The triangle

Ancient Stone Markings in Jerusalem
Stump Experts Mysterious stone carvings made thousands of years
ago and recently uncovered in an excavation underneath Jerusalem
have archaeologists ...

I reckon the
people Whose names are written in the book of life from the
foundation/creation of the world will not see following sequence of
events in revelation. I believe they will evacuated prior.
The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and will come up out of
the Abyss and go to his destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose
names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the
world will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was,
now is not, and yet will come.

Gregg Karukas is a smooth jazz
keyboard player and pianist, originally from the Washington,
DC-Maryland area. He experimented with keyboards as a child, but

At the center of >the Edenic peninsula<
was the exquisite stone temple of the Universal Father, the sacred
shrine of the Garden.<<
To the north the administrative headquarters was established; to the
south were built the homes for the workers and their families; to the
west was provided the allotment of ground for the proposed schools of
the educational system of the expected Son, while in the >...>>east
of Eden<<< were built the domiciles intended for the promised Son and
his immediate offspring.<<
The architectural plans for Eden provided homes and abundant land for
one million human beings.

I don't
understand what's going on?? Seems really strange and weird.

They tried to deny it and say its
not true, despite the massive amounts of video evidence...do you
see a SINGLE woman dressed as a bride over the age on 8? No, you
dont....Disgusting Child Molesting A

Mount Shasta is the most widely
known sacred site of California. Towering above the Cascade
foothills, Shasta is surrounded by five glaciers that hold it in
place. This sacred mountain emits such a strong energy pattern,
that satellite photos show an atmospheric hole over its peak.
Because of the ...

Boy, I like to
see that video.

MythBusters Cannonball Experiment
Gone Wrong... Hits Houses and Car in Dublin, CA

Thats what friends are for!
Ellie, the elephant, sitting in the middle of the forest. She
has hurt on her leg. What a problem! This morning Ellie was
going to meet her cousin at the end of the forest. ...

You know, I was
so touched, inspired and filled when I heard this full. I fully believe
him 100 percent and this office and myself are in full service and
support of the people, forever more unto Paradise.

Obama reads psalm 46,,, Was Obama
quoting a psalm that fit 911,,,,or does he know something that
we dont know ab the end of the world? why does Bush look so ...

Here are some
view points of Islam regarding the end days. You really have to research
this for yourself and make up your own mind but I feel he will be
disappointed at the end in the wrong raiment. He mentioned Jesus coming
down in Damascus, that was already known before Islam in the Zadokite
document and inferred by St Ephraim.

Watch Peaceforworld's video about
Alien Conspiracy DMT Illuminati Jones NASA NWO New Order Space
aliens bush obama secret th documentary on Disclose.tv

A world war
could start over an island. unbelievable and yet its almost impossible
to go to an island of truth Eden in the abyss for learning.

Chinese President Hu Jintao on
Tuesday urged the navy to prepare for military combat, amid
growing regional tensions over maritime disputes and a US
campaign to assert itself as a Pacific power.


Oh yea this really looks LIKE
Jupiter or VENUS!! YEA RIGHT!! If your a troll say...
goodbye your off my PAGE!! THIS IS REAL! YOU NEED TO WAKE THE

It does not
surprise me.

Two incidents that occurred on
SundayIrans claim of a shoot-down of a U.S. drone, and an
explosion outside the British embassy in Bahrainmay have been
unrelated. But they appear to add to growing evidence that an
escalating covert war by the West is under way against Iran, and
that Tehran is reta...

Now they turn
on there associated religious faction in the self destruction of
religion. In every Sin lays the seed of self destruction. These are not
necessary with the truth revealed from the hidden but they are kept away
from the truth in my view.

At least 52 people died after
bombers struck Shiite worshipers in three cities observing the
Ashura holy day on Tuesday, in the first such sectarian attacks
in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban.

Photo collection of SLC/FBC BOYS
HIGH SCHOOL, Class 1968 / Oxnard, CA mini-reunion, Jan. 21-23,

Watch Harlekin's video about
Holocaust Short Holocaust Believers Crime Scene Investigation
Challenge 5400000 Reward Pro documentary on Disclose.tv

Watch Renseor's video about Version
Makana Tells Story Sings Version Song Makana Guitar Camera Phone
Performance World documentary on Disclose.tv

Revelation 21:17
>>He measured its wall and it was 144 cubits thick, by man's
measurement,<< which the angel was using.
remember the 144 and connected to a WALL of a city..mmmm 12(66)x12(66)
144 the Measurement of Mankind eh! according to the line in the sand,
the Rod of the Universal standards as in the 7 and 10 commands.
See More

Oh absolutely, we are definitely in the
days of a tree, that one tree of life, in the revealing of the hidden,
as Jesus said he would do before the end into the beginning of the
Dawning of his new day, the Lords day for mankind, eh! no worries at
>>>For as the days of a tree,<(the tree of life)
so will be the days of my people;<<<
my chosen ones will long enjoy
... the work of their hands.
100 percentile eh!See

13 Therefore this is what the Sovereign
LORD says:
My servants will eat,
but you will go hungry;
my servants will drink,
but you will go thirsty;
my servants will rejoice,
but you will be put to shame.
See More

check this out!
delete it if you want after
Just passing the information on for
those who do not already know about China and also for those who
are wanting to peacefully protest. Original video locati...

Other ideas in
some atheist viewpoint all rather soulless in nothingness.

Why does Comet Elenin that is
approaching toward Earth apparently resemble the Borg Cube
depicted in Gene Roddenberrys Star Trek science fiction series?
Based upon Alex Colliers insights, the approaching Comet is a
giant cube, and that God in the bible is a regressive alien code
for this Gala...

The great band Fourplay's 'Fourplay
X" had this nice tune called 'Cinnamon Sugar" Enjoy!

Pity we never
had water drop energy system which would assist in shielding us from
such a thing.

WASHINGTON The U.S. is becoming
increasingly aware and concerned about the possibility within a
few years of an electromagnetic pulse attack from an enemy's ...

I wonder what's
happening here.

Lined up in a gun rack beneath
mounted deer heads is a Bushmaster Carbon 15, a matte-black
semiautomatic rifle that looks as if it belongs to a SWAT team.
On another rack rests a Teflon-coated Prairie Panther from DPMS...

"Only an alert and knowledgeable
citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial
and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and
goals so that security and liberty may prosper together." more..

Read conservative news, blogs and
opinion about Julian Assange, National Security, Nobel Prize and
Yasser Arafat from The Weekly Standard, the must read magazine
available in online edition.

I don't think
this is any mystery and while I'm here I like to see if I can do a good
thing for all the people in the way that can be cherished for the
future, from 1st Eden and Dalamatia City from the beginnings. For all
the people including the agencies, they are not my enemies.
I am happy to be of service from the stand of truth demonstrated that I
know is good for civilisation and will stabilise.

WikiLeaks which ever way you frame
it are not the source of the lies and deceptions are they.
Support for them is growing as the Worlds first digital war
break out. Julian Assange,John Pilger, UFO documents to come -
By Colin Andrews

Reassuring presence, A LIGHT when
times are dark, A hand reaching out, Is what friendship is

The harassment
started from the very beginning, he said in an interview in his
university office, still cluttered with campaign paraphernalia he never
got to distribute. It is a shame, because I didnt do anything wrong,
he said. All we did was follow Chinas Constitution and election law.

While Chinese leaders speak in favor
of political reform, local authorities routinely deny voters the
chance to choose their own political representative.

doing circles
in space eh!

Gigantic EMV Detected Next To
Mercury A huge Electromagnetic vehicle next to Mercury on SECCHI
HI1-A on 12/01/11, appears when a CME hits it! Mercury ...

John, To >>the
seven churches< in the province of Asia: Grace and peace to you >from
him who is, and who was, and who is to come,< and from >the seven
spirits before his throne,<> and from Jesus Christ,<>>>who is the
faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead,<<< and the ruler of the
kings of the earth.<< To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins
by his blood,

Cautioned by Washington about the
risks of a military strike on Iran, Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu spoke on Sunday about making "the right
decision at the right moment," even when allies object.

Maybe, many of
the people just simply want a change to seek new heights in there

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Vladimir Putin's
ruling party suffered a big drop in support in a parliamentary
election on Sunday, exit polls showed, as voters signaled their
growing unease with his domination of

To me the end
reality is beginning to take shape and we have box seat so to speaks and
yet we are aware of a Parallel truth running in parallelism. To me its
part of the Seventh Parallel of foreseen realities by the prophets of
old, seen in fragments coming to wholeness in a singular point in our

The situation in Syria is just a
warm-up before a real confrontation, which will draw Russia and
China into action, believes Lawrence Freeman from the Executive
Intelligence Review magazine.

Aaah its just
the beginnings really, this will lead to other things.

Iranian media report that Iran's
armed forces have shot down an unmanned US spy plane after it
allegedly violated Iranian air space

"The language
of this book is quite twisted," Ketola said. "The sound syllables are a
mixture of Spanish and Italian, also mixed with the language this man
used to speak himself. His own language was a rare Babylonian dialect
that was spoken in a small area in Asia."

Written in alien characters,
illustrated with sketches, and dating back hundreds of years,
the Voynich Manuscript has puzzled cryptographers, historians
and bibliophiles for centuries. Has that mystery come to an end?

BERLIN Germany The Administrative
Court of Berlin had ordered the German parliament to release all
its UFO files.

To me it makes
sense that he would have hidden things in his paintings.

Four Keys That
Will Set You Free.

Perry Stone Teaches in studio.

Check out the
8:55 mark, interesting filmed in South Australia.

I thought this
was an interesting link considering Government are the people who would
also be naturally curious.

"Only an alert and knowledgeable
citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial
and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and
goals so that security and liberty may prosper together." more..

The Muslim Brotherhoods new clout
is plunging it into an Islamist-against-Islamist debate over
religions role in a promised democracy.

A golden UFO appeared in the
northwestern sky and was seen by some citizens in Beijing,
Tianjin and Hebei on the evening of Nov 30.


"Only an alert and knowledgeable
citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial
and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and
goals so that security and liberty may prosper together." more..

Shocked scientists hurriedly
rechecked their data and gloomily admitted it's true: the sun's
core is shrinking...the sun may be dying.

Welcome to the Urantia group! Please
take a moment to review "The Urantia Group Manual" for an idea
of our group policies, guidelines, and rules for spiritual
engagement on Facebook:

Kim Waters playing the sax at the
Raddison Grove in Sacramento. Magdalene's Mirth, Joan Marie,
Distant Lover magdalenesmirth.com


Like Butter (feat. Rick Braun).
Richard Elliot chose to go with the production expertise of
Steve Dubin on his Chill Factor (1999), yet the silky, simmering

I still think
contact will come by the Spirit before anything and getting to know God
from the heart as a friend. It will be something related to that before
any contact formal. Plus, it is destined a judgement of the planet takes
place before anything and most like it will be Judge Jesus that will
adjudge the age.
I don't know dates as its based on realisation from recognition.

Watch Grey's video about SETI Money
Raised Alien Search News americasnews documentary on Disclose.tv

European Union foreign ministers
agreed to impose new sanctions on additional Iranian entities
and tightened measures against Syria over President Bashar al-Assad's
crackdown on protesters.