August 4th 09
Here is an upgrade to the image above.
The King is in the fields.
Shabbes timeline
Oct 19 2000
line 27:
Adam and Eve arrived on Urantia, from the year A.D. 1934, 37,848
years ago. It was in midseason when the Garden was in
the height of bloom
that they arrived. At high noon and unannounced, the two seraphic transports,
accompanied by the Jerusem personnel intrusted with the transportation of the
biologic uplifters to Urantia, settled slowly to the surface of the revolving
planet in the vicinity of the temple of the Universal Father. All the work of
rematerializing the bodies of Adam and Eve was carried on within the precincts
of this newly created shrine. And from the time of their arrival ten days
passed before they were re-created in dual human form for presentation as the
world's new rulers. They regained consciousness simultaneously. The Material
Sons and Daughters always serve together. It is the essence of their service
at all times and in all places never to be separated. They are designed to
work in pairs; seldom do they function alone.
Adam and Eve arrived in the middle of Spring, "A.D.
1934, 37,848 years ago" + 75 years = 37,923 years ago from 2009
"when the Garden was in the height of
bloom that they arrived"
"With spring in full swing, flowers are in full
bloom and so is allergy season"
line 44: Even
during the warmest summer months a cool sea breeze usually blew from the west
from 10:00 A.M. until about 10:00 P.M. But every now and then terrific hot
winds from the eastern desert would blow across all Palestine. These hot
blasts usually came in February and March, near the end of the rainy season.
In those days the rain fell in refreshing showers from November to April, but
it did not rain steadily. There were only two seasons in Palestine, summer and
winter, the dry and rainy seasons. In January the flowers
began to bloom, and
by the end of April the whole land was one vast flower
Just out of curiosity the Crop Circles began in the
middle of April during the Easter periods, April 14th 09 in the Shabbes
Timeline and has parallel with Adam and Appearing on Earth in the Midseason.
Middle of April thinking today terms.
July 21, 2009
(July 22, 2009) Solar Eclipse
Tomorrow there will be a solar eclipse
that is a warning to the Nations of the
World of the coming judgments of God.
The old and the New Testament are full of
warnings using the sun and the moon as signs to precede the destruction
of the Day of the Lord, and His return. Pastor Mark Biltz
of El Shaddai Ministries found a very interesting correlation between
the solar and lunar eclipses starting in the year 2008
and ending in the year 2015.
He was interviewed by J.R. Church
and Gary Stearman from
in three programs which are available from their ministry. They wrote an
article of the findings and the interview that is listed below.
I am giving a link to the web site of
pastor Biltz also.
Here are some video regarding the eclipse and
second coming.
Blood Red Moon 2015 Second Coming?
Latest Crop Circle
Rollright Stone Circle, nr Chipping Norton.
Reported 3rd August.

Here is further research
of this crop circle down the track.
This video footage was first shown to the crop
circle community on the 20th June 2009. Most interestingly at the end of my
presentation we had a power cut at 5.45pm and the second hand on the
clock stopped exactly at 12 o`clock !!!
Comments would be gratefully received:
Live UFO Sighting 25th June 02.30PM
Reports coming in UFO`s now being filmed and witnessed in broad daylight
2.30pm 25th June - over Golden Ball Hill and Etchilhampton Hill
Wiltshire - ORBS and UFOs - many witnesses.
UFO`s playing cat and mouse with Military Helicopters...
My conversation with a witness sounded frantic and full of
excitement...distant sounds of ` WOW`s were heard through the phone.
Incredible !!!!
Here is the first part of the Audio Interview
withy George Noory
The point I want to make is note the time of at
5.45pm and the second hand on the clock stopped exactly at 12
o'clock !!!
545 like in the Jane Lead symbol and a
combination of numbers that is distinctive in this research.

The clock stopping at 12.00pm reminds me of
this crop circle.

Are we in the final hour of a great
Here is another 2 crop circle created under the
nose of an Aerodrome.
Hill, Nr Aerodrome, Wiltshire.
Reported 6th August.
Note the 3 concentric circles in both Crop Circles.
The Paradise/Melchizedek Symbol.
The large crop circle has 14 circles revolving,
interesting marker 14...Sevens

Most intriguing.
And here is another crop circle.
Crop circle in at Wheaton Aston, South Staffs.
Reported 4th August 2009.

Its been quite hard to take a picture as its quite flat, you can see it from
the Bishops Wood Road going towards the A5 just @!!
37° 49'
S, 144° 58' E

This how insane some of the Muslim terrorist
organizations are.

This man death including the other
pastors will not go in vain
It just outstands me that Islam is waiting
the 2nd advent of Jesus just like Christians and yet they behead the
Christians. I can assure you all these terrorists will not get into
paradise and will suffer personality extinction if they continue this
evil action guided by the last rebel, all of them. These terrorist who
commit this evil are simply sub human!
They will all end in failure and extinction.
They will never know the blessings of Paradise Never!
If a religion drives man to commit evil like
this in our day then the religion is complete and utter failure in the
purposes of Paradise! Christianity in our day, even though it needs to
upgrade is way ahead of Islam.
The last rebel has completely deceived Islam
and the terrorist mongrels who think about nothing but murdering innocent
Its just like these ignorant fools
I mean what sort of people are these killers in
there Kangaroo courts..
Just imagine the complete fear of being a
minority in Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and
other majority ruled Sunni Muslim nations. It is a living nightmare, for one
moment you can be at peace with your neighbours but over one small incident
you may be killed or persecuted. It is complete dhimmitude (
and servitude to the ruling Sunni Muslim majority.
The end result of this madness is that Sunni
Islamic fanatics were shouting Allah Akbar (God is great), Allah Akbar, while
they were burning people alive. Why, simply because they are being taught hate
and this hate is being taught in many mosques and this hatred is inspired by
the teachings of their own faith.
I have the feeling that where ever Islam goes in the world,
trouble, death and destruction follows the last rebels religion. Even
Iran with all there promulgation have a revolt on there hands where they have
to kill there own for voicing a justified view point. Worthless
religion, if its leads to death and destruction of the Human and his family,
completely offensive to Paradise and the Universe at large.
The irony in all of this that the Mahdi is not
even a product of Islam, The Mahdis heritage is in Christianity but even then
his views and work extend outside of boundaries of Christianity into new truth
ground never discovered before. The Mahdi does not even come
from Islam and works with Jesus. That's why they, the Muslim leaders try
to persuade the Mahdi to become a Muslim but I
know he will refuse because of the lousy witness of Islam in
all there death and destruction. Its becoming an evil Last Rebel
religion based on death and destruction and nothing to do with the Father in
Paradise. The Mahdi knows that there is no future with present Islam as
its completely and utterly wayward in light of Paradise Truth.
The Murderers of Islam break all Noahic Seven Commands
including all the Ten commandments in there ridiculous thoughts mixed with
ignorance and uneducated arrogance.
Most offensive religion in the world that is the breeding
place of killers who are simply misguided and who have become DUMB especially
the teachers....Oh the teachers of Islamic killing are big trouble with all of
the Universe including the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven. The teachers
of this death and destruction Apostasy will never see the light of Paradise
going in this direction.
Now because the End is coming close much violence from
Islam will be ramped up as guided by the Last Rebel and his terrorist minions,
Unfortunately you will see more of these murderous killings.
The Father in Paradise gave us freewill and so should all
humans respect free will particularly without the imposition of the Islam
terrorist failure.
Al shabaab = the Boys....that is true they are not even men
of destiny just boys of utter failure.
Anyway, apart from my pissed off attitude to
all the Religious murder and killings I thought I would fins more information
about the Mahdi
Here is the Wikipedia where I was intrigued by these thoughts.
Biblical Interpretations
In their book, Al Mahdi and the
End of Time, Muhammad Ibn ‘Izzat and Muhammad ‘Arif, two well-known Egyptian
authors, identify the Mahdi from the
Book of Revelation, quoting
Hadith transmitter
Ka'ab al-Ahbar.
In one place, they write,
“I find the Mahdi recorded in the books of the
Prophets… For instance, the Book of Revelation says: “And I saw and behold a
white horse. He that sat on him…went forth conquering and to conquer.”
‘Izzat and ‘Arif then go on to say:
“It is clear that this man is the Mahdi
who will ride the white horse and judge by the Qur’an (with justice) and
with whom will be men with marks of prostration (zabiba)
on their foreheads.”
So according to the above the Mahdi is the
Rider of the White Horse who conquers untruth.
It reminds me of this.
The 11:11 hour
Hackpen Hill, nr Broad Hinton, Wiltshire.
Reported 31st

It appears to me that Islam has a 1001
ideas of the Al Mahdi so in my mind there seems to be mass confusion
about this individual and I can tell you that most of these ideas are
wrong concerning the Mahdi as there can only be one truth not 1001
thoughts of nothing.
I'm really against all this apostasy
of religious killing as it is a grave sin upon fellow man. Those
who continue this religious Killings will be severely punished by the
Ancients of Days, the judges of personality in Space/time.
The notions in the Wikipedia of the
Mahdi by these so called experts who hear thing but never reveal the
source are simply wrong and don't know what they speak of. Anyone
who claims to be a Mahdi with a gun in the hand is completely false.
The only way a Mahdi will conquer is through truth and demonstration
with a hand of friendship extended to all mankind and without false
pride and prejudice.
He defeats untruth through truth and
demonstration in love for his fellow man unconditional but the Mahdi and
Jesus hates sin like the religious murders and terrorist acts based on
lies and untruth.
You live by the sword, you die by the Sword with
no where to go.
Mohammed Yusuf, Nigerian Sect Leader, Killed
The Man responsible for the death of the 3
Pastors has been killed and I'm not sure whether this guy will see the light
of Paradise but that's up to the Ancients of Days.
It wouldn't logical for man like this to survive.
It also appears that by murdering the Pastors
Mohammed Yusuf sealed
there own death and possible personality destruction.
I think Sharia law is going to be destroyed through Judgment, it has no value
to where our future destiny is going and we are not going back to 400AD.
There is no way that civilization is going devolve to total barbarism like we
see in Sharia failed and corrupted states.
Sharia is a Spiritual Stranger to Jesus the Sovereign and will not be
recognized because the witness is appalling.
Mehsud death could signal turning tide against Pakistan
Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:48 am
Post subject: Crop Circles
Hey Wirelessguru
How is it going brother? Ive been wondering where you go to from the Atlantis
rising days.
Here is a timeline I have been working with regarding the crop circles.
Its been incredible.
Nobody will understand it but this it is part of the daily Journey from
1stEden almost 6 years now and I think the crop circles is all related to
1stEden and the Sevenfold/Ancients of Days, going back to the beginning for
correction of the planet.
I have no idea as we have to see the witness
but I thought the video was intriguing.
I don't claim that he is but I thought who these
words in Hebrew seem to reflect his name.
However, I do wish him well in navigating the USA
to good future. I wish the people of the USA well.
(Written approx. 100 B.C.)
"The Dead Sea Scrolls have revolutionized the study of the Bible, early Judaism,
and early Christianity." (Dead Sea Scrolls, Michael Wise, 1996) Here are some
facts about their discovery and publication taken from, Dead Sea Scrolls,
Michael Wise.
Dead Sea
Scroll Facts
1. 100 BC
The vast majority of scrolls were written in first century BC.
2. 1947 AD The first scrolls were found in the Judean desert.
3. 1948 The first scrolls were published.
4. 1947-1956 Eleven caves with scrolls were discovered.
5. 1947-1956 There were 15,000 fragments found in cave four alone.
6. 1948 The jurisdiction at this time was the government of
7. 1950-1977 The "official team" of a small number of scholars
published six
volumes of scrolls during this time period;
less than half of the total
8. 1977-1991 The "Official team" refuses to release the scrolls for
public study.
This is called "the scandal of the century" by
prominent scholar Geza
9. 1991 Zion Wacholder reconstructs scrolls from a detailed
concordex using
a desktop
10. 1991 Legal action was threatened against the monopoly
11. 1991 Emanuel Tov, the new editor-in-chief announced the
free and
unconditional access to all photographs of Dead Sea Scrolls.
Whenever there is
such flagrant abuse and secrecy, one must suspect the worst. Perhaps someday we
will know the true history of the scrolls as it transpired in the first fifty
years after their discovery.
Let’s start by examining the most
important Dead Sea Scroll, 11Q13, first. This scroll establishes Melchizedek as
a "Lord" in the Old Testament. The other "Lord" in the Old Testament is God of
course. With one sentence this document establishes: Melchizedek as Lord of the
Old Testament and coming Messiah, confirms the truth and validity of The Urantia
Book, and validates the Teacher of Righteousness as a true prophet of God. As a
true prophet, the Teacher deserves to have all of his words carefully
In the following discussion of 11Q13,
The Coming of Melchizedek, verses of scripture are quoted and then commented on
by the Teacher of Righteousness, the Leader of the Qumran.Community.
11Q13 The
Coming of Melchizedek
this year of jubilee, each of you shall return to his property. (Lev
25:13) And this is the manner of release: every creditor
shall release that
which he has lent to his neighbor. He shall not exact it of
his neighbor and
his brother, for God’s release has been proclaimed.
(Deuteronomy 15:2)
The Jubilee occurs every fiftieth year and its purpose,
established by God, is to release all who have been enslaved financially or
physically. It evens the playing field and closes the gaps that otherwise
develop between the rich and the poor. (My comment)
Below, I have given the full quote of
Isaiah that the Teacher of Righteousness is commenting on in the Dead Sea Scroll
Isaiah 61:1,2 The
spirit of the Lord God is upon me(Isaiah),
Because the Lord has anointed me;
He has sent me as a herald of joy to the humble,
To bind up the wounded of heart,
To proclaim release to the captives,
Liberation to the imprisoned;
To proclaim a year of the Lord's favor.
11Q13 It will
be proclaimed at the end of days concerning the captives.
Its interpretation is that He (God) will assign them
(the captives, People
of God) to the Sons of Heaven and to the inheritance of
for He (God) will cast their (the captives’) lot amid
the portions of
Melchizedek, who will return them there (Canaan) and
proclaim to them liberty, forgiving them the wrong
doings of
their iniquities. (Interpretation of Isaiah 61:1 given
by TR)
(Teacher of Righteousness)
Teacher of Righteousness quotes three passages of scripture (Leviticus 25:13,
Deuteronomy 15:2, & Isaiah 61), which he feels are connected and then goes on to
give his interpretation in the last paragraph above. Notice that the Teacher of
Righteousness identifies "the Lord's favor" as Melchizedek's favor, thus
substituting Melchizedek in place of Lord in the scripture passage given above
in the King James translation of Isaiah 61. This substitution reverses the very
error of using Lord to designate Melchizedek discussed in The Urantia Book .
This mutual understanding between the Dead Sea Scrolls and The Urantia Book,
corroborates The Urantia Book and also establishes the Teacher as a valid source
of accurate prophetic information. In addition, since this verse of Isaiah is
embedded in a messianic end of the age scriptural context, we can also deduce
that Melchizedek is identified by the Teacher as the Messiah who comes at ages
end in the Old Testament. More evidence that Melchizedek is the Messiah is
presented just below, in the remaining analysis of 11Q13.
The Teacher tells us that these verses
apply to the future, final end of the age when Melchizedek comes and literally
releases the faithful (Christians and Jews) who are "being held captive" by the
hostile leaders and nations of that time. Melchizedek frees them and reunites
these remnants in Canaan, thus restoring a reunified "Israel." The Teacher
11Q13 And
this thing (release of captives) will occur in the first week of the
Jubilee that follows nine Jubilees. (TR). (my
parentheses above).
A Jubilee is
declared on every 50 th year, on Yom Kippur, which is ten days after the
beginning of the Jewish New Year. This is the holiest day of the year and is
also called the Day of Atonement – usually a somber day of repentance. Yom
Kippur occurred this year on 9/20/99. I believe Melchizedek will return on or
near Yom Kippur one of these years and will turn a day of mourning into a day of
joy. (My comment.) The Teacher continues:
Teacher of
And the Day of Atonement is the end of the tenth Jubilee, when
Righteousness all the Sons of Light and the men of the lot of Melchizedek
11Q13 be atoned for. And a statue concerning them to provide them
(Captives/Sons of Light) with their rewards. For this
is the moment
of the Year of Grace for Melchizedek. And he will by
his strength
judge the holy ones of God, executing judgment as it
is written
concerning him in the Songs of David (Psalms) who
Elohim has taken his place in the divine council; in
the midst of the
Gods he holds judgment. (Psalms 82:1)
Elohim is translated as God in our present Bible translations and
this line becomes "God stands in the divine assembly; among the divine beings He
pronounces judgment!" The Teacher of Righteousness translates Elohim, not as
God, but as Melchizedek, giving us ‘Melchizedek has taken his place in the
divine council; in the midst of the diving beings he holds judgment.’ This
corresponds to Melchizedek’s presence on the Urantia advisory council (four and
twenty counselors) located on Jerusem (UB 5l3). Again scripture and the Urantia
Book cross-corroborate one another. We now return to 11Q13, The Coming of
Melchizedek regarding the identity of Elohim. The psalmist appeals to "the
Lord’s" sense of injustice:
11Q13 Rise, O
Lord, in Your anger,
Assert Yourself against the fury of my foes,
Best in Yourself on my behalf;
You have ordained judgment.
Let the assembly of peoples gather about You,
With You enthroned above, on high. (Ps 7:7-8)
was concerning him (Melchizedek) that the above Psalm referred to.
(interpretation by TR)
Again, we see Melchizedek identified as the
Lord and Messiah in Psalm 7 by the Teacher of Righteousness. Melchizedek is the
one who comes to rule the nations, the Messiah of Jewish expectation. The
Teacher selects his next line of scripture:
11Q13 How
long will you (the Lord) judge unjustly and show
partiality to the wicked? (Psalm 82:2)
It’s interpretation concerns Belial (devil) and the spirits of his lot who
rebelled by turning away from the precepts of God
to…(missing text).
And Melchizedek will avenge the vengeance of the
judgments of
God…(missing text). And he (Melchizedek) will drag them
from the hand of Belial and from the hand of all the
spirits of his lot. And
all the ‘Gods of Justice’ will come to his aid to attend
to the destruction of
Belial. (interpretation by TR)
Here, it is made clear, Belial is the ultimate force
behind the leaders and nations who take God’s people captive in the latter days.
Most serve Belial/Caligastia unknowingly for promises of wealth, power, and
prestige. We literally 'sell our souls' to get what we think we want most.
The Devil
Belial is no doubt
Caligastia who is still "free to prosecute his nefarious schemes" (UB 610). "The
devil is none other than Caligastia" (UB 602). "Adam tried to warn the races
against Caligastia, but the task was made very difficult because his archenemy
was invisible to the eyes of mortals…there were those confused minds that leaned
toward the Caligastia teaching of unbridled personal liberty…" (UB 833). The
‘gods of justice’ mentioned by the Teacher of Righteousness are probably the
Ancients of Days who "reserve power of decision on a mortal’s extinction." (UB
210). "It is evident that Immanuel counseled Michael (Christ) to remain aloof
from the rebels and allow rebellion to pursue a natural course of
self-obliteration (suicide)" (UB 617). "In the event of rebellion of a system
headquarters, a new sovereign is installed within a comparatively short time,
but not so on the individual planets. …Successor Planetary Princes are
designated for isolated worlds,…but they do not assume active ruler ship…until
the results of the insurrection are partially overcome and removed by partial
remedial measures adopted by the Melchizedeks and other ministering
personalities."(UB 394). We are still in the period of "partial remediation"
under Melchizedek's "comprehensive plan for rehabilitation of Urantia." The
rebellion will end when Melchizedek arrives and overcomes Caligastia at the time
of harvest, depicted in Revelation:
Revelation 14:14 Then I
looked, and there was a white cloud, and sitting on the cloud
was what looked like a son of man. With a
crown of gold on his
head and a sharp sickle in his hand.
Continuing on with the Teacher of Righteousness and his interpretations of
scripture found in 11Q13 of the Dead Sea Scrolls, we find:
11Q13 How
beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who
proclaims peace, who brings good news, who proclaims
who says to Zion: Your ELOHIM reigns. (Isaiah 52:7)
interpretation; the mountains are the prophets (Old Testament)
…and the messenger is the Anointed one of the spirit concerning whom
Daniel said, Until an anointed one, a prince…(missing
text). (Daniel 9:25)
(TR, Teacher of Righteousness)
To comfort all who mourn, to grant to those who mourn in Zion.
(Isaiah 61:2)
Its interpretation, to make them understand all the ages of time…
In truth…(missing text) will turn away from Belial…by
the judgments
of God, as it is written concerning him, who says to
Zion; your
Elohim reigns. Zion is…, those who uphold the Covenant,
turn from walking in the way of the people. And your
Elohim is
Melchizedek, who will save them (those who uphold the
Covenant) from the hand of Belial.(TR)
(End 11Q13) As for
that which He said, "Then you shall send abroad the trumpet
in all the land." (Leviticus 25:9)
The Teacher of
Righteousness tells us in his interpretation of Isaiah 52:7 that the final
prophet is a "messenger" who stands on top of the mountains, the Prophets, by
interpreting "all that they wrote," and who then proclaims "Your Elohim reigns."
By reading between the lines one can also infer that the messenger, or final
prophet makes them (the elect) understand all the ages of time in some way. The
final prophet is an "anointed one" whom God has put his spirit upon. "Behold my
servant…I have put My spirit upon him" (Isaiah 42:1). Elohim means divine being
and is identified as Melchizedek by the Teacher. The Lord of the Old Testament
is Melchizedek (when not referring to God), and he is the one who comes to
deliver us at the end of the age.
Final Prophet
The final
prophet depends on the olden prophets to explain and interpret the events
unfolding in the messianic age and to "make them (the elect) understand all the
ages of time." The final prophet is also God’s servant of Isaiah who addresses
the coastlands, and who "brings forth true religion (or the true way)" in Isaiah
42:10, which is the kingdom of heaven within. He is also the "Elijah to come
before the end" of Malachi. The Urantia Book calls this prophet "another and
greater John the Baptist." Why is he greater? Remember that Jesus said that
"there had not been any one greater (man) than John the Baptist" but that anyone
who entered the kingdom of heaven "was greater than John." This was true because
John as a human being was unsurpassed. He was courageous, faithful, and
steadfast, even in the face of death. But as a son of the living God, he had
not yet entered the joyful and transcendent kingdom of heaven within. Therefore,
greater means that the final prophet will have entered this kingdom of heaven
within, which is the "true way" that he helps bring forth in Isaiah 42:1-4.
Next, consider the Teacher’s
comment that "those who uphold the covenant (do God’s will), turn from walking
in the way of the people." It may be necessary for those who follow God’s will,
to separate themselves from the opinions, people, and possessions of our present
culture to follow the truth on an isolated, lonely, and perhaps dangerous road.
Family fault lines may sever; persecution, ridicule and danger could be ahead.
Such painful and trying choices will act to establish our priorities and expose
them to view. Choosing God’s will in the face of such trials will be the "flame
of affliction," which will soften our mettle (metal) for the anvil of adversity
and the hammer of mercy. And so we will count the cost and remember that this
road is also called the ‘Sacred Way’, and that the ‘redeemed shall walk it.’
Consider further this road:
There is more
The Office of the Messiah
First, a translation of the fragment itself:
[the hea]vens and the earth will listen to His Messiah, and none therein
stray from the commandments of the holy ones.
Seekers of the Lord, strengthen yourselves in His
All you hopeful in (your) heart, will you not find the Lord in this?
For the Lord will consider the pious (hasidim) and call the righteous
by name.
Over the poor His spirit will hover and will renew
the faithful with His power.
And He will glorify the pious on the throne of the eternal Kingdom.
He who liberates the captives, restores sight to the blind, straightens the
And f[or] ever I will cleav[ve to the h]opeful and in His mercy . . .
And the fr[uit . . .] will not be delayed for anyone.
And the Lord will accomplish glorious things which have never been as [He . .
For He will heal the wounded, and revive the dead
and bring good news
to the poor
. . .He will lead the uprooted and
knowledge . . . and smoke (?)
(Michael O. Wise, translation)
I believe the resurrection of the dead is partly
about the ancient places.
A New Dead Sea Scroll in Stone?
The vision of Gabriel

Does a “Dead Sea Scroll in stone” cast
new light on early Jewish and Christian views of the messiah? That is the
question raised by an intriguing ancient text, a question now being debated in
newspapers, web sites and blogs.
The text, called
“Gabriel’s Vision” by Ada Yardeni, the
Israeli scholar who first published it, is written in ink on stone and dates
to about the late first century B.C.
and early first century A.D. The text first came to wide attention when our
print publication, Biblical Archaeology Review published Yardeni’s “A
New Dead Sea Scroll in Stone?” in its
January/February 2008 issue (Yardeni pointed out that had the text been
written on leather, she would have thought of it as another Dead Sea Scroll
(Semitic sounds in caps and\or italics)
Column A
(Lines 1-6 are
7. […
]the sons of Israel …[…]…
8. […]…
9. […
]the word of YHW[H
[…]… I\you asked …
you ask me. Thus said the Lord of Hosts:
[…]… from my(?) house, Israel, and I will tell the greatness(es?) of
[Thus] said YHWH,
the Lord of Israel: Behold, all the nations are
14. …
against(?)\to(?) Jerusalem and …,
[o]ne, two, three, fourty(?) prophets(?)
and the returners(?),
[and] the Hasidin(?). My servant, David, asked from before Ephraim(?)
[to?] put the sign(?) I ask from you.
Because He said, (namely,)
18. [ Y]HWH
of Hosts, the Lord of Israel: …
19. sanctity(?)\sanctify(?) Israel!
In three days
you shall know, that(?)\for(?)
He said,
(namely,) YHWH
the Lord of Hosts, the Lord of Israel:
The evil broke (down)
before justice. Ask me and I will tell you what
22this bad 21plant
lwbnsd/r/k (=? [To me? in libation?]) you are standing, the
messenger\angel. He
23. …
(= will ordain you?) to Torah(?). Blessed be the Glory of
YHWH the
Lord, from
24. his
seat. “In a little while”, qyTuT
(=a brawl?\ tiny?) it is, “and I will shake the
25. …
of? heaven and the earth”. Here is the Glory of
YHWH the
Lord of
Hosts, the Lord of Israel. These are the chariots,
27. [un]to(?)
the gate(?) of Jerusalem, and the gates of Judah, and … for the
sake of
28. …
His(?) angel, Michael, and to all the
others(?) ask\asked
29. ….
Thus He said, YHWH
the Lord of Hosts, the Lord of
Israel: One, two, three, four, five, six,
these(?) are(?) His(?) angel ….
'What is it', said the blossom(?)\diadem(?)
…[…]… and (the?) … (= leader?/ruler?), the second,
33. …
Jerusalem…. three, in\of the greatness(es?) of
[…]…, who saw a man … working(?) and […]…
that he … […]… from(?) Jerusalem(?)
37. …
on(?) … the exile(?) of …,
38. the
exile(?) of …, Lord …, and I will see
…[…] Jerusalem, He will say, YHWH
Hosts, …
[…]… that will lift(?)
[…]… in all the
Column B
(Lines 45-50 are
Your people(?)\with you(?) …[…]
52. …
the [me]ssengers(?)\[a]ngels(?)[ …]…
on\against His/My people. And …[…]…
54. […
]three days(?). This
is (that) which(?)
…[… ]He(?)
Lord(?)\these(?)[ …]…[…]
see(?) …[…]
closed(?). The blood of the
slaughters(?)\sacrifices(?) of Jerusalem. For He said,
of Hos[ts],
58. the
Lord of Israel: For He said, YHWH
of Hosts, the Lord of
Israel: …
[…]… me(?) the spirit?\wind of(?) …
62. in
it(?) …[…]…[…]
…[…]… loved(?)/… …[…]
65. The
three saints of the
world\eternity from\of …[…]
[…]… peace he? said, to\in you we trust(?) …
67. Inform him
of the blood of this chariot of them(?) …[…]
Many lovers He has, YHWH
of Hosts, the Lord of Israel …
Thus He said, (namely,) YHWH
of Hosts, the Lord of Israel …:
Prophets have I sent to my people, three. And I say
that I have seen …[…]…
72. the
place for the sake of(?) David the servant of
73. the
heaven and the earth. Blessed be …[…]
men(?). “Showing mercy unto thousands”, … mercy […].
Three shepherds went out to?/of? Israel
If there is a priest, if there are sons of saints
77. Who am I(?),
I (am?) Gabri’el the …(=angel?)… […]
You(?) will save them, …[…]…
from before You,
the three si[gn]s(?), three …[….]
80. In three days
li[ve], I, Gabri’el
81. the
Prince of Princes, …, narrow holes(?) …[…]…
to/for … […]… and the …
83. to
me(?), out of three - the small one,
whom(?) I took, I, Gabri’el.
of Hosts, the Lord of(?)[ Israel
Then you will stand …[…]…
86. …\
in(?) … eternity(?)/… \
By they I just
want to say I am not the Messiah. The Lord Jesus Christ and the
Melchizedek are the Messiahs.
I opened the
physical Office of the Messiah in assistance to the Messiahs. I am only a
Servant and that's what I want to be for the Lord, a servant for the Messiahs.
these(?) are(?) His(?) angel …. 'What is it', said the
26. Hosts, the Lord of Israel. These are the chariots,
The Seven,
Associated with the Angel, the Angel of the Seventh Mystery, Rider of the
White Horse and his Crowns of the Beginnings.....the Seventh Mystery.
The Sevenfold Journey from 1stEden and all the other ancient places.
Also what about
before justice. Ask me and "I will tell you what
22this bad 21plant
particularly 22this bad 21plant.
Again note the commonality of 21 Jesus birthdate and in the
Seventh timeline and
22 that number again, 22 Like the 2 Magnetars occurring on the 22nd 5
months apart.
is that ?
22this bad 21plant.
Is that related to this Shabbes timeline with matching commonality??
At this time I was
curious about the "Chariots Seven" on Google.
and came up with
this link.
King James Bible
And he saw a chariot with a couple of horsemen, a chariot
of asses, and a chariot of camels; and he hearkened diligently with much
Then I checked
out another link and to my surprise I found this.
Notice the 8
pointed star on the forehead of the Rider? similar to the Jerusem Local System
Headquarters as in the Shabbes Timeline.
Now note:
I don't follow Tarot cards or anything other things like that other than the
truth of Jesus Christ. However, what I recognize is the eight pointed
star on the forehead in the image below, a commonality in symbol, that I recognize in this journey from
1stEden out of the Urantia Book and in my view a journey which led me into space to
a very
high place.
Apparently the
Tarot thoughts originate out of Jewish mysticism.
The Chariot
(VII) is the seventh
trump apparently there are 22 card in a Tarot card deck....again that
commonality in number 22 and in the
chariots case the Seventh Chariot.

I wonder if this
points and confirms the rider of the White Horse like in the Crop Circles?
Maybe its the message from the beginnings. Maybe the Universe/Paradise
Government backs this person in the message of the journey.
Have you
considered that with all the characters in the Tarot is a construct of the end
times considering it has a judgment card with a picture of the coming of the
Then I found this
Lord Surya on the Seven Horse Chariot, with
Dawn as His Charioteer
The harvest has
begun. The stewards of the land are beginning the Harvest.
The King is in
the fields, let the harvest begin.
Note the 3 cuts
around the triangle?
Here are the latest crop circles.
Bishop Sutton, nr New Alresford, Hampshire.
Reported 9th August.

Image Simon Calshaw Copyright

Stretched image by Adam

Images Steve Alexander Copyright 2009
Looks like a Square house with double
triangle windows and yet it looks like double triangles within triangles in
Diamonds perhaps like a Stylus.
Woodborough Hill, Nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire.
reported 10th August.

2 x 13 rays
40 rays
100 outer shapes in the swirl

Image Jack Roderick Copyright 2009
Images Andrew
Pyrka Copyright 2009
formation is just visible from the roadside as you pass the entrance to Knapp
Hill. As we drove passed Knapp Hill at sunrise – the distant fields were
shrouded in morning mist, so we just missed the discovery of this hill top
To enter
this formation you can park opposite
Southfield and walk along the Tawsmead and
Southfield field boundary.
formation sits at the brow of the hill and in a dip of the field – directly
below in the next field is the triangular formation which was first reported
22nd of July.
When you
first enter this formation the first feeling is of chaos – wheat seems to be
lying in all sorts of directions. Upon inspection you start to realize that
this chaos turns to perfection. Single lines of flattened wheat are
complimented by a spread of wheat to the left and then to the right – this is
seen throughout the entire ring of the formation. The makers once again have
demonstrated to us complexity in their designs. This design deserves some
sunlight to show the shading and contrast to bring out the true splendour of
their work. Once again the weather conditions were wet and grey. I’m starting
to think that the makers are responsible for controlling our weather
conditions so the harvest is delayed – so that they can squeeze in one or two
more formations here and there. Just a thought of course!
Just as we
were leaving the farmer turned up with a contribution box which we applauded
this sensible act. If you decide to visit please (it is worth visiting) –
please contribute every pound you can.
It is also
worth a mention that night watchers were camped out all night on Woodbrough
Hill but yet they heard or saw nothing. This demonstrates the maker’s
swiftness and silent abilities while creating their perfect creations.
Andrew Pyrka (
Note the
triangle and circle swirls in the middle of the rays! and the thatch in the
outer ring.

Post subject: Re: The meaning of
crop circles
Tue Aug 11, 2009 6:33 pm
Most of you have probably never read the Urantia book (million plus words),
and might not recognize it as cultic/occult on first exposure. It was given
through automatic writing as I recall, centered up in the U. Chicago area. I'm
warning because of how they twist Jesus and heaven into a bureaucratic
nightmare. And it's no surprise to me that interpreters of the sigil language
of crop circles would come out of the Urantia cult.
Please pray for protection and discernment before investigating. My prayers
for you all are to be able to handle snakes without harm and to multiply the
truth of crushing the head of the serpent. In the name of Yeshua Messiah, YHWH
What follows is deadly poison.

What a mess, that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever...sorry! Charts and
pictures are great but this one is too full of info... I need an interpreter
for this!
I know what you mean it seem like a mess and a little confusing but it been a
build over time and I do explain myself in the on going forum replies that I
copy for the record of the journey.
Essentially, I believe the message of the end of an age comes from the
beginning, Epochs we have no idea of.
I believe Jesus is the Sovereign and he is coming back. However, I believe there
is a mystery associated with the end times and I'm endeavoring to work it out.
Also the Urantia Book is not a product of automatic writing nor channeling.
I simply Test the book in what it says and what I find and I believe its a new
revelation from the Father and the Ancients of Days for us NOW!
I also blend all the books of religion in my research without pride nor
prejudice and it works for me.
The crop circles is another thing that is intriguing to me as I see similar symbolism in
parallel to the journey from 1stEden.
all the best
11 August 09
Major earthquake in Tokyo at 7.05
local time
12 August 09
could be the signature of the emerging 2
Here is a report of a recent crop circle.
The smallest in the world.
South Field (2), Nr Alton Priors, Wiltshire.
Reported 8th August.

Teedledum and
filming near the Woodborough Hill formation today a couple from Washington
State, USA told me of two remarkably crafted and very small formations in a
field very near to the new Woodborough Hill formation. I filmed the nearest
one to the road (see ground shot) and John Montgomery took the aerial shots
for me. As you can see they were so small from the air even when blown up.
The position of both circles being quiet far apart from each other and yet
on opposite sides of the same tram lines is also worth noting.
has to be of interest as it is so close to the intriguing Woodborough Hill
formation. |

Images John Montgomery
Copyright 2009

Image Julian Gibsone Copyright 2009

It probably takes the prize for the
smallest distinct formation this year but it has a quality that makes it
worth looking at. It is a single grapeshot formation in South Field. It
appeared at the beginning of August sometime. The location is map ref
SU120621. 08/08/2009

Wayland's Smithy Long Barrow (2),
nr Odstone Hill, Oxfordshire.
Reported 12th August.
12 triangle circles chevrons

12 is significant and perhaps this relates to the
12 Gates of Eden.
Oct 19 2000
line 90:
When they learned what had happened to Eve, the infuriated inhabitants of the
Garden became unmanageable; they declared war on the near-by Nodite
settlement. They swept out through the gates of Eden
and down upon these unprepared people, utterly destroying them--not a man,
woman, or child was spared. And Cano, the father of Cain yet unborn, also
Oct 19 2000
line 74:
A zoological garden was created by building a smaller wall just
outside the main wall; the intervening space, occupied by all manner of wild
beasts, served as an additional defense against hostile attacks. This
menagerie was organized in twelve grand divisions, and walled paths led
between these groups to the twelve gates of the
Garden, the river and its adjacent pastures occupying the central

Images John
Montgomery Copyright 2009

Post subject: Re: The meaning of crop circles
Thu Aug 13, 2009 7:02 am
hiscity wrote:
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this or not, but I've
read that Urantia was written at the University of Chicago. If that is
true, it would be another amazing "coincidence."
U. Chicago and McCormick Theological Seminary according to the article
excerpt below.
Clearly there was a group of people involved, but apparently one channeler,
ex-adventists like David Koresh's Branch Davidians. If you think the Obama
had opportunity to be exposed to Urantia materials or a Urantia cult group
-- and could be a Urantia manchurian -- it's possible since he taught there.
Much later of course. The Obama logo and Urantia logo comparison are eye
raising along with his expansive bureaucratic methods.
In his exposé of the Urantia Book, Eric Pement identifies the author(s).
Ironically, it was a Seventh-day Adventist minister and physician who was
ultimately responsible for the publication of the Urantia papers.
Dr. William S. Sadler, a
psychiatrist and professor at the University of Chicago and teacher of
pastoral counseling at McCormick Theological Seminary, had spent over
a decade debunking and refuting spiritualism, even assisting magician Harry
Houdini in this task. His better-known works on this subject include THE
SUBCONSCIOUS MIND (1929). However, researcher Steve Cannon tells about
something that eventually turned Sadler around:
In the appendix of THE MIND AT MISCHIEF Sadler recounts a story of one
investigation into the psychic realm that he could not debunk. From the
summer of 1911 until the time of his writing in 1929 he had a subject under
observation who would go into a deep sleep out of which he could not be
awakened. Sadler wrote: "This man is utterly unconscious, wholly oblivious
to what takes place, and, unless told about it subsequently, never knows
that he has been used as a sort of clearing house for the coming and going
of alleged extra-planetary personalities" (MIND, 383). Of the communications
themselves, "I can only say that I have found in these years of observation
that all the information imparted through this source has proved to be
consistent within itself. . . . Its philosophy is consistent. It is
essentially Christian and is, on the whole, entirely harmonious with the
known scientific facts and truths of this age" (MIND, 384). Sadler wanted to
say more on the subject, but the person under investigation would not give
his permission to do so.1
Beginning in 1923, Dr. Sadler
invited a group of friends, informally known as The Forum, to examine these
intelligences, which were now rapidly becoming more numerous. While the
channeler slept, the spirits freely answered questions in a manner not
unlike that of Edgar Cayce, the famed "sleeping prophet." Sadler and his
cohorts compiled 4000 questions they wanted the spirits to answer. A few
weeks later, the channeler handed Dr. Sadler a sheaf of 472 pages, answering
every question which had been put to him/them. The channeler's wife
told Sadler that the material had been written in a single evening. By 1935,
the last of the messages was delivered, and
the entities asked Dr. Sadler, by
now a true believer and an ex-Adventist, that the work be published.2
Twenty years later THE URANTIA BOOK appeared in print. The identity of the
channeler was kept secret for many years by the Urantia Foundation. In fact,
the board of directors took a pledge of secrecy not to reveal the human
author or its means of transmission. However,
in 1991 Martin Gardner identified
the channeler as Wilfred Custer Kellogg, son of Rev. Charles Leonidis
Sobeski Kellogg, a Seventh-day Adventist minister from Vermont. Wilfred was
a shirttail relative of W. K. Kellogg, founder of the Kellogg's Cornflake
Company, and also happened to be William Sadler's brother-in-law (the men
had married two sisters).
Wilfred moved to Illinois when he married, and he and his wife lived for a
time with Dr. and Mrs. Sadler. He was one of the founding members of the
Urantia Foundation, and his home was half a block from the present
headquarters of the Foundation in Chicago. He died in 1956.
The Adventist background of both Kellogg and Sadler does explain a few
things. For example, it's a point of Adventist doctrine that Jesus is really
Michael the Archangel.3 Martin Gardner pointed out some other interesting
parallels with Adventism, notably how the name of an Adventist friend of
Kellogg, G. W. Amadon, appears as an important figure of the Urantia papers.
Gardner's articles were published in the SKEPTICAL INQUIRER, Spring 1991,
with significant corrections in the Fall 1991 issue. The Urantia Foundation
officially has "no comment" on this matter.
Maybe you should read the Urantia Book and test it against
science and other doctrines.
Can you tell me, since your an expert in religion and using a search engine.
What's the Land of Nod and where is it? or what does 666 means and what does the
Mark of the Beast represents and where it can be found?
Summer of ‘09, Crop Circles, ETs & Reentering
Universal Society
some interesting thoughts on the Owl circle.
The Messenger of the
Covenant - The Paraclete
This is post 222 in 2009.
222 = The gematria of the first word “He spoke”, it is also the
value of “firstborn”.
This also posted at 26, the gematria value of the name of God.
Again 22 comes up.
"Circles" in Hebrew are 'gal', spelled with two letters that equal 33 (Gimel
& Lamed). 
The concentration of crop circles, & glyphs of the world occur 33 degrees
from Jerusalem.
The weaving of grain within these latest crop glyphs represents an
angelic, demonic, spiritual language consonant with Scripture. It is
saying that a grand attempt is being made to weave or bind all people into
a religious union. This is exactly the situation during the last 7 years
before the Messiah returns.
I believe this cypher of "33" is uniquely made manifest in the 33% of this
year that is from 7/11 to 11/11(counting beginning and end dates), which
equals exactly 122 days.
122 / 365 = 33%
If you just count the days from 7/11 to 11/11- it is 121 days. This is 11 x
11 days.
121= 11 x 11
I also believe 11/11/09 may be a date of high potentiality for the revealing
of the 2 witnesses' presence- see my latest post here:
This crop glyph below may be representative of the 2 witnesses'
presence(also see my 8/12 post at above link)
Note this is the 11th page of this post...
I would be interested in how your calculations and interpretation works out.
There is alot of people trying to interpret them in accordance to their
experience and knowledge.
I thought it was interesting your observation of 33 degrees from Jerusalem.
Post subject: Re: The meaning of crop circles
Thu Aug 13, 2009 7:11 pm
No problem but you still haven't answered my questions?
I was wondering have you ever read the Urantia Book fully?
It was this book led us to the discovery of 1st Eden submerged of Cyprus.
In the bible, the end comes from the beginning where all the chaff will be
burnt of through Judgment and where Jesus of Nazareth the mighty Sovereign
will adjudge the present age in glory.
The end is associated with a Seventh mystery! Do you know what the Seventh
Mystery is?
By the way what does Jesus say about Judging one another as you have judged
And what happens to those who think they are first but become last?
Even a normal Christian would have to have a concern about that!
Last edited by
sevens on Thu Aug 13, 2009 7:25 pm
Post subject:
Re: The meaning of crop circles
Fri Aug 14, 2009 5:01 am
Have you ever considered that man in his cultures
of this planet have different names of God?? and the Father in Heaven has a
Government and that Government does rule the Universe under the banner of Jesus
the Sovereign or Jesus of Nazareth creator of all life in this Universe.
It appears that the Saints Judge...How do you know you are Saint if you are
judging already before the Judgment of the Ancients of Days. For all you know,
in attitude you could be a spiritual stranger to Jesus.
Post subject: Re: The meaning of crop circles
Fri Aug 14, 2009 5:26 am
I see him a creator of everything. So what's the problem. Did I say
something wrong?
Hey I asked some normal questions and you guys cant answer a thing in your own
words without rattling off bible verses like a weapon!
Post subject: Re: The meaning of crop
Fri Aug 14, 2009 5:36 am
Well I see Jesus and the Father as the creators
and Jesus as my Saviour and I see him as my personal friend who is leading me
daily. I am very happy for that in my daily spiritual experience in everyday
living. Its not just about knowledge but Heart and Soul and doing the will of
the Father in your daily personal experience and the Jesus showed us the way.
Post subject: Re: The meaning of
crop circles
Fri Aug 14, 2009 7:43 pm
"30 I and my Father are one" That sounds like a
relationship you would expect of Jesus and the Father being one and yet a
trinity. Something I would like to serve actually I cant think of anything
Yeah no worries I agree.
Still haven't answered my simple questions!
Note the double triangle in the
Owl Nebula...A confirmation?
But here is how I came across it.
Baltic Farm, Nr Devizes, Wiltshire
crop circle was created the same day as the
Stanton St Bernard, Nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire on 5th July. They both resemble
the Owl Nebula in different ways.
Now we have the Winterbourne Bassett, nr Avebury, Wiltshire reported 28th July
and this one on 12th August very clearly depicting owls.
Nasa's Astronomy Picture of the Day on May 15, 2009 was of the
Owl Nebula.
Although it is not understood how this type of nebula formed it is suspected
that binary central stars, stellar winds and/or magnetic fields might have
something to do with it.
Also, I wanted to note that the Owl Nebula is a dying star that might be
exemplary of what will
happen to our sun in 5 billion, or so, years. Should we be making plans now?
Lavender Tucker

The double triangle of the Owl
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Discover the cosmos!
Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is
featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.
2009 May day after my birthday.
M97: The Owl Nebula
Credit &
The Owl Nebula is perched in the sky about 2,600
light-years away toward the bottom of the
Dipper's bowl. Also
cataloged as M97, the 97th object in Messier's
well-known list, its round shape along with the placement of two large, dark
"eyes" do suggest the face of a
staring owl. One of the
fainter objects in
Messier's catalog, the Owl
Nebula is a
planetary nebula, the glowing
envelope shed by a dying
sun-like star as it runs out of
nuclear fuel. In fact, the
Owl Nebula offers an example of the fate of our Sun as it runs out of fuel in
another 5 billion years. As we see it, the nebula spans over 2 light-years
making it roughly 2,000 times the diameter of Neptune's orbit. Beautiful to
look at,
this color image shows
impressive details within the cosmic owl. The composite includes images made
through narrow-band filters for a total of 24 hours of exposure time.

Time of
This double triangle in the Owl Nebula reflects
the Shabbes Timeline.
Looks like the crop circle season is coming
to a close.
I must say I had a great time searching through all them.

Post subject: Re: The meaning of crop
Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:22 am
"The Urantia Book is a fiction and false witness
that mixes in and excludes portions of the Bible."
How can you judge something that you haven't read.
It led us to 1stEden off Cyprus.
By the way where is the Garden of 1stEden and can you demonstrate that in the
Bible through your own research.
Still haven't answered any of my simple questions.
Your pretty loose in your judgment, is it your place to judge?
What about if you are judged as you judge.
Why is it that 6 out of the 7 churches are rebuked in the End Times??????:?
All the churches are rebuked. Why are they rebuked? in the End Times.
What is the Book in the hand of the angel with one foot in the Sea and the
other on the land. What book is John talking about? It would have to be a book
that reveals the hidden from the Sea and the Land with a message attached, and
a Book written by the Kingdom of Heaven given by the hand of God being the
ultimate scribe for Mankind.
Why is it that Christianity has to go through a refinement in the End Times?
Anyway I gave my life to Jesus Christ my friend long ago and my friend has
been my friend from day 1. I work for Jesus my friend and I really enjoy
working for him because he is a real pleasure through his Holy Spirit guiding
me through all the books uncovering fragments. Like the Pearl in the field of
great reward. Its a pleasure to have Jesus Christ as my friend and guide in
all of this. I just won't to work for any one else. He is my friend and I my
master and a master of a Universe. I don't know what your on about when you
speak in those terms of repeating the obvious of Jesus and Salvation!
I praise the Lord in the Kingdom of Heaven for all his blessings in the
greatest mystery ever revealing itself through the books of religion.
Praise the Lord!
Post subject: Re: The meaning of crop
Sun Aug 16, 2009 3:06 pm
I'm not here to argue nothing.....I just want to see where this research leads
to but because I extend my research into other books combining all, I get
attacked for that.
Why would I want to tear anyone apart...Its a poor witness, I'd rather be
friends with varying ideas. But then its reflects a few things to about the
attitude in division of Christianity, its better for the truth to come out and
to debate it rather than say nothing and not seek further.
I think Crop Circles are from the Ultimate
Government of this Universe and they are good and I believe they are part of the
Living waters in the End Time presentation of truth that comes from the
Beginning in the final fulfillment of the Ministry of Jesus of Nazareth.
Here is a image taken on the 31st July 09 near 3 crop circles that occurred on
the same day and on the same day a full report was telecast live on the George
Noory show about the recent 09 crop circles. This day 31st July 09 is the day
after(30 July) that the both temples of Jerusalem where destroyed in History and
I believe that the Lord Jesus will rebuild his temple in 3 days. Mind you
Jesus' true birthdate is 21st August 7BC in 3 weeks time from August1st 09.

There is 2 ways of seeing this image. The first as described in the above and
the second seen as God waving his his left arm in invitation with his right arm
holding the UFO in front of him. His head has a violet Hue similar of the violet
light Adam and Eve shimmered due to the effects of the Tree of Life. This Violet
colour is the signature of the Tree of Life! The Fathers head in the sky seems
to be tied in a ball.
It reminds me of this verse in the Bible.
Revelation 14:14
Then I looked, and there was a white cloud, and sitting on the cloud
was what looked like a son of man. With a crown of gold on his
head and a sharp sickle in his hand.
If this UFO is the sickle in Gods hand in the clouds then this maybe the
vehicle of evacuation and if that occurs, the UFO becomes a sickle where
people realize a first fruits harvest just occurred and that was the truth in
the demonstration and then Judgment follows.
Im curious what Enoch says about the ninth and tenth week....that is if we are
in that time period.
14a And after that, in the ninth week the righteous judgement shall
be revealed to the whole world,
b And all the works of the godless shall vanish from all the earth,
c And the world shall be written down
for destruction.
14d And all mankind shall look to the path of uprightness.
15 And after this, in the tenth week
in the seventh part,
There shall be the great eternal judgement,
In which He will execute vengeance amongst the angels.
16 And the first heaven shall depart and pass away,
And a new heaven shall appear,
And all the powers of the heavens
shall give sevenfold light.
17 And after that there will be many
weeks without number for ever,
And all shall be in goodness and righteousness,
And sin shall no more be mentioned for ever.
Perhaps we are in the Ninth week??
It is all possible that the 9th and 10th week could be tied into this as
written down being part of a 14:14 Sabbath construct as in the verse of
revelation revealing itself in the reality! I know its a little confusing and
a mess but that's how it shaped in the timeline of the personal realization in
the journey from the beginnings.

Anyway all the best
The Latest crop circle 707
Tidcombe, nr Burbage, Wiltshire.
Reported 16th August.

40 medium
sized circles and one large circle.
48 small
circles. 88 circles in total. Plus the large circle connecting the inner dots 89
circles 08/09?
Like an
eightfold SOS on 08/09 or even on the 8th and 9th Sabbaths looking at the
Then again
the "S" could stand for Sevens and the message from ancient times, there are 8
Ss or Sevens all connected to one. The segment of the inner 3 medium sized
circles including the 4 smaller circles within the segment = Seven. Again
you have the 3 co planar circle in the inner circle segment.
The Formation has all the symbols of the Journey of the beginning including the
character in my view.
It looks like a Sevenfold/Eightfold 789 formation or Sevens on 8/9. Plus
it was reported on the 16th Aug 09...... 6+1=7
Perhaps the
4 outer circles resembles the 4 in Jane Lead triangle interpretation..
4 equals..The
Heart of the Bride which would lead directly to
Jesus the Sovereign of this Universe and his Holy Spirit.
Not to
mention the Golden Chain and the Seven Links! The Seven Links would have
to be the character perhaps Sevens in this exploration and probing for the truth
of everything!
The Formation has been already
Post subject: Re: The meaning
of crop circles
Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:25 pm
Here is a rumor of a crop circle and I think below
is an image 16th August 09
near the owl crop circle??. The crop circle seems to be a message for us
in Binary Code or even in Morse Code.
Location: |
Woodborough Hill below where owl was toward road |
Map: |
Crop: |
Wheat |
Description: |
Circle in middle 4 same designs on outer rim of circle |
Discovery: |
16th August |
Name: |
Susan Caldicott |
Status: |
Waiting for photographic Evidence. |

Tablet 44