I just the strangest experience.
I went to the kitchen make a cup of coffee, after I made the coffee I
went to the fridge to put the milk away and then I walked in the hall
way from the kitchen, as I approached my door there was a very loud
crashing noise behind me, as if it was like the legs of an ironing
board collapsing from under itself, very loud I even kinfd of
crouched. I looked back to...
inspect what might of dropped on the ground in the kitchen and
everything seemed fine, nothing out of place.
Everything was in place. I went to speak to another guy in his room
and he heard the same thing to and we both identified the same area
and then we scroured the kitchen and house to what might of happened
but there was no sign of anything displaced.See

These footage comes from Boracay
Island Beach, Philippines January 25, 2012. Maybe they are
kitesurfer but the UFO on the right side is always in the same

This a good thing and they get backing but by contrast to 1st Eden and
its potential, I am so disappointed that man does nothing just gives 1st
Eden a wide by pass.
The problem is this could be all related to Judgement day and I know the
Dead Sea Scrolls at the end God says: Why did you not listen to my
servant. I know the end comes from the beginning so where is the
beginning? and what is man doing about it?

Watch Stephenhannard's video about
Swedish Treasure Hunters Struck Mysterious Bottom Baltic Discs
Crashed Decide Facebook Www documentary on Disclose.tv

To maintain and to progress world
civilisation with the Father of Heaven within and with the fruits of the

Studio musician formed band that
included Chuck Loeb that called themselves 'The V.I.P. Club".
Here's 'Into the Light' from their cd release "Coconut Kiss".

Nice to meet another person from Dr
Rossner's page. Have a nice weekend Dennis.

The Urantia Book.
Jesus speaks "What new sign is it that you seek at my hands? I declare
that you already have sufficient evidence to enable you to make your
decision. Verily, verily, I say to many who sit before me this day, you
are confronted with the necessity of choosing which way you will go; and
I say to you, as Joshua said to your forefathers, >>>`choose you this
day whom you will serve.' Today, many of you stand at the parting of the

Such a smooth and mellow piano
piece. From his CD, 'Sacred Roots'.

A man from Dorset reports a deluge
of tiny blue balls falling from the sky over Bournemouth.

Gregg Braden expounds on the concept
of a Divine Matrix, which he defines as a bridge between the
inner and outer world, and a mirror of quantum essence. In ...

This is a quick, rough compilation
of just a small part of the material I shot during the
incredible Northern Lights display of January 24th 2012. I will
be ...

Directed by Justin Kurzel. With
Lucas Pittaway, Daniel Henshall, Louise Harris, Bob Adriaens.
Based on true events, 16 year-old Jamie falls in with his
mother's new boyfriend and his crowd of self-appointed
neighborhood watchmen, a relationship that leads to a spree of
torture and murder.

Do you think a small film should be done to create awareness based on
the sphinx leading to Dilmun/Babel leading to Dalamatia City in a short
movie as an extension out of 1st Eden, the man, the book, the abyss and
the beginning. Linking all prophecy with revelation using the I read and
See being a true story!!!

The global search for the world's
best storytellers. This is Your Film Festival. You have until
March 31st to submit a short, story-driven video. There's no
entry fee. It can be any format - short film, web-series
episode, TV pilot - and any genre. In June, audiences around the
world will vote, s...

6. The Maintenance of Civilization
(906.6) 81:6.1 While biologic evolution has proceeded ever upward, much
of cultural evolution went out from the Euphrates valley in waves, which
successively weakened as time passed until finally the whole of the
pure-line Adamic posterity had gone forth to enrich the civilizations of
Asia and Europe.

SaveJim.com has published a video (in french, with english subtitles)
telling us about how the negociations on ACTA may go wrong for the
negociators, if we continue to talk about acta and defend our freedom.

On Thursday, members of the Polish
Parliament donned Guy Fawkes masks to register their opposition
to ACTA, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. The

"Any person suspected of Photoshopping bill
sponsor Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) in an unflattering manner shall be
subject to a minimum sentence of two months in prison; sentence will be
increased by an additional two months if MS Paint is used."
What about research and highlighting things that may be unflattering for
some but related to truth and revealing with ideas and thoughts where
photoshoip is used? Who makes the decision?
Who is the God of the Internet, which atheist controls that?

Last week, several websites,
including Google and Wikipedia, raised awareness of the
prohibitive measures included in the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)
and the Protect IP Act (PIPA). Here are some of the
legislation's controversial provisions:

A new global treaty could allow
corporations to police what we do on the Internet. Last week we
successfully pushed back the US censorship bills -- if we act
now, we can get the EU Parliament to bury this new threat -- add
your voice now!

I might have my differences of things but I thought this was absolutely
shamefull and complete with spiritual mischievousness. Terrible example
and Andrew Bolt right by the witness and attitude you shall now them.
She never deserved this despite any opinion I have. Just shove off and
give her shoe back you disrespectful people.

Australia's prime minister and
opposition leader are rescued from a restaurant where they
became trapped by angry protesters.

I mean, I have to have a laugh at Ron Pauls
comments "nibbling at there feet" in light of all those serious white
teeth dudes who just say the same things all the time and today these
same white teeth people behind closed doors make laws to take the
freedom of the Internet away by stealth from the people from behind the
scenes of the white teeth people. I think David Icke is quite correct on
this one.

Its in this link
An Important Historic Discovery of UFO Sighting Found in
British Records, Dated 1733.
By Colin Andrews
Posted November 29, 2011

Colin Andrews UFO
Research,International UFO Reports, Study of UFOs, Colin Andrews

Here is recent interview of Dr Greer in the
link which might reveal more clues.

Similar Podcasts You Might Like: Dr.
Jack Pruett Author of The Grandest Deception December 13,
2011 Nick Edwards The Power of Pyramids December 8, 2011
Mitch Battros Earth Changes Media It All Comes Back to the
Sun August 15, 2011 Gregory Sams Author of Sun of gOd [...]

The Salafists have established a
so-called religious police based on the model in Saudi Arabia.
They said the force, called the Promotion of Virtue and
Prevention of Vice Authority, consists of hundreds of volunteers
who patrol the streets of Egyptian cities and towns in search
for those deemed as v...

Most of the EU member states have
signed the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, or ACTA, but
opponents are urging citizens to lobby European Parliament
members not to give their approval. Read this blog post by David
Meyer on Digital Media.

on bended knEE is no way to be frEE
lifting UP an empty cUP, i ask silentLY all my destinations will
accept the one that's mE so i can breathe circles they g...

ANY CONNECTION?http://www.dalamatiacity.com/

The Chinese New Year
certainly started with a bang this morning. At approx. 04:00
UT a strong and long duration M8.7-class solar flare exploded
from Active Region 1402. NASA SDO captured this event and
thanks to ESA/NASA SOHO and NASA STEREO Behind spacecrafts, we
have also learned of a very quick moving Coronal Mass...
Ejection. The CME is traveling at approx. 2,200 km per second
and the Goddard Space Weather Lab predicts the arrival of this
CME on earth to be January 24, 2012 at approx. 14:18 UT (+/- 7
hours). It also shows that Mars will get hit too, several
hours after Earth. These kinds of events can cause problems
for spacecrafts in geosynchronous, polar and other orbits
passing could be affected by the cloud's arrival. In addition,
strong geomagnetic storms are possible, so high-latitude sky
watchers should be alert for Aurorae. Credit: NASA SDOSee

Time to act people of the USA through
congress, you are the last stand.

Paris, January 26th 2011 Today in
Tokyo, the EU and 22 of its Member States officially signed
ACTA1, the anti-counterfeiting trade agreement. The worldwide
citizen movement initiated against SOPA and PIPA must now focus
on defeating their global counterpart ACTA in the European

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade
Agreement (ACTA) which is seen by critics to be an international
version of the controversial SOPA bill was been signed by the EU
and member countries, including Ireland and Poland, at a
ceremony in Tokyo today.

Never mind what will occur will occur. I
dont think there is anything we can really do.

Iran's parliament will begin
debating a draft bill requiring the government to immediately
halt oil exports to Europe, a prominent lawmaker said Wednesday,
as Tehran weighs its options following the European Union's
decision to stop importing oil from the country.

See I said these noises are audio dumping and got upset about it but how
can you explain other people hearing the same thing and phoning in from
the same town? that I cant get over. Perhaps it is a genuine noise but
maybe its this.
"University of Saskatchewan professor Jean-Pierre St. Maurice says there
is a natural explanation. "Somehow they are picking up noise from an
electrical antenna that is there. That is electromagnetic noise. "

Ian Hamilton, North Battleford's
mayor, says he can't explain it. "What I experienced was a
scraping sound, like a snowplow."

Elton John singing his smash hit
Philadelphia Freedom at the Royal Opera House. I just love it
with the entire orchestral arrangement. Don't take anything

Enjoy the music! Artist- Nick
Collione, Album- Wavemusic Vol. 14, Year- 2009 N.B.: All
copyrights reserved to their respective owners. I do not send
mp3s of ...

A storm from the broiling sun turned
the chilly northernmost skies of Earth into an ever-changing and
awe-provoking art show of northern lights on Tuesday.

JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia -- Irans
relationship with Saudi Arabia once seen as improving
following President Mahmud Ahmadinejads 2007 visit to Riyadh
has deteriorated to the point that the Saudis may consider
military intervention by joining the U.S. to protect oil shipped
in the Strait of Hormuz.

If this was ever true, it would verify the Urantia Book about the non
breathers and inference to the Moon, like the Venus super breather life
as found and written about.

This is just a short video sequence
showing TRANSCEPTION INCORPORATED's professional CRV team work
the "shipwreck" debris field surveyed by the crew of Apoll...

yep all by stealth, the way they know best and at the last moment reveal
when its too late. All by method and technique and I sure persecutuion
will come out of this, using the law to lean on freedom of expression
eventually using the Acta path way.

ACTA is one more offensive against
the sharing of culture on the Internet. ACTA
(Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) is an agreement secretly
negotiated by ...

But then again weith the noises it could be an hoax according to this
chap and you know, he does make a good points. Unfortunately, we could
be decived by audio cgi as I feared in the beginning of this rash of

So we have these videos going around
claiming to hear this sound. [b]And this guy on youtube says he
has debunked the strange sound .[/b]

Now for the explanations, yeah right, easy
to say isn't it but where is the data or is it just another opinion.
That sound is not normal nor a regular occurrence and people know that.
VIRAL VIDEO ALERT - Main stream news covers MAJOR OUTBREAK of Strange
Noises and sounds!

Eventually, the new Egyptian Government will shut down the Egyptian
artefacts to the world according to a news report tonight. Its an

Beneath the pyramids of Egypt lies a
lost underworld of catacombs, hewn chambers and cave tunnels
that have remained unexplored for hundreds of years. They a...

You guys are crazy with your conspiracy
theories. Just rubbish

Watch Pitbulterrorist's video about
denver aiport conspiricy documentary on Disclose.tv

On your 2012 calendar, be sure to put a big
red circle around June 5. On that day, a celestial occurrence that will
not be seen by human eyes until well into the 22nd century the year
2117 to be exact will take place.
The planet Venus will cross the face of the sun.

The planet Venus will transit the
sun June 5-6, 2012, offering skywatchers a rare celestial treat.
The next Venus transit won't be until 2117.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt
Romney underpaid the Mormon church's recommended 10 percent
tithe, tax records released Monday evening indicate. Romney has
forcefully spoken about his lifelong commi

Amazing time lapse footage from the
web camera mounted on telescope in Hawaii.. Ther are many
strange ufo to see in this night. Watch in 720p HD Subscribe:

On January 23, 2012 at about 04:00
UTC, the Sun unleashed a powerful flare and coronal mass
ejection - huge explosions that drive hundreds of millions of

I believe that unarmed truth and
unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is
why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil
Martin Luther King Jr. (1929 - 1968)

Brigitte Gabriel focuses on Islamic
infiltration into the American education system

Last night, as I was falling asleep I was
thinking about thought adjuster liason between one another. You know
when you think a thought of a friend then suddenly youre friend calls
you because your friend had a thought! I think that is thought adjuster
liase through the person connecting people. Its just in the thought.

All the best to him but Eden should be in
the cinema screens to, again they get more support than the beginning
and yet I know the key rest in Eden and Dalamatia City.

Documentary on Mayans explores
hidden secrets of the ancient civilization

This tiny fragment is thought to be
part of a letter addressed to Akhenaten, the heretic pharaoh
who ruled Egypt during the 14th century B.C.

I saw this proigram last night Secret
Pakistan a 2 part series. Virtulay a failed state with spiritual and
moral bbankruptcy. Simple as that, just double speak and thievery.
Everything was for money under lies, what a double cross but then its
all in the fruits isnt it, the truth of the fruits, They just scammed
the west big time, funnily they have become the enemy in the deciet, by
there fruits by the words and actions. All by the fruits and reflection
of the truth, cant even speak the truth, admit you are Taliban in
duisguise, yeah! Playing both sides like a deciever in untruth therein
lays the seed of self destruction.

I don't think the year of the water dragon
will bring good luck, if good luck exists. There are too many spiritual
conflicts throughout the world and avoidance of truth for ones own

From Beijing to Bangkok, people
hoping for good luck in the Year Of The Dragon are today
visiting temples and lighting incense, setting off firecrackers
and watching street performances.

Tensions in the Gulf could reach a
breaking point as a senior Iranian official said Iran would
definitely close the Strait of Hormuz if an EU oil embargo
disrupted the export of crude oil.

The Russians are serious about the
moon and think the U.S. should be too. Their incentive can be
summed up with one word: China. Quite simply, Chi..., Terrence

One of many great tracks from the
sax of James Oppenheim. Boney James, (born James Oppenheim,
September 1, 1961 in Lowell, Massachusetts) is a saxophonist,

Interesting numbers.
The first super-Earth was found by the serendipitous work of Eugenio
Rivera, Jack Lissauer, and the California-Carnegie team in 2005.
>>> It orbits the small star Gliese 876<< and is about >>seven times
more massive than Earth.<<

Astronomers have discovered a giant
new kind of planet that could hold life -- and they could change

"Only an alert and knowledgeable
citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial
and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and
goals so that security and liberty may prosper together." more..

"Only an alert and knowledgeable
citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial
and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and
goals so that security and liberty may prosper together." more..

The doctrine of hate comes from Caligastia,
to make division amoungst mankind with revolutionary ideas that have
failed in the past and fails in truth.

Watch Kanaeta's video about Internet
Web World Wide SOPA Alex Jones Rand Paul Newt Ron CNN Fox News
War documentary on Disclose.tv

Watch Isotrop's video about People
THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS documentary on Disclose.tv

Strange sounds heard around the
world and the cymatic patterns from within the great pyramid
resemble crop circles. Colin Andrews

"Only an alert and knowledgeable
citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial
and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and
goals so that security and liberty may prosper together." more..

Perry Stone teaches at the Main
Event in Hixson, TN.

Watch Stephenhannard's video about
Stunned Medics Ability Pitch Black Dark Doctors Studied Youhui
Amazing Eyesight Hospital D documentary on Disclose.tv

You know the triangle thing we saw in Space a couple of weeks ago on a
video, apparently, its a light trick of the lenses. Not only do you have
triangle light tricks but you have the circle light tricks as well.
Therefore that must happeni all the time. Why did that happen in that
instance only?

UFO conspiracy theorists say NASA is
covering up the existence of a triangular UFO. Scientists say
it's an optical effect resulting from the way light bounces
around inside the telescope's camera lens.

You know the triangle thing we saw in Space
a couple of weeks ago on a video, apparently, its a light trick of the
lenses. Not only do you have triangle light tricks but you have the
circle light tricks as well. Therefore that must happeni all the time.
Why did that happen in that instance only?

Watch Myleso's video about Thrive
movement controlled opposition documentary film movie
entertainment Foster Gamble D documentary on Disclose.tv

Several objects resembling living
beings have been detected on photos made by a Russian landing
probe in 1982 during a Venus mission, Solar System Research
magazine reported.

The 2012 monthly calendar I
created with birthdays and important dates

Thank you for the gift of friendship ♥ xx

Hi Dennis, lekker inspirerend je site. Leuk
dat we vrienden zijn hoor!

Iran slipped further into global
isolation on Thursday as China, its traditional ally, warned
Tehran against its pursuit of nuclear weapons.

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)
can no longer count on EA, Nintendo, and Sony Electronics for
back-up. According to the updated list of SOPA loyalists,