Tablet 2

The Targum from the Beginnings and Facebook timeline

When Gilbraltar was dammed there were 2 seas within the Mediterranean BASIN, one sea between Sicilian landbridge and Gibraltar and one between Eastern Med and Sicilian landbrdge called Atil. They were basically inland seas.

What makes you think Plato is speaking about the Atlantic? By Plato's time the straits existed but by 38,000 years ago there were no straits. That explains the location and the construction of those huge walls of Cyprus.

Obviously the legend expanded from a local event to a worldwide event which travelled throughout the world.

You know there is so much evidence that hasn't been released yet that proves Cyprus.

I suppose you need a brick with Atlantis on it with flashing lights.


Here is some interesting links for research that seems to support the Cyprus hypothesis.



New York Times article discussing recent research about Cyprus's ancient past.

Read the article

Getting closer, maybe they should launch a small expedition just of the coast knowing that the water level 300ft lower than today revealing a plain on the old coast.

enjoy dj


That's right Riven That s why they have core samples from the sunken peninsula of Cyprus with evidence of freshwater within the core when the place had freshwater around about.

I dont know why you stick to the 5 million year thing as evidence shows quite the contrary. Including the manmade structures which are not going away for your theory convenience. Read the above links. Also those scientist who created the 5 million theory drilled in places where there was always water notably the 1st sea and not around or on the sunken peninsula.

good luck on the Atlantean wars



This could be an example of crustal displacement

About the time of these climatic changes in Africa, England separated from the continent, and Denmark arose from the sea, while the isthmus of Gibraltar, protecting the western basin of the Mediterranean, gave way as the result of an earthquake, quickly raising this inland lake to the level of the Atlantic Ocean. Presently the Sicilian land bridge submerged, creating one sea of the Mediterranean and connecting it with the Atlantic Ocean. This cataclysm of nature flooded scores of human settlements and occasioned the greatest loss of life by flood in all the world's history.

The Urantia Book



I was wandering do you know what the sea level of the Atlantic ocean at around 12,000 years ago? Was it about 100 meters below its present level?

Here is some info I found around 16000BC


16000BC On Manhattan Island the ice was a half-mile thick. In western North America, the ice covered parts of Washington, Idaho, Montana, and all of Western Canada. In Europe it buried Scandinavia and Scotland, most of Great Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, much of Poland and much of the Soviet Union. In the Southern Hemisphere, there was ice in Australia, New Zealand, and Argentina. See levels fell by 350 feet.

If that is the case the sea levels where only 350ft below its current level around the 16,000BC. There is no way that most of Rockall bank would of been above water as you depict therefore this alone casts great doubt on the Rockall theory as the Rock would of been 350ft high, inconsistent to Plato's description. Rockall would of looked similar to the spartel island, small without many inhabitants at all, if at all. Certainly a long way off the descriptions of Plato. As I understand Atlantis was much bigger than a 350ft high Rock jutting out of the water and nothing much else.

I suppose the next step is what sections of Rockall is above 350ft. Maybe that can give us a better idea of what shape the Rock looked. Certainly not big enough to raise 1 million plus society not to mention all the resources required.

Also note that a large part of the Northern Hemisphere was under ice at around that time. This includes Rockall irrespective of your pictures/theories of today's warm currents flowing to the north which one day will stop because of profit motivation without responsibility.

Maybe the ancient seafarers just simply noticed a ice covered peak that jutted out of the ocean 350ft and in certain light conditions you don't see it until its upon you or you upon the Rock. Like a ghost in the waters, like a God of some sort thus perhaps creating another local myth within its day that perpetuated throughout time until you came by making it out to be Atlantis. And that's probably what Rockall is all about.

It would be interesting to get bathymetric material and see where 350ft below sea level extends to. That may provide a reasonable shape of what we are looking at.


Hey have a red wine for me, it gives us extra perceptive powers to figure this mystery out.

Ill check out the links, hic

Also I know what you mean about not using the UB. I try that to but I fail each time. For me I to like to use ancient texts like the Bible and the hidden books of Eden and other scripts like Plato and Egyptian book of the dead or anything BC where I perceive that truth emantes from. However I find the UB in explaining things seems to add great value to much of the things I find in the ancient script. Since its the prime information that explains the location and its there. I figure it has great reliability and credibility concerning its overall picture. I find the connections quite fascinating and unprecedented.

I find that combining all texts together including The UB, to me makes this project rather perfected and all encompassing regardless were we think the location is.

Its truly a fantastic journey for all of us and will be spoken about in 1000 years as probably the great revelation or something like that. maybe.

At the moment Im doing a study in following the Adites after the destruction and looking into the history of the Amorites as mentioned in the Bible. I believe they are remnants of the Adites or Andites/Atlanteans who were a blend of the Nodites and the Adamic race who admixed greatly around 25,000 years ago and expanded there empires which includes Spain, Nth Africa, Palestine which eventually influenced the Inca race.

I found linkages or reflection to the Cyprus location quite interesting being next door to it.

Here are some excerpts I found in there religions

Amurru and Martu are also names given in Akkadian and Sumerian texts to the god of the Amorite/Amurru people,

This god Amurru/Martu is sometimes described as a shepherd and as a son of the sky god Anu. He is sometimes called bêlu &353;ad&299; or bêl &353;adê lord of the mountain dúr-hur-sag-gá sikil-a-ke4

He who dwells on the pure mountain, and kur-za-gan ti-[la] who inhabits the shining mountain. In Cappadocian Zin&269;irli inscriptions he is called ì-li a-bi-a the god of my father.

Here are certain fragments that describe in my view the garden

This god Amurru/Martu (sounds similar to the Maati, Egyptian book of the dead.) is sometimes described as a shepherd and as a son of the sky god Anu.

u &353;ad&299; or bêl &353;adê lord of the mountain

Like Adad he bears the epithet ram&257;n thunderer and he is even called b&257;riqu hurler of the thunderbolt and Adad &353;a a-bu-be Adad of the deluge

Whilst there religion has aspects of the legend of 1st Eden no doubt over time the religion was hijacked by ignorance and barbaric practices which was far from the ultimate truth. I suppose what I wanted to point out is that even the later races of the later Adites had reflections of Eden that was very close by the location.


Hi Looks like interesting maps but whose to say that it was above water at any stage in our past. You have to form an expedition get some hard evidence including the discovery of man made structures. Anything less is just pictures and a hopefull imagination and not supported by scripts in addition to Plato.

I cant believe the Greeks travelled all that way to fight the Atlanteans. It would be ridiculous.

The Cyprus option is by far the best location for Atlantis as it sits right in the middle of where civilisation began and also has the benefit and support from many ancient scripts not just Plato alone pointing to Cyprus. I dont see any scripts supporting the location in that section of the Atlantic.

I got to say great pics, looks nice, but that about all it is pics and gifs with no evidence of a lost city. Just a mud bank that could of been submerged the whole time in our history. Man O man just because there is a bank of mud people jump to conclusion. Oh its Atlantis.

The difference with the Cyprus location is that the discoverers where led to the location by many scripts primarily the Urantia Book. They foreknew that there was structures there, the whole time. Even wrote a book about it before there was any planned expedition and predicted the actual location of the structures by stating the long and lat of the structures in the book. At the end of the day there where MAN MADE structures discovered which have confounded the scientists and still do.

Also there was real purpose in this project that was planned tens of thousands of years ago, the place was preserved for this time. This can be found in Job 38 and 22 and many other scripts.

The real purpose of the Atlantean Gods if you want to call them that was to introduce a new revelation to mankind for his future. What a way for an truth introduction, through a revelatory physical discovery that has connections and parallels in all our books of knowledge. Harmonisation! Atlantis and 1st Eden is of the coast of Cyprus.

Anyway it probably pointless going on. III just sit back and watch everything unfold itself as the research has been done about this location which makes one of the most fascinating mysteries ever and is continually unfolding itself as we move closer and closer in investigating this location.

The location near Iceland Needs an expedition but personally the object (location) has been discovered and will be known in 1000 years time as all our truth points to this location which stretches back 38,000 years and was submerged by the Gilbraltor break 34,000 years ago.

Here is a small sample of a unifying revelation connected to this location.

Here is a description of what happened, The Gilbraltor breach
Isaiah 30:13-14 Therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high wall, whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instant. 14 And he shall break it as the breaking of the potters' vessel that is broken in pieces; he shall not spare: so that there shall not be found in the bursting of it a sherd to take fire from the hearth, or to take water withal out of the pit.

What it was like
Isaiah 30:27-28 Behold, the name of the Lord cometh from far, burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire: 28 And his breath, as an overflowing stream , shall reach to the midst of the neck, to sift the nations with the sieve of vanity: and there shall be a bridle in the jaws of the people, causing them to err.

Here is the purpose
Isaiah 30:26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold (The Urantia Book)as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound. (the ultimate effect)

Here is another description of the breach from Job
Job 38:8 Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it brake forth, as if it had issued out of the womb?

The Angels instructed to preserve ths place for a future purpose.
Job38:12 Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days; and caused the dayspring to know his place; (Held in memory and preserved in our writings in different cultures by the collaboration of both man and angels for this purpose. The discovery of Atlantis/Eden of Cyprus.)

Upon the destruction of Eden/Atlantis it became a seal
Job 38:14 It is turned as clay to the seal.

Another mention of the seal.
Book of Jubilees 8:13 "there he was set as a sign"

Man being led to the location through The Urantia Book, the new revelation for man future destiny.
Job 38: 19-20 Where is the way where light dwelleth? and as for darkness, where is the place thereof, That thou shouldest take it to the bound thereof, and that thou shouldest know the paths to the house thereof?

The location discovered by a new revelation.
Job 22:30 He shall deliver the island of the innocent: and it is delivered by the pureness of thine hands. (the Urantia book)

Instructed to write a book that led us to the location (The Urantia Book)
Isaiah 30:8 Now go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever:

Reference made to the Sevenfold truth as prophesied by Enoch, The urantia Book, the Sevenfold instruction.
Isaiah 30:26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.

There is heaps and heaps of this in all our books. Not just the bible or The UB.

If you can show this kind of harmonisation to your location in around Iceland, in addition to discovered manmade structures, then III believe you.

Anything less forget about it.

Future prophecy in connection to the Cyprus Eden/Atlantis location.
Isaiah 58:10 And if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noonday: 11 And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. 12 And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.

17 It came to pass also in the twelfth year, in the fifteenth day of the month, that the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, 18 Son of man, wail for the multitude of Egypt, and cast them down, even her, and the daughters of the famous nations, unto the nether parts of the earth, with them that go down into the pit.

evidence of famous nations before Egypt that went down in the pit (lower than sea level)(The deluge, the gilbraltor break), The Mediterranean. not Iceland or in that general area.


No one knows what the original version was, particulary the original text from where the Egyptians translated there own version of Atlantis. Also the Timeas and Critias was translated into Greek by Plato from memory. How do you know that meaning and locations were expanded to suit the current climate. geography and knowledge of the time.

Do you study other texts??

or is it just Plato and that's it??

Also what's wrong with the Urantia Book and the other books of knowledge particularly when you consider the UB and other scripts led us to the biggest discovery in all of mankind. Why I use the UB and other text is try and impress upon you this phoenomena that is occurring but then its your own bias that refuses to study these things that is quite apparent.

Also I want to point out that the manmade structures of Cyprus is 1.5 km below sea level which confirms the fact that Gilbraltar was dammed. There is no way the Atlantic was at that level. Also doesn't Plato point out that there is still remnants of Atlantis that never sunk. I dont see any islands of Rockall at all. If it was Rockall then there should be island present on the bank, again there is no evidence. Also there were elephants in Atlantis. I cant see how elephants would even got there let alone the Greeks.

Your theory is flawed and doesn't hold up in any way and plus you show no evidence at all. Least with Cyprus there is evidence from a vast field which scientist cant get around. They agree because its there in there face and its uniform and consistent.

Sarmasts theory comes up trumps and is 99% correct on Plato's description rather than your 0% of speculation.

Here is a list of Sarmasts linkages to the clues that Plato left behind if dare read it, you'll notice that its 99% Cyprus.

Until you get an expedition going and find structures you wasting your breath with simple arguments with no depth that doesn't even consider other text which are older than Plato. If Atlantis was outside the Straits it would be where Riven may think it is but your location is just stupid and makes no sense.

And what's with this 100% Rockall and 0% Cyprus. How ridiculous is this statement considering the discovery of Atlantis of Cyprus and another planned expedition in May. People wouldn't waste there money if there was nothing there.

Anyway rather than blowing hot air, do an expedition?? Whats the point of talking about it when there is no evidence just speculation considering nothing else..


Hi Seanbeam. Here is a latter post that is the Riven forum. Obviously we have different ideas about the place. I thought I would search for this post and give to you for research. In the Riven forum there is much information I have left there. But unfortunately much got over laid with reams of Riven research and ideas. There are riches I left behind with graphics and all but you would commit to your own discovery of Atlantis in the Riven forum to find the stuff.

Enjoy the post I hope its of benefit to you in your quest of truth. Diodrorus ideas really parallels the Plato ideas and is the same theme.


Hi Seanbeam. Here is a latter post that is the Riven forum. Obviously Riven and I have different ideas about the place. I thought I would search for this post and give to you for research. In the Riven forum there is much information I have left there. But unfortunately much got over laid with reams of Riven research and ideas. There are riches I left behind with graphics and all but you would commit to your own discovery of Atlantis in the Riven forum to find the stuff.

Enjoy the post I hope its of benefit to you in your quest of truth. Diordorus ideas really parallels the Plato ideas and is the same theme.


I was looking through the AR and found this thread that I thought was interesting. I was wandering whether you have read it?;f=1;t=001446

I thought this excerpt was interesting
my inserts in dark red

The first people against whom they advanced ( the Libyan Amazons ), according to the tale, was the Atlantians, the most civilized men among the inhabitants of those regions, who dwelt in a prosperous country and possesed great cities; it was among them, we are told, that mythology places the birth of the gods, in the respect agreeing with those of the Greeks who relate legends, and about this we shall speak in details a little later.


Now the Atlantians, dwelling as they do in
the regions on the edge of the ocean and
inhabiting a fertile territory,
are reputed
far to excel their neighbours in reverence
towards the gods and the humanity they
showed in their dealings with strangers,
and the gods, they say, were born among
them. And their account, they maintain,
is in agreement with that of the most
renowned of the Greek poets when he
represent Hera as saying: For I go to see
the ends of the bountiful earth, Oceanus
source of the gods and Tethys divine
Their mother.
This is the account given in their myth:
Their first king was Uranus, (Urantia) and he
gathered the human beings, who dwelt in
scattered habitations, within the shelter
of a walled city

The Cyprus location an island surrounded by sea with a walled city as discovered i mile under the ocean.

and caused his subjects
to cease from their lawless ways and their
bestial manner of living, discovering for
them the uses of cultivated fruits, how to
store them up, and not a few other things
which are of benefit to man; and he also
subdued the larger part of the inhabited
earth in particular the regions to the west
and the north. Thats right an empire was created to the North where you have Turkey and Greece and to the west you have Italy, The Sahara and Spain. Also shows there was enlightenment emerging

And since he was a carefull
observer of the stars he foretold many
things which would take place throughout
the world; and for the common people
he introduced the year on the basis of the
movement of the sun and the month on
that of the moon, and instructed them in
the seasons which recur year after year.
Consequently the masses of the people,
being ignorant of the eternal arrangement
of the stars and marvelling at the
events which were taking place as he
had predicted , conceived that the man
who taught such things partook of the
nature of the gods, and after he had
passed from among men they accorded
to him immortal honours, both because
of his benefactions and because of his
knowledge of the stars; and then they
transferred his name to the firmament of
heaven, both because they thought that
he had been so intimately acquainted
with the risings and the settings of the
stars and with whatever else took place
in the firmament, and because they would
surpass his benefactions by the magnitude
of the honours which they would show
him, in that for all subsequent time they
proclaimed him to be the king of the

Sounds like a complete rendition of Adam and Eve Note the Uranus similiar to Urantia

To Uranus, the myth continues, were born
forty-five sons from a number of wives,
and, of these, eighteen, it is said, were by
Titaea, each of them bearing a distinct
name, but all of them as a group were
called, after their mother, Titans.
Titaea, because she was prudent and
had brought about many good deeds for
the peoples, was deifi ed after her death
by those whom she had helped and her
name was changed to Gaia. To Uranus
were also born daughters, the two eldest
of whom were by far the most renowned
above the others and were called
Basileia and Rhea, whom some also
named Pandora. Of these daughters,
Basileia, who was the eldest and far
excelled the others in both prudence and
understanding, reared all her brothers,
showing them collectively a mother’s
kindness; consequently she was given
the appellation of “Great Mother;”
The birth of the mother Goddess religion

and after her father had been translated from
among men into the circle of the gods, (conentric cricles, splendour of the circle is mentioned in the Egyptian Book of the Dead and it relates to what is appears to be on top of the Acropolis Hill)
with the approval of the masses and
her brothers she succeded to the royal
dignity, though she was still a maiden
and because of her exceedingly great
chastity had been unwilling to unite in
their marriage with any man. But later,
because of her desire to leave sons who
should succed to the throne, she united
in marriage with Hyperion, one of her
brothers, for whom she had the greatest
Interesting...relates to the fall, and connects with The Urantia Book version of the fall paper 73 and continuing papers

After the death of Hyperion, the myth
relates, the kingdom was divided among
the sons of Uranus, the most renowned
of whom were Atlas and Cronus. Of
these sons Atlas received as his part the
regions on the coast of the ocean, and
he not only gave the name of Atlantians
to his peoples but likewise called the
greatest mountain in the land Atlas. Sounds like Cyprus considering it does borders an ocean to the West (inland sea protected by the sicilian landbridg. Also Cyprus also has an extinct Volcano to the west of 1Eden/Atlantis on the island, Mt Olympus Also sounds like things changed after the Goddess mated with man.

They also say that he perfected the science
of astrology and was the first to publish
to mankind the doctrine of the sphere;

and it was for this reason that the idea
was held that the entire heavens were
supported upon the shoulders of Atlas,
the myth darkly hinting in this way at his
discovery and description of the sphere.

The birth of an advanced civilisation introduced by Adam


Cronus, they say was lord of Sicily and
Libya, and Italy as well, and, in a word,
established his kingdom over the regions
to the west; From Cyprus to the West including regions of Spain , the Sahara region, Italy and Egypt basicaly they were colonies of Atlantis in Cyprus which was to the east of Italy and Sicily.

and everywhere he occupied
with garrisons the commanding hills and
the strongholds of the regions, this being
the reason why both throughout Sicily and
the parts which incline towards the west
many of the lofty places are called to this
day after him “Cronia”.
Might explain the huge Ballbek blocks and similiar structures found through the Med.

After reading this it sounds like Cyprus is the home of the Gods considering, the Home of the Gods bordered the ocean and there empire extended to the North of it, where you have Greece and Turkey and to the west you have Italy, the Sahara and Spain. Obviously Greece rebelled against the intrusion of the Atlanteans.

Explains the recorded war by Plato. If the home city was in Spain to the west of it you have nothing but ocean, Spain was only a colony. Since it is mentioned that regions to the west of the home of the Gods includes Sicily, then main headquarters of the Gods was to the east making Cyprus the only real candidate for the home of the Gods. Also consider the walled city mentioned in the record and the walled city discovered of Cyprus which has an extinct volcano to the west of the island which borders the ocean, Sea of Atil, the first sea within the Mediterranean basin. Also combine Plato's record of the destruction of Atlantis and basically you have the mystery solved.

I just want to add that the empire appears to have moved east to west starting at Cyprus. After the fall of Adam and Eve or the first kings of Atlantis they where expelled because of their downfall to the east of the Eden where the Adamites built a second garden in the Euphrates valley. Subsequently occupied by the Adamites (descendants of Adam).

Now when Adam and Eve vacated the 1st Eden/Atlantis after 100 years of being in the garden. The Garden land was occupied by the surrounding Nodites the descendants of the Nephilim where in some cases they had a natural amenity towards the Adamites. But further down the timeline they admixed creating the Andite peoples. After 4000 years of the Nodites living in the garden they built an empire that went North and West but not to the east as that's where the Adamites lived and where worthy opponents. On the other hand the Greeks being descendant of Adams first son Adamson who lived in the Kopet Daugh, the ultimate origins of the Greeks had a natural enmity to the Nodites (the Giants) and were at war as documented by Plato and is reflected in there myths referring them to the giants.

But to the west the Nodites didn't have much competition and eventually colonized all the lands to the West throughout all the lands to the West including Italy, Spain Morocco etc and North of Cyprus Atlantis bordering Greece. After 4000 years of occupation the Dammed Gibraltar broke and the whole Med was deluged and the Capital went down and everything with it leaving the colonies to fend for themselves. From there you have the myth that perpetuated down through the ages from 34,000 years ago and is reflected in many symbols including concentric circles. Notice the words that begin with Ur.

Well that's what I reckon with all the info before me


Looks like there are multiple targets around the acropolis hill. It appears that the area was hit by a Tsunami that destroyed the Southern wall. Images seems to suggest that.

New data and research seems to suggest consistancy with Platos rendition of Atlantis. The remnants on top of the Acropolis Hill look very intruiging and really brings the puzzle in together. Not to mention the quarry site to the North and other anomolies. Looks all manmade.

One curiosity is that the quarry has a square shape with one half missing. Not that dissimiliar to the square shape on the above image. Then again the wall around the Acropolis Hill also has a rectangular shape around it and you can see how the south western wall got smashed and by the angle of the tsunami. Very intruiging and true.

Also note the tree of life in the wave in the above image is on a floating island with sea about it perhaps a central island with sea about it perhaps a clue that may lay on top of the Acropolis Hill.

Certainly not crap, Plato was right and so is Sarmast. Right on target.


Hi everyone

Looks they discovered a second huge target area to the North of the Acropolis Hill. New research is available in the members section of [url] [/url] clearly shows ifermer scans of the location. Capt. Bates who was on the expedition has written a paper with his views backed up by images of the areas of interest. This also includes target areas on top of the Acropolis Hill and at the bottom. The shape of the canals is circular but much was destroyed by the Tsunami. You can also see the decimation of the southern wall and the debris left behind and can determine the angle of the oncoming path of shear terror and destruction of the city.

When the Sicilian landbridge submerged during the Atlantis inrush through the straits in the first sea. The Tsunami that was generated must of been a wave of huge proportions that would of decimated everything in its path not to mention the cyclone preceding it.

There is much research going on into what a appears to remnants of circular canals on top of the hill. It might of looked like 3 wheat silos next to each other jutting from top to bottom with these circular canals slowly descending from one into another from on top fed by the springs on top of the hill. It makes you understand Plato much better and certainly gives you an idea of what was up there.

Many target areas to explore and seek out. Very true and real and a project worth keeping in touch with. This might create a positive shift in our expanding sciences as we discover more about ourselves and universe around us. Certainly a real truth journey of great magnitude.

All the best

Actually upon reading the report again there seems to be multiple targets of structures of megalithic proportions in the whole area. One appears to be a quarry and the wall and Acropolis Hill.... Really unbelievable. I never expected this, just amazing, no unusual realities just a major discovery which proves Sarmast right.

Its really quite a moment in history considering the mass of material about this place in addition to Plato who was right not to mention the Egyptian priests in there reflections of the isle of Maati, "home of the Gods" and consider this knowledge perpetuated through the Egyptian culture. This discovery really spans all our knowledge of the past present and future regarding history and the future.

Also what amazes me is how multidimensional this discovery is. Upon the discovery, reflections of the place light up in the scriptures and when combined in total makes up this whole description that encompasses all aspects of the location, from physical to spiritual and also represents an expansion in all aspects of our society ranging the through the timeline.

I have no doubt about this project. What led to the discovery is just a pheonomena and something that man both find it both hard to grapple with and yet be impressed by it and will find hard to deny.

Certainly this would have to be in line of the greater intelligence than ourselves.

Signs and wonders makes you think where is this heading to?


"For the day of the LORD of hosts
Shall come upon everything proud and lofty,
Upon everything lifted up--
And it shall be brought low--
Upon all the cedars of Lebanon that are high and lifted up,
And upon all the oaks of Bashan;
Upon all the high mountains,
And upon all the hills that are lifted up;
Upon every high tower,
And upon every fortified wall;
Upon all the ships of Tarshish,
And upon all the beautiful sloops.
The loftiness of man shall be bowed down,
And the haughtiness of men shall be brought low;
The LORD alone will be exalted in that day,"
Isaiah 2: 12 - 17

See if anyone can work this one out!!

17 Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon (1st Eden, 60 miles West) shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed (honored) as a forest? (Ezekiel)

18 And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, (revelation 20) (Daniel 7) (Daniel 12) (Enoch) (Sevenfold Instruction) and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness.

I thought this was an interesting link to research

Platos rendition is an Egyptian record which was given to the family of Plato, not the other way round. The Isle of Maati where the Gods lived is to the North of Egypt. (according to the Egyptian book of the Dead which another record of the victims of the deluge). Not some where in the Atlantic. The Greek record comes from the Greece to the west of Cyprus. Mespotamia is to the East where the biblical version derived from is to the East. The record of the one garden of the Gods is embedded in all these cultures using different names describing the same place.

The Garden of the Gods have many names.

1st Garden of Eden (Lebanon/Cyprus)
2nd Eden (post expulsion) Mesopotamian.
Garden of Hesperidis/Greek
Isle of Maati/Egyptian book of the dead

All speak of Gods, garden, immortality and deluge. Living in a city that walls, canals, roadways and pathways all found at the Cyprus location.

Honestly I wonder why people oppose the prospect of all these names from nieghbouring cultures cant represent the one garden of the Gods.

Consider that all the records come from cultures that encircle the location of Cyprus. Everything appears to match the evidence found of Cyprus in all the records of the past and the present.

Also found this

Rogem Hiri

Rogem Hiri (in Arabic, Rujm al-Hiri) is located in the Golan Heights about 10 miles (16 km) east of the Sea of Galilee. Four concentric circles surround a central cairn. The largest circle measures 150 m (490 ft) in diameter. The walls measure up to 3.5 m (11.5 ft) in width and have been preserved up to 2.5 m (8 ft) high. Its last use was no later than the Late Bronze Age (1500-1200 B.C.). The function of Rogem Hiri is not known. Suggestions include that it was a defensive complex, a burial complex, an astronomical observation center, or the tomb of Og, giant king of Bashan (Deut 3:11).

Rogem Hiri

Rogem Hiri (in Arabic, Rujm al-Hiri) is located in the Golan Heights about 10 miles (16 km) east of the Sea of Galilee. Four concentric circles surround a central cairn. The largest circle measures 150 m (490 ft) in diameter. The walls measure up to 3.5 m (11.5 ft) in width and have been preserved up to 2.5 m (8 ft) high. Its last use was no later than the Late Bronze Age (1500-1200 B.C.). The function of Rogem Hiri is not known. Suggestions include that it was a defensive complex, a burial complex, an astronomical observation center, or the tomb of Og, giant king of Bashan (Deut 3:11).

Didnt Jesus live in near the sea Galilee close to the ring s of Bashan or Hiri? Curious thought.

Furthermore you mentioned.

Where will you be in the next 10 years?

Still looking for what I already found.

When I reflect 12 years ago when this first loction seeded in my heart and looking back in hindsight I am simply amazed how this revealment has perpetuated. It was through shear faith. Its just in this experience alone that encorporates all the experiences surrounding this place.

Like was the creator of our universe said to Adam in the 1book of Adam and Eve


5 I will not deny your request, neither will I disappoint your hope; therefore, endure until the fulfillment of the covenant I made with you."

Im definately not dissapointed, and further.


14:2 But God the Lord said to Adam, "Indeed I say to you, this darkness will pass from you, every day I have determined for you, until the fulfillment of My covenant; when I will save you and bring you back again into the garden, into the house of light you long for, in which there is no darkness*.

I will bring you to it -- in the kingdom of heaven.

and I like this part from The Urantia Book


I also promise that I will sometime return to this world, where I have lived this life in the flesh and achieved the experience of simultaneously revealing God to man and leading man to God.

The Urantia Book


The things which you now look down upon are coming to an end, but this will be a new beginning out of which the gospel of the kingdom will go to all the world and this salvation will spread to all peoples. And when the kingdom shall have come to its full fruition be assured that the Father in heaven will not fail to visit you with an enlarged revelation of truth and an enhanced demonstration of righteousness,

cheers dj

Hi the first picture looks intruiging. What do the scientists say about this excavation?

Is there any other opinions about your other locations?

Oh by the way . Im not sure what you meant by this

So you say, out of resentment.

So you out of contentment.

As far as Im concerned I feel completely fulfilled with this discovery in the physical and my own personal discoveries relating to Atlantis/1st Eden/Isle of Maati.

Your the one raising words like in the above quote. Your the one perpetuating all these tripped views and words.

Im happy man, couldnt be more happier with all that revealing itself. Sitting back, studying, enjoying it and especialy being employed by the kingdom of heaven with God (The Father of all creation) as my boss, right on man, count me in for a happy employee.

Im rapt about it all, its just grouse to the extreme.


Here are some pictures of the location 1 mile submerged between Syria and Cyprus.

It all comes from the Cyprus/Atlantis expedition November 2004.

Since then they have revealed in the members section some research documents with images of the structures in close with analysis.

This second location is very close to the Acropolis Hill and its huge. It was fashioned and cut out. Canals, ditches, river beds and other anaolous features. All intruiging.

Basically the book Discovery of Atlantis by Robert Sarmast reveals and predicts the city at the location which has come up trumps.

The best



Hi seanbam

How is going?

Here are the pics that I referring to in my last post.

The timeline that Im talking about is around 34,000 years ago when the deluge of the Mediterranean occurred. Atlantis or 1st Eden in my view was built 38,000 years ago. So it was around for 4000 years in operation and was inhabited by the Western Nodites or nicked named the Adites or the Ad. In reflection to the following pictures, If you look to the Northern side of Cyprus when fully above water.

Whats missing are the numerous rivers of the Northern mainland (Turkey and Syria) that flowed into what I call the Adana Basin. Now from the Neck on the Northern side, going west you pass through a set of heads or pillars and further to the extreme north west of Cyprus there are another close set of heads and to the West of the heads you have Greece. Across the the actual Neck was built 12 Gates what I call the the 12 gates of Eden that was seperated by 12 grand division that offered protection from undesirables. The Egyptian Book of the Dead calls the gates, the Pillars of Shu or even the Pillars Heracles in the Plato version. The Pillars or gates protected the Tuat which was on the isle or isle of Maati which wasnt a true island as the records speak about the gates inferring that would could walk through the isthmus of the garden land.

The tree of Life that offered immortality to the Gods (Adam and Eve ) was called Maat. That was the sustanence of the Gods as expressed. There is also references to living amoungst the beings blue which is a clear reference to the Adam and Eve as they emanted a violet hue and there progeny where regarded as the violet race (The Book of the Dead)(the Urantia Book) connection.The beings of blue are assoicated with Maat, the celestial food of the Gods.

Im not sure exactly where I got the name Adana I think I could of read that in the book Discovery of Atlantis or I could of made that up, unfortunately my book was stolen and could never retrieve it.

About the 1Book of Adam and Eve here is a link some of my own research on the Book. There is a link to where I got the text from as well. Also there are cross links to related research in other books. Like a mystery journey floating over all the books where I feel there is a relevant conncetions to distant reflections of the past concerning 1st Eden. In essence you have to test this for yourself and know that this is ongoing and really has to go through the test of time and what reveals itself.

Enjoy the research.

All the best

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:33 pm    Post subject: Atlantis   

Hi I also found this old Aztec relief that appears to be an ancient map that appears to look the same as to what is discovered of Cyprus. With an interpretation that appears to have all the hallmarks of the Cyprus location and the knowledge of what happened 34,000 with respect to the deluge. An amazing parallel. to an amazing unified project.

I believe this is a remnant of Early Sumerian or Andite(the Ad) knowledge that was transferred to the early Incas thousands of years BC of a mystery that would unfold on the other side of the planet at a latter time. The reliefs are only reflection of this very ancient reality of Lake Titicaca was only a reflection of the distant reality of Eden/Atlantis the home of Gods found of Cyprus.

Well done Robert Sarmast.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 5:03 pm    Post subject: Atlantis Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post

Hi C Leddon

My name is dj or Dennis. The information and the pictures you see is a part of my personal research into the mystery of Atlantis/1st Eden. I believe that both names relate to the same place. I research all knowledge of the past particularly the BC books regardless of age. Anything that emanates the characteristics of real truth...Im there.

This research of mine is particularly interested in whether I can locate Atlantis/Eden outside of Plato in addition to his clues as revealed by Robert Sarmast. Its been the most fascinating journey ever uncovering the great mystery or activating the great mystery/seal which is located in all our books.

Here is the research there is one link that links to my research in relation to what has been discovered of Cyprus and how its described in every details but spread over many books, all have the same patterns and descriptions. Robert Sarmast should be accorded great respect in his contribution in unlocking this big mystery which is related to the future destiny of mankind and reveals advanced knowledge through the Urantia Book which 100% related to this discovery and the location. God lead man to God in the most advanced and illuminating way which the wisdom is beyond us and yet its potential is within us, just needs the right information.

By the discovery of Eden/Atlantis all the scriptures are illuminating themselves through the knowledge of this place that has been embedded in them. I believe that the seal has been activated, the great mystery of God is complete with unification of all the scriptures and other works through different cultures like Plato or the Egyptian book of the Dead and many other sources like The Urantia Book which is the book for the new Epoch as prophesied by in 1st Enoch, the Sevenfold instruction.

More importantly prophecies relating to this location has been fulfilled and is currently fulfilling itself more so. Whether man likes or not. This is the Gods of Atlantis/1st Eden/Isle of Maati revealing themselves with real purpose in a very advanced and non violent way. The time is fast approaching because the discovery has been made and the knowledge has been unlocked the ball is in both courts of man and God.

Thats my view and is for true benefit of all mankind..

All the best and enjoy the research.


Yes there was one scientist who mentioned that to early in the piece but that was before the the scans of expedition was complete, before the wall that was suspected was confirmed by other scientists. Since then all the scientists are quite in regards to just geological features. Also they found structures on top of the hill. Yes a city built upon Geological features like every city on the world. Its obvious that the Acropolis Hill and the second location was modified for a suitable environment with purpose by man.

Why don't you go to the site and just research it and you will find all the answers in the questions and answers link.

I just want to add that they have released a scan of another location a short distance to the North east. It is colossal structure fashioned out of the mountain and structured in square where half it from corner to corner diagonally is missing. You can see canal structures leading of many water sources of you can see where rivers once flowed also there looks like hewn quarry works. In the Urantia book it also mentions a hill that was fashioned to the North. in additional to main city. Truly remarkable as we can identify it.

A picture and an intriguing analysis is available in the members section.

Dr K Hall a leading scientist in this area mentions the structures in his new book. The book is only concerned about the Geology of the Eastern Med. An extract of where he mentions the book can be found in the members as well.


The Egyptian talk about Atlantis or Maati in there own front yard, the Greeks speak about in own back yard, the Bible through Ezekiel speaks about Eden and associates it with Lebanon. A Sumerian Tablet associates the Garden of the Gods in Lebanon (Humbala) Isaiah also associates the 1st Garden with Lebanon. The Book of Jubilees (included in the Torah)speaks about Eden and associates it with Lebanon.

Its got to be the place multiple parallels that make sense and fits. No disjointedness in what has been uncovered.

In regards to 2nd Garden between the Tigris and Euphrates.....Nothing that associates the flood and or Deluge with a location that we can recognise today. All the authors are pointing to the Eastern Med near Lebanon. Also Babel was built more so in the tradition of Dalamatia which is another location in Bahrain, sunken of the coast. Im not going to talk about that location. I'd be here forever wasting more words with repetitive objections.


Hi Sunbeam

For me personally, when I look at the names of places in your last post is.

Ad, Aden (namesake/2nd), Adana, Bit-Adini, notice the Ad component then expand it to the .... the Ad, Adites, Aditya, The Atlantean, the Atlan the Andites, Atlantis, Adlantis....The Adana all very local all expressing features. Ignatius Donnelley speaks about the Ad and leaves much clues to the race.

I feel that these names are reflections of an early race of people called the Andites who were a blend of Adamites and Nodites this admixation began about 25,000 years ago. when the population of the Adamites where about 15,000,000 I think. The 2nd Garden between Tigris and Euphrates towards the North. The 2nd Garden which Adam family had to build consisted of a wall that protected the Garden at its most closets point.

The Admixation of these two races resulted in the Andites who travelled all across the world spreading there knowledge and leaving there mark in the way of construction, creativity in arts and manufacturing thus spreading there form of civilisation. Which have been discovered.

The names like the Ad, Aden (namesake/2nd), Adana, Athens, Bit-Adini, are all reflections of the Andites. This might explain the Blocks of Baalbek, Lixus of Morocco, Apparently there are Stonehenge type ruins near Carthage 3000 years earlier of the Phoenicians in Tunisia, Ruins in Malta, Apparently 132 Andites travelled across the Pacific along the islands which were bigger then admixed with the Inca and past on the knowledge and genes. I believe I found evidence of this. Easter island , Majoro all have the same construction marks. There are places in Australia where these people can be identified through Aboriginal myths. and there are early 1900 pictures of Easter island figures dating thousands of years. All these places have the same construction marks and similarities. There influence was indeed worldwide. This goes back before our known history that we are taught. We don't know anything about this section history but because the evidence is there and we are guided to it by new knowledge and find it physically and understand it we can make sense out of it.

As the evidence is there.

It just amazing how this experience of discovery comes from a book that you could pick up out of a library. Isn't that just incredible...from a book...I shake my head in just amazement. All sitting under our eyes...

Mind you this is all after Atlantis/1st Eden sunk from the Deluge some 34,000 years ago. Adam only lived in the original garden for 100 years years and was expelled to the East. The western Nodites then occupied the Garden land for 4000 years after and then rock of Gibraltar broke. By the way Nodites and Greek never got on and there are reasons for that. The Greeks called them the giants in there myths. Also speaks about the Garden of Hesperides , a garden like Eden same legend, different culture...all reflections. The origins of the Nodites go back 150,000 years ago from around Dilmun (The land of the Sons of Gods lived) The Nephilim. They existed on the tree of life, immortality becuase they were created , the physical and spiritual link, Time and space/eternal link before the Eden was built) when the rebellion occurred and admixation of the Nephilim occurred and produced a new race who became the Nodites. In Genesis you have Cain going to the east (of the second garden) the land of Nod (Nodhl) Elam you know Iran. David Rohl area of research. Apparently there are vestiges left in this other home of the Gods. Again sunken.

By the way The cave of treasures is found in the 1Book of Adam and Eve. The cave of Treasures was the place where Adam was expelled to another Garden, the 2nd Garden to the east from the original garden sunken of Cyprus near Lebanon . Its in the hidden books of Eden. All very local but worldwide influence.

III get back to you on the words you have on your list



Julia: I have to read through the post, its huge. III have to get back to you. Hope you dont mind.

Og and his fellow giants in the bible from what I can see is the last of long line of Giants, the Nodite culture. The Greeks mention them in there legends and so does Plato. They were in enmity with them. Another name for the giants is The Refaim and I think they are related to Atlantis and was based Ugarit on the coast of Lebanon near the sunken peninsula/isthmus of the Garden land, very close to the 12 gates of Eden. The Refaim in my view were the last remnants of the Nodite culture in that area. They probably remained there since the deluge not to mention admixation with perhaps the Adamites at some stage. May explain the Bashan circles near the sea of Galilee.

The Hebrews wiped them out and leaves a record that seems to prove that there were unusual people of stature in that area and very unusual constructions unrivalled that defy our imagination. Looking at the two colossal features already identified by the Atlantis/Cyprus expedition certainly gives this information a case to answer when considering the evidence.

Adam and Eve were 9 feet tall. I would assume that there progeny would be the same height and I suppose with admixation with another similar race that originated from the Sons of God as mentioned in the bible way back when. It quite possible that Og nine feet tall demonstrates a race of this did exist. Little speculative. But it makes sense to me.

All the best

Anyway all food for thought.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:22 pm    Post subject: Atlantis Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post


Plato mentions in his dialogue that there is remnants or a skeleton of what was once a mighty empire.

here is an excerpt

there has never been any considerable accumulation of the soil coming down from the mountains, as in other places, but the earth has fallen away all round and sunk out of sight. The consequence is, that in comparison of what then was, there are remaining only the bones of the wasted body, as they may be called, as in the case of small islands, all the richer and softer parts of the soil having fallen away, and the mere skeleton of the land being left.

Another extract
Concerning the country the Egyptian priests said what is not only probable but manifestly true, that the boundaries were in those days fixed by the Isthmus, and that in the direction of the continent they [the boundaries]

That's running East to West in the direction of the continent and away from the mainland attached by a isthmus. Running East to West. Looking South as you will read in the following extracts.

Another extract
How shall I establish my words? and what part of it can be truly called a remnant of the land that then was? The whole country is only a long promontory extending far into the sea away from the rest of the continent, while the surrounding basin of the sea is everywhere deep in the neighbourhood of the shore.

Again telling you the island is a long Promontory extending out to sea. Attached by an Isthmus as later referred to.

Another extract
I have described the city and the environs of the ancient palace nearly in the words of Solon, and now I must endeavour to represent the nature and arrangement of the rest of the land. The whole country was said by him to be very lofty and precipitous on the side of the sea, but the country immediately about and surrounding the city was a level plain, itself surrounded by mountains which descended towards the sea; it was smooth and even, and of an oblong shape, extending in one direction three thousand stadia, but across the centre inland it was two thousand stadia. This part of the island looked towards the south, and was sheltered from the north. The surrounding mountains were celebrated for their number and size and beauty, far beyond any which still exist, having in them also many wealthy villages of country folk, and rivers, and lakes, and meadows supplying food enough for every animal, wild or tame, and much wood of various sorts, abundant for each and every kind of work.

Again the Island looking South running East to West.

The texts speak for itself and Cyprus is the remnant. I would say the main population and landmass got wiped out leaving a few survivors in highland regions. However there were probably colonies that may have survived on the mainland. I would think there were hardly anyone left as most of the coastal regions would of been wiped out completely.

It must of been a huge Tsunami as you can see the angle of the destruction which displays the path of the Tusnami.
Quite astonishing, this how far the research has gone. So now we have


    Two colossal ruins close to each other, way bigger than the pryamids.
    Stone wall structure.
    Evidence of the path of the Tsunami.
    River beds and canals.
    Core samples with evidence of a recent evaporation and cataclysmic. events in the Basin.
    And unifying texts that complete the description.

Another extract of Survivors, there is the kicker, Rus.
For when there were any survivors, as I have already said, they were men who dwelt in the mountains; and they were ignorant of the art of writing, and had heard only the names of the chiefs of the land, but very little about their actions.

And there where survivors as well in the mountains. Hence Cyprus, the remnant.

Looking very rock solid, getting harder to refute. I suppose it just a matter of you wanna believe. Believe it or not.



PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:41 pm    Post subject: Atlantis 34000 years ago   

I dont understand what your saying at all.

First of all I'm talking about a different timeline altogether. I'm not talking about 900BC but 10000 years to 34,000 years ago. What I posted was information from Plato and the general description of the virtual island that was connected to the mainland by an isthmus or long and narrow promontory. This can also be backed by the Urantia book and its description.

In addition when you combine some descriptions from Enoch, 1st Adam and Eve and the Ezekiel and the book of the dead, it makes an island surrounded by a sea but connected to the mainland connected by a peninsula which had gates leading to the city of the Gods as proposed by the data exhibited on this site.

What you saying to me is a mystery to me.



Hi BlueHue

I was thinking if there was a circular island and then there was peninsula that was connected the island to the mainland. It would then have the appearance of a oval shaped island. Also there has to be a Volcano close by (close to the city) which Cyprus has Mt Olympus. A short hike to west of Atlantis/Eden you of seen the Volcano. A huge mountain 6000ft+ Also Cyprus and sunken peninsula is in a Volcanic area and there is definitely is circular pattern of mountains that surround the Acropolis Hill and with evidence of canals, rivers and streams.

It must of been a huge Tsunami ( or Earth-axis-Tilt.) [color=darkred][b](No...No its becuase of the Gilbraltor break due to a severe earthquke, techtonic plate shift) [/b][/color] as you can see the angle of the destruction which displays the ( return-)path of the Tusnami. (... back to the sea.) (No its the path of destruction, The initial blow according to those who have the data.)
Quite astonishing, this how far the research has gone. So now we have


Two colossal ruins close to each other, way bigger than the pyramids. the two secondary Volcanoes flanking Atlantis Central if two: "|giant Gates")

Sorry Bluehue. Before you make assertions you have to view the evidence and data which you haven't seen and yet its available in the members section of

You can see the secondary location. Which is fashioned as well.


Cyprus obviously is the skeleton of what was.

All fits your descriptions.



Ive been pondering this text I found


    Revelation 10:7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.

Ive been wandering wether this seventh angel is really the Sevenfold representative from the Central universe unfolding this in preparation.

(Sevenfold Angel or a paradise trinity, seventh corp. representative of the central universe? A magisterial Son and a company. There will be a finish to the last mystery that will be revealed and begin a process that will end the present age through some judgement.)

I want to further back this up an extract out of Isaiah where he uses the Robert Sarmast hypothesis of Atlantis in a metaphoric way to explain the mystery.

For example in following is a whole description of the deluge and how it happened.

The Gilbraltor break


    Isaiah 30:13-14 Therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high wall, whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instant. 14 And he shall break it as the breaking of the potters' vessel that is broken in pieces; he shall not spare: so that there shall not be found in the bursting of it a sherd to take fire from the hearth, or to take water withal out of the pit.

    The description of the Tsunami

    Isaiah 30:27-28 Behold, the name of the Lord cometh from far, burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire: 28 And his breath, as an overflowing stream , shall reach to the midst of the neck, to sift the nations with the sieve of vanity: and there shall be a bridle in the jaws of the people, causing them to err.

    And now the incident is used in a metaphoric way that it will be used for healing, making references to the stroke/wound, (break, breach), and making references to Healing through a Sevenfold way. Is this related to the the revelation extract about the Seventh Angel? Is this seventh angel really the Sevenfold angel. A paradise representative of the central universe here for a purpose and this purpose is related to the discovery of the home of the Gods and what comes there after???

    makes you think about it. Are we in the twilight zone??

    The healing and its sevenfold connection, everything is mentioned in sevens

    Isaiah 30:26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.

In the following Isaiah gives you clue where this unfolding happens and its association with a book. Hence a discovery and a book. Most illuminating.


    Isaiah 29: 17-24
    17 Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon
    (1st Eden, 60 miles east) (Ezekiel)

    shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest? (honored) Ezekiel 1st Eden 18

    And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book,

    (revelation 20) (Daniel 7) (Daniel 12) (Enoch) (Sevenfold Instruction)

    and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness.

Lebanon (used metaphoricaly) will be turned to a fruitful field because it is next to the location of Atlantis/Cyprus expedition and this expedition will alter many things of knowledge and our origins. Isaiah tells you where this wonder shall happen and speaks of the truth that originates from the sunken 1st Eden close to Lebanon. The latter excerpt tells you exactly where the revealment will occur and that it is associated with a book. Which is The Urantia Book, the new revelation for the planet and people will love this truth. A prophecy fulfilling itself as this is discovered.

Aslo here is sevenfold extracts out of the 1Book of Enoch again referring to the Sevenfold manifestation.


    1 Enoch 104:10 Another mystery also I point out. To the righteous and the wise shall be given books of joy, of integrity, and of great wisdom. To them shall books be given, in which they shall believe;

    1 Enoch l04:ll And in which they shall rejoice. And all the righteous shall be rewarded, who from these shall acquire the knowledge of every upright path.

    1 Enoch 92:l2 Afterwards, in the seventh week a perverse generation shall arise; abundant shall be its deeds, and all its deeds perverse. During its completion, the righteous shall be selected from the plant of everlasting righteousness; and to them shall be given the sevenfold doctrine respecting every part of his whole creation,

    1 Enoch 92:17 The former heaven shall depart and pass away; a new heaven shall appear;and all the celestial powers shine with sevenfold splendor for ever.Afterwards likewise shall there be many weeks, which shall externally exist in goodness and in righteousness.

    1Enoch 1:8 Then shall all belong to God; be happy and blessed; and the splendor of the Godhead shall illuminate them.

Anyway if Im right this could be important for us all.





    But it is a great error to say Cyprus is Atlantis for Atlantis STILL IS above this Earth and with us today for all to see.

The original Atlantis is Cyprus its legend has persisted in all of our texts. In the following is Plato's extracts which clearly demonstrates that Cyprus is the perfect candidate for it.

Riven im going back to the original home of the Gods. Im not concerned about colonies although its a fascinating study. What the endeavour here is to locate the home of the Gods and its message to mankind. Clearly the way I see it is that is message is lighting up everywhere in the most profound way. The discovery of the home of the Gods that cannot be denied by counter evidence. I believe that the discovery of the place will have very positive effects for mankind and his future that will be sublime and sevenfold in nature.

sometimes I think that Gods of Atlantis if you like, want to bring in something positive that will uplift mans soul.

Anyway back to Plato. Since we use Plato as a basis for the truth of Atlantis in this forum. I want to demonstrate that Cyprus is the place of Atlantis using Platos text. I dont believe he is talking about the Atlantic ocean or any other place except Cyprus, the original hoime of the Gods.

there has never been any considerable accumulation of the soil coming down from the mountains, as in other places, but the earth has fallen away all round and sunk out of sight. The consequence is, that in comparison of what then was, there are remaining only the bones of the wasted body, as they may be called, as in the case of small islands, all the richer and softer parts of the soil having fallen away, and the mere skeleton of the land being left.

Another extract
Concerning the country the Egyptian priests said what is not only probable but manifestly true, that the boundaries were in those days fixed by the Isthmus, and that in the direction of the continent they [the boundaries]

Thats running East to West in the direction of the continent and away from the mainland attached by a isthmus. Running East to West. Looking South as you will read in the following extracts.

Another extract
How shall I establish my words? and what part of it can be truly called a remnant of the land that then was? The whole country is only a long promontory extending far into the sea away from the rest of the continent, while the surrounding basin of the sea is everywhere deep in the neighbourhood of the shore.

Again telling you the island is a long Promontory extending out to sea. Attached by an Isthmus as later referred to. Consider the movements of the Gods is always to the east of the Garden or land of the Gods, as stated in many texts. You can deduce that there was a promontory attaching the island to the mainland. The Eastern Mediterranean which was the surrounding basin an inland sea.

Another extract
I have described the city and the environs of the ancient palace nearly in the words of Solon, and now I must endeavour to represent the nature and arrangement of the rest of the land. The whole country was said by him to be very lofty and precipitous on the side of the sea, but the country immediately about and surrounding the city was a level plain, itself surrounded by mountains which descended towards the sea;

it was smooth and even, and of an oblong shape,

extending in one direction three thousand stadia, but across the centre inland it was two thousand stadia.

This part of the island looked towards the south,

and was sheltered from the north.

The surrounding mountains were celebrated for their number and size and beauty, far beyond any which still exist, having in them also many wealthy villages of country folk, and rivers, and lakes, and meadows supplying food enough for every animal, wild or tame, and much wood of various sorts, abundant for each and every kind of work.

Again the Island looking South running East to West.

HENCE Cyprus, Atlantis, 38,000 Years ago, Land of the Gods. Adam and Eve for a short period.

The texts speak for itself and Cyprus is the remnant of what was Atlantis in an inland sea, The Sea of Atil, the original sea and the second sea was the sea of Mauk which layed beyond the Sicilian land bridge and the Gilbraltor Dam.

After the Gilbraltor break and the deluge the Sea of Atlantis became the Atlantic ocean by a distant generation who didnt know better and forgot that the original dam was closed and there was a worthy history of mankind within the basin.

The legend still persisted in name.

The description of Plato fits perfectly.

Robert Sarmast was right in his clues and makes sense.

all the best


Ok no problem, III re read the text from the source that I'm using. However where you think it describes Cyprus. Is a good match regardless.

Also Robert Sarmast has nothing to do with what I post or even this type of research. I think he has more going on than to read my stuff. Plus he has his own research which is second to none. All Im really doing is my own exploration through script and see if I can locate more clues. I must say its been outstanding. That's all.

Thanks again III get back to you and see if I can find those references relating the Athens.


I checked it out. On most of the extracts I get the feeling Atlantis is the main focus rather than Athens. The main focus of the Timeaus and Critias is about Atlantis not Athens and who were opposed to the Atlanteans.

Even if I take out those extract that you think relate to Athens which is no problem. You still have a clear description of the Cyprus location. An island in a basin of an inland sea.

So in your view you both have a description of Atlantis and Athens in ancient times. Well that makes sense. Maybe someone should get boat out near Athens and try to locate the ancient city of Athens which I'm assuming was flooded. Obviously Athens and Atlantis shared the same inland sea understanding that the Med was completely different in those days to what all the experts are basing there research on today. So really how accurate is today's theories when you consider much research is based on a location that was in a different environment to what we have today. Like the the cites Atlantis and Athens being in the same inland sea.

Also note in ancient times 34,000BC around the time of the deluge. Atlantis being in an inland sea had an navy like Athens in the same sea. I would assume the Athenians had a base of operations in the same sea level for there Navy and was probably located close to the capital. Now consider Atlantis (Cyprus) one mille submerged. I would assume that ancient Athens would of been wiped out as well, probably the remnants lay mile under water as well on the edge of the ancient coastline of the second inland sea. The sea of Atil. Which in my view the name became the Atlantic due to time and history and environmental change but still the name persisted and still holding the legend.

Also New Athens would of been built in a completely new area than to what was the original Athens and considering, according to historians the Greeks inhabited today's area in relative recent history. I'm sure it was a different ball game 34,000 years ago.

Somehow I'm sticking to my theory.

Whilst you may think this is a description of Athene However what has been discovered of Cyprus is exactly what is described in the following extract.

Outside the Acropolis and under the sides of the hill there dwelt artisans, and such of the husbandmen as were tilling the ground near; the warrior class dwelt by themselves around the temples of Athene and Hephaestus at the summit, which moreover they had enclosed with a single fence like the garden of a single house.

I have described the city and the environs of the ancient palace nearly in the words of Solon, and now I must endeavour to represent the nature and arrangement of the rest of the land. The whole country was said by him to be very lofty and precipitous on the side of the sea, but the country immediately about and surrounding the city was a level plain, itself surrounded by mountains which descended towards the sea; it was smooth and even, and of an oblong shape, extending in one direction three thousand stadia, but across the centre inland it was two thousand stadia. This part of the island looked towards the south, and was sheltered from the north. The surrounding mountains were celebrated for their number and size and beauty, far beyond any which still exist, having in them also many wealthy villages of country folk, and rivers, and lakes, and meadows supplying food enough for every animal, wild or tame, and much wood of various sorts, abundant for each and every kind of work.

The shape of Ancient Cyprus is an oblong shaped land and fits the proportions as expressed. This description is about Cyprus (Atlantis) not Athens.

On a side note . The 3 fold description of the new temple as expressed by Ezekiel in his book uncannily fits the dimensions of the ancient Atlantis landmass (Cyprus) in circumference and describes the dimensions of the outer wall and the top of the Acropolis Hill presently seen.

Its the weirdest thing. Another part of the last and great mystery of the Gods, who have embedded the knowledge about this place in all the relevant script only to unify at a latter time by a distant generation. At a time real relevance, particularly when the planet is at risk with a forecast of 40 million species about to die out forever. Because of man and his bullshit greed and selfishness he has created this mass extinction.

Well done mankind, what a corporate asshole he is to the lower kingdom and to his fellow brother because of his pure lust for power and not giving back to the planet, unconditionally and not giving a shit for anything except his bloody bank account and petty survival.

All those transnationals and those who operate them have much to answer for. That's probably why judgement is attached to this place because mankind in his current state of bullshit is simply not fit to administer this planet. He is selfish prick and this planet is running out of time.

Man will not get warm and fuzzy by his own volition about fixing the planet that's why the Gods will have to intervene. Because there is no more time as the planet is approaching a runaway condition. All the religions are virtually spiritually bankrupt and of tap and in definite need of a new revelation.

Personally I would compensate and make all world monopolies including energy, pharmaceuticals and others non profit organisation and invest in new research like hydrogen and make it available world wide and not be controlled by the profit motive. If there is something that good for mankind and the planet give it to the people regardless of wether there is profit. Profit motive is a complete failure and disaster for man as he cant control his lust and greed because he closes himself from the Gods and there advise.

Man knows nothing......look at the end result, mass extinction of eventually all life...thanks to the excessive profit motive. Well done man your a real hero of nothing. Remembering these so called directors of these transnationals, do dirty deals talking selfish crap behind close doors thinking how much get out of this and what's in it for me. They lay plans in secret but God knows what in there hearts and that's why his is pissed off and sick of it. When the few who hold power think they got the world totally under there domination and they think they are sitting pretty, that's when there empire will be taken away them by the universe.

Gee God spends billions of years evolving this planet with life only for man to stuff it up in such a short space of time. Man sucks in all his crappy bullshit. An example of the crap are the kickbacks of oil for food, Corporate in conjunction with the UN, over charging in Iraq just to make money not giving a damn for the realistic and normal people there (im not talking about those who kill others and themselves...that is completely and insult to the creator and is reprehensible in the universe that such false doctrine is being taught. Remembering heaven receives these souls and shake there heads in disappointment...and questions why?)

The corporate are only in it for the opportunity guided by selfish profit motive. Not to mention leaders of major countries who block truth from the internet so they can maintain there status quo of virtual cruel domination of the people in order to save there own bloody skins and yet the whole nation suffers because again  of lust for power and selfishness of a few. Fear, fear and more fear. And yet they drive there country towards profit motive without considering the environment and even there people. another selfish mob of so called leaders only aggravating the problem. Although many in there rank and file hate the system but if they say something they go concentration camp and yet multinationals who appear support freedom and liberty are quite happy to be apart and in collusion of this oppressive system. What a contradiction Google is a classic example, they are apart of the oppression, in collusion with the suppression of speech.. Shameful. Just to think an American company would rather compromise there instilled standard of freedom of speech and liberty where they place the right on there chest throughout there life and yet they are in support of a suppressive regime that suppresses freedom of speech of there people and if someone says something wrong ...go to jail for a year for reorientation and at the same time the prisoners work for nothing under cruelty for the ultimately the corporate rubbish companies to fulfil customer orders.... What garbage is that!! Again profit motive...another disaster and compromise of personal standards and belief.

Human rights...if there is nothing in for us we support it, however if there is something there for us well compromise. Terrible people.

They glorify themselves as if there pure, beautiful looking and going places and yet behind closed doors there dirty scoundrels, concocting terrible deals amongst there exclusive club that aggravates the problem.


Hi Riven.

I to will rejoice with you when the manifestation and message of Atlantis comes to pass thus fulfilling all prophecy.

Sorry if I went a little off tap at the end of my last post. I was pretty frustrated about the state of the planet and how its very close to a disaster.

I'm reading the bible code 2 at the moment. I must say I see many clues there. Have you read that book? Somehow I think they have uncovered a section of code that really speaks about the Cyprus location. Its a possibility. Its quite fascinating.

Anyway, when it all happens in full manifestation it will be a great moment for mankind and will mean sweeping changes that will bring mankind many positive benefits in time and space and for his eternal future/adventure.

Just think when the truth arrives in full manifestation for the whole planet to witness all the differences between mankind will simply vanish in a twinkling of an eye. There will be no argument between us as the one truth will appear before our very eyes. A fine moment, in a flash. Truly the message of Atlantis. The outpouring of all the pain of mankind will be like a sweeping wind full of emotions. Billions of people will go through this The reassurance from the Gods and a helping hand of his love will heal all the inflicted souls (no thanks to this current world administration that could do a better job.) The meek shall inherit the earth and the haughty will be corrected and then no doubt a full rehabilitation of the planet will occur due to the sweeping changes. It really means a correction so we don't become extinct.

One thing for sure as every moment passes by we are getting to the manifestation, everything is unifying. Surely the signs are appearing and are connecting forming a definite reality.

All the best



That's fine if that what you believe that, that's fine. I'm not going argue or debate it as my research is based on The Urantia Book and its from there that I search out parallels. I just believe the Urantia Book version as it says its there and its there. Form there I bring in all the parallels that have been embedded in a number of books including Plato. I believe it goes back to 38000 years ago and the deluge occurred 34000 years ago, not 1200 BC or 900BC.

The Urantia Book is prophesied in Enoch, revelations, Daniel and Isaiah and is related to the bible, directly and including the Psuedographia books.

Also there are apparently core samples to suggest and prove that Sarmast is right. That there was a major deluge of the Med basin but not in the latter years as suggested.

The ancient shoreline of both the Greeks and the Atlantean's would of been virtually one mile lower creating a different landscape to what we have today. Also consider that Plato received the story form the Egyptians, he didn't make it up or got it confused. He wrote directly as expressed and used his own language thus from a Egyptian/Greek translation which was done by Solon, his earlier family. So in essence its a Egyptian story who were directly related to the Atlanteans, the Egyptian book of the dead reveals this. That would make sense.

Also Sarmast has identified over 50 clues which match Plato story, point blank. More than any other location. Also Plato speaks about the home fo the does the bible and having the Urantia/Bible relationship and noting the evidence we have an parallel. Thats why I that Atlantis is one in the same as Eden, the original home of the Gods.

I'm interested in life before the deluge of the flood. What you suggesting is a time much later. Also if your suggesting the Greek island are Atlantis where did there foes live the Atlantean's?? To me the Cyprus case makes sense as the evidence lays there and the researchers where led to it by a book, a true phenomena, even wrote a book before the discovery, an act of faith, truly in line with the way The Atlantean Gods (if you want to call them that) would have it..

Why don't you try and check the Urantia Book and check out the evidence and the trail left behind.



Here is a little something I picked up out of the AR forum. It could be interesting


    Just a quick note and it's not intended to enter the ongoing debate here at all. The 2-hour documentary will show on SciFi, and is being produced by NBC. The producer was previously the producer of Dateline NBC. A group of us just returned from a 9-day expedition to Bimini and Cay Sal with the production crew. They are a top-notch group. This week, Tuesday I think, the head producer went to Cyprus to meet with Sarmast. They also plan on covering a host of others in the show, which is a sort of promo for SciFi's series, Stargate Atlantis. But they plan on focusing on serious research...with some mystical stuff on the show. They take Sarmast's research seriously, but will probably be neutral on who is right and wrong.

    We obtained some spectacular video at Bimini including the removal of many rectangular slabs of cut stones under the massive blocks as well as pulling up and sampling several stone anchors. We also excavated several "wedge stones" from under blocks. These were 2 x 3 feet, with an 8 inch side tapering to a one inch side. All of these were angular and clearly cut. None of us attribute the formation to Atlantis. It was part of a maritime culture, date uncertain. Cay Sal was intriguing. But the evidence there was not as definitive. For those who are interested, I'm putting together a report and will issue a press release on other developments regarding Bimini in a few days.

    Best wishes,
    Greg Little

all the best

Sorry Riven.

When you say

From what I see of Bathymetric maps, it doesn't seem to appear that Cyprus was once an Isthmus such as Corinth or the Red Sea and I am more inclined to say that it was just an island that arose there which later it sank as Sarmasts "wall" reveals.

I see how little you read and look at the evidence. You say this and that but real short on hard evidence, nothing. I mean you talk about the Tarxien...well big deal, that not even relevant to the time period nor anything else. Honestly . There are core samples that prove that the area of the Eastern Med was a land locked sea and that it was over come by a disaster 10,000+ years ago.

Your opinions on the Cyprus location are rather baseless and is not based on counter evidence that you can provide that is comparable. I don't accept what you say, it all sounds unrealistic and completely out of focus and always trying to slant the truth to suit your purposes and now trying to invade the location with your screwed up ideas which is baseless and imaginative. First it was out of Spain, that was falling apart, then it was Egypt but that didn't quite fit. then its Avila Africa based on Google pictures. And now its the Cyprus location with your slant on things which is an attempt to corrupt and take advantage. Oh now it will of Western India and then it will be the whole world...or whatever.

As far as the Isthmus is concerned. It does exist as there is evidence of a huge river that ran right through the middle of it which flowed to the east apparently to the Euphrates. The 12 gates of Eden, the original pillars, ran right across the Isthmus. North to South as there appears to be anomalies in the area. Exactly as described. Also you can see evidence of the Tsunami destruction and the angular displacement of the Southern wall of the hill. Evidence that you have not observed and to fearful.

Anyway I don't take you seriously, you never show any evidence at all, about your claims, just Google pictures without any reports to back them. For example when I mean evidence I mean this.

Why don't you do an expedition of Spain and find some real stuff that we can all enjoy. I haven't heard you talking about that lately.

Here is another hard evidence pictures of another colony of Atlantis which I suppose in your view, it will be Atlantis 7. Anyway I thought that would be a good name for a cartoon called.

Atlantis 7 team ...defenders of truth....the real truth.

In the following is real evidence, its backed by ancient scripture, the Vedas, The ruins are consistent with the fable, its uniform layout represents a city. Everything fits. So it make sense and the time period 14,000 years + which pushes back the barriers of ignorance and superstition.

and here

So there you go. That's what I mean by a complete project that can be understood, seen and read about. A new realisation that mankind can enjoy and know that it is realiable and worthy.

Also what does 11:11 mean in your opinion, I'm totally confused.




Yes I feel completely disappointed myself when I show ample evidence of my discoveries and run around in circles hearing the same ole, same ole stuff. Everyone talk s but shows nothing and especially when I read this rubbish

[quote]I feel disappointed, For someone that sounds so intelligent and as Editor of the Urantia-Books, you too fell victim to the Plato-mistranslation(-s) are you blind? I'd really think, with your " rival" Riven that you have shares in Sarmasts Stake-out.[/quote]

Obviously you don't read the research in addition to Plato from the links that I've posted. Where s you hard bathymetric evidence of ancient Athens. Actually where is anyone's hard evidence of anything they say except arguing about linguistics and translations. what not... This date that date. But what date, with evidence.

Yes I'm disappointed in you to.


Here some hard evidence of another project similar to the Atlantis project of Cyprus and guided in a similar way through ancient texts. Its uniform, its consistent. There is bathymetric maps available. There reports. All guided by ancient scripture The Vedas

It all make sense and pushes back the time period 14,000 years + thus pushing back the barriers of ignorance and superstition.

and here

A complete project that can be understood, seen and read about. A new realisation that mankind can enjoy and know that it is realiable and worthy.


Well.. what has been revealed in a book relating itself to truth and what has been discovered is to me is a big , huge seal. The 6 mountains surrounding the 7th mountain in the midst (in the middle) is what Enoch mentions and the 7th mountain to me could be another word for Sevenfold mountain since that is common keyword that links all the books.

Physically it does exist as a ring of surrounding mountains that do actually surround the Acropolis Hill with structures on top and below.

Metaphorically, it relates to the Sevenfold truth, the 7th parallel. The truth revealing this phenomena. The 7th Angel, who finishes the mystery of God I believe is 2 things. A representative from the Central universe, representative of the Paradise Trinity, a magisterial son and a company who arrive to call the end of the age but it is a time process so that the signs and revealment can manifest and align itself, in truth with the Sevenfold truth (Urantia Book) coming early in preparation. Remembering that the Sevenfold truth is mentioned and linked in Enoch, Isaiah, The Urantia Book and indirectly in Revelations (in the days of the 7th Angel).

What can I say this is what I'm perceiving as I research everything that I feel is linked and connected to the location of Cyprus. The purpose the revealment.

I should be talking to the churches about this. They should be investigating this , in truth an objectivity this whole journey of mankind.  I've written to them but as usual never any reply.


Well least there is some value for you there.

What's even more incredible. The UB mentions that Jesus was born 7BC at 12 noon and in the same year, The book mentions there were 3 conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn in the same year. A study made through JPL by back tracking the position of the planets for 7BC. Revealed that 3 conjunctions did occur in that year and the dates as mentioned in the Urantia Book were accurate also at 12 noon, at the time of birth of Jesus on August 21st if the 5th planet still existed there would of been a 5 pointed star configuration right at 12 noon. All science and no conjecture. Truly a phoeomena book.

Its an amazing book all full of intrigue and mystery and yet its all revealed for all to search out and weigh up against the evidence..

Explore it further to see where it can compliment, reveal and further your ideas.

Also Riven can you tell me about 11:11?


I found the following link very interesting and curious.

Its Egyptian found in tombs of the 18, 19th and 20th dynasty. I thought the whole story seemed to have reflections reminiscent of the 12 gates of Eden and resembles the gateway to the garden of the gods. The descriptions of the gates are clearly the journey of the soul to the after life with every stage resembling a gate and its mystery. But also it could be a physical reflection the 12 gates of Eden that was built to protect the Garden land from undesirables and are the gateway to the "Land of the Gods" no one passed except through the 12 Gates of Eden. These gates are mentioned many times and in many ways in all the ancient script.

Interesting how something like this could just manifest out of nowhere in those times. Where did this knowledge come from about the 12 gates with its connections to heaven and in the physical you have anomalies ridges on the neck of the sunken peninsula running North and to South generally resembling the foundations of a gates system.

Is it a manifestation between the angels and man that also has physical reflections of the 12 gates of Eden that crossed the peninsula with the great river running through it, out of the garden land? Was this document created with revealed knowledge of the 12 gates of Eden that would also reveal its purpose and at the same time using the gates to reveal the journey to heaven? Sounds quite plausible.


Its interesting that you have Plato that derived from Egyptian sources, describing the garden land of the Gods, You have the book of the dead which is clearly a reflection of the inhabitants that went down in the pit during the deluge of the Med, another Egyptian source and now we have the book of the gates and its physical descriptions of the gates and its associations with heaven, another Egyptian source.

3 Egyptian sources of information that reveal in it own way a complete physical description in every detail the "land of the Gods".

The location of the 12 Gates of Eden.
There are a couple of possibilities of location of the gates on the location here is one thought or alternatively the outer wall could be on the inner ridge close to the mainland. Also note that the four river heads of Eden are the same four heads that fed the great river that ran out of Eden.

Also note that the four heads of the river of Eden are the same four heads that fed the great river that ran out of the sunken location.

Here is the four heads that fed the great river as seen on bathymetric data

quite remarkable.



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