Tablet 29

The Targum from the Beginnings and Facebook timeline

Crop Circle Symbolism in relation the design elements of the System Government Headquarters location.

I was interested to see if there were any crop circles of recent that matches the design and symbols of the Sevenfold Magnetar location and the System Government Headquarters in design.  It may confirm some things.

and look at this on the same month June 08 and has all the circles symbols represented in this journey.  What a confirmation.

Not the Concentric and the co planar circles, both symbols blended.

Has all the same design hallmark and key points as the System Capital Headquarters

 Liberec, Nr Prague. Reported June 08?

and this one in the USA

Again we see the familiar six sided star

Off County Road #7, nr Fosston (1), MN. Reported 23rd July 08

Off County Road #7, nr Fosston (2), MN. Reported 26th July 08.

and look at these series of crop circles on the 23 June 08 4 in the same day and note the parallel of the symbols in this journey and linkages to design of the Sevenfold Stargate.

and note the repetition of the concentric circles, the Symbol of Paradise and the Melchizedek.

Note the energy coming out of central core which would symbolize the energy being harnessed from the Dark Space Island.


And note the 23rd of June remembering that Light without Heat Magnetar appeared on June 07, same month, the previous year.  Nothing is by accident in this timing!

Im noticing that all these crop circles are following the similar theme, a circle with symbolism attached with a circle or circles including other familiar patterns like the triangle, it really tells the story of the dark island of Space and the energies that are harnessed out of that and also mark the beginning of everything in our local universe.  The Sevenfold Magnetar is the gateway to the next levels worlds.  Its truly a Stargate!

Now look at the Italy and all the crop circles there and yes in the Same month June 08, Its seems to be a hive of activity.  I think I know why.

Look at this one the 27th May 08 in Italy.

The Same circle triangle chevron, triangles and circles.

and look at this massive imposing relief where we see the same symbolism

Found on the 12th June 08, one year after Magnetar Sevenfold, its like an anniversary of the Light without Heat Sevenfold Magnetar!


Look at the same symbol found in Canada

June 26, 2008

Note: June 07 is the Month I found the first City, Dalamatia City June 26th 07, the same month as the Sevenfold Magnetar.

Its all about the System Government Headquarters and other things relayed to out universe and planet.

and this crop circle with the same design as the center of out universe found in Switzerland

'Thursday, July 17th, 2008

Here is another link for Crop Circles in June 2008

Crop Circles in July 2008

Here is a link of the Crop circles in 2007, Note the type and the amount on the month of June 2008 when Magnetar projected itself.

A crop circle 27th June 07, reflects the door of Hidden Good, the Day after I discovered Dalamatia City. June 26th 07 
Dalamatia means the door of Universal truth and Justice. 

Magnetar Sevenfold happened in the same month.

The Door, if you know what I mean eh!  The Centre of our universe where a dark island of space lays, the gateway to other universes as depicted in the crop circle image below.


and look at this design, exactly that of the System Capital location.

11th July 07  Seven month.

and note the Seven circles on the vertical.

and this video

These are the latest visible crop circles in Google Earth as of March 2008.

and compare

Magnetar Judgment Seat Another view of Magnetar Sevenfold Google Ancient places A sign in these days has already been given, many will not see it as a sign A post on the discovery of other Spheres within the Grid  Light without Heat Magnetar SWIFT J195509 Magnetar Judgment Seat Slideshow of the Universe Capital including other spheres. Other Spheres within the Grid Light, that is, light without heat, is another of the nonspiritual manifestations of the Deities Van the Steadfast SlideShow of the Ancient places following the path of symbols Centre of the Universe A sevenfold Universal Paradise Operation The System of Satania Urantia book search The design of the cities of the tree of life and the Sevenfold Stargate likewise emit their light (light without heat) to Paradise and to the billion worlds of the seven-circuited central universe. Each has a sun which gives forth light without heat, like the satellites of Paradise, 1stEden of Cyprus Van/Amadon/Adamson/Ratta Highland Valley Capital Dalamatia City The Three Day search Search for 40 days in the Urantia Book Broadcast Search from the Urantia Book The Jerusem Broadcasts The Jerusem Triangles and related information. The Discovery of the Sevenfold Stargate The Seal of Solomon and the similiarity to the System Headquarters Magnetar Swift Light without heat world A sevenfold Universal Paradise Operation Magnetar J1810-197 (1993)  Heat Magnetar Every 48 years The Door of Hidden Good A series of posts following Symbols in culture in the timeline leading to the Door of Hidden Good. Search the Urantia Book System Government search Urantia Book Light without Heat world in the Urantia Book The Adventures of Magnetar, The Time of Realisation The Adbentures of Magnetar, The Time of Realisation Light without heat world Magnetar Swift Light without heat world Light without Heat Sevenfold Magnetar


Post Re: Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Tue Dec 23, 2008 5:02 am

I was following a hunch to check out the latest Crop Circles to see if the Crop circle symbolism confirms the symbols and patterns of the Sevenfold Stargate.

Remembering that this Magnetar flashed on June 07 and in this year June 2008 there appear crop circles that confirms the symbols of the journey to the Government System Headquarters as I am currently searching out.

Here is one crop circle one of 4 on the same day 23rd June 08.


Here some thoughts I recorded.

Note how the symbols are the same design as the System Government Headquarters.


and the blend of Co planar and Concentric circles, the ultimate symbols in this journey and the center of our local universe.


and these triangles

More on Crop Circles



seven8 seven8 is online now Islam site 24 Dec 08


Im not sure what your saying but we all believe in God or Allah in the Islam religious culture. Allah and the Father is the same right?

In reference to the verse, This is precisely why I speak to the Atheist about the times and God to give him a chance to prepare but that job is difficult.

Isn't that what we are supposed to do speak to the unbelievers about God and to help the unbeliever come into the revelation of God. Isnt that what we are, a family at the end of the day! where some members need help.

Jesus commands Love for one another, I cant see Jesus hating anyone and he is the one accompanying the Mahdi, so the Jesus and Mahdi must have something in common in ideals.

Maybe the unbeliever would have better chance to accept the revelation of God if religion was more friendly with him and through the witness of goodness and love.

I remember a saying mentioned by a Mufti on TV, "the best way to make an enemy your friend is to make him your friend" learn to understand him personally and strive to bring the best out of him through Love.

Jesus, the partner of the Mahdi spoke to the unbeliever about the revelation of God and so must we and not be in judgment of him, which is up to the Father right, the judge of all judges lest we be judged as an unbeliever ourselves as seen in our personal witness to our fellow man by the Judges!

The way we treat people is the outwork of what is within, the living evidence of our faith!


Direct Link To This Post Posted: Today at 21:08 24 Dec 08

Well anyway, that's what I think, I think there is Spiritual Empire or a Universal Kingdom in the background revealing itself as in prophecy.


I know what I believe is very unbelievable is attracts much mock but there are solid connections there.


Hey you know in the books of religion it speaks of last guy at the end of the day delivering a message.  I can tell you for sure that when this last guy comes no will believe him.


Absolutely and I can tell you with all certainty that the last guy has a job on his hands.  No matter what his message is he will not be believed by his own regardless of religion.  They all expect the last guy and the message and these short sighted co called miracles but they will not believe him when he appears.  Its the greatest hypocrisy out and shows you how much of religion is not even in touch with true personal religion.  Its just becomes another business riding on the backs of spirituality and the vulnerability of man!



Icon 1 posted 12-23-2008 02:29 PM

Since no one replies, proves to me all of you are wrong regarding Atlantis and I am right,


Also I have been on this forum for while now working my ass of and in this time I have made the best progress going places and yet I look at all the other thoughts and they are still in the same place since 2003 where there has been no breakthroughs at all in the case of Atlantis, no expeditions and no evidence.

Its all still in speculation theory land.

Atlantis is all about the Gods right, it is through the Gods that the truth of Atlantis will bring itself forward.

I would suggest to consult God first and then let him lead you to Atlantis being the realm of the Gods so to speak.

All theories that exclude the Gods or God will not find Atlantis, like a ship failing to make the harbor. All other theories is like man trying find the home of the Gods without God. That's why no one has made any progress and not even close to an expedition.

The only one research that got the results was the 1stEden expedition of Cyprus, Seen as written about. Not to mentioned all the other places where the platform/research is prepared for expeditions.

Here is the greatest opportunity for all man in a real planetary destiny modifying experience set up by the Gods of Atlantis so to speak and yet man has his head in a bucket of sand holding on to a disjointed theory that will fail at the end of the day.

God is shaking his head.


Post Re: Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Tue Dec 23, 2008 10:02 pm


Hey Im just looking at this pattern in the Plumlov 2 Crop Circle


It just occurred to me the Symbol I made up some time ago and use on my index page.


What a match!!! Even down to the Logo and the 3 co planar circles which is definitely a main symbol. Multi Symbols, all having the same universal meaning! What a confirmation to me and the journey with Universal backing. Even the UFOs are confirming the journey as we are finding out later.

Seems to be common in the journey finding these connections after the fact or after it has occurred. Like a sign has already been given but many will not recognize the sign so to them no sign is given because they dont see it and fail to recognize.

Another thing This crop circle occurred on the 7th July(07) 08 ...... 2 Sevens 77s or 778 or Sevens8...funny enough that is the Nickname I use on the islam site as Sevens got banned. ahahahaha what a laugh!

Also this date encapsulates the week of which I began the 40 day Test of Mankind in 4th July 06, and repeated it on the same first week in July 07 but with more expanded thoughts and we know about 08 today. ... v2008.html


Sometime after this, supposedly just on Tuesday other picture appeared or more precisely was made. Its distance from the first one was a few tens of meters only and it was found on the other side of the neighboring road. The second picture was a little more complicated being composed from seven circles and five adjacent rings.

Very very significant even to number Seven symbols in the date and relating to the symbols of this journey, its this journey, they are confirming this journey in symbols of circles which matches my logo and in the Seven numbers in the date. All matching the Sevens and the journey. Perfect match!

Praise the Lord in the Kingdom of Heaven!

and here is another crop/cross circle that have 7 circles in the vertical and 5 circles in the horizontal. 7+5=12, 12 gates, 12 disciples.

It was created on the 14th August 08 , Seven days before Jesus birthday Aug 21st 7BC.(3x7s) On the 14th, its 2 Sevens and the 14th happens to be my Birthdate but on the 5th month. ahahahahahah! Everything seems to be Sevens around here! ... 008cc&c=p# ... 008cc&c=p#

Praise the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven, right on the mark Father! Thanks God! My best friend!


Sevens 24th Dec 08 Atheist site


Rubbish Eva

In the last day, I even have found crop circles confirming all the symbols and number patterns, everything in this journey is being confirmed right NOW!

Get ready baby! this is time of the parting of the ways.

I'm thinking that these crop circles are coming through because the Broadcast circuits are partially opened or they could be our non breather friends participating in the change of times and truth.  One of the other...perhaps!

The sign has already been given from the System Headquarters but those who don't see it will not believe it, so its not a sign which does fulfill Jesus words, exactly!

However, I don't think Judgment is going to be as severe as people think, I think it will be more demonstration and enlightenment in the nature of Jesus himself.  Not this doctrinal stuff in its extreme.  Hard to say until we are there in the actual manifestation.  But the crucial time is in the beforehand in faith!

here is a post on some of the research and its connections


Hey Im just looking at this pattern in the plumlov 2 Crop Circle

It just occurred to me the Symbol I made up some time ago and use on my index page.

What a match!!! Even down to the Logo and the 3 co planar circles which is definitely a main symbol. Multi Symbols, all having the same universal meaning! What a confirmation to me and the journey with Universal backing. Even the UFOs are confirming the journey as we are finding out later.

Seems to be common in the journey finding these connections after the fact or after it has occurred. Like a sign has already been given but many will not recognize the sign so to them no sign is given because they dont see it and fail to recognize.

Another thing This crop circle occurred on the 7th July(07) 08 ...... 2 Sevens 77s or 778 or Sevens8...funny enough that is the Nickname I use on the islam site as Sevens got banned. ahahahaha what a laugh!

Also this date encapsulates the week of which I began the 40 day Test of Mankind in 4th July 06, and repeated it on the same first week in July 07 but with more expanded thoughts and we know about 08 today.



Sometime after this, supposedly just on Tuesday other picture appeared or more precisely was made. Its distance from the first one was a few tens of meters only and it was found on the other side of the neighbouring road. The second picture was a little more complicated being composed from seven circles and five adjacent rings.

Very very significant even to number Seven symbols in the date and relating to the symbols of this journey, its this journey, they are confirming this journey in symbols of circles which matches my logo and in the Seven numbers in the date. All matching the Sevens and the journey. Perfect match!

Praise the Lord in the Kingdom of Heaven!

and here is another crop/cross circle that have 7 circles in the vertical and 5 circles in the horizontal. 7+5=12, 12 gates, 12 disciples.

It was created on the 14th August 08 , Seven days before Jesus birthday Aug 21st 7BC.(3x7s) On the 14th, its 2 Sevens and the 14th happens to be my birthdate but on the 5th month. ahahahahahah! Everything seems to be Sevens around here!

Praise the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven, right on the mark Father! Thanks God! My best friend!


Sevens 24 Dec 08


Professor Chaos, Hi

Dont worry about date I have no idea ahahahah

However, just view the realities that should give some indication on where its going.

No more dates for me as I realize its just one step at a time. However, on the dates I have mentioned, I have always discovered something big like a city or Government System Headquarters which all added to the construct and did provide the guidance in the journey.

I think rather than dates its more on the realties of these things coming to a consummation or a climax.

Actually what I'm expecting is another Signal from the System Headquarters but this time a real big audible sound with a message that will get everyone on their feet.

We know what the message is. The Message is all written about in the beforehand.

That would indicate the full opening of the broadcast circuits that where cut off 200,000 years ago.

Its a most intriguing journey! that's for sure.

I'm sure these crop circles have something to do with the broadcast circuits.

These Crop Circles could very well be emanating from the System Capital, 10,000 light years away from deep space. They have probably been sending us all kinds of signs through the partially opened broadcast circuit without us even understanding the signs!

Unreal, how asleep are we humans.

The massive audible signal from the System Government would be the verification of this journey, like the discovery of the System Government Headquarters led by Magnetar Sevenfold was a verification. This research leads to intergalactic space through Faith using all of mans inner senses!


Post Re: Antichrist to claim he is Christ, Messiah, Buddah, on TV Wed Dec 24, 2008 10:54 am

Well it will be interesting to see if a star occurs. Maybe it could be a Magnetar or something.

Oh well when the guy appears it will be interesting to see how he proves his credentials on TV. You know he could be the hijacker. Alice Bailey, she has an interesting background, I wonder what her influence is in this coming of the so called prophet.

It could very well be a coup or an attempt?

It will be interesting to see and especially considering the journey and its symbols. Makes you wonder who reads what.

For me, Im expecting the Broadcast of the Sevenfold message which is the Jesus' message as already seen in Revelation. That to me seems like a viable thing in this scenario. However, I never followed Alice Bailey to find out that something is cooking.

It will be interesting to see his credentials in proving himself and how he approaches it. He would have to be good to suck in everyone. The only thing he would have to do is show a visible sign to the world and off course the world would go for that knowing what they know, very little.

I think the Jesus path is more to do with the spirit and demonstration in truth undeniable. That's what I mean we should go to all the places to see if all is good through verification we already did that in 1stEden why not continue the journey!

It will be interesting to see his credentials in proving himself and how he approaches it. He would have to be good to suck in everyone. The only thing he would have to do is show a visible sign to the world and off course the world would go for that knowing what they know, very little.

I think the Jesus path is more to do with the spirit, the inner path and demonstration in truth undeniable and has really nothing to do with lights but that could be a Spirit Luminosity effect (Light without Heat) part of the demonstration. That's what I mean we should go to all the places to see if all is good through verification, we already did that in 1stEden why not continue the journey and have some fun, to know that all is on track and have a beautiful revelatory experience at the same time.



Personally, if I was the last prophet the last thing I would want is TV and public showing.

You can forget that I think the delivery through the net is fine.  I think the last guy will be professional and do his job and once done, its done.

The less public the better.


Sevens Atheist site


Actually I never knew of these Seven principles of Hermes until now.

I just went on a hunch and did a search. I don't what they are but I'm sure they would be useful to someone. I know its not related to the Urantia Book.

Do what you want with the 7 principles and the 3 Universal laws. Believe it or not, it doesn't bother me.


Dennis is my name and it means Servant of Dionysus.   I always knew that my full name has intriguing aspects in relation to this journey of the past.  However, since I listened to the recent Robert Sarmast interview interview he mentioned that in the myth of Dionysus there is symbol of a tomb opening with a large stone roll way from the entrance with an angel sitting on top of the tomb.

This aspect intrigued me and led me on a search for this symbol but I was unable to locate it. However, the thought was still in my mind.  Just recently I came across an image of an symbol which I thought was related to an AD gothic image of Jesus on the cross. Later on I came to realize that it was actually Dionysus on the cross and then I noticed the Seven Stars above the cross which intrigued me even further knowing the Sevens aspect of this journey.  To make things more interesting I went to the Wiki to find out more about the Servant of Dionysus where I noticed this comment " where the young god was raised."

To think my Surname is The Young but in a different language, and the young God is raised.  Gee and I looked at this journey of Jesus and the bringing forth of the beginning in the raising of truth with verification and especially now in the knowledge of System Government Headquarters through Magnetar.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Dennis is a male first name derived from the Greco-Roman name Dionysius meaning "servant of Dionysus", the Thracian god of wine, which is ultimately derived from the Greek Dios (Διος, "of Zeus") combined with Nysos or Nysa (Νυσα), where the young god was raised.

Alternative forms and spellings of the name include Denis, Denys, Deon, Deonne, Deonte, and Dion, Dionice. Diminutive forms include Den and Denny. The name Sydenie (alternate spellings: Sydney or Sidney) derives from a village in Normandy called Saint-Denis, and results in the diminutive forms Syd and Sid. A medieval diminutive was Dye, from which the names Dyson and Tyson are derived.


Dionysus on the Cross, a metaphor of Jesus on the Cross and fulfilled.
Note the Seven Stars.

Note the Seven stars

I thought that was very intriguing and very reflective in types and with names and journey in parts of the creators life.  Its like being the Servant of Jesus in this journey in the resurrection in completion.  Jesus fulfilled the prophecy in the Dionysus cult, you can see that.  Its just so interesting that a person delving into the Seventh Mystery has the meaning of Servant of Dionysus in his name and is the Servant of Jesus who was the God on the cross.  Jesus like Dionysus being the Young God being 37 at the time of his death was resurrected and like the young God, Dionysus in mythology!

The death and resurrection of Dionysus was in type written before the times of Jesus is a story of the death and resurrection of Jesus.  Jesus fulfilled the myths of these foreseen things.

I am a Dennis the Young in name, I am the Servant of Dionysus in meaning but in truth I am the Servant of Jesus my master and the Father. I do help the creator of the Universe in completion of his resurrection in lending a hand in bringing out the truth of the beginning cities of the planet.  I do this with great pleasure and liberty to explore and express my thoughts.  I am helping the Young resurrected God Dionysus or in truth Jesus, in the raising of the truth.  The metaphor of the Stone rolled away from the tomb is truth being revealed, released and raised to the world as it happens.  The Resurrection completion where all that is hidden is revealed! an end time faith journey!

More will be added on to this as I explore the Dionysus myths and see if I can find reflection to this journey relating to mystery.


Post Re: Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Wed Dec 24, 2008 12:32 pm

Here is a link to something that has been on mind relating to my name in the journey to the ancient places and beyond. It keeps on cropping up and I say this because you are my friends and we are following tracks.

I look at the above crop circle image in the previous post and I look at this image and the contemplate all the things in this journey to all the beginnings of this planet and to the Universe, Intergalactic and all very beautiful! ... m#Dionysus


Ok continuing now that you have the link,


Because I feel there is direct parallels of Dionysus, the Young God and to Jesus fulfilling the Myth of Dionysus in this journey to the ancient places I was inspired to look into Dionysus and see what else I could uncover that may find direct parallel in this journey.

Here is a fragment I responded to

Scholars have discussed Dionysus' relationship to the "cult of the souls" and his ability to preside over communication between the living and the dead.

I thought perhaps the being guided in the books being led and uncovering and the releasing knowledge in an instant was like a form of communication of the Real Living worlds of Eternity in the Universe and to the people of this planet through the internet.  I feel that strong parallel in the function of Dionysus. "to preside over communication" Communication through shape symbols, number symbols, timeline events, universe response all recorded and released. Presiding over the communication.  Just like Jesus in this Universe through his Angels of the real living worlds of Eternity.  Note also my thoughts on the broadcast circuits just recently between us and the System Government Headquarters through the patterns of flashing light without heat signals in number symbols we understand in metaphor not to mention 2 different power recording separated by another number symbol we understand related to time in the energy expression of the  on another infrared level which speaks of power control over time.  Patterns we see and understand.  "The Cult of Souls" sounds the world of Eternity

and this I felt this had metaphor

The name Dionysos is of uncertain significance; its -nysos element may well be non-Greek in origin, but its dio- element has been associated since antiquity with Zeus (genitive Dios). Nysa, for Greek writers, is either the nymph who nursed him, or the mountain where he was attended by several nymphs (the Nysiads), who fed him and made him immortal as directed by Hermes.[7]

Interesting, the parallels I see in the above is that I live on a mountain and this could be a metaphor of the Angels ministering to me through the books throughout the journey on the net being led along the way, through the books, the light without heat I cant see that descends and ascends to heaven ministering to me, helping me along.  Note the term "made him immortal as directed by Hermes."  In metaphor it seems to infer a translation from what I can see as directed by the Universe.  Its a strong possibility as directed by Hermes but in truth it would by the Father.  Also appears that he was wounded or died on the cross and brought back to life by the Father, became a Son of Zeus (Dionysus) where he was nursed to health by the Nymph or in Jesus case the Universe of Eternity in his ascension.

.and look at this metaphor

as it is, the Greek story has it that no sooner was Dionysus born than Zeus sewed him up in his thigh and carried him away to Nysa in Ethiopia beyond Egypt; and as for Pan, the Greeks do not know what became of him after his birth. It is therefore plain to me that the Greeks learned the names of these two gods later than the names of all the others, and trace the birth of both to the time when they gained the knowledge.

After the resurrection of Dionysus he is carried by the great God Zeus as in Jesus case the Father carried him away to Paradise through the ascension process.  and look at this "trace the birth of both to the time when they gained the knowledge."  Could it be in this case that the birth of this unknown person today, metaphor to Dionysus, related to the Jesus project Earth is timed to gain knowledge and release it to assist mankind in the final planetary saga between the Universe and things on the planet??  Perhaps through the ancient places.

and look at this part and note the linage over time and its influence in later religions and mystery cults.

In their final phase the Mysteries apparently shifted from a chthonic, primeval orientation to a transcendental, mystical one, with Dionysus altering his nature accordingly (much in the same way as happened in the cult of Shiva, Dionysos' eastern counterpart, according to some). Other scholars see these Mysteries, with their resurrected god and secret knowledge about the afterlife, as the precursor of the Eleusinian Mysteries, Orphic Mysteries, Gnosticism and Early Christianity. Manifestations of all its phases are said to have existed in a diverse range of Dionysos cults on the shores of the Mediterranean up until late Roman times.

Amazing, the Dionysus cults had an influence to even today and Jesus fulfilled all those cults mysteries and there is more to say about Jesus and the Mystery cults when he was in Rome before Peter and Paul arrived.

Dionysus has early influence into Christianity today.  Amazing we see the thoughts of Dionysus all about us in doctrine and Dogma today.

and here is some background information, to be honest the cult seems pretty primal in some respects except for a few things.  But I am surprised at the parallels to Jesus and this journey.

and look at this one down the link, its related to the statute of Liberty.  ahahahah

I cant believe it, Dionysus merged with his consort and is reflected in the Statue of Liberty and off course this is also the theme of this journey to the ancient places, the truth will set you free in the widen and deepening of religion and the universe through a revelatory experience.  The truth! simply, the truth of everything.  Liberty through truth!  Praise the Lord.

The Merging of Man and God in truth through the guidance of Jesus.  Merging with Jesus in truth which brings Liberty, Spiritual Liberty!  The statute of Liberty is the Metaphor in truth of Jesus and his bride merging becoming one, like mentioned in the new testament. Like in this journey where the human counterpart merges with Jesus through his holy spirit and lays a path to liberty and freedom from the ancient beginning places with Jesus his count. 

The statute of Liberty in another sense is the metaphor of this journey to the beginning places.

The evolution of Dionysianism continued in the Roman Empire, with the Bacchic Mysteries, as they were known in Italy after their arrival in 200 BC. Here Dionysos was merged with the local fertility god Liber, whose consort Libera was the inspiration for the statue of liberty, a principle she and her partner also represented.

Dionysus Liber, Dennis Liber...... hahahaha gotta laugh at that one!

Set the captives free.

and this part again inspired me

Dionysos was also revered at Delphi, where he presided over the oracle for three winter months, beginning in November, marked by the rising of the Pleiades, while Apollo was away "visiting the Hyperboreans". At this time a rite of known as the "Dance of the Fiery Stars" was performed, of which little is known, but appears to have been appropriation of the dead, which was continued in Christian countries as All Souls Day on November 2.

"Dance of the Fiery Stars" Im just thinking about Magnetar and its gamma ray light without heat flashes.

Dionysus links to "All Souls day" in this day!!  This must be the evidence of the Pagan compromise in the evolution of the religion about Jesus.

I must say some of those mystery cult rituals are weird and base and thank the Father for Jesus our Saviour.

continuing later..


Post Re: Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Wed Dec 24, 2008 10:17 pm

Merry Christmas everyone and great blessings for the season
Im still fascinated by the Crop circles Here is one September 07 08 in Avebury.

This Crop Circle encapsulates the main design of Grid that Magnetar Sevenfold is attached to and again is the confirmation of pattern of System Government Headquarters.

The Sanctuary - nr Avebury, Wiltshire

from here.

Its ironic that they call it the Sanctuary!

And what of those 2 circles at the end of one of the stems? Is that a representation of the location Magnetar Sevenfold within the Grid or is the 2 circular object representative of the 2 bright sphere before Magnetar, is that the System Headquarters??

Note: the bright spheres in front of the Magnetar Grid. Could these spheres, close together be the two spheres outside of the Grid in the image be the two spheres represented in the Crop Circle outside from the main circle and Grid? Could be!

Its just fascinating that this crop circle contains the same design of the Capital Government Grid that I have been revealing since Dec 3rd 08 in this journey and the Crop circle occurred on the 7th(a Seven) Sept 08 in the beforehand for us to recognize later, like a jigsaw in the beforehand created and pieced together later......

A clear confirmation!

Look at the alignment of the 2 bright spheres at the end of the stem in the image and then note the same alignment in the crop circle, that would be the confirmation even further. The exact image in both cases.

Amazing, praise the Lord!


Continuing the Dionysus track     Previous Dionysus tracks

Jesus whilst in Rome in his travels knew what was to come and made associations with the representatives of the mystery cults.  That's why it was easy for Peter and Paul in Rome to influence Christianity amoung the mystery cult leaders and people in general because Jesus already laid the foundation from his previous visit to Rome.

The Urantia Book has much to say about mystery cults in those days.

Here is a search on the "Mystery Cults" in the Urantia Book.

Here is a fragment from a search on Dionysus in The Urantia Book.


  • line 60: But the average men of these times could not grasp, nor were they much interested in, the Greek philosophy of self-realization and an abstract Deity; they rather craved promises of salvation, coupled with a personal God who could hear their prayers. They exiled the philosophers, persecuted the remnants of the Salem cult, both doctrines having become much blended, and made ready for that terrible orgiastic plunge into the follies of the mystery cults which were then overspreading the Mediterranean lands. The Eleusinian mysteries grew up within the Olympian pantheon, a Greek version of the worship of fertility; Dionysus nature worship flourished; the best of the cults was the Orphic brotherhood, whose moral preachments and promises of salvation made a great appeal to many.

Obviously, Jesus used the highest concepts contained within this Mystery cult in his fulfillment of their legends in many aspects.  No wonder many of the mystery cults swung over to Christianity in the very early Christian Church and many that Paul wrote to came from these mystery Cults.  Knowing this gives us a better understanding of Christianity and its character.  Paul used this fulfillment of Jesus to create the Christian Church from the Mystery Cults, this explains the rituals of the Catholic Church for example.

continuing later, have to wrap presents for Christmas.  Merry xmas!



I'm back on the Dionysus track.

Im looking into the Mystery Cult search in the Urantia Book

where I came across this fragment.

The teachings of Jesus, even though greatly modified, survived the mystery cults of their birthtime, the ignorance and superstition of the dark ages, and are even now slowly triumphing over the materialism, mechanism, and secularism of the twentieth century. And such times of great testing and threatened defeat are always times of great revelation.

Religion does need new leaders, spiritual men and women who will dare to depend solely on Jesus and his incomparable teachings. If Christianity persists in neglecting its spiritual mission while it continues to busy itself with social and material problems, the spiritual renaissance must await the coming of these new teachers of Jesus' religion who will be exclusively devoted to the spiritual regeneration of men. And then will these spirit-born souls quickly supply the

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leadership and inspiration requisite for the social, moral, economic, and political reorganization of the world.

The modern age will refuse to accept a religion which is inconsistent with facts and out of harmony with its highest conceptions of truth, beauty, and goodness. The hour is striking for a rediscovery of the true and original foundations of present-day distorted and compromised Christianity--the real life and teachings of Jesus.

The above describes where this journey is leading to and is a witness of the above.

 Im looking into the parallels of the Orphic thoughts compared to the realities of Jesus' life.

Dionysus nature worship flourished; the best of the cults was the Orphic brotherhood, whose moral preachments and promises of salvation made a great appeal to many.

Ok here is a link on The Orphic Mysteries,

The Orphic Mysteries separated from the Dionysian at around the 6th cent BC


The Orphics also developed a complex cosmology. Recorded in their Orphic Theogony and Argonautics. Here the cosmos was originally non material void. A divine power, the eggborn Eros (identified with Dionysos Phanes, God of Light), a golden winged hermaphrodite with four heads (Human, Bull, Serpent and Ram), emerged spontaneously from the void and began to create our universe via an act of will and imagination. At some stage, after various dualistic and triadic generations involved in this creation, an imbalance occurred from which emerged Strife. Following which the cosmos became imperfect and our everyday world emerged from it. Many later details were added involving complex hierarchies and aspects similar to those found in the Qabbalah (See Mead's Orphism for details). Though ultimately Dionysos Phanes united everything as one within his being. Much of this complexity today seem excessive and unnecessary, and was probably a ploy for creating an elite class of theological experts within Orphism.

A significant change occurs to the Orphic Mysteries in the early 6th Century. Here the ruler of Athens, Hipparchos, commissions a committee to collate and redact all the works of Orpheus, creating an official canon. The task is taken so seriously that when one member's contribution displeases Hipparchos he has him permanently banished from Athens. From then on Orphism is not only standardized but politically correct, and patronized by the Athenian establishment.

A few fragments I thought was interesting


The Orphic works of this period reveal that it had developed a strong philosophical base and collected the most advanced scientific belief of the time.

sounds familiar today in this journey!

and this

By the end of the 5th century Orphism itself would be dead, but not before giving birth to various offspring. One of these was Christianity, which contains hundreds Orphic and Dionysian archetypes. Most obviously the divine son of a Jovian sky god, named Iesus (a local rendition of Iasios, a Dionysos name often given to initiates), born in a 'grotto' among animals. Who preaches a new form of Orphic ethics, often using viticultural metaphors, prophesises, 'raises the dead' and heals the sick (all Orphic/Dionysian traits), works with fishermen (Orpheus was a Hunter/Fisher) and plagiarises the well known Dionysos magick of turning water into wine, during a sacred marriage rite. Before finally being 'hung on a tree', slaughtered as sacrificial scapegoat, and resurrected. All followed by apocalyptic warnings of divine wrath for his murder, reminiscent of Zeus' anger against the Titans!

It's virtually the life of Jesus as seen in their Orphic Mysteries.  Note: the evolution of the mystery cult since 600BC in the link.

as you read on further one thing comes to mind. 

Note: Jesus when he appeared to Saul of Tarsus he said to Saul.  Saul, why do you persecute me.  Saul before this time was a follower Mithra and probably realized that Jesus was the one that fulfilled his mystery cult prophecies in the real life during the appearance.

And by the way what happened in 600BC


About six hundred years before the arrival of Michael, it seemed to Melchizedek, long since departed from the flesh, that the purity of his teaching on earth was being unduly jeopardized by general absorption into the older Urantia beliefs. It appeared for a time that his mission as a forerunner of Michael might be in danger of failing. And in the sixth century before Christ, through an unusual co-ordination of spiritual agencies, not all of which are understood even by the planetary supervisors, Urantia witnessed a most unusual presentation of manifold religious truth. Through the agency of several human teachers the Salem gospel was restated and revitalized, and as it was then presented, much has persisted to the times of this writing.

This unique century of spiritual progress was characterized by great religious, moral, and philosophic teachers all over the civilized world. In China, the two outstanding teachers were Lao-tse and Confucius.

and what happened to the mystery cult of Dionysus in relation to the Orphic mysteries in 600BC

The Orphic Mysteries separated from the Dionysian at around the 6th cent BC


A significant change occurs to the Orphic Mysteries in the early 6th Century. Here the ruler of Athens, Hipparchos, commissions a committee to collate and redact all the works of Orpheus, creating an official canon

This reality was part of this fragment found in the Urantia Book was in preparation for Jesus 600 years later and note the Orphic mysteries in 600BC also went through an upstep leading to its first cannon which ultimately led the way to be fulfilled by Jesus. This is precisely why Christianity spread so quickly through these places of Asia after the times of Jesus as Paul realized what Jesus did in respect to the things written about of there central character in there own mystery cult in the beforehand.!  Jesus fulfilled all in all religions and cults through his life and teachings and all the many occurrences along the way..

And in the sixth century before Christ, through an unusual co-ordination of spiritual agencies, not all of which are understood even by the planetary supervisors, Urantia witnessed a most unusual presentation of manifold religious truth.

Jesus fulfilled the life of the Mithra, Dionysus as written about in Mithraic and Orphic writings in all aspects.

I find incredible the name Iesus and its connection to Jesus. you can see the plan of the ArchAngels, this is the connection.  It in the name and life story of figureheads that have the same parallel whose lives are actually lived out by Jesus himself thus fulfilling all there prophecies in the Son of Man, Jesus.

This Orphic operation pertaining to the highest ideal was part of that 600BC Arch Angel operation described in the Urantia Book, a Paradise operation.



Post Re: Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Thu Dec 25, 2008 8:57 pm

Watchtower 7 All stations Red Alert!!! ...Red Alert!!!...Red Alert!!!

This is an all Stations sounding the Red Alert for the leadership in Christian leadership or Christianity in general!


The teachings of Jesus, even though greatly modified, survived the mystery cults of their birthtime, the ignorance and superstition of the dark ages, and are even now slowly triumphing over the materialism, mechanism, and secularism of the twentieth century. And such times of great testing and threatened defeat are always times of great revelation.

Religion does need new leaders, spiritual men and women who will dare to depend solely on Jesus and his incomparable teachings. If Christianity persists in neglecting its spiritual mission while it continues to busy itself with social and material problems, the spiritual renaissance must await the coming of these new teachers of Jesus' religion who will be exclusively devoted to the spiritual regeneration of men. And then will these spirit-born souls quickly supply the

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leadership and inspiration requisite for the social, moral, economic, and political reorganization of the world.

The modern age will refuse to accept a religion which is inconsistent with facts and out of harmony with its highest conceptions of truth, beauty, and goodness. The hour is striking for a rediscovery of the true and original foundations of present-day distorted and compromised Christianity--the real life and teachings of Jesus.

I feel we are in exactly the time when this applies and would seriously recommend Christianity to look into things and activate or else future leadership in the Age of Jesus will be bestowed to specific individual religionists who know and live the truth exclusively today according to the teachings of Jesus.

Its time to activate Christian leadership and start up stepping and proclaiming....Now is the time we are in the final construct, its the time that we are successfull in the final mystery in the regeneration of mankind. I think its time to be witnessing great change is upon us and time prepare! I say this based on what Im reading and witnessing. I believe Now is the time! Time to get on the streets, be it electronic or physical.

This the real watch tower signal, time to look out and within and be ready.

In truth the above post is displayed the original and true foundations of Christianity!


Video Time

Mysteries Of The Unexplained - Are End Times Warnings True 1


End time relevant

The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 1 of 8)

and this video relating to familiar patterns that we have speaking about

The MOST IMPORTANT Video You Can Watch.!!!.

I looking at this video in relation to the patterns of the System Capital

apparently according to this presenter this pattern has been around since 20,000 years ago.  He really describes the pattern of the System Headquarters and many other things.


more on Crop Circles


"Colonel Corso & Crop Circles"

Genuine formations also tend to be located over the Earth's magnetic energy lines (some call them ley lines), influencing the energy pattern of local phehistoric sites. They often reference the local Neolithic features in size/shape/direction, and are dowsable upon entry, with as many as 20 layers of concentric patterns. In fact a year after they have been harvested and the field ploughed and re-sown, the energy imprint of the formations will still be dowsed in the same location long after its physical traces have vanished. Evidence has been found of four non-naturally occuring, short-life radioactive isotopes in the soil inside genuine crop circles (which dissipate after three or four hours), and the soil in around them apppers to have been baked.

It appears that the broadcast circuits are related to Magnetic lay lines of the planet which makes total sense.

and this fragment

Colonel Philip J. Corso, (Retired), who was the White House military aide to President Eisenhower. He has held positions on the National Security Council and is the former head of Foreign Technology Desk at the U.S. Army's Research and Development Department.

Colin Andrews asked Colonel Corso if there were any thoughts on what the circles were in the U.S. Government. He replied, "We thought they were a message of some kind. We thought that they were part of an integrated circuit and that eventually they would provide a complete picture of a circuit we could use".

Didn't I speculate just recently that the Crop Circles are most likely the resultant of simple broadcasts from the System Government Headquarters.  An example of the partial opening of the broadcast circuits.

I was thinking that the light spheres that have rarely been witnessed in the forming of a crop circle is most like an observer probe from the Spiritual administration of the planet as the reception of the broadcast from Jerusem is received.

Perhaps, just a thought!

Here is a link of what some people think Crop Circles are, there could be some clues there.

I believe the Crop Circle broadcast is a form of Spiritual Luminosity in manifestation in the form of light without heat energy in a specific spectrum within that band that can be used to form patterns noting from the links.  The form of broadcast used in my mind is a form of photonic energy, directionalised in communication with pattern that conveys a message through a symbol.  This tells me that this intelligence is definitely on a advanced level and does have purpose and do work in parallel as we advance closer to the truth.  They are way ahead of us in time and set out signs already, its through our realisation that we gain the knowledge or message of the symbols.  From my experience I believe the journey to the beginning is a journey they are relating to using parallel symbols..

This is exactly how the Kingdom of the Universe communicates between planets through patterns and in time audible but we haven't reached that stage yet.  What we see is just the simplest form of communication.  However, the fundamental purpose in the journey of the Crop Circles is part and parcel of great change occurring on all levels and according to my experience with the patterns of these formations and the parallels through the symbols of this journey it appears to be pointing to change.

Here is a fragment about the short space rays which could be another clue in the Crop Circles.

This short-ray energy charge of universe space is four hundred times greater than all other forms of radiant energy existing in the organized space domains. The output of short space rays, whether coming from the blazing nebulae, tense electric fields, outer space, or the vast hydrogen dust clouds, is modified qualitatively and quantitatively by fluctuations of, and sudden tension changes in, temperature, gravity, and electronic pressures.

These eventualities in the origin of the space rays are determined by many cosmic occurrences as well as by the orbits of circulating matter, which vary from modified circles to extreme ellipses. Physical conditions may also be greatly altered because the electron spin is sometimes in the opposite direction from that of the grosser matter behavior, even in the same physical zone.

The vast hydrogen clouds are veritable cosmic chemical laboratories, harboring all phases of evolving energy and metamorphosing matter. Great energy actions also occur in the marginal gases of the great binary stars which so frequently overlap and hence extensively commingle. But none of these tremendous and far-flung energy activities of space exerts the least influence upon the phenomena of organized life--the germ plasm of living things and beings. These energy conditions of space are germane to the essential environment of life establishment, but they are not effective in the subsequent modification of the inheritance factors of the germ plasm as are some of the longer rays of radiant energy. The implanted life of the Life Carriers is fully resistant to all of this amazing flood of the short space rays of universe energy.

All of these essential cosmic conditions had to evolve to a favorable status before the Life Carriers could actually begin the establishment of life on Urantia.

Maybe not relevant to the discussion but interesting.


More on crop circles

The presence of a friend enhances all beauty and exalts every goodness. By intelligent symbols man is able to quicken and enlarge the appreciative capacities of his friends. One of the crowning glories of human friendship is this power and possibility of the mutual stimulation of the imagination. Great spiritual power is inherent in the consciousness of wholehearted devotion to a common cause, mutual loyalty to a cosmic Deity.

Like journey and its relationship with the Sevenfold Scheme


Here is another interesting fragment that could be related to this time

line 214: The pouring out of the Spirit of Truth provides the spiritual foundation for the realization of great achievements in the interests of the human race of the bestowal world. Urantia is therefore far better prepared for the more immediate realization of a planetary government with its laws, mechanisms, symbols, conventions, and language--all of which could contribute so mightily to the establishment of world-wide peace under law and could lead to the sometime dawning of a real age of spiritual striving; and such an age is the planetary threshold to the utopian ages of light and life.

The government of truth


line 28: We speak of God's "first" thought and allude to an impossible time origin of the Eternal Son for the purpose of gaining access to the thought channels of the human intellect. Such distortions of language represent our best efforts at contact-compromise with the time-bound minds of mortal creatures. In the sequential sense the Universal Father never could have had a first thought, nor could the Eternal Son ever have had a beginning. But I was instructed to portray the realities of eternity to the time-limited minds of mortals by such symbols of thought and to designate the relationships of eternity by such time concepts of sequentiality.

Here is something that may relate to crop circles, broadcast circuits and ideographs

The common things with crop circles are, they are patterns and symbols we understand.  Note the symbols are getting more complex and meaningful.

Broadcasters--receivers and dispatchers--are a specialized subdivision of the seraphic recorders, being concerned with the dispatch of records and with the dissemination of essential information. Their work is of a high order, being so multicircuited that 144,000 messages can simultaneously traverse the same lines of energy. They adapt the higher ideographic techniques of the superaphic chief recorders and with these common symbols maintain reciprocal contact with both the intelligence co-ordinators of the tertiary supernaphim and the glorified intelligence co-ordinators of the Seraphic Corps of Completion.

Seraphic recorders of the superior order thus effect a close liaison with the intelligence corps of their own order and with all subordinate recorders, while the broadcasts enable them to maintain constant communication with the higher recorders of the superuniverse and, through this channel, with the recorders of Havona and the custodians of knowledge on Paradise. Many of the superior order of recorders are seraphim ascended from similar duties in lower sections of the universe.

The clue in the above that perhaps may relate to the crop circles is the words "ideographic techniques" which are "common symbols"  Like in the crop circles that are used to conveys an Ideographic expression in a symbol that expresses a meaning or an idea.

Crop circles are ideograph, symbols with meaning.

Here is an example of an ideograph.

and this is an ideagraph because it has meaning to me

like this


like this is an ideograph


and this

Here is another fragment of Ideographs that in my mind hints at Crop Circles.

3. Ideograph recorders. We have the equivalent of both your written and spoken word, but in preserving thought, we usually employ concept picturization and ideograph techniques. Those who preserve ideographs are able to improve one thousandfold upon the work of the concept recorders.


and more regarding the broadcast circuits

line 112: All secession propaganda had to be carried on by personal effort because the broadcast service and all other avenues of interplanetary communication were suspended by the action of the system circuit supervisors. Upon the actual outbreak of the insurrection the entire system of Satania was isolated in both the constellation and the universe circuits. During this time all incoming and outgoing messages were dispatched by seraphic agents and Solitary Messengers. The circuits to the fallen worlds were also cut off, so that Lucifer could not utilize this avenue for the furtherance of his nefarious scheme. And these circuits will not be restored so long as the archrebel lives within the confines of Satania.

and this one of those who maybe responsible for the message like in the Crop Circles

line 149: 6. The experts of communication. Urantia, likewise, is served by twelve technicians of interplanetary and interuniverse communication. These long-experienced beings are expert in the knowledge of the laws of transmittal and interference as applied to the communications of the realms. This corps is concerned with all forms of space messages except those of Gravity and Solitary Messengers. On Urantia much of their work must be accomplished over the archangels' circuit.




line 130: The Adjusters are the eternal ancestors, the divine originals, of your evolving immortal souls; they are the unceasing urge that leads man to attempt the mastery of the material and present existence in the light of the spiritual and future career. The Monitors are the prisoners of undying hope, the founts of everlasting progression. And how they do enjoy communicating with their subjects in more or less direct channels! How they rejoice when they can dispense with symbols and other methods of indirection and flash their messages straight to the intellects of their human partners! 

This is what I have been going through and you can see the evidence of this journey and where its leading to.

indirection and can = indirect

: not direct: as a (1): deviating from a direct line or course : roundabout (2): not going straight to the point <an indirect accusation> (3): being or involving proof of a proposition or theorem by demonstration that its negation leads to an absurdity or contradiction b: not straightforward and open : deceitful c: not directly aimed at or achieved <indirect consequences> d: stating what a real or supposed original speaker said with changes in wording that conform the statement grammatically to the sentence in which it is included <indirect discourse> <an indirect question> e: not effected by the action of the people or the electorate <indirect government representation>

Isn't that like the characteristic of the Crop Circles, indirect in the use of the symbols, we have to work it out.

and this fragment might bring out some clues

line 170: We are denied the full privilege of using these angels of the reflective order on Urantia. They are frequent visitors on your world, accompanying assigned personalities, but here they cannot freely function. This sphere is still under partial spiritual quarantine, and some of the circuits essential to their services are not here at present. When your world is once more restored to the reflective circuits concerned, much of the work of interplanetary and interuniverse communication will be greatly simplified and expedited. Celestial workers on Urantia encounter many difficulties because of this functional curtailment of their reflective associates. But we go on joyfully conducting our affairs with the instrumentalities at hand, notwithstanding our local deprivation of many of the services of these marvelous beings, the living mirrors of space and the presence projectors of time.

So it seems to me that the Broadcast circuits which connect to this planet are becoming restored but maybe widening its partial function.

There also appears to be a termination broadcast which would be related to the Judgment Seat in Jerusem.

line 162: The rebellion has ended on Jerusem. It ends on the fallen worlds as fast as divine Sons arrive. We believe that all rebels who will ever accept mercy have done so. We await the flashing broadcast that will deprive these traitors of personality existence. We anticipate the verdict of Uversa will be announced by the executionary broadcast which will effect the annihilation of these interned rebels. Then will you look for their places, but they shall not be found. "And they who know you among the worlds will be astonished at you; you have been a terror, but never shall you be any more." And thus shall all of these unworthy traitors "become as though they had not been." All await the Uversa decree.

I believe judgment would be marked by the reception of the executionary broadcast Message of the Ancients of Days delivered by Gabriel which would be followed by the message of Jesus as written in revelation. That's how it would probably work. Yea!

Judgment has to occur before the broadcast circuits are fully restored.

This sounds very severe!

However, this execution occurs in Jerusem where the rebels are interned.  But note: there is one rebel left here and his execution mandate comes to this planet through the restoration of the broadcast circuit and we may feel and see this judgment upon the last rebel before our eyes. 

Chances are likely that the children of the Last Rebel will go the same path as the rebel in the judgment process but there is an escape plan for the children of the Rebel, to escape Judgment given by the Father.  The Escape plan is turn from your ways, simply repent with a whole heart in a simple and sincere prayer and learn and study from the Urantia Book and the Bible so you are informed and learn to Love one another by the Jesus rule. That is the escape plan for the physical rebels of this world if the want to escape judgment.  But then it cant be a mechanical thing, it truly has to come from heart and has to be sincere.  You gotta want redemption it must come truly from your heart. 

The message for the rebel and his children is that the is game up, the journey is truly over for the Lucifer manifesto.  Its time to bail because there is no future in the camp of the rebel anymore.  He will be taken away or executed and his children, his whole family who spurn mercy will go!  This would be the last chance, it can be done in a personal place good space.

Other than that I see disaster for the encampment of the Rebel and for those who follow him with a whole heart.  My advice to follower of the last rebel abandon the camp and come over to the eternal encampment of Jesus.  The encampment of the Rebel will be destroyed!  That I know for sure and mercy and grace is tended to the Rebels children, if he turns from his ways and repents and go forward following the Life and teachings of Jesus and live it truly.  It could apply to anyone.

Is anyone going to listen apart from a few?......NO!  We live in the most blinded and deceived world but Jesus has lifted that veil for us, thank the Lord for that.


Post Re: Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:10 pm

Here are some thoughts on the Crop Circles, I think I worked out what they are and what there related to. The Broadcast Circuits.

The message that is heard throughout the world as written about by Jesus' friend John Zebedee in Revelation where Gabriel voices the Seven trumpet would mark the opening of the broadcast circuits.

I believe judgment would be marked by the reception of the executionary broadcast Message of the Ancients of Days delivered by Gabriel which would be followed by the message of Jesus as written in revelation. That's how it would probably work.


Post Journey to the Systems Government Capital Now! Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:45 am

Here is a Google earth link that if you switch to sky you will link of the Sevenfold Magnetar link where it will take to the location of Sevenfold Magnetar, the Dark island of space and its attendant spheres and the System Government Headquarters 10,000 light years away.

Wow and we can go there now to Jerusem! The Systems Capital! ... sation.kmz

Ah its real cool zooming in on our future home in our eternal adventure!

Fantastic, praise the Lord!


Post Re: Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Sat Dec 27, 2008 4:35 am

Here is a panoramic view of our local System Headquarters and the Capital of Nebadon, the Capital of all the systems in our local universe in relation to our current home Urantia. The Capital of Nebadon is the home of our Creator, Jesus our Paradise Son and our friend.

With Active Links

Kinda reminds me of the triangle of truth on this planet Urantia.




Post Re: Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Sat Dec 27, 2008 8:33 am

Hi Chaparo

Maybe some where attempted by men but the crop circles Im looking at where made by some other source that I believe is related to the universe also the ones Im speaking off have a residue of radio activity and increased magnetic field.

I basically, on the run listed my thoughts on Crop Circles in the link below.

When on the page just follow the Crop Circle bookmarks.


Post Re: Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Sat Dec 27, 2008 8:50 am

Checkout the mark on his forehead of the Man of the Trees of Eden. The Symbol looks like the pattern or emblem of the System Capital Headquarters. WOW! The man who writes the book of Eden!


Continuing The Centre of the Universe Lost Books of Nostradamus 2012 and Ophiuchus 3 of 3 The Trees of Eden

I wonder what that would mean and also the same pattern is missing in the wheel above which to me signifies great change.

Is this describing the journey in an ideographic way, symbol and idea which means all all discoveries but particularly our System Government System being in the heart and mind of the man from Eden, the writer of the trees of Eden?

I think this is right!

3 co planar circles either way straight through the middle joining the circles.


New Post: Direct Link To This Post Posted: Today at 13:15

I was thinking that you could just read it including the links and then put it together yourself.


Why should I explain every detail when you can at least read and think about it.


You know the main sources.  My thoughts are just my thoughts from my personal experience on the run, its not a chapter 1 or 2 book because its a mystery and you have to read behind the lines, going on hunches.  Nothing is clear cut in the way may like it. 


Tough luck.



sevens Amageddeon online

Dead Meat

You're right, I suppose its to late. The problem is there are to many doors opened where much is found and on many levels where much is occurring. The research is being guided so it goes many places from many ends which may appear confusing but at the end of the day it does form a oneness and synchronizes in truth.

Its been a linear timeline journey on many levels so its hard to consolidate in a book. The journey is dynamic and on the run. All what you see are on the run notes preparing for the book which is backed up by the Universe.

Plus, the key of this journey is that, its given out freely as it happens, creating paths that can built upon later. The Universe blesses that greatly because it is not based on reward or hire like what everyone else does in many cases, in the want to get rich and be full of CRAP! Not all cases.

By the way, all this was foreseen in the DSC where the final message would be rejected at the end The message would not fail but no one will recognize it and reject for whatever reason.

That's why some feel judgment maybe severe. Im not sure but I do know that change is coming and all Im doing is letting people know because I know the end will come from the beginning and everything about this journey is all to do with the beginning places that leads to the ultimate beginning, our System Universe Headquarters.

The thing is everyone is expecting the last prophet to come and prove himself through outward miracles but that is not the truth in that scenario. The job of the last guy is to bring out the miracle of truth from the inner realm of within and that can be demonstrated using all the senses in conjunction with Universe intelligence in order to set a path for the future destiny of mankind, steering a course. But no one would see that because they are all shallow including all the churches and other religions as they are always looking for outward miracles and demonstrations. This is how the world is mislead just like in a sideshow.

But when truth comes and it appears a little different ........ ahh forget it, it doesn't follow protocol as set down by secularism and yet that was the truth.

Also these things are occurring because essentially, all that you see in this journey is part of an emergency operation coordinated by Paradise or the Kingdom of Heaven. If the Kingdom of Heaven don't intervene in this day through spiritual pressure from above then man as we know him will destroy himself as a species.

Undoubtedly, If the Kingdom of Heaven does not come then we will be all annihilated through Nuclear war, this has been foreseen. Its only because of the prayers of the faithful and the elect, the servants for God that this action does take place.

This is an emergency operation in the beforehand and there is an escape hatch or an Ark prepared but its only through faith as spoken by Jesus that one will be successfull. All kinds of advise are in given in connection to the beginning places where the end shall come.

If you dont understand what Im saying then you'll have to re-read your bible and try the Urantia Book to and have a look for yourself.

One way or another man has be to be corrected now for his future. This correction on every level has to occur. We have to be ready for great change and the Universe does not reveal themselves to be a side show, it really means business and real correction that offers new challenges for mankind, inner challenges.

Its real reality coming to roost for man and the platform for Paradise has been set for them to activate the final construct on the path to Judgment. I wouldn't underestimate anything and this writing is not for popularity by any means.

We already know that financial Armageddon has arrived and what else has to arrive for man to reset planetary destiny and governance to face a brand new world.

Oh yeah!! One day there will be a one world government based on the foundations and uncompromised teachings of Jesus, the Sovereign and it will be a good world full of good loving people. People who love and support his fellow man without a thought of profit and material benefit. It will be a world where all will have housing and clean water with clean transportation and nothing to worry about because there wont be those living on his back feeding him lies and false dreams of shit under a life time of spiritual bondage, like there are today.


Post Re: Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Sun Dec 28, 2008 6:22 am

I just found out today that Apocalypse means revealing or uncovered. I believe this journey is the Apocalypse for today, the hidden revealed.

Question: "What is the Apocalypse?"

Answer: The word apocalypse comes from the Greek word apocalupsis which means

revealing, disclosure, to take off the cover.”

The book of Revelation is sometimes referred to as the "Apocalypse of John" because it is God revealing the end times to the Apostle John. Further, the Greek word for “apocalypse” is the very first word in the Greek text of the book of Revelation. The phrase "apocalyptic literature" is used to describe the use of symbols, images, and numbers to depict future events. Outside of Revelation, examples of apocalyptic literature in the Bible are Daniel chapters 7-12, Isaiah chapters 24-27, Ezekiel chapters 37-41, and Zechariah chapters 9-12.

Why was apocalyptic literature written in such symbolism and imagery? The apocalyptic books were written when it was more prudent to disguise the message in images and symbolism than to give the message in plain language. Further, the symbolism created an element of mystery about details of time and place. The purpose of such symbolism, however, was not to cause confusion, but rather to instruct and encourage followers of God in difficult times.

There is nothing in religion today that is revealing anything close to this. This must be the Apocalypse of the End times. Its an Apocalypse, that's the whole theme.

There is nothing in religion today that is revealing anything close to this. This must be the Apocalypse of the End times. Its an Apocalypse, that's the whole theme.

Look at all the hidden and revealing of the beginning cities of past Epochs in a thought documented journey that led to the System Government Headquarters home of the Judgment Seat following the Light without Heat magnetar signal.

Who has experienced anything like that in religion especially from the Christian levels? There is no one! This must be the Apocalypse or an Apocalypse in the end times revealing the hidden of which Jesus is part of.

In Johns Revelation there is also another Apocalypse which is related to the Seventh Mystery or the Sevenfold Mystery, revealing the hidden. Jesus said he would do that and Im sure he would be working with a counterpart or couple of counterparts where each have there role in the final Apocalypse revealing everything that is hidden!

Lets say this is the Sevenfold Apocalypse! The Seventh Mystery The thing is, I have been saying this in the whole time that the end comes from the beginning as found in the Bible and Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, he tells you, the end time Apolcalypse is related to the Beginning where the End shall come from. The Hidden Revealed!




Its looking real good and very big. Following the "light with heat" Magnetar did led to the Judgment Seat and before all things are restored, the execution broadcast must be issued first for the execution of the Last Rebel who still remains here.

Be ready my friend for the joy of the Lord some time in the future. I dont know dates and wont speculate but always found something in around each date and I always knew it was part of a bigger picture. Just the fact the System Headquarters has been revealed tells me Paradise means business.

The "light with heat" of Sevenfold Magnetar is non personal Spiritual Luminosity of the Spiritual Administrators of the Universe. When the flash of Magnetar went out in 40 flashes (number symbols) numbers significant in religion and this journey what we were viewing was there Spiritual Luminosity of the Spiritual Administrators. Perhaps a decree was made in the courts and in there delight of the decree a "light without heat" signal was sent out, to signal us that a decision has been made in the courts of the Ancient of Days concerning the rebellion! Yea!

I believe the Light with Heat Magnetar is the System Capital of this part of the Universe.

Do a study in the bible and checkout all the light without Heat scenarios there are, angels are "light with heat" beings when they are seen in human eyes.

Lets see what happens. When a decision is handed down justice is swift.

All the best



Here is the web page I have been populating. I previously got banned some time ago and used Sevens8 where they have left me to post. But lately they have been freaked out and started a deletion program short of banning.

Deleting throws everything out of context and they are uncomfortable with all this.

Im there to let them know what's happening that's all I can do.

Here is the link
You might have to join.


Stabby Joe.

Well that's true I shouldn't assume that people know this. That's why people have work it out I suppose. Really speaking what the book is just thought journey in the focalisation of the Ancient places which uncovering a world breaking phenomena, realizing on the run on all different levels.

Im trying to prove that the UB is right and by proving takes me on this splendid discovery and realisation journey each day leading up to something. Recently its been outstanding! I have always been satisfied each day on this journey! That's why its hard to put into a conventional book. But I reckon once compiled it would be brilliant but this virtual journey could led to something really big beyond books and remembered for eons to come and will be good.

It is good.


Post Re: Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Sun Dec 28, 2008 6:22 am

I just found out today that Apocalypse means revealing or uncovered. I believe this journey is the Apocalypse for today, the hidden revealed.



Question: "What is the Apocalypse?"

Answer: The word apocalypse comes from the Greek word apocalupsis which means

revealing, disclosure, to take off the cover.”

The book of Revelation is sometimes referred to as the "Apocalypse of John" because it is God revealing the end times to the Apostle John. Further, the Greek word for “apocalypse” is the very first word in the Greek text of the book of Revelation. The phrase "apocalyptic literature" is used to describe the use of symbols, images, and numbers to depict future events. Outside of Revelation, examples of apocalyptic literature in the Bible are Daniel chapters 7-12, Isaiah chapters 24-27, Ezekiel chapters 37-41, and Zechariah chapters 9-12.

Why was apocalyptic literature written in such symbolism and imagery? The apocalyptic books were written when it was more prudent to disguise the message in images and symbolism than to give the message in plain language. Further, the symbolism created an element of mystery about details of time and place. The purpose of such symbolism, however, was not to cause confusion, but rather to instruct and encourage followers of God in difficult times.

There is nothing in religion today that is revealing anything close to this. This must be the Apocalypse of the End times. Its an Apocalypse, that's the whole theme.

Look at all the hidden and revealing of the beginning cities of past Epochs in a thought documented journey that led to the System Government Headquarters home of the Judgment Seat following the Light without Heat magnetar signal.

Who has experienced anything like that in religion especially from the Christian levels? There is no one! This must be the Apocalypse or an Apocalypse in the end times revealing the hidden of which Jesus is part of.

In Johns Revelation there is also another Apocalypse which is related to the Seventh Mystery or the Sevenfold Mystery, revealing the hidden. Jesus said he would do that and Im sure he would be working with a counterpart or couple of counterparts where each have there role in the final Apocalypse revealing everything that is hidden!

Lets say this is the Sevenfold Apocalypse!



Its looking real good and very big. Following the "light without heat" Magnetar did lead to the Judgment Seat and before all things are restored, the execution broadcast must be issued first for the execution of the Last Rebel who still remains here.

Be ready my friend for the joy of the Lord some time in the future. I dont know dates and wont speculate but always found something in around each date and I always knew it was part of a bigger picture. Just the fact the System Headquarters has been revealed tells me Paradise means business.

The "light without heat" of Sevenfold Magnetar is non personal Spiritual Luminosity of the Spiritual Administrators of the Universe. When the flash of Magnetar went out in 40 flashes (number symbols) numbers significant in religion and this journey what we were viewing was there Spiritual Luminosity of the Spiritual Administrators. Perhaps a decree was made in the courts and in there delight of the decree a "light without heat" signal was sent out, to signal us that a decision has been made in the courts of the Ancient of Days concerning the rebellion! Yea!

I believe the Light with Heat Magnetar is the System Capital of this part of the Universe.

Do a study in the bible and checkout all the light without Heat scenarios there are, angels are "light with heat" beings when they are seen in human eyes.

Lets see what happens. When a decision is handed down justice is swift.

All the best



Are you Dutch? The Van in your name has real timeline mileage that goes back to the Tree of Life! Its the name of the founder of a very ancient Kingdom that protected the tree of life, Van the founder had immortality because of the Tree of Life.

The Van name is probably a remnant of the old Vanite Kingdom who in name perpetuated the name of Van found in the name of there region, namely Lake Van. Over time some Vans migrated to Europe, to Prussia and then eventually Holland.

This might sound ridiculous but the name Van has perpetuated for 500,000 years where the name comes from the first city, Dalamatia City

Its from this city where Van came from, the City of the Sons of God until most of them rebelled 200,000 years ago.

Mind you Van had no children. Its just a perpetuation of his name, an ancient memory that was adopted by civilizations that came out of his area of influence.

Van and Amadon translated 38,000 years ago after he built 1st Eden Adam and Eve came. We confirmed 1stEden in 2 expeditions of Cyprus as written in the Urantia Book.

What's more peculiar is that the Javan were the Greeks, the Greeks came out of North Eastern Iran over 12,000 years ago. Javan means the Young and has Van within Javan there must a relation of Young or younger and Van.




The "Light without Heat" Magnetar is the Sign from Heaven for this planet.

This is why I think this.

Go Google Sky to the Space Headquarters.


Post Re: Magnetar Sun Dec 28, 2008 7:19 pm

Angelic Enigma

Thanks for posting the Magnetar info, it really took my journey to another level.

I was curious how did you come across Magnetar and what interested you in Magnetar for you to post it?

With Rapture nothing happened except for Magnetar on Dec 3rd 08, I just wonder if rapture is right? It doesn't worry me either way. In any case we are friends of Jesus and he will watch over us regardless where this world goes to.

One thing for sure, he is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the man from the Beginning!


PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:25 pm    Post subject:

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Aksel, Ankersen wrote:

Sorry to rain upon the parade, but magnetar XTE J810-197 is estimated to be 3-4 kiloparsecs distant from earth; therefore we are seeing the light it emitted 10,500-14,000 years ago i.e. even before the time of Jesus.

Actually I didn't know this was posted here.

Yes, I know what you mean but as you journey to Centre of the Universe Wheel, Times Speeds up relative to timeline but in any case if a signal was sent it is what you say. Essentially, what we are speaking of is another realm of existence in the eternal realms beyond time/Space as spoken about in all the books of religion. This could of been sent so long ago in knowledge of our circumstance today by the Eternal Fathers. "Light without Heat" is directly related to physical non personal emanation Spiritual Luminosity of the Spiritual Administrators of the universes from Paradise and filters in the worlds of time space.

There a few Light without Heat prospectives in the Bible.

Transfiguration, Jacobs Ladder and the Burning Bush etc.

Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Man from the Beginning, he always spoke about the end from the Beginning.

In the following image is the beginning, the real beginning of our local universe. The Alpha and the Omega, how else would Jesus come, he comes from the beginning where else does the end shall come from and where else does the execution broadcast of the Ancient of Days comes in pursuit of the Last Rebel?

Here is information on the "Light without Heat" worlds, The Signal of Paradise for us from the realms of Eternity.


I believe what we saw was a signal from the Kingdom of Heaven.

I just found out the word Apocalypse means revealing, uncovering and therefore makes these beginning places, the Apocalypse of the Seventh Mystery of our time because everything in this journey comes from the Beginning and no one in the world but in this journey is proclaiming this.

Its the Sevenfold Apocalypse. In ultimate truth that "Light without Heat" Signal is the location of the Judgment Seat! That is where the 24 Elders reside around the judgment seat in the Capital Jerusem. This is where our judgment comes from we are looking at the judgment seat right now. We are at the doors of judgment because the local System Government does not reveal themselves for nothing.

There is purpose behind this!

It could very well be that a decision has been handed from the Ancients of Days in the case regarding the ultimate fate of the Lucifer rebellion and the rebels and Judgment of the Last Rebel approaches rapidly.

Go Google Sky to the Space Headquarters.


Tablet 29

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