sevens » Sat Jul 11,
2009 10:10 am
Fourteen seems to be a significant number in the
past throughout the Hebrew religion. I feel 14 points to the human
counterpart in the End times or the in the time of change and revealing. 14
also relates to the birthdate and the name of the counterpart which links
back to our origins. 14 points to the last man with the message and
construct which also reflects the Seven Seven timeline, 14. Note: in total
there are 28 Shabbes marked in the time line.
In August 09 all the Friday Shabbes falls on the 7th multiple date 7th,
14th, 21st(Jesus human birthdate) and
Exodus 12:18
In the first month, on
the fourteenth day of the month at even, ye shall eat unleavened
bread, until the one and
twentieth day of the month at even.
Leviticus 23:5
In the fourteenth day
of the first month at even is the Lord's passover
Numbers 28:16
And in the fourteenth
day of the first month is the passover of the Lord.
Joshua 5:10
And the children of Israel encamped in Gilgal, and kept the passover on
the fourteenth day
of the month at even in the plains of Jericho.
1 Kings 8:65
And at that time Solomon
held a feast, and all Israel with him, a great congregation, from
the entering in of Hamath unto the river of Egypt, before the Lord our
God, seven days
and seven days,
even fourteen days.
Ezekiel 40:1
In the five and twentieth year of our captivity, in the beginning of the
year, in the tenth day of the month, in the
fourteenth year
after that the city was
smitten, in
the selfsame day the hand of the Lord was upon me,
brought me thither.
(archaic) To that place
(seldom used except in poetry or legal papers). Like the Father brought
us to the ancient cities of the beginnings, the ancient places pointed
and led to judgment where a city or attitude with ignorance was smitten
in the process.
Ezekiel 45:21
In the first month, in
the fourteenth day of the month, ye shall have the Passover, a
feast of seven days;
unleavened bread shall be eaten.
Passover represents escape through
the 14 man at the end of the age
with the message that was foreseen in Hebrew ritual of Passover. Speaks
of Jesus but also speaks of the person at the End change of an age. A
Seven or 14 man by birth. The 14 man is the Sevenfold Servant and a
friend of Jesus the Sovereign and the Father in Paradise. He was
foreseen in the Passover escape ritual of the Hebrews for this day,
Matthew 1:17
So all the generations from
Abraham to David are
fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into
Babylon are fourteen
generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon
unto Christ are fourteen
Very significant, all arranged in 14, seven seven separation that
follows the generational lineage that leads to Jesus. Another 14 related
person at the end will also be related to Jesus in Metaphor through the
14 connection. in the birthdate.
2 Corinthians 12:2
I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I
cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;)
such an one caught up to the third heaven.
Numbers 33:38
(Read all of
Numbers 33)
And Aaron the priest went up into mount Hor at the
commandment of the Lord, and died there, in
the fortieth year after the children of
Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the first
day of the fifth month.
Zechariah 8:19
(Read all of
Zechariah 8)
Thus saith the Lord of hosts;
The fast of the fourth month, and the fast of the
fifth, and the fast of the seventh,
and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the house of Judah joy
and gladness, and cheerful feasts;
therefore love the truth and peace.
sevens » Sat Jul 11, 2009 5:39 pm
In previous posts I have noted the Alien face in the
teardrop swirls of some selected circles.
These are our non breather friends who are part of the evolution of our Solar
system, they are our elder physical brothers and are more advanced than
Here is the Urantia Book search for Nonbreathers ... mit=Submit
Here is a fragment which gives us the clue of there existence. I reckon they
live underground.
You would be more than interested in the planetary
conduct of this type of mortal because such a race of beings inhabits a
sphere in close proximity to Urantia.
They DONT come from other places in space, they come from our Solar system.
The Arecibo reply gives us the clue. Here is the video again where they tell us
the spheres they live on in our Solar System.
Crop Circles De=Coded part 2 ... id=7182668
The deception our non breather brothers speak of is that of the Last Rebel
deception. The conduit that is closing I think is about the escape conduit from
judgment. The escape path from judgment is the Seven paths of the infinite
garden. I am sure our non nreather brothers are all involved in this judgment
process to help us.
There technology is far more advanced because it was not about making a buck or
profit motivation.
Like the hyprocrisy we see about
Carbon tax considering there is an abundance of non polluting
technologies available that can be used for everyday purpose but are ignored or
suppressed by the Nodite Babel controllers.
This is another deception of the man over man to make a buck out of the air we
breathe and to further control man under the current deception.
The Non breathers all have non polluting technologies and man has realized this
same technology but the evil Nodite Babel system will not look at it nor
investigate it as there are to many selfish self interests at work even
governments are all involved. They know about it but they do not want this
technology for man as its all about control and further leeching of man under
fear. The current Nodite System is nothing but a leech on man in spirit and
We can all have cars running of Non Breather technology, we can have non
polluting free electricity technology giving us electricity....for free except
infrastructure costs. All man can be energy independent TODAY harnessing the
earths own energy. There is ample evidence around today of people who present
their technology under disguise for out of fear of death and destruction....
once again. So typical of the current system.
In real truth, Carbon tax is
just another furvy and twisting of the truth. No wonder there is no
political will for this Carbon Tax as the leaders really know where it all leads
to. The Rudd government of Australia is under delusion by promoting a lie.
The technology is here and it can be used right now and all the main governments
know about it but the leaders are under the control of the Nodite Babel system.
Every home and transport device can run independently of the system, every
household does not need to be dependant on the system.....In truth! There is no
need for carbon tax for every person on the planet using Non breather technology
and that is the truth!
In the utopian world to come in a 1000 years every
household will be power and transport independent producing there own power.
Money will be non profit and civilization will be more service motivated and
spiritually striving to be better. Everything will be more honest and sincere!
Not this crap we see everyday in our lives and thoughts of even more
MONKEY/KANGAROO tax and impost on the individual through a lie and deception.
Following Babel in attitude and action has led man to a
disaster and it will lead man to species extinction if intervention of the
Universal Government of Jesus the Sovereign does not occur.
The only escape for man in this day from the Nodite Babel
controllers is the Path of the Universal Government of Jesus the Sovereign in
this day through, a complete route and disillusion of Babel through
judgment....there is no other way.
Just annoys me seeing these Political Peacocks running around strutting their
EGO when they have no idea what there on about. All guided by the Babel Nodite
man promoting the Babel ideology or idiot-ology and especially at the doors of
Judgment. All they talk about is change and further impost on man. There is a
great snare prepared for these Nodite Babel people!
How about get this non breather and other free non polluting technology and
perpetuate it and transition!!!!! Where it helps man to be truly free from the
Monkey of his back which is Governments and Banks.
That would be a better tree for man than what I see proposed by this ego
strutting peacock talking the same Nodite garbage of further impost on the backs
of man.
sevens » Sat Jul 11,
2009 7:17 pm
At the end of the day there is no escape for the true Nodite Babel man who
knows what he is doing in his deception over man.
He can live his "so called" blessings today but be spiritually bankrupt and
will not be admitted in the Kingdom of Heaven after death therefore finds
personality extinction.
No matter what the Nodite Babel man does, he cannot escape, he does not have a
future...he will not pass go to eternal existence.
He can defy judgment but he will fail ultimately!
In essence the Nodite Babel man is the walking dead and nothing but death
comes out of his mouth through deception.
The only escape for him is repentance and acknowledge the Father with
Sincerity and turn from his deathly ways and help people properly! Other than
that there is no other avenue for the Nodite Babel man!
sevens » Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:21 am
Here are the 3 phases of a crop circle that grew over 3 nights
Its a broadcast message in script form and confirms my first thought as the
opening of the broadcast circuits which means the end of rebellion on this
planet comes soon.


Sevens days later
With the message


I believe this first contact.
I wonder if it some ancient script from back in our past. I wonder if this
represents the ancient Dalamatia City which should on Stone Slabs submerged in
the Persian Gulf or even 1stEden Script using the Vanite language? or maybe
its just Non breather script we have to learn somehow.
Could this be the final confirmation of the journey to the beginnings,
confirming the new revelation?
And note: The crop circle points to the White Horse in collaboration
confirming the message from the beginnings, the ancient cities of the Tree of
Note: The Alien Head in the teardrop, the ones who sent the message,
our non breather brothers who have something to say to us all.
Maybe the the message is like a Rosetta Stone of 4
languages expressed, where there is one script that we are familiar which from
our past which enables us to workout the other messages with similar script.
07-12-2009 05:40 AM
Alot going on, can anyone interpret the script in this crop circle that evolved
over 3 nights?
[ 07-12-2009, 06:00 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]
sevens » Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:41 pm
The Sevens triangle from July 2005

very similar to the Sevens in the crop circle of July 2009

and note: the Sevens crop circles.

sevens » Sun Jul 12, 2009 9:30 pm
UFO captured
on SOHO coincides with crop circle prediction
July 11, 7:55 AM
SOHO LASCO C2 image of UFO heading into the sun The Solar and Heliospheric
Observatory (SOHO) has captured satellite images of what appears to be a UFO
entering into the sun after a solar flare. The flare was part of a series that
had been predicted by a crop circle.
The Milk Hill crop circle
evolved over three stages from June 21-30. It had a coded message
predicting solar activity in the form of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs)
beginning on July 6/7. The UFO is not a planet and does not have the
characteristics of a comet both of which are regularly captured on SOHO
images. The UFO is seen moving through a solar flare that appeared on July 9
after a CME is ejected. With the large amount of interest generated in the
crop circle prediction, the UFO may have been related in some way.
The LASCO C2 SOHO jpeg movie clearly shows the UFO moving towards the large
solar flare and into the sun from the left or 9 O’clock position on July 9.
You tube ... r_embedded

The UFO does not correspond to any planet as its trajectory makes clear. .Nor
does the UFO correspond to any comet which characteristically have tails as
the following image shows of comet C/2002 X5 (Kudo-Fujikawa)

Upon magnification of the UFO entering into the July 9 solar flare (see top
image above), there is no tail that for a comet would be normally pointing
away from the sun due to the solar wind.
Also, no known satellite has been announced with a trajectory to crash into
the sun. At this stage, the UFO is either an asteroid or an intelligently
guided vehicle heading directly into the sun. If the latter, then it might
qualify as a Type II extraterrestrial civilization that has sufficiently
advanced technologies to work with stellar energies. Prof Michio Kaku
popularized the typology of extraterrestrial civilizations first proposed by
Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev in 1964. Furthermore, if the UFO belongs
to a Type II extraterrestrial civilization, it may also have sufficiently
sophisticated technologies to create complex crop circles with coded
predictions about solar activity. The crop circle's succesful prediction of
solar activity beginning on July 6/7, does strengthen the possibility that a
Type II extraterrestrial civilization was involved.
If the UFO was an asteroid, then it is an interesting coincidence that it
crashes into the sun around the time of the predicted solar activity.
Alternatively, the creators of the June 21-30 Milk Hill Crop Circle may have
revealed themselves to SOHO for the world to see.
[Author Note: Thanks to Adele Henkel for originally pointing out the SOHO
video images of a UFO] ... prediction
sevens » Sun Jul 12,
2009 10:06 pm
The latest crop circle
Fosse way by the A425 to Leamington Spa.
Reported 11th July.

27 circles. 3x9=27
999 or 9/9/09
Beginning to the End increasing in intensity
9/9/09, that's around the End of Enoch's 10 weeks Judgment according to
the Shabbes timeline!

stretched image

sevens » Sun Jul 12,
2009 10:24 pm
Here is another image of the
Chesterton Windmill nr Harbury Warwickshire.
Reported 9th July.
Note: The 3 dimensional Pyramid it has seven division on all sides.
I appears to be very much like the Shabbes/Sevenfold Pyramid in this work.
stretched image, triangle/Circle in the middle.
A Sevenfold symbol

Similar to

sevens » Sun Jul 12,
2009 10:58 pm
At the end of the day I would like to thank and praise the
Father in the Kingdom of Heaven, Jesus the Sovereign and I thank especially
the Sevenfold Seraphic teaching mission on Earth/Urantia for all there
beautiful blessings of revealing and synchronicity in this most excellent
journey of Man and God walking together including our fellow Non breather
brothers, a family of friends.
Everything will be revealed before escape and Judgment.
Praise be to the Father!!!!!!! Yea!
sevens » Sun Jul 12,
2009 11:11 pm
Here is a latest report of a crop circle
Cannings Cross, Near Allington, Wiltshire,
reported July10th 09

Similar to
Note: 18 leaves and 18 triangle triangles on the outer ring. It appears to be
a 18 sided 3d hill also notice the hill is within the concentric circles
another important symbol. The Concentric circles is the Symbol of Paradise.
sevens » Mon Jul 13,
2009 12:27 am
Check this out
September 11, 2008
New UFO footage. Claimed to show UFO attacking a man.
Here is another weird video
Aliens Exist !
sevens » Mon Jul 13,
2009 5:44 am
Here is an interesting video which highlights the lights
associated with crop circles.
Contact - A film on Crop Circles Prt.1 ... re=related
sevens » Mon Jul 13,
2009 7:58 am
This snippet of information will again pri\ove the Urantia
Book and its information about Iran.
Discovery of a middle-Palaeolithic
settlement near Qom
13 July 2009
Iranian archaeologists have discovered evidences of
middle-Palaeolithic settlement near the Daryāch-ye Namak (Salt Lake) in
the country's central province of Qom.
The excavation was conducted by archaeologists from Esfahan University,
which yielded a collection of Middle-Palaeolithic tools.
“The team found human residential areas dating back
to 30,000 to 70,000
years ago,” said Mohammad-Ali Makkizadeh from Esfahan University
speaking with Tabnak Persian Service.
“It seems that humans lived in the area when the lake was full of water,”
he added.
According to Makkizadeh the team had travelled all through the Qom
Province to collect samples and identify more sites to study.
Salt Lake is located approximately 100 km east of the religious city of
The Kingdom of Arrata began 38,000
years ago in the NorthWest of Iran near the Kopet Daugh, before that it was
the Vanite Kingdom where the tree of life was temporarily kept by Van after
the rebellion in Dalamatia City (Persian Gulf) near Jiroft. Van built the
1stGarden of Eden of Cyprus before the reception of Adam and Eve.
Going through the Urantia revelation it will all link up.
sevens » Mon Jul 13,
2009 8:33 pm
This Crop Circle Grew overnight!
Notice all the circle triangles with circles in the middle. This confirms a
prime symbol in the journey to the submerged triangle cities with circular
temples in the middle and including Vans highland capital.
The same symbol that is in the shaft of the Great Pyramid. Triangle/circle.
18 from what I can count.
It could represent the mountain of God surrounded by concentric circles.
Perhaps the Judgment Seat resides there.
It looks like a crown, its the crown and other previous Sevenfold symbol is
the Jigsaw puzzle with its key...The journey from the beginnings a journey
that emanated out of 1stEden of Cyprus and went to all the other cities
reaching a crescendo in collaboration with the crop circles and its symbolism.
Cannings Cross, Near Allington, Wiltshire,
Reported 10th July ... s2009.html


The jigsaw puzzle with its nearby key.

sevens » Mon Jul 13,
2009 8:52 pm
There was a key crop pattern found very close to this
Sevenfold Crop Circle.
Its the key and the Sevenfold Symbol is lock. To me the ancient places and
everything about the cities is the Sevenfold key to the mystery. I believe its
the message of the White Horse rider.

Windmill is like the Sevenfold Watchtower. The Mill of the harvest

Diagram Jay Goldner Copyright 2009
09 when the jigsaw comes together.
Here is a field report
This formation is straight and simple with no thrills or any fancy
designs. The outer circle I walked step by step and is approx. 350 feet in
diameter. The formation is lying on the incline of the hill below the very
impressive windmill and in a concave dip of the field. This appears to be
a ` quicky ` as there was no regular tufts with the fancy twists BUT all
the regular tell tale signs are there to indicate that our friends have
taken a break from Wiltshire. Light was poor for photography with the odd
shower was looming in the distance. The avenues of this simple formation
have been fairly walked on but on the inner of the circle the wheat
appears to be rising and is crisp beneath the foot. The main lay is
clockwise - the avenues are laid upwards then downwards manner. My boots
were covered in mud by the time I reached this formation - there was no
sign of any mud deposit in the formation itself.
To me this formation indicates ` power and rank ` and
I have a feeling this is
not for US to decipher as it seems to show an EMBLEM of some type for
someone else to see. . As I was leaving the formation something
shot through the wheat in a straight line - the speed was quite
impressive, sadly I cant tell
The triangle within the
inside of the circle contains a jigsaw puzzle of many pieces and Im sure
someone out there will place the pieces together to create a diagram for
us all to see you what this was as all I saw was the wheat shake
and part as it went through it. (Maybe it was a super rabbit)....
I believe it all relates to the Shabbes Sevenfold Pyramid and journey from
cities is the Jigsaw puzzle coming together confirming the Symbol.
sevens » Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:20 pm
If you look at this image of the Temple of 1stEden of Cyprus note the Logo.
The Pyramid within 3 concentric circles.
Mountain of God and the Stone Wall in the valley

then note the 2 previous crop circle.
Triangles with circles around them.
The Pyramid encompassing the on the run journey from the cities. The puzzle
that fits together like a Rubik cube contained in the Pyramid triangle.
Note: each side of the inner pyramid corner inside the triangle has
Sevenfold divides, the Sevenfold journey.
Journey of The Mountain of God

The Crown, the triangle mountain surrounded by 3 concentric circles. The
Symbol of Paradise!
Mountain of God, the
Crown in Symbol and the 6Seven8 fold word that emanates from it

It appears to be reflecting the Symbols of 1stEden and the Symbol of the
expeditions and journey since those days.
Rob Bro would love that hahahaha!
All the above would be the KEY! to the Sevenfold mystery!
The KEY!

and remember this seal
The Seal
and the Mountain

and don't forget Sevens, he was revealed in the beginning only find
himself at the End.

All Ive got to say is Praise the Father in Heaven!!!!
Sevens in the bible
Re: The End comes from the Beginning
sevens » Tue Jul 14, 2009 11:29 am
Considering the Crop Circles or crop wheel patterns and the associated
Orbs, wheels usually in fours making circles.
Have you ever consider that the following Ezekiel extracts is mostly about
about what we see today in the wheat fields as a pre cursor to the arrival of
the Ancients of Days and there wheels of fire. Like very large wheels.
I wonder if the Non breather brothers could be the escape mechanism or rapture
before judgment, could they be evacuating the salvable?
wheel search bible
Ezekiel 1:15
Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the
living creatures, with his four faces.
Ezekiel 1:16
The appearance of the wheels
and their work was like unto
the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their
appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.
(Crop Circles)
Could this be an example of the Escape or rapture before the Judgment
process? Through the wheels of our Non breather brothers
Ezekiel 1:19
And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them: and
when the living
creatures were lifted up from the earth,
the wheels were lifted
up. (orbs?)
Ezekiel 1:20
Whithersoever the spirit was
to go, they went,
thither was their spirit to go; and
the wheels were lifted up
over against them: for
the spirit of the living
creature was in the wheels.
(like we see today with the crop circles)
Ezekiel 1:21
When those went, these went; and when those stood, these stood; and when
those were lifted up from the earth,
the wheels were lifted up over against them:
for the spirit of the living
creatures was in the wheels
Ezekiel 3:13
I heard also the noise of
the wings of the living creatures that touched one another, and the
noise of the wheels over against them, and
a noise of a great rushing.
Ezekiel 10:2
And he spake unto the man
clothed with linen, and said,
Go in between the wheels,
even under the cherub, and fill thine hand with coals of fire from between
the cherubims, and
scatter them over the city. And he went in in my sight.
Ezekiel 10:6
And it came to pass, that when
he had commanded the man
clothed with linen, saying, Take
fire from between the wheels,
from between the cherubims; then he went
in, and stood beside the
Ezekiel 10:9
And when I looked, behold
the four wheels by the cherubims, one wheel by one cherub, and
another wheel by another
cherub: and the appearance of the wheels
was as the colour of a beryl stone.
(The Orbs and there operation must be related to the Cherubums angels.)
Ezekiel 10:10
And as for their appearances, they
four had one likeness,
as if a wheel had been in
the midst of a wheel.
(Description of Orbs and wheels or UFOs related to Crop circles.)
Ezekiel 10:12
And their whole body, and their backs, and their hands, and their wings, and
the wheels, were
full of eyes round about,
even the wheels that they
four had.
Ezekiel 10:13
As for the wheels, it was
cried unto them in my hearing, O wheel.
wheel (King James Version)
Ezekiel 10:16
And when the cherubims went, the wheels went by them: and when the cherubims
lifted up their wings to mount up from the earth, the same wheels also
turned not from beside them.
Ezekiel 10:19
And the cherubims lifted up
their wings, and mounted up from the earth in my sight: when they
went out, the wheels also
were beside them, and every one stood
at the door of the east gate
of the Lord's house; and the
glory of the God of Israel
was over them above.
Ezekiel 11:22
Then did the cherubims lift up their wings, and
the wheels beside them;
and the glory of the God of
Israel was over them above.
Ezekiel 23:24
And they shall come against thee with chariots, wagons, and
wheels, and with an
assembly of people, which shall set against thee buckler and shield and
helmet round about: and
I will
set judgment before them, and they shall judge thee according to their
Ezekiel 26:10
By reason of the abundance of his horses their dust shall cover thee: thy
walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen, and of the wheels, and of
the chariots, when he shall enter into thy gates, as men enter into a city
wherein is made a breach.
Daniel 7:9
I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and
Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the
hair of his head like the pure wool:
throne was like the fiery flame, and
wheels as burning fire. ... el&ver=kjv
sevens » Tue Jul 14,
2009 12:22 pm
Here is the latest crop circle.
East Field, Nr
Alton Barnes, Wiltshire.
Reported 14th July ... d2009.html

and look at this incredible weaving

and here is another in Slovakia
Tlmače, časť Lipník.
Reported 9th July 2009 ... lmace.html

sevens » Tue Jul 14,
2009 9:37 pm
Here is the latest crop circle that I find interesting.
It has the triangle circle symbol if you connect the dots, it has the Ying
Yang which I think is a message for Buddhism to Quicken to the oncoming
reality. I believe the Universe is represented including an emblem that I
think is representative of the local System headquarters. The Universe
Government is projecting the Emblem which stems back to the design of the
ancient cities of our forgotten past. A threefold trinity message of the
Paradise Trinity they are behind the Judgment of mankind.
Grey Wethers, nr Temple Farm, Wiltshire.
Reported 14th July.

and here is another
Chilcomb Down, nr Winchester, Hampshire.
Reported 13th July.

and here is another in the Netherlands

sevens » Wed Jul 15,
2009 8:30 pm
Here is the latest cropcircle.
If you lift up the ends to the centre in 3d you have a pyramid. If you
connect the dots using a straight line you have a triangle. The Symbol is in
a great circle and it appears that the same symbol is being reiterated.
It reminds me of the Great Pyramid where under certain lighting conditions
from the air, at a certain sun position you have the same light/shade effect
as in the Crop Circle. The only symbol found in the Great Pyramid is the
hidden triangle/circle symbol located on the plug in the shaft of the Queens
burial tomb. I believe the great Pyramid is part of end time prophecy and is
on the border and is part of the final witness of the end times in its
hidden confirming symbol.
Hinton Admiral, Nr New Milton. Hampshire.
Reported 14th July.

sevens » Wed Jul 15,
2009 8:53 pm
Here is another for the 14th
If you connect the dots you have another Triangle and Circle in the the
middle. The Symbol appears to have a message to emanates from the Centre of
our Universe. Note the concentric circles, the symbol of the Melchizedek and
of Paradise.
The Truth and Message from the Universe is Good for some Bad for others.
The Wheel of the Universe coming down to Earth including the Wheel of the
Ancients of Days.
Grey Wethers, nr Temple Farm, Wiltshire.
Reported 14th July 09.

The Ying Yang comes from Taoist
(I thought it was Buddhism)
Here is Information about Taoist from the Urantia Book and might provide an
interesting message!

About six hundred years before the arrival of Michael, it seemed to
Melchizedek, long since departed from the flesh, that the purity of his
teaching on earth was being unduly jeopardized by general absorption
into the older Urantia beliefs. It appeared for a time that his mission
as a forerunner of Michael might be in danger of failing. And in the
sixth century before Christ, through an unusual co-ordination of
spiritual agencies, not all of which are understood even by the
planetary supervisors, Urantia witnessed a most unusual presentation of
manifold religious truth. Through the agency of several human teachers
the Salem gospel was restated and revitalized, and as it was then
presented, much has persisted to the times of this writing.
This unique century of spiritual progress was characterized by great
religious, moral, and philosophic teachers all over the civilized world.
In China, the two outstanding teachers were Lao-tse and Confucius.
Lao-tse built directly upon the concepts of the Salem traditions when he
declared Tao to be the One First Cause of all creation. Lao was a man of
great spiritual vision. He taught that "man's eternal destiny was
everlasting union with Tao, Supreme God and Universal King." His
comprehension of ultimate causation was most discerning, for he wrote:
"Unity arises out of the Absolute Tao, and from Unity there appears
cosmic Duality, and from such Duality, Trinity springs forth into
existence, and Trinity is the primal source of all reality." "All
reality is ever in balance between the potentials and the actuals of the
cosmos, and these are eternally harmonized by the spirit of divinity."
Lao-tse also made one of the earliest presentations of the doctrine of
returning good for evil: "Goodness begets goodness, but to the one who
is truly good, evil also begets goodness."
He taught the return of the creature to the Creator and pictured life as
the emergence of a personality from the cosmic potentials, while death
was like the
Page 1034
returning home of this creature personality. His concept of true faith
was unusual, and he too likened it to the "attitude of a little child."
His understanding of the eternal purpose of God was clear, for he said:
"The Absolute Deity does not strive but is always victorious; he does
not coerce mankind but always stands ready to respond to their true
desires; the will of God is eternal in patience and eternal in the
inevitability of its expression."
And of the true religionist he said,
in expressing the truth that it is more blessed to give than to receive:
"The good man seeks not to retain truth for himself but rather attempts
to bestow these riches upon his fellows, for that is the realization of
The will of the
Absolute God always benefits, never destroys; the purpose of the true
believer is always to act but never to coerce."
Lao's teaching of nonresistance and the distinction which he made
between action and coercion became later perverted into the beliefs of
"seeing, doing, and thinking nothing." But Lao never taught such error,
albeit his presentation of nonresistance has been a factor in the
further development of the pacific predilections of the Chinese peoples.
But the popular Taoism of twentieth-century Urantia has very little in
common with the lofty sentiments and the cosmic concepts of the old
philosopher who taught the truth as he perceived it, which was:
faith in the Absolute God is the source of that divine energy which
remake the world, and by which man ascends to spiritual union with Tao,
the Eternal Deity and Creator Absolute of the universes.
Confucius (Kung Fu-tze) was a younger contemporary of Lao in
sixth-century China. Confucius based his doctrines upon the better moral
traditions of the long history of the yellow race, and he was also
somewhat influenced by the lingering traditions of the Salem
missionaries. His chief work consisted in the compilation of the wise
sayings of ancient philosophers. He was a rejected teacher during his
lifetime, but his writings and teachings have ever since exerted a great
influence in China and Japan. Confucius set a new pace for the shamans
in that he put morality in the place of magic. But he built too well; he
made a new fetish out of order and established a respect for ancestral
conduct that is still venerated by the Chinese at the time of this
The Confucian preachment of morality was predicated on the theory that
the earthly way is the distorted shadow of the heavenly way; that the
true pattern of temporal civilization is the mirror reflection of the
eternal order of heaven. The potential God concept in Confucianism was
almost completely subordinated to the emphasis placed upon the Way of
Heaven, the pattern of the cosmos.
The teachings of Lao have been lost to all but a few in the Orient, but
the writings of Confucius have ever since constituted the basis of the
moral fabric of the culture of almost a third of Urantians. These
Confucian precepts, while perpetuating the best of the past, were
somewhat inimical to the very Chinese spirit of investigation that had
produced those achievements which were so venerated. The influence of
these doctrines was unsuccessfully combated both by the imperial efforts
of Ch'in Shih Huang Ti and by the teachings of Mo Ti, who proclaimed a
brotherhood founded not on ethical duty but on the love of God. He
sought to rekindle the ancient quest for new truth, but his teachings
failed before the vigorous opposition of the disciples of Confucius.
Like many other spiritual and moral teachers, both Confucius and Lao-tse
were eventually deified by their followers in those spiritually dark
ages of China
Page 1035
which intervened between the decline and perversion of the Taoist faith
and the coming of the Buddhist missionaries from India. During these
spiritually decadent centuries the religion of the yellow race
degenerated into a pitiful theology wherein swarmed devils, dragons, and
evil spirits, all betokening the returning fears of the unenlightened
mortal mind. And China, once at the head of human society because of an
advanced religion, then fell behind because of temporary failure to
progress in the true path of the development of that God-consciousness
which is indispensable to the true progress, not only of the individual
mortal, but also of the intricate and complex civilizations which
characterize the advance of culture and society on an evolutionary
planet of time and space. ... ne=113#mfs

Celtic Symbols and their meanings
The spiral was found on many Dolmans and gravesites. Its true
meaning is not known for sure, but many of these symbols were found
as far as Ireland and France. It is believed to represent the travel
from the inner life to the outer soul or higher spirit forms; the
concept of growth, expansion, and cosmic energy, depending on the
culture in which it is used. To the ancient inhabitants of Ireland,
the spiral was used to represent their sun.
Spirals in the Urantia Book which are associated with the Universal Wheel. ... mit=Submit
and this interesting information about the triangle and circle chevron.
THE EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE.--The equilateral triangle has a dual
significance, dependent upon where and how it is used. Its origin dates
back as solving to primitive man the emersion of the three lands which
formed the Land of Mu--the Lands of the West.
The Lands of the West consisted of a huge continental island and two
small ones, separated from the big one by narrow seas, called in the
Egyptian "canals." Tradition says that the big continental island was
first emerged and that the two small islands were subsequently emerged at
different periods. It was to explain this phenomenon, of the three lands
coming up at different periods, that the triangle was selected.
The equilateral triangle has three equal sides joined to one another
and forming a single unbroken line without ends.
It was pointed out to primitive man that it was the same Creator that
raised all three lands, each land being raised by separate commands: Thus
there were not
three Creators but only one. Apparently, to make it more
understandable, each was raised by a separate attribute.
This formed the first Triune Godhead whereon have been built the
enormous number of Pantheons that have permeated all ages. The conception
of a Triune Godhead has been handed down from the beginning of religious
teachings and still remains with us.
An equilateral triangle symbolized the Creator, and, as the Creator
dwells in Heaven, the triangle must necessarily symbolize heaven also;
for, where the Lord is, there is Heaven.

I find this verified among the Egyptian symbols, as the glyph
shows. Here we find the Monotheistic Symbol of the Deity within the
triangle-within Heaven. Wherever or whenever the equilateral triangle is
met with in ancient writings or inscriptions, it is either in reference to
the Triune Godhead, or Heaven, or both.
At the time of Confucius, the Chinese Sage,
about 500 B. C., in place of the triangle the Chinese used a glyph in the
form of the present-day capital Y. This they called: "the
Great Term," "the Great Unite," "the Great Y."
"The Y has neither body nor shape, all that has body and shape was made by
that which has no shape. The Great Term or the Great Unite comprehends
p. 126
three--One in three-and three in One."
All These messages comes from Heaven!
Triangles in the Urantia Book relevant to the Universe Administration
Capital which are the triangles of
administration and Governance.
line 45: During your periodic visits to Edentia, though the entire
planet is open to your inspection, most of your time will be spent in
that administrative triangle whose number corresponds to that of your
current residential world. You will always be welcome as an observer in
the legislative assemblies.
line 46: The morontia area assigned to
ascending mortals resident on Edentia is located in the mid-zone of the
thirty-fifth triangle adjoining the headquarters of the finaliters,
situated in the thirty-sixth triangle. The general headquarters
line 50: the univitatia occupies an enormous area in the mid-region of
the thirty-fourth triangle immediately adjoining the residential
reservation of the morontia citizens. From these arrangements it may be
seen that provision is made for the accommodation of at least seventy
major divisions of celestial life, and also that each of
these seventy triangular
areas is correlated with some
one of the seventy major
spheres of morontia training. ... mit=Submit
This is why the triangles are predominant in the crop circles because its
all to with Government and there Triangle symbols, the home of the Universe
Government within the 70 Triangles of Governance.
Jesus family tomb had one such symbol, the symbol of the Universe
The triangle/Circle chevron.

Praise the Lord almighty!
Here is more information about the constellation Headquarters
1. THE
Edentia abounds in fascinating
highlands, extensive elevations of physical matter crowned with morontia
life and overspread with spiritual glory, but there are no rugged
mountain ranges such as appear on Urantia. There are tens of thousands
of sparkling lakes and thousands upon thousands of interconnecting
Page 486
streams, but there are no great oceans nor torrential rivers. Only the
highlands are devoid of these surface streams.
The water of Edentia and similar architectural spheres is no different
from the water of the evolutionary planets. The water systems of such
spheres are both surface and subterranean, and the moisture is in
constant circulation. Edentia can be circumnavigated via these various
water routes, though the chief channel of transportation is the
atmosphere. Spirit beings would naturally travel above the surface of
the sphere, while the morontia and material beings make use of material
and semimaterial means to negotiate atmospheric passage.
Edentia and its associated worlds have a true atmosphere, the usual
three-gas mixture which is characteristic of such architectural
creations, and which embodies the two elements of Urantian atmosphere
plus that morontia gas suitable for the respiration of morontia
creatures. But while this atmosphere is both material and morontial,
there are no storms or hurricanes; neither is there summer nor winter.
This absence of atmospheric disturbances and of seasonal variation makes
it possible to embellish all outdoors on these especially created
The Edentia highlands are magnificent physical features, and their
beauty is enhanced by the endless profusion of life which abounds
throughout their length and breadth. Excepting a few rather isolated
structures, these highlands contain no work of creature hands. Material
and morontial ornamentations are limited to the dwelling areas. The
lesser elevations are the sites of special residences and are
beautifully embellished with both biologic and morontia art.
Situated on the summit
of the seventh
highland range are the resurrection halls of Edentia, wherein
awaken the ascending mortals of the secondary modified order of
ascension. These chambers of creature reassembly are
under the supervision of
the Melchizedeks. The first of the receiving spheres of Edentia
(like the planet Melchizedek near Salvington) also has special
resurrection halls, wherein the mortals of the modified orders of
ascension are reassembled.
The Melchizedeks also maintain two special colleges on Edentia. One, the
emergency school, is devoted to the study of problems growing out of the
Satania rebellion. The other, the bestowal school, is dedicated to the
mastery of the new problems arising out of the fact that Michael made
his final bestowal on one of the worlds of Norlatiadek.
This latter
college was established almost forty thousand years ago,
immediately after the announcement by Michael that Urantia had been
selected as the world for his final bestowal.
The sea of glass, the
receiving area of Edentia, is near the administrative center and is
encircled by the headquarters amphitheater. Surrounding this area
are the governing centers for
the seventy divisions of
constellation affairs. One half of Edentia is divided into
seventy triangular
sections, whose boundaries converge at the headquarters buildings
of their respective sectors.
The remainder of this
sphere is one vast natural park, the gardens of God.
During your periodic visits to Edentia, though the entire planet is open
to your inspection, most of your time will be spent in
that administrative
triangle whose number corresponds to that of your current residential
world. You will always be welcome as an observer in the
legislative assemblies.
The morontia area assigned to ascending mortals resident on Edentia is
located in the mid-zone of
the thirty-fifth
triangle adjoining the
headquarters of the finaliters, situated in
the thirty-sixth triangle. The general headquarters of
Page 487
the univitatia occupies an enormous area in the mid-region of the
thirty-fourth triangle immediately adjoining the residential reservation
of the morontia citizens. From these arrangements it may be seen that
provision is made for the accommodation of at least seventy major
divisions of celestial life, and also that each of these seventy
triangular areas is correlated with some one of the seventy major
spheres of morontia training.
The Edentia sea of glass
is one enormous circular crystal about one
hundred miles in circumference and about thirty miles in depth.
This magnificent crystal serves as the receiving field for all transport
seraphim and other beings arriving from points outside the sphere;
such a sea of glass greatly facilitates the
landing of transport seraphim.
A crystal field on this order is found on almost all architectural
worlds; and it serves many purposes aside from its decorative value,
being utilized for portraying
reflectivity to assembled groups and as a factor in the
energy-transformation technique for modifying the currents of space and
for adapting other
incoming physical-energy streams. ... ine=45#mfs
Praise the Lord almighty!
line 91: The nucleus of the physical system to
which your sun and its associated planets belong is the
center of the onetime Andronover nebula.
This former spiral nebula was slightly distorted by the gravity
disruptions associated with the events which were attendant upon the birth of
your solar system, and which were occasioned by the near
approach of a large neighboring nebula. This near collision changed
Andronover into a somewhat globular aggregation but did not wholly
destroy the two-way procession of the suns and their associated physical
groups. Your solar system now occupies a fairly
central position in one of the arms of this distorted spiral, situated about
halfway from the center out towards the edge of the star stream.
1 Peter 4:7
(Read all of
1 Peter
But the end of
all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and
watch unto
Revelation 3:2
(Read all of
Revelation 3)
and strengthen the things which remain,
that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.
Revelation 3:3
(Read all of
Revelation 3)
therefore how thou hast received and
heard, and hold fast,
and repent. If
therefore thou shalt not watch,
I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will
come upon thee.
Revelation 16:15
(Read all of
Revelation 16)
Behold, I come as a
thief. Blessed is he that
watcheth, and keepeth his garments,
lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
1 Thessalonians 5:6
(Read all of
1 Thessalonians 5)
Therefore let us not sleep, as do others;
but let us watch
and be sober.
Matthew 26:40
(Read all of
Matthew 26)
And he cometh
unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto
Peter, What, could ye not
watch with me one hour?
Luke 12:37
(Read all of
Luke 12)
Blessed are
those servants,
whom the lord when he cometh shall find
watching: verily I say unto you, that
he shall gird himself, and
make them to sit down to meat, and
will come forth and serve them.\
Luke 12:38
(Read all of
Luke 12)
And if he shall come
in the second
or come in the third
and find them so, blessed are those servants.
Seems to reflected a few watches or attempt to spot the time.
Mark 13:34
(Read all of
For the Son of man
is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave
authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded
the porter to
Mark 13:35
(Read all of
Watch ye
therefore: for ye know not when the master of
the house cometh, at even, or at
midnight, or at the cockcrowing,
or in the morning:
Mark 13:37
(Read all of
And what I say unto
you I say unto all,
Matthew 27:66
(Read all of
Matthew 27)
So they went, and made the sepulchre
sure, sealing the stone, and
setting a watch
Psalm 18:2
(Read all of
The Lord
is my rock, and my fortress, and
my deliverer; my God, my strength,
in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn
of my salvation, and my high
Psalm 48:12
(Read all of
Psalm 48)
Walk about Zion, and go round about
her: tell the towers thereof.
Psalm 61:3
(Read all of
Psalm 61)
For thou hast been a shelter for me,
and a strong tower from the enemy.
Psalm 144:2
(Read all of
Psalm 144)
My goodness, and my fortress; my high
tower, and my deliverer; my shield,
and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me.
Proverbs 18:10
(Read all of
Proverbs 18)
The name of the
Lord is a strong
tower: the righteous runneth into
it, and is safe
Judges 5
29 Her
wise ladies answered her, yea, she returned answer
to herself, 30 Have they
not sped? have they not divided the prey; to every
man a damsel or two; to Sisera a prey of divers colours, a prey of
divers colours of needlework,
of divers colours of needlework on both sides,
meet for the necks of them that take the spoil?
31 So let all thine enemies perish, O
Lord: but let
them that love him be as the sun
when he goeth forth in his might.
And the land had rest forty years.
1 Kings 7:33
33 And the
work of the wheels
was like the work of a chariot wheel: their axletrees, and
their naves, and their felloes, and their spokes, were all molten.
34 And there were
four undersetters to the four
corners of one base: and the undersetters were of the very base itself.
35 And in the top
of the base was there a round compass of half a cubit high: and
on the top of the base the ledges thereof and the borders thereof were of
the same. 36 For on the plates of the
ledges thereof, and on the borders thereof, he graved cherubims, lions,
and palm trees, according to the proportion
of every one, and additions round about. 37 After
this manner he made the
ten bases:
all of them had one casting, one measure, and one size.
38 Then made he
ten lavers of brass: one laver
contained forty
baths: and every laver was
four cubits:
and upon every one of the ten bases one laver. 39 And
he put five
bases on the right side
of the house, and five on the left side
of the house: and he set the sea on the right side
of the house
eastward over against the south. 40 And
made the lavers, and the shovels, and the basons. So Hiram made an end of
doing all the work that he made king Solomon for the house of the
Lord: 41 The
two pillars, and the two bowls of the chapiters that were on
the top of the two pillars; and the
two networks, to cover the two bowls of the chapiters which were upon the
top of the pillars;
Seems to match the
numbers of the journey from the beginnings
Psalm 83:13
(Read all of
Psalm 83)
O my God, make them like a wheel;
as the stubble before the wind.
Proverbs 20:26
(Read all of
Proverbs 20)
A wise king scattereth the wicked,
and bringeth the
wheel over them.
Jeremiah 18:3
(Read all of
Jeremiah 18)
Then I went down to the potter's house,
and, behold, he wrought a work on the
Ezekiel 1
13 As for
the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like
burning coals of fire, and
like the appearance of lamps: it
went up and down among the living creatures; and the
fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning.
14 And the living creatures ran and
returned as the appearance of a flash of
The above appears to
describe the orbs and flashes of lights associated with the crop circles and
the truth of everything, the coals of truth.
Job 28:26
(Read all of
Job 28)
When he made a decree for the rain,
and a way for the
lightning of the thunder:
Job 38:35
(Read all of
Job 38)
Canst thou send
lightnings, that they
may go, and say unto thee, Here we are?
Psalm 97:4
(Read all of
Psalm 97)
His lightnings
enlightened the world: the
earth saw, and trembled.
Psalm 135:7
(Read all of
He causeth the vapours to ascend from
the ends of the earth; he
maketh lightnings
for the rain; he bringeth the wind out of
his treasuries.
The ancient places
are the treasuries.
Psalm 144:6
(Read all of
Cast forth
lightning, and scatter
them: shoot out thine arrows, and destroy them.
Matthew 24:27
(Read all of
Matthew 24)
For as the
lightning cometh out of the east,
and shineth even unto the west;
so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Luke 17:24
(Read all of
Luke 17)
For as the
lightning, that lighteneth
out of the one part under heaven,
shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall
also the Son of man be in his day
Revelation 4:5
(Read all of
Revelation 4)
And out of the throne proceeded
lightnings and
thunderings and voices: and there were seven
lamps of fire burning before
the throne, which are the seven
Spirits of God.
Revelation 11:19
(Read all of
Revelation 11)
And the temple of God was opened in
heaven, and there was seen in
his temple the ark of his testament: and
there were
lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an
earthquake, and great hail.
Luke 15:15
(Read all of
Luke 15)
And he went
and joined himself to a citizen of that
country; and he sent him into
his fields to feed swine.
John 4:35
(Read all of
John 4)
Say not ye, There are
yet four months, and then cometh
harvest? behold, I say unto you,
Lift up your eyes, and look
on the fields; for they
are white already to harvest
James 5:4
(Read all of
James 5)
Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your
fields, which is of you
kept back by fraud, crieth: and
the cries of them which have reaped
are entered into the ears of the
Lord of sabaoth.
–ōth, sābā'əth) , Hebrew term used in the New
Testament (Rom. 9.29; James 5.4) and in Christian hymns (e.g.,
Sanctus and Te Deum) in the title of God, translated in the
Bible as “Lord of Hosts” (Isa. 1.9).
Interesting message considering June 19 09 in the Shabbes timeline.
Date This Page Posted: 19th June
= 1279 (1260) days - difference 19 days = 7th July
Right before I explored this search. I went
to make a Honey sandwich and then found the references relating to Honey and
enlightened (King
James Version)
1 Samuel 14:27
(Read all of
Samuel 14)
But Jonathan heard not when his father charged the people with the
oath: wherefore he put forth the end of
the rod that was
in his hand, and
dipped it in an honeycomb, and
put his hand to his mouth; and his eyes were
1 Samuel 14:29
(Read all of
Samuel 14)
Then said Jonathan, My father hath troubled the land: see, I pray
you, how mine eyes have been
enlightened, because I
tasted a little of this honey.
Job 33:30
(Read all of
Job 33)
To bring back his soul from the pit,
to be
enlightened with the light of the living.
Psalm 97:4
(Read all of
Psalm 97)
His lightnings
enlightened the world:
the earth saw, and trembled.
Ephesians 1:18
(Read all of
Ephesians 1)
The eyes of your understanding being
enlightened; that
ye may know what is the hope of his calling,
and what the riches of the glory of his
inheritance in the saints,
Hebrews 6:4
(Read all of
For it is impossible for those who were
enlightened, and have
tasted of the heavenly gift,
and were made partakers of the
Holy Ghost,
Hebrews 12:22
(Read all of
But ye are come unto mount Sion,
and unto the city of the
living God, the
heavenly Jerusalem, and to an
innumerable company of angels,
1 Peter 2:4
(Read all of
1 Peter 2)
To whom coming, as unto a
living stone,
disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and
Revelation 7:17
(Read all of
Revelation 7)
For the Lamb which is in
the midst of the throne shall feed them,
and shall lead them unto
living fountains of
waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from
their eyes.
Matthew 22:32
(Read all of
I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and
the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead,
but of the living.
Luke 15:12
(Read all of
Luke 15)
And the younger
of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that
falleth to me. And he divided unto them his
Luke 15:13
(Read all of
Luke 15)
And not many days after
the younger son gathered all together, and took his
journey into a far country, and there wasted
his substance with riotous living.
Zechariah 14:8
(Read all of
Zechariah 14)
And it shall be in that day, that
living waters shall go out from
Jerusalem; half of them toward
the former sea, and half of them toward
the hinder sea: in summer and in winter shall it be.
The Former seas where the submerged ancient
places are. Dalamatia City in the Persian Gulf and 1stEden of Cyprus in
the Mediterranean.
Psalm 143:2
(Read all of
Psalm 143)
And enter not into judgment with thy servant: for in thy sight shall
no man living be justified.
For the Atheist
Ecclesiastes 9:5
(Read all of
Ecclesiastes 9)
For the living know that they
shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither
have they any more a
reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.
Ecclesiastes 9:4
(Read all of
Ecclesiastes 9)
For to him that is joined to all the
living there is hope:
for a living
dog is better than a dead lion.
Habakkuk 3:17
(Read all of
Although the fig tree shall not blossom,
neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and
the fields shall yield no meat; the flock
shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls:
Luke 6:1
(Read all of
Luke 6)
And it came to pass on the second sabbath
after the first, that he went
through the corn fields;
and his disciples plucked the ears of corn,
and did eat, rubbing them in their hands.
Romans 9
27 Esaias also crieth concerning Israel,
Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea,
a remnant shall be saved:
28 For he will
finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a
short work will the Lord make upon the earth.
29 And as Esaias said before, Except
the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed,
we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrha.
Righteousness Based on Faith
30 What shall we say then?
That the Gentiles, which followed not after
righteousness, have attained to righteousness,
even the righteousness which is of faith.
31 But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath
not attained to the law of righteousness. 32 Wherefore?
Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law.
For they stumbled at that stumblingstone;
33 As it is written, Behold,
I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offence: and whosoever believeth
on him shall not be ashamed.
seed (King
James Version)
Luke 8:11
(Read all of
Luke 8)
Now the parable is this:
The seed is the word of
The Commission to Cyrus
Isaiah 45
Thus saith the Lord
to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand
I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of
kings, to open before him the two leaved gates;
and the gates shall not be shut;
2 I will go before thee, and
make the crooked places straight:
I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and
cut in sunder the bars of iron: 3 And
I will give thee the treasures of darkness,
and hidden riches of secret places,
that thou mayest know that I, the Lord,
which call thee by thy name,
am the God of Israel. 4 For Jacob my
servant's sake, and Israel mine elect, I have
even called thee by thy name:
I have surnamed thee,
though thou hast not known me.
5 I am the Lord,
and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though
thou hast not known me: 6 That they may
know from the rising of the sun, and from the
west, that there is none beside me. I am the
Lord, and there is none else.
7 I form the light, and create darkness: I
make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do
all these things.
sevens » Fri Jul 17,
2009 11:46 am
Here is the latest crop circle in the Netherlands The Netherlands
Standaardbuiten (3), Noord Brabant.
Reported 10th July

Image Richard van Rijswijk Copyright 2009
I sending you the newest circle in the Netherlands
because Robert is out of internet on the moment. The circle is again in
Standdaardbuiten for the 3rd one in a row The date of the circle is Friday the
Here is another fascinating report on the
July 2nd 09 crop circle.
and here is another crop circle in Germany
Barterode / Esebeck, nr. Goettingen, Niedersachsen (Lowe Saxony),
Reported 12th July.

sevens » Sat Jul 18, 2009 7:01 pm
GARDEN OF EDEN, Oct 19 2000
line 103: During the days of the Prince's rule the tree was
growing from the earth in the central and
circular courtyard of the Father's temple. Upon the
outbreak of the rebellion it was regrown from
the central core by Van and his associates in their
temporary camp. This Edentia shrub was
subsequently taken to their highland retreat, where it
served both Van and Amadon for more than one hundred and fifty thousand
line 104: When Van and his associates made ready the Garden
for Adam and Eve, they transplanted the Edentia tree to the Garden of
Eden, where, once again, it grew in a central,
circular courtyard of another temple to the Father. And
Adam and Eve periodically partook of its fruit for the maintenance of
their dual form of physical life.
line 34: The Salem teachers greatly reduced the number of the gods of
Mesopotamia, at one time bringing the chief deities down to seven: Bel,
Shamash, Nabu, Anu, Ea, Marduk, and Sin. At the height of the new teaching
they exalted three of these gods to supremacy over all others, the
Babylonian triad: Bel, Ea, and Anu, the gods of earth, sea, and sky. Still
other triads grew up in different localities, all reminiscent of the
trinity teachings of the Andites and the
Sumerians and based on the belief of the Salemites in
Melchizedek's insignia of the three circles
sevens » Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:19 am
Here is Enoch 10 week judgment
3 And Enoch began to recount from the books and said:
' I was born the seventh in the first week,
While judgement and righteousness still endured.
4 And after me there shall arise in the second week great wickedness,
And deceit shall have sprung up;
And in it there shall be the first end.
And in it a man shall be saved;
And after it is ended unrighteousness shall grow up,
And a law shall be made for the sinners.
And after that in the third week [at its close]
A man shall be elected as the plant of righteous judgement,
And his posterity shall become the plant of righteousness for evermore.
6 And after that in the fourth week, at its close,
Visions of the holy and righteous shall be seen,
And a law for all generations and an enclosure shall be made for them.
7 And after that in the fifth week, at its close,
The house of glory and dominion shall be built for ever.
8 And after that in the sixth week all who live in it shall be blinded,
And the hearts of all of them shall godlessly forsake wisdom.
And in it a man shall ascend;
And at its close the house of dominion shall be burnt with fire,
And the whole race of the chosen root shall be dispersed.
9 And after that in
the seventh week
shall an apostate generation arise,
And many shall be its deeds,
And all its deeds shall be apostate.
10 And at its close shall be elected
elect righteous
of the
eternal plant of righteousness,
To receive sevenfold
instruction concerning all His creation.
(The Urantia Book is the Sevenfold revelation.)
11 [For who is there of all the children of men that is able to
hear the voice of the Holy One without being troubled ? And who can
think His thoughts ? and who is there that can behold all the works 12
of heaven ? And how should there be one who could behold the heaven, and
who is there that could understand the things of heaven and see a soul
or a spirit and could tell thereof, or ascend and
see 13 all their ends and think them or do
like them ? And who is there of all men that could know
what is the breadth and the length of the earth, and to whom has been
shown the measure of all of them ? 14 Or is there any one who could
discern the length of the heaven and how great is its height, and upon
what it is founded, and how great is the number of the stars, and
all the luminaries rest ?
(The journey to the beginnings, the Seventh part means rest because all
is disclosed fulfilling prophecy.)
Chapter 91
12 And after that there shall be
another, the eighth week,
that of righteousness,
And a sword shall be given to it that a righteous judgement may be
executed on the oppressors,
And sinners shall be delivered into the hands of the righteous.
13 And at its close they shall acquire houses through their
And a house shall be built for the Great King in glory for evermore,
14a And after that, in
the ninth week the righteous judgement shall be revealed to the whole
b And all the works of the godless shall vanish from all the earth,
c And the world shall be written down for destruction.
14d And all mankind shall look to the path of uprightness.
15 And after this, in
the tenth week
in the
seventh part,
There shall be the great
eternal judgement,
In which He will execute vengeance amongst the angels.
(The end in the Tenth week in the Seventh part or the Sevenfold part.
Also is the judgment of the Angels an indication of the end of the
adjudication of the rebellion by the Ancients of Days and that's the
reason we are discovering our physical origins.)
16 And the first heaven shall depart and pass away,
And a new heaven shall appear,
And all the powers of
the heavens shall
give sevenfold light.
17 And after that there will be many weeks without number for ever,
And all shall be in goodness and righteousness,
And sin shall no more be mentioned for ever.
Looking for clues relating to 22 or twenty
Genesis 32:14
(Read all of
Genesis 32)
hundred she goats, and
twenty he
goats, two hundred ewes,
and twenty
Exodus 26:19
(Read all of
And thou shalt make
forty sockets of silver under the
twenty boards;
two sockets under one board for his
two tenons,
and two sockets under another
board for his two tenons.
Exodus 36:24
(Read all of
And forty sockets of silver he
made under the twenty boards;
two sockets under one board for his
two tenons,
and two sockets under another
board for his two tenons.
Nehemiah 7:72
(Read all of
Nehemiah 7)
And that which the rest of the
people gave was twenty
thousand drams of gold,
and two thousand pound
of silver, and
threescore and
seven priests' garments. 22237
Nehemiah 11:12
(Read all of
Nehemiah 11)
And their brethren that did the
work of the house were eight hundred
twenty and
two: and
Adaiah the son of Jeroham, the son of Pelaliah, the son of Amzi, the son
of Zechariah, the son of Pashur, the son of Malchiah,
822 or 22/8/09
sevens » Sun Jul 19,
2009 8:31 pm
Latest crop circle Martinsell Hill, nr Wootton Rivers, Wiltshire.
Reported 19th July.

If you folded the sides of the Six Sided Star of
the Sevenfold Circle to the Centre, you would have a Seven Sided
Pyramid with a circle in the middle, the Triangles/Circle. The
Pyramid on each side represents the journey to the mountain of God as the
witness in the Adventures of Magnetar inscribed on each side of
The Sevenfold Pyramid!
The Tree of Life lived in a central courtyard, in the middle of 2 circles.
PAPER 73 - THE GARDEN OF EDEN, Oct 19 2000 The Urantia Book.
line 103: During the days of the Prince's rule the tree was growing from
the earth in
central and circular courtyard of the Father's temple. Upon the
outbreak of the rebellion it was regrown from
central core by Van and his associates in their temporary camp.
This Edentia shrub was subsequently taken to their highland retreat, where
it served both Van and Amadon for more than one hundred and fifty thousand
Infers that the central circular is central to 3 concentric circles or 3
co planar circles like in 1stEden of Cyprus.
line 104: When Van and his associates made ready the Garden for Adam and
Eve, they transplanted the Edentia tree to the Garden of Eden, where, once
again, it grew in a
circular courtyard of another temple to the Father. And Adam and
Eve periodically partook of its fruit for the maintenance of their dual
form of physical life.
line 34: The Salem teachers greatly reduced the number of the gods of
Mesopotamia, at one time bringing the chief deities down to seven: Bel,
Shamash, Nabu, Anu, Ea, Marduk, and Sin. At the height of the new teaching
they exalted three of these gods to supremacy over all others, the
Babylonian triad: Bel, Ea, and Anu, the gods of earth, sea, and sky. Still
other triads grew up in different localities, all reminiscent of the
trinity teachings of the Andites and the Sumerians and based on the belief
of the Salemites in
Melchizedek's insignia of the three circles
Melchizedek's insignia, 3 concentric circles.
If this is linked to the Shabbes timeline this should
Here is the overview of 1stEden submerged off Cyprus.

I look for information on Madhu after reading this
Madhu Feast on a grand scale in August
(Note: the circle and the Diamond/Triangle pendant, the
instruments and Symbols of Judgment/Adjudication and it comes from the Cities of
the truth beginnings of the AByss where the tree of Life was kept.)
The feast will
last for 10 days from August 6 to 15 09
I'm seeing if there are clues to perhaps an upcoming reality
concerning the Rebels and there adjudication.
From Wikipedia, the free

Vishnu killing Madhu-Kaitabh - a folio
from Devi Mahatmya
Madhu(Sanskrit: मधु) and Kaitabh (Sanskrit: कैटभ), Asuras or demons of
Hindu mythology, are associated with Hindu religious cosmology.
They both originated
from one of the ears of God Vishnu, while he was in the deep
sleep of Yoganidra. From his navel, a lotus has sprouted out on which
Brahma, the creator, was
sitting and contemplating to create the cosmos and the universe.
Madhu and Kaitabh are considered demons, designed to annihilate Brahma.
However, Brahma spotted
them, and invoked the goddess Mahamaya. At this point,
Vishnu awoke, and
the two conspiring demons were killed.
This led to Vishnu being
called Madhusudanah - the killer of Madhu.
Another legend states that during the creation,
the demons Madhu and Kaitabha stole the Vedas from Brahma and deposited
deep inside the waters of the primeval ocean. Vishnu, in his
manifestation as Hayagriva, killed them, and retrieved the Vedas.
The bodies of Madhu and
Kaitabh disintegrated into 2 times 6 — which is twelve pieces
(two heads, two torsos, four arms and four legs).
These are considered to
represent the twelve seismic plates of the Earth.
It appears to have direct reflection of the Rebellion where
the truth is submerged as in the submerged cities of unknown Epochs.
There appears to be an adjudication of the Last Rebels and the rebellion upon
the revealing of the truth from the Old Oceans.
I believe we are in the times right now of the adjudication
of Madhu-Kaitabh. It all reflects the fallen Sons of God and the Cities
of truth where the Last Rebel kept the truth away from mankind!

The following prophecy was found at the end of the 19th century in the library
of Monastery Neamt, in Romania. It is supposed that the prophecy was written
in the 14th century.
"Unknown diseases and plagues will accompany the end of the Millennium,
because the last beast will liberate gold and poison... and the gold will
produce despair, while the poison will produce death. In the time of the
seventh seal, the earth will be an abandoned factory of poisons. And the few
wise men that will remain, will not be able to make another thing but to
invoke the anger of God, so that the impious beast which will have destroyed
the life be destroyed".
Upgrade means no Bombing and killing of people for a silly
emotive geo political/religious cause which has no standing in the Counsels of
The tyrants who commit these crimes against heaven are
nothing but rat bags who will not survive and will never make it into Paradise!
Universal Government is not synchronized to Islam, it
is synchronized with the New revelation...The Urantia Book and the ancient
The following maybe a reason why Islam has many problems
today and is out of synchronization with the Universe Government. This is
precisely why The Urantia Book came in which works with the religions of the
world in correction.
Islam has to upgrade all there knowledge and truth of its
history if its to survive Judgment.
The Plain Truth About Islam
By Peter Salemi
Many people believe that Islam, Judaism,
and Christianity are connected in some way or another.. Judaism and
Christianity are connected, there is no question about that. But what about
Islam? It is true that the Koran (the Bible of the Muslims) mentions Jesus,
Mary, John the Baptist etc... But did this information come from God? Is the
God of Islam, and the God of the Bible, the same God?
Who is Allah?
(Pre-Islamic Arabia)
Re: The End comes from the Beginning
sevens » Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:34 am
New Crop Circle.
Liddington Castle, nr Badbury, Wiltshire.
Reported 19th July.
This crop circle reminds me of the Acropolis
Hill, the temple mount of 1st Eden submerged of Cyprus.

The Acropolis Hill 1stEden...The Temple where the Tree of Life was kept. The
commonality between the crop circle and the Temple of 1stEden are the 3 co
planar circles on the mount with the actual Tree of Life represented in symbol
on the central circle. The solid circles to me is the word, the spirit of the
Father in Heaven coming from the Local System Headquarters.
The little flame near the central circle reminds me of the Holy Spirit of the
Lord associated with the Tree of Life.
The Urantia Book
"central, circular courtyard of another temple to the Father:"
Here is an image of the Acropolis Hill 1stEden submerged of Cyprus.
The Mountain of God, 38,000 years ago.

Here is a field report on the Sevenfold Circle
Field Report
At the top end of the field, where the smaller circle-pattern vanishes, beyond
the barbed wire fence, I searched for a
continuation in
shrub-land where nature has control. There were
none - not that I could see. To re-enter the formation without damaging the
wheat field meant walking along the top rough edge, next to the fence, until I
arrived at the larger, incomplete circle within the formation. (See aerial
pictures). It was here that I spotted something rather remarkable.
by the side of an 'opening' that joined one crop circle to this larger one -
was a 'wreath' of 'chickweed' (the fine, hairy stuff that gets between garden
plants & feels rather sticky when pulled to uproot. Not sure of chickweed is
it's real name!)
This 'wreath' was approx 15 inches diameter. It was very lightweight & fragile
looking. I took a photo before drawing the attention of other visitors who
were nearby.
Fertility, Love
note the dimensions of the wreath was
15cm....... 555)
In it I guess some may not find this
extraordinary.......but for me it indicated that something had swirled
it.........within the wild
plant area beyond the field - then it had
'flown', courtesy of today's gusty weather, over the fence to join the main
crop formation? Of course, it is always possible that someone could have made
this & laid it where I found it..........but being a keen gardener, I don't
think I could have achieved it - but hey........miracles do happen!

sevens » Mon Jul 20,
2009 11:23 pm
As you know there are many people that have many thoughts about crop circles.
I for one look at them in my focalization to the ancient places.
But anyway here is an interesting report linking them with solar eclipses.
There is another researcher who apparently has a message from Jesus. Authentic
or not I don't know. I'm usually skeptical about such messengers knowing
there is a last rebel out there who can say many things of deception.
I'm not sure if Jesus, the Sovereign presents himself this way especially when
he has a whole host of angels to this job. When people speak of
messengers received from Ascended masters and so forth, immediately I am
skeptical as I know no Human Being comes back to his planet of Nativity.
In actual truth, there is no such thing as Ascendant Masters and I believe
that is a deception of the Last Rebel BS sophistry. That's why I get
skeptical about so called messengers of Ascendant masters as I know that
terminology is part of the Blavasky/last rebel doctrine which is absorbed by
the UN. We don't get messengers from people of the past as people of the
past are on their Universal Journey to Paradise..... if they survive!
However, its all a faith journey where we all do go on faith in accordance to
our knowledge and understanding at the time. I find this can be quite
complimentary and leaves the field wide and open for ideas as reported.
But at the end of the day there can be only one truth and ultimately that
truth will arise for all man to witness.
I just hope that my thoughts are right and useful for mankind.
One thing for sure these crop circles do make you think and I think that is
the purpose to make man think and consider.
At the end of
the Day I wish all families and individuals the best and I don't care what
religion a family hails from. In light of the Sovereign coming who
really does care about limited doctrines and thoughts. When Heaven comes
down to Earth that will be the final truth and witness where it will be good
for a few and an absolute disaster for many.
sevens » Tue Jul 21,
2009 1:13 am
In this report there is talk of what actually happened on July 7th 09
In many cases so called channels reports of feeling nausea and sick when under
the influence of a so called Ascendant Master. This effect is a characteristic
of the last rebel in the physical effects of invasion of the body after which
comes mind recruiting and then BS Sophistry.
The united Angels and Midwayers completely respect the mind and body of an
individual and do not oppress the person physically but the Last Rebel does.
The next part of the effect is the recuitry of the mind circuits then follows
sophistry and manipulation.
Just about all books of sophistry have been written under such conditions
thinking they are being visited by Jesus and others such like him but are not.
Books written under such conditions are books like the course of miracles and
even the Quran written by an infiltration of the mind and body through
By the way, Gabriel does not infiltrate the human body nor the mind to get a
message across as demonstrated with announcement of the birth John the Baptist
and Jesus to their respective Mothers. Also these Mothers have moved on and
don't/cant send messages back to this planet.
Below, I see all the characteristics of the Last Rebel and his infiltration of
the mind and body in so called channeling.
Here in Melbourne (Australia), the moment of the full moon was 7:38pm.
Almost exactly 10 minutes before, a powerful wave of energy arrived. I am
quite sensitive to energies, though I do not usually experience
significant disruption with the energies of eclipses, equinoxes, full
moons, etc. This was
quite different.
Initially I felt as though every cell in my body began to vibrate. I had
to focus on breathing, as though a weight was pressing down on my chest. I
became nauseous – something I very rarely do. ... clipse.pdf
The above is the effect of an invasion of the Last Rebel. When people open
there hearts and mind to so called spirit come in me this is the effect in the
Its guile and deception to lead man away from the truth.
I know from my experience I have never felt such a thing to find truth. Where
I look is in the books of religion and in science to make the connection. I
have never had to encounter such things of guile and gross spiritual
It all comes down to study and research daily and the spiritual experience of
finding truth without any need for meditation where I have to invite so called
spirit to recruit my mind. No way Man that's all crap.
As far as I'm concerned, when people who invite spirit and feel such physical
oppression, its from the last rebel of this planet. I have no confidence in
what these people say, no confidence at all because I know that Judgment does
exists and its is coming and it will not be nice like these channellers(Last
Rebel representatives) think in there leading mankind astray. There are no
easy short cuts to truth! The path is very narrow that only a few really find
in my view.
Here is a search link in the Urantia Book about Caligastia where you can read
the long story about this liar and deceiver. ... caligastia
Here is one fragment which relates to these people inviting spirit for
oppression and ultimately sophistry the minions of Caligastia who are
widespread from the top to the bottom of civilization in there crap being
Caligastia was recognized by the Son of Man as the technical Prince of
Urantia up to near the time of his death. Said Jesus: "Now is the judgment
of this world; now shall the prince of this world be cast down." And then
still nearer the completion of his lifework he announced, "The prince of
this world is judged." And it is this same dethroned and discredited
Prince who was once termed "God of Urantia."
The last act of Michael before leaving Urantia was to offer mercy to
Caligastia and Daligastia, but they spurned his tender proffer.
Caligastia, your apostate
Planetary Prince, is still free on Urantia to prosecute his nefarious
designs, but he has absolutely no power to enter the minds of men,
neither can he draw near to their souls to
tempt or corrupt them
they really desire to be cursed with his wicked presence.
Before the bestowal of Michael these rulers of darkness sought to maintain
their authority on Urantia, and they persistently withstood the minor and
subordinate celestial personalities. But since the day of Pentecost this
traitorous Caligastia and his equally contemptible associate, Daligastia,
are servile before the divine majesty of the Paradise Thought Adjusters
and the protective Spirit of Truth, the spirit of Michael, which has been
poured out upon all flesh.
But even so, no fallen spirit ever did have the power to invade the minds
or to harass the souls of the children of God. Neither Satan nor
Caligastia could ever touch or approach the faith sons of God; faith is an
effective armor against sin and iniquity. It is true: "He who is born of
God keeps himself, and the wicked one touches him not."
In general, when weak and dissolute mortals are supposed to be under the
influence of devils and demons, they are merely being dominated by their
own inherent and debased tendencies, being led away by their own natural
propensities. The devil has been given a great deal of credit for evil
which does not belong to him. Caligastia has been comparatively impotent
since the cross of Christ.
indifferent to moral restraints; given to
immoral or improper conduct; licentious; dissipated.
corrupt, loose, debauched, wanton, abandoned.
So as you can see its a real spiritual battle out there where faith and truth
alone is the protection from these evil fallen Sons of God.
Just a tidbit of the real Status of the Rebels
Before the bestowal of Michael these rulers of darkness sought to maintain
their authority on Urantia, and they persistently withstood the minor and
subordinate celestial personalities. But
since the day of Pentecost this traitorous
Caligastia and his equally contemptible associate, Daligastia, are servile
before the divine majesty of the Paradise Thought Adjusters and the
protective Spirit of Truth, the spirit of Michael, which has been poured
out upon all flesh.
1 : of or
befitting a slave or a menial position
2 : meanly or cravenly submissive :
These rebels are of a low level estate and for the people follow them in their
so called channeling, in the name of Ascendant Master but in actual fact its
the Last Rebel.
Further up the post I said for what people would perceive as a bad thing
about The Quran but I look at the witness of Islam today and I think its
absolutely appalling and how it destroys families in all the brainwashed
killings in the name of Paradise. That's what I meant in a previous post,
Islam has to upgrade before judgment or else Islam will be destroyed because
it is not representative of Paradise and its completely wayward in truth.
That religion is becoming UNSALVABLE along with its
minions of terror. You can blame the last rebel operations of Al Qaeda and the
Taliban for that and including the trash they speak of in there promulgation
of death and destruction upon man.
Islam itself should purge these last rebel operations of these evil people who
are completely deceived. Nothing but death comes from there mouths where
everything they do and touch is cursed and has the smell of death all over it.
Tablet 40