10th May 2010
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The Destroyer from the Kolbrin Bible from the Egyptian perspective.
Destroyer references from the Kolbrin Bible
http://kolbrin.com/ Manuscripts 3:4 When blood drops upon the Earth, the Destroyer will appear , and mountains will open up and belch forth fire and ashes. Trees will be destroyed and all living things engulfed.... Waters will be swallowed up by the land, and seas will boil.Manuscripts 3:5 The Heavens will burn brightly and redly; there will be a copper hue over the face of the land, ‘followed by a day of darkness. A new moon will appear and break up and fall.Manuscripts 3:6 The people will scatter in madness. They will hear the trumpet and battlecry of the Destroyer and will seek refuge within dens in the Earth. Terror will eat away their hearts, and their courage will flow from them like water from a broken pitcher. They will be eaten u in the flames of wrath and consumed by the breath of the Destroyer.Manuscripts 3:10 In those days, men will have the Great Book before them; wisdom will be revealed; the few will be gathered for the stand; it is the hour of trial. The dauntless ones will survive; the stouthearted will not go down to destruction.
Nothing unlike WORMWOOD, the destroyer.
All I know I did my absolute best for man in wholehearted
honesty in all this time, that was my real dedication. If nothing changes or
uplifts a Bank of Babel will come against me and thoroughly shut this service
down. Many people who are enemies to this work will be happy for this and some
UB people can and will rejoice to. This world is simply every man for himself in the desperation of the deception. This office just becomes another victim on the rubble heap of this whole Babel system.
We do live in a world of utter dissapointment.
It will mean 7 years of being sudued with limited income or else they garnish. They have total power thats all I know and the debt due to man robbery over the time of this office is all noted. While I suffer it all they will not getaway with a thing and for there evil against this oiffice. They will be punished. It will also mean that I will have to let go of the ancient places, there will be no way I can leave the country without permission. You are looked upon as a virtual criminal and yet I was robbed by man in the whole time, I tried to work all kinds of Jobs to keep this going but that has dried up to and currently.
I am being ripped for work rendered so the guy can make his full profit. But I have to pay for his mistakes. He makes his full money but I have to pay for it. Everyone gets their blessings but I have to pay for it. Thats the real woirld we live in right just full pf desperate people.
YOU KNOW, the worst thing about it all, the catalyst for the downfall of this office speaks of Jesus and God and look at the witness. That is total hyrocrisy in total dishonour. Looks like Dalamatia city and 1st Eden is only a dream now that will swept under the carpet by all, the great stand of religion eh! what a joke and the people behind it, letting all this go by the wayside because of pride and prejudice. or maybe someone is waiting in the winds to usurp this journey! That is mankind without a doubt. Just a canker and worm. This is the true reality of mankind everyone for himself including religion and I think in light of the ancient places everyone should feel ashamed of themselves. The whole thing is complete dishonour where this office has to dishonour its commitments in service for mankind.
Kolbrin Bible about the destroyer of the Bullshit of mankind.
and dont rejoice all religion because you are big trouble in the do nothing of the truth including all the money scams Particulary for those who talk Jesus and God and rob the poor to filll his belly, thats the reality of much of mankind in this world.
I wonder if man is too blindsided to see the oncoming of this
The UB
The children of light are all destined to see him, and it is of no serious concern whether we go to him or whether he should chance first to come to us. >>Be you therefore ever ready to welcome him on earth as he stands ready to welcome you in heaven. 1919:04<<
The Children of supposed light involved in scams on man.
Will he come unannounced and as an isolated event? We do not know. Only one thing we are certain of, that is, when he does return, all the world will likely know about it, for he must come as the supreme ruler of a universe and not as the obscure babe of Bethlehem. But if every eye is to behold him, and if only spiri...tual eyes are to discern his presence, then must his advent be long deferred. 1919:02
and of course Jesus comes to adjudge the AGE and are relgions ready in the do nothing of revealing the hidden??? The Hyprocrisy religion!!! of the all talk and do nothing in hiding the real truth of the matter from mankind. Youre not ready as you are in trouble already. Where does the end come from? the beginning and who is the Alpha and the Omega...Jesus.
Where does the message come from?....The beginnings of all our spiritual culture. Thats where Jesus will come from, from the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning where the end of ignorance and all the religious do nothing money scammers comes from.
That is the end construct of this age.And BABEL you better be ready and make some changes for mankind NOW or else you will be destroyed by the Kingdom of Heaven.It can can rest on one guy in the realisation of the truth and through his spiritual experience with woefull man in his utter selfishness.Especialy the ones who rob people and talk Jesus and God. No wonder they will fail in entering the Kingdom of Heaven.When Jesus comes, it will mean the end of all world wide debt. Remember that Banks you are not safe from the Kingdom of Heaven, this journey of one man is your only opportunity of Salvation in the doing right in making the great changes for the benefit of all mankind. You cannot lve
on the backs of mankind any longer, money being common to all man must be non profit. Mankind cannot be trusted with power such as this becasue he is spiritualy weak and has not the truth.
Look, at the fruits and look at the down trodden by all the money scams.When Jesus comes, it will mean the end of all world wide debt. Remember that Banks you are not safe from the Kingdom of Heaven, this journey of one man is your only opportunity of Salvation in the doing right in making the great changes for the benefit of all mankind. You cannot lve
on the backs of mankind any longer, money being common to all man must be non profit. Mankind cannot be trusted with power such as this because he is spiritualy weak and has not the truth in his compromised state.
Look, at the fruits and look at the down trodden by all the money scams. Time is running out for everyoine, I suggest be aware, do right by to your fellow brother, firm up the relationship between you and God and brace As this office comes to the end in the timeline, so does man run out of time in his current state and dont get relaxed. Be on guard with your breast plate of faith.
Melvissome say he's already here... others say he won't show up until the present system is utterly broken... who knows?
Lets see what happens Melvis, thats all I can say at this stage but in the way I see things it does not look good at all.
I'm praying every day that the current oligarchical banking fascist system will fall down...
crash crash CRASH... hard
I know what you mean but remember these people also have thought adjusters to and it is possible for change but im
thinking there is too much darkness in there hearts where they run rather than
facing the truth like a true man with principles. Unfortunately the few major
owners of this planet are all worshipping the NOG the false God of Light
deceived by Caligastia himself in there utter selfishness.
The temple of Dalamatia City after the rebellion was converted to the temple of NOG which off course its Caligastia himself. Nothing has changed sionce thise days but the way forward was laid down by Jesus.
Who listenes to the message of Jesus these days in full truth hardly anyone.
Also when people say Im a Christian that means nothing if there is no doing the action. I rememmer one guy I met throgh a friend proclaimed he was a Chrisitian, 2 weeks later he walks into a computer store only to take a system and walk out unsuspecting to the owner, just a dam thief and yet Im a Christian. So much for the witness. This goes on all the time but in different forms. I just experienced that mkyself and the actions of a totalyt dum guy claiming to be Christian robs me.
Only to bring the office down and the actions of that dumb guy could actualy lead to the judgment. He perhaps is the catalyst unknowingly.The Caligastia infiltration stems right from the top in the corporate ladder right through leadership under the contriol of the owners down to the bottom which would be Terrorism, its a multi dimensional deception with the goal of creating division amoungst all man for the purpose of his self destruction.
Its just simply plain EVIL and man participates in this under the BS guise.Computer games where children learn to kill and not be sensitive about it, is all Caligastia through mankind and he gives great reward and riches for his destructive efforts in turning a generation into killers at home for hours upon hours of just killing things.Where is that going to lead man for the future destiny of the planet being home bred killers through the games.
Those old time principles where God was in the heart of man is the right way but
this generation are just pack of liars and cheats where lying is taught to be
OK, in small and the great things. How many children these days just lie and not think twice about it, not to mention the adults.
Look at the levels of TV how rotten to the core it is and shallow it is with great mediocrity. We are turning in a very mediocre civilisation with nothing new nor original that can make positive changes for man in his future and you point is? nothing you or I can do about it... you can only change yourself You can blame the parents for that and religion in my view for there poor performance in there partial truth and in this day where the real truth is held back with purpose in selfishness. Just a bottom feeder scamming the people.there is no blame,
only personal choices...
Personal choices based on what information???? I see liars all the time, how did that come to pass. Where is the instruction ???
right and wrong... we all know right and wrong from the moment we are adjuster indwelt...
Yes and what makes man make poor decisions rejecting the voice of the thought adjuster??
also is all man informed of the information of the thought adjuster? Does man know anything about the thought adjuster? There appears to be more liars and cheats than good honest sincere people in this day. How did that come to pass ?? It all comes from the home mate and peer group pressure in all the BS and not knowing anything else.
Just mention the UB to a Chrisitian and its judgment all the way without reading the whole book and testing it as we are instructed to test which we are doing, well trying to do.What is 1stEden and all the places of the Tree of Life about?? to bring people into the full knowledge of it which leads to the new revelation and information about the thought adjuster in the witness of the discovery and in the recognition. That is the only way forward these days that will make a difference.
Kolbrin Bible about the destroyer of the Bullshit of mankind and dont rejoice all religion because you are big trouble in the do nothing of the truth.including all the money scams
Particularly for those who talk Jesus and God and rob the poor to filll his belly, thats the reality of much of mankind in this world. I wonder if man is too blindsided to see the oncoming of this
The UB
The children of light are all destined to see him, and it is of no serious concern whether we go to him or whether he should chance first to come to us. >>Be you therefore ever ready to welcome him on earth as he stands ready to welcome you in heaven. 1919:04<<
The Children of supposed light involved in scams on man.
The sincere pursuit of goodness, beauty, and truth leads to God. And every scientific discovery demonstrates the existence of both freedom and uniformity in the universe. The discoverer was free to make the discovery. The thing discovered is real and apparently uniform, or else it could not have become known as a thing.
Certainly not free to make this discovery This happened with 1stEden but then all man just dumped it, It wasnt even proclaimed as 1stEden but atlantis but we know the False Atlantis of the Egyptians in the distorted path came from Dilmun/Babel. The BS Atlantis like the BS Atlantis we have today in truth. The great operation of Atlantis today just bondage on the material realm with all its pitfalls. Ahh its all false. This is not the Atlantis George Washington was looking for. Just the Atlantis of Babel scammers who just love the money and the power over others. Like false Atlantis of past that was destroyed is the type of Atlantis today, if man does not get his act together and do something for the truth it will go to the dogs like this office.
Just look at the recent fruits of Babel/Dilmun in Wall street and all those scammers of mankind in the hope of great riches but many loose there asses in false faith and untruth only to be vanquished by the assholes with no sense of care for the families who do suffer them. They are a sufference of the whole planet, we all suffer from the Wall Street Dilmun/Babel syndrome, the whole planet is wrought by a few in the sufferance of mankind and they will remain all in there places because Government and religion is all under the control of the Alantis/Babel/Dilmun/Wall Street system, the Bullshit system guided by the Bullshit people. Everything will go to the dogs, you watch! If and when I go down into financial oblivion because of the truth, the Atlantis/Babel/Dilmun/Wall street will come with me. they will not escape the truth of everything. Wall Street and Government would be better to support this office for truth for all man or else it meets it demise from the Kingdom of Heaven.
This is the last STAND of the truth where very few people will be present. I, like Jesus come from the Beginning where the end will come from. If I am cut off so is the Atlantis/Dilmun/Babel system. If I am destroyed so will the whole selfish monopolised system go down forever.
The reason, because this message comes from the beginning where the end comes from and no one will escape the beginning and its truth. Who else on this planet comes from the beginnings currently NO ONE but me, not even religion in all its soaphistry. If a mad and dumb religious fanatic thinks he can destroy Babel by destroying me, you got another thing coming. You will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven and instead suffer personality exctinction never to awaken.
You see the revealing of atlantis and 1st Eden is not some petty journey of the past but its about us today and where we are at.
NOWHERE in truth, this whole thing was foreseen.
the human race espoused the more mystic and symbolic beliefs, while now, with approaching maturity, mankind is ripening for the appreciation of real religion, >>even a beginning of the revelation of truth itself<<
(538.6) 47:9.1 The experience on this sphere is the crowning achievement of the immediate postmortal career. During your sojourn here you will receive the instruction of many teachers, all of whom will co-operate in the task of preparing you for residence on Jerusem. Any discernible differences between those mortals ha...iling from the isolated and retarded worlds and those survivors from the more advanced and enlightened spheres are virtually obliterated during the sojourn on the seventh mansion world. >>Here you will be purged of all the remnants of unfortunate heredity, unwholesome environment, and unspiritual planetary tendencies. The last remnants of the “mark of the beast” are here eradicated.<<
We all have the mark of the beast by our own selfishness.
Men forget the days of the Destroyer. Only the wise know where it went and that it will return in its appointed hour. It raged across the Heavens in the days of wrath, and this was its likeness: It was as a billowing cloud of smoke enwrapped in a ruddy glow, not distinguishable in joint or limb. ...Its mouth was an abyss from which came flame, smoke and hot cinders. When ages pass, certain laws operate upon the stars in the Heavens. Their ways change, there is movement and restlessness, they are no longer constant and a great light appears redly in the skies. When blood drops upon the Earth, the Destroyer will appear and mountains will open up and belch forth fire and ashes. Trees will be destroyed and all living things engulfed.....
O Sentinels of the Universe who watch for the Destroyer, how long will your coming vigil last? O mortal men who wait without understanding, where will you hide yourselves in the Dread Days of Doom, when the Heavens shall be torn apart and the skies rent in twain, in the days when children will turn grey-headed? This is the thing which will be seen, this is the terror your eyes will behold, this is the form of destruction that will rush upon you: There will be the great body of fire, the glowing head with many mouths and eyes ever changing. Terrible teeth will be seen in formless mouths and a fearful dark belly will glow redly from fires inside
The Doomshape, called the Destroyer, in Egypt, was seen in all the lands whereabouts. In colour it was bright and fiery, in appearance changing and unstable. It twisted about itself like a coil, like water bubbling into a pool from an underground supply, and all men agree it was a most fearsome sight. It was not a great comet or a loosened star, being more like a fiery body of flame. Its movements on high were slow, below it swirled in the manner of smoke and it remained close to the sun whose face it hid. There was a bloody redness about it, which changed as it passed along its course. It caused death and destruction in its rising and setting. It swept the Earth with grey cinder rain and caused many plagues, hunger and other evils. It bit the skin of men and beast until they became mottled with sores.
Nothing unlike wormwood
Isaiah 45:21
Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time? who hath told it from that time? have not I the Lord? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me.
Jubilees 1
15 And I will disclose to them abounding peace with righteousness, and I will remove them the plant of uprightness, with all My heart and with all My soul, and they shall be for a blessing and not for a curse, and they shall be the head and not the tail.
Isaiah 9:15
The ancient and honourable, he is the head; and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail.
Keyword search Ancient
Isaiah 24:23
Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the Lord of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously.
Confounded alright! before the ancients.
Isaiah 37:26
Hast thou not heard long ago, how I have done it; and of ancient times, that I have formed it? now have I brought it to pass, that thou shouldest be to lay waste defenced cities into ruinous heaps.
Certainly a message for now on the journey to the ancient places.
Here is anotyher reflection that I believe point to the first cities from ancient times...all in context.
Isaiah 44:7 (Read all of Isaiah 44)
And who, as I, shall call, and shall declare it, and set it in order for me, since I appointed the ancient people? and the things that are coming, and shall come, let them shew unto them.
The above was certainly about the testimony on the run declaring many things and of the things to come as in prophecy.
And here is another reflection again about the testimony
Isaiah 45:21
Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time? who hath told it from that time? have not I the Lord? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me.
and this, another declaration from the beginning and from ancient times.
Isaiah 46:10
Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:
Yes and this, that wounds the dragon from the ancient times.
Isaiah 51:9
Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord; awake, as in the ancient days, in the generations of old. Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab, and wounded the dragon?
And about the Ancient of Days and the Judgement
Daniel 7:22
Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.
and this about the Heritages
Isaiah 49:8
Thus saith the Lord, In an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in a day of salvation have I helped thee: and I will preserve thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages;
Isaiah 54:17
No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.
The Death of a Planet, the destroyer....The Judgment!!
In those days man will have the great book before them wisdom will be unveiled and revealed
A few would be gathered for the stand in the final hour!
Just make me weep knowing man has rejected God and the beginnings in truth, the last message before the destroyer comes.The dauntless ones survive!
God of all ages, light throughout who sets the trail of man.
The hour of trial Nations of the world you better salute the Father in Heaven like you salute the material flag of your country. Man will be unprepared like a bloody idiot All man self indulged in his bloody Dilmun/Babel/False Atlantis Bondage system.
Police confirm Ufo sightings over illinois
Lebanon Illinois - At first, police mocked the 911 call about the UFO sighting--but then they saw it too.
Note the metaphor in the name of Lebanon and Shiloh????
May 8 2010 - yet again another video appears about some bright light
seen over williamsburg in Brooklyn. There have been numerous sightings
in this area since the start of this year.
X-Conference 2010 Russian speaker Paul Stonehill
A few snippets from X-Conference 2010 which just finished the other day.
Paul Stonehill talks about the Ufo coverup which he says both the US and Russian government collaborated on to keep secret:
It would appear the positioning of the crop circle in relation to
Old Sarum, actually lies on the direct path of a very well know Ley
Line which has an alignment with Stonehenge, and cuts the nearside edge
of the inner banks of the fortified encampment of Old Sarum. This Ley
Line then straight through Salisbury Cathedral itself, and the hillforts of Clearbury Rings and then Frankenbury Camp in Hampshire
Awesome Triangular UFO Russia May 2010
UFO Mothers Day 2010 Fireball Artesia NM.
Note there was a Asteroid that passed close top us unexpectedly on May 5th 2010
Are Your Thoughts Your Own?
More of the old Babel scam due to bad and irresponsible leadership not to mention the disaster of Wall Street/Babel/Dilmun SCAM who led us to this. And the people pay for the deception off course. Selling the country from under the feet of the people and to whom and for what. The punishm...ent for irresponsible leadership where you loose the sovereignty of the people to another power. You can blame Wall street/Babel/Dilmun/false Atlantis including poor and bad leadership for this.
You own nothing, it is all owned by the ones who you are in debt for. They are your masters you serve them.
Go one serve your new Atheist Secular masters who don t give a damn for you and not your family. They have no idea of family looking at the witness and the fruits. You rather that than the Kingdom of Heaven, you get what you want! All this all happens because of your poor leadership in handling the money. Its was Wall street that did this to you selling the country in the deception and they billions upon trillions out o0f that dirty deal, there are many dirty deal made by the evil ones with purpose and you are a sitting ducks and the only defence you have is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Jesus the Sovereign is your only defence against this horror wrought upon man
due to very very poor leadership with no insight into the matter . This happens
because the President has no real power in this matter, false Atlantis and its
builders are above the Law, all of the law they created for themselves and yet
there are many pasty and scapegoats to take the heat off the real people behind
this mess of this planet who just walk away Scott free with all the cash and the
power. All this all happens because of your poor leadership in handling the
money. Its was Wall street that did this to you selling the country off in the
deception and they made billions upon trillions out of that dirty deal. There
are many dirty deals made by the evil ones with purpose and you are a sitting
ducks and the only defence you have is the Kingdom of Heaven. That is the only true Kingdom of truth on this planet!
Jesus the Sovereign is your only defence against this horror wrought upon man due to very very poor leadership with no insight into the matter . This happens because the President has no real power in this matter, false Atlantis and its builders are above the Law, all of the law which they created for themselves and yet there are many pasty and scapegoats to take the heat off the real people behind this mess of this planet who just walk away Scott free with all the cash and all the power. In the Spiritual world, the false God of light NOG or Caligastia from Dalamatia City. Caligastia is all behind this and works closely with the evil ones of false Atlantis/Dilmun/Babel/Wall street. But Caligastia works and manipulates the other side which is Religion, in wayward religion and the target is terrorism.
Plays one side against the ...other to disguise and distract from the true real deception that is wrought upon mankind.
We see the fruits everyday and no one can do anything about it except the Kingdom of Heaven and Jesus the Sovereign. No church can do anything about because they are involved and suckered by the false God of Light Nog. Caligastia through the unworthy prosperity program false doctrine promoted by churches unsuspectingly. Thats
why Dalamatia City is revealed form the Hidden from the Abyss but who gives a
damn right and no one is going to do anything about because you are all weakened
by Caligastia and you have NO have resolve anymore, no voice for the truth as
all have demonstrated in the witness of this journey from ancient times that is
declared and proclaimed as you can in the witness and the evidence of the witness.
Just weak in the no participation and in the do nothing avoid, just like a sitting duck awaiting the slaughter of the destroyer with no where to go. Since China own your asses by irresponsible leadership in default how do they run there atheist country with an IRON FIST. They no freedom there as we enjoy here or in the USA. I would b e in Jail and executed as you all KNOW. That is your NEW MASTER by default executed by very bad leadership.
Go one go serve your new MASTER in Beijing. Your Wall street sold you out. Who gave Wall Street/False Atlantis/Babel/Dilmun the power to do that! Who did that and sold the whole country down the drain after all the efforts of the people over the years where at the end they were deceived and sold out again for a handsome profit. Thats all it meant to the owners of the planet. That is definately a National Security issue.
Go one serve your new masters! Is that what you want? Eh! The problem these self made law protects the devastators. They are all protected hiding behind the law. Its all sown up and the only that will bring correction is JESUS THE SOVEREIGN in his coming. Man is to bound to do anything. He is absolutely stuffed on this level even the president cant do much unfortunately. He doesn't hold the power he is only a figurehead. Actually I feel sorry for him being a man of principle. I sorrow for the poor Kenyan who walked into this mire of crap left behind by the worst leadership ever. The people of the USA just got caught in there own self devised snare, its the snare by deception thanks to Bloody Wall street, the bloodbath of all mankind. The Mighty flag of the USA has no power anymore you might as well give allegiance to the Chinese flag, go one serve your new masters. They own your asses now.
TRUTH UNTO JUDGEMENT, the truth is revealed and rejected by all man, everyone and then comes the JUDGEMENT. There will be very few in the last stand.
This guys in justfying himself is all wrong including his book, try the Urantia Book size if you have the courage to read all of it.
All that stupid talk of claiming some victory over the other
and yet I look at the fruits of his wayward religion. How about he speaks about
that in a correction for all his wayward people who don't live the truth in the
attitude towards another. If they had power like the Taliban they would impose
upon on you and your family with a big stick like we all saw in Afghanistan. Unworthy for any Government of a civilisation in there awful fruits of death and destruction. Don't give me all that tripe that is not demonstrated. That religion is very much responsible for the troubles we have on this planet in there, austere no progression attitude, always living in the past of self vain gloriousness seeing nothing of the future to uplift. The Hypocrisy of it all. Don't give me nothing of that un demonstrated rubbish either.
Gabriel does not work though trances of a guy in a cave. Caligastia does but not Gabriel, that is below an Arch Angel very un noble for him to work in this way through stupid trances whilst a man is idle. They are deceived in there pride and prejudice a certain characteristic of Caligastia who is set for destruction including all his people who follow him. Caligastia is the GOD of the Tongue with a sword in one hand and the head in the other and who does that these days????? The fruits!! in all there nothingness promulgation that is not recognised by the Kingdom of Heaven. Because that is all Caligastia rubbish speak. Plus they do not recognise Jesus as the Sovereign, Caligastia through Islam has downgraded Jesus, another Lucifer/Caligastia manifesto trick in the deception. The Super presentations of the UB would rip his presentation to shreds. He could'nt even stand against it in the demonstration. They will not find Salvation in there rituals as that is not recognised by the Kingdom of Heaven. Dont do rituals and then evil in the next action. Recognised as unworthy.
This is from Elizabeth K
As We Do All Know, YOUR Birthday Is Friday.!
But I'd Like To Start The Celebrating Of... YOUR BIG DAY, TODAY.!
"Happy Birthday To YOU..
Happy Birthday To YOU.....
Happy Birthday DearDennis ..
Happy Birthday To YOU..!"
Hey thanks Elizabeth, I appreciate it. I thought this was interesting happening in Oregon on my birthday14/5/61.
I remember living in Lebanon where I did a course at the airport there. I remember going to Corvallis on the Weekends. Actually I have a Son called Dain
who has a family now and was boirn, bred and raised in good Oregon in the Wilamette valley. Actualy, much of the journey to 1stEden was set in Lebanon, Oregon. It was on a boat I read about 1stEden where I was inspired to find 1stEden.
Unfortunately, its all heading into disaster land with all the rip off people who brought this office of 1st Eden to nothing state but at least man has the truth of the matter. Least Mankind knows where the beginnings lay for his own edification and that directly links into the good Bible, praise the Lord eh! It opens up the bible with an additional revelation to uplift the truth of everything for the future destiny of mankind. Anyway great blessings to you from this Office and 1stEden including all the ancient places of the Father who set all the foundations of these places of the tree of life. Great blessings to you Elizabeth and your great office of Eden. Blessings from the submerged lands of the immortals of the tree of life and blessings from the Voice of the Garden. All I can say 1stEden and all the ancient places are very personal to the Father and Jesus the Sovereign....very personal and no man who come against this office nor any office of 1stEden will survive nor will stand at the very end of the day. The last day on this side of the Black stump approaches or this side of the Epoch. This is the very last message that comes from the beginning before the great judgement of all mankind including all his religions. They will all be adjuged by Jesus the Sovereign along with the Ancients of Days and all this will come from the ancient places, the reaction to mans witness in this whole journey which was infact quite pathetic at the end of the day. Utterly pathetic. And yet all this was foreseen in the Dead Sea Scrolls but who reads that? no one, not even the church thats why they missed out on the opportunity because of there own blindness and pride in the matter.
And yet all this was foreseen in the Dead Sea Scrolls but who reads that? no one, not even the church thats why they missed out on the opportunity because of there own blindness and pride in the matter.
Monday, May 10, 2010UFOS OVER EN GUADALAJAR.
Im thinking all those drug runners and criminals in Mexico better stop there activities right now and repent because the kingdom of Heaven is beginning to descend on this planet and the Orbs and Rods are becoming more obvious in the revealing of themselves world wide everyday.... This means the arrival and Judgment of all mankind is very close, criminals stop and repent and go back to your family.
I'm really serious no one will deliver this message to you except for me, its for your own benefit. Cease all criminal activities you must or else you will not survive the Judgment. No way known, impossible in the current activites. This message is for all those drug operators who work under the guise of religion in Afghanistan extending to the world. You will not survive in the current frame of mind. Throw your guns away, go back to your family repent to the Father, reconsider and research the matter fully and no war. Make you enemy your friend in truth.
Jose seems like a nice guy good on him.
Weslaco Resident Claims to see UFO Sighting - Sunday, 9th May 2010
A new report in this time from Weslaco Texas in the USA.
Here is the Second Crop Circle on the 9th May 2010

Excavation Now Happening Under the Sphinx.
Look like something is going down at the Sphinx, why they don't reveal is because there is something significant that will change there views on things, you cant have that right!
Good on Dennis for his blog.
Now for the negative things all related to underlying wayward Islam religion where it should not be in obtaining Nuclear Bombs, a major Sin. Israel says it's better prepared for war with Iran.
Israel can only defend itself from the continual provocation of the war mongers all driven my wayward religion abused for geopolitical motives which includes hate. Its all false God of Light stuff from Caligastia of Dalamatia City, the last rebel! They will never ever get victory.
May 11th 2010
Here is more activity with the Sun, I believe its Kingdom of heaven stuff and note the TIMELINE timestamps, the 5555 all over ther place, to me thatis confirmation in the number patterns.UFO S Around Sun May 9th 2010
I reckon the Rods are the coolest, more Rods the better.
I remember i was in Church many years ago before I went to a bible college to learn more about the Father and I saw a dart fly from one end of the room into the congregation. I remembered that and it is now that I understand better what they are. I believe the Rods are in service of the angels or they Seraphim themselves. One day we will know exactly what they are.
They could be biological and are like pets for the angels like we have but with purpose.
Stephen Hawking Warns Against Aliens Knowing Judgement comes with the Arrival of the Sevenfoild Universal Government Stephen could have a point thinking from the level of fear. If the planet is to be done and dusted, that would be something to worry about for many who are simply dishonest in there motives and ways. ...Yes, I would be concerned if you are not aligned with the truth.
If your a not aligned with the truth or even reject the truth you have not really got a chance being a faith journey. If you have no faith you don't have anything.
Carl M...I think he is speaking about Stephen Hawkins
I am agust with this train of thought. There is no fear for those who commune with God Within He will always walk with us through all shadows, including the valley of the death to life everlasting. Time to place both hand and heart in His hand.
I believe that and it would be good if Stephen hawkins and the atheist scientists would look into the matter further and go out there to prove the truth.
That would building for the planet and for themselves.No truth and faith, all is left is fear. Thats what the Cities of the Tree of life is all about, to breath new life into man with the demonstrated truth. That s the aim but who is going to do it??
Who is going to make the move, who are the movers and shakers of this planet in faith in all our great knowledge?? Knowledge without action and demonstration is nothing in my view, just words.
A guy like Stephen Hawkins would enjoy the U.B. and it enhance him and his knowledge. It would be the no worries book for him and for all the other atheists.
As you know the Freemasons do adopt the Triangle Chevron but Christians should >>NOT<< be in Judgment of these people. That is wrong if there is any judgement, it must come from the Father not from Christians. Simply speaking Christians are not allowed to Judge and I have to listen that to. I just get very angry at pla...in sin ...but I always leave a way out from Sin that must be established rather judging. Everyone has to assess themselves first. We are not judges of peoples survival
You do reap the rewards of the Free masons today now, The greatest weakness in Christianity is all there judgement upon others. Just leave it to the Father and firm up your relationship, the Church is not out of the woods and has much correcting to do to itself. Than judging others.
Don't worry I'm in the same boat to on that one. III try not to be judgemental.The Free mason individuals all have thought adjuster like you and me and do have capacity to expand in truth and come into the true Light of Universal Government. I don't feel conspiratorial towards them at all. In fact, an expedition to Dalamatia City would be good for them in the truth of everything where it would uplift them in truth.Its funny through Richard Dawkins forum I invited to explore these places to establish the truth but no answer of course. They say all these things about God but when it comes to practical things to test the truth through expeditions to the lost cities, they run because they know in there heart they would see that they are are wrong in there views. I think Richard Dawkins would enjoy the U.B. it would be a good study for him and we could verify the cities.
By the way The atheists has all the information about the cities. We are not judges of peoples survival." when I read this I shake my head at myself how wrong can I be when I get all judgemental especially when I'm robbed by so called Christians who speak about God and Jesus in my face and then rob me and that breaks my back in my work and I have to absorb this. But then many people have gone through much worse.
Solar Observatory Films Twin UFOS
I'm not sure what it is but it looks interesting in light of the reality of many things coming together.
I know sometimes I get Judgemental but its this kind of thing that really angers me. All I know that people who purposely do this are NOT acceptable to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, that they do not get into Paradise for there very evil actions. This action by AlQueda is absolutely evil and its guided by the false God... of Light Caligastia of Fallen Dalamatia city where the Rebellion began.
In the Universal Spiritual realms, its a major offense against the Father in Heaven to perform suicide terrorism and at the same time cutting an unsuspecting persons life and destiny. That is a Sin against the Father and Mankind.
Really this terrorism business and what drives Al Queda is Caligastia, the false God of Light, the fallen rebel. He is the spiritual leader of these oragnisations. It is not the Father in Heaven, Its a complete and utter deception upon mankind and infiltration of religion. It is not the way for Islam, it is not the right path, its the wrong path.
They must all be coirrected in the persuasion and thats why we have to verify all these for these people sake and in the hope that they will see the truth and lay down the arms and resarch the truth of matter regarding this last rebel, the infiltrator, the betrayor of mankind.
Im starting to realise is that, its for the benefit of the Islamist that we verify these places leading to a new revelation, its for them just as it is for us. They need a new revelation, a new salvation that will lead to a proper verification for them in oreder to persuade them, to see the truith
of the matter and then put the pieces together and then aha I see know, I read and see!
Islam is not satisfactory for the reception of the Sovereign and I would like to help them in the verifying these cites to stop the terrorism. I believe it is the only way before the revealing of the Universal Government who I believe is already hear and the Stargate of the Universal Government is the Sun through its own Polarity.
Dont worry about competing with others in presentations when i see appaulling fruits all over the world, just look at your own backyard and ferret out the last rebel in the deception I say.
3 crop circles in Italy
30th April 2010

30th April 2010

May 2nd 2010

Apparently, we had 2 week to go in april according to this video but now its the 11th May and I dont see any reaction of the Sun.
I suppose you have to test these things.
I know sometimes I get Judgemental but its this kind of thing that really angers me. All I know that people who purposely do this are NOT acceptable to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, that they do not get into Paradise for there very evil actions. This action by AlQueda is absolutely evil and its guided by the false God... of Light Caligastia of Fallen Dalamatia city where the Rebellion began.
In the Universal Spiritual realms, its a major offense against the Father in Heaven to perform suicide terrorism and at the same time cutting an unsuspecting persons life and destiny. That is a Sin against the Father and Mankind.
Really this terrorism business and what drives Al Queda is Caligastia, the false God of Light, the fallen rebel. He is the spiritual leader of these oragnisations. It is not the Father in Heaven, Its a complete and utter deception upon mankind and infiltration of religion. It is not the way for Islam, it is not the right path, its the wrong path.
They must all be corrected in the persuasion and thats why we have to verify all these cities for these peoples sake and in the hope that they will see the truth and lay down the arms and research the truth of matter regarding this last rebel, the infiltrator, the betrayor of mankind.
What I'm starting to realise is that, its for the benefit of the Islamist that we verify these places leading to a new revelation, its for them just as it is for us. They need a new revelation, a new salvation that will lead to a proper verification for them in order to persuade them, to see the truth of the matter and then put the pieces together and then aha I see, I know, I read and see!
Islam is not satisfactory for the reception of the Sovereign and I would like to help them in the verifying these cites to stop the terrorism. I believe it is the only way before the revealing of the Universal Government who I believe is already here and the Stargate of the Universal Government is the Sun through its own Polarity.
Dont worry about competing with others in presentations when i see appaulling fruits all over the world, just look at your own backyard and ferret out the last rebel in the deception I say.
Look with Christanity the only problem I have is, accounting and motive, there is nothing wrong with giving but one must not be compelled with fear or even with blessings, Its not I give to get blessings, like buying yourself blessings. I
just dont think that is the right thought.
It should be all unconditional and private so there is no jostling for position connected with money and it cant change the message either or compromise it.
You cant write to please a donor. All unconditional and then see the fruits and then assess again perhaps. I believe everything should be given out for free concerning religion and unconditional for people with full access.
If someone wants to help out no worries but that would entirely be up to them, unconditional, no requirement of certain tithe, nothing like that.
Like the lady who gave her last shekel in love to God, in his temple where Jesus recognised her unconditonal love in the giving, uncompelled by fear and even for a blessing she walked in faith, like we all walk in faith, in the truth of the matter as we walk along being guided by the Lord, the Sovereign. I think that is a positive standard of giving perhaps!! Personaly, I find it hard to work for 2 masters in this adventure but its necessary and its a balance to be with fellows in a common cause that is objective, working as a team.
But I think there is a time where more has to be devoted to the real job of setting up things, laying and setting plans for expeditions and things alike. Collating writing, improve and edit(especially hahahaha). See how much further the Father takes all of us if we are more focused on the great task. The task of Mankind, the task of destiny whilst we are in the opportunity from the beginnings where the end of ignorance comes from.
I believe we are in the twilight of a great event, I can feel it in my bones, all activities seems to be every focussed.
There is no reason why we could not accomplish good things for the planet.
I think the ancient places and with the participation of man and religion in spirit is a physical thing for Salvation, in that it leads you to a new revelation where the journey is the witness and attached by Symbol which are the landmark Dolems that lead us to the cities and Jesus in reality is helping us in faith bringing out the truth of the past, for our healing.
That I feel will be the effect and is a scenario that no man can stand against in the reality where the harmony of the great jigsaw puzzle comes together in a sublime and supernal level of love for one another building the Temple within mans heart and Soul of the Father in Heaven through the thought adjuster in oneness. Connection and Contact!
This is what destroys the Last Rebel Caligastia. It wrecks his visions and manifestation of dvision that will dissappoint many as they will be stopped in there tracks by the truth but its for there own good and personality survival. If this doesnt happen there will be more souls lost.
May 12th 2010
This scripture looking at the wall does reflect the last post...think about it. Im declaring from ancient times and bringing parties together for counsel in the idea of a verification. We are speaking about SAVING a situation for mankind, the ancient places is all about Justice and the end of the rebellion in its judgement of the Last Rebel which Jesus shall adjudgee. We help him through our own realisation and determination to the ancient places, in the truth before all mankind, in the demonstration of the revealing of the Hidden which comes out of the ABYSS, DEEP FROM THE ABYSS where the hidden lays. Dalamatia City and Dilmun and 1stEden as we can do a 3rd exepdition there.
Jesus will back the resolve and take the Last Rebel of Planet for Judgement and thereby man is released with the truth demonstrated before his eyes in the principle of I read and I see. Thats it! Its the teamwork between man and God for mankind.
Isaiah 45:21
Tell ye, and bring
them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this
from >>ancient time?<< who hath told it from that time? have not I the
Lord? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour;
there is none beside me
the rest
22 Look unto me, and >>be ye saved,<< all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.
23 I
have >>sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in
righteousness,<< and >>shall not return,<< That unto me every knee shall bow,
every tongue shall swear.
24 Surely, shall >one< say, [2] >in the Lord< have I righteousness and strength: even to him shall men come; and >>all that are incensed against him shall be ashamed.<< 25 In the Lord shall >all< >the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory.<
One thing for sure I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't have a go in writing to Iran about the thought of the demonstration.
So later after I do some web development III write to them. Because I am going to need there co-operation to launch a saving mission, a saving mission that we could be part of and see manifest ...before our eyes. A saving mission in truth.
The objective would be to lift the Seven commands and that would be a restatement from ancient times and the law of correction, the plummet line. By lifting the Seven commands we find the literal plummet line as in the prophecy that hails from ancient times.
What do we know about the plummet line from the Bible???
Isaiah 28:17
Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.
The waters is the truth, the Seven commands that come out of the Hiding place, the Seven commands in perhaps Dilmun or in Dalamatia City.
"the waters shall overflow the hiding place" The Hidden being revealed. Everything that is hidden shall be revealed, a path was set for that. I can see the construct!!!
Can you??
http://www.christnotes.org /bible.php?q=Isaiah+28&ver =kjv
What is Caligastia all about and where does he come from??? Dalamatia City and Dilmun. We reveal his hiding place where it verifies him and all his lies throughout the Eons of time including all the people that he has slain throughout all the Ages, in all the Races in abject spiritual bondage in the deceit.
The Great revealing of the Deceiver, the liar, the great liar, the false God of Light NOG is exposed as we reveal the converted temple of NOG in Dalamatia City, to reveal the hiding place of the LAST REBEL that remains on this planet as a fugitive from the Universal Law of the Sevenfold, the Ancients of Days.
The come for him, they are here for him, they come to take him away, he will be with no longer to deceive the nations.
Dalamatia City is the place where he hides in those old ruins with the Seven commands beside him in a sort of jail as a reminder of the law he betrayed.
9 Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine [2] them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. 10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:
11 For with stammering [3] lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. 12 To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear. 13 But the word of the Lord was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.
Orbs, rods, sun Kingdom of Heaven things, ancient cites, magnetars, bible, urantia book, all the books of religion, shabbes timeline, you name it, the precept and line upon line is here with plenty of stammering, english and grammar mistakes hahaha. He's just a bloke from bush mate! the tongue of the Bush where he Swagmans around the globe delving in all kinds of things to make the whole from the parts where he thinks faster than he writes and it come out like a gushing fountain everyday with truth as the objective. Single minded and wholehearted!! Totaly focussed in the manifestation with the help of the Universal Government and all the brothers and Jesus the Sovereign. What an honour! and every person can have this experience.
Israel says N.Korea shipping WMDs to Syria
May 13th 2010
Ufo caught in NASA's Launch Abort System pad test ?
Possibly an unidentified object near NASA's recent Launch Abort System pad abort test
Colin Andrews site recently had a feature post on this unqiue new crop circle.
You can see the images here. This one is unique as its the first time small yellow Oil Seed Rape plants have been used in a crop circle.
Crop Circles have appeared already this year in Italy and England and a very intricate pattern in snow and ice in Norway. At Stonehenge today can be seen for the first time yellow Oil Seed Rape plants ( called Canola in USA) woven onto the landscape. This striking pattern is in a field opposite Stonehenge where the famous Julia Set appeared in 1996.
The interpretation in the video is interesting but in the way that I see things, from my perspective in the journey.
I see 3 co planar circles, like the 3 co planar circles on the acropolis Hill in 1stEden, the large ones and 6 circles that descending in size surrounding the Seventh Circle.
The Seventh circle surrounded by the Six is in the middle of the 3 co planar circles. Both patterns seem to triangulate to the middle circle. In 1stEden , Dalamatia City and Van capital, the Tree of Life was in the Middle Circle, in the Seventh, in the Metaphor for SEVENFOLD.
Also Note the Seven lines in the Sell Pattern surrounding the Middle.
There are 2 sets of 7 lines either side which equals 14mmmmm
14 eh!, 77..Sevens, then you have the 6 circles around 1 which is a Seven, Like Seven within the three or the Sevenfold within the Trinity....its all Sevens.
You have 3 sets of Sevens 777, if you add them, it=21 and the 21st of the 9th Month 7BC is Jesus Birthdate.
I'm thinking the next crop circle should confirm much.
Interesting thought.
Perhaps it mat relate to the phoenomena around the Sun that recently has reflected the 555 pattern in the timestamp.
Maybe the Kingdom of Heaven has arrived at the Sun and is in Orbit around the Sun and is radiating to our higher Senses through the Spirit of Truth of Jesus the Sovereign, Perhaps its the Sevenfold and the Paradise Trinity embrace in the Symbol coming from the Sun.
Thats where it would come from, the Sun because of the concentration of Energy, known and unknown that the Kingdom of heaven harness.
Did you see these lights over Boston May 7 2010 - ufo ?
I note the 7th Date and the Triangle formation.
Here is a really cool story, its doesnt surpise me
Has Voyager 2 spacecraft been hijacked by aliens
But now the Voyager 2 spacecraft is sending back what sounds like an answer: Signals in an unknown data format!
2010: The signal changed for the first time on April 22. A technical error from the distant transmitter? No scientific data has been sent back since.
Alien expert Hartwig Hausdorf (54, ‘UFOs – They Are Still Flying’) said: “It seems almost as if someone had reprogrammed or hijacked the probe – thus perhaps we do not yet know the whole truth…”
April 22 2010, its signal changed on Voyager!! mmmm interesting, 22 another Dolmen marker.
There appears to be many things going on in synchronicity!!! on a Universal Planetary Solar System scale even down to crop circles in the timeline.
To make things more interesting.
One of Jupiter's belts disappears
This change happened on May 9th 2010, that was the same date as the Second crop circle.
How about that for a bit Universal planetary action. Very interesting. Note it occurs every 15 years, the 555 aspect.
Chinese Government Is Covering Up UFO Evidence.
Its all Universal.
ZOMBIE SATELLITE THREATENS OTHER CRAFT - Satellite Galaxy 15 lost contact with
ground control after a solar flare probably fried its brain.
Solar Cycle 24 already causing problems with still two years to its peak and what some, including
NASA and the Mayan Prophecy, fear big problems for Earth's electrical and electronic circuits.
A Satellite "goes rogue" and Inexplicably Begins Stealing Other
Communications Signals.
Interesting all these signal changes to various things in space that no one can really explain, like weather rings and crops circles and orbs and rods and Magnaters and many other things that seems to shaping into a oneness of reality.
From the Gospel of Thomas.
(50) Jesus said: If they say to you: Whence have you come?, >>tell them: We have come from the light, the place where the light came into being through itself alone.<<<
>>It [stood], and it revealed itself in their image.<< If they say to you: Who are you?, say: We are his sons, and we are the elect of the living Father. If they ask you: What is the sign of your Father in you?, tell them:
>>It is a movement and a rest.<<
Movement and Rest is what came to me this morning and it occurred to me Movement and Rest as I posting all this movement in the Heaven and all about us. Yet in all oif this I Feel great peace and rest, reassured in the flow of the timeline on the Sevenfold paths from ancient times through to the Sea of Peace.
I think we are entering real Movement and Rest.
When you read Enoch Epistle Chapter 101 consider the aspect of the journey and its nature and from it came from in the timeline.
I sense a quickening kind of thinking, like in the flow of the River of the Heritage of the Ages and consider all the Midwayers come from Dalamatia City and Van highland capital.
I believe we are the elect from ancient times, from the cities of the Tree of Life, its a Universal Adventure on the high Seas with nothing to worry about because we are in the Harbour of safety while there restlessness and movement on Sea, in the Heavens and on Earth. In the business of the Kingdom of heaven!
I note this part
And if He sends His anger upon you because of your deeds, ye cannot petition Him;>> for ye spake proud and insolent
4 words against His righteousness:<< therefore ye shall have no peace.
>>And see ye not the sailors of the ships, how their ships are tossed to and fro by the waves, and are shaken by the winds, and are 5 in sore trouble
And therefore do they fear because all their goodly possessions go upon the sea with them, and they have evil forebodings of heart that the sea will swallow them and they will 6 perish therein.<<
(note the ship, sea and waves commonality with the UB)
Are not the entire sea and all its waters, and all its movements, the work of the Most7 High,
(Sea, movement and doing of Most High...reality!)
Here is a fragment from the Zadokite Document from the Last Teacher of Righteousness from the Essenes. Its about the End times in many places!
>>David, however, had never read the Book of Law, >>for it was sealed up in the ark and remained unopened<< in Israel from the day when Eleazar and Joshua and the Elders were gathered to their rest. The people worshiped Ashtoreth, >>while the ark remained hidden and unopened until indeed a Zadokite entered into office,<<
I believe the ark in this Day is all the lost cities of the Tree of Life. I find that the Planetary Ark that brings us back to the beginning where the end of ignorance shall come from. That to me is the Ark and the lifting up of the Seven commands from either Dilmun or Dalamatia City is the physical verification.
On Thursday, 30 June 2005 4:06 AM,
I had a look at Habbukak 3 and felt I found a few things.
At that time I was looking for clues leading to 1stEden, I felt I found a few Fragments that reflected the journey at its very beginnings.
In brackets() are a few ideas at the time.
A prayer of Habakkuk the prophet upon Shigionoth. 2 O Lord, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid: O Lord, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy. 3 God came from Teman, (This seems to be a direct reference to Tem who appears to be one in the same as Father Tem that is mentioned in the Egyptian book of the dead) (References for Tem 1 2 3) and the Holy One from mount Paran. Selah. His glory covered the heavens, and the earth was full of his praise. 4 And his brightness was as the light; he had horns coming out of his hand: and there was the hiding of his power. 5 Before him went the pestilence, and burning coals went forth at his feet. 6 He stood, and measured the earth: he beheld, (tectonic plate movement) and drove asunder the nations; and the everlasting mountains were scattered, the perpetual hills did bow: his ways are everlasting. 7
It was in the following part I felt I saw solid clues. Looking back now the journey has expanded somewhat leading to the other cities. and certainly an array of other things attached.
13 Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people, even for salvation with thine anointed; thou woundedst the head out of the house of the wicked, >>by discovering the foundation unto the neck.<< Selah.
(This appears to be a prophecy or some sort predicting a discovery of an old ancient place which is the submerged holy mountain, the foundation of 1st Eden. Its is also describing the discovery of the whole Edenic landmass right up to the neck, the peninsula.)
14 Thou didst strike through with his staves the head of his villages: they came out as a whirlwind to scatter me: their rejoicing was as to devour the poor secretly. 15 Thou didst walk through the sea with thine horses, through the heap of great waters.<<
Something is discovered that changes things....
">>by discovering the foundation unto the neck.<<"
1stEden has that physical aspect.
The discovery changed things, if you know what I mean....
>>thou woundedst the head out of the house of the wicked<<
Didn't I speak about the cities being a Salvation for the middle East and everything.
Everything that is non aligned can be realigned in truth according the plummet line which would be verified in the lifting of the Seven commands from one of the 2 cities., The quest, the Test of mankind!!.
>>Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people<<
Somebody is annoited and appointed for the job or task at hand.
>>even for salvation with thine anointed;<<
The Salvation Operation for the Planet in the revealing of the Hidden in the full truth of everything.
It couldnt get better, what an adventure that is for all of us and maybe a point of Contact which makes sense for such a restatement from the past.
Another one of those fragments looking for clues on Saturday, 2 July 2005 4:41 PM
Isaiah 29: 17-24
17 Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon 1st Eden, 60 miles east Ezekiel shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed (honored) as a forest? Ezekiel 1st Eden
18 And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, (revelation 20) (Daniel 7) (Daniel 12) (Enoch) (Sevenfold Instruction) and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness.
post 12.00-12.05 happy birthday to me hahaha
14th May 2010 yeah my birthday, 49, 7x7=49....77..sevens, the Sevens year!!!
Job:38-30 The
waters are hid as with a stone,
Well this gift to mankind, I really thank the Father and Jesus the Sovereign for this most excellent journey! I think its just Fabulous, Sublime and Supernal!! I thank DEF-456, the 3 elder brothers right through to DEF-456 the 2nd and to ABC-123 the first on the Judgement Seat of this Universe and not to mention all the United Midwayers planet Earth right through to the top including the Seraphic Sevenfold Corp of the Sevenfold scheme and mission.
What a Fantastic journey and a great gift!
To Sup with us as we sit around the camp fire on the side of the shore of the Persian Gulf as we look upon the city, evermore curious day by day in the sublime and supernal. We have bread and fish, truth, beauty and goodness leading us to destiny.
I really call upon Jesus to sup with us in the flight of the Sea of Peace.
We are the elect of today with Fish and bread preparing within our souls the verification of the truth. Its already done in my view as I can see the city. Jesus has been with us the whole time, he is supping with us through and in the Spirit of Truth.
Here are some verses from the Gospel of Thomas that I feel match the forward reality we are in.
>>(5) Jesus said: Know what is before thy face, and what hidden from thee shall be revealed unto thee; for there is nothing hidden which shall not be made manifest. <<
>>(6) His disciples asked him and said unto him: Wilt thou that we fast? And how shall we pray? Shall we give alms? And what rules shall we observe in eating? Jesus said: Do not lie; and that which you hate, do not do. >For all things are revealed before heaven. For there is nothing hidden which shall not be manifest,<> and there is nothing covered which shall remain without being uncovered. <<
(I feel we match the construct of the hidden beong revealed.)
I feel this one has the greatest clue.
(18) The disciples said to Jesus: Tell us how our end shall be. Jesus said: >>>Have you then discovered the beginning, that you seek after the end?<<<>>> For where the beginning is, there shall the end be. Blessed is >he who shall stand in the beginning,< and >he shall know the end and shall not taste of death. <<<
I feel we have fulfilling these scriptures of Thomas.
(19) Jesus said: Blessed is he who was before he came into being. If you become my disciples and hear my words, >>these stones shall minister unto you.<< For you have five trees in Paradise which do not move in summer or in winter, and their leaves do not fall. He who knows them shall not taste of death.
The 5 tress of Paradise mmmm....the 5 signature and in direct relation to Paradise. The Tree of Paradise is the Tree of Life and we are from the submerged cities of the Tree of Life in a living adventure and book.
The Stones are the cities, the stones is the evidence of the cities where we lift the Seven commands, the law.. Thats was a very interesting verse of Thomas spoken by Jesus the Sovereign 2000 years ago.
This verse is exactly the reality of me finding the Urantia Book whilst on a fishing boat Tuna spotting 16 years ago. Finding the Big fish of the cities after reading about them in the Urantia Book. Desiring to find the cities at that moment. Virtually changing my direction leaving fishing and a career to find the Big Fish, the cites. Look where we are, in the journey to the cities many years later upon a great realisation.
(8) And he said: Man is like a wise fisherman, who cast his net into the sea and drew it up from the sea full of small fish. Among them the wise fisherman found a large good fish. He threw down all the small fish into the sea; he chose the large fish without trouble.
He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
I remember catching a 400 ton Jag, the biggest in the world and flying around it thinking today fisher of fish tomorrow Fisher of Men. It was just a thought that came into my mind. I knew something was happening then way back then.
Its still a faith journey and very interesting.
The Cities and the Stones and the knowledge behind it, the Urantia Book is all the Big Fish. The whale of truth.
The Stones Jesus speaks about is the
Job:38-30 The
waters are hid as with a stone,
UFO spotted over central Turku Finland in the evening of 10. May, 2010 at >>22:50<< local finnish time.
(the 22 and 5)
The UFO was staying on the same spot for about a minute and it was really, really bright - I could see a pyramid like pattern of three very bright lights. After about a minute the UFO started to move upwards and then flew away which I was able to capture on this video with my poor cellphone videocamera. Unfortunately the quality is very poor on this video. I can assure you those >>>3 lights that formed the pyramid<<< is something I've never seen before and this wasn't an airplane or helicopter.
>>>3 lights that formed the pyramid<<<
Seems to have the right pattern and symbol.
I thought this was really cool, an Orb having fun.
UFO Caught On Russia Victory Day Plane Cam RT News
I think the Russian Aircraft flying in formation was rather impressive. They looked good and with the Orb dancing around was really good.
Good on them for showing us the video. Thats the spirit of mankind, sharing cool things like that where we all may have benefit, in our way of seeing things in the enhancement, in the everlasting waters of truth.
I thank the Father in heaven
More Rods, great video.
Amazing Cylinder UFO Over Toronto In Early May 201
Carl M
Dennis, what did you get from this video?
I think the Russian Aircraft flying in formation was rather impressive. They looked good and with the Orb dancing around was really good.
For The Trained Eye, Things You Will See.
Triangular Craft MOLECULAR PLASMA May 10-2010
You can tell with these videos that there is a higher spiritual economy and higher life midway between Physical and Spirit.I believe there are 3 kingdoms, the Lower Kingdom, the middle Kingdom(us) and the Higher Kingdom which also appears to have biological aspects, like the Midwayers. To me its the revealing of the Kingdom of Heaven on this level. Jesus was only waiting for us to catch up through technology to show us these things.
Good on them for showing us the video. Thats the spirit of mankind, sharing cool things like that where we all may have benefit, in our way of seeing things in the enhancement, in the everlasting waters of truth.
Thanks for the blessings, I appreciate it, its very nice and uplifting and very inspiring. All the best and thanks eh!
Here is something I foundd in the Odes of Solomon which I believe is a reflection of the journey. I found the Odes of Solomun on this date when I highlighted fragments that I thought had relevance toi the journey being from the beginning of the Heritages of the Ages. (note the 55 and 567 in the timestamp, the is also a 123 to in the range...)
Thursday, 13 September 2007 6:55 PM
1 As the hand moves over the harp, and the strings speak, >>2 So speaks in my members the Spirit of the Lord, and I speak by His love.<<
3 For it destroys what is foreign and everything that is bitter:
>>4 For thus it was from the beginning and will be to the end, that nothing should be His adversary, and nothing should stand up against Him. 5 The Lord has multiplied the knowledge of Himself, and is zealous that these things should be known, which by His grace have been given to us. 6 And the praise of His name He gave us: our spirits praise His holy Spirit. <<
>>7 For there went forth a stream and became a river great and broad; 8 For it flooded and broke up everything and it brought (water) to the Temple; 9 And the restrainers of the children of men were not able to restrain it, nor the arts of those whose business it is to restrain waters;<<
10 For it spread over the face of the whole earth, and filled everything: and all the thirsty upon earth were given to drink of it; 11 And thirst was relieved and quenched: for from the Most High the draught was given.
>>12 Blessed then are the ministers of that draught who are entrusted with that water 13 They have assuaged the dry lips, and the will that had fainted they have raised up; 14 And souls that were near departing they have caught back from death:<<
15 And limbs that had fallen they straightened and set up: 16 They gave strength for their feebleness and light to their eyes: 17 For everyone knew them in the Lord, and they lived by the water of life forever. Hallelujah.
From the beginning comes the end, just whatelse could be the catalyst other than the Heritages of the ages, the beginning cities of the tree of life.
from Ode 4
a direct reflection, the nature of the journey.
>>12 And the end was revealed before thee: for what thou gavest, thou gavest freely:<<<
13 So that thou mayest not draw them back and take them again:
>>14 For all was revealed before thee as God, and ordered from the beginning before thee: and thou, O God, hast made all things. Hallelujah,
note the 14 on the 14th of the 5th.
From Ode 7
>>15 For knowledge He hath appointed as its way, hath widened it and extended it; and brought to all perfection; 16 And >>set over it the traces of His light,<< and I walked therein from >the beginning even to the end <<
Its the journey from the Heritages of the Ages, the nature of it and we reflect it in the daily experience extending and expanding.
Ode 9
9 A stone of great price is it; and there have been wars on account of the crown. 10 And righteousness hath taken it and hath given it to you. 11 Put on the crown in the true covenant of the Lord. 12 And all those who have conquered shall be written in His book. 13 For their book is victory which is yours. And she (Victory) sees you before her and wills that you shall be saved. Hallelujah.
A remember the Stone that is hid in the waters by Job and this stone in Ode 9 is I believe the same stone as spoken of by Job from Sumeria. Job was connected to the Sevenfold Salemite Melchizedelk truth beholders in Mesopotamia. Jesus said that Stones would speak to us in the Gospel of Thomas.
What else does the stone speak of??
Ode 9
>>9 A stone of great price is it; and there have been wars on account of the crown.<<
>>10 And righteousness hath taken it and hath given it to you.<<
11 Put on the crown in the true covenant of the Lord.
12 And all those who have conquered shall be written in His book.
>>13 For their book is victory which is yours. And she (Victory) sees you before her and wills that you shall be saved. Hallelujah.<<
The book written before the Lord, a written witness on the run as it happens.
A crown eh!, a Crown for us all as it blossomes in the spiritual springtime of the Jesus the Sovereign.
While Im re finding these fragments Im enjoying some cool jazz at this link.
http://www.dalamatiacity. com/DalamatiaRadio.htm
A metaphor characteriatica
>>>7 The multitude of His mercies and the strength of His word. 8 For the word of the Lord searches out all things, both the invisible and that which reveals His thought; 9 For the eye sees His works and the ear hears His thought; <<<
10 He spread out the earth and He settled the waters in the sea: 11 He measured the heavens and fixed the stars: and He established the creation and set it up: 12 And He rested from His works:
I can completely relate to this
ODE 17.
>>1 I was crowned by my God: my crown is living: 2 And I was justified in my Lord: my incorruptible salvation is He. 3 I was loosed from vanity, and I was not condemned: 4 The choking bonds were cut off by her hands: I received the face and the fashion of a new person: and I walked in it and was saved;
>>>>>5 And the thought of truth led me on. And I walked after it and did not wander: 6 And all. that have seen me were amazed: and I was regarded by them as a strange person: 7 And He who knew and brought me up is the Most High in all His perfection.<<<<(right on!!!)
>>>>> And He glorified me by His kindness, and raised my thoughts to the height of His truth. <<<<
>>8 And from thence He gave me the way of His precepts and I opened the doors that were closed,. 9 And brake in pieces the bars of iron: but my iron melted and dissolved before me; (Book of Adam and Eve)10 Nothing appeared closed to me: because I was the door of everything.<<<<(The Door of everything, the cities of the Ages of immortality)
(The nature of the journey)
>>>>>>11 And I went over all my bond men to loose them; that I might not leave any man bound or binding: 12 And I imparted my knowledge without grudging: and my prayer was in my love: <<<<<
13 And I sowed my fruits in hearts, and transformed them into myself: and they received my blessing and lived; 14 And they were gathered to me and were saved; because they were to me as my own members and I was their head. Glory to thee our head the Lord Messiah. Hallelujah.
Praise the Lord in all things.
One thing for sure Mirielle it good news that comes from the mountains. The best news I think.
Ode 23 about the Kingdom and the Government. The Government of the Universe.
8 Because it was not permitted to them to loose its seal: for the power that was over the seal was greater than they . 9 But those who saw it went after the letter that they might know where it would alight, and who should read it and who should hear it. 10 But a wheel received it and came over it:
>>>>11 And there was with it a sign of the Kingdom and of the Government: 12 And everything which tried to move the wheel it mowed and cut down:<<<<<
13 And it gathered the multitude of adversaries, and bridged the rivers and crossed over and rooted up many forests and made a broad path. 14 The head went down to the feet for down to the feet >>ran the wheel, and that which was a sign upon it.<<<
15 The letter was one of command, for there were included in it all districts; 16 And there was seen at its head, the head which was revealed even the Son of Truth from the Most High Father, 17 And He inherited and took possession of everything. And the thought of many was brought to nought. 18 And all the apostates hasted and fled away. And those who persecuted and were enraged became extinct,
>>>>>19 And the letter was a great volume, which was wholly written by the finger of God: 20 And the name of the Father was on it and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, to rule for ever and ever. Hallelujah. <<<
Praise the Lord!
Here is a clue about the Hidden and the abyss, in the metaphor of the journey of what is hidden in the abyss today.
ODE 24.
The mention of the Dove refers to a lost Gospel to which there are rare references in ancient writings.
>>>>>1 The Dove fluttered over >the Messiah<, because He was her head; and she sang over Him and her voice was heard: 2 And the inhabitants were afraid and the sojourners were moved: 3 The birds dropped their wings and all creeping things died in their holes: and >>the abysses were opened which had been hidden;<< and they cried to the Lord like women in travail:<<<<<
4 And no food was given to them, because it did not belong to them;
>>>>>5 And they sealed up the abysses with the seal of the Lord. And they perished, in the thought those that had existed from ancient times;<<<<
>>>>> 6 For they were corrupt from the beginning; and the end of their corruption was life: 7 And every one of them that was imperfect perished: for it was not possible to give them a word that they might remain:<<<<
8 And the Lord destroyed the imaginations of all them that had not the truth with them. 9 For they who in their hearts were lifted up were deficient in wisdom and so they were rejected,>> because the truth was not with them.<<<
>>10 For the Lord disclosed His way and spread abroad His grace:<<>> and those who understood it, know His holiness.<<< Hallelujah.
I can definitely relate being a witness to the journey.
But who, O Lord, my Lord, will comprehend Thy judgement , Or who will search out the profoundness of Thy way? Or who will think out the weight of Thy path? 9 Or who will be able to think out Thy incomprehensible counsel? Or who of those that are born has ever found The beginning or end of Thy wisdom?
It would have to be the beginnings cities of immortality, the beginnings of all our spiritual culture. There couldn't be anything else. That is the beginning and End of all wisdom and we are walking the paths of many generations, like raising the truth of the dead or the past in the expansion.
And another from Baruch and note the Ship and Port/Habour analogy and a Journey to the CITY!!!!. Like in the Urantia Book. They are clues that Jesus gives us.
10 For the youth of the world is past, And the strength of the creation already exhausted, >>And the advent of the times is very short,<< Yea, they have passed by; And the pitcher is near to the cistern,
>>> And the ship to the port, And the course of the journey to the city, And life to (its) consummation.
(Like the call)
>>11 And again prepare your souls, so that when ye sail and ascend from the ship ye may have rest 12 and not be condemned when ye depart.<<
For lo! when the Most High will bring to pass all these things, There shall not there be again [a place of repentance, nor] a limit to the times, Nor a duration for the hours, Nor a change of ways, Nor place for prayer, Nor sending of petitions, Nor receiving of knowledge, Nor giving of love, Nor place of repentance for the soul, Nor supplication for offences, Nor intercession of the fathers, Nor prayer of the prophets, Nor help of the righteous.
May 15th 2010
Russian Archeologists find elongated skulls in Siberia
Interesting that these unusual skulls are found worldwide. Interesting mystery, are these people connected to the nomadic Andites spreading there truth around the world at that time? Where every culture has remnants of these people in the symbols and in cultural practices connected to there lore.
I was watching Perry Stone presenting "Get the eggs of the flies of your head" in previous downloads. Its interesting how the oil of the temple was prepared using 11 different spices and 11 types of prayer.(11 11) The procedures of the anointing of the Oil was very precise, having the right combination of things from a vast array of things to blend in order to get that great fragrence of revealed truth mixed in with discovery, recognition and realisation.
A bit here and a bit there, precept upon precept and thought upon thought in bringing the pieces together, bringing up the sweet perfume into the air. To me all those precise practices had a strong metaphor of the journey before the great revealing connected to the Tree of Life and its cities.
The recent dream I had of the ancient Tree with the great waters underneath was like an old ancient Oak Tree.
The following verse reminded me of the tree in the dream whilst looking for clues of the Stone since Jesus told us in the Gospel of Thomas that the Stones will speak to us.
Joshua 24:26 (Read all of Joshua 24)
And Joshua wrote these words in the book of the law of God, and took a great stone, and set it up there under an oak, that was by the sanctuary of the Lord.
From the Gospel of Thomas
(19) Jesus said: Blessed is he
who was before he came into being. If you become my disciples and hear my
words, these stones shall minister unto you. For you have five trees in
Paradise which do not move in summer or in winter, and their leaves do
not fall. He who knows them shall not taste of death.
I had a dream recently of an ancient Tree standing on a precipice or a ledge with the great waters underneath. I never thought about the type of tree it was in my dream but when I was looking for more information about the Stones in the bible I found the following which reminded me of the Tree which was an OAK tree I remember. Interesting to find this looking for the Stone that will speak to us. Very rare that I have dreams.
Joshua 24:26
And Joshua wrote these words in the book of the law of God, and took a great stone, and set it up there under an oak, that was by the sanctuary of the Lord.
Here is information about the Stone from the Gospel of Thomas.
(19) Jesus said: Blessed is he who was before he came into being. If you become my disciples and hear my words, >>these stones shall minister unto you.<< For you have >five< trees in Paradise which do not move in summer or in winter, and their leaves do not fall. He >who knows them shall not taste of death<.
What more can I find out about the Stones.
"these stones shall minister unto you"
Doing a keyword search, in the very next verse I find this.
Joshua 24:27 (Read all of Joshua 24)
And Joshua said unto all the people, Behold, >>this stone shall be a witness unto us; for it hath heard all the words of the Lord which he spake unto us: it shall be therefore a witness unto you, lest ye deny your God.<<
The Stones or Stone is related to a witness of truth, something very significant...
In todays reality we are speaking of the stones of the past, right through to the beginnings.
Isaiah 62:10 (Read all of Isaiah 62)
Go through, go through the gates; prepare ye the way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up a standard for the people.
Isaiah 62:10
Go through, go through the gates; prepare ye the way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up a standard for the people.
In essence thats what we are doing gathering OUT the stones...finding the stones that will speak to us like something in the past, that will confirm to us, like the 7 command tablets submerged in the Persian Gulf, the restatement of the Truth from the beginnings and the journey. The finding of these stones would speak to us right!!! We also cast up a path and lift up the Banner of the Melchizedek in the main Symbol amoungst all the other symbols along the way.
I thought this one was interesting to, we are speaking about foundations from the beginning of all spiritual culture. We do speak about the verification of the first cornerstone, nothing unlike Jesus the Sovereign being the first conerstone our creator really speaking being a Paradise Son.
Isaiah 28:16
Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.
Could this be part of the Zion or the Zion coming from the Beginnings?? where the end of ignorance comes from?? Is this the kind of Zion the Father in Heaven is participating in with all his children of faith and with love for one another. Is this everyone personal rebuild of there own temple within themselves with expanded truth in the demonstration as we walk in faith?
It is quite possible from where I see things.
Jeremiah 51:63
And it shall be, when thou hast made an end of reading this book, that thou shalt bind a stone to it, and cast it into the midst of Euphrates:
Why the Euhprates??? thats where the 4 spirits come out of, from its waters. Like perhaps the truth comes from close the Euhprates?? in the Persian Gulf in this day being guided by the Urantia Book as the baseline and with the Bible to and all the other books.
See the book is a clue and its connected to a stone which comes out of the Persian Gulf.
It could be the Stone where Dilmun/Babel lays. The Seven commands inscribed on stone tablets maybe will be found in Dilmun/Babel close to the Euhprates. The Book, the Stone and the 4 spirits, could the 4 spirits be the brigand 4 angels that remain to be judged as mankind route them out through discovery??
Perhaps these rebels lay in the waters as a hiding place or an abode in the waters and through the discovery of the tablets in Babel in there ancient abode we route them out and perhaps the Kingdom of Heaven may respond ....possibily!!!
Maybe I should read the rest of the chapter.
Gee, its about the JUDGEMENT OF BABYLON!!
Its a bit dire I must say.
19 The portion of Jacob is not like them;>> for he is the former of all things:<<< and Israel is >>the rod of his inheritance:<<< the Lord of hosts is his name. 20 Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms;
Jesus is the former of all things no doubt, he existed before all things on thios planet.
but does this have reflectivity in this reality in a sense??
Its like the person or catalyst is of the former times ahd conneted to the former times of all things in friendship...Jesus. Does this person from former times come from the Beginnings from the Heritage of the Ages?? where Zion comes down upon the Gentiles who recieved the inheritance of Israel because we acknowledged the Father and the reality and researched the matter in your own way, in our own thoughts, in the truth of the matter, in your own personal relationship with the Father being yourself as you know yourself.
Here is the rest of the prophecy of the Book and the stone and the waters.
64 And thou shalt say, Thus shall Babylon sink, and shall not rise from the evil that I will bring upon her: and they shall be weary. Thus far are the words of Jeremiah.
Could it have relevance for today??????
Remember Babylon today is multidimensional you have supporters of it in high places and you have the opposite to it who hate it, like terrorism but becasue are in the fight, they are all Babylon people in the mix reacting to each other.
The priesthood of Babel Dilmun upon the division in the first coinstruction evacuated the scene, they never got involved in Babel and the oppossing idea, they simply left ot the South.
Like in the day, the Jeremiah prediction may have relevance.
Just be on guard and be aware with the breast plate. There are many many people in the world system who are simply blinded from top to bottom. There is so much going on but because we are of a spiritual nature and know much, we are peaceful, aware and calm knowing you are fully supported by the Universal Government of Jesus.
"the rod of his inheritance:<<< " Does the Rod or the plummet line come from Ancient places of the Tree of Life, the Seven commnads, the plummet line, the Rod!!!!
The instrument, the tool from the beginnings that is used for a demonstration!! to verify a city and a book and the LAW of the past from the beginnings!
What a profound effect of "the Stones speaking to us!!!!"
"Thus shall Babylon sink" Off course and what happened to Dilmun/Babel...its sunk and that is recorded in the Atlantis Myth where the very early Egyptians came from and set up trade and commerce which is a good thing if its honest and noble of a High Universal standard of enriching your fellow brother in love of his perpetuation of destiny and its mutual knowing where you come from and go to.
Out of the waters of sunken Babylon comes the truth, the book and the stone, the hiidden being revealed.
What happened to the STONE??
Daniel 2:35 (Read all of Daniel 2)
Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and
>>>the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.<<<<
Truth broke ignorance in the demonstration of the really small stone that became a mountain in truth, the Universal Government oif Jesus became involved and filled the Earth. That stone tha became a mountain became a cornerstone in the truth in faith!
This may reflect the discovery of the Seven commands as they are lifted up by an ROV submarine without human hands......Maybe!!!
Daniel 2:45 (Read all of Daniel 2)
Foras much as >>>thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands,<<<< and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.
">>>thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands,<<<<"
Seeing the stone through a monitor on a ship and cutting it out using the arms of a submarines, without hands.....an expedition!!! The Mountain being Babel in Dilmun. The old mountain of the old Fox so to speak!
A Indianan Jones adnenture but in virtual reality, the bloke from the bush adventure! what a laugh!
And the truth oif th stone breaking to pieces ignorance and other things.
Actually the 4 spirits could be the 22 signature so it could be the angels attached to the Book and the Stone that is attached to the Sevenfold Mystery of Revelation.
So III change that part. 4 spirits could be the 22 signature, As we know there is one rebel left isolated. He can only minister to his agents whoever they are. But good opportunity to reconsider things!! If there is momentum arising here for real as I percieve it nothing can stop this, it runs by its own steam.
Zechariah 3:9 (Read all of Zechariah 3)
For behold the stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone shall be seven eyes: behold, I will engrave the graving thereof, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day.
This is interesting
">>>>one stone shall be seven eyes:<<<<"
Sevens, one stone actually a small pebble but smooth and rounded.
This one Seven eyes stone...Seven circles like in the crop circle within the eye is attached to the Father who.
"I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day." In the demonstration.
There is a Sevens Stone.
The Interesting part is that.
I went for a walk with my nrother and a friend of his from South Africa and as we were walking along and I was speaking away, my brothers friend noticed this stone embedded in the track which was square and had an arrow feature embossed in it.
We all stood aroud the stone and commented on the arrow/triangle design when my brother suggested it was 7 shape, we all agreed, its was sevenfold stone. So I eventualy plied the stone out of the path and have it next to me.
So III take an image of Sevens Stone it so you can see it for yourself. Interesting;ly we are dong a search on the stones that speak to us as Jesus mentions in Thomas.
It was not by any thought I had the events of the day and we study and find now.
Zechariah 9:16 (Read all of Zechariah 9)
And the Lord their God shall save them in that day as the flock of his people: for they shall be as >>>the stones of a crown, lifted up as an ensign upon his land.<<<<
Crowns and stones, the truth and his Land, his cities of his realm.
Matthew 21:44 (Read all of Matthew 21)
And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.
Matthew 24:2 (Read all of Matthew 24)
And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
Mark 12:10 (Read all of Mark 12)
And have ye not read this scripture; The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner:
Mark 12:10
And have ye not read this scripture; The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner:
Not accepted message biut was the actual truth that no one prepared for. But it became the cornerstone. the conduit by the sounds of it.
Revelation 2:17 (Read all of Revelation 2)He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; >>>>>To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him<<<<
>>>>>a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.<<<
Hidden manna and overcoming the difficulties in the journey and no man knows until he recieves like on the run as we go each day to the cities in truth.
Its all part of the adventures of the Stone that becomes a mountain and is given a new name. The new stone, a white stone is like an Angelic light, maybe a fusion translation????
for >>the former things are passed away<<. 5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. 6 And he said unto me,
>>>It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.<<<<
I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
>>>>7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; [1] and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.<<<<
Rev Chapter 21...7x3..777 and verse 7 Sevens chapter. ah just a thought.
Remember the crop circle the 3 circles intersecting with the 7 circles in the eye!! Like an arrow, like in the Sevenfold stone today!! Like the Stone with 7 eyes today found and 3 witnesses!!
Kathryn L
A revelation. Thankyou, Dennis. Going to curl up with more revelations today. blessings....Kate
That is some synchronicity. Sevens--notes, chakras, seas.
Thankyou, Dennis, for this "food for thought". ~*~
For sure it was real synchronicity but I never planned it, everything more or less occurred to me after the looking into things. Upon realisation of the run of the day with the stone and the research of the stones that speak to us it was like WOW! A token from the Bush, after finding this stone we walk up the track a little further to the Rock which has a legend concerning the
aborigines in the old days.
Apparently, it was possibly a birthing Rock where there was five creeks that formed a conjunction below the Rock. In the centre of the 5 creek conjunction there was a quarts stone erected in the middle.
This is very local legend apparently there was a cave system under the rock which was filled in and perhaps with a few bones.
Its so interesting that I have walked this area for years and its this ancient myth knowledge arises of the local area and finding the stone comes to light in this time, in the journey from ancient times in a local sense. Amazing blend of commonality and consider the 5 creeks, the 5 connection, the conjunction where 5 becomes 1.
Maybe the angels of the Aborigine Garden is in the area and remembers these people and wanted to bring it out. Well I give honour to those who lived in those areas for many thousands of years.
If anything comes to pass in the future concerning the ancient places in the verification i would like to scan that whole rock to see in fact a cave system exists, if it does do a dig and find the bones if they exist.
The people of the 5 Creeks and the Quarts Stone!...The WHITE Stone, today the SEVENFOLD stone...the symbolism in the metaphor of the Stone and the waters that become one. The blend of local legend, revelation and the ancient places, the corner stone.
The stones are speaking to us as Jesus said they would in Thomas.
Where the 5 becomes 1 the & and the 3 are one in agreement. Like Star Trek.
Remember the 3 and 7 in the both crop circles are in one in the pattern.
Also on top of the Birthing Rock there is larger circle scratched and faded. I noted that some time ago. The circle, the Wheel in the crop circle and in Baruch which to me resembles arrival of the wheel and revealing where all are in agreement, I sense the Judges.
The 5 probably means the Midway Economy of the planet which is a totally different world as we are seeing before our eyes. the 50/50 point, the mod world between spiritual and physical.
Its like every level has been designated a simple number in the journey of number patterns. Like 5 the midway economy, 7 is the Sevenfold levels of Universe Government and the truth strike team incorporating the Sevenfold Seraphic Corp, 2 is like the 1111 midwayers. 3 is the Paradise Trinity operations and 1 is the Father and Jesus the wheel.
This might explain all the reflective numbers in the journey and what they mean perhaps!!
">>the former things are passed away<<. " they are revealed and understood where the past is dealth with and now we move forward where ">>the former things are passed away<<. "
Dont hold on to the past like the lady who turned to Salt in the metaphor.
May 15th 2010
Ireland - Friday, 14th May
Triangle UFO filmed in the sky over Cregagh Road in East Belfast, Ireland Friday, 14th May 2010.
New Ufo seen near NASA STS 132 + transmission is cut
Strange triangular like lights and object were seen moving past NASA most recent transmission from STS 132 on the 14th of May 2010. It looked like the objects would collide and at one point the live stream was cut for some time (see second video)
Daytime UFO - Brooklyn - May 14th
More Weather Rings but this time in the USA
from Colin Andrews.
Im sure there is stuff going on, just be aware, alert and connected in Love in Brotherhood. It is the only way to be at peace with the whole Universe.
A loop consisting just two frames from both dates the rings appeared i.e. April 29 and May 10,
2010. This allows quick identification of repeating sites and those involved on just one day.
Constructed by Andrew Johnson
May10th 2010 eh! interesting 55 on the 5th month.
11 days apart both incidence....1111?????
Looks like the Mining companies, in there quest for wealth are destroying the artesian water basin. You can simply see the evidence that they deny behind paid scientists. All the same sisnt it where they desoltae the land for what? a positive balance sheet.
UFO Report From Yorkshire in the UK.
Flying Triangles
45 And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious [12] holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him. Im wondering if this cahpter has metaphor for Babel?? Aslo have look at the next chapter which begins with Michael, which is real Jesus or Michael of Nebadon. Same Paradise Son.
"45 And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious [12] holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him."
"planting the tabernacles of his palace," like revealing of the hidden of all the tabernacles of the beginning cities of the tree of life bar Dilmun. "between the seas in the glorious [12] holy mountain;" 3 submerged cities, Ist Eden, Dilmun, Dalamatia City, 3 cities submerged in 2 seas separated but all related in a world Epic with understanding.
It is true "yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him." It is true, in the day the journey is coming to an end, I feel a climax appearing perhaps, going in faith but no one has helped me except for the recent blessings in spirit.
But the truth of the matter is that there was very little support and any spiritual support was short. Its a been a complete battle to maintain the flicker of 1stEden and to the other places, keeping the vigil so the truth would not be lost or lifeless. How could Adams/1stEden place be lifeless and dead.??? How could it be lifeless without a story or even a witness even a lone witness??
All I know I held the banner of the 3 concentric circles of the Melchizedek, the banner of Paradise under the auspices of the Sevenfold in all this journey. I upheld the office with all my might despite all the harsh condition of unwitting mankind about me. I did fight the good fight for the ancient places of the beginnings and really attempted to bring it out for mankind. If there was help it was very mild, its only recently that I feel blessing and that I appreciate very much.
I'm wondering if this chapter has metaphor for Babel today?? Also have a look at the next chapter which begins with Michael, which is really Jesus or Michael of Nebadon. Same Paradise Son, both chapters could have direct relevance for today.
Yes, the revealing of the beginnings and all the generations before us in truth along the way
The Time of the End
12And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince >>>which standeth for the children of thy people:<<< and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: >>>>and at that time >thy people< shall be delivered, every one that >shall be found written in the book<.
(It could be the revealing on the on the run witness from the beginnings and people who responded in there hearts and also those who know and love God on the planet and do his will whatever that is for the individual).
(When Michael comes it will be disaster but he comes for his people and who are his people??? us, the elect, the responsive ones throughout the whole planet.) 9His people are connected to a book, a revealing living book blended with all books relevant and the baseline is the new revelation and its underlying message simple faith of a child and love.)
2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
(roll call)
3 And they >>that be wise [1] shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.<<<< 4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
(We are the wise and learning everyday because we hear the voice of the Father in Heaven within us each day in our thoughts and contemplations. We become righteous as we walk in our hearts with the Father and it expresses itself in greater love for one another.)
I want to say that Dalamatia City is where the first Abomination occurred, this is the where the default of the prime directive happened in the administration of this planet.
This the place is where the Abomination happened, in truth by the revealing, it has been set up in understanding from the beginning so we learn about the world we live in and where much of its influence came from.
After the rebellion the temple that housed the Tree of Life, after its evacuation was converted to the Temple of Nog, the false God of Light and fire. Nog was the abomination that was set up.I want to say that Dalamatia City is where the first Abomination occurred, this is the where the default of the prime directive happened in the administration of this planet.
This the place is where the Abomination happened, in truth by the revealing, it has been set up in understanding from the beginning so we learn about the world we live in and where much of its influence came from. I want to say that Dalamatia City is where the first Abomination occurred, this is the where the default of the prime directive happened in the administration of this planet.
This the place is where the Abomination happened, in truth by the revealing, it has been set up in understanding from the beginning so we learn about the world we live in and where much of its influence came from. Who speaks about light and fire in the promulgation today? Yeah but Nog or Cali today is multidimensional in the world of Babel from top to bottom in attitude reaction and whats in there hearts.
Man cannot deal with Nog or Caligastia alone, the deception is to far wide and spread. Only the Universal Government with man can apprehend, detain and take him of the planet. Only Jesus the Sovereign can help.
Jesus, like Behz Sarmast said :" He is truly the Master" Yes and the Master of all things and reality.
Here is a new tool for your own research on the UFO phoenomena. Keep track of things.
Triangles galore on a 15th May 2010, 555 on a 5th month, equidistant numbers, equal parts that make the triangle.
Perhaps the triangle and the 55 or 5555 represent the Midwayer higher world between physical and spiritual economy of the planet.
All the 1111 Midwayers were both born in triangle and circle cities. That is there symbol and know this with understanding.
These are the hidden worlds revealing themselves to us.
For me I just praise the Lord man. This is good stuff!
Kathryn L
So..no longer hidden to you..COrrect? A lovely discovery.
I just think its really cool and beautiful seeing all these things that you can read about and see about you.
Kathryn L
"You"..? meaning YOU..or Universal "you"?
I dont know hahahaha, just enjoying the experience and some great music in the background.
Low flying orb captured on Arizona photo
Ufo Merter 14.05.2010
UFO Naberejnye Chelny
May 17th 2010
I love rods
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
Strange plane or Ufo ? - Lloydminster Alberta Canada May 11 2010
Another aspect of the Midwayer world, the higher spiritual economy. Another world of itself that is hidden from us.
Puerta Dimensional En Noruega - 07/2/201
Giant hexagon of clouds spins on Saturn while clouds disappear from Jupiter.
These events seem to be synchronised.
Here is some reflective symbolism of Saturn to the journey from ancient times, the beginnings.
The triangle/Circle Chevron.

Saturn (mythology)
Saturn (Latin: Saturnus) was a major Roman god of >>agriculture and harvest.<< In medieval times he was known as the >>>Roman god of agriculture, justice and strength;<<< he held >a sickle in his left hand and a bundle of wheat in his right.<
Interesting metaphor to th Symbol event of Saturn. Its like revealing itself and in Symbol.
All the Spiritual Agencies use the Polarity of the planets.
Mythology of Saturn
>>>In Babylon he was called Ninib and was an agricultural deity. Saturn, called Kronos by the Greeks, was, at the dawn of the Ages of the Gods, the Protector and Sower of the Seed and his wife,<<<
>>In Babylon he was called Ninib and was an agricultural deity. Saturn, called Kronos by the Greeks, was, at the dawn of the Ages of the Gods, the Protector and Sower of the Seed and his wife,<< Ops, (called Rhea by the Greeks) was a Harvest Helper.
Saturn was one of the Seven Titans or Numina and with them, reigned supreme in the Universe. The Titans were of incredible size and strength and held power for untold ages, until they were deposed by Jupiter.
Judged and apprehended and one more Justice call has to be made on this planet in the harvest. Saturn seems to be physically responding!! like with Jupiter in the synchronicity of its 15 year circle cycle.
Very interesting timing with some interesting symbolism!!!!
Very dynamic in the timing and symbol.
Is this a message for those who are involved in stars, clairvoyant practices and card prediction, that a planetary harvest comes and time to prepare oneself within oneself with the Universal Government.
This is another side to Saturn and its ruling sign, Capricorn: the settling of accounts. The time of the winter solstice is when the Sun enters the sign Capricorn.
Hesiod wrote of >>>the five ages of mankind:<<<< Gold, Silver, two ages of Bronze and an age of Iron.
>>The Age of Gold was the purest age, when no labor was required and weather was always pleasant. It was virtually a place of pleasant surroundings and of abundance.
Death was not an unpleasant eventuality and people occupied their time in pleasant pursuits. Cronus ruled over this Golden Age.<<<
I can understand that when in the utopian Ages there will translation.
A time for settling accounts!!
and from the Catholic advent
Is Saturn mentioned in the Bible with metaphor to transition??
Here is a fragment from Catholic Advent
The planets
Venus and Saturn are the only planets expressedly mentioned in the Old Testament.
Isaiah 14:12
apostrophizes the Babylonian Empire under the unmistakable type of Helal (Lucifer in the Vulgate), >>>"son of the...morning"<<<<.
Saturn is no less certainly represented by the star >>Kaiwan,<< adored by the reprobate Israelites in the desert (Amos 5:26).
The same
word (interpreted to mean "steadfast") frequently designates, in the Babylonian inscriptions, the slowest-moving planet;
while Sakkuth, the divinity associated with the star by the prophet, is an alternative appellation for Ninib, who, as a Babylonian planet-god, was merged with Saturn.
>>The ancient Syrians and Arabs, too, called Saturn Kaiwan, the corresponding terms in the Zoroastrian Bundahish being Kevan.<< (like Van)
The other planets are individualized in the Bible only by implication. The worship of gods connected with them is denounced, but without any manifest intention of refering to the heavenly bodies.
Gad and Meni (Isaias, lxv, 11) are, no doubt, the "greater and the lesser Fortune" typified throughout the East by Jupiter and Venus; Neba, the tutelary deity of Borsippa (Isaias xlvi,1), shone in the sky as Mercury, and Nergal, transplanted frorn Assyria to Kutha (2 Kings 17:30), as Mars.
I researched the bible for Saturn and was referred to Amos 5:26
26 But ye have borne the tabernacle [1] of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.
Its very direct about >Moloch< of today and Caligastia and all the associated practices. Its just time to review and consider, it a matter of the heart that's all, in which path you choose...whoever!.
Here i another translation
Amos 5:21-27 (New Revised Standard w/ Apocrypha)
21 I hate, I despise your festivals, and I take no delight in your solemn assemblies. 22 Even though you offer me your burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them; and the offerings of well-being of your fatted animals I will not look upon. 23 Take away from me the noise of your songs; I will not listen to the melody of your harps.
>>>>>>24 But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.<<<<<<
25 Did you bring to me sacrifices and offerings the forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel?
26 You shall take up Sakkuth your king, and >>Kaiwan<<(SATURN) your star-god, your images, which you made for yourselves; 27 therefore I will take you into exile beyond Damascus, says the Lord, whose name is the God of hosts.
I think this has major metaphor for a group of people and there practices, the practices of MOLOCH.
Moloch worships Saturn and everything associated.
Here is some additional information that stems back to Babylon
The Morning Star is first mentioned specifically in the Book of Job. Job is a very unusual book and although many may disagree, it comes across like a very long and sophisticated parable. In it Job, the epitome of a righteous man, has lost everything he possesses except his life. In his misery he is tempted to curse God. Instead he curses himself and wishes the day he was born had never existed. He desires that the day be obliterated from the calendar.
Job 3:1 - 10
After this, Job opened his mouth and cursed the day of his birth.
He said: >>"May the day of my birth<< perish, and the night it was said, `>>A boy is born!'<<
That day - may it turn to darkness; may God above not care about it; may no light shine upon it. May darkness and deep shadow claim it once more; may a cloud settle over it; may blackness overwhelm its light.
That night - may thick darkness seize it; may it not be included among the days of the year nor be entered in any of the months. May that night be barren; may no shout of joy be heard in it. May those who curse days curse that day, those who are ready to rouse >>Leviathan<<.
>>May its morning stars become dark;<< may it wait for daylight in vain and not see the first rays of dawn, for it did not shut the doors of the womb on me to hide trouble from my eyes.
Note the word May hahaha what laugh
He said: >>"May< the day of my birth<< perish, and the night it was said, `>>A boy is born!'<<
Its all about the Judgement of Lucifer and the rebellion.
Job 38:12 - 14
>>>Have you ever given orders to the morning, or shown the dawn its place, that it might take the earth by the edges and shake the wicked out of it? The earth takes shape like clay under a seal; its features stand out like those of a garment. The wicked are denied their light, and their upraised arm is broken.<<<<
Here we have not only the obvious rebuking of Job, but a revelation, a symbolism or even a prophecy. That the dawn will come and as it does everything that was fuzzy and indistinct will take shape like an image stamped in clay. Detail will be revealed and the so - called 'light', that the wicked hold on to, will vanish in the glare of the true light. The morning stars and the angels are rejoicing at the coming of this dawn. This imagery seems to go beyond a simple description of daybreak and suggests the dawning of a new era, when evil and darkness will be abolished by the coming of the light.
The next mention of the morning star, is found in Isaiah
14:12 - 15
How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!
You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High." But you are brought down to the grave, to the depths of the pit.
Did you see that flying V UFO over LA ?
I have received numerous videos of a V-triangular shaped object over LA recently. Please advise if you also spotted this object.
Way to get around eh!
This would have to be a transport device of the Higher Spiritual economy. It probably all comes from this planet and Solar System! This level seems like high level and another evolution of another world that we know so little about except through religion.
Nothing unlike what the Urantia Book describes about the different levels of life on spheres of the Hidden worlds. Its seems a very similar thing to what we have here, this world appears to be revealing itself more and more each day.
Im not sure when this occurred perhaps at the beginning of the year.
Low Altitude Ufo Sighting In South Of France
Im inspired by "Hidden Manna"
Revelation 2:17 He that hath an ear,
let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that
overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
http://www.christnotes.org /bible.php?q=Revelation+2& ver=kjv
Here is a Manna word search
I think I know what the Hidden Manna is for the Churches as it comes from the beginnings and is full of truth.
http://www.christnotes.org /bible.php?q=manna&ver=kjv
Jesus words
John 6:49 (Read all of John 6)
Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead.
John 6:58 (Read all of John 6)
This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead:>> he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever.<<
Revelation 2:17 (Read all of Revelation 2)
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; >>To him that overcometh will I give to eat of >the hidden manna,< and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.<<
This hidden would the Manna that would sustain a person for years spiritually in the Wilderness, day by day in isolation but yet connected with people. Like Nebuchadnezzar for 7 years when became a beast.
Here is a Manna word search
I think I know what the Hidden Manna is for the Churches as it comes from the beginnings and is full of truth.
Jesus words
John 6:49 (Read all of John 6)
Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead.
John 6:58 (Read all of John 6)
This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead:>> he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever.<<
Revelation 2:17 (Read all of Revelation 2)
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; >>To him that overcometh will I give to eat of >the hidden manna,< and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.<<
This hidden would the Manna that would sustain a person for years spiritually in the Wilderness, day by day in isolation but yet connected with people. Like Nebuchadnezzar for 7 years when became a beast.
Interesting Metaphor in relation to the ancient places and the Seven commands proposal which I believe is the Hidden Manna connected to a new revelation. The Urantia Book!
Hebrews 9:4
Which had the golden censer, and >>the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold<<, wherein was >>>>the golden pot that had manna,<<<< and >>Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant;<<
The Seven commands is the restatement and the Rod or the Plummet line for the Future in symbolism.
Obviously this manna is hidden, revealed and sustains in the continual realisation.
The Golden Pot is the Sevenfold mystery, the Manna is the full complete truth and the Rod is the standard that buds in the on going reality based on discovery and realisation The restatement of the Covenant is the truth and the Seven commands is the catalyst.
Jesus the Master is with us in the Pilot House with his friends finding great pleasure in our experience that he waited 2000 years for us to catch up with help from a new book he has written at the request of the Secondary Midwayers our elder brothers, the Urantia Book.
Praise the Lord eh! Jesus comes through for mankind!
The Urantia Book, a book that everyone can test with results!
Exodus 19:5
Now therefore, if >>ye will obey my voice indeed<<(thought adjuster), and keep my covenant, then >>ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:<<
"peculiar treasure" the revealing of the cities of the tree of life is peculiar.
Genesis 6:18 (Read all of Genesis 6)
But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee.
Genesis 9:13 (Read all of Genesis 9)
I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.
Exodus 31:16
Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep >>the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations,<< for >>a perpetual covenant.<<
All foreseeing the revealing and the construct including the personality of the Sevenfold.
Its a Sevenfold Sevens that brings it home, springs the Sevenfold snare of the Ancients of Days and the Justice courts.
Exodus 34:10
And he said, Behold, >>>>>>>I make a covenant: before all thy people I will >>do marvels, such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation:<< and
all the people among which thou art shall see the work of the Lord: for it is a terrible thing that I will do with thee.<<<<<<<
This could very well apply since we are speaking of a resurrection of the Seven commands.
and about the springing of the SNARE
Exodus 34:12
Take heed to thyself, lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land whither thou goest, >>>lest it be for a snare in the midst of thee:<<< Don't believe the Atheist and those who deny God and the Sovereign Jesus, Jesus is the only way.
There is no other way and yet it is an easy way in faith.
Its characterises today in Atheism, No god beliefs, error in the philosophical craft. Infiltration of religion of the false God of Light Caligastia who invades people with sophistry!
Exodus 34:15
Lest thou >>make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they go a whoring after their gods, and do sacrifice unto their gods, and one call thee, and thou eat of his sacrifice;<<<
This is for all the Moloch lovers of today, this is for you in light of the Seven commands.
Like the voice in the Wilderness.
Exodus 34:28
And he was there with >>>the Lord forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments.<<<
Praise the Lord, in this for us and the future!
Deuteronomy 5:3
The Lord made not >>this covenant<< with our fathers,>> but with us, even us, who are all of us here alive this day.<<
Warning Warning!!!!
Deuteronomy 7:2
And when the Lord >>>thy God shall deliver them before thee;<<< thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them:
A rebel can expect this.
Deuteronomy 7:9 (Read all of Deuteronomy 7)
Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;
SOLUTION for this day, a no worries solution!!!
Deuteronomy 7:9
>>>Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which >keepeth covenant< and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;<<<
Walking with the Father provides all these things in due time at the right time in the right attitude.
For this day for us!!!
Deuteronomy 8:18
But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: >>for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish >his covenant< which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.<<<
The no worries covenant!! for all mankind.
Remember, we can go to Dalamatia City and Dilmun to retrieve the Seven commands, we go out and discover and return with the Seven commands from the submerged city.
Deuteronomy 9:9
When>>> I was gone up into the mount to receive the tables of stone,<<< >>>even the tables of the covenant which the Lord made with you,<<<< then I abode in the mount forty days and forty nights, I neither did eat bread nor drink water:
The Lord comes with us to find the Stones, like with Moses. We go to the old temples to find the tablets.
When we go out to the Submerged cities the Lord will help us
And>>>> it came to pass at the end of forty days and forty nights,<<<< that >>>>the Lord gave me the two tables of stone, even the tables of the covenant.<<<<
Yep the discovery of the Seven commands after a 40 day mission. possibly!
THE ELECT perhaps living of the Tree of Life.
Deuteronomy 10:8
>>At that time the Lord separated the tribe of Levi, to bear the ark of the covenant of the Lord<<< >>>to stand before the Lord to minister unto him, and to bless in his name, unto this day.<<<
This day today!
In this day
Daniel 11:30 (Read all of Daniel 11)
For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant.
The covenant returns and people with intelligence in this day still reject.
In this day
Daniel 11:30
For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; >>>he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant.
Romans 11:27
For >>this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.<<
and that can for a whole nation and its people.
Hebrews 13:20
>>>Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,<<<<
Thank you Master and Friend Sovereign Jesus.
I reckon there is real Father and Jesus Paradise Son Sovereign Covenant Action going on here, I can feel it in my bones. We are dealing with the true Star Trek and Stargate Universe but at peace in all the Universe, the Government all at peace and full of Justice as the Quarantine on this planet is lifted.
Also notice how Iran has changed its attitude? regarding Nuclear fuel and remember the great prophet war games. Im not sure what that meant but Im still thinking of writing to them and giving them the places as a gift in exchange to explore them close and in there waters. Was it designed to happen like with all the promulgation... to draw the guy out??
All these places concerns them directly and its could prevent as disaster in the realisation of the Father and Universe behind these places. These places are the redemption of the planet in a physical and symbolic way. Being of the tree of life, healing of the nations!!!
and look at the NUMBERS 222 fantastic!!! the 2s
"healing of the nations"
Revelation >22:2< (Read all of Revelation 22) In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, >>was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and >>the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations<<<
The truth of the cities of tree of Life was and is for the Healing of nations.
Its the reality today in the journey from ancient times.
Praise the Lord eh!
Right on Father and Jesus Sovereign.
This run on truth tonight is spot on. Thank you elder brothers DEF-456 and DEF-456 the 1st and Spirit of Truth and thought adjuster all the way to the Judgement Seat.
Like in football game we are Kicking MAJOR goals, FULL points!
No worries!
Full Marks on that one, now this would be broadcasted throughout the Universe and written on the Stone Block in Heaven of the goings on. The Whole Universe knows about this and everyone can be part of it and have there name in the stone block for eternity in happenings of Universal Destiny.
This is the great opportunity for mankind. I am sure what is about tioo happen is unprecedented that means there will be a full revealing!
I'm sure of that!
Still remember, the book and stone coming out of the Euphrates, the 4 spirits or the 22!
Connected to the tree of life, the sons coming from1stEden and the Sons of Eden who reveal Dilmun become the Sons of Dilmun(the truth) in its revealing. Thats in recently found Sumerian Text.
Ollie L
The quarantine being lifted ... Do you feel that Caligastia is in his death throes, and trying to drag down multitudes of lost souls with him?? The Lord is always triumphant!
David T
he is powerless to do anything of the sort, unless men willingly give such power or authority to him.
Yes, I think Ollie and David that he his at the end. When people realise the truth....he is finished even his followers will abandon him. Man and God will just kick him of the planet, the planet will reject him and the Father removes him.
Its about time and its due. It depends allot on us in my view. Jesus wants us to be Kicker in truth. He wants us to find everything. We have to head to the Utopian paths and this rebel has to go.
As soon as people can identify the False God of Light Caligastia, and especially those who are deceived he will go.
All man has to say is get behind me Cali and leave you are not wanted he will go
and he can do a thing about it.
He is deprived of worship in the unmasking of the deception his life blood.
Cali has slain many many many people in the past generations in the deception, he has dragged man in the mud for all those years and today he find his demise as we uncover his city.
He is gone, this is the showdown of this Rebel and his army is decreasing day by day as members just simply wake up in light of the evidence and the truth behind it.
Even the leaders of nations will just wake up. Matter of fact the whole world could simply wake up and switch on!!!
Even the people in Babel all have thought adjusters and the capacity to switch on!! There is no point hiding or defending a deception upon man and especially its root source.
"Marduk opened the gate and the Sons of Dilmun poured forth"
and Marduk was a perpetuation of the Adam Legend and we are from 1stEden the home of Adam so that makes us the 'Sons of Marduk" or the Sons of Adam" in this day, under the auspices of the Sevenfold Mission on mission to the cities of the Tree of Life..
http://...www.urantia.org/en/search/node/marduk%20 type%3Abook
In Babylon the god Marduk was a perpetuation of the Adam legend, the son-of-God idea, the connecting link between man and God. Following the appearance of Adam on earth, so-called sons of God were common among the world races.
and note this fragment from the video
As the young men of Dilmun (unreadable) readied the new ship, the new ships, the planned vessels, Inscribed by Ut napishtim at the direction of Enlil on behalf of Ea, were made ready in those designated places. At two and three points (unreadable) the brave young men of Dilmun readied the vessels for the (unreadable) journey through the heavens, the holy migration. The brave young men of Dilmun administered the (unreadable)
"The young" more than just a description? could be a name in the revealing in the metaphor of today's reality, in relation to Dilmun actual.
I see it in the reality!
I left the crucial part out of the post, note Dilmun was a bright place but it was laced with distortion as we know today in understanding. But the reality of today is the following foreseen in Mesopotamia.
>>>Marduk opened the gate and the sons of Dilmun poured forth
The sons of Dilmun,
The brave young men of that pure city.
The brightest city of all<<<
Came forth while the sons of Eridu readied the table
Recited the incantations, the forgotten rites of old.
Radiant with clean hands stands Ninhursag
before the Annanuki.
With her clean hands she prepares, oversees preparations for the proper incantations, offerings and rites.
In her clean hands gifts of cucumbers, apples and grapes.
The offspring, the creation of the Gods, the assembly, the assembled Annunaki, for them
she prepared (unreadable).
In absolute truth there is no need of ritual just be yourself with the father and speak to him like I speak o you with an honest heart with love in all of this and learn about him in the heart. Just be good friends.You are the walking temple its not in stone building and things. The 3rd temple is the living temple of the individual. That temple is the only temple that is being rebuilt. That is the true temple. Your temple and what is within it.
In this day we are the connecting link between the Father and God in a physical project of the Father, being the Sons of 1stEden and revealing Dilmun in truth we become also the sons of Dilmun in the truth.
Somehow the following Urantia book link seems to express the reality which is also expressed in the Sumerian writings.
The UB
In Babylon >>the god Marduk was a perpetuation of the Adam legend, the son-of-God idea, the connecting link between man and God.<<>>>> Following the appearance of Adam on earth, so-called sons of God were common among the world races.<<<<<
We are the FAITH Sons of God today representatives of Adam in this reality, the vanguard of the truth. Bringing good news from the mall the mountains, the holy places of the Tree of Life.
There is no good news like this good news in a wonderful stage setting that we are acting out.
I came across this video of an islamic intepretation of an old tablet they belive is related to Moses. No worries everyone has there vioews on things I respect that.
The commonality I see in the tablet is the Sevens lines of the beard of Moses and the other image I see the same Seven lines on his forehead. Also understand the snake cult thoughts were strong in those days and has perpetuated in this world. Off course we a familiar with the travels of the Snake or Dragon throughout all spiritual culture. I'm not sure about the other things but the commonality between two individuals is the Sevenfold, the Sevens.
Also where was the tablet found, has it been dated and research scientifically?? They have there view I have mine. Its like the crop circles everyone has there idea of things in accordance to there travels and experience.
Consider Moses foresaw the outcome and prepared for it through his people and all the reality rituals put in place by him was a path he layed down, a path for the last Sevens guy who brings it out before transition.
In this case the Snake is associated with wisdom and what comes out of the Sevenfold beard and the Sevenfold Crown in the other image is wisdom and truth of the wise Snake not the unwise snake.
In my view what I see in both images of the tablet is Moses' compliment in the end days and related to an ark so to speak.
Very interesting video
Why Babel deny the reports and sightings is typical of what is behind Babel in truth, this revealing does mean fundamental changes and highlights things about the world we live in.
What is there to be worried about??? Is it something we fear to loose? holding on to the world and loose the soul kind of thing? Is that what Babel is afraid off and remember with a revealing means the milestone is thrown into the Sea, the milestone of Caligastia and Babel to.
Another example of how quick this interesting Midwayer world is.
Super Fast Object And Bird Together
Could it be a satellite?
Bright UFO Cardiff UK 15 May 2010
Surely Satellites don't glow like this Orb.
UFO Power-Up 16 May 2010 Cardiff UK
Some thoughts about Voyager 1 and its unknown garbled transmissions.
Is the sleeping Katla waking up?
On May 17, 2010 08:32 UTC, The Iceland Met office indicates that a small earthquake has occurred at the Katla location. In what could be an early indication of the event that is expected to occur (an eruption of Katla), a small earthquake is reported at the site. Although a single earthquake is not a precursor of an eminent eruption, it could be the first sigh of the awakening powerful giant.
If there is an evacuation to occur you can see they have the capability to evac a SLAVABLE population.
Note the Seven and Seven cult vessels brought to the mountain.
Revealed what was hidden and set the foundation and identify the conerstone.
Note the 5 cities were established....note the 5 aspect.
The Noah of the end day ark seems to be translated!
You the distant one shall do the Lord Jahs work. The distant Sevenfold mission to the cities of the tree of life where the 4 rivers came together near Dilmun. Beyond the lands submerged.
I believe love, understanding and blessings with heart felt love creates its own momentum and some thing the Universal government can participate in positively in a fine worthy project connected to the revealing of a revelation and the cities of the beginning.
I was looking into something where I found this fragment in the Urantia Book.
(1555.6) 139:4.13 John was in prison several times and was banished to the Isle of Patmos for a period of four years until another emperor came to power in Rome. Had not John been tactful and sagacious, he would undoubtedly have been killed as was his more outspoken brother James. As the years passed, John, together with James the Lord’s brother, learned to practice wise conciliation when they appeared before the civil magistrates. They found that a “soft answer turns away wrath.” They also learned to represent the church as a “spiritual brotherhood devoted to the social service of mankind” rather than as “the kingdom of heaven.” They taught loving service rather than ruling power — kingdom and king.
>>>>>(1555.7) 139:4.14 When in temporary exile on Patmos, John wrote the Book of Revelation, which you now have in greatly abridged and distorted form. This Book of Revelation contains the surviving fragments of a great revelation, large portions of which were lost, other portions of which were removed, subsequent to John’s writing. It is preserved in only fragmentary and adulterated form.<<<<<< (1555.8)
139:4.15 John traveled much, labored incessantly, and after becoming bishop of the Asia churches, settled down at Ephesus. He directed his associate, Nathan, in the writing of the so-called “Gospel according to John,” at Ephesus, when he was ninety-nine years old. Of all the twelve apostles, John Zebedee eventually became the outstanding theologian. He died a natural death at Ephesus in A.D. 103 when he was one hundred and one years of age.
I found this fragment full of advise with the truth.
They found that a >>“soft answer turns away wrath.”<< They also learned to represent the church as a >>“spiritual brotherhood devoted to the social service of mankind”<< rather than as “the kingdom of heaven.” They taught loving service rather than ruling power — >>kingdom and king.<<
Very interesting the advise! I take note of that.
Here is the3rd and latest crop circle displaying the 5 lines either side of the Arrow, the 55 signature and looks like the Sevenfold stone found on the track in the Bush.
I also notice 5 triangles on top of each other which to me has resemblance of the Shabbes/Seventh timeline stacked.
I also notice the triangle and circle chevron.

Here is a fragment of the position.
This new formation at Yarnbury Castle has some rather fascinating aspects to the design. Certainly a strong connection to Masonic history. On the ground the formation wasn't neat. A lot of breakage, however I have always stated that the phenomenon is not always as perfect as people suggest.
Here is the other image of the 3rd crop circle in the UK. It contains all the right patterns and image that compliments this journey from the triangle/circle cities with its patterns and timelines.
It appears to be a pyramid with a circle at its apex with 5 triangles or 55 signature points and connects with the apex circle. In the corners of the triangle there appears the familiar 3 circles, arranged in a triangle pattern. This circle has all the symbolism of the journey from ancient times including all its pattern signatures, dolmen markers.

the circles surrounding the circle in the Apex could be the 24 elders about the Judgement Seat! Paradise compliment.
Ralette R
WOW....! I am very attracted to these crop-circles and get visions.....yet I do not know what they MEAN!
I want to know what this means to us though....WHAT is the interpretation of this information...
Hi Ralette
To me its a compliment and confirmation that we are track in the journey from the beginning cities of the Tree of Life and its all to do with the Universal Government or Family in the revealing. a confirmation!
I counted 7 lines within the Pyramid.
The eye is in the formation.
Here is a diagram

Here is a diagram of the crop circle. Its appears to be 4(22) triangles pointing to the Apex and 6 lines or 7 if you include the triangle pattern line. I count 21 circles around the pattern.
The seven lines in the Pyramid blend into 5 centre corrners and then into 5 lines descending into the base, like a Sevenfold waterfall blending into the 5 midwayer lines.
10 small circles either side of the Pyramid, 55 and 55 coming to the one.
Everything is incorporated and blended. The eye probably is the watchers, the Midwayers. the 5 or 55 world in between physical and spiritual.
The Embrace!
Take note others think its a fake Ok for the reasons in the link, just keep that in mind.
Oh well there is much to say its a fake sorry about that.
But you know even it was fake and was the product of someone's mind. Nevertheless you would be surprised how the Father can use that even to relay a message unwittingly by the creator. I'm sure it can work that way even in the deception where the creator actually does the bidding of the Father thinking the design comes from his mind but maybe there is another process by the thought adjuster possibly.
The pattern does speak to me.
May 18th 2010
Mystery UFO Object Forces Delay Of Shuttle Landing. Interesting to see what it is.
Footage captured by a BBC WM journalist above the skies of the village of Wollaston near Stourbridge
A BBC WM journalist has filmed a mysterious light in the skies above Stourbridge.
Unidentified Tubular Objects
Friday May 14th 2010 over Brooklyn, New York, USA.
Surprisingly it looks similar to what British Solider eye witnessed two years back over his military barracks in Shropshire,UK.
filmed from my backyard in williamsburg, brooklyn. i watched it for about 10 minutes before it dropped out of sight. it was lowering so quickly that i had to rearrange the tripod several times to keep it in the frame.
filmed from bushwick, brooklyn. i'm not sure why the sound isn't working but if you want to watch with sound in HD go to:
Very strange
Organic UFO Fleet Over Brooklyn New York
Looks like they determined the problem with Voyager 2 communications.
Triangular UFO Over Manchester
here is more footage
UFO Over Manchester With Bonus Helicopter Footage.
Quite incredible
Here is a statement on MAY 14th 2010
Helicopter witness statement:: "heading out of Manchester in a private helicopter noticed this object. perhaps a promotional blimp of some kind but maybe a ufo!This was on May 14th at around half past 1 over west Manchester (coming from Barton airfield), the object was to the north"
UFO in Moscow on May,16th,2010 at 04:09
Just bare in mind that some of this guy videos are aircraft with cleasr strobe lights. He must live near an airport. 50/50. I was even dubious posting the above video as it could something on a building...Im just sure!.
Ahh see what happens.
You know what we are. Friends of God.
Abraham, however, did not walk in this way. Therefore, because he kept the commandments of God and did not prefer the desires of his own spirit, he was accounted the Friend of God12 and transmitted this status in turn to Isaac and Jacob. >>They too kept the commandments, and they too were recorded as Friends of God and as partners in His everlasting Covenant. <<
That is exactly what we are, Friends of the living Father in Heaven and within us.
We are heading for the Seven commands as restatement of the first Covenant. One Day!!! Whenever that is!!!
You know what we are. Friends of God.
Abraham, however, did not walk in this way. Therefore, because he kept the commandments of God and did not prefer the desires of his own spirit, he was accounted the Friend of God 12 and transmitted this status in turn to Isaac and Jacob. >>They too kept the commandments, and they too were recorded as Friends of God and as partners in His everlasting Covenant. <<
That is exactly what we are, Friends of the living Father in Heaven and within us.
We are heading for the Seven commands as restatement of the first Covenant. One Day!!! Whenever that is!!!
The is about us on the stage in this reality.
Zadokite Document within the Sevenfold Document.
0f the righteous remnant (iii, 12-iv, 6) Howbeit, with the rest of them-that is, with those that held fast to His commandments-God ever made good His everlasting Covenant with Israel, >>>>revealing to them the hidden things<<<<< concerning which Israel in general had gone astray-even >>>>His holy sabbaths and His glorious festivals, His righteous ordinances, the ways of His truth and the purposes of His will, 'the which, if a man do, he shall live' [Lev. 18.5]. <<<<<<
>>>>>He opened for them a well with water abounding,14 which they might dig.<<<< (the ancient places, digging a well in the water, digging submerged ruins looking for the Seven commands inb the submerged cities, The Father did this for us) But them that spurned those waters (Waters, The waters of truth, the waters literal where the cities lay. Note the ones that spurned....in trouble for denial, atheism and religious pride)
>>>> He did not permit to live.<<<<<<?????!!!!(Read that, hallmarks of Judgement)
And though they kept sullying themselves with human transgression and with filthy ways, and kept saying, "Tis our own concern',
(What do we care right, everywhere!! exactly, the nature of the journey in on going battle, but face book appears to be pleasant fields.)
>>>>>>>yet did God with His mysterious power<<<<<<
(Mystery, Sevenfold mystery) shrive their iniquity and forgive their transgression and build for them in Israel a firmly established House the like of which has >>>>not existed from ancient times until this day. <<<<
(Furthermore we come from the ancient places in this to verify the cities of the Tree of Life for the Healing of the Nations)
Its in the bag mate!, this is the construct the living witness foreseen surely!
The is about us on the stage in this reality.
Zadokite Document within the Sevenfold Document.
0f the righteous remnant
(iii, 12-iv, 6)
Howbeit, with the rest of them-that is, with those that held fast to His commandments-God ever made good His everlasting Covenant with Israel, >>>>revealing to them the hidden things<<<<< concerning which Israel in general had gone astray-even >>>>His holy sabbaths and His glorious festivals, His righteous ordinances, the ways of His truth and the purposes of His will, 'the which, if a man do, he shall live' [Lev. 18.5]. <<<<<<
>>>>>He opened for them a well with water abounding,14 which they might dig.<<<< (the ancient places, digging a well in the water, digging submerged ruins looking for the Seven commands inb the submerged cities, The Father did this for us)
>>>But them that spurned those waters<<<
(Waters, The waters of truth, the waters literal where the cities lay. Note the ones that spurned....in trouble for denial, atheism and religious pride)
>>>> He did not permit to live.<<<<<<?????!!!!
(Read that, hallmarks of Judgement) And though they kept sullying themselves with human transgression and with filthy ways, and kept saying, "Tis our own concern', (What do we care right, everywhere!! exactly, the nature of the journey in on going battle, but face book appears to be pleasant fields.)
>>>>>>>yet did God with His mysterious power<<<<<< (Mystery, Sevenfold mystery) shrive their iniquity and forgive their transgression and build for them in Israel a firmly established House the like of which has >>>>not existed from ancient times until this day.
(Furthermore we come from the ancient places in this to verify the cities of the Tree of Life for the Healing of the Nations)
Its in the bag mate!, this is the construct the living witness foreseen surely!
Yes and in metaphor and the characteristic of the journey has the same characteristics of full name and birth date having symbol and in some religions it is contained in prophecy birth date and name of Mother. All symbolic and fulfilling. Like the guy who kills Caligastia(The Last Rebel) is born on the 14th May. its a 1 456 1 in between a 1 and 1,11, Embraced either side in front and behind.
By 'sons of Zadok' is meant >>those elect<< of Israel that have >>been designated by name and that shall go on functioning in the last days.<<<
(The last days is this day)
Behold, >>>their names have been specified, the families into which they are to be born,<<>>> the epochs in which they are to function, >>>>>the full tale of their tribulations,<<<<>>> the length of their sojourn in exile<<<>>, and the precise nature of their deeds.<<
All runs in a similar metaphor.
and more.
This is about us brothers and Sisters, completely, it just reflects everything.
0f the reward of the faithful (iv, 612)
These were the 'holy men'16 of former times-the men whose sins God pardoned, who knew right for right and wrong for wrong. But all who up to the present time have succeeded them in carrying out explicitly the Law from which those ancients drew their lessons, them too will God forgive, in accordance with the Covenant which He made with those ancients to forgive their iniquities. And when the present era is completed, there will be no more express affiliation with the house of Judah; every man will 'mount guard' for himself. 'The fence will be rebuilt, and the bounds be far-flung' [cf. Mic. 7.11]17 .
(look at the numbers 71117) clue
and what I'm speaking about, the lifting of the Seven Commands and look at the proposal reflected in the Zadokite document. Also the nature of the Journey coming from former times about lifting up the Covenant of the Father with man in the ancient times, the Seven commands. Its a clear Match and the direction.
In the following is about this day, today!
These were the 'holy men'16 of former times-the men whose sins God pardoned, who knew right for right and wrong for wrong. But all who up to the present time have succeeded them in carrying out explicitly the Law from which those ancients drew their lessons, them too will God forgive, in accordance with the Covenant which He made with those ancients to forgive their iniquities.
We identify right from wrong and error.
The Seven command timeline
The thing is I came across the Zadokite document and created a page for it on
Monday, 1 October 2007 5:11 PM. (note: the 5 and 11)
However, I was speaking about the seven commands way before that time where I
established a page for the Seven commands.
Here is a general timeline
It was around Mon Feb 05, 2007 whilst creating tablet 7 that I read about the
Seven commands in the Urantia Book and where the thought came to mind about the
idea of retrieving the Seven commands.
Here is book mark to Tablet 7 and the Seven command thought.
Mon Feb 05, 2007 (note the 5 and 7)
Further down the track 2 days later I got excited and created the Seven command
page on this date.
It was on the 8th tablet on 7/2/07 at 7:02 am (feb 7th 07, note the 7). I got
excited and proclaimed "The Fathers way" or the Quest for the Seven commands.
Here is bookmark back to the time of eighth Tablet and the Seven commands .
the next day on the 8th Feb 2010, I created the Seven command page.
Thursday, 8 February 2007 7:04 PM
Its just a demonstration of how the idea came to pass in the beforehand only to
find it reflected in the Zadokite document when I discovered it and created a
page for it on Monday, 1 October 2007 >5:11< PM.
Note there all thoughts on the run.
By the way this is before I discovered the location of Dalamatia City on June 28th 2007. I thought Dalamatia was in a different place next to Babel.
Thank you Sonja, all the best blessings for you to. Thank you for being my friend on FB.
May 19th 2010
Very interesting poem and we are on the stage of planetary destiny.
Praise the Lord for the Sevenfold
* line 84: 4. Assistant Teachers. The assistant teachers are the helpers and associates of their fellow seraphim, the teaching counselors. They are also individually connected with the extensive educational enterprises of the local universe, esp...ecially with the sevenfold scheme of training operative on the mansion worlds of the local systems.
>>>A marvelous corps of this order of seraphim functions on Urantia for the purpose of fostering and furthering the cause of truth and righteousness.<<<<
Just beautiful praise the Lord! Right on the Sevenfold!
(164.2) 15:0.2 Early in the materialization of the universal creation the sevenfold scheme of the superuniverse organization and government was formulated. The first post-Havona creation was divided into seven stupendous segments, and the headquarters worlds of these superuniverse governments were designed and constructed. The present scheme of administration has existed from near eternity, and the rulers of these seven superuniverses are rightly called Ancients of Days.
The Ancients of Days are all about Judgement and Daniel speaks about them arriving on this planet. The Ancients of Days come from the beginning from near eternity and they are the end. They are the gatekeepers and they rule in he all the Sevenfold Universes.
They are due for arrival thats if they are not already here.
Psalm 77:5 (Psalm 77)
I have considered the days of old, the years of ancient times.
Isaiah 23:7
Is this your joyous city, whose antiquity is of ancient days? her own feet shall carry her afar off to sojourn.
Isaiah 51:9
Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord; awake, as in the ancient days, in the generations of old. Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab, and wounded the dragon?
All clues and part of the construct in the above but here is Daniel about the literal Ancient of Days.
All in Chapter Seven, Chapter Sevenfold!!
Daniel 7:9
I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and >>the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.<<<
Daniel 7:13
I saw in the night visions, and, behold, >>>>one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.<<<<
There is an individual who does a good job in completing the mission, in service to the Ancients of Days and is brought before them. Praise the Lord for that experience for that one who is like a Son of Man perhaps a brother of man in service to his fellow and who was vital in his work that brought in the arrival of the Ancient of Days. This individual must also come from the beginning, in alignment of the Beginning where the end of ignorance comes.
>>>Daniel 7:22
Until the Ancient of days came, and judgement was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.<<<
Yes, in the time beforehand the Judgement, the construct and catalyst was given in the revealing of the hidden from the beginnings.
This is a Most High project and connected to the Zadokite Document of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Praise the lord! Thats all I can do is just praise.
I forgot this in Job, all relevant in the metaphor and in the reality.
Job 12:12
With the ancient is wisdom; and in length of days understanding.
I think a proposal should be made for a 3rd expedition for 1stEden to verify the whole place confirming the design, the Acropolis (top to bottom), the wall and the great mound where the circle in the triangle apex Chevron is seen and plus adjoining areas.
After the success of this, it should set us up for the Dilmun and Dalamatia City in the gathered momentum using all the scriptures and new information available.
Anyone interested???
Who is interested in a 3rd expedition to 1st Eden followed by expeditions to the Persian Gulf where we can verify the very beginning first cities and alter planetary destiny for the betterment of mankind in truth that can be demonstarated??? finally!! We need this for man and the future.
Here is an artist impression of ancounter a police man had investigating a crop circle.
For information go to this link and scroll.

Here is a fragment.
Wiltshire police called one day in July last year to arrest a farmer opening fire near a crop circle the farmers Union called man made. The same week a policeman from the same force discovered three tall aliens near another crop circle nearby.
The above is an artist impression.
Hey I just found this
Post subject: Rapture - this weekend 22/23 May 2010????Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 1:22 am
Here is more information.
Keep in mind the world was to end around May 6th 2010 because of a large object around the Sun but apparently nothing happened. Im not sure whether this the right construct but I have n open mind.
But you know, always be prepared as if anything is scheduled like that, it will come upon man like rushing wind.
I note the 22 commonality and I wonder how he came with that idea. I see the commonality in the pattern.
I also note in the time stamp of post May 21, 2010 1:22 am
Its the 20 21 22 pattern that I am familiar with. Somebody either must be seeing this pattern in his way or it could influenced by this research. Hard to say!
Well upon reading it everyone has there view on things but I don't know to be honest as there is no depth like this depth of the ancient places, I don't think it compares.
But you never know!! and consider before a Universal event the thought adjust of many people would be reacting or activating in accordance to ones understanding on these things who is influenced by there religion and what there teachers think but you really have to explore things to find the path that fits lie a glove.
In the end time transition construct, the 500 ideas from the past where only
one will come to pass. There are many paths that lead to the fulfilment of this
one path. I think the Essenes had good image of this through Zadokite document
combined with the bible and the Odes of Solomon. I think the tracks in those
books never really considered have good accuracy.
The Essenes hide all those books for the reopening of the Office of the Messiah. They were the books to be used as well and where untainted through the last 2000 years.
I proclaimed the opening of the Messiah straight after I found the fragment. I feel I could do that because I come from the beginning, the cities of the Tree of Life.
I just did it in the instance because I knew I was right. Praise the Lord! and I was digging into the well, in the water looking for all the ancient cities. The Sevenfold path of the past that leads to all our generations from the beginning of our Spiritual Culture when the Sons of God arrived.
And I know through my paths in church and bible college and my early childhood years when I responded to the Father within me, I began reading Proverbs and Psalms wanting to be like Solomon wise with wisdom. It was the Urantia Book that connected everything for me. I recognised it instantly. I knew it was right from the beginning without hesitation like I know about 1stEden and the other cities.
All that spiritual experience had set me up for this journey to recognise, on the levels of religion.
However, since those days I have made a few error stumbles along the way. For Sure and this is like a redemption for me in a sense, attempting to make up for mistakes I have made.
and this is interesting
'Artificial life' breakthrough announced by scientists

8.1) 42:1.4 Subsequent to even still greater progress and further discoveries, after Urantia has advanced immeasurably in comparison with present knowledge, though you should gain control of the energy revolutions of the electrical units of matter to the extent of modifying their physical manifestations — even after all such possible progress, forever will scientists be powerless to create one atom of matter or to originate one flash of energy or ever to add to matter that which we call life.
399.5) 36:3.3 When, in accordance with approved formulas, the physical patterns have been provided, then do the Life Carriers catalyze this lifeless material, imparting through their persons the vital spirit spark; and forthwith do the inert patterns become living matter.
(399.6) 36:3.4 The vital spark — the mystery of life — is bestowed through the Life Carriers, not by them. They do indeed supervise such transactions, they formulate the life plasm itself, but it is the Universe Mother Spirit who supplies the essential factor of the living plasm. From
the Creative Daughter of the Infinite Spirit comes that energy spark which enlivens the body and presages the mind.
(399.7) 36:3.5 In the bestowal of life the Life Carriers transmit nothing of their personal natures, not even on those spheres where new orders of life are projected. At such times they simply initiate and transmit the spark of life, start the required revolutions of matter in accordance with the physical, chemical, and electrical specifications of the ordained plans and patterns. Life Carriers are living catalytic presences which agitate, organize, and vitalize the otherwise inert elements of the material order of existence.
Im not sure whether this is related to Spirit life, that spark.
(478.5) While gravity is one of several factors concerned in holding together a tiny atomic energy system, there is also present in and among these basic physical units a powerful and unknown energy, the secret of their basic constitution and ultimate behavior, a force which remains to be discovered on Urantia. This universal influence permeates all the space embraced within this tiny energy organization.
This Is Not A Glitch. Real UFO, Explain This NASA?
This Planet is known as the WORLD OF THE CROSS.
Here is word search in the Urantia Book
UFO Seen In Beijing
Here is article and thoughts of some people regarding the Keyhole crop circle.
Yarnbury Castle, nr Winterbourne Stoke,
Wiltshire. Reported 16th May.
...Note the top circle right of centre.
http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2010/ Yarnbury/comments.html
I love them crop circles!
So do I, I think they are great and inspiring and really makes you think in trying to work the symbol out, in what they are saying to us.
Ufo? Please Watch Full Screen
Ufo? Please Watch Full Screen Video
Amazing Cloaked UFO Filmed 19 May 2010
Is quite interesting but I wonder if the laser hassles the orb.
Amazing Cloaked UFO Filmed 19 May 2010 Video
Amazing Probe UFO Video UK.
Amazing Probe UFO Video UK. Video
Hard to see maybe something there.
Hoagland Update:New Phobos Photos on Coast toCoast AM 031510
Hoagland Update:New Phobos Photos on Coast toCoast AM 031510
US Begins Massive Military Build Up Around Iran, Sending Up To 4 New Carrier Groups In Region
US Begins Massive Military Build Up Around Iran, Sending Up To 4 New Carrier Groups In Region
Maybe this is in response to Israel in there reaction to Iran??
I really think Iran leadership should thinking about the welfare of there people rather than all this promulgation and desires that are unrealistic to the betterment of all mankind. There is a very positive path for Iran with lay under the waters but they don't see it and don't want to see it. That I find dissapointing for a religious government.
Thinking about this build up, I remember writing to the US government long
time ago and spoke about the construct and the cities and whether they could
check the ancient places for themselves through the US navy so they have surety
in the anomalies and they have the capability to do these things. The secular
world will not touch this as too much can be lost but the military would be interested in this as this is part of the Defence of the USA in truth. This is Kingdom of Heaven stuff and the USA and its people have to be prepared for a possible event that was foreseen in prophecy.
Maybe this could explain the build up as there maybe some investigation going on in the area in a discreet way.
The US navy in the Persian Gulf could be a wall for Israel to.
It is very possible that something could flare up and be very serious.
Its better for Iran to change tack and look into these places as a test of the truth. That would be for all nations and the US Navy can do it. Because the prime Government of this world wants the truth, has to know the truth for there own selves.
I am very happy for that to occur and I would be happy to help them any way I can because i believe in the people of the USA. Its for the people of the people and for the world.
I believe Barack Obama has enough depth in spiritual culture to make this happen because he is original and different and thinks a little different with a wider mind. He is a mix of culture which I think brings about broadness, wider and deeper thinking.
That's what the country needs, Inspiration in truth a journey of revealing that last remaining mystery of the hidden being revealed.
The USA can do it for all mankind, for the people of the people and that's would be George Washington wish for the people to uncover the Atlantis, the foundation the country was built upon. However, all the truth must be known and verified.
The Navy can do that now and Iran can be invited to look upon the results where the truth can be conveyed to them for the own benefit and for its people.
I believe this is the leadership the people are looking for. The bold leadership in faith guided by the truth of everything. That would modify world planetary society to the Utopian paths.
Its just possible they will find it and they will help. I am confident of that. Somehow! I hope so I want that to happen. The US forces in the victory of the truth in uncovering the hidden. But it is a victory for the truth and its for the betterment for all mankind.
With what is to come I believe there no point hiding things any longer. Bring it out and verify the places and that will be the redemption of the great cup of Sins, in the physical and in the spiritual. The Cup of Sin is massive on this planet and it does over runneth everywhere, in all levels except the tribes in th...e bush that arent affected by man. Even then they are slaughtered and for what!!
The usual isnt it, the Kingdom of Heaven is not happy with that but we can all change that in a flash of realisation in the truth.
A great nation can be absolved heading in a new direction in the truth of everything. When man has the full truth there is nothing that can stop his inspiration in a rebuild of himself in greater truth and understanding of all things.
Robert E
You are so right Dennis. This is why I have been more open with what I know to be the truth and my journey back to my indigenous roots.
Hey brother, thanks for being my friend, I read your profile and I can relate to what you say brother and what you feel.
I give honour the The races of the Indian nations and I believe all there prophecies through all the great wise men of all the Indian nations will all come to pass. As the Father of all things will descend upon the planet in the revealing of his great Kingdom vast and eternal.
(513.8) 45:4.5 3. Onamonalonton, a far-distant leader of the red man and the one who directed this race from the worship of many gods to the veneration of “The Great Spirit.”
He comes for his people, the fact that he sits "And round about the throne" where "The throne in the center of this group is the judgement seat" He is one of the Elders and he comes.
Onamonalonton one of the "personal agents on Jerusem" comes and he is personal to his people, all the people of the great Indian Nations that s till exist and for the all of the past generations from day one.
4. The Four and Twenty Counselors
(513.4) 45:4.1 At the center of the seven angelic residential circles on Jerusem is located the headquarters of the Urantia advisory council, the four and twenty counselors. John the Revelator called them the four and twenty elders: “And round about the throne were four and twenty seats, and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment.” The throne in the center of this group is the judgment seat of the presiding archangel, the throne of the resurrection roll call of mercy and justice for all Satania. This judgment seat has always been on Jerusem, but the twenty-four surrounding seats were placed in position no more than nineteen hundred years ago, soon after Christ Michael was elevated to the full sovereignty of Nebadon.
These four and twenty counselors are his personal agents on Jerusem, and they have authority to represent the Master Son in all matters concerning the roll calls of Satania and in many other phases of the scheme of mortal ascension on the isolated worlds of the system. They are the designated agents for executing the special requests of Gabriel and the unusual mandates of Michael.
I'm really inspired you wrote thank you, it really touched me man. if I can be of help to your people, no worries at all!!! like to all people of every race. No worries Im in service!!
The Gates of the City of Open.
Here is article and thoughts of some people regarding the Keyhole crop circle.
Yarnbury Castle, nr Winterbourne Stoke, Wiltshire. Reported 16th May.
Note the top circle right of centre.

May 22nd 2010
Hi Lily all I know that this event is not only mentioned in the Bible but Sumerian text and it seems necessary to occur because it might be a matter of protection of the species.
If something like this in on, you guys can stay here. I'm not some hero. I think there is very little one can do here and I see evidence in the no participation of many people who claim all there highness but I don't see much doing. Just all talk as far as I'm concerned, what talk there is.
I reckon talk allot but I see the evidence. I just look at the way my work have been ruthlessly affected by broken links where I least expected. i see with the regards to the ancient place3s NOTHNG! ZERO, NADDA FAILURE, forget about exploring those places because people sit on the fence, that's all.
Man knows the construct and doesn't give a damn even the big boys of religion, that rejection might be reflected in the Government. The beginning was designed to have a real impact on the truth heart of man, and where are people concerning these places NO BLOODY WHERE. I don't even get on like for a proposal to 1stEden, so that is size of man really small in his crap.
I have had enough of all the rejection over the past and man deserves exactly what he gets, in full. Because he walks hypocrisy. All the big talk and nothing that I can see in my experience in the whole time.
This evacuation speak is written in the books of the prime religions, its written in many spiritual cultures and they all have commonality. Its not just dogma for one religion.
Man is truly asleep and needs the wake up call because there is nothing coming from man! I mean a real wake up to himself. I can tell you mans concern about the final construct...."tis our concern" like, who gives a damn! Right! in the evidence in the whole time. No one has anything to be proud of considering the appalling response to a call to the ancient places for further definition. Too little to late and yet I know there are true ones who have exploration and discovery on there minds and they cannot be fulfilled in the experience because of man's crap and the simply doing nothing, the all talk and do nothing that I can see in the response.
I say bring it all on today! if today is the day!
I just like bloody yesterday another dishonour, the dishonour of people. I have been dishonoured 3 times by a guy who was entrusted and dishonoured me 3 times. Just a simple thief and has driven this office into the ground and he talks about God and Jesus. Ahh Im ,battered and beaten but not quite broken yet, that's because of people claiming spirituality with God and Jesus and just break me a the end of the day.
Its all this stuff that will be driven of the planet and I say bring evacuation on, away from all the hypocrisy that walks this planet.
When people speak about Jesus I really believe them and feel instant brotherhood yet they are vipers, sheep in wolves clothing, wittingly or unwittingly.
And I feel a total lamb awaiting the great slaughter. There is nothing I can do and certainly no one is going to help this office nor the quest for the Seven commands.
No way known, there will be nothing coming forth from man even from all the crews of the past. Nothing will happen and there will be no support in any proposal coming from this office.
All blessing to you if you want to stay here be a hero, it will be your time when all the goodness is taken off planet.
The Targum from the beginnings is left behind and I did my job in full dedication, I don't care about staying here. If rapture is on, I'm out of here and meet Jesus and come back to be part of the resolve but with the Kingdom of Heaven in return.
Good luck to you guys hooray hooray stay here be a hero, no worries with further negativity and great fear with trepidation
You guys who stay here and can spread my Targum of the Beginnings of the truth and mummer about it in the do nothing, in the beforehand because that is the only witness there is available of what just happened in the full truth.
Like I await, like a lamb ready for the slaughter maybe the roles maybe reversed in what just happened. I'm just waiting for the call from the bank but not only that I await the call of the Most High for uplift because he is the only one that can do something in support of this office because man will not, in his stiff neck that needs chiropractic work.
The only help that came was from Robert Sarmast, that was the only help and stepping stone that helped. I honour that but where is everyone else to break further ground.
Going to the ancient places is the most pleasant way forward for mankind, its is the Elysian fields of the Father on this planet and is acceptable and nice thing that the Universal Government and man can be involved in.
All it gets is rejection in the quite.
I know the expeditions to 1stEden was financially tough on people who did participate and I was thinking with further exploration and uncovering it could redeem past sacrifices of peoples hard earned money from 1st Eden.
To make a negative a positive in further dissemination of the UB for this planet. I'm absolutely sure all things will be honoured at the end of the day concerning the places of the beginnings.
But I don't think it will happen so plan B might have to take effect.
Don't worry about it mate! you take it easy man, stay asleep. No worries at all everything in hand.
Hey Andre
I went through the Link of Chris Halverson....Just a fabulous researcher and consider the meanings for the following since I focalise on these places in the research from the beginnings which involves Dalamatia City where the fall occurred, the first default of Caligastia including Dalagastia.
>>>>>Caligastia = the one who is (-tia) entirely (as) darkness (calig-), and no longer personal
Dalamatia = the place (-tia) [to stand] together (ama) with (Dal)igastia
Daligastia = the one who is next in standing after, and who stands with, Caligastia (since "D" immediately follows "C" in the alphabet); also as a parallel to "Caligastia", "the one who consorts with Caligastia" (dali- < dally = to converse = obs., to consort); as a further illusion, "the one who is entirely deception" (dali- < dally = to trifle < O.Fr., trufle = diminutive of truffe = deception)
Edentia = the (eden)ic place (-tia)<<<<<
Conside this if I personalise it considering the journey.
Dennis is my name right. Dennis and further, if I take out the n, Den-is, Like Den is and Pharaoh Den of Egypt had the same initials. hahaha what a laugh.
And what does Den-is stand for in the message of the journey.....To stand together as in the journey literal top Dalamatia City. To Stand together of the truth and the Heavenly home book. The Urantia Book of the Heavenly one, in the oneness of the experience of the journey of faith to the beginnings of the Tree of Life.
I'm a "D" and I come after "C" and the C for me is ABC-123 the first, who works with DEF-456, the 3 elder midway secondaries and I see the same 456 signature in birthdate and I work with DEF-456 who led me in conjunction with the Spirit of truth to Dalamatia City.
Like DE 45 .....4 fives 5555, dont know where the 6 is though hahahaha, as in the F. But in birthdate its a complete sequence 456 as in 1 456 1, 456 within the ones or DEF as in DEF-456 with in the ones.
Denn-is or Den is within the ones and wiorks with elder brothers DEF-456. he is a Sevens.
Thinking about this build up, I remember writing to the US government long
time ago and spoke about the construct and the cities and whether they could
check the ancient places for themselves through the US navy so they have surety
in the anomalies and they have the capability to do these things. The secular
world will not touch this as too much can be lost but the military would be
interested in this as this is part of the Defence of the USA in truth. This is
Kingdom of Heaven stuff and the USA and its people have to be prepared for a
possible event that was foreseen in prophecy.
Maybe this could explain the build up as there maybe some investigation going on
in the area in a discreet way.
The US navy in the Persian Gulf could be a wall for Israel to.
It is very possible that something could flare up and be very serious.
Its better for Iran to change tack and look into these places as a test of the
truth. That would be for all nations and the US Navy can do it. Because the
prime Government of this world wants the truth, has to know the truth for own
I am very happy for that to occur and I would be happy to help them any way I
can because i believe in the people of the USA. Its for the people of the people
and for the world.
I believe Barack Obama has enough depth in spiritual culture to make this happen
because he is original and different and thinks a little different with a wider
mind. He is a mix of culture which I think brings about broadness, wider and
deeper thinking.
That's what the country needs, Inspiration in truth a journey of revealing that
last remaining mystery of the hidden being revealed.
The USA can do it for all mankind, for the people of the people and that's would
be George Washington wish for the people to uncover the Atlantis, the foundation
the country was built upon. However, all the truth must be known and verified.
The Navy can do that now and Iran can be invited to look upon the results where
the truth can be conveyed to them for the own benefit and for its people.
I believe this is the leadership the people are looking for. The bold leadership
in faith guided by the truth of everything. That would modify world planetary
society to the Utopian paths.
Its just possible they will find it and they will help. I am confident of
that. Somehow! I hope so I want that to happen. The US forces in the victory of
the truth in uncovering the hidden. But it is a victory for the truth and its
for the betterment for all mankind.
23rd May 2010
Ufo filmed during fireworks in Slovakia
Mr Maussan shows us this interesting piece of footage taken during filming of
fireworks in Slovakia. Wood be good if anyone actually in Slovakia who may
have seen this could comment to verify the footage.
Thank you for your kind words, I really appreciate your friendship, thank you very much great blessings in everything in all things, no worries at all! Thanks Inger!
Thanks for the friendship!
POsters comments:
I filmed this object in the sky & have no idea what it was. It moved way too fast to be a bird or weather balloon. It could have been a plane but it made no noise at all so i thought at the very least i would upload it to see if anyone had any ideas as to what this may have been.
This is a very interesting piece from the Urantia Book . this is the crux of the matter I think.
"(382.6) 34:7.6 Notwithstanding this double disaster to man’s nature and his environment, present-day mortals would experience less of this apparent warfare between the flesh and the spirit if they would enter the spirit kingdom, wherein the faith sons of God enjoy comparative deliverance from the slave-bondage of the flesh in the enlightened and liberating service of wholehearted devotion to doing the will of the Father in heaven. >>>>>>Jesus showed mankind the new way of mortal living whereby human beings may very largely escape the dire consequences of the Caligastic rebellion and most effectively compensate for the deprivations resulting from the Adamic default.<<<<<<
>>>>>>>“The spirit of the life of Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of animal living and the temptations of evil and sin.” “This is the victory that overcomes the flesh, even your faith.”"
Note this
>>>>>>Jesus showed mankind the new way of mortal living whereby human beings may very largely escape the dire consequences of the >>Caligastic rebellion and most effectively compensate for the deprivations resulting from the Adamic default.<<<<<<
and we are revealing both places 1stEden and Dalamatia City to verify this information.
Chris Y
wayyyyyyyy cool!
(380.6) 34:6.5 The divine Spirit is the source of continual ministry and
encouragement to the children of men. Your power and achievement is “according
to his mercy, through the renewing of the Spirit.” Spiritual life, like physical
energy, is consumed. Spiritual effort results in relative spiritual exhaustion.
The whole ascendant experience is real as well as spiritual; therefore, it is truly written, “It is the Spirit that quickens.” “The Spirit gives life.”
That is the experience in the witness throughout the whole time. Brother Chris, thanks man for your encouragement.
Hezbollah reportedly mobilizing in Lebanon ahead of large IDF drill Hezbollah official warns the organization will be prepared to attack if Israel launches offensive on Lebanon, AFP reports.
Oh well, you can see already the positioning.
Wilton Windmill, nr Wilton, Wiltshire. Reported 22nd May.
There might be a mesage in Binary Code.
Note the 22 in the date on a 5th month and a message of the circle.


I cant work this one out so her is a better thought
Here is some other thoughts
http://www.cropcircleconne ctor.com/2010/wilton/comme nts.html
Wild thought.
Unless its a 24 character alphabet of Dalamatia City of Dilmun. So we can read and identify the Seven commands when we lift them up. We can use this Rosetta Crop circle in verifying the Seven commands. That would be the connection.
In this mirror of the binary result I see 5 question marks?
Anyway, it seems like a formula of some sort.
thats cool! a formula
What I have at the top in caparison is all out ok.
What I have at the top in caparison is all out ok. but I was on track in the first thought in the binary thought.
In this mirror of the binary result I see 5 question marks?
Space Elevators?
Ancient Aliens 2010: Closer Encounters Pt 7/9
According to the link there was supposed to be rapture, one hour to go over here and everything seems normal.
Threats Shutdown the Orion Project
Four key scientists working on The Orion clean energy project, pull out after a visit by a former CIA Director. "In the event that anything happens to any of us (injury, false legal charges, disappearance, death), and we cannot go forward, copies of this information will be released to the public.
It just has to happen doesnt it, they just cant help themselves and I wonder if the President knows all about this.
Its just an attempt of man preventing man from helping others.
Do you think that is salvable?
How can mankind progress when he is hampered by the spirit of Caligastia on this planet, I ask the Lord and the Midwayer world using this as an example. How can we possibly progress from the Milestone.
Like going to Dalamatia City or even 1stEden how can we accomplish these things with this spirit of Death around us through the agents of Caligastia, truly the lamb at the slaughter. Everyone who has money wants only to extract more out of others rather than build truly a society based on truth.After this planetary example of the ex CIA shutting down a worthy project is just really example of how hamstrung man is in this world.
He cant do anything related to the truth. There is no way man is going to these cities.
This is why Judgement comes for all these people. Its the only answer if progress has to be made and I know there is many that agree. There are two will the darkness within the Government and the good that try but are subdued because they live of the system.
Money and Power does rule! I just don't know how the Most High can fix this up, its been a while this carry on business within government. Even yesterday i spoke to a man who thinks nothing off extracting another 1000 per month from an old lady who cant afford much. Just another selfish bully, the spirit of Caligastia! Just another director of death and fear. I might as well sit in this room and write and forget about expeditions. Its not going to happen and if anything happens they will not tell you. Thats for sure, even though it is the government of the people....Two wills and one is manipulated by the other. Using the example of the ex CIA director....everyone will be judged for all there actions and that is the true reality and no one will escape. There is no escape for any man except those who are in alignment with the Sovereign Jesus, in truth and in the doing. On subject about the subduing of alternative energy, look at the power grid now.
What a mess and a complete monopoly rip off. and thats man for you, for the people right, doesn't even think about the people. Thats the spirit you are dealing with. I always knew man was the weakest link in this chain of truth, he is definitely a weakling little liar. Always running for cover.
This is really your true reality, and if there was an evac you want to stay here, are you right???? If evac comes this witness is sufficient for all the evil left behind. This is all they get and nothing more.You can be a hero but I don't bloody care and you going to expect help like i got from man. forget it!!!! get all that self vain glorious rubbish of being a hero in spiritual vanity.
You would better off meeting Jesus and come back with him in the adjudging of the age where you can do something. What we live in is just Bullshit mate!
There is no doubt about it, the saints in the end are all overwhelmed....I am in this work absolutely, I am completely overwhelmed today right now. It was the selfishness of man in his robbery that overwhelmed this work. No one has to come against me its just man NATURAL. Man just has to be himself and this work is screwed and definately overwhelmed.
Its real trepidation being on the verge broke and insolvency. I write to the end and it comes from people close to me. All agents of Caligastia! Lamb to the slaughter stuff, definately we are in the times. Its interesting to experience a micro scenario like this that throughout the whole world.
I just laugh now how Caligastia comes against the faith Sons of the Father through others in there natural propensity even though they now what they do is false and a lie. All liars and cheats! We just live in a really ultimately screwed up planet! Ultimately screwed up by the complete evil that runs through man's heart in partial truth. we are screwed from the beast effect, I am screwed by Man the beast.
I man overwhelmed by the Beast, Caligastia. He ruins good work of truth and man can only stand by to see the slaughter and really there is nothing he can do because he also suffers from fear and trepidation even the spiritual ones which I can understand.
Overwhelmed from the bible and few clues.
http://www.christnotes.org /bible.php?q=overwhelmed&v er=kjv
Psalm 61:2
From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
Psalm 77:3
I remembered God, and was troubled: I complained, and my spirit was
overwhelmed. Selah.
Psalm 142:3
When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then thou knewest my path. In the way wherein I walked have they privily laid a snare for me.
Psalm 143:4
Therefore is my spirit overwhelmed within me; my heart within me is desolate.
Psalm 78:53
And he led them on safely, so that they feared not: but the sea overwhelmed their enemies.
Psalm >55:5<
Fearfulness and trembling are come upon me, and horror hath overwhelmed me. Lord you have to do something I am overwhelmed utterly, I am completely stuck and trapped. All my enemies to this work have overwhelmed me. Most High Help!
the Sea of liars and cheats have overwhelmed me.
I have a problem with this.
http://www.realufos.net/2010/05/threats- shutdown-orion-project.html ex Government employee, employed by the people goes around threatening death to people trying to improve things for the benefit of his fellow brother.
Now you really know who runs everything.
The Corporates who have a complete monopoly over everything. The Real Babel of everything. If anything occurs to these people, this ex CIA boss man can be charged for murder or direct accessory before and after the fact. Why don't Orion project take him to court and make it world wide for innuendo and threat of life.Use him as an example of the evil that has infested Government.
No doubt he will get away with it but least the people know the real truth of the matter. If this occurred you know the Judgement will be in the ex CIA boss man favour.
We know that.
The ex CIA boss man is an example of those above the law like the Fed treasury reserve, they own the country, not the people forget that notion. Thats all propaganda created to deceive the people on all the levels unwittingly.
The Majestic project should of been called the Mongrel project because this is where these people come from. And really these are the people responsible for so many murders of good honest creative people who could of made a positive difference. In real truth the EX CIA boss man is no different to a TERRORIST in attitud,e just another one but on the other side but yet they both work for Caligastia, the last Rebel in the utter deception over mankind....all mankind!.
Its all bloody evil the whole damn lot!
This is precisely why the Judgement of all mankind must come for this planet. To take the evil out once and for all and start again form scratch without CIA ex bosses threatening your ass with terrorist acts with death and destruction of the person.
You made the wrong move ex CIA boss and the Kingdom of Heaven will come calling for you at Judgement. That is really bad for an ex government employee who the people trusted to do this. Very bad and he has to repent or loose his soul. Because know this out of the hands of Government and system, its is now in the hands of the MOST HIGH of the Constellation.
I place this matter in the hands of the MOST HIGH for action. I pettition the MOST HIGH and the ANCIENT OF DAYS for action on this matter. I place this matter in there courts of Universal Justice through my spirit.
I cant do a thing except write.
Why not go further I place the matter of planetary government and the world for Judgement in the Justice Courts of the Ancient of Days.
Right now in this instant! It is done! Office of the Messiah VS Planetary Government in conjunction with Gabriel VS Lucifer. Using the example of Orion project Vs the Government including all the corporates non aligned with Universal LAW.
III take em all to court of the Universe....I don't care I have nothing to loose.
Answer back, they will all have there day in court and there will be no escape! ALL of them.They can murder my ass and I dont give a damn anymore, I see what man do others. I had hope in the US government but know that faith has just vanished.
They just let me run because they think I'm an idiot anyway but there is an under estimation going on. Remember, the ancients of Days are the Judges of all Judges of the land and an appeal and case can be lodged in the Justice Courts of the ancients of Days, even after the Supreme court because the Bible recognise the Court of the ancient of Days.
This is the highest court that an appeal or case can be taken. It is the highest court of all courts and recognised by the Bible upon which our law system is based upon. You see the threats of death and destruction of the ex CIA boss against the Orion project would not stand in court of the land, because its all corrupted.
But In the courts of the Ancients of Days he hasn't got a hope. He wouldn't even stand because he would of judged himself, like he knows what we did was wrong and against the law.
He knows that he is wrong in his soul and the Ancients of Days know this to.
Thats the real Justice.
No one gets away with anything on this planet and people attempt to get away with it in court and are successful because they have money and power. But in real honest truth there is no escape and any escape is only temporary. Every case that happens here is on record in the Justice Courts of the Ancient of Days.
All the Judges of the land are Judged to, they don't get away with dishonesty, nor corruption, actually the penalty for them is much worse. Because in there corruption they have destroyed many people.
Hey I'm not saying all judges are corrupt but they have to understand the spiritual penalty for corruption. By the way who pays this ex CIA boss with threats of terrorism upon good hard working people. Who pays HIM??
There is another answer to that will be revealed in the Justice Courts of the Ancient of Days.
In truth the Judge has no option but to give up the case to the courts of the Ancients of Days.
They know the answer already, the Most High knows everything behind this threat of terrorism against the Orion project. here is the link that works of this terrorist Ex CIA boss man threat.
http://www.realufos.net/20 10/05/threats-shutdown-ori on-project.html
The people behind and who pays the ex CIA boss might have power and influence but the Midwayers can alter reality and that is our defence for those who work in the Kingdom of Heaven on this planet.
May 25th 2010
I really want to the Kingdom of Heaven to reveal itself now but one thing I know we can only do what we do each day in the journey which is sufficient for the day. But each day we pursue and persist in truth the more truth we build together in our own research as we share and compliment each other to uplift.
Another thing, I know the way to the Fathers heart in the construct of day is through uplift, through the paths of discovery and recognition followed by realisation. Like a personal revelatory experience. In that experience is the living fountain that we draw from each day.
I know this is the right way to Paradise. In this way the Father of Heaven can comprehend and acknowledge us , walking with us to the places of the hidden in the revealing, in the beautiful experience of discovery and verification that leads to a very good path.
This I know is the path for religion but other people try to tempt the Father through war and destruction to fulfil prophecy and to push the Father into action this is the wrong way.
Like today these countries surrounding Israel to make war in order to fulfil prophecy and tempt the Angels and the Father, they are wrong and it will not work. The only path that will work is through the discovery path.
Note: when I mean countries I mean the Religious fighting groups that think nothing but war.
I tell you something the Mahdi supports Israel and there Sons if not all sons if they all make peace and become friends. The Melchizedek covenant is respected., upheld by the Kingdom of Heaven where it will be uplifted into a new and wider covenant for all mankind for another 1000 years.
We are heading for the Cities of the Tree of Life and surely the tree of life will manifest in the experience of a world event of revealing where things are set in order. These are the positive things that should be sort after in the verification avoiding war all together.
All sons can focus on this and become friends in the discovery, realisation researching the matter with wider knowledge. This provides for better understanding with wisdom.
The Mahdi in this day does not support war and desires peace amoungst all brothers in the discovery and realisation. The Mahdi wants Islam and all religion to go and verify the cities of the Tree of Life. This is exactly what he wants from Islam. The Mahdi wants Islam if not all Christianity to go hand in hand to find the truth of everything and have no war and to dispel terrorism in the ranks. Terrorism and religion in war used as weapon is clearly wrong and it is no way to Paradise especially when war is not necessary!
The Mahdi in this day desires truth, beauty and goodness in man that can be verified so that man begins to grow within himself through diligent research and proper study. No rote nor ritual is required except for the heart of a man in sincerity and he can walk upright with God in his heart and with the Angels with confidence in faith and spiritual experience. No material buildings nor things are required except for wider study on the matter. I read I see and I study and learn with sincerity being teachable.
The Mahdi desires all religious terrorist warring factions to lay down arms and cease war and the thoughts of war, death and destruction. The Mahdi desires that everyone go back to there families and rebuild ones life in truth that can be verified. In truth one can rebuild civilisation on a proper foundation based on truth, beauty and goodness, in alignment with the Kingdom of Heaven in truth and in law. The Mahdi desires Islam to follow the path Jesus set down in his teachings of Love for One another and forgiveness, where ones enemy becomes a friend and walks together in a new revelation to compliment the old into the new.
Everyone has to learn to understand each other and the way to do that is through discovering the truth of our total past and verifying the information that led us there in a mystery.
The Mahdi wants Islam to learn all about the Generations of Old through the adventures of the high seas in quest of lifting up of the Seven commands that lays submerged in the Persian Gulf in either Dilmun or Dalamatia City. That will be the truth and a truth that will reset planetary destiny and bring all divisions into oneness with the Father of Heaven.
slovakia (Košice) on Saturday, 22nd May 2010 at 8:26 pm.
Was it ball lightening over Germany or something else?
and a Triangle
Interesting, the German Video being on the 22 may 2010.
It could be a landing light of an aircraft but it should flying out of the Thinderstorm instead it flew inside the cloud or it turned the landing light off. If this isnt the case I say it would be authentic perhaps drawing energy from the thunderstorm.
Ok I'm getting carried away on the 2 pattern in the time stamp. If break everything down by 2.
22nd May 2010 at 8:26
22 21 2222 222, I count 10 2s...10x2=20 10 2s, therefore 22222 + 22222 or 5x2 + 5x2 ...55 and 5+ 5=10, 22222
and note the 5th month may, a 5.
Twos galore with some 5s hahahaha
that was interesting.
""The work that I do, ye shall do," and then he adds this; "and greater works than these shall you do."
That is interesting.
This is a brief summary of the journey in an email reply
I enjoy the quest to the ancient places as written about in the Urantia Book, its a journey where I blend with all the books of religion to find commonality in focalisation to all the cities of the Tree of life. The Hidden being revealed as prophesied and foreseen by the prophets of Old.
I try to find connection where I see this journey reflected in the books and that's gives me the inspiration and the spiritual energy to keep going. I believe it all could be part of a revealing for all mankind where the Kingdom of heaven descend to this planet.
You see the beginning comes from the End, and the Father in Heaven comprehends from the Beginning. We are heading directly to all the beginnings of our spiritual culture, in adventure to verify Dalamatia City submerged in the Persian Gulf. An adventure for mankind on the High Sea of truth which will dispell error in the demonstration.
So that a little about me.
Great Blessings.
May 26th 2010
Crop circle 'inspired by most beautiful formula in mathematics' appears in Wiltshire.

The circle, which is more than 300ft in diameter, was cut into a field of oil seed rape by Wilton Windmill at Wilton near Marlborough. Experts say that the design may be connected to Euler's Identity, a complex formula devised by the 18th Century Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler.
Dennis, Look up math of Eular and read his religious background and staunch stand against atheists. NOTE he was considered a saint ON MAY 24TH----coincidence circle this turns up about May 24th. Hmmmm. Talk abouit using the human intellecgences!
That is very interesting maybe there is a message in Eulars writings. III have to study that, interesting timing, don't you think!
What a way to say something.
Carl I'm going to look into Eulars writing because I sense the Midwayers were close to him and I reckon there could be clues there for us.
It could be before I look into his writings, Eular was given vital information for today. I thought I would say this in the beforehand and see what is uncovered.
See what happens eh!
Interesting Timing!
Mummies galore: 57 ancient Egyptian tombs discovered in secret underground network
(Like orbs and triangles Galore, hahahaha)
Egypt's archaeology chief, Zahi Hawass, said the 18th dynasty mummies are covered in linen decorated with religious texts from the Book of the Dead and scenes featuring ancient Egyptian deities. The Book comprised a collection of hymns, spells and instructions to allow the deceased to pass through obstacles in the afterlife. One common scene showed the deceased person's heart weighed on a scale against the feather of truth. If their heart was lighter than the feather they were allowed to pass into the afterlife, if not they were devoured by a monstrous chimera.Read more:
Good Book the Book of the Dead has some fragment about Jesus to.
Could it be car lights on a road on the side of a hill?? or is it real?
Ufo activity recorded over Tucson, Arizona USA.
Not sure what to make of this footage, comments appreciated. This woman has captured more Ufo activity over Tucson, Arizona USA:
i reckon its an orb.
More on the story
Four key scientists working on clean energy pull out of project after a visit by a former CIA Director.
Rare “Cardinal Climax” Planetary Alignment This Summer Puts Stocks at Risk, says Veteran Sky Watcher.
I once did a study of the worst days in the stock market. Two-thirds of those days occurred in one-third of the calendar year, centered on the Fall Equinox, around >>>>Sept. 22-23.<<< Maybe there is a symmetry that governs the universe that we haven’t yet figured out.
Sasha T
Apparently there was an explosion on the sun on the 24th! Sending solar flares heading to earth should reach here on 27 th dont no what effects it will cause maybe more earthquakes? Peurto Rico had another one and theyve evacuated the north!
That is amazing Sasha, on the 24th eh! a solar flare.
How interesting and think about Carl Marsdons input regarding about the Crop Cirle/Eular formula and Eular being made a saint on the 24th May. Interesting link.
mm mmm intriguing! wouldn't you say!
looks like there is a HUGE rod circling the Rings of Saturn, I love the Rods.
Gigantic Motherships And Other Bizzare Anomalies Near Saturn.
Interesting 22 numbers and he hasn't worked it out yet???? mmmmm maybe we have?? See what happens eh!

I think this just happened and affected every station
Apparently at about 1620-1630 MDT a large seismographic reading hit almost every station in the world! at the same time.
I called the USGS Alaska Science Center in Anchorage and spoke to one of the scientists. He wasn't aware of the event and I had to send him the actual seismograph website. He wasn't sure what in the world is going on and sent it to his superiors for further analysis. Personally, I wonder what the implications to us may be. I live in Jacksonville, FL where the seismograph readings were the worst. I never felt a thing, but I don't really think I would have if this were caused by some type of solar radiation. What exactly does a Hyder flare release? Are there any gravitational disturbances that can cause it? The magnetosphere has been going wild the last two days. I don't know... any answers?
Another Pyramid UFO Over China?
I dont know if its a fake or real. Oh well its interesting.
Here is some information about Euler.
Leonhard Euler
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"Euler" redirects here. For other uses, see Euler (disambiguation).
Leonhard Euler
Portrait by Emanuel Handmann 1756(?)
Born 15 April 1707(1707-04-15)
Basel, Switzerland
Died 18 September 1783 (aged 76)
[OS: 7 September 1783]
St. Petersburg, Russia
Residence Prussia, Russia
Nationality Swiss
Fields Mathematician and Physicist
Institutions Imperial Russian Academy of Sciences
Berlin Academy
Alma mater University of Basel
Doctoral advisor Johann Bernoulli
Doctoral students Joseph Louis Lagrange
Known for See full list
He is the father of the mathematician Johann Euler
He is listed by academic genealogy authorities as the equivalent to the doctoral advisor of Joseph Louis Lagrange.
Leonhard Euler (15 April 1707 – 18 September 1783) was a pioneering Swiss mathematician and physicist who spent most of his life in Russia and Germany. His surname is pronounced /ˈɔɪlər/ OY-lər (like "Oiler") in English and [ˈɔʏlɐ] in German; the pronunciation /ˈjuːlər/ EW-lər is incorrect.[1][2][3][4]
Euler made important discoveries in fields as diverse as infinitesimal calculus and graph theory. He also introduced much of the modern mathematical terminology and notation, particularly for mathematical analysis, such as the notion of a mathematical function.[5] He is also renowned for his work in mechanics, fluid dynamics, optics, and astronomy.
Euler is considered to be the preeminent mathematician of the 18th century and arguably the greatest of all time. He is also one of the most prolific; his collected works fill 60–80 quarto volumes.[6] A statement attributed to Pierre-Simon Laplace expresses Euler's influence on mathematics: "Read Euler, read Euler, he is the master of us all."[7]
Euler was featured on the sixth series of the Swiss 10-franc banknote and on numerous Swiss, German, and Russian postage stamps. The asteroid 2002 Euler was named in his honor. He is also commemorated by the Lutheran Church on their >>>>>Calendar of Saints on 24 May<<<< – he was a devout Christian (and believer in biblical inerrancy) who wrote apologetics and argued forcefully against the prominent atheists of his time.[8
Interesting this leg of the Shabbes timeline finishes on May 28th 2010. (2 days time).
Interesting his birth date, Born 15 April 1707(1707-04-15)
I note the 15, 555....and taking out the one in the year 707 or without the 0, 77.....Sevens and reflecting the 555 in the 15 and the 4 being the 22.
Interesting to see what he says in his apologetics.
He was a Pastor of the Reform Church hahahaha, that's where it began for me as a child in the Reform Church of Holland hehehe. A commonality and he couldn't stand the thoughts and the rubbish of the Atheist like myself, another commonality. I know how exactly he would of been on the pulpit driving home truth as he uncovered much in his thoughts in the what ifs...... hahaha
ONLY if they knew what was going on today and from where it first began!
Its so interesting that my family was ousted from the church for working on Sundays many years ago where in this day its different and yet that never stopped the whole journey of those early days that ultimately led to the great cities of the tree of life.
The pebble that was rejected came back from the ancient places and the Tree of Life with a great message for the church. What a turnaround, what a reality in the metaphor of the past. Those foundations of faith was laid down from Sunday school as a boy and that mustard seed grew over time, to be guided and led to great mystery of the planet, "the best kept secret" as in an old song of band called STYLUS. What a metaphor and look at the reality.
Well I say to that praise the Lord! for sure!

Map of Königsberg in Euler's time showing the actual layout of the seven bridges, highlighting the river Pregel and the bridges
Graph theory
See also: >>>Seven Bridges of Königsberg<<<(interesting metaphor, like the 7 gates to Dalamatia City and 1st Eden)
Map of Königsberg in Euler's time showing the actual layout of >>the seven bridges<<<, highlighting the river Pregel and the bridges.
In 1736, Euler solved the problem known as the Seven Bridges of Königsberg.[33] The city of Königsberg, Prussia was set on the Pregel River, and included two large islands which were connected to each other and the mainland by seven bridges. The problem is to decide whether it is possible to follow a path that crosses each bridge exactly once and returns to the starting point. It is not: there is no Eulerian circuit. This solution is considered to be the first theorem of graph theory, specifically of planar graph theory.[33]
Euler also discovered the formula >>>V − E + F = 2<<<<
(interesting, a formula that = 2, the 2 pattern...and almost a DEF, signature!!! Midwayer EF which = 45 = Midwayer EF-45, could the V = D both a triangle and daleth, a door like Dalamatia City another D, like D here and D al over the place.) moving forward...
relating the number of vertices, edges, and faces of a convex polyhedron,[34] and hence of a planar graph. The constant in this formula is now known as the Euler characteristic for the graph (or other mathematical object), and is related to the genus of the object.[35] The study and generalization of this formula, specifically by Cauchy[36] and L'Huillier,[37] is at the origin of topology.
Euler was very interested in circles especially 3 circles.
An Euler diagram is a diagrammatic means of representing sets and their relationships. The first use of "Eulerian circles" is commonly attributed to Leonhard Euler (1707–1783). They are closely related to Venn diagrams.
An example of a Eulerian Venn diagram
note 1914.....Sevens...77
And look at the Binary in the image.
Here is a larger image of the TRUTH TABLE the Venn truth table in the tablet of the Den Journey.

All the binary and the 3 circles.
As one said about Euler "he is the master if us all"
(Thus, a Venn diagram containing the attributes for Animal, Mineral and FourLegs would have to contain intersections where something was both animal and mineral and had legs. A Venn diagram therefore, shows all possible combinations of conjunctions.)
File:Supranational European Bodies.pn
Some history about Euler.
Leonhard Euler: From: Dan Graves, Scientists of Faith, Kregel Resources: Grand Rapids, MI (1996), pages 85-86:
Euler's father, Paul, was a mathematically inclined Protestant minister who provided his son's elementary education... At the age of seventeen, the young man [Leonhard Euler] received his master's degree in philosophy. According to his father's wishes, he entered the theology department, but his heart yearne dfor mathematics. His father agreed to a switch in studies. Despite his turn to math, Euler retained his firm Calvinist beliefs throughout life, holding daily prayer and worship in his home and sometimes preaching...
When Russia became politically unstable in 1741, Euler accepted an invitation to move to Berlin and sailed to Prussia with his family. There he slaved for Frederick the Great, contributing enormously to the prestige of the Berlin Academy... Euler was not without enemies. Frederick, an atheist, was an unpleasant master who continually sneered at Euler's faith. Euler's Letters to a German Princess, intended to educate Frederick's niece, combined piety and the sciences. This did not sit well with the king, although it enjoyed wide readership in seven European langauges.
To make matters worse, Euler's philosophy was roundly ridiculed by the French deist Voltaire, the most articulate and glib philosopher of the day. Euler argued back by writing apologetics that defended Christianity, but his troubles grew more and more intolerable as Frederick interferred with the mathematician's work and openly gibed at him.
...Euler had lost sight in one eye in 1735, overexerting himself to solve in three days a problem intended to take months. In 1766 he lost sight in his other eye. An operation to restore the better of the two was successful, but infection invated both eyes. After horrible agony he permanently lost his sight. He later said that only his faith in God enabled him to bear those days of torment.
Undeterred, Euler continued to solve problems, using the black slate of his mind... His work actually became clearer and more concise... He worked bravely almost to the day of his death. Leonhard Euler's name is a pillar in mathematics...
>>>>> his defense of his faith in the face of biting criticism stands as a lasting monument to his Savior.
e^(i.pi) +1 = 0 (Euler's identity), therefore God exists
In the Ultimate message and moral of the Crop Circle the search is
>>>e^(i.pi) +1 = 0 (Euler's identity), therefore God exists<<<<
I reckon that is the message of the crop circle.
GOD EXISTS, there you go! Not bad eh!
That was some guidance I thought from the crop circle and what a message.
another link
Yes, this is what I got from Euler is
GOD EXISTS and Jesus the Sovereign Paradise Son is Master of this Universe and the Master of All of us.
Right on Bro!
Jeanette M
Hi Dennis. I really like this. Thank you for sharing.
Have you ever read the book: Jesus the First New Man by Franz Alt? It is a very beautiful book about Jesus as a natual leader in these times. Blessings, JM ;-)
Hi Jeanette, thank you for your post. No I haven't read the book but thank you for your suggestion. One day I hope I can read it.
My main influence about Jesus is from the Urantia Book and the Bible where I blend, Im not sure if you have read the Urantia Book but it is very interesting where you can see his thoughts and actions in light of the reality in front of him.
One day if we go the to the ancient places and raise a planetary spiritual storm in the world of good truth we can produce a movie of the Life and times of Jesus. our friend indeed.
In the way see it, the life and teachings of Jesus is to big for a 3 hour movie so perhaps the best way is a 14 part series.
It could be a 3 hour movie but only of the main parts and is the promo for the FULL story on DVD or even TV series.
The beauty about the movie/series is that we can see Jesus from all dimensions.
Thats what makes it interesting.
That is the goal of the journey, the expeditions and the the truth leading to the Movie of the Life and Times of Jesus. All this is for the dissemination of the verified truth and it all points to Jesus or friend and Sovereign.
Jesus Sovereign and friend, Master of all!
Here is a page I developed on Saturday, 17 October 2009 6:16 PM. I got this idea of creating a gate system to the cities of the Tree of Life, where there would 7 gates 7 paths to each cities, 14 gates, 14 paths and 14 angels that look after each gate.
Pretty soon I'm going to develop further these gates and fill them wi...th more discoveries from the books. This is designed so as a person walks through the gates and paths he will find links to research that will distract him along the way to the cities.
Thereby becoming a learning experience as he walks through the gates of the cities.
There within, the gates lay the Seventh mystery leading the cities of the tree of life.
Its was interesting the idea to create the gates just came to mind, a thought, an idea, an inspired thought and during the building of the gates I found all these scriptures relating to the Holy city, angels and gates.
That is great Susan, that's interesting timing in things. all we can do is pray everything will come to pass in a beautiful way. I really uphold the Dead Sea Scrolls and the writings of the Essenes that influenced this construction of the Gates and the 14 Angels of the gates.
Happy long range birthday blessings Susan, looks like great things happened on that date. The world was blessed on that day.
Susan S
oct 17 is my birthday, yesterday i was thinking it is just now 7 years since i moved here, im in the right place now. I love it when this happens.
That is great Susan, that's interesting timing in things. all we can do is pray everything will come to pass in a beautiful way. I really uphold the Dead Sea Scrolls and the writings of the Essenes that influenced this construction of the Gates and the 14 Angels of the gates.
Happy long range birthday blessings Susan, looks like great things happened on that date. The world was blessed on that day.
May 27th 2010
A letter to the President. (mind you not all of it went as there wert to many characters.)
Dear Mr President,
My name is Dennis de Jong, I call myself Sevens on the Internet in my journey to the beginnings, I am an individual religionist who works alone, my work concerns the ancient submerged, beginning cities of the Persian Gulf.
The Journey began many years ago when I read about 1stEden and Dalamatia City in the Urantia Book and desired to find them. In 2004 and 2005 I provided serices to the expeditions of Robert Sarmast off Cyprus who verified the location and the wall in 1stEden as written. What this did was complete the read , I see process of the book in what we verified followed by realisation. The same can happen in Dalamatia City and Dilmun/Babel but with a purpose..
Here are link direct to Dalamatia City.
Here is a link to the Gates of the beginning Cities
The images where obtained from NASA worldwind software in the landsat filter but unfortunately this filter was removed by jpl and is now not available for people to see. It doesnt matter we know what we look for now.
The above links is the product of a journey that evolved during an on the run journey being led through the books of religion blended with the guiding truth, the Urantia Book. In addition there is much internal processes following the instinct leading to recognition, discovery and realisation there by providing the spiritual food day by day under adverse circumstances. All connected to the Father of all things, from within.
Its an epic journey which began by recording and compiling my thoughts in a linear fashion, in the timeline, along the way on the run, as I would see things in the fragments contained in the books in the focalisation to the cities. Looking for clues along a hidden path and revealing them in light of recognition. Since 2005 the journey has evolved with many realisations along the way, day by day and now it is an epic journey for all mankind.
The construct that will make a difference as I see it is, if we can verify the truth of the first beginning city of the Tree of Life, Dalamatia City, then the leadership of Iran can be invited to view the evidence and consider the truth behind the cities which may give cause for a reconsideration in there views on things....spiritual and truth correction!
The realisation of the verification in the uplifting of the Seven commands would be a stumbling block for them in there motives and would also improve our truth with harmony for future planetary destiny.
I thought since a US naval flotilla is headed for the Persian Gulf why not have a look at Dalamatia City and at least confirm the walls of the city.
Verification could be projected where a line is drawn in the sand from the Abyss in truth, a line of standard and behaviour drawn on the beach where the new standard is uplifted from the OLD from the beginnings. This may provide grounds for perhaps a new covenant for man with God based from the beginnings, in completed and verified truth.
Revealing and verifying the cities would be the most efficient way forward for all mankind and would save much future fear and trepidation.
One thing I know in the scenario, is that you can do it, Mr President. I know you can do it because you have breadth and depth in spiritual culture which is also a blend of things where you can see and understand these things.
All the best to you Mr President in all the challenges you have before you and know that I am in service for the people of the USA and the World.
great Blessings.
Dennis, the bloke from the Bush.
I wrote a similar letter to the Iranian President. So know both have the truth links to the Gates of the Cities of the Tree of Life.
Anne P
Thanks, Dennis! Just noticed, we have the Urantia Book in common! Are you a reader of Alice Bailey books, too?
Hi Anne, Im familiar with some of her work but I dont subscribne to her thoughts I much prefer the Urantia Book thought as I can demonstrate it, as we demonstrated it of the coast of Cyprus in the verification of the wall of 1stEden. I dont give alligenece to Lucifer manifesto and information relating to it.
She does resopects Lucifer but I dont respect Lucifer as he has slain trillions on other planetsas well as this planet in his deception and distortion of the truth in the denial of God and the Sovereign in truth for a light, which light?? Is that the Light of Caligastia the last rebel of distortion from Dalamatia City??
The reason for the revealment of the cities is about revealing of him, Caligastia, the snake in the Garden. The snake of distotion, in the denail of the Father of all things.
Sorry Anne Im pretty heavy on this stuff. Its not about you, the UN is full of the Alice Bail\ey stuff which is wrong with no demonstration that I can see. Another person who was influenced by the Himalyan distortion was resposible for a world war in his denial of God only desireing to be as a GOD.
All Caligastia, last rebel snake in the Garden stuff who also visited 1stEden and created a mess laced with distortion and error all over the world.
All the best
Anne P
I never got that from the Bailey Books.
Everyone gets there own things no worries at all. Its just the way I see it, I know what I'm look for and I see all the characteristics. But thats me, everyone has there own view on things according to what they read and things. Like with Balatvsky there all support of Lucifer. Currently, Lucifer, the angel of Light is jail awaiting judgement and Caligastia does his bidding.
Its interesting that after the rebellion that occurred in Dalamatia city, where the first abomination occurred in the denial of god, the temple of the tree of life was converted into the God of False Lift Nog bu Caligastia through his minions in those days.
This false light Caligastia last rebel, can appear to those who desire his presence of false light, a light that invades the body upon request by the subject, in the deception of the false light.
This false light can also hijack truth and distort it to and that's why we verify the cities of the truth so we know what is wrong and what is right and that should be Supported of the Universal Government in the revealing which all leads to the Adjudging of this Age by the Sovereign of this Universe.
This is why the beginnings are revealed today, right now in the moment every day, to reveal the hidden errors all along the way and which still persists today as I can see in the journey from ancient times.
But everyone has to do there own research on these matters of the past, a past that no one had any idea except for religion, in fragments form and blended with a new book, we can demonstrate in the physical, a truth that leads us to the literal real Elysian Fields of truth.
At the end of the day the Truth simple has to be demonstrated before all mankind, to know what is right right and what is wrong and to know that, is to know where I come from and know where I go to and know about everything in the between in the discovery and recognition or vice versa. So I can read and see and know completed! done and dusted, no confusion and error in any place.
Bailey and Blatvasky are in the same thought idea which I simply disagree with. Thats all.
To know where we come from and know where we go to from is to go right back to the beginning and that's we do today each day.
And know one on this planet can demonstrate from beginning like the Brothers from 1stEden and from all the beginning cities. Who reveal from the Hidden. No one!
Anyway, I wrote to the President in request from Warriors of the Rainbow. Its was a brief message in support but I also mentioned about the cities and its spiritual import being the line in the sand in the verification. I believe its the most efficient way forward and save much for the planet. Unfortunately, I had to cut out much in the email but you know, you never know if you dont have a go.
Here has the links to the city and the gates.
The Verification of the Cities is the best way forward in truth and dispel error in religion and help he destiny of the planet.
He can do it with the US armed forces there who could help out in the verification of the verification of the Blue Book from the Beginnings.
On the basis of writing to the President revealing I believe should write to the Supreme Leader of Iran and let him know that I wrote to the President about the cities and then see what happens.
But it in the arena because time is running out and I very tense at this time. Pressure everywhere but that's the test of spirit and resilience, even then eh!!! you know what I mean.
Well I did it
I wrote to the President of Iran and gave him links and an image of Dalamatia and (within an character limit) gave him the idea of the construct being the way forward.
So now in faith the emails might get to the Presidents of both nations concerning the Tree of life and the healing of the Nations. The Truth!
Know we see what happens in world events by what they say and elude to in the media. If there is contact I will let you know.
All under the Auspices of the Office of the Messiah in the end times of transition under the Jurisdiction of the Ancient of Days, the Judges of all personality and including the ruler ship of all things, the Father in Heaven with Jesus Sovereign Paradise Son guiding us in the Ships Pilot house upon the high seas of Adventure in discovery, recognition and realisation back to the beginning. Praise the Lord!! Right on man
Zierenberg, Hessen (Hessia), Reported 14th May. (1+4=5 and 5th month)
and apparently there was another one on the 23rd May 2010 in Hessen (Hessia) Germany. (2+3=5 and 5th month)
28th May 2010
end of shabbes leg in the timeline.
some news from Iran soince I wrote to them. Probably will make no difference.
Iran calls for immediate disarmament of nuclear states
Here is another bit of news, they can check out the places. There is capabilitythere thats for sure and they are in the right place to view things through there cameras.
Iran Navy detects US nuke sub in PG
Thu, 27 May 2010 15:43:03 GMT
Ive come to May 28th 2010, the end another Shabbes leg entering into a new one for fun and see what happens in this leg. I think its useful.
Also note in the lines of the Magnetar flashes throughout the Shabbes timeline you will see that in some lines, the line intersects with Urantia Book local system astronomical mentions. The Shabbes times is the witness reflected in space and connected to the Urantia Book and the cities, the past capitals of the Tree of Life.
The witness of this reflectivity contains the personal thoughts in the focalisation to and from the ancient beginning captials containing the tree of Life. A journey that reflects in space, in response to the journey from ancient times, in synchronisation to the persinal experience of the agent representing the cities and of the Sevenfold Seraphic mission Planet Earth. Its very exciting for any induvidual to know this and be part of it in spirit and see where it leads to in faith. The Urantia Book with the Bible and other books is the personal stabiliser if one reads all the book and really makes the personal known connections.
Its the book for the future destiny that all the p[rophets foresaw, thes the Sevenfold book of Guidance with good information.
It has simply led us to the Atlantis, all the Atlantis' This is the Atlantis Rising in truth in virtual experience broadcast throughoiut the Universe. Its our faith and realisation in the discovery of the mystery that is broadcasted.....throughout all the Universes as this rebellion comes to an end.
We are all part of that broadcast and recorded in the stone block of our area in space in Jerusem.
If it leads to great discoveries where mysteries are reflected and understood with verification, it must a good book for us all and we also know what is right and what is wrong because there is a catalyst that is provided from the beginning that can be demonstrated in the truth in a reflected witness of God and Man walking together as friends in reflectivity and in the reality of truth, revealing itself as we are guided from within and from without along the right path, the hidden path that appears as we shed light along the way..
I think Space Universal Government is responding/reflecting, thats way I see it, in the triangulation even Urantia Book mentioned space phoenomena occured in the 456 Elysian fields triangulam in the Shabbes/Magnetar reflection, in Space...reflectivity! Interesting thinking reflectivity from a Urantia Book perspective and actually seeing before your eyes and all coming from 1stEden and all the ancient cities.
I am just amazed how all the known features including the building block magnetars are all placed so it forms the great Universal Trangle Pattern and intersects beautifully with many recognised things along the actual lines.
That is original! Who can do that???? No one but God reflecting himself and in a compliment Symbol.
Reflectivity! in synchronisation along with a new book in the demonstration.
Its just incredible.
This is definately Kingdom of Heaven reflecting itself not some local false God of Light mischief. This is high level stuff of Constellation Adminstration of the Most High but is personal in the reflectivity.
We have gone through the 4th the 5th and now the 6th month, completing th 456 sequence..... whatever that means. To me its like a completion in faith.
I reckon in reflectivity the Office of the Most High has been working in reflection with the Office of the Messiah, the reopened one mentioned in the Zadokite document only because he comes from the beginning and really the opened office of the Messiah is the reopened office of the Teacher of Righteousness representative of the Essenes for the End times. Praise the lord for that. This is what they where looking to and hid the relevant documents that would be needed for the Shepherd boy to open the office of the Messiah, that small little pebble who walked in faith through the valley of the Shadow of death to and from the beginnings. I am proud to uphold the office of the Essenes for the end times I do that with great honour in service to mankind in this work.
You know all those petitions early in the journey made to the Office of the Ancient of Days where heard and reflected in symbol and who is one like the Son of Man that is presented to the Ancients of Days in Daniel when they arrive to this planet? Could it be the one who pushed the case to court in the witness and reflectivity of the Universe. Who can reflect like that????....The Universal Fathers in collaboration with this lone boy shepherd office on this planet! before our eyes and related to the beginning where Jesus Paradise Son Sovereign comes from..
UFOS FRESNO Red Pulsating Lights 5/27/10
I believe in the "Surviving Your Wilderness Experience" there are some major clues of characteristic and reflection. Perry Stone.
David to me is an arch type representing the full character of the journey from the beginnings. The pebble of the end times hits a bullseye in truth and demonstration.
like in David and Goliath, its the story of the end times and the pebble that became a mountain as Ezekiel mentioned.
May 29th 2010
More weather Ring phoenomena in Australia on May 25th Fragment Solar Flare Details: Exploding filament observed on 25 May and due to hit Earth 27th.
7.2 mag Earthquake Details:2070 km (1290 miles) NE of BRISBANE, Queensland, Australia 7.2mag Vanuatu at time in Darwin: Friday, May 28, 2010 at 02:44:48 AM - Darwin .
Dolmen signature in the timestamp (2:2222:222222) and on the 28th May 2010 which is the end of the Shabbes timeline leg. This also includes the reflectivity of 2070 km reflected in the earthquake richter scale 7.2.
Reflectivity???? Universal reflectivity enough to keep us intrigued as we walk in faith.

10. Proposition. Among the secrets of Spiritington is that of universal reflectivity.
“The secrets of Spiritington involve the impenetrable mysteries of reflectivity. We tell you of the vast and universal phenomenon of reflectivity, more particularly as it is operative on the headquarters worlds of the seven superuniverses, but we never fully explain this phenomenon, for we do not fully understand it.”
One thing for sure we are learning about reflectivity in a Grand Universal scale.
All the 1111 phoenomena that people observe is all reflectivity and related to the SPIRIT, in my view the Sevenfold reflectivity.
and here is something related to our Sovereign Friend Master Jesus.....directly related to reflectivity
1. Proposition. A Creator Son may be somewhat limited by space, but he is not limited by time within the bounds of his own universe.
“Though the spirit-gravity circuit of the Eternal Son operates independently of both time and space, all functions of the Creator Sons are not exempt from space limitations. If the transactions of the evolutionary worlds are excepted, these Michael Sons seem to be able to operate relatively independent of time. A Creator Son is not handicapped by time, but he is conditioned by space; he cannot personally be in two places at the same time. Michael of Nebadon acts timelessly within his own universe and by reflectivity practically so in the superuniverse. He communicates timelessly with the Eternal Son directly.” (377.1) 34:3.5
note this: Michael of Nebadon acts timelessly within his own universe and by reflectivity practically so in the superuniverse
and then note this:
If the transactions of the evolutionary worlds are excepted, these Michael Sons seem to be able to operate relatively independent of time.
The message in my view is acceptable to Jesus our Sovereign and he is reflecting to us from the Universe through the Magnetar broadcast system run by the 4 very beautiful beasts as mentioned in Revelation who are in charge of the broadcast system.
The message from the beginning is acceptable to Jesus....I say fantastic!
The reflection from space is very personal to the witness from the beginnings.
The ancient places are the CROWNS as mentioned in St Ephraim, Eastern Christian Church 300AD Syria.
This is now beyond Star Trek and Stargate Universe, its is now complete total Universal reflectivity, the stars are lighting up. This a major reflection concerning the whole Universe bigger than anything we thought ever! Bigger than the 2010 idea but in a virtual planetary experience linked with the whole Universe.
Our origins are reflecting from the beginning, like the Stars reflect from light of the past in the Heavens of Heaven. Like we are r3eflecting from the beginnings.....All reflection. and reflectivity into a grand mystery!
Jesus is reflecting from his home and reflecting approval from his abode.
Remember the Earthquake in Vanuatu is in the SOLOMON ISLANDS, reflecting!!!! There was an early reflection of Solomon in an early whether ring and earthquake a some back.
There is a Father opf all things and he is absolutely PERSONAL and PERSONAL to us who walk in FAITH of his guidance. We prove the existence of God for all our fellow brothers through our personal experience with our Friends God the Father and Jesus the Sovereign Paradise Son who can make these things happen for us, in the witness as they come from the beginnings and they comprehend and reflect from the beginnings.

Very Majesterial on a universal Level.... Totaly Majesterial and Majestic of a grand level, the real majestic of the Universe and of Universal Government, the Kingdom of Heaven coming down to earth in a way where they comprehend and reflect! reflection of Good things to come, in the beforehand in faith!
Reflection of good things to come particularly for a people of a mighty nation who are faith imbibed! A nation can be uplifted in reflectivity with the Father of All things and with our mighty Sovereign Jesus.
Part of the reflectivity search
2. Proposition. Creator Sons devote themselves to the spiritualization of their creations. They promote the Paradise plan
of mortal ascension. When mortals reject the ascension plan the Ancients of Days decree their dissolution.
“The rule of the Creator Sons in the local universes is one of creation and spiritualization. These Sons devote themselves to the effective execution of the Paradise plan of progressive mortal ascension, to the rehabilitation of rebels and wrong thinkers, but when all such loving efforts are finally and forever rejected, the final decree of dissolution is executed by forces acting under the jurisdiction of the Ancients of Days.” (37.4) 2:3.6
Consider this journey is about the ascension plan and all about the rebels to the Father in attitude, this is all tasking place to impress upon the rebels the truth of the path they walk. The Universal Government is reflecting this particulary for the Atheist! Its his last chance to reconsider!!!!!!! This reflectivity from the Universe is all to do with the Ancients of Days.
This feels like the Call in the coming.
"but when all such loving efforts are finally and forever rejected, the final
decree of dissolution is executed by forces acting under the jurisdiction of the
Ancients of Days.”
The efforts are bound by faith but man has to come half way, if this is rejected then there is a real problem Houston!!! such as never before!!! Leaders consider this! and this is for Wayward religion in the paths of death and destruction with all the promulgation.
All the talk of Death and Destruction upon others in the paths of wayward religion has no standing in the Kingdom of Heaven.
VII. LOCAL UNIVERSE ORGANIZATION 1. Proposition. To a local universe, a Michael Son is, to all practical purposes, God. He is the personification of the Father and the Son. “To the children of a local universe a Michael Son is, to all practical intents and purposes, God. He is the local universe personification of the Universal Father and the Eternal Son. The Infinite Spirit maintains personal contact with the children of these realms through the Universe Spirits, the administrative and creative associates of the Paradise Creator Sons.” (66.2) 5:3.6
and note: "and creative associates of the Paradise Creator Sons.” (66.2) 5:3.6"
fellow creative people in the purpose of the Father aligned and friends with Jesus.
One example is through a living witness from the beginnings a personal spiritual experience aligned with Jesus and reflected from the Universe in Symbol, the reflection of his journey seen in Space in full cooperation with all the Kingdom of Heaven on every level working as a family!
In this case its one office reflecting to another office in harmony and in truth. Complimenting each other to uplift.
All this has direct connection to his Seventh Bestowal and his personal ministry on this planet and with his "creative associates"
The Chief of reflectivity is MAJESTON....
1. Proposition. Majeston is a true person and the infallible center of reflectivity in the grand universe.
... “Majeston is a true person, the personal and infallible center of reflectivity
phenomena in all seven superuniverses of time and space. He maintains
permanent Paradise headquarters hear the center of all things at the
rendezvous of the Seven Master Spirits. He is concerned solely with the
co-ordination and maintenance of the reflectivity service in the far-flung creation; he is not otherwise involved in the administration of universe .”(200.1) 17:2.3
He is definitely involved.
and this
and this related to the thought adjuster and reflectivity.
>(1186.6) 108:1.8< The short time intervening between the volunteering and the actual dispatch of the Adjuster is presumably spent in the Divinington schools of the Personalized Monitors where >>a working pattern of the waiting mortal mind is utilized in instructing the assigned Adjuster as to the most effective plans for personality approach and mind spiritization.<<<
This mind model is formulated through >>>a combination of data supplied by the superuniverse reflectivity service.<<<< At least this is our understanding, a belief which we hold as the result of putting together
>>>information secured by contact with many Personalized Adjusters throughout the long universe careers of the Solitary Messengers.<<<
"Solitary Messengers" mmmm
a working pattern!!! mmmm
1. Selection and Assignment
(1185.3) 108:1.1 When Adjusters are dispatched for mortal service from Divinington, they are identical in the endowment of existential divinity, but they vary in experiential qualities proportional to previous contact in and with evolutionary creatures.
>>>We cannot explain the basis of Adjuster assignment, but we conjecture that these divine gifts are bestowed in accordance with some wise and efficient policy of eternal fitness of adaptation to the indwelt personality.<<<<
>>>We do observe that the more experienced Adjuster is often the indweller of the higher type of human mind; human inheritance must therefore be a considerable factor in determining selection and assignment.<<<<
same link as above
Cark M
This previous experience(s) is very important. Much can be attributed to the person experiencing seemigly different personalities or different experiences than his/her own actual experiences.(in a normal balanced mind setting).
It may seem strange but one part of commune is such sharring of past lives-if the subject human so requests(free will).
I just to think we have only one shot here and sensitivity is probably related by the fragment of the Adamic Gene sensitivity in creativity, in the thought and reflection.
Its quite possible that the thought adjuster may reflect past experience to him exclusively and some times we may part of that, thinking its us which I can understand.
I thought this video of Perry Stone was interesting and held many clues if you personalise it, the temple is you, not a building and all the mountains are in metaphor of you and God.
The video speaks about the church and members but you are the walking church in truth of yourself and the Father n alignment, the living witness with full support of the Kingdom of heaven.
"The Enemy in your Holy of Holies"
Diane D
this teaches you... Leave it to you Dennis to find this cool Spiritual stuff.
Hey no worries Diane, if it all helps eh! no worries at all.
I like Perry he is a good bloke that presents from Israel, the Bloke from Israel. Another no worries mate bloke in spirit in the brotherhood of Jesus in service to his fellow brother.
Wow, look at this from the SOLOMON islands, in metasphor in my view to movement and restlesness of the Solomon of the Universe.
Vanuatu gets 6 big earthquakes in 24 hours
24hrs/6earthquakes = 4....6666
every 6 hours an earthquake, interesting number reflection!!!
Speak about dynamic.
Do volcanoes and earthquakes signal the end of times?
Major Earthquake to hit Greece, if you can believe the frogs.
THE FROGS 26th May 2010, from the Van heritage people.
Diane D
Wow, frogs and I was reading something about frogs and a biblica meaning to it... I'll try to find it and post it...
the Frogs that came out of no where
A deeper video and recommended to listen to.
Lets see what we see and read.
I must say it does not look positive at all.
FROGS from the bible.
Revelation 16:13
>>>>And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.<<<<<
That doesnt sound positive. So being related to the Beast.
and the UB on the Mark of the Beast.
10. Proposition. On the seventh world differences between ascenders from the isolated worlds and those from the more advanced spheres are disappearing. The last remnants of the >>>>“mark of the beast” <<<are eradicated.
“The experience on this sphere is the crowning achievement of the immediate postmortal career. During your sojourn here you will receive the instruction of many teachers, all of whom will co-operate in the task of preparing you for residence on Jerusem.
Any discernible differences between those mortals hailing from the isolated and retarded worlds and those survivors from the more advanced and enlightened spheres are virtually obliterated during the sojourn on the seventh mansion world. Here you will be purged of all the remnants of >>>>>unfortunate heredity, unwholesome environment, and unspiritual planetary tendencies.<<<<
The last remnants of the ‘mark of the beast’ are here eradicated.” (538.6) 47:9.1
The Beast of this day are the ones whose message comes from this
"unfortunate heredity, unwholesome environment, and unspiritual planetary tendencies.'
Its all to do with the rebellion of the Dragon and the Fallen Sons of God and what they did to our genes. We see the effect of that from top to bottom on the planetary scale from terrorism to gross power and Greed
Worldwide on a grand scale with deceived minds. The Mark of the Beast in an extreme way and those whose promulgation matches the beast message is the beast.
It looks like the 3 tiered level Perry was speaking about
Revelation 16:13
>>>>And I saw >>three unclean spirits<< like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.<<<<<
All I can say the Dragon, beast and prophet are all linked and they are involved in nefarious worldwide schemes that lead to death and destruction.
The fruits are in the manifestation of there reality....like terrorism! as one example! but there are many types of terrorism as we recently saw in the Orion project!! Method of intimidation a form of terrorism and clearly identified.
AND in the mighty USA, it exists to in high hidden places and must routed out by the people dispelling this kind of behaviour.
Its been going on for years and that why Iran targets this weakness in the USA, that is true and its time for realisation for all people concerned including very much Iran and its leadership for its own people and destiny.
No point taking the speck out of your brothers eye when you have you own log to think about, in your eye, in your FACE under your nose.
“Paul also had a view of the ascendant-citizen corps of perfecting mortals on Jerusem, for he wrote: ‘But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, to the grand assembly of Michael, and to the spirits of just men being made perfect.” (539.5) 47:10.3
and Jerusem is THE ZION and Jerusalem is a REFLECTION on Earth of JERUSEM...ZION. Local system capital that is responding to us.
Praise the Lord for this definition.
ZION, the real ZION of the Universe is speaking to us through the ancient places, we are the people of ZION in this age, from the beginnings of all spiritual culture that superseds but embraces and uplifts everything in the revealing of all spiritual knowledge in the demonstration.
Everywhere you look in the bible about Zion, its about us , you and me in faith, in the reality of the revealing of Universal ZION, the GOVERNMENT.
Ladies and Gentleman agree or not, we are in the days of ZION and the revealing from the Hidden.... brace.
Jerusalem is but a reflection of the great Zion of the real Capital of our Local system where the judgement seat exists and is real.
All Stations, now read see this, part of the the frogs link.
26 He caused an east wind to blow [4] in the heaven: and by his power he brought in the south wind.
note the message comes from the far east and from the South, the Land of Sinim.
"26 He >>caused an east wind to blow<< [4] >in the heaven:"< reflection!!!
word and back up with demonstration.
Sinim in this day is the good ole sunburnt country Australia., the home of the bloke from the bush, no worries mate!
Diane D
he loves us all. But laughter is great.
I like that verse. It is a beautiful one.
Its pretty cool Diane.
"But laughter is great" that's why I throw in the bloke from the bush mate! the no worries jovial character. now worries mate, she'll be right!
We will just fix up a few things along the way as we walk the Swagman adventure of the Bloke from the Bush who represented the Universe as a friend, lending a hand with Jesus Sovereign as complete found in the reflectivity to the Bloke from the Bush!.
Here is an interesting video that Diane D posted on her wall. I thought it was very interesting...
The planet of the the Frogs.
Much metaphor. In the end you have to look at the fruits that can help identify all these negative people frogs in the land of the Frogs who walk with the false God of Light Caligastia of Dalamatia City where the first FROG abomination occurred.
I this a FROG move????? in the metaphor?
Bloggers Beware – They’re Coming After You! - Big Government
Seems a little FROGGY!
Honestly, I still have hope and faith in Obama in the land of the frogs, I still think he is quite broad in his understanding and desires positive change out of the land of the Frogs, in the land of the good people.
There is another land in the land of the people of the people, the GOOD people and that land is called is the land of the Frogs and that land must be dealt with by the Kingdom of Heaven.
the funniest part we evolved from the Frog, we are all Frogs but now its a matter of which path our Frog Spirit decided to travel????
There is one law for the Frog in Frog land and there is another law for the people.
Bloggers Beware Article - Would you like to do a DTV video?
Now, I don't know who the frogs are in Frogland, because they are usually hidden but do leave a trail like in this article. The effect of fear and intimidation is the the fruits of the FROG in FROGLAND which is a spiritual level of thought and action and negative and deceiving..
Why the Frogs are reacting to Blogs is because in some ways the truth is being declared and proclaimed and with the oncoming Kingdom of Heaven descending on earth in the revealing from the hidden, the FROGS don't have a chance unless they change there attitude and ways and become a LOVE FROGS in truth.
The parable of the FROGS in FROGLAND.
Psalm 78 (Seven8)
>44< And had turned their rivers into blood; and their floods, that they could not drink. 45 He sent divers sorts of flies among them, which devoured them; and >>frogs,<< which destroyed them. 46 He gave also their increase unto the caterpiller, and their labour unto the locust.
This is effect of disbelief. FROGS and FLIES in the world of negativity and fear. the food and sustenance of the FROG.....Fear and flies where the CANKER worm eats everything up.....like WORMWOOD!
Wormwood search Bible.
Amos 5:7
Ye who turn judgment to wormwood, and leave off righteousness in the earth,
Jesus words
Mark 9:44
Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
How relevant is this verse to your query? XXXXXX
Mark 9:46 (Read all of Mark 9)
Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
Mark 9:48
Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
Acts 12:23
And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost.
Revelation 8:11
And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
This is what happens to the FROGS in FROGLAND, here is the prophecy of the FROGS foir the FROGS, eaten up by the worm.
"because they were made bitter."
like the oil slick of FROG enterprises, the ones who intimidate and have killed others in there quest for clean normal energy.
The Effect of the FROGS and Oil in the GULF and the high SEAS.
How can do these things to others when you look at the result of there FROG work.
Temptations to Sin
42 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea. 43 And if thy hand offend [3] thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched: 44 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. 45 And if thy foot offend [4] thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched: 46 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
>>>47 And if thine eye offend [5] thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire:<<<<
48 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. 49 For every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt.
>>50 Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltness, wherewith will ye season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another.<<<
Just take note Hell is man's idea but in actual fact personality dissolution.
"Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched."
they do enter peace and rest because of FROG and WORM behaviour in denial of truth upon others.
This is what we expect to see when we ressurect.
X. THE MANSION WORLDS 1. Proposition. The Temple of New Life has seven wings of one hundred thousand resurrection chambers. These wings terminate in class assembly halls accommodating one million souls,
“From the Temple of New Life there extend >>>seven radial wings<<<<, the resurrection halls of the mortal races. Each of these structures is devoted to the assembly of one of the seven races of time.
There are one hundred thousand personal resurrection chambers in each of these seven wings terminating in >>>the circular class assembly halls, which serve as the awakening chambers for as many as one million individuals.<<<<<
These halls are surrounded by the personality assembly chambers of the blended races of the normal post-Adamic worlds. Regardless of the technique which may be employed on the individual worlds of time in connection with special or dispensational resurrections, the real and conscious reassembly of actual and complete personality takes place in the resurrection halls of mansonia number one. Throughout all eternity you will recall the profound memory impressions of your first witnessing of these resurrection mornings.” >(533.3) 47:3.5<
Amazing, you could draw that in an image.
Newfoundland UFO is still a mystery says Department of National Defence
The Jan. 25 sighting happened on the southern coast of Newfoundland near Harbour Mille. Several residents reported seeing the objects, including a woman who was able to photograph one of them. She reported to the RCMP that she had seen three missiles soaring over the ocean and it looked as if they had come up out of the water.
The DSTI says in the documents that the only missiles that can be launched from a submarine are ballistic or cruise missiles, but the country's top arms experts say the object photographed doesn't fit that profile.
Here is an interesting video a friend of mine sent me I thought the author makes valid points and he is right about God and man.
Im not sure if I reported this but there was a crop cirle in italy on May 22nd 2010
We are writing to report the crop circle appeared May 22 2010 a San Marco alle Paludi (Fermo) in the Marche region in Italy. All information and photos of the crop circle can be found at at: www.ufologiamarche.altervista.org
many things have happened on May 22nd 2010 which still continues.
Here is the updated Shabbes Seventh timeline for another Seventh Season.

This is certainly an interesting report for the land of Sinim Australia, the land of the Far East and South at the ends of the world where the Sons live.
UFO experts fear full-scale alien invasion Down Under
I think this guys view is too narrow and lacks vital information that is rejected anyway. You can see the difference in depths and width to the journey to and from the ancient places compared to his speak. This guy needs the demonstration before his eyes but even then! If this is the level well I dont know and I dont know about the denigration of a Paradise Son either in how that goes down but the Kingdom of Heaven is understanding of ignorance.
I dont see anything worthwhile there in truth, nothing that I can comprehend. its just the normal, negative view point from the usuall place, typical criticism upon another religion, not worth a cracker and no life bearing information for the Soul and Spirit. He cannot demonstrate.
Structured Object
Interesting but I cant see it in the numbers, However, the numbers in the time stamp was interesting.
Sgt. Clifford Stone UFO Crash Recovery Team 1/2
Sgt. Clifford Stone UFO Crash Recovery Team 2/2
I really enjoyed this interview, I thought the person being interviewed was kind and sincere and a lover of the truth. I understand what he apeaks about regarding the social aspects of UFO communication as it has to be of a high moral and spiritual fibre
I welcome the brothers from Ghana.
I am really inspired now. I desire with all my might to serve my spiritual brothers in Ghana.
May 30th 2010
I just realised that this crop circle on the 5th July 2009(top left) has the same resemblance to the Ressurrection Halls with its 7 radial wings in our eternal journey.
Urantia Book
"(533.3) 47:3.5 From the Temple of New Life there extend seven radial wings, the resurrection halls of the mortal races. Each of these structures is devoted to the assembly of one of the seven races of time. >>>>>There are one hundred thousand personal resurrection chambers in each of these >>seven wings terminating in the circular class assembly halls,<< which serve as the awakening chambers for as many as one million individuals.<<<<<
These halls are surrounded by the personality assembly chambers of the blended races of the normal post-Adamic worlds. Regardless of the technique which may be employed on the individual worlds of time in connection with special or dispensational resurrections, the real and conscious reassembly of actual and complete personality takes place in the resurrection halls of mansonia number one. Throughout all eternity you will recall the profound memory impressions of your first witnessing of these resurrection mornings.
Actually I may of made a boo boo. Its 14 wings I count in the crop circle, Seven either side.
In actual fact, the ressurrection wings would look like 3 radial wings either side with perhaps a middle wing going through the center where all tips of the wings meet at a circle for assembly. What an amazing experience that will be walking down the halls of a wing to the circlular assembly hall for reception and greeting with a companion to help us along the way.
It would be like the temple of Dalamatia City, where all paths lead to one circular hall with perhaps 7 doors for Seven races on Earth at that time.
In the ressurection Halls if you can visualise, it would be 7 doors of Seven wings leading to the great circular assembly hall.
A replication of what we can expect in our new life and we we all get together for a party in Heaven.
Interesting another Oil well going off
Yes my friend, there appears to be synchronous events occuring but the Gulf is a real problem. In my heart, I am really concerned for eveyone there. I feel the best answer is for us to get to the truth as quick as we can verify it and adjust.
Everyday I think about it my friend. It could be reflected in scripture. Thats what concernes me and I feel for everyoine in that area.Particulary the wildlife, they are total innocent victims of the Middle Kingdom in quest of Babel.Its all a bit strange Orit, many things going on.
Get new, clean and free energy going and just leave the stuff in the ground and use other materials and methods.
Diane D
wow another oil well... Yes Dennis a lot of earthquakes and non stop stuff happening.. It seems something isn't right...
Nila G
Signs of the times maybe??? hmmmm
The response of the heart, Soul and Love of mankind and desire of man to find God in a closer way, in a more defined way on one level, like in a physical discovery which leads us to the guiding truth and associated truth that is relevant and which takes out confusion. Completes everything!
It probably is Diane and Nila, I believe we are in the middle of it and those aligned with the Sovereign Jesus in full truth can be happy in the truth and nothing to worry about as this is the birth pangs of the restlessness and movement of the Universe we see in the reflectivity.
Such a Pity
Top Kill’ Fails to Plug Leak; BP Readies Next Approach
China Teleports Photons 10 Miles, Surpasses U.S./European Record
For Real or CGI?
Do you think its possibe that evolution still occurring when Suddenly a new species occurs?? where it just happens even in our day?
Note all the "suddenly" could that happen today with climate change, spark of evolution in sudden new species that just appear.
... and in North America the placental type of mammals suddenly appeared, and they constituted the most important evolutionary ... had existed, but this new type sprang directly and suddenly from the pre-existent reptilian ancestor whose descendants had ... part in the hills, being of the mountainous types; suddenly there began the evolution of the plains or hoofed type, the grazing ... the older North American lemur types, the dawn mammals suddenly appeared. These small animals walked mostly on their hind legs, and ... of this order of life a new and higher group of animals suddenly differentiated. These new mid-mammals — almost twice the size and ... themselves when the Primates, the third vital mutation, suddenly appeared. (At this same time, a retrograde development within the ... A mutation within the stock of the progressing Primates suddenly produced two primitive human beings, the actual ancestors of ... development accelerated the course of human evolution. Suddenly and in one generation the six colored races mutated from the ...
... of the North American lemur type of placental mammal, suddenly appeared. They were active little creatures, almost three feet tall; ... years from the origin of the dawn mammals, the Primates suddenly gave birth to two remarkable creatures, the first true human beings. ...
... part of the then inhabited highland region began suddenly to produce a family of unusually intelligent children. This was the ...
... type of animal life soon appeared, and appeared suddenly. And from these far-distant times the ameba, the typical ... a comparatively large brain that the placental mammals suddenly sprang. These mammals developed rapidly and in many different ways, ...
Toxic Oil Spill Rains Warned Could Destroy North America
Its very concerning this they have to stop the leak now, like right now. It will just get worse. Time for prayer I think.
Colin Andrews is really upset about it
For me, I am just stunned I think its beyond anger, its simple urgency and support.
Every hour makes a big difference for the Future.
Really speaking this will mark the beginning of the end of oil companies
The world will for green. clean energy and even free energy and why not. See what the restriction of new technologies does whilst sticking to the old and being stiffed necked!!
It leads to disaster as we can see!
I just think about the closing down of the Orion project by the ex CIA director as reported. His crime to prevent and stifle progress seems much worse now and that beholds more gravity in the cup of Sin that is truly overrunning and now they have blown it completely and put the whole USA at risk and its good people.
Oh man woe is that.
Strange objects near the Sun May 29th, 2010
May 29 More NASA SOHO images
Remember the sun is huge so these small objects are actually enormous.
But what are they, camera issues, objects emitted by the sun or Ufos? I would really like to know.
Its interesting this occurred a day after the end of the recent Shabbes leg only to begin a new one finishing on July 16th 2010.
Triangle Lights over russia Jan 2010
Russia - Jan 2010 - Common orbs changing into the triangle formation, this seems like a very familiar trend we see alot.
The Simultudes of Enoch:
'And there I saw One who had a Head of Days [i.e. the Ancient of Days], and his head was white like wool, and with him was another being whose countenance had the appearance of a man whose face was full of graciousness, like one of the holy angels.
And I asked the angel who went with me and >>>>showed me all the hidden things, concerning that Son of Man, who he was, and whence he was, and why he went with the Head of Days.<<<<<
And he answered and said unto me, This is the Son of Man who hath righteousness, with whom dwelleth righteousness, and >>>>who reveals all the treasures of that which is hidden,<<<< because the Lord of Spirits hath chosen him, and his lot before the Lord of Spirits hath surpassed everything in uprightness for ever.
The above is reflecting the cities of the tree of life and its also about the revealing of the Hidden attached to the Ancients of Days who arrive for judgement of the Last Rebel. Expect that with a revealing of the Kingdom of Heaven. Its will be good for some and a pain for others
One of the goals of the Mission of physicaly revealing the Hidden is the discovery of the Seven commands and the lifting up of them for closer inspection. This can occur either in Babel of in Dalamatia City.
Here is a description of the Seven commands!
Urantia Book search
Among the later students trained in Mesopotamia for work with their respective races were Andonites from the highlands of western India together with representatives of the red men and the blue men; still later a small number of the yellow race were also received.
Hap presented the early races with a moral law. This code was known as "The Father's Way" and consisted of the following seven commands:
(these following commands maybe recovered in Dalamatia written in the Dalamatian Language, the first language consisting of 25 scripts.)
1. You shall not fear nor serve any God but the Father of all.
2. You shall not disobey the Father's Son, the world's ruler, nor show disrespect to his superhuman associates.
3. You shall not speak a lie when called before the judges of the people.
4. You shall not kill men, women, or children.
5. You shall not steal your neighbor's goods or cattle.
6. You shall not touch your friend's wife.
7. You shall not show disrespect to your parents or to the elders of the
This was the law of Dalamatia for almost three hundred thousand years. And many of the stones on which this law was inscribed now lie beneath the waters off the shores of Mesopotamia and Persia. It became the custom to hold one of these commands in mind for each day of the week, using it for salutations and mealtime thanksgiving.
Egyptian Book of the Dead
Hail, thou God Temu, (habbukak 3) grant thou unto me the sweet breath which dwelleth in thy nostrils! I am the Egg which is in Kenken-ur (the Great Cackler), and I watch and guard that mighty thing which hath come into being, wherewith the god Keb hath opened the earth. I live; it liveth; I grow, I live, I snuff the air. I am the god Utcha-aabet, and I go about his egg.
I shine at the moment of the mighty of strength, Suti. Hail, thou who makest sweet the time of the Two Lands! Hail, dweller among the celestial food. (Celestial food "Tree of Life") Hail, dweller among the beings of blue ,(A clear description of the violet race, Adam and Eve's progeny) watch ye to protect him that is in his nest, the Child who cometh forth to you. The child sounds like Jesus and he did live in Egypt and there is some connection with Iknantons remnants of that one God religion.
May 31st 2010
mmmmm.... this is interesting
NASA: Is Approaching Space Object Artificial?
Mobile phones responsible for disappearance of honey bee
The growing use of mobile telephones is behind the disappearance of honey bees and the collapse of their hives, scientists have claimed.
...This is a another major problem for our food. What else is there today??
The Spanish Banking System Is a Goner; London Is Next
You must plan for these things, plan for preservation rather than great prosperity. This is what the financial planners should be speaking about Preservation. Before battle!
Evergreen Air and a Secret Chemtrail Facility; Leaked
more babel stuff!
Some weird stuff
Japan Alien Probe A Jellyfish? Video.
Totally cool!
Weird UFO's In Japan, May 2010
UFO Landing In Turkey Seen By Many Witnesses
UFO Landing In Turkey Seen By Many Witnesses
Who do you think is at fault in this and who provoked the situation. Was it Israel or a group with the Motive to activate a geo political scenario knowing exactly what they are doing.
I really question the ultimate motive. I tend to believe it was a set up to provoke a international scenario. From what I understand the Israeli Navy where quite prepared to tow the boats to shore and unload the Humanitarian aid peacefully. That could of been quite reasonable.
Now all these enemy countries act like a wolf pack. But if you organised something like this wouldn't you expect something like this going into a war zone. The Turkish Government should be smarter than this, unless they are involved in a provocation with a Geopolitical motive influenced by other countries.
Maybe if they approached Israel in a more positive way and made a deal in good faith in the right attitude, the project would of been successful I'm sure.
All these factions have to make there enemy there friend, that is the only you will get peace there. Also that whole area needs a new spiritual uplift. That has to happen but everyone is stiffednecked.
All this stuff does not go down well with the Spiritual Administration.
Just another mess organised by unwise people. They are responsible, the ones who set this up in the first place. In actual fact Turkey should apologise including the other countries who organised this with motive other than humanitarian.
The whole scenario was organised by very silly people in my view with the wrong motive.
I think the whole thing was a mistake in my view.
Maybe these countries should simply make peace and end silly wars and start afresh leaving behind all the hate and BS. Be done with all this war over old prejudice that are always resurfaced in the promulgation with silly finger pointing that leads people in a wrong path.
Why can people and religion move forward from this as adults and mature people. Where is the leadership???
Also when they speak of Zionist, they miss the truth althogether, the real Zion that is referred to n the end times is the Zion of the Friends of Jesus. The people who come from the beginnings where Jesus comes from being the Alpha and Omega. Hint! Where the Father comprehends!!!! another hint!! the beginning!!!
Orit S
what a waist of energy.
PEACE !! is only way!!
Hi Orit, oh tell me about it and peace and better brotherhood like two sons making friends could be achieved and in a relatively easy way where the winnowing will be light. But instead it seems we have to go the low road of heaviness and negativity.
The journey is refelcted in space in support of the journey...the Back up!! , it has approval of jesus himself using the UB information because we are his friends and we comprehend from the beginning.
The direction is comfirmed in Space so that is the way should go and for all the countries and for ourselves to know what ios right and what is wring and confirms where we fo to following faith. The revealing of the Hidden is the closest Heaven can come in faith, after that its revealing, the end of faith as the revealking is the product of faith. After faith its actuality, actual and Universailty!!
The decisions of oneself have to be made in faith now not later.
they attacked us with wepened!!!
they said no wepen will be on the botes!!!!
they lie so much!
they think we dont expect there moves...ha
Anyway I cant get to involved but thats what I thought, with knives and axes already prepared for some conflict, its seemed a little premeditated.
The problem is, if they at war they can find justificatiuon?? to lie and be insincere and that is not Universal Law.
That is not part of the Seven commands nor of the Ten commandments.
Thats is the Law of the Universe replaced in our hearts with Love for one another and inservice to mankind, not some Kangaroo Law that hops around in relativity depending on the environment will very little fruits or even in truth...by the fruits!
Anyway its just another mes that could be avoided and highlghts misdirection and delinquency particulary going in a war zone, I mean really. A war Zone....just co-operate.
I think that all the people just to reconsider themselves and in there standing of the Universal Law. If they are not aligned get aligned because time is being wasted on petty and rebellious things.
Orit, there is coming a judgement of all mankind in the path its all going. That will be unavoidable! Everything that is wrong, not aligned with Universal Law will simply be wiped out being error. There is no compromise on that.
I know its just a world apart especialy when you see the fruits of rote and very little personal spiritual experience. All collective stuff! but can the truth be demonstrated using all fields of intelligence??? That is the truth of the matter that man demands.
Lecture about Sharing by Benjamin Creme
This was my response to the invitation.
Im not sure if I am interested, i havent seen any fulfillment and nothing has come to pass and I dont see it reflected in Space from the Universe Government of the Sovereign of this Local System.
The Universal Space Government is not responding to him, his journey is not reflected in Space where the end comes from that is from the beginning of all spiritual culture, as in Heaven on this planet Earth.
We are all going back to the beginning, that is where the Father of All personality will comprehend and respond.
June 1st 2010
Fred H
Yeah man, III speak to my friends upstairs lets see of we arrange something very unique and personalised for you.....in faith of course! hahaha!
But something really special for you and for us personalised so that we know once for all and we can rejoice...something like that.
That would be amazing....