Home of Adam and Eve
The restatement
Welcome to 1stEdenThanks for taking the time to venture through the Seven gates of 1stEden to explore the journey to Eden, a journey that will effect the Destiny of mankind a major discovery arranged and prepared by the Most High.
Its important that you become familiar with 1st Eden from the new book, the Urantia Book. As your'e aware the first Garden of Eden is Extensively spoken about by the prophets and Seers throughout the ages. I believe the revealing of 1stEden, the first home of Adam and Eve is part of a major planetary truth revealing process that is linked to this coming transition. I can see that this journey was seen in parts by all the prophets and it is only now that their words appear to be forming a oneness in the journey and discovery of the ancient places that no one was aware of. I believe this journey is linked to an expansion of all knowledge and truth on all levels of science, history and most importantly religion. I believe this is the upgrade for all religion and is part of a demonstration on all levels existence whether it be it in space/time and in the eternal realms, it could be a time where God and Man embrace each other in the discovery and verification of the record. I believe this journey is and will be undeniable and unmatched in design and symbolism and will prove itself unmovable.
However, its important that we explore the places one by one to see what fruit it bears in the physical to substantiate this research.
The Garden of Eden from the Urantia Book
Now that you maybe familiar with the story of first Eden, lets have a look at the fragments which speak of the demise of the first Garden of Eden.
After the first garden was vacated by Adam, it was occupied variously by the Nodites, Cutites, and the Suntites. It later became the dwelling place of the northern Nodites who opposed co-operation with the Adamites. The peninsula had been overrun by these lower-grade Nodites for almost four thousand years after Adam left the Garden when, in connection with the violent activity of the surrounding volcanoes and the submergence of the Sicilian land bridge to Africa, the eastern floor of the Mediterranean Sea sank, carrying down beneath the waters the whole of the Edenic peninsula. Concomitant with this vast submergence the coast line of the eastern Mediterranean was greatly elevated. And this was the end of the most beautiful natural creation that Urantia has ever harbored. The sinking was not sudden, several hundred years being required completely to submerge the entire peninsula. Concomitant with this vast submergence the coast line of the eastern Mediterranean was greatly elevated.
line 32: Before the last Andites were driven out of the Euphrates valley, many of their brethren had entered Europe as adventurers, teachers, traders, and warriors. During the earlier days of the violet race the Mediterranean trough was protected by the Gibraltar isthmus and the Sicilian land bridge. Some of man's very early maritime commerce was established on these inland lakes, where blue men from the north and the Saharans from the south met Nodites and Adamites from the east
line 50: About the time of these climatic changes in Africa, England separated from the continent, and Denmark arose from the sea, while the isthmus of Gibraltar, protecting the western basin of the Mediterranean, gave way as the result of an earthquake, quickly raising this inland lake to the level of the Atlantic Ocean.
Little History of the Mediterranean trough.
line 93: The Strait of Gibraltar closed, and Spain was connected with Africa by the old land bridge, but the Mediterranean flowed into the Atlantic through a narrow channel which extended across France, the mountain peaks and highlands appearing as islands above this ancient sea. Later on, these European seas began to withdraw. Still later, the Mediterranean was connected with the Indian Ocean, while at the close of this period the Suez region was elevated so that the Mediterranean became, for a time, an inland salt sea.
line 104: When Van and his associates made ready the Garden for Adam and Eve, they transplanted the Edentia tree to the Garden of Eden, where, once again, it grew in a central, circular courtyard of another temple to the Father. And Adam and Eve periodically partook of its fruit for the maintenance of their dual form of physical life.
line 105: When the plans of the Material Son went astray, Adam and his family were not permitted to carry the core of the tree away from the Garden. When the Nodites invaded Eden, they were told that they would become as "gods if they partook of the fruit of the tree." Much to their surprise they found it unguarded. They ate freely of the fruit for years, but it did nothing for them; they were all material mortals of the realm; they lacked that endowment which acted as a complement to the fruit of the tree. They became enraged at their inability to benefit from the tree of life, and in connection with one of their internal wars, the temple and the tree were both destroyed by fire; only the stone wall stood until the Garden was subsequently submerged. This was the second temple of the Father to perish.
Adam and Eve
The Default of Adam and Eve
The Second GardenJourney to the Discovery of Atlantis Expedition
Current thoughts.
In the following image I am very interested in exploring the 3 co planar formations on the top of the Acropolis Hill and the similar anomalies at the base of the Hill. I believe these similar anomalies at the base of the hill match the above in symmetry. By establishing the 3 co planar circles as a manmade design would establish the Temple and would make direct connection to the first Temple in Dalamatia City with the same similar 3 co planar circles of the first temple of the Father in symbolism and in design. It seems obvious that the 3 coplanar circles was as standard design of the Fathers temple as seen in both temple layouts.
The Second Temple
Note the 3 coplanar circles on top of the Acropolis Hill/temple.
and here is another image that I am interested in.
Another view of the temple of the Father.
There is this image which to me its like the confirmation.
Note: the similar 3 coplanar circles of the First temple of the Father in the image below of Dalamatia City.
To see the image full you will have to go through the Seven gates of Dalamatia City and its path and branches.and another view of the First Temple of the Father in Dalamatia City, the triangle city, the first place.
But to continue the story of 1stEden you have this very interesting anomaly close by the Temple to the North. It appears to be a formation that was shaped and there appears to be a quarried area on one end, quarried for building purposes. We have to find out! The general shape of this huge area seems to take the shape of a half square. It could be remnants of the domiciles and schools of 1stEden built by Van and or irrigation terraces for growing food. The Quarried area could also be the home of Adam of Eve to.. I think its important that we launch another expedition and explore these areas again but with a greater budget.
Here is a general overview of the Eden Proper itself. To me this image in the link is described by Enoch as the 6 mountains and the Seventh which was in the midst or the middle of the city. However in metaphor all the impetrations can apply to all the lost cities as they are one of each other..
And here is an image of the land of Eden, the submerged rectangular Edenic peninsula.
Also consider that after the the first default of the Sons of God, the tree of life was under the custodianship of Van and Amadon in there highland headquarters areas of evacuation where they built there own civilisation. After the default of the Sons of God and the fall of Dalamatia City, Van and Amadon travelled to there first place of evacuation which I believe is Lake Dal in Srinagar, in a highland plateau protected on all sides by the surrounding mountains and in later times the highland headquarters in North Eastern Iran where there can be still seen vestiges of the Van civilisation using the Google and NASA worldwind software compliment. The vestiges of the Van/Adamson civilisation appears to have been located in a triangle shape highland valley with a triangle/circular temple in the middle of the triangle valley protected by inner mountains like an hidden highland valley. To the side of the triangle valley there appears to be vestiges of the 3 coplanar circles/symbols as seen in the First and Second temple. If these co-planar symbols can be identified as manmade, that would further the facts of the matter and the truth of Van, Amadon and Adamson in the physical discovery matched with the words of the new book, The Urantia Book.
I also feel the tree of life was kept safe and warm from the waters of hot springs, its quite possible that the tree of life was kept was in an area close to hot springs, close to the temple. The heat of the springs would of kept the tree of life warm during the cold winter months in the Van highlands. Its quite possible that the temple could be tracked by following perhaps evidence of old hot springs in the vicinity and the 3 co planar circles.
Additional Genetic Evidence 12 August 08 discovered, verification.
By no means do these findings constitute definitive proof that a Neanderthal was the source of the original copy of the D allele. However, our evidence shows that it is one of the best candidates.
Bruce T. Lahn
The scientists said they have developed the most robust genetic evidence to date that suggests humans and Neanderthals interbred when they existed together thousands of years ago. The interbreeding hypothesis contrasts with at least one prominent theory that posits that no interbreeding occurred when the two species encountered one another.
Lahn collaborated on the studies with Patrick D. Evans, Nitzan Mekel-Bobrov, Eric J. Vallender and Richard R. Hudson, all of the University of Chicago.
In their studies, Lahn and his colleagues performed a detailed statistical analysis of the DNA sequence structure of the gene microcephalin, which is known to play a role in regulating brain size in humans. Mutations in the human gene cause development of a much smaller brain, a condition called microcephaly.
Earlier studies by Lahn's group yielded evidence that the microcephalin gene has two distinct classes of alleles. One class, called the D alleles, is comprised of a group of alleles with rather similar DNA sequences. The other class is called the non-D alleles. Lahn and colleagues previously showed that all modern copies of the D alleles arose from a single progenitor copy about 37,000 years ago, which then increased in frequency rapidly and are now present in about 70 percent of the world's population. This rapid rise in frequency indicates that the D alleles underwent positive selection in the recent history of humans. This means that these alleles conferred a fitness advantage on those who possessed one of them such that these people had slightly higher reproductive success than people who didn't possess the alleles, said Lahn.
The estimate that all modern copies of the D alleles descended from a single progenitor copy about 37,000 years ago is based on the measurement of sequence difference between different copies of the D alleles. As a copy of a gene is passed from one generation to the next, mutations are introduced at a steady rate, such that a certain number of generations later, the descendent copies of the gene would on average vary from one another in DNA sequence by a certain amount. The greater the number of the generations, the more DNA sequence difference there would be between two descendent copies, said Lahn. The amount of sequence difference between different copies of a gene can therefore be used to estimate the amount of evolutionary time that has elapsed since the two copies descended from their common progenitor.
In the new studies reported in PNAS, the researchers performed detailed sequence comparisons between the D alleles and the non-D alleles of microcephalin. The scientists determined that these two classes of alleles have likely evolved in two separate lineages for about 1.1 million years with the non-D alleles having evolved in the Homo sapiens lineage and the D alleles having evolved in an archaic, and now extinct, Homo lineage. Then, about 37,000 years ago, a copy of the D allele crossed from the archaic Homo lineage into humans, possibly by interbreeding between members of the two populations. This copy subsequently spread in humans from a single copy when it first crossed into humans to an allele that is now present in an estimated 70 percent of the population worldwide today.
The estimate of 1.1 million years that separates the two lineages is based on the amount of sequence difference between the D and the non-D alleles. Although the identity of this archaic Homo lineage is yet to be determined, the researchers argue that a likely candidate is the Neanderthals. The 1.1 million year separation between humans and this archaic Homo species is roughly consistent with previous estimates of the amount of evolutionary time separating the Homo sapiens lineage and the Neanderthal lineage, said Lahn. Furthermore, the time of introgression of the D allele into humans about 37,000 years ago is when humans and Neanderthals coexisted in many parts of the world.
Lahn said the group's data suggest that the interbreeding was unlikely to be a thorough genetic mixing, but rather a rare - and perhaps even a single event that introduced the ancestral D allele previously present in this other Homo species into the human line.
By no means do these findings constitute definitive proof that a Neanderthal was the source of the original copy of the D allele, said Lahn. However, our evidence shows that it is one of the best candidates. The timeline - including the introgression of the allele into humans 37,000 years ago and its origin in a lineage that separated with the human line 1.1 million years ago agrees with the contact between, and the evolutionary history of, Neanderthals and humans.
And a third line of evidence, albeit weaker, is that the D alleles are much more prevalent in Eurasia and lower in sub-Saharan Africa, which is consistent with an origin in the former area. And we know that Neanderthals evolved outside of Africa, said Lahn.
Lahn also said that although the disruption of the microcephalin gene in humans leads to smaller brains, the role of the D alleles in brain evolution remains unknown. The D alleles may not even change brain size; they may only make the brain a bit more efficient if it indeed affects brain function, he said. For example, someone inheriting the D allele may have only a slightly more efficient brain on average. While that enhancement might confer only a subtle evolutionary advantage on that person, when that effect is propagated over a thousand generations of natural selection, the result will be to drive the D alleles to a very high prevalence.
Lahn and his colleagues believe that other genes might well show similar telltale signs of an origin in archaic Homo lineages such as Neanderthals. They are currently using their analytical tool to search for evidence of that origin for other genes in the human genome.
Such findings may have broader implications for understanding human evolution than just revealing the possibility of human-Neanderthal interbreeding, he said. In addition to being perhaps the most robust genetic evidence for introgression of genes from archaic Homo species into humans, I think this finding demonstrates that the evolution of our species has been profoundly impacted by gene flow from our relative species, said Lahn.
Finding evidence of mixing is not all that surprising. But our study demonstrates the possibility that interbreeding contributed advantageous variants into the human gene pool that subsequently spread. This implies that the evolution of human biology has been affected by the contribution of advantageous genetic variants from archaic relatives that we have replaced or even killed off, he said.
Until now, said Lahn, the scientific debate over genetic exchange between humans and other Homo species has led to two prominent competing theories. One holds that anatomically modern humans replaced archaic species, with no interbreeding. And the other states that extensive interbreeding did take place and that modern humans evolved from that interbreeding in many regions of the world.
Genetic and fossil evidence for the latter multiregional theory has been inconclusive, said Lahn, so that theory has been largely discredited. However, he said, the newer evidence of gene exchange as well as other genetic evidence that might follow could give rise to a more moderate version holding that some genetic exchange did take place. Furthermore, it will become increasingly appreciated that such genetic exchange might have made our species much more fit.