1st Eden
Dalamatia City .
Northern Dilmun .
Eastern Dilmun .
. Susa
Van/Admason civilisation
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Dalamatia City
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Dalamatia City
line 88: 2. The eastern or Elamite Nodites. The culture and commerce advocates migrated in large numbers eastward into Elam and there united with the mixed Sangik tribes. The Elamites of thirty to forty thousand years ago had become largely Sangik in nature, although they continued to maintain a civilization superior to that of the surrounding barbarians.
The recent discovery of the location of Dalamatia City, the triangle city on June 28 07
November 2, 07 This discovery is most likely the location of 1st Susa, the lower and first city of Susa in ancient times before it was inundated by floods in around 8000 years ago, Susa was part of the latter Andite/Sumerian settlements along the mouth of the rivers in earlier times when the water levels was 15 meters lower. The Andites who settled in Elam was part of the progeny of the Eastern Nodite clan who moved to the area (Elam) after the demise of Dalamatia. 1stSusa was built close by to the earlier settlement of northern Babel/Dilmun the Northern Nodite capital city where Babel was attempted, However, according to my calculation Dilmun of the North was destroyed by rising sea levels approximately 13,000 years and would of been included in the annals of the Sumerians.
Here is an image that leads to some research of first and lower Susa
1stSusa was was realized 2 November 07. This location has undergone many name changes. At first I thought it was Dalamatia to the east of Dilmun/Babel, then I discovered submerged Dalamatia City submerged in the Southern Persian Gulf.
Here is some extracts about first and lower Susa from the Urantia Book.
line 139: It was during the floodtimes that Susa so greatly prospered. The first and lower city was inundated so that the second or higher town succeeded the lower as the headquarters for the peculiar artcrafts of that day. With the later diminution of these floods, Ur became the center of the pottery industry. About seven thousand years ago Ur was on the Persian Gulf, the river deposits having since built up the land to its present limits. These settlements suffered less from the floods because of better controlling works and the widening mouths of the rivers.
Here is a link that proves that the river inhabitants fled to the highlands to the East so it appears to be not a local event.
line 125: For thousands of years after the submergence of the first Eden the mountains about the eastern coast of the Mediterranean and those to the northwest and northeast of Mesopotamia continued to rise. This elevation of the highlands was greatly accelerated about 5000 B.C., and this, together with greatly increased snowfall on the northern mountains, caused unprecedented floods each spring throughout the Euphrates valley. These spring floods grew increasingly worse so that eventually the inhabitants of the river regions were driven to the eastern highlands. For almost a thousand years scores of cities were practically deserted because of these extensive deluges.
and here is another fragment from The Urantia Book which describe the Andite inhabitants living in the location of 1st Susa in the coastal regions. Right in the middle of Elam territory.
line 118: Five per cent of the Andites, the very superior culture of the coastal district about the mouths of the Tigris and Euphrates who had kept themselves free from intermarriage with the inferior neighboring tribesmen, refused to leave their homes. This group represented the survival of many superior Nodite and Adamite strains
Here is a Urantia Book word search on 1st Susa.
Not knowing what this city was at the time and following conjecture. I called this unknown city Tiprua/Dilmun. However it was just recently I realized it was 1st Susa. Susa was the first city to be discovered on the night of September the 16-17th 06. However, I never realized the submerged ruins in the North East of Persian gulf to the West Dilmun/Babel could be Susa. Soon after the discovery of Susa, Babel/Dilmun was discovered soon after.
In the following is a reflection of the 2 Dilmuns, one to the East near the headwaters of the Persian Gulf and the Dilmun to the North just East of the ruins of 1stSusa.
The Urantia Book
line 96: The elaborate records left by the Sumerians describe the site of a remarkable settlement which was located on the Persian Gulf near the earlier city of Dilmun. The Egyptians called this city of ancient glory Dilmat, while the later Adamized Sumerians confused both the first and second Nodite cities with Dalamatia and called all three Dilmun. And already have archaeologists found these ancient Sumerian clay tablets which tell of this earthly paradise "where the Gods first blessed mankind with the example of civilized and cultured life." And these tablets, descriptive of Dilmun, the paradise of men and God, are now silently resting on the dusty shelves of many museums.
This city Susa was inhabited by the later Andites who lived around the coast line of the Northern Persian Gulf.
1st Susa,
Destroyed 8000 years ago. The city was destroyed by the inundation of floods and rising sea levels.
Design Artifacts of Susa
In the following is an interesting design on a vase that originated from current Susa, the 2nd Susa. Note the Vee designs and the divisions within the triangle. Seems to have reflections to the design of Dalamatia City including the walled divisions as described in the Urantia Book
Funerary beaker in Susa A style from extramural graveyard at Susa. 10.5" tall. Elegent geometric design with stylized foliage. Early 4th millenium B.C. Le Louvre, Paris.
Interesting to note the the city was in design in the above funerary jar and matches perfectly to the 10 grand divisions of Dalamatia City. Each grand division was separated into 5 divisions. What I believe in the above is a distant reflection of a grand divisions and its 5 separated divisions which contained 500 individuals each. Here is a link to the images of the divisions of Dalamatia that are reflected in the Vees.
Here is another interesting image that seems to reflect the triangle and circle chevron. It appears to have design reflection of Babel to the North in Dilmun
The above symbol found in Second Susa can be found seen reflections that continue even to the tomb of Jesus' family tomb.
The foundations of Babel in Dilmun to the North
another view of the same Chevron of Babel in the Babel Gallery
And note again the constant Vee representations and triangles in another Susa Vase. Another reflection of the designs of Dalamatia.
Here is a fragment of onformation about the Susa pottery and designs
It is chiefly by the many thousand broken pieces of pottery found in the lowest deposits of the Susa mound that the story has been built up, bit by bit, of these unknown immigrants from an unknown land; something like the reconstruction of the unseen, lame, half-blind camel in "The Arabian Nights." This pottery is wonderfully hard and thin, not much thicker than a couple of postcards, and it rings like porcelain, though it is not so transparent. The forms are simple and graceful; they were produced on a rudimentary potter's wheel, used with a skill that was probably due to the inherited experience of many generations of craftsmen. Nearly all the bowls and vases were elaborately decorated either inside or outside with strange designs, most of which have no similarity with any designs found in other parts of the world, so that we have no due to the country where these potters learned their art, though we can be fairly sure that they brought it from some centre of civilization where it had been undergoing a long period of development. For it is now admitted that ornamental designs in all countries and in all ages are not the chance product of the craftsman's brain-they have a regular evolution from the simple to the complex, most of the simple designs being evidently based on natural forms of men or animals.
There are other indications that the earliest colonists of Susa were well civilized before they left that unknown parent country, for in their (Page 699) burial ground outside the city walls are found the bronze hatchets of the men, and the mirrors, the needles, and ointment vases of the women; there are also relics of delicate fabrics finely woven on a loom. The human remains in the graves have unfortunately been so crushed by the immense weight of the overlying deposits that have accumulated above them for forty centuries that it is impossible for ethnologists to decide whether they were members of the white, the black, or the yellow races. People became very interested over the finding of Tutankhamen's tomb, although its contents added relatively little to our knowledge of the origins or the development of civilization; how much more interesting would be the finding of the unknown home country of the colonists of Susa, the earliest artistic potters that have as yet given us an insight into the origins of their craft. There are no traces of inscriptions on any of their relics, so we cannot even guess what language they may have spoken. The community vanished as mysteriously as it arrived; a thick layer of charcoal and ashes being the only evidence of the catastrophe that overwhelmed them.
and again referring to the Urantia Book fragment about the 1st and 2nd Susa
line 139: It was during the floodtimes that Susa so greatly prospered. The first and lower city was inundated so that the second or higher town succeeded the lower as the headquarters for the peculiar artcrafts of that day. With the later diminution of these floods, Ur became the center of the pottery industry. About seven thousand years ago Ur was on the Persian Gulf, the river deposits having since built up the land to its present limits. These settlements suffered less from the floods because of better controlling works and the widening mouths of the rivers.
In the following is the thread that I followed that led me to the discovery of the location of 1st Susa, it was the latitude that made think of Dalamatia.
this was on the night of September 16-17 06 -----------------------------------------------------
Here some pictures on Lixus in Morocco, the outpost of the very early Andite influence. It could give clues to the Early Andite expansion in Morocco. The stone work seems to be similar to the stone work of the Andites. Even though the Romans reshaped the early ruins for there own purposes.
Know this culture also spread into Europe to Spain, Switzerland and Italy and is evident in the region of the circles.
These are the clues.
The first King of Atlantis was Urania, Sounds very close the Uran, Urantia, Ur. Again from the east moving west. Note the religion of the circle spread throughout all of Europe, You could say it was revival was akin to sun and moon worship.
Here is another view of the ancient Andite Blocks like in Baalbek
The Cyclopean Wall at Lixus on the River Lucus, near Larache in Spanish Morocco.
and another mark of the Andites.
Here is a little something stumbled across, I wonder if its a clue to Dalamatia looking at the latitude (this was the point realization to look for Dalamatia)
In Hindu legends an island of gods was destroyed during a war between the gods and the Asuras (giant people). Which is very similar to the greek myth of the gods Vs the Titans.
Vishnu Purana (2000 B.C.), a sanskrit text, speaks of Atala, the "White Island," which speaks of its geographically location, which when translated is roughly 24-28 degrees North latitude. There is no longitude translation.
Mahabharata tells of a horrendous war that sunk Atala. It is also called the White Island in this text. It describes it as an "island of great splendour" in the western ocean. It is also describes Tipura, a circular shaped capital city, which was destroyed by being “burnt until it sank into the ocean”.
The Latitude seems to fall in the Bahrain area.
Another piece of the puzzle and the Persian Gulf is the Sea to the West.Here is information regarding "Tipura". I believe in metaphor is a distant reflection of Van and his role in the demise of Dalamatia City as reflected in the Vuranas in eastern mythology.
"Tipura" I believe is also distantly associated with 3 cities in legend and myth as abodes of the Gods according to Eastern Scripture and is a reflection of the demise of some associated cities.
Here is also a more complete description of the war of the Gods and Tipura and Vuranus from the on going forum reply section.
And here is a recent post I discovered about "Tipura" a few days ago before the discovery of Dalamatia. However note that what I thought was Tipura was in actual fact 1stSusa.
Varuna in the eastern mythology and in Iranian mythology is a distant reflection of Van himself who is reflected greatly in the Urantia Book.
Here is more specific information about "The Tipura" found in the Puranas also, again I think it is a distant reflection of Dalamatia City through the Books of the East. In the following is information about Vuranus who is mentioned in the Asuras. I think Vuranus/Varunus mentioned in the Hindu religion is all about Van to, a major character in the fall of Dalamatia.
Here is some further reflections that I believe point to the cites and the demise. Obviously there was war as described which has all the similar hallmarks of the Fall of the Sons of God in Dalamatia City.
"Putting forth his prowess, Mahadeva hurled into the sea the paradisiacal Daitya city called Saubha protected by Salwa, and regarded as impregnable . . . these all he vanquished in battle: The Avantis. (vanites?) the Southerners, the Mountaineers . . . In days of old, penetrating into the very sea, he vanquished in battle Varuna himself in those watery depths, surrounded by all kinds of aquatic animals." (Drona Bhisheka, Section XI)
excerpt from
Those Asuras then, filled with joy . . .and having settled it among themselves about the construction of the three cities [Tipura], selected for the purpose the great Asura Maya, the celestial artificer, knowing no fatigue or decay, and worshipped by all the Daityas and Danavas. Then Maya, of great intelligence, by the aid of his own ascetic merit, constructed the three cities . . . all in such a way as to revolve in a circle,
"knowing no fatigue or decay," is a reflection of the tree of life and therefore can be associated with Dalamatia City which was the first temple and 1st Eden, built by Van was the second temple. Vans place of evacuation in the North Eastern Iran highland was held in a temporary temple that again was built by Van. All three cities was built by Van and all three cities were his abode that housed the tree of life. Van was participant in the construction of Dalamatia and the central temple, he did build a temporary temple that housed the tree of life in Iran and also built the garden of Eden. Van knew no decay and was receiving the benefits of the tree of life. Also there are circles involved in the design of all three cities namely the 3 co planar circles.
The Tipura fragments are very big clues that directly point to Van in design and are associated with the 3 cities he built and where the circles can be seen in the design and can be seen in the images.
The Van cities are the Tipura, the three cities
Here is another early trail that eventually led me to 1stSusa. Previously named Tipura.
The newly discovered location of Dalamatia is at
this link
information The Urantia Book
Dalamatia, City of the Prince
Dalamatia word search, The Urantia Book
Truly the land between two rivers