The Targum from the Beginnings and Facebook timeline
But have you thought the 3rd temple is a spiritual temple in truth that can be established? Establishing the truth and where it leads to. Im not sure physical buildings meant alot to Jesus but the truth of everything which ironically comes from many ancient ruins.
But have you thought the 3rd temple is a spiritual temple in truth that can be established? Establishing the truth and where it leads to. Im not sure physical buildings meant alot to Jesus but the truth of everything which ironically comes from many ancient ruins and which would mean much to Jesus in what the ruins represent in truth. Wouldn't the third temple be a temple of within, the individual temple of God within the temple of man.
Also I was thinking why is Israel wanting to build a 3rd temple especially when the Father will build a purpose built building, our very first translation temple that will descend to the planet like in the movies or like in the case Stargate Atlantis city using an example we can relate to.
I found the video very interesting!
The King and the priest in the end times, interesting thought. Like the priest with the tracks and the King who can make it happen.
One thing for sure, when Obama is installed I am definitely going to write to him about using the US navy to verify The submerged triangle city in the Persian Gulf. Dalamatia City. He would be the only who could do this and the only one who would be able to.
That will be my quest when he is in power.I would definitely welcome his participation in the ancient places rather than all this mucking around and do nothing of the world regarding the truth of everything that lays right under there noses.
I would definitely welcome his participation rather than all this mucking around and do nothing of the world regarding the truth of everything that lays right under there noses.
Remembering this first triangle city is the where the first abomination of desolation occurred. the Lucifer rebellion and the King and the priest discover it together. The construct would be in line with Adjudication of the Ancients of Days.
What hog wash define yourself?
Hog wash or not thats Im going to do whether people agree or not I dont give a crap.
What do you think and show some evidence while your at it to back up your thoughts rather than a mere opinion that had nothing to bare nor to show.
Do you think Jesus is coming out of thin air without a presentation?? Eh! Do you think that shallow.
And from the bible and any other book including the BC Jewish books that has relevance?
And you, The Bible only right?
The let me ask you When was the bible compiled? 300AD by the Catholic Church?? am I right there? Then let me ask you this. How many other books were excluded from the compilation of the bible?? and who were they who made judgment on the books for inclusion and exclusion of the current compilation? For the uncompromised word of God, man has meddled with it since the current compile comes from 300AD.
By the way since your into the bible like me, where are your scriptures and research on the end times using everything you can find? eh! Have you anything rather than mere opinion and veiled criticism particularly on a book you dont know nothing about because of your fear based one book only indoctrination?
No worries, I just had one of those bad hair moments sorry for being so reactive.
Oh well I suppose we still have those human tendencies
I can understand how you feel about the Urantian Book that why Im doing all this research to see if the Archaeological record backs it up. I can only tell from my experience that the UB is a remarkable book and since studying the book I appreciate the Bible more so than ever before.
One day I would like to prove my research in the physical that might be a long time to come.
Unlike all the off shoots, Jesus is Son of God and there no doubt about that and the trinity exists. With the other books like the BOM they show no evidence and locations to discover, nothing that I can search for or harmonize with in the physical like we can with 1st Eden of the Med. Consider Adam was expelled to the East to the 2nd Garden.
I believe all books of religious culture have relevant fragment to the end times and I feel it covers many cultures of the past and serves to invigorate those fragments in their book in the final presentation before a major shift/appearance/event occurs.
That still is my hunch and is reflected in the research that I do. I am convinced by what was discovered in 1stEden that the UB is the new book and which encompasses the bible. But that my experience and its up to people to check it out for themselves.
Anyway in saying all that there are still many things that Christians cant explain well from the bible and have not proven in the physical that I would like to see and cant explain the Seventh Mystery, the mystery of the Seven churches.
But anyway Im going to see what happens in my journey, it could be a dead flop or it could be absolutely correct apart from a few adjustments.
Im just going by faith in my record using as many talents I can muster up.
All the best Sissco.
SevensI come from Aussie ArchMichael.
The great blob of land to the east and then south some.
For sure Im an Aussie part of the commonwealth Yeah! ahahahah
Anyway Im same as you guys but my parents comes from Holland I suppose thats a little different.
Hey could to speak to you and that you guys come from Ireland. I reckon thats great and totaly cool 100%
I was wondering how you guys are enjoying the end times? I think its great.
I was wondering when you would catch on, I left a few clues along the way that surely I thought you would pick it up. ahahahahahahah
oh well I suppose its all part of the mystery, the journey having a laugh!
Bloody aussie alright, no worries about that one, you can bet your bottom dollar on that one to. ahahahahahah No aussie over here is going to miss out on the end times ahahahahahahah! thats for sure.
From the great Sinim Sunburnt country where we just hop a long ahahahahah.
Hey how you enjoying the end times? You think its all falling into place.
Possibly a tree carved in the mountain and perhaps serves as a circular seven gate system to the capital/temple and the tree of life.
Here is a another manipulation using the original paths and walls on the side of the hill and the placing them in a position over layed on existing outcrops.
Very interesting design and would have to be verified. Not to mention all the destruction over the last 29,000BC years when the civilisation began to move on through out the world.
Hi Roger.
The images was only an experiment to see if there was further symmetry in the location.
Maybe I should take them down but I was thinking through creative imagination as it may unlock something further. With Google it looks difference but still other intriguing things
All these doors where we knock and open to see if it yields something.
I thought what you said was pretty coolAlso in the bible there is a book that one eats and is then instructed to prophecy and that's exactly what I doing with the Ub and with the bible and other books in support.
Thanks for replying.
The talk in Bin Laden is simply the talk of a mad man, insane.
Completely flipped his lid because he is losing influence and becoming or is isolated on a spiritual level. How can the angels of Paradise ever help a man in this kind of rhetoric? Its impossible, only the last rebel can do this, he must be working with the last rebel considering his threats against mankind. There is no doubt about it!
The Jesus way of living is the only path of safety.
Anyway in my view.
In google the location I was looking at in the google filter looks a little different.
and another view
The elaborate records left by the Sumerians describe the site of a remarkable settlement which was located on the Persian Gulf near the earlier city of Dilmun. The Egyptians called this city of ancient glory Dilmat, while the later Adamized Sumerians confused both the first and second Nodite cities with Dalamatia and called all three Dilmun. And already have archaeologists found these ancient Sumerian clay tablets which tell of this earthly paradise "where the Gods first blessed mankind with the example of civilized and cultured life." And these tablets, descriptive of Dilmun, the paradise of men and God, are now silently resting on the dusty shelves of many museums.
The Nodites built the earlier and first Dilmun near Dalamatia City located close to the Persian Heads. The second and new Dilmun was built 50,000 to the North when the central and Northern Nodites amalgamated.
The earlier Dilmun could Qunah island or Jiroft.
We can triangulate that the Central Nodites was to south of the new city of Dilmun 150,000 by this statement.
The religious group were promptly voted down. The majority rejected the teaching that their ancestors had been guilty of rebellion; they resented such a racial stigma. Having disposed of one of the three angles to the dispute and failing to settle the other two by debate, they fell to fighting. The religionists, the noncombatants, fled to their homes in the south, while their fellows fought until well-nigh obliterated.
Babel (the first attempt) was built in second Dilmun circa 150,000
I had to laugh at FaithfulServants experience, talk about cornered and I agree with what he said in his other post.
I bet it was the last thing on your mind and just glancing at the clock noticing the 1111 then boing, comes to mind.
I could very well be the signature of the angels and to let people know they mean business perhaps....maybe!
No worries ArchMichael,
I was thinking perhaps without appearing before us, the angels use this method of reassurance and communication of a sort, its probably the only way they can do it knowing that everyone looks at the clock at some stage during the 24hrs.
Its quite baffling why you look at the clock and its 1111 and it happens often. I have found that the case very much in this research without looking for it.
If there is an event how would they communicate it based on faith of the individual without appearing, through clocks and numbers perhaps as one way. Not as in numerology but dynamic experiences with consistent numbers during the day of an individual. Perhaps to reassure us that they with us to help us in synchronicity to the inner man responses at the time just by looking at a clock. How beautiful and subtle is that!
It could very well one of the signs of the times for Christians and other faiths to take out the Garbage and to activate as the times are near perhaps at the doors of judgment. To focalize on the event and from ones inner man in synchronicity with the Father from within and off course the Jesus way of inner faith living is the only we can through this judgment successfully feeling confident and happy. At the end of the day those with faith have nothing to worry about! The angels will help us and keep us reassured constantly as we all go through this experience.
1111 could be an alert sign from the Kingdom of Heaven.Hey next time it might be "Hey honey there is a 111 representative at the door" literally! what!
If planetary evacuation occurs of the Salvable/Living faith sons in the 1st instance, Im sure it will be "Oh it wasn't as stressful as I thought it might be like!
yeah I agree.
Those worldwind images aren't that good using that filter.
Oh its an art piece! You see it and now you dont!
You can have one for free! ahahahahah
Download and print it and its yours.
With Rapture, I dont care if it happens or not, it was a line of thought I was following at the time, it was interesting though.
One of the signs of the times could be the 11:11 on clocks and the synchronicity it involves.
Anyway all the best
I see the same symbol throughout many cultures and too me its the trail of the Salemite influence in Epochs past.
and here is an interesting video and parallels in many ways to the journey. more compelling refers to Daniel.
It just amazes and confirms the timeline I was following following the eclipse of this year in parallel to prophecy without realizing this time period is the Sabbatical Seven years and it was all related to feast and the eclipse and new moons that I was following in my own journey to the ancient places. Its like a major confirmation whilst watching the videos and you guys are witness to the journey and the dates of things said.
just some more links
Have you ever considered that the "raising of the dead" in the end times attached to judgment could also mean, in metaphor the revealing the truth of our past. Like a resurrection or raising of the truth of past Epochs with its relevant events that do apply in today's time. The truth of the past with discovery is like a resurrection of the past and its truth with purpose for our times, like a "raising of the dead"
There is comment about the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn for the 6000 years
The interesting thing is that my Birthdate 14 May 1961
1961 was a Blue Moon year,
14th May 1961 was a new moon.
14th May 1948 Israel was created,14/5 part of the Birthdate encapsulates the Sabbatical Feasts signified by Eclipses and red moons.
Have you ever considered that the "raising of the dead" in the end times attached to judgment could also mean, in metaphor the revealing the truth of our past. Like a resurrection or raising of the truth of past Epochs with its relevant events that do apply in today's time. The truth of the past with discovery is like a resurrection of the past and its truth with purpose for our times, like a "raising of the dead"
Well to me this revealing of the past or the raising of the dead in metaphor feels like an activator of the Seven years of the tribulation. I feel the journey to the ancient places is worthy to be the activator, personally that's how I feel and we are still in the timeline of Daniel from my prospective.
Already we can see where the tribulation is appearing and from where it is coming from as begins to emerge. Well this is my thought in light of the videos I have been watching and from what I have experienced in this journey and the signs I was following in my own prospective. I saw for myself and now I see where its coming from and where its going to. Interestingly I came to the same place in what other people have found in part but in this case with more expanded information and discoveries along the way.
No matter how difficult it is for me I am very impressed at the journey and the daily experience of it. Personally I couldn't ask for more. He has certainly impressed me in the journey and I thank and praise him very much.
You the Father uses normal people anyone who is willing to the will of the Father in there individual way. Just love for one another is the will of the Father, very simple.
About Rapture, its definitely on the cards according to what I see, Im working in a timeline that ends Dec 3rd 08, the timeline Im following encapsulates all the prophecy timelines, feast according to the moons and the eclipse which began this timeline.
Its truly a journey of faith as I have a sense and find these things along the way but still it could be business as usual, however many things were discovered in past timelines which was all about the final construct blended in with our past of everything hidden being revealed in the journey.
Enough discovered to keep me glued to the task of digging for the wide and deep truth of everything. To me its like the latter rain scenario of the outpouring of truth in a journey that reaches back to our past.To I feel that Jesus wants to spare the faithful ones from the anguish of tribulation, rapture to me would be a logical thing, there are many references of the Gathering up or caught up.
I like the idea of a rest in a safe place for a while and learn more and be with Jesus our friend and Saviour not to mention the fraternity of Heaven.
If what I saw on the videos is right we have a solid reference point which is 2015 and the seven years in the beforehand which is in 2008 now.
If rapture is set to occur in 08 then we have only about 7 weeks for it to eventualise. Working on Dec 3rd that's little over 2 weeks. Dec 3rd comes about from Daniels 1335th day prophecy timeline that Im working on.It is all possible that I am approaching the end of this journey on to new and elevated heights of new experiences. Like coming to the end of the road.
But completely victorious off course.
If Rapture is the final confirmation of this journey and rapture occurs and makes this journey true and authentic. Least there is a record to be studied warts and all of the truth of the matter. The website wont last for long and all things should be downloaded so it can be studied during the tribulation.
During tribulation, a safe place to pursue are all the ancient places and verify them. This would be another witness of truth and therefore provide further verification to the journey of the end times. Im not sure what effect rapture will have to the internet and if its still is operative, might be a good idea to download in the before hand?? So there is a guide from the beforehand during troubled times and what guided this stylus will guide you. The Action of the Holy Spirit, Jesus and the Father in oneness working with man in faith and manifestation.
This post is for just in case that judgment is working in parallel with this timeline of the ancient places.
See what happens in the future. We only know until it happens and that will be the sign of Jonah, the verification of the truth in action. Rest assured the financial markets will be dire turmoil to know the Lord has come with evacuation followed by tribulation leading to judgment.
It could be that this record could be a life boat during tribulation.It could be that this record could be a life boat during tribulation. Heaven maybe really pressing the point!!! of the record. Literally pressure from above.
If rapture occurs suddenly and I am taken then this will be the record of authenticity and some one better go out to the ancient places and further verify. Then preach to the world of the truth as verified and written about in the beforehand which includes the bible and other books.
I was thinking if rapture runs in parallel to this journey to the ancient places. It might be a good to idea to download my website especially the forum replies.
It maybe a reference point for those left behind to work out the truth in light of the mass confusion that will follow such an event.
I tell you if something like that happened the financial markets will go down. How could anyone speculate on anything.
Another thing, when the Lucifer rebellion was proposed in Dalamatia City, 200,000 years ago. Everyone had 7 years to make up there minds, this to me has a parallel to this 7 year tribulation when everyone has to make up there mind.When I mean taken, I mean translated or fusion not death.
I tell you if something like rapture happened the financial markets will go down. How could anyone speculate on anything except for one eventuality judgment.
Another thing, when the Lucifer rebellion was proposed in Dalamatia City, 200,000 years ago. Everyone had 7 years to make up there minds, this to me has a parallel to this 7 year tribulation when everyone has to make up there mind.
I really think this is the pressure from above coming to bare, like the Kingdom of Heaven pushing man forward alot and definitely pointing to one component in my view, the raising of the dead including the truth of the dead or of the past. From paths that no one had any idea of!
More Perry stone
Perry Stone: Prophecy in Israel (part 1)
In the following have you considered that Rapture or planetary evacuation might stimulate the rebuilding of the 3 rd temple. The impact of evacuation may leave a large impression that any obstacles to rebuild the temple will just vanish.
perry stone 2 candle sticks Part 2 of 3
To be quite honest, the rebuilding of the spiritual third building has already occurred by the revealing of what was hidden, the previous cities of past Epochs.
Manna Fest 314 Mysteries Reserved For the time of the end 1 of 3
Hey thanks wireless
I just submitted the site for crawling.
Its only a contingency plan in case we are tracking right through the mystery.
I figure if something like rapture occurs there will be a search of the truth of the matter. Least there was a beforehand document written with all the information.
All man has to do is verify the ancient places in a concerted effort.
If a verification can be made then man knows exactly what he has to do in truth, within himself and he has to share the information.
For sure a living mystery that involves the planet and offers great enlightenment and ushers man in the right direction only if he hears and sees. Without hearing and seeing man is in fear and confusion which is the alternative.
Really, its just the perfect construct and if it comes to pass, no matter at which stage everyman has an opportunity to get through the judgment process absolutely victorious and without fear.
The children of the last rebel is the only thing you have to watch out for as they will go mad and anything can happen such as what was foreseen by John of Revelation. That would be the down side but there is a plan for that and maybe the raising of the dead and there truth of there past including the path of the tree of life is precisely part of the end time truth presentation.
Remember there is a power shift going on and an adjudication occurring in the heavens and which includes all man in the physical and no body likes to give up power without a struggle. If the rebel leader is vanquished so to must the children of the rebel follow. That would be the logical conclusion.
Its through our friend Jesus and his truth that will get us through.
If rapture occurs there will be no economic growth and no goods will be sold as life will be a matter of survival. There will be economic collapse as material things will not mean to much except for the basics. This is why there is a mark implemented to ensure the system continues, I would suspect everything becomes nationalized to a degree as business collapse only because of uncertainty. One world government is quite possible at this stage.
The ancient places are the key and man has to go out there to see if it exists, that would be the path and the truth of the matter.
These places could be hijacked to which may bring a person some power and who may have the wrong idea completely. Well we know the truth of the matter and that's the main thing.
I dont think it will be me as I only trail blazed a path with help digging for the truth and this is where I came to. Paths that can be built upon in the tribulation.To me rapture is the sign of Jonah like in Noahs day and linked to the raising of the dead upon return and there truth. Because I am raising the truth of the dead, you could say Jesus is already here, well he is, through his Holy Spirit.
Oh Ok
Im just exploring my thoughts thinking in the line of religion.
That's true about switching alliances and I hope many do. That will happen no doubt. I think that's good but there is has to be faith action involved to. You know change of ways and attitude towards fellow man, that kind of thing.
But then there will be those that will be oblivious and those who will not listen and disregard and then there are the others.
I think planetary evacuation would be a real shock to mankind and would grab his attention to himself and his ways. Also it would mean many expeditions to the ancient places to verify the truth.
To me that perfect! That is pressure from the Kingdom of Heaven! LikeOi Oi man over here !!!
The perfect truth journey for man and he has Seven years to do it.
Love one another
Wireless, my brother and friend who kept me good company and shared his thoughts throughout journey!
A safe place in Heaven I think or perhaps in on an architectural world or perhaps another planet, a close by neighboring planet close to us and who see us being received in there prophecies for us to learn about there world.
So when we come back we have expanded knowledge, Like in Stargate perhaps. However, for this to happen we would have to under go physical modification which could mean translation.To me rapture is the sign of Jonah like in Noah's day and linked to the raising of the dead upon return and there truth.
I reckon get ready now
those who wish to stay behind stock up with food and water for Seven years.
The construct is looking good to me and I can see how prophecy is being fulfilled perfectly.
Either case, which "planet" did you have in mind!?
I dont know, its a star planet close to us. Maybe mmmmmm let me see, the Centaurus constellation.
However there is another thought, nearby us there is another inhabitant sphere of Non breathers, they live very close to us. In the past I have speculated the Moon and then Mars. These non breathers perhaps may be part of the evacuation and they might evacuate and host us in there subterranean world for a time.
By this method we dont have to translate and can be transported safely without any Gene or physical translation/modification. The again when you translate you have no physical body anymore, so how can you come back in physical form according to prophecy?? unless specially modified? but then that would be physical, translated to Morontia form and then back to physical and Im not sure if that process exists. Most likely it can occur!I reckon its them, the non breathers our fellow brother race in this Solar system that are responsible for the crop circles and other things around town.
MemberYou know, I wish you guys all the best I really do, because what's coming up is going to be devastating and you guys will regret all the shit that you have manifested upon yourself by your own words, your words shall come back to haunt you.
Im not into astrology however I found something familiar.
Sunday, November 16, 2008Quote:On May 28 of this year, the two “heavyweights” of our planetary system—Jupiter and Saturn—will meet in the sky, forming what astrologers call a “conjunction” (two planets more or less in the same degree of the same sign). Already, if you look toward the western horizon shortly after dusk, you should be able to make out these two planets together in the sky, accompanied for the moment by Mars. Jupiter and Saturn are the largest planets in the solar system, and are also the farthest planets visible to the naked eye. Ancient astrologers accorded them special importance. One theory even holds that it was the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 7 BC that was the “star of Bethlehem” from which the three wise men—who were without question astrologers—predicted the coming of the messiah.
Modern astrologers would most probably not be expecting anything quite so dramatic as the Second Coming this April, but the conjunction is nevertheless a significant astrological event. After all, these two distant, massive planets only meet in the sky every twenty years or so. But to understand what to expect, first we need to acquaint ourselves with each of the partners in this cosmic tango.
Meet Jupiter, the “Good Guy”
In old astrological terminology, Jupiter was known as the “Great Benefic.” The word “benefic” literally translates as “doing good,” and Jupiter was generally regarded as bringing good fortune. People with a strongly-placed Jupiter in their birth charts were regarded as likely to be lucky and successful people.
Modern astrologers relate Jupiter to the urge to expand our horizons, both physically and spiritually. People with a strong Jupiter tend to be expansive thinkers with a philosophical bent. They seek the big picture without worrying too much about the details. They are often restless types, who think the grass is greener on the other side of the hill. They thrive on inspiration, but often neglect the perspiration necessary to implement their grand schemes.
and some Urantia book information
PAPER 122 - BIRTH AND INFANCY OF JESUS, Jun 04 2001 ... ery=saturn
line 133: These wise men saw no star to guide them to Bethlehem. The beautiful legend of the star of Bethlehem originated in this way: Jesus was born August 21 at noon, 7 B.C. On May 29, 7 B.C., there occurred an extraordinary conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of Pisces. And it is a remarkable astronomic fact that similar conjunctions occurred on September 29 and December 5 of the same year.
Interesting in the timeline of things. Although Im not to sure how he got the conjunction happening this year.Quote:[edit] Greatest conjunction
Greatest conjunction is a conjunction of the Jupiter and Saturn at or near their opposition to the Sun. In this scenario, Jupiter and Saturn will occupy the same position in right ascension on three separate occasions over a period of a few months.
The so-called "Star of Bethlehem" — thought to have appeared c. 6 BC — was theorized to be a greatest conjunction; and some went so far as to assert that it was an occultation of Saturn by Jupiter, with the two planets appearing to merge into a single object as seen from Earth. However such an event did not take place at historic times. At the greatest conjunction in 6 BC, which is said to be that was the "Star of Bethlehem", the minimum distance between Jupiter and Saturn was around 1 degree, this is twice the Moon's diameter. The next occultation of Saturn by Jupiter will take place in 7541.
The good thing is that you have a number of options of operations unlike analogue. I agree with you I really think its just a money making scam. Cable in this country is way to expensive and completely repetitive and still with the same ads and repetition of long free air TV commercial breaks.
Wasn't cable originally supposed to be the great escape from commercials. TV today is just an expensive scam.
The only value is options and selectivity but at a huge cost and the locking in for a lifetime contract off course with another cost for escape.Sometime I wonder why we were given technology, maybe purely for the end times and correction.
It would be interesting how he undergoes the testing of a prophet. I wouldn't know whether he is the Messiah or not. But doesn't the Messiah come in clouds with the hosts of heaven?
Messenger for the Messiah yes maybe who knows, but Messiah himself, ooooh I dont know about that one.
I had a look at the video, he like his bed alot ahaha. Oh well maybe Florida might be a safe place, Im not going to judge his message as many things are going on and many people might react in this way. Like me, I can understand what he goes through to an extent as he realizes things in his own way and perception.
The essential thing is that there is an Paradise event horizon coming and we are going to see many people prophesying including myself being a helper.
Im not sure about his inverted view earth and the moon. However the time/space and eternal dimensions are like two inverted worlds (opposites) but yet commingled.
Some of those texts he is using in my mind apply to the ancient places and raising up of them regarding there history, like the raising of the dead and the knowledge of them. Maybe physically, Dalamatia and Eden might be on dry ground one day through earth changes but this infers they are already submerged cities under water or perhaps dry ground means revealed, like arrived at the shore. That in itself tells us of the submerged wasted cities pointing to where we must go to verify and does reflects the journey and record. ahahah thats a clue from the bible.
Oh well he has his idea and I have my thoughts we all have our thoughts.I noticed he used some Sevenfold scripture and references to Atlantis....mmmmm interesting! Atlantis in my view is the ultimate reflection of Dalamatia City, the beginning city of the Sons of God whose reflection and story, in part carried through several cities and cultures in our past to our present day.
I watched the video about ideas.
He needs to gather scientific evidence with data.
Personally I tend to believe the current thinking and what is written in the UB about the construct of the atmosphere.
Perhaps showing this presentation in a proper place would make a difference rather than from a bed.
Then again he is doing many people are doing in the end times
from Jesus, the UB
line 111: I admonish you to give up the practice of always quoting the prophets of old and praising the heroes of Israel, and instead aspire to become living prophets of the Most High and spiritual heroes of the coming kingdom. To honor the God-knowing leaders of the past may indeed be worth while, but why, in so doing, should you sacrifice the supreme experience of human existence: finding God for yourselves and knowing him in your own souls?
Every race of mankind has its own mental outlook upon human existence; therefore must the religion of the mind ever run true to these various racial viewpoints. Never can the religions of authority come to unification. Human unity and mortal brotherhood can be achieved only by and through the superendowment of the religion of the spirit. Racial minds may differ, but all mankind is indwelt by the same divine and eternal spirit. The hope of human brotherhood can only be realized when, and as, the divergent mind religions of authority become impregnated with, and overshadowed by, the unifying and ennobling religion of the spirit--the religion of personal spiritual experience. ... ne=111#mfs
I suppose Steven is doing what most of us are doing and is letting people know in his own expression times are changing also he is looking for answers like are his journey is his own personal spiritual experience.
from Jesus
Quote:But do not make the mistake of trying to prove to other men that you have found God; you cannot consciously produce such valid proof, albeit there are two positive and powerful demonstrations of the fact that you are God-knowing, and they are:
Quote:1. The fruits of the spirit of God showing forth in your daily routine life.
2. The fact that your entire life plan furnishes positive proof that you have unreservedly risked everything you are and have on the adventure of survival after death in the pursuit of the hope of finding the God of eternity, whose presence you have foretasted in time.
Now, mistake not, my Father will ever respond to the faintest flicker of faith. He takes note of the physical and superstitious emotions of the primitive man. And with those honest but fearful souls whose faith is so weak that it amounts to little more than an intellectual conformity to a passive attitude of assent to religions of authority, the Father is ever alert to honor and foster even all such feeble attempts to reach out for him. But you who have been called out of darkness into the light are expected to believe with a whole heart; your faith shall dominate the combined attitudes of body, mind, and spirit. ... ne=111#mfs
Here is part of a discourse of religion
I can absolutely relate to this experience and my journey to the ancient places fulfills all of the below. ... ne=107#mfs
line 107: I have called upon you to be born again, to be born of the spirit. I have called you out of the darkness of authority and the lethargy of tradition into the transcendent light of the realization of the possibility of making for yourselves the greatest discovery possible for the human soul to make--the supernal experience of finding God for yourself, in yourself, and of yourself, and of doing all this as a fact in your own personal experience. And so may you pass from death to life, from the authority of tradition to the experience of knowing God; thus will you pass from darkness to light, from a racial faith inherited to a personal faith achieved by actual experience; and thereby will you progress from a theology of mind handed down by your ancestors to a true religion of spirit which shall be built up in your souls as an eternal endowment.
Your religion shall change from the mere intellectual belief in traditional authority to the actual experience of that living faith which is able to grasp the reality of God and all that relates to the divine spirit of the Father. The religion of the mind ties you hopelessly to the past; the religion of the spirit consists in progressive revelation and ever beckons you on toward higher and holier achievements in spiritual ideals and eternal realities.
While the religion of authority may impart a present feeling of settled security, you pay for such a transient satisfaction the price of the loss of your spiritual freedom and religious liberty. My Father does not require of you as the price of entering the kingdom of heaven that you should force yourself to subscribe to a belief in things which are spiritually repugnant, unholy, and untruthful. It is not required of you that your own sense of mercy, justice, and truth should be outraged by submission to an outworn system of religious forms and ceremonies. The religion of the spirit leaves you forever free to follow the truth wherever the leadings of the spirit may take you. And who can judge--perhaps this spirit may have something to impart to this generation which other generations have refused to hear?No doubt about it man!
At the end of the day, Jesus and Melchizedek are the Messiahs and we are their servants and students in understanding.
27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ [i] In the middle of the ‘seven’ [j] he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing of the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him
Hi Ishtar, what are your thoughts of the above?
Man has been a while in the Libyan desert, like for thousands of years , why couldn't they make the glass in there fires. Maybe its a man made by product from fire on sand as an underlying base?? The Sahara was a lush Savanna 38,000 years ago man was around then building fires and melting sand into glass unintentionally perhaps.
Man has been a while in the Libyan desert, like for thousands of years , why couldn't they make the glass in there fires. Maybe its a man made by product from fire on sand as an underlying base?? The Sahara was a lush Savanna 38,000 years ago man was around then building fires and melting sand into glass unintentionally perhaps.
I want to say this focalisation on Glass has nothing to do with the end time and revealing of Jesus the Messiah and his Seventh mystery of the raising of the dead.
Can you ask Steven if he has read the Urantia Book please.
Hey cant Steven come here to present his information.
It looks like people around here are NOT going to buy the Glass theory not to mention all the finger pointing judgment which is not the Spirit of Jesus and does not display the anything of the Messiah,
Steven Christopher is just a man who no doubt loves God and a man who has his ideas like us all here which are unique and varying.
You this you that, is an attribute in attitude of the last rebel on this planet who brings about confusion.
Quote:Revelation 10:7 (Read all of Revelation 10)
But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.
It appears that the Seventh mystery will declared finished by the Seventh Angel which the Father has declared.
It seems to infer that presentation or revealing is revealed but is cut short upon recommendation "the mystery of God should be finished". Like cut short in mid stream which to me seems to point to an event that appears to take the final Seventh mystery to a different level that effects everyman, the world.
The declaration could also mean planetary evacuation in the first instance.
I believe we are actually at the doors, right at the doors.
The Sign of Jonah might come into effect to bring out the truth for all man as a planetary witness and might push man along to follow the hidden tracks to verify the truth, in truth.
Pressure from the Kingdom of Heaven. Man has to see for himself, all man, it will be a personal experience for man, each man.
As I said before, I believe the Seventh mystery is the raising of the dead, the truth of the past,. Planetary evacuation is only one major part of the presentation of past epochs.The way I see it
the Seventh mystery is revealed, no body responds
The mystery is called in, finished by the Kingdom of Heaven
Planetary evacuation occurs.
A path is layed for those left behind to verify, like going out to the ancient places.
Meanwhile the planet goes to crap.
World powers close ranks.
The effect is so great that there is no opposition to the rebuilding of the third temple.
The mark of the beast and the leader and all that stuff is implemented as world business collapses as there is an uncertain future, 7 years of decision making for each individual.
Normal future decisions are all postponed as the planet is in the snare of judgment.
After 7 years judgment comes to its climax.
We come back for a big loving family reunion with our fellow brothers who found the paths and the greater truth totally cleansed in white raimnent and Jesus and Melchizedek beside us.
For sure brother, why not
Ive got to go out and wont be back till later on but I would be happy to investigate further things with you.
No worries
the stage is set,all signs are comming to pass and being fullfilled, i have this great feeling of grief for humanity.
I also have this feeling of dread in this process to. However there is a safe path left behind where safety is available, easily obtainable through simple faith. Its a living presentation that will involve every man within himself and no one escapes.
But there is a door of safety.
The evacuated will be hosted by the Kingdom of Heaven and it will be a time of rest and learning more about the universe. This learning will be used for the future society of earth. Evac will be like having a big rest and going to school to learn everything to rebuild the planet.
Those who failed to make a decision or made a decision to follow the rebel will not be around.
The children of the rebel will simply be Gone!
I am absolutely sure that the ancient places will be preserved for future posterity and if the earth changes happen all the submerged places will be uplifted where you could walk around them on dry ground in the new world and that will be another witness and further verification.
It will really be a spectacle that will be never forgotten by man. The whole expanded universe is involved in this as all the universes are effected by this. In other words all eyes of all the Seven superuniverses are on this planet.
When Evacuation has occurred (post) Earth will be horrible place to live, you wouldn't want to be here as the worst in man will come out and I do feel grieved for the ones left behind but there is an escape plan from the dread of judgment whilst in the process.
This will be the refining of the Churches and leadership that failed to make Planetary evacuation. Where they will come out the other end like refined Gold and all the rubbish that does exist today will simply be gone.
I praise the Father at the end of the day as he is Good.
All of the goodness will be taken of planet after evac which leaves just a disaster for the planet as it will be filled with badness and mass confusion. But in truth, those with faith are being preserved for the future planet.From Atlantis to Evac to Judgment.
What a construct!
Wireless, I know everything going digital today as there is money to be made in digital. Thats part of the reason we have digital but perhaps why we have been given technology is really for the judgment process and to test in this time how we use technology whether it be for subjugation of man or for the true welfare of man.
In terms of "planetary evacuation" I cannot speak for that since I really don't know what are you talking about!!!???
Wireless, Man Ive been talking about rapture/planetary evac the whole time on this thread??????
I would take the 1111 that far on everything, but anyway Bin Laden is loosing power and he has no real control of his movement.
He has no power at the end of the day and is simply an icon for feeble minded people who have the wrong interpretation and where many are not educated at all and dont know much about many things. They actually choose that path being the easiest and requires no thinking just spiritual laziness.
Bin Laden is a thing of the past and has no relevance in truth and his past action are appalling bring death and destruction where ever he and his band of murderers go.
All the elders in Waristan have been murdered by Bin Laden, a reaper of destruction where his word travels.
Deep inside himself he knows that he runs the line a grave spiritual error, his front of line cohorts make the moves and decisions to kill while Bin Laden is in the background simply running for cover.
What a crappy he lives from which there will be no reward from Paradise for his actions against humanity and against the Father. Bin Laden has no wisdom and no truth in his actions.
He is finished similar to the walking dead within himself like many on this planet deceived by the Last rebel. They are all spiritually bankrupt nothing in the Bank and who have wasted there talents on the destruction of fellow man.With the money he had he could explored the ancient places and really brought forth some enlightenment but instead destruction was his decision with the last rebel hand in hand. That other Mob Hamas and Hezbollah to the north of Israel are following the same self destruction line.
However, I could wrong here but the leader of Hezbollah is a little more intelligent and I think he knows what's going on and that's he is quite at the moment. He is in a quandary to of being between truth and the untruth of destruction. Between a rock and a hard place.His best move is to shut up, repent and think about ways of integrating his movement into proper civilisation. We know that wont happen because they are stuck in the mud going no where. They have to tow the line and yet within themselves they know they are running the line counter to Paradise' desire of truth and no destruction.
hey Sissco
Here is a link on the origins of glass
The discovery of glass
Natural glass has existed since the beginnings of time, formed when certain types of rocks melt as a result of high-temperature phenomena such as volcanic eruptions, lightning strikes or the impact of meteorites, and then cool and solidify rapidly. Stone-age man is believed to have used cutting tools made of obsidian (a natural glass of volcanic origin also known as hyalopsite, Iceland agate, or mountain mahogany) and tektites (naturally-formed glasses of extraterrestrial or other origin, also referred to as obsidianites).
and this fragment
A craft is born
The earliest man-made glass objects, mainly non-transparent glass beads, are thought to date back to around 3500 BC, with finds in Egypt and Eastern Mesopotamia. In the third millennium, in central Mesopotamia, the basic raw materials of glass were being used principally to produce glazes on pots and vases. The discovery may have been coincidental, with calciferous sand finding its way into an overheated kiln and combining with soda to form a coloured glaze on the ceramics. It was then, above all, Phoenician merchants and sailors who spread this new art along the coasts of the Mediterranean.
So according to this man he states crafting glass began 3500 years BC but according to Sissco that is 500 years after the world was created.
Seems wrong the 6000 year old planet doctrine.
funny paradox
Lets just see what occurs but digital or not, shit will go down and effect everyman. This planet then will be a horrible to live upon.
When evac occurs everything mainly business will all collapse. All earthly decision bets are off for 7 years that means the only decision will be personal spiritual decision.
Wall street and the Banks will not survive. It will be a major collapse of everything where material things will mean shit as it will be a matter of personal decision and survival. The capitalist system including all other systems will fall in a heap of crap.
Nothing good will exist after evac as all the goodness was taken off. Leaving nothing but crappy attitudes and gross fear. The world then will full of these people, all in confusion.
I wouldn't want to be around here to be locked in to the new rebel mark of the beast system which will be formed in reaction to rapture/evac and in light of a collapsed system as a result.
Already the USA is insolvent where they have call on the Chinese for help which makes the US a slave of the world. NOW!
Its all very intriuging and fascinating these scriptures and thoughts. I have enjoyed reading all the thoughts.
I was thinking would this ... re=related
have relevance to
Quote:Mat 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
Mat 24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Mat 24:31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
Seems like a match to me.
Its all very intriguing and fascinating these scriptures and thoughts. I have enjoyed reading all the thoughts.
I was thinking would this ... re=related
have relevance to
Quote:Mat 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
Mat 24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Mat 24:31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
Seems like a match to me and its a Seven year period starting in 08, this year.
I also found this very interesting
Quote:7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. ... 10&ver=kjv
In the days of the voice of the Seventh Angel
It appears that the voice or the message of the Seventh angel runs for Days, like for a period of time. his voice is related to a mystery. which he sounds over time.
Quote:Revelation 10
2 And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, 3 And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.
It appears that a book is opened and is tied to the mystery which is sounds over days or time. There is a book involved.
Something tells me that the Seven thunders are involved, in my expanded studies this relates to the full operation of the Adjutant spirits contain within each are working in full harmony. Its through a human being that this mystery comes as the human being is fully harmonized with the Seven adjutant spirits that comprise of man. ... ND-SPIRITS
(1) The spirit of intuition
(2) The spirit of understanding
(3) The spirit of courage
(4) The spirit of knowledge
(5) The spirit of counsel
(6) The spirit of worship
(7) The spirit of wisdom
The Seventh mystery involves all these aspects in full operation within the human counterpart working the mystery. It involves all his senses
Quote:3 And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. 4 And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices
So then after the Seven thunders sounded he was about to write
I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered,
this tells that there is author involved in a book that is written where this author uses all aspects of the Seven adjutants to seek out the mystery, its appears to be a on the run book as it happens using the all his Seven adjutant as he writes.
Obviously something is working within the author of this on the run mystery book. It also infers that this author is on his own working the mystery in connection with his adjutant spirits within himself.
However it comes unstuck here
Quote:4 And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.
Write them not? what does that mean? The Seven thunders utter the voices its all recorded and then write them not. Was he talking to another person not to write the book as its intended for another at a different age to write the book of judgment? Like in Daniel when he was told to seal up the book. In addition when John was about to wirte the book with God showing him the end time revelation he was also told to seal up the book as it is for another servant of the Lord. Strong possibility here!
and this verse seems to suggest that this on the run book is all about the things within the sea upon the land that will be revealed like the hidden being revealed. A time no longer that everything should be revealed linked to book that involves a great mystery. It appears that we are talking about the past. Perhaps like the journey to the ancient places.
Quote:6 And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer:
Like the mystery should be finished and linked to open small little book which seems to suggest an electronic book that is always open and never closed or like a website.Seven seems to be a key in all this and I wonder if the author of this book is a Seven or Seven is the human counterpart writing the book. Seventh Angel, Seven Thunders (adjutants) The counterpart author appears to be like a lion (figuratively) and he spoke from within himself (seven thunders) or expressed himself in a book written over days relating to a mystery of the past that involved locations and perhaps cities of the past epochs. Honestly the journey to the ancient places or the journey of the raising of the dead could be a very good candidate for this chapter. John and Daniel saw the same vision was told not to write the book as it was reserved for another servant.
Anyway those are my expanded ideas so far.
Great thread.I praise the Lord
Quote:8 And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. 9 And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. 10 And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. 11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. ... 10&ver=kjv
This open book about the things of the sea and land is given or shown to John where he eats, whilst it bares all truth and is very beautiful it is also bitter which represents correction as its all about judgment and which does incorporate the past of the dead. "Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth." Being a book of judgment John was told to prophecy about it, the sweet/bitter book that comes about in the end times. However John is not told to write the book but to prophecy about without disclosing the contents. Its like a top secret which John and Daniel saw but was not allowed to write the book, prophecy about the book yet but not to write the book.
There are other references to books in revelation being opened, in other words interpreted correctly in my view. It might reveal that the open book contains information of all the books that are opened as the Seventh author peruses the great mystery concerning the past of the dead and which involves all the "Things" in the sea and the land linked to a mystery, the Sevenfold mystery.
Im sure it about the journey to the ancient places what else could it be?? Im positive that I am on track.
"And then, amidst the thunders and lightnings of Sinai, Moses gave them the new ten commandments, which you will all allow are more worthy utterances to accompany the enlarging Yahweh concepts of Deity. And did you never take notice of these commandments as twice recorded in the Scriptures, that in the first case deliverance from Egypt is assigned as the reason for Sabbath keeping, while in a later record the advancing religious beliefs of our forefathers demanded that this be changed to the recognition of the fact of creation as the reason for Sabbath observance?
Quote:8 And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. 9 And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. 10 And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. 11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. ... 10&ver=kjv
This open book about the things of the sea and land is given or shown to John where he eats, whilst it bares all truth and is very beautiful it is also bitter which represents correction as its all about judgment and which does incorporate the past of the dead. "Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth." Being a book of judgment John was told to prophecy about it, the sweet/bitter book that comes about in the end times. However John is not told to write the book but to prophecy about without disclosing the contents. Its like a top secret which John and Daniel saw but was not allowed to write the book, prophecy about the book yet but not to write the book.
There are other references to books in revelation being opened, in other words interpreted correctly in my view. It might reveal that the open book contains information of all the books that are opened as the Seventh author peruses the great mystery concerning the past of the dead and which involves all the "Things" in the sea and the land linked to a mystery, the Sevenfold mystery.
Im sure its about the journey to the ancient places what else could it be?? Im positive that I am on track.
and the interesting part is that the same Seventh angel called in judgment or is that rapture
Quote:Revelation 11:15 (Read all of Revelation 11)
And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
Again the Seventh angel responsible for the book of judgment calls in judgment. It must be a book about all the things in the sea and land and about the judgment of mankind. Which appears to have all characteristics in this journey to past Epochs.
I wonder in if this Seventh angel and the human counterpart calls in the judgment together where the author writes the book of the Seventh name and the Angel guiding the book through the scriptures and the new book actually calls in judgment together in parallel to the writing of the book.
The calling in of judgment or rapture could be related to personal realisation and discovery of the revelation and in parallel of the physical journey. Upon the final realisation then come rapture Im starting think.
Im think we are close to evacuation or rapture, if I am correct in al this we must be so close where the Seventh angel calls it in. If I am in the right realisation along the journey rapture must be here.
To me in the way the following scripture is a reflection of the end time scenario and reflection in metaphor of the end time journey and the last messenger.
Quote:Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity. 9 And moreover, [2] because the preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; yea, he gave good heed, and sought out, and set in order many proverbs. 10 The preacher sought to find out acceptable [3] words: and that which was written was upright, even words of truth. 11 The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd. 12 And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study [4] is a weariness of the flesh.
13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. 14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.It advises us to be admonished (To reprove gently but earnestly) from many books of which there is no end. I see that as complete reflection of this journey going through all the books finding the Seventh mystery. Note it says many book without end and that the Urantia Book and many inside and outside of the bible that involves many cultures past and present. It suggest much study and research like what has been happening in this journey and you have the time stamps on each post recorded.
Officially, when the Sevenfold index was established it is over 3.5 years but the recording occurred before then. Like practice I suppose before the official beginning of the timeline to judgment. The book is the conclusion of the whole matter that began in Dalamatia City throughout Eden to this time, the journey to the ancient places is the conclusion of the matter and it leads to judgment where every secret thing is revealed, like in a person life and also about the past epochal paths and its issues that emanated from those long ago times that we knew nothing about. Revealing of the hidden which also includes all matters of judgment, the journey of the past or the dead is the road to judgment!
10 The preacher sought to find out acceptable [3] words: and that which was written was upright, even words of truth. Writing the book in faith in absolutely truthfulness and sincerity.
and as nails [b]fastened by the masters of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd The books of the masters of assemblies like the angels and gives the book to the one shepherd, to one person who physically writes the book and gives it out to mankind without price or reward. Its a team effort producing the book that leads to judgment.
Get ready everyone I say from what Im seeing and from what I have experienced on the record. Remember it comes from one shepherd where both the Masters of the Assemblies work his one lone shepherd.
Praise the Lord for that beauty.
To me in the way the following scripture is a reflection of the end time scenario and reflection in metaphor of the end time journey and the last messenger.
Quote:Ecclesiastes 12
Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity. 9 And moreover, [2] because the preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; yea, he gave good heed, and sought out, and set in order many proverbs. 10 The preacher sought to find out acceptable [3] words: and that which was written was upright, even words of truth. 11 The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd. 12 And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of [b]making many books there is no end; and much study [4] is a weariness of the flesh.
13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. 14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
It advises us to be admonished (To reprove gently but earnestly) from many books of which there is no end. I see that as complete reflection of this journey going through all the books finding the Seventh mystery. Note it says many book without end and that the Urantia Book and many inside and outside of the bible that involves many cultures past and present. It suggest much study and research like what has been happening in this journey and you have the time stamps on each post recorded.
Officially, when the Sevenfold index was established it is over 3.5 years but the recording occurred before then. Like practice I suppose before the official beginning of the timeline to judgment. The book is the conclusion of the whole matter that began in Dalamatia City throughout Eden to this time, the journey to the ancient places is the conclusion of the matter and it leads to judgment where every secret thing is revealed, like in a person life and also about the past epochal paths and its issues that emanated from those long ago times that we knew nothing about. Revealing of the hidden which also includes all matters of judgment, the journey of the past or the dead is the road to judgment!
10 The preacher sought to find out acceptable [3] words: and that which was written was upright, even words of truth. Writing the book in faith in absolutely truthfulness and sincerity.
"and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, which "are given from one shepherd" The books of the masters of assemblies like the angels and gives the book to the one shepherd, to one person who physically writes the book and gives it out to mankind without price or reward.
Get ready everyone I say from what Im seeing and from what I have experienced on the record. Remember it comes from one shepherd where both the Masters of the Assemblies work this one lone shepherd. Its a team effort producing the book that leads to judgment.
Praise the Lord for that beauty.
You should read the previous verses its all about the end time construct and there is reference to "2 While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain:"
Ecclesiastes 12
12Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them; 2 While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain:
Like before the rapture before the Seven year tribulation begins
and seen by John and Mark
Quote:Matthew 24:29
Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
Mark 13:24
But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,
Now all these references must be related to this following video ... re=related
So when the Seven cycle is completed, the sign in heaven being solar and lunar eclipses on the feasts days of Israel 2014/15 must be close to the time judgment day. 2008 must begin the tribulation for this cycle to complete itself. Rapture or evacuation is probably close and I do have Dec 3rd 08 marked out according to Daniels time line.
Lets see what happens eh!
Again we see Joel who makes the same references to the
Quote:"15 The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining."
And its all about judgment, the day of judgment! and it makes sense to me.
Quote:Joel 3
9 Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare [2] war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up: 10 Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks [3] into spears: let the weak say, I am strong. 11 Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about: thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O Lord. 12 Let the heathen be wakened, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about. 13 Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is great. 14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: [4] for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. 15 The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining. 16 The Lord also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the Lord will be the hope [5] of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel. 17 So shall ye know that I am the Lord your God dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, [6] and there shall no strangers pass through her any more.
It seems that Zion is another location of that of Jerusalem and Im wondering if it has all to do with the ancient cities being ancient Holy Mountains that housed the tree of life in past Epochs. Food for thought.
But it has all to do with judgment. When it judgment occurs then Jerusalem will be Holy not until then.
Im working on Daniels timeline looking at the 1335th day after the Sevenfold index was created. According to my calculation Dec 3rd 08 is an important date. To be honest Im expecting Rapture which would mark the beginning of the Seven year cycle. I began the timeline this year based on Enoch and it began on Aug 1st 08 but then appeared to transition into Daniels timeline since it fits the journey. The beginning of the timeline was marked by an eclipse.
and it could go all the way to 2014/15 and finish on another series of eclipse that fall on that year in conjunction to the feast of Israel.
Dec 3rd is important to me so I thought I would a search ion it and this what I found.
December 3 is the 337th day of the year (338th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 28 days remaining until the end of the year.
Interesting numbers 337th day of the year, the numbers have all the 3's and 7's
ah it was interesting
Also here is a link to the Rapture Passages where I posted a few posts in the timeline that I feel is very relevant to this journey
Hi Matt
Hi agree with you, its very exciting for me as I go through this. Going by all the senses and what occurs to me and following the hunches with thoughts comes to very beautiful outcome that just seems to fit.
I pray to Father we are on track in solving the great all encompassing Seventh mystery.
By the way Im looking into Dec 3rd 08
Here is something that I found concerning Dec 3rd
December 3 is the 337th day of the year (338th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 28 days remaining until the end of the year.
Actually here is link of an old post following a hunch with wireless on the Atlantis rising form
Anyway see if it works out, for me its like the journey is approaching a climax. The solar and lunar signs falling on the Jewish feasts makes all sense to me. Perfect sense and so does rapture as being the Sign of Jonah, one major event to mark the judgment process.
Also here is a link to the Rapture Passages where I posted a few posts in the timeline that I feel is very relevant to this journey
We would have to be close.
We shall see eh!
I was going through the links in the above and I came across the Zadokite document where I found this piece.
Quote:0f the righteous remnant (iii, 12-iv, 6)
Howbeit, with the rest of them-that is, with those that held fast to His commandments-God ever made good His everlasting Covenant with Israel, revealing to them the hidden things concerning which Israel in general had gone astray-even His holy sabbaths and His glorious festivals, His righteous ordinances, the ways of His truth and the purposes of His will, 'the which, if a man do, he shall live' [Lev. 18.5]. He opened for them a well with water abounding,14 which they might dig. But them that spurned those waters He did not permit to live. And though they kept sullying themselves with human transgression and with filthy ways, and kept saying, "Tis our own concern', yet did God with His mysterious power shrive their iniquity and forgive their transgression and build for them in Israel a firmly established House the like of which has not existed from ancient times until this day.
Gee Im seeing a news story about the discovery of Herods tomb on air at this time.
Amazing to see this in this timeline.
Just a tidbit to see if can find any reflection relating to 3rd Dec 08 which is an important day for me in my calculation
Here is tidbit.
It comes from Mayan prophecy
Quote:While it is true that the sun conjuncts the Sacred Tree on December 3rd in the year 755A.D., over the centuries precession has caused the conjunction date to approach the winter solstice. So, how close are we to perfect conjunction today? Exactly when might we expect the winter solstice sun to conjunct the crossing point of Galactic Equator and ecliptic - the Mayan Sacred Tree? Any astronomer will tell you that, presently, the Milky Way crosses the ecliptic through the constellation of Sagittarius and this area is rich in nebulae and high density objects. In fact, where the Milky Way crosses the ecliptic in Sagittarius also happens to be the direction of the Galactic Center.
Quite intruiging that there was an eclipse on 755AD, 1253 years ago from 2008. Apparently the sun conjuncts the Sacred Tree on December 3rd It has all the symbolism, the sacred tree like the tree of life. And the date of the Conjunction Dec 3rd 08. Look at the double numbers in the date 755 on an eclipse, similair to 337 day of that year. Dec 3rd!
What happened in 755ad that could be significant.
Here is a Google search on 755AD, its quite outstanding. ... tnG=Search
Here is an interesting link
Quote:Key eclipses marked the progression of world eras over millennia called suns in the native language, so the Sixth Sun is equivalent to the Sixth World. In 755AD Maya priests had prophesied that the July 11, 1991 hailed a new era of cosmic awareness, the Sixth Sun of Consciousness. Although scholars still debate the Fifth World's beginning, the spectacular UFO appearance over Mexico left do doubt that the Sixth World began in 1991. Cleansing to prepare for the new era would include large earthquakes. In the new world of consciousness, cosmic awareness would be essential if humankind were to survive as a species.
again we see the July 11 1991, The 11s
I thought the highlights was interesting. The Sacred tree is interesting and seem to symbolise the tree of life as well.
Looking further
Here is another link that I found that has some interesting prophecies and does appear to have relevance.
Here is a fragment
Quote:It is clear that there is an apparent pattern of specific prophetic words that the Spirit has in regards to the present economic crisis and His promise that it would be “a shaking just for a short moment in time”. In December of 2005, God began to speak through me regarding a future economic crisis and showed me when it would be brought to an end. I feel that it is my duty to bring these prophecies to light for the purpose of giving you a “God perspective” of the situation, and so that you may also pray effectively and act accordingly. Before there was any crisis to speak of, the Spirit of God was already speaking of a time to come when the banking systems would fail, but even in the same breath giving us hope that the shaking would be temporary. I want to share my perspective with you using some of the words that God has given me to share publicly throughout the Nation and some relevant news articles which are also very specific about this moment that we have now entered together. It is clear that God was warning us ahead of time so that we would not panic and react in fear as these things began to happen, but that we might carry a message of hope and keep our confidence in His promise during the shaking. Despite the current situation and the comments of the prognosticators in the media, the Spirit of God has given us clear words that there will be a great future for all of us and the US economy will shortly be restored to the greatest place it has ever been.
Here is another link looking into Dec 3rd prophecies
It about Bin Laden
Quote:The Spirit of the LORD says, "The Son of Syria shall rise again, but he shall be defeated". A new change will come before the White-House. For did I not tell you of this beforehand says the LORD? Many are deceived about this man, many are lost in confusion. Some say he is a Hero, then others he is a Mad Man. But as Surely as I AM, you will see a new arrival before the nation, before the EAST, before the Caves and the Caverns.
Here is another very interesting prophecy fragment ... proph.html
Quote:The prophecies are in poetic form and refer to a time he calls "the latter ages", thus in verse 6 of The Prophecies of Saint Columbkille:
"There shall come times of dark affliction
Of scarcity, of sorrow, and of wailing;
In the latter ages of the world's existence."
Similarly, in the letter called "Saint Columbkille Cecinit" in verse 64 an allusion to a promise made to St Patrick by God after he had expelled all the demons out of Ireland:
"I concede as a favour to them without deception,
and Saint Patrick did concede the same;
That seven years before the last day,
The sea shall submerge Eire by one inundation."
At one stage the office of the prophets was closed apparently this office is very ancient, also the new testament was compiled soon after.
Very interesting link.
But look at this prophecy.
That seven years before the last day,
Would that be in 08 an effect of rapture that Ireland is hit with a Tsunami or something perhaps due to an earthquake????
Seven years before the last day, we are in the cycle right now.
Not far til the end of 08, that piece fits the current calculation!!!!!!
Is this a message for Ireland NOW!!For Ireland to be inundated by one Tsunami would have to be caused by the biggest earthquake ever in the history of mankind. That would an effect of rapture!!!! It would probably cause rapid submergence. Gee that sounds bad.
Hey Sissco and Oranges you're in Ireland!!! Might be a good idea to head East.
Here is a prophecy that says that rapture will not happe in 2008
Quote:Why Rosh haShanah 2008 is
NOT the year of the Rapture
These are the Words from YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA regarding Rosh haShanah in the Prophecies given through Apostle Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia. These words will explain very clear why the rapture of the Bride of YAHUSHUA WILL NOT happen in 2008. It is very clearly stated that YAHUSHUA will come for HIS Bride on a Rosh haShanah and it will be on a Sabbath. This year 2008 Rosh haShanah does not fall on a Sabbath, therefore the Rapture can NOT happen this year 2008.
Oh well lets see what happens.
Herkimer Crop Circle
In sweepingly elegant strokes the crop circle makers drew the connection between ancients astronauts in Native America and modern UFO's over Mexico, pointing to the pyramids that had mentored their prophesies. Using Teotihuacan as the southern point of an equilateral triangle, crop circles in Kennewick, WA and Herkimer, NY measured out three legs of 2,160 miles each. This number is crucial to the ancient calendar's geometries with 2,160 years in an astrological age and 2,160 miles in the diameter of the moon. Moreover, an avenue not seen in other crop circles extended from the Kennewick circle towards polar north paralleling the distinguishing avenue at Teotihuacan
Kennewick Crop Circle
Codes for Teotihuacan embodied in the calendar were displayed in two crop circles pointing out the pyramids' measures with a triangle, the most common symbol in Mesoamerica, in 1993. Geometric designs made in vegetation, crop circles had appeared on every continent in the world since the first simple rings appeared near Stonehenge in the late seventies.
The dates of the 755Ad eclipse, it interesting that its in the month of Dec like in this timeline.
Here are some other calculations
To determine the exact beginning of this pattern is not an easy task. Above
it on page 51a and 52a different possible countings are suggested, who
propably refer to several different starting points.
On page 51a one can read from top to bottom, 4 Ahau 8 Kumku, 12 Lamat, 8 Kin
ti Imix.
When one counts 8 kin starting from 5 Imix in the Tzolkin, the day before 4
Ahaw, than you will arrive on 12 Lamat or in the LC.
The LC-notation in black, could be the beginning of the
Lamatpattern. When one adds to this than one becomes the notation of, 12 Lamat, who one could see on page 52a. This fits with the 83
GMT-correlation of Grgorian November 10 755AD.
15 days later, on November 23 755AD, on 1 Akbal, a lunar eclips occurred.
30 days later, on December 8 755AD, on 3 Etznab, a solar eclips occurred, if
we substract 2 days of the GMT-correlation of December 10.
12 Lamat, 1 Akbal and 3 Etznab are the 3 Tzolkindates on page 51a.
With the Lamatpattern, starting from 1 Akbal all the lunar eclipses could be
set in line, and starting fron 3 Etznab all the solar eclipses., 3 Etznab 11 Pax or December 8 755AD., 8 Kimi 14 Sek or May 4 756AD., 3 Akbal 11 Kankin or October 28 756AD., 11 Ahaw 3 Sek or April 23 757AD., 13 Kimi 19 Keh or September 26 759AD, etc
. etc
The function of 12 Lamat, or November 755AD, is than only noticed in a
predictable manner for the lunar eclipses of 15 days later and for the solar
eclipses 30 days later.
Remarkable that none of both of this eclipses were visible in Yucatan region
and therefore impossible to see with the naked eye by the Maya observer.
a crop circle I came across in the search
Its called the Herkimer Crop Circle
Quote:Herkimer Crop Circle
In sweepingly elegant strokes the crop circle makers drew the connection between ancients astronauts in Native America and modern UFO's over Mexico, pointing to the pyramids that had mentored their prophesies. Using Teotihuacan as the southern point of an equilateral triangle, crop circles in Kennewick, WA and Herkimer, NY measured out three legs of 2,160 miles each. This number is crucial to the ancient calendar's geometries with 2,160 years in an astrological age and 2,160 miles in the diameter of the moon. Moreover, an avenue not seen in other crop circles extended from the Kennewick circle towards polar north paralleling the distinguishing avenue at Teotihuacan
The crop circle looked familiar to the Van highland capital so I got the crop circle image and super imposed the crop circle over the Van headquarters and it seemed to match.
Now if you continue to extend a line through the central ridge it leads you all the way to Dalamatia City in the Persian Gulf. If you follow the other ridge about 30 degrees to the South East it leads to the old site of Dilmun where Babel was built. If you go near West it point to 1Eden. The location appears to be a Map pointing to the ancient cities, the final construct.
and the original
I thought it seemed like a match.
Absolutely fascinating!! Like a sign post that ties in all the ancient places.
Here is another view and thought of the crop circle
Makes sense to me.
I was intrigued by this verse
Quote:16: And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.
The Earth helped the woman by opening her mouth. In metaphor, would that relate to a presentation where the Earth opens or reveals its treasures of the past and which has a dual purpose of bringing the dragon to justice. Truth coming from ancient generations of wasted places as the activator for judgment where the flood is the flood of truth or the latter rain of truth (the end time message and its revealing before judgment).
Of course, because the truth is revealed the Dragon gets really upset because he knows his time is near. We know the flood of truth from the earth (ancient places) will destroy him. Where there is light, there is no darkness and the light of truth in completion will defeat the last rebel.
I think the woman are the true ones who love and follow Jesus and express that in their life witness, the everyday witness. Some like what the beattitudes of Jesus express.In these days and tribulation there will be war because the worst of the planet will be left behind. Jesus has a beautiful preservation plan.
On another subject I bet the guys at the G29 dont know what to do??
Re: Lost By Ignoring the Scriptural Ties That Jesus Gives Us Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:33 pm
No worries
There is a few ways to look at this
Its just my thought right or wrong.
But what you say is true to.
Im thinking that John wrote the vision after the temple was destroyed so the reflection in revelation must be about the end time scenario using the destruction of the temple as an example perhaps, like going back in the past, looking into the future with an expanded scenario.
Back to the future!
Comes from the earth with a flood, it would have to be a revealing in truth, of truth from within itself involving the earth. The end comes from the beginning. Looking back in to the past for the future.
Mind you the revelation of Jesus consists of no violence only but revelation, That would be the path of Jesus. What is hidden is revealed, that would be the stamp of Jesus in the final presentation.It involves the earth revealing its treasures that helps the woman or the discoverer and it brought a great flood like changed things forever in the ultimate sense. The flood of completed truth destroyed untruth and therefore changed everything.
posted 11-22-2008 02:40 PM Message fro Arecibo
Wireless I find the 3rd Dec and 337 very interesting. Following the binary roots of 337 it seems to lead to this crop circle and to the Arecibo message.
You know, the Herkimer the crop circle superimposed over the Van highland capital has definite 337, double triangle tracks and connection. The same connection in double triangle shape and in 337 number is expressed in Binary as 1111111, Seven ones. Now this relates to a day of the year which is 3rd Dec being the 337 of the year. Remember earlier on in talking about this I was following binary patterns and some how it led to this sequence, 111011 and I identified that same sequence in the Arecibo crop circle message.
I was wondering would this be all related to the Herkimer the crop circle being a map of the highland capital? If this is the case then all three expression are connected and therefore connects to the UB being the underlying base to this research.
Im thinking if connected, this would also perhaps point to the non breather race that live close by to us and who are our brothers as described in the UB.
Could it be that 337 or Binary 1111111 , Seven ones and Dec 3rd 08 all coming to a ONENESS point to the initiation of the last 7 year cycle of Daniel.
Being all connected this would also include the other cities discovered in this journey which have to be verified of course but does also involve 2 expeditions to 1stEden of Cyprus which is part of the revealing.
Maybe following creative imagination going by all the senses (the Seven thunders) may actually lead to the actual time sequence of rapture where planetary evacuation as prophesied is realized. All based on the prime numbers that relate to the double triangle Star, 337! Dec 3rd.
Is 337!, Dec 3rd, Binary 1111111 a countdown sequence??
Remember that the 1335th Day of this journey is Dec 3rd a 337 day, the journey to the ancient places officially on the Sevenfoldbooks/truth index began 1335 days ago and this times perfect to Daniels 1335th day in his end time prophecy.
This ties Daniels prophecy to my personal journey to the ancient places.
Dec 3rd 08 is the day for me, its the day that forms a conjunction on this journey and with rapture anyway. That's the best I can come up with in my calculations.
Happy Dec 3rd 08
See what happens I suppose!
Here is post on the Atlantis rising forum to wireless regarding 337! ... 00162&p=19
Wireless I find the 3rd Dec and 337 very interesting. Following the binary roots of 337 it seems to lead to this crop circle and to the Arecibo message.
You know, the Herkimer the crop circle superimposed over the Van highland capital has definite 337, double triangle tracks and connection. The same connection in double triangle shape and in 337 number is expressed in Binary as 1111111, Seven ones. Now this relates to a day of the year which is 3rd Dec being the 337 of the year. Remember earlier on in talking about this I was following binary patterns and some how it led to this sequence, 111011 and I identified that same sequence in the Arecibo crop circle message.
I was wondering would this be all related to the Herkimer the crop circle being a map of the highland capital? If this is the case then all three expression are connected and therefore connects to the UB being the underlying base to this research.
Im thinking if connected, this would also perhaps point to the non breather race that live close by to us and who are our brothers as described in the UB.
Could it be that 337 or Binary 1111111 , Seven ones and Dec 3rd 08 all coming to a ONENESS point to the initiation of the last 7 year cycle of Daniel.
Being all connected this would also include the other cities discovered in this journey which have to be verified of course but does also involve 2 expeditions to 1stEden of Cyprus which is part of the revealing.
Maybe following creative imagination going by all the senses (the Seven thunders) may actually lead to the actual time sequence of rapture where planetary evacuation as prophesied is realised. All based on the prime numbers that relate to the double triangle Star, 337! Dec 3rd.
Is 337!, Dec 3rd, Binary 1111111 a countdown sequence??
Remember that the 1335th Day of this journey is Dec 3rd, a 337 day, the journey began to the ancient places officially on the Sevenfoldbooks/truth index 1335 days ago and this times in perfect to Daniels 1335th day in his end time prophecy.
This ties Daniels prophecy to my personal journey to the ancient places.
Dec 3rd 08 is the day for me, its the day that forms a conjunction on this journey and with rapture anyway. Thats the best I can come up with in my calculations.
Happy Dec 3rd 08
See what happens I suppose!
Ps just check the numbers in my membership in AR forum!! Did I realise that at the time?? No
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