 2008
Israr Ullah Zehri, who represents Baluchistan province, told a
stunned parliament that northwestern tribesman had done nothing
wrong in first shooting the women and then dumping them in a ditch.
"These are centuries-old traditions, and I will continue to defend
them," he said.
"Only those who indulge in immoral acts should be afraid."
The women, three of whom were teenagers and whose "crime" was that
they wished to choose who to marry, were still breathing as mud and
stones were shovelled over their bodies, according to Human Rights
The three girls, thought to be aged between 16 and 18, were
kidnapped by a group of men from their Umrani tribe and murdered in
Baba Kot, a remote village in Jafferabad district.
According to some reports, Baluchistan government vehicles were used
to abduct the girls, and the killing was overseen by a tribal chief
who is the brother of a provincial minister from the ruling Pakistan
People's Party.
Some accounts said that two older relatives had tried to intervene,
but they too were shot and buried alive with the teenagers.
More than six weeks after the deaths no one has been arrested and
human rights groups have accused local authorities of trying to
cover up the executions.
Mr Zehri told parliament that a fuss should not be made over the
killings, however several politicians stood up in protest,
describing the so-called honour killings as "barbaric".
Human Rights Watch described the murders as a "heinous criminal
The Pakistani Daily News condemned the killings and called for those
responsible to be brought to justice.
"Surely the government should be seeking the murderers, not protect
(them) through some dark conspiracy of silence. The fact the act was
'kept quiet' means the government sympathises with such doings," an
editorial said.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:10 pm
The interesting part for me was the prediction date of Charles Taze
October 2nd 1914
I found it interesting that I came with the same Month and Date, October
2nd 08. However, in my calculation it goes for a week starting October 2nd
08 - October 9th 08. Its interesting that Yom Kippur or day of Atonement,
Judgment Day falls on 2nd October 2nd 08.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:10 pm
Can you see the face of Jesus during an eclipse? Im having trouble.
6th September 08
I have no idea of the time when Jesus comes
back but I am still curious of the timeline in my calculation.
For me its a sit and wait situation. I dont think I can add anymore except
the only great sign of the end times according to Jesus which is the sign
of Jonah where Jonah was taken away for 3 days in the belly of a whale or
could that be an ark? Once Jonah was on land he shared the truth about the
one God to the people of Nineveh and the people was saved.
With Jonah being taken away, does that indicate a possible evacuation of
the elect and faithful before the time of consummation? where the whale is
a type for an ark of the faithful??
When I mean the elect I mean the people who know and live the truth the
best they can from all religions in truth, beauty and goodness. I dont
think God is a respecter of persons in this case, he sees man for what he
is within himself and how he is to all his fellow human brothers in truth.
For me the only truth that will survive is the truth of love for one
another unconditional. Through this attitude I believe is the only way man
can be successfull. As we love one another we acknowledge the Father, the
one God.
I truly believe that all things should be investigated and one way to
verify the truth is to go out there and verify many things as written. I
think this journey out there would be the most interesting thing for man
no matter what religion he hails from.
I believe Islam should get involved and have a look at these places where
the door is open. I believe beholden in these places are the treasure
houses of truth reserved for this time being revealed.
The hidden being revealed.
From my experience in this journey through all the books I believe this is
a very good thing for Islam and defines much and where much can be
I know I have made a calculation in this journey all I can do is sit, wait
and share but I believe many of our problems could be solved as truth sets
us free and we become free from the shackles of spiritual bondage which
affects all man.
The above images reflects an honest journey to the places and I am very
happy with the journey and happy that I gave this journey away to man as
it revealed itself on the run, as I went.
I would like man and his family to be successfull in this universal
Paradise operation in the adjudication of the Last Rebel. I believe there
is a beautiful opportunity for all brothers that leads to the ancient
cities of the first times. Any brother can read it and explore it without
fear and find for himself in a journey of exploration of our past which
brings us to the present and set for the future because its all about God
and man.
Only religion can explore the places they are the ones with faith or
taught to have faith. This a far better path than division where we are
all led by the One God of Paradise to the truth in a major discovery.
Anyway I just praise the Lord in
Paradise/Kingdom of Heaven for his bountiful blessings. Praise the Lord,
praise God and bless my friends.
The final match
In regards to my calculation It follows the
Enoch's 10 week judgement timeline that began on August 1st 08 marked by
an eclipse and finishes on the week of (Oct 2nd 08(Yom Kippur, Day of
Atonement) - Oct 9 08) following the Sevens and the Thursdays pattern.
There was also a partial solar eclipse on the 16th Aug 08. I want to say
that this time period also encompasses Ramadan and 2 eclipses since Aug
1st 08.
Its even more interesting that Ramadan (02.09.08 -
01.10.08) finishes the day before Day of Atonement, Judgment Day, Yom
Kippur..... October 2nd 08
1st Ramadan (Fasting Begins) September 01, 2008 *
Lailatul-Qadr (Night of Power) September 26, 2008
Eid-al-Fitr (End of Ramadan) October 01, 2008
At the end of the day the truth will be known. I walk in total faith in my
calculation where I could be right or wrong.
Everything seems to fit from what I can see and how and when I come across
things is just amazing and very efficient in the guidance.
Even yesterday I came across this, posted
The interesting part for me of the video
was the prediction date of Charles Taze
Russell who started the Jehovah witness movement.
October 2nd
I found it interesting that I came with the same Month and Date, October
2nd 08. However, in my calculation it goes for a week starting October
2nd 08 - October 9th 08. Its interesting that Yom Kippur or day of
Atonement, Judgment Day falls on 2nd October 08.
Sevens D.O.B. 14/05/1961
where 6+1 = Seven,
Also 6-1 =
5, and 1+4
= 5
October 2nd 08, Sevens prediction 94 years later.
October 2nd 1914, Charles Taze Russell prediction.
1914 where 14
1+4 = 5
= 7+7 = 2 Sevens
I found this on the 23rd Aug 08
Here is the post and again gives us a general timeline of the judgment
period found in Isaiah. This also confirmed the Sabbath to the sabbath
calculation following the Sevens/Thursday pattern.
[edit] Rule at a time when everybody believes
in God
He will rule at a time when all people
will come to acknowledge and serve one God
- "And it shall come to pass that
from one new moon to another
and from one Sabbath to another,
shall all flesh come to worship before Me, says the Lord"
(Isaiah 66:23) [30]
Here appears to be a timeline.
from one new
moon to another and from one Sabbath to another,
From one Sabbath to another = 1 week ......Oct 2-7th 08???
and from one new moon to another another timeline.
In the following is a listing of the new moons in the time period of the Enoch's
timeline activated on the 1st Aug 08 on a full solar eclipse.
11˚32' Can 7:19 pm PDT
7/18 Full 26˚04' Cap 12:59 am PDT 8/1 Solar Eclipse 9˚32' Leo
am PDT (Beginning Enoch's
timeline) 8/16 Lunar Eclipse 24˚21'
2:16 pm PDT
8/30 New 7˚48' Vir
12:58 pm PDT
9/15 Full 22˚54' Pis
2:13 am PDT 9/29 New
6˚33' Lib 1:12am PDT
(Thursday October 2nd - Thursday
October 9th 08,
the end of test, Seventh Part of the 10th Week, Yom Kippur, Day
of Atonement! Following the Sevens Pattern that began on all
Thursdays in months beginning with sevens date in august, on
every Seventh or Sabbath day with dates in multiples of Seven in
AUG.) 10/14 Full 21˚51' Ari 1:02 pm PDT (10/14
full moon where 14th = 2 sevens and the 10th 5+ 5
....14/05/1961?, the Seventh part?
the Sevens in the date? the realisation? could this be the
seventh part or the end of the test final? Maybe I am a
week to early well III leave it at that but this could be the
closer calculation. right here! the final identification
in the Birthdate and the end time time period?) 10/28 New
5˚54' Sco
4:14 pm PDT
The Last week Thursday 2ndOct - Thursday
9th Oct 08 falls with the period of two new moons.
So its one Sabbath week that falls within 2 new moons.
It appears to be a match! A fulfillment of Isaiah in the timeline.
Sept 6th 08
Could the Seventh part be the actual
birth date of the Last Messenger and within it
encrypted the date period of Judgement day? A self realisation in the dates
as forecast?
Is this the Seventh part
in the 10th week of Enoch's timeline?
08, happens to be a full moon. and the next day is 10/15multiples of 5's like in the Birthdate after
calculation and 14 days before the new moon another 2 Sevens in division of
time, 14 days and ending in conjunction with a new moon as written in Isaiah
following the Sevens pattern within two moons following the one Sabbath to
another in perfection.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:26 am
The Next is probably to
sensitive for the forum and
does involve some things.
Only if your interested but remember its only a faith walk where I could
wrong or right and everything is on the run, as I go through things. There
is more as you go through the proceeding threads.
According to the Birthdate
that makes me 47, so therefore 47 x 2 = 94 years,
94 years after the Charles Taze Russell prediction of October 2nd 1914
and then comes my on the run prediction of the timeline period starting on
October 2nd 08 and maybe complete in new moon on 28th October New Moon
following Isaiah with a highlight being a full moon on the 14th October 08 and
within Enoch's timeline.
Charles Taze Russell Judgment Day prediction
October 2nd 1914
Sevens Judgment period prediction October 2nd
2008 = 94 years.
10/14 Full
21˚51' Ari 1:02 pm PDT .... 5+5=10
or 1+4=5
or 7+7=14 =
2 Sevens 10/28
New 5˚54' Sco 4:14 pm PDT .... 5+5=10
and 2+8=10
which is 5+5 and
7+7+7+7=28, =
4 Sevens
Between the 2 dates I see 7 fives
and 6 Sevens on 08 if you add the
Birthdate numbers which are 3 fives
and 3 sevens you in the final count
10 fives, 9 Sevens
on 08. like a countdown!
the final count 10 fives,
9 Sevens on 08
Could these dates from the Full moon and the New moon
fulfill the Seventh part at the end of Enoch timeline, all being divided
in the Sevens division of time?
All numbers in the date can be divided in 5 as
in the month and Sevens
as in the date like in the
Birthdate. Like from one Sabbath to another and within one new moon to
another like in Isaiah with the Seventh part like in Enoch being from a full
moon to a new moon and ending in a Seventh date of perfection as in the
Seventh part of Enoch's 10 week judgement timeline and the fulfillment of
It could be that the final Seven or
final 10th Sevens lays in the matrix
of the Birthdate of the final messenger as in the Birthdate calculation with
matching number sequences after calculation? His realisation in the
numbers and Birthdate makes up the final Sevens construct in the Seventh part
where his interpretation is true, this could be only be backed up by the
Father in the verification and demonstration.
When you add and subtract in all the dates to find
commonality in the numbers you get the 10 down to 0 countdown
containing each number. Each division of Enoch's timeline follows the 10
week or in this countdown the 10 second timeline followed by a Seventh part in
the last week, the tenth week where it appears to switch to the Full moon and
new moon dates following a Seventh pattern in the dates and what occurs.
Im the Mayan calendar apparently there is a 2 weeks absence
in the timeline at the end times or change of age and also note the trees of
1stEden have been revealed.
New Leaked Nibiru Planet X Nasa Pictures July 2 Doomsday! #2
Im still working through the calculation and there has been much
found since I was here.
There is some interesting calculations coming to light. However,
it has to be tested which Im doing in this timeline!
I think the whole month of October is interesting especially in
between the new moon and the Sabbaths in between. Everything
seems to match in what has been recognized. Mind you Im the only
one on the planet doing this and with such a call who know what
might or might not occur but the calculation looks good.
These dates look good and do fall in line with prophecy, the
period below could be the Seventh Part period at the 10thweek of
Enoch's end timeline
10/14 Full 21˚51' Ari 1:02 pm PDT 10/28
New 5˚54' Sco
4:14 pm PDT
Here is what Im relying on and falls in perfectly to the time
period and in the conjunction with many other prophecies based
on the Sevens or the Sabbath pattern.
"And it shall come to pass
that from
one new moon to another
from one Sabbath to another,
shall all flesh come to worship before Me, says the Lord"
(Isaiah 66:23)
Another interesting point, is that Mayan end times calendar
misses 2 weeks, unexplained. What's happens in the 2 weeks that
are missing? Also note that the trees of 1stEden as in
Nostradamus have been revealed by the one male from the land of
Brittany who is a younger.
Its quite possible that the
Judgement sequence countdown matrix could be part beholden in
the DOB of the messenger and in the dates of the full and new
moon as the Sevens/Sabbath pattern can be seen. Speculation but
possible! It could be the Seventh part in the last week of
Enoch's judgment.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Sat Sep 06, 2008 10:05 pm
At this time the Islam world is in Ramadan.
Yesterday I was thinking this could be the very last Ramadan for the Islam.
Today I found this warning from an Islamic Sufi leader.
Sunday, 30.9. : Beware,
this is the last Ramadan before the heavenly
Punishment for the descendants of Shaitan!
I was curious how this person came up with this message what Impressed him
for it to be the last Ramadan?
Although this excerpt was one year ago which I just found. Also consider
that this Ramadan 08 finishes the day before Yom Kippur, Judgment day and is
also within the Enoch's timeline.
09-06-2008 04:27 PM
I was wondering was there anything
recorded by the geologists who observe tectonic plate movement for the area.
Looking into whether there is a full moon or new moon on
D.O.B. 14/05/1961
New Moon
First Quarter Full Moon
Last Quarter Delta T
1961 Jan 1 23:06 Jan 10
03:02 00h01m
Jan 16 21:30
Jan 23 16:13 Jan 31 18:46
Feb 8 16:49
Feb 15 08:11 T Feb
22 08:34 Mar 2 13:35 p
Mar 10 02:56
Mar 16 18:52
Mar 24 02:48 Apr 1 05:48
Apr 8 10:15
Apr 15 05:39
Apr 22 21:50 Apr 30 18:42
May 7 15:57
May 14
16:56 May 22 16:19
May 30 04:38 Jun 5 21:19
Jun 13 05:17
Jun 21 09:01 Jun 28 12:39
Jul 5 03:33
"And it shall come to pass that
one new moon to another
and from
one Sabbath to another,
shall all flesh come to worship before Me, says the Lord"
(Isaiah 66:23) [30]
Im now looking for anything
that has reflection to anything that might relate to the journey and the
potential outcome.
Keen-eyed readers will have noticed that 1961 and 1962 both
had traditional Blue Moons by the astronomical seasons. This leads to an
interesting discrepancy between the number of traditional Blue Moons during
the 20th century: there is one more Blue Moon by the astronomical
seasons than by the Maine Farmer's Almanac definition.
We thank Victor Engel and members of the CALNDR-L discussion
group for drawing this curious fact to our attention.
The explanation is that Winter 1961-2 had only two Full
Moons. Here are the dates and times, expressed in GMT:
1961 Dec 22
Full Moon
1961 Dec 22
Winter Solstice
1962 Jan 20
Full Moon
1962 Feb 19
Full Moon
1962 Mar 21
Spring Equinox
1962 Mar 21
Full Moon
Notice that the December Full Moon occurs less than two
hours before the solstice, and that the March Full Moon falls only five and a
half hours after the equinox.
This is possible because the length of the lunar month is
slightly variable,
following a cyclical
pattern so that several "long" lunar months can follow in succession. This
happened in the winter of 1961-2. Three long lunar months are slightly longer
than the interval between the December solstice and the March equinox, and as
a result, there were just two Full Moons during that period in 1961-2.
"And God said, Let
there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the
night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days,
and years: Genesis
In this instance the "sign in the moon"
was a Divine confirmation of something which was transpiring in the earth
- Scripture prophecy was being fulfilled and the Revelation (understanding)
of the prophecy was being revealed to the predestinated sons and daughters
of God. The Bible prophesied of this hour, saying, "...but it shall come to pass that, at evening time, it shall be light"(Zechariah 14:7). It's a paradox that the prophesied "Evening Light"
Message, through the prophet would reveal the prophesied
"darkness over the earth and the GROSS darkness over the people"(Isaiah 60:2). The Messages on the
Revelation of the Seven
Church Ages shows the ever increasing darkness which crept over
the church world through Seven Ages until in the end it goes into a
"total blackout" of the Word with Christ outside the door of the Church
(Revelation 3:14-22).
of all, that messenger is going to be a prophet. He will have the office of
a prophet. He will have the prophetic
ministry. It will be based solidly on the Word because when he prophesies or
has a vision, it will always be "Word oriented"
and it will ALWAYS come to pass. He will be
vindicated as a prophet because of his
accuracy. The proof that he is a prophet is
found in Revelation 10-7:
"But in
the days of the voice of the seventh
messenger when he shall begin to sound, the mystery
of God should be finished as He hath declared unto His servants,
the prophets."
Now this person, who in
this verse is called an "angel"
in the King James version is NOT
an heavenly being. The sixth trumpeting angel, who
is an heavenly being, is in Revelation 9:13,
and the seventh of like order is in Revelation
11: 15. This one here in
Revelation 10:7 is the Seventh-Age Messenger
and it is a man, and he is to bring 'a message' from God, and his 'message
and ministry' is going to finish the mystery of
God as declared to His servants, the prophets.
God is going to treat this last messenger as a prophet BECAUSE HE IS A
PROPHET. That is what Paul was in the first
age, and the last age has one, too.
"Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people
not be afraid? Shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done
it? Surely the Lord will do nothing, but He
revealeth His secrets unto His servants, the prophets."
It was in the end-time period that the
Seven Thunders of Jesus came forth.
Revelation 10:3-4...
"And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth:
and when he had cried, seven thunders
uttered their voices. And when the seven thunders had uttered their
voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from; heaven saying unto
me, Seal up, those things which the seven
thunders uttered, and write them not."
thou shalt
remember all the way which the LORD thy God
led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to
humble thee, [and] to prove thee, to know what
[was] in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his
commandments, or no.
I touched on the Nehza the
Boy God legend. A post that was deleted!
Here is a compilation of images of the temple of the Boy God, Nehza in Suifu, China.
Note the parallel in todays
times of the cities and the three ring symbols in each location similar to the
lone Boy and his three rings that defeats the Dragon. Truth defeating untruth
in the final demonstration.
This legend hails from the Melchizedek headquarters 2500BC in
the city of Suifu, China.
I found this anomaly very interesting as it appears to be a partial hexagon or
a triangle surrounding a circle. To me it has design and purpose and also note
the triangle mountain to the left pointing to the circle.
This location is virtualy next to the face of Mars and the 5 sided mountain or
To me the circle with the triangle walls surrounding has the same design as
Babel/Dilmun as seen in this NASA worldwind image
Seems like a consistent connection in the circle/triangle symbol.
Also there is another sentient non breather race that lives on a sphere close
by to us. I believe its all connected and the crop circles and its messages
are the big clue.
The same triangle/circle symbol I feel is reflected in Van and Amadons
highland triangle valley headquarters, the temple is hidden within the centre
of the highland valley near the Kopet Daugh in Iran.
joer wrote:Howdy
Sevens! I finally got signed on. How are you doing friend? Did you get
tired of the useless banter? There's sure seems to be a lot of people
Howdy Y'all.
I don't think there's a way to prove God through Science or Philosophy. It
is souly from personal
experience that you can know God.
But I do think there may be way to scientifically point one in the
direction of examining their personal experience continually to look for
evidence a "Being" that most here believe doesn't exists or doesn't even
show up on their radar of what they do acknowledge as existing.
I'm exploring that possibility by examining a documented statistical proof
by a Ph.D. UCLA professor of 8 predictions made in The Urantia Book that
were later confirmed by Human Scientific Discovery. I believe the point of
his paper was that statistically that had a 1 in 25 billion chance of
being done by a human author. Thus the possibility of an other than human
source for The Urantia Book.
The posts are a little more in depth than any I've seen here, so I don't
know if anyone here would be interested in a serious examination of the
It is on another predominantly atheist site. If any are interested in
exploring this examination of the evidence with me either there or here.
Your welcome to join in.
Particle physicists believe they will throw open a new frontier of
knowledge on Wednesday when, 100 metres below ground, they switch on a
mega-machine crafted to unveil the deepest mysteries of matter.
The most complex scientific experiment ever undertaken, the Large Hadron
Collider (LHC) will accelerate sub-atomic particles to nearly the speed
of light and then smash them together, with the aim of filling gaps in
our understanding of the cosmos.
It may also determine the outcome of novel theories about space-time:
does another dimension - or dimensions - exist in parallel to our own?
After nearly two decades and 6 billion Swiss francs ($A6.6 billion), an
army of 5,000 scientists, engineers and technicians drawn from nearly
three dozen countries have brought the mammoth project close to
At 9.30am (1730 AEST) on Wednesday, the first protons will be injected
into a 27-kilometre ring-shaped tunnel, straddling the Swiss-French
border at the headquarters of the European Organisation for Nuclear
Research (CERN).
Whizzed to within a millionth of a per cent of the speed of the light,
the particles will be the first step in a long-term experiment to smash
sub-atomic components together, briefly generating temperatures 100,000
times hotter than the Sun in a microscopic space.
Analysts will then pore over the wreckage in the search for fundamental
"We will be entering into a new territory of physics," said Peter Jenni,
spokesman for ATLAS - one of four gargantuan laboratories installed on
the ring where a swathe of delicate detectors will spot the collisions.
"Wednesday is a very major milestone."
The LHC is massively-muscled machine compared to its CERN predecessor,
the Large Electron-Positron (LEP) collider, and an ageing accelerator at
the legendary Fermilab in Illinois.
It has the power to smash protons or ions - particles known as hadrons -
together at a whopping 14 teraelectron volts (TeV), seven times the
record held by Fermilab's Tevatron.
The leviathan scale of the project is neatly juxtaposed by its goal,
which is to explore the infinitely small.
Physicists have long puzzled over how particles acquire mass.
In 1964, a British physicist, Peter Higgs, came up with this idea: there
must exist a background field that would act rather like treacle.
Particles passing through it would acquire mass by being dragged through
a mediator, which theoreticians dubbed the Higgs Boson.
The standard quip about the Higgs is that it is the "God Particle" - it
is everywhere but remains frustratingly elusive.
French physicist Yves Sacquin says that heroic work by the LEP and
Fermilab has narrowed down the energy range at which the devious critter
is likely to spotted.
Given the LHC's capabilities, "there's a very strong probability that it
will be detected," he said.
Some experts are also hopeful about an early LHC breakthrough on the
question of supersymmetry.
The supersymmetry theory goes way beyond even the Higgs. It postulates
that particles in the Standard Model have related, but more massive,
Such particles could explain the unsettling discovery of recent years
that visible matter only accounts for some four per cent of the
Universe. Enigmatic phenomena called dark matter and dark energy account
for the rest.
CERN Director General Robert Aymar is confident the massive experiment
will yield a correspondingly big breakthrough in penetrating these
"It is certain that the LHC will yield the identity and understanding of
this dark matter," he said in a video statement.
CERN has had to launch a PR campaign aimed at reassuring the public that
the LHC will not create black holes that could engulf the planet or an
unpleasant hypothetical particle called a strangelet that would turn the
Earth into a lump of goo.
It has commissioned a panel to verify its calculations that such risks
are, by any reasonable thinking, impossible, and France too has carried
out its own safety probe.
Either way, the end of the world will not happen on Wednesday, for the
simple reason that the LHC will not generate any collisions that day.
These will probably be initiated "in a few weeks" as part of a phased
programme to commission the LHC, testing its equipment and evaluating
work procedures before cranking it up to full strength, said Jenni.
Looking at the daily mountain of data that will have to be analysed, "it
will take weeks or months before one can really hope to start
discovering something new," he cautioned.
"The LHC is more than a machine. It is the intellectual quest of our
age," the British weekly New Scientist said in this week's issue.
"With luck... today's physics textbooks will start to look out of date
by the end of 2009."
I believe the Non breathers that live close to us
come from the moon. In a round a bout way the Urantia Book is telling us.
Non breathers could also inhabit Mars to.
Beings such as the Urantia races are classified as
mid-breathers; you represent the average or typical breathing order of mortal
existence. If intelligent creatures should exist on a planet with an
atmosphere similar to that of your near neighbor, Venus, they would belong to
the superbreather group, while those inhabiting a planet with an atmosphere as
thin as that of your outer neighbor, Mars, would be denominated subbreathers.
If mortals should inhabit a planet
devoid of air, like your moon, they would
belong to the separate order of nonbreathers.
This type represents a radical or extreme adjustment to the planetary
environment and is separately considered.
Nonbreathers account for the remaining one and one-half per cent of Satania
Someone mentioned Mars and the three rings so I answered him.
What's wrong with that. ahahaha
Someone mention that if I dont debate, dont post...Debate what? with the
replies that are mainly insults and are undebateable.
Anyway I dont think there is anything to debate because God is real!! and I
reckon I can demonstrate that.
Can anyone prove that God doesn't exist???
I mentioned NeZha the boy God who single-handedly overcomes the Dragon of BS.
I reckon that is a future reality that a Melchizedek missionary foresaw 2500BC
and is coming to pass right now, a 4500 year old prophecy fulfilling itself.
People, I believe completely underestimate the NezHa Boy God legend as some
story of fantasy for kids but I think we are in the mix of the fulfilling of
that prophecy right NOW and people in China should pay more attention to the
Anyway, that's what I reckon in the whole operation
Sevenfold where its light will be like the light of Seven days in Seven days.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods
Interesting information about when the lower Mesopotamia was dry.
The Persian Gulf. Results for the Persian Gulf are illustrated in Figure
3. From the peak of the glaciation until about 14,000 years BP the Gulf
was free from marine influence out to the edge of the Biaban Shelf but the
potential existed for extensive shallow lakes and swamps on the Gulf floor
along the ancient bed of the Euphrates-Tigris river system throughout Late
Glacial time. By about 12,500 years ago the marine incursion into the
Central Basin had started and the western Basin flooded about 1000 years
later. Much of the southern and northern sides of the Gulf remained dry
until about 9000 years BP. The present shorelines was reached shortly
before 6000 years ago and exceeded as relative sea-level rose 1-2 m above
its present level primarily in response to the hydro-isostatic adjustment
of the Earth, inundating the very low areas of lower Mesopotamia.
Figure 3: Reconstruction of the palaeoshorelines and palaeobathymetry for
the Persian Gulf at 12,000 years ago. The lower part of the Gulf is first
flooded at about 13,000 years BP but large freshwater lakes could have
developed in several locations within the valley floor. Large shallow
depressions also occur on the southern margin of the present Gulf.
This is interesting!! Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:05 am
Yep, it sure interesting.
Personally Sissco I feel its creational/evolutional. From I what I understand
the time/space realm just appeared and expanded from there and life was
implanted in habitable planets by the life carriers. In some cases they
created species indigenous to the planet, like this one vut the Father gave the first
spark of life of which no one can produce. I feel its the evolutional path but
in the first instance creational where creatures throughout time periods
suddenly appeared inferring a creational addition to evolution. From the first
suddenly appearing species it was evolutional/mutation from then on.
When the first human man and women being twins exercised there full spiritual
component within himself in self consciousness 1,000,000 years ago the life
carriers work was completed. They couldn't create new beings or species in the
first instance.
It would be nice to find some hard evidence of this like a skull type or
something going back 1,000,000 years ago. I feel the location of the first
human family lays in the Valley of Kashmir.
In the collision I hope they unravel some answers. I from what I understand
38,000 years ago Adam and Eve was an appearing being and the 100 Sons of God
that appeared and built Dalamatia City 500,000 years ago was appearing beings.
They ran Dalamatia City for 300,000 years, the tree of Life was in the
centermost part of the triangle city. Unfortunately, 300,000 years ago 2/3rds
of the Sons of God fell into the Lucifer rebellion.
Soon after the rebellion the fallen Sons of God mated with humans and called
themselves the Nodites and was pre-existent of Adam and Eve. The Nodites built
Dilmun where Babel was attempted twice. Dilmun submerged in North Eastern Iran
was destroyed by rising sea levels.
By Elizabeth Mitchell
reporter, BBC News, Liverpool
The simulator will go on display at the
Deep Aquarium in Hull
People will soon be able to
operate their own virtual submersibles to explore hidden treasures at deep
underwater archaeological sites.
Shipwrecks and their priceless cargoes remain
under threat from erosion, deep-sea trawling activity and looting.
The Venus project team has generated 3D
digital records of underwater European shipwrecks that can act as a
permanent record of these sites.
The simulator is being unveiled at the BA
Science Festival in Liverpool.
The Venus (Virtual Exploration of Underwater
Sites) consortium has drawn on expertise from a wide range of disciplines -
including computer science.
The simulation has already recreated
two European shipwrecks, including Pianosa
in Italy where amphorae - ancient ceramic vases - were found.
Traditionally, archaeologists would prepare
detailed hand-drawn sketches of such sites.
Over the past three years, the Venus
project team has developed an advanced system to acquire accurate and
detailed 3D maps of precious artefacts
that lie on the seabed at various depths below the surface.
The view from the cockpit of the virtual
Multi-beam sonar is used to locate the
exact position of the artefacts,
and high-resolution photographic data is collected by divers or
remotely-operated unmanned vehicles.
Archaeologists will be able to extract
statistical information from the data and determine where they are most
likely to find cargo.
The general public will be able to use the
simulator simply to explore the deep.
The simulator will go on display at the Deep
Aquarium in Hull, and the software will also be accessible online.
"Members of public can experience the actual
dive process - from coming off the vessel and piloting a submarine down to
an accurate model of the seabed," said Dr Paul Chapman from the University
of Hull.
"Presenting Venus is this way allows us to
capture the imagination of the general public in a way that could not be
achieved using traditional methods of dissemination," he added.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Tue Sep 09,
2008 12:22 pm
I just learned of something that may bring the
house down.
and may bring a step very close to the verification of the ancient places and
we can see it and walk around it.
Im looking into it.
But I tell you more because you are my brothers in Jesus and what if we could
go there right now, in virtual and traverse the walls and the temple including
the subdivisions and the surrounding chambers. We can verify it in virtual and
then actually go there depending on the results.
Wouldn't that be fantastic where we could see all the things I have spoken off
in a virtual way that represents the sea bottom. How beautiful is that
provided by the Father in such a timely fashion.
I think when I look at the timing of that, it is just brilliant.
What if we come to the end only to find the beginning and consider the timing
in all things??
I just praise the Lord, that would be a fitting end to this journey and the
Sevenfold test of proving the Father in discovery and exploration of the first
city and to further verify 1stEden, the great mound and the temple.
And it would give the atheist something to think about and perhaps consider
the Father in Heaven.
All I can say it will be a testing and refining of all I have said without
actually going there. But what was there is there and hopefully we can explore
it together as brothers in Jesus our friend and Saviour. Hallelujah!
This is interesting!! Tue Sep 09, 2008 10:06 pm
Also its interesting the experiment begins on Sept 11th.
I hope the experiment makes a breakthrough akin to the Sevenfold light, the
light of Sevens days.
For me its exciting because it could prove many things and thoughts I have
about matter perhaps they may find the ultimaton or tracks leading to it!
And still fascinating it happens in the timeline. Thats two things in
9hrs found that could do much to further and conclude this research, this
almighty journey chuckling.
I just praise the Lord in the Kingdom of Heaven......yea!
to me Its like the twin towers and the Sevenfold light of Isaiah, the light
of Seven days in the collider all falling on the same date Seven years
apart. Praise the Lord! where the breach of his people will be repaired! In
the timeline of truth! and the timeline of judgment maybe!
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods
I was doing some research in the UB on the Moon
and the two enormous space bodies that collided in the earth in where the
earth gained on the moon in size. The earth could of had 3 moons where 2 moons colided
in the earth. So I thought I would do a search and here are some interesting
This back in time
The UB
http://www.urantia.org/cgi-bin/webglimp ... ne=156#mfs 2,000,000,000
years ago the earth began decidedly to gain on the moon. Always had the
planet been larger than its satellite, but there was not so much
difference in size until about this time,
when enormous space bodies were captured by the earth.
Urantia was then about one fifth its present size and had become large
enough to hold the primitive atmosphere which had begun to appear as a
result of the internal elemental contest between the heated interior and
the cooling crust.
and this
line 158: 1,500,000,000 years ago the earth was two
thirds its present size, while the moon was nearing its present mass. Earth's rapid
gain over the moon in size enabled it to begin the slow robbery of the
little atmosphere which its satellite originally had.
and this interesting fragment, the process of how the earth captured the
space bodies
... ne=135#mfs
When the tidal frictions of the moon and the earth become equalized,
the earth will always turn the same hemisphere toward the moon, and
the day and month will be analogous--in length about forty-seven days.
When such stability of orbits is attained, tidal frictions will go
into reverse action, no longer driving the moon farther away from the
earth but gradually drawing the satellite toward the planet.
then, in that
far-distant future when the moon approaches to within about eleven
thousand miles of the earth, the gravity action of the latter will
cause the moon to disrupt, and this
tidal-gravity explosion will shatter the moon into small particles,
which may assemble about the world as rings of matter resembling those
of Saturn or may be gradually drawn into the earth as meteors..
Here is what current scientists are saying about there Earth and its 3 moons.
NASA: Earth May Once Have Had Three Moons
Earth may once have had more than one moon, most probably two more, NASA
scientists think.
Prevailing scientific consensus holds that the existing Moon was formed
when a Mars-sized planet collided with the Earth 4.5 billion years ago,
when the solar system was very young.
So much matter would have been thrown up into space that it recollected
under its own gravity to form the Moon, which for millions of years would
have glowed red-hot as the molten rock from the planetary collision
However, researchers Jack J. Lissauer of NASA's Ames Research Center near
Mountain View, Calif., and John E. Chambers of the Carnegie Institution of
Washington figure quite a bit of that ejected matter would have
recollected into two other small moons at the so-called "Lagrangian
points" or "Trojan points."
Those are fixed places in the Moon's orbit around the Earth where the
gravity of both large bodies would keep smaller objects in stable
"The giant impact that likely led to the formation of the Moon launched a
lot of material into Earth orbit, and some could well have been caught in
the Lagrangian
points," Lissauer
tells New Scientist magazine.
For example, there are two groups of asteroids in the Lagrangian points of
Jupiter's orbit around the Sun — one called the "Greek camp" leads the
giant planet by 60 degrees in its circular orbit, while the other group,
dubbed the "Trojan camp," follows 60 degrees behind.
Lissauer and Chambers
figure the two small moons would have orbited Earth for about 100 million
years before the slight gravitational tugs from the solar system's other
planets sent them spiraling off course, either to crash into the Moon or
Earth or to drift off into space.
In a separate study, astrophysicist Matija Cuk of the University
of British Columbia thinks the smallest possible moons, those only a few
dozen miles across, could have lasted for up to a billion years at the Lagrangian points in
the Moon's orbit.
"They would have looked more like Jupiter or Venus in the sky than a
satellite," Cuk
said to New Scientist. "They would have resembled very bright stars."
According to this link the moon is moving away from the earth in the last 900
million years but the earth rotation has slowed by one second each year which
means that the erath
is loosing its influence over the moon.
Astronauts left laser reflectors on the moon.
Scientists bounce lasers off of these reflectors and measure
precisly (to
within a few centimeters).These
measurements show that the moon's orbit is increasing in radius by about
3.8 cm/yr. The
Moon has moved 3000 km further away over the last 900 million years.
At the same time, the earth's rotation rate is slowed adding an extra
second to the length of the year, almost every year.
And about Orbits of the other satelites
orbiting the moon
Each recurring mission of the Trinity Teacher Sons successively exalts
such a supernal world to ever-ascending heights of wisdom, spirituality,
and cosmic illumination. But the noble natives of such a sphere are still
finite and mortal. Nothing is perfect; nevertheless, there is evolving a
quality of near perfection in the operation of an imperfect world and in
the lives of its human inhabitants.
The Trinity Teacher Sons may return many times to the same world. But
sooner or later, in connection with the termination of one of their
missions, the Planetary Prince is elevated to the position of Planetary
Sovereign, and the System Sovereign appears to proclaim the entrance of
such a world upon the era of light and life.
It was of the conclusion of the terminal mission of the Teacher Sons (at
least that would be the chronology on a normal world) that John wrote: "I
saw a new heaven and a new earth and the new Jerusalem coming down from
God out of heaven, prepared as a princess adorned for the prince."
Page 600
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the same
renovated earth, the advanced planetary
stage, that the olden seer envisioned when he wrote: "`For,
as the new heavens and the new earth,
which I will make, shall remain before me, so shall you andyour children
survive ; and it shall come to pass that from one new moon
to another and from one Sabbath to another
all flesh shall come to worship before me,' says the Lord."
It is the mortals of such an age who are described as
"a chosen generation, a
royal priesthood, a holy nation, an
exalted people; and you shall show forth the praises of Him
who has called you out
of darkness into this marvelous light."
No matter what the special natural history of an individual planet may be,
no difference whether a realm has been wholly loyal, tainted with evil, or
cursed by sin--no matter what the antecedents may be--sooner
or later the grace
of God and the ministry of angels will usher in the day of the advent of
the Trinity Teacher Sons; and their
departure, following their final mission, will inaugurate this superb era
of light and life.
All the worlds of Satania
can join in the hope of the one who wrote:
"Nevertheless we,
according to His promise, look for a new heaven and a new earth, wherein
dwells righteousness. Wherefore, beloved, seeing that you look for such
things, be diligent that you may be found by Him in peace, without spot
and blameless."
The departure of
the Teacher Son corps, at the end of their first or some subsequent reign,
ushers in the dawn of the era of light and life--the
threshold of the transition from time to the vestibule of eternity.
The planetary
realization of this era of light and life far more than equals the fondest
expectations of Urantia mortals who have entertained no more farseeing
concepts of the future life than those embraced within religious beliefs
which depict heaven as the immediate destiny and final dwelling place of
surviving mortals.
[Sponsored by a Mighty Messenger temporarily attached to the staff of
How beautiful and quite possible, an advent of a Trinity Teachers Son
all the way from Paradise.
What about this part
"`For, as the new
heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, so shall
you andyour children survive ; and
it shall come to pass that from one new moon to
another and from one Sabbath to another all flesh shall come to worship
before me,' says the Lord."
especially this
your children survive
Survive what, is that a veiled warning of a judgment of man when The departure
of the Teacher Son corps, at the end of their first or
some subsequent reign.
Are we in that time?? in the timeline?? as speculated and calculated???
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Wed Sep 10, 2008 8:15 am
And this part from the UB which you could say is direct from
the Father
http://www.urantia.org/cgi-bin/webglimp ... ne=131#mfs
Only recently had the manuscripts of this Far-Eastern religion been lodged
in the Alexandrian library. It was the one world religion of which Ganid
had never heard. This belief also contained remnants of
the earlier Melchizedek teachings
as is shown by the following abstracts:
Says the Lord: `You are all recipients of my divine power; all men enjoy
my ministry of mercy. I derive great
pleasure in the multiplication of righteous men throughout the land.In both the beauties of nature and the
virtues of men does the Prince of Heaven seek to reveal himself and to
show forth his righteous nature. Since the olden people did not
know my name, I manifested myself by being born into the world as a
visible existence and endured such abasement even that man should not
forget my name. I am the maker of heaven and earth; the sun and the moon
and all the stars obey my will. I am the ruler of all creatures on land
and in the four seas. Although I am great and supreme, still I have regard
for the prayer of the poorest man. If any creature will worship me, I will
hear his prayer and grant the desire of his heart.'
"`Every time man yields to anxiety, he takes one step away from the
leading of the spirit of his heart.' Pride obscures God. If you would
obtain heavenly help, put away your pride; every hair of pride shuts off
saving light, as it were, by a great cloud. If you are not right on the
inside, it is useless to pray for that which is on the outside. `If I hear
your prayers, it is because you come before me with a clean heart, free
from falsehood and hypocrisy, with a soul which reflects truth like a
mirror. If you would gain immortality, forsake the world and come to me.'"
Very nice and true and from the earlier Melchizedeks missionaries from the East
Japan through Suifu. Note the NeZha the one who slays the Dragon of untruth.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods
Here is what scientists are saying about the age of this Earth
How Old Is The Earth, And How Do We Know?
he generally accepted age for the Earth and the rest of the solar system
is about 4.55 billion years (plus
or minus about 1%). This value is derived from several different lines of
years ago the enormous Angona system
began its approach to the neighborhood of this solitary sun.
The center of this
great system was a dark giant of space, solid, highly charged, and
possessing tremendous gravity pull.
Page 656
As Angona more closely approached the sun, at moments of maximum
expansion during solar pulsations,
streams of gaseous
material were shot out into space as gigantic solar tongues.
At first these flaming gas tongues would invariably fall back into the
sun, but as Angona drew nearer and nearer, the gravity pull of the
gigantic visitor became so great that these tongues of gas would break
off at certain points, the roots falling back into the sun while the
outer sections would become
detached to form independent bodies of matter, solar
meteorites, which immediately started to revolve about the sun in
elliptical orbits of their own.
and this part
2,000,000,000 years ago the earth began decidedly to gain on the moon.
Always had the planet been larger than its satellite, but there was not so
much difference in size until about this time, when enormous space bodies
were captured by the earth. Urantia was then about one fifth its present
size and had become large enough to hold the primitive atmosphere which had
begun to appear as a result of the internal elemental contest between the
heated interior and the cooling crust.
Definite volcanic action dates from these
times. The internal heat of the earth continued to be augmented by the
deeper and deeper burial of the radioactive or heavier elementsbrought in from
space by the meteors. The study of these radioactive elements
will reveal that Urantia is more than one billion years old on its surface.
The radium clock is your most reliable timepiece for making scientific
estimates of the age of the planet, but all such estimates are too short because
the radioactive materials open to your scrutiny are all derived from the
earth's surface and hence represent Urantia's comparatively recent
acquirements of these elements.
Here is an article from scientists who also think the moon and other space
bodies that collided into the Earth which made it larger than the Moon. To me
it supports the Urantia version.
Five planets (Gk: wanderers) were known to the ancient Greeks and Romans.
They named these "non-fixed stars" after their gods. In addition to
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus was found in 1781,
Neptune in 1846 and Pluto in 1930. (1) Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) thought
there should be an additional planet between Mars and Jupiter. A bit later
Johann David Titius (1729-1794) noted the curious spacing of the
planets--each was twice the distance from the Sun as its predecessor.
Johannes Bode formulated this as a "law" in 1778 leading to an intensive
search for the "missing" planet.
In January of 1801 the mystery of the missing planet unfolded rapidly.
However only a broad belt of rock fragments--the asteroid belt--was found.
These rings of fragments averaged 2.8 AU from the Sun (AU stands for
"astronomical unit," with the earth being at 1 AU from the Sun). The first
four asteroids discovered were Ceres, Pallas, Vesta, Juno--the named list
today numbers several hundred. The biggest are 200 to 480 miles in
diameter. (2)
The asteroids are not ordinary pieces of rocks and clouds of dust that
never quite coalesced to become a legitimate planet. There are enough
asteroid pieces in orbit now to form an object less than a tenth a mass of
the moon, but originally there may have been a planet at that location
with a gravity two-thirds of the earth's, a 4.5 year orbit and a perhaps a
57.5 hour day. (2) Another estimate is that the original planet may have
been perhaps 15 times larger than the earth. (3)
Shooting stars occur in swarms because they are the
fragments of larger bodies of matter which have been disrupted by tidal
gravity exerted by near-by and still larger space bodies. Saturn's rings
are the fragments of a disrupted satellite. One of the moons of Jupiter is
now approaching dangerously near the critical zone of tidal disruption
and, within a few million years, will either be claimed by the planet or
will undergo gravity-tidal disruption. The fifth planet of the solar system of long,
long ago traversed an irregular orbit, periodically making closer
and closer approach to Jupiter until it entered the critical zone of
gravity-tidal disruption, was swiftly fragmentized, and became the
present-day cluster of asteroids.
years ago Urantia presents the picture of one great continent of land and
one large body of water, the Pacific Ocean. Volcanoes are still widespread
and earthquakes are both frequent and severe. Meteors continue to bombard
the earth, but they are diminishing in both frequency and size. The
atmosphere is clearing up, but the amount of carbon dioxide continues
large. The earth's crust is gradually stabilizing.
It was at about this time that Urantia was assigned to the system of
Satania for planetary administration and was placed on the life registry
of Norlatiadek.
Page 661
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then began the
administrative recognition of the small and insignificant sphere which was
destined to be the planet whereon Michael
would subsequently engage in the stupendous undertaking of mortal
bestowal, would participate in those experiences which have since
caused Urantia to become locally known as the "world of the cross."
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Wed Sep 10, 2008 12:03 pm
A 6.1-magnitude earthquake struck southern
Iran near Bandar Abbas, site of a major Iranian oil refinery, the
US Geological Service said.
The quake hit at 1100
GMT about 53 km
west-southwest of Bandar Abbas at a depth of
55 km, the US
agency said.
There were no immediate reports on damage, but residents in the United
Arab Emirates, across the Gulf from Iran, reported feeling a slight
Very close to Dilmun to the East or near the heads of the Persian Gulf.
Standing from Bandar Abbas its like a near right angle from the source of the
earthquake at 1100am
Also the direction of the source of the earthquake, west-southwest of
Bandar Abbas points to Dalamatia City!!!!! the day before 9/11, 7 years
ago and the day the collider was active and successfull in the first
How about that!!!!! Who knows maybe that earthquake had meaning!!
Additional note: West South West = 246 degrees. Dalamatia City is a 243 degree
bearing away from the epicenter, 53 km away from Bandar Abbas. Dalamatia City
is 309km away from Bandar Abbas.
thinking about the numbers to see if there is some relevance that points to
this research.
309km -53km = 256km from the epicenter pointing to Dalamatia City using Bandar
Abbas and the earthquake epicenter as a bearing.... also the difference in
distance appears to be in the multiples of 5's or 50's.
In the following is pure speculation OK
These numbers are based on where and the depth of the earthquake and the
distance from Bandar Abbas
depth 55km
Epicenter 53km
Dalamatia City distance from Bandar Abbas = 309km
Earthquake epicenter from Bandar Abbas = 53km
Dalamatia City from Epicenter = 256km
the numbers = 55,53, 256, 309, 1100
Im not sure if it means anything except excatly for what they mean.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods
Are we in the 11th hour and we all prepared for a great possibility of
All I know is that there is technology out there were you can scan the whole
area and then see it in 3d high definition.
Then on a monitor you can explore all the key location and then make the
A small boat is fine where this new technique could be very helpful to verify
the images but hi definition 3d virtual world.
If the results are good then it would warrant a physical expedition with R.O.V
and so forth.
The same could apply to 1stEden where we could scan the mound, the acropolis
hill and view the whole city and the anomalies in the 3d virtual world.
Well this is what I propose and I will have to set up a facility to bring a
intermediate expedition to pass. If judgment is on the way then we have no
time. However, it wouldn't take much to get a 3d verification at least.
Better than nothing.
Anyway, I think the end of October seems like an interesting time looking at
my calculation based on anything I can find that resembles even the slightest
reflection of truth in the revealing or calculation.
Im thinking about this most of the day I reckon there is something cooking.
The again judgment could be postponed until we get out there in order to make
the harvest fuller and ripen it more.
But boy we have to be quick and there has to be commitment, right here, right
If there is no commitment then judgment proceeds I suppose!
Honestly speaking there has been nothing much come forward from any forum to
be honest. Nothing! all read but no commitment or Endeavour. Also the Atheist
site revealing this information has been a total disaster. I really thought
the atheist had more going for him and would be interested in this. But
nothing at all and with real spite.
The Atheist as well as the religionist have to be aware of what's happening
and that's why I share with them for there own sakes in case I am spot on
target. However, I may be getting carried away to but that has to be
demonstrated in the demonstration.
Only one way to find out is to go out there and do it in no time! One would
have to definitely rely on the Father for this one, as heaven would have to
moved to get the attention of man.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Thu Sep 11, 2008 1:47 pm
Prophecies of the Q'ero Incan Shamans
The light of idealism gleamed in his eyes as Dr. Alberto Villoldo described how an
earthquake in 1949 underneath a monastery near
Cuzco, Peru, had rent the ground asunder,
exposing an ancient Incan temple of gold. This fulfilled a sign that the
prophecies of Mosoq,
the "time to come," were now to be shared with the modern world.
Dr. Villoldo, a
psychologist and medicinal anthropologist, has lived among and trained
with the Q'ero shamans
and has played a key role in bringing their ritual and prophecy to the
awareness of the modern world.
The Q'ero are the last
of the Incas - a tribe of 600 who sought refuge at altitudes above 14,000
feet in order to escape the conquering conquistadors.
For 500 years
the Q'ero elders have
preserved a sacred prophecy of a great change, or "pachacuti,"
in which the world would be turned right-side-up, harmony and order would
be restored, and chaos and disorder ended.
The Q'ero had lived in
their villages high in the Andes in virtual solitude from the world until
their "discovery" in 1949.
Yes there is, through 1stEden of Cyprus which was
found through the Urantia Book a book claimed to be written by Kingdom of
Heaven. Proves God!
The sincere pursuit of goodness, beauty, and
truth leads to God. And every scientific discovery demonstrates the
existence of both freedom and uniformity in the universe. The discoverer
was free to make the discovery.
The thing discovered is
real and apparently uniform, or else it
could not have become known as a thing.
http://www.urantia.org/cgi-bin/webglimp ... ne=166#mfs
Does it really matter whether you look at the
image from the North or South?
You can see some curious anomalies like the triangle mount that points to a
raised circle with a surrounding wall that appears to have design.
Not to mention the triangular Vees or ditches and the face and the hexagon mount
close by.
This end journey is a journey of symbols or the tracks
left behind so that the one male would recognize the tracks of symbols and
reveal the trees of Eden at the same time
A 6.1-magnitude earthquake struck southern Iran near Bandar Abbas, site
of a major Iranian oil refinery, the US Geological Service said.
The quake hit at GMT about 53 km west-southwest of Bandar Abbas at a
depth of 55 km , the US agency said.
There were no immediate reports on damage, but residents in the United Arab
Emirates, across the Gulf from Iran, reported feeling a slight tremor.
Very close to Dilmun to the East or
near the heads of the Persian Gulf. Standing from Bandar Abbas its like a near
right angle from the source of the earthquake at 1100am
Also the direction of the source of the earthquake, west-southwest of Bandar
Abbas points to Dalamatia City!!!!! the day before 9/11, 7 years ago and the day
the collider was active and successfull in the first operation.
How about that!!!!! Who knows maybe that earthquake had meaning!!
Additional note: West South West = 246 degrees. Dalamatia City is a 243 degree
bearing away from the epicenter, 53 km away from Bandar Abbas. Dalamatia City is
309km away from Bandar Abbas.
thinking about the numbers to see if there is some relevance that points to this
309km -53km = 256km from the epicenter pointing to Dalamatia City using Bandar
Abbas and the earthquake epicenter as a bearing.... also the difference in
distance appears to be in the multiples of 5's or 50's. Ive seen multiple fives
Ok still remember this link where I felt it was little sensitive, only if your
and remember the amount of Fives and Sevens in the calculation Now look at the
amount of 50's or multiples of fives in the multiplication and in this
calculation its Tenfold.
In the following is pure speculation OK
These numbers are based on where and the depth of the earthquake and the
distance from Bandar Abbas
depth 55km
Epicenter 53km
Dalamatia City distance from Bandar Abbas = 309km
Earthquake epicenter from Bandar Abbas = 53km
Dalamatia City from Epicenter = 256km
the numbers = 55,53, 256, 309, 1100
Im not sure if the numbers mean anything except
exactly for what they mean. But
I think the numbers containing multiples of 50 or 5 was common and something I
had seen before in relation to the journey.
Tenspace, I
see what your saying, No worries far enough. However, two expeditions have
been conducted to 1stEden and the wall as described in the Urantia Book
has been verified, the next expedition should look at the anomalies on top
and at the base of the Mount of Adoration (temple) and at the great mound
to the North a short way.
The image of 1stEden is real data and reflects what is down there and also
what is written about 1stEden of Cyprus.
mindyourmind wrote:Oh
sweet jesus,
I can take no more - bring on the rapture. Now please.
Rapture or planetary evacuation are for the ones who have faith and honour and
acknowledgement to the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven in the right attitude
towards there fellow man with the right motive. They are the only ones that
enter the Kingdom of Heaven and be very happy. All other attempts outside the
line of the plummet will fail man. That's when the whole world will mourn
because they missed the opportunity and they will know it, in the instant.
To me rapture or evacuation of the salvable is like the sign of Jonah and that
will be the only sign according to Jesus. Only a very few will make it because
the road is narrow where the planet or the great majority particularly those
in the Western world have become bloody-minded and blind.
This is interesting!! Fri Sep 12, 2008 7:37 am
The Higgs boson is a theoretical, at this point, particle responsible for
the transition between energy and matter. It is so important for our
modern perception of the universe that it has even been christened with a
divine nickname – the God particle. If the experiments at the LHC prove
its existence, it would be the first experimental evidence ever and
scientists would know how the energy from the Big Bang formed matter, and
us. So, basically, LHC is The Machine that will give us the answer to the
life, the universe and everything else, and one can hope that it is not 42
this time.
Im not sure whether they can mutate energy back to puissant energy. Also I
think the key is discovering the ultimaton and slowing the radial revolutions
of them to make changes to matter. The collision should disperse the
ultimatons where they could be detected.
See what the scientists say in the results of there experiments and research.
The only they will see the ultimaton is by smashing the electron rather than
an atom.
If they do detect the ultimaton they should then find an experiment to slow or
speed up the radial revolutions of the ultimaton and observe the changes in
Yeah but when that occurs the last rebel will be
unrestrained where the condition of the planet becomes worse for man and will
affect everyone and that means you or everyone and there comfort zones, all
power groups will close ranks, you wont know freedom anymore.
Everyone has to know what's cooking. I know the Atheist doesn't like it but it
could be a matter of survival for the families and the opportunity is open for
The Good Ship Lollypop or even the Yellow submarine is ready for boarding, the
ticket is faith, truth, beauty and goodness towards one another.
Here is a Christian who also looks at the numbers like I do but in varying
ways. However we do look for patterns in the scriptures. I was encouraged upon
finding this.
Three times in the Bible, the "3½-year period" is broken-down into "a
time, times, and half a time," (Daniel 7:25; 12:7; Revelation 12:14, cf.
Daniel 4:16,23,25,32). Anything repeated three times in the Bible is
exceptionally important. The consensus of scholarship understands "a time,
times, and half a time" to signify "a year, two years, and half a year."
In other words, "a time, times, and half a time" consists of "360 days,
720 days, and 180 days," for a total of 1260 days or 3½ years (Revelation
11:3; 12:6).
The reference to "time, times, and half a time" from Daniel 12:7 is given
in parallel to the "1290 days" mentioned just four verses later in Daniel
12:11. By standard interpretation, the "1290" is simply the "1260" (of
Revelation 12:6) except with the leap month of 30 days added to it. (See
"Intercalary Month"). Consequently, again we have "a time" ("360," except
+ 30 now makes it "390"), "times" ("720"), "and half a time" ("180 days"),
for a total of 1290 days.
I wonder if there is parallels to my thoughts on the numbers. I notice there
is a sevens pattern. I also notice a 30 day difference in the 1260 and 1290,
30 days.
I just want to say the index of my website was made at Sept 18th, 1260 days
ago....who knows maybe the next 30 days after that might be quite
The exact "430" years that elapsed from Solomon’s temple ( as prophesied
in Ezekiel 4);
the prophesied "70" years from the first exile, (606/5 BC);
and the "1335" years from Joseph’s famine.
And these three numeric witnesses agree
and intertwine as one! (I.e., the 430 less the 70 equals 360 [the
360 being the shortened form of Ezekiel's 390, i.e., without a leap
month], and the 1335 less the 70 approximates the
these three timeframes bore witness to God's great faithfulness---
that God’s set time of deliverance had come. God kept His promise to Judah
concerning "how long?" the captivity would be, and God will keep His
promise to you too!
Hence, the bible-prophecy numbers of 7,
40, 70, 360, 390, 430, 1150, 1260, 1270, 1278, 1290, "3½ times," and 1335
years are all in alignment and agree together both in theme and number as
starting from the seven-year famine of Joseph! Later, we examine how these
bible-prophecy numbers interweave within timeframes of equal value, though
on different ratios. This is nothing short of astounding! Nevertheless, in
the next chapter we explore something still more astounding! ---The
and this, I was more interested in the verse and the Seven mentioned by daniel
or our day.
The "middle" of the last "week" (‘seven’) of the 490 represents a 7-year
period divided into two equal parts (i.e., 3½ + 3½ = 7 years, Daniel 9:27),
just as the "2300" (i.e., 6½ years) also divides in half.
"He will confirm a covenant with many
for one ‘seven.’ [b]In the middle of
the ‘seven’ [/b]he will put an
end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing of the temple he will set up
an abomination that causes desolation…" (Daniel 9:27)
Its like key points in a timeline that are seperated by 70 days like in Enochs
10 week judgment timeline 70 days/10 weeks.
The again it could be 70 days from September18th when the 1260 days in this
journey is reached. After which it may take a new direction or something
perhaps may activate??
Also those above verses are very powerful and speaks much.
But then on the 1290 dyas there seems to be a dramatic event.
1260 years:
Again from this seven-year famine of Joseph, till the fall Nineveh (612
BC), capital of Assyria, there are 1260 years. (It was Assyria who had
earlier destroyed Israel, but now it was Assyria’s turn to drink "the cup
of wrath," Isaiah 51:17-23; cf. Isaiah 8:4.)
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:40 pm
Thanks ArchMichael for your post, I thought it was
As far as my calculation, this will be my last time I will do this if nothing
happens and perhaps 2034 it is. Perhaps! I will know soon.
If nothing eventuates and Im nothing but hot air in the Judgment timeline, I
will solely concentrate on the ancient places and narrow my research down to
that alone.
If I am wrong about Judgment then I can honestly say I have no idea when it
will come and I do not know how to calculate it.
No worries I wont preach anymore. I think I have
posted enough information anyway.
We will know soon whether I am right or wrong about judgment.
If I am wrong I will not do this Judgment thing anymore and can honestly say I
do not know the time after which I will concentrate on getting out to the
cities to do a 3d scan and verify....somehow! The technology is here.
no worries sevens
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods
No worries, you know I was thinking about the egg
on our face in case we are wrong. I must say it
doesn't have a good effect when
we are wrong and does have a credibility effect for Christianity.
If I have reduced credibility Im sorry but we really want the change and man
is compelled to find the time as he his curious about the end time.
In any case I do look forward to the day when ever it comes.
If it doesnt
happen I want to check on the locations with 3d technology and see if it
warrants a proper expedition.
A gradual increase of light has come concerning the numbers ever since they were
first given. The difference now is in the suddendetailing of these
same numbers (Daniel 12:4).
The revelation of this "time-of-the-end" mystery comes in advance of its full
and final fulfillment, otherwise how can they be prepared if the knowledge of it
has not been shed abroad in advance? Nevertheless, the full and final application of this revelation
awaits that specific people who will live "at the time of the end." For the
climax of all things occurs "at the time of the end,"
in sweeping culmination
of all that went before it. (See Daniel 7:3-7 with
Revelation 13:1-2).
First, there is the decoding of the writing itself; (i.e., understanding the function of
Bible prophecy numbers).
Secondly, there is the
interpretationof that which is decoded, (i.e., the Scriptural
interpretation of these numbers).
Thirdly, there is the
fulfillment, (i.e., the culminated fulfillment of
all things).
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:50 am
Here is an interesting video
Extended version: Did Nostradamus predict that a CERN
particle accelerator will create a Black Hole that destroys earth? Bible
prophecies of the Book of Revelation, Nostradamus, the King James version
English Bible Code.
Fallible wrote:Sevens,
you're way off. Don't you know that the end of the world has been
prophesied to be December 2012? The Mayans and the I Ching can't
be wrong.
I think it can happen at anytime in this period but I feel things have to
unfold as foreseen.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods
Sept 18th, 08 was a significant day
marking the 1260 day from when the
Sevenfold index was made and broadcast. The Sevenfold timeline!
On the day it was unfolding, it felt like scenario was a confirmation of the
research and what has been said in the beforehand regarding the markets. I
wonder if its a sign of things to come. At around the
1290 days I will doing a presentation
in on all the ancient places, a final of 3 previous presentations since 2003.
18th October 08 happens to fall on a Saturday! Sat would be the 1290 days the
day of the final presentation of all the places.
I wonder if the timing is significant? see it from my personal journey
remembering that the end shall come from the beginning.
Its interesting that in October 2003 was the beginning and this is the final.
Well is there really a final in the Father? Im sure everything will move
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:19 am
Note the circle and the triangle of circles of the Aztec ruins in the Google
image at the bottom. Note the divisions of the city nothing unlike Dalamatia
City and its divisions when it was in operation.
The circle could represent the conjunction with the Centre of the universe
when we reach it in the physical. The co planar circles and the triangle were
an interest to me.
I came across this part mind you the paper could do reworking now that we are
further down the track of the ancient places.
[[And the god maketh answer]:--Thou shalt come forth into
heaven, thou shalt sail over the sky, and thou shalt hold loving
intercourse with the Star-gods. Praises shall be made to thee in the
Boat. Thy name shall be proclaimed in the Atett Boat. Thou shalt look upon
Ra within his shrine. Thou shalt make the Disk to set [with prayer] every
day. Thou shalt see the
Ant Fish in his transformations in the depths
of the waters of turquoise. Thou shalt see the
Abtu Fish in his time. It shall
be that the Evil One shall fall
when he deviseth a plan to destroy thee,
and the joints of his neck and back shall be hacked asunder. (It all speaks
about judgement day of the fallen rebels and a plan, a way perhaps the
revealment of the ancient places or the Maat rising)
Ra saileth with a fair wind, and the Sektet
Boat progresseth and cometh into port. The mariners of Ra rejoice, and the
heart of the Lady of the Hour is glad, for the enemy of her Lord hath been
cast to the ground.
(the resultant of judgment of the fallen rebels)
Thou shalt behold Horus standing on the
pilot's place in the Boat, and Thoth and Maat shall stand one on each side
of him. (The Maat or the truth of the ancient cities and the all the
Angelic world stand up together as one in then final victory and judgment)
All the gods shall rejoice when they behold Ra coming in peace to make the
hearts of the Spirit- souls to live, and the Osiris Ani,
whose word is truth, the assessor of
the holy offerings of the Lords of Thebes, shall be with them!
Very beautiful prohecy and description of this journey to the ancient places
when Thou shalt behold
Horus standing on the
pilot's place in the Boat, and
Thoth and Maat
shall stand one on each side of him. Like the expedition to the ancient
places. I believe Horus is in Metaphor to Jesus! and Thoth in metaphor to the
Last messenger about the Maat, the original Maat. Dalamatia City
now note the Urantia Book
line 96: The elaborate records left by the Sumerians describe the site of a
remarkable settlement which was located on the Persian Gulf near the earlier
city of Dilmun. The Egyptians called this city of ancient glory
Dilmat, while the later Adamized
Sumerians confused both the first and second Nodite cities with Dalamatia
and called all three Dilmun. And already have archaeologists found these
ancient Sumerian clay tablets which tell of this earthly paradise "where the
Gods first blessed mankind with the example of civilized and cultured life."
And these tablets, descriptive of Dilmun, the paradise of men and God, are
now silently resting on the dusty shelves of many museums.
Now the Maati or the Maat is most likely a derivative of Dilmat hence Dilmat or
Maati or Maat.
The Symbol of Maat is the triangle circle in the Egyptian Monothestic religion
of Ra or the Father and his Son. The Symbol is the layout design of the first
city. Dalamatia City as perpetuated through Dilmun or Dilmat which reflects
ultimately the first city, Dalamatia City
I was thinking about the numbers and noticed this set of numbers
line 111: While the eleven apostles were on the way to Galilee, drawing
near their journey's end, on Tuesday evening,
April 18, at about half past
eight o'clock, Jesus appeared to
Rodan and some eighty other believers, in Alexandria. This was the
Master's twelfth appearance in morontia form. Jesus appeared before
these Greeks and Jews at the conclusion of the report of David's
messenger regarding the crucifixion.
The I was thinking about the numbers Sept 18th and the index creation of the
Sevenfold index March 18th. Not the 8.30 in the time frame of 8's. Are these
clues to the time period and note the 12th appearance which is significant
to me.
then note at the conclusion of his appearance.
"As the Father sent me into this world, even so now send I you. You are
all called to carry the good news to those who sit in darkness. This
gospel of the kingdom belongs to all who believe it; it shall not be
committed to the custody of mere priests. Soon will the Spirit of Truth
come upon you, and he shall lead you into all truth. Go you, therefore,
into all the world preaching this gospel, and lo, I am with you always,
even to the end of the ages."
I am with you always, "even to the end of the
Is this an insight to this time in support?
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Wed Sep 24, 2008 10:14 am
Ive been looking for anything relating
prophecy with Sept 18th
Here is an interesting link where Sept 18th 01 was important to this
research and now we are Seven years later in 08.
Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: ראש השנה,
literally "head of the year," Biblical: IPA: [ˈɾoʃ haʃːɔˈnɔh], Israeli:
[ˈʁoʃ haʃaˈna], Yiddish: [ˈroʊʃ hɑˈʃɔnə]) is a Jewish holiday commonly
referred to as the "Jewish New Year." It is observed on the
first day of Tishrei, the seventh
month of the Hebrew calendar,[1] as ordained in the Torah, in Leviticus
23:24. Rosh Hashanah is the first of the High Holidays or Yamim Noraim
("Days of Awe"), or Asseret Yemei
Teshuva (The Ten Days of Repentance), the most solemn days of the Jewish
year, which conclude with the
holiday of
Yom Kippur. October 2nd 08
The Mishnah, the core text of Judaism's oral Torah, contains the first
known reference to Rosh Hashana as the "day
of judgment."
Rosh Hashanah is characterized by the blowing of the shofar,[4] a
trumpet made from a ram's horn, intended to awaken the listener from his
or her
"slumber" and alert them to the
coming judgment.
8 And thou, O tower of the flock,
strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come,
even the first dominion; the
kingdom shall come
to the daughter of Jerusalem.
The first or former dominion would be from the beginning, Dalamatia City
and is attached to Jesus and his complete fulfillment in the prophecy.
This video is interesting where the experience of Daniel is the
experience of the last messenger and is a type of the last messengers
experience in the end days. I liked the part where the angel is sent to
Daniel to explain things....Like in this journey through the books and
of the cities.
Fallible wrote:Sevens,
you're way off. Don't you know that the end of the world has
been prophesied to be December 2012? The Mayans and the I Ching
both be
I think it can happen at anytime in this period but I feel things
have to unfold as foreseen.
Which is? Dates, times, places and names please. I'll buy your "proof"
of god is you can do that.
Any date in October, from one Sabbath to another and from one new moon to
It will come from the
former dominion,
from the beginning. It will come unto us.
I believe the former dominion are the truth of the former places, the former
places being the first cities, Dalamatia City, the Van headquarters and
All these posts are for your benefit so if
anything happens, you are prepared the best you can with information and
knowledge as we go through the signs.
It wont be a end of world literal but there will be shift in the Governance
of this world and last rebel will go down to judgment and his followers
whoever they are.
The followers of the Last Rebel going down on this planet are the ones who
embrace all the principles of Baalim not necessarily in name but in action
and in spirit and who manipulate religion for self purpose and war.
In totality of the greater universe what this judgment means is the total
adjudication of Lucifer and all the rebels including Caligastia.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods
Ive been looking at the following verses out of the Book of the Dead.
I was also impressed by how the text is a complete type and description in
it reflects this whole journey. I praise the Lord that the truth of Iknanton
is arising in this time as he tried valiantly to bring about Egypt to
Monotheism of the Father of the Kingdom of heaven and his son.
The following fragment has a reflection to how I embarked on this journey
reading the Urantia Book on a Tuna vessel, the Adriatic Sea. On occasions I
would read the UB in the Pilot house of the boat and many of times I would
sit on the flight deck or on the pilot house wondering about what I had read
and feeling really happy. I remember the times reading about the ancient
places and desiring to discover them and looking into the turquoise waters
at the fish or the ant Fish. Praise the Lord!
[And the god maketh answer]:--Thou shalt come forth into heaven, thou
shalt sail over the sky, and thou shalt hold loving intercourse with the
Star-gods. Praises shall be made to thee in the Boat. Thy name shall be
proclaimed in the Atett Boat. Thou shalt look upon Ra within his shrine.
Thou shalt make the Disk to set [with prayer] every day.
Thou shalt see the
Ant Fish in his transformations in the
depths of the waters of turquoise. Thou shalt see the
Abtu Fish in his time. It
shall be that the Evil One shall fall
when he deviseth a plan to destroy thee,
and the joints of his neck and back shall be hacked asunder.
(I remember looking ointo the turqiose waters of the western Pacifc
thinking about this great truth with desire to explore it. It was a
fishing boat where we caught fish. I remember thinking today a fisherman
of fish, tommorrow a fishermen of man. Thoughts like that woulkd come to
find. In all of the time I was praising Jesus. I remember whilst reading
the UB on that trip we caught the biggest Jag in the world 400 tons
which took 3 days to load. I remember thinking the signifcants of that
great JAG and the great truth I was coming into. How prophetical is this
in relation that at the time of reading it was tuna fish but now as this
truth has been explored it is like the Abtu Fish, the great fish of
truth, all transforming from the Ant fish to the great Abtu fish coming
from the depths of the sea as in the Cities. "Thou
shalt see the Ant Fish in his
transformations in the depths of the waters of turquoise. Thou
shalt see the Abtu Fish in his time.
" To me this would reflect the experience of the last messenger in his
personal experience and relationship of the sea and the truth of the
planet in the former dominion.
Ra saileth with a fair wind, and the
Sektet Boat progresseth and cometh into port. The mariners of Ra
rejoice, and the heart of the Lady of the Hour is glad, for the enemy of
her Lord hath been cast to the ground.
(Like the Ra, the Father brings about his truth on the fair winds and
the ship comes into port victorious and very happy like I was coming io
to port victorious and very happy having found this great truth and
standing on the Pilot house in light of all the stars feeling really
blessed and happy of this great truth discovery and wanting to share it
with man, even then.)
Thou shalt behold Horus standing on the
pilot's place in the Boat, and Thoth and Maat shall stand one on each
side of him.
(exactly right coming into port with Jesus, Melchizedek, the last
messenger and the truth and verification of the Maat and all the truth
attached. Coming into port with Jesus at the helm with his friends
beside him in the pilot house.)
All the gods shall rejoice when they behold Ra coming in peace to make
the hearts of the Spirit- souls to live, and the Osiris Ani,
whose word is truth, the assessor
of the holy offerings of the Lords of Thebes, shall be with them!
All the Gods or the Angels at the shore rejoice as the Fathers Boat
comes in.
Very beautiful prophecy and description of this journey to the ancient
places when Thou shalt behold
Horus standing on the
pilot's place in the Boat, and
Thoth and
Maat shall stand one on each side of him.
I think its beautiful how a truth fragment from the Iknantons, Atun Ra
one God religion has highlighted many significant things of this journey
from the beginning. It really sums up my journey to the ancient places and
how it happened in the beginning on a fishing boat. I see a parallel
reflection in the above to this journey to the Maat or the Former dominions
of Dalamatia, 1stEden and Vans headquarters not to mention the Dilmuns or
Dilmats, All former dominions and Cities in truth represented in this
journey. From an Ant Fish to a Abtu Fish in transformation in the waters
like in the images and the journey from the beginning. Like the Stone that
grew in Daniel. The verification!
Like from a simple inquiry in the books that transforms into a world
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:24 am MAGNETAR
It initially showed up as a gamma-ray burst, leading
astronomers to think it was the death of a star in the far-off universe.
But after that first gamma-ray pulse, there was a three-day period of
activity during which this odd celestial object emitted 40 visible-light
flashes before disappearing again. Eleven days later, there was a brief
near-infrared flaring episode recorded by ESO's Very Large Telescope.
Then the weird object went visibly "silent" again.
40 flashes in 3 days then 11 days
and another episode then silent, The numbers 40 is
interesting like the time period in Noah's ark, 3 days is
significant to Jesus and then you have the 11's
I was most interested in the topics of
today and where the threads of truth took me on this day
September 26th 08 looking back, this Magnetar was flashing its 40
flashes in the next 3 days . Bare in mind Magnetar flashing whilst these
series of posts was evolving during
the day. I wonder if there are some clues here for us to a change of
an age? Is it a signal?
There maybe some clues in the threads for this day including other days
following the patterns of MAGNETAR!!!!
Consider also that all the post from 26th
Sept to 29th Sept could bare clues. Just going on hunches!
Here is an interesting insight into the Maat, which is an
actual location a perpetuation of the First City through Dilmat.
Also note the Abtu Fish in previous posts, from an Ant Fish to an Abtu Fish.
In the following we find out more about the Maat and who lives there
especially in our day.
Book of the Dead
up out of the Egg in the Hidden Land. May my mouth be given unto
me that I may speak therewith in the
presence of the Great God, the Lord of the Tuat. Let not my hand
and my arm be repulsed in the presence of the Chiefs (Tchatchau) of any
god. I am Osiris, the Lord of Ra-stau.
May I, the Osiris, the scribe Ani, whose word is true, have my
portion with him who is on the top of the Steps (Osiris). According to
the desire of my heart I have come forth from the Island of Nesersert,
and I have extinguished the fire.
Now, as concerning the Great God who
dwelleth therein, it is Ra himself. "I pass over the way, I know
the head of the Island of Maati."
What is this?
Now, as concerning the Island of Maati,
it is Abtu
Hail, thou who bringest the Ferry- Boat
of Ra, thou holdest thy course firmly and directly in the north
wind as thou sailest up the river towards the
Island of Fire which is in
Give me thy two hands, and let me pass
my time in the Island of Flame.
Note the word
Note the Ferry boat, the boat of safety of Ra, could this be a
reflection of the ark in the End times, maybe planetary evacuation of the
The Isle of flame, could this signify the fire of personal judgment
connected to the first place?? The double edged sword.
Note: how Ra rises from his hidden egg in his hidden land from under the
waters of the lake!
The Abtu Fish is the isle of Maat, Dalamatia City. The Abtu Fish of
Dalamatia City.
Egyptian: Mythical goddess of orderly conduct, order, truth
and justice, she was represented as a woman with an ostrich feather on her
Appearance: A woman wearing a crown surmounted by a huge ostrich
feather. Her totem symbol is a stone platform or foundation,
representing the stable base on which order is built.
Description: Maat was the personification of the fundamental order of
the universe, without which all of creation would perish. The primary
duty of the pharaoh was to uphold this order by maintaining the law and
administering justice. To reflect this, many pharaohs took the title
"Beloved of Maat," emphasizing
their focus on justice and truth.
At any event in which something would be
judged,Maat was said to be present,
and her name would be invoked so that the judge involved would rule
correctly and impartially. In the underworld, the heart of the deceased
was weighed by Anubis against Maat's feather. If the heart was heavy
with wicked deeds, it would outweigh the feather, and the soul would be
fed to Ammit. But if the scales were balanced, indicating that the
deceased was a just and honorable person in life, he would be welcomed
by Osiris into the Blessed Land.
Maat's presence in all worlds was universal, and all the gods deferred
to her.
Worship: Worshipped and revered widely throughout all of Egypt.
Even the gods are shown praising Maat.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Fri Sep 26, 2008 1:06 am
The knees of this Meri-Ra
are the knees of the twin Souls who are at the head of the Sekhet-Tcher;
he cometh forth
therefore and ascendeth
into heaven. The soles of this
are like
the Maati Boat;
he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth
into heaven.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods
Looking for meanings of Dala as in
From root (dala
431), draw (water). The word (delet
431e) specifically denotes a swinging door of a building. Since doors
most commonly opened inward, this 'thing-you-draw' is named after a
going out of a house, or letting someone else in.
Other derivations are: (dal
431a), door; (dala
431b), door; (dali
431c), bucket; (daliyot
431d), branch, bough.
Because a door in Bible times hinged in the upper corner, it is said
that the letter daleth
reminds of that.
[the heavens and the earth will listen to His Messiah, and none therein
stray from the commandments of the holy ones.
Seekers of the Lord, strengthen yourselves in His service!
All you hopeful in (your) heart, will you not find the Lord in this?
For the Lord will consider the pious (hasidim) and call the righteous by
Over the poor His spirit will hover and will renew the faithful with His
And He will glorify the pious on the throne of the eternal Kingdom.
He who liberates the captives, restores sight to the blind, straightens
the b[ent]
And f[or] ever I will cleav[ve to the h]opeful and in His mercy . . . And the fr[uit . . .] will not be
delayed for anyone.
And the Lord will accomplish glorious things which have never been as
[He . . .]
For He will heal the wounded, and revive the dead and bring good news
to the poor
. . .He will lead the uprooted and knowledge . . . and
Is this about the last messenger before the Messiah comes?
Michael will arise and blow three blasts on the shofar, as scripture
attests: ‘and it shall come to pass on that day that a great shofar
will be blown, and those who are lost in Assyria will come [along
with those cast out in Egypt, and they will worship the Lord on the holy
mountain in Jerusalem]’ (Isa 27:13), and as it is written: ‘and the Lord
God will blow the shofar and travel with the storm winds of the south’
(Zech 9:14). At the first blast, the Messiah of the lineage of David and
Elijah the prophet will be revealed to those proven righteous ones of
Israel, the ones who had fled into the desert of Judah,
at the end of the forty-five days.
They will restore their hearts, invigorate their weakened hands, and
strengthen their tottering knees. All Israel—those who remain throughout
the whole world—will hear the sound of the shofar and realize that God
has remembered them and that complete redemption has arrived. They will
gather together and come (to Jerusalem), as scripture says: ‘those who
are lost in Assyria will come [along with those cast out in Egypt, and
they will worship the Lord on the holy mountain in Jerusalem]’ (Isa
27:13). Fear and trembling will fall upon the nations of the world on
account of that sound, and terrible diseases will afflict them. Israel
will gird themselves for departure, and the Messiah of the lineage of
David will come, together with Elijah the prophet and those righteous
ones who returned from the desert of Judah and with all those who have
assembled from Israel. He will enter Jerusalem, climb the steps of the
Temple ruins, and take his seat there.
from the 1290 days 18th Oct 08 to the 1335 day is 45 days.
Could the 1290 days signify an evacuation to the desert for 45days? or
could evacuation happen on the 1335th day at the 45th day after 1290 days,
(insert Dec 3rd A MAGENTAR
clue points to the end of 45 days or 1335th day, today Dec 3rd, 08
the 337 day or binary 7'1s day "at the end of the forty-five days."
At the first blast,
the Messiah of
the lineage of David and Elijah the prophet will be revealed to those
proven righteous ones of Israel, the
ones who had fled into the desert of Judah,
at the end of the forty-five days.
The 1335th day according to my calculation falls on
November 30th 08
(insert dec 3rd, actually
its December 3rd according to another calculation, But then Dec 1st
was the Happy face day alignment in
the heavens,)
The 1290th day is when I do this big presentation on all the ancient
places. Not only shall I be presenting to people but to Paradise and all
of the universes.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods
Revelation” 26. of Hosts, the
God of Israel, These are the
seven chariots
27. at the gate of Jerusalem and the gates of Judea they will re[st] for
40. ............
....... That his mist
will fill most of the moon
and here is some fragment found in the Jesus papers of the Essenes
relating to the Seven
Jesus from the Sevenfold Peace of the Essene papers.
Thou shalt travel the Seven Paths
Of the Infinite Garden
Yea, I tell thee truly, The paths are seven
Through the Infinite Garden
Being at the gates of the Former Dominion
is very restful and makes one very happy and peaceful.
This journey of the former dominion is not stressful but provides
much fun and enjoyment in the discovery.
Stress only comes to those who reject the direction and journey of the
The smoking thing is the distinction of the two suffering
servants in my view.
Praise the Lord that he works with normal people in light of their strengths
and weaknesses.
More from the Gabriel revelation.
4. [ f]or th[us sa]id the Lo[rd] I have betr[oth]ed you to me,
The Bride and the Garden
and support for the Last Messenger
22. wicked branch, plastered white.
You are standing, the
23. is supporting you.
Do not fear.
Blessed is the glory of the Lord God from
24. his seat. In a
little while, I will shake
25. .. the heavens and the earth. Here is the glory of the Lord God
26. of Hosts, the God of Israel, These
are the seven chariots
Seems to have parallel connections.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Fri Sep 26, 2008 7:40 pm
I think the smoke or the Flax unquenched speaks about the last messenger
before Age changes.
I think "his mist" is a reference to smoke or smoking whilst researching
throughout the night.
Like Jesus who was a suffering servant, the last messenger also suffers a
failed ministry in total rejection.
The smoking thing is the distinction of the two suffering servants in my
Praise the Lord that he works with normal people in light of their strengths
and weaknesses.
You could say that the ministry of the Last Messenger is part of the
ministry of Jesus which has to complete. I also think there are a few
Messiahs who have their part to play in the great saga of the end times.
Like Messiah Melchizedek, Messiah Jesus, Messiah last messenger or Messiah
Servant of the Lord. 3 seems to be a component like the ones in the pilot
house of the Ship coming into shore as written in the Book of the Dead.
The end of September
26thwhen Magnetar was flashing a signal to us from
the Universe. Sounds good, nice and very good.
Now following the adventures of
MAGENTAR and its frequency
40 flashes in 3 days then 11 days
and another episode then silent, The numbers 40 is
interesting like the time period in Noah's ark, 3 days is
significant to Jesus and then you have the 11's
Following the magnetar timeline lets look at 3 days time
However, I wouldn't underestimate anything at this time.
I just found fragments in the Book of the Dead that reflects this journey
concerning the Maat, pointing to the first place Dalamatia
city and the boat of victory that will come into shore along the fair winds
of truth.
The physical place of the Maat perpetuated through Dilmat (known to the
Egyptians) is the first city or Dalamatia city.
The end will come from the beginning.
truth is very much part of the end time construct of truth. He did
foresee many aspects of this journey.
Iknantons truth through the Egyptian Monotheistic religion
of the Atun Ra including its prophecies will come to pass as Iknanton
Peter Harrison, no worries Peter I just saw your
Im not posting up script, all Im doing is letting you know where I am up to
in the research. The research is part of the title of the thread in order to
prove God and that he does exist and is personal.
You mentioned disrespect?? What about the disrespect I
get with these simple mans bloke from the bush posts.
I try to prove something where I cant post up
the research because people get to upset. Cant the Atheist handle the
research, has he gone all soft and incapable all of a sudden??
09-26-2008 08:32 PM
I dont know Brig.
I just dont know what it could of been.
One thing that seems apparent there is a presence close to you.
all the best
Army deploys combat unit in US for possible civil unrest
I had to laugh at the 3 circles in the background. Maybe the solution is
right behind him
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods
The mist that partially covers the moon to me speaks of many nights of
research, flax unquenched.
Hey here is some videos on the hidden books of the Vatican
St Peters basilica was originally a Mithra temple before it was changed to a
Christian temple and there would be many remnants of the original Mithra
objects in the dungeons of the Basilica.
Note the Feather arrangement
in the background of the Pope similar to the lady of the Maat with the feather
in her crown.
Reflective of the information of the Maat out of the Book of the Dead, the
Feather of the Maat! adopted in the Vatican??
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Sat Sep 27, 2008 4:43 am
The Catholic Church will one day have to come clean about the evolutionary
origins of their religion.
They cant hide the truth from man anymore. The catholic church we see today
is really the outworking or further evolution of the Mithra religion, this
evolutionary religion and has nothing to do with the simple message of Jesus
of Nazareth.
This is why the end times for the Catholic church will be extremely
perplexing and this explains why they do nothing because they cant because
it spells the end of their brand of religion.
If anything they will close ranks after the sign of Jonah. They do know
about this research.
The best way for them is to come clean in light of truth or face the
correction of the Father which will be severe.
It would take real courage in leadership to admit to certain things to all
the world about oneself. Paul did embrace aspects of evolutionary religion
to make it easier for the Pagan to embrace Jesus. All religion even
Christianity has evolutionary aspects in religion which is a departure from
the revelatory religion of Jesus.
Even denominations these days adopt many evolutionary religious ideas of
even the Mithra religion even in today's world without realizing it for many
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Sat Sep 27, 2008 6:25 am
If there is anything that I uncover that is useful to you in writing a book in
getting to the truth of the matter.....no worries
Its all part of the Body of Jesus and for the benefit of mankind.
all the best in your fine research and studies.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods
Another crazy thought.
In the end times does the Catholic Church deny Jesus 3 times??? Like Peter!
Are there 3 opportunities the Catholic church come unto where they deny Jesus?
I wonder but you would never know about it.
Could the Peter denial experience be a type for the Catholic Church in the end
Understanding that Jesus did forgive Peter afterwards and the same attitude
would be beholden of the Catholic Church if there was some real repentance.
Could this be the result of Peters denial in metaphor in this day with his
church? The great denial of Peters church in light of the truth in the end
times? Was Jesus pointing out something to Peter about the future of the
Catholic church based on Peter and Pauls foundational efforts of the time
including there compromise of Jesus' message to the earlier evolutionary
religions? Could the denial and compromise result in a major denial of Peters
Church? Perhaps the overshadowing density of evolutionary religion may blind
many in the last days and fail to recognize the signs. When the signs are
pointed out they deny exactly as in Peters time after the crucifixion.
The Jesus religion is purely personal and embraces 2 commandments love the
Father with all your heart, soul and mind and Love one another as I have loved
you with forgiveness is the key.
That would be the simple religion of Jesus
wrapped in a couple of simple sentences but look at what we have today...just
a megalith of all kind of things that looks quite ominous in religion with all
its rules and regulation upon people. Full of commerce and politics.
Hey Im just a bloke from the Bush and all I have is my friend Jesus and the
whole compliment of Heaven to help me. I never needed the evolutionary
religion to find what I have found. I really had to step out of the box to
find this in all the books. I saying that I am glad for my Christian heritage
and my journey throughout all the various churches and bible colleges. It was
because of that biblical foundation that I could recognize much throughout the
journey but it was the Urantia Book that brought it all together for me in the
oneness not to mention all the discoveries and verifications we have at this
Im so glad after all things the Father had something in mind for me
and this is it. I couldn't be happier to do this for the Father the
Kingdom of Heaven.
I just think of my Grandmother on the Young side and
contemplating her name Jacoba, and myself son of Jacoba or son of Jacob
or grandson of Jacoba, the first born of the last born of the Son of Jocoba. The
young Grandmother side follows the lineage through down to the Jacobite French
tradition as I just found out. Its interesting that in her lineage, a sword was discovered
comes to religion through the paths never not known before, until the son of
Jacoba found them and prophesied about them to the planet through the internet..
As foreseen in the scriptures.
In the end times according to the Gabriel Document there
appears to be a Son of David, Son of Joseph and I wonder if maybe....
there is a Son of Jacob who was the Father of Joseph?? in the end time period?
Ahh Just thoughts but could be relevant. Could this be
related to the branch as mentioned in revelation or the realisation of it within
the journey itself or towards the end of the first phase, perhaps the one who
breaks the Seven seals of the last mystery. I have a feeling it would have
to be a man in parallel with Jesus that would break this seal. It
couldn't be Jesus alone to break the seal because Jesus fore knew this but for
another man his human assistant or counterpart, for the benefit of man himself
to self realize it himself following the clues left for him with Jesus beside
him his counterpart. At the end of the day man has to crack the Sevenfold
mystery himself with Jesus and the angels help. Heaven cannot cut short
the experience of self realisation or God self realisation. The branch
would have to be a human branch, the counterpart in parallel with Jesus in my
view for the branch to be successful in solving the Sevenfold mystery that I
believe leads to a judgment..
Here is some searches that reveal interesting things and which
I find reflective in the journey to the first places and even to myself
considering I am a, the young = the Javan and is related to the Van or
Vannic branch of History who maintained the tree of life between Dalamatia City
and 1stEden. Jacoba is related to Jacob, another branch and
me being the first of the last of Jacoba I find just fascinating how its in the
name again. Related to the Son of the young, the Javan, Van and Jacoba,
Jacob. But then there is the Abbes, the female leader of the Abbey.
Joseph, the
adoptive father of Jesus, was the son of Jacob
(Matthew 1:16), and the adopted or legal son of Heli (Luke 3:23), both of
the family of David. He lived in Nazareth and worked as a carpenter.
Betrothed to Mary, he married her at the instigation of an angel, who informed
him of her pregnancy by the Holy Spirit.
At the time of the census, Joseph was required to register in David's city,
Bethlehem, and it was there that Jesus was born. With wife Mary and infant
Jesus, Joseph fled to Egypt, fearing Herod's wrath, after Herod's death they
returned to Nazareth. Joseph and his family went up to Jerusalem on two
occasions, once to present Jesus to the Temple, and again, during Passover
when Jesus was twelve years old. Joseph is not mentioned during the period of
Jesus' public ministry and may have died previously.
and consider this
And the star is the seeker of the
Law who came to Damascus, because it was written A star has came
forth out of Jacob and a scepter has risen
out of Israel. The scepter stands for the prince of the congregation.
At his coming he shall break down all the sons of Sheth.
(Damascus Document 7.18-21
alluding to Amos 9.11)
and this
And after this there shall arise for you
a star from Jacob in peace. And a man shall arise from my
posterity like the sun of righteousness, walking with the sons of men in
gentleness and righteousness, and in him will be found no sin. And the
heavens will be opened upon him to pour out the spirit as a blessing of the holy
Father. And he will pour out the spirit of grace on you. This is the shoot
of God most high; this is the fountain of life of all humanity.
Then he will illumine the scepter of my kingdom,
and from your root will arise the shoot, and through it will arise
the rod of righteousness for the nations, to
judge and to save all that call on the Lord.
(Testament of Judah 24.1-6
alluding to Joel 2.28-29 and Isaiah 11.1-5)
and this scripture
I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near.
A star shall come out of Jacob and a
scepter will rise out of Israel. It shall crush the foreheads of Moab and
break down all the sons of Sheth. Edom shall be dispossessed.
(Numbers 24.17-19)
Numbers 24:17-19 "I see Him, but
not now; I behold Him, but not near; a Star shall come out of Jacob; a Scepter
shall rise out of Israel... Out of Jacob One shall have dominion, and
destroy the remains of the city."
shall see Him, but not now; I shall behold Him, but He is not near. When a King
shall arise from the house of Jacob, and
the Messiah be anointed from the house of Israel;
He shall slay the princes of Moab, and rule over all the children of men."
(Numbers 24:17)
For ancient people, a five-pointed star at the top
of a tree symbolized the Star of Bethlehem or Star of Jacob -- called "star of
mankind". But for Christians, a five pointed star represents the star
followed by the Magi.
The Star of Jacob was the first amulet
assuming holy signs was known as The Seven Seals. In the
Judeo-Christian tradition the Seals signified the secret names of God. The
pentacle, chief among them, was inscribed on King Solomon's magic ring. Some
think this is why the pentacle has been mistakenly called Solomon's
Seal. Moreover, the Star of Bethlehem symbolizes life force.
Here is the connection to the Sevenfold Mystery and the star of
Jacob and note the common triangle symbol.
and more
The actual Hebrew word translated as mark in this verse is tav, the name of
the Twenty-Second Letter.
Everyone marked with the Tav Cross was protected when God poured out his wrath
on the apostates corrupting His Temple. Similar imagery appears in Revelation
7 when God sealed 144,000 of His servants in their foreheads against the
coming judgment. All of this conspires to reveal Tav
as the Covenant Letter which is the meaning recognized by both Christians and
Jews since antiquity. It is here that we come to an ultimate understanding of
the overall structure of Scripture and an answer to the question: Why is the
entire Bible built upon the Number 22? It is the Divine Seal of
Scripture - a perfect Circle, sevenfoldsymmetric perfection,
sealed with the Cross! Could anything be simpler? Could anything be more
The ancient Rabbinical tradition calls Tav the Seal of God, the
Seal of Truth, and the Seal of Creation. Rabbi Ginsburgh, in his
article on Tav ,
identifies the seal as truth (,
emet), spelt with the first, middle, and last of the sacred letters. He then
The phrase "seven eyes" is often translated as "seven
facets" suggesting a precious engraved gem. They naturally correspond to the
seven canonical divisions of the
Canon Wheel.
Traditionally, they have been seen as symbolic of God's Omniscience. Indeed,
they are identified as the "eyes of the Lord" in the next chapter,
discussed below. It should be noted that this was
revealed on Spoke 16, corresponding to the Letter Ayin, which denotes the Eye
(cf. The
Eyes of the Lord). The Number Seven is explicitly associated with the
idea of a Seal in Revelation 5.1:
and further down the link
Gilgal differs from Galgal (Wheel) only in a single vowel
point. The consonants are the same. When suffixed with a Tav and Aleph, it forms
the word Golgotha, the name of the place where Christ rolled away the reproach
of our sin in a single day (cf. Zechariah 3.9). Without the vowel points, Gulah
is identical to Galah which means to reveal, discover, or make naked. This root
is used, for example, in the following Scriptures. As an aside, the verses in
Deuteronomy and Daniel are strongly linked with many KeyLinks (cf.
The Secret
Deuteronomy 29.29: The secret things belong unto the LORD
our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us
and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.
Daniel 2.17: The king answered unto Daniel, and said, Of a
truth it is, that your God is a God of gods, and a Lord of kings, and a
revealer [Galeh] of secrets, seeing thou couldest reveal
this secret. [Note: the word translated as "and a
revealer" (v'galeh), is identical in consonants to the word
translated as "and a bowl" in Zechariah 4.2.]
Isaiah 40.5: And the glory of the LORD shall be
revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the
LORD hath spoken it.
All very reflective.
09-27-2008 11:05 AM
I think that is a good idea and see
what happens.
You could get a recording like Briggggggg I am hereeeeee! ahahaha or
Seevens was rightttttttt ahahahah
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Sat Sep 27, 2008 5:22 pm
The Sevenfold Spirit of God
Where does this concept come from?
Revelation 1:4-5 (NLT)
"This letter is from John to the seven churches in the province of Asia.
Grace and peace from the one who is, who always was, and who is still
to come; from the
sevenfold Spirit before his
throne; and from
Jesus Christ, who is
faithful witness to these things, the first to rise from
the dead, and the commander of all the rulers of the world. All praise
to him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by shedding his blood
for us."
Revelation 3:1-2 (NLT)
"Write this letter to the angel of the church in Sardis. This is the
message from the one who has the
sevenfold Spirit of God and
the seven
stars: "I know all the things you do, and that you have a
reputation for being alive-but you are dead.
Now wake up! Strengthen what
little remains, for even what is left is at the point of death. Your
deeds are far from right in the sight of God."
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Sun Sep 28, 2008 6:42 am
This passage ascribed to the Teacher of Righteousness indicates his secret
source of inner knowledge:
My eyes have gazed
on that which is eternal, on wisdom concealed from men,
on knowledge and wise design
[hidden] from the sons of men;
on a fountain of righteousness
and on a storehouse of power,
on a spring of glory
[hidden] from the assembly of flesh. God has given them to His chosen ones
as an everlasting possession,
and has caused them to inherit the lot of the Holy Ones
Habakkuk 2:1-2 states: "I will take my stand to watch, and station
myself on the tower, and look forth to see what he will say to me,
and what I will answer concerning my complaint. And the Lord
answered me: "Write the vision; make
it plain upon tablets, so he
may run who reads it."
The Commentary explains the passage: "God told Habakkuk to write
down that which would happen to the final generation, but He did not
make known to him when time would come to an end. And as for that
which He said, 'That he who reads
may read it speedily'
["so he may run who reads it" in Habakkuk 2:2 ]. Interpreted, this
concerns the Teacher of Righteousness, to whom God made known all
the mysteries of the words of His servants the Prophets" (Habakkuk
Commentary 7:1-5).
On the run journey or end time solution. The on the run journey as it
happens based on faith in the guidance from within.
and further down the link
The Perspective of 1 Enoch and Jubilees on the Essenes
1 Enoch, composed between the 3rd century BC and the 1st century AD
and Jubilees are works which were warmly held by the Essenes, which
in the case of Enoch was also until the time of Jerome and
Augustine, numbered among the Christian apocrypha, but rejected from
the Hebrew canon. Eleven copies of Enoch were found at Qumran and
twelve of Jubilees. Enoch was the imortal
seventh partiarch who was mythically taken up to heaven
or sacrifced as Moses was Gen 5:24 "And Enoch walked with God: and
he was not; for God took him." He has ancient parallels with
the seventh king in the Sumerian
king list and the seventh Sumerian sage. The Book of Jubilees
similarly singles out Enoch as the one chosen by God
"to forsee and fortell the future
right down to the Day of Judgement"
(Cohn 1993 177).
and I am following Enoch 10 week timeline in this calculation of the
End times, Age transition.
The Essene Messiahs and the Age of Renewal
The Hebrew word messiah is an Old Testament term for kings, high
priests, and others. It developed into a label for an ideal
savior-figure, who would liberate Israel from all foreign domination and
make it the ruler of the world. By the beginning of the Christian era,
this hope had taken on enormous intensity, and it grew continually until
the downfall of the country in A.D. 70.
In the Essene view, toward the end of the struggle, which will mark the
beginning of new heavenly-earthly life ...
two messiahs will arise. One will be a
high priestly messiah from the house of Aaron, and the other, a royal
messiah from the house of David. Both will have their retinue,
the high priestly messiah a sacerdotal one, the messianic king a band of
military followers. The royal messiah will be the longed-for son of
David. He will found the Kingdom of God by intervening in the final
battle and victoriously concluding it. He will liberate the Holy Land
and establish the dominion of Israel. At the center of this pacified
world will be Qumran-Israel. The
priestly messiah will forgive sins and open up Paradise (Damascus
Document 7:20-21; Rule of the Community 1QS 5.20-26). The priestly
messiah and the priests will not take part in the final battles, but
they will spur on the others through shouts and trumpet blasts: "And
they shall not come to the midst of the slaughter lest they be defiled
by unclean blood; for they are holy and they shall not profane the oil
of their priestly anointing with the blood of a nation of vanity" (War
Scroll 1QM IX:7-9).(Ranke-Heinmann 1992 260)
The Aaronic Messiah, the priestly messiah could be the human counterpart of
the royal Messiah which could be Jesus or Melchizedek. The human priest and
the spiritual King, working in parallel through the books on the run. In the
above mentions that the priest wont participate in battles because perhaps
they are taken away?? It also demonstrates that the priest comes before the
royal messiah king.
Note Luke 22:21: "But, behold, the hand of him that betrayeth me is with
me on the table. ... And there was also a strife among them, which of
them should be accounted the greatest. ... but he that is greatest among
you, let him be as
the younger; and
he that is chief, as he that doth
serve." This passage has Jesus appear to be deliberately
inverting Essene protocol.
I wonder if Jesus is pointing a person in the future at the end times who
identified as the Younger or is a the young and Jesus actually identifying
him by name?? All compelling!! and he is the chief!! ahahahaha
and he is the chief!! ahahahaha
Remember Victor the younger in Nostradamus from the lands of Brittany or
colony of Brittany.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Gods Sun Sep 28, 2008 7:56 am
About the Melchizedek
A text from Qumran (IIQMelchizedek)
prefigures a parallel.
Melchizedek is presented as an angelic being
who raises up God's holy
ones for deeds of judgment and who
takes divine vengeance on evil. He has superhuman status, which clearly
involves living etemally, just as he has in Hebrews. More
recently, in another Qumran text, the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice,
Melchizedek seems to officiate as the heavenly high
priest, just as Jesus does in Hebrews.
My whole mind sings, and each touch of my
harp glorifies God, And the string of my lute, his holy will; And, like a pipe,
my lips praise his righteous rule. From dawn till night, I am the Covenant of
God. In the dusk of evening and in the morning I voice his teachings; In them
will I live for ever. I proclaim his judgement upon my transgressions, And my
sins are like an inscription graven before my eyes. I hail God as 'My
Righteousness! Most High: Creator of my joy!' 'Well of knowledge, Source of
Holiness, Glorious Majesty, Strength of Eternal
Splendour!' He has chosen all my joy and I rejoice in
his judgement upon me. Walking or moving, I bless his name. At my
goings out and my comings in,
in my sleeping and in my waking, And even upon my bed, I rejoice in him.
I open my lips and praise him for all that he has given to men, ... I know
that in his hand is the judgement of every living soul, true are his acts. In my
anguish I praise him, I rejoice in his salvation alone. I render not evil for
evil but repay good to all men, For it is God who judges all souls, He gives to
each man his due. I have no desire for evil; the fruits of oppression do not
tempt my soul. I plead no cause against the damned until the day of vengeance
and wrath. Nevertheless, I turn away from evil men and rejoice not till
judgement be rendered. ... I express knowledge shaped by wisdom. By the
subtleties of knowledge I establish-borders to enclose firm truth, And an
unswerving faith in the justice of God .
The teaching of the length of days ... the right.
The love of mercy towards the lowly and a giving heart towards the weak, The
spirit of understanding for the misguided. To preach wisdom to the
faint-hearted, To answer the proud with persuasion, And with a contrite
spirit those who bear the sceptre, Who stretch
forth the finger, proffer insults and acquire riches. As for me, God is my
righteousness, And in his hand are the perfection of my life and the uprightness
of my heart. By his righteousness, he blots out my sin, For my light has sprung
from the justification of his knowledge. Mine eyes have beheld his wonders
and my heart has been illumined by the mystery to come.
The Eternal Being upholds me in the way. My
steps are upon solid rock and nothing can shake them, For the Truth of God is
the rock where I tread and his strength upholds me in the way. ... Blessed be
thou my God, who hast opened the heart of thy ser-
vant to thy knowledge. Direct all his actions in
righteousness, And give to the son of thy servant woman that which it hath
pleased thee'to
accord to thy Chosen, To serve thee among men eternally! ... Who could bear
thy glory? What is the son of man among thy wondrous works? How could a child
born of woman bear thy presence? For he is made of dust and his body shall be
food for worms. He is made but of moulded
clay and will retum to dust.
What could this clay, shaped by the hand, reply? What plan could it understand?
Magnetar Wed Dec 03, 2008 8:41 pm
concerning rapture,
I dont know anymore, Im just testing the scripture and testing the thought in
accordance to ,y own journey. That's all! and going on hunches which
prove true or not.
Whether it exists or not I dont know anymore. There are so many ideas.