Here is the
"Could only" search, have a read of some of the links you seem to
gravitate to, in your focus.
The "could only" in perspective are like prayers of the angels for us to
observe or understand.
I thinking
where we could go in evacuation as observers, where the elect go.
Couple of clues.
For thousands of years the sons of Adam
labored along the rivers of Mesopotamia, working out their irrigation
and flood-control problems to the south, perfecting their defenses to
the north,
and >>attempting to preserve their traditions<> of the glory of the
first Eden.<<
Paper 78 eh! hahaha
Fair dinkum, you have to be kidding eh!
I am all confused and how corrupt is business in this level in this
day, 2 faces, double speak with forked tongue. Such hypocrisy!
Anything for a buck, just anything, even it meant wiping out races,
Halliburton, the notorious U.S. energy company, sold key
nuclear-reactor components to a private Iranian oil company called
Oriental Oil Kish as recently as 2005, using offshore subsidiaries to
circumvent U.S. sanctions.
What an evil company as it works out in the witness such a forked
tongue. I hope the Judge throws the book at them really they deserve
it. Such a scammer company.
Halliburton, the notorious U.S.
energy company, sold key nuclear-reactor components to a private
Iranian oil company called Oriental Oil Kish as recently as
2005, using offshore subsidiaries to circumvent U.S. sanctions.
there is one ingredient which adds warmth and love to our lives.
Dear Dennis How are you ? I remenber you my good and sweet friend .My
heart is happy when I remenber your help ,too.Please take care .I send
more LOVE my dear friend and brother . HUGS and more hugs .Your friend
and sister . SOON .
Dennis thanks
for your your friendship, I am one with God
Its there
system and they can make and break anyone except for one thing, GOD.
They can destroy anything they want, even Governments who don't tow the
Thats the truth and witness but God is not happy with them at all and
there is prophecy and we are in the times and Corporate Government have
to rethink things including God or else they loose the lot in truth, at
the end, they gain the world but loose the soul.
That's the thing
the corporates are the government, that's why you never see water drop
technology in these Societies.
Really its a Corporate Government, it not government of the people its a
Corporate Government who buy what they want in government, its all
relationship and yet burdensome on the people and the people are simply
the cash cow, the people pay for everything whilst they get away with the
Thieves go to jail but they don't, they get promoted. Running the
corporate line in government rubber-stamp.
>>>Man does
not achieve union with God as a drop of water might find unity with the
>>Man attains divine union by progressive reciprocal spiritual
communion, by personality intercourse with the personal God, by
increasingly attaining the divine nature through wholehearted and
intelligent conformity to the divine will.<<
>> Such a sublime relationship can exist only between personalities.<<
Watch Pindz's video about Home Made
Electric Car documentary on
From "Crush" released in 2001.
Nowadays, Richard Elliot is one of the most versatile musicians
in this genre. His arrangements are fabulous as well as rhythm
Free Energy Motors and Generators,
The Fuelless Engine, Alternative Energy by Creative Science and
>>Taught by God, the Messiah will be a
righteous king over the gentile nations. There will be no
unrighteousness among them in his days,<> for all shall be holy and
their king shall be the Lord Messiah.<< (right on brother)
>>He will not rely on horse and rider and bow, nor will he collect
gold and silver for war.<<<
>>>Nor will he build up hope in a multitude for a day of war.<<
>>> The Lord himself is his king, the hope of the one who has a strong
hope in God.<<< ( absolutely 100 percent, no worries, all of the above
[Psalms of Solomon 17.32-36]
However, in Antiquity, wisdom was
considered to be more than being wise. A true sage was also able
to predict the future and cure diseases (cf. the Cappadocian
sage Apollonius of Tyana). This last aspect of the messianic
capacities can be illustrated from a recently published fragment
from the Qumra
"Only an alert and knowledgeable
citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial
and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and
goals so that security and liberty may prosper together." more..
Boney James with George Benson on
guitar rocking the jam "Hypnotic" from the cd SHINE
At the center
of the Edenic peninsula was >>the exquisite stone temple of the
Universal Father,<<>> the sacred shrine of the Garden.<<
That is exactly what it is, A stone temple in the centre of the Edenic
One of many great tracks from the
sax of James Oppenheim. Boney James, (born James Oppenheim,
September 1, 1961 in Lowell, Massachusetts) is a saxophonist, s
Oh this time
zone thing. and I'm still not finished reading all you posted. Going
to check out the UFO and then turn in. Have a blessed night, Dennis.
A repost I believe important!!
I reckon Eden is the safe passage from a holocaust.
King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Joel 2:3
>>A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth:<<
>>>the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a
desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them.<<<
NASA captured by cameras aboard the
International Space Station many UFOs in 2009.. discovered

Currently there
are 3 ex Pol pot leaders standing in court in Cambodia to face charges
of exterminating 2 million of there own people based on the most feeble
minded ideas.
I don't think 3 Most Highs will be impressed at all and I don't think
religion now and in the future should be seen holding trophies like
this, the destruction of 2 million people held in some sort of weird
distinction using Nuclear weapons.
That just does not work, to be known as the man who murdered 2 million
and be seen as a good thing. Terrorism follows the same path in that
thinking and the worst part using Gods name in Vain in the destruction
of people where the truth is quite the opposite and obtainable.
About the City of Jebus later Jerusalem.
>>Within a few years Melchizedek had gathered around himself a group
of pupils, disciples, and believers who formed the nucleus of the
later community of Salem.<<
He was soon known throughout Palestine as the priest of El Elyon, the
Most High, and as the sage of Salem. Among some of the surrounding
tribes he was often referred to as the sheik, or king, of
>>Salem was the site which after the disappearance of Melchizedek
became the city of Jebus,<> subsequently being called Jerusalem.<<
Peace in the
Last Days
1But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the
house of the LORD shall be established on the top of the mountains, and
it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it.
King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Micah 4:8
>>And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of
Zion,<> unto thee shall it come, >even the first dominion; the kingdom
shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.<<
The first dominion is Dalamatia City
The "time has come" to deal with
Iran, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Sunday, refusing
to rule out military action to curb the Islamic republic's
nuclear ambitions.
Britain has formally opened talks
with the Syrian opposition movement as international pressure
continues to mount against the beleaguered regime of President
Bashar al-Assad.
is a racial acquirement; it is not biologically inherent; hence must all
children be reared in an environment of culture, while each succeeding
generation of youth must receive anew its education. <<<
The superior qualities of civilization scientific, philosophic, and
religious are not transmitted from one generation to another by direct
inheritance. These cultural achievements are preserved only by the
enlightened conservation of social inheritance.
What Rock is jesus referring to, I know in
this journey of the Tree of Life there are many rocks in an array of
New International Version
1 Peter 2:7
Now to you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do
not believe, >>>>"The stone the builders rejected has become the
1st Eden and Dalamatia City including Van highland Capital, can be
part cornerstone in religion in the future and does have a
revelational message attached for today and the future as seen in the
Notwithstanding the favorable reception of
Jesus and his teachings by the common people, the religious leaders at
Jerusalem became increasingly alarmed and antagonistic. The Pharisees
had formulated a systematic and dogmatic theology. Jesus was a teacher
who taught as the occasion served; he was not a systematic teacher.
Jesus taught not so much from the law as from life, by parables.
(And when
he employed a parable for illustrating his message, >he designed to
utilize just one feature of the story for that purpose.<< Many wrong
ideas concerning the teachings of Jesus may be secured by attempting
to make allegories out of his parables.)
>>In one
generation Jesus lifted women out of the disrespectful oblivion and the
slavish drudgery of the ages.<<
>> And it is the one shameful thing about the religion that presumed to
take Jesus name that it lacked the moral courage to follow this noble
example in its subsequent attitude toward women.<<
eh! no excuse today.
Im watching SBS,
Bible history speaking about the 10 commandments, I agree with her
Friday's rally
appeared to be the biggest Islamist challenge to military rule since the
largely secular uprising that toppled Mubarak in February.
Sit-in demanding that military
transfer power dispersed; 5,000 protesters return setting police
cars on fire, throwing stones; police respond with batons, tear
gas. Muslim Brotherhood: Govt acting like Mubarak regime.
The new topographic map -- the
highest resolution ever created -- shows surface shape and
features over nearly the entire moon.
Time lapse sequences of photographs
taken by the crew of expeditions 28 & 29 onboard the
International Space Station from August to October, 2011, who to
my knowledge shot these pictures at an altitude of around 350
km. All credit goes to them. I intend
Something out
of nothing.
Scientists have succeeded in
creating light from vacuum observing an effect first predicted
over 40 years ago. In an innovative experiment, the scientists
have managed to capture some of the photons that are constantly
appearing and disappearing in the vacuum.

"the Ascending One". In ancient
Egyptian mythology she is associated with the sun god. She is
called Benu. Its Egyptian name is "Benu" means as much as "the
Ascending One". The Bennu bird was an imaginary bird
resembling a heron. It had a two long feathers on the crest of
it's head and was often crowned with
Atef crown of Osiris (the White Crown with two ostrich plumes
on either side) or with the disk of the sun. This name
apparently was being associated during the earlier periods of
Egyptian history with various birds: the crane, the heron, the
stork or the flamingo. Later it was more clearly identified
with the heron. She was a kind of primordial god, which built
its nest on the willow which is on the top of the primordial
hill. The deities Re (Ra) - and Atum were akin to the symbolic
meaning of the phoenix. Because of its birdlike nature, the
phoenix was called "ba of Re" - the soul of Re. The soul was
believed to be a birdlike spiritual being. As a deity of
creation and life it was also associated with Osiris. The
phoenix was called "the famous ba, which came out of the heart
of Osiris". There was a connection to the deity Kepera (the
scarab-god), the Lord of Life and Death. The phoenix
supposedly burns itself in his nest on the hill (sunset) and
is being reborn the next morning. The hill is being located on
the Flaming Isle of Re in the East, where the sun rises. At
Koptos in Egypt, the Bennu bird is depicted with two human
arms stretched upwards and outwards toward the star Sothis -
Sirius , which appears in the early sky before the sun rises.
The Phoenix/Bennu bird is said to arise 'at dawn from the
waters of the Nile'. It is linked with summer. The Bennu was
the sacred bird of Heliopolis. Bennu probably derives from the
word weben, meaning "rise" or "shine." The Bennu was
associated with the sun and represented the ba or soul of the
sun god, Re. In the Late Period, the hieroglyph of the bird
was used to represent this deity directly. As a symbol of the
rising and setting sun, the Bennu was also the lord of the
royal jubilee. The Bennu was also associated with the
inundation of the Nile and of the creation. Standing alone on
isolated rocks of islands of high ground during the floods the
heron represented the first life to appear on the primeval
mound which rose from the watery chaos at the first creation.
This mound was called the ben-ben. The Bennu was also
considered a manifestation of the resurrected Osiris and the
bird was often shown perched in his sacred willow tree.
International Version
Mark 9:12
Jesus replied, "To be sure, Elijah does come first, and restores all
things. Why then is it written that the Son of Man must suffer much and
be rejected?
It was this
image back in June 28th 2007 that inspired me to look in the Persian
Gulf using NASA Worldwind software using a particular filter.
New details about the birth of a
famous black hole that took place millions of years ago have
been uncovered, thanks to a team of scientists who used data
from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory as well as from radio,
optical and other X-ray telescopes.
2. The gentile Christians began very
early to accept the doctrines of Paul, which led increasingly to the
general belief that Jesus was the Redeemer of the children of the
church, the new and institutional successor of the earlier concept of
the purely spiritual brotherhood of the kingdom.
The church, as a social outgrowth of the kingdom, would have been
wholly natural and even desirable. The evil
of the church was not its existence, but rather that it almost
completely supplanted the Jesus concept of the kingdom. Pauls
institutionalized church became a virtual substitute for the kingdom
of heaven which Jesus had proclaimed.
I really like
the renewal of the old with the new, all the the principles he spo0ke
can fully apply here.on this journey of the Tree of Life in the flicker
of faith.
A journey for all man with the Tree of Life, in the flicker of faith for
all the truth with God, no matter who he is and where he comes from.
Perry Stone teaches on the spiritual
Amazing, look
at the bottom row of teeth eh!
Peruvian anthropologist Renato
Davila Riquelme has discovered the remains of an unidentified
creature with a "triangle shaped" skull nearly as large as its
20-inch-tall body. Has the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull --the
setting for the underwhelming 2008 Indiana Jones
vehicle--finally been discovered?
And cant we
take it to the limits with the Father in the heaven from the beginnings
within us, Eh!
Eagles - Take It To The Limit
Lyrics: All alone at the end of the of the evening And the
bright lights have faded to blue I was thinking 'bout a woman
who mi
AFTER our story about the Welwyn
Garden City man who couldnt stop seeing UFOs, a Hatfield
resident has sent us a series of snaps which show unexplained
lights in the sky.
About three weeks after Jesus had left
them, there arrived on the scene at Pella a new deputation from the
priests and Pharisees at Jerusalem.
>>>>They asked John directly if he was Elijah or the prophet that
Moses promised; and when John said, I am not, they made bold to ask,
Are you the Messiah? and John answered, I am not.<<<
Then said these men from Jerusalem: If you are not Elijah,
nor the prophet, nor the Messiah, then why do you baptize the people
and create all this stir? And John replied: It should be for those
who have heard me and received my baptism to say who I am, but I
declare to you that, while I baptize with water, there has been among
us one who will return to baptize you with the Holy Spirit.
Children who
die when too young to have Thought Adjusters are repersonalized on the
finaliter world of the local systems concomitant with the arrival of
either parent on the mansion worlds. <<
>>A child acquires physical entity at mortal birth, but in the matter of
survival all >
Adjusterless children are reckoned as still attached to their parents.<<
I was thinking
about the timing in the journey and the following verses.
19:19 In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of
the land of Egypt , and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD .
19:20 And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of
hosts in the land of Egypt : for they shall cry unto the LORD because of
the oppressors, and he shall send them a saviour, and a great one, and
he shall deliver them.
While blocked
at the pass to 1st Eden with all the unrest, more seems to be developing
on the eventual Nuclear war front by the looks of it.
The IAEA has passed a resolution on
Iran, drafted by a group of international mediators. This as the
US reportedly wants Tehran to curtail its nuclear program until
spring 2012, otherwise they will give a green light to an
Israeli strike on Iran.
That would mean
they are sitting on top of 1st Eden or close by. I hope there doing
scans of 1st Eden. Its was based on Russian bathymetric data that we
first glimpsed 1st Eden.
Russian warships have entered Syrian
territorial waters in an aggressive move designed to prevent any
NATO-led attack on the country under the guise of a
humanitarian intervention.
I believe a
site like mine would be deleted to and who makes the decision.
A bill that is very likely to pass
will let government and corporations censor the internet, take
down sites at the behest of corporations. My favorite sites and
friends have to step up now to help stop it, or it passes:
Mysterious designs appear in the
desert of China, radar in Australia and a field as crop circle
in England - Report By Colin Andrews
symmetrical patterns.
Colin Andrews research discovers
that earthquake activity in Turkey and Canary Islands form on
grid patterns which cant be natural. Grid found in China
remarkably similar
With a small telescope you can see
thousands of galaxies and star clouds, and billions of stars,
but how do you get started on exploring the sky? In Star-Hopping
you learn how to read the road map of the stars in easy stages,
beginning with simple star patterns, and moving on to the silent
beauty of
Creedence Clearwater Revival Have
You Ever Seen The Rain? Pendulum Lyrics: Someone told me long
ago There's a calm before the storm, I know; It's been comin'
Haven't been able to find this
anywhere on YouTube so I uploaded it myself.
Man O man check
this out eh!
Were Adam and Eve the genetic
ruling hybrids that were formed following an Extraterrestrial
War against humans? Were Adam and Eve bred as the first elites
to rule over humanity? Did Adam and Eve as alien operatives,
embark humanity toward courses of on-going mis-direction from
our true origins?
In a significant finding in the
search for life beyond Earth, scientists from The University of
Texas at Austin and elsewhere have discovered what appears to be
a body of liquid water the volume of the North American Great
Lakes locked inside the icy shell of Jupiter's moon Europa.
I can
understand this. It perpetuates alot on TV, werewolf concepts and so
From the conception of the soul
wandering about in animal form it is not far to the belief in
were-wolves and kindred illusions. Sumner & Keller (1927)
Langdon has pointed out that the
Sumerian legends locate the land of Paradise, where the gods
first blessed mankind with manners of civilized life, in Dilmun
on the shore
What would be
changing the Moons orbit, it would have to be something large?
I wonder if the link fulfils these verses.
19:19 In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of
the land of Egypt , and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD .
19:20 And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of
hosts in the land of Egypt : for they shall cry unto the LORD because
of the oppressors, and he shall send them a saviour, and a great one,
and he shall deliver them.
It is the presence of the divine Spirit,
the water of life, that prevents the consuming thirst of mortal
discontent and that indescribable hunger of the unspiritualized human
>>Spirit-motivated beings never thirst, for this spiritual water
shall be in them a well of satisfaction springing up into life
everlasting. <<>>Such divinely watered souls are all but independent
of material environment
as regards the joys of living and the satisfactions of earthly
>> They are spiritually illuminated and refreshed, morally
strengthened and endowed.<<\-motivated#search-jump-result-0
Jesus from the
Sevenfold Peace of the Essene papers.
Thou shalt travel the Seven Paths
Of the Infinite Garden
The paths are seven
Through the Infinite Garden
You behold me
now in weakness and in the flesh, >>but when I return, it shall be with
power and in the spirit.<<
>>> The eye of flesh beholds the Son of Man in the flesh, >>but only the
eye of the spirit<> will behold the Son of Man glorified by the Father
and appearing on earth in his own name.<<
Jesus promised to do two things after he
had ascended to the Father, and after all power in heaven and on earth
had been placed in his hands. He promised, first, to send into the
world, and in his stead, another teacher, the Spirit of Truth; and
this he did on the day of Pentecost.
>>>Second, he most certainly promised his followers that he would
sometime personally return to this world.<<
he did not say how, where, or when he would revisit this planet of his
bestowal experience in the flesh. On one occasion he intimated that,
whereas the eye of flesh had beheld him when he lived here in the
flesh, on his return (at least on one of his possible visits) he would
be discerned >>>only by the eye of spiritual faith.<<<
progressed from nature worship up through ghost worship to fetishism
throughout the savage childhood of the races. With the dawn of
civilization the human race espoused the more mystic and symbolic
>>>while now, with approaching maturity, mankind is ripening for the
appreciation of real religion, >>even a beginning of the revelation of
truth itself.<<<<
Isaiah 29:17
17 Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon (1st Eden, 60 miles
West) shall be turned into a fruitful field, and >>the fruitful field
shall be esteemed (honored) as a forest? (Ezekiel)<<
18 And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the
eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness.
Copyright 2011-3011 By CK Hunter All
Rights Reserved. Cited Materials Covered By Their Copyrights Our
21st century fascination with the ancient Nephilim giants who
were described in the Bible ha
Which World
Could it Be?
We are told that Mars would be a sub-breather world if it were
inhabited, and Venus would be peopled by superbreathers
A new Urantia
video I thought you'd enjoy
While prophets may help shape
civilizations, our true education, and purpose, is personal. The
Urantia Book introduces a new frame in which to explore this v
This footage was filmed on a Virgin
Australia flight Hamilton Island to Brisbane Australia with a
Samsung Galaxy 2 mobile phone
This does not
exist in North or South Mesopotamia but precious stones does exist in
the submerged land of Eden in the eastern Med.
>>You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you:
ruby, topaz and emerald, chrysolite, onyx and jasper, sapphire,
turquoise and beryl.<< Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on
the day you were created they were prepared.
No worries
Scientists have discovered two huge
sunken islands in the Indian Ocean, west of Australia that were
once part of the supercontinent Gondwana -- and are almost a
mile underwater.
Sade Live | Open Air Theater San
Diego, 1993 *KISS OF LIFE Lyrics* There must have been an angel
by my side Something heavenly led me to you Look at the sky
You see, if the
assembly of the Gods occur in Dilmun to remedy man and we are there in
the spirit on track to the City of the Sun Dilmun/Babel in the spirit
knowing that the journey extends all the way to Dalamatia City.
We can go to Dilmun/Babel in the spirit and recognise it and know all
about it in the spirit but not in the physical and therefore it seems to
me that the journey is cut short at Dilmun/Babel and does not go onto
Dalamatia City as the remedy happens in the focus to Dilmun in the
For almost forty-eight hours, on a
website originating somewhere inside South Africa, this second
fragment of the newly discovered Sumerian tablets found in
John 15:26 -
But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the
Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he
shall testify of me:
>>>27 And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from
the beginning.<<
The apple of his eye, we are the apple of
his eye.
Deuteronomy 32:10
He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; he
led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eye.
Psalm 17:8
Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of thy
connected to this post
>>In a
sevenfold Creator Son, Creator and creature are forever blended in
understanding, sympathetic, and merciful association.<<
The entire order of Michael, the Creator Sons, is so unique that the
consideration of their natures and activities will be reserved to the
next paper in this series, while this narrative will be chiefly
concerned with the two remaining orders of Paradise sonship: the
Magisterial Sons and the Trinity Teacher Sons.
attached to this post.
>>Much as an Associate Inspector
represents the Seven Supreme Executives to a whole local universe, <<
so in each of the ten thousand systems of that local creation there is
an Assigned Sentinel, >>who acts<> as the direct representative of the
far-distant and supreme board of supercontrol for the affairs of all
seven superuniverses. <<
>>The sentinels on duty in the local system governments of
are acting under the direct authority of Supreme Executive >Number
Seven, the co-ordinator of the seventh superuniverse.<<
>>But in their administrative organization all sentinels commissioned
in a local universe are subordinate to the Associate Inspector
stationed at universe headquarters.<<
The Sun , the
Tree of life and the Angel of the Garden Solonia.

Here is
another trinity effect of the Sun and clouds on another morning at
dawn on the coast in Queensland.
George Soros anti God and wants to take God out of civilisation
and sets up multiple organisations under the one umbrella in his
personal machinations with purpose. I don't now about all this
demonstration especially when George Soros is behind it.
I think a society without God in todays understanding of God in the
New day spring is completely bland, limited and boring and goes no
The attempt to cause mass chaos, slated for Thursday, is tied to the
Tides Center, the George Soros-financed group that funds far-left
causes. Tides grantees have been helping to direct Occupy from the
onset of the anti-Wall Street movement.
Read more: Massive chaos, gridlock to be unleashed on NYC
xxx NEW YORK Watch out New York
City. The Occupy anti-Capitalist movement is preparing to serve
a three-course meal of so-called direct action that apparently
includes the blocking of subways and bridges as well as shutting
down the stock market. The at
A secret is both intentional /
deliberate and coincidental happening. As intentional /
deliberate happening it is related to protection: survival or
saving something, a
This is near where Jesus' home
In the middle of Sagittarius.
The signal which came roughly from the constellation of Sagittarius
has never been repeated, but Davies said that astronomers did not have
the resources to focus on one part of the sky.
The controversial signal received
from interstellar space in 1977 remains a puzzle and as yet,
defies a natural explanation, an expert has said.
Watch Scooby01ukuk's video about
Aliens & UFOs documentary on
Jeff Lorber -
Laissez Faire
I declare in
the spirit, the reopening of the first Bank of Dalamatia City to help
this planet and all its people.
How this declaration manifested is attached to this post.
Great blessings
and much love to you Dennis. ♥
watchtower? are they hiring?
Watch Scooby01ukuk's video about
Aliens & UFOs documentary on
Tablet 110
The Targum
from the Beginnings and Facebook timeline