Power from the air: Device captures ambient electromagnetic
energy to drive small electronic devices
Researchers have discovered a way to
capture energy transmitted by such sources as radio and
television transmitters and cell phone networks. By scavenging
this ambient energy from the air around us, the technique could
provide a new way to power networks of wireless sensors or other
A nuclear reactor in Japan was
forced to shut down due to infiltration of enormous swarms of
jellyfish near the power plant.
Power from the air: Device captures ambient electromagnetic
energy to drive small electronic devices
Researchers have discovered a way to
capture energy transmitted by such sources as radio and
television transmitters and cell phone networks. By scavenging
this ambient energy from the air around us, the technique could
provide a new way to power networks of wireless sensors or other
A nuclear reactor in Japan was
forced to shut down due to infiltration of enormous swarms of
jellyfish near the power plant.
Based on Original Research By John
Anthony West
Preview of Gregg Karukas' new Radio
Single // created at
One of many great tracks from the
sax of James Oppenheim. Boney James, (born James Oppenheim,
September 1, 1961 in Lowell, Massachusetts) is a saxophonist,
songwriter and producer who popularized urban jazz (an updated
version of contemporary jazz that contains elements of R&B and
hip-hop). He is on
Did you buy this album? : "Drive" by
Russ Freeman 2002 Theme : Drive Russ Freeman Official Website :
http://www.russfreeman.com/ iTunes :
http://www.konstantin-music.co m/
https://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/ KoolKlean From: Volume
I Kool&Klean © Copyright-Konstantin Klashtorni (804879224020)
Record La...
Such a smooth and mellow piano
piece. From his CD, 'Sacred Roots'.
FRIDAY, 8 JULY 2011 Messiah Joseph
Redemption All the religions are saying their religion is the
true one. However, they all forget the prophecies predicted ...
ELENIN Forum where information was
http://www.usmessageboard.com/ conspiracy-theories/154857-the -planet-x-nibiru-elenin-brown- dwarf-timeline.html
JPL in...
This was a fantastic performance by
Eric Darius. From his new CD titled "Goin' all out" The song is
called "Breathe" I am SURE you'll enjoy it!!
Any opinions on what this is? space
junk? 1VURI47UgK0
ELENIN Forum where information was
http://www.usmessageboard.com/ conspiracy-theories/154857-the -planet-x-nibiru-elenin-brown- dwarf-timeline.html
JPL in...
Watch E6722maj's video about saturn
storm cassini nasa space solar system documentary on Disclose.tv
Watch Remanuelli's video about inuit
hunters tribe wize documentary on Disclose.tv
This looks like a pretty decent bit
of footage. No dust clouds or distorted planes; just a nice
thunder storm and some strange lights. WTLJmQtZztE ...
U-Nam performs @ Catalina Jazz Trax
Festival in Avalon ,CA on 10/21/2007 Song : Just A Kiss &
Goodbye Band : Gorden Campbell : Drums Melvin Davis : Bass Dio
Another great track from the
excellent cd "Foreign Exchange" from Paul Brown and Marc
Antoine. This cut is entitled 'French Connection". Enjoy!
ADDIS ABABA Thousands of Somalis
have fled into neighbouring Ethiopia to seek relief from a harsh
drought that has hit the Horn of Africa region, a World Food
Programme official said Thursday.
UFO Researcher Claims Air Force Not Revealing Truth About
Communication Outage At F.E. Warren Missil
In Washington last September, six
former Air Force officers and a former enlisted man stepped
forward to say that they'd seen or had been directly involved
with UFO sightings at nuclear missile sites. These sightings
began at the dawn of the Cold War and continued through the
Mr Murdoch said in a statement:
'Having consulted senior colleagues, I have decided that we must
take further decisive action with respect to the paper. This
Sunday will be the last issue of the News of the World.'
Watch Grey's video about Phoenix
Sandstorm UFOs 2011 documentary on Disclose.tv
From "Diamonds" (2010) I don't own
the copyright on this recording. The video is for entertainment
purposes only.

I was watching this Video of Perry
Return of the ancient spirits.
Have a good listen but afterward consider the following.
In my view...
He mentions 4 spirits will come out of the Euphrates but something is holding or restraining these 4 spirits. He infers that Egypt and Jerusalem and Babylon which is connected to a mystery.
It appears that the restraining is related to a mystery and its solving. I believe what Perry Stone is describing is the journey from the Beginnings and certain aspects of it like Babylon or really BABEL in Dilmun. The 4 spirits is the revealing of the ancient cities all connected to each other in history and events. The cities include, 1st Eden, Dilmun, Dalamatia City and Vans highland Capital. Its the revealing of these cities that reveals the Last Rebel or the Snake in the Garden revealing all his work throughout the world, now and in the past.
The Urantia Book is connected to a demonstration that reveals the Last Rebel for all he really is, insane. The Journey to Dilmun/Babel(Babylon) connects with prophecy in the Bible. The Sphinx and the Great Pyramid points to Dilmun or Babel the Mystery Dilmun is the home of the 1st and 2nd tower of Babel submerged. Babylon, the mystery is all about the discovery and revealing of the cities of the fallen Sons of God in default. The Mystery of Babylon is the Mystery of the Journey to Babel submerged today, right now and it came from 1stEden.
Apollyon and Abbaddon are perhaps in truth, Caligastia and Daligastia hiding in the cities of default whose hiding places are revealed in truth to the world, they are revealed from there original cities in verification and they become angry which means they are unrestrained as the Revealer has done his job and is taken out of the way and that could mean translation or an unprecedented event possibly!
http://sermon.net/client/voe/p l.php
and consider
We well understand how, by his triumph on Urantia, Michael became the successor of both Caligastia and Adam; how he became the planetary Prince of Peace and the second Adam. And now we behold the conferring upon this Melchizedek of the title Vicegerent Planetary Prince of Urantia. Will he also be constituted Vicegerent Material Son of Urantia? >>>>Or is there a possibility that an unexpected and unprecedented event is to take place, the sometime return to the planet of Adam and Eve or certain of their progeny as representatives of Michael with the titles vicegerents of the second Adam of Urantia?<<<<
http://mercy.urantia.org/cgi-b in/webglimpse/mfs/usr/local/ww w/data/papers?link=http%3A%2F% 2Fmercy.urantia.org%2Fpapers%2 Fpaper93.html&file=%2Fusr%2Flo cal%2Fwww%2Fdata%2Fpapers%2Fpa per93.html&line=182#mfs
Return of the ancient spirits.
Have a good listen but afterward consider the following.
In my view...
He mentions 4 spirits will come out of the Euphrates but something is holding or restraining these 4 spirits. He infers that Egypt and Jerusalem and Babylon which is connected to a mystery.
It appears that the restraining is related to a mystery and its solving. I believe what Perry Stone is describing is the journey from the Beginnings and certain aspects of it like Babylon or really BABEL in Dilmun. The 4 spirits is the revealing of the ancient cities all connected to each other in history and events. The cities include, 1st Eden, Dilmun, Dalamatia City and Vans highland Capital. Its the revealing of these cities that reveals the Last Rebel or the Snake in the Garden revealing all his work throughout the world, now and in the past.
The Urantia Book is connected to a demonstration that reveals the Last Rebel for all he really is, insane. The Journey to Dilmun/Babel(Babylon) connects with prophecy in the Bible. The Sphinx and the Great Pyramid points to Dilmun or Babel the Mystery Dilmun is the home of the 1st and 2nd tower of Babel submerged. Babylon, the mystery is all about the discovery and revealing of the cities of the fallen Sons of God in default. The Mystery of Babylon is the Mystery of the Journey to Babel submerged today, right now and it came from 1stEden.
Apollyon and Abbaddon are perhaps in truth, Caligastia and Daligastia hiding in the cities of default whose hiding places are revealed in truth to the world, they are revealed from there original cities in verification and they become angry which means they are unrestrained as the Revealer has done his job and is taken out of the way and that could mean translation or an unprecedented event possibly!
and consider
We well understand how, by his triumph on Urantia, Michael became the successor of both Caligastia and Adam; how he became the planetary Prince of Peace and the second Adam. And now we behold the conferring upon this Melchizedek of the title Vicegerent Planetary Prince of Urantia. Will he also be constituted Vicegerent Material Son of Urantia? >>>>Or is there a possibility that an unexpected and unprecedented event is to take place, the sometime return to the planet of Adam and Eve or certain of their progeny as representatives of Michael with the titles vicegerents of the second Adam of Urantia?<<<<
Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On" is
the second track on Peter White's "by Candlelight' album,
released in 2000. - JC
Humanity is close to breaching the
sustainability of Earth, and needs a technological revolution
greater and faster than the industrial revolution to avoid
[swf file="http://www.urantia.org/ub-medi a/ub-mp3/U94.mp3"]
The Urantia Book Paper 94The Melchizedek Teachings in the Orient
(1027.1) 94:0.1 THE early teachers of the Salem religion
penetrated to the remotest tribes of Africa and Eurasia, ever
preaching Machiventas gospel of mans faith and trust
When you intone the sound Aum, be
filled with it, forget everything else. Become the Aum, become
the sound. And it is very easy to become the sound, because
sound can
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road [Bonus
Tracks] 1973
Elton John singing his smash hit
Philadelphia Freedom at the Royal Opera House. I just love it
with the entire orchestral arrangement. Don't take anything
NASA needs new 'breakthrough,' says
Obama AFP - NASA needs new technology breakthroughs to
revitalize its mission to explore the universe, President Barack
Obama said ...
Watch Pscinet's video about 2012
2013 energy magnetic field pole shift secret government military
industrial complex documentary on Disclose.tv
The volcano is close to the
ash-spewing Eyjafjoell, which last year caused the world's
biggest airspace shut down since World War II, affecting more
than 100,000 flights and eight million passengers.
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program,
responsible for monitoring, reporting, and researching
earthquakes and earthquake hazards
The title cut from the new Euge
Groove album S7VEN LARGE. In stores and online beginning May 17,
Here's the great Boney James with
George Benson on guitar for the tune "Hypnotic" from the cd
from "20Th Anniversary Celebration"
(2006) ** Japan edition bonus track
Recorded at the Pizza Express Jazz
Club in London. For details on upcoming gigs visit
http://www.sky.fm/smoothjazz/e vents Featuring Marc
Antoine (Guitar), Gr...
Watch Ghost32's video about
Marduk2012 The Ringmakers Saturn Norman Bergrun documentary on
Watch Ghost32's video about
Marduk2012 The Ringmakers Saturn Norman Bergrun documentary on
In a case that might have served as
one of the inspirations for the Steven Spielberg, J.J. Abrams
blockbuster Super 8, a group of Japanese
from "20Th Anniversary Celebration"
(2006) ** Japan edition bonus track
Second radio single from the 2008
Love & Paragraphs album available now at