7th October 2009

This was the last crop circle, 12 lines,
24 lines in total, 25 circles in total and 3 co planar circles in a
line or could it be a timeline reflecting the midway point that equals
circles perhaps reflected in the last half of the 49 day Seventh/Shabbes
timeline, 25 day Seventh Leg or could it reflect also a 50 day Shabbes leg and
25 being the midway point also. I wonder if this is a time period being
reflected, like the timeline of the 7th Shabbes/Seventh link?? the HALF?
as in Daniel prophecy? It seems so close!
Is the crop circle something foreseen before we
get there in the reality as in an HALF?
There are few calculations that range the Midway point from 22-25 days
which consequently falls on 22nd Jan to 25th Jan
2010 in the SEVENTH part,
the Seventh leg of the Shabbes/Seventh timeline , the Seventh part might
connect in with Enoch's in the SEVENTH
here is the Enoch Seventh part
15 And after this, in the
tenth week in the
seventh part,
If I add 10 week or 10 Sabbaths at the beginning
of the 6th leg 13th November 2009,
the 10th week/Sabbath falls precisely on the 3rd Shabbes/10 week in
the SEVENTH PART or leg.
Now the
10th week falls precisely on
January 22nd 2010
which coincides with the 1st
anniversary of Jan 22nd 2009 Magnetar the reference point and the beginning of
the Shabbes timeline in total.
The below seems like a parallel to
the verse and synchronizes perfectly to the
22nd Jan 2010
in this case....again the 22.
Now if this calculation in the
reality is right. What happens or what is forecast in the
week in the Seventh
It seems like the Last Rebel is
adjudged by the Ancients of Days or Head of Days. The Sevenfold Judges!
Enoch and some thoughts
from a previous time.
15 And after this, in the
tenth week in the
seventh part,
There shall be the great eternal judgement,
In which He will execute vengeance amongst the angels.
16 And the first heaven shall depart and pass away,
And a new heaven shall appear,
And all the powers of the heavens shall give
sevenfold light.
17 And after that there will be many weeks
without number for ever,
And all shall be in goodness and righteousness,
And sin shall no more be mentioned for ever.
If whatever is to come and is
reflected in this final interpretation through the experience from ancient
times, it will be very swift and unexpectedly.
If this current calculation is
right no one will believe me, I just know that and I don't blame them.
But this calculation brings all things into a oneness in my view.
the 1335th day is 15th Feb 2010.
Dec 03 2008
was the day Magnetar realisation and also was my 1335th day when the index
of the website was created. I was
also focused on Daniel last year and here we are again but in a Seventh
timeline in the SEVENTH
part leg literally that matches Enoch's calculation, all coming into a oneness
on the Jan 22 2010.
"Blessed is the
one who waits for and
reaches the end of the
1335 days,"
24 lines in the crop circle.
Jesus dying words, under great pain as he reciting
them in his mind and occasionally verbally was from Psalm
20 21 22
Was Jesus telling us and encrypted message in the
chapter numbers, the time of the event of the
Judgment process or some other event in the metaphor. Perhaps the
time was expressed in the chapter numbers Psalm
20 21 22?. is connected to
January 22nd 2010 being
a date that falls in place in the right
circumstances and connected to a timeline which has its origins to a inter
galactic "light
without heat" Magnetar event where
"Light without Heat" information is written about in the Urantia Book
being a new
Just note: I have applied Enoch 10 week
judgment about 5 times to see where it fits, like putting a puzzle together.
I feel that when
all the conditions are right in the timeline the puzzle will just fit like a
From the above calculations it appears to fit very
well. The oneness of bringing in a number part prophecies to make the whole in the reality.
Be interesting to see what happens.
here is another diagram of the Seven/Seven 49 day
leg adjusted 4 day to match Daniels 45 days difference where the midway point
falls on Jan 22nd 2010......another precise match!
See all

It is in this connection that John says, "But
ye have an unction from
the Holy One, and ye
know all things. The anointing which ye have
received of Him
abideth in you, and ye need not that any man
you; but as the same
anointing teacheth you of all things,
and is truth,
and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall
abide in Him."
Note the Seventh Shabbes leg begins on the a new
year Jan1st, 2010.
What does 7 Shvat mean?
The following article I wrote to share with the
youth and families of my own small Jewish community last year for Tu B'Shevat
Of course the quotes are not my own words and there are passages I've
paraphrased from perhaps dozens of resources I've read over the decades. I've
looked at a number of pages on the Internet and none of them fit what I was
looking for to present to my own child, so I wrote this with him in mind and
then figured it might be of help to others.
TuB’Shevat – The New Year Of the Trees
What exactly does Tu B’Shevat, the New Year of the Trees mean? Does this mean
that we as Jews celebrate birthdays for trees? Do we think trees celebrate
holidays of their own? Do we count the years by the trees?
Here we shall explore just what Tu B’ Shevat
means, how it all started, and some of the ways this
holiday has changed over history within Judaism. While there
have been changes in how it is observed and what we do to mark this time, over
the years the focus of Tikkun Olam, or Repair of
the World can be found in each age and way of celebration. It
can connect you to our past, the future, each other, the land we live in here
in Arkansas, the land of Eretz Yisrael, and our lives here as Jews in an
example of living as a light unto the nations.
The name of the holiday is literally the 15th
of Shevat. The word “ Tu” is not really a word; it is the number 15 in Hebrew,
as if you were to call the Fourth of July, “IVJuly”. (IV being 4 in Roman
numerals) The 15th of Shevat was
marked as the New Year for calculating the age of trees for tithing. Before
the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 C.E., ten percent of all
produce was set aside for the support of the priests of the Temple and the
poor. The 15th of Shevat determines the end of the “fiscal year” for
trees for the purpose of tithing it’s fruit;
fruit that had flowered prior to the 15th of Shevat was taxed for tithe for
the previous year, fruit that blossomed after, for the following year.
In the Torah (Lev. 19:23 –25) we learn that fruit from trees that were grown
in the land of Israel may not be eaten during the first three years; the
fourth year’s fruit is for God and after that the fruit can be eaten. Each
tree is considered to have aged one year as of Tu B’Shevat no matter when in
the year it is planted.
"For the Lord G-d shall lead you into the good land, a land of flowing
water... The land of wheat and barley, the vine and fig and pomegranate, a
land of the olive tree and honey"
Deuteronomy 8, 7-8
These seven fruits of the land of Israel
are blessed in Torah: wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, and
dates. It has become custom to partake of these foods to celebrate
Tu B’Shevat.
B’Shvat is not mentioned in the Bible. It
is first mentioned in the Mishnah, which was
completed circa 200 and is that part of the Talmud which contains the
Jewish laws handed down since the time of the Bible. Tractate Rosh
Hashanah 1:1 states that there are four new years. The four new years are
the 1st of Nissan used in
biblical times to date the reigns of kings, the
1st of Elul marking the new
year for the tithe of cattle, the
1st of Tishrei or Rosh
Hashanah and the 15th of
Shvat or the
New Year of Trees. Today only
the latter two have any observances associated with them. |
The question as to why the New Year of the
Trees falls in the month of Shvat
is also answered in the same Talmud Tractate (Rosh
By the middle of the month of
Shvat the majority of the average
annual rainfall has already fallen. Therefore, the trees have already
started to grow, and this is the time when fruits begin forming on the
trees. In Israel the 15th of
Shvat is the day when
new sap traditionally starts to rise in the trees.
It is a time of rejuvenation, the beginning of
Spring and everything is green. |
Shevat (or
Shvat) (Hebrew:
Standard Šəvat
Tiberian Šəḇāṭ ; from
Akkadian Šabātu) is the
month of the civil
year and
the eleventh month
of the ecclesiastical year on the
Hebrew calendar. It is a winter month of 30
days. Shevat
usually occurs in January–February on the
Gregorian calendar.
October 8th 09
The calculation above I feel would be the final
calculation, I don't think I can extract anymore and to me I see a complete
oneness coming from many independent sources in prophecy. Unless
something turns up I feel this would be my last calculation, if this
calculation is not successful there will be no more Shabbes and III have to
find some other direction somewhere somehow.
At the moment its a wait and see scenario. I
believe we have arrived to the final destination and we are now waiting to see
what occurs on the journey to the 1335th day of Daniel.
I must say if I had to give up this journey, there
is just nothing else that interests me that the world can offer that I can
find. Unfortunately, I hold no hope for a personal relationship because
this is so specialised no one would understand being in a timeline in fragment
form studying prophecies that no one understands. I think I have been
researching this for so long that I have been so accustomed to the daily
delight of discovery and experience that it would be impossible to replace by
worldly standards.
The journey was a beautiful experience in the
whole time and yet a complete struggle having lost everything including
relationships and friendships only because I was compelled were people saw
this journey as unusual and just about all saw nothing in it even to the point
of turning the back, thus giving the back....I get that all the time that's
why I cant speak of this journey to general people but yet I don't blame
people for not understanding! However, in my heart it was worth it and
my understanding on things has been widened and deepened in the knowledge of
all things. I'm glad I'm not dumb to these things anymore! This
journey in total from the real beginnings at a key change in my life has been
about 15 years and now it has done a complete circle and very central.
Its been fun and the cost was worth it, to know
this but now its back to the boring world of money making slavery to survive.
To make sure everyone has there pound of flesh out of my side. I know I
should be invigorated but I don't feel that, more than anything I feel
absolutely exhausted needing spiritual rest and Love.
Here is a post
Here is the latest time line and perhaps the last
http://www.dalamatiacity.com/MagnetarSabbath4.htm (for links)
I have brought Enoch, Daniel and Baruch together and the Last crop circle for
2009 so far and it all matches. I even have connection to Jesus dying words
reciting within himself verses out of Psalm 20, 21,22. I believe he sent us
an encrypted message as to the possible time. Its has strong metaphor to the
point in time that appears to have perfect oneness.
In summary here are the main points of this calculation than unites many
things in a blend.
For example:
Light without Heat Magnetar from deep space
a as reference point.
The "S" crop circle set in 8 foot maize and its physical replication of the
Seventh Part of the Shabbes timeline to precision to the hour.
Daniel, Enoch and Baruch description of the
physical Seventh timeline with precision thus unifying the timeline
prophecies all coming together with perfection and unity in the timeline.
The uncanny nature of the dates numbers in
the Gregorian and Jewish calendar being the same but opposite numbers at
either end thus resembling a circle. A never ending cycle or circle at the
beginning and End of the Seventh Part of the Shabbes. A eternal signature
in time, the never ending.
The timeline encompasses all feasts and in
the last feast is equidistant 7 days either end of the central Midwayer
focus point.
There appears to be reflections of Sevens in
the central circle tied in with the Jewish date of the 12th circle and I
think has common seven links to a birthdate.
and many more things.
I'm sure this is the final calculation, I've never seen perfection in
Time/Space forming a oneness from so many so called independent sources
coupled with other phoenomena.
I reckon, I have cracked Daniels mystery including Enoch but then we have to
wait and see if this is right as we head towards the 1335th day.
Since the
1335th day finishes on 1 Adar 5770, I was interested to
know what symbolism Adar beholds in metaphor to the journey.
This is what I
The Month of Adar
According to
The Book of Formation (Sefer Yetzirah) Each month of the Jewish year has a
corresponding color, a letter of the Hebrew alphabet, a zodiac sign, one of
the twelve tribes of Israel, a sense, and a controlling organ/limb of the
Adar is the twelfth month of the Jewish
The word Adar is cognate to the Hebrew
"strength" (אדיר). Adar is the month of good fortune for the Jewish people.
The sages say of Adar: "Its mazal [fortune] is strong."
and more
Letter: Kuf (ק)
The letter kuf means "monkey" (קוף),
the symbol of laughter of the month of Adar. In accordance with the idiom "as
a monkey in the face of man," the kuf
also symbolizes masquerade, an accepted custom of Purim. Before
the miracle of Purim, God Himself "hid His face"
from His children Israel (in the entire story of Purim, as related in the book
of Esther, His Name does not appear even once). By
initially hiding one's true identity,
pretending to be someone else, the innermost essence of
one's true self becomes
revealed. On Purim, we reach the level of the "unknowable head"
("the head that does not know itself nor is known to others"), the state of
total existential hiddeness of self from self,
for the sake of "giving birth" to one's
ultimate self anew.
The word kuf also means the
"eye of a needle."
The sages teach us that even in the most irrational dream one cannot see an
elephant passing through the eye of a needle (see
here for more on this teaching). Yet, on Purim one experiences this great
wonder, which, in Kabbalah and Chassidut, symbolizes the truly
infinite essence of God's transcendent light
entering into the finite context of physical
reality and revealing itself in full
to the Jewish soul.
Its interesting in the Seventh Part ends on1 Adar,
the 1st Day of the 12 Month, In the middle of the Seventh Part focus is the
12th circle of the crop circle superimposed over the Seventh Part.
In Daniel you have 12:12 chapter
number and verse. Is that an encrypted message of the Central 12 circle
and the end is on the 1st day of the 12th Month?
1335 days
is the beginning of the 12th month, like the 12 disciples, like the 12
gates of 1stEden, like many 12s in the Bible and other religious books.
"Blessed is the
one who waits for and
reaches the end of the
1335 days,"
You couldn't get more Eye of the Needle than this.
and I just found this
The joy of Adar is what makes the month of Adar
the"pregnant" month of the year (i.e.,
seven of the nineteen years in the cycle of the Jewish calender are "leap
years," "pregnant" with an additional month of Adar). When there are two Adars,
Purim is celebrated in the second Adar, in order to link the redemption of
Purim to the redemption of Pesach. Thus, we see that the secret of Adar and
Purim is "the end is
wedged in the beginning."
see that everyone, the secret of Adar and Purim
"the end is wedged in the
cracked, through the journey of the ancient places
fulfilling prophecy.
and is more where I see fulfilment in what I read
here and I see in the reality.
As previously explained, the months of
Tishrei and Cheshvan
correspond (according to the Arizal) to the two tribes of
Ephraim and Menasheh,
the two sons of Joseph. Jacob blessed his two grandchildren Ephraim
and Menashe to be like fish: "and
they shall be like fish in the midst of the earth."
These two tribes (the beginning of the year from Tishrei) reflect
themselves in Adar and
Naftali (the end of the year from Nissan), for Adar
divides into two (just as Joseph divides into two) fish (Ephraim
and Menasheh). The numerical support for this is that when Ephraim (אפרים),
331 and Menashe (מנשה), 395 combine with Naftali (נפתלי), 570 the sum is 1296
= 362 = 64.
In the literal sense, isn't that what we are
doing, being like fishes "and
they shall be like fish in the midst of the earth."
exploring underwater like a fish using fish like technology (R.O.Vs) exploring
submerged ancient places to discover, verify and reveal to the world.
The truth comes from the depths of the Abyss, that's where the message and
interpretation comes from, we are the fishes of truth and fishers of men in
truth with beauty and goodness harmonised with the Father in Heaven guided to
the truth. And to think this fish journey finishes on 1 Adar 5770 which
to me it contains much metaphor and points to the end reality of change for
better things. The ultimate mystery of Adar is ""the
end is wedged in the beginning."
and that's exactly what we have now, where the end comes from the beginning on
the 1st Adar 5770. He have an alive situation here and there is no other
testimony witness like this that comes close to the fulfilment of prophecy.
No church is close on this one.
The character of the journey to the ancient places
Sevens (Digger) also fulfils the below in his actions the whole time.
" the kuf
also symbolizes masquerade, an accepted custom of Purim. Before
the miracle of Purim, God Himself "hid His face"
from His children Israel (in the entire story of Purim, as related in the book
of Esther, His Name does not appear even once). By
initially hiding one's true identity,
pretending to be someone else, the innermost essence of
one's true self becomes
revealed. On Purim, we reach the level of the "unknowable head"
("the head that does not know itself nor is known to others"), the state of
total existential hiddeness of self from self,
for the sake of "giving birth" to one's
ultimate self anew.
And I have to say that this journey is the
"Eye of the Needle"
can be the sixth month to.
n. sixth month of the Hebrew calendar
This just came in
8.1 magnitude earthquake strikes northwest of Vanuatu
Wed Oct 7, 2009
6:49pm EDT
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An 8.1 magnitude
earthquake struck off the northwest of Santo, Vanuatu, the U.S. Geological
Survey said on Wednesday.
The epicenter of the quake was located
232 (2+3+2=7
and 22)miles north-northwest of
Santo, Vanuatu, at a depth of 20.5 miles,
the agency said.
There were no immediate reports of injuries or
damage and no tsunami warning was issued.
Three earthquakes trigger tsunami alerts in South
12:00 AM CDT on Thursday, October 8, 2009
The Associated
WELLINGTON, New Zealand – Three powerful
earthquakes shook the South Pacific near the Vanuatu archipelago today,
triggering a tsunami alert for 11 countries and territories.
But there were no immediate reports of damage,
and all tsunami warnings and watches for the Pacific were cancelled two hours
after they were issued.
The first quake, with a magnitude of
7.8, struck 183 miles northwest of the
Vanuatu island of Santo, at a depth of 21
miles, the U.S. Geological Survey reported.
Just 15
minutes later a second quake with a magnitude 7.3
hit in the same area. A third quake of magnitude 7.1
was recorded nearly an hour later.
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a
regional tsunami warning for 11 nations and territories, including Vanuatu,
the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Nauru, Fiji and Kiribati. A tsunami
watch was in effect as far as Australia and New Zealand.
Vanuatu is a chain of 83 islands about 1,400
miles northeast of Sydney, Australia.
The latest quakes come just
10 days after a quake of magnitude 8.3
rocked the South Pacific near Samoa, sparking tsunami waves that killed at
least 178 people.
Meanwhile, the U.S. Geological Survey reported
that a strong earthquake struck south of the Philippines today. The quake had
a preliminary magnitude of 6.7 and was
located in the Celebes Sea.
The Associated Press
A 3 Sevens earthquake 777,
15 minutes apart between the first and
second and then 60 minutes apart from the
3rd earthquake.
60/15=4, If add up the Richter scale
of all 3 earth quakes 7.8+7.3+7.1=22.2
again the familiar
and in a lifespan of 75
minutes. 7+5=12, to me it has reflection to
the eye of the needle construct. All calculation appears to reflect the
Shabbes Seventh part of the timeline with precision.
Could the planet be speaking to us, does the
planet sense a new energy and influence therefore reacting to it or could the
Earth be participating in our conversation regarding the forecast timeline and
possible events of this journey from ancient times? Note this occurrence
has happened in synchronicity to the conversation that appears to be very
surprising and also it is the Australian tectonic plate that is being affected.
A localised event and certainly earthquakes in a
diverse place.
Ahh food for thought!
The Eye of the Needle
and another article
Australian continent to blame for Samoa,
Sumatra quakes
and lastly here is the last report from the
Philippines and some number play to see if there is a pattern we are familiar
with in the journey..
COTABATO, Philippines, Oct.
8 (Xinhua) -- A magnitude-6.7
quake struck at the ocean near southern Philippines early Thursday, the
United States Geological Survey reported.
The quake, 582.8
km (5+8+2=15+8 =22) below seabed, was recorded
at 5:41
a.m (double 41x2=82, The HALF
and the 2s)(5+4+1=10).
(2141 GMT Wednesday), with the epicenter at 320 km (3+2=5)
south of Zamboanga in the southern tip of Mindanao region.
No casualties or damages were reported. There
was no tsunami alert either.
The Philippines sits on the Pacific "Ring of
Fire" where continental plates collide causing frequent seismic and volcanic
The worst earthquake in the country happened
on August 16, 1976 after a tsunami caused by a quake killed between 5,000
and 8,000 people in the Moro Gulf region in southern Philippines.
sevens » Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:28 am
From the soap box or the toilet is The last
calculation. the most stickiest thing man will endure ever that was relegated
to the toilet by the wise one. So out of the toilet comes judgment and am I
pleased! so now the heat is on you guys time to think and consider.
and the final focus cracking Daniels 1335th day mystery.
Enjoy judgment!!!!! ....maybe! but this is the only candidate on the planet
coming from the beginnings that does qualify having deep space connection to
the Judgment seat through Magnetar. No body anywhere on the planet has the
right interpretation of the End times.
The Sevenfold time of rest comes for those who have the ears to listen and the
eyes to see. For the rest have a good time reflecting upon yourselves in where
you balls it up....mankind. Simple made a meal out of it and no thanks to
religion for your help, any religion. No help nor support what's so ever, but
what would you expect nothing less! Help for Mahdi or the last messenger in
Christian circles....what a JOKE!...I laugh hahahahahaha rolling. There was
never any help coming for the last guy ever, everything written about help was
a lie in the first instance!! Now God will ask why did you not listen as
written in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
You know the great mystery of Adar and Purim is
"the end
is wedged in the beginning"
The rest you can find for yourself.
Just remember, unless you know better!!
Jesus seemed
to see the end from the
He "declares the end from
the beginning"
The Universal Father sees
the end from the beginning
He who was from the
He comprehends the end
from the beginning.
The Seven paths is from the Beginnings.
So where do
you stand regarding the passing through
the eye of the needle?????
Matthew 19:24
And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go
through the eye of a needle, than for a
rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Mark 10:25
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a
needle, than for a rich man to enter into
the kingdom of God.
Luke 18:25
For it is easier for a camel to go through a
needle's eye, than for a rich man to
enter into the kingdom of God.
sevens » Fri Oct 09, 2009 1:32 am
Psycho Bunny wrote:Hey
Nice to see you back!
Hey no worries Physco Bunny nice to hear from you. Since I last spoke to you,
the journey has not stopped, if anything the journey has become more intense
realising many things and being led to fantastic moments of realisation from
the Books of all religion following the clues left behind.
I must say the crop circles in its season was absolutely entertaining and very
compelling, that kept me going attempting to interpret them in relation to the
beginnings where I saw much beauty. A journey that led to the "eye of the
needle" and as you know everything is documented for the future generations in
the on going Targum from the Beginnings.
Thanks for being a friend of the journey from
ancient unknown times.
All the best
sevens » Fri Oct 09, 2009 1:53 am
In the way I see things the Eye of the Needle is
the escape hatch, the escapees only bring there body and soul, that's the only
thing that will fit through the eye of the needle through the infinite
NO materialism that can fit through, everyone that is worthy of escape through
the eye of the needle must leave everything behind. That would be the only
escape for the righteous who walk in righteousness being truth, beauty and
goodness with Love and FAITH in your heart for your fellow man.
Before a camel goes through "the eye of the needle"
the porter must take of all the goods so the camel will fit. That's is exactly
the construct and purpose of "the eye of the needle" for us in this day.
Plus the eye of the needle
provides the opportunity for all to reflect upon in your personal judgment, in
the beforehand therefore providing time so you can correct in the beforehand
and look over things whilst there is opportunity. That's the benefit in the
beforehand to re-consider and review before the eye of the needle opens for
escape and then shuts where no man can re-open except the Sovereign of this
Universe Jesus.
So you have to work it out for yourself and decide which path you want to go
because evac will come soon and signs are here. After Evac or after we pass
through the "Eye of the needle" the Last Rebel will be unrestrained for a
season. That would be the moment that Bin Laden and all those terrorist
characters are waiting for in there deception, they are and will be deceived.
No truth exists with these terrorists, I reckon Bin Laden knows deep in his
heart he has made a huge blunder/error. The angels do not support and cannot
help a terrorist says Enoch.
So where do you stand regarding the
passing through
the eye of the needle?????
Matthew 19:24
And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye
of a needle, than for a
rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Mark 10:25
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle,
than for a rich man to
enter into the kingdom of God.
Luke 18:25
For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye,
than for a rich man to
enter into the kingdom of God
25 circles
in the crop circle in "the Eye of the Needle"

All the best in working out where you stand in the process of Judgment.
Do you love materialism so much so that you cannot let go before entering
the eye of the needle?????
The poor man has nothing to loose but the rich
power broker have all to loose but that's the deception on the rich, there
materialism that they hold to will serve them as a stumbling block in the
ultimacy of judgment, its all about the Soul and Spirit of man including
attitude with truth, nothing to do with material wealth and position.
Regarding wealth, its the only good meal the
worm and the canker love. Wealth disappears over time in anyone hands but not
the spirit of man and God for they are eternal friends.
"The eye of a needle" is part of a phrase
attributed to
Jesus by the
synoptic gospels:
...I tell you the truth, it is hard for
a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier
for a camel
to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the
kingdom of God.
The parallel versions appear in
10:24-25 and
The saying was a response to a young rich man
who had asked Jesus what he needed to do in order to inherit eternal life.
Jesus replied that he should keep the commandments. To which the man stated
he had done. Jesus responded, "If you want to be
perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have
treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." The young man
became sad and was unwilling to do this. Jesus then spoke this response,
leaving his disciples astonished.
Some commentators have found it incredible to
speak of a rich man's chance of being saved as being harder than threading a
camel through a literal sewing implement. Consequently the phrase has
inspired various interpretations.
Quran uses this phrase to express the idea of something that is unlikely
to happen:
To those who
reject Our signs and treat them with arrogance, no
opening will there be of
the gates of heaven, nor will
they enter the garden,
until the camel can pass through the
eye of the needle: Such is Our reward for those in sin.
Al-Araf (The Heights) 7:40
The thing is, Islam has rejected with arrogance
all the signs UTTERLY and offered no help, so Islam rejects the Last message
and that means very big trouble for Islam. Mohammad knew by his own
experience, there would be no help for the last messenger that's why he
suggested that Islam followers crawl over ice to help Mahdi, that never
happened and never will.
All religions are blind as a bat because of there shallow judgments, pride and
prejudice and utterly blind and are so wayward.
The eye of the needle is the gate to Heaven in Evacuation and is related to
the Garden, 1stGarden of Eden...(the connection, who else comes from or
represents 1st Eden today???) But Islam has rejected there own knowledge in
the verse by rejecting the truth of the ongoing Targum from the beginnings
which includes 1stEden which is also in there book and part and parcel of the
last construct.
But everyone all of a sudden people are DUMB because of there own self
indulgent BS in the fruits of there mouth and witness, like the people who
promulgate death and destruction using crafty devices, these people are the
dumbest people on the planet, only if they knew they were being deceived as
there are no rewards for death and destruction upon the Family, any Family by
a terrorist who is dumber than dumb.
Terrorism is most stupid, feebleminded and dumbest thing a man can be led into
and the mentors of terrorism will NOT enter Paradise but instead go to
personality extinction.
No different as when man fool rejects and hates God.
By combining the verses of the needle doorway you have the complete construct.
The Garden is associated like in the Targum of the Beginnings, the gates of
heaven are associated and that will open, the needle passage is narrow where
only the soul, spirit and body can enter, nothing else! Rich man cant enter
because of the milestone being IN love for materialism and power.
For the Atheist....Nothing...no
reward...ultimate extinction regardless of passage, the Atheist is not welcome
and will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. The ultimate betrayal in the
denial of God, the Atheist, means no chance! Smart and yet super dumb!
A change of heart after review is the only way for an atheist same with the
terrorist. Essentially they are the same, both are capable of exterminating
millions of people for an ideal as we have seen in the Atheist example of
Napoleon, Hitler and Stalin....all atheists who have not an once of love for
there fellow brother and countryman, only if there is some material/power
benefit and no different to what to the death we see in the witness of people
slaughter in wayward religion in the name of some inconsistent ideal through
hatred which is completely anti family.
11th October 2009
More information on the times
of the End message before great change.
Yesterday I went to see a friend of mine after a
nice coffee with another friend. Whilst at his place I was speaking to
him I was thinking about the various clues to the End time that I feel are
contained in the death of Jesus Christ scenario.
What came to mind was Bar Abbas, which means (Son
of the Father), interestingly whilst the spelling is different, Sevens is a
Son of Abbes, being from his Mothers line, Son of Armina(Ina my mothers name,
Ina Abbes), Son of Abbes, Spiritual head of the Abbey, Ab means from the
beginning. It all has the same metaphor. Its all from the Father
and from the beginnings where the end shall come from.
Another thought was the recital of Psalms 20,21
and 22 within the mind of Jesus at the time of his death on the cross.
Like a man under torture, he was revealing time periods through the chapter
numbers Psalms 20,21 and 22, the time period of the "Eye of the Needle" The
time of his victory for his people fulfilling Psalms 20,21 and 22 through the
"Eye of the Needle". Its only the last messenger or perhaps Son of
Abbes/Abbas, Sevens who calculates the time of the "Eye of the Needle"
Its quite possible it will be a 3 day period....Psalms
20,21 and 22
Another thought that came to me this morning
whilst laying in Bed was the verse that Jesus spoke of in Luke..
Jesus the Cause of Division
49 I
am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?
50 But I have a baptism to be
baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished!
51 Suppose
ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you,
but rather division:
52 For from henceforth
there shall be five in one house divided, three
against two, and two against three. 53 The
father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the
mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother
in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother
in law.
The Eye of the Needle
would precisely fulfil the above, its activation would divide
the family, it would separate the Wheat from the Chaff within a family
directly. Sure we see division today but the "Eye of the Needle" brings
literal division in a family, dependant on Faith, truth and the decision each
capable personality within the family makes. Those in a family that
desire to be evacuated in light of truth will, those children who cant make a
decision will be evacuated with the superior parent making the superior
decision. Those who know the truth but decides to stay behind can but I
wouldn't suggest it.
Teenagers have to make there decision
independently. The best thing for a teenagers is to listen to the superior
parent who makes the superior decision, that means the teenager has to
think and research.
After the "Eye of the
Needle" is activated there will be mass mourning throughout the
world, that is written as it strikes the heart of all families throughout the
world. I feel there will be another opportunity as Jesus is a true
Father, merciful and compassionate, When a Father corrects a Son and the Son
embraces the correction then Father embraces the Son with all Love. Like
the prodigal son and that's why Jesus will embrace the corrected in another
activation of mercy down the track. After that no opportunity!
The following whole chapter of Luke has strong
metaphor to NOW.
Read it from perspective of the "Eye of the
Needle" you will know what to do.
Treasure in Heaven
32 Fear
not, little flock;
for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
33 Sell that ye have, and
give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old,
a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth,
neither moth corrupteth.
34 For
where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Your treasure comes through the "Eye of the
Little Flock means very few in last stand.
No thief can enter the "Eye of the Needle"
Praise the Lord in the Kingdom of Heaven.....YEA!
Here is the full chapter of Luke 12 with some
thoughts in between some verses.
A Warning against Hypocrisy
Luke 12
In the mean time,
when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch
that they trode one upon another, he began to say unto his disciples first of
all, Beware ye of the leaven of
the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.
2 For
there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall
not be known.
3 Therefore
whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that
which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the
(Metaphor for the journey of ancient times revealing all the lost cities f
the Tree of life, revealing for the first time what has been hidden, all
uncovered and also metaphor of the physical environment of where the
last message is written, in the darkness of a small room revealed to the
world on the run through the Internet. Many religious groups and
organisations will not respond to the last message through rejection.
What they speak instead is false with wrong interpretations.)
Whom to Fear
4 And I say unto you my
friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more
that they can do. 5 But
I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed
hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.
6 Are not five sparrows sold
for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?
7 But even the very hairs of
your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many
(In light of Evac, the
authorities will attempt to destroy the message and construct but if they
fail they will murder those who are responsible. No doubt about it.
Jesus is giving those who are persecuted after Evac advise and faith to move
forward regardless of the threats and innuendo of there life.)
Confessing Christ before Men
8 Also
I say unto you, Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of
man also confess before the angels of God: 9 But
he that denieth me before men shall be denied before the angels of God.
10 And whosoever shall speak
a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that
blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.
11 And when they bring you
unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates, and powers, take ye no thought how
or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say:
12 For the Holy Ghost shall
teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.
(the time of persecution
and tribulation post evacuation for those left behind.)
The Parable of the Rich Fool
13 And one of
the company said unto him, Master, speak to my brother, that he divide the
inheritance with me. 14 And he said unto him,
Man, who made me a judge or a divider over you?
15 And he said unto them,
Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in
the abundance of the things which he possesseth.
16 And he spake a parable unto them, saying,
The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully:
17 And he thought within
himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my
fruits? 18 And he
said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there
will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. 19 And
I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years;
take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry.
20 But
God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee:
then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?
21 So is he that layeth up
treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.
(material possessions is
not the key, that will not save a person going through the eye of the
needle, Leave covetous behaviour behind, let it go....don't worry
about the Jones' compared to you. Many rich people betray God in
denial, in there way up the material blessings ladder, they don't think
beyond this reality of time/space and don't respect God. I wouldn't be
content in putting faith material riches!)
Care and Anxiety
22 And
he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your
life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on.
23 The life is more than
meat, and the body is more than raiment. 24 Consider
the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor
barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls?
25 And which of you with
taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?
26 If ye then be not able to
do that thing which is least, why take ye thought for the rest?
27 Consider the lilies how
they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon
in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
28 If then God so clothe the
grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how
much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith?
29 And seek not ye what ye
shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind.
30 For
all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father
knoweth that ye have need of these things. 31 But
rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto
(Have faith in the Father
in Heaven he will guide and supply for your needs as you walk in faith, you
have apply action and the Father will respond by steering you in the right
Treasure in Heaven
32 Fear not, little flock;
for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
33 Sell that ye have, and
give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the
heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth.
34 For where your treasure
is, there will your heart be also.
(There will a very few in
the last stand as in the little flock, very few people will respond in the
beforehand of the first evac message. No thief can approach the eye of
the Needle, they will be rejected entry. It seems to me the Rich man
is the thief essentially. Yes and much thievery happens in this world
system right from the top running to the bottom. Life time Debt
bondage is all thievery of the sovereignty of man, where man is reduced to a
slave to the system)
Watchful Servants
35 Let your loins be girded
about, and your lights burning; 36 And
ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from
the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open
unto him immediately.
37 Blessed
are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I
say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat,
and will come forth and serve them.
38 And
if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find
them so, blessed are those servants.
39 And this know, that if the
goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have
watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through.
40 Be ye therefore ready
also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.
(Guard yourself with the
truth of everything, no man can take your truth away nor can he destroy the
truth. It appears that the first evac
occurs where the escapees in the first instance go to meet
Jesus for a great feast and wedding of himself and his bride, the faith
bearers of the truth of everything. In that time mankind will realise
what occurred in the first Evac then the tribulation begins for nearly all
families of the planet being already sorted in the first Evac. It also
seems to suggest that truth bearers in faith know in the beforehand when
evac occurs, they a sitting and waiting and at the same time sharing all
they now with there brothers...mankind. The vehicle is the Internet to
spread information sharing the meat with all.
first watch was done by all those
individuals present before when Jesus was born for example, the Magi and
other faith bearers at the time who where expecting the birth of Jesus
in the beforehand. The Second watch
is in our day, as in the first evacuation in the judgment process and
the third watch is last evac for
those who are corrected in attitude with enlarged faith and knowledge.
The faith /truth bearers
know the time and are sitting and watching the time as calculated by the
last guy who uncovers the Seventh Mystery)
The Unfaithful Servant
41 Then Peter
said unto him, Lord, speakest thou this parable unto us, or even to all?
42 And the Lord said,
Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his lord
shall make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due
43 Blessed
is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.
44 Of a truth I say unto you,
that he will make him ruler over all that he hath.
45 But and if that servant
say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; and shall begin to beat the
menservants and maidens, and to eat and drink, and to be drunken;
46 The lord of that servant
will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not
aware, and will cut him in sunder,
and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers.
47 And that servant, which
knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his
will, shall be beaten with many stripes. 48 But
he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten
with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much
required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.
(The Faith/Truth bearers
will receive there inheritance
after the first stage (second watch) Evac, because they believed without
seeing, highly prized and will be preserved for the new world to come.
The planet is there inheritance an the ancient places are the heritage of
the Ages from where we come from like as in the revealing of the truth and
location of 1stEden as guided by the Urantia Book. Blessed are those who are
prepared in the beforehand and spread the good news doing the will of the
Father. The more is govern, the more is required within the capacity
of the individual in the time before the first evac)
Jesus the Cause of Division
49 I
am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?
50 But I have a baptism to be
baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished!
51 Suppose ye that I am come
to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:
52 For from henceforth there
shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three.
53 The father shall be
divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against
the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against
her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
( The fire is the truth in
the End days, there is a correction and refining process of man and the
truth, the Eye of the needle crates and separates the Chaff from wheat.
This will create divisions in family after the event because the truth
reveals itself in action. Beyond faith now when it occurs. There will
be division in all families such as never ever seen before, the event is
world wide and every family will be affected. After the 1st Stage evac
the whole world will mourn...no doubt about it...everyone will be affected.)
Discerning the Times
54 And
he said also to the people, When ye see a cloud rise out of the west,
straightway ye say, There cometh a shower; and so it is.
55 And when ye see the south
wind blow, ye say, There will be heat; and it cometh to pass.
56 Ye hypocrites, ye can
discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that ye do not
discern this time?
(All people except a very
few will reject the end message of great change and will not be prepared,
when 1st Stage evac occurs then the truth will dawn on people. People
including all religion really underestimated the end message. Jesus rebukes
the religious leaders for not picking up on the on coming event and not
listening to the last guy and his message.)
Agree with Your Adversary
57 Yea,
and why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right?
58 When thou goest with thine
adversary to the magistrate, as thou art in the way, give diligence that thou
mayest be delivered from him; lest he hale thee to the judge, and the judge
deliver thee to the officer, and the officer cast thee into prison.
59 I tell thee, thou shalt
not depart thence, till thou hast paid the very last mite.
(Warning to those who judge
others and proclaim without standing in the truth of the end, that they are
not standing in front of the Judge themselves being judged, the Judge is
Jesus who adjudges the age, this age. This applies to many people
including myself as I sometimes tend to be judgmental when I get
aggressively emotional on things like terrorism, I'm totally against it and
it promulgation.)
Re: The End comes from the
sevens » Sun Oct 11, 2009 4:47 am
For more information and interpretations go here.
Over 3 months to go, ample time to make a decision
either to go or to stay, its up to you!!!! You have to make the decision in
sincerity. Don't attempt a shallow decision to save your ass with insincerity,
you have to find God and be a proper servant and do the will of the Father.
That should be the forethought before any thought. Salvation is automatic upon
a sincere decision in the action and in the fruit of the action.
Patrolling the underworld from Menlo Park, USGS
scientists await the Big One
It was a busy week below the Earth's surface, and
across the Pacific, a decidedly deadly one above it. For most people here, the
memory of Loma Prieta was even more remote than the carnage in Indonesia,
where a magnitude 7.6 quake leveled villages and
left more than 1,100 dead. In American Samoa, 22
were killed by a tsunami triggered by a quake. And four
days after that, a magnitude 6.6 quake struck the
"You can't help but
think that the waves go out, and it shakes the whole planet,"
Oppenheimer said. He wondered whether the Pacific quakes would be
"the straw that breaks the camel's back?
When Vanuatu got shaken by these other two or three earthquakes, what
happened? That's a difficult question. And the answer is, I don't think so.
But I don't know."
and today
Moderate quake hits off Samoa
October 11, 2009 - 8:24AM
A 5.9
(5+9=14) magnitude quake has struck close to Tonga and Samoa, seismologists
say, the latest in a series of earthquakes to hit the South Pacific.
There was no tsunami alert after the tremor,
which hit at a shallow depth of 10km
early on Sunday, the US Geological Survey said.
The epicentre was
344km northeast of Tonga's Neiafu and 260km southwest of Apia, in
Samoa, the USGS said.
More than 180 people died after a violent
Pacific earthquake at the end of September caused a tsunami that crashed
into Tonga, Samoa and American Samoa.
Something has to happen soon or else we will not
make a thousand years, considering we have already slaughtered half of our
animal species for the sake of profit motivation.
Man is diabolically evil to his environment when
it comes to his profit motivation. We live in a time of man related
extinction on the road to the extinction of ourselves.
Mind you our dilemma is based on the decisions of
a few in selfishness and greed that has created this major planetary
catastrophe purely!
I was looking for reflection of Jan 22nd 2009 to
see if I could find commonality with other thoughts of other end time
I found this interesting verse from here
“And the Lord answered me, and said, “Write
the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
For the vision is yet for the appointed time, but at the end it shall speak,
and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it
will not tarry.
Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall
live by his faith.” Habakkuk 2:2-4
I wonder if the tablets mentioned are a reflection
of these tablets written on the run from 1stEden.
Here is a video interprets 2 separate events of
the coming of the Lord similar to what I just wrote about
I think he is right on the 2 staged events, 2
second comings. I think this pastor is spot on in what he understands
and confirms what I just recently spoke of being a two staged event looking at
things from the perspective of "the
eye of the needle" and beyond. The eye of the Needle I believe is
the first stage evacuation of the faithful and righteous.
Here a
series reply posts on the atheist site
from Oct 12 and 14th 2009
I was curious about all the 7, or 14 numbers in
the article numbers of this
AEST Wed Oct 14 (7+7) 2009
earthquake has rattled parts of Alameda County in Northern California.
The US Geological Survey says a
quake with a preliminary magnitude of 3.7
hit around 8.27pm on Tuesday (14.27
AEDT Wednesday) about 5km south of Pleasanton, and about 53km southeast of
A dispatcher with the Pleasanton
Police Department said police had received numerous calls but there were no
reports or damage or injuries.
and a friend of mine sent me this just now...full
on! It could be natural but at very interesting period in the evolution
of the journey in the fight for truth for all man to share with one another in
service to one another to transcend to the utopian worlds, the worlds Jesus
was speaking of Heaven on Earth as an extension of the Kingdom of Heaven in
the brotherhood of Mankind in fellowship with the Father of Life in Heaven
within himself.
'Independence Day' cloud hovers above Moscow
It was as
if the film Independence Day had come to Moscow.
Last week Muscovites were stunned to
see a luminous, halo-shaped cloud hovering above their city.
There was speculation of a
supernatural occurrence, with one UK newspaper quoting a UFO expert who called
the cloud a "true mystery".
But meteorologists rejected the
theories of alien visitation, calling the ring of light an optical illusion.
A spokesman for the city's weather
bureau said: "Several fronts have been passing through Moscow recently, there
was an intrusion of the Arctic air too, the sun was shining from the west,
this is how the effect was produced."
He said the glowing cloud was
"purely an optical effect," though admitted, "it does look impressive."
The weather bureau rejected claims
from environmentalists that pollution was to blame.
The Daily Mail reported a
Russian meteorologist saying the phenomenon has nothing to do with industrial
emissions ... "If something happens, there is a smog effect, but it appears
only when the weather is quiet for a long time, " he was quoted as saying.
"The wind in Moscow has been quite
strong recently."
Personal thoughts and overview in the conclusion
Anyway I feel I need to be with atheist brothers as we approach the time of
change he needs to research this information properly and see properly, the
the Urantia blended with all the books of religion including the bible that
will reveal all the hidden truth that has been searching for.
More than anyone the atheist needs the truth and that's be Jesus way to
but eventually if there is total rejection which there is I must move on but
at least the information is there for the Atheist,
Christians know the truth Jesus Christ and they what do to do. No point
being with converted they what to do as we approach and heavenly event.
I believe this is the 2nd Watch before a 1st stage evac as expressed by Paul.
I want people to think about things consider there position with Father in
Heaven and the Sovereign of the Universe Jesus, that's all I'm asking. I
believe the planetary Destiny will change and it will be sudden. I would
hope all Monarchy give honour to the Lord Jesus Christ Sovereign of this
Paradise Son of this Universe.
I know I have sworn and carried on and been offensive and perhaps judgmental.
The heat of the moment, shock and awe into looking into things, they know the
baseline truth, the Urantia Book blended with the Bible and all the books of
Heaven through the focalisation to Eden and the ancient places. I come
from the beginning you come from the beginning we are representative of the
whole adamic line since Adam and eve in service to one another, we know were come from and we know where
we go. To our eternal future in the Universes travelling towards
Paradise to the father of all Personality throughout all the way stops in the
Kingdom of Heaven.
I apologise If I get personal with the atheist in past posts but that is how I
am in my belief and I will defend the good fight of truth and the revealing of
1stEden for all people to share in its bounty of expanded truth, deepening our
knowledge in spirituality and in fellowship with the father in heaven. I
do this for mankind and for government of the Universe, the Father in heaven .
I know I have put my heart soul and body in service to the Father and in
fellowship with my brother to give out the information to all man for his
consideration, it was all on the run as foreseen and part of the reopening of
the office of the Messiah in service of mankind on behalf of the Sovereign
Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah in conjunction with Melchizedek Machiventa
Messiah.. I believe I have done the right thing knowing my connection
with 1stEden representing Adam and Eve from 1stEden and being part of it and
doing the best I could for 1stEden and for all the forefathers of the past for
all generations in bringing out the daily witness from 1stEden.
I praise the Jesus the Sovereign and the Father in Heaven and the Conjoint
actor, the Holy Spirit and the Most High and all the armies of the Kingdom of
Heaven. I believe we are at the time and I would extend my hand to all
Christian brothers and other people of all nations who faith in the Lord Jesus
Christ and Melchizedek Messiah in welcoming the Universal Government when they
reveal with the Kingdom of Heaven as the great witness of all mankind and will
be all documented in the annals of all human history. I praise the
Lord Jesus in the Kingdom and the Father in Paradise in the witness of 1stEden
in the discovery of truth. You know this is the Jerusalem or the true
Israel or the third temple of the soul and spirit in fellowship with the
Father in the Kingdom of Heaven through the example of Jesus Christ the
Sovereign, master and friend most of all. That is the Holies of Holies
when you both The Father and yourself reckon together as you find all these
beautiful discoveries together from the journey out of 1stEden and praise his
name, that is the enjoyment and the oneness in love for one another in the
discover of something supernal. Like finding connection in the books of
religion that harmonise to Eden and foreseen and not mention the harmonisation
with science in a oneness in the evidence.
Mankind is at the brink of an expansion of all knowledge and history and a
revealing of the truth of all things. I believe we are at the eye of the
needle and all must be ready for the great journey through the eye of the
needle in the preservation of the goodness of mankind for the future.
Father I commit this to work from ancient times to
you, I rest it in your hands as what the eventual outcome is. I
pray everything works out ok for man in his journey of destiny and I pray for
all success for all people but I'm afraid that will not be the case as
humanity has to evolve as we at the pivotal point of our evolution as a
species and protection of our home is vital for future generations. Even
if this has to tarry longer that's ok I'm sure it will be interesting but I'm
sure there is an appointed time and that approach soon.
Glory be to the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven
lord almighty, Jesus the Sovereign.
Right on!
Pakistan defense forum
Hello, my name is Sevens
I am a individual religionist who researches all the books of religion to see
if I can find a solution to current problem civilisation is having with the
extreme wayward actions through religion.
I believe in civilisation who provides the opportunity of freedom and liberty
for people to express themselves and I believe in Government whose purpose is
to provide a good environment for the family to grow in prosperity with the
freedom of choice. I believe religion should keep out of politics and commerce
and concentrate on the truth of all things and should not impose on others. I
believe free will is a gift from the Father of Heaven and should respected
amongst all man. Man should never be forced into anything that is not his
decision or will.
I support the Pakistani Government and its Forces in its endeavour to bring
about a peaceful environment for the people. I believe war is the last choice
at the very end.
The reason I'm here is that I believe I may have a solution to the problems in
religion, I believe the solution must come from religion itself because this
where the problem lays, religion has to heal itself through higher realisation
and therefore I would like to offer some thoughts if it can help ease the
current problem in Pakistan.
I would like to share with you a journey that began 14 years ago when I flew
helicopters of Tuna boats in the Western Pacific a journey that began out on
top and on the Sea and led me to the 1stGarden of Eden one mile under the Sea.
Whilst out on the ocean having much time to read on the boat I began reading a
book called the Urantia Book at the beginning of the trip and took me 6 weeks.
Its was a long read but most compelling in the whole time as it really
confirmed much of what I thought and expanded the range of my thoughts with
additional information which fills the gaps in our history and knowledge and
it can be verified as we have with 1stEden. I was so inspired with the book I
would read from 5-8 hours a day totally engrossed in this book.
It was when I came to Paper 73 The Garden of Eden that really took attention.
After reading this paper I remembered walking up to the flight deck on a still
night, in light of a full moon when I reached to the Father with all my heart
and desired to find the 1stGarden of Eden.
1stGarden of Eden
The Urantia Book - FRONTPIECE
The Urantia Book - FRONTPIECE The Urantia Book - FRONTPIECE
Here are the main sections of the book.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
To cut a long story short since those days, years later
I met a friend R Sarmast through the Internet and through association led me
into the first and second expedition to 1stEden submerged of Cyprus.
However, since the 2nd expedition in 2005 I began to prepare materials for a
presentation on the 1stGarden of Eden. I thought to myself whilst collecting
information. I wonder if the Garden of Eden or Atlantis is reflected in the
books of Religion using Eden as the focalisation?
The first book I read in this focalisation was the book of Enoch and
straightaway I could see reflections, I began to compile the fragments and
could see a consistency in the reflections of ancient places that seemed to
reflect what I reading the Urantia Book. Immediately, I checked the Bible like
Job and Ezekiel and I could see other reflections that appeared to describe
aspects of 1stEden, like the temple, the mount of Adoration and its 3 co
planar rings. Then I started to see prophecy and indications of the end times
and then I started to realise that many of the reflections related to the
beginnings, the ancient places the places I was reading about in this new book
of religion.
Since those days, It has been a daily writing journey since 2004 starting slow
but has picked up pace until this time. I have been writing daily, finding
many connections and parallels compiling precept upon precept and line upon
line using much creative imagination and the witness in my heart to see if
there are deeper metaphors behind the words that point to the places of the
beginnings and that reflects this reality of mine in this journey. I have
found much in many aspects even related to birth dates and names with
reflection in the books of various religions.
To be brief I just want to say that the end comes from the beginning.
Here are few fragments from the Urantia Book and the Bible that reflect this
point. I believe the end is connected to the Beginnings of all our time, the
revealing of Universal Government connected to Judgment of mankind is
connected to the beginnings where the end comes from and that means the
revealing of the cities of the tree of life. I believe fragments are reflected
in the Quran as well, Jesus is connected to the End of Days in this Epoch with
his representative.
Here are the beginning fragments
Jesus seemed to see the end from the beginning.
He "declares the end from the
The Universal Father sees the end
from the beginning
He who was from the beginning
He comprehends the end from the
beginning. |
I believe I have discovered the locations of Dalamatia
City, Vans Highland capital and associated in the project in the discovery of
Atlantis/1stEden...All cities where the tree of life was housed. From what I
see all the ancient cities of the tree of life had the design of the
Triangle Circle Chevron. I can see this symbol in each city in its design
not to mention other places.
But we have to verify all the other cities of the beginnings and if that can
be achieved than we will know the truth of everything and we will have
verified information contained in this new book that can be researched and
studied for the uplift of mankind and his civilisation.
I believe the ancient places is connected to the Seventh Mystery or the
Sevenfold Mystery connected to the Sevenfold Instruction as revealed in Enoch
which is the Urantia Book for the new Epoch of mankind to come.
I have calculated to what I believe is the Eye of the Needle
dalamatiacity.com/MagnetarSabbath4 .jpg
and that could mean evacuation of the true and faithful by the Universal
Government essentially all the truth, beauty and goodness of the planet will
be evacuated. Those who know God and know the Father in your heart in the
fruits of your expression for your brother and even for your enemy. Love, I
believe is the only thing that conquers. Anyway I hope one day people will
realise this.
I believe that the revealing of the Father in Heaven and the Kingdom of Heaven
and the complete fulfilment of prophecy is connected to all these ancient
places in the journey, in a timeline, the seventh timeline. I really do
believe this and I believe there is a timeline in process that will end and
witness the oncoming judgment coming from the heavens, the revealing of the
Universal Government and Jesus as the Sovereign.
I have pieced a time puzzle from 5 independent sources from the Magnetar flash
dates to Daniel prophecies in a timeline that forms a one ness of the puzzle
on Jan22nd 2010, the oneness or the midwayer point is on that date but the
range is 15th Feb 2010 but I would be very alert from Jan 1st 2010 to Feb 19th
I say all this for all my friends no matter who they or where they are. I do
this here to support the people of the Government of Pakistan and the
population that it represents. I want them to be aware that I have found a
calculation that might fulfil prophecy of the coming of the Judgment and its
first action is Planetary Evacuation of those who know and follow God in their
heart and that means living the standard of the universe which convicts and
forbids the violence and bombings of the innocent people and holds it in
I believe there will be evacuation as part of a human preservation scheme for
the new world and this world will be judged.
I only say this to help people and warn people of all description. I want
families to be protected which is civilisation.
Anyway that gives everyone something to think about.
also this is my Advise from the Universal Government and it Sovereign Jesus to
the Taliban and other groups that fight mankind using religion and that would
"to lay down your arms, find peace with your enemy and go home and find peace
in your heart and take out the hatred and build a loving family in prosperity
and find the Father as a loving God and not a god that is at war. The Father
has his hands on everything and knows what has to be done. That's why we have
judgment. The Father in Paradise wants to be within everyman as a friend and
that's through love and peace with your enemies where you have no enemies any
more. Forgiveness and love there after and good relations is the only way to
That would be the will of the Father in Heaven.
You know the great mystery of Adar and Purim is
"the end is wedged in the beginning"
and its wedged by a number and it means its a triangle being a wedge.
All the best Sevens
many times, I see or hear the number 22.., I'm not
what it is but its happening quite alot, Like last night a presenter
mentioned that his TV show was coming studio 22. I've noticed 22
in TV advertising dates with emphasis. I realised yesterday I lived on
Route 7. Its like little confirmations along the way.
I'm not looking for it I just notice it and when I
realise the numbers I see reflected in this journey I just sit there
wondering, contemplating in amazement. Its just there in front of
you when you notice these things. I have seen this with 7 to all along
the way.
The hardest part about heading for the time period
is that I've done this before many times before. Whilst an event never
occurred to the magnitude I expect I always found something that led me on the
next profound part of the journey. The Magnetar journey from the
beginning was precisely like that, in the realisation at what I thought was
the 1335th day of my timeline and now in this day we are heading for the
1335th day again but with greater definition
Feb 15th 2010.
Everything seems to match very well, each time I have done this the
calculation appears to be more accurate but this time it matches very well,
the calculation, its perfect in the way see things. I can see how
everything was a matter of adjustment over time, fitting things together
where they fit in a time line that fulfils the metaphor.
You know when you read this.
You know the great mystery of Adar and Purim is
"the end is wedged in the beginning"
and its wedged by a number and it means its a triangle being a wedge.
and you consider the Shabbes/Seventh timeline

You can see the End of this timeline is Wedged in
a triangle shape at the Beginning of the New and the New year of the Trees is
only 8 days after the Midwayer point
Jan 22nd 2010.
8 days from the New Year of the Trees reminds me
of the Great 8th day.
The Last Day, That Great Day of the Feast
The Eighth Day
John 7:2 Now the Jews' feast of tabernacles
was at hand.
John 7:14 Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple,
and taught.
John 7:37 In the last day, that great day
of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If
any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.
38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow
rivers of living water.
39 (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should
receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not
yet glorified.)
Its a literal match in the metaphor in the
timeline itself, the end from the beginning, the beginning being the new
year. Everything appears to be forming a great oneness.
Here is a video on the eighth day
He mentions the 1st day and the eighth day and
trees and palms on those days of the feast of
Tabernacles. Maybe the trees have a metaphor to the
New year of the trees.
New year of the trees
is the 8th day
the midwayer point.
and the Midwayer point is the 1st Day.
has the same reflection and metaphor and combines in a oneness. Could
the New Year of the Trees in 2010 be the Great Eighth day???
I find that amazing!! In the Seventh
timeline case the Great eighth day is a the Great New Year of The
Trees...related an Like the Trees of Eden today, those of Eden with Jesus
bringing us back to 1stEden to seek the future destiny.
I wonder if it points to this construct in the
metaphor? I wonder if the booths is a metaphor to a room where the judgment is
written down? We are coming to the promised land by evacuation and will
be in an Ark of some sort, transported to another place, in a booth or
tabernacled in an ark. Portable, type for rapture, the last great day.
The eighth day in the Seventh part of the Shabbes timeline from
the Midwayer point falls on the New year of the
Trees 5770
or 2010
year of the Trees
15 Shvat, 30th
January, again double in the 2s....... 15x2
=30 and based on earlier calculations 15=555,
and 30=555555, double triangle....Date
converted to a shape, a symbol.
Reminds me of Jane leads Symbol and you can see a
double triangle superimposed over each other in the middle. Does the 4 mean 4
triangles as in the Seventh Shabbes timeline as indicated in the star shape
and heart in the middle?? Could the heart be also an extra triangle
representing the half? 6 5s on the 4th Seventh in the Seventh Part?
adding 1 to 5 =21 which means 3x7s. one less than 22? Jesus was born on
a 21st...21st August 7BC. To me it has a Jesus signature and reflects
number patterns I have seen in this journey.

It also reminds of the
Trees of Eden of
Could even the star of David be the ultimate
metaphor in the final pattern of the end days pattern as in the Seventh
timeline as seen in beforehand in times past where the symbol reflects the
pattern, the shape of the end time construct? I wonder?
The Great White throne judgment? New
year of the Trees has a very positive metaphor.
Just looking into Purin in Adar
The book of Esther is unusual in that it is the
only book of the Bible that does not contain the name of
G-d. In fact, it includes virtually no reference to G-d. Mordecai makes a
vague reference to the fact that the Jews will be saved by someone else,
if not by Esther, but that is the closest the book comes to mentioning G-d.
Thus, one important message that can be gained from the story is that G-d
often works in ways that are not apparent, in ways that appear to be chance,
coincidence or ordinary good luck.
Purim is celebrated on the 14th day of
Adar, which is usually in March. The 13th of Adar is the day that Haman
chose for the 14th, they celebrated their
survival extermination of the Jews, and the day that the Jews battled
their enemies for their lives. On the day afterwards, the In cities that
were walled in the time of Joshua, Purim is celebrated on the 15th of the
month, because the book of Esther says that in Shushan (a walled city),
deliverance from the massacre was not complete until the next day. The 15th is referred to as Shushan Purim
again the 14
(2x7) comes up and reminds me 14561.
and the 15 number comes up which to me
serve as more little confirmations in the pattern. in the metaphor it
looks escape from judgment, surviving judgment and 14 or Sevens is
instrumental going by the Sevens pattern in the 14, the Sevens and
related to birth. The Eye of the Needles range finishes on a 15th Feb

In addition, we are commanded to send out gifts of
food or drink, and to make gifts to charity. The sending of gifts of food and
drink is referred to as shalach manos (lit. sending out portions). Among
Ashkenazic Jews, a common treat at this time of year is hamentaschen (lit.
Haman's pockets). These triangular fruit-filled cookies are supposed to
represent Haman's three-cornered hat. My recipe is included below.
Isn't interesting that there can be 2 Adars on a
leap year Note the duality of the 2s
In leap years, when there are two months of
Purim is celebrated in
the second month of Adar,
so it is always one month before Passover
I thought this was interesting.
7 Adar
- (1393 and 1273
BCE) -
birth and death
I thought this was interesting to
Bab. Talmud, Sanhedrin 38
"Rabbi Hiyya remarked: wine was given with
70 letters (the numerical value of the letters of the word "yayin"-
wine is 70) and secret was given with 70 letters
(the numerical value of the letters of the word letters of "sod"- secret is
70). When wine enters, the secret comes out".
Certainly, 70 letters could have metaphor to the
Seven Letters of the Seven tablets from the journey from Eden.
And look at the fragment below
Rambam: Hilkhot Megilah 2:18
All the books of
the Prophets and all the Writings will be annulled in the days of the Messiah,
except for the Book of Esther. It will continue to be binding like the Five
Books of Moses and the entire Oral Law which will never be invalidated. Even
though all memory of our suffering will be erased...still the days of Purim
will not be annulled. As it is written, These days of Purim will not pass away
from the Jews and its memory will never leave their descendants (Esther 9:25).
I reckon that means the
office of the messiah will
bring in a oneness of all the fragments of the prophets in a oneness of
reality in the witness where the word will be made flesh and come to reality
in the journey and witness, in faith he moves mountains.
Acts 2:30
(Read all of
Acts 2)
Therefore being a
prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne;
Could it mean in the metphor, the written work of
his own mind, the fruit, the written witness that became flesh and lifting
Jesus the Sovereign his true Universal Status that Jesus heard and that made
Jesus the Sovereign Stand and Sit on the Judgment Seat to adjudge the age.
Here are some other peoples thought Times Times and a half
Its like one day of judgment makes a 1000 years of
difference in our evolutionary cycle.
2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant
of this one thing, that
one day
[Greek word, hemera] is with the Lord as a
years, and a thousand years as
one day.
Other views
and more insights
Here is a very interesting video...could we be in
the 70th week and note the reference to the city...would that be the ancient
cities of the tree of life and Jerusem coming down from Heaven?
Hidden Manna For the End Times Videos
(4 of 8)
He will make a covenant with many in one week,
would that mean 7 Sabbaths in the Seventh Part?
I day = 1 sabbath
Sorry for the inconvenience if you have been
following the journey . The domain sevenfold truth was was not renewed
by a registrar due to their own inefficiencies in there system and I cant
afford 300 dollars to get it back.
18th October 2009
I was checking on a links regarding Baruch and
look what I found
Sun Sep 16, 2007 4:53 am
For the measure and reckoning of
that time are two parts a week of seven weeks.
More updates
insert 25th Oct 07
the above is a fragment from Baruch 28, a few posts upwards that speaks of
the amount of time in judgment. I wonder what 2 parts a week of Seven Weeks
In Enoch I find this related to the Seven weeks and judgment that is still
in completion in the process which I believe we have here.
Looks like I received my answer 2 years later at
around the same time in 2009.
Its a shame I had domain problems so people cant
see this
Look what Baruch says in the quote for the
measure and reckoning of time 2 parts of Seven weeks
exactly what I have in the
Seven part focus. Its a fulfilment, this journey MUST be what the
prophets saw.
Its 2 parts of Seven weeks
the full quote
28 1,2 'Nevertheless, whosoever
understandeth shall then be wise. For the measure and reckoning of 3 that
time are two parts a week of seven weeks.'
And I answered and said: 'It is good for a man to 4
come and behold, but it is better that he should
not come lest he fall. [But I will say this also: 5 Will he who is
incorruptible despise those things which are corruptible, and whatever befalls
in the case of those things which are corruptible, so that he might look only
to those things which are not 6 corruptible?] But if, O Lord, those things
shall assuredly come to pass which Thou hast
foretold 7 to me, so do Thou show this also unto me if indeed I
have found grace in Thy sight. Is it in one place or in one of the parts of
the earth that those things are come to pass, or will the whole earth
experience (them)?'
its all in here.
For the measure and reckoning of 3 that time
are two parts a week of seven weeks.'
hahaha hehehe hahaha!!!
so is that the divide of Seven weeks where either
side is a week so to speak?
In the link Baruch speaks about the Messiah and I
did open the office of the Messiah on Oct 2nd 2007 in fulfilment of the
Zadokite document because I simply inspired to do so. I thought it was a
cool thing to do considering the journey from 1st\Eden. Its only a
spiritual office, anyone is welcome! Maybe the Messiah may really use
this actual Office of the Messiah!!! (((O!O)))
Here I am now in 2 parts Seven in the Seventh
Seven Week part of the Shabbes continuum.
The Sevenfold calculation is the "Eye
of the Needle" where only the mind, body and spirit can pass
through! Nothing else, the evacuation of all goodness on the planet as
part of the preservation scheme of the Universal Government.
We have reached the destination early a good time
for reflection and preparedness. Our houses wont be broken into because
we are prepared in the beforehand time. There wont a thief in the night
in our case as we know the whole construct and fulfilled prophecy in the
journey in a very natural realised way.
Tablet 48