Tablet 8
I reckon you're all wrong about
Atlantis, you're all in the wrong time frame. Right of the mark.
The Egyptians got there religions from Dilmun The Andites who came from the
East spreading there empire to the west. There homeland of legends sunk,
simple and brought the story which became part of the Egyptian culture.
Enki describes Dilmun
"...Bit-Iakin on the shore of the Bitter Sea, as far as Dilmun's
border- all these I brought under one rule..." (p. 335. Potts)
"...Uperi, king of Dilmun, whose camp is situated, like a fish, thirty
beru (double-hours) away in the midst of the sea of the rising sun..." (p.
334. Potts)
Hymns to Enki, who resided at Eridu, stated that the city was at the edge
of _the sea_ and the shadow cast by its fruit trees panted by his shrine
fell upon the nearby snake marsh.
The Mesopotamians called the
salt-marshes marattu meaning "bitter" (marah = bitter), perhaps the Hawr
Hammar preserves in Arabic the earlier Mesopotamian marattu ?
(Seems almost to match dilmun, submerged Northeastern Persian Gulf.)
The outline of Dilmun does have a North South aspect and if it did reside on
a peninsula backed by freshwater bays and quays it would of been literally
seen as in the midst of the sea. appearing to be jutting out in the sea of
water on spit of land or a isthmus. It also makes reference to his shrine
Babel which of course was close to the sea on the spit of land within
Dilmun. This shrine Enki makes reference to is the tower of Babel being of a
circular structure, raised and close to the sea and is evident in the
images;. The Design of Dilmun including the Circular temple and the walls of
Dilmun does look like a fish jutting out into the midst of the sea on an
His fruit trees cast shadows upon his shrine, upon examination there is a
walled area close to the shrine where farming would of taken place, this
would be next to the shrine, like the Kings Gardens. When you look to the
North of the shrine there are walls that run for miles fully enclosed and
used for protection, farming and produce. Also the Shrine is adjacent to the
Snake marsh or a body of water close by it. The walls seem to be next to the
snake marsh that extended to the marshy swamp area to the North.
Note that Dalamatia has the same rectangular walled area used for growing
Also the City of Dilmun, possibly on a isthmus in the North South aspect
looks like a fish, the outline of Dilmun looks like an actual fish. With
protection all around. Also the snake marsh could be the depressed area on
the eastern side of the walls. It appears that Dilmun was almost surrounded
by water, swamp marshes lakes and lagoons. It was a well protected
commercial centre.
Here is Enki. Note the power ring of
Here is the shrine of Dilmun Babel
And there in lies a city in the circle of Dilmun that sunk around 10,000 years
from 600BC generally.
This is where the Egyptians got part of the Atlantis story, the builders of
the Egyptian empire migrated from here and brought the myths and legends.
I reckon there is admixation of a number of accounts in the Atlantis story.
But really the true land of the Gods came from here.
Which was the first place that sunk 150,000 years ago.
1stEden was 38,000 - 34,000
Dilmun was 50,000 - 10,000BC from 300BC
I think the Atlantis story is combination of aspects of Dilmun and 1Eden and
Dalamatia all rolled up in a bag of literal myth.
Forget about the 1200 - 800 BC time range all that is recent history.
Robert Sarmast is right, Im right and Nikas is wrong! hehehe
Nah Nikas is partially correct about a civilisation but it was the Andites
from the East who inhabited the island. These Andites came from Dilmun and
Mesopotamia as the sea levels rose and flooded the ancient cities. These
migrating Andites brought circle maker with them and nurtured the symbol of
there homeland in there religions. These circle markers are in Malta. But
Malta was colony of the Andites and wasn't the first place of the legendary
Atlantis . The same spread of this culture can be seen in Spain in regards to
the spread of the circle emblem the Andite/Babel/Circle culture.
[ 02-06-2007, 01:41 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Hey Cooooolter and hi Stephen
How is going? I hope you are well!
Gee its great to hear from you and to see your post. I haven't read that
discourse for a while but its exactly what Im experiencing in this path.
Truly supernal and just fantastic those words of Jesu,s its truly the experience
as the expressed in Jesus' words particularly in this discovery experience where
I was free to venture forth and discover for myself this truly supernal truth
and experience.
Ive been here for week just sharing the research in order to test it with other
Jesus minded people, to see and check for weakness or even error. I wanted to be
here to share this with the Christian community to see how they feel about what
I put forward and to share the general experience. I always wanted to find a
bridge between the UB and Christianity and I think 1stEden, Dalamatia and Dilmun
are the tickets. However we all have to go through the physical experience of
discovery and turn up what we expect beforehand.
I figure it would be a good test of the research. I haven't being going berserk
on the UB stuff however Ive been drawing much from the Bible and other related
books to make connection. I only draw from the UB if there is nothing else or to
make a point about something. I have found much interesting information here and
many scripture connections. Its been a good journey and I appreciate Stephens
concern and curiosity. No problem at all.
Obviously there is concern about deception in the Christian ideology about end
times so I figure by testing all the information here beforehand to check for
deception and eventually go through physical discovery should dispel all error
if its exists. So basically by putting the UB and the books on the table and
testing the scriptures in relation to the reality going on in physical discovery
should be a thorough testing ground and would be compatible with the scientific
Personally I feel 100% confident and have no worries, however other people have
to check and research themselves of "the matter of fact"
If its correct and we actually physically discover the 7 commandments on a stone
slab in Dalamatia and can read the writing then I figure no one has any excuses
to deny. Truth is truth and everyone, agree or disagree has been on the journey
to witness themselves.
Stephen, thanks for the opportunity to allow this research up, I know its a
little sensitive and long but it could be a real pinnacle point in religion and
could mean worldwide change in the perception of religion in the way of
expansion of the Jesus truth and reality. We are all honest, truthful and
transparent in the discovery of truth that can be substantiated in the physical
through the 7 commands.
Also note nearly all of the UB readers have been through the Christian
experiences and many people because of the UB appreciate the Bible and other
Christian works more fully. Understand that our faith has been increased and we
all sense things more accurately. Like when reading the Bible I see many things
more than ever before. Always remember the UB is not anti Christian or anyone
all the researchers still research the bible in there own way because they can
appreciate the Bible so much more because of the expanded information given by
the UB. Also nothing is given in fear or in doctrine.
Anyway that was a little witness of my experience in the UB and Bible embracing
I would like to research the unknown church more
fully to see its characteristics and to see if there is a match or connection
for today?
What is the unknown church and its characteristics?
Has anyone got ideas on that thought line?
thanks sevens
Hi Epsilon
No worries to what you say. I was just being tardy when I said you're all wrong.
aah I was just having a fun and stirring you all. Give you all a hard time.
But anyway I do feel that the Atlantis story is a blend of many ancient places
of the Gods. Going by gut here the Atlantis story has many characteristics that
seem to match all the submerged places.
Ive been researching the fact of the matter for a while and the more I discover
the more it appears that the Atlantis story is admixed with other relevant
details of the other ancient places.
If you combine all the elements of the Atlantis story in detail I feel I see
characteristics and elements that pertain to each ancient place in specific
For example the circles of Atlantis and circle of Babel I believe is the same
connection also you can see the same circle in Sumerian tablets coming from the
same area. We know the Sumerians followed the Nodite idea of the Gods rather
than the 1Eden truth of Adam. I feel the Sumerian notion has direct connection
to Dilmun the bright place.
Dilmun was submerged by rising sea levels around 10,000 years ago from 600BC
like in Atlantis. That fits perfect with the submergence of Dilmun. The
inhabitants of Dilmun and the Persian Gulf migrated to the West, Egypt and
through to Europe bringing there legends and symbols.
Also the destruction of 1Eden and the Gilbraltor break fits perfect with the
Atlantis destruction.
another subtle connection but this time related to 1Eden not Dilmun. Dilmun I
would think submerged over time slowly compared to the destruction of 1stEden.
I'm not sure if I can prove any of this but I feel its worth considering all the
other ancient places that been discovered which are connected together in one
way or another.
just some thoughts
Hi Epsilon
No worries to what you say. I was just being tardy when I said you're all wrong.
aah I was just having a fun and stirring you all. Give you all a hard time.
But anyway I do feel that the Atlantis story is a blend of many ancient places
of the Gods. Going by gut here the Atlantis story has many characteristics that
seem to have specific matches to each submerged places speaking of Dalamatia,
Dilmun, Babel and Eden.
Ive been researching the fact of the matter for a while and the more I discover
the more it appears that the Atlantis story is admixed with other relevant
details of the other ancient places.
If you combine all the elements of the Atlantis story in detail I feel I see
characteristics and elements that pertain to each ancient place in specific
For example the circles of Atlantis and circle of Babel I believe is the same
connection also you can see the same circle in Sumerian tablets coming from the
same area. We know the Sumerians followed the Nodite idea of the Gods rather
than the 1Eden truth of Adam. I feel the Sumerian notion has direct connection
to Dilmun the bright place.
We also know that the Sumerian legends of old are all a garbled memories of the
Gods and there fate being a combination of 1Eden(Adam) and Dalamatia (The first
home of the Gods). Therefore there is an amount of confusion, Im assuming by
what I see is the Atlantis story any also be affected in the same way. Garbled
memories of the Gods and spread over a number of places with elements of each
ancient place in specific detail of happened there or how it happened.
for example
Dilmun was submerged by rising sea levels around 10,000 years ago from 600BC
like in Atlantis. That fits perfect with the submergence of Dilmun. The
inhabitants of Dilmun and the Persian Gulf migrated to the West, Egypt and
through to Europe bringing there legends and symbols.
Also the destruction of 1Eden and the Gilbraltor break fits perfect with the
Atlantis destruction.
another subtle connection but this time related to 1Eden not Dilmun. Dilmun I
would think submerged over time slowly compared to the destruction of 1stEden.
I'm not sure if I can prove any of this but I feel its worth considering all the
other ancient places that been discovered which are connected together in one
way or another.
just some thoughts
Posted: Wed 2
month Feb 07, 2007 7:02 am
Post subject: look at the time of post I just saw that!! and look at the
sevens upon this proclamation. The 7 occurrence feature in the timeline
was not planned or thought off, just spontaneous.
The Quest for the
Seven Commands
"The Fathers way" 7/2/07
at 7:02 am made public
Seems like a worthy quest for the ancient tablets of the Seven commands in the
test of everything. Presented to the world if the Fathers way tablets are found
should be something worthy of research and study for future generations as they
see the trail in all the books of faith, working together in tandem, and in a
oneness and unification in the discovery of the foundations where the 7 commands
have the last word.
How symbolic is that? the seven commands have the last say but it could be the
beginning. Commands directly from the Father where the original tablets
(Hopefully written on large stone slabs) written in the hands of the Sons of
Gods in Dalamatia when there was harmony.
Gee could that be symbolic of the book of life? the seven commands, the Fathers
It seems so fitting that the sevens commands should be found there.
I'm just reflecting upon
the post and Ive just noticed the time stamp of the post and the sequence of 7s
in the time and date. It seems to have the official 7s (The Fathers) marker. I
feel this was a small timeline experience only realising later much of this
research has happened that way.
Maybe this is the "Seal of
the Father"?
In our timeline experience here. Could this be a seal in the timeline in this
I know this experience! I even posted up something of this from the UB, its the
only way the Paradise Trinity can speak to us directly in those beforehand as
foreseen as written by the authors of old and discovered in the books through
the experiential experience of the actual discovery reality and realising later
through further discovery in the books that you experienced it. It has to be
defined better but I can recognise those things.
The Quest for the Seven Commands
"The Fathers way" 7/2/07 at 7:02 am made
Seems like a worthy quest for the ancient tablets of the Seven commands in the
test of everything. Presented to the world if the Fathers way tablets are found
should be something worthy of research and study for future generations as they
see the trail in all the books of faith, working together in tandem, and in a
oneness and unification in the discovery of the foundations where the 7 commands
have the last word.
How symbolic is that? the seven commands have the last say but it could be the
beginning. Commands directly from the Father where the original tablets
(Hopefully written on large stone slabs) written in the hands of the "Sons of
Gods in Dalamatia when there was harmony.
Gee could that be symbolic of the book of life? the seven commands, the Fathers
It seems so fitting that the sevens commands should be found there.
Im just reflecting upon the post and Ive just noticed the time stamp of the post
and the sequence of 7s in the time and date. It seems to have the official 7s
(The Fathers) marker. I feel this was a small timeline experience only realising
later much of this research has happened that way.
Maybe this is the "Seal of the Father"?
In our timeline experience here. Could this be a seal in the timeline in this
I know this experience! I even posted up something of this from the UB, its the
only way the Paradise Trinity can speak to us directly in those beforehand as
foreseen as written by the authors of old and discovered in the books through
the experiential experience of the actual discovery reality and realising later
through further discovery in the books that you experienced it. It has to be
defined better but I can recognise those things.
You know here is a link to various scriptures that caught my eye and I recorded
about the seal. All the thoughts are my own and are seen in view of the search
for Eden at the time. However, all these thought could relate to these places.
Also many other things can be seen in these scriptures but Im only viewing them
in lieu of 1stEden.
Consider , what was written then as i was seeing it seems different and needs
further work as this reality has been ever unfolding.
I thought this was fascinating
Quote: |
Egyptian Book of the Dead
Hail, thou God Temu, (habbukak 3) grant thou unto me the sweet breath which
dwelleth in thy nostrils! I am the Egg
which is in Kenken-ur (the Great Cackler), and I watch and guard that mighty
thing which hath come into being, wherewith the god Keb hath opened the
earth. I live; it liveth; I grow, I live, I snuff the air. I am the god
Utcha-aabet, and I go about his egg. I shine at the moment of the mighty of
strength, Suti. Hail, thou who makest sweet the time of the Two Lands! Hail,
dweller among the celestial food. (Celestial food "Tree of Life")
Hail, dweller among the beings of blue ,(A
clear description of the violet race, Adam and Eve's progeny)
watch ye to protect him that is in his
nest, the Child who cometh forth to you. The child sounds like Jesus
and he did live in Egypt and there is some connection with Iknantons
remnants of that one God religion. |
"Hail, thou who makest sweet the time of the
Two Lands" Wow! and its association with the tree of life.
I go about his egg Gee could that be a
reference to the seven commands?
Then "I shine at the moment of the mighty of
strength," He shines with strength as in conviction. Makest sweet to the
times of the two lands, I understand it could be a reference upper and lower
Egypt but it could have wider ramifications.
"dweller among the celestial food."
Absolute clear reference to the tree of life and its association with the one
how maketh the sweet times of the two lands. I would suggest the resurrection of
the memory of the original places that housed the tree of life, Adam and Eve and
the Sons of God in the sweet time. 1stEden and Dalamatia.
The Quest for the
Seven Commands
"The Fathers way" 7/2/07 at 7:02 am made
The test of all faith
Seems like a worthy quest for the ancient tablets of the Seven commands in the
test of everything. Presented to the world if the Fathers way tablets are found
should be something worthy of research and study for future generations as they
see the trail in all the books of faith, working together in tandem, and in a
oneness and unification in the discovery of the foundations where the 7 commands
have the last word.
How symbolic is that? the seven commands have the last say but it could be the
beginning. Commands directly from the Father where the original tablets
(Hopefully written on large stone slabs) written in the hands of the "Sons of
Gods in Dalamatia when there was harmony.
Gee could that be symbolic of the book of life? the seven commands, the Fathers
It seems so fitting that the sevens commands should be found there.
Im just reflecting upon the post and Ive just noticed the time stamp of the post
and the sequence of 7s in the time and date. It seems to have the official 7s
(The Fathers) marker. I feel this was a small timeline experience only realising
later much of this research has happened that way.
Maybe this is the "Seal of the Father"?
In our timeline experience here. Could this be a seal in the timeline in this
I know this experience! I even posted up something of this from the UB, its the
only way the Paradise Trinity can speak to us directly in those beforehand as
foreseen as written by the authors of old and discovered in the books through
the experiential experience of the actual discovery reality and realising later
through further discovery in the books that you experienced it. It has to be
defined better but I can recognise those things.
You know here is a link to various scriptures that caught my eye and I recorded
about the seal. All the thoughts are my own and are seen in view of the search
for Eden at the time. However, all these thought could relate to these places.
Also many other things can be seen in these scriptures but Im only viewing them
in lieu of 1stEden.
Consider , what was written then as i was seeing it seems different and needs
further work as this reality has been ever unfolding.
I thought this was fascinating
Quote: |
Egyptian Book of the Dead
Hail, thou God Temu, (habbukak 3) grant thou unto me the sweet breath which
dwelleth in thy nostrils! I am the Egg
which is in Kenken-ur (the Great Cackler), and I watch and guard that mighty
thing which hath come into being, wherewith the god Keb hath opened the
earth. I live; it liveth; I grow, I live, I snuff the air. I am the god
Utcha-aabet, and I go about his egg. I shine at the moment of the mighty of
strength, Suti. Hail, thou who makest sweet the time of the Two Lands! Hail,
dweller among the celestial food. (Celestial food "Tree of Life")
Hail, dweller among the beings of blue ,(A
clear description of the violet race, Adam and Eve's progeny)
watch ye to protect him that is in his
nest, the Child who cometh forth to you. The child sounds like Jesus
and he did live in Egypt and there is some connection with Iknantons
remnants of that one God religion. |
"Hail, thou who makest sweet the time of the
Two Lands" Wow! is that reference to the lands and its association with
the tree of life. I go about his egg
Could that be a reference to the seven commands?
Then "I shine at the moment of the mighty of
strength," He shines with strength as in conviction. Makest sweet to the
times of the two lands, I understand it could be a reference upper and lower
Egypt but it could have wider ramifications. Like raising the knowledge of the 2
lands as we see today.
"dweller among the celestial food."
Absolute clear reference to the tree of life and its association with the one
how maketh the sweet times of the two lands. I would suggest the resurrection of
the memory of the original places that housed the tree of life, Adam and Eve and
the Sons of God in the sweet time. 1stEden and Dalamatia.
Im reviewing the Seal collection in the above link. I must say that since I am
down the timeline at this juction speaking now of all the places, I see so much
more. Those early thoughts were very accurate in many ways.
Here is a Bible code 2 interpretation I did well over a year ago and look at
where we are at with respect to the
Quest of the Seven commands
"The Fathers Way"
Just proclaimed today.
The following thoughts
on the Bible code 2 was just read and posted without any edit from the seal
link. Remember this what I feel over a year ago and look where we are at in
proclamation of the Seven commands. The tablets and the language of Dalamatia as
revealed in the books.
Quote: |
Bible code 2
I thought I would share this.
I've been reading the bible code 2. I found it an interesting book. Whilst
much of it was involved in politics and in its relation to the code. I was
particularly drawn to the chapter 6 "The Steel Ark". and currently checking
out Chapter 4 "IT exists"
I found the interpretation of the author interesting and compelling but deep
down in my heart I felt he had uncovered the discovery of Atlantis or 1st
Eden (The Urantia) and describing the actual discovery.
For example he found words in both the Torah and Bible that overlapped.
However, Before I go on you have to read the book Bible code 2 and draw your
own conclusion. The Author feels the area of his search is in Lisan in the
Dead sea, North. However I feel its the Cyprus location.
The words he has discovered that overlap are words that intrigued me was:
Quote: |
"Steel Ark" A boat
"Pillar in the palace"
"All the wisdom"
"to the north"
"Ark of Steel"
"Its container is deep, the hiding place"
"It reveals deep an secret things"
"The Lisan" which means language"
"cross welded"
"steel viechle" "he threw into the sea"
"tel" (which means archaeological)
"tel of obelisks"
"Lisan, tongue of the sea"
"It exists in Lisan"
"This is the solution" |
To me ark of steel is a boat with uses a sensor at an archaeological site
called a tel. The pillars of the wisdom of all mankind is somehow linked to
the object of the expedition, its container is deep and hidden, the hiding
place and therein lays the solution. You have a "sensor" like an R.O.V going
down to the "tel" (archaeological site) an artifact taken from the Hill
which perhaps resembles a record of some sort that could be deciphered that
may be linked to the origins of mankind.
Lisan means language and "its in our language, meaning the mystery of this
place in all our books, sevenfold books in my view. The find, or artifact is
in the palace "The Acropolis Hill". "Tongue of the sea" Could mean the land
jutting into the sea, a description of the sunken Atlantis/Eden peninsula
and it could be the message coming from the sea that is in the new book, the
opened book, the discovery and the book, the new book, the new revelation
another activation of the seal!....maybe.
In chapter 4 the author refers back to Lisan and describes something that
could be activated by the discovery of this, im still reading it.
At the end of chapter 2 it the author relates the code "in the Lisan
Peninsula" and below it "The End of Days" and in the same place in the bible
"For you and your children after you, in order that you will prolong your
days on Earth".
Bizarre as it seems but in chapter 2 he speaks of the "End of days" which is
in all the codes, finishing in 2006. Certainly raises the ante when you
consider all the research surrounding this location. Also the decoder who
discovered the bible code is named in the code.
In chapter 2 there is much emphasis on.
Quote: |
"The Dictionary, and it was opened"
"Dictionary of the obelisks"
"The tablet vitalized the obelisk"
"Laws of language" |
It could mean The books are opened, A new book like "a dictionary" This new
book written by God himself or a tablet is related and connected to a
discovery that is undeniable. I think the Cyprus/Atlantis/Eden location
seems to confirm from what is already known about this place, from a related
book. This new book reveals the origins of language or the origins of man
which includes language, the laws of language or even of God. I think the
Urantia Book
Could all this be in reality an overview of a book (The Urantia Book) and a
physical relationship with a physical discovery of Cyprus? Through by the
discovery of it, reveals a very strong parallel, a new revelation, a new
sense of understanding.
Is this whole description of the whole journey. A puzzle coming together a
unification as prophesied in all the scripts and now in Bible and Torah code
not to mention the Hitomi code which appears to be pointing to this place.
The Garden of Eden, the origins of the Gods the link between heaven and
Is 2006, the year for this completion of knowledge a unification in the
widest sense. I perceive this to a very real reality going on here. The
Bible code seems to suggest that there is a completion a foot, in our
Does this mean the oncoming of the terminal end of this age, with the advent
of the new 6th Epochal revelation??? Are we in the twilight zone of
discovery and fulfillment?
This book is getting really interesting and compelling.
The Bible code was published in 2002, 2 years before the Cyprus/Atlantis
discovery occurred.
How uncanny was that and how relevant is it today going over them right now and
considering was what proclaimed earlier today in relation to the "Quest for the
Seven commands"
Thu Feb 08, 2007 4:42 am
Post subject:
You should rely on the scriptures and show evidence to back your thoughts. Many
people have spent years searching this and you blow it off just like that.
Why don't we do a study on the deceptions.
What is the deception? How does it entail? How does it happen? In this study why
don't you prove it in the scriptures.
Also Stephen and Petra I use the scriptures you don't use nothing to refute.
Just shallow responses with no understanding and particularly scriptures.
Prove that this is a deception through the scriptures.
Show me the evidence not the usual fear laden rhetoric. That only shows very
little faith and nothing to offer.
People demand much more than the usual fear ridden rhetoric.
Show something and relate it to what I have presented.
Also, How do you know that I'm wrong!
And what if this is right.
Also how do propose the second coming will happen.
Petra, don't answer in 2 liner replies that an insult considering the research
that have gone into this research.
Please don't try and ride on the back of others.
Please show your research and justify your position.
I'm mean if your position was presented in a court of law on this study it would
be thrown and treated as irrelevant. Show something, I want to see it
Also you guys really deny the power of the Holy Spirit and seem to prop up fear
in your use of demons. Demons have no power since Pentecost at all, only what
fear people give to them. Also the spiritual administration has changed since
Pentecost. All demons are interned except one but I feel that time drawing to an
Lets do a study on the deception in the end days. That would be more
constructive to the things we are debating.
III start it off
Like I said previously its not the places, its the attitude or the motive that
could be used in these ancient places that could be used in the wrong way. Like
a person could use the discovery of the ancient places for self purpose. Like
disregard the information that led to the place. They may claim the ancient
place to there religion and claim some prophethood sent by God and deceive the
world therefore defiling the temple in some self vain glorious way, Dalamatia
was a city that had an ancient temple. In essence, its holy ground and can be
defiled if its used in the wrong way particulary to decieve people.
Now consider the religious tensions over there and the feelings of desperation
which includes extremism. Think of "who" over there could proclaim himself
through the ancient places?? Particularly religious leaders! The reason I say
that its for protection of the truth that these thoughts are shared so we can
see the timeline as things appear and perhaps see prophecy come to pass! But we
know the truth and the concerns beforehand and we are testing it along the way.
This is very hot information and can be used in the wrong way. As for me I'm
sharing my scenario of the End Times of the Epoch in my studies of all the
books. I'm testing my material with the you since your the only one that replies
plus Coulter and Petra. There will come a time when this test will be done. Cant
go forever and personally I think if ever there was a time it could be now or
real soon.
Isaiah instructs us to prophecy when you see the signs. This scenario I believe
details all the constructs and elements that it fulfills many things in the
right conditions.
There is definitely judgment or some change connected to the ancient places. III
definitely stand by my research. I believe the Seven commands has something to
do with it. It just seems so logical to me, makes all sense!
Nothing conflicts in the search for the ancient places. I have seen all the
clues, well most of them and they don't conflict and they all speak of the
foundations of old and of what is hidden is found and many more things All these
things form a combined harmonization of all levels of knowledge.
Anyway have a think about the motives and its possible connection to deception.
What I present is honest research in the books. If we don't find the tablets or
the city when there diving then I'm wrong. I would admit that. However If we do
the 7 commands as in the UB then the information is just spot on.
Right on and has always been right on target. That would conclude the debate and
change many things.
The Quest for the 7 commands
The Fathers Way
the test of everything
or the "Test of All Faith"
Absolutely with conviction. The Father in heaven, creator of all Heaven and
This I believe is the source of all things that have occurred. This is bigger
than sliced bread. Everyone would literally be silenced as these Seven commands
are read out and broadcast literally to the world and fulfill all prophecy.
Doesn't that just make sense? How could this be a deception in the harmonisation
of scripture and other information along with science. Working together to find
out the fact of the matter even scripture endorses that. Reading out the Seven
commandments the object, of the search for the hidden tablets (Stone slabs).
Found exactly where they should be!
There is nothing on the planet that compares to this and mind you I feel there
is judgement attached or some change and I think its knowledge on all levels
pointing to something very obvious.
Also can you tell me about it, the unknown church???
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:24 pm
Post subject:
Gee you guys are bit paranoid
I mean I appreciate your opinions however you have not demonstrated anything in
scripture. Yes you've cast your opinions but showed no backing in the scriptures
to find connection.
[quote]You are totally out of it if you think that- demons are still around us
in this world-[/quote]
I think in truth there has been lots of changes and as far as Im aware there is
one rebellious son left.
You talk about Paganism, what paganism? There is no ritual All this research is
objective and intuitive. You say I use psychology against.
What are you talking about? I feel quite confused listening to you guys.
Stephen can you demonstrate false doctrine in the UB please. Just copy some
extracts and we will study it. No problem.
Lets investigate it the matter and see how it stands up.
I can tell you guys don't read the posts much.
Ive used scripts out of the Bible, the ub and information from other one God
religion and everything I could find and pieced the fragments together to find
the track.
What's wrong with that. Ive been objective Ive used evidence where I can find it
to support the contention. Its been a really honest journey and here are you
guys still controlled by fear and a lack of faith into exploring. Where is your
adventure in the Bible and the other books. There is certainly nothing secular
or ritualistic in the research.
Its just straight out adventure and discovery get the soul of going and
stimulate his fear ridden doctrine into something supernal and sublime.
I think this project is so perfected that you guys cannot argue against it. No
one can argue against it in real truth. There is simply no reply good enough to
convince me otherwise.
Absolutely not! There is no evidence that you can show me that I should stop
this direction. Yet on the other hand there is an abundance of evidence where
eventually the Father will stop all this small minded argument which is
virtually over doctrinal argument.
By they way about the Bible who was it that decided to outlaw the Book of Enoch
of the Bible? Was it at the council of Nice in 300AD. How do we know they where
right when the Catholic church decided Enoch was wrong to include in the Bible.
Yet the Essenes studied the Book of Enoch, all the prophets looked into it and
drew from it, some of the new testament writers included its passages out of
Enoch in there books, John the Baptist and would of studied it and Jesus did
study it and coined the term Son of Man.
And yet Christians think its demonic or something weird. That only should shows
how wrong man can be and displays the effect of thinking demons are all around
us and have this so called power over mankind.
They have no power in light of truth and the is up for that one last rebellious
That as far as I'm concerned is the truth of the matter.
I would everyone do a thorough study of all the books in the project and see
what happens in the timeline and see the outcome of the journey, let that be the
witness of the father in heaven and his marvelous work and wonder.
I reckon the 7 commands will be discovered and presented to the planet and I
foresee another great presentation of our wonderful Father, Brother and friend
Jesus. Joshua ben Joseph! The whole story of his life as a continued progression
of the 7 commands.
Another test and standard of the test of all faith.
If we locate the 7 commands as stipulated in the UB then the Jesus presentation
goes ahead OK!
If we don't locate the 7 commands then the Jesus presentation will not manifest
in this research. OK!
I think that is fair and is an extension to "the test of all faith"
So that's the plan after the presentation of the discovery of the Seven
commands, if found. The Jesus presentation goes ahead and manifests as in the
The discovery of the 7 commands would be the confirmation of new knowledge and
would also confirm the Jesus presentation.
Hi Coulter
That was an excellent section of the Bible you posted. Exactly what I feel to.
It really says it all.
Like this other post I found of yours
Quote: |
"The apostles learned that the Jews were
spiritually stagnant and dying because they had crystallized truth into a
creed; that when truth becomes formulated as a boundary line of
self-righteous exclusiveness instead of
serving as signposts of spiritual guidance
and progress, such teachings lose their creative and life-giving power and
ultimately become merely preservative and
fossilizing". pg 1727 |
How true is that, i agree completely.
Posted: Fri Feb
09, 2007 5:43 am
Post subject:
Hi Colter
That was an excellent section of the Bible you posted. Exactly what I feel to.
It really says it all.
Like this other post I found of yours
Quote: |
"The apostles learned that the Jews were
spiritually stagnant and dying because they had crystallized truth into a
creed; that when truth becomes formulated as a boundary line of
self-righteous exclusiveness
instead of serving as signposts of spiritual
guidance and progress, such teachings
lose their creative and life-giving power
and ultimately become merely preservative and
fossilizing". pg 1727 |
How true is that, i agree completely.
A cystallised doctrine can have a limited effect on the spiritual growth of a
person and the Father can only use a person to that extent within the limitation
or boundaries. I think the Father wants Christians to look into the matter
further and investigate the books and locations and look in the Bible.
Personally, I have all faith that this is a good path, it was followed by the
bidding of the Father in the scriptures just leading me on to the Seven commands
after all these years and the many, many discoveries along the way, unbelievable
connection discoveries and in not just the UB but in all the books of religion.
I'm telling you things are moving forward, I can sense a quickening or a sense
about it the whole thing, I think I see it rather clearly as outlined in the
above posts of the Seven command action progression and the way its supposed to
happen. I feel we are in the right place in the right moment just going with the
waves of the reality of the Father manifesting. I dont think there is anything
wrong with this and Im only following the bidding of the father in the books and
getting all excited about it.
Could you ever believe it? Worlds greatest secret under our noses the whole time
but now with technology we can get a glimpse of our past with a full account of
our origins and his whole creation.
I really praise the Father and Jesus and the new Jesus administration of this
planet for there guidance in the bidding of the Father and coming to rescue
planet earth from self destruction over time.
Particularly in the way they have done this and executed there way of revealing
truth. Such a noble estate, this is absolutely worthy of the highest. Truly
incredible that The Father would show himself through the discovery of the Seven
commands and the path to city of our lost disappointments and hopes, the
As I wrote the lost cities in the above, it just occured to me this piece (in
virtual time)
In the following is a piece of the most beautiful story in the UB called "The
young man that was afraid"
I have read this many times over the years and has always tuoched my soul. I
feel can really relate to this. For me its most touching piece in the book.
Here is an extract that is real personal. for example just as you read in the
following "As you so well know the trails to Phenix,
having traversed them many times, so do I well know the way to the city of your
disappointed hopes and thwarted ambitions. I can relate personally to
that considering the discoveries of the cites of great disappointment.
Dalamatia, 1stEden, and Dilmun they all cites of disappointment! In the personal
record Jesus.
In the following is an extract from the
From the young man that was afraid
Quote: |
"I well know you wish to be left alone with
your disconsolation; but it would be neither kind nor fair for me to receive
such generous help from you as to how best to find my way to Phenix and then
unthinkingly to go away from you without making the least effort to answer
your appealing request for help and guidance regarding the best route to the
goal of destiny which you seek in your heart while you tarry here on the
mountainside. As you so well know the trails to Phenix, having traversed
them many times, so do I well know the way to
the city of your disappointed hopes and thwarted ambitions.
And since you have asked me for help, I will not
disappoint you." The youth was almost overcome, but he managed to
stammer out, "But÷I did not ask you for anything÷" And Jesus, laying a
gentle hand on his shoulder, said: "No, son,
not with words but with longing looks did you appeal to my heart. My boy, to
one who loves his fellows there is an eloquent appeal for help in your
countenance of discouragement and despair. Sit down with me while
I tell you of the service trails and happiness
highways which lead from the sorrows of self to the joys of loving
activities in the brotherhood of men and in the service of the God of
another beautiful excerpt
Said Jesus: "My friend, arise! Stand up
like a man! You may be surrounded with small enemies and be retarded by many
obstacles, but the big things and the real things
of this world and the universe are on your side. The sun rises every
morning to salute you just as it does the most powerful and prosperous man
on earth. Look÷you have a strong body and powerful muscles÷your physical
equipment is better than the average. Of course,
it is just about useless while you sit out here on the mountainside and
Page 1438
grieve over your misfortunes, real and fancied. But you could do great
things with your body if you would hasten off to where great things are
waiting to be done. You are trying to run away from your unhappy
self, but it cannot be done. You and your problems of living are real; you
cannot escape them as long as you live. But look again, your mind is clear
and capable. Your strong body has an intelligent mind to direct it.
Set your mind at work to solve its problems; teach
your intellect to work for you; refuse longer to be dominated by fear like
an unthinking animal. Your mind should be
your courageous ally in the solution of your life problems rather than your
being, as you have been, its abject fear-slave and the bond-servant of
depression and defeat. But most valuable of
all, your potential of real achievement is the spirit which lives within
you, and which will stimulate and inspire your mind to control itself and
activate the body if you will release it from the fetters of fear and thus
enable your spiritual nature to begin your deliverance from the evils of
inaction by the power-presence of living faith. And then, forthwith,
will this faith vanquish fear of men by the
compelling presence of that new and all-dominating love of your
fellows which will so soon fill your soul to overflowing because of the
consciousness which has been born in your heart that you are a child of God.
and here is another excerpt
"This day, my
son, you are to be reborn, re-established as a man of faith, courage, and
devoted service to man, for God's sake. And when you become so readjusted to
life within yourself, you become likewise readjusted to the universe; you
have been born again÷born of the spirit÷and henceforth will your whole life
become one of victorious accomplishment. Trouble will invigorate you;
disappointment will spur you on; difficulties will challenge you; and
obstacles will stimulate you. Arise, young man!
Say farewell to the life of cringing fear and fleeing cowardice.
Hasten back to duty and live your life in the flesh as a son of God,
a mortal dedicated to the ennobling service of man
on earth and destined to the superb and eternal service of God in eternity." |
I think that would touch the soul of any young dislocated person.
Just amazing!!
Ive read this piece so many times and always has it touched my heart and filled
my soul, I can relate to it. Its only now that I see Jesus' personal connection
with the cities of his disappointed hopes and thwarted ambitions manifesting in
the actual reality as in the discovery of the lost cities of 1stEden, Dalamatia
Dilmun and Babel.
I propose this excerpt as the pilot presentation of the hugest Jesus
presentation you've ever seen in your life, post Seven commands discovery
presentation. This is all about Jesus' lost cities. There is personal connection
in writing, Jesus must be personally involved in this project and has high
ambitions of the result.
Gee its only tonight that
I find this connectivity of Jesus directly with these submerged cities in this
piece right under my nose the whole time, over all the years and it led to this
and it was in this piece the whole time Jesus and the cities and the combing
fragments. Wow! makes all sense and connects. right on!
Glory be to the
Here is a clue to what is written on the stone slabs in Dalamatia perhaps near
the "house of Fad"
Quote: |
6. The college of revealed religion. This
body was slow in functioning. Urantia civilization was literally forged out
between the anvil of necessity and the hammers of fear. But this group had
made considerable progress in their attempt to substitute Creator fear for
creature fear (ghost worship) before their labors were interrupted by the
later confusion attendant upon the secession upheaval. The head of this
council was Hap.
None of the Prince's staff would present revelation to complicate evolution;
they presented revelation only as the climax of their exhaustion of the
forces of evolution. But Hap did yield to the
desire of the inhabitants of the city for the establishment of a form of
religious service. His group provided the Dalamatians with
the seven chants of worship
and also gave them the daily praise-phrase and
eventually taught them "the Father's
prayer," which was:
"Father of all, whose Son we honor, look down upon
us with favor. Deliver us from the fear of all save you. Make us a pleasure
to our divine teachers
and forever put truth on our lips. Deliver us from
violence and anger; give us respect for our elders and that which belongs to
our neighbors. Give us this season green pastures and fruitful flocks to
gladden our hearts. We pray for the hastening of the coming of the promised
uplifter, and we would do your will on this world as others do on worlds
Although the Prince's staff were limited to natural means and ordinary
methods of race improvement, they held out the
promise of the Adamic gift of a new race as the goal of subsequent
evolutionary growth upon the attainment of the height of biologic
development. |
So in Dalamatia we should expect stone slabs with either
The Seven commands
The Seven chants of worship, they could be fragmented.
or fragments of the Fathers prayer
We know the alphabet is 25 character.
heres another clue
Quote: |
They did not work in stone or marble,
but their works of clay, hardened by baking,
adorned the gardens of Dalamatia. |
Glory be to the Father!!
Hi Colter
Quote: |
We don't really get why you
speak down to us like new age freaks of something. |
I often wonder about that to. Just in these examples the Bible has been
connected and used quite often and judgment is upon us. The again this exactly
the response Jesus received with his truth. I would expect exactly the same in
this current age of doctrine. Its the same thing going, history is truly
repeating itself here.
Stephen I still like to hear your thoughts on the unknown church in the end
What is there role, it sounds like its a group that are close to the truth but
not in the ritual and tradition of Christians. Its sounds like just individuals
who simply follows Jesus' teachings and The Father uses this group to bring
about the call. By the sounds of it the Father has great respect for this
unknown group that is involved in the end times and a group the Father himself
Stephen What are your thoughts on the unknown church?
Last edited by sevens on Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:56 am
Hi Colter
I really enjoyed your science post. I also found great connectivity in the UB
and what scientists have discovered.
Quite enlightening!
[quote]Mat 24:29 Immediately after the
tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give
her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens
shall be shaken:[/quote]
Hi I was thinking about this excerpt
the sun be darkened, and the moon[/b]
Could the sun and the moon be representative of religions that pertain or sun
and moon worship where religions in those days and does reflect in religions of
today in the Sun and Moon worship origins.
Does it mean that truth will change and make the light of these religions
obsolete instantly due to a obvious change of knowledge.
Also the Stars are representative of the angels and the spiritual world. Does
the "and the stars shall fall from heaven," mean simply adjudication of the
rebellion. Where all the rebels angels are judged? Its seems to relate to the
next verse "the powers of the heavens shall be shaken" As you can see its all
about the change of religion and the adjudication of the Angels that are related
to the powers of heaven.
I personally don't think its nuclear bombs that this verse is referring to, I
think its representative of change of religion and the adjudication of the
Ancient of Days.
Obviously there is an instrument or tool that enable this to happen that would
produce this result. I believe the instrument is the "Test of all faiths" as
related to the ancient foundations and could very well related to the 7 commands
and its manifestation.
There must be something that changes the sun and the moon, I think its where we
are right now.
Posted: Sat Feb
10, 2007 9:12 pm
Post subject:
Hi Petra.
I cant accept much of things you say , sorry
Quote: |
By relying on Urantia which is not Biblical |
What about the above post that was all drawn from a previous Biblical post of
one of your colleagues.
I can tell you haven't done a detailed study of the UB yourself, like reading
and researching the whole book properly without pride or prejudice.
How could you possibly judge another work particularly when you have not studied
the book fully. This is indicated by your refusal to even spell Urantia
The couple of scriptures you use is not relevant to the discussion as you are
using them to judge me personally but you know nothing about me at all. I do
serve the Lord Jesus and the Father everyday. I don't know where you coming from
but that's all I do everyday is serve the lord in this work and my life is the
evidence so don't come onto me with that judgment.
Perhaps judge yourself but not me. Perhaps it is you that has to research into
the "fact of the matter" more so and remember when some people ask Jesus for
mercy during judgement who claimed things in jesus' name. Jesus doesn't know
them? Because of their attitude even though they healed people in Jesus' name.
That is directly pointing towards the Church because of there failed attitude in
fearing people into the Church by using fear with doctrine as the tool to
convert not through knowledge, enlightenment, personal discovery and revelation
without prejudice. And also for rejecting and persecuting the call when it comes
because of there stiff necks and failure to research all things of all religions
in order to learn more.
I think the Church has much more to learn but will be unable to due to some fear
based bad doctrine made by men in institutions.
Quote: |
Or doesn't it mean exactly what it says!
You do not try and prove the Bible by science or archaeology or whatever-
you prove science by the Bible! |
There is nothing wrong in enquiry and looking into things. My interpretations
are based on my research and experience in all the books. My interpretation of
the above posts seems consistent. There are many gaps in the Bible and the Bible
has undergone edit in its past, so much for the so called word of God that was
editied! Science and religion work together, your views are the result of
limitations of doctrines that you where taught which reminds of when the Church
taught the earth was flat in the dark ages
Please explain the new book mentioned in revelation of which the standards of
judgement will based on. Also what about the books also mentioned in Rev
connected to the new book???? it says other books, not one book, but
books......get it!...all the books!
The Seven commands are the first laws given to man which the Hebrews extended in
the edit of there religion.
How do you know that Christianity in doctrine is not influenced by other
religions of the past. Remember the Jews where in captivity and edited all there
scriptures in Persia/Babylon. that's what I was taught in Bible college. Also it
is where they also discovered the Psalms from the earlier Melchizedek Salem
teachers who where there previously.
Here is a demonstration
Quote: |
The Salem
teachers greatly reduced the number of the gods of Mesopotamia, at one time
bringing the chief deities down to seven: Bel, Shamash, Nabu, Anu, Ea,
Marduk, and Sin. At the height of the new teaching they exalted three of
these gods to supremacy over all others, the Babylonian triad: Bel, Ea, and
Anu, the gods of earth, sea, and sky. Still other triads grew up in
different localities, all reminiscent of the
trinity teachings of the Andites and the Sumerians and based on the belief
of the Salemites in Melchizedek's insignia of
the three circles. |
Here in the following image is a Babylonian Tablet with the three circles of the
Salem teachers. No doubt scholars today have no idea what the 3 circles mean.
Quote: |
The symbol of the three concentric
circles, which Melchizedek adopted as the insignia of his bestowal,
a majority of the people interpreted as standing for the three kingdoms of
men, angels, and God. And they were allowed to continue in that belief; very
few of his followers ever knew that
these three circles were emblematic of the infinity,
eternity, and universality of the Paradise Trinity of divine maintenance and
direction; |
I thought that was an interesting demonstration of the 3 circles and the
connection of history and the above Sumerian tablet. I feel the UB and the
tablets makes a powerful connection in the above.
Who is to say what the Jews edited, adopted and introduced in that time of
captivity within there books?
I'm sorry you have shown me no evidence other than just judgements in the vain
hope to establish the UB as error or a deception.
Here is something in the UB that has a duality in relation to the foundations
The below are all from Paper 195 UB
Quote: |
The modern
age will refuse to accept a religion which is inconsistent with facts and
out of harmony with its highest conceptions of truth, beauty, and goodness.
The hour is striking for a rediscovery of the
true and original foundations of present-day distorted and
compromised Christianity--the
real life and teachings of Jesus |
Here is some home truths and should be considered.
Quote: |
Christianity has become a social and cultural movement as well as a
religious belief and practice. The stream of modern Christianity drains many
an ancient pagan swamp and many a barbarian morass; many olden cultural
watersheds drain into this present-day cultural stream as well as the high
Galilean tablelands which are supposed to
be its exclusive source |
and another home truth for Christianity
Quote: |
But there is no excuse for the
involvement of the church in commerce and politics; such unholy alliances
are a flagrant betrayal of the Master. And the
genuine lovers of truth will be slow to forget that this
powerful institutionalized church has often dared
to smother newborn faith and persecute truth bearers who chanced to appear
in unorthodox raiment. |
Exactly the same as in what is being attempted here to stop truth with no
evidence in scripture regarding the UB and its planetary Jesus operations. This
is only history repeating itself and Man does not like expansion but the Father
has different ideas and its all to do with his church.
Also some churches should do away with the enforced 10% rubbish that has no
basis at all. A man should give what he wants to give and that's it. Man cannot
buy his way into heaven and no church should use emotional blackmail on the
individual regarding the the 10% money grab, that is an abomination and the
Father is not interested in that at all and especially the individuals who use
scripture in there inner mindal schemes. I know there are heaps of churches that
do this and its where it goes all wrong. Jesus never required that, why should
the church think differently.
If the preacher is worth it, people will give but people shouldn't be forced or
harassed to give. Let that be an act of his own will rather than the churches
will. No scripture in the bible should be used at all for grabbing money from
faith bearing people.
and another big home truth
Quote: |
But religious leaders are making a
great mistake when they try to call modern man to spiritual battle with the
trumpet blasts of the Middle Ages. Religion
must provide itself with new and up-to-date slogans.
Neither democracy nor any other political panacea
will take the place of spiritual progress. False religions may
represent an evasion of reality, but Jesus in his gospel introduced mortal
man to the very entrance upon an eternal reality of spiritual progression. |
trumpet blasts of the Middle Ages, isn't
that what's happening today currently in the Middle East. Looks like man has not
learnt a thing from his church. Looks like man is repeating the same mistake and
church/government is involved in this error. Thats why these ancient foundations
is the path that will bring peace, not the war cry of the middle ages which was
a disaster, again influenced by religion. The same thing can be seen in the
pulpits of Christianity today in the attitude that is promoted in the churches.
Exclusive, the chosen ones, Im safe but you go to hell and all the demonic
espousing who have no power becuase of Pentecost, except the power people give
the one demon that still exists but I believe not for long!
Believe me democracy as being espoused is not the answer to the troubled areas
but its the new enlarged revelation and
discovery that will make man think again because its in his face and has
nowhere to run or take cover. No doctrine will save man but the truth of Jesus
and his relationship with the Father and with mankind in the aspiration of
truth, beauty and goodness. That would be doing the Fathers will rather than all
this judging others in their research.
Quote: |
The great
hope of Urantia lies in the possibility of a new
revelation of Jesus with a new and enlarged presentation of his
saving message which would spiritually unite in loving service the numerous
families of his present-day professed followers. |
Quote: |
I do not look down on you guys but I think
you are in error- not any more so than some main stream churches but
definitely not Biblical! |
Just opinions based on no study of the "fact of the matter" Gee what do they
teach in Bible College these days. Im sure its become a very shallow overview
because of gross exclusivity and limited thinking. The whole thing about truth
is finding it for yourself and make your own enquiries.
lastly another ub clue using Isaiah to what I feel refers to the ancient
foundations and its rebuilding for Gods purpose.
Quote: |
That night, long after the usual listeners
had retired, Jesus continued to teach his apostles. He began this
special instruction by quoting from the
Prophet Isaiah:
"`Why have you fasted? For what reason do you afflict your souls while you
continue to find pleasure in oppression and
to take delight in injustice? Behold, you fast for
the sake of strife and contention and to smite with the fist of wickedness.
But you shall not fast in this way to make
your voices heard on high.
"`Is it such a fast that I have chosen--a day for
a man to afflict his soul?
Is it to bow down his head like a bulrush, to grovel in sackcloth and ashes?
Will you dare to call this a fast and an
acceptable day in the sight of the Lord?
Is not this the fast I should choose:
to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the
knots of heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every
yoke? Is it not to share my bread with the hungry and to bring those who are
homeless and poor to my house? And when I see those who are naked, I will
clothe them.
"`Then shall your light break forth as the morning while your health springs
forth speedily. Your righteousness shall go before you while the glory of
the Lord shall be your rear guard. Then will you call upon the Lord, and he
shall answer; you will cry out, and he shall say--
Here am I. And all this he will do if you refrain
from oppression, condemnation, and vanity. The Father rather desires
that you draw out your heart to the hungry, and that you minister to the
afflicted souls;then shall your light shine in obscurity, and even your
darkness shall be as the noonday. Then shall the Lord guide you continually,
satisfying your soul and renewing your strength.
Quote: |
You shall become like a
watered garden, like a spring whose waters fail not.
And they who do these things shall restore the
wasted glories; they shall raise up the foundations of many generations;
they shall be called
the rebuilders of broken walls, the restorers of safe paths in which to
dwell.'" |
And then long into
the night Jesus propounded to his apostles the
truth that it was their faith that made them secure in the kingdom of the
present and the future, and not
their affliction of soul nor fasting of body.
He exhorted the apostles at least to live up to the ideas of the prophet of
old and expressed the hope that they would
progress far beyond even the ideals of Isaiah and the older prophets.
His last words that night were: "Grow in grace by
means of that living faith which grasps
the fact that you are the sons of God while at the same time it recognizes
every man as a brother."
It was after two o'clock in the morning when Jesus ceased speaking and every
man went to his place for sleep
and I wonder if this is a message to the Catholic church today through Peter.
Quote: |
To Peter
he said: "Put not your trust in the arm of flesh nor in weapons of steel.
Establish yourself on the spiritual foundations of
the eternal rocks. |
Still remember in this thread we are testing everything, just everything, no
exclusivity and The Father is going strip all the false doctrine that affect his
church. It will be a real refinement of his church and the leaders cannot escape
from this.
This is the tribulation for Christianity more so than any other religion on the
planet because its the church that supposedly espouses Jesus' teachings so its
the one that will undergo the greater refinement and will be humbled as the bad
doctrine are cut out of the vine. So I would get of the back side and research,
research, research and do more research and save the judging for the ancient of
Days who I think are very close to us in this time. Because man for the first
time is locked on to the target of the ancient foundations and places. God and
man will walk together in the manifestation of the ancient places into the
reality of mankind.
JL Canton
No problem at all, it was just as I see it.
Quote: |
The verses I quote show that without a
doubt, it is after the tribulation. |
I agree you. However I feel we are in the tribulation of our faith right now and
will become more apparent as we move along the timeline and come to that point
of transition or when the call is made.
Then our tribulation will be over.
Just some thoughts
thanks for your reply
Hi JL Canton
No problem at all, it was just as I see it.
Quote: |
The verses I quote show that
without a doubt, it is after the tribulation. |
I agree you. However I feel we are in the tribulation of our faith right now and
will become more apparent as we move along the timeline and come to that point
of transition or when the call is made.
Then our tribulation will be over. But then the tribulation of the world of no
faith begins, the call is the wake up call. But we will all be gone and the
world left will have to fend for itself in its real judgement tribulation.
I don't think the prophets and servants of the lord will not actually witness
judgement or perhaps they will but from a very safe place as in observation.
Just some thoughts
thanks for your reply
Posted: Mon Feb
12, 2007 11:47 am
Post subject:
Apart from my
feelings in the above I found this to prehaps hold clues.
Quote: |
The pouring out of the Spirit of Truth
provides the spiritual foundation for
the realization of great achievements in
the interests of the human race of the bestowal world.
Urantia is therefore far better prepared for the
more immediate realization
of a planetary government with its laws,
mechanisms, symbols, conventions, and language--all of which could
contribute so mightily to the establishment of
world-wide peace under law and could lead to the sometime dawning of a real
age of spiritual striving; and such an age is the planetary threshold
to the utopian ages of light and life. |
This journey is like the perfect journey that changes all things through an
immeadiate realisation of our ancient foundations in a journey of faith that
entails all the relevant books of our past religions and also included in
fragments of myth and legend and through scientific archaeology.
This journey of faith is like seeing the almighty pices of the puzzle coming
together that could realise spiritual stability on this planet. The Seven
commands and probably more is mostly related to it.
I can see the above quote relating to the what is happening today, in this
reality and can see real potential of world peace coming from the ancient places
through its message and the information it points to.
To me it feels like a completion of all the books and in truth!
Quote: |
Jesus' ideal concept largely failed, but
upon the foundation of the Master's personal life and teachings,
supplemented by the Greek and Persian concepts of
eternal life and augmented by Philo's doctrine of the temporal contrasted
with the spiritual, Paul went forth to
build up one of the most progressive human societies which has ever existed
on Urantia |
I feel the following could be a subtle message from Jesus through the UB in
relation to the future dispute between Abner and Paul with the understanding of
the Trinity concept but I feel this message could be for this time between the
religions as we go through this current timeline. Abner and his Seventy
disciples became the Eastern Christian church (The Philadelphian Church) whose
teachings became absorbed in Islam some hundreds of years later.
Remnants of Abner's teachings still exist within the Quran in fragmentary form.
Here is revelation and the church of Philadelphia, it could be a reflection of
the small following that still adhere to Abner's message, maybe its for the
small remnant of the Eastern Christian church. Its just a thought.
The Message to Philadelphia
Quote: |
And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he
that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that
openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; 8 I know thy
works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it:
for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied
my name. 9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say
they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and
worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. 10 Because thou
hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of
temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon
the earth. 11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that
no man take thy crown. 12 Him that overcometh
will I make a pillar in the temple of my
God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name
of my God, and the name of the city of my
God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh
down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him
my new name. 13 He that hath an ear, let
him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. |
I was drawn to this 12 Him that overcometh will
I make a pillar in the temple of my God Could a pillar been seen as a
stone that is honoured in a temple? Where people would surround it and walk
around the stone? or Pillar. What religion today has a pillar in the temple?
What religion ideolizes a pillar in the middle of a temple? See the 70 where a
combination of John the Baptist followers and maybe the some of the Essenes
perhaps. They had there own ideas that was different to the Jesus meassge. Abner
there leader who took over from John the Baptist was also instructed by Jesus
and given guidance. After Jesus passed on, differences arose between Paul and
Becuase Abners teachings was absorbed in Isalm. Maybe the Revelation is
reflecting Philadelphia church in its final evolution but also reflecting the
small band of truth believers of Abners teachings within the main faith Islam
but also encompasses the remaining John the Baptist followers in Iraq or the
Chaldean Christians and other John the Baptist groups which encompasses
Mesopotamian and Sryiac groups who are a weak group but have persisted overtime
and is recognized by the Spirit of the Churches in this final hour. Food for
I thought the clue was in the pillar in the temple and the stone mecca perhaps!
Philadephia church evolution of the time.
Quote: |
For more than two weeks Jesus and the twelve, followed by a crowd of several
hundred disciples, journeyed about in southern Perea, visiting all of the
towns wherein the seventy labored. Many gentiles lived in this region, and
since few were going up to the Passover feast at Jerusalem, the messengers
of the kingdom went right on with their work of teaching and preaching.
Jesus met Abner at Heshbon, and Andrew directed
that the labors of the seventy should not be interrupted by the Passover
feast; Jesus advised that the messengers should go forward with their
work in complete disregard of what was about to happen at Jerusalem. He also
counseled Abner to permit the women's corps, at least such as desired, to go
to Jerusalem for the Passover
And this was the last time Abner ever saw Jesus in the flesh. His farewell
to Abner was: "My son, I know you will be true to
the kingdom, and I pray the Father to grant you wisdom that you
may love and understand your brethren." |
And here is the Parables of the Pounds.
I think there are many clues here to next connection to the next Epochal
Quote: |
They did not start from Jericho until near noon since they sat up late the
night before while Jesus taught Zaccheus and his family the gospel of the
kingdom. About halfway up the ascending road to Bethany the party paused for
lunch while the multitude passed on to Jerusalem, not knowing that Jesus and
the apostles were going to abide that night on the Mount of Olives.
The parable of the pounds, unlike the parable of the talents, which was
intended for all the disciples, was spoken more exclusively to the apostles
and was largely based on the experience of Archelaus and his futile attempt
to gain the rule of the kingdom of Judea. This is one of the few parables of
the Master to be founded on an actual historic character. It was not strange
that they should have had Archelaus in mind inasmuch as the house of
Zaccheus in Jericho was very near the ornate palace of Archelaus,and
his aqueduct ran along the road by which
they had departed from Jericho.
Said Jesus: "You
think that the Son of Man goes up to Jerusalem to receive a kingdom, but I
declare that you are doomed to disappointment.
Do you not remember about a certain prince who
went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, but even before he
could return, the citizens of his province, who in their hearts had already
rejected him, sent an embassy after him, saying, `We
will not have this man to reign over us'? As this king was rejected
in the temporal rule, so is the Son of Man to be rejected in the spiritual
rule. Again I declare that my kingdom is not of this world;
but if the Son of Man had been accorded the
Page 1876 spiritual rule of his people, he would have accepted such a
kingdom of men's souls and would have reigned over such a dominion of human
hearts. Notwithstanding that they reject
my spiritual rule over them, I will return again to receive from others such
a kingdom of spirit as is now denied me. You will see the Son of Man
rejected now, but in another age
that which the children of Abraham now reject
will be received and exalted.
"And now, as the rejected nobleman of this parable, I would call before me
my twelve servants, special stewards, and giving into each of your hands the
sum of one pound, I would admonish each to heed well my instructions that
you trade diligently with your trust fund while I am away that you may have
wherewith to justify your stewardship when I
return, when a reckoning shall be required of you.
"And even if this rejected Son should not return,
another Son will be sent to receive this kingdom, and this Son will then
send for all of you to receive your report of stewardship and to
be made glad by your gains.
"And when these stewards were subsequently called
together for an accounting, the first came
forward, saying, `Lord, with your pound I have made ten pounds more.' And
his master said to him: `Well done; you are a good servant; because you have
proved faithful in this matter, I will give you authority over ten cities.'
And the second came, saying, `Your pound left with me, Lord, has made five
pounds.' And the master said, `I will accordingly make you ruler over five
cities.' And so on down through the others until the last of the servants,
on being called to account, reported:
`Lord, behold, here is your pound, which I have kept safely done up in this
napkin. And this I did because I feared you; I believed that you were
unreasonable, seeing that you take up where you have not laid down, and that
you seek to reap where you have not sown.' Then said his lord: `You
negligent and unfaithful servant, I will judge you out of your own mouth.
You knew that I reap where I have apparently not sown;
therefore you knew this reckoning would be
required of you. Knowing this, you should
have at least given my money to the banker that at my coming I might have
had it with proper interest.'
"And then said this ruler to those who stood by: `Take
the money from this slothful servant and give it to him who has ten pounds.'
And when they reminded the master that such a one already had ten pounds, he
said: `To every one who has shall be given
more, but from him who has not, even that which he has shall be taken away
from him.'"
And then the apostles sought to know the difference between the meaning of
this parable and that of the former parable of the talents, but Jesus would
only say, in answer to their many questions:
"Ponder well these words in your hearts while each of you finds out their
true meaning."
It was Nathaniel who so well taught the meaning of these two parables in the
after years, summing up his teachings in these conclusions:
Quote: |
1. Ability is the practical measure of
life's opportunities. You will never be held responsible for the
accomplishment of that which is beyond your abilities.
2. Faithfulness is the unerring measure of human trustworthiness. He who
is faithful in little things is also likely to exhibit faithfulness in
everything consistent with his endowments.
3. The Master grants the lesser reward for lesser faithfulness when
there is like opportunity.
Page 1877 4. He grants a like reward for like faithfulness when there is
lesser opportunity. |
When they had
finished their lunch, and after the multitude of followers had gone on
toward Jerusalem, Jesus, standing there before the apostles in the shade of
an overhanging rock by the roadside, with cheerful dignity and a gracious
majesty pointed his finger westward, saying:
"Come, my brethren, let us go on into Jerusalem, there to receive that which
awaits us; thus shall we fulfill the will of the heavenly Father in all
And so Jesus and his apostles resumed this, the Master's last journey to
Jerusalem in the likeness of the flesh of mortal man.
I think that last piece was beautiful and has many clues to what I feel is
and a decree from Jesus
Quote: |
Jesus, still standing, then said to the
twelve: "You are my chosen ambassadors, but I know that, in the
circumstances, you could not entertain this belief as a result of mere human
knowledge. This is a revelation of the spirit of
my Father to your inmost souls. And when, therefore, you make this
confession by the insight of the spirit of my Father which dwells within
you, I am led to declare that upon
this foundation will I build the brotherhood of
the kingdom of heaven. Upon this rock of spiritual reality will I build the
living temple of spiritual fellowship in the eternal realities of my
Father's kingdom.All the forces of evil and the hosts of sin shall not
prevail against this human fraternity of the divine spirit. And while my
Father's spirit shall ever be the divine guide and mentor of all who enter
the bonds of this spirit fellowship, to
you and your successors I now deliver the keys of the outward kingdom--the
authority over things temporal--the social and economic features of this
association of men and women as fellows of the kingdom." And again he
charged them, for the time being, that they should tell no man that he was
the Son of God |
Posted: Tue Feb
13, 2007 12:13 am
Post subject:
Posted: Tue Feb
13, 2007 12:13 am
Post subject:
Hi Petra No worries
whatever we feel
Quote: |
Colter had put up quite a bit
of the UR's stuff here and I looked thru that - found unbiblical things and
that is enough for me- that you are looking to the things you are here and
trying to find Biblical interpretation for them doesn't work either- You are
basically breaking the first commandment and that is not good! |
Where is your scriptures to prove the UB unbiblical?
Quote: |
That is easy to say abt anyone
who doesn't agree with you Seven- but maybe that just could be talking abt
you? Who Knows? |
Perhaps there talking about you, Who knows?. We just have to see what is
uncovered, lets see the evidence speak for itself then we can make the final
assessment. Much will balance on that final conclusion no matter how or what
view we beieve. But I have full living faith in this work.
Quote: |
Christians do not and should
not be researching paganism to see how they worshiped their gods but instead
should devote their time and energy to Bible Study and see how God tells
them to worship THE TRUE God! |
How do you know the Bible has been affected by earlier religions in evolution
over the ages. You sound like some preacher on some pulpit un bending and
unwilling to look into things. The New Testament expanded religon about Jesus so
can we in the age be expanded by the Holy Spirit of the religion of Jesus
through a Book fom the Father directly and something meaningful which does
connect with all knowledge working together, harmonized.
Quote: |
(Jer 10:2) Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not
dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
(Jer 10:3) For the customs of the people are vain: >>>
Now can you see how this scripture relates to the teachings you have put
here?? |
What!! No way, what customs? sure they weren't talking about inferior religions
of the times then. You must be mad to think what you saying and equate that with
me. I find great pleasure in looking into the books of religion and Im inspired
with the what the Father of heaven, the one God has done. You haven't
demonstrated anything yourself. What are views on how it will happen in detail
and something that I can equate to?
But anyway we will see the test of the evidence. If it can be substantiated
through honest enquiry then it must be true and with out pride or prejudice. The
evidence of the ancient places should speak for itself. All this has nothing to
do Paganism but religion, you don't know what you talking about. You are
doctrine biased and I think viewing this with real limitation.
Also I devote everyday to Bible study as if you haven't noticed and study in
other books and post thoughts and verses to where feel have commonality.
Quote: |
Learn not the way of the
heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are
dismayed at them. |
Then you say this, accusing me of being heathen when I study and read the bible
all the time and I am totally impressed with the bible more than ever before and
how it parallels and connects my research and parallels with what we are seeing
in the submerged places. Isaiah I feel is pointing to this point in timeline
now. This is all about religion the whole lot of it. It has nothing to with
ritual, creeds, Sunday church, collections, sermons, preachers, judging others
and calling them heathens or set prayers...... just flat out research......Like
a lizard flat out having a drink but sipping of the eternal springs of the tree
of life as truth and understanding in finding the truth of the matter behind all
that is proclaimed.
Just sifting using my whole mind and body with the Father in heaven and Jesus as
my Guide.
Quote: |
I know for a certainty that
Christianity has been greatly influenced by paganism- the RCC gathered
pagans into the fold by doing just that - adopting paganism into their
church- it is up to us to get back to the teachings of the early Apostolic
Church not follow man! |
How about follow the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and really get a glimpse
of his message. Do you have the faith to explore things for yourself!
Also before Jesus came into the lives of the Apostles. All Apostles were
influenced by the current thinking on all different levels of religious thought
and ideas. Consider that. They all had notions of a deliver coming down
establishing a kingdom physically on earth at the time and take over the place.
Similar notions can be found in Mithraism beliefs, Zorostarism all about some
end time similar constructs similiar to that in Revelation. They all have to
similar constructs. Was John slightly influenced by earlier thoughts of endtime
from earlier personal thoughts befoe Jesus as reflected in revelation.
Also there are some Mithra Ideas Like the Angles on the White Horse coming down
from heaven, that can be found in Mithra belief, and like the Son, Mithra
slaying the dragon and judgement day that is contained in that earlier mystery
cult and through the absorption and channel of the RCC we find the same features
in revelation.
Quote: |
When men differ from the Bible
and set their human opinions or "scientific" beliefs above what God says
then they just show their ignorance- true knowledge comes from God not man-
ever! |
I honour the Lord in the highest above all in this research its just we can use
the scientific method in finding the evidence which verifies the path as
mentioned in the Job and in four other places in the Bible as discovered.
The Ub is claimed to written in hands of Angels so we are simply testing the
information in a worthy journey of faith. That's fair and reasonable and I would
think most normal folk would appreciate that. For what its worth in the
discovery and in the evidence.
as in
Babel in Dilmun
Well this knowledge comes from God. I know that for sure and my witness to the
journey has been fantastic and enthralling to say the least and full of liberty
and freedom to explore the threads as I see them upon the bidding of the Father
in Heaven through his Holy Spirit.
Quote: |
Rev 20:11) And I saw a great
white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the
heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
(Rev 20:12) And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the
books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life:
and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the
books, according to their works. |
It seems to be connected to the books, that are opened in the way of research
and discovery. The judgment of mankind is a process of time which began perhaps
upon discovery. In which I believe the 7 mystery is, in the books and connected
to the ancient cities where there history is also contained in a new book. When
the mystery is realized in all the books that are involved in the mystery. Then
the mystery is finished and called in and judgment is concluded and is based on
the standards of God within the books.
That what I see anyway. Take it or leave it!
All the best
Posted: Wed Feb
14, 2007 4:33 pm
Post subject:
The following is from the above Hebron post.
Quote: |
Mat 25:34 Then shall the King say unto them
on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom
prepared for you from the foundation of the world: |
I dont expect a reply, no worries but I was intruiged by the above verse.
The kingdom that comes the foundation of the world...how interesting!
Be interesting what people think about the verse and what it means in the way
they see it!!
It seems that a people will be blessed by the Father with a kingdom that is
connected to the foundation of the world. You cant blame me to think in light of
my research that this verse refers to the discoveries of the foundations and the
information related to it.
It seems to be somehow related to the Kingdom that is to to be inherited by
people related to the foundation of the world.
Its interesting how this verse is in the middle of a judgment of mankind
I also found this verse interesting.
Quote: |
Mat 24:31 And he
shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet,and they shall
gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the
other. |
Its interesting how this process of judgment begins with the sounding of the
last trumpet. Is the trumpet a message or declaration or something coming from
the foundation or related to it?
Further to this line of enquiry I did a bit more digging regarding the
Quote: |
2 Samuel 22 (David's Song of
13 Through the
brightness before him were coals of fire kindled.
14 The Lord thundered from heaven, and the
most High uttered his voice.
15 And he sent out arrows, and scattered them;
lightning, and discomfited them.
16 And the channels of the sea appeared, the
foundations of the world were discovered,
at the rebuking of the Lord, at the blast of the breath of his nostrils.
17 He sent from above, he took me; he drew me out
of many waters;
I thought the above was fascinating. It seems to me that the message is sent out
before hand which activated the last mystery/trumpet, He sent out arrows and
lightning, like sent out the knowledge beforehand which discomforted people in
there beliefs and ideas.
Somehow this message must be related to the foundations of the world that are
discovered, after the messge shot forth beforehand.
The beforehand message and the discovery of the foundations is related to the
rebuke of the lord. The message is a two edged sword.
As a consequence the believers and the ones with faith are taken away or
translated the rest obviously, is left behind. This seems to happen after the
discovery and after the rebuke of the lord that is connected to the discovery of
the foundations of the world.
Note the plural in the verse foundations, not one foundation.
It seems the message or the trumpet divides people and sorts out the sheep and
the goats because of its content and what its related to our very foundations.
Its a discomforting message which strikes the heart of everyone's faith and
belief system.
Here are some of the same verses in Pslams 18.
Quote: |
Psalm 18
Thanksgiving for Deliverance
11 He made darkness his secret place; his
pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies.
12 At the brightness that was before him his thick clouds passed, hail
stones and coals of fire.
13 The Lord also thundered in the heavens, and the
Highest gave his voice; hail stones and coals of fire.
14 Yea, he sent out his arrows, and scattered
them; and he shot out lightnings, and discomfited them.
15 Then the channels of waters were seen,
and the foundations of the world were discovered
at thy rebuke, O Lord, at the blast of the breath
of thy nostrils.
16 He sent from above, he took me, he drew me out
of many waters.
17 He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for
they were too strong for me.
18 They prevented me in the day of my calamity:
but the Lord was my stay.
19 He brought me forth also into a large place; he
delivered me, because he delighted in me.
20 The Lord rewarded me according to my
righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed
21 For I have kept the ways of the Lord, and have not wickedly departed from
my God.
22 For all his judgments were before me, and I
did not put away his statutes from me.
23 I was also upright before him, and I kept myself from mine iniquity.
24 Therefore hath the Lord recompensed me according to my righteousness,
according to the cleanness of my hands in his
25 With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful; with an upright man
thou wilt shew thyself upright;
26 With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure; and with the froward thou wilt
shew thyself froward.
27 For thou wilt save the afflicted people; but
wilt bring down high looks.
28 For thou wilt light my candle: the Lord my God
will enlighten my darkness. |
Interesting we can see the same grouping of verses relating to the foundations
in both Psalms and in Samuel. Obviously these foundations of the world as
discovered carried a very important message of rebuke from the Lord.
This message must be so important that the same verse grouping are mentioned
twice in different sections of the Bible, Samuel and Psalms. The Psalms are
older than Samuel so I wonder who saw this and documented this in the Psalms
recovered during the Babylonian captivity.
There must be much
importance of the ancient foundations of the world and its message.
Quote: |
Psalm 82:5
They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness:
all the foundations of the earth are out of
course. |
Quote: |
Isaiah 40:21
Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not
been told you from the beginning? have ye
not understood from the foundations of the earth? |
Quote: |
Isaiah 58:12
And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places:
thou shalt raise up the foundations of many
generations; and thou shalt be called, The
repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. |
food for thought!
Hi Petra
No hard feelings. But at the end of the day your response just leaves me flat.
There is no point going back and forth.
I know what I study and how I see the information and the journey that led to
these places, its all in the open. I'm very satisfied with the results and
people can make up there mind by the information as it happens.
If its not the will of the Father nothing will progress but if it is, things
will move forward despite anyone's opinions and the results will speak for
itself. Even if it takes years the evidence will vindicate the journey, if its
not me in this test of the information and the evidence, it will be somebody
It just seems strange to people desiring to the will of the Father in the way
they see things and yet they combat. It just seems like a poor witness at the
end of the day for such a supernal adventure.
Anyway, lets see what happens in the results, that will verify many things for
many people but I have no fear of the results and I know where its going.
Petra let me know the signs when judgment is about to occur, please.
Posted: Fri Feb
16, 2007 12:52 am
Post subject:
Hi Petra
I took your advise and checked out Matt 24
Boy that an interesting chapter. Which I think has many clues.
Quote: |
5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I
am Christ; and shall deceive many |
Absolutely we have seen that in religions of the past Jim Jones was a recent
The Good thing about what I propose is that.... lets put everything on the
table. Lets look at all the books and lets see what they say about these
proposed locations and find out what lays there in the physical.
There appears to be anomalies that reflect the description of these areas so I
say lets find out and because there are clues that reflect artifact s like the
Seven commands...I say lets find out. Lets see what evidence lays there based on
the evidence found in all the books of religion.
I don't see anything deceptive in that. All I'm saying is lets have a look and
find out the "truth of the matter" Lets test out all the information mankind has
and lets how accurate it is.
I found the following quite interesting.
Quote: |
14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be
preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the
end come. |
"this gospel of the kingdom" I would presume this is the Gospel of the "kingdom
of heaven" and a witness to all the nations. I sometimes wonder if this could be
related to the foundations of our ancient origins and this gospel of the
expanded kingdom of heaven is related to it. Then perhaps for "a witness unto
all nations" Could be a major discovery of our origins which would suffice as a
witness unto all nations. The witness being like the discovery and the reading
out of the Seven commands not to mention the supporting evidence found in all
the books of religion. Something like I could see as "a witness unto all
nations". A undeniable witness, a mjor discovery of ancient cities and early
writing. Then this undeniable witness is attached to the "and then shall the end
come." I feel the end reflects change of knowledge, realisation, confirmation
and verification of the facts through discovery.
A conclusion of the facts of the matter.
reflections of rapture
Quote: |
37 But as the
days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and
drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until
the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and
took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. |
However when this realisation occurs, the end shall happen and it will be like
in the days of Noah. When people took no notice of the beforehand witness, then
the flood came and people knocked on the door but it was shut. It could be
possible in this scenario where people take no notice and under estimate the
ancient places and ignore the attached message. When suddenly it occurs, a
realisation, a change occurs and people are left comfounded and fearful as the
result of change in light of there beforehand denial. Who knows maybe a
judgement occurs in addition to the change of knowledge. Could it be that the
rapture moment as debated where the ones who prepared themselves are taken up or
translated leaving the rest. They will knock on the door and no one answers.
But then in the judgement process of some rapture occurs but an unknown period
of time. A translation occurs as one ascends the sky. An asencion in a sense.
Quote: |
40 Then shall two be in the field; the one
shall be taken, and the other left.
41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the
other left.
42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. |
Quote: |
15 When ye therefore shall see the
abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the
holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) |
I think its in the attitude towards these places. Mind you these places are the
ancient cities of our origins where the tree of life was kept. They were really
holy places in a sense and they each had a temple that housed the tree of life.
Dalamatia and 1stEden are really Holy places. Just think how these places could
be defiled through the denial of truth or through usurping the truth for ones
own gain.
Here is some advise in watching out for the signs. Being on watch.
Quote: |
43 But know this, that if the goodman of
the house had known in what watch the thief would come,
he would have watched, and
would not have suffered his house to be
broken up. |
Quote: |
44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such
an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.
45 Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler
over his household, to give them meat in due season?
46 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so
doing. 47 Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his
goods. |
But then on the other hand
Quote: |
48 But and if that evil servant shall say
in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming;
49 And shall begin to smite his fellowservants,
and to eat and drink with the drunken;
50 The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him,
and in an hour that he is not aware of |
About the signs
Quote: |
32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree;
When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer
is nigh:
33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these
things, know that it is near, even at the doors. |
"His Branch" His
expanded new truth is his branch that is tender shooting forth expanded truth
through a discovery. This could be a sign, this whole experience. I believe his
Branch is the unknown church shooting forth a message coupled with a
demonstration. The message that comes from his branch, the leaves is the
message. The doors are the foundations and the discovery of them. The truth. The
message or the leaves leads to the doors, the foundations. That is the object!
of the last mystery.
I can help think "even at the doors" doors or what Like an event that can be
witnessed the doors of an ancient location where the Seven commands are found.
Could this be the literal meaning?
Concerning these places I wouldn't completely under estimate the possibilities of
change. I feel the scenario of the places and the test of everything in order to
find out the fact of the matter is ripe. I feel it matches all the conditions as
outlined in the bible and other books.
Quote: |
36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man,
no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
The scenario and the potential seem right but has to be tested! Like I say its
about religion this scenario and its about the Father in Heaven and the
scriptures and related to discovery through the books and through technology. I
believe that is a major connection for religion and our history.
However to be fair
Quote: |
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and
false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it
were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
25 Behold, I have told you before.
26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not
forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
Well this scenario is possible to. In the test of everything we have to test
this verse to in relation to this research. I know my sincerity and honesty in
researching the scriptures. However, I to am saying over here and the secret
chambers. Its a worthy point of self examination to.
All I can say is that we have to see, we have to test everything in the physical
and see what can be recovered! I couldnt be satisified with less. I will have to
see if the above quote is relevant to my circumstance. We have to see.
I think most people would think the same to.
Quote: |
29 Immediately after the tribulation of
those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,
and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be
shaken: |
I see this as the change of knowledge which effects all religion, The Sun and
the Moon in my mind reflects the religions who have there origins in earlier
evolutionary religions of the Sun and the moon or are akin to these religions.
Then the "the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:" The major change in the
Heavenly administration.
"after the tribulation of those days" I see those days as in these days today.
What we see today is will be called those days, the past. Everything seems to
change or be affected by change and endorsement.
Quote: |
30 And then shall appear the sign of the
Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the
tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming
in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he shall send his
angels with [1] a great sound of a trumpet,
and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end
of heaven to the other. |
The tribes mourn because its the realisation and perhaps the failure to see
Quote: |
See ye not all these things? verily I say
unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall
not be thrown down. |
This appears to include everything, all knowledge will be refined which does
include religion and history through what I believe is discovery and the book.
I enjoyed reading Matt 24 . If there were anymore you could suggest that would
be great.
Quote: |
Isaiah 26:20 Come, my people,
enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy
doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment,
until the indignation be overpast.
21 For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his place
to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity:
the earth also shall disclose her blood,
[6] and shall no more cover her slain. |
Like the lord comes from "out of his place" everything is revealed in discovery,
the origins and it originates from the lords place, I think the ancient places
of our origins and is considered by the Father.
Quote: |
Proverbs 25:9
Debate thy cause with thy neighbour himself; and discover not a secret to
another: |
Quote: |
Ecclesiastes 12:14
For God shall bring every work into judgment, with
every secret thing, whether it be good, or
whether it be evil. |
Quote: |
Isaiah 45:3
And I will give thee the treasures of darkness,
and hidden riches of secret places, that
thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God
of Israel. |
I wonder if the above relates to the ancient places.
Quote: |
Isaiah 45:19
I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of
the earth: I said not unto the seed of Jacob, Seek ye me in vain: I
the Lord speak righteousness, I declare things that are right |
and in the same context
Quote: |
Isaiah 48:16
Come ye near unto me, hear ye this; I have not
spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that
it was, there am I: and now the Lord GOD,
and his Spirit, hath sent me. |
Quote: |
Matthew 13:35
That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will
open my mouth in parables; I will utter things
which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world. |
Quote: |
52 Then said he unto them,
Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto
the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder,
which bringeth forth out of his treasure things
new and old. |
Quote: |
John 18:20 (Read all of John
Jesus answered him,
I spake openly to the world; I ever taught
in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort;
and in secret have I said nothing. |
Here is a classic. I
think this points to the ancient locations.
Quote: |
Romans 16:25 (Read all of Romans 16)
Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the
preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of
the mystery, which was kept secret since the
world began
26 But now is made manifest, and by the
scriptures of the prophets, according to the
commandment of the everlasting God,
made known to all nations for the
obedience of faith:
27 To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ for ever. Amen., |
Colossians 1:26
Quote: |
the mystery which hath been hid from ages
and from generations, but now is made manifest
to his saints: |
the key to the
Quote: |
1 Timothy 3:9
Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure
conscience. |
Like in a test of everything.
Posted: Fri Feb
16, 2007 5:28 am
Post subject:
Here are more clues
Quote: |
Proverbs 22:28
Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy
fathers have set. |
Quote: |
Isaiah 3:14
The Lord will enter into judgment with the
ancients of his people, and the princes thereof: for ye have eaten up
the vineyard; the spoil of the poor is in your houses. |
Quote: |
Isaiah 23:7
Is this your joyous city, whose antiquity is of
ancient days? her own feet shall carry her afar off to sojourn |
Quote: |
Isaiah 24:23
Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun
ashamed, when the Lord of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in
Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously. |
Again I refer Sun and Moon symbolic of religions of the past who used the Sun
and Moon as symbols. The religions will change and is again reflected in the
above quote, the same as in Matthew who reflects the same Sun and Moon. Again
there is confoundment amoungst the people, shock and surprise!! I believe its
all to do with the Ancient foundations and what it represents.
Quote: |
Isaiah 37:26
Hast thou not heard long ago, how I have done it;
and of ancient times, that I have formed it? now have I brought it to
pass, that thou shouldest be to lay waste defenced cities into ruinous
heaps. |
Quote: |
Isaiah 44:7
And who, as I, shall call, and shall declare it,
and set it in order for me, since I
appointed the ancient people? and the things that are coming, and
shall come, let them shew unto them |
All by appointment and setting it forth for the Father and it involves
declaration and prophecy of oncoming change. It appears to be shown to us.
Again imploring us to put on the yoke of the Ancient of Days and connection to
the ancient places and its distant generations.
Quote: |
Isaiah 51:9
Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord; awake,
as in the ancient days,in the generations of old.
Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab, and wounded the dragon? |
Posted: Fri Feb
16, 2007 9:15 pm
Post subject:
Quote: |
This is the inspired Word of
God Colter and Seven- I thought you said you were Bible worshipers?? You
don't seem to like the OT but it is definitely inspired just like the NT is!
We are to live by every word of God! |
How do you explain the edit of all there texts whilst the Jews were in
captivity. After captivity they came back with the OT compile of many papers of
many authors written over the timeline of 6000 years starting from Job which is
the oldest book. Also the Psalms where discovered by the Jews written on tablets
by the (Babylonian) Salem priests beforehand in addition the name Melchizedek
was also edited and disguised as that was a holy name and it was thought
disrespect to mention the name of God and so the name was substituted by other
names like the most high, the almighty, etc. This practice was stopped by the
last teacher of righteousness of the Essenes as he mentions directly
Melchizedeks name in the Dead sea Scrolls in relation to the end times.
Also the Noahs story which was a local event of Mesopotamia but expanded the
flood to cover the whole world whilst the Jews edited there truth in captivity.
There was never a worldwide flood that wiped everyone except one family, it did
not happen and is scientifically impossible. Whilst there is much truth
contained in the bible man has edited it and altered it in his past to suit
himself in some cases.
I suppose its no different in using the scriptures against people in personal
attacks of there faith, and then claiming things that was unknowingly altered in
the past to suit one doctrine of the time and then oppressing others and
pointing the fingers on a personal level, in today's time using scriptures. No
different to the dark ages mentality and the reason for the great disaster of
the Crusades which we still suffer from today. Narrow-mindedness and failure to
be objective.
Also I'm suspect that much was added in Rev by all concerned parties in the time
100AD-300AD I do see reflections within also in other mystery cults like Mithra
which was a contemporary of Christianity but then eventually absorbed into the
church. You can see reflections of this religion in the Catholic church
tradition which I find quite understandable and do have the same object
symbolism used in Rev.
I know Petra you will deny this with counter accusation but how about you show
evidence in this case to prove your case and don't say I don't need to.
But anyway I was taught from Christians that the Bible was edited in captivity
and that was from a bible college. So the bible has been worked over by man like
every other religious text in the world.
Actually, I think you're rude with your accusations with just opinions. You
don't read the posts that have 100% bible sources at all. You don't comment on
that all because you cant. So if you cant succeed in your endeavours in one way
you try another route for mischief. Because that's all your being mischievous in
your endeavours to spoil good endeavours of research that have results and can
be demonstrated in the bible which only furthers the investigation of the facts
of the matter.
No matter what you accuse other people off, all these posts are of public record
and people can make up there own mind within there boundaries of understanding.
I understand this information is contentious and that's why I try and
demonstrate as much as possible connectivity through the all the scripts. I'm
concentrating on the ancient places and words written about it. However you use
the scripts to attack another's contention of his truth that is related to the
same theme of the forum.
Is that in the spirit of Jesus Christ and his thoughts upon tolerance for one
another that may seem different. Did he hold back the 70 ....no.
Cant you see that what is displayed here is no different we see in the middle
east, man against man, division and more division through different religious
ideas and intolerance.
How do you not know that by your display that you don't run the line of error
yourself remembering the Father is concerned about the attitude towards your
fellow brother not the content of his belief. Jesus was also concerned about the
attitude and the motivation of men rather than the microscopic detail which he
knew varied.
Like in his day you had the Essenes, the Baptists, the Judaic system and yet
Jesus was attractive to different people from all these differing religious
groups with ideas. Because of the way he presented himself and the relevant
content he shared with all these different people that touched them. He
displayed Tolerance! with understanding and moderation like he does with us
today in our ideas.
You should have a go at that.
Nevertheless, have you got any other Bible chapters you think I should read that
might be relevant to the endtime case?
Gee contend with what! What are you some religious heavy weight bully or
something! Nothing that I'm impressed with at all, nothing of a witness that
would attract anyone new to the faith. Particularly for the normal unsuspecting
person on the street.
Its really more of the same ole stuff!
Nothing that attracts me just more of the same judgment upon others.
You're right off the mark and ignorant of the facts.
Lets have a look of you're own research.
You haven't even answered anything!
Just continual avoidance of any direct question. Countered with scriptural
There 2 bible colleges that teach the same thing that you deny. So who is right
you!!! and there wrong! Eh! Where did you get your teaching from?? Then on top
of it you judge these people who teach Christianity as well!!
I mean give me a break will ya! Who are you to judge these goodly people who
sacrifice there time to help others with knowledge and heres high ho silver, you
and all your self righteousness in judgment.
I don't even bother much reading your posts anyway I think there pretty ugly!
doesn't do anything for nor edify anyone.
If the test of everything is successfull a normal person on the street could
make the connection rather easily and it directs him straight to the religion of
Jesus and which leads him straight to bible as well. Its because all the books
contains knowledge about these places.
I think that is good and a fine witness for a path that leads to Jesus
regardless of religious institution and it doesn't take his faith away!
Wow, Im only putting up research and what I think drawing on a wide field
of past writings that mainly originates before Christ and some new information
like the UB and through the poetry of others.
I really think you have made your point, that's ok because everyone is entitled
to it. I don't think it serves any purpose for this topic to descend in this
kind of thing. I would move on and ignore this since you don't agree with it.
Plus I don't want to go around this merry go round as I want to post some more
Bible research into the facts of the matter. Like Colter might be interested as
this may confirm some of his study and I myself may learn from him.
Its a small topic it might be a pain for some but there could be a solid truth
in this for others.
Is that the real worry?? Well let me say to you there is no way that this
progression will stop because the chickens are out of the cage and the truth is
all over the world perpetuating everyday, day by day people are starting to lock
on to the target and embracing the vastness of this and your attitude will be a
There are no secrets in this project and in your face like everybody else. The
truth is out there and you cant stop it except the Father himself. Tough! That's
why everything is released on the run so the truth of the facts of the matter of
the journey to the places is out there so it cant be usurped, twisted or
suppressed, like what you would propose in the old (those) days attitude!
I want to move on in the research rather than argue over religious opinions.
Hi my name is Sevens
Im new here and I think this forum is quite diverse, im glad there is a Urantia
Book section.
Ive been studying the UB for a while and since I first read it has continued to
amaze me. The areas of the UB that interest me are the ancient places in the UB
like 1st Eden, Dalamatia, Dilmun and Babel. In 2003 I started a search for Eden
in the books of religion like the Bible, The Book of Enoch, the Book of Adam and
Eve and many writings. I am Also interested in the Atlantis story and its
reflections of Eden of Cyprus.
In many of the books I searched through I could see reflections of Eden and upon
discovery I would release it on
http://www.dalamatiacity.com , as it happened. However it was only 2 years
ago that I started releasing this on the net on the run.
In the following is a repost of information that relates to Dalamatia
In the following is a release of discovery working with the Urantia Book, the
Bible and Sumerian texts.
The following picture is the foundations of the lost city of Dalamatia
discovered submerged in the Northern Persian Gulf between close to Iraq and
The information that led me to this ancient place was primarily the Urantia Book
and the Bible. I feel the Bible has reflections to these ancient places with
there description of the nephilim and Nod. Nod or the Nodites come from Dilmun
which they built. The Tower of Babel which was there shrine and was located in
Dilmun itself. The myths of Dilmun are all about the first home of the Gods
which came from Dalamatia.
NASA Worldwind software was used.

Here is another image
More pictures and information can be found in the following link.
The references I used that led me to the place on September 16-17th around 12.00
line 62: The headquarters of the Planetary Prince
on Urantia was typical of such stations on a young and developing sphere. The
nucleus of the Prince's settlement was a very simple but beautiful city,
enclosed within a wall forty feet high. This world center of culture was named
Dalamatia in honor of Daligastia.
line 110: 4. The faculty on dissemination and conservation of knowledge. This
group organized and directed the purely educational endeavors of those early
ages. It was presided over by Fad. The educational methods of Fad consisted in
supervision of employment accompanied by instruction in improved methods of
labor. Fad formulated the first alphabet and introduced a writing system. This
alphabet contained twenty-five characters. For writing material these early
peoples utilized tree barks, clay tablets, stone slabs, a form of parchment
made of hammered hides, and a crude form of paper like material made from
wasps' nests.
The headquarters of the Planetary Prince on Urantia was typical of such
stations on a young and developing sphere. The nucleus of the Prince's
settlement was a very simple but beautiful city, enclosed within a wall forty
feet high. This world center of culture was named Dalamatia in honor of
The city was laid out in ten subdivisions with the headquarters mansions of
the ten councils of the corporeal staff situated at the centers of these
subdivisions. Centermost in the city was the temple of the unseen Father. The
administrative headquarters of the Prince and his associates was arranged in
twelve chambers immediately grouped about the temple itself.
The buildings of Dalamatia were all one story except the council headquarters,
which were two stories, and the central temple of the Father of all, which was
small but three stories in height.
The city represented the best practices of those early days in building
material--brick. Very little stone or wood was used. Home building and village
architecture among the surrounding peoples were greatly improved by the
Dalamatian example.
UB "Persian" word search
The remnants of this, one of the oldest
civilizations, are to be found in these regions of Mesopotamia and to the
northeast and northwest. But still older vestiges of the days of Dalamatia
exist under the waters of the Persian Gulf, and the first Eden lies submerged
under the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea.
The elaborate records left by the Sumerians describe
the site of a remarkable settlement which was
located on the Persian Gulf near the earlier city of Dilmun.
The Egyptians called this city of ancient glory
Dilmat, while the later Adamized Sumerians confused both the first and
second Nodite cities with Dalamatia and called all three Dilmun. And
already have archaeologists found these ancient Sumerian clay tablets which
tell of this earthly paradise "where the Gods first blessed mankind with
the example of civilized and cultured life." And these tablets, descriptive of
Dilmun, the paradise of men and God, are now silently resting on the dusty
shelves of many museums
line 134: The remnants of this, one of the oldest civilizations, are to be
found in these regions of Mesopotamia and to the northeast and northwest.
But still older vestiges of the days of Dalamatia exist under the waters of
the Persian Gulf, and the first Eden lies submerged under the eastern end of
the Mediterranean Sea.
in the following is the thread that led me to search for Dalamatia. I was
debating with someone about Malta when I read the Latitude 28 and realised that
could be reference to Dalamatia, following the hunch I searched for it in the
Persian Gulf. At first I began at Bahrain and found nothing then I had a feeling
to look north which I did and discovered it.
Here some pictures on Lixus in Morocco, the
outpost of the very early Andite influence. It could give clues to the Early
Andite expansion in Morocco. The stone work seems to be similar to the stone
work of the Andites. Even though the Romans reshaped the early ruins for there
own purposes.
Know this culture also spread into Europe to Spain, Switzerland and Italy and
is evident in the region of the circles.
These are the clues.
The first King of Atlantis was Urania, Sounds very close the Uran, Urantia,
Ur. Again from the east moving west. Note the religion of the circle spread
throughout all of Europe, You could say it was revival was akin to sun and
moon worship.

Here is another view of the ancient Andite Blocks like in Baalbek
The Cyclopean Wall at Lixus on the River
Lucus, near Larache in Spanish Morocco. [/list]

and another mark of the Andites.

Here is a little something stumbled across, I wonder if its a clue to
Dalamantia looking at the latitude (this was the
point realisation to look for Dalamatia)
In Hindu legends an island of gods was destroyed during a war between the
gods and the Asuras (giant people). Which is very similar to the greek myth
of the gods Vs the Titans.
Vishnu Purana (2000 B.C.), a sanskrit text,
speaks of Atala, the "White Island," which speaks of its geographically
location, which when translated is roughly
24-28 degrees North latitude.
There is no longitude translation.
Mahabharata tells of a horrendous war that sunk Atala. It is also called the
White Island in this text. It describes it as an "island of great splendour"
in the western ocean. It is also
describes Tipura, a circular shaped capital city, which was destroyed by
being “burnt until it sank into the ocean”. [/list][/list]
The Latitude seems to fall in the Bahrain area.
Another piece of the puzzle and the Persian Gulf is the Sea to the West.
Anyway I hope you find it interesting and I hope the above gives you an insight
of how the fragments threads of truth can lead you the most wonderous places.
Job28: 26 When he
made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder:
27 Then did he see it, and declare it; he prepared it, yea, and searched it
Amos 9:11 In that day will I raise up the
tabernacle of David that is fallen, and ]close up
the breaches thereof; and I will raise up
his ruins, and I will build it as in the
days of old:
Isaiah58:11 And the Lord shall guide thee
continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou
shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters
fail not. 12 And they that shall be of thee
shall build the old waste places: thou
shalt raise up the foundations of many
generations; and thou shalt be called, ]The
repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.
Isaiah 30:26 Moreover the light of the moon
shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the
sun shall be sevenfold, as the
light of seven days, in the day that the
Lord bindeth up the breach of his people,
and healeth the stroke of their wound.
Jesus papers of the Essenes
The paths are seven
Through the Infinite Garden,
In the following is an earlier interpretation of 1stEden but could apply to
these places in extension.
JOB 38:10 And brake
up for it my decreed place, (Broke up his decreed place 1st Garden
of Eden, the garden land) and set bars and doors, (And flooded it and shut it
down) Its a description of the Eastern Mediterranean deluge.
11 And said, Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further: and
here shall thy proud waves be stayed?
(This tells that the submerged garden land must be close to eastern shoreline
at the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, the fullest extent of the deluge. Lebanese
12 Hast thou commanded the morning since thy
days; and caused the dayspring to know his place; Angels are
instructed to know these places as its to be used for the future. Its the
13 That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might
be shaken out of it? These places are connected to judgement and have been
preserved for today.
14 It is turned as clay to the seal; and
they stand as a garment. Eden and the other ancient foundations are the
seal of the mystery, the Sevenfold mystery. The angles standby like a garment
or the seal is like a garment.
15 And from the wicked their light is withholden, and the high arm shall be
broken. All this reserved for judgment. These places are preserved for the
transition and for the correction of our knowledge which includes religion and
science. Everything!!!
The Egyptian Book of the Dead
And thou shalt say: I have come, I have advanced hastily.
I cast light upon his (the deceased's)
footsteps. I am hidden, but I cast light
upon his hidden place.
Job 38:19 Where is
the way where light dwelleth? (referring to 1stEden or it could
refer to Dalamatia and what it represents physically and spiritually referring
to its associated knowledge The Urantia Book, The Bible and other books.)
and as for darkness, where is the place thereof,
Job 28: 11 He bindeth the floods from
overflowing; (filled basin of Mediterranean)
and the thing that is hid bringeth he forth to
JOB 38:6 Whereupon
are the foundations thereof fastened? or who
laid the corner stone thereof; (reference to Eden or Dalamatia,
where ark of his testament exist. the cornerstone of our ancient past.
Dalamatia was the first cornerstone where the Sons of Gods lived.)
7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for
Could be a subtle reference to Dalamatia where the Sons of God did live in
Isaiah 28:17 Judgment also will I lay to the
line, and righteousness to the plummet: (righteousness and uprightness is
measuring line of judgement.) and the hail shall
sweep away the refuge of lies, and the
waters shall overflow the hiding place.
Thats right the truth(water) revealed through the
Hidden places, the foundations will change everything and sweep away error, all
The "Ark of his Testament" could be a tablet containing the 7 commandments or a
tablet containing one of the seven commandments discovered on one of these
"the test of everything"
Well I hope that was interesting. Always remember that this research is on the
run and does evolve.
If your interested in a lively debate about the places on a End time Christian
forum be my guest.
Personally I know there is a pathway to this faith and its obvious but you would
be surprised of what some say. I must admit I myself can be corrected to! But
check it out, its interesting.
As you will see I declared a test of Everything concerning the verification of
these places. Its is interesting the response!
the best everyone
« Reply #1 on: Today at 12:56:13
am »
I also feel that these places could be directly
related to major change of all levels of knowledge. Some Chrsitians call it
judgment day. I find many clues in some books that are like literal
In light of this I would suggest bible scholars to examine the book for
themselves, there is much more to this book which I believe is connected to
the new book also its important to examine without bias or a preconcieved
position. I feel by connecting the parallels in both books widen and fills
the gaps in the end times scenario with uncanny accuracy and precision which
can be reflected in the bible..
Its like with Revelation:11 to me it almost sounds like it relates to the
expedition where directions are given for the direction of the ROV in relation
to the artifact of discovery that changes things I feel it could be a tablet
with writing. Perhaps...maybe!! Its just speculation.
These are almost like directions of where to look. But hey its only
Revelation:11 1And there was given me a reed
like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple
of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. 2 But the court which
is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto
the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two
reed like unto a rod: a reed, like a life line that is connected to
a R.O.V, the rod, the measuring stick measuring the temple.
measure the temple of God, and the altar: Measure the temple, around
the altar area there should be spring outlets close by and canals close by.
But the court which is without the temple leave out,[1] and measure it
not; leave out the courtyard there's nothing of value there. Whilst
fascinating its probably to damaged.
the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months. We
are talking about a holy city in the past
and in then in the same chapter you have the actual discovery. Whilst it
speaks of the temple of God in Heaven, these places are also temples of God on
Earth. By the opening of the temple in heaven can also parallel to the
1stEden and to other place discoveries.
19 And the temple of God was opened in
heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there
were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great
the temple of God was opened in heaven: The actual temple on the
Acropolis Hill of Eden or in the other ancient places was studied and its
mystery was opened. Its a conjoint effort of Heaven and Earth, The temple
in heaven and the original temple on Earth.
there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: Near the Altar
there was discovered "The Ark of his testament" The Evidence
possibly!, the proof, yeah!!. The discovery activating the seal in the
temple and as a response heaven activates and responds as described in the
there were lightnings, and voices, and
thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail. Heaven responds
to the discovery with all kinds of things like a response. There must come
a point in time within discovery when heaven and Earth connect in fullness
in perhaps a significant find. I would think the 7 commandments would be an
appropiate point of full connection. Its is the first law and end with the
discovery of it, the beginning and end!
also remember this regarding the thunder and lightning
Job28: 26 When
he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder:
27 Then did he see it, and declare it; he prepared it, yea, and searched it
Anyway there just some literal interpretations I thought that could be
attached to the foundations of the ancient places of which God will raise. I
believe this is happening today in the multiple ancient submerged places and
indicates that we are in possibly a process of change and correction within
the Seventh Mystery, the Sevenfold mystery.
In the fragment Revelations 14 could also be a clue even though time
sequence. Im just focusing on thunder, voices and lightning.
Revelations 14 The second woe is past; and,
behold, the third woe cometh quickly. 15 And the
seventh angel sounded; and there
were great voices in heaven, saying,
The kingdoms of this world are become the
kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and
ever. 16 And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on
their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God, 17 Saying, We give
thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come;
because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. 18
However if this the truth revealing the nations wont be happy
And the nations
were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they
should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the
prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great;
and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.
Then when the call is made you have
10And I saw another mighty angel come down
from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a
rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet
as pillars of fire: 2 And he had in his hand a
little book open: and he set his right
foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, 3 And cried with a loud
voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried,
seven thunders uttered their voices.4
And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices,
I was about to write: and I heard a voice from
heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders
uttered, and write them not. 5 And the angel which I saw stand upon
the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, 6 And sware by him
that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that
therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea,
and the things which are therein, that
there should be time no longer: 7 But
in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin
to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared
to his servants the prophets.
I still maintain the foundations are connected to the Seventh/Sevenfold
Just some thoughts.
all the best
Hi Majeston
No worries Im assuming Eden of Cyprus, Dalamatia, Dlimun and Babel in Dilmun
Northern - North Eastern Persian Gulf. There seem to be anomalies that
reflect the UB info. Dalamatia as far as I know was in war and was damaged
but a tidal wave apparently submerged the place according the UB.
Anyway have a look with the NASA worldwind.
With the latitude stuff I agree how did they get that time. Im not sure!!
What I was showing was the journey in how I got to Dalamatia in Discovery.
However it has to be verified by expeditions and analysis however that may be
difficult considering all the tensions. The post where I was led to Dalamatia
was during a debate and when I saw the 1st Susa info I thought straightaway of
Dalamatia. Eden, Dalamatia where both home of the Gods at some stage of
history and was connected to the tree of life.
I thought it was interesting though how a book and pieces of knowledge can led
to the most mysterious things that if it can be proven. If proven wow! How
impressive is the ub and all the other books that have fragments of these
Much more research has to be done Im only creating threads for further
research and connection but if its correct it could be part of the great
mystery in my view.
see what happens eh!
All the best
Hi Colter
I thought the article you posted was very interesting.
I was also impressed by your following verse.
Quote: |
"But every man shall sit under his own
vine, and no one shall make him afraid, for all people will live, each one
according to his understanding of God." |
How true is that. Sums it up to a tee!
"and no one shall make him afraid" Not using fear as a tool and showing respect
and tolerance for others in there views drawing from there own understanding of
God. A vine reminds me a book or sources of knowledge.
How true! I thought that verse is a classic!
Here is another I found on understanding
Quote: |
Colossians 2:2
That their hearts might be comforted, being
knit together in love, and unto all riches
of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the
mystery of God, and of the Father, and of
Christ; |
here is another curious from Daniel.
Quote: |
Daniel 10:1
In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a thing
was revealed unto Daniel, whose name was called Belteshazzar; and
the thing was true, but
the time appointed was long: and he
understood the thing, and had
understanding of the vision |
I wonder what the thing is of great understanding, using the word thing is
interesting, they don't reveal what the thing is. Is it an object of great
wisdom??? that perhaps changes things? or is the thing the Holy Spirit that was
to come into the future?
The next one is interesting expressing that some of/with understanding shall
fall, perhaps there understanding is wrong and in error when they purge and
persecute others with there faulty understanding, sounds like the witch hunts of
the dark ages and the wars created in the name of religion in the past and for
ultimately self purposes. Seems no different in today's timeline.
Quote: |
Daniel 11:35
And some of them of understanding shall fall,
to try them, and to purge, and to make them white,
even to the time of the end: because it is
yet for a time appointed. |
Daniels seem to be looking into the far future right up to the end. Perhaps,
then you have this
Quote: |
Mark 12:33
And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with
all the soul, and with all the strength, and to
love his neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings
and sacrifices. |
This seems to be a broad message from the Holy Spirit through Mark expressing
that love for one another is the heighest thing for man to do regardless of
differences. This means tolerance and understanding!
A broad message for all mankind.
Quote: |
Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which passeth all
understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. |
Well how true is that!
Ive been looking into the Seventh Month in the Bible. I have found the search
Here is a few verses from Haggai
Quote: |
The Glory of the New Temple
2 In the seventh month, in the one and twentieth
day of the month, came the word of the Lord by the prophet Haggai,
2 Speak now to Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to
Joshua the son of Josedech, the high priest, and to the residue of the
people, saying,
3 Who is left among you that saw this house in
her first glory? and how do ye see it now? is it not in your eyes in
comparison of it as nothing?
4 Yet now be strong, O Zerubbabel, saith the Lord; and be strong, O Joshua,
son of Josedech, the high priest; and be strong,
all ye people of the land, saith the Lord, and work: for I am with you,
saith the Lord of hosts:
5 According to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of
Egypt, so my spirit remaineth among you: fear ye not.
6 For thus saith the Lord of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I
will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land;
7 And I will shake all nations, and the desire of
all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith
the Lord of hosts.
8 The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts.
9 The glory of this latter house shall be greater
than of the former, saith the Lord of hosts:
and in this place will I give peace, saith
the Lord of hosts. |
I thought the above was interesting and I felt it had many clues to perhaps this
time. For me it makes sense. If you do a search on the Seventh month in the
Bible I feel you will find many clues that are in type for the final judgment of
mankind. Perhaps maybe!
Quote: |
John 7
4 For there is no man that doeth any thing in secret,
and he himself seeketh to be known openly. If thou do these things,
shew thyself to the world.
5 For neither did his brethren believe in him.
6 Then Jesus said unto them, My time is not yet come:
but your time is alway ready.
7 The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth,
because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.
8 Go ye up unto this feast: I go not up yet unto this feast;
for my time is not yet full come. |
and the same chapter
Quote: |
16 Jesus answered them, and said,
My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.
17 If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine,
whether it be of God, or whether
I speak of myself.
18 He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory:
but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no
unrighteousness is in him.
19 Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law?
Why go ye about to kill me? |
In Revelations it speaks of the darkening of the Moon and the sun turning red, I
always felt this could be the demise during judgment of the past religions that
used the Sun and Moon as Icons in symbolism. Here in the following is verse that
seem to connect the Sun worshipped toward the east, another religion. Again the
Sun will turn to blood in Rev, could that mean major changes that occur during
judgment that completely make these earlier religions obsolete?? Like their
shining becomes darkened and virtually diminished!.
Quote: |
Isaiah 51
Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the Lord:
look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the
hole of the pit whence ye are digged.
2 Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you: for I called
him alone, and blessed him, and increased him.
3 For the Lord shall comfort Zion: he
will comfort all her waste places; and
he will make her wilderness like Eden, and
her desert like the garden of the Lord;
joy and gladness shall be found therein,
thanksgiving, and the voice of melody. |
and finally a little
metaphor of the end times and situations in our daily lives.
Note: "Look unto the rock
whence ye are hewn" LThis could be seen relating to our origins, and then"and to
the hole of the pit whence ye are digged" reference to hidden place that must
searched for like in a submerged place found by an expedition or water
excavation. However one must first "ye that follow after righteousness, ye that
seek the Lord"
Again we see reference to the wasted places "will comfort all her waste places"
meaning to find resolve, correction and exapnsion at the same time connected to
the waste places. As result and great blessing occurs during the correction and
the captives are set free through the discovery of truth in completion where the
"her wilderness like Eden" and and "her desert like the garden of the Lord"
where everyone will enjoy "gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and
the voice of melody". Absolutely I can relate to that!
Quote: |
Luke 6:48
He is like a man which built an house, and digged
deep, and laid the foundation on a rock:
and when the flood arose, the stream beat
vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it:
for it was founded upon a rock. |
No worries Nikas
Where abouts near Tunisia, the reason I ask is that I know there is reference to
the early Andites many thousands of years before the Cathagians where they had
apparently a civilisation and apprently it was built near Carthage. I believe
these could be the same Andites that where in Malta as well with the circle
religion. Perhaps this could be the Andites originaly from Submerged Dilmun who
brought there culture with them and bult a new city. Perhaps described in your
NASA picture.
The original City of Dilmun was last to rising sea levels about 10,000 around in
the Persian Gulf.
Perhaps the Atlantis story the Egyptian priest had went down about 12,000 years
If the image is all well and good then its an intruiging find and should be
explored thoroughly. It could fill the gaps.
I just wonder about the Andite city near Tunisia that could of been there to
build such a city.
I wonder if what this piece is talking about is actually submerged underwater?
Here is the fragment Ive been trying to piece
Another great colony settled on the
Mediterranean near the later site of Carthage. And from north Africa large
numbers of Andites entered Spain and later mingled in Switzerland with their
brethren who had earlier come to Italy from the Aegean Islands
web page
Interesting find Nikas I think worthwhile persuing. It could fill some gaps and
create others.
But then the above fragment only pertains to 7000 years ago. However the Andites
out of Dilmun have being migrating east to west for thoudands of years at
various times throughout human history.
But around 14,000 years ago this was happening
About 12,000 B.C. a brilliant tribe of
Andites migrated to Crete. This was the only island settled so early by such a
superior group, and it was almost two thousand years before the descendants
of these mariners spread to the neighboring isles.
This group were the narrow-headed, smaller-statured Andites who had
intermarried with the Vanite division of the northern Nodites.
They were all under six feet in height and had been literally driven off the
mainland by their larger and inferior fellows.
These emigrants to Crete were highly skilled in textiles, metals, pottery,
plumbing, and the use of stone for building material. They engaged in writing
and carried on as herders and agriculturists
Its interesting, maybe the 14,000 year Andites
where the original inhabitants of Malta and who also had a close by submerged
commercial city!!
Perhaps an Andite circular city inhabited by Andite people.
Seem like a few clues
[ 02-19-2007, 05:25 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]
No worries Nikas
Where abouts near Tunisia, the reason I ask is that I know there is reference to
the early Andites many thousands of years before the Cathagians where they had
apparently a civilisation and apprently it was built near Carthage. I believe
these could be the same Andites that where in Malta as well with the circle
religion. Perhaps this could be the Andites originaly from Submerged Dilmun who
brought there culture with them and bult a new city. Perhaps described in your
NASA picture.
The original City of Dilmun was last to rising sea levels about 10,000 around in
the Persian Gulf.
Perhaps the Atlantis story the Egyptian priest had went down about 12,000 years
If the image is all well and good then its an intruiging find and should be
explored thoroughly. It could fill the gaps.
I just wonder about the Andite city near Tunisia that could of been there to
build such a city.
I wonder if what this piece is talking about is actually submerged underwater?
Here is the fragment Ive been trying to piece
Another great colony settled on
the Mediterranean near the later site of Carthage. And from north Africa
large numbers of Andites entered Spain and later mingled in Switzerland with
their brethren who had earlier come to Italy from the Aegean Islands
web page
Interesting find Nikas I think worthwhile persuing. It could fill some gaps and
create others.
But then the above fragment only pertains to 7000 years ago. However the Andites
out of Dilmun have being migrating east to west for thoudands of years at
various times throughout human history.
But around 14,000 years ago this was happening
About 12,000 B.C. a brilliant
tribe of Andites migrated to Crete. This was the only island settled so early
by such a superior group, and it was almost two thousand years before the
descendants of these mariners spread to the neighboring isles.
This group were the narrow-headed, smaller-statured Andites who had
intermarried with the Vanite division of the northern Nodites.
They were all under six feet in height and had been literally driven off the
mainland by their larger and inferior fellows.
These emigrants to Crete were highly skilled in textiles, metals, pottery,
plumbing, and the use of stone for building material. They engaged in writing
and carried on as herders and agriculturists
Its interesting, maybe the 14,000 year
Andites where the original inhabitants of Malta and who also had a close by
submerged commercial city!!
Perhaps an Andite circular city inhabited by Andite people.
Seem like a few clues
Actually Nikas I just read the above post by Georgeous and you will have to pass
his requirements to have credibility.
I must say I passed Georgeous standard to the best I could in as I print
screened worldwind, added a few comments of what I thought and then save in jpg,
no filters or layers. Just raw material that was copied notified people where I
found so they could see for themselves.
Youll have to show that honesty and willingness to share it to get the
confidence of others.
Its like in my enquiry I show you where Im coming from and ask in filling the
gaps about your picture and to find its a fake would be just an insult to all of
us, im sure.
I hope the pic is true! It would be good if its true and well intentioned.
yeah man! or else your ass is Atlantis
grass in relation to your credibility. I hope your true.
[ 02-19-2007, 05:35 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 8:57 pm
Post subject:
Oh Ok
III have to download a high resolution of world wind.
I have to look around, if you could provide a coordinates that would be great.
Least we can an idea.
Nikas if that is a carving on the shoreline in Tunisia there must more
information of an early settlement around there.
These could very well the ruins that an Italian team discovered perhaps but I
never heard anything more about it.
If you snap shot some more images to give us an idea that's great! Like a further
distance away with arrows to landmarks that are close by that would be good to.
[ 02-19-2007, 03:04 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 2:32 am
Post subject:
It sure would be something else. I'm sure that all the scriptures and other
writing from different cultures are some how are coming together in a unity.
Where the fragment that contained relevant to these places are coming together
as we get further to the truth of the matter.
I personally believe its a huge puzzle coming to a completion which I feel has
the potential to change everything concerning our history, knowledge, science
and religions. I believe this is somehow linked to the final great mystery and
may possibly represent change for the planet. The journey is very vast and very
I'm glad you came to this forum and shared your ideas, coming
from the Toth prospective is another pathway to the ancient places. Regardless
what the truth of Toth is I can certainly recognise markers in the translation
and a strong sense of commonality with the UB except for the rituals and
procedures. However its intriguing and has similar overviews as with the UB. I
feel there are connections and parallels. There are many commonalities in this
whole thing that encompasses the ancient places of our origins and it was all
seen beforehand.
All the best
Hi Sarah
I just want to say that I admire your work and your commitment to truth. I
just really pray and hope for good things to come in the future where healing
will come for all the nations through an obvious expansion.
An expansion that would be long lasting and of a eternal nature that provides
the conditions for the Brotherhood of Mankind in the real sense so that this
barbarity is never experience by a nation or of a people.
All the best in your endeavours I appreciate your work and yet sad that these
people lost there lives for such an untruth that was promoted.
Isaiah 51
Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the
Lord: look unto the rock whence ye are hewn,
and to the hole of the pit whence ye are
2 Look unto Abraham your father, and unto
Sarah that bare you: for I called
him alone, and blessed him, and increased him.
3 For the Lord shall comfort Zion: he
will comfort all her waste places; and
he will make her wilderness like Eden, and
her desert like the garden of the Lord; joy and gladness shall be found
therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody.
All the best
« Last Edit: Today at 09:43:32 pm by
sevens » |
Are u my fan, becase Seven is one of
them, he just can't admit it....ahahaha
seven you use to be the nr#1 fan of Sarmast, what happened?
Hey Nikas, I support Sarmast in his
theory absolutely and also he has confirmed the UB info about the stone wall and
he still has to explore the Acropolis Hill and the Quarry to the North with a
core sample.
Why should I drop support for him. Also his discoveries are directly related to
my discoveries in the Persian Gulf and part of the great mystery.
Because we were persistent and had the right attitude in our own direction we
were both blessed with and led to the ancient cities and locations. Eden,
Dalamatia, Dlimun and Babel however an expedition is required to Persian Gulf
You still have to show more and like where in relation to the pics. This is not
a matter of popularity or ego its all to do with discovery or to making a ego
point to Qoasis because of my interest and trying to capatilise on it.
Also its not a city just carvings as you say.
It looks interesting so Im interested.
I contacted Qoasis because I thought she should be interested in this. This is
not a matter of games or a popularity contest or follow the so called leader
thing agenda.
I'm very satisfied with my personal discoveries but I thought you may have come
across something worthwhile exploring, you still have to prove things.
You're still in the world of non glory and until it can be verified then I
suppose you have self glory. What you desire! I wonder if the Gods will bless
you? It depends on your attitude towards the ancient places and the first
Anyway all the best with the carvings or whatever they are. You still have to
You know Nikas, I believe these locations are attached to a major change of the
planet in religion and science. Everything is being tested at the moment.
Attitude and motivation is the prime thing that will be observed. All the
discoveries have nothing to do with power or influence of others but to bring
about the Brotherhood of mankind and Fatherhood of God.
Self vain gloriousness attitude will really be something of the past as in
"those days" and actually looks ugly spiritually it will be an attitude of the
past. Just don't turn good intentions into ugliness by leveraging on them for
personal ego use. Pride is the destroyer of man, he always falls when filled
with pride!
[ 02-20-2007, 02:02 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Hey Qoasis
Good to here for you . I suppose we shall see with Nikas pics.
To be honest my views have changed about the Atlantis Story and where it
originated from.
I thinking the Story has imbeds of the Dilmun story that would of submerged
around 10,000 years ago or more.
Its just my thoughts.
I feel the story is has a mix of Eden of Cyprus with respect to the Hill and the
submerged landmass and the politics, the circles from Dilmun and perpetuated
when it sunk with the Andite spread throughout the Med and Europe.
Another consideration is the 3 concentric circles of Melchizedek who was revered
by the Pharaoh at that time 4000 years ago. Could they of made there way into
the story some how. There is no way to prove it except through circumstantial
evidence in the reflections we see.
Also I feel the rings of Bashan could be a clue apparently they are 5000 years
old even before Melchizedek.
I feel the art of the Egyptians originally came from Dilmun and from earlier
Andites with memories of Dilmun and Dalamatia which was also a city of the Gods.
I also think the Egyptian religion is a reflection of Dilmun and source
reflections of Dalamatia by the use of the word Dilmat (the UB) as the name of
the home of the Gods where the celestial foods were kept in there estates (the
maat from Book of the Dead). The Ub directly links Egyptian to Dalamatia through
Dilmat I think that is significant.
I think the marker is the use of the circle in the Egyptian art which may of
came from Babel in Dilmun being a circular temple and a mix from glory
reflections from Dalamatia.
Just some thoughts
Ya never know tho!
How true Qoasis
The exploration of these places need funds. With the billions of dollars around
you would think someone would be inspired to search these places even for funs
With what I see on the NASA images. I can see the 10 divisions and the wall and
to the east are the walls of Dilmun and the circular foundations of Babel in
The only thing I want to find are the Seven commands inscribed on Stone slabs
that should be still there according to the UB clues pointing to Dalamatia. That
should clear up any confusion to the Location. The Seven Commands inscribed on
stone slabs. This is what I propose for these places, the test of everything
where all our knowledge is put on the table.
No crap, we read and we see and hopefully discover.
If successfull that should change world history, science and religion. A change
that came from the words of the Fathers Way. How symbolic is that of the
Universal Father!! and his entry into the scenario directly with the first
commands. Isn't that a real witness of universal government bring us back to the
basics of living through the worldwide proclamation of the 7 Seven commands
through a presentation that is presented worldwide. Simultaneously!! What
riveting effect that would have on the spiritual level of the planet through
realisation in discovery and truth!
I read, I see
all the best
[ 02-20-2007, 04:11 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Posted: Wed Feb
21, 2007 10:58 am
Post subject:
Hi Colter
I enjoyed all the connections you made. I thought that was fantastic research
about the angels and your research on the Sumerian influence with reagrds to
Angels. I thought your pics were great. Here is a few verses I found in Psalms.
Quote: |
Psalm 18:10
And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: yea, he did fly upon the wings of
the wind |
Quote: |
Psalm 36:7
How excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God! therefore the children of men
put their trust under the shadow of thy wings |
Quote: |
Psalm 139:9
If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in
the uttermost parts of the sea; |
Quote: |
Psalm 57:1
Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in
thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make
my refuge, until these calamities be overpast. |
Quote: |
Psalm 61:4 (Read all of Psalm 61)
I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever: I will trust in the covert of thy
wings. Selah |
Quote: |
Psalm 63:7
Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the
shadow of thy wings will I rejoice. |
Quote: |
Psalm 91:4
He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under
his wings shalt thou trust: his truth
shall be thy shield and buckler. |
Quote: |
Psalm 104:3
Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the
waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the
wind: |
Quote: |
Ecclesiastes 10:20
Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy
bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry
the voice, and that
which hath wings
shall tell the
matter. |
Quote: |
Ezekiel 1:8
And they had the hands of a man under their wings
on their four sides; and they four had
their faces and their wings. |
Quote: |
Ezekiel 1:11
Thus were their faces: and their wings were stretched upward;
two wings of every one were joined one to
another, and two covered their bodies. |
sounds like point of departure!
I thought some of those verses where outstanding and knowing the UB/R
understanding of the angels really makes a completion for me.
I enjoyed the post Colter for sure. I learnt alot from them.
I hope you find blessing in the above quotes. for sure!
and lastly
Quote: |
4. Assistant Teachers. The assistant
teachers are the helpers and associates of their fellow seraphim, the
teaching counselors. They are also individually connected with the extensive
educational enterprises of the local universe,
especially with the sevenfold scheme of
training operative on the mansion worlds
of the local systems.
A marvelous corps of this order of seraphim
functions on Urantia for the purpose of fostering and furthering the cause
of truth and righteousness. |
Quote: |
Early in the materialization of the
universal creation the sevenfold scheme of the superuniverse organization
and government was formulated. The first post-Havona creation was divided
into seven stupendous segments, and the headquarters worlds of these
superuniverse governments were designed and constructed.
The present scheme of administration has existed
from near eternity, and the rulers of these seven superuniverses are rightly
called Ancients of Days. |
I believe the operations to the ancient places 1stEden, Dalamatia, Dilmun and
the foundations of Babel are all part of the operations of the Sevenfold Scheme.
The Sevenfold is also a marker of the ancients of Days that is strewn in all our
history. It goes so far back in the early religions of both Mesopotamia, The
Greeks (Javan pre Greeks) and Sumerian, the Book of Enoch and in many books of
different cultures.
Thanks Colter that was very edifying and I had a great laugh about your comment
on the picture. That was a great laugh. Again they seem like everyday regular
nice people.
You know there is just so much commonality in the above posts. Its just great
stuff to see everyone contributing there piece of research. Stone upon stone and
rock upon rock.
That's whats happening here. I just pray and have faith that this maybe the
circuit breaker in Iran that may bring an enlightenment in the area and sue for
peace and dis-arment. Really be an eye opener! Well all I can do is have faith.
I know the mountains are huge with what we see occurring over there, one could
be discouraged. But you never know how the perception of this could arouse
curiosity and stimulate a desire the seek for truth as an alternative.
If the Seven commands where found, deciphered and broadcast, that would be
something else. The Father enters the ring personally!!!! That would an official
sign I would say if that was to occur. That would be an official Paradise
proclamation but for it to occur things have to be done!!
The have to be done is the expedition and discover the cities and the seven
commands. "The test of all things"
Anyway some people think that I'm mad by releasing this. Well I'm mad and the
reason I do this because I believe its a living mystery contained in the books
that is bidding us to the discovery of its pearls as it released on the run more
information is discovered and released as people become involved in the research
and part take like Colter it build on the journey to the ancient places
following the timeline and I believe messages contained in prophecy and
proclamation. I think the Bible has much of the mystery as I have demonstrated
in my shor time here and does compliment the UR in filling the Gaps but taking
nothing away. Combine all the books of all religions and the fragments
pertaining to the grea
Hi Colter
I enjoyed all the connections you made. I thought that was fantastic research
about the angels and your research on the Sumerian influence with reagrds to
Angels. I thought your pics were great. Here is a few verses I found in Psalms.
Quote: |
Psalm 18:10
And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: yea, he did fly upon the wings of
the wind |
Quote: |
Psalm 36:7
How excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God! therefore the children of men
put their trust under the shadow of thy wings |
Quote: |
Psalm 139:9
If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in
the uttermost parts of the sea; |
Quote: |
Psalm 57:1
Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in
thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make
my refuge, until these calamities be overpast. |
Quote: |
Psalm 61:4 (Read all of Psalm 61)
I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever: I will trust in the covert of thy
wings. Selah |
Quote: |
Psalm 63:7
Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the
shadow of thy wings will I rejoice. |
Quote: |
Psalm 91:4
He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under
his wings shalt thou trust: his truth
shall be thy shield and buckler. |
Quote: |
Psalm 104:3
Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the
waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the
wind: |
Quote: |
Ecclesiastes 10:20
Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy
bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry
the voice, and that
which hath wings
shall tell the
matter. |
Quote: |
Ezekiel 1:8
And they had the hands of a man under their wings
on their four sides; and they four had
their faces and their wings. |
Quote: |
Ezekiel 1:11
Thus were their faces: and their wings were stretched upward;
two wings of every one were joined one to
another, and two covered their bodies. |
sounds like point of departure!
I thought some of those verses where outstanding and knowing the UB/R
understanding of the angels really makes a completion for me.
I enjoyed the post Colter for sure. I learnt alot from them.
I hope you find blessing in the above quotes. for sure!
and lastly
Quote: |
4. Assistant Teachers. The assistant
teachers are the helpers and associates of their fellow seraphim, the
teaching counselors. They are also individually connected with the extensive
educational enterprises of the local universe,
especially with the sevenfold scheme of
training operative on the mansion worlds
of the local systems.
A marvelous corps of this order of seraphim
functions on Urantia for the purpose of fostering and furthering the cause
of truth and righteousness. |
Quote: |
Early in the materialization of the
universal creation the sevenfold scheme of the superuniverse organization
and government was formulated. The first post-Havona creation was divided
into seven stupendous segments, and the headquarters worlds of these
superuniverse governments were designed and constructed.
The present scheme of administration has existed
from near eternity, and the rulers of these seven superuniverses are rightly
called Ancients of Days. |
I believe the operations to the ancient places 1stEden, Dalamatia, Dilmun and
the foundations of Babel are all part of the operations of the Sevenfold Scheme.
The Sevenfold is also a marker of the ancients of Days that is strewn in all our
history. It goes so far back in the early religions of both Mesopotamia, The
Greeks (Javan pre Greeks) and Sumerian, the Book of Enoch and in many books of
different cultures.
Thanks Colter that was very edifying and I had a great laugh about your comment
on the picture. That was a great laugh. Again they seem like everyday regular
nice people.
You know there is just so much commonality in the above posts. Its just great
stuff to see everyone contributing there piece of research. Stone upon stone and
rock upon rock.
That's what's happening here. I just pray and have faith that this maybe the
circuit breaker in Iran that may bring an enlightenment in the area and sue for
peace and dis-arment. Really be an eye opener! Well all I can do is have faith.
I know the mountains are huge with what we see occurring over there, one could
be discouraged. But you never know how the perception of this could arouse
curiosity and stimulate a desire the seek for truth as an alternative.
If the Seven commands where found, deciphered and broadcast, that would be
something else. The Father enters the ring personally!!!! That would an official
sign I would say if that was to occur. That would be an official Paradise
proclamation but for it to occur things have to be done!!
The have to be done is the expedition and discover the cities and the seven
commands. "The test of all things"
Anyway some people think that I'm mad by releasing this. Well I'm mad and the
reason I do this because I believe its a living mystery contained in the books
that is bidding us to the discovery of its pearls as it released on the run more
information is discovered and released as people become involved in the research
and part take like Colter it build on the journey to the ancient places
following the timeline and I believe messages contained prophecy and
proclamation. I think the Bible has much of the mystery as I have demonstrated
in my short time here and does compliment the UR in filling the Gaps but taking
nothing away. Combine all the books of all religions and the fragments
pertaining to the great mystery and you have a colossal picture with a timeline
and focalization on the wasted places of former glory where some change or
judgment occurs. Perhaps a correction of some sort.
This journey on all various forums forms part of the journey to the places based
on faith, books, guidance of the Father. If this manifests and occurs this could
change allot of things that would warrant investigation and a review of all the
books of religion in a greater understanding that expands our religion and
I'm afraid by releasing this journey nothing much will change in the world,
everyone will still have there ideas upon things...business as usual. I'm afraid
its up to the Father to make that final impression. If the Seven commands are
discovered that could be a major seal. An entry point that comes from our
origins. A voice from the past, A gateway and entry point of the Father in the
fight for mankind.
Believe me this is no funny business, its a real true story and its unfolding as
we get closer to the ancient places and we discover more.
History coming back at us with the Fathers Way Wow in light of what's happening
today the Fathers way could be the 3rd alternative. From the heavenly government
of the Paradise Trinity and the Ancients of Days.
So you have this scenario
Christian in conflict with Islam vice versa
Then Paradise Trinity, Ancients of Days comes into light.
That would turn everything upside down!
AHHH its a thought, just thoughts and speculations. See what happens! But so far
I haven't been disappointed, not at all.
All the best
Hey Ideo
Thanks bro, Ive been on this endtime forum forum and posting much. Been
discovering heaps of stuff about the foundations of the wasted places. Really
cool stuff. I think all the pieces of the puzzle is coming together into a
climax! perhaps.
I'm not disappointed at all but rather intrigued and quite excited. Its all in
the Bible to in fragmentary sense. It really points to these ancient places and
mystery is surrounded that leads to change.
Thanks for your encouragement! bro and great discoveries in your rocks. Amazing
you looking for the rocks and I'm looking for the 7 commands inscribed on stone
slabs. Synchronicity!
all the best
Nikas, you never proved a thing on Discovery of
Atlantis. Google earth Bathy is vastly different to NASA. You need better
data...like an expedition. By the way weren't you trying to solicit money on the
forum, thats why you got banned.
You show no evidence that some one could touch. You havent found a thing. Except
for images and we only have one.
By the way where is your link, you know the public NASA link, where is it! The
more time elapses the worse it gets for you! Stop stalling with more your crazy
I can I take you serious when you
were bragging about Sarmast wall and now you don’t talk about it anymore
Thats becuase Im busy with the other
locations discovered Dalamatia, Dilmun and Babel in Dilmun and it takes up much
time in the research. Everything that I have said about Sarmasts project I feel
comfortable with. I think its all part of prophecy
I dont waver from that becuase you can read about the stone wall in the UB and
you can see it in the position that Robert Sarmast predicted with a book
beforehand. Sure its not man made, thats ok But its still a stone wall and its
straight and its there.
They became enraged at their
inability to benefit from the tree of life, and in connection with one of
their internal wars, the temple and the tree were both destroyed by fire;
only the stone wall stood until the Garden was subsequently submerged.
This was the second temple of the Father to perish.
web page
Verified by Robert Sarmast.
He was lead in his own way but in the same principle as I was led to the ancient
submerged places in the Persian Gulf. Thats where my study is.
Also the project is not over because there is a clue that points to the
Acropolis Hill where it was enlarged, that means to me "manmade" there may be
some evidence on the top of the hill and at the base and there is some images
that look cicular and unnatural at the base ond on top The images in the members
section of Discovery of Atlantis website in the Captn Bates hypothesis.
Plus there is the quarry location in the shape of a square where half is washed
away. But there is a terraced hillside and a quarry area at the base of the
unusual feature.
Here is the clue
Soon after their awakening, Adam and
Eve were escorted to the formal reception on the great mound to the north
of the temple. This natural hill had been enlarged and made ready
for the installation of the world's new rulers. Here, at noon, the Urantia
reception committee welcomed this Son and Daughter of the system of Satania.
Amadon was chairman of this committee, which consisted
Now this enlarged Hill could be the
Acropolis Hill of Cyprus or the the half sqaure location to the North by
kilometers across the N
I can I take you serious when you
were bragging about Sarmast wall and now you don’t talk about it anymore
Thats becuase Im busy with the other
locations discovered Dalamatia, Dilmun and Babel in Dilmun and it takes up much
time in the research. Everything that I have said about Sarmasts project I feel
comfortable with. I think its all part of prophecy
I dont waver from that becuase you can read about the stone wall in the UB and
you can see it in the position that Robert Sarmast predicted with a book
beforehand. Sure its not man made, thats ok But its still a stone wall and its
straight and its there.
They became enraged at their
inability to benefit from the tree of life, and in connection with one of
their internal wars, the temple and the tree were both destroyed by fire;
only the stone wall stood until the Garden was subsequently submerged.
This was the second temple of the Father to perish.
web page
Verified by Robert Sarmast.
He was lead in his own way but in the same principle as I was led to the ancient
submerged places in the Persian Gulf. Thats where my study is.
Also the project is not over because there is a clue that points to the
Acropolis Hill where it was enlarged, that means to me "manmade" there may be
some evidence on the top of the hill and at the base and there is some images
that look cicular and unnatural at the base ond on top The images in the members
section of Discovery of Atlantis website in the Captn Bates hypothesis.
Plus there is the quarry location in the shape of a square where half is washed
away. But there is a terraced hillside and a quarry area at the base of the
unusual feature.
Here is the clue
Soon after their awakening, Adam and
Eve were escorted to the formal reception on the great mound to the north
of the temple. This natural hill had been enlarged and made ready
for the installation of the world's new rulers. Here, at noon, the Urantia
reception committee welcomed this Son and Daughter of the system of Satania.
Amadon was chairman of this committee, which consisted
Now this enlarged Hill could be the
Acropolis Hill of Cyprus or the the half sqaure location to the North by
kilometers across the Northern side of the Acropolis.
web page
So that's the clue Nikas. Its not over in any way stretch even though you hope,
im sure.
Even if it takes the ancient other places to support 1stEden it will. All these
places are connected and do uphold each other and from my studies in the all the
books of religion its a Paradise project and its all in prophecy and mystery in
relation to the wasted places and the foundations of former glories of our
The thing about this project is that it has vast depth in the books and it has
purpose and will have results being mankind project. I also believe its
connected directly with Jesus, the Father , The Melchizedek the whole array of
Anyway that's what I reckon, you should get into it. If you can prove that you
have discovered it like an email from NASA to confirm the anomaly that's great!
and more reference pictures as to the location that would be good.
Like all your images. I don't know about them completely. I'm not that
convinced, Sorry man I don't mean to hurt your feelings because its research of
the heart and soul, whatever the motivation!
I reckon verifying the rings would be great and does add to the UB research in
some areas perhaps.
I reckon that's a good find it can be shown without doubt and without all the
false reassurance.
Yeah Yeah there on the way! for sure, for sure there coming soon! or trust me!
trust me! how often does that happen in life. When people say that I squirm!!!!
especially from you NIKAS! AHAAAAHhh
Nikas if I cant see anything that I would be convinced with verification of some
scientific team soon. I then I will think you copied and overlayed it on the
image or something.
Sorry but I would expect more when somebody discovers something and cant wait to
tell there friends of the find.
Oh about when you say I proved Sarmast wrong. No way man!! You haven't got
anything except Google Bathy which can be different to the NASA presentation run
through a Photoshop filter.
However you have other software. What is it? Maybe I can use it to further
discover Dalamatia, Dilmun and Babel.
Lets see how honest and giving you are? pursuant of truth rather self glory. Oh
NIKAAASSS OH NIKAASSS! the exploeeeerrr... is that what you want?
The discoveries are great in future forecast but it how you get there that is
the witness, that's the beauty! and the great leap of faith it requires.
[ 02-21-2007, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
This is just a simple example
because the robot is going to meet rather more complicated ones. Now, what
Seven (human) would do in this case, beside call Sarmast for help? Will he use
his past experience, his own déjà vu to get the best decision?
You are absolutely mad Nikas I
think you looking into the wrong areas. But its research where assume an
outcome based on a certain reality . However its based on a reality that
doesn't exist, is not reality man! Your basing your hypothesis of
Sarmast and myself asking for help or something which is not reality. So
your wrong! Already.
Another area where you are grossly wrong is that my experience and
Sarmasts is a beforehand experience, everything about the journey is in
the future and events and discoveries leading to a manifestation through
books. It has nothing to do with Dejavu but it is the reflection of past
events recorded with beforehand insight that was added to the timeline
that is being accumulated in this time sequence as seen beforehand. The
journey is past present and future experience beforehand and afterwards
if that makes sense!
Its all to do with timeline realties of the past and the future coming
to a defining in moment as seen in the books of the past.
Nikas your thoughts seem to beyond the common man. This journey is very
plain and simple but supernal. It involves a message with discoveries of
multiple locations. When man in future and reflects upon the record he
will see this very easily and simple and be amazed at what we thought at
this time now. Its all on record for the future generations who will
easily follow the journey to the ancient places.
Also you say this image of the circles is an 100 meter carving. Now
suddenly people are thinking its a city. Already there is an assumption
based on Nikas word and on one image. What's the story I would be making
of images by now, going crazy.
I reckon the real Spielberg movie is in the true journey of the test of
everything which is the true reality that is currently happening with
the ancient places. as Eden, Dalamatia, Dilmun and Babel and the
discovery of the cities and the Seven commands. That would be the great
evolutional/revelational up step experience for mankind. This is the
true experience of truth and knowledge in the timeline rather than
Artificial intelligence is in the realms of the beholder only. Whilst
this is universal. At the same time I don't discourage your work in AI
good luck to you.
Anything less of truth and reality is speculation and hypothesis and
most of all fiction!! People want truth, not fiction and something they
can easily see and simply work it out for themselves without taking
anything away from them.
I'm glad this experience is a true story and real and people can follow
it and its evolution from the beginning as the pieces foundations where
put together along the timeline so there is no denying!
That's the real spiritual science behind it all which encompasses but is
beyond mathematical computation and AI theories. This goes beyond maths
and binary, this is a multiplicity of realties in the convergence of
oneness of knowledge and in the space time continuum reaching levels of
the infinite touching eternity in truth and in discovery.
Work that one out.
Also about your Mr Spielberg deal
What! are you flouting scripts on other peoples work or something! IS
that what's entering you mind and taking advantage or something. Oh well
it could be prophecy in the making...maybe your fulfilling it??
Considering the motivation of the need for taking the credit for it and
making money to further your own self van glory thoughts to fund your
self ambitions and particularly if somehow its true of something else
but you build a erroneous doctrine of self glory of self vanity, it
could be a danger. You know the places could be defiled with an attitude
like that?? and something like this was seen about the temple and these
places are the temples.
Anyway just a thought! See what happens. I could be over speculating
here. But see what happens!
[ 02-21-2007, 05:07 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Youre a fool Nikas , Off course you
would say there is nothing there regarding Dalamatia. Show us!
Im not interested in your games. Big Deal? Youre just playing games becuase you
need recognition.
Its all games, No truth in anything you really say at this point, that I can
truly witness undeniable and agreed with or recognized by others. The ole trust
me business! believe me, I swear that, I swear this, so where is this new great
new link.
In my original post I was interested in your find and encouraged you with
willingness to help, if I could but then you twist it all around by turning good
intentions into some popularity or ego contest with stupid assumptions of
influence over others that dont exist except in your mind!
Its just amazing within 12 hrs you you claim there nothing in Dalamatia and
while we have to wait days, if not more days for these new links and expansions
of your so called 100 meter carving which is now the city Atlantis. As you claim
on your site but then in early in your post you say its not Atlantis just a
carving. Confusion already.
Least with the Dalamatia images they have a NASA stamp on the image and they did
say everthing seem fine with the data. Thats all I can say.
By the way what this new software your talking about? No mention of that.
I mean to say if your going reveal something to the world. I would expect
transparency rather than all the cat and mouse games and avoiding posting the
right stuff people need to see and know. regarding how, what and where and with
what? and how I got there.
Anyway there is the Nasa public link of the original images of Dalamatia. So we
know it has credibility with an official agency using there software. The
original images!
By the way, where your official Nasa link of the original image. Everyone is
still awaiting!!
Forget about images, do you know
that most of the people in website have seen the image but you. I will
never show anything.
Well there you go!
Since most people have seen the new images has anyone got anything further to
Do they have the heads up on it?
And regarding your theories, honestly there are so many theories and ideas
around and you base everything on one story essentially! So already I know it has
a narrow field of vision and I think personaly it doesnt rate as compared to
what has been found and connected in all the books of past religion which
includes prophecy.
Im only interested in what is there in truth not the mucking around to get there
because of ones school like attitude.
Oh well looks like you not going to reveal so one can expect that there some
funny business going on! and cant be relied on.
Youre being selective for a reason.
I reckon the reason for you being selective is that you want to develop your own
NIKAS cult. hahahahaha...The NIAkS cult OOOHHHH NIKKAAASSSSS!
We already seen a glimpse of your
doctrines! People want to put faith in them well good luck to them! They'll need
[ 02-22-2007, 10:52 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]
So in this image you have an obvious triangle that overlays the southern canal
of the so called ringed carving.
web page
and then suddenly as if by magic in this image the triangle overlay is gone and
suddenly the canals are exposed.
web page
AHH come on Nikas thats all your photoshop work. I cant buy into onto anything
you say now!
I reckon those bare false claims!! Anything different will only be the 3rd
version. How can anyone trust that for a minute.
On top of it you say this
These are different images taken
by satellite or Active Sonar.
What! you don't know the origins of
the picture and haven't addressed that with an official agency. Just another
nail in the coffin as far as I'm concerned to the NIKAS theory and the so called
evidence of Photoshop!
Anyway I don't think I have anymore to
add to this thread. In the final analysis I think the whole thing is a scam and
a set up to fill your coffers using error ideas and thoughts of grandeur. Unless
real evidence comes to light and I mean real discovery evidence based on an
expedition or NASA proclaiming the images publicly. The whole thing is just a
money raising scam by creating false confidence! Same thing happened in the
discovery of Atlantis site! That's why he got banned, that's the real reason.
Not because he proved anything new, why would any be banned because of a theory.
Doesn't make sense to ban a theory as light on as Nikas's
As far as I'm concerned this subject and what it purports is tested and has
failed my personal test of the facts of the matter.
It doesn't stack up along with the
characteristics of discovery when it happens and in the general attitude.
[ 02-22-2007, 11:17 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Well none of you have proven a thing
both Epsilon and Nikas.
The Video is very interesting in the respect that she speaks of the ruins of
5000 years old even though the Andites where there 7000 years ago.
Here is connection link
By 5000 B.C. the three purest
strains of Adam's descendants were in Sumeria, northern Europe, and Greece.
The whole of Mesopotamia was being slowly deteriorated by the stream of mixed
and darker races which filtered in from Arabia. And the coming of these
inferior peoples contributed further to the scattering abroad of the biologic
and cultural residue of the Andites. From all over the fertile crescent the
more adventurous peoples poured westward to the islands. These migrants
cultivated both grain and vegetables, and they brought domesticated animals
with them.
About 5000 B.C. a mighty host of progressive Mesopotamians moved out of the
Euphrates valley and settled upon the island of Cyprus; this civilization was
wiped out about two thousand years subsequently by the barbarian hordes from
the north.
Another great colony settled on the Mediterranean near the later site of
Carthage. And from north Africa large numbers of Andites entered Spain and
later mingled in Switzerland with their brethren who had earlier come to Italy
from the Aegean Islands.
So there was a great Andite colony
that was near and before Carthage. The old great Andite settlement must be
either submerged ruins near Carthage at a shallow depth or somewhere on land on
the coast Tunisia! near Carthage.
The circle religion would of been close to the Andites and I believe its the
same people who left there circle religion marker behind as by the Evidence in
The ruins look identical to the Andite constructions that are similar to that
in Lixus, Inca other areas that where the product of the Andite nomads who lost
there homeland and migrated all over the world and brought there religions and
technology with them. That's all it is.
The Andites originally come from the Mesopotamian area and I can prove there
existence in Peru as well from around 5000 years ago, where they admixed with
the Inca of the area then.
When they speak of 5000 years its a little different to 10,000 years of when
Atlantis supposedly sunk from 600BC so that's 12,5000 years ago.
Epsilon if you buy the Nikas stuff I reckon you're just as pathetic.
Where is your evidence or maybe you want to share it with us since you have all
this new knowledge and see how it tests out.
I believe the girl in the Malta video more than Nikas as she prove more so the
Urantia Book information than Nikas sloppy theory.
Give everyone a break. This is the same stunt as on the Atlantis site. I don't
know who is more pathetic.
Nothing about these extra pics so forget it. Bad stunt both of you.
[ 02-22-2007, 04:23 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Come on Cat you show no counter
evidence and you don't read any posts at all, where's your links, analysis and
official images!! eh!!! eh!! All you show a re sarcastic one liners and that's
all your capable off.
Like Ive said a million times.
The stone wall as mentioned in the UB was discovered and the Acropolis Hill has
to still be investigated thoroughly the same goes for terraced hill and the
quarry area of which we have side scan images from ifermer off the northern
site. Not images that are manipulated with Photoshop to suit a desire for a
It could very well be the hill that was enlarged as mentioned in the UB.
So the project isn't finished yet and at look you so called researchers, bloody
lousy researchers claiming victory all ready when the project isn't over yet!
You guys are useless with your false claims of nothing!
All you're comments is just a bunch of tripe just hoping that the Discovery of
Atlantis doesn't work out. You guys are just useless when pursuant of truth only
if it suits your convenient filled theories with pride and prejudice. That's all
guys have theories and one story with no evidence. Well done!
Gee you cant talk you don't even show a thing just sit on your back sides
winging all day long, full of nothing comments.
The UB book simply proves you all wrong as opposed to your side show alley
If you read in the earlier posts of Nikass circle thread. I was quite happy to
help out as I thought he might of found something significant then he becomes a
turn coat and lays all these mind trips of people. Such a foolish way of
thinking this superior I am rubbish.
The, Ive got one over you crap or the trust me, trust me garbage.
By the way when I mean terraced Hill to the North of the Acropolis Hill I mean a
big terraced, half square Hill with the quarry at the base of the terraced hill.
The Hill and its all terraces are like what you see in Asia and in some places
in Spain.
There is no way this hill could be natural with our manipulation its been worked
for growing food and water diversion thousands of years ago.
Maybe if you checked out the members section you could see the image in the Capt
Bates hypothesis. You guys wont do that because it will show you up as wrong in
your wrong hopeful thoughts.
Suffer the truth as it becomes more apparent over time.
The only credible researcher on this forum who attempts to do something in the
way of discovery is Georgeous.
His is the only one along with Sarmast and Little to go there and put there
money where there mouth is. The rest who want to destroy this good project are
only wingers who live in there arm chair researchers big deal! bunch of cowards.
The rest are participants in a talk fest that goes around in circles.
Man, they only your own thoughts and
theories that doesnt mean you can prove anything.
You show nothing Nikas just assuming what you may think. All based on
speculation, that doesn't prove a thing.
Also you don't even answer the mention of the terraced hill to the North.
Because you don't want because that is a major hurdle for you. You can get
around it until after the next expedition.
Really its all stupid talk until all the results are in after a complete
investigation. There is more to say or do.
Why don't you shut up about all this "I will prove Sarmast wrong" and all the
other crap and just concentrate on your own research. However, I understand you
have to knock Sarmast off before the road is clear for your 100 meters carving
on a rock of supposedly your so Called Atlantis of Tunisia.
I have to laugh, still you produce no official NASA link of the original image.
By the way its there discovery not yours, your only putting an interpretation on
something they found and posted where you put your speculation on it. Thats all!
Big Deal!
You cant prove something wrong on speculation. That's what you trying to do.
Same with CAT, that's even worse he shows nothing just one liners or sarcasm.
Waste of time that amounts to nothing.
Its a futile waste of time, if you cant come up with the true goods. Which is
like official scientific evidence accepted by the scientific community. Then
forget it you are not going to get followers of the OOOHHHH NIKASSSSS doctrine.
People are smarter than that here...I think!
Sorry buddy you will keep on hearing from Cyprus for a long, long, long time and
also we have further side scan evidence we still have to investigate physically
of the Northern terraced site as mentioned in the UB.
Why don't you call ifermer and get some scans of the Tunisia/Malta area. Gee I
wonder if they will even oblige you. That would provide accurate images for you
to work with rather than all this Photoshop manipulated images of Google earth
bathy trying to fit a theory.
You're in the wrong timeline
completely speaking about a recent timeline rather than 12,500 years ago as
stated in Plato if you want to get technical. Everything around 5000 years ago
has no relevance to Atlantis the home of the Gods.
Nothing you say stacks up, however what has to be done in Cyprus is a core
sample on the actual location to prove the date of the inundation of the place.
Then we have an accurate reference point to work with.
The pillars could of been everywhere, the pillars are in all cultures. Its only
in modern times that we assume its outside the straits but where is the evidence
of the lost city outside the straits.
There is none, so until this point nothing outside the straits can be proven,
everything its really only speculation and not worth a cracker until it can be
proven. Meanwhile everyone will go around in circles in there theories, like
yourself trying to prove the other wrong based on your own speculation.
So again you prove nothing because we all need more hard evidence about the Med
itself. I mean core samples from the location itself not in the middle of the
med but on the location...understand!
This core sample can be to your benefit as well!
I will say the Urantia Book speaks specifically of a stone wall and that's what
is exactly there to the exact co ordinates. Sure its no manmade but the the book
never speaks of the wall as manmade just a stone wall which is exactly there in
the Cyprus location.
That is a direct confirmation of the Urantia Book. period.
Also the UB does mention an enlarged Hill to the North which could be either the
Acropolis Hill next to the Stone wall or the terraced half square hill to the
north next to the quarry area.
The second location is to the North of the Acropolis Cyprus. I know the UB
confirms this northern enlarged Hill as we can see it in the side scan ifermer
The Hill is just a big anomaly. So basically before anyone (which includes doc)
says that Sarmast Cyprus project is sunk, these are the things in the above
mentioned that still have to be done.
All the the ancient locations 1stEden, Dalamatia, Dilmun and Babel are looking
strong and it will approach the point of undeniable to a rational normal mind as
we get closer to resolve of "The fact of the matter"
Its not only the Urantia that speak of
the ancient places but its the Bible to and these places are in prophecy so I
wouldn't mock these places to much as you might offend the Gods in there work. I
wouldn't want them offside because of your attitude because they will not help
you in your endeavours.
Remember these places have a huge potential of being attached to change and
possibly judgment so be careful with yours words and motives.
I would go about your business quietly and gather your research and get on with
people as they may be stimulated to help you. But at the moment no way.
remember that man! The research in Cyprus could be very important to your case
and as we know there was a great Andite civilisation that lived near Carthage.
If you have found evidence in that area you only prove the Urantia Book which is
good this. NIKAS its a far better experience to embrace this huge thing that is
going on than all this old world think of power and influence over others and
this combat.
Simple as that!
I just saw you're thoughts using the Sarmast points.
That's all you will be, a mocker.
Always will be standing on the sidelines mocking.
Its not only the Urantia that speak of the ancient places but its the Bible to
and these places are in prophecy so I wouldn't mock these places to much as you
might offend the Gods in there work. I wouldn't want them offside because of
your attitude because they will not help you in your endeavours.
Remember these places have a huge potential of being attached to change and
possibly judgment so be careful with yours words and motives.
I would go about your business quietly and gather your research and get on with
people as they may be stimulated to help you. But at the moment no way.
remember that man! The research in Cyprus could be very important to your case.
The research in Cyprus could prove many things for other researchers. We know
through the UB there was a great Andite civilisation that lived near Carthage
around 7000 years ago and there no doubt there maybe submerged places close to
the shoreline. Also the Cyprus location is at much lower level than Tunisia.
There is no way the Sicilian bridge broke 7000 years ago that event would been
in recent historical records of all the cultures.
However this has be proved by a core sample which may reveal that the Cyprus
Isthmus sank 34,000 years ago! When the Gilbraltor Dam broke.
If you have found evidence in that area you only prove the Urantia Book which is
good. NIKAS its a far better experience to embrace this huge thing that is going
on than all this old world thinking, who thinks of power, influence and ego over
the scattering abroad of the
biologic and cultural residue of the Andites. From all over the fertile
crescent the more adventurous peoples poured westward to the islands.
The more I look at this the more I get
curious about it.
Near the site of Carthage must lay remnants of an ancient Andite civilisation
that had a community on the Mediterranean shoreline at that time. But slowly the
sea level rose and submerged the city perhaps.
I was thinking it would be a shallow depth if there was an ancient city. Perhaps
off the coast near Carthage! Large stone blocks would be the clue.
I reckon there would be something there.
also note "the scattering abroad of the biologic and cultural residue of the
Basically saying the Andite location near Carthage and Malta must of been the
Andite colony civilisation from many thousands of years ago. Before recorded
written history.
Apparently the sea levels at around 7000 years ago is quite marginal say about 5
meters or so.
However between 12,000 - 10,000 years ago the sea level rose 20 meters and would
of continued to rise. That would of been the times when Dilmun would of
submerged, the original home of the Andites who spread there civilisation
throughout the world with thier circle religion.
Also Carthage had a circle habour maybe they borrowed the idea from an earlier
web page
Has anyone considered that the real Discovery of Atlantis encompasses the
ancient places as the story encompasses fragments of all these places.
Also with Dilmun you can see they had advance warning of the encroaching sea as
can built up protective walls along the coast to save there home of glory.
20 meters in two years is a sudden rise to the submerge a city and the legend of
it would of spread around throughout the lands 10,000 years ago like in platos
[ 02-23-2007, 04:26 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]
[ 02-23-2007, 03:02 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]
[ 02-22-2007, 11:35 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
I tell you the Atlantis rising is all
about these ancient foundations as Ive mentioned and other submerged places like
in the bay Cambay. Its the knowledge that these places lead to is the point. The
gathering of Wisdom and that is a priceless. pearl.
That is the real point of these places to help bring about a transition of
enlightenment to help fix up the planet.
Prophecy running its course. Everything about these places are all in the books
of religions and myths of all cultures of the past in one way or another. They
all have fragments of the great land of the Gods. Past, present and future is
involved in these places its a mutual connection point of real relevance in the
realms of the Gods and of Paradise!
I think its very serious about these places and I think the Ancient of Days, how
subtle they are right behind all this.
Just don't do the Noah mistake before the flood?? This could be about an obvious
change that will refine all our knowledge to its grass roots. Any false stuff
will just go. Its a refinement of our knowledge and this affair has all to do
with the heavenly courts and mankind.
Its like we are in court at this time and everything we say and do is being
observed in the final process. That goes for me to in all my verbiage.
However we live in very interesting times. We sure do!
I think when the Seven Commands are discovered in Dalamatia and excavated and
cut out of the site, and proclaimed to the world, that will be "the stone that
was cut out of the mountain that filled the earth" as mentioned in Daniel. That
would fulfill the prophecy in my view and be in relation to the end time
Everything is on the table being tested at this time and its all coming from the
wasted places and foundations as mentioned in the Bible and the UB is the major
guide source which fulfills prophecy in Revelations.
Isaiah 51
Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the Lord:
look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye
are digged.
2 Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you: for I called
him alone, and blessed him, and increased him.
3 For the Lord shall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her waste places;
and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of
the Lord; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the
voice of melody.
Isnt the following exactly what the
scenario is. Embarking on a mission looking for the Seven Commands in the lost
city of Dalamatia in an expedition.
Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the Lord:
look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye are
Isnt that what we are talking about beforehand.
First doing the Fathers will like a search for Eden in the books, looking for
the rock, the locations, the books and the physical clues using technology.
Looking for in this case the Sevens Commands which attached to our very origins
in the spritiual sense. Searched for and discovered in a hole of a pit like
submerged under the water where the rock the Seven commands is being dug out of
a hole in the sea. The Seven commands as excavated would be related to the above
Daniel reference.
Sounds like adventure.
[ 02-23-2007, 05:28 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]
These are the original Seven
Commands from Dalamatia and are inscribed in stone slabs of the
Persian Gulf at present.
Among the later students
trained in Mesopotamia for work with their respective races were
Andonites from the highlands of western India together with
representatives of the red men and the blue men; still later a
small number of the yellow race were also received.
Hap presented the early races with a moral law. This code was
known as "The Father's Way" and consisted of the following seven
1. You shall not fear
nor serve any God but the Father of all.
2. You shall not disobey the Father's Son, the world's ruler,
nor show disrespect to his superhuman associates.
3. You shall not speak a lie when called before the judges of
the people.
4. You shall not kill men, women, or children.
5. You shall not steal your neighbor's goods or cattle.
6. You shall not touch your friend's wife.
7. You shall not show disrespect to your parents or to the
elders of the tribe.
web page
Then in the timeline the same Seven Commands where used by Adam and
Eve as the main standard. The Afthers way.
The schools, in fact
every activity of the Garden, were always open to visitors.
Unarmed observers were freely admitted to Eden for short visits.
To sojourn in the Garden a Urantian had to be "adopted." He
received instructions in the plan and purpose of the Adamic
bestowal, signified his intention to adhere
Page 836
to this mission, and then made declaration of loyalty to the
social rule of Adam and the spiritual sovereignty of the Universal
The laws of the Garden were based on the older codes of
Dalamatia and were promulgated under seven heads:
1. The laws of health and sanitation.
2. The social regulations of the Garden.
3. The code of trade and commerce.
4. The laws of fair play and competition.
5. The laws of home life.
6. The civil codes of the golden rule.
7. The seven commands of supreme moral rule.
The moral law of Eden
was little different from the seven commandments of Dalamatia. But
the Adamites taught many additional reasons for these commands;
for instance, regarding the injunction against murder, the
indwelling of the Thought Adjuster was presented as an additional
reason for not destroying human life. They taught that "whoso
sheds man's blood by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image
of God made he man."
The public worship hour of Eden was noon; sunset was the hour of
family worship. Adam did his best to discourage the use of set
prayers, teaching that effective prayer must be wholly individual,
that it must be the "desire of the soul"; but the Edenites
continued to use the prayers and forms handed down from the times
of Dalamatia. Adam also endeavored to substitute the offerings of
the fruit of the land for the blood sacrifices in the religious
ceremonies but had made little progress before the disruption of
the Garden.
The same Seven Commands
where used by the Melchizedek 4000 ago
The seven
commandments promulgated by Melchizedek were patterned along the
lines of the ancient Dalamatian supreme law and very much
resembled the seven commands taught in the first and second Edens.
These commands of the Salem religion were:
1. You shall not serve
any God but the Most High Creator of heaven and earth.
2. You shall not doubt that faith is the only requirement for
eternal salvation.
3. You shall not bear false witness.
4. You shall not kill.
5. You shall not steal.
Page 1018
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not show disrespect for your parents and elders.
While no sacrifices were
permitted within the colony, Melchizedek well knew how difficult
it is to suddenly uproot long-established customs and accordingly
had wisely offered these people the substitute of a sacrament of
bread and wine for the older sacrifice of flesh and blood. It is
of record, "Melchizedek, king of Salem, brought forth bread and
wine." But even this cautious innovation was not altogether
successful; the various tribes all maintained auxiliary centers on
the outskirts of Salem where they offered sacrifices and burnt
offerings. Even Abraham resorted to this barbarous practice after
his victory over Chedorlaomer; he simply did not feel quite at
ease until he had offered a conventional sacrifice. And
Melchizedek never did succeed in fully eradicating this proclivity
to sacrifice from the religious practices of his followers, even
of Abraham.
And today we have the 10
Commandments. No problem
What I proposed 3 weeks ago was to go out there and discover the
lost cities of Dalamatia, Dilmun and Babel and recover the original
Seven Commands from Dalamatia and present it to the world as the
stone cut out of the mountain in metaphor and in the physical that
filled the earth.
[ 02-23-2007, 05:49 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Yeah yeah
Lets see the evidence first in regards to all speculation OK.
Then we will know the truth about the matter where everything is on the table OK
All theories and speculation is on the table. What's your speculation? is the
same as Nikas. Eh! Well lets see how it stacks up like with everything else.
Everyone has there own idea including you.
Any expedition from this time onwards should find resolve either way regardless
what we speculate and think.
You ok with that
You cannot compare legitimate
science to pure crap
Have you ever read the UB, no I can
tell so what makes you so right, Is your attitude of a scientific approach to
all, no! So why should I respect your senseless quote.
Like I said lets see what lays there.
[ 02-23-2007, 01:43 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
No worries whatever you say.
We all have our own ideas in the way we see them.
This will always be the case.
Im coming from a different aspect to you. But I dont say to you, what you do is
worthless or what you read is worthless.
Everything is on the table as far as Im concerned.
Its funny you say these things about the UB which is about religion but you
study an ancient Plato story which is a rendition of the Gods and connect them
to the rings which is about religion in symbolism, look at the UB logo and the
rings. Isnt the Gods all about religion which have the circle connection. Isnt
the circles you study all about religion of the past about the Gods with its
symbolism, the circle??? In this case concentric circles. The same concentric
circles as on the breast plate of the Melchizidek.
Look at the Urantia Book logo and then look at the ringed circles and see the
connection in symbolism.
So where is the link?
The big moment of Glory!!!!
[ 02-23-2007, 02:24 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
No problem thats great but we all have
personal experiences that are unique it doesnt mean that I have the same
experience as you in this.
I appreciate your trying to help me but I feel quite happy with all things
concerning this revelation. Why you even have a piece of it in your hands and
you give this advise against the thing that the symbol represents.
It ironic to hear some one give negative advise about the UB and you have a
piece of the puzzle in your hands.
Off course Im going to say What are you kidding look at what your holding.
Thats if it right an correct. You still have to launch an expedition there to
verify many things.
I suppose you be the head of the expedition?
[ 02-23-2007, 02:30 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Well that great NIKAS
but where is the link.
Well from what I understand its near a military base of some sort. Sure the site
wasn't used for target practice during the war by aerial bombing.
Hard to know. Its not submerged. Or could be another temple made in the same
traditions as the other temples.
Just another temple outline or burial area.
NIKAS and epsilon you should take a flight over to Malta. Check it out and get
some archaeologist on to the case. Find out a bit more.
So much for the public link, the big launch and its still hidden away.
I don't think it has anything to do with Atlantis. I think its just an extension
of a circle religion and that's all it may be or it could of been some
construction during the war or perhaps something more recent or something in the
Dark ages. Hard to know!
I reckon bombing practice but without live ammunitions. But hard to know without
a link of new images to make a reasonable assessment.
Well least when I make a discovery I release the images to all for assessment I
don't just release the image to a selective few.
That's not a release after bragging about something and denegrating the theory
of others and not show the link to those who have different ideas.
That's just weak!
[ 02-23-2007, 02:51 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
You know the Military probably know
all about the circles as they used it for a purpose.
If they used non live ammunition there maybe some circular marks with most
likely the middle taget missing. 100 meters might sound right for a ariel traget.
Close to a military base, sounds right. Close to the ocean, out of harms way.
Hard to know without the supposed images.
just a thought.
hahahaha Albania here I come.]
Yep that what I think it is
The British or American bombers coming in from the sea taking aim at the
concentric target and taking aim without live ammunition to test there accuracy
and a bid to conserve ammunition.
Its a Ariel firing range used during the war. This explains the triangle and the
potted marks which also marks the direction of which the bombers came from. From
the sea towards a target in a safe place leaving a triangle.
That's why part of the target is gone from the direction of which the bombs
Personally I would look further into this aspect without wasting any further
time on ancient theories.
Nikas you would have to prove that this is not the case. If its the case, Ariel
bombing target your theory is sunk along with Epsilon. In a literal bombing raid
of both your attitude.
You gave the answer in both of your playing games.
[ 02-23-2007, 03:39 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
I say the Urantia information about
the Malta stand quite firmly compared to the WW2 bombing fields of Nikas's and
Epsilons Atlantis.
I assume the Atlantis Bombing target is located on an island! in Malta?? eh!
I wonder if Nikas had a feeling of this beforehand and made his excuses about
the military. Was he dismissing a fear of threat to his theory of the rings
It will be interesting to see how you guys explain this one away without pride
and prejudice.
[ 02-23-2007, 05:00 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
NIKAS and Epsilon
You guys are in damage control.
Your theory has been bombed out by a truth aerial bombing raid!
Fires to put out all over the place, time is off the essence, the more delay the
worse it gets regarding credibility.
How do we counter this in the camp that has no foundation so when the storm of
truth arrives. AAHH Its gone! It was chaff and it blew away in the refinement of
Remembering the all time NIKAS words, trust me!, trust me!, Believe me guys,
OOOH NIKAASSSS I will show you Atlantis!
I remember and the denigration of the Sarmast theory and NIKAS hasn't even spoke
to the guy at all.
At the end of the day it was only a bombing range used in the war!
That's all this fuss was over wasting everyone's time with foolishness coupled
with attitude.
[ 02-23-2007, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Man you're the guy with the claims of
this and that.
You wont show the evidence on a public forum but yet you bag other researchers.
Come on what's wrong, show the links buddy.
Why should I respect you.
You have shown me nothing to respect regarding your find because you have not
shown it.
I say that location your image was of Malta so now its off Tunisia. Prove that
I'm wrong to the whole forum with images, to everyone not just the followers.
Prove that I'm wrong! I don't mind because either way whatever the find is
useful in the UB case information.
[ 02-23-2007, 07:40 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Actualy this is how fraudulent NIKAS'S
In this quote he says
Brigg this is in Malta. I
know nothing about it; it’s just that it has to be very old. I need someone
from Malta to go and check it out. If there is a Maltese in this forum please
show yourself!
then when he is proven wrong as his
rings are demonstrated to be a disused bombing range in Malta! he switches into
fall back position plan B mode! Just another tail!
After proven wrong he says this
actually is in tunisia .....ahaha
and it was never used as bombing range, its underwater......
I hope you're reading this Epsilom,
you're an intelligent guy cant you see another Van Daniken experience unfold
before your eyes!!
Look at the track, drift and avoidance when it comes down to it.
Anyone must be mad to follow NIKAS in his ever changing assertions according to
the testing results of the material he presents.
[ 02-23-2007, 11:15 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
I wouldn't leave the forum on the account of NIKAS and his stupid assessments
and assertions that forms no part of reality except error.
I enjoy your posts even though I have different ideas. That doesn't matter I
still respect you because you do things and you attempt physically to find with
honesty. NIKAS is opposite to you and I have no respect for him on any level as
he has shown no reason for respect.
I wouldn't worry about people not conversing in response to your posts. I get
that all the time.
I have posted fragments of personal discoveries and I get very little if no
I'm sure in your case many people read you posts. I wouldn't leave this forum
because of NIKAS and his dream on team whose members lose the reputation!
Hi Ive worked out a way to determine
exactly the age of the great Pryamid.
Apparently according the Ronnie Burnes Prophecy and Predictions
web page
they are arguing over the the real age of the pyramid some say it was built
between 3000-2500BC some say ot was built about 10,000 years ago.
Here is what the Urantia Book says about who constructed the great pryamid.
From the times of the terminal Andite migrations, culture declined in the
Euphrates valley, and the immediate center of civilization shifted to the
valley of the Nile. Egypt became the successor of Mesopotamia as the
headquarters of the most advanced group on earth.
The Nile valley began to suffer from floods shortly before the Mesopotamian
valleys but fared much better. This early setback was more than compensated by
the continuing stream of Andite immigrants, so that the culture of Egypt,
though really derived from the Euphrates region, seemed to forge ahead. But
in 5000 B.C., during the flood period in Mesopotamia, there were seven
distinct groups of human beings in Egypt; all of them, save one, came from
When the last exodus from the Euphrates valley occurred, Egypt was
fortunate in gaining so many of the most skillful artists and artisans.
These Andite artisans found themselves quite at home in that they were
thoroughly familiar with river life, its floods, irrigations, and dry seasons.
They enjoyed the sheltered position of the Nile valley; they were there much
less subject to hostile raids and attacks than along the Euphrates. And they
added greatly to the metalworking skill of the Egyptians. Here they worked
iron ores coming from Mount Sinai instead of from the Black Sea regions.
The Egyptians very early assembled their municipal deities into an elaborate
national system of gods. They developed an extensive theology and had an
equally extensive but burdensome priesthood. Several different leaders sought
to revive the remnants of the early religious teachings of the Sethites, but
these endeavors were short-lived. The Andites built the first stone
structures in Egypt. The first and most exquisite of the stone pyramids was
erected by Imhotep, an Andite architectural genius, while serving as prime
minister. Previous buildings had been constructed of brick, and while many
stone structures had been erected in different parts of the world, this was
the first in Egypt. But the art of building steadily declined from the days of
this great architect.
This brilliant epoch of culture was cut short by internal warfare along the
Nile, and the country was soon overrun, as Mesopotamia had been, by the
inferior tribes from inhospitable Arabia and by the blacks from the south. As
a result, social progress steadily declined for more than five hundred years.
web page
As you see in the above Imhotep was an
Andite who came from the Euphrates at around 7000 years ago and became a prime
minister and who was architectural genius.
The way we can work out the time of the construction of the Great pyramid is by
the angle of the "The great sloping passage at the entrance" in relation to the
Pole Star then.
Here is the clue in the Urantia Book
species of ancestor worship. The
sloping entrance passage of the great pyramid pointed directly toward the Pole
Star so that the soul of the king, when emerging from the tomb, could go
straight to the stationary and established constellations of the fixed stars,
the supposed abode of the kings.
web page
So in the above the clue lays in the
"The sloping entrance passage of the great pyramid pointed directly toward the
Pole Star" in the middle of the passage way.
At the time the great pyramid was built the pole star was situated in the middle
of the sloping passage of the great pryamid.
The angular displacement of the Pole Star today as compared to the Pole Star
then, in the middle of the sloping passage. If you multiplied this angular
displacement by the precession of the earth it should give you a value that
should correspond to a time period.
The key is the position of the passage way, where the Pole Star has to be
located in the middle of it. And where the Pole Star is now. Going back in time
the star should be placed itself in the middle of the Pole Star perfectly. That
would be the hard evidence!! that would again the prove the Urantia Book.
I propose to test this out in the test of everything!
Like the eye in the triangle, that must be the clue to the symbolism of the eye
in the capstone, that must be a mystery in itself and possibly connected to
imhotep and the great Pyramid and the Pole Star in the middle of the passage.
The Pole Star in the middle of a triangle the key to the capstone and the Pole
Another clue I found in this Video was that Edgar Cayce's son said that Atlantis
had 3 major destructions. Apparently in 50,000 years ago, 24,000 years ago and
12,000 years ago. It sure sounds familiar in symbolism to the lost ancient
cities of Dalamatia 150,000, 1Eden 38,000 and Dilmun/Babel 10,000 years ago.
Sometimes I wonder whether Edgar Cayce was really looking to these places??
Anyway there is some food for thought there and possibly unlocking another great
mystery in the Urantia Book
enjoy the video.
[ 02-27-2007, 03:29 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:23 am
Post subject: The Eye in the Triangle culture "The Andites"
Hi Ive worked out a way to
determine exactly the age of the great Pyramid.
Apparently according the Ronnie Burnes Prophecy and Predictions
web page
they are arguing over the the real age of the pyramid some say it was built
between 3000-2500BC some say ot was built about 10,000 years ago.
Here is what the Urantia Book says about who constructed the great pryamid.
Quote: |
From the times of the terminal Andite migrations, culture declined in the
Euphrates valley, and the immediate center of civilization shifted to the
valley of the Nile. Egypt became the successor of Mesopotamia as the
headquarters of the most advanced group on earth.
The Nile valley began to suffer from floods shortly before the Mesopotamian
valleys but fared much better. This early setback was more than compensated
by the continuing stream of Andite immigrants, so that the culture of Egypt,
though really derived from the Euphrates region, seemed to forge ahead.
But in 5000 B.C., during the flood period
in Mesopotamia, there were seven distinct groups of human beings in Egypt;
all of them, save one, came from Mesopotamia.
When the last exodus from the Euphrates
valley occurred, Egypt was fortunate in gaining so many of the most skillful
artists and artisans. These Andite artisans found themselves quite at
home in that they were thoroughly familiar with river life, its floods,
irrigations, and dry seasons. They enjoyed the sheltered position of the
Nile valley; they were there much less subject to hostile raids and attacks
than along the Euphrates. And they added greatly to the metalworking skill
of the Egyptians. Here they worked iron ores coming from Mount Sinai instead
of from the Black Sea regions.
The Egyptians very early assembled their municipal deities into an elaborate
national system of gods. They developed an extensive theology and had an
equally extensive but burdensome priesthood. Several different leaders
sought to revive the remnants of the early religious teachings of the
Sethites, but these endeavors were short-lived.
The Andites built the first stone
structures in Egypt. The first and most exquisite of the stone pyramids was
erected by Imhotep, an Andite architectural genius, while serving as prime
minister. Previous buildings had been constructed of brick, and while
many stone structures had been erected in different parts of the world,
this was the first in Egypt. But the art of
building steadily declined from the days of this great architect.
This brilliant epoch of culture was cut short by internal warfare along the
Nile, and the country was soon overrun, as Mesopotamia had been, by the
inferior tribes from inhospitable Arabia and by the blacks from the south.
As a result, social progress steadily declined for more than five hundred
web page |
As you see in the
above Imhotep was an Andite who came from the Euphrates at around 7000 years ago
and became a prime minister and who was architectural genius.
The way we can work out the time of the construction of the Great pyramid is by
the angle of the "The great sloping passage at the entrance" in relation to the
Pole Star then.
Here is the clue in the Urantia Book
Quote: |
species of ancestor worship.
The sloping entrance passage of the great
pyramid pointed directly toward the Pole Star so that the soul of the king,
when emerging from the tomb, could go straight to the stationary and
established constellations of the fixed stars, the supposed abode of
the kings.
web page |
So in the above the
clue lays in the "The sloping entrance passage of the great pyramid pointed
directly toward the Pole Star" in the middle of the passage way.
web page
At the time the great pyramid was built the pole star was situated in the middle
of the sloping passage of the great pryamid.
The angular displacement of the Pole Star today as compared to the Pole Star
then, in the middle of the sloping passage. If you multiplied this angular
displacement by the precession of the earth it should give you a value that
should correspond to a time period.
The key is the position of the passage way, where the Pole Star has to be
located in the middle of it. And where the Pole Star is now. Going back in time
the star should be placed itself in the middle of the Passage way perfectly.
That would be the hard evidence!! that would again the prove the Urantia Book.
I propose to test this out in the test of everything!
Like the eye in the triangle, that must be the clue to the symbolism of the eye
in the capstone, that must be a mystery in itself and possibly connected to
imhotep and the great Pyramid and the Pole Star in the middle of the passage.
The Pole Star in the middle of a triangle the key to the capstone and the Pole
Another clue I found in this Video was that Edgar Cayce's son said that Atlantis
had 3 major destructions. Apparently in 50,000 years ago, 24,000 years ago and
12,000 years ago. It sure sounds familiar in symbolism to the lost ancient
cities of Dalamatia 150,000, 1Eden 38,000 and Dilmun/Babel 10,000 years ago.
Sometimes I wonder whether Edgar Cayce was really looking to these places??
Anyway there is some food for thought there and possibly unlocking another great
mystery in the Urantia Book
enjoy the video.
this was a response
from Tom Herbet.
Quote: |
Here's what Cayce said about
5748-6 7/1/32
(Q) What was the date of the actual beginning and ending of the construction
of the Great Pyramid?
(A) Was one hundred years in construction. Begun and completed in the period
of Araaraart's time, with Hermes and Ra.
(Q) What was the date B.C. of that period?
(A) 10,490 to 10,390 before the Prince
entered into Egypt.
5748-6 7/1/32
At the correct time accurate imaginary lines can be drawn
from the opening of the great Pyramid to
the second star in the Great Dipper, called Polaris or the North Star.
This indicates it is the system toward which the soul takes it flight after
having completed its sojourn through this solar system. In October there
will be seen the first variation in the position of the polar star in
relation to the lines from the Great Pyramid. The dipper is gradually
changing, and when this change becomes noticeable - as might be calculated
from the Pyramid - there will be the beginning of the change in the races.
There will come a greater influx of souls
from the Atlantean, Lemurian, La, Ur or Da civilizations. These
conditions are indicated in this turn in the journey through the pyramid.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Was the prince Imhotep?
Influx of souls from the ancient places or does that mean an awareness of the
places begins and starts to draw people through discovery???
also note Cayces alignment thoughts on the Pole Star with the opening.
Quote: |
At the correct time accurate
imaginary lines can be drawn from the opening of
the great Pyramid to the second star in the Great Dipper, called Polaris or
the North Star |
then match it with the UB
Quote: |
The sloping
entrance passage of the great pyramid pointed directly toward the Pole Star
so that the soul of the king, when emerging from the tomb, could go straight
to the stationary and established constellations of the fixed stars, the
supposed abode of the kings. |
Also note that the recordings of this was in 1932 in the same time as the
recording the UB compile, even more curious.
regards sevens
Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:37 am
Post subject:
This what I shared in reply to Tom but I
have many questions as usuall.
Tom Herbet
That was an interesting post.
I was looking at the dates of Cayce's recording 1932, it seems to me that Cayce
received this information about the same time that the compile of the UB came
I also noticed that Cayce says exactly the same thing. Identical in actual fact.
So according to Cayce the Pole star must of been aligned to the entry of the
great passageway??
I reckon JPL could run the figures in there super computer and could easily find
out the timeline of this alignment of the Pole Star to the great passageway.
Essentially I believe the pyramids is a soul device that facilitates soul
transfer to another part of the universe. But in actual fact Soul transfer was
more simple and straight forward than that.
Also it indicates how burdensome there religion was that basically enslaved the
people to make these massive structures.
It seems that technology came from a different place and in the times Imhotep
there many types of races of people there as a result of migration during the
period of sea level rise and floods.
Between 12,000 - 10,000 years ago the sea levels rose 20 metres, in 2000 years ,
imagine that in today's times.
All major coastal cities just vanished.
I would say that the sunken city in the Bay of Cambay and its trading partner
Dilmun in the North-eastern Persian Gulf went down at around the same time. Its
also mentioned in the UB that Egypt who also suffered from the sea level rise
and floods faired much better.
I feel all these ancient places are all connected in many ways and its through
ancient myth and Plato's story that we can get a glimpse of the flooding that
occurred and how it affected modern civilisation in those ancient times and of
places of other times.
Also I want to note a direct link between Cayce and the Urantia Book in the
fragment regarding the Pole Star and its alignment to the great Pyramid. In
addition I have this strong feeling that Cayce is also pointing to these places
but I feel in some ways he also speaks in riddles.
I reckon he makes reference to these places and these places seem to have
multiple connections in all the books.
Now in the following is the same Andite symbol similar to the foundations of
Babel in Dilmun. The following image is symbol inscribed on the block that block
the sloping passageway in the great Pyramid.
This image was sent to me by I am that I am, thanks.
And here is the following foundation of the circular temple of Babel
Also the Carthagians had the same circle on top of a triangle which was probably
adopted from an earlier Andite culture that was settled close to Carthage.
Here is the Symbol of Tanit, the Carthage religious symbol.
I feel that all these places and the commonality of the circle in the triangle
being the marker of the Andites of old and also maybe reflective of the Andite
empire throughout the ages in this region as recorded by the Egyptians.
I thought it was interesting!
And here is the following foundation of the circular temple of Babel
Also the Carthagians had the same circle on top of a triangle which was probably
adopted from an earlier Andite culture that was settled close to Carthage.
Here is the Symbol of Tanit, the Carthage religious symbol.
I feel that all these places and the commonality of the circle in the triangle
being the marker of the Andites of old and also maybe reflective of the Andite
empire throughout the ages in this region as recorded by the Egyptians.
Hi Smiley and all
I really enjoy the posts I'm learning much and it seems to me that the Pyramids
are much older that what the mainstream think.
I find in the link given that much points to an older date of construction.
I found this this in the crystal links
According to Edgar Cayce, the Sphinx
was built in 10,500 BC by survivors of the vanished civilization of Atlantis.
I believe that the legend of Dilmun
the lost home of the Andites who migrated to Egypt throughout the timeline of
history made its way into the story of Atlantis.
Looking at the commonalities I find similarities between Dilmun and Atlantis.
Dilmun also had a very large
circular temple that was central, it appears there a walls or built up
ramparts that was built either side of the Babel temple.
The circular temple also has built up walls with possibly canals on top of
them that led to the sea coast.
Dilmun was a great commercial centre.
Dilmun appears to be built on a spit of land or an isthmus running parallel to
the mainland. In other images seen you can see the old coastline and how the
coastline was built up to protect the city from rising sea levels.
Dilmun also had a walled rectangular plain that was use for farming purposes.
Dilmun was a great commercial centre that traded with its trading partner in
the Bay of Cambay.
Dilmun had great influence throughout the Civilised world.
Dilmun was the home of the fallen Gods where borrowed the legendary stories of
Dalamatia the first home of the Gods before the Fall.
Dilmun was known to be a bright place where the Gods played.
Dilmun is recorded by the Sumerians who also have a kinglist that go back to
the Dilmun times.
Enki reflections of his own city matches the descriptions of Dilmun.
Dilmun had a nice climate in those days.
Dilmun was submerged due to rising levels.
Dilmun had a swamp next to it, the snake pit or the swamp.
Dilmun had a large empire.
Dilmun was lost around 10,000 years ago but could be earlier around the same
time the cities in the Bay of Cambay where lost due to rising sea levels.
Dilmun within the circular temple could of had a canal system that was fed by
water from the sea. Its quite possible that small boats made there way through
the canal system to the main commercial centre.
Anyway there are few points of commonality that might possibly exist between
Dilmun and Atlantis.
I believe the migrations of the Andites from Dilmun brought the legends of
there homeland which ultimately became the Atlantis Story which is a story
about themselves, the Andites and there history there very ancient history.
The marker I believe that has survived
and has perpetuated through the timeline is by the circle in the triangle symbol
and the circle symbol. The Andite/Atlantis/adidte/Aditya symbol.
I feel all those names are really different names but of the same people that
existed within different legends of cultures.
Here gain is the picture for study.
Its not a smooth image and more has to be done to it. It has been enhanced using
Bryce based on the NASA world wind images. The resolution of the worldwind
images is a low res type so therefore its not very clear. However there are many
anomalous features there and the place is exactly where it supposed to be as
described in the UB.
It just makes logical sense that the Andites of Dilmun would bring with them the
stories and legends of there homeland including there religions. Atlantis! I
believe there should be some commonalities found in the Egyptian religion
through there symbols.
Anyway much food for thought.
[ 02-28-2007, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Hi all thanks for your posts and
In this following is an image that I am that I am sent me. For me its was the
connecting piece that married all the fragments of information and revealed
further possibilities in truth.
In the following image is the block, blocking the great sloping passageway
mentioned in the UB and in Cayce. The ensign of Imhotep can be seen, the circle
in the triangle ensign.
This image is the block, blocking the great sloping passageway that pointed to
the Pole Star in those times of Imhotep.
Here is a negative image of the block. Note the Circle in the triangle ensign
and and also note the sun feature or semicircle feature appearing in the back
ground of the pyramid! Also there is another line running the right of the
In the following is a close up of the ensign and know note there is a in lay of
another circle within a triangle.
That is a double circle within a triangle within the main circle within a
triangle. A double ensign!
Know in this next negative image you can see the ensign and in addition you can
see ancient script written right across the ensign. This script probably goes
back when the great sloping passageway was blocked. Gets more intriguing all the
And here is the following foundation of the circular temple of Babel that
appears to within ramparts forming a triangle. The whole area seems to be
enclosed within a triangle.
another view
Again we have the circle in the triangle connector of both the Andite Egyptians
and the Andites of Dilmun in the same feature. The Ensign of Imhotep, The Andite
who held the traditions of his original homeland Dilmun and built a monument to
commemorate his original homeland. I wonder!!
These are my views but again It needs further analysis and an expedition to be
made to these places to verify and possibly reveal something undeniable!
[ 02-28-2007, 03:47 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Hi everyone
Ok here is the challenge what is the ancient script
It is quite possible that this script goes right back to 10,000 years of the
construction or when the passageway was blocked.
What if we went on an expedition in Dilmun and found fragments of the same
script. That would prove the case.
Here is a close up of the script
Could this be part of the great mystery the Edgar case was referring to. The
script written over the double circle in triangle ensign?
I think it completely fascinating and intriguing.
In the close up there appears to be a square with a cross within, its just right
of the triangle/pyramid. I wonder if that part of the script.
What a hiding place for a mystery, the only safe place in Egypt. Within the
great Pyramid itself, this piece is probably the most valuable piece of the
whole construction??
Thinking about the double triangle, in real truth its a triple triangle, the
great pyramid itself, the Triangle ensign and the small triangle inlay in the
ensign. Has like a trinity feel about it with its own marker.
I wonder if we are a step closer?
[ 02-28-2007, 04:40 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:23 pm
Post subject: |
hello, sevens ~
i read new scientist religiously.i also get the weekely magazine at home- i
love it! today i was reading this article about an ancient observatory
discovered in peru and thought of you and so i am sending the webaddress:
check out the aerial shot <click enlarge>...whaddaya think?
oh, and by the way, i was born on the 7th day of the year.
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Joined: 03 Dec 2006
Posts: 30
Location: urantia
Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:38 pm Post subject:
sevens ~ it is the photo on the
bottom right side ...of the circular structure ..i was unable to make it
'stick' on the board. ~ julie

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Joined: 14 Dec 2006
Posts: 109
Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:11 pm Post subject:
Hi Sojourner
How is it going?
Wow thanks for the input, I went to the site and was amazed and excited at
the same time.
I saw the concentric circle fort and the 13 foundations. The 13 foundations
instantly reminded me of the Easter island statues but with out the Statues.
I strongly feel this could very well related to the 132 Andites that end up
in Inca land and admixed with the Inca race and who travelled through Easter
Island when the Island Land bridge extending from Japan to Peru.
I loved the fort, I had not seen that before. Unbelievable. I feel the
knowledge displayed there came from another place like Sumeria and looks
very familiar and the best part I can prove that the Sumerians where there
with the Inca through the Fuente Magna bowl full of Sumerian script and
peculiarities in the statues of that time.
I tried the link again but the site seems down. I cant find the picture
thanks for the great input I really treasure the pictures of fascination.
Here is a tablet I made up with images and connections, the Sumerian bowl
and its connections are in the tablet.
Just some thoughts
I managed to find the images
To me the above represents a practical design to defend the hill top.
However it does look interesting the concentric circles and when you study
the inner circle there appears to be 2 circles in a slight triangle. How
ironic is that! It would be nice to know the age of the fort and if there is
a connection to the Sumerians Andites back then.
Imagine the above with Easter Island Statues with the sun peering through
the Gaps, representative of the Gods as the shaft of sunlight hits the
designated spot marking the seasons. The row of Gods on Easter Island was
probably used in the same way, to designate seasons in the same method.
What a beautiful site of the sun peering through the 13 mounds.
all the best
sevens |
I'm sure the soul can pass through
Personally I don't expect they would be able to see anything looking through
passageway. I think the shaft was more symbolic of the soul leaving earth direct
to the "Abodes of the Gods" than anything.
I think the Bends have got nothing to do with it.
Any way both the UB and Cayce mention the same thing in essence. Passageways or
shafts if you like that point star ward to a fixed focus.
You know you guys this is all about religion, the Egyptians was nothing but a
religious race who held the Gods in the highest esteem and you study this race
and there religion to work out Atlantis and so forth. But when a religious book
enters the debate and helps us to work the secret out, OOH no, its all bad, we
cant except that.
Anyway, the sources that reveals this particular mystery is good enough for me
not to mention the journey to all these places.
I bet you this journey will keep on continuing, I feels right on target.
all the best
[ 03-03-2007, 03:21 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Hi everyone
Just thinking about the script on the tablets. If its from
Dilmun and if we go to Dilmun and some tablets are
discovered that have the same script then that's the
connection for Egypt and Imhotep. That would verify that
part of the mystery and would mean big changes to the Plato
story in its understanding.
But we have to find out the script on the block. Whether its
graffiti or is it significant like that circle in a triangle
which maybe the seal of Imhotep with an identical seal
within the main triangle itself. I would think that is
The tower of Babel seems to be a circle in a triangle .
Perhaps upon an expedition we may discover the same symbol
on a wall or something. Who knows, so much to do with no
Anyway I tried to piece what seems to be a picture with
perhaps a zodiac to the right of perhaps another smaller
Here is the original
and here is my handy work.
Perhaps someone else could try it and see what they come up
Im probably seeing things kinda turned into something else
oh well!
Here is another view of the main Pyramid
Is there a connection??
I do see more things I see two pyramids and a semi circle
next to the smaller pyramid.
I also wonder if this diagram is the key that leads to the
correct passageway? The sloping passageway to the North of
the Pyramid.
Again have a go at the script image and see what you come up
Although reading the beginning of this post I must say I
drew something completely different to what I had mind.
Actually it looks more like a pictorial of the Pyramids and
the stars, which to me even strengthens the passageway and
the Pole Star thought. If the pictorial is correct then I
feel this is completely relevant.
Somebody else have a go! see how it looks from your view!
[ 03-03-2007, 03:43 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]
I was thinking could the great sloping
passageway be at the bottom right at the Pyramid entry lining up with the Pole
Star standing at the entry?
Could that be the great sloping passageway that you could walk through. Its
another thought which I hope doesn't confuse the study.
The only way to prove it is through a complete study on all the Northern
passageways and shafts and see how the Pole Star lined up back in the timeline
then, using specialized software. If the Pole star does match with a specific
passageway then that would prove the case and the correct passageway thus
proving the UB and Cayces input on "the facts of the matter" and I'm sure the
Angels are just bursting to tell us "the facts of the matter" through these
little discoveries and testing them out to see if they actually have weight and
OK I did a search, this is what I found
The Descending Passage lines up
with the Pole Star. With the door opening so small and the length of
the passage 334 feet long, the angle of view is only + or - 1/3 of a
degree. Because of the slow motion of the stars, the passage lines up
precisely to a Pole Star only once every several thousand years. Stars move,
and the Pole Star, Alpha Draconis (Dragon Star) has not been in direct
alignment with the Descending Passage for thousands of years. However, a
new Pole Star will finally become aligned within the next few years; this
heavenly body is known as the North Star, or "Polaris".
Each year the North Star shines further down the Descending Passage. It
will illuminate the entrance to the Well Shaft (sometimes called the Point of
Last Escape) in 1997. The North Star will shine on the floor of the
Subterranean Passage seven years later in 2004. What is the significance
of these events? (Some people speculate they may be related to "the signs
in the stars" that the Bible mentions with regard to the Second Coming of
Did you read that! and what are we
talking about?? What has been the prime message in all these posts.
And look at we are discovering now. In this timeline??? makes makes you think
about it.
How interesting
I found this website interesting and helps us get a step closer to what the UB
and Cayce speaks of.
That was a real revelation for me.
However further down it says this
years are substituted for inches, the Great Pyramid becomes a prophetic
calender. Dates shown include the alignment of the last Pole Star Draconis
(Dragon Star) in 2141 B.C., the start of the Pyramid's contruction in 2623
B.C., the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt in 1453 B.C., the death of
Christ in 33 A.D., and the start of World War I in 1914.
But then how many Pole Alignments have
there been in the past before 3000BC or so? and which is the relevant alignment
for the construction of the Pyramids? if they older than 3000BC
But reading on I found this very interesting
There is strong evidence that Isaiah spoke of the Pyramid: "In that day
there shall be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the Land of Egypt, and a
monument at the border thereof to the Lord, and it shall be for a sign, and
for a witness unto the Lord of Hosts in the Land of Egypt" (Isaiah 19:19-20).
In the Hebrew language, each of the original 30 words has a numerical value
because each Hebrew letter is also a number. When the 30 words are added up,
the total is 5,449, which is one of the most significant and dominant numbers
of the Pyramid. It is the exact height of the Pyramid in sacred Jewish inches.
"In that day" In what day does that
refer to? I wonder if we are in the path of something major?
Just see what happens! I thought that was interesting.
I found this and comes to mind thinking UB that this time period was around the
reign of Melchizedek around 2000BC in Jerusalem. Also Abraham, at this time had
a distant cousin on the throne of Egypt. If this pyramid was built in this
timeline 2141 B.C. Abraham, Melchizedeks and the Pharaoh may of known about the
construction of the great pyramid. Maybe perhaps??
As shown earlier, the Pyramid has an
astronomically fixed date, which corresponds to the only past alignment of
a Pole Star to the Descending Passage. This alignment occurred in 2141 B.C.
As shown in the Ascending Passage, Christ was born in the year 2 B.C. -- an
event 2,139 years in the future of the Pole Star alignment. If we continue
to recognize the interrelationship of time and distance, and we measure 2,139
furlongs from the Pyramid along the great arc, we would again come to
Bethlehem. Thus the birthplace of Christ is not just a place depicted by a
line, but a precise location pinpointed by the intersection of a direction
line and a time line that were cast in stone 2,129 years before the event.
There is more to connect here but its
late will continue on later.
[ 03-03-2007, 05:07 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]
[ 03-03-2007, 04:13 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Im looking into the UB to see if I can find more clues about the Egyptians. Also
I'm trying to see if there was connection to the Melchizedek, but I'm afraid his
time was after the construction of the great pyramid. I thought maybe there
could of been connection to the prophecy viechle, the great Pyramid.
The original Melchizedek teachings really took their deepest root in Egypt,
from where they subsequently spread to Europe. The evolutionary religion of
Page 1044 the Nile valley was periodically augmented by the arrival of
superior strains of Nodite, Adamite, and later Andite peoples of the Euphrates
From time to time, many of the Egyptian civil administrators were
Sumerians. As India in these days harbored the highest mixture of the
world races, so Egypt fostered the most thoroughly blended type of
religious philosophy to be found on Urantia, and from the Nile valley it
spread to many parts of the world. The Jews received much of their idea of
the creation of the world from the Babylonians, but they derived the concept
of divine Providence from the Egyptians.
It was political and moral, rather than philosophic or religious, tendencies
that rendered Egypt more favorable to the Salem teaching than Mesopotamia.
Each tribal leader in Egypt, after fighting his way to the throne, sought to
perpetuate his dynasty by proclaiming his tribal god the original deity and
creator of all other gods. In this way the Egyptians gradually got used to
the idea of a supergod, a steppingstone to the later doctrine of a universal
creator Deity. The idea of monotheism wavered back and forth in Egypt for many
centuries, the belief in one God always gaining ground but never quite
dominating the evolving concepts of polytheism.
For ages the Egyptian peoples had been given to the worship of nature gods;
more particularly did each of the two-score separate tribes have a special
group god, one worshiping the bull, another the lion, a third the ram ,
and so on. Still earlier they had been totem tribes, very much like the
web page
and here are dates on the Melchizedek
It was 1,973 years before the birth of Jesus that Machiventa was bestowed
upon the human races of Urantia. His coming was unspectacular; his
materialization was not witnessed by human eyes. He was first observed by
mortal man on that eventful day when he entered the tent of Amdon, a Chaldean
herder of Sumerian extraction. And the proclamation of his mission was
embodied in the simple statement which he made to this shepherd, "I am
Melchizedek, priest of El Elyon, the Most High, the one and only God."
However the Pryamids according to
As shown earlier, the Pyramid has an
astronomically fixed date, which corresponds to the only past alignment of a
Pole Star to the Descending Passage. This alignment occurred in 2141 B.C
. As shown in the Ascending Passage, Christ was born in the year 2 B.C. -- an
event 2,139 years in the future of the Pole Star alignment. If we continue to
recognize the interrelationship of time and distance, and we measure 2,139
furlongs from the Pyramid along the great arc, we would again come to
Bethlehem. Thus the birthplace of Christ is not just a place depicted by a
line, but a precise location pinpointed by the intersection of a direction
line and a time line that were cast in stone 2,129 years before the event.
web page
So Looks like Melchizedek was after the construction of the Pyramids. I thought
there could of been some transfer of knowledge. However I do find the closeness
of the dates close and a little intriguing and perhaps there is some family
conjunction of knowledge or truth in different aspects like in design and in
truth like the the great pyramid. Being a viechle for spiritual purposes and for
I'm finding out more about Abraham
web page The ancestry of the father of Jesus went back to the days of
Abraham and through this venerable patriarch to the earlier lines of
inheritance leading to the Sumerians and Nodites and, through the southern
tribes of the ancient blue man, to Andon and Fonta.
Ok in this next search here is a clue
to Abraham and Egyptian royalty
Not long after they had established
themselves near Salem, Abraham and Lot journeyed to the valley of the Nile to
obtain food supplies as there was then a drought in Palestine. During his
brief sojourn in Egypt Abraham found a distant relative on the Egyptian
throne, and he served as the commander of two very successful military
expeditions for this king. During the latter part of his sojourn on the
Nile he and his wife, Sarah, lived at court, and when leaving Egypt, he was
given a share of the spoils of his military campaigns.
It required great determination for Abraham to forego the honors of the
Egyptian court and return to the more spiritual work sponsored by Machiventa.
But Melchizedek was revered even in Egypt, and when the full story was laid
before Pharaoh,
he strongly urged Abraham to return to the execution of his vows to the
cause of Salem.
web page Sounds like family advise!
So Abraham had genetic connections to the Egyptian Royalty and was connected to
this linage that was of the Sumerians and Nodites extract.
Now about Imhotep
The Egyptians very early assembled
their municipal deities into an elaborate national system of gods. They
developed an extensive theology and had an equally extensive but burdensome
priesthood. Several different leaders sought to revive the remnants of the
early religious teachings of the Sethites, but these endeavours were
short-lived. The Andites built the first stone structures in Egypt. The
first and most exquisite of the stone pyramids was erected by Imhotep, an
Andite architectural genius, while serving as prime minister. Previous
buildings had been constructed of brick, and while many stone structures had
been erected in different parts of the world, this was the first in Egypt. But
the art of building steadily declined from the days of this great
This brilliant epoch of culture was cut short by internal warfare along the
Nile, and the country was soon overrun , as Mesopotamia had been, by the
inferior tribes from inhospitable Arabia and by the blacks from the south. As
a result, social progress steadily declined for more than five hundred years.
web page
So Imhotep was an Andite prime minister over Egypt in around 100 years before
So quite possibly there could of been another line of knowledge of truth that
was held by a family dynasty of Pharaoh that had distant genetic relationship
with Abraham. If that family was still in power in Egypt in the times of
Melchizedek then there could be some connections there and the knowledge of the
Pyramids could of been within the family so to speak being connected to Abraham
and we know where Abraham came from Mesopotamia.
Who was the Pharaoh, the distant relative in the time of Abraham working on the
dates? and was it the same family that ruled in the times of Imhotep was the
prime minister then. Is there a connection?
[ 03-03-2007, 03:21 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Maybe the Pyramid was the per cursor
to Melchizedek, the messenger or the announcement. Perhaps then a little over a
hundred years the Melchizedek arrives. The great Pyramid probably by design
probably contained the future of the next 2 epochs, his being the 3rd epochal
Like John the Baptist announcing Jesus, the same thing with the Great Pyramid
and the later advent of the Melchizedek and the future all revealed and laid out
in the great pyramid.
That's probably the great mystery somewhere in there.
[ 03-03-2007, 03:58 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Its certainly a mystery I am just amazed that the Pole Star can be used in order
to fix the approxiamte construction of the great Pyramid. If the date is
confimred using this method then it seems to me that the Pyramids are not as old
as I thought. Possibly!
Just the possibility of the whole world plan of the future layed out in a
construction in dimesion just blows me away. The over a hundred years
Melchizedek arrives uplifts religion and you have the Abrahamic connection.
Incredibly when Jesus was born and went to Egypt where remnants of the followers
of the Atun Ra religion began by Iknanton went to visit Jesus and recognised
Just this possibility is just incredible.
I thought it was interesting the link of the Ark of the covenant connection and
the the Great Pyramid.
Sounds like amazing fireworks display.
In six thousand years only four
great prophets arose among the Egyptians. Amenemope they followed for a
season; Okhban they murdered; Ikhnaton they accepted but halfheartedly for one
short generation; Moses they rejected. Again was it political rather than
religious circumstances that made it easy for Abraham and, later on, for
Joseph to exert great influence throughout Egypt in behalf of the Salem
teachings of one God. But when the Salem missionaries first entered Egypt,
they encountered this highly ethical culture of evolution blended with the
modified moral standards of Mesopotamian immigrants. These early Nile
valley teachers were the first to proclaim conscience as the mandate of God,
the voice of Deity.
In due time there grew up in Egypt a teacher called by many the "son of
man" and by others Amenemope. This seer exalted conscience to its highest
pinnacle of arbitrament between right and wrong, taught punishment for sin,
and proclaimed salvation through calling upon the solar deity.
Amenemope taught that riches and fortune were the gift of God, and this
concept thoroughly colored the later appearing Hebrew philosophy. This noble
teacher believed that God-consciousness was the determining factor in all
conduct; that every moment should be lived in the realization of the presence
of, and responsibility to, God. The teachings of this sage were subsequently
translated into Hebrew and became the sacred book of that people long before
the Old Testament was reduced to writing. The chief preachment of this good
man had to do with instructing his son in uprightness and honesty in
governmental positions of trust, and these noble sentiments of long ago would
do honor to any modern statesman.
This wise man of the Nile taught that "riches take themselves wings and fly
away"--that all things earthly are evanescent. His great prayer was to be
"saved from fear." He exhorted all to turn away from "the words of men" to
"the acts of God ." In substance he taught: Man proposes but God disposes.
His teachings, translated into Hebrew, determined the philosophy of the Old
Testament Book of Proverbs. Translated into Greek, they gave color to all
subsequent Hellenic religious philosophy. The later Alexandrian philosopher,
Philo, possessed a copy of the Book of Wisdom.
Amenemope functioned to conserve the ethics of evolution and the morals of
revelation and in his writings passed them on both to the Hebrews and to the
Greeks. He was not the greatest of the religious teachers of this age, but
he was the most influential in that he colored the subsequent thought of two
vital links in the growth of Occidental civilization--the Hebrews, among whom
evolved the acme of Occidental religious faith, and the Greeks, who developed
pure philosophic thought to its greatest European heights.
In the Book of Hebrew Proverbs, chapters fifteen, seventeen, twenty, and
chapter twenty-two, verse seventeen, to chapter twenty-four, verse twenty-two,
Page 1047 are taken almost verbatim from Amenemope's Book of Wisdom.
The first psalm of the Hebrew Book of Psalms was written by Amenemope and
is the heart of the teachings of Ikhnaton.
web page
and then some information about
The teachings of Amenemope were
slowly losing their hold on the Egyptian mind when, through the influence of
an Egyptian Salemite physician, a woman of the royal family espoused the
Melchizedek teachings. This woman prevailed upon her son, Ikhnaton, Pharaoh of
Egypt, to accept these doctrines of One God.
and fiurther in the link
Though the monotheistic ideal suffered with the passing of Ikhnaton, the idea
of one God persisted in the minds of many groups. The son-in-law of
Ikhnaton went along with the priests, back to the worship of the old gods,
changing his name to Tutankhamen. The capital returned to Thebes, and the
priests waxed fat upon the land, eventually gaining possession of one seventh
of all Egypt; and presently one of this same order of priests made bold to
seize the crown.
and another
The glory of this great era of moral development and spiritual growth in
the Nile valley was rapidly passing at about the time the national life of the
Hebrews was beginning, and consequent upon their sojourn in Egypt these
Bedouins carried away much of these teachings and perpetuated many of
Ikhnaton's doctrines in their racial religion.
web page
Amenemope Book of Wisdom
an article
Here is information on Imhotep however this dates Imhotep creator of the great
Imhotep (sometimes spelled Immutef,
Im-hotep, or Ii-em-Hotep, Egyptian ii-m-ḥtp *jā-im-ḥatāp) (2667 BC - 2648 BC)
is the first architect and physician known by name in written history.
The dates seem to be out in regards to
the Pole Star alignment as mentioned in the link regarding the Pole Star and the
alignment of the Passageway. by about 500 years. So now I'm really confused as
we have dates 500 years apart.
[ 03-04-2007, 02:19 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Here is UB link from the search of
twenty thousand years
web page
It reveals a little
here is something that reveals something about the time of the construction of
the first tower of Babel
The dispersion of the Nodites was an
immediate result of the internecine conflict over the tower of Babel. This
internal war greatly reduced the numbers of the purer Nodites and was in many
ways responsible for their failure to establish a great pre-Adamic
civilization. From this time on Nodite culture declined for over one hundred
and twenty thousand years until it was upstepped by Adamic infusion. But
even in the times of Adam the Nodites were still an able people. Many of their
mixed descendants were numbered among the Garden builders, and several of
Van's group captains were Nodites. Some of the most capable minds serving on
Adam's staff were of this race.
So the first attempt of Babel began
120,000 years ago. Because of the internal conflict the Nodites failed to create
a pre Adamic civilisation.
It looks like the second construction of Babel began 12,000 years, 10,000BC
About twelve thousand years ago a
second attempt to erect the tower of Babel was made . The mixed races of
the Andites (Nodites and Adamites) undertook to raise a new temple on the
ruins of the first structure, but there was not sufficient support for the
enterprise; it fell of its own pretentious weight. This region was long known
as the land of Babel.
web page
So the large circular foundations of
Babel, of the coast of Iran is really the site of the first and second towers of
This is where Imhotep came from, either personaly throughout his childhood and
migrated to Egypt or perhaps his previous family linage comes from Dilmun the
land of the Andites. The Egyptian used to call Dalamatia(Pre Dilmun) Dilmat.
sounds linke Dilmun. The Egyptian priests gives the date of the destruction of
Atlantis 10,000 years ago from 600BC. I would say that is near the times of
Babel in its second construction which failed. Also the sea levels rose by 20
meters between 12,000 - 10,000 years ago.
and then in around 8000 years they thought about trying Babel again.
These conquerors of Mesopotamia
carried in their ranks many of the better Andite strains of the mixed northern
races of Turkestan, including some of the Adamson stock. These less advanced
but more vigorous tribes from the north quickly and willingly assimilated the
residue of the civilization of Mesopotamia and presently developed into those
mixed peoples found in the Euphrates valley at the beginning of historic
They quickly revived many phases of the passing civilization of Mesopotamia,
adopting the arts of the valley tribes and much of the culture of the
Sumerians. They even sought to build a third tower of Babel and later
adopted the term as their national name.
web page
Again, the sea levels rose 20 meters
between 10,000-12,000 years ago but between 10,000-8,000 years ago the sea
levels rose a further 20 metres again flooding scores of cities.
This only means more migrations of the Andites to Egypt.
However by around 6000BC the floods began to ease.
It was during the floodtimes that
Susa so greatly prospered. The first and lower city was inundated so that the
second or higher town succeeded the lower as the headquarters for the peculiar
artcrafts of that day. With the later diminution of these floods, Ur became
the center of the pottery industry. About seven thousand years ago Ur was on
the Persian Gulf, the river deposits having since built up the land to its
present limits. These settlements suffered less from the floods because of
better controlling works and the widening mouths of the rivers.
web page
However around the time of the
Brilliant Egyptian Culture the Sumerian(Andite) culture disappeared.
About 2500 B.C. the Sumerians
suffered severe reverses at the hands of the northern Suites and Guites.
Lagash, the Sumerian capital built on flood mounds, fell. Erech held out for
thirty years after the fall of Akkad. By the time of the establishment of the
rule of Hammurabi the Sumerians had become absorbed into the ranks of the
northern Semites, and the Mesopotamian Andites passed from the pages of
Now if Imhotep built the Great Pyramid
according to the UB and where Imhotep was thought to live in around 2600BC
according to the wikipedia then Imhotep would of been an early refugee from the
final dispersion of the Sumerians(andites) around 2500BC in Sumeria.
There must of been migrations of the Andites to Egypt due to conflict pre
Regarding the Pole Star and its
alignment because there appears to be a 500 year discrepancy I was thinking
would the Pole Star travel out of alignment by allot in 500 years and could that
relate to the discrepancy of the 3 degrees out of alignment working on the
2149BC theory?? As Johnee mentioned!
[ 03-04-2007, 03:24 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
At the end of the day regarding the
ancient places man will reject all.
If these places are linked to change or transition I believe there will only be
10% that will embrace, the rest will reject completely event the so called
religious types which does include the UB readers as well.
I believe most of Christianity will reject any sign leading to transition and
other world religions will follow suit in exactly in the same manner.
All will ignore and reject.
Simple as that, it will no different as in the days of Jesus.
I think 1Eden was an excellent case in point. I know the UB readers did support
the project where they did find the wall, but in the main I think the world has
rejected 1stEden and wont even bother to look into the case.
Personally I think the response to these ancient places is just disappointing
and I think man should be completely ashamed of himself for having a real lack
The churches I must say have been pathetic in this whole journey.
I think they are useless to the cause because of the controlling stifled
doctrine they are under.
In the end days the beast shall overcome the prophets....Yep that's true!
absolutely correct! 100%
No true prophet can survive these days because of the disbelief and the
spiritual slackness of so many which is to much.
Without seemingly to test, I doubt that the angels can do that much because of
mans disbelief, pride and prejudice. As you know Angels cant enforce ideas but
they can lead you to the signs but they cant make you embrace the signs.
I think world doctrine is to heavy and stifles the spiritual eyes of many.
Actually many of the Christians churches are more of an obstacle to the
forwarding of truth, these days.
If there is a literal judgment day as what the bible expresses I believe there
would only be 10% that will survive, that's it.
700,000,000 million individuals or so and will not be all Christians that's for
Regarding signs you have 1Eden, Dalamatia, Dilmun and Babel also you have the
prophetical aspects of the Great Pyramid which appears to be related to
Christianity prophecy not to mention all the books and still everyone takes no
notice and rejects.
I don't know what the signs could be if these places are not the signs!!!!
This whole affair makes this planet one of most disappointing planets in the
universe as far as Im concerned.
Everyone just seems so pis weak when it comes to things of the Father and his
foundational places! There's no grit, no proclamation, no guts, no faith, just
bloody nothing! No even a whimper from the so called great religious
institutions of this useless for nothing world. Cant even feed the population
that how pathetic this planet is.
Like Jesus said this is an evil planet and I think full of crappy people, most
of them!
I think the Father should call it in soon. Nothing is going to happen here on
this piece of rock, no one is going to lift there finger in faith and do
something. Because everyone who can do something is fat and comfortable and
doesn't want to change because of his small, self serving ego attitude. Typical
man! Useless piece of nothing, good for nothing half the time, most of the time!
in the spiritual things of the Father!
Anyway that's my assessment so far.
If I was the father I would really call it in. I don't know what the Father
expects but man is not going to do a thing just talk crap all day long without
doing nothing. This process even in light of the most wonderous things of God is
really becoming a waste of time and resources if one aspires to the best result
of this scenario. I believe the best result wont happen. Man is simply to far
gone for him to come back to the table of true reality.
Well that's my report to the Ancient of Days and the Father in this most useless
for nothing planet regarding its unbelieving, faithless, do nothing slack
inhabitants living of the backs of others. That's all everyone wants to do
capitalise on everyone else backs to make there life comfortable and fat.
Obviously 1st Eden made no difference not even to the UB people in the sense of
discovery. I myself have seen very little support from anyone apart from a very
few UB people.
So why are we wasting time here promoting this book and the discoveries. Man
will not respond unless there is something obvious which is not the real point!
You know, even the so called great organisations of the UB have shown very
little spiritual support, while they waste there time going to court they could
be funding these operations of the ancient places and helping man get to the
truth quicker rather than all this waste of time court crap BS not to mention
the evil attitudes and motivations in the UB circles involved in internal
conflict again over nothing!
Man has to really grow up here and cut the crap and get on with it in finding
truth for mankind rather than wasting resources and time in stupid court. Over a
common book,,,, what next!
So if this all part of transition when does it happen because this cant go on
forever, there must be a defining point? or does this just drag on and on and
on! where it gets ridiculous!
I say bring it on, call it in I think the result wont get better.
No point in wasting anymore time! Might as well expect improvement in the new
Epoch. because this current planetary situation has failed miserably and cannot
help itself... look around us!!
It complete failure, this planet! If there is improvement to happen it will be
under the new administration.
Might as well call it in! finish this!
Posted: Mon Mar
05, 2007 8:11 pm
Post subject: Some personal
thoughts of the state of play at this time.
At the end of the day regarding the ancient places man will reject all.
If these places are linked to change or transition I believe there will only be
10% that will embrace, the rest will reject completely, even the so called
religious types which does include the UB readers as well.
I believe most of Christianity will reject any sign leading to transition and
other world religions will follow suit in exactly in the same manner.
All will ignore and reject.
Simple as that, it will no different as in the days of Jesus.
I think 1Eden was an excellent case in point. I know the UB readers did support
the project where they did find the wall, but in the main I think the world has
rejected 1stEden and wont even bother to look into the case.
Personally I think the response to these ancient places is just disappointing
and I think man should be completely ashamed of himself for having a real lack
The churches I must say have been pathetic in this whole journey.
I think they are useless to the cause because of the controlling stifled
doctrine they are under.
In the end days the beast shall overcome the prophets....Yep that's true!
absolutely correct! 100%
No true prophet can survive these days because of the disbelief and the
spiritual slackness of so many which is to much.
Without seemingly to test, I doubt that the angels can do that much because of
mans disbelief, pride and prejudice. As you know Angels cant enforce ideas but
they can lead you to the signs but they cant make you embrace the signs.
I think world doctrine is to heavy and stifles the spiritual eyes of many.
Actually many of the Christians churches are more of an obstacle to the
forwarding of truth, these days.
If there is a literal judgment day as what the bible expresses I believe there
would only be 10% that will survive, that's it.
700,000,000 million individuals or so and will not be all Christians that's for
Regarding signs you have 1Eden, Dalamatia, Dilmun and Babel also you have the
prophetical aspects of the Great Pyramid which appears to be related to
Christianity prophecy not to mention all the books and still everyone takes no
notice and rejects.
I don't know what the signs could be if these places are not the signs!!!!
This whole affair makes this planet one of most disappointing planets in the
universe as far as Im concerned.
Everyone just seems so pis weak when it comes to things of the Father and his
foundational places! There's no grit, no proclamation, no guts, no faith, just
bloody nothing! Not even a whimper from the so
called great religious institutions of this useless for nothing world.
Cant even feed the population that how pathetic this planet is.
Like Jesus said this is an evil planet and I think full of crappy people, most
of them!
I think the Father should call it in soon. Nothing is going to happen here on
this piece of rock, no one is going to lift there finger in faith and do
something. Because everyone who can do something is fat and comfortable and
doesn't want to change because of his small, self serving ego attitude. Typical
man! Useless piece of nothing, good for nothing half the time, most of the time!
in the spiritual things of the Father!
Anyway that's my assessment so far.
If I was the father I would really call it in. I don't know what the Father
expects but man is not going to do a thing just talk crap all day long without
doing nothing. This process even in light of the most wonderous things of God is
really becoming a waste of time and resources if one aspires to the best result
of this scenario. I believe the best result wont happen. Man is simply to far
gone for him to come back to the table of true reality.
Well that's my report to the Ancient of Days and the Father in this most useless
for nothing planet regarding its unbelieving, faithless, do nothing slack
inhabitants living of the backs of others. That's all everyone wants to do
capitalise on everyone else backs to make there life comfortable and fat.
Obviously 1st Eden made no difference not even to the UB people in the sense of
discovery. I myself have seen very little support from anyone apart from a very
few UB people.
So why are we wasting time here promoting this book and the discoveries. Man
will not respond unless there is something obvious which is not the real point!
Man has to really grow up here and cut the crap and get on with it in finding
truth for mankind rather than wasting resources and time.
So if this all part of transition when does it happen because this cant go on
forever, there must be a defining point? or does this just drag on and on and
on! where it gets ridiculous!
I say bring it on, call it in! I think the results wont get better.
No point in wasting anymore time! Might as well expect improvement in the new
Epoch. because this current planetary situation has failed miserably and cannot
help itself... look around us!! and most of all look at the witness of all the
religions in there narrow doctrine and look how they all behave in all there
hypo! where it becomes more like cabaret show with all the recycled doctrine. A
spectacle and yet they reject the origins as written in their own book. Not to
mention all the hassling of money. Much of Christianity has been reduced to
merely a social operation rather than a truth bearing and seeking religion that
deliver real sermons of power and truth along side with hard evidence. Religion
is still full of fear because of the doctrine of fear, it has all to do with
self preservation (fear of loss)
Its a complete failure, this planet! If there is improvement to happen it will
be under the new administration.
Might as well call it in! finish this!
Just remember that the before judgment is the most crucial period and all your
words and thoughts will be held against you! Like in court! Yes that's right!
After judgment it will be too late to back track, simple as that!
Before anyone jumps on my back with doctrine.
When I say this is a report to the Father and the Ancient of Days don't estimate
this at all. They do listen and respond as I have witnessed in other
proclamations in this long journey to the ancient places. Actually it was
through a proclamation to the Ancient of Days and following the Enoch's 10 week
judgement that Dalamatia, Dilmun and Babel was discovered in the Seventh Part.
Don't underestimate that. I wouldn't!
Also the sevenfold scheme of training is
directly related to the Ancients of Days. It is an Ancients of Days
operation so don't be disrespectful! when the clouds of doctrine fall on me fro
m you! Be disrespectful to me, no problem but not to the Ancients of Days and
there very own operation. Keep in mind that I solely rely on the Father and the
Ancients of Days for guidance in these places they are my sole backers and are
my protector. I rely on them because I cannot rely on the churches concerning
these ancient places. Everything that happens is in the total control of the
Father, Ancient of Days and the Paradise Trinity so by insulting me as you will
within yourselves, you insult them and they will respond!
As we approach judgment The Father will become more ruthless towards untruth,
spiritual scams, bad motivation and most of all false doctrine!
Christianity is no way safe as all man will be judged by his motivation and what
is within him where ignorance is no excuse for a way of escape!
Remember in revelation the 6 churches cop a major correction except the unknown
church! So obviously something is wrong with the churches for them to be
corrected in there track during the judgment process. Now would be a good time
for the churches and there leadership to examine themselves and reach out
further into the all the books. But you know and I know that will not happen
because of too much pride, prejudice and manmade doctrinal crystallization which
leads to utter blindness.
The Church appears to be caught out unexpectedly by Judgment in revelation.
Obviously the Father did call the last mystery in at a time when no one expected
it!!!!!!! Which could be at anytime now or even on the short term future. I
don't know the time. However going by the response of mankind and of the
Churches towards the ancient places I would say some time soon as the ancient
places had no effect pursuant of truth. maybe perhaps??
This is a no mucking around time. That's for sure!
Again from the Bible
Quote: |
Colossians 2:2
That their hearts might be comforted, being
knit together in love, and unto all riches
of the full assurance of understanding,
to the acknowledgement of the
mystery of God, and of
the Father, and of Christ; |
Again from the Bible
Quote: |
Colossians 2:2
That their hearts might be comforted, being
knit together in love, and unto all riches
of the full assurance of understanding,
to the acknowledgement of the
mystery of God, and of
the Father, and of Christ; |
Note the Mystery of God, the Father and of Jesus. I would say these ancient
places are very much part of the the mystery of God.
and again
Quote: |
Isaiah 51
Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the Lord:
look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the
pit whence ye are digged.
2 Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you: for I called
him alone, and blessed him, and increased him.
3 For the Lord shall comfort Zion:
will comfort all her waste places;
and he will make her wilderness like Eden,
and her desert like the garden of the Lord;
joy and gladness shall be found therein,
thanksgiving, and the voice of melody. |
Yes you are so right, I'm just
struggling with attitude.
Oh! I'm just so frustrated at this moment. I'm sure its a bad day in attitude,
Finding much stuff but then nothing happens it just keeps on dragging on.
Thanks for your words and sorry If I was overly aggressive!
You know I just want a good result for God and man and I know that these ancient
places is the right direction and in the big picture which is unfolding!
I just want get out there and get some real action going rather being enclosed
in 4 walls with out any resources to venture out to verify and continue to do
the will of the Father!
Ahh just frustrated with everything and the world in its present pathetic state.
Again thanks for your kinds words and correction.
I know Jesus had faith in man and I feel a little ashamed of myself that I have
little faith in man or anyone for that matter. But I just feel that man has
proved himself unworthy of trust on many counts just by looking at the way he
operates and how he speaks with a multiple forked tongue.
all the best sojourner
The tower of Babel seems to be a circle in a
triangle but also the following symbols can be found on the Block in the shaft
in the great pyramid.
Anyway I tried to piece what seems to be a picture with perhaps a zodiac to the
right of perhaps another smaller pyramid.
Here is the original

and here is my handy work.

Further additions in the enlargement
Perhaps someone else could try it and see what they come up with.
I'm probably seeing things kinda turned into something else oh well!
Here is another view of the main Pyramid

Further additions in the enlargement
Is there any connection somewhere??
I do see more things I see two pryamids and a semi circle next to the smaller
I also wonder if this diagram is the key that leads to the right passageway.
The sloping passgeway to the North of the Pryamid.

all the best
Hi Tom
With the door, yes I know my images are a little fanciful, I agree. However,
without all my novice art work I do definitely see a symbol in the way of a
A triangle with a circle within and a smaller exact same symbol embossed within
the main symbol.
With the great Passage way if its only 5 degrees off the celestial pole, that's
ok by me. Its seems to match both the UB and Cayce. 5 degrees of the Pole isn't
to bad for a structure like that. So therefore what ever star was close to the
North Star the Passageway also pointed to it. Sounds like a match.
Well to me that seems like a step closer.
About the triangle symbol, I'm surprised the discovers never picked it up and
mentioned it as they were observing the door. However I'm thinking also that it
points to something else or it could point to something else.
I really do find the whole study quite interesting. I really think the
descending passageway is the key and that it points to the Celestial pole really
seems like a match to the UB and Cayce parallel.
I'm just really impressed! it seems like an excellent connection. The Thuban
Star makes all sense and if it was stationary for 200 years it would of given
the builders ample time to build the structure with good alignment to Thuban.
The dates seem to correspond to.
Here is another link on the definition of the Thuban and its various names in
different cultures. The Dragons tail.
History of the star: A pale yellow in the Dragon
Draco. Thuban from Arabic Ath-Thu'ban (1), "The snake". Thuban and Al Tinnin
are from the Arabic title for the whole of Draco. The Persian title was
Azhdeha. It is also Adib, Addib, Eddib, Adid, Adive, and El Dsib, all from Al
Dhi'bah, "the Hyaenas", that also appears for the stars zeta (Nodus 1), eta,
and iota, as well as for others in Bootes and Ursa Major. Al Tizini called it
Al Dhifi, "the Male Hyaena". Among seamen it has been the Dragon's Tail.
Sayce says that the great astrological and astronomical work compiled for
the first Sargon, king of Agade, or Akkad, devoted much attention to this
star, then marking the pole [Polaris marks the Pole nowadays], as Tir-An-na,
"the Life of Heaven"; Dayan Same, "the Judge of Heaven"; and Dayan Sidi, "the
Favorable Judge", — all representing the god Caga Gilgati, whose name it
also bore. Dayan Esiru, "the Prospering Judge", or "the Crown of Heaven", and
Dayan Shisha, "the Judge Directing", as having the highest seat amongst the
heavenly host [when it was the Pole star]. About 2750 B.C. it was less than
10' from the exact pole. (Allen).
"Thuban (Hebrew), the subtle. Some 4,620 years ago it was the Polar Star. It
is still a very important star in nautical reckonings, guiding the commerce of
the seas, and thus 'the god of this world' is represented as winding in
his contortions round the pole of the world, as if to indicate his subtle
influence in all worldly affairs." (The Witness of the Stars E. W. Bullinger
You know raises some intersting thoughts like for example
I was drawn to this name "all representing the god Caga Gilgati," I hate
to say it but for me. That name sounds like Caligastia as mentioned in The
Urantia Book. He was the fallen planetary prince of Urantia.
"as having the highest seat amongst the heavenly host" we know that Caligastia
desired that?? and he was the ex planetary prince replaced by the Melchizedek as
that title along with Jesus according to the UB.
I have to say its weird pondering this but I could wrong here.
In any case It seems that the Thuban in the North Star was represented as a
heavenly host. A judge or a ruler of high distinction in the heavens.
I found also that Sargon also studied this star and was most likely influenced
by the Thuban. It would seem logical to me that the Egyptians would also place
importance in this star and see it as a celestial destination, the abodes of the
Gods, the centre of the universe as seen by them.
Maybe around 2600BC or later was when the great Pyramid was built. Seems to
match along with circumstantial evidence held by other cultures.
Hi Tom
With the door, yes I know my images are a little fanciful, I agree. However,
without all my novice art work I do definitely see a symbol in the way of a
A triangle with a circle within and a smaller exact same symbol embossed within
the main symbol.
With the great Passage way if its only 5 degrees off the celestial pole, that's
ok by me. Its seems to match both the UB and Cayce. 5 degrees of the Pole isn't
to bad for a structure like that. So therefore what ever star was close to the
North Star the Passageway also pointed to it. Sounds like a match.
Well to me that seems like a step closer.
About the triangle symbol, I'm surprised the discovers never picked it up and
mentioned it as they were observing the door. However I'm thinking also that it
points to something else or it could point to something else.
I really do find the whole study quite interesting. I really think the
descending passageway is the key and that it points to the Celestial pole really
seems like a match to the UB and Cayce parallel.
I'm just really impressed! it seems like an excellent connection. The Thuban
Star makes all sense and if it was stationary for 200 years it would of given
the builders ample time to build the structure with good alignment to Thuban.
The dates seem to correspond to.
Here is another link on the definition of the Thuban and its various names in
different cultures. The Dragons tail.
History of the star: A pale yellow in the Dragon
Draco. Thuban from Arabic Ath-Thu'ban (1), "The snake". Thuban and Al Tinnin
are from the Arabic title for the whole of Draco. The Persian title was
Azhdeha. It is also Adib, Addib, Eddib, Adid, Adive, and El Dsib, all from Al
Dhi'bah, "the Hyaenas", that also appears for the stars zeta (Nodus 1), eta,
and iota, as well as for others in Bootes and Ursa Major. Al Tizini called it
Al Dhifi, "the Male Hyaena". Among seamen it has been the Dragon's Tail.
Sayce says that the great astrological and astronomical work compiled for
the first Sargon, king of Agade, or Akkad, devoted much attention to this
star, then marking the pole [Polaris marks the Pole nowadays], as Tir-An-na,
"the Life of Heaven"; Dayan Same, "the Judge of Heaven"; and Dayan Sidi, "the
Favorable Judge", — all representing the god Caga Gilgati, whose name it
also bore. Dayan Esiru, "the Prospering Judge", or "the Crown of Heaven", and
Dayan Shisha, "the Judge Directing", as having the highest seat amongst the
heavenly host [when it was the Pole star]. About 2750 B.C. it was less than
10' from the exact pole. (Allen).
"Thuban (Hebrew), the subtle. Some 4,620 years ago it was the Polar Star. It
is still a very important star in nautical reckonings, guiding the commerce of
the seas, and thus 'the god of this world' is represented as winding in
his contortions round the pole of the world, as if to indicate his subtle
influence in all worldly affairs." (The Witness of the Stars E. W. Bullinger
You know raises some intersting thoughts like for example
I was drawn to this name "all representing the god Caga Gilgati," I hate
to say it but for me. That name sounds like Caligastia as mentioned in The
Urantia Book. He was the fallen planetary prince of Urantia.
"as having the highest seat amongst the heavenly host" we know that Caligastia
desired that?? and he was the ex planetary prince replaced by the Melchizedek as
that title along with Jesus according to the UB.
I have to say its weird pondering this but I could wrong here.
In any case It seems that the Thuban in the North Star was represented as a
heavenly host. A judge or a ruler of high distinction in the heavens.
I found also that Sargon also studied this star and was most likely influenced
by the Thuban. It would seem logical to me that the Egyptians would also place
importance in this star and see it as a celestial destination, the abodes of the
Gods, the centre of the universe as seen by them.
Maybe around 2600BC or later was when the great Pyramid was built. Seems to
match along with circumstantial evidence held by other cultures.

Thuban is named after a star. Its full
astronomical name is "Alpha Draconis"
It was once thought to be the brightest star in the constellation Draco, hence
the 'Alpha' designation. The honor really goes to a star named Eltanin, "Gamma
Draco". It is believed that Thuban was considerably brighter several thousand
years ago.
This star was the pole star at about 2700 BC. The fact that Thuban was the
Pole Star at just the time the Egyptians were building pyramids hasn't escaped
the archaeologists. Several structures appear to have been set up to align
with Thuban during this time.
How to find Thuban in the sky:
Thuban is the Arabic name for Dragon. To find Thuban, sweep down the length of
the Little Dipper, and jump over to the end of the handle of the Big
Dipper. Midway is found a much fainter star, which
is Thuban.
then you have Cayce with his rendition of the Big/Great Dipper is Thuban the
second star in the Great Dipper?? If it is then there is another match!
At the correct time accurate imaginary lines can
be drawn from the opening of the great Pyramid to the
second star in the Great Dipper, called
Polaris or the North Star
Hi Tom
With the door, yes I know my images are a little fanciful, I agree. However,
without all my novice art work I do definitely see a symbol in the way of a
A triangle with a circle within and a smaller exact same symbol embossed within
the main symbol.
With the great Passage way if its only 5 degrees off the celestial pole, that's
ok by me. Its seems to match both the UB and Cayce. 5 degrees of the Pole isn't
to bad for a structure like that. So therefore what ever star was close to the
North Star the Passageway also pointed to it. Sounds like a match.
Well to me that seems like a step closer.
About the triangle symbol, I'm surprised the discovers never picked it up and
mentioned it as they were observing the door. However I'm thinking also that it
points to something else or it could point to something else.
I really do find the whole study quite interesting. I really think the
descending passageway is the key and that it points to the Celestial pole really
seems like a match to the UB and Cayce parallel.
I'm just really impressed! it seems like an excellent connection. The Thuban
Star makes all sense and if it was stationary for 200 years it would of given
the builders ample time to build the structure with good alignment to Thuban.
The dates seem to correspond to.
Here is another link on the definition of the Thuban and its various names in
different cultures. The Dragons tail.
History of the star: A pale yellow in the Dragon
Draco. Thuban from Arabic Ath-Thu'ban (1), "The snake". Thuban and Al Tinnin
are from the Arabic title for the whole of Draco. The Persian title was
Azhdeha. It is also Adib, Addib, Eddib, Adid, Adive, and El Dsib, all from Al
Dhi'bah, "the Hyaenas", that also appears for the stars zeta (Nodus 1), eta,
and iota, as well as for others in Bootes and Ursa Major. Al Tizini called it
Al Dhifi, "the Male Hyaena". Among seamen it has been the Dragon's Tail.
Sayce says that the great astrological and astronomical work compiled for
the first Sargon, king of Agade, or Akkad, devoted much attention to this
star, then marking the pole [Polaris marks the Pole nowadays], as Tir-An-na,
"the Life of Heaven"; Dayan Same, "the Judge of Heaven"; and Dayan Sidi, "the
Favorable Judge", — all representing the god Caga Gilgati, whose name it
also bore. Dayan Esiru, "the Prospering Judge", or "the Crown of Heaven", and
Dayan Shisha, "the Judge Directing", as having the highest seat amongst the
heavenly host [when it was the Pole star]. About 2750 B.C. it was less than
10' from the exact pole. (Allen).
"Thuban (Hebrew), the subtle. Some 4,620 years ago it was the Polar Star. It
is still a very important star in nautical reckonings, guiding the commerce of
the seas, and thus 'the god of this world' is represented as winding in
his contortions round the pole of the world, as if to indicate his subtle
influence in all worldly affairs." (The Witness of the Stars E. W. Bullinger
You know raises some intersting thoughts like for example
I was drawn to this name "all representing the god Caga Gilgati," I hate
to say it but for me. That name sounds like Caligastia as mentioned in The
Urantia Book. He was the fallen planetary prince of Urantia.
"as having the highest seat amongst the heavenly host" we know that Caligastia
desired that?? we would of wanted to be lifted up an exalted. He was the ex
planetary prince replaced by the Melchizedek as that title, along with Jesus
according to the UB.
I have to say its weird pondering this but I could wrong here but it could be
In any case It seems that the Thuban was the North Star and was represented as a
heavenly host or as a judge. A judge or a ruler of high distinction in the
I found also that Sargon also studied this star and was most likely influenced
by the Thuban. It would seem logical to me that the Egyptians would also place
importance in this star and see it as a celestial destination, the abodes of the
Gods, the centre of the universe as seen by them.
Maybe around 2600BC or later was when the great Pyramid was built. Seems to
match along with circumstantial evidence held by other cultures.

Thuban is named after a star. Its full
astronomical name is "Alpha Draconis"
It was once thought to be the brightest star in the constellation Draco, hence
the 'Alpha' designation. The honor really goes to a star named Eltanin, "Gamma
Draco". It is believed that Thuban was considerably brighter several thousand
years ago.
This star was the pole star at about 2700 BC. The fact that Thuban was the
Pole Star at just the time the Egyptians were building pyramids hasn't escaped
the archaeologists. Several structures appear to have been set up to align
with Thuban during this time.
How to find Thuban in the sky:
Thuban is the Arabic name for Dragon. To find Thuban, sweep down the length of
the Little Dipper, and jump over to the end of the handle of the Big
Dipper. Midway is found a much fainter star, which
is Thuban.
then you have Cayce with his rendition of the Big/Great Dipper is Thuban the
second star in the Great Dipper?? If it is then there is another match!
At the correct time accurate imaginary lines can
be drawn from the opening of the great Pyramid to the
second star in the Great Dipper, called
Polaris or the North Star
This image really spells it out and tells the story of Thuban and the
construction of the great Pyramid.

Interesting link about Thuban
Ive been thinking about Caga Gilgati or what I think is Calagastia.
Taken from the link above
During the time that Draco's star Thuban was the pole star, it would have
appeared to ancient sky watchers that the Earth revolved around Draco.
Dragons and other similar creatures often played
a role in creation myths. In these stories the gods would often
battle such creatures for control of the Earth. When defeated, the dragons
were flung up into the skies.

Now Im looking into the Urantia Book
Here is a search on the Dragon that reveals much
line 120: Of the planetary angelic helpers, those
assigned to the Material Sons, about one third were deceived, and almost ten
per cent of the transition ministers were ensnared.
In symbol John saw this when he wrote of the great
red dragon, saying: "And his tail
drew a third part of the stars of heaven and cast them down in darkness."
Very little was heard of Lucifer on Urantia owing
to the fact that he assigned his first lieutenant, Satan, to advocate his
cause on your planet. Satan was a member of the same primary group of
Lanonandeks but had never functioned as a System Sovereign; he entered fully
into the Lucifer insurrection. The "devil" is
none other than Caligastia, the deposed Planetary Prince of Urantia and a Son
of the secondary order of Lanonandeks. At the time
Michael was on
Urantia in the flesh, Lucifer, Satan, and Caligastia were leagued together to
effect the miscarriage of his bestowal mission. But they signally failed.
Abaddon was the chief of the staff of Caligastia. He followed his master into
rebellion and has ever since acted as chief executive of the Urantia rebels.
Beelzebub was the leader of the disloyal midway creatures who allied
themselves with the forces of the traitorous Caligastia.
The dragon eventually became the symbolic representation of all these evil
personages. Upon the triumph of Michael, "Gabriel
came down from Salvington and bound the dragon (all the rebel leaders) for an
age." Of the Jerusem seraphic rebels it is written:
"And the angels who kept not their first estate but
left their own habitation, he has reserved in sure chains of darkness to the
judgment of the great day."
How interesting is that!! So the Draco the Dragon and Thuban was related to
celestial war? Its virtualy written in the stars and the great Pyramid points
to the epic.
I wonder if there is a greater story in regards to Orion that fits or
compliments the puzzle.
I know this uncomfortable for some but thats what we are finding on the run in
the research and its all part of the story of our origins which I feel is part
of the great mystery which may have all to do with the great pyramid and the
connections to our religions today.
Because Thuban was the pole star 5000 years ago
the ancient Egyptians keenly observed it. Some of Draco's stars were part of
their constellation of Hippopotamus and some were of the Crocodile. They
appear on the planisphere of Denderah and the walls of the Ramesseum at
Thebes. The hieroglyph for the Hippopotamus was used for the heavens in
general while the constellation is supposed to have been a symbol of
Isis Rathor, Athor, or Athyr, the Egyptian
Venus. Draco's stars were also said to represent the falcon headed god Horus.
another view

But I wonder if Thuban is the second star in the Big dipper as Cayce mentions?
Now here is a search I did on
http://www.dalamatiacity.com with some of my thoughts at the time of
discovery in relation to the subject I was investigating at the time.
30 The waters are hid as with a stone,
(Egyptian book of the dead job 28 Daniel 2 The acropolis Hill, The holy
mountain this is where the stone is The Ark of His Testament , Job is
revealing the mystery through this chapter. We can solve the mystery by The
discovery of Eden.) and the face of the deep is frozen. (Deeply submerged, 1
mile under the ocean)
(In the following we enter in the understanding dimensions of space and
greater knowledge about it of which The Father knows. This I believe is
related directly to the Sethite truth which has all to do with the seasons of
the Stars. Not horoscopes The stars are time markers and the patterns of the
stars serves as a map or maps directly related to the 1st Eden.)
31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of
Orion? [The Seal The Sphinx Riddle Is that like the loosening of the
Seal, the Seventh Seal, the Sevenfold Mystery.]
Isaiah 58 "Loose the bands" parallel.
32 Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? Mazzaroth or canst thou
guide Arcturus with his sons?
http://www.crystalinks.com/arcturus.html A relationship with the
Processional Zodiac and its completion of a season and related to a depiction
of Eden displayed in the stars by the constellation Acturus as shown below as
a starmap.
33 Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion
thereof in the earth?
Is that to mean that the ordinances of the heaven and the positioning of
constellation is indicative of its own season and are we in a end of a season
of completion as displayed in the Sphinx riddle related to administration of
Heaven and Earth? which foretells and event that can be seen in the stars
constellation relating to a completion of a precession zodiac cycle season
which has to with the dominions of the Gods which includes the Earth a
possibly adjustments? Has a seal been broken? I think so.
and then in Amos 9
Said Amos: "He who formed the mountains and
created the wind, seek him who formed the seven
stars and Orion, who turns the shadow of death into the morning
and makes the day dark as night."
Here is a study I did on the sphinx riddle and other things
and another study on Marduk and the Sevenfold
anther study on the Seven Ringed Cup some Iranian mythology
and here is a some Tennyson and his reference to Orion.
And more out of the Bible about the ancient physical foundations of our origins
Isaiah 51
Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the Lord:
look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the
hole of the pit whence ye are digged.
2 Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you: for I called
him alone, and blessed him, and increased him.
3 For the Lord shall comfort Zion: he
will comfort all her waste places; and
he will make her wilderness like Eden, and
her desert like the garden of the Lord; joy
and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving,
and the voice of melody.
Again from the Bible
Colossians 2:2
That their hearts might be comforted, being knit
together in love, and unto all riches of the
full assurance of understanding,to the acknowledgement of the
mystery of God, and of the Father, and of

It even more compelling to see the association with the main constellations with
Ra the Sun God the religion of Iknanton, the first One God religion of Egypt.
To the symbol in the stars is amazing!
And look at the time line, its a story of our Epoch in the time dates
particulary towards the end.
At any rate, the importance of this star - THUBAN - in the "water dragon" is
even more compounded when we consider that it appears that
the Great Pyramid of Khugu at Gizeh -
the most perfect giant structure in the world -
was constructed in such a way that a shaft in the pyramid is aligned precisely
to Thuban on or about 2,830 B.C. The precision of this alignment of
this incredibly narrow and extremely long shaft with what was then the Pole
Star appears to be anything but coincidental.
So this was the date where alignment was precise
was constructed in such a way that a shaft in the
pyramid is aligned precisely to Thuban on or about 2,830 B.C.
Seems like a good date.
and more Egyptian relations to Thuban

Bas-relief that represents Isis, symbolized in the sky by the star to
Draconis or Thuban, corresponding to the polestar at the time of the Egyptian

They represent the drawn circumpolar constellations in the funeral camera of
Seti I in Luxor. Two of these constellations have been identified with the
modern ones: The ox (that are the Great Bear) then circumpolar in Egypt, and
the Hipopótamo (Dragoon and the Little Bear).

The star of pyramids
The North Pole of the ecliptic is in the constellation, reason why
due to the precession of the equinoxes it does more than five thousand
years, at the faraónica time the polestar was Dhuban or to Draconis that was
the star that in year 2830 to C. was more near the celestial North Pole.
Then Egypt governed IV dynasty, and constructors of great pyramid of Geops
in Gizeh that considered the position of the star, which it shone to 10' of
the celestial pole and oriented opportunely of such form that the passage
that descended towards the burial camera, with their opened superior end of
such form that could penetrate the luminous ray of a Draconis.
Very intriguing link
I think we have come to the truth of the matter regarding this overall study
regarding the time of the construction of the great Pyramid.
Here is something I found interesting
At the great battle of Armageddon
Shall join the crusade through rows totally attached
The pertanious army of God against the army of the evil Serpent
The Dragon shall be loosened on October third
COMMENT: Man-dragon might indicate Chinese troops. The battle begins on
October third and from Quatrain III.77, Iranian leader shall be captured on
October 7th 2025 indicating that this great decisive battle might be between
Western allies and Muslim alliance. Also Armageddon might be the battle
between Western and Chinese troops as the latter shall decide to engage in war
at the end of the conflict while all parties are almost exhausted. And the
national symbol of China has always been the Red Dragon.
Im not sure about the interpretation but I was drawn to the reference of the
It seem like a battle between the dragon and of light, the dragon meaning the
fallen prince of this planet Caligastia.
here some more
A coffin is put into the vault of iron,
where seven children of the king are held.
The ancestors and forebears will come forth from
the depths of hell,
lamenting to see thus dead the fruit of their line.
Does "seven children of the king are held." mean the Seven commands discovered
in a vault or ancient coffin submerged or simply the description of the Sevens
commands the first laws from the first times? It comes from the depths of hell
would that mean it comes from the sumerged ancient foundations?
and another
The sky ( of Plancus' city ) forebodes to us
Through clear signs and fixed stars,
That the time of its sudden change is approaching,
Neither for its good, nor for its evils.
The the signs of the stars and its connections to the pyramid and other cultrual
myths "Through clear signs and fixed stars". "That the time of its
sudden change is approaching," The time is approaching and the ancient places
are revealing themselves through all the scripts. "Neither for its good, nor
for its evils" Its truth and thats all it is truth. That is the purpose of
this journey. Truth.
For five hundred years more one will keep count of him
Who was the ornament of his time:
Then suddenly great light will he give,
He who for this century will render them very satisfied.
and http://www.crystalinks.com/quatrainscentury5.html
The Arab Prince
Mars, Sun, Venus, Leo,
The rule of the Church will succumb by sea:
Towards Persia very nearly a million men,
The true serpent will invade Byzantium and Egypt.
Does "The rule of the Church will succumb by sea:" mean that the becuase
of the discovery and the change of history the truth is refined and Christianity
begins to change and modify for the future. The same goes for all world
religions. Also makes reference to Persia, the location of the ancient places
"Towards Persia very nearly a million men," Also the stars are invloved
as if its the knowledge of the stars "The Arab Prince Mars, Sun, Venus, Leo,"
Could the ancient places be used to rally a war by a deciever who is a leader of
a extreme country and falsely proclaim the discovery. It could be the mark of
the deciever. There is a deciever in the end times, remeber that. Lets say a
current leader of a country that is controlled by religion gets wind of this
goes out there, ignores the journey to the place and usurps the places of his
country for self religious purposes. Quite possible here!
For the free city of the great Crescent sea,
Which still carries the stone in its stomach,
The English fleet will come under the drizzle
To seize a branch, war opened by the great one.
The "For the free city of the great Crescent sea," and the "Which
still carries the stone in its stomach," sounds like a reference to the
ancient places with the Seven commands contained in the Submerged place of
Dalamatia or Dilmun . D.M. It creates change and note "The English fleet
will come under the drizzle" the english navy is present near the ancient
places. I wonder if they would be invoved in security of the expedition to the
ancient places.
Issued from the true branch of the fleur-de-lis,
Placed and lodged as heir of Etruria:
His ancient blood woven by long hand,
He will cause the escutcheon of Florence to bloom.
Could be related to the linage, ancient royal linage, the true linage might be
related to one of the links in this vast journey. Genes connected ability to
Born in the shadows and during a dark day,
He will be sovereign in realm and goodness:
He will cause his blood to rise again in the ancient urn,
Renewing the age of gold for that of brass.
"Born in the shadows and during a dark day," Hidden, born in the
shadows, in a troubled time "He will be sovereign in realm and goodness:"
I think its Jesus and makes the truth of the ancient places arise from the
ancient urn, the ancient places. Jesus is behind this. Renewing old for new.
Exactly true! The message of the journey is given in goodness.
and this one was interesting as well
The law of the
Sun and of Venus in strife,
Appropriating the spirit of prophecy:
Neither the one nor the other will be understood,
The law of the great Messiah will hold through the
interesting one with Sevens.
Note in the following "Seven months in advance it will deliver a nocturnal
omen:" bear in mind that Dalamatia, Dilmun and Babel was discovered in Sept
2006, Seven months ago. This Seven months ago from this time of discovery to
this passage in Nostradamus.
The royal bird
over the city of the Sun,
Seven months in advance it will deliver a nocturnal
The Eastern wall will fall lightning thunder,
Seven days the enemies directly to the gates.
and this one was interesting as well
The rose upon the middle of the great world,
For new deeds public shedding of blood:
To speak the truth, one will have a closed mouth,
Then at the time of need the awaited one will come
"To speak the truth, one will have a closed mouth," It sounds like the message
is given through the internet with a closed mouth, there are references to this
in St Ephraim. Also the message and the journey is the journey of truth.
"Then at the time of need the awaited one will come late." Its probably
takes a while for the pieces to fall in place becuase it depends on the person,
the go between and his situation on all aspects. It depends on the situation of
each link in the chain
This one sounds like a comet
There will appear towards the North
Not far from Cancer the bearded star:
Susa, Siena, Boeotia, Eretria,
The great one of Rome will die, the night over.
could be a clue to the ancient places and its relevant constellations. But it
could be related to the star of the Ancient of Days as described in Enoch and in
mother shipton. The blue comet that will just appear and shave our atmosphere
thus creating havoc. It happens over night and everything changes, Even the
world administration. It could mean a second coming scenario.
Near the Bear and close to the white wool,
Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo,
Mars, Jupiter, the Sun will burn a great plain,
Woods and cities letters hidden in the candle.[/size]
To me this one speaks of change Old for new and could apply in the timeline
discovery reality
He will come to expose the false topography,
the urns of the tombs will be opened.
Sect and holy philosophy to thrive,
black for white and the new for the old.
God, the heavens, all the divine words in the
carried by seven red-shaven heads to Byzantium:
against the anointed three hundred from Trebizond,
will make two laws, first horror then trust.
and another curious one
The bones of the feet and the hands locked up,
because of the noise the house is uninhabited for a
long time.
Digging in dreams they will be unearthed,
the house healthy in inhabited without noise.
"Digging in dreams they will be unearthed" Digging into the Books and
researching all things finding all the connection and spending many hours
contemplating. The unearthing the physical evidence verifying the research.
Never by the revelation of daylight
will he attain the mark of the scepter bearer.
Until all his sieges are at rest,
bringing to the Cock the gift of the armed legion.
Sounds like the mark of the scepter bearer is Sevens in my view.
here is a curious one, does this mean ancient script that chage history??
When the inscription D.M. is found
in the ancient cave, revealed by a lamp.
Law, the King and Prince Ulpian tried,
the Queen and Duke in the pavilion under cover.
I wonder " in the ancient cave, revealed by a lamp" If this means a
great discovery of the Dalamatia tablets with the Seven commands. Note D.M.
Dalamatia Dala Matia
Looks like "Law, the King and Prince Ulpian tried," Is the law, the Seven
commands discovered, the first laws of Dalamatia. D. M. or even Dilmun
DilMun D M
and this one sounds like a spiritual battle in the end days
Beside the young one the old angel falls,
and will come to rise above him at the end;
ten years equal to most the old one falls again,
of three two and one, the eighth seraphim.
and this one
A soldier of fortune with twisted tongue
will come to the sanctuary of the gods.
He will open the door to heretics
and raise up the Church militant.
Oh that doesnt sound very good. In the past I have refereed to that a person
could take advantage of these find and use it for there own machinations and
perhaps use it for self vain gloriousness.
Through the power of three temporal kings,
the sacred seat will be put in another place,
where the substance of the body and the spirit
will be restored and received as the true seat
and the temple of the abyss note in the plural. temple in the abyss, multiple
The tin island of St. George half sunk;
Drowsy with peace, war will arise,
At Easter in the temple abysses opened.
dont know if this has relevance but I thought it could be interesting. Dilmun
had many swamps near by.
The great city of the maritime Ocean,
Surrounded by a crystalline swamp:
In the winter solstice and the spring,
It will be tried by frightful wind.
the following sounds relevant to this time
There will be peace, union and change,
Estates, offices, low high and high very low:
To prepare a trip, the first offspring torment,
War to cease, civil process, debates.
this could related to Dilmun where the Elysian fields are thought to be and
directly connects into Greek mythology which came from Iran through the Javan
the pre Greek and ultimate the descendants of the Adamson civilisation.
Speculation ok
In the following It also appears that "The forces of the sea divided into three
parts," maybe reference to the 3 locations. Dalamtia, Dilmun and Babel. It
could mean that there are 2 expeditions looking for the "Elysian flelds"
(Dilmun) Where on the first where supplies run out or a part break and
therefore must come into port. How it appears they go out there again and
discover the purpose of the discovery and obtain the final victory.
VERIFICATION of the research!!!.
The forces of the sea divided into three parts,
The second one will run out of supplies,
In despair looking for the Elysian Fields, (dilmun
direct reference)
The first ones to enter the breach will obtain the
and look at this one in the Seventh number, I would think that toi mean 2007 not
far from the previous Olympic games, It seems to associate the Seventh with the
transition into the new age. The Sevenfold is behind the discoveries of the
ancient places. Amazing!
The year of the great seventh number accomplished,
It will appear at the time of the games of
Not far from the great millennial age,
When the buried will go out from their tombs.
Well I thought that rummage through Nostradamus verses was very interesting and
quite amazing.
Continuing the search for truth I thought I would
search for more clues in Edgar Cayce.
I thought I would look more into Edgar case in relation to the pyramids
here is what I found from here.
The readings, however, give accounts of Atlanteans,
described as a technologically advanced people, having migrated to Egypt – and
other locales – over 12,000 years ago. Also, “the readings mention
[human] ancestors as far back as 10 million years ago,
and high civilizations 200,000 years ago.”
Remains unearthed in recent years and carbon dated are adding more credence to
the psychic revelations.
To my following the UB track of the discovered ancient places it seems to me
that Edgar Case makes similar references to the submerged ancient civilisations
of the past. To me this reflects 1Eden, 38,000 yrs , Dilmun and Babel around
10,000 yrs, Dalamatia 150,000 yrs and including the civilisation in the Bay of
Cambay around 10,000 years. I believe the Atlantis story has elements of all
these submerged places of our origins. About 10,000 million years, we were
probably lemurs then or very early primate. I must say the UB goes through our
evolutionary path and is consistant with this.
Here is another link, just looking around
Seems to reveal more clues about the Andites and the sinking of Dilmun around
the time suggested
But before the
legendary land disappeared under the waves, Cayce revealed that there was an
exodus of many Atlanteans to ancient Egypt. Cayce
attributed the Biblical Great Flood of Noah to be a result of the sinking of
the last huge remnants of Atlantis.
looking down the link further
Cayce predicted that the so-called "Battle
of Armageddon" described symbolically in the Bible would begin in 1999. Cayce
foresaw that this "battle"will not be a war fought on earth. Rather, it
will be a spiritual struggle between the "higher forces of light" and
"lower forces of darkness" for 1000 years of earth time.
The reason for this struggle is to prevent souls from lower afterlife realms
from reincarnating to earth. By preventing souls from the lower afterlife
realms from reincarnating to earth, only enlightened souls will be permitted
to reincarnate. The result will be 1000 years of building a world of peace and
enlightenment. After 1000 years, souls from lower afterlife realms will be
permitted once again to reincarnate to earth.
By this
time, the so-called "kingdom of heaven" will have been established on earth.
I'm not sure about reincarnation however this time that Cayce speaks I believe
is now and we a going through a process. I think because history is being
changed and the stars are giving up there secrets a transition in happening.
Ignorance is lifting and truth is beginning to beam through.
the above makes all sense to me as this time now does represent a battle of
heavenly powers and its reflected in the UB too. That's why I believe all this
knowledge is coming to pass and the discoveries of the ancient places are
occurring. Like discovering the truth about the Dragon and what it represents in
the times of the construction of the pyramids and the thoughts of the dragon in
other cultures not to mention the multiple parallels of Cayce and the UB in
regards to the passageway and the pole star.
looking further in the page
There is an ancient prophecy that quite possibly supports Cayce's timeframe
for the second coming of Jesus. Nostradamus gave a prophecy that I believe
refers to the reincarnation of Jesus. Here it is:
the year 1999 and seven months, from the sky will come the Great King of
Terror. He will bring back the great king of the Mongols. Both before and
after this, war reigns unrestrained."
Yes I can relate that, isn't that so true when we look around us. Also note the
date year 1999 and seven months, note the seven months. how weird.
Also that according to the UB Jesus was born August 21 7BC which was
marked by 3 conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn which has been verified by JPL to
the date and time. A physical parallel.
Being the true date in reference to Jesus' UB birth date we are in 2000 in the
new millennium. Last year on the 7 month, July4th a test was proclaimed by
myself that led into the Enoch 10 week judgment that lead to the ultimate
discovery of Dalamatia, Dilmun and Babel in the Seventh part of the prophecy.
Remembering that these places are the lost places of the Sons of Gods and Dilmun
represented the fallen Gods who did rule in those days.
However in the macro sense if you read Enoch's 10 week judgement its about our
whole history with the discovery of our origins in one night as the finale of
the journey in the Seventh part. used in the micro sense beginning with the 4th
July 40 day test.
Here are remnants of the journey of the micro view of Enoch's 10 week judgment
process that I followed.
An now look at the prophecy
"In the year 1999 and seven months, from the sky
will come the Great King of Terror. He will bring back the great king of the
That date is the exact date when the 4th of July 2006 or UB 1999AD (based on
the UB jesus birthdate 7BC) the 40 day test started and the result of that
was the unlocking of the knowledge of the fallen past of the Sons of Gods and
the fallen angels. The knowledge of them enters the arena as Nostradamus
Is this weird or what!! "bring back the great king of the Mongols" Like
bringing back the knowledge! of the great king of the mongols.
and now "Both before and after this, war reigns unrestrained." Well how
true is that. When these places was discovered as mentioned by Nostradamus is in
the middle of a religious war of the Jihads and the West. I would say war
unrestrained as what we see in the midle east. Its a religious war of light and
evil however you see it and whatever persuasion, all war is evil.
Here is more on Nostradamus
Looking further down we see this.
predicted in September, 1939, or UB1932 that when there is the same interest
or study given to things or phases of mental and spiritual phenomena as has
been and is given to the materialized or material phenomena, then it will
become just as practical, as measurable, as meter-able, as any other phase of
human experience.
The above is about The Urantia Book.
To me this sounds like the prediction of the Urantia Book revelation coming
through, although the papers started in 1932. So we are 7 years out. However if
we work on Jesus UB birth date by deducting 7 years we do come to UB
1932AD. AhH just an interesting thought and considering there is a sevens in
there arouses my curiosity to this little sevens completion here which in my
mind points to the Urantia Book. Again you see the Father mark of the Seven in
the timeline.
Far out look at the next one
Major archaeological discoveries concerning human origins will be found
predicted that there will be three profound archaeological discoveries of a
very ancient and important nature that will revolutionalize the way we
understand human origins, cosmology and religion.
Cayce stated
that this will occur when humanity reaches a higher level of spirituality. The
three repositories mentioned are in Egypt (near the Great Pyramid), the Bimini
area (where the possible portion of Atlantis has already been discovered), and
the Yucatan (the location where the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs).
Man O man In my mind I believe this is all about the the discovery of the 3
locations of Dalamatia, Dilmun and Babel discovered in a single night at around
12.00pm on September 17th 2006 following the threads of religion that led
me to the places.
http://www.dalamatiacity.com scroll down and you will see the discoveries.
All the research about these places is all about religion and books with
fragments of truth that parallel. There is no study quite like as this is a
living book, and testimony upon discovery and parallels on the run. Its unique.
But also this study was based on 1st Eden of Cyprus. However to be honest Im not
sure about Bimini and Yucatan, they are related in the perphial but they dont
have the weight in the research that is unfolding and they are not locations of
the origins of mankind and the Sons of Gods.
Also consider
predicted in September, 1939, or UB1932 that when there is the same interest
or study given to things or phases of mental and spiritual phenomena as has
been and is given to the materialized or material phenomena, then it will
become just as practical, as measurable, as meter-able, as any other phase of
human experience.
and now consider the dates of the discovery of the Dalamatia, Dilmun and Babel.
September 17th, 2006 at 12 noon. Same month! September. But note multiple
expeditions to these ancient places has to be made in order to verify these
places but I am extremely confident. "then it will
become just as practical, as measurable, as meter-able, as any other phase of
human experience."
Well that's what I reckon from reading this. They are all profound discoveries
and does link to the pyramids as we are studying.
To be honest Im not sure about the Bimini road but I have an open mind.
and more
Cayce envisioned a future
where China would be the:
"the cradle of Christianity as applied in the lives of men."
I believe that is happening now. Christianity is taking hold in China and so is
Buddhism again.
looking more
A new era of peace and enlightenment will
follow the tremendous earth changes
Finally, Cayce foresaw a new era of enlightenment and peace for humanity in
the future. Cayce states:
"A new order of
conditions is to arise; there must be a purging
in high places as well as low; and that there must be the greater
consideration of the individual, so that each soul being his brother's keeper.
Then certain circumstances will arise in the political, the economic, and
whole relationships to which a levelling will occur or a greater comprehension
of the need for it."
"This America of ours, hardly a new Atlantis, will have another thousand years
of peace, another Millennium. All this done in the same manner that the
prayers of ten just men once saved a city. And then the deeds,
the prayers of the faithful will glorify the
Father as peace and love will reign for those who love the Lord."
I believe we are in the moment right going through the transition as we unlock
the secrets and mysteries through parallisation in all the knowledge of physical
discovery and in the prophetic linked to books and a new book of enlightenment
the UB.
Also note the purging of high and low, the completion, the refinement of all our
knowledge. That is whats happening now.
In my view..
That was a good link to study, I received much from that.
According to Edgar Cayce, the Atlanteans
migrated to Egypt prior to 10,500 B.C. and brought with them the chronicles of
40,000 years of history of Atlantean civilization
Looks like the home Dilmun sunk at around 10,000BC but they had records of there
civilisation that goes back 10,000 years which brings me back to the 1Eden which
was 38,000 years ago and yet it could be the story of the Nodites that came from
around Eden. Anyway its another interesting link.
Posted: Wed Mar
07, 2007 9:00 pm
Post subject: Here is a
clue to Judgement day from Enoch
1Enoch 66 Another description of the current theme and summing up.
Quote: |
10And as the inflammation of their bodies
shall be great, so shall their spirits undergo a change for ever.
11For no word which is uttered before the
Lord of spirits shall be in vain.
(This research is no joke and is not a waste of time, This is also repeated
in the dead sea scrolls, the Bible and in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, a 3
way parallel. Don't take this to lightly.)
12 Judgment has come upon them, because
they trusted in their carnal revelry, and denied the Lord of spirits.
13 In those days shall the waters of that valley be changed; for when the
angels shall be judged, then shall the heat of those springs of water
experience an alteration.
14 And when the angels shall ascend,
(Rapture, the first stage) the water of the
springs shall again undergo a change, and be frozen. (The Holy Spirit
is withdrawn) Then I heard holy Michael
answering and saying,(Jesus)
This judgment, with which the angels shall
be judged, shall bear testimony against the kings, the princes, and those
who possess the earth.
(The testimony being written all beforehand as discovered in the simple
search for Eden/Atlantis/Dalamatia, Dilmun, and Babel released, on the go.
Before the event. This is the Testamony.)
15 For these waters of judgment shall be
for their healing, and for the death of their bodies.
But they shall not perceive and believe
that the waters will be changed, and become a fire, which shall blaze
for ever.
Take note that"But they shall not perceive and
believe that the waters will be changed" Waters mean knowledge, the
knowledge will change and expand. Those who will not believe and when the
realisation comes it will too late and the knowledeg will instead burn in there
hearts for a lack of faith and belief. "But they shall not perceive " Exactly
everyone will underestimate and they will not believe that the knowledge will
change through undeniable discoveries all layed out beforehand.
In the following quote "In those days shall the
waters of that valley be changed; for when the angels shall be judged, then
shall the heat of those springs of water experience an alteration." Its
like a sequence the waters/knowledge will change through discovery, The heat of
the current springs of knowledge (sources) will be changed so much that the
former understanding of knowledge and truth will be frozen (irrelevant doctrine,
untruth and limited perception) The Springs mean sources of knowledge, heat
means power of the truth.
Its a judgment of the both the the Fallen Angels of the rebellion and for
mankind "This judgment, with which the angels
shall be judged, shall bear testimony against the kings, the princes, and those
who possess the earth." Its a judgment based on testamony where the
heavenly hosts make judgment based on the witness of the judgment process.
Like in "12 Judgment has come upon them,
because they trusted in their carnal revelry, and denied the Lord of spirits."
This means there will be denial and people faced with the truth of change
beforehand will not believe and trust there own judgment, they become
stiffnecked. This can include anyone no matter who. Religionist have an
advantage but even they will not pervieve, believe nor choose to study the facts
of the matter beforehand until its too late.
Remember judgment is all to do with faith beforehand by reading and studying the
sign no matter where they come from. Its a test of mans faith.
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:55 am
Post subject: |
Quote: |
St Ephraim
The tower that the many builded, in
mystery looked for One, who coming down would build on earth a tower
that lifts up to Heaven. |
Quote: |
Enoch Chapter 8
4 Its root is in the garden at the
earth’s end.
5And paradise is between corruptibility
and incorruptibility.
6 And two springs come out
which send forth honey and milk,
and their springs send forth oil and
wine, and they separate into four parts, and go round with quiet
course, and go down into the (the canals, wall)PARADISE
OF EDEN, between corruptibility and incorruptibility.
The two springs I believe is Dalamatia and 1st Eden of which are the ancient
places of the first and second epoch of which both Epochs met with failure.
The Springs "which send forth honey and milk" which means truth and
knowledge spread the knowledge of truth through there spiritual linage to
other centers throughout the world.
Overtime the knowledge comes back to itself through a conjunction as in the
harmonization of all the books and the physical discovery of the origins,
through books. The knowledge was placed in the books over the timeline of
history in all cultures only to arise now. Note
PARADISE OF EDEN. One might think
that is the one place but interestingly it could be the names of the 2
springs or the two foundations of
the first and second epoch? Paradise (Dalamatia) Eden (1stEden)?? Dilmun is
a reflection of the Nodite race but in latter times it was inhabited by the
Andites/Atlanteans who were both Adamite and Nodite = The Andites. After the
destruction of Dilmun between 12,000 - 8000 years ago (rising sea levels)
they migrated to Egypt and continued there civilisation. The last dispersal
of the Andites was around 6000BC and there descendants where responsible for
the construction of the great pyramid.
The places where the connection of heaven and Earth, the places of
corruptibility and incorruptibility met thier failure in 2 defaults. The
Default in Dalamatia, the fall of the Sons of God which gave birth to the
Nodite races who lived to the east of 2nd Eden. Iran! and the default of
Adam and Eve in the 1st Garden of Eden submerged of the coast of Cyprus.
But in today's timeline we are being led back to the original places of
mankind began.
Its just makes sense and in my mind I believe this has the backing of
Quote: |
"2. Pre-Sumerians and other Nodites.There
were also present in Mesopotamia, near the mouth of the rivers, remnants
of the ancient culture of the days of Dalamatia. With the passing
millenniums, this group became thoroughly admixed with the Adamites to
the north, but they never entirely lost their Nodite traditions. Various
other Nodite groups that had settled in the Levant were, in general,
absorbed by the later expanding violet race." |
This is the clue to the location "2.
Pre-Sumerians and other Nodites.There were also
present in Mesopotamia, near the mouth of the rivers, remnants of the
ancient culture of the days of Dalamatia. " to the location of
the above picture.
And here is the overview of "remnants of
the ancient culture of the days of Dalamatia" very close or
"near the mouth of the rivers"
Highlighted below are the Charcteristics of the city as described in the UB
that I was looking for. I found exactly what I was looking for, the City
which was found in exactly where the city is suppossed to be as described
Quote: |
The headquarters of the Planetary
Prince on Urantia was typical of such stations on a young and developing
sphere. The nucleus of the Prince's settlement was a very simple but
beautiful city, enclosed within a wall forty
feet high. This world center of culture was named Dalamatia in
honor of Daligastia.
The city was laid out in ten subdivisions
with the headquarters mansions of the ten councils of the
corporeal staff situated at the centers of these subdivisions.
Centermost in the city was the temple of the
unseen Father. The administrative headquarters of the Prince and
his associates was arranged in twelve chambers
immediately grouped about the temple itself.
The buildings of Dalamatia were all one story except the council
headquarters, which were two stories, and the central temple of the
Father of all, which was small but three stories in height. |
Here is a view of the possible 12 chambers that surrounded the central
and 1stEden
Paper 73 UB
"only the stone wall stood until the Garden was subsequently submerged.
This was the second temple of the Father to perish"
Quote: |
The UB The remnants of this, one of the
oldest civilizations, are to be found in these regions of Mesopotamia
and to the northeast and northwest. But still
older vestiges of the days of Dalamatia exist under the waters of the
Persian Gulf, and the first Eden lies submerged under the eastern end of
the Mediterranean Sea. |
the above was the physical track and clue that began the journey to the
ancient places in all the books including the bible!
Hi I been looking at this quote below and the
verses of Nostradamus and I feel Im seeing a little but more in this
The next is speculation ok
In the following It also appears that "The forces of the sea divided into
three parts," maybe reference to the 3 locations. Dalamatia, Dilmun and
Babel. It could mean that there are 2 expeditions looking for the "Elysian
fields" (Dilmun) Where on the first where supplies run out or a part break
and therefore must come into port or it could be 2 competing expeditions
looking for the same thing and one expedition is prevented to make the
discovery, it could be for all kinds of reasons. However, it appears they go
out there again and discover the purpose of the discovery and obtain the
final victory. VERIFICATION of the research!!!. The Test of Everything, the
completion of "the test of everything"
The forces of the sea divided into three parts,
The second one will run out of supplies,
In despair looking for the Elysian Fields, (dilmun direct reference)
The first ones to enter the breach will obtain the victory.
and look in the following at this one. It refers to the great Seventh number,
I would think that to mean 2007 not far from the previous Olympic games, or it
could be a direct reference to this seven research by sevens
http://www.dalamatiacity.com. It seems to associate the Seventh with the
transition into the new age. The Sevenfold is behind the discoveries of the
ancient places. Amazing! "When the buried will go out from their tombs" When
the research and discoveries are complete who knows what transition will
entails. If the Seven commands are found in the ancient foundations as
prophesied than anything can happen. The door is open for Paradise to respond,
the way is made clear! In each Epochal transition the sleeping personalties
are resurrected by the role call of Gabriel.
The year of the great seventh number accomplished,
It will appear at the time of the games of slaughter:
Not far from the great millennial age,
When the buried will go out from their tombs.
Looking at the following again to see if I can unravel more meaning based upon
the experience.
The forces of the sea divided into three parts,
The second one will run out of supplies,
In despair looking for the Elysian Fields, (Dilmun direct reference)
The first ones to enter the breach will obtain the victory.
Upon further contemplation of this I'm thinking this quatrain be related to the
the 1stEden expedition and I believe another expedition leading to the
Where it says the "The forces of the sea divided into three parts," I
believe the forces are represented by the ancient foundations and the truth
behind each place. "divided into three parts," The ancient locations are
located in 3 areas of the sea. 1stEden, Dalamatia and Dilmun which contains
Babel. These are the 3 locations of the forces/ancient locations and its
"" "The second one will run out of supplies," --- "In despair looking for the
Elysian Fields" Its like there will be 3 expeditions to the ancient places
(Elysian fields, metaphor for 1stEden and Dalamatia), The first expedition to
1stEden will be a success in locating the general area of the Acropolis and
wall, however the 2 expedition to 1stEden will runout of supplies meaning the
second expedition will be under funded and will not complete a full analysis of
the area. So because there is partial analysis of one target out of 3 targets,
its doesn't help the case in totality and doesn't bring to bare conclusion in
completion. So things are up in the air until a another expedition can be
mounted to 1stEden with a full compliment of funds to complete the job.
However "The first ones to enter the breach will obtain the victory." To
me this implies that there is a 3rd expedition which appears to successful in
entering the breach or the area where undeniable evidence will be found perhaps
the 7 commands?? and will mean complete victory and verification of the
No in the next following Nostradamus quote
The year of the great seventh number accomplished,
It will appear at the time of the games of slaughter:
Not far from the great millennial age,
When the buried will go out from their tombs.
"The year of the great seventh number accomplished," Well I look at this
I can see that the great Seventh could be related to the year 2007 which was not
far from the Olympic games, it may suggest the the Seventh is connected to the
sevens research in parallel with the ancient places, its quite possible that
this research was foreseen in the future. It seems to me that seventh was
successfull and accomplished his goals. "It will appear at the time of the
games of slaughter:" All these events appear out of no where around the
Olympic games.
"Not far from the great millennial age," All this research began in
earnest at around 2003 when discovery of Atlantis was released. and then began a
more serious search for Eden in the books in of documentation and recording the
discoverires, However this part of the journey is only the results of many
previous years of previous research and inquiry going through the manifestation
"When the buried will go out from their tombs." this seems to relate to
the following in the previous 66 quatrain "When the buried will go out from
their tombs." This directly related to transitional change, thre first being
the change of our knowledge, the realisation and then occurs next could be
anyone's idea. I think there will be a state of flux in peoples minds.
In the following I also see more based on the past experience
Born in the shadows and during a dark day,
He will be sovereign in realm and goodness:
He will cause his blood to rise again in the ancient urn,
Renewing the age of gold for that of brass.
"Born in the shadows and during a dark day, Born in the shadows like being
isolated on top of a mountain studying, researching by day and by night in the
shadows of one room, exploring, seeking, searching, finding truth here and
there, stone upon stone, fragment upon fragment in some cases whole chapters and
complete sections filled with truth. "He will be sovereign in realm and
goodness:" As this research begins to empower through discovery and through the
journey of manifestation it becomes more powerful and very subtle that you could
barley notice it. The only thing that activates to the truth behind this is the
soul. The Soul is the fragment within the jumps in the face of truth, this how
subtle this it is.
"He will cause his blood to rise again in the ancient urn," So true that
through the research, study, proclamation in faith and in manifestation the
ancient truth of the ancient locations are brought to the surface in the reality
of mankind. Its through the journey to the ancient places that all the knowledge
we have within our books are unified and completed and complimented with a new
book of truth. All in the fulfillment of prophecy on the run and seen
beforehand. The ancient urn are the ancient locations and the Father will cause
the ancient truth to arise! Whether we like it or not.
"Renewing the age of gold for that of brass." Wow This huge. Again we see
reference to the end of an age from the ancient urn of truth from the ancient
foundations. Especially if we find the 7 commands as I proclaimed.
Renewing old for new, from brass to gold, Like an up step of our knowledge on
all levels, improved knowledge and truth that is measurable and meter able.
This is real the faith stuff here. This is far better contemplation that what
the world could ever offer.
What a mystery!
As Ive been interpreting Nostradamus I thought I would collect the quatrains and
combine them and see how they look, especially the ones with commonality and see
if they reveal a coherent expansion of the reality we are going through.
I thought I would try a Sevens quatrain from Nostradamus by mixing a few
quatrain fragment and see if there is a cohesive story.
So lets combine them all together
Sevens quatrain (combined
from quatrain 41, 97, 74)
The year of the great seventh number accomplished,
Born in the shadows and during a dark day,
He will be sovereign in realm and goodness:
He will cause his blood to rise again in the ancient urn,
It will appear at the time of the games of slaughter:
Not far from the great millennial age,
The forces of the sea divided into three parts,
The second one will run out of supplies,
In despair looking for the Elysian Fields, (dilmun direct reference)
The first ones to enter the breach will obtain the victory.
When the buried will go out from their tombs.
Renewing the age of gold for that of brass.
And remember this
The Gospel of Thomas 18 declares
"Tell us how our end will be." Jesus said,
"Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that
you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be.
Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning; he will know the end
and will not experience death,"
and from the 1Book of Adam and Eve
10:7-9 When Adam and Eve heard these words from God, they cried a bitter
cry; and Adam entreated God to let him return
into the garden, and look at it a second time. 8 But God said to Adam, "I
have made you a promise; when that promise is fulfilled,
I will bring you back into the garden, you and
your righteous descendants." 9 And God ceased to commune with Adam.
Maybe if try to fill the gaps further by including relevant quatrains we may be
able unlock some hidden prophecy of the whole story locked and hidden by
Nostradamus. III have a look.
I'm sure this is only the tip of the iceberg and more has to be explored.
Always bear in mind that Jesus birthday was 21 August 7BC so really speaking we
are in the turn of the millennium with the date UB 2000 right now. This is the
the first century based on true Jesus birth date. I also predict that because of
this event times will be changed and will be based on Jesus 7BC birth date.
I just want to add that "the ancient urn"
is akin to the holy grail and Jamshids Seven ringed cup, both cup are related to
the tree of life and this journey is all part of the tree of life/righteousness,
the immortal elixir of life, that rises out of the well or arises from the from
the breach of the ancient locations .
Its an interesting study
Looking around more.
Here is another one I found
The great mountain, seven stadia round,
after peace, war, famine, flooding.
It will spread far, drowning great countries,
even antiquities and their mighty foundations.
I wonder if the tower of Babel foundations are 7 stadia in circumference. How
much is Seven Stadia?
I also notice reference to "might foundations" and "even antiquities"
not to mention a mountain, usually a temple is associated with it. "It will
spread far, drowning great countries," It like it knowledge of it
antiquities and foundations will spread around the world at the appropiate
time. The knowledge is all to do with correction, truth and refinement. Much
irrelevant truth will cease to exist. This truth journey and the foundations is
all to do with peace and is also associated with flooding and famine in the past
history. Its really "the stone cut out of mountain and it will fill the
whole earth" as mentioned in Daniel.
see if I can find more quatrains.
Here is another and maybe related to the reaction of the Catholic Church.
Temples consecrated in the original Roman manner,
They will reject the excess foundations,
Taking their first and humane laws,
Chasing, though not entirely, the cult of saints.
I figure the "cult of the saints" is a reference to the catholic church
and they will reject the foundations and its associated truth and stick to there
olden beliefs, they will actualy chase there beliefs for protection from
expansion but not completely, there maybe some halfheartedness in there
rejection of the excess foundations or the overwhelming evidence. Any the above
maybe a little speclatory, just got see what happens in the future timeline.
But I know silence means rejection and they are all silent. Not a voice can be
heard from there.
see if I can find some more.
Maybe, maybe not looks intruiging.
Eyes closed, opened by antique fantasy,
The garb of the monks they will be put to naught:
The great monarch will chastise their frenzy,
Ravishing the treasure in front of the temples.
and this one looks like the reaction of the church and the demise of many who
are stiffnecked.
Beneath the holy earth of a soul the faint voice
Human flame seen to shine as divine:
It will cause the earth to be stained with the
blood of the monks,
And to destroy the holy temples for the impure
The Church of God will be persecuted,
And the holy Temples will be plundered,
The child will put his mother out in her shift,
Arabs will be allied with the Poles.
In the sacred temples scandals will be perpetrated,
They will be reckoned as honors and commendations:
Of one of whom they engrave medals of silver and of gold,
The end will be in very strange torments.
In a short time the temples with colors
Of white and black of the two intermixed:
Red and yellow ones will carry off theirs from
Blood, land, plague, famine, fire extinguished by
and could this related to the time of discovery, the defining moment
Again will the holy temples be polluted,
And plundered by the Senate of Toulouse:
Saturn two three cycles completed,
In April, May, people of new leaven.
Now does this timing relate to defining moent in the below quatrain
The tin island of St. George half sunk;
Drowsy with peace, war will arise,
At Easter in the temple abysses opened.
combine both excerpts
At Easter in the
temple abysses opened
In April, May, people of new leaven.
speculation but interesting. Im just thinking could Easter 2007 or 2008 be the
big moment? When the temple abysses or the breach of the foundations are opened
and maybe the Seven commands are discovered??
The wand in the hand is placed in the middle of the
tripod's legs.
With water he sprinkles both the hem of his garment
and his foot.
A voice, fear: he trembles in his robes.
Divine splendor; the God sits nearby.
and this one I thought was pretty cool!
The body without soul no longer to be sacrificed:
Day of death put for birthday:
The divine spirit will make the soul happy,
Seeing the word in its eternity.
Thats right seeing the truth in its entirerity makes everyone happy and the holy
spirit is right in the middle of it.
In the following everyone will miss the clues. The mystery will under there
noses but people will look ahead and miss it.
The divine word will be struck from the sky,
One who cannot proceed any further:
The secret closed up with the revelation,
Such that they will march over and ahead.
Current religions will only get so far or not far at all in the new revelations
of the end times. This is because of researching one book and having pride,
prejudice and cystallised doctrine They will not consider all things and
possibilities. The secret will be locked up in the new revelation but the
churches will walk right over the top of it and wont see the signs nor the
mystery. Whats new! They dont know anything and they will not unlock the
mystery, even if its in there face, they will not respond.
Here is another
The divine word will give to the sustenance,
Including heaven, earth, gold hidden in the mystic
Body, soul, spirit having all power,
As much under its feet as the Heavenly see.
Sitting alone at night in secret study;
it is placed on the brass tripod.
A slight flame comes out of the emptiness and
makes successful that which should not be believed
in vain.
The tripod all lmost sounds like a computer monitor where all this words occur
where nothing is uttered with an open mouth but the words are heard through the
I wonder what this would mean?
The blood of the just will commit a fault at London,
Burnt through lightning of twenty threes the six:
The ancient lady will fall from her high place,
Several of the same sect will be killed.
Perhaps something to do with a decision, a default that will be the demise of
the ancient Lady sect? Perhaps through the refinement of truth, the truth of
the sect in London will be maid irrelevant? curious thought!
and this
The ancient work will be finished,
Evil ruin will fall upon the great one from the
Dead they will accuse an innocent one of the deed,
The guilty one hidden in the copse in the drizzle.
Is this the product of the ancient works that will reach completion and because
of the refinement of the truth with "Drizzle" being truth, the old truth will be
left out in the cold and abandoned?? The evil will fall of the roof and will be
no more as all will be exposed.
and here is a direct prophecy from Nostradamus
abut the new kingdom of Heaven on Earth!
When twenty years of the Moon's reign have passed
another will take up his reign for seven thousand
When the exhausted Sun takes up his cycle
then my prophecy and threats will be accomplished.
Like "When the exhausted Sun takes up his cycle" and "then my prophecy
and threats will be accomplished." when the cycle of the Stars and Sun
complete a cycle, I think the next cycle is 2012AD which is UB 2000 AD.
New, impetuous and sudden rain
Will suddenly halt two armies.
Celestial stone, fires make the sea stony,
The death of seven by land and sea sudden.
"New, impetuous and sudden rain" To me sudden rain is the new truth coming out
and revealing itself, impetuous and sudden rain/truth being revealed on the go
following the soul and instincts. "Celestial stone, fires make the sea stony,"
Perhaps the Seven commands is the Celestial stone that reveals truth and halts
the religious war between the west and the Jihads?? "The death of seven by land
and sea sudden" Looks like they may a death involving 7 people. Looks like its
related to air and sea exchange. Hard to know if Im context to the truth here!!
and this one, seems to point to change.
The great star will burn for seven days,
The cloud will cause two suns to appear:
The big mastiff will howl all night
When the great pontiff will change country.
I just wonder if the star mentioned is the presence of the Ancient of Days in
there star viechle that eclipses the earth for Seven days and nights during the
judgment process. Similar to Mother Shipton prophecy of the blue Star and the
same star in Enoch, Daniel and the Hopi Indians.
Anyway I know this may seen of topic but it is related to the Pyramids and
all the best sevens
« on: Today at 10:30:29 pm »
I thought I would share this previous post on a study I did on some chapters of
the Bible code around 05-26-2006. I did my own interpretation of the relevant
chapters that I thought was relevant to the ancient foundations.
I've been reading the bible code 2. I found it an interesting book. Whilst much
of it was involved in politics and in its relation to the code. I was
particularly drawn to the chapter 6 "The Steel Ark". and currently checking out
Chapter 4 "IT exists"
I found the interpretation of the author interesting and compelling but deep
down in my heart I felt he had uncovered the discovery of Atlantis or 1st Eden
(The Urantia) and describing the actual discovery.
For example he found words in both the Torah and Bible that overlapped.
However, Before I go on you have to read the book Bible code 2 and draw your own
conclusion. The Author feels the area of his search is in Lisan in the Dead sea,
North. However I feel its the Cyprus location.
The words he has discovered that overlap are words that intrigued me was:
"Steel Ark" A boat
"Pillar in the palace"
"All the wisdom"
"to the north"
"Ark of Steel"
"Its container is deep, the hiding place"
"It reveals deep an secret things"
"The Lisan" which means language"
"cross welded"
"steel viechle" "he threw into the sea"
"tel" (which means archaeological)
"tel of obelisks"
"Lisan, tongue of the sea"
"It exists in Lisan"
"This is the solution"
To me ark of steel is a boat with uses a sensor at an archaeological site called
a tel. The pillars of the wisdom of all mankind is somehow linked to the object
of the expedition, its container is deep and hidden, the hiding place and
therein lays the solution. You have a "sensor" like an R.O.V going down to the "tel"
(archaeological site) an artifact taken from the Hill which perhaps resembles a
record of some sort that could be deciphered that may be linked to the origins
of mankind.
Lisan means language and "its in our language, meaning the mystery of this place
in all our books, sevenfold books in my view. The find, or artifact is in the
palace "The Acropolis Hill". "Tongue of the sea" Could mean the land jutting
into the sea, a description of the sunken Atlantis/Eden peninsula and it could
be the message coming from the sea that is in the new book, the opened book, the
discovery and the book, the new book, the new revelation another activation of
the seal!....maybe.
In chapter 4 the author refers back to Lisan and describes something that could
be activated by the discovery of this, I'm still reading it.
At the end of chapter 2 it the author relates the code "in the Lisan Peninsula"
and below it "The End of Days" and in the same place in the bible "For you and
your children after you, in order that you will prolong your days on Earth".
Bizarre as it seems but in chapter 2 he speaks of the "End of days" which is in
all the codes, finishing in 2006. Certainly raises the ante when you consider
all the research surrounding this location. Also the decoder who discovered the
bible code is named in the code.
In chapter 2 there is much emphasis on.
"The Dictionary, and it was opened"
"Dictionary of the obelisks"
"The tablet vitalized the obelisk"
"Laws of language"
It could mean The books are opened, A new book like "a dictionary" This new book
written by God himself or a tablet is related and connected to a discovery that
is undeniable. I think the Cyprus/Atlantis/Eden location seems to confirm from
what is already known about this place, from a related book. This new book
reveals the origins of language or the origins of man which includes language,
the laws of language or even of God. I think the Urantia Book
Could all this be in reality an overview of a book (The Urantia Book) and a
physical relationship with a physical discovery of Cyprus? Through by the
discovery of it, reveals a very strong parallel, a new revelation, a new sense
of understanding.
Is this whole description of the whole journey. A puzzle coming together a
unification as prophesied in all the scripts and now in Bible and Torah code not
to mention the Hitomi code which appears to be pointing to this place. The
Garden of Eden, the origins of the Gods the link between heaven and Earth.
Is 2006, the year for this completion of knowledge a unification in the widest
sense. I perceive this to a very real reality going on here. The Bible code
seems to suggest that there is a completion a foot, in our language.
Does this mean the oncoming of the terminal end of this age, with the advent of
the new 6th Epochal revelation??? Are we in the twilight zone of discovery and
This book is getting really interesting and compelling.
The Bible code was published in 2002, 2 years before the Cyprus/Atlantis
discovery occurred.
Well I hope there was some food for thought. Also consider this interpretation
was before all the other ancient foundations were discovered in the Persian Gulf
on September the 16-17th, 2006 in the Seventh part of Enoch's 10 week prophecy.
It interesting about 3 weeks ago I made a proclamation to recover the 7 Commands
inscribed in stone slabs that still exists in Dalamatia or possibly in Dilmun.
Reading this interpretation again really surprises that we are speaking by
proclamation, the recovery of the Seven commands which has all to do with the
original language of the first Alphabet given and taught in Dalamatia. If we
find the Seven commands in Dalamatia and the inscriptions are readable, then we
can interpret the script as we know the prayers through the Urantia Book. This
will be the Commands that will change everything for mans future destiny and its
all to with our language and moral codes recovered from a vault or ancient Urn
or from a ancient breach!!
I'd say this interpretation at the time of analysis was spot on and has been
strengthened further by the discoveries of the other places along with the
information that led me there. Also the clues given in the Urantia Book
strongly suggest that Seven commands are written on Stone slabs and thus makes
it worthwhile to suggest a search and discovery of them.
This will be the greatest Indiana Jones experience Ive ever seen and its for
real, no Hollywood, a real true story of the Gods and Man working together to
uncover the great mystery of the planet which will change everything!!!.
All the best
Seven times will you see the British nation change,
Steeped in blood in 290 years:
Free not at all its support Germanic.
Aries doubt his Bastarnian pole.
last one
Libra will see the Hesperias govern,
Holding the monarchy of heaven and earth:
No one will see the forces of Asia perished,
Only seven hold the hierarchy in order.
bit of a mystery
The unhappy abandoned one will die of grief,
His conqueress will celebrate the hecatomb:
Pristine law, free edict drawn up,
The wall and the Prince falls on the seventh day.
all intruiging
The realm left to two they will hold it very briefly,
Three years and seven months passed by they will
make war:
The two Vestals will rebel in opposition,
Victor the younger in the
land of Brittany.
The Younger, The Young, the victor!! mmmmm 3 years and seven months! intriguing. I'm just
thinking about the discovery of Atlantis book proclamation, November 2003 plus 3
years and seven months around June 2007 or if you go based on the 1st Expedition
its around June 2008. And we are in a virtual war, religious war. I just hope
war is not declared on Iran as that may be a fulfillment? AAhh pure
speculation and creativity! Also in the land of
Brittany. Could that mean in "a colony of Britain" in this
timeline. Britain taking the name of Brtittany? Intriguing to say the least.
Its interesting The Younger in word has relationship with Javan who were the pre
Greeks and the Javan are the descendants of the Adamson civilisation. Also
Henri 1st was called "the Younger" and not to mention the relationship of these
places to the Holy Grails which has connection with Jamshids Cup
Where all is good, the Sun all beneficial and the
Is abundant, its ruin approaches:
From the sky it advances to change your fortune.
In the same state as the seventh rock.
This could be the demise of leaders the traditional religions who reject without
proper research and due diligence before judgment.
Through the deserts of the free and wild place,
The nephew of the great Pontiff will come to wander:
Felled by seven with a heavy club,
By those who afterwards will occupy the Chalice.
Kinda really says it all, "felled by seven with a heavy club," and "By
those who afterwards will occupy the Chalice" its connection to the chalice
is the crown that is related to the tree of life knowledge notwithstanding the
immortal elixir of life which is also found in Enoch as it relates to the
righteousness of the tree of life. It may also demonstrate the change of
knowledge through a discovery and all the research behind it. Quite possible
considering the ramifications it would have. Also it seems that the
knowledge will change so much that disorientation will occur within the church.
Enoch 92:l2 Afterwards, in the seventh week a
perverse generation shall arise; abundant shall be its deeds, and all its
deeds perverse. During its completion, the
righteous shall be selected from the plant
of everlasting righteousness; and to them shall be
given the sevenfold doctrine respecting every part of his whole creation,
The lost thing is discovered, hidden for many centuries.
Pasteur will be celebrated almost as a God-like figure.
This is when the moon completes her great cycle,
but by other rumors he shall be dishonored.
The moon is obscured in deep gloom,
his brother becomes bright red in color.
The great one hidden for a long time in the shadows
will hold the blade in the bloody wound.
The divine word will give to the sustenance,
Including heaven, earth, gold hidden in the mystic milk:
Body, soul, spirit having all power,
As much under its feet as the Heavenly see.
Hi Valerie
Thanks for your kind words, It really means alot to me that you find the work
interesting. Its a never ending wellspring fo discovery one after another on a
vast rabge of different levels. Thats what it feels like at the moment.
Especialy reading the Nostradamus quatrains for the first time and finding the
quatrains I thought had relevance in the journey to the ancient places.
Just blew me away and not to mention the Edgar Cayce material I found in the
google search. I thought it had a ring of truth but in heart I felt it was
reflecting something that Im familiar with. Its reading something noing the
focus and the journey and then you read something and it leaps within you a ring
truth and recognition of realities as presented beforehand.
I hope that it makes sense to you, to me it does.
Valerie I hope you get value out of these discoveries in truth (well in my
mind). I hope there is some good information that helps you in the journey of
In above post, Im going to add a little more discovery connection, Ive inserted
some more Bible info to see if it sheds more light on the whats happening.
Also sorry for all the spelling errors, its so bad sometimes! I hope you can
read between the spelling errors.
Oh well anyway I thought I would add this.
Ive been looking at this piece
I thought I would try a Sevens quatrain from Nostradamus by mixing a few
quatrain fragment and see if there is a cohesive story.
So lets combine them all together
Sevens quatrain (combined
from quatrain 41, 97, 74)
The year of the great seventh number accomplished,
Born in the shadows and during a dark day,
He will be sovereign in realm and goodness:
He will cause his blood to rise again in the ancient urn,
It will appear at the time of the games of slaughter:
Not far from the great millennial age,
The forces of the sea divided into three parts,
The second one will run out of supplies,
In despair looking for the Elysian Fields, (dilmun direct reference)
The first ones to enter the breach will obtain the victory.
When the buried will go out from their tombs.
Renewing the age of gold for that of brass.
And remember this
The Gospel of Thomas 18 declares
"Tell us how our end will be." Jesus said,
"Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that you
look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be. Blessed
is he who will take his place in the beginning; he will know the end and will
not experience death,"
and from the 1Book of Adam and Eve
10:7-9 When Adam and Eve heard these words from God, they cried a bitter cry;
and Adam entreated God to let him return into the
garden, and look at it a second time. 8 But God said to Adam, "I have made you
a promise; when that promise is fulfilled, I
will bring you back into the garden, you and your righteous descendants." 9
And God ceased to commune with Adam.
Revelation 10:7 But in the days of the voice of the
seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound,
the mystery of God should be finished, as he
hath declared to his servants the prophets.
Gee! I declared a few posts ago that The Father and the Ancient Days should
finish this last Mystery. Then I just read this in greater details and I find I
declared this "when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be
finished" I began to sound it in my heart! I was just so annoyed that
morning of the lack of response from the main bodies! even in there forums. Im
only there is keep a doorway open for them, so there in touch agree or not, but
I do Siberia treatment!
Isaiah 30:26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun,
and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold as the
light of seven days, in the day that the Lord
bindeth up the breach of his people, and
healeth the stroke of their wound.
Doesnt that say everything and that is reflected in the manusripts.
Then I was looking at a previous interpretation of Isaiah I have on the frontend
http://www.dalamatiacity.com. I thought it was an interesting connection
of Isaiahs Breach and to Nostradamus' breach. There is also an
assortment of other verses with thoughts.
of Jubilees 8:13 "there he was set as a sign"
The seal
38:14 It is turned as clay to the seal.
Another reference to the seal.
38:8 Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it brake forth, as if it had
issued out of the womb?
The Gibraltar break, cause of the deluge. Robert Sarmast theory of the deluge of
1st Eden.
38:19 He bindeth the floods from overflowing; and
the thing that is hid bringeth he forth to light.
the discovery of 1st Eden
38: 19-20 Where is the way where light dwelleth? and
as for darkness, where is the place thereof,
That thou shouldest take it to the bound thereof,
and that thou shouldest know the paths to the house
Only God knows and will lead his researchers to the discovery of 1st Eden
through revealed knowledge.
22:16 Which were cut down out of time, whose
foundation was overflown with a flood.
Description of the deluge and the destruction of 1st Eden.
22:30 He shall deliver the island of the innocent:
and it is delivered by the pureness of thine hands.
God shall lead his researchers through his direct knowledge contained in a new
Job 28:13 Man knoweth not the price thereof;
neither is it found in the land of the living. The purpose of this discovery
is wisdom.
Isaiah 30:8 Now go, write it before them in a
table, and note it in a book, that it may be
for the time to come for
ever and ever:
Instructed to note the event in a book for the future of mankind which is the
Urantia book Meant for a distant generation to unlock.
Isaiah 30:13-14 Therefore this iniquity shall be to you as
a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a
high wall, whose breaking cometh suddenly at an
instant. 14 And he shall break it as the breaking of the potters'
vessel that is broken in pieces; he shall not spare: so that there shall not
be found in the bursting of it a sherd to take fire from the hearth, or to
take water withal out of the pit.
References to the Gibraltar break and the oncoming deluge of the Mediterranean
basin 1stEden.
Isaiah 30:27-28 Behold, the name of the Lord cometh
from far, burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy: his lips
are full of indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire: 28 And his
breath, as an overflowing stream , shall
reach to the midst of the neck, to sift the
nations with the sieve of vanity: and there shall be a bridle in the
jaws of the people, causing them to err.
Description of the oncoming Tsunami understood to be 650ft High and indicates
where the flood finished at the Neck of 1st Eden.
Isaiah 30:26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun,
and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold as the light of seven days, in the
day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke
of their wound.
Uses the break metaphorically that indicates an Epochal shift and directly
relates the pathway the Sevenfold way or Sevenfold instruction as expressed by
Is the Seventh Angel another description of a paradise trinity representative of
the central universe who arrives with a company that calls in the completion of
the last mystery of God. Is this unification of all the scriptures in relation
to the discovery of the original home of the Gods Adam and Eve, the Sevenfold
parallel or the 7th Seal being loosed as prophesied? I think so.
The Seventh Corp
The above was the thought then and was way before the the Seventh Part in the
Enoch 10 weeks judgement process which in the Seventh Part led to the discovery
of Dalamatia, Dilmun and Babel and look where we are now in the timeline and
look what has been achieved in discovery in books that is prophetical but
coherent at the same time. We certainly have physical reference point to base
the information on as we can see in the images of the foundations. Its an
evolution of mystery and intruige of the highest estate! The closest we have
ever been to the kingdom of heaven!
and now here is a fragment from Enoch regarding the Sevenfold.
Enoch 92:l2 Afterwards, in the seventh week a
perverse generation shall arise; abundant shall be its deeds, and all its
deeds perverse. During its completion, the
righteous shall be selected from the plant of
everlasting righteousness; and to them shall be given the
sevenfold doctrine respecting every part of
his whole creation
I believe the Sevenfold instruction is the Urantia Book and all the other books
of religion that have fragments of truth.
Enoch 92:17 The former heaven shall depart and pass away; a new heaven shall
appear; and all the celestial powers shine with
sevenfold splendor for ever. Afterwards likewise shall there be many
weeks, which shall externally exist in goodness and
in righteousness.
1Enoch 1:8 Then shall all belong to God; be happy
and blessed; and the splendor of the Godhead
shall illuminate them.
all the best
What is more amazing is the circle
symbol on the top of the door that seems to be set in a triangle.
However I feel it could be quite possible that the tomb is of Jesus family. I
feel the cask of Jesus would of been symbolic or a memory of him in the family
tomb. I don't believe its his body.
In reflection upon Silvers post, I agree with him that circle symbol is a huge
thing. Quite uncommon and was probably a product of Jesus' discoveries in
ancient text which is completely relevant to the case of the ancient foundations
of 1Eden, Dalamatia, Dilmun and Babel. Actually the circle can be found in the
foundations of Babel as seen in the NASA images of the Persian Gulf and within a
Also that circle symbol is the emblem of the Melchizedek whose teachings
perpetuated through the Kenite belief linage of which Abraham, Moses and Jesus
are connected to.
Also the remnants of the followers of the Iknanton religion of the Atun Ra
visited Jesus, the child of promise was in Egypt. The child of promise is also
mentioned in the Egyptian Book of the Dead and being amoung them. The prophecy
was fulfilled
The circle symbol is an old Andite symbol which ultimately came from Dalamatia
and evolved in transit through Dilmun and was the Atlantean symbol and does
reflect in Plato's story.
I think the circle symbol is huge and to think its associated in Symbol to the
tomb of the family of Jesus is just so interesting.
An to think according Silver that its a royal sign and connected to Royalty not
to mention Enoch, Seth and the Adam linage is just fantastic. But I dint think
the bones are of Jesus at all.
But how wonderful is that regarding the mystery leading us from the great
pyramid and now to the tomb of Jesus' family and all consistent in following the
circle marker or symbol.
Unbelievable! just fantastic.
However regarding the bones of Jesus, well that's certainly challenging when you
consider that the Urantia Book says that his bones was dissolved.
I'm sure there will be some evidence to prove that it could be somebody else's
body and the age. That would be an important clue but to the year date. It would
have to as accurate as to the year through DNA and other samples. Another
possibility is that people in the days after Jesus adopted his name, maybe
Great thread, certainly very challenging to all faiths relating to Jesus and
including the Urantia Book to. It will be interesting to see the evidence but by
sounds of it and now that Im further in the post I can see they have been
discredited regarding the bones.
Bones in Jesus ossuary and you don't investigate the those bones?? raises many
But being to the tomb of Jesus' family, why not, certainly has all the right
symbolism that has perpetuated throughout our ancient history back to Dalamatia.
Good stuff its all part of the test of everything and challenges all the books
in the way of there truth and mankind in his investigation.
I like that circle symbol above the tomb, unbelievable....Looks like a small
house in the forest like you would see in Hansel and Gretel.
Looking into it further and particularly the design of the the tomb is recognize
familiar things.
Here is the Silver supplied (thanks)
Here some analysis I did of the tomb. using the top of the door and the triangle
roof section.
Here is what I came up with.

Note in the analysis the Circle in the triangle and then another curious
triangle symbol below the main circle.
Like a triangle with a triangle. I recognize this symbol in the great Pyramid
built by Imhotep.
Here is the same symbol on the plug in in the shaft.
Here are some images with some of my artwork.

and here is another view and idea

So as you can see there are identical symbols there that perhaps connect to the
great pyramid in symbolism. Consisting of the double triangle with the circles
within them.
here is another view of the double triangle with the circle inside.
Now look at the design of Babel in Dilmun looking like circle within a triangle!

Now think of Platos concentric circles
and the concentric circles of the Salemites in Babylon.
Its all a connection! very big in my mind and seems like a picture coming
So looking at it from an overall picture its the same sign in Jerusalem and
another symbolic sign in the great pyramid and a sign located in Dilmun for that
of Babel and its circular foundations.
[ 03-11-2007, 06:06 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
I'm following the Susa and Ur track, the
reference in the UB seems to suggest there were 2 cities of UR. The first city
of Ur was submerged by the floods of 6000BC where the inhabitant built another
city of UR on a higher elevation. They also brought there artifacts with them
and which perpetuated.
When the last Andite dispersion broke the biologic backbone of Mesopotamian
civilization, a small minority of this superior race remained in their
homeland near the mouths of the rivers. These were
the Sumerians, and by 6000 B.C. they had become largely Andite in extraction,
though their culture was more exclusively Nodite in character, and
they clung to the ancient traditions of Dalamatia.
Nonetheless, these Sumerians of the coastal regions
were the last of the Andites in Mesopotamia. But the races of
Mesopotamia were already thoroughly blended by this late date, as is evidenced
by the skull types found in the graves of this era.
It was during the floodtimes that Susa so greatly prospered.
The first and lower city was inundated so that the
second or higher town succeeded the lower as the headquarters for the peculiar
artcrafts of that day. With the later diminution of these floods, Ur
became the center of the pottery industry.
About seven thousand years ago Ur was on the Persian
Gulf, the river deposits having since built
up the land to its present limits. These settlements suffered less from
the floods because of better controlling works and the widening mouths of the
So there is a lower city of Susa that was on the mouth of the river, the lower
city was submerged by floods and rising sea levels so another higher city was
created. So thew first city was at a lower sea level which could of covered a
vast region becuase of how shallow the Persian Gulf is. Even 18 ft of sea level
rise would make a vast difference to the landscape of the Persian Gulf.
Is Ur the second city of Susa? If not Ur was another city built on the coast.
and since then river deposits have built up to it current Persian Gulf coast
position.. Seems to make sense and doesnt take anything away from Dalamatia
from its present location as suggested. The location of Ur is not same location
or close to Ur. Dalamatia and Ur where built on the Persian coastlines that
varied over the thousands of years. The above does not establish that Dalamatia
and Ur are close to each other, the connection it makes to Dalamatia is a
cultural connection.
9. IN
The caravan trip across the desert was not a new experience for these much-traveled
men. After Ganid had watched his teacher help with the loading of their twenty
camels and observed him volunteer to drive their own animal, he exclaimed,
"Teacher, is there anything that you cannot do?" Jesus only smiled, saying,
"The teacher surely is not without honor in the eyes of a diligent pupil." And
so they set forth for the ancient city of Ur.
Jesus was much interested in the early history of Ur, the birthplace of
Abraham, and he was equally fascinated with the
ruins and traditions of Susa, so much so that Gonod and Ganid extended
their stay in these parts three weeks in order to afford Jesus more time to
conduct his investigations and also to provide the better opportunity to
persuade him to go back to India with them.
So the second Susa was known then in Jesus time.
There must be another submerged city of Ur in the Western Persian Gulf
elaborate records left by the Sumerians describe the
site of a remarkable settlement which was located on the Persian Gulf near the
earlier city of Dilmun.
The Egyptians called this city of ancient glory
Dilmat, while the later Adamized Sumerians confused both the first and
second Nodite cities with Dalamatia and called all three Dilmun. And already
have archaeologists found these ancient Sumerian clay tablets which tell of
this earthly paradise "where the Gods first blessed mankind with the example
of civilized and cultured life." And these tablets, descriptive of Dilmun, the
paradise of men and God, are now silently resting on the dusty shelves of many
So the city Dalamatia "The remarkable settlement" is near Dilmun which is 2 the
elaborate records left by the Sumerians describe the
site of a remarkable settlement which was located on the Persian Gulf near the
earlier city of Dilmun.
Here is a possible remnant of the first city Susa. This is image is taken in
the North Western Persian Gulf.

Here is a map of second Susa, maybe the first Susa is still submerged?

of the oldest cities in Mesopotamia, Susa was an ancient city of the Elamite,
Persian and Parthian empires, located about 150 miles east of the current path
of the Tigris River. Excavations have established that people were living at
the acropolis in 5000 BCE and have shown the existence of urban structures
about 4000 BCE, and it is reasonable that the town, situated on a strip of
land between the rivers Karkheh (Choaspes) and Dez (Eulaeus), was already the
political center of Elam in the fourth millennium.
A second part of the city is now called the royal hill. From written sources
it is known that must have been ziggurat somewhere on that location. A third
part is the artisan's quarter, which was to the east. The ruins of a donjon on
a steep hilltop in the southeast date back to the earliest period.
Susa was initially the capital of the Elamite Empire (2700 BCE to 539 BCE).
Ashurbanipal, the last great king of the Assyrians, conquered the city and the
Elamites in 646 BCE.
A tablet was unearthed in 1854 by Henry Austin Layard in Nineveh, revealing
that Ashurbanipal portrayed himself as an "avenger", seeking retribution for
the humiliations the Elamites had inflicted on others:
Susa, the great holy city, abode of their Gods, seat
of their mysteries, I conquered. I entered its palaces, I opened their
treasuries where silver and gold, goods and wealth were amassed...I
destroyed the ziggurat of Susa. I smashed its shining copper horns. I reduced
the temples of Elam to naught; their gods and goddesses I scattered to the
winds. The tombs of their ancient and recent kings I devastated, I exposed to
the sun, and I carried away their bones toward the land of Ashur. I devastated
the provinces of Elam and on their lands I sowed salt.

The Urantia Book
For thousands of years after the submergence of the
first Eden the mountains about the eastern coast of the Mediterranean and
those to the northwest and northeast of Mesopotamia continued to rise.
This elevation of the highlands was greatly
accelerated about 5000 B.C., and this, together with greatly increased
snowfall on the northern mountains, caused unprecedented floods each spring
throughout the Euphrates valley.
These spring floods grew increasingly worse so that
eventually the inhabitants of the river regions were driven to the eastern
For almost a thousand years scores of cities were
practically deserted because of these extensive deluges.
Sounds like first susa and many other settlements were victims of the floods and
rising sea levels. Looks like Ur was better prepared when the floods subsided.
So look like later Sumerian cities where built on top of flood mounds, so it
appears to me that the cities were built on reclaimed land.
2500 B.C. the Sumerians suffered severe reverses at the hands of the northern
Suites and Guites. Lagash, the Sumerian capital
built on flood mounds,
Also the last of the Andites the Sumerians used military canals and pools in
warfare as and advantage.
these barbarian cavalrymen from the northeast overran the whole Euphrates
valley, they did not conquer the remnants of the
Andites who dwelt about the mouth of the river on the Persian Gulf.
These Sumerians were able to defend themselves because of superior
intelligence, better weapons, and their extensive
system of military canals, which were an adjunct to their irrigation scheme of
interconnecting pools
The Persian Gulf in this time was a different Persian coastline of Dalamatia and
Dilmun. Much different but the same techniques where as they held on to the
traditions of Dalamatia and its practical knowledge.

« Last Edit: Today at 08:41:08 am by
sevens » |
I just think people are sick and tired of documentaries that lead no where. I'm
talking about the Da Vinci code and The Tomb of Jesus rehash.
They all leave you up in the air in the more of speculation.
I think people are sick of that and want a true story that leads them to the
most wonderous places where they can see evidence and conclusion.
I reckon that's what mankind wants and needs most of all.
A true no bull story, but a story based on truth in the true experience and
unfolding in the timeline of manifestation.
Well that's what I'm going for.
But anyway good luck on your script I'm sure it would be quite entertaining.
Indian laughing therapy
[ 03-12-2007, 05:36 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Hi Blanca
How is it going?
About Moses all I know is the UB account and the bible, I must read Sigmund
Freud, book on Moses and Iknanton. As far as I'm aware Moses was a product of
Egyptian royalty and Hebrew linage and was influenced mainly by the Hebrew
religion and felt a kinship towards the Hebrews his half brothers in slavery,
he loved his brothers who were disadvantaged.
Iknanton I believe was also inspired by the Salemites truth and decided to
start his own one god religion for himself but went to fast for the
civilisation then. However his teachings did survive in essence. The
Iknanton truth ran the same truth linage as Abraham down through to Jesus,
they were all believers of the Father and followed the same Melchizedek
I don't think there is blood relations with Jesus and iknanton but Jesus was
visited and revered by the remnants of the Atun Ra followers when Jesus was in
Egypt, a prophecy that can found in the Egyptian Book of the Dead and that was
fulfilled as can be seen in the Bible and the UB. However Joseph is
intriguing he may well of been a pharaoh that had blood relations in the
Egyptian royalty that may have passed down through the Semite kings which may
have led to Iknanton and Nefertiti.
I think both the Bible and the UB are similar in accounts however I tend to
think the UB would be a little more accurate considering the journey at large.
Its worth investigating.
Anyway I did some searching about the tomb of Jesus in the UB
I started with a UB search on Miriam
web page
Jesus had a sister called Miriam
Jesus was five years old in August of this year,
and we will, therefore, refer to this as his fifth (calendar) year of life.
In this year, 2 B.C., a little more than one month before his fifth birthday
anniversary, Jesus was made very happy by the coming of his sister Miriam,
who was born on the night of July 11. During
Jesus family was large
By this time Jesus and Mary were getting along
much better. She regarded him less as a son; he had become to her more a
father to her children. Each day's life swarmed with practical and immediate
difficulties. Less frequently they spoke of his lifework, for, as time
passed, all their thought was mutually devoted to the support and upbringing
of their family of four boys and three girls
So Jesus, James, Simon, Jude and Amos (who
died at 1 years old) and Miriam, Martha and Ruth.
Also Lazarus had sisters called Miriam and Mary and who lived near Jerusalem.
Could the tomb be Lazarus' family tomb?
He wanted most of all to see Lazarus,
Martha, and Mary . Lazarus was the same age as Jesus and now head of
the house; by the time of this visit Lazarus's mother had also been laid to
rest. Martha was a little over one year older than Jesus, while Mary was two
years younger. And Jesus was the idolized ideal of all three of them.
Well according to the UB Joseph was laid to
rest in Nazereth. Looks like the tomb in Jerusalem is not of Jesus Family.
But Joseph died of his injuries before Mary
arrived. They brought him to Nazareth, and on the following day he
was laid to rest with his fathers.
« Last Edit: Today at 09:50:29 pm by
sevens » |
Gee Rajesh
that's pretty full on.
Religion in the world except for Buddhism is in dire straits and right of the
mark of truth. However I feel Christianity is a little slow of the mark but
generally in the right direction but has to do more than what they are doing now
in finding further truth and open there minds to all things that are happening,
in truth.
Actually more than anything the Iran pres is tempting the spiritual world by
pushing the final and last conflict through his own destructive motives and
Good post but alarming! You know at the end of the day, all we can do is have
faith that the Father in helping the situation to a positive resolve. But
ultimately it lays in the will of man and you cant expect much from that in this
Mankind in some reflections is just a dismal failure like what you see in the
Sudan and other places of mass killings and rapes. Is that where the great so
called Islam leads to, the raping and murdering people in the name of Allah? or
in the Shia tradition, not to mention the kidnapping of tourists who are just
having a holiday for a political agenda Is that the final result of there truth,
murder through the Shia religion?? Is this the great witness, its crap
I tell you the Father in the right time will devastate those people who commit
crimes of destruction. If this behaviour continues which it will God will have
something to say.
Honestly there is much intelligence in Iran,
just thoughts
[ 03-13-2007, 04:53 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
Hi Majeston,
All can say is wow! I just read through the fragments you found and was
amazed. Incredible Toth seems to really define it well and everything we have
been analysing and expressing seems to be reflected in essence through the
above piece you discovered.
I tend to agree with you regarding the interpretation of the spaceship perhaps
meaning more time/space or capsule. It seems to make more sense, the more I
read your excerpts the more intrigued I am. There seems to be many clues that
seem to point to everything that seems to be manifesting.
In the following is some excerpts I found about 2 months ago. I was really
surprised to by what I read to.
The Emerald Tablet
I gravitated to this
The Seven Lords[/size]
Learned I of the
Masters of cycles,
wisdom brought from the cycles above.
Manifest THEY in this cycle
as guides of man to the knowledge of ALL.
Seven are they, mighty in power,
speaking these words through me to men.
Time after time, stood I before them
listening to words that came not with sound
Spoke to me again, the Seven, saying:
>From far beyond time are WE, come, O man,
Traveled WE from beyond SPACE-TIME,
aye, from the place of Infinity's end.
When ye and all of thy brethren were formless,
formed forth were WE from the order of ALL.
Not as men are WE,
though once WE, too, were as men.
Out of the Great Void were WE formed forth
in order by LAW.
For know ye that which is formed
truly is formless, having form only to thine eyes.
and this
The Key of Mystery
Great is the wisdom of the Seven.
Mighty are THEY from beyond.
Manifest THEY through their power,
filled by force from beyond.
an excerpt
Speak I of Ancient Atlantis,
speak of the days
of the Kingdom of Shadows,
speak of the coming
of the children of shadows.
Out of the great deep were they called
by the wisdom of earth-men,
called for the purpose of gaining great power.
Far in the past before Atlantis existed,
men there were who delved into darkness,
using dark magic, calling up beings
from the great deep below us.
Forth came they into this cycle.
Formless were they of another vibration,
existing unseen by the children of earth-men.
Only through blood could they have formed being.
Only through man could they live in the world.
Here is a post I did when I found Toth
I think there is another link somewhere which maybe better but I cant find it.
« Last Edit: Today at 07:47:40 am by
sevens » |
Hey here is another post I found on Marduk
Hi here is a link that I found quite disturbing particularly how sevens is used
in some links. However apparently its of Sumerian Origins and does have
information relating to the Dingur particularly the rebel Dingir
I suppose we have research everything to discover the threads of truth.
Apparently it derives from ancient Sumeria.
web page
I was hesitant in posting it but we have to check these things.
web page
The following is the Text of URILIA, the Book of
the Worm. It contains the formulae by which the wreakers of havoc perform
their Rites. These are the prayers of the ensnarers, the liers-in-wait, the
blind fiends of Chaos, the most ancient evil.
These incantations are said by the hidden priests and creatures of
these powers, defeated by the Elders and the Seven Powers, led by
MARDUK, supported by ENKI and the whole Host of IGIGI; defeaters of the
Old Serpent, the Ancient Worm, TIAMAT, the ABYSS, also called KUTULU the
Corpse-ENKI, yet who lies not dead, but dreaming; he whom secret
priests, initiated into the Black Rites, whose names are written forever in
the Book of Chaos, can summon if they but know how.
These words are not to be shown to any man, or the Curse of ENKI are upon
I also found this
AM BEFORE all gods.
I AM before all days.
I AM before all men and legends of men.
NO MAN may seek my resting place.
I receive the Sun at night and the Moon by day.
I AM the reciever of the sacrifice of the Wanderers.
The Mountains of the West cover me.
The Mountains of Magick cover me.
hymn to the Ancient ones
They are lying
down, the Great Old Ones.
The bolts are fallen and the fastenings are placed.
The crowds are quiet and the people are quiet.
The Elder Gods of the Land
The Elder Goddesses of the Land
Have gone to sleep in heaven.
They are not pronouncing judgements.
They are no deciding decisions.
Veiled is the Night.
The Temple and the Most Holy Places are quiet and dark.
The Judge of Truth
The Father of the Fatherless
Has gone to his chamber.
O Ancient Ones!
Gods of the Night!
O Bright One, GIBIL!
O Warrior, IRRA!
Seven Stars of Seven Powers!
Ever-Shining Star of the North!
Stand by and accept
This sacrifice I offer
May it be acceptable
To the Most Ancient Gods![/size]
AZAGTHOTH +? Toth is mentioned in the above link.
Majeston I was thinking KUTULU! sounds like Calagastia.
Also notice these fragments
the following
is the Mesopotamian and the Egyptian connection that is linked to the great
O Bright One,
GIBIL! Gabriel
O Warrior, IRRA!
Seven Stars of Seven Powers! (look who is involved, I would say the
Sevenfold Scheme parallel)
Ever-Shining Star
of the North!
(has the relationship to the Great Pyramid main constellation stars and is a
Parallel to the UB, Edgar Cayce and ancient Sumerian Text)
these stars where the reference point of the great pyramid which points to
the date)
Stand by and accept
This sacrifice I offer
May it be acceptable
To the Most Ancient Gods!
No doubt the Ancients of Days??
So in the final Analysis we have all the players mentioned in the above
connected to the great sign in Egypt and also personalise themselves.
They seem be Seven main elements to this mystery,
Gabriel. (Gabriel the Arch Angel)
Irra ?
Seven Powers (Sevenfold Scheme Seraphic teachers and a number of students from
the universe.)
Siris (One the main stars of shaft alignment.)
Draconis (Main constellation of the North Star)
Capricornus (Im not sure where this star fits in)
Ancients of Days (the ultimate personalities behind the the Sevenfold Scheme.)
All connected to the ancient foundations.
In the urantia Book Marduk is Adam and Jesus is the 2nd Adam. Marduk in a
sense is related directly to Jesus.
addition here is a wikipedia on Capricornus
constellation is one of the oldest to have been identified, possibly the
oldest, despite its dimness. Since it falls in an area of the sky known
as the sea, it became considered a sea-goat (in the same sense as a
sea-maiden). Depictions of a goat or goat-fish have been found on
Babylonian tablets dating back three thousand years. The constellation
may owe its antiquity to the fact that at that time, the northern
hemisphere's Winter Solstice occurred while the sun was in Capricorn.
The concern for the sun's rebirth might have rendered astronomical and
astrological observation of this region of space very important.
and another excerpt
This constellation is sometimes identified as Amalthea, the goat that
suckled the infant Zeus after his mother Rhea saved him from being devoured
by his father Cronos in Greek mythology. The goat's broken horn was
transformed into the cornucopia or horn of plenty. Some ancient sources
claim that this derives from the sun "taking nourishment" while in the
constellation, in preparation for its climb back northward.
However, the constellation is often depicted as a sea-goat, a goat with a
fish's tail. One myth that deals with this says that when the goat-god Pan
was attacked by the monster Typhon, he dove into the Nile; the parts above
the water remained a goat, but those under the water transformed into a
In Sumer, the constellation was associated with the god Enki (Babylonian
Ea), who brought culture out of the sea to humankind.
The constellation, together with its early Greek name, associated ideas
about sin, and the constellation of Aquarius, who was said to have
poured out a river, may represent the origin of the myth of the Augean
Stable, which forms one of The Twelve Labours of Hercules.
The constellation is located in an area of sky called the Sea or Water,
consisting of many watery constellations such as Aquarius, Pisces, and
and here is Wikipedia link to Dranconis
There are a number of myths behind the constellation Draco, due to its
resemblance to a dragon [1], although alternative interpretations exist,
such as the legend of the Mother Camels.
In the most famous of the myths, Draco represents Ladon, the hundred-headed
dragon that guarded the golden apples of the Hesperides. The eleventh of
The Twelve Labours of Heracles was to steal the golden apples.
Heracles killed Ladon with a poisoned
arrow, allowing him to freely take the golden apples. According
to the legend, Hera later placed the dragon in the sky as the constellation
Draco. Due to its position and nearby constellations in the zodiac sign of
Libra (i.e. Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, and Boötes), the group of constellations
can be seen to tell the tale of the eleventh labour.
In another legend, Draco represents the dragon
killed by Cadmus before founding the city of thebes. In a third
legend, it represents the dragon
that guarded the Golden Fleece and was killed by Jason. The fact that the
stars of this circumpolar constellation never set plays an important part in
its mythologies.
and here is link to a search for Sirus in the wikipedia
Historically, many cultures have attached special significance to Sirius.
Sirius was worshipped as Sothis in the valley of the Nile long before Rome
was founded. The Middle Kingdom of Egyptians based their calendar on the
heliacal rising of Sirius, which occurred just before the annual flooding of
the Nile and the summer solstice.[4] In Greek mythology, Orion's dog became
Sirius. The Greeks also associated Sirius with the heat of summer: they
called it Σείριος Seirios, often translated "the scorcher."
In the astrology of the Middle Ages, Sirius was a Behenian fixed star,
associated with beryl and juniper. Its kabbalistic symbol
Image:Agrippa1531_Canismaior.png was listed by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa.
Based on changes in its proper motion, in 1844 Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel
deduced that Sirius had a hidden companion. Nearly two decades later in 1862
Alvan Graham Clark discovered the faint companion, which is called Sirius B,
or affectionately "the Pup". The visible star is now sometimes known as
Sirius A.
All these Stars mentioned in the work of Salemites in Babylon were related to
the Change of Seasons in the Solstice.
Also all the great legends of the Gods were attached to these places, Like the
apples of immortality of the the tree of life in the Garden Hesperides in
Greek Mythology which derives from the Javan (the Young) civilisation directly
through to the Adamson civilisation.
In Babylonian times Myths in the stars were attached to Enki in essence, also
had access to the Garden where the tree of life was held. Enki also makes
reference to Dilmun, where the bright ones lived, however in truth these
reflections of Enki through Dilmun are distant reflections of Dalamatia, the
first place before the first default. All myths attached to the main stars of
the season, somehow come back to the early glories of Paradise and its default
in one way or another and is reflected in commonality in the two main
cultures. The truth in the stars through myths of the past, makes all sense
to me as the stars through precession are the time markers. The great Pyramid
is nothing but big clock timed to the stars with related symbolism.
I'm assuming Dalamatia that the tidal wave that destroyed Dalamatia was most
likely caused by a earthquake that caused a vertical shift underground under
the sea. Similar to the cause of the Tidal waves of Indonesia that wrecked
havoc throughout the world.
Hi Majeston
Im starting to think that Atlantis in this reference is pointing directly to
Dilmun as that was literally the home of the children of the shadows.
From the book of toth.
I of Ancient Atlantis,speak of the days
of the Kingdom of Shadows,
speak of the coming
of the children of shadows.
Out of the great deep were they called
by the wisdom of earth-men,
called for the purpose of gaining great power.
"Out of the great deep were they called" does infer flooding and the
truth is resurected through the discovery of its foundations. By the wisdom
contained and enbedded in the books over the timeline of thousands of years by
the collaboration of Angels and men, prophets, seers and people of faith. "by
the wisdom of earth-men,". "called for the purpose of gaining great
power" The object of this is not to gain power but the be honest there is
immense power in this journey that could actually affect the destiny of our
The real purpose of this journey is wisdom and wisdom includes knowledge which
has great power but wisdom should be at the helm. No money can buy this, its
priceless, its a jewel and most of all its the crown, the holy grail, Jamshids
cup all in parallel and connected, I believe in this case. Wisdom I believe
leads to the immortal elixer of immortal life.
Most intriguing journey and has not stopped or hit a brick wall and I believe it
will contine to manifest.
Now Im following the shadows aspect in Nostradamus
The moon is obscured in deep gloom,
his brother becomes bright red in color.
The great one hidden for a long time in the shadows
will hold the blade in the bloody wound.
The above is big link and eye opener to whats happening in the journey and does
reflect change that will refine truth. I see this as parallel between Toth
and Nostradamus in the same context. Maybe! However what is the "The
Shadows"? Like the truth in the background in the shadows, arising in this time
now, coming out of the Shadows, the children of the Shadows, like the truth of
the past containing all the shadows, history, myths and the celstial
personalities brought to light, laid bare in the discovery of the ancient places
and found in the books. Huge man!
Here is another following "The Shadows"
Born in the shadows and during a dark day,
He will be sovereign in realm and goodness:
He will cause his blood to rise again in the ancient
Renewing the age of gold for that of brass.
Well what do ya reckon of that one, how relevant is that the above, Again
confirming the previous and connected to Toth.
Wow! Look at this one from St Ephraim (the fantastic in my view) from the
Eastern Christian church 300AD. I can relate to this one, for sure! This come
from the Pearl
Would that the memory of the fathers would exhale
from the tombs;who were very simple as being wise, and reverend as believing.
They without cavilling searched for, and came to the
right path.
He gave the law; the mountains melted away;
fools broke through it. By unclean ravens He fed
Elijah at the desert stream; and moreover gave from the skeleton honey unto
Samson. They judged not, nor inquired why it
was unclean, why clean.
2. And when He made void the sabbaths, the feeble Gentiles were clothed with
health. Samson took the daughter of the aliens, and there was no disputing
among the righteous; the prophet also took a harlot, and the just held their
He blamed the righteous, and He held up and lifted up [to view] their
delinquencies: He pitied sinners, and restored them
without cost: and made low the mountains of their sins: He proved that God is
not to be arraigned by men, and as Lord of Truth.that
His servants were His shadow;
and whatsoever way His will looked, they directed
also their own wills; and because Light was in Him,
their shadows were enlightened.
To me the extract from fantastic St Ephraim just interprets Nostradamus and Toth
in regards to "The Shadows". For me this is a huge discovery in parallel that
compliments each other and fills the gaps. Im sure this is the work of the
angels, all in time/space of past, present and future, = eternity!
The following excerpt is exactly the reality I see toady regarding the ancient
places from the main bodies.
How strangely perplexed are all the heretics by
simple things! For when He plainly foreshadowed this New Testament by that of
the Prophets, those pitiable men rose, as though from sleep, and
shouted out and made a disturbance. And the Way,
wherein the righteous held straight on, and by their truths had gone forth
therein, that [Way] have these broken up, because they were besotted:
this they left and went out of; because they pried, an evil searching, [yea,]
an evil babbling led them astray.
They saw the ray: they made it darkness, that they
might grope therein: they saw the jewel, even the faith: while they pried into
it, it fell and was lost. Of the pearl they made a stone, that they might
stumble upon it.
It sounds like the truth was made known but was supressed and besotted upon
where the pearl or the crown was made to look like rubbish from the views of
deniers. This could be the case today?
and look at this one.
This directly related to the research at hand from St Ephraim, eastern Chrsitian
Church or from the Church of Philadelphia.
didst show thy beauty among the abjects to show whereto thou art like,
thou Pearl that art all faces. The beholders
were astonied and perplexed at thee. The separatists separated thee
in two, and were separated in two by thee, thou that art of one substance
throughout. (the effect, disorientation)
They saw not thy beauty,
because there was not in
them the eye of truth. For the veil of prophecy, full as it was of the
to them was a covering of thy glistering faces: they thought that thou wast
other [than thou art], O thou mirror of ours! and therefore these blind
schismatics defiled thy fair beauty.
Isnt the above exactly what been happening over the years Majeston as you know,
the above words just connects the whole research to the ancient places and the
journey and record in the books following the fragments.
here is Enki in his description of what I think is Dilmun and Babel being the
shrine. However looking at it in metaphor it could
king of Dilmun, whose camp is situated, like
a fish, thirty beru (double-hours) away in the midst of the sea of the rising
sun..." (p. 334. Potts)
Hymns to Enki, who resided at Eridu, stated that the city (Dilmun) was at the
edge of _the sea_ and the shadow cast by its
fruit trees planted by his shrine fell upon
the nearby snake marsh.
Again the shrine could be the ancient places, the shadows are his prophets, the
trees are the knowledge or the fruit of the spirit which sprout and give fruit.
Or the trees could be the Angels.
Here is an old interpretation I found from the words of Jesus in the papers of
the Essenes
Angel of Eternal Life,
The Angel is the Sevenfold angel who brings the message from Eden.
Who brings the message of eternity
The message of Eden from the Angels to man.
To man.
The message will given to man
For he who walks with the Angels
Walks and confers with the Angels about all kinds of discoveries.
Shall learn to soar
Taken up and learning the truth of God.
Above the clouds,
And his
home shall be
Eden and it truth shall be his home
In the
Eternal Sea
Submerged in the Sea. Jesus literaly telling us that his home is in the
eternal sea, the foundations of the stars and the first and second learning
centres of Earth back to our origins.
stands the sacred Tree of Life.
The tree of Life of Eden, the message of Eden.
Do not wait for death
Reference to judgment
reveal the great mystery;
The Eden/Paradise mystery found in the all the books.
If you know not your Heavenly Father
Become familiar with the knowledge of the father.
While your feet tread the dusty soil,
In this time.
shall be naught but shadows for thee
2nd interpretation, Its like as related to the prior verse. if you don't get
to know the father in this time and reject all, there will be nothing but
shadows for you. There will nothing for you.
In the life that is to come.
The new life after judgement or transition.
Anyway I thought that was incredible.
The keywords I was drawn to was.
The Angel
Eternal Life
the message
To man
walks with the Angels
learn to soar
Above the clouds
his home
Eternal Sea
Tree of Life
To reveal
the great mystery
Amazing keywords, such reassurance of what to expect and its direct
association with Eden in the infinite garden in the eternal sea of peace.
Incredible find from Jesus' words for this time right know.
and here is something from Isaiah 51:16, its seems meant for us following "the
shadows" thread with an earlier thought but now we have found the foundations of
Dalamatia, Dilmun and Babel the implications are rather obvious, I believe this
the Father speaking.
And I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of
mine hand, that I may
plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth,and say unto Zion,
Thou art my people.
(I believe the location is Zion and has been a secret for thousands of years
in the shadows, in the deep. Where God planted the foundations.)
17 Awake, awake, stand up, O Jerusalem, which hast drunk at the hand of the
Lord the cup of his fury; thou hast drunken the dregs of the cup of trembling,
and wrung them out.
and know from the The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Now the
New Year reviving old Desires,
The thoughtful Soul to Solitude retires, (the discover of the following
Where the White Hand of Moses on the Bough
Puts out, and Jesus from the Ground suspires.
Iram indeed is gone with all its Rose,
And Jamshyd's Sev'n-ring'd Cup where no one
But still the Vine her ancient Ruby yields,
And still a Garden by the Water blows.
A direct clue to the Garden whose truth is still with us and is powerful and
will have influence today. It also demonstrates a direct connection to Jamshids
SevenRinged cup to the Garden or the ancient foundations. The Vine the sources
of truth and the ruby, the crown, the pearl or the truth will yields results
for the destiny of mankind.
and from the fantastic Urantia Book
Jesus Speaks.
bade you tarry in Jerusalem until you were endowed with power from on high. I
am now about to take leave of you; I am about to ascend to my Father, and
soon, very soon, will we send into this world of my sojourn the Spirit of
Truth; and when he has come, you shall begin the new proclamation of the
gospel of the kingdom, first in Jerusalem and then to the uttermost parts of
the world. Love men with the love wherewith I have loved you and serve your
fellow mortals even as I have served you. By the spirit fruits of your lives
impel souls to believe the truth that man is a son of God, and that all men
are brethren. Remember all I have taught you and the life I have lived among
you. My love overshadows you, my spirit will
dwell with you, and my peace shall abide upon you. Farewell."
This journey is nothing but Propehcy and mysteries relating to the ancient
places. Unbelievable! OOohhh!!
all the best
I added more in the above post that might be interesting.
More clues in this beautiful piece St Ephraim
Hymns for the Feast of the Epiphany.
(Translated by Rev. A. Edward Johnston, B.a.)
Resp.-To Thee be praise from Thy flock in the day of Thy Epiphany! st Eprhaim
1. The heavens He has renewed, for that fools worshipped all the
luminaries:-He has renewed the earth, for that in Adam it was wasted.1 -That
which He fashioned has become new by His spittle:-and the All-Sufficing has
restored bodies with souls.
2. Gather yourselves again ye-sheep and without labour receive cleansing!-for
one needs not as Elisha-to bathe seven times in the river, nor again to
be wearied as the priests are wearied with sprinklings.
3. Seven times Elisha purified himself in a mystery of the seven
spirits;-and the hyssop and blood are a mighty symbol.-There is no room for
division;-He is not divided from the Lord of all Who is Son of the Lord of
4. Moses sweetened in Marah the waters that were bitter,-because the People
complained and murmured:-Thus he gave a sign of baptism,-wherein the Lord of
life makes sweet them that were bitter.
5. The cloud overshadowed and kept off
the burning heat from the camp;-it showed a
symbol of the Holy Spirit, which overshadows you in baptism-tempering
the flaming fire that it harm not your bodies.
6. Through the sea the People then passed, and showed a symbol-of the
baptism wherein ye were washed. The People passed through that and believed
not:-the Gentiles were baptized in this and believed and received the Holy
7. The Word sent the Voice to proclaim before His Coming,-to prepare for Him
the way by which He came,-and to betroth the Bride till He should come,-that
she might be ready when He should come and take
her from the water.
8. The voice of prophecy stirred the son of the barren woman,-and he
went forth wandering in the desert and crying,-"Lo!
the Son of the Kingdom comes!-prepare ye the way that He may enter and abide
in your dwellings!"
9. John cried, "Who comes after me, He is before me:-I am the Voice but not
the Word;-I am the torch but not the Light;-the
Star that rises before the Sun of Righteousness."
10. In the wilderness this John had cried and had said,-"Repent ye sinners of
your evils,-and offer the fruits of repentance;-for lo! He comes that winnows
the wheat from the tares."
11. The Lightgiver has prevailed and marked a
mystery, by the degrees he ascended:-Lo! there are twelve days
since he ascended,-and to-day this is the thirteenth:-a perfect mystery of
Him, the Son, and His twelve!
12. Darkness was overcome to make it manifest that Satan was overcome;-and
the Light prevailed that he should proclaim-that the Firstborn triumphs:
darkness was overcome-with the Dark Spirit, and
our Light prevailed with the Lightgiver.
13. In the Height and the Depth the Son had two heralds.-The star of light
proclaimed Him from above;-John likewise preached Him from beneath:-two
heralds, the earthly and the heavenly.
14. The star of light, contrary to nature, shone
forth of a sudden;-less than the sun yet greater than the sun.-Less
was it than he in manifest light;-and greater than he in secret might because
of its mystery.
15. The star of light shed its rays among them that were in darkness,-and
guided them as though they were blind;-so that they came and met the great
Light:-they gave offerings and received life and adored and departed.
16. The herald from above showed His Nature to be
from the Most High;-likewise he that was from beneath showed His
Body to be from humankind, mighty marvel!-that
His Godhead and His Manhood by them were proclaimed!
17. Thus whoso reckons Him as of earth, the star of light-will convince him
that He is of Heaven: and whoso reckons Him as of spirit,-this John will
convince him that He is also bodily.
18. John drew near with his parents and worshipped the Sun,-and brightness
rested on His Face.-He was not moved as when in the womb.-Mighty marvel! that
here he worships and there he leaped!
19. The whole creation became for Him as one mouth and cried out concerning
Him.-The Magi cry out in their gifts;-the barren
cry out with their children;-the star of light, lo! it cries out in the air,
"Behold the Son of the King!"
20. The heavens are opened, the waters break forth, the dove is in
glory!-The voice of the Father is stronger than thunder,-as it utters the
word, "This is My Beloved";-the Watchers brought the tidings, the children
acclaimed Him in their Hosannas.
17. He who journeys through the desert,-as armour takes to himself
water-against all-conquering thirst.-Go ye down to the fountain of
Christ,-receive life in your members,-as armour against death.
18. Again, the diver brings up-out of the sea the pearl.-Be baptized
and bring up from the water-purity that therein is hidden,-the
pearl that is set as a jewel-in the crown of the Godhead.
19. Sweet water in his vessel-the seaman lays up as a store;-in the midst
of the sea he lays up and keeps it, the sweet in the midst of the
bitter.-So amidst the floods of sin,-keep ye the
water of Baptism.
An extract fromThe Pearl-Seven Hymns on the Faith
In Eden and in the
world, are parables of our Lord;-and
what tongue can gather, the similitudes of His mysteries?-for
He is figured all of Him in all things.
19. In the Scriptures He is written of; on Nature He is impressed;-His
crown is figured in kings, in prophets His truth, His atonement in priests.
For your viewing pleasure here is a video that you might enjoy.
It covers a wide field wide of physics based on NASA footage of UFOs taken from
the shuttle and a deep analysis of the faster than speed of light travel using
the Galaxy clock and idea in quantum mechanics based on concentric circles and
the spiral of accelerating electromagnetic creating a shift in gravity where
mass is made lighter thus explaining black holes and the event horizon. It all
following the design of the galaxies and where the answer lays.
Its also goes into myths and Legends of ancient tribes of the Dogon and the
connection to the Great Pyramids and its connection to Sirius. And also the
Hanza tribe and there connection to the Sirians.
Its a very enlightening video and is part of the research.
Posted: Tue Mar
20, 2007 5:15 am
Post subject: Hi
I'm impressed by the fact that the Melchizedek will declare the year of Jubilee
in the end times and provide real relief.
Pity the selfish banks today don't have an attitude of the
Melchizedek where they provide debt relief but instead suck everything out of
man, living of the backs of others through there compound interest slavery
object. Which is by the way completely unsustainable in the spiritual welfare of
the planet and has completely destroyed the planet and the 40,000 species that
are on the verge of extinction.
Well done man you're a real champion of selfishness and destruction and where
was the church to temper this gross selfishness in the current destructive
system? Actually what is the church doing about this? What can they do? Sigh!!!
Anyway here is video that I'm sure will get you thinking a bit.
I tell you the Banks and the evil that runs them in its current form will be the
first get knocked off during judgment. They have much to answer for in the
destruction of the planet. All Banks should be NON PROFIT and work on a fixed
interest or no interest basis. Also the crime families have a big warning for
them and will affect there whole lineage, there seed!!!! written in Enoch. There
will be nothing for them, last rights forget about it! Never existed in the
first place, that's just fraudulent doctrine to make the bosses feel better,
another compromise of the church!
The MAFIA and there families are on direct notice from the Father written in the
books. All of the families, they have to wake up but they wont! I know they wont
because of there own guilt and they are guilty and should cease operations for
there own families lineage sake. But they wont and we know that! because really,
they will sacrifice there own family for money and greed in this current
climate. That's why they wont survive!
And not to mention the punishment for all those who glorify and participate with
them in the destruction of society for greed's sake. This also applies to
religious groups that participate with crime families as well for there own so
called spiritual/political agenda.
The Father is going to be ruthless and no respecter of anyone, no matter who,
regardless what they say. Its in the doing not the talking! Talk is rubbish and
means nothing without the doing!
Who is going to tell them, the church?? No there busy saving there own skins
which is not the point! that attitude may very well backfire in there faces as
end times is dependent on attitude and motivation of which everyone has to self
examine. I'm doubtful that will happen because of pride and prejudice. That's no
secret and is written about in revelation regarding the rebuke of the Churches
for not doing a thing and showing no faith before the event worrying whether
they make rapture which is completely irrelevant to the things of the Father and
does nothing for no one, its just another selfish attitude!
The Sopranos and there idealisation
of the crime will end up being a nothing at the end of the day! Also all the
Banks are controlled by the power of Belial and everyone is under the power of
Belial through the debt slavery system in this evil bloody world! that's exactly
what this planet is! A planet run by evil people who don't give a damn for no
one except there own bloody ego and utter crap!
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:23 pm
Post subject:
Hey Arie
All the best with your work, great blessings for your witness. I know it must be
a little battle for you dealing gross unbelief and all that. I myself have
noticed in my work that hardly anyone is interested except for a few UB people
but then its preaching to the converted. I have found very little response in
relation to the ancient places. All labor and very little results, all very sad
and disheartening. The wonderous things that defy mans logic and are real and is
part of the Fathers intent with wonder. Where is man, running for the hills like
a bloody coward!!!!!! weak man and useless for the things of the Father!!
I really wish all the best in your work. I reckon you will need it.
great blessings to you in your almighty work but its tough!
In revelation it speak of 6 out 7 churches cop a rebuke during judgment. I can
see exactly where the Church gets rebuked by the Father for there real lack off!
They should drop this spiritual pretense and just become a social organisation
indirectly run by the Government! That would be more akin to the truth of the
churches today! They are useless for man in the main with all there crystallised
doctrine which is still heavy and burdensome upon the spirit of man and does not
represent the teachings of Jesus! No way man !
Anyway change of pace and frustration about the whole thing.
For your viewing pleasure here is a video that you might enjoy.
It covers a wide field wide of physics based on NASA footage of UFOs taken from
the shuttle and a deep analysis of the faster than speed of light travel using
the Galaxy clock and idea in quantum mechanics based on concentric circles and
the spiral of accelerating electromagnetic creating a shift in gravity where
mass is made lighter thus explaining black holes and the event horizon. It all
following the design of the galaxies and where the answer lays.
Its also goes into myths and Legends of ancient tribes of the Dogon and the
connection to the Great Pyramids and its connection to Sirius. And also the
Hanza tribe and there connection to the Sirians.
Its a very enlightening video and is part of the research.
A study into the Adamson civilisation and its
links through symbolism.
Hi Mark
Absolutely, I think the angels really desire to work closely with mankind
individually in all things. I have no doubt that we have ability to prophecy and
see in front of us beforehand. From what I understand the angels work in the
timeline of the past, present and future and are only to happy to work with
mankind but only if man opens his heart, mind and soul. This is the problem, you
know pride, prejudice and all the crap!
Anyway all the angles require is someone to be open minded and willing to
research the matter.
I know personally that Jesus desires for all of us to prophets of the most high,
a desire that I personally love to fulfil with wholeheartedness, willing to the
will the Father because i love the Father for bringing me on the journey and I
am really inspired from my heart. The Father and the angels are really our best
There is no doctrine to be a prophet all one has to be is open minded, moral in
your heart (no screwing people) and willing to learn in your own way and deal
with the occasional correction when we get off track. That's all, on one has to
go church to be a prophets just a simple desire for truth, beauty and goodness.
That's it, good for any individual no matter who.
Yes, I reckon we all have abilities that we should explore more without any
fear. I know that the Father comes through for mankind and he has personally
blessed me so much in these discoveries. I really appreciate his help and the
bidding from the father that comes from within and from the books, not to
mention the help from my fabulous Seraphim's that watch over me and give me
guidance in the research, regardless of my imperfections.
The Angels don't spin you out with fear and or fear compulsion through doctrine
and other rubbish. That's for sure, they are totally unconditional except for
you doing the right thing in your heart towards your fellow brother, that's all.
That actually encompasses all the laws of God, regardless, just being your true
natural self and walking with the angels in friendship and in friendship with
If your thinking about this in your heart one of the first sources I would
investigate is the Urantia Book and find the commonalities in science and
mythology and perhaps extend it to other books. Its the best study in the world
with no confusion and I have not been disappointed at all! But everyone is
different and must search for truth themselves in the way they feel comfortable
to research.
All the best Mark in your research and great blessings for you in your personal
journey with the real powers of the universe.
From the Egyptian Book of the Dead regarding
the ancient places
I come forth therefrom into the House of Isis. I look
upon the
holy things which are
holy mountain I see the being who is therein.
I speak to the great ones of Shu, the gods
they repulse him thatis wrathful in
his hour.
I am Horus who dwelleth in his divine Light. I am
master of his
I am master of his radiance.
I advance towards the Henti
boundaries of
heaven. Horus is upon
his seat. Horus is upon his thrones. My face
is like that of a divine hawk. I am one who is equipped [like] his lord. I
shall come forth to Tetu. I shall see Osiris. I shall live in his actual
presence.... Nut. They shall see me. I shall see the gods [and] the
Eye of Horus
burning with fire before my eyes. They shall reach out their hands to me. I
shall stand up. I shall be master of him that would subject me to restraint.
They shall open the
holy paths
to me, they shall see my form, they shall listen to
my words.
I think this sounds very much like what is happening with the ancient places
in its multiple discovery.
"I shall see the gods [and] the Eye of Horus" Sounds like the circle in
the triangle we see in all the ancient places marked by a circle or like the
all seeing eye, representative of the Gods. The circle and the triangle seem
is the common feature in all the past cities of the Gods.
« Last Edit:
Today at 08:55:35 am by sevens » |
And here is another excerpt in the Egyptian
Book of the Dead relating to the crown and I believe the foundations.
Egyptian Book of the Dead
I am he who cometh forth advancing, whose name is unknown. I am Yesterday.
of Millions of Years" is my name. I pass
along, I pass along the paths of the divine
celestial judges. I am the Lord of Eternity: I decree and I judge
like Khepera.
I am the Lord of the Urrt Crown.
I am he who
dwelleth in the
Utchat and in
the Egg, and it is granted unto me to live
« Last Edit: Today at 12:01:45 am by
sevens » |
Im looking further
into the Adamson and Vannic civilisation as in this link
But here is a Google presentation of the ancient locations
I Also drew from ancient legends of descriptions of the place to see if it
matches in the proposed physical location referring to Vans headquarters and the
area of the Adamson civilisation.
Posted: Tue Mar
27, 2007 3:01 am
Post subject:
Its truly a great journey, all submerged locations or important
sites are in Iranian waters or involved in war of some sort.
I just sense Caligastia is creating blockages though war and division to prevent
the formal discovery of these places. Whilst Cyprus is clear for discovery there
is simply not enough funds to complete the Job. So Cyprus has its own problems.
I mean to say we are talking about the 1stGarden of Eden and we cant even raise
the funds. Consider all the billions in wastage and we can even complete the
1Eden project....bloody pathetic! completely shameful.
Think about it, all the important locations like Mt Hermon, Dalamatia, Dilmun,
Babel and Adamsons civilisation vestiges except Cyprus are in war zones or in no
mans land and all a product of war or some spiritual division.
I just see this pattern as a Caligastia block to these places intentionally
through false doctrine and division to prevent the discovery of the wonderous
places of the Gods.
The Angels will have to do something to clear a path for these discoveries
because in the current state its impossible. Because man aint going to do a
thing! even in lieu of his self styled words!
I reckon Caligastia is trying hard to prevent further exploration of these
places and I think the leader of Iran is being deceived by Caligastia 100%.
Pray your heart out everyone for a clear path to be made to all the places
because aint going to do a thing!
thanks Coop for hanging in there, I noticed everyone has jumped ship and
deserted the cause for truth and righteousness in this case. Just by there
silence and lack off.
Its just pathetic the whole thing, biggest discoveries helped by God and where
is everyone?? Asleep in there comfort zone.
Just Pathetic! but what would you expect from man in the things of God, not
much! Bugger all nothing! not even a whimper! Actually the only person who
mentioned a commitment to find these places was a women!
So where are so called men of courage with boldness and faith regarding these
places who do have the money and the ability? Busy trying to keep their wealth.
This information is the most powerful information around and is worth 1 billion
and more dollars in my vision and plan and you couldn't even give it away!
That's how useless this journey is becoming!
anyway apart from all that, here is picture of Lake Van, named after Van who
built the headquarters near Adamsons civilisation and who was responsible for
the construction of 1stEden. The connecting symbol is the 3 co-planar rings
both located in Vans headquarters and also found in remnants on top and below of
the Acropolis Hill, Cyprus from side scan data.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:13 pm
Posted: Wed Mar
28, 2007 4:24 am
Post subject: So after my
complaining, the next day I submitted this that again could be relevant to the
end times since we are all staring down the barrel of war.
I think these ancient places are about to enter the stage of ACTION with the
backing of the God of Action. This is not talk anymore its action stations. Talk
is cheap without action, we need peaceful action to head forward to our
planetary destiny which is encompassed in all the prophecies and brought
together for this one event.
Here is the following post, the day after the above post.
Anyway everyone The thoughts that led to the
foundations being presented on the stage of Action
It came to me as I was driving to the swimming pool that I should simply write
to the Foreign minister of Iran and present my proposal of the "Quest for the
Sevens Commands" as an alternative option before both the US, Britain go to war
with Iran...Which should not happen.
I believe these ancient places and what may come out of these places is the last
opportunity we have to avoid a senseless war full of wastage.
I declare this to you so you all are a witness to the intent. So before CIA and
MI5 get involved you know the motive and the truth!!
I feel this is a very serious development in the reality of this research and I
appeal to the angels for a clear path to the ancient places and lift the veil of
division created by Caligastia in his attempt to block mankind to his future
destiny. I reckon I'm really on to his intent and his methods.
My intent is to write to the Government of Iran in 12 hours so if anyone has
suggestions let me know. I'm just fed up with it all this division and murder I
see on TV over there.
If we cant stop this approaching war through the ancient places then you might
as well get ready for war. Who wants that? no one except the war machine as that
means big bucks in there pockets! I also pray to ancient of Days for protection
in this action because I put myself at risk and I need there help and protection
in this endeavour to bring out the truth of everything.
Like it says in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, things have to be first before
the Paradise Son comes to this planet. (that's what it generally means). The
exposure of these ancient places might be part of the preparation of the
expected Paradise Magisterial Son! In support of the discovery of the Seven
commands, support in first instance that was never given by any of the major
faiths including Christianity.
The rebuke for the churches as in revelations might actualy emanate from these
ancient places for there lack of faith where its left up to one induvidual to
find the truth whilst everyone is busy going in circles trying to out do each
other with there so called confusing knowledge of God, a mark of false ego!! in
the churches today. The effect of doctrinal limitation and for refusing to
consider all things on the table, rather its judgment on everything blinding the
churches to the events in evolution in the timeline.
I also was going to write to the British Foreign minister about what I wrote and
sent to Iran, to keep them informed of the developments. so its all transparent
and open and on the run. Lets see how the reality changes?? Hopefully for the
best for the Father. Thumbs up for the Father in Heaven and within us!!
Here is the evolution of the proposal for the "Quest for the Seven commands" It
needs more work but generally it gets the point across.
I also use the Quran to demonstrate these places being in there own truth book.
This should be perplexing enough for the mullahs. They go against this, they go
against the Quran there prime book and Allah in the quest for truth. Then you
will see the ultimate motive!
I believe these places are our life boat before a terrible war!
Quote: |
The Refuge of the Upright
Psalm 11
In the Lord put I my trust: how say ye to my soul,
Flee as a bird to your mountain?
2 For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, they make ready their arrow upon the
string, that they may privily [1] shoot at the upright in heart.(War)
3 If the foundations be destroyed, what can the
righteous do?
4 The Lord is in his holy temple, the Lord's throne is in heaven: his eyes
behold, his eyelids try, the children of men.
5 The Lord trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence
his soul hateth.
6 Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and
brimstone, and an horrible [2] tempest: this shall be the portion of their
7 For the righteous Lord loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold
the upright. |
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007
11:11 am Post subject:
Here is a video that depicts the untouchable
government within the government of the US. The video displays how future
technology has been and will be suppressed by those bent on maintaining the self
destructive status quo.
As I said Caligastia is the last remaining rebellious son who plays both sides
of the fence. Not just in Iran but also in the US. The key is to create division
amongst mankind, complete with utter selfishness. Maybe the leadership in Iran
is pointing directly to this element of the hidden government who can do
whatever they want and who controls the world under the guise of representative
government. Mind you I don't care for there methods but then again what's new in
the scheme of things. All sides are guilty and yet all are deceived by the
master of deception.
Next time you put your right hand on your chest just think of the people who
have been murdered in there quest to help mankind by there discoveries and
sharing of there knowledge that helps man in his future destiny. But is not
consistent with the ideals of the hidden government.
The world is just full of hypocrisy and I think the Father is burning with anger
that these people are destroying the planet with the methods they impose. All
this talk about ethanol is absolute hypocrisy and just another deception when we
can all enjoy the benefits of free energy as demonstrated by scientists who have
been murdered or suppressed. Maybe countries like Iran maybe be justified in
there opinions pointing directly to this utterly evil untouchable government or
the hidden government hidden behind the smoke screen of the representative
government. I tell you I wouldn't trust anyone in government as they are all
tainted with the same brush and who have sold there souls for there short term
benefits in propping up the system of suppression of the hidden government.
Gee when Melchizedek and judgment comes to free the captives, these people of
the hidden government will be wiped out by the battle angels, the Arch angels.
Also the Rods are Seraphim's in transport mode only seen in the infra red
The hidden government know its close and the signs are here and there is nothing
they can do to prevent judgment and they know it. The hidden government have
completely trashed and soiled this world with evil. Its like whatever the hidden
government say just believe the reverse and therein you will find the truth,
whatever they deny just believe the opposite.
Well I wrote to both the Iranian foreign ministry and the British foreign
ministry about my proposal to the ancient places.
I explained the journey to the places, how I was led to the places through the
books and what I proposed regarding the Seven commands.
I didn't write to the US government as I felt the British are better to work
with and I'm still very unhappy about all this hidden government business
without control from congress nor from the president. I don't think they deserve
first entry into the breach as they are very unholy and the Father wouldn't be
happy with them at all entering the breach with there arrogance!
Anyway lets see what happens in the reality of the timeline of prophecy,
declaration and proclamation in faith.
Lets see how the events work out, lets see if there is a bright spark there that
will begin the flight to the ancient places, into the breach!
If this isn't successfull then I'm afraid war will be the alternative! If this
is case and man ignores then man is pathetic and for those who create continued
division will deserve all they get in judgement!
all the best
The proposal sent to the Iranian Foreign Ministry
and the British foreign ministry.
Dear Iranian Foreign Minister.
Dear sir, my name is Sevens, I am a individual
religionist who researchers all the books of religion including the main books
of the Islam and Christianity. What began 13 years ago as a desire to find
the 1stGarden of Eden actually manifested in the discovery of it in 2004 in an
expedition led by Iranian Robert Sarmast. I have known Robert for many years
and have provided online support for him in the whole process leading up to
the discovery. The prime source of the discovery was led by all the books
including a new book.
About 4 years ago I embarked on a search for Eden
in all the religious books I could find. The Books included the Quran, the
Bible, The Pseudagraphia books, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, St Ephraim, the
Urantia Book and many other books. As I searched and found 1stEden in all the
books I noticed that there is much prophecy attached to these ancient
foundations of the origins of man.
Last year because I was a little stressed out and
became very concerned at which the world was going. In light of this, I made
a proclamation to the Ancients of Days declaring a 40 day test after which
judgement of mankind would proceed. I declared this proclamation in a very
spontaneous way without thinking or with pre meditation. I just did it on the
4th July. As I was following this 40 days test similar to the testing of
Jesus of 40 days in the wilderness.
Soon after the 40 day test began I discovered
Enoch 10 week judgement which in the macro sense is the whole story of our
planet at various key points relating to weeks, however I personalised the
prophecy in a literal 10 week period with the Seventh part at the end
beginning on the 4th of July. At the time of discovery of Enoch's judgment I
never understood what the Seventh month meant. Looking at it in a micro sense
I found in Enoch's 10 week judgement also began in the first week in the 7th
month as written. This time period of Enoch in the first week corresponded to
my 4th July proclamation time period the same time I declared the 40 day
test, To me that felt like a fulfilment of prophecy not knowing Enoch 10 week
judgement at the time.
I noticed also that the timeline stamps of Sevens
(The fathers/Allah mark) was also in perfect timing to key events, such as
Jesus real birth date and also with September 11th at the close of the 10th
week according to my calculations. After the 10th week we entered the Seventh
part which I had no idea of and was actually questioning was does the seventh
part mean??
It was only five days later in the Seventh part of
Enoch's prophecy that I found 2 major submerged cities of the North Eastern
Persian Gulf using NASA software. I found the locations of 2 submerged cites
that I have been looking for quite sometime. That was a major discovery and
the cities are exactly where they where supposed to be, as described in the
Urantia Book.
The two cities are Dalamatia, near where the
British marines where captured and the other city, Dilmun which is further to
the East where the foundations of the first and second tower of Babel was
attempted, the third Babel was built in Mesopotamia but never succeeded.
There also another site of a lost civilisation
that I found in the North Eastern Iran which relates to the Adamson
So all the submerged discoveries where made in the
Seventh part in the timeline of prophecy and are related to our origins with
the prophecy of judgment attached which can relate to the second coming or the
coming of the 12 Imam or the expected son.
I also on 7/2/07 at 7:02 declared
to the Ancients of Days a declaration of the "Quest for the Seven commands"
which would comprise of an expedition to both these places as I know lay there
stone slabs with the 7 commands inscribed on them. The discovery of the Seven
commands would change everything and would create a portal for The
Father/Allah to respond. Quite possibly.
Here is an evolution on how I got to the Seven
commands proclamation through some forum work. The work in the End game is
still proceeding as I'm finding many fragments that could relate to the
literal situation in the middle east.
The Quest for the Seven Commands
"The Fathers way"
The Test of all
proclaimed on the 7/2/07 at 7:02
What I desire and prayed for to the Father/Allah
was that Arch Angels make a clear path to the ancient places to verify the
research, However I do understand that it may be difficult to explore with all
the ancient foundations being in a virtual war zone, so I'm quite happy to
reveal this to you that maybe your Government would like to check out these
places to verify there existence or perhaps if I can organise an expedition
the government can be involved in the observing the dives personally. I think
it would be a very positive thing for all of us.
Also the present scenario seems to fit what is
also in prophecy about the end game, where all nations will be gathered, where
you have two sides but a third entity enters the arena. Also there are
prophecy and glimpses made to this time and the actual events in the past,
combine them all together and you have to whole scenario and how it happens.
I believe its all related to the current events.
I thought perhaps we could begin a dialogue about
these ancient places and the formal discovery of them as that may have very
positive benefits for the planet and for mankind regarding his personal
relationship with the Father /Allah and also could mean the official
termination of the Lucifer rebellion through the discovery of the 7 commands
from these very ancient places. A voice from the ancient past that will have
the backing of Allah/The Father from Paradise.
I know the President of Iran would be very
interested in these discoveries as that would verify perhaps much of his own
research into the 12 Imam and the twelver persuasion. This whole research is
related to the Jamshids cup, the holy grail, its all tree of life knowledge
and connected to the immortal elixir and is part of the end times of this
Epoch as we enter a new Epoch.
Whilst viewing the links it may be a little
challenging as this work touches all religions but believe me every religion
has piece of the mystery and its through having no pride or prejudice that the
last mystery of Allah has been discovered. Its all related to the ancient
places and the exploration of them and the discovery and the proclamation of
the Seven commands to the world. It would bring far better benefits to the
people and religion in the middle east than having war. This enterprise would
have all sides observing with a third party involved, the Father/Allah
If my speculation proves correct it will mean a
correction for all mankind where God is no respecter of anyone except what is
within his heart relating to his personal motivation.
I must say there is a very big warning attached to
these ancient places and one must be very careful in being truthful about the
journey. No one can use these places for there own self vain gloriousness
except for the Fathers/Allahs cause.
If your interested in perusing this further I
would be happy to help with respect to the research of these places, if it
helps mankind to come to a better understanding of each other where we can
avoid war then let it be so.
I tell you this is probably the last opportunity
to bring about peace through peaceful means in research, exploration and
discovery rather than the other alternative, remembering it creates a
platform for the Father/Allah to respond thorough the discovery and
proclamation of the Seven commands.
So all the best with everything I hope for peace
amoung all nations and mankind.
Hey Majeston,
I just saw the news and noticed that there is talk of compromise between Iran
and Britain and maybe this might be resolved. I also noticed that the opposition
in Iran seemed rather euphoric in a way and quite happy as if he just saw
I don't know but anyway see what happens in the timeline lets see the work of
the Angels in the manifestation of truth within a nation through the ancient
places. That's if they read the email I sent and saw the links and images.
For some reason I do feel a little vibed in what I saw on the news. I just feel
a breakthrough has been made. If they do embrace and explore it will be
interesting to see how they might use the places, that is the test and we know
the construct and the truth behind it. See how they use it????? See what truth
they present and fill a nation. Boy I hope its for peace!!!
I am a little concerned about how he may use these places and there is a
possible deception?? Still concerns me and there is much written about it, How
the pearl is made to look like a stone. Does that mean the truth will be
See what happens.
Oh well you gotta
give it a go.
Frankly, I don't expect any response, if anyone got some better ideas.
However this move and what was written strikes right in the heart of religion in
Iran as an eye opener with a warning, who knows what may happen!!!!
Lets see there boldness now considering what has been presented to them, they
will have to overcome this in truth, i dont think they will overcome this in
real truth and may to explore this further.
all the best Majeston
Hi Tansneen and Sojourner
No problem with your thoughts, you would think all sides would know about what
is submerged in there waters. But in my heart I dont think so. I don't think
they have any idea of Dalamatia and Dilmun as this would of been documented when
discovered. Particulary by Iran. The reason I say this is that the leader of
Iran has invested quite some resources into a study headed by Syrian scholars to
find out as much as they could about the 12th Imam. But personally I don't think
they found the final mystery and construct as they only would consider there own
sources like much in the way Christians investigate the Bible but perhaps
consider nothing outside the bible only finding a partial mystery.
Also the present attitude doesn't appear to reflect that spirit of truth, beauty
and goodness so therefore there must be many pieces missing in there own
research. Pieces that I feel we may have uncovered in the journey through all
the books, considering everything in all religions which have reflections of all
the ancient places and also guided by the prime source which is the Urantia Book
which is backed by all the books.
I don't feel the violent actions from all sides over there reflects the ideals
of the Father and that's how I know there are gaps in there own partial
discoveries which I don't think encompass the complete picture in mind, body and
My attempt is bring light from a different prospective which in my mind is
complete in personal experience, in knowledge and discovery during a prophetical
timeline concerning a transition documented partially in all the books of past
in all cultures brought in together in the final reality through another book
for the future. I believe its all about these ancient places as in new
knowledge, old for new.
I also don't want www3 whereby nations going wayward in there own partial
knowledge. I personally want mankind to be successfull as best as he can and
think this process before us really refines everything and test all things.
The final was to supposed to be test of faith where God and man walk together in
the Fathers will. Spreading news of hope and good cheer and these ancient s
places reflect exactly that for those with faith.
Seeing the British captured very close to the location was the spark that
exposed the research in Iran and they have seen the images by the stats.
So they are in knowledge of it now, whether they delete it or whether they are
investigating it I wouldn't know. But I can tell you that this is exactly what
the President of Iran wants to see and this would make him awfully curious and
challenging at the same time because there is attached truth to the places with
a severe message. Which doesn't not agree and with the spread of violence and
its brutal conversation. That's for sure.
The real message for all is to resolve all things or there will be a severe
penalty and correction as a third party is beginning to deal there hand in to
things of the matter. A third party which I think is representative of universal
government, like Paradise and the ancient of days. The Family of Eternity
visiting us.
That could only be reflected physically in the discovery of the 7 commands, how
else would they begin there inquiry into planet Urantia. You know! It just makes
all sense to me.
So we can move forward in truth and hopefully find brotherhood. I don't there is
anything else of this magnitude that deals with all the issues of mankind, right
from our origins, a voice from the past and eternity. Beginning with the 7 moral
commands, the Fathers way! The discovery and proclamation of the Fathers way is
probably the beginning of the sounding Seventh trumpet by the Sevenfold or
Seventh Angel?? mentioned in Revelations? Like the Seven rigned cup of Jamshid
coming up out of the well in Avestan mythology.
What a way to bring this truth in, in the midst of war where all nations will
gather, warring and then through a discovery from the middle of a literal
battlefield a truth is found, a light. There is even a command not to destroy it
as there may some good in it.
Could the following be a veiled description of the scenario of the discovery of
the 7 commands where it was preserved because it had benefits for mankind in his
destiny where an order was made not to destroy it. Also shows they had knowledge
of it beforehand. Like in this scenario? The cluster being the gathering of
nations, new wine or a new discovery found in the midst of them, the seven
commands and then the judgment attachment and from the source of where the
message comes from.
Quote: |
Isaiah 65:8 Thus saith the
Lord, As the new wine is found
in the cluster, and one saith,
Destroy it not; for a blessing
is in it: so will I do for my servants' sakes, that I may not destroy
them all.
9 And I will bring forth a seed out of Jacob, and out of Judah
an inheritor of my mountains:
and mine elect shall inherit it, and my servants shall dwell there.
10 And Sharon shall be a fold of flocks, and the valley of Achor a place for
the herds to lie down in, for my
people that have sought me. |
and I feel this an end time scenario
Quote: |
Isaiah 54:17
No weapon that is formed against thee shall
prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment
thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of
the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord. |
sounds a bit bleek but there is triumph at the end.
Anyway here are some new pictures of Babel in Dilmun a short distance from the
sea a possible location of the 7 commands, the fathers way.
and here is an
excerpt from the Dead Sea Scrolls
Quote: |
Prophecy of Naphtali
...They (the elect) will endure the affliction of the
distress and the ordeal of the pit, and they will
be purified by these things and shall become the elect of righteousness.
Recorded by the last teacher of righteousness of the Essenes. |
I think the pit is the submerged ancient places and the 7 commands is the object
or the key, the activator of the end game.
Here is another fragment out of the Dead Sea Scrolls
of the revealing the deep and hidden secrets beforehand. Like in our experience!
Quote: |
...He established appointed times of
goodwill for those who search his commandments
and walk in the perfection of way.
And he revealed hidden things to their eyes,
and opened their ears so that they might hear deep(secrets)
and understand all future things before they
befall them. |
The above is exactly what is manifesting regading the ancient places and the
Seven commands....note "He established
appointed times of goodwill for those who search his
commandments and walk in the perfection of way"
Exactly right, for those search for his commandments today, like us searching
for the Seven commands and the personal beforehand experience of the faith
journey to the Sevens commands as its revealed on the run!
Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 9:03 pm
Post subject:
Here is another excerpt out of Enoch in relation to the current 7 commands
Quote: |
Enoch Chapter 99
1 In those days the angels shall descend into
places of concealment, and gather together
in one spot all who have assisted in crime.
2 In that day shall the Most High rise up to
execute the great judgment upon all sinners, and
to commit the guardianship of all the righteous and holy to the holy angels,
that they may protect them as the apple of an eye, until every evil and
every crime be annihilated.
3 Whether or not the righteous sleep securely,
wise men shall then truly perceive.
4 And the sons of the earth shall understand every
word of that book,
knowing that their riches cannot save them in the ruin of their crimes. |
Again it is exactly what we are seeing in relation to the beforehand faith
journey to the Seven commands in the deep and concealed ancient places.
The above extract is in
the midst of this link
The following extract from St Ephraim (Eastern Christian Church 300AD) I feel
relates to the current situation concerning the ancient places. and foresight of
the final mystery from under the sea at the Godhead.
Quote: |
The Pearl-Seven Hymns on the Faith
Hymn I.
The Pearl-Seven Hymns on the Faith
1. On a certain day a pearl did I take up, my
brethren; I saw in it mysteries pertaining to the Kingdom; semblances and
types of the Majesty; it became a fountain, and I drank out of it mysteries
of the Son.
I put it, my brethren, upon the palm of my hand, that I might examine it: I
went to look at it on one side, and it proved faces on all sides. I found
out that the Son was incomprehensible, since He is wholly Light.
In its brightness I beheld the Bright One Who cannot be clouded,
and in its pureness a great mystery, even
the Body of our Lord which is well-refined: in its undividedness I saw the
Truth which is undivided.
It was so that I saw there its pure conception,-the Church, and the Son
within her. The cloud was the likeness of her that bare Him, and her type
the heaven, since there shone forth from her His gracious Shining.
I saw therein His trophies, and His victories, and
His crowns. I saw His helpful and overflowing graces, and
His hidden things with His revealed things.
2. It was greater to me than the ark, for I
was astonied thereat: I saw therein folds without shadow to them because it
was a daughter of light, types vocal without tongues,
utterances of mysteries without lips, a silent
harp that without voice gave out melodies.
The trumpet falters and the thunder mutters; be not thou daring then;
leave things hidden, take things revealed. Thou
hast seen in the clear sky a second shower; the clefts of thine ears,
as from the clouds, they are filled with interpretations.
And as that manna which alone filled the people,
in the place of pleasant meats, with its pleasantnesses, so does this pearl
fill me in the place of books, and the reading thereof, and the explanations
And when I asked if there were yet other
mysteries, it had no mouth for me that I might hear from, neither any
ears wherewith it might hear me. O thou thing without senses, whence I have
gained new senses! (sounds
like a description of the internet and it branches with spread of
(Here is the clue to the ancient places an answer to the previous question)
3. It answered me and said, "The daughter of the
sea am I, the illimitable sea! And from that sea whence I came up it is that
there is a mighty treasury of mysteries in my bosom! Search thou out the
sea, but search not out the Lord of the sea!
"I have seen the divers who came down after me,
when astonied, so that from the midst of the sea they returned to the dry
ground; for a few moments they sustained it not. Who would linger and be
searching on into the depths of the Godhead?
(tells you quite clearly that the God head is submerged under the sea where
Divers come and go and bring the kysrey to dry land. It is the discovery of
the 7 commands in my view)
"The waves of the Son are full of blessings, and with mischiefs too. Have ye
not seen, then, the waves of the sea, which if a ship should struggle with
them would break her to pieces, and if she yield herself to them, and rebel
not against them, then she is preserved?
(the effect of the discovery under the waves of the sea and the effect it
has for the rebellious)
In the sea all the Egyptians were choked, though they scrutinised it not,
and, without prying, the Hebrews too were overcome upon the dry land, and
how shall ye be kept alive? And the men of Sodom were licked up by the fire,
and how shall ye prevail?
"At these uproars the fish in the sea were moved, and Leviathan also.
Have ye then a heart of stone that ye read these
things and run into these errors? O great fear that justice also should be
so long silent!"
(Error and judgment)
4. "Searching is mingled with thanksgiving, and
whether of the two will prevail? The
incense of praise riseth along with the fume of disputation from the tongue,
and unto which shall we hearken? Prayer and prying [come] from one mouth,and
which shall we listen to?
(Looks like there is two people invoved in the discoveries of the ancient
"For three days was Jonah a neighbour [of mine] in the sea: the living
things that were in the sea were aftrighted, [saying,] "Who shall flee from
God? Jonah fled, and ye are obstinate at your scrutiny of Him!" |
I thought the above
had many clues that relates to the current journey to the ancient places.
Quote: |
They figured the mystery of His Advent:
Moses was a type of the dead, and Elijah a type of the living, that
fly to meet Him at His coming.
For the dead that have tasted death, them He makes
to be first: and the rest that are not buried, are last caught up to meet
Him. |
Quote: |
The tower that the many
builded, in mystery looked for One, who coming down would build on earth a
tower that lifts up to Heaven. |
and lastly from the UB
Quote: |
These children of Adam might so
serve on Urantia in association with the Melchizedek-Sovereign since they
were deprived of procreative powers almost 37,000 years ago
at the time they gave up their material bodies on Urantia in preparation for
transit to Edentia. |
This is also is reflected in Enoch of the Holy descendants that come down to
earth at the end of the judgement process.
Quote: |
Some believe that Machiventa will
not come to take personal direction of Urantian affairs until the end of the
current dispensation. Others hold that the
vicegerent Prince may not come, as such, until
Michael sometime returns to Urantia as he promised when still in the flesh.
Still others, including this narrator, look for Melchizedek's appearance
any day or hour |
Here is some Hopi
prophecy that appears to pointing to the ancient places where it all began.
Quote: |
World War III will be started
by those peoples who first revealed the light (the divine wisdom or
intelligence) in
the other old countries (India, China, Islamic Nations,
Africa.) |
Quote: |
The war will be "a spiritual conflict with
material matters. Material matters will be
destroyed by spiritual beings who will remain to create one world and one
nation under one power, that of the
Creator." |
and more extracts
Quote: |
The Hopi and others who were saved from the
Great Flood made a sacred covenant with the Great Spirit never to turn away
from him. He made a set of sacred stone tablets,
called Tiponi, into which he breathed his teachings, prophecies, and
warnings. Before the Great Spirit hid himself again, he placed before the
leaders of the four different racial groups four different colors and sizes
of corn; each was to choose which would be their food in this world. The
Hopi waited until last and picked the smallest
ear of corn. At this, the Great Spirit said:
"It is well done. You have obtained the real corn, for all the others are
imitations in which are hidden seeds of different plants. You have shown me
your intelligence; for this reason I will place
in your hands these sacred stone tablets, Tiponi, symbol of power and
authority over all land and life to guard, protect,
and hold in trust for me until I shall return to
you in a later day, for I am the First and I am the Last." |
and lastly
Quote: |
people await Pahana, the lost White Brother, [from the stars] as do all our
brothers in the land. He will not be like the white men we know now, who are
cruel and greedy. we were told of their coming long ago. But still we await
"He will bring with him the symbols, and the
missing piece of that sacred tablet now kept by the elders, given to
him when he left, that shall identify him as our True White Brother.
"The Fourth World shall end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. This the
elders everywhere know. The Signs over many years have been fulfilled, and
so few are left.
"This is the First Sign: We are told of the coming of the white-skinned
men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana men who took the land that
was not theirs. And men who struck their enemies with thunder.
"This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels
filled with voices. In his youth, my father saw this prophecy come true
with his eyes -- the white men bringing their families in wagons across
the prairies."
"This is the Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great
long horns, will overrun the land in large numbers. These White Feather
saw with his eyes -- the coming of the white men's cattle."
"This is the Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron."
"This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant
spider's web."
"This is the Sixth sign: The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of
stone that make pictures in the sun."
"This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and
many living things dying because of it."
"This is the Eight Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long
like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and
"And this is the Ninth and Last Sign:
You will hear of a dwelling-place in the
heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will
appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people
will cease.
"These are the Signs that great destruction is coming. The world shall rock
to and fro. The white man will battle against
other people in other lands -- with those who possessed the first light of
wisdom. There will be many columns of smoke and fire such as White
Feather has seen the white man make in the
deserts not far from here. Only those which come will cause disease
and a great dying.
The nine and last
sign in my mind seems to relate to the ancient places where all wisdom began and
now we are virtually at war on top of the ancient places. Seems to be
Very interesting link and
worth studying. Its certainly reflects many things in the history of the USA and
I find it very accurate particularly the ninth and last sign.
"The white man will battle against other people in other lands -- with those who
possessed the first light of wisdom." Does this extract reflect the current
scenario in Iran regarding the ancient places.
Very interesting link and worth studying.
Booo Woooo! ahahahahahahah
Cracking up have a laugh , its good to have a laugh a bit humor reversion.
Those sevens really kick goals for the Father. The Grand Final of mans destiny.
Right on!
Thanks Coop your the best guy, thanks for all your encouragement I hold on to it
like a life boat brother.
I noticed there is softening of the warring parties.
Well that's what we want to see a softening of the aggression now that Iran has
something else to consider.
III write to them again with encouragement to seek the peace path and III send
new images of Babel.
Instead of war lets go for exploration and discovery to bring about
Far better option as this will be a wake up call for all nations of the world
where the place could bring about healing to the nations.
Remembering they wont be able to overcome the truth of the matter. There is
nothing in there kitbag of truth that would disprove this place actually all
there information proves the ancient places as its written about in there books.
So I think in real truth there maybe a softening where it may bring about
friendship. Well that's my hope for them. There is nothing nicer when people get
on from different cultures where there is a sense warmth and love for one
another through respect, tolerance and working together to find positive
Also there is correction in these places for the US and Britain in whatever way
they are wayward. I don't think there will be problem for them to see truth in
this. They are intelligent and are quick to identify things. They would be
upgraded very quickly and would enhance there system with improvements. I'm
hoping for that.
However this does not let the Banks of the hook and the energy companies who
rule the earth, they are the ones that will under go real devastation if they
don't get with it and stop this gross deception through materialism and lifetime
debt. They are really the ones that have perpetrated many crimes against the
destiny of mankind through the Caligastia doctrine. Selfishness through power
will be destroyed along with the violence. I believe in the future all gross
usury will be eliminated and the captives will be set free.
All money will be and should non profit organizations helping mankind in his
destiny and not to create a milestone around his neck as what we see today.
The way I see it is that the Banks, the energy companies and the hidden
government are sitting ducks before the event where they cant do nothing about
it as there reach in Iran is limited and they cant exactly influence leadership
However I am more concerned for the middle east countries and there people. I do
want them to be successfull in all things and be upgraded with the real truth of
the matter. Where it manifests a softening and letting go of the violence. Where
the Bin Ladens of the world will be left behind in there mire as a new truth is
beginning to arise from the sea where the pearl is kept in the God head.
The Father will have to make an impression for them. I think the ancient places
could facilitate that.
Hey Coop have you seen good brother Colter. Is he around? Well I hope he is
doing fine whatever he is doing. Great Blessings for him and everyone in the
This whole journey could be a new start for mankind.
Dear Foreign Minister of Iran April 3 2007
Well done. I personally think there are going to
be many breakthroughs as truth is beginning to arise from the sea in your
waters which is about your origins which does include all mankind.
I would really encourage your government to look
into the facts of the matter regarding these very ancient places of Dalamatia,
Dilmun and Babel. This is the mystery that has been kept for thousands of
years and its only in today's times that we are seeing the facts of the matter
arise with real power and truth in the journey to them.
I want to add that these places are specifically
designed for all nations of the planet in the endeavour for peace for all
man. The places and the truth of its discovery, through all the books of
religion from all cultures will be the platform for the coming of the 12 Imam,
the expected Paradise Son. Its the same as the second coming as perceived in
the Western culture. This whole has is all to with Jamshids Sevenringed cup
and the immortal elixir of life. Tree of life knowledge!
The Ideals of The Father/Allah is truth, beauty
and goodness which does encompass love for one another. It represents a new
attitude leaving behind all the violence and those who continue to perpetuate
violence through division. The mark of Caligastia, the last rebellious son,
ex planetary prince! His time is finished.
Note that these discoveries forms the basis of
correction for all nations and Iran is in a position to bring about this new
light, the Light of Paradise to the world. But it has to be resented in real
truth and not used for self vain gloriousness, that would defile the places,
the submerged Godhead. The first places before the rebellion regarding
The Paradise family is gathering and judgement is
set through these places which includes the journey to the places, not to
mention all the knowledge and judgment attached to the places of our origins.
Its a time for humility and burying the weapons, this includes all nations not
just one or the other. All of them.
A time for peace in amongst war!
Iran is a good position to explore this for the
all the people of the world to bring about this discovery. However the truth
cannot be denied as that will be taken into account by the Paradise judges,
the Ancient of Days.
I think it is a better path to follow,
exploration and discovery through the timeline of prophecy than the
alternative of war. In war all will be lost and nothing will be achieved
except further hatred.
From my research we are talking about a complete
spiritual renovation in preparation to a new Epoch in the destiny of mankind.
There will be major changes.
I implore the Iranian president to have a look at
this including the opposition party as this is important for them to and for
the Iranian people. The President of Iran is religionist and I know he is
also seeking the 12 Imam. I think the ancient places in your waters will lead
to the manifestation of the 12 Imam or in the Western world the second
coming. I know the president would like this, however it will be very
challenging and will test the fibre of man as these ancient places represent
the ultimate test of mankind as written in the Quran.
These are the signs that allows Paradise to enter
the situation of mankind and gives Paradise a formal platform to make moves in
a obvious way where man will notice and think again.
Violence is not the answer and will accomplish
nothing and I call all nations to cease in violence and find a new worthy path
that does involve Universal Paradise Government.
There is much work to do but I know through the
truth of these places much can be accomplished that bring hope to mankind and
Iran can play a major role in this. However there has to be a correction and
the Father does demand a reckoning as man has virtually destroyed the planet
due to his gross selfishness.
I believe that the US and Britain will also wake
up and will make there own correction in there attitude.
When I last wrote to you, I also wrote to the
British high commission to let them know what I was doing as I felt all
parties have failed to secure peace so I thought I would make my own move.
This research is for mankind and is honest, open and transparent so we all
know what lays there.
So who make the first move to find the truth of
the matter. So who will make the first step in faith in the real things of
Allah/The Father concerning the Paradise government and the resolve of this
wayward and rebellious planet.
I can get an expedition together but it wont until
next year and I'm not confident whether I can get permission form the your
government to explore. Also next year may be to late as we could be in a
senseless bloodletting war. So I thought maybe the Iranian government would
like to investigate this for your own people and find out the truth of the
It would be fitting for your people to realise
your own ancient history which changes history, science and religion into the
new Epoch of truth. People will see Iran in the right attitude in a new light
that gives blessing.
Anyway everyone knows about these places and the
journey. The journey has been in the timeline of prophecy on the run and made
public right from the beginning, everything that has happened was done without
any premeditation.
God and man working together as a team.
Also note that the Battle angels are working on
the case to further the things of Paradise to the foreground in our minds.
The last rebellious son is about enter into his own dissolution and
personality extinction and that the Lucifer rebellion is about to come to its
final conclusion as the Ancients of Days enter judgment. We are virtually at
the end of saga that has been going on for 150,000 years and Iran is in a
position to make this happen and it can be done without war and violence.
This is includes all nations through enlightenment in exploration and
Here are some new images of Babel for your
viewing pleasure
So all the best in your endeavours to bring
about peace. I am quite happy to discuss this further with you and help
out to bring about peace.
Also with the British marines, aaah let em go,
there is no point in further parading them. Everyone has made there
point. Lets go for the ancient places instead as that would be more
positive and would make everyone wake up to there true reality in truth,
displacing deception. Lets make this a time of discovery and
enlightenment and have a good time at the same and make this experience
truly wonderous for all the people of the world including the people of
Iran. There is real hope in this!
all the best and blessings for the endeavour
towards peace and the ancient places.
Paradise representative
Sevenfold 7
I read the article and was delighted, however this underwater location used to
be a trading partner of Dilmun in Iran 12,000 years around when the 2nd attempt
of Babel began. The city in Cambay sunk around the same time as Dilmun in Iran
due to rising sea levels. The Sumerians are way older than the civilisation in
the Bay of Cambay. Actually it was the Andites that most likely perpetuated the
civilisation in India due to trade and commerce.
I am happy because this discovery completely verifies the Urantia Book account
of Both Dilmun and the city in the Bay of Cambay and also tells us when Dilmun
sunk. around 11,500 years ago, very close to Plato's rendition of Atlantis who
were the Andites in Dilmun, in my view. The survivors of Dilmun went to Egypt
and perpetuated the myths and legends in the civilisation there which has
perpetuated today.
Thumbs up for the discovery, all we have to do is go to Dilmun and verify the
research about that place and then everything will fall into place like a glove
and will incorporate the Bay of Cambay.
all the best
Sorry Georgeous I noticed your thread
and comment about Sarmast.
Well least he is doing something like going out there and also there are a
number multiple targets there that need checking if we had the finance. So don't
come on this judgement thing with arrogant comments when the research is not
complete and particularly when you only show theory and that's
If you would like to enter argument and battle I'm happy to do so. But let me
see your hard evidence first. In fact where is it rather than talk and more talk
in trying to beef up your theory which I might add is still theory after all
these years of which in the same time we have discovered 3 other locations in
the Persian gulf and another sister discovery in Cambay by another crew. All
passing you by in real truth.
I think your dreaming in your self aggrandizement and self importance coupled
with false pride and prjudice.
If you want to challenge the Urantia Book go right ahead buddy but first you
have show your hard evidence of your own to prove conclusively your theory.
I would save your arrogance for your own discoveries which you have not made.
You will never find Atlantis where you think it is, I know that. Not in that
spot never!
Actually this forum is nothing but a talk fest going around in circles going no
where. I have lost interest in this forum where some posts and threads got
edited by the moderators who don't know what there doing in editing other
peoples work. Just more arrogance and fear in display.
That's why I don't post much here anymore because its a waste of time for a
start and the moderators are out of synchronization with the realities that are
emerging because of pride and prejudice.
Like for example the 40 day test proclamation that was taken down, Eh Brig what
about that. I was looking for that everywhere as I could of referred back to
that at this critical moment of the research. Know that Im trying to get Iranian
government to check out these places as an alternative to bloody world war 3 to
save your pretty little ass so you can burn up more green house gases. Again
more arrogance in meddling and disrupting other peoples posts and work.
That was an ass thing to do particularly when that journey to the ancient places
was right on target.
How about some support from your Christian buddies who are all asleep, the whole
bloody church on the whole planet is just fast asleep in their arrogance. Doing
bloody nothing except judging others, the only thing there good at and not to
mention there TV side shows that deliver very little depth in truth just a fear
play on words of which the dumbed down masses don't know anything else.
Note that 6 out 7 churches cop a major rebuke at the end of that day! Simply for
doing sweet FA and creating war by there erroneous doctrinal manipulation of
Government and for dumbing the people down in total ignorance of facts and true
The effect of a wayward religion beholden to limited and crystallized doctrine
and who will not consider anything else outside the bible.
Now you know exactly why we are in war.
Because of stupid people who do nothing to consider all things. A gross
contravention of Jesus' advise to consider all things!!! which does include
these discoveries brought about by a book written by the hand of angels and is
mentioned in Revelation.
Now the Father has to repair the damage that Christianity has done in there
bloodthirsty doctrinal evolution, corrected through these ancient places. Whilst
at the same time Christianity run for hills just like a pack of spiritual
cowards in facing truth. Weak!!!!!
Go read your bible again I suggest!
[ 04-03-2007, 12:17 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]
I'm not sure if anyone reads this but my gut feeling is that the The Father from
Paradise and his sons are going to pay us visit sometime soon. When the
Melchizedek is given the green light to reveal himself in glory, the Ancient of
Days will be present for this occasion and the the whole grand universes and all
the sectors of Paradise will be witnessing this moment in time space.
There will be a great moment of sorrow that this rebellion had to happen in the
first place but much experience was gathered out of that. Know that when the
Paradise Trinity comes in full glory every knee shall bow. This will be tangible
prove that The Father exists and his retune of angels and personalities of the
grand realm. This also repulses and delivers the final blow and destroys the
Lucifer manifesto where all the rebellious sons will be gone forever. That's my
view from all the sources I have studied including the Urantia Book which is
beforehand book of faith written in the hands of angels as being demonstrated in
the physical.
Every heart and soul will be searched as the conviction of the Father is before
all. I really think it all has to do with the ancient places and the discovery
of the Seven commands. There physical voice that brings us back to the basics of
living with a pure heart and through demonstration.
I would really search your soul and really pray about it without any pride and
This experience is beyond doctrine now. Its all about us and the Father and the
business of this planet in restoration to its ideal state in truth, beauty and
Goodness. A fresh start for mankind is basically what it means.
In my heart I feel there will be an evacuation of the elect some say 144,000 but
I'm not sure. The ones that are left will be evacuated to a safe haven I suppose
the undergo the changes of the planet that will initiated by Paradise and the
ancient of days I think??
However before all this occurs there will be a judgement of mankind and the
business of the Father has to be reckoned with and those faith are the ones that
survive even heart heartedness is ok. I believe the beforehand experience to the
adjudication is the test of all faith of mankind and what is in his heart.
This goes beyond all Planetary Government, this is the business of Universal
Government of the Paradise where Urantia is a domain of the Archangels which
puts this planet in th Paradise circuit lanes which makes this planet in direct
connection to Paradise. This has occurred because of the Michael/Jesus bestowal
on this planet. This has altered the ascension program for mankind throughout
the universe in eternity.
Its like an up step for us all in many ways.
Anyway I would get prepared in your way, all faith is good faith its beyond any
doctrine and I wouldn't judge any man at all regarding his beliefs and use fear.
Using fear would be the wrong approach, I think making people aware that a
transition may happen soon so search your soul in your own way regarding God,
pray more. But not you go to hell as that would get offside straight away and in
actual fact there is no hell except personality extinction. I personally think
that the lake of fire is more about personality extinction.
Anyway people have to be prepared because it could come at any hour. The
locations have been revealed the Iranian Government with the view of peace
rather than war. They are aware that there is judgement attached to the
foundations and it could be related to the Seven commands. The British are also
aware of the emails and in the spirit that I sent them.
I haven't had any replies from both of them. However watching world events will
provide a clue in the future timeline as we progress towards the Seven Commands.
Anyway see what happens eh!
Aahahahahahah Coop
Im cracking up brother, soon as I saw youre post I laughed my head off.
Its good to laugh brother and thanks for the cheer.
Coop I judt did a search on 7 commands and look what I found.
In my mind It speaks of now. Just read and let me know what you think. Something
seems to come out of the temple. Could that be the lost temple in Dalamatia is
where possibly the Seven commands would lay. Is this extract telling us about
the commands and the consequence of the cammands?
Extract of The Dweller of Unal
Perhaps an emerging reality of the "Quest for the Sevens Commands" the crown of
the treasure house.
Quote: |
Brought HE to me
the commands
of the DWELLER,
called me from the darkness into the LIGHT.
Brought HE me, before the DWELLER,
deep in the Temple before
the great FIRE.
There on the great throne, beheld I,
the DWELLER, clothed with the LIGHT
and flashing with fire.
Down I knelt before that great wisdom,
feeling the LIGHT flowing through me in waves.
Heard I then the voice of the DWELLER:
"O darkness, come into the Light.
Long have ye sought the pathway to LIGHT.
Each soul on earth that loosens its fetters,
shall soon be made free from the bondage of night.
Forth from the darkness have ye arisen,
closer approached the Light of your goal.
Here ye shall dwell as one of my children,
keeper of records gathered by wisdom,
instrument thou of the LIGHT from beyond.
Ready by thou made to do what is needed,
preserver of wisdom through the ages of darkness,
that shall come fast on the children of men.
Live thee here and drink of all wisdom.
Secrets and mysteries unto thee shall unveil."
Then answered I,
the MASTER OF CYCLES, saying:
"O Light, that descended to men,
give thou to me of thy wisdom that
I might be a teacher of men.
Give thou of thy LIGHT that I may be free." |
and here is the last
3 verses
Quote: |
Each to the other is the Keystone;
each the gateway that leads into LIFE.
Follow the KEY I leave behind me.
Seek and the doorway to LIFE shall be thine.
Seek thou in my pyramid,
deep in the passage that ends in a wall.
Use thou the KEY of the SEVEN,
and open to thee the pathway will fall.
Now unto thee I have given my wisdom.
Now unto thee I have given my way.
Follow the pathway.
Solve thou my secrets.
Unto thee I have shown the way.
Eh! what about this little fragment
Seek thou in my pyramid,
deep in the passage that ends in a wall.
This to me the symbol of the the double triangle with the circles in them as in
the below images
and the same triangle/circle symbol found in the shaft, the passage. I wonder if
this was passage that pointed to thuban the North star. Is this the secret of
the Pyramid in the way of confirmation of the great sevenfold mystery. Has the
great Pyramid given up its secret which confirms the "Quest for the 7 commands"
The final outcome, the end game.
Now if you got to this thread
and check out the Pyramid section and go to "A study into the Great Pyramid"
There is much more research which I posted which maybe completely intriguing.
Its also full of Nostradamus quatrains that I ran into for the first time. There
is much I haven't posted here because of the nature of the site, however there
is more there to research of the great pyramid and where it took me was truly
and look at the prior advise
Use thou the KEY of
the SEVEN,
and open to thee the pathway will fall.
Use the Key of Seven, does that to mean the research of Seven, could this mean
verification of the pathway that is being layed beforehand. This is just unreal
and in true life action. This is truly fantastic and its witnessed before our
eyes. Is this the verification of the journey of faith.
Wow, isn't that like a direct message that reflects this whole reality to the 7
commands. I think this is a major discovery and confirmation of the path.
Also I wrote two emails now to Iran to seek the places and the benefits it will
have for mankind and to seek peace so we can all get on in a new light of
friendship and more. I wonder if they are reading the emails.
Here is enlarged image of Babel similar to the triangle with a circle in it
found in the passage of a shaft at the end of a wall. Remembering Imhotep, the
builder was an Andite and would of known about the design of Babel as a ringed
city temple with canals running from it and may have unwittingly known about the
commands or perceived something in the future.
Here is the link of the Babel Gallery
Oh well see what happens.
Oh well see what happens.
That's great, I do to but I go beyond the bible
and encompass all knowledge where ever truth emantes from, and is consistent
with all knowledge in a harmonized fashion. I don't care, I'm not controlled by
doctrinal fear at all! I don't have any pride nor prejudice in these issues
That's the spiritual key to final Seventh Mystery! Those with pride or prejudice
in end times/these days will miss the path.
If you have pride or prejudice in the things of God and towards mankind, I
suggest you search your soul because that aint going to tolerated in the new
Epoch of Jesus. We have already seen the disaster that spiritual outlook has
done to the planet. No that we are in spiritual war!
That's because of purely pride and prejudice of mankind, man against man in
judgement of each other, the mark of the beast. No one has escaped that mark by
his limited attitude! even secular religion. That's why the churches are divided
amongst the body with there own ideas in doctrine because of pride and
Yeah no worries, By
the way isn't this what's its all about the Sevenfold Scheme.
No worries for this type of research III go elsewhere. We are adults not
children. And again people who read the UB are mainly ex Christians looking for
the real juice of religion without being treated like children again by people
who discount there previous religious experience. Most people who read the UB
aren't babies anymore. Don't treat them as such unless you can prove otherwise.
I really get fed up with all this so called oversight that destroys good threads
and stifles thought and discovery without pride or prejudice. Especially with
those who judge that haven't read everything and they admit that at the same
Anyway don't worry about it. III just go else where.
By they way here is good news for the captives
Looks like this work may have some positive results perhaps
This is a result of people not meddling in this work to bring about some
normality in the middle east.
But people are only concerned dots and tees in threads, that's all they seem
concerned about.
save your judgement on my posts.
see ya later!
Iranian president says will free British sailors
By Edmund Blair and Parisa Hafezi
6 minutes ago
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iranian President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Wednesday he would free 15 British sailors and
marines, making Britain a "gift" in a surprise announcement that ended a
crisis which rattled world financial markets.
Ahmadinejad told a news conference
broadcast round the world he was willing to forgive the sailors, seized in
the Shatt al-Arab waterway on March 23, even though Britain was not "brave
enough" to admit it had made a mistake and they had strayed into Iranian
A presidential adviser said the 15 would be
handed over to the British embassy on Thursday and would then leave for
London, Iran's Mehr News Agency reported. The group, now under the
supervision of Iran's Foreign Ministry, were expected to arrive in Britain
around 1100 GMT on Thursday.
British ambassador in
Geoffrey Adams has also met the captives, British media quoted the Foreign
Office as saying.
"Under the influence of the Muslim Prophet,
(Iran) forgives these 15 people and gives their freedom to the British
people as a gift," Ahmadinejad said towards the end of an extraordinary
90-minute news conference.
Speaking later in Downing Street, British
Prime Minister
Tony Blair
welcomed the sailors' release and said Britain bore the Iranian people no
ill will.
"Throughout we have taken a measured
approach, firm but calm, not negotiating but not confronting either," he
told reporters.
"To the Iranian people I would simply say
this: we bear you no ill will ... The disagreements we have with your
government we wish to resolve peacefully through dialogue."
Ahmadinejad's announcement, made with a
dramatic flourish, pulled oil prices down from recent highs. U.S. stock
futures and the dollar rose on relief over the peaceful end to the crisis.
The dispute centered on where the Britons
were when they were seized. Britain says they were in Iraqi waters on a
routine U.N. mission. Tehran says they strayed into its territorial
After his announcement, a smiling
Ahmadinejad met several of the sailors, dressed in smart suits, shaking
hands with them and exchanging a few words through an interpreter.
"We are very grateful for your
forgiveness," one of the British sailors told a joking Ahmadinejad, who
appeared to relish the moment of political theatre. "I would like to thank
yourself and the Iranian people."
The White House said
President George W. Bush
welcomed the release, as did EU president Germany.
Nick Summers, the brother of Nathan
Summers, one of the captives, was jubilant. "It is brilliant news. I am
very happy with it," he told Sky News.
Relatives of other captives also expressed
their joy.
Before making his announcement, Ahmadinejad
awarded a medal to the naval commander who captured the sailors and
strongly criticized Britain, making it look as if he might not free the
Iranian and British officials had
negotiated over the past 48 hours to find a diplomatic solution to a
crisis that had added to tension over Iran's disputed nuclear program, the
subject of
U.N. Security Council
Ahmadinejad also said he was willing to
consider reestablishing ties with the United States if that country
"changed its behavior," but did not expand on his remark.
He again defended his country's right to
develop nuclear technology and threatened to retaliate for sanctions
imposed on Iranian banks.
The United States said if Iran wanted to
change its relationship with Washington it would have to suspend uranium
enrichment, part of its nuclear program.
Iran's official news agency said Blair's
adviser Nigel Sheinwald had spoken to Ali Larijani, secretary of Iran's
Supreme National Security Council, on Tuesday night, breaking high-level
diplomatic ice.
The Shatt al-Arab waterway, where British
and Iranian naval vessels operate daily, remains an area of potential
conflict because the border between Iran and
is poorly defined.
Analysts said that while Ahmadinejad may
hope for praise in the West, Britain and the United States are likely to
maintain diplomatic pressure, separating the sailors' freedom from issues
like Iran's nuclear program.
(Additional reporting by Lin Noueihed in
Dubai, David Clarke, Katherine Baldwin and Deborah Haynes in London)
My third email to Iran, the British are aware of my work.
Dear Iranian Foreign Minister
I would like to applaud you and the President of Iran for releasing the 15
marines. My heart leapt when I saw the news and I was amazed in the decision
and speed of it. I thought it was an excellent decision and sets a very
positive platform to further peace efforts to occur throughout the world.
From this I believe lays the springboard to further discussions which would be
a true path to follow rather than war. I believe this is the desire of
Paradise. I feel it is good to know beforehand where the path leads to and to
make the personal and spiritual preparations in perhaps what maybe 3
major discoveries that changes many things for so many people in all nations
in the levels of truth.
If the Quest of the Seven commands is successfull in its completion, it would
be a voice from the ancients in the past through the beforehand experience and
journey to the ancient places with a quest given up in our books of religion
of all cultures
The only thing that separates all of us is pride and prejudice and that
affects all mankind, no matter where he comes from. I do truly hope that the
Quest of the discovery of the Seven Commands will be obtainable and that it
lays in 2 locations within your waters, a double confirmation of an ancient
mystery. The locations being Dalamatia, the first place and Dilmun near the
foundations of Babel. Therein both locations should lay stone slabs of the 7
If this comes to pass and is confirmed it would verification of the New Book
and it would lay the platform path to world peace that does involve correction
of knowledge which can be achieved in peace. In the adventure of discovery
and exploration of our past throughout the books the belong to all cultures of
man and simultaneously in the physical discovery of the object mentioned in
the books.. In this unification experience all religions walk hand in hand
before the Father/Allah of Paradise in peace and buries the past with the hope
of a new vision for the planet through truth in the refining process of
discovery and analysis involving a mystery of great intrigue from the past.
Here is the underlying clue to the path that underlines the quest of the Seven
commands project which I believe would be good thing for the Iranian people to
explore and enjoin in the journey of faith to the ancient places of your
waters. What a blessing from on high for the people in the Middle East all
coming from the ancient places in the quest for truth! the final truth, The
Great Test of Man, A truth upstep through the revelation of the faith journey
beforehand being led over time through prophecy and discovery that unlocks an
ancient secret on the run. So excellent! Cannot fault the reality!
So here are the clues given in peace for peace and resolve on all levels
which does mean compromise in finding working solutions. This will
enable people to go back to their families. I believe we are in the final
resolve right now.
The Fathers way and the clue to the "Quest if the
Seven commands"
Hap presented the early races with a moral law. This code was known as
"The Father's Way" and consisted of the following seven commands:
1. You shall not fear nor serve any God but the Father of all.
2. You shall not disobey the Father's Son, the world's ruler, nor show
disrespect to his superhuman associates.
3. You shall not speak a lie when called before the judges of the people.
4. You shall not kill men, women, or children.
5. You shall not steal your neighbour's goods or cattle.
6. You shall not touch your friend's wife.
7. You shall not show disrespect to your parents or to the elders of the
This was the law of Dalamatia for almost three hundred thousand years.
And many of the stones on which this law was
inscribed now lie beneath the waters off the shores of
Mesopotamia and Persia. It became the
custom to hold one of these commands in mind for each day of the week, using
it for salutations and mealtime thanksgiving.
and here is clue to type of script you could expect on the stone slabs. This
extract refers to the location in Dalamatia.
4. The faculty on dissemination and conservation of knowledge. This
group organized and directed the purely educational endeavours of those
early ages. It was presided over by Fad. The educational methods of Fad
consisted in supervision of employment accompanied by instruction in
improved methods of labour. Fad formulated the
first alphabet and introduced a writing system. This
alphabet contained twenty-five characters.
For writing material these early peoples utilized tree barks, clay tablets,
stone slabs, a form of
parchment made of hammered hides, and a crude form of paperlike material
made from wasps' nests. The Dalamatia library,
destroyed soon after the Caligastia disaffection, comprised more than two
million separate records and was known as the
"house of Fad."
and this the type of language you should expect to find
At the beginning of the historical era they had long since lost the alphabet
of Dalamatia, having adopted the peculiar
writing system originating in Dilmun. The Sumerian language,
though virtually lost to the world, was not Semitic; it had much in common
with the so-called Aryan tongues.
So the Seven commands that are waiting to be discovered submerged of the
shores of Persia and Mesopotamia, in both Dilmun and Dalamatia as revealed in
the NASA worldwind images. The stone slabs should have inscribed on them a
25 character script that seems to have commonality to the Aryan tongue.
So that's the Quest, a double confirmation in a test of faith for all mankind
that spans all religious boundaries from an independent and impartial point of
Who can fault this mystery at this point, how perfected is it when it cant be
faulted until we go out there and verify the places and the discovery of the
stone slabs of the 7 commands. If the double discovery and the double
confirmation is made before the planet then that should surely could change
many things for man in attitude as the evidence is before him.
The journey of faith leads to the discovery of the 7 commands when that is
achieved. Then I must say the planet will be in the twilight zone as that
platform would concern Paradise directly and in my logic would allow for a
formal response. I'm going by feelings here, but it seems right to me and I
do see it beforehand in the scriptures. The discovery of both 7 commands
would be the key, the discovery and the testimony within the scriptures or the
Ark of his testimony would be the journey.
Iran has a huge role in this adventure and I know through my glimpses in the
Avestan that this is all to do with Jamshids cup and the Ahura Mazda part of
the united secondary midwayers. There birth place was in the North Eastern
Iran and has links to the Adamson Vestiges that, in of themselves link to the
1st Garden of Eden located of Cyprus through the eldest son of Adam who is
connected to Van and his headquarters located in the same area. The key
symbol is the 3 co planar circles connection
This research is all encompassing and spans all of the middle east and the
Mediterranean and the test of all things would provide the elixir that would
refine all things on all levels of the things of man in his knowledge.
Knowing this journey in the beforehand experience provides the opportunity for
man to prepare himself to what may eventuate as the ancient sites are now on
the global stage of action. A voice from the ancient past, a voice before all
time and a discovery of ourselves in truth, fully revealed to us on the run as
in the evidence through exploration, discovery, adventure and enlightenment a
universal experience that spans all borders and mankind even throughout to the
universes of universes.
I feel the best thing is to do is resolve the differences with Britain and be
of assistance in there request and then that lays the platform for resolve
with the US on there matters and finally there must be a bridge to Israel in a
form that works that brings final resolve to the Eastern Mediterranean and all
the other places. I believe there is enough wealth in the treasure houses of
the ancient past to satisfy all man in truth as there is a light, a beacon of
truth shining from these places. But it does not encompass violence in any
form. That is the direct message from Paradise and is reflected in the places
and judgment is attached to it. All countries need rest and to rebuild
particularly there families in a time for soul searching on an individual
level with respect to the God they pray to. I think the all the signs that
seem to be appearing should be investigated thoroughly and scholars and
religionist should look into this research and discovery for themselves.
A journey of discovery to the ancient places that can involve all
mankind within all nations including the UN, a mankind and destiny discovery
. This journey provides some breathing space for man in peace to reflect and
be a part of a world wide phenomena that involves the mystery of all
religions, a living mystery unfolding before all nations but in love and
forgiveness. This is the Message of the Father/Allah from Paradise!.
The quest for truth, beauty and goodness for all nations.
In conclusion, I believe this path has the potential to make peace on all
levels, anything that creates fear I would abandon, I would let your brothers
in faith that there maybe a correction on all levels coming and violence has
to be set aside and abandoned for all nations to focus on there own selves as
they have to search their own souls in the truth of the matter. Other
religious bodies need space and time to study this truth of the matter and
seek the truth in there matters.
All that matters, is that we find peace and truth in this glorious adventure
for mankind in the way of a living mystery journey that enlivens religion to
seek itself and must eventually bridge the gaps of division that will go forth
in the people. Eventually the discovery of what was hidden and
revealed beforehand with its knowledge will spark the light of man towards
each other in friendship and eventual brotherhood.
On the other the hand the Seven commands is also a weapon of Paradise (The
sceptre) as known in the beforehand experience, it is the standard of
behaviour in the journey that may unravel soon. This weapon is mentioned many
times in all the books as being attached to the ancient foundations. The
Bible is riddled with it and so is Enoch so there is warning towards attitude
and how these places are used. One must be wise and yet one must have faith
in his journey and conviction in truth discovery. And know the all the truth
of the places!!
Whilst this path has hope and light it also comes with a warning. This
warning is clearly pointing to those who perpetuate violence. This is for all
people, not one side or the other. All people and nations especially within
religion itself has to stop violence in the name of Paradise or in the name of
any God. That is so important at the moment that violent efforts are
abandoned and reconstruction must begin in truth of the journey.
Politics/War has to be set aside for an eventual discovery and its full
potential in reality in peace.
It should be a time for peace on all levels which should be a time for
personal reflection on ones personal motivation amidst ones actions and this I
believe people of nations should consider. They should know that a sign has
been identified and may be arising from the depth, hidden in the waters, the
crown and it should be respected. The Seven ringed cup arising from the
well. No violence, pride or prejudice but finding quick resolve is the key to
peace. This should be accomplished by all nations on all levels.
I do pray that this email reaches the President and the Supreme Leader of Iran
as this does involve religion and Paradise and connected to what lays in your
waters. I sincerely pray in my heart that all things will be considered and
studied and expanded in the path of peace with no war with any man. I believe
the ancient places is the last opportunity to world peace and should help all
man. If man chooses to ignore and continue to disrupt this thing in the
waters it will still be there and eventually man will go there.
Anyway, man is a to curious being not to go there and discover something that
has been revealed to him beforehand, especially in the timeline of
prophecy. I feel Allah/the Father chooses this method of
revelation/evolution in bringing man into light. What a perfect way to do it
through the threads of truth given by the angels to man, in all the books of
religion, of all cultures in the past only to form a unification of truth in
discovery, the final outcome.
All the pieces of the puzzle coming together.
Yes One God and with Jesus at the helm. Also the
One God created a whole retune of angels and personalities who have
responsibilities like us. Unfortunately the Sons of God rebelled and I think
there time is up.
Where I'm am going is where no man has gone before in religion and the approach
to the studies holds no barriers with any man and his personal religion.
Who can afford to judge where one is not familiar to the actual experience. Did
Jesus rebuke the 70 Baptist disciples when they embarked on a preaching
mission...no, the apostles did but not Jesus. Jesus never judged a sincere
religionist in his personal endeavor for truth and who also loved the Father.
Also consider my posts in the last 4 days ago in actions and declarations in
faith to the ancient Days and the battle angles to clear a path to the ancient
places. Then look at the results and sudden change of attitude by the Iranian
leadership with the British marines.
Note all that was documented right from the beginning on this thread without
knowing the outcome. Note the experience was all in Jesus' name to help clear a
path. To me that was a clear example of The Father and man working together with
the angels as a team in world realities. Consider that the British marine event
occurred close to Dalamatia and I responded in faith by revealing the location
to them as a gift to the Iranian people and for a path for peace and forgiveness
for mankind, it was for them a gift from the treasure houses of the planet about
the origins of there race a "Gift" back from the world of discovery and
If you look carefully it was all about gifts and they responded in action in
kind. The resolve only took a few days and I was astounded by the delivery in
I wrote to them again and thanked them for the release of the marines. I gave
them basis of the Quest for the Seven commands revealing the Urantia Book (which
I did from the beginning) and the various links. I also said that this forms the
platform to further make peace with British on other issues which would lead to
peace with the US. I said this time was a time for peace and self reflection
which means all people including all people in all religious sects.
The word should go out that a sign has been identified in regards to the
locations and peace should be made to all man and further investigation should
occur to verify the sites. I said it was important to have peace on all fronts,
on all issues while we are search for truth and a bridge should be created to
Israel to make peace that works. I said the potential in these locations is
enough to inspire man regardless of his political situation and may set the
stage for a response from Paradise that we are all expectant of, Like us over
here with respect to the second coming.
Also the British have copies and emails outlining my motivations. So there is no
confusion about anything and everything is honest and open. I said that my
actions has all to do with religion, this is where the problem lays in its
interpretation. Since everything else seems to be failing I said I thought I
would have a go and see if I can help out to bring peace.
All this resulted in my looking for Eden initially in all the books of religion
on all sides without fear, prejudice nor with favor. However I did state that my
research is based primarily on the UB and from there I reached out in all the
books to find commonality. Its the greatest mystery and I believe its part of
the Seventh Angels mystery. I must say this research is potent and one can see
change in the attitude of leadership.
In the years Ive been doing this it has just been one great enjoyment in amongst
all the troubles. The Fathers work has been the only thing that has kept me
normal and inspired with strength and conviction in the truth discoveries. What
was demonstrated in the past few days was a result of the results of the
research in the experiential of world events to avoid WWW3 and to clear a path
for truth to the ancient places.
The ancient places where put on the [b]stage of action[/b] to influence world
events to find peace and resolve. The resolve occurred and set the path for
future talks. Confounding wasn't it. I could tell that world politics was
confounded by the sudden change as if they clicked on to something but couldn't
identify it but in my heart I wondered if they read the emails?? I just laughed,
To me it is a victory for mankind, that saved us a looming war for the moment
and it saved everyone including some extra fuel costs.
To me this was the work of the planetary administrators in helping the situation
at the request of a man through declaration in the way of a path to the ancient
places, to clear the path. God and man in action following the will of the
Father. The Jesus message of peace through the ancient places. Yesterday I
realized the timing of these events around Easter. A fitting end to a potential
flash point.
I believe something was activated days ago and is a process that will continue
and possibly represent a reality as described in parts of revelation. I think!
Note this all happened in a spontaneous way as you can witness in this thread.
Its shows me how God and man worked together in this situation. I hope this will
continue and bring peace to the table for all of us. If it does you can see how
it began and from what sources.
The locations, the foundations are also mentioned many times in the Bible. The
locations can be seen and its purpose. The bible has been completely
instrumental in all of this. There are many fragments contained within. Since
searching for Eden in the Books my appreciation for the Bible has risen
immeasurably. But I also appreciate other books of truth of other cultures. I
can identify the same markers and pieces of the puzzle regarding the ancient
foundations. All the pieces will unify with the twin discoveries of the Seven
commands in two submerged cities. I'm sure this is the witness. Indiana Jones
was a type of the actual oncoming reality as seen beforehand in the books.
Also regarding the second coming how else would you expect something like this
to occur. Would it seem logical that if there is change, knowledge must also
change? like we have in this situation of the ancient places. Change will occur
through discovery of the ancient places so to must other things change. In
Revelation it speaks of change relating to a new Book written in the hands of
angels. Well I would like to suggest the UB could be a contender in relation to
change regarding the ancient places which also harmonizes with the Bible.
Oh well everyone has to make up there own mind. All this is written about, one
half says, there might be something to this, the other half says no there is
nothing to it, no change! I can only present to you my finds and thoughts and
the realities at hand, as we observe.
I just feel was I given a little latitude in world realties like a learner
driver haha! just joking, for me it was a desired outcome.
I hope it continues and runs on its own momentum to bring about normality and
non of this violence stuff. We see it on the streets, we see it on the TV, on
the News in cop shows...just everywhere and I'm sick of it.
Anyway see what happens
Further to Dalamatia, city in a lake hypothesis. I contend that that lake
features with the foundations have always been submerged within a lake.
Dalamatia would of have to be in a lake for the city to be hit by a tidal wave
which knocked the city over but not the foundations. I feel that major portions
of Dalamatia was was laid upon a large a foundation base in a lake similar to
Venice in Italy. I believe the foundations have always been in water the whole
time. But when the the land area emerged and the lake was exposed to the
elements that made no difference to the preservation of the foundations in
water. The lake has always been there during all the ages and was a preservative
of final vestiges of that Dalamatia 150,000 years ago.
Due to rising sea levels the area emerged again. The evidence of varying sea
levels is seen in the costal walls that where built around Dilmun in there
attempts to stave of the encroaching sea levels over the ages of time.
Considering the place is 150,000 years old, Dilmun would of witnessed many ages
and would of been s substitute of Dalamatia being paradisiacal glory, a bright
The Dilmun walls where the breached.
The coastal walls of Dilmun.
Thinking on the run, perhaps the lake was protected by a forty foot wall that
would give rise to the symmetrical shape of the lake and would of added
preservative value to the locations. Perhaps the city was built from scratch
using the best techniques then 500,000 years ago. The City foundations and the
then lake was installed at the end of construction of the city. Like Venice the
foundations first then the city made of brick built on top of the foundations.
The core of the main city would be where the temple of the tree of life was
kept. At its core.
I feel there could be
remnants of brick rubble lying around the base of the foundations of Dalamatia
and the core of the city may lay the fragments inscribed on stone slabs the 7
commands lying around the central core of the city awaiting discovery.
The Gardens of Dalamatia I suggest
is the rectangular plain adjoining the city to the east. I believe this was also
protected by a 40 foot wall. and was incorporated as the gardens of Dalamatia.
To the extreme west could be gates of entry to the Dalamatia Gardens protected
by protection canals of water coming from a near by river emanating out of
Mesopotamia, not doubt blocked by artificial barriers.

LAST SUPPER, Oct 19 2000
line 102: In instituting this remembrance supper, the Master, as was
always his habit, resorted to parables and symbols. He employed
symbols because he wanted to teach certain great spiritual truths in such
a manner as to make it difficult for his successors to attach precise
interpretations and definite meanings to his words. In this way he sought to
prevent successive generations from crystallizing his teaching and binding
down his spiritual meanings by the dead chains of tradition and dogma. In the
establishment of the only ceremony or sacrament associated with his whole life
mission, Jesus took great pains to suggest his meanings rather than to commit
himself to precise definitions. He did not wish to destroy the individual's
concept of divine communion by establishing a precise form; neither did he
desire to limit the believer's spiritual imagination by formally cramping it.
He rather sought to set man's reborn soul free upon the joyous wings of a new
and living spiritual liberty
line 139: Now are we truly forsaking the lures of the known order of
existence while we unreservedly dedicate our quest to the lures of the unknown
and unexplored order of the existence of a future life of adventure in the
spirit worlds of the higher idealism of divine reality. And we seek for those
symbols of meaning wherewith to convey to our fellow men these concepts
of the reality of the idealism of the religion of Jesus, and
we will not cease to pray for that day when all mankind
shall be thrilled by the communal vision of this supreme truth. Just
now, our focalized concept of the Father, as held in our hearts, is that God
is spirit; as conveyed to our fellows, that God is love.
The religion of Jesus demands living and spiritual experience. Other
religions may consist in traditional beliefs, emotional feelings, philosophic
consciousness, and all of that, but the teaching of the Master requires the
attainment of actual levels of real spirit
PAPER 161 -
line 33: Rodan contended that the fact of personality consists in the
coexistent fact of full and mutual communication between beings of equality,
beings who are capable of sympathetic understanding. Said Rodan: "In order
to be a person, God must have symbols of spirit communication which would
enable him to become fully understood by those who make contact with him.
But since God is infinite and eternal, the Creator of
all other beings, it follows that, as regards beings of equality, God is alone
in the universe. There are none equal to him; there are none with whom he can
communicate as an equal. God indeed may be the source of all
personality, but as such he is transcendent to personality, even as the
Creator is above and beyond the creature."
line 65: twelve the great danger of accepting religious symbols and
ceremonies in the place of religious experience. His whole earth life was
consistently devoted to the mission of thawing out
the frozen forms of religion into the liquid liberties of enlightened sonship.
line 160: 1. Midway messengers. This group bear names; they are a
small corps and are of great assistance on an evolutionary world in the
service of quick and reliable personal communication.
line 161: 2. Planetary sentinels. Midwayers are the guardians, the
sentinels, of the worlds of space. They perform the important duties of
observers for all the numerous phenomena and types of communication
which are of import to the supernatural beings of the realm. They patrol the
invisible spirit realm of the planet.
line 78: modern methods of transport and communication. Olden wars
strengthened nations, but modern struggles disrupt civilized culture. Ancient
warfare resulted in the decimation of inferior peoples; the net result of
modern conflict is the selective destruction of the best human stocks. Early
wars promoted organization and efficiency, but these have now become the aims
of modern industry. During past ages war was a social ferment which pushed
civilization forward; this result is now better attained by ambition and
invention. Ancient warfare supported the concept of a God of battles, but
modern man has been told that God is love. War has served many valuable
purposes in the past, it has been an indispensable scaffolding in the building
of civilization, but it is rapidly becoming culturally
bankrupt--incapable of producing dividends of social gain in any way
commensurate with the terrible losses attendant upon its invocation.
line 102: The peace of Urantia will be promoted far more by international
trade organizations than by all the sentimental sophistry of visionary peace
planning. Trade relations have been facilitated by development of language and
by improved methods of communication as well as by better
Here lays a clue regarding the demise of
Atlantis, the first place of the Gods. Dalamatia
REBELLION, Oct 19 2000
line 93: walls as a result of the doctrines of liberty which had been
prematurely taught them. And years before the beautiful headquarters went
down beneath the southern waves, the misled and mistaught tribes of the
Dalamatia hinterland had already swept down in semisavage assault on the
splendid city, driving the secession staff and their associates northward.
It appears by the following threads that The Sea
was close by to the location, it appears to me that Dalamatia was built within a
lake for protection similar to the construction of Venice. This is
indicated by the Southern Waves that formed a tidal wave and obliterated the
city leaving the foundations.
REBELLION, Oct 19 2000
line 95: One hundred and sixty-two years after the rebellion a tidal
wave swept up over Dalamatia, and the planetary headquarters sank
beneath the waters of the sea, and this land did
not again emerge
(here is
the clue to tectonic submergence) until
almost every vestige of the noble culture of those splendid ages had been
Note: The
Tidal wave was created due to mass tectonic submergence of the area, as a
result created major earthquakes and tidal waves which entered in the lake from
the South and destroyed Dalamatia.
Hi here is some more
hypothesis about the demise of Dalamatia taken from the Urantia Book.
Quote: |
line 93: walls as a result of the doctrines of liberty which had been
prematurely taught them. And years before the beautiful headquarters
went down beneath the southern waves, the
misled and mistaught tribes of the Dalamatia hinterland had already swept
down in semisavage assault on the splendid city, driving the secession staff
and their associates northward.
It appears by the above thread that The Sea was close by to the
location, it appears to me that Dalamatia was built within a lake for
protection similar to the construction of Venice. This is indicated by the
Southern Waves that formed a tidal wave as the sea moved in and obliterated
the city leaving the foundations.
line 95: One hundred and sixty-two years after the rebellion
a tidal wave swept up over Dalamatia, and the
planetary headquarters sank beneath the waters of
the sea, and
this land did not again emerge (here
is the clue to tectonic submergence) until almost
every vestige of the noble culture of those splendid ages had been
Note: The Tidal wave was created due to mass tectonic submergence of
the area, as a result major earthquakes and tidal waves action occurred
which entered in the lake from the Southern Sea and destroyed Dalamatia. |
The above to me sounds very consistent with destruction of Atlantis in root
form. Dalamatia was destroyed in a very close parallel to Atlantis! When land
submergence occurred there was major tectonic displacement followed by a large
tidal wave which destroy the city. The land did emerged again only to be
submerged again by rising sea levels. I believe that the foundations of
Dalamatia was preserved in water the whole time.
In the second land emergence I conject that all the inhabitants in that time
completely forgot about the city Dalamatia where the legend was transferred to
Dilmun. Dilmun adopted many descriptions of Dalamatia in there legend, myth and
in the outlook of Dilmun.
It seems to me day by that this puzzle is going together in a unified way in one
way or another, on one level or another.
I had a great Easter Sunday, all the best everyone for Easter.
Great blessings
Hi everyone.
Here is a post of majeston with a compile of points that describe Dilmun. I find
it completely intruiging that this also contains remnant descriptions of
"The first known account of a paradisical garden appears on a cuneiform tablet
from ancient Sumer. Here we learn of the mythical place called Dilmun, a pure,
clean, bright place where sickness, violence, and old age do not exist. Dilmun,
however, is a paradise for the gods alone and not for human beings, although one
learns that Ziusudra (= Utnapishtim, the Sumerian counterpart of Noah) was
exceptionally admitted to the divine garden." (An Encyclopedia of Archetypal
From a Sumerian clay table it is said:
Quote: |
1.Holy is [the place] where
you are;
2.The mountain Dilmun is holy.
3.Holy is the place where you are;
4.......the mountain Dilmun is is holy.
5.The mountain Dilmun is holy, the mountain Dilmun is pure,
6.The mountain Dilmun is pure; the mountain Dilmun is brilliant.
7.Alone in Dilmun they lay down;
8.Where Enki and his consort lay,
9.That place is pure; that place is brilliant.
10.Where Enki and Ninella lay,
11.That Place is pure, that place is brilliant.
12.In Dilmun the raven cried not,
13.The dar-bird its dar-cry uttered not.
14.The deadly lion destroyed not,
15.The wolf a lamb seized not,
16.The dog the weak kid tore not,
17.The dun-animal (sow) the food-grain destroyed not,
18.The planned not for young off spring...
19.The birds of heaven their offspring hatched not,
20.Doves laid noteggs (?)_
21.Of eye-disease, "it is eye-disease," one said not;
22.Of headache, "it is headache," one said not.
23.To a mother, "mother," one said not,
24.To a father, "father," one said not.
25.In the holy place a libation was poured not; in the city one drank not;
26.The river-man "cross it?" said not;
27.The overseer filled no right hand;
28.The musician "sing," said not;
29.The prince of the city spoke not.
30.Ninella to her father Enki Said:
31."A city thoust founded, a city thou hast founded, its destiny thou hast
32.In Dilmun a city thou has hast founded,
33.......thou hast founded a city,
34.........a canal there is not
35...;;;.....thou hast founded a city" |
also another name of Dalamatia in my view was Anduruna
Heaven, ‘An’ in Sumerian, was the top layer of the Universe, situated directly
above the Earth. Besides the stars, Heaven contained a city named
Anduruna and was the original home of
the gods.
Here is another reflection of Anduruna which I think is describing Dalamatia and
Dilmun by proxy.
They passed the day at length, they added to the years. (The story of man
Quote: |
Anu their first-born son rivalled his
forefathers: (the evolutionary leap)
Anshar made his son Anu like himself,
And Anu begot Nudimmud (EA) in his
He, Nudimmud, was superior to his forefathers: (is this a reflection
of Adam somehow.)
Profound of understanding, he was wise, was
very strong at arms.
Mightier by far than Anshar his father's begetter,
He had no rival among the gods his peers.
The gods of that generation would meet together (Like the time of
rebellion appearring)
And disturb Tiamat, and their clamour
They stirred up Tiamat's belly,
They were annoying here by playing inside Anduruna. [Heaven, where
the gods play]
Apsu could not quell their noise
And Tiamat became mute before them; (Universal circuits cut off,
Planet Urantia isolated)
However grievous their behaviour to her,
However bad their ways, she would indulge them. |
here is an old post I did sometime ago. It seems to be the story of the 2
In the following sounds like the fall and the Seven judges are the Gods, They
dont sound happy speaking. It also seems to reflect the eve story in my view and
the judgment handed down that resulted in the explusion of 1st Eden fallen from
her estate. This account seems to give us an extra account to the account in the
Bible. Note her partner is not there.
Quote: |
164-172After she had crouched
down and had her clothes removed, they were carried away. Then she made her
sister Erec-ki-gala rise from her throne, and instead she sat on her throne.
The Anuna, the seven judges, rendered their
decision against her. They looked at her -- it was the look of death.
They spoke to her -- it was the speech of anger. They shouted at her --
it was the shout of heavy guilt. The
afflicted woman was turned into a corpse. And the corpse was hung on a hook.
173-175 After three days and three nights
had passed, her minister Nincubura (2 mss. add 2 lines: , her
minister who speaks fair words, her escort who speaks trustworthy words,)
carried out the instructions of her mistress (1 ms. has instead 2 lines: did
not forget her orders, she did not neglect her instructions).
176-182 She made a lament for her in her
ruined (houses). She beat the drum for her
in the sanctuaries. She
made the rounds of the houses of
the gods for her. She lacerated her eyes for her, she lacerated her
nose. In private she lacerated her buttocks for her. Like a pauper, she
clothed herself in a single garment, and all alone she set her foot in
the E-kur, the house of Enlil.
Note the 3 days and night, I wonder if that has significants.
Also does the following have connection to Andon and Fonta and the birth of the
Sons of Gods.
Quote: |
When heaven above was not yet
Nor earth below pronounced by name,
Apsu, the first one,
their begetter
And maker Tiamat, who bore them
(Is the following talking about evolutionary man, before the time of being
Had mixed their waters together,
But had not formed pastures, nor discovered reed-beds; (early man, very
early man. The time before the Gods.)
When yet no gods were manifest,
Nor names pronounced, nor
destinies decreed,
Then gods were born within them.
(Self realisation)
(Is this the time of Andon and Fonta (Anshar and Kishar) 500,000 years ago?
born from Lahmu and Lahumu) |
Lahmu (and) Lahamu emerged, their names
As soon as they matured, were fully formed,
Anshar (and) Kishar were born, superpassing them
I also think another name for Dalamatia was "1st
Susa" the white island. Dalamatia
from my observation was a city in a lake like Venice in Rome. It was truly a
city in a lake looking from the shore that seemed like White(pure)island) It was
the lead "Tipura", the white island" that led me to Dalamatia.
I feel this speaks
of the tower of Babel, the shrine.
Quote: |
2.The mountain Dilmun is holy.
3.Holy is the place where you are;
4.......the mountain Dilmun is is holy.
5.The mountain Dilmun is holy, the mountain Dilmun is pure,
6.The mountain Dilmun is pure; the mountain Dilmun is brilliant. |
here are more reflections of the city of Dilmun
Quote: |
web page
Just as cuneiform sources situate Dilmun and Magan on the western shore of
the Persian Gulf, recent scholarship has favored locating the region of
Mishime (Miæima), attested in pre-Sargonic and Old Akkadian sources, or P/Bashime,
as it was generally known in Old Akkadian, Ur III and Old Babylonian texts,
along the northeastern coast of the Gulf,
roughly between Bushehr and the Shatt al-Arab (ˆatÂt al-¿Arab)
estuary (Steinkeller, 1982, pp. 240-2) or possibly more precisely in the
area of Bandar-e Deylam (e.g. Vallat, 1993, p. CXXVI). Mishime is first
attested during the reign of Eannatum of Lagash (ca. r. 2450-25 BCE) who, in
addition to conquering Elam, claims to have raided and destroyed Mishime (Sollberger
and Kupper, 1971, pp. 58-59; Selz, 1991, pp. 34,
and some aspects of Dilmun found in tablets
web page
"...Bit-Iakin on the shore of the Bitter Sea, as far as
Dilmun's border- all these I brought under
one rule..." (p. 335. Potts)
"...Uperi, king of Dilmun, whose camp is
situated, like a fish, thirty beru (double-hours)
away in the midst of the sea of the
rising sun..." (p. 334. Potts)
Hymns to Enki, who resided at Eridu, stated
that the city was at the edge of _the sea_
and the shadow cast by its fruit trees panted by his shrine fell upon
the nearby snake marsh.
The Mesopotamians called the salt-marshes marattu meaning "bitter" (marah =
bitter), perhaps the Hawr Hammar preserves in Arabic the earlier
Mesopotamian marattu ?
(Seems to match dilmun submerged Northeastern Persian Gulf.)
Here is Dilmun beside the sea a city whose layout looks like a fish.
Here is "The Shrine" or the "mountain of Dilmun" = Babel
Quote: |
Article about Dilmun
And, in a tradition that is still carried on today, boats that set off from
the mouth of the Tigris and Euphrates have always stopped here to get fresh
supplies in sweet water and vegetables. Cuneiform texts reveal that Dilmun
was located a two-days sailing distance from Mesopotamia.
(remembering that in around 3000BC the waters of the Persian Gulf was
further North in Mesopotamia) First Dilmun then submerged in 3000BC, located
in North Eastern Iran would of been realistically been 2 days sailing away
from Eridu.
On one ancient tablet dated 3100 B.C., Dilmun is described as an
"Elysium" where the inhabitants were
eternally young and suffered no illnesses, "where the raven did not
croak and wolves and lion did not devour their prey."
(Sounds like a reflection of the tree of life in Dalamatia of which the
legend transferred to Dilmun)
The name Dilmun is associated with that of
Enki, the god of wisdom and water, and the Gilgamesh, King of Uruk in
Mesopotamia, whose saga recounts a
wonderful mythological tale - a combination of
'A Thousand and One Nights' and
images from the Bible.
Is this a connection between Egypt and Dilmun where a majority of the Dilmunite
refugees went to after the loss of the city in Iran, the first Dilmun. Is this a
reflection and connection of this early time and migration patterns.
Quote: |
"The lands of Magan [Egypt]
and Tilmun
looked up at me.
I, Enki, moored the Tilmun-boat at the
Loaded the Magan-boat sky high.
The joyous boat of Meluhha
transports gold and silver."
- Sumerian text
"The Mesopotamian texts described Tilmun as situated at the 'mouth' of two
bodies of water. Could that mean Dilmun could also be located between two
large bodies of water at a lower sea level in the Persian Gulf? If Dilmun
was located on a peninsula surrounded by water as I suspect it could make
sense that Dilmun was also surrounded by water with inland bays.
Dilmun could of possibly existed on a peninsula with the sea on one side of
the isthmus with inland bays on the other side.
I wonder if this is
a connection to the man looking elevations of Dilmun and Babel. Where the
circular foundations of Babel are the head of a man with the raised canals
making the body, arms and legs connecting to the sea.
Quote: |
26.The river-man "cross it?" said not; |
Interesting timing
Interesting references to the test.
Quote: |
Daniel 12 (American Standard Version)
6 And one said to the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the
river, How long shall it be to the end of
these wonders?
7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the
river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and
sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a
time,times, and a half; and when they have
made an end of breaking in pieces the power of the holy people,
all these things shall be finished.. |
I think Daniel authored this around 490 years BC . Considering "time, times, and
a half" sounds like 2500 years later.
Around about NOW!
Maybe perhaps!
I would think 1st Eden, Dalamatia, Dilmun and Babel are wonders that is being
revealed which changes everything we know about our past. Hidden in the waters!
and here is a clue in Malachi 3
Quote: |
3“Behold, I send my messenger, and he will
prepare the way before me; and the Lord, whom you seek,
will suddenly come to his temple; and
the messenger of the covenant, whom you
desire, behold, he comes!” says Yahweh of Armies. 2 “But who can endure the
day of his coming? And who will stand when he appears? For he is like a
refiner’s fire, and like launderer’s soap;
3 and he will sit as a refiner and purifier of
silver, and he will purify the sons of Levi, and refine them as gold and
silver; and they shall offer to Yahweh offerings in righteousness. 4
Then the offering of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasant to Yahweh, as in
the days of old, and as in ancient years.
5 I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against
the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against the perjurers, and
against those who oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the
fatherless, and who deprive the foreigner of justice, and don’t fear me,”
says Yahweh of Armies. 6 “For I, Yahweh, don’t change; therefore you, sons
of Jacob, are not consumed. |
I thought the following was intriguing and in my mind relates to the discovery
of the temples or the ancient places where the Tree of Life was kept. I feel it
appears to connect with the "Quest for the 7 commands" Two components, the
temple and the 7 commands and in the following the test, the refining process of
all the books.
and the Lord, whom you seek,
will suddenly come to his temple; and
the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire,
behold, he comes!”
"will suddenly come to his temple" As in
perhaps the discovery of the Seven commands, the actual moment of discovery.
"the messenger of the covenant," This
could very well relate to the Seventh Angel and the completion of the Seventh
Mystery, the final mystery of truth unveiled and witnessed before man by the
Seventh trumpet of the Sevenfold angel, I suggest an arch angel, perhaps
Gabriel. He would be the messenger of the covenant and the messenger of all the
Covenants of the Father in Paradise.
There is mention in bold below about the refining process. Like the Test of
faith" connected to the "Quest of the 7 commands" Seems to match our evolution
in the study to the ancient places. The covenant can matched to the Seven
and he will sit as a
refiner and purifier of silver, and he will purify the sons of Levi, and
refine them as gold and silver; and they shall offer to Yahweh offerings in
Then there is subtle reference to the ancient years. Perhaps we are referring to
ancient foundation and the two submerged temples where the tree of life was
as in the days of
old, and as in ancient years.
I think the whole construct of the experience to the ancient places seem to find
a match in the above verses.
Well I don't about you guys but after reading the above Malachi chapter 3. I
think our experience to the ancient places and the Quest for the 7 commands and
the test of refinement is spot on and harmonizes with Malachi. All the
components are there and see it in real life as proclaimed beforehand.
and this little piece from the same chapter
Quote: |
7 From the days
of your fathers you have turned aside from my ordinances, and have
not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to
you,” says Yahweh of Armies. “But you say,
‘How shall we return?’ |
I know!
and this, remember a short while about asking the "angels to clear a path to the
ancient places" A short time later the 15 marines where released and I notice
Iran is a little quiet! I wonder if they are researching the "full facts of the
matter" I hope so.
Quote: |
Isaiah 57:14
And he will say, Cast ye up, cast ye up, prepare
the way, take up the stumbling-block out
of the way of my people. |
Clearing the path to the places.
Quote: |
Isaiah 62:10
Go through, go through the gates; prepare ye the
way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway;
gather out the stones; lift up an ensign for the
peoples. |
Yes the Melchizedeks ensign, 3 concentric circles.
Its the same thing, about clearing the path of obstacles and making way for the
truth of the treasure houses of the planet.
Quote: |
Isaiah 42:16
And I will bring the blind by a way that they
know not; in paths that they know not will
I lead them; I will make darkness light
before them, and crooked places straight.
These things will I do, and I will not forsake them. |
I wonder if this is connected as well
Quote: |
Isaiah 43:19
Behold, I will do
a new thing; now shall it spring forth;
shall ye not know it? I will even make a
way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. |
In the following sounds like the Test!
Quote: |
The dead sea Scrolls
"...and the stressful constraint and
the ordeal of the pit(1stEden,
Dalamatia, Dilmun and Babel) and
they shall be refined by them to become the
elect of the righteousness....
because of his loving kindness. |
Again we have all the components, The Pit (the ancient foundations) The
stressful constraint (the message and warning) The foundations and message is
the constraint to man in his motivation, Refinement relates to the "Test of
everything" all the books where the elect are involved.
and here are some thoughts on Habakkuk 3:2
07-04-2006 on the same day (4th July 06) the 40 day test was proclaimed
by myself, this occurred before Enoch 10 week judgement was found and before the
discovery of the other ancient places in the Seventh part after the tenth week.
Quote: |
Habakkuk 3:2
Write this prophecy down
Record all the thoughts around this place.
Inscribe it clearly on tablets,
Write it down in blue collar terms that all will understand, no room for
super intellectual writers, that most don't understand anyway.
So it can be read easily.
In other words, a book that can be read by a normal average bloke on the
For there is a prophecy for a set term.
The test is here for a "set time" Its here until we find what is on top of
the Acropolis Hill and the response. (Now we are speaking about the ancient
A truthful witness for a time that will
Somebody out there will reveal this knowledge trying to do his bit for the
planet. A witness who relies on the Ancient prophets for direction through
the scripts, all the scripts.
The Test is here for a set time and this is the prophecy. The Prophecy of
the "Test of mans soul"
Hab 2:3 Even if it tarries, wait for it
Just be patient and make your soul right in this time.
For it will surely come without delay:
That's it, don't underestimate this, it will come, no doubt about it. We
have identified all the logistics and the time period before an event
through a discovery of our past.
Lo, his spirit within him is puffed up, not
Mans current ego is out of control and shows no respect to The Father nor to
his Sons and Angels. Man in general is currently off.
But the righteous man shall live by faith
and in
Its all a faith journey as we closer to the moment as truth reveals itself
on the run, as we move forward.
His faithfulness is the reward with life.
That's the reward, life through faith.
and from the Essenes
"the test" then the harvest begins.
and this one from Enoch making direct reference to the hidden treasures.
I would suggest the hidden treasures are all the ancient foundations.
Quote: |
1Enoch 46:2
He answered and said to me: This is the
Son of man, to whom
righteousness belongs; with whom righteousness has
dwelt; and
who will reveal all the treasures
of that which is concealed; for the
Lord of spirits has chosen him; and his portion has surpassed all
before the Lord of spirits in everlasting uprightness. |
(April11th 2006 read
the whole post, I think you will find it interesting in how it relates to the "Quest
for the Seven commands"
This is the Son of man, to whom
righteousness belongs; with whom righteousness has dwelt;
who will reveal all the treasures of that which
is concealed;
The following tells me that Jesus is being identified here as the "Son of man" A
term he adopted as he studied the Book of Enoch when he was on earth and is
directly involved in helping us reveal all the treasures that are concealed in
the multiple discoveries of 1stEden, Dalamatia, Dilmun, Babel and the vestiges
of the Adamson civilisation. To me this is a direct confirmation of Jesus'
Christs involvement in the "Quest for the Seven commands, The Fathers Way" and
the Holy spirit, the lord of Spirits is directly involved in this project and
not to mention all the angels of the universe.
To me this feels like a direct confirmation of the research by Jesus himself
with his involvement as discovered in this time, in this path to the ancient
The above interpretation reminds me of this extract out of the 1st Book of Adam
and Eve and note the following connection to the "Quest for the Seven commands"
Word search The Urantia Book Paper 126
"Son of Man"
line 77:
In the course of this year Jesus found a passage in the
so-called Book of Enoch which influenced him in the later adoption of the term
"Son of Man" as a
designation for his bestowal mission on Urantia. He had thoroughly
considered the idea of the Jewish Messiah and was firmly convinced that he was
not to be that Messiah. He longed to help his father's people, but he never
expected to lead Jewish armies in overthrowing the foreign domination of
Palestine. He knew he would never sit on the throne of David at Jerusalem.
Neither did he believe that his mission was that of a spiritual deliverer or
moral teacher solely to the Jewish people. In no sense, therefore, could his
life mission be the fulfillment of the intense longings and supposed Messianic
prophecies of the Hebrew scriptures; at least, not as the Jews understood these
predictions of the prophets. Likewise he was certain he was never to appear as
the Son of Man depicted by the Prophet Daniel.
Quote: |
extract 1st Book of Adam and Eve
14:2 But God the Lord said to Adam, "Indeed I say to you, this darkness will
pass from you, every day I have determined for you, until the
fulfillment of My covenant; when I will
save you and bring you back again into the garden,
into the house of light you long for, in which there is no darkness*. I will
bring you to it -- in the kingdom of heaven." |
I feel the connection to the Seven commands was in this fragment
"fulfillment of My covenant;" I believe
the outcome of these discoveries will fulfill his covenant of Jesus and his
covenant is directly related to the 7 commands. "The Quest for the Seven
commands" is his covenant and has all to do with the the moral codes handed down
to man.
It all has to do with saving us "I will save
you" directly connected to the Seven commands and he will "bring you back
again into the garden" like in the discoveries of the treasure houses of our
origins and the Seven commands with a message and a book directly connected as
mentioned in revelations. Jesus will "into the
house of light you long for" Into the truth, the ultimate truth without
denial. Undeniable truth. Jesus will "I will
bring you to it" Like leading us through all the books of religion
bidding us through all the fragments that relate to the ancient foundations,
bringing us to a final conjunction of truth in physical discovery, leading us to
the Sevens commands, the universal law of which govern the universe, literally.
"in the kingdom of heaven" as in heaven on earth, as in the kingdom of heaven on
earth. As in change and transition into another Epoch of truth that will last.
Discovered Extracts
If this quite intriguing as we are being brought back into the garden but in full
knowledge of all the important places of our origins and Jesus is directly
involved as seen in the scriptures of Religion.
and more on Enoch
Quote: |
1Enoch 89:39
I also saw that the Lord of the sheep produced a
new house,
great and loftier than the former, which He
bounded by the former
circular spot. All its pillars were new, and its ivory new, as well
more abundant than the former ancient ivory, which he had brought out. |
Note the circular spot of the temple, seems very much like circular symbolism
and I feel it has circular commonality to the concentric circles that existed on
the breast plate of the Melchizedek and the circular courtyard that surrounded
the tree of life in both temples. Interestingly the tower of Babel was circular
and which can be identified from space.
"He bounded by the former circular spot"
Could this be somehow related to the circular spot of the tower of Babel and the
discovery and interpretation of the meaning of the circle and its connection to
judgement or transition of which could be connected to the 7 commands?
Similar experience in the discovery of the meaning of the breach of Dilmun in
the images and the description of water coming down from a high wall flooding
the pit, The Dilmun breach. One in the same breach as given to us in Isaiah with
the following Sevenfold research and for it stands for relating to the ancient
I also saw that the
"Lord of the sheep"
produced a new house
The Lord of the sheep in my is view is Jesus himself. and the
circular spot is where the key lays. I suggest the 7 commands.
Quote: |
1Enoch 104A: 1-2
In those days, he (Enoch) says:
105:1-2 "The Lord will be patient and cause the
children of the earth
to hear. Reveal it to them with your wisdom, for you are their
guides; and you are a reward upon the whole earth. Until
and my Son are united with them in the upright paths in their
lifetime, and there shall be peace unto you, rejoice you children of
truth. Amen." (Charlesworth, Pseudoepigrapha) |
Quote: |
1Enoch 105:26
I will bring them into the splendid light of those
who love my
holy name; and I will place each of them on
a throne of glory, of
glory peculiarly his own, and they shall be at rest during
unnumbered periods. Righteous is the Judgment of God (Matthew 19:2 . |
Enoch, the seventh from Adam,
Dear Iranian Foreign Minister
Hello its Sevens here, the reason I am writing
this email is that I have a strong feeling that the truth may lay in twin
discoveries of the tablets that lay buried in Dalamatia and Dilmun. Two
submerged cities that relate directly to the origins of man..us, all of us!
I can understand that my emails seem unusual but
according to my research in Religion and in personal belief in the Father or
Allah and due to my extensive research in the search to the ancient
foundations in all the books of religion. I believe I have uncovered a very
old and ancient mystery that appears to be realising itself as indicated in
prophecy. In my mind it all has all to do with the discovery of the Seven
commands that lay buried in the ancient places in your waters.
It appears to be test of all truth a refinement of
everything in all the books. I get the feeling that all the prophecies are
harmonising and painting a picture that seems to be playing out in actual
reality. The revealing of the images of Dalamatia and Dilmun and the
suggestion to perhaps divert energies to discover the Seven commands might be
the playing out of truth before transition. The sign of the coming!!
The discovery of the tablets would be the test of
all things, a witness of truth from our ancient past. These tablets with the
Fathers way or Allahs way inscribed on stone tablets may be a direct message
from the past. The sign that everyone has been looking for, I see it as a
voice from the Universal Government or Paradise.
If the 7 commands are discovered in two locations,
Dalamatia and Dilmun in your waters would mean a change in knowledge on all
levels including world history and religion. It would also lay the platform
for Paradise to respond along the Arch Angel(Gabriel) Paradise circuit
communication circuit lifting the quarantine of this planet and others and
thereby confirm the final adjudication of the last son and the end of the
Lucifer rebellion. A rebellion that began 150,000 years ago at the
destruction of Dalamatia and the subsequent construction of Dilmun and
Babel(first attempt) soon after. The Seven commands is all about these places
where the rebellion began. The discovery of the tablets I feel represents the
end game of all things in this Epoch as we enter a new Epoch, through
realisation and discovery of these places.
What an end game of this ancient mystery, the
discovery of the Seven commands and its relation to Dalamatia, the first
However there is penalties involved as the truth
for all mankind as this truth is realised. It cant be used for selfish
reasons through self vain gloriousness by any country that involves themselves
in this most intriguing mystery of mankind. These tablets and what is
inscribed in them is pursuant of truth, beauty and goodness. From my studies,
it is not the Paradise will for any man to contemplate any mechanism to hurt
his fellow brother of mankind by any means. This goes for all sides and
somehow we must do whatever it takes to compromise and learn to work with each
other to reach the final victory in truth, all together. So we can get
through this successfully
If one feels fear then all must work together to
harmonise to end the fear with truth. The ancient places is the victory in
final truth and all sides should prepare to what maybe a very revealing
thing. This I believe is the last chance we have before www3 or something
very bad. That would be because of man failing to recognise and research the
truth of the matter. I want no harm to come to anyone and I'm doing my
bit for all sides to find a solution. I have to say that the tablets of truth
that lay there does have a message of correction for all man, not one side or
the other but all man and does concern his religion.
All I can say is have faith for a positive outcome
and correct what is wrong within you. This message goes beyond all doctrine
or books as we closer to the reality that might unfold. The truth in these
tablets is all about the condition of mans soul and the tablets is the weapon
of Paradise and it means truth coupled with truth beauty and goodness. This
weapon is greater than all weapons even atomic weapons as the outcome of the
realisation of the Seven commands impacts on the very foundations of all mans
civilisation. This realisation of truth helps man to deepen his reach
into the past in the timeline of space and time coupled with eternity forming
a conjunction of truth at one moment, as prophesied.
However on the brighter side, this mystery is a
mystery for everyone on all levels of society no matter who or where. This
potential event coupled with the discovery could be such a big opportunity
from the Iranian people and given to the world in kindness as a mystery to
explore on the run as I have been. "The "Quest for the Sevens commands, the
test of all things" Wouldn't that be so confounding the whole experience. I
have no doubt that would be recorded in the universal tablets. If someone
over there could see the vastness of this you would think why are we having
all this conflict in light of this great universal potential and revealing on
the run.
What a mystery above all levels of mans
intelligence. Coming from a place that everyone least expected.
I believe this is the key to the positive future
destiny of mankind and it lays in the discovery of the 7 Commands, the first
moral law given to man from ancient ages. An age that we know nothing about
except through the fragments left behind in the books of all religion, handed
down by all the prophets in partial form. It seems to me that I'm seeing a
unification of truth in the books and in the discovery of the places.
Anyway all the best everyone in the quest for
truth in finding positive solutions to the problem, just remember Paradise
could be very close and it would be good if we could put an end and taking
mans life before it happens. However in this case it could be something
entirely different as there is another player in town that is beyond politics
and deals with mans soul.
Also consider that because the images have been
revealed to you and the attached knowledge know that the Father or Allah or
the 12 Imam or Jesus may come at any moment and at any time and no one knows
the time or the hour and all must be prepared. Either way there will be an
outcome and it maybe out of anyone's hands. Then what happens.
I wrote this to you in truth beauty and goodness
and I hope for a positive outcome and resolution to all the problems. All
might have to do it whether they like or not because there in the waters lay
the tablets of truth. The discovery has to be witnessed by all everyone so
all are satisfied.
In prophecy in the end game, God/the
Father/Allah does cause all nations to gather in one spot, it could very well
be in the Persian Gulf over the submerged cities and the 7 commands.
That one spot would have to be important for all
nations to gather.
I would say Dalamatia.
All the best in the quest for truth and peace
Hi here is a link to
an interpretation of the Bible code 2.
I'm not sure about the interpretation but if you look in respect to the ancient
places in the Persian Gulf and in relation to the Quest of the 7 commands
located in Dalamatia and Dilmun, two locations.
I think you will find many clues that point to the ancient foundations in the
Persian Gulf but not in the Dead Sea.
Two tablets in different locations are discovered as mentioned which contain the
7 commands in the first language, the Dalamatian language. I believe the 7
commands are the "Mouth of obelisks".
The "Tongue of the sea" could relate to
the shape of the Persian Gulf.
"Temple", Dalamatia and Dilmun, the two
tablets of the 7 commands are in two locations, a double confirmation.
"Original language" The first Dalamatian
"Dictionary of the obelisks" 7 commands,
dictionary of life.
"God's gene" Gods laws, the 7 commands
"Garden of Lisan"
"Codes of Moses", 7 commands
"Judgment of God" 7 commands connected
to judgment.
there are interesting keywords in the link but if you look at it from the
perspective of the ancient places in the Persian Gulf I think you will find many
why not, I thought it was a cool nickname as it
relates to my website where I post the research. That was the only reason I
used it. I only realised later how much 7s is used in the all the books.
know Sevens the whole world is so screwed up that I find it a great comfort to
been given the gift of the Urantia papers. Without them it's like walking
around in a perpetual
daze about what's going on. I don't know how people get through even one day
with their minds
so scrambled. It's difficult enough when you have the right story.
So true Majeston
Thank God for the Urantia Book to dispel the fog.
I'm so glad that we have something real solid to fall back on and also a book
that reveals it self through other discoveries to verify.
I don't know where I would be without the Urantia Book and what type of asshole
I would be with out the book.
I just really thank the Father for the Book and not to mention the great trails
we are led on to without any dead ends
Yes the world is completely screwed up and confused in a major way. However
people have to see the revelation for themselves.
I know there is nothing like the UB and the journey we on with the book.
all the best majeston
Hi I think the whole Plato story is
jumble a fragments that relate to many submerged places. I think there have been
additions to the story over the timeline as man added things that he thought was
important to his culture.
I personally think Atlantis has many aspects already identified by the submerged
places in Eden and in the Persian Gulf.
I don't think Atlantis existed in the Atlantic at all. There is just no hard
evidence to prove that. However there is heaps of evidence that point to the
other places and do all have aspects in story of the demise, in part of these
I think many people will continue to pursue the Atlantis mystery with there own
self vain glorious ideas but will enter roads that simply lead to dead ends.
Also the timeline of which most people research is just so way of the mark.
There studies and interpretation are more about recent history than the ancient,
ancient history of the Atlantis.
I reckon there are many people that are simply dreaming on with there own vanity
of crap.
Hi Majeston
Here is a post I posted on the AR.
I thought you might want to have a look at this It could be interesting
all the best
I saw the map, if you lowered the sea level by 120 meters or lets say 500ft with
some extra.
That wont uncover Atlantis as Atlantis had lofty mountains to the north and was
on a huge Isthmus or peninsula. Lowering the sea levels by 500ft I don't think
that will uncover the land mass of Atlantis.
I don't think Gadiz was the first pace of mankind like Atlantis is stipulated in
the Plato's story. Gadiz or of the coast is way of the mark to the original
Atlantis, however there maybe some evidence of man but its definitely not
Also I want to add that Dalamatia was destroyed in the same manner as Atlantis
was described. The destruction happened due to sudden land submergence in which
the sea through a tidal wave completely destroyed the city but left the
foundations. As we see today!
Also when the destruction occurred there was a 162 year war happening as a
result of the Lucifer disaffection.
Now with Dilmun, it was destroyed by a breach of the protective walls that kept
the sea out. Similar to the Holland and there dikes. You can actually see the

and a close up

The Demise of Dalamatia and descriptive elements of Dilmun are all contained in
the Plato story where all the pieces lay. Dalamatia was the first place of the
Gods not Gadiz, Spain.
I personally believe that the Atlantis story are fragments of Both Dalamatia and
its destruction and Dilmun in description, Dilmun when it was destroyed was
around 9500BC. The refugees, where most of them ended up in Egypt, would of
related to there lost home including the legend and myths of there origins which
does include Dalamatia in the background, we see this today in the descriptions
of the Plato story.
Here is another view of Dilmun with the foundations of Babel and the raised
canals (possibly) that led to the sea, a direct match to the Atlantis
The rectangular plain to the North is where they grew produce and raised
animals, again described in the Plato story. Now the same rectangular plain can
be seen in Dalamatia.
The Plain of Dalamatia
image of Dalamatia
and another

Also according to the research into Dilmun, I find that the Dilmunites adopted
all the legends and myths of the Gods from Dalamatia. When you read the
descriptions of Dilmun and the Gods, in fact you are reading about Dalamatia.
However the description of the city Atlantis is all about Dilmun which match.
Dilmun was the home of the rebellious Sons of God, this explains the degradation
of the Gods and humanity over time which there was a war involved and
destruction of the city by natural causes.
Here is a picture of Dilmun with Babel and the raised canals leading to the sea
from Babel, as described in the Atlantis story.
In the below are descriptions of Dilmun but also has descriptions of Dalamatia
in some areas.
compiled by majeston
1.Holy is [the place] where you are;
2.The mountain Dilmun is holy.
3.Holy is the place where you are;
4.......the mountain Dilmun is is holy.
5.The mountain Dilmun is holy, the mountain Dilmun is pure,
6.The mountain Dilmun is pure; the mountain Dilmun is brilliant.
7.Alone in Dilmun they lay down;
8.Where Enki and his consort lay,
9.That place is pure; that place is brilliant.
10.Where Enki and Ninella lay,
11.That Place is pure, that place is brilliant.
12.In Dilmun the raven cried not,
13.The dar-bird its dar-cry uttered not.
14.The deadly lion destroyed not,
15.The wolf a lamb seized not,
16.The dog the weak kid tore not,
17.The dun-animal (sow) the food-grain destroyed not,
18.The planned not for young off spring...
19.The birds of heaven their offspring hatched not,
20.Doves laid noteggs (?)_
21.Of eye-disease, "it is eye-disease," one said not;
22.Of headache, "it is headache," one said not.
23.To a mother, "mother," one said not,
24.To a father, "father," one said not.
25.In the holy place a libation was poured not; in the city one drank not;
26.The river-man "cross it?" said not;
27.The overseer filled no right hand;
28.The musician "sing," said not;
29.The prince of the city spoke not.
30.Ninella to her father Enki Said:
31."A city thoust founded, a city thou hast founded, its destiny thou hast
32.In Dilmun a city thou has hast founded,
33.......thou hast founded a city,
34.........a canal there is not
35...;;;.....thou hast founded a city"
26.The river-man "cross it?" said not;
I like the river man! ahahah

I was think should we do a complete study of
Plato's Atlantis story in respect to the ancient places in the Persian Gulf and
see where each piece of the puzzle lays matches and to which city each aspect
relates to!
[ 04-09-2007, 07:54 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]
I wonder if this is
a connection to the man looking elevations of Dilmun and Babel that did cross
Dilmun central across the peninsula. Where the circular foundations of Babel
form the head of a man with the raised canals making the body, arms and legs
connecting to the sea.
Quote: |
26.The river-man "cross it?" said not; |
the man!
and then you have the Inca man built by the early Andites that emanated out of
Dilmun after it sunk. 132 of them ended up in Peru through the Pacific route,
and admixed and shared there culture the Inca race race. This explains many
things about Easter island and ancient sun solstice stone calendars.
Here is a study on those early Andites who traveled and ended up in Peru
I believe this to be work of the early Andites and there connection to the Inca
civilisation and its influence in myth and legend in the Aztec civilisation.
and the man from Dilmun, the origins of the Andites (Adamite's and Nodites)
Quote: |
26.The river-man "cross it?" said not; |
The marker they left behind in the Pacific was the monoliths ruins of the their
temples built of stone including their solstice technology. Also the eyes of the
statutes is the marker that connects Sumeria down through the Pacific islands
through to Peru including Indonesia. I believe its the cultural marker in
artistic form.
Before one can accept a criteria,
it must be shown that it is authentic. It must be authenticated, in this case,
by God.
In that day shall there be
an altar [3]
to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border
thereof to the LORD. (Isaiah 19:19)
The Great Pyramid was built at
the border of Upper and Lower Egypt and located in the middle of Egypt.
It will be for a sign and a
witness to the LORD of hosts [Baha'u'llah] in the land of Egypt: when they cry
to the LORD because of the oppressors [4]
[the Covenant-breaking Baha'is], he will send them a savior [the return of
Jesus [5]]
and will defend and deliver them. (Isaiah 19:20 RSV)
Certain physical facts were placed in the Great
Pyramid some 5500 years ago that were unknown to man until the last few
centuries, such as the size of the earth, the weight of the earth, the distance
of the earth from the sun, the circumference of the earth, the length of the
diameter of the earth, and the squaring of the circle (p r2). It gives
365.242465 days for a solar year. It gives 365.256471, the days in the sidereal
(or stellar) year. It gives 365.259973 days in an anomalistic or orbital year.
It gives 25,826.52 P", the approximate number of years in the precessional
cycle, and many, many more facts that are too many to mention in this book, but
you could pick up almost any book on the Great Pyramid for further information.
Interesting site, however I
only copied information that I felt had relevance to the research at hand
The Date for the Exodus of Abraham
from Ur
Click on Images to Enlarge
Going up the Descending
Passageway from the Ascending Passageway to the Scored Line there are exactly
687.883880838 P", giving us the date of Abraham's exodus from Ur of the
Chaldees or May 2nd, 2144 BC (1455.78210813 + 687.883880838 =
2143.66598897). (see Figure 4)

The Star
Alignment of Alpha Draconis
This event, Abraham's exodus from Ur of the
Chaldees, is synchronized perfectly with the star alignment of Alpha
Draconis. By looking up to the entrance passage of the Descending
Passageway, the Pole Star is seen, and the simultaneous alignment of the
Scored Line with Alcyone of the Pleiades on that very day of
May 2nd, 2144 BC is the very night Abraham left Ur. (see Figure 5)
I was amazed by this Cayce fragment
What Cayce expresses convinces me that the three other places is 1Eden,
Dalamatia, Dilmun with Babel.
Mind you someone has to go there and verify and discover the 7 commands in two
lost cities. If that is the case and occurs then everything changes on all
It would be a complete match and fulfillment to Cayce's prophecy. Also
these places all stem from the Urantia Book and are one knowledge and harmonizes
with the UB.
If you think it beetle island is 1st Eden, there
is absolutely no match match in the UB or in any other text of the planet
pointing to bettle island except you. There is nothing else that points to this
There is far more matches that supports 1st Eden of Cyprus than that of Beetle
island. Eden proper is fully submerged and to the peninsula that was connected
to the mainland where remnant of the ancient great river can be seen in the
middle of the connecting peninsula. If this is the only point of contention
your making where in effect you wipe of everything out then I think your
completely flawed.
Your assumption of Beetle island is like putting a circle in a square.
It just doesn't fit at all.
Well all I can say that the UB mentions a stone wall, it doesn't mention man
made or anything and the stone wall is there. That was the marker given in the
UB and Robert Sarmast in the beforehand experience predicted it and the found it
to the coordinates.
the plans of the Material Son went astray, Adam and his family were not
permitted to carry the core of the tree away from the Garden. When the Nodites
invaded Eden, they were told that they would become as "gods if they partook
of the fruit of the tree." Much to their surprise they found it unguarded.
They ate freely of the fruit for years, but it did nothing for them; they were
all material mortals of the realm; they lacked that endowment which acted as a
complement to the fruit of the tree. They became enraged at their inability to
benefit from the tree of life, and in connection with one of their internal
wars, the temple and the tree were both destroyed by fire;
only the stone wall stood until the Garden
was subsequently submerged. This was the second temple of the Father to
The discovery of the stone wall, the marker. (note in the UB it doesnt say
manmade, just says stone wall)

And here is an image based on proper side scan data of the Peninsula or isthmus
that connected the Edenic peninsula with the mainland with the great river
running through the middle of the land bridge.

Here is a quick study I did on the 12 gates of
Eden ages ago but It does need more work.
I mean to say who is splitting hairs here and going in circles where you show
nothing in the way of analysis of others to support your theory.
Unless there is other proper evidence to say otherwise just accept the fact that
this location is 1stEden.
Sorry I'm not going in circles on that point,
you have my research and links to matter and we are way down the track on other
discoveries, to argue this minor point in light of all the other areas of
discoveries is just argument for contention sake.
You can argue the point with Majeston. I'm not going to entertainment this
argument any longer. We went through this before.
A peninsula is a peninsula and mountain is something entirely different to a
peninsula, the peninsula of Eden proper is fully submerged.
As in this image where the peninsula is fully submerged, The mountain is not
a peninsula nor does it equate to the fully submerged Edenic peninsula.

WHOLE EDENIC PENINSULA is submerged but not the mountain.
If you want to argue Eden make up a thread.
No problem, I know he does, but if I'm right, I
think the reality seems to be pointing to where it all began (our origins) in
the Persian Gulf. If I'm right about the 7 commands being discovered in two lost
cities beforehand of the event, then that would be the real marker where
everything comes together in a unification or as one and would lay the platform
of changes of all knowledge on every level and would also set the stage for the
second coming with correction involved where all religion and spiritual
knowledge will be sorted out once and for all.
Quite possible! Mind you it is written in the scriptures that no one will
believe the final end game. Everyone will reject the path. I would say 90% will
reject and refuse to believe even in light of evidence.
Ahahaha.... you wouldn't expect anything better of man in the final end game
which is a complete test and a journey of faith.
If the Seven commands are discovered then its a different ball game and then
something might happen as in an endorsement to the truth because a platform has
been laid for Paradise to enter the arena as the 7 commands are directly from
the Father or Paradise and has all to do with our existence which is all related
to the 7 commands, the first moral codes.. I think the end game is all related
to the ancient foundations of our origins.
I mean to say we have already discovered one of
the cities


We certainly live in interesting times.
here is link to the Noaich 7 commands that I just
here is link to the Noaich 7 commands that I just
and another link
and the Urantia Book Seven commands search
and here is the circular foundationds of Babel
inside of first Dilmun built on perhaps a an peninsula!

and another view of the foundations Babel

then you have the Egyptian great pyramid symbol
found on the plug in the shaft with the Circle in a triangle, actually its a
double triangle with a circle in them and is identical to the layout of Babel in
The following image is the symbol in the shaft mentioned by Toth
to the other is the Keystone;
each the gateway that leads into LIFE.
Follow the KEY I leave behind me.
Seek and the doorway to LIFE shall be thine.
Seek thou in my pyramid,
deep in the passage that ends in a wall.
Use thou the KEY of the SEVEN,
and open to thee the pathway will fall.
Now unto thee I have given my wisdom.
Now unto thee I have given my way.
Follow the pathway.
Solve thou my secrets.
Unto thee I have shown the way.
I believe this is the symbol of Toth "deep in the passage that ends in a
The double triangle


and of course you have 1stEden of Cyprus as guided by the Urantia Book.
All these places do link in symbolism.
Also the builder of the great Pyramid came from first Dilmun, the land of the
Andite race who migrated to Egypt after the breach of Dilmun or could of been
told and taught the truth of their origins by the Egyptian priests and
subsequently built the great Pyramid.
all the best
He answered and said to me: This is the
Son of man, to whom
righteousness belongs; with whom righteousness has
dwelt; and
who will reveal all the treasures
of that which is concealed;
for the
Lord of spirits has chosen him; and his portion has surpassed all
before the Lord of spirits in everlasting uprightness.
I get the feeling that the Father, Jesus, Melchizedek will only want to shpow
the secrets to the one with faith. I get the feeling that the Father can make
his closest appraoch to a purified people of simple faith and righteousness.
I feel it make no difference whether the nations will do anything about these
places or not.. I feel according to my studies and personal witness to the
journey that the time of judgement may have been set due to perhaps current
Here is a timeline that Im working on but eh its is in faith and done in
The Nostradamus link?
The forces of the sea divided into three parts,
3 discoveries, 1stEden, Dalamatia, and Dilmun.
The second one will run out of supplies,
Lack of money to complete the 2nd expedition.
In despair looking for the Elysian
Fields, (Ran out of supplies. money to complete the 1stEden project or it
could be a reference to Dilmun being related directly to the Elysian fields.?)
The first ones to enter the breach
will obtain the victory. The project will be success and the 7 commands
and the cities will be discovered for the elect, faithful and righteous and only
them. Those who reject the Father will not see this event.
Quote: |
For the free city of the great Crescent sea,
Which still carries the stone in its stomach,
The English fleet will come under the drizzle
To seize a branch, war opened by the great one.
(15 marines captured close to the location of Dalamatia. This was done to
avoid a potential war flashpoint but at the same time it ativated the great
one, the most high?) |
Quote: |
The royal bird over the city of the Sun,
(Dalamatia image)
Seven months in
advance it will deliver a nocturnal omen: (7 months in the
beforehand experience to the event or in the seven month?, sleeping Omen
The Eastern wall will fall lightning
thunder, (A shift will occur)
Seven days the enemies directly to the
(Being led to the gates of the discovery of the ancient places and its
purpose, relation to seven days or seven studies?? and Seven months, 7 days
7/7/07 (beginning) for
Seven days to 14/7/07 (end) complete speculation but interesting time
period??) |
Quote: |
1 In the year 500,
in the seventh month, on the fourteenth day of the
month in the life of Enoch. In that Parable I saw how a
mighty quaking made the heaven of heavens to
quake, and the host of the Most High, and the angels, a thousand thousands
and ten thousand times ten thousand, were 2 disquieted with a great disquiet.
And the Head of Days sat on the throne of His
glory, and the angels and the righteous stood around Him.
14/07/07, perhaps judgement may occur? |
follow the 500 link
Quote: |
I was born the seventh in the first week,
7/07/07 |
Maybe rapture (pure speculation ok) may occur 7 days
7/07/07 before judgment on
the 14/07/07. that provides a
seven day time frame for reflection. Hard to know considering no one knows the
time nor the hour. But this could be a guide to the timeline in connection to
Also note that according to the UB Jesus birthdate is August 21st, 7BC that
means we are in the new millennium 07/07/2000..Interesting!
I believe this year would be a good year for something like this occur as it
fits in a perfect Sevens timeline pattern.
more information about this can be researched here
all the best
Rapture 12
here is some more
with a message
Quote: |
Book of Parables 50
1 And in those days a change shall take
place for the holy and elect,
And the light of days shall abide upon them,
And glory and honour shall turn to the holy,
2 On the day of affliction on which evil shall have
been treasured up against the sinners.
And the righteous shall be victorious in the name of the Lord of Spirits:
And He will cause the others to witness (this)
That they may repent
And forgo the works of their hands.
3 They shall have no honour through the
name of the Lord of Spirits,
Yet through His name shall they be saved,
And the Lord of Spirits will have compassion on them,
For His compassion is great.
4 And He is righteous also in His judgement,
And in the presence of His glory unrighteousness also shall not maintain
At His judgement the unrepentant shall perish before Him.
5 And from henceforth I will have no mercy on them, saith the Lord of
Spirits. |
I wonder who this is directed to?
Also when I mean get
prepared, I don't mean praying 24 hours a day hoping you will make rapture, that
should be the least of our concerns. The point is, is to get ones own house into
order, make right what is wrong with your fellow man and give it up to the
Father with absolute sincerity.
The knowledge of rapture will make no difference to whether people make it or
not. The Father will search all souls for the ultimate motivation and by mans
sincere works, a natural manifestation of the holy spirit and that will
determine whether the individual will be ruptured.
Those who want to be first in honour will be last. But those who work to help
people with love and no judgement doing the fathers will will have far better
chance of making rapture.
However for those who miss rapture because of misunderstanding and in judgment
of others will have another chance in the judgement process and will be saved
but they receive no honour at all. That's the price for pride, prejudice and not
believing whilst judging others. God is no respecter of no one.
Thank God, God is compassionate!
This is also a reason why I persist with this thread so if rapture occurs least
there is a record that could help those who maybe left behind. This thread of
truth maybe seen as a life boat in knowledge in the future, who knows!! Its a
just a measure. Agree or not!
Again I feel that rapture will be the final sign of impending judgement and
missing peoples from all over the world will be noticed and this knowledge will
be sought after in post rapture and before actual judgement, it could be a Seven
day time period. Imagine the perplexity people will go through, all the world
systems will just stop! Those left behind will really be thinking about
themselves and there fruits. There are those that will simply will not make it,
even in there plea because they were simply evil from the beginning.
Me personally if/when
rapture occurs, I wouldn't mind a little break before the judgement process and
the inheritance, because this work entails long hours but then its inspiring at
the same time and gives me much energy. Still wouldn't mind a break! ahahah The
key in al this was the focalization on the ancient places in all the books of
religion without pride, prejudice and judging others. Well trying not to judge
others! That in itself is a test.
Quote: |
Enoch 62
13 And the righteous and elect shall be saved on
that day,
And they shall never
see the face of the sinners and unrighteous. |
Does the above imply rapture??
And they shall never
thenceforward see the face of the sinners and
unrighteous. Where the elect will be taken away before the event
and "thenceforward" before judgement will not see the face of the unrighteous
anymore? Is this time period after rapture but "thenceforward: before
food for thought.
Well the best thing to do is test
the spirits and see how it harmonises with the bible or else everything new
becomes a lie. So what does one do fearing everything that comes along the way.
that's not religion
where the faith of personal conviction and boldness to go out there.
I think people who act like this are just severely paranoid with very little
FAITH in the holy spirit.
If people think paranoid like this fearing everything, the religion of Jesus
will never get man anywhere. Religion of Jesus becomes useless.
How about going out there and kicking goals for the Father.
Did Jesus fear everything that came his way...NO! SO why are so paranoid. The
devil or Satan is defeated and his mark is division. The rebellious ones are
finished. There is nothing to fear except fear itself which man holds on to more
than love for one another. Even in religion.
Its better we walk in faith rather than fearing everything where man becomes
literally hopeless and useless to the cause of the Father in the Kingdom of
That's why religion will never find out the last final mystery because of pride,
prejudice and mostly fearing everything which he doesn't understand because man
simply does no study or does very little research into everything of all
sources. The main problem is Exclusivity! Jesus tried to break that spirit and
we still perpetuate this bad spirit. By fearing and being paranoid everything
new which is really stupid and low level thinking. Certainly not the witness of
the Holy Spirit because of its bad fruits of the perpetuation of fear.
I wonder
Quote: |
Iran keeps the West in a guessing game
Tehran's mixed signals on its nuclear program and other issues only add to
the uncertainty about its intentions.
Mixed signals from Iranian politicians have compounded the problem. And
because many Western observers can't be
sure who truly wields power in Iran, they have difficulty gauging the
significance of the varied rhetoric.
"When there are questions of resuming talks
or relations with the U.S., there are contradictory remarks" from Iran,
said Mohammed Ismael Hydari, chief editor of Khandani, a political magazine
in Tehran. "But the West doesn't understand the real political weight of the
people who are making the remarks."
Reading the tea leaves in Tehran might be particularly difficult for the
U.S. because it has no diplomatic representation in Iran and only minimal
contact with Iranian officials.
could we be here from the following??
And they shall begin to fight among
And their right hand shall be strong against themselves,
Division created by the places within the camp. Confusion!
Here is another article, slowly, slowly hopefully.
Iran wants to stay in nuclear non-proliferation
and In Enoch 56
I wonder if this excerpt is playing out since the places have revealed to Iran
and Britain and there horses have been halted by the city of the righteous. Also
I did ask the battle angels to clear a path to the places. This can also be seen
in the following Enoch parallel.
Quote: |
Enoch 56:3 these who hold the
scourges going ? And he said unto me: To
their elect and beloved ones, that they may be cast into the chasm of the
abyss of the valley.
4 And then that valley shall be filled with
their elect and beloved,
And the days of their lives shall be at an end,
And the days of their leading astray shall not thenceforward be reckoned.
5 And in those days the angels shall return
And hurl themselves to the east upon the Parthians and Medes:
They shall stir up the kings, so that a
spirit of unrest shall come upon them,
And they shall rouse them from their thrones,
That they may break forth as lions from
their lairs,
And as hungry wolves among their flocks.
6 And they
shall go up and tread under foot the land of His
elect ones
[And the land of His elect ones shall be before them a threshing-floor and a
highway :]
clearing a path to the submerged land of the elect by the Battle angels. and
it looks like they (whoever they are!!!)
go out there to the ancient places to check out the cities and what lays
there thus making a path to the place of judgment??
7 But the city of my righteous shall be a
hindrance to their horses.
Restrained the option of war where the captives were released after the
revealing of the ancient places, the city of the righteous and the elect.
And they shall begin to fight among
And their right hand shall be strong against themselves,
Division created by the places within the camp. Confusion!
And a man shall not know his brother,
Nor a son his father or his mother,
Till there be no number of the corpses through their slaughter,
And their punishment be not in vain.
Sounds like war persists.
8 In those days Sheol shall open its jaws,
And they shall be swallowed up therein
Judgement comes
And their destruction shall be at an end;
Sheol shall devour the sinners in the
presence of the elect. |
then end and the reality could be playing out before our eyes, right now!
Upon further
analysis of the above and this particular verse
Quote: |
"6 And they shall go up and tread under
foot the land of His elect ones
And the land of His elect ones shall be before
them a threshing-floor and a highway
:" |
It really sounds like in the moment stuff as those who can go and explore the
ancient foundations may very well go to the lost cities and discover the seven
commands. The land of the elect from my prospective is the ancient foundations
namely Dalamatia. Its is the land that the elect is relying on to bring out the
ultimate truth of the matter. Its is the land that the elect look for as the a
path to the unfolding the mystery and it is also the land that the Elect look
for in having total faith in the Father that he will being everything to it
ultimate conclusion as seen beforehand.
All I can say is that by those who go there to discover its mystery are actually
laying a path towards the places but also the places is the threshing place
where truth with Paradise endorsement happens. The ultimate mystery of mankind
for his destiny.
The following Nostradamus quatrain could relate to Enoch extracts.
Quote: |
The royal bird over the city of the Sun,
(Dalamatia image)
Seven months in advance it will deliver a
nocturnal omen: (7 months in the beforehand experience to the event?
or in the Seven month in the relevant year where judgment will occur, the
sleeping Omen arises)
The Eastern wall will fall lightning
thunder, (A shift will occurs through revealment and knowledge.)
Seven days the enemies directly to the
gates. |
Below is what I think.
The royal bird over the city of the Sun,
The Royal bird I see as in the Dalamatia image that appears to be a city in a
lake and does have resemblance to many ensigns of the bird and the sun emblem.
By the way "the city of
the Sun" is Equated to Dilmun. Nostradamus must be referring to one of these
ancient foundations. Dilmun was the home of the fallen angels that began the
race of the Nodites. Understanding that Dilmun imported there myths and
legends of the glory of the Gods from Dalamatia. When you read the
descriptions of Dilmun, they are in essence really describing Dalamatia by
proxy, the first place when the times were good.
"From the bright covering of thyf great heaven
may the waters flow,
May the city be refreshed with water, may it
May Dilmun be refreshed with water, may it
May the deep of bitter water flow as a deep of
sweet water.
May the city be a resting, an abode of the
May Dilmun be a resting, an abode of the
Now, O sun-god, shine forth,
O sun-god, stand in heaven;
Bring open water from the womb of the land!
[And] fish, O moon-god, from the water.
In the water-course on the face of the land, O
earth's sweet water come!
That from the bright covering of the great
heavens water may flow,
Its city be refreshed, may drink,
Dilmun be refreshed, may drink,
The deep of bitter water flow as a deep of
sweet water,
The fields and meadows....
The city be a house for the multitutes of the
Dilmun be a house for the multitudes of the
To shine may the sun-god come forth--let it be
He who alone is wise (i.e. Enki)
To Nintu, mother of the land....
Dilmun is one of the
Ancient places and Nostradamus maybe directly referring to them
Seven months in advance it will deliver a
nocturnal omen: I see this as the message and the images where revealed
beforehand to Iran and Britain through there High Commission. Perhaps in Seven
months time the Omen or message attached to the places comes to light, perhaps
through the discovery of the Dalamatia or Dilmun of those that can!
The Eastern wall will fall lightning thunder,
Perhaps when the sleeping Omen awakes, major changes happen particularly in the
East within there religion. Perhaps all those killing in the name of God through
erroneous doctrine see Paradise respond, see the error of there ways and receive
a harsh penalty.
Seven days the enemies directly to the gates.
Perhaps those who can go there and explore and discover the places perhaps don't
have the right attitude in there soul through there activities in promoting
death and destruction. Paradise in spirit perhaps don't see them as expectable
and see them as the enemy of the message the 7 commands. The expedition could
take seven days where they discover the object of the search. However in further
review, Dalamatia is like a trap or a snare that is set and those who discover
without the right spirit will caught in the snare. This may involve nations that
are drawn to one spot. This would have to be Archangel and Seraphim work.
Perhaps all they needed was a human to activate it and from there it runs on its
one momentum through the work of the Angels.
Maybe Dalamatia is the snare which captures the enemy its a trap!! A trap that
is set to be sprung
I thought the following Nostradamus quatrain was interesting as well.
Quote: |
C1 Q 56
The great amount of silver of Diana and
(the treasure houses of the planet looked after by the angels i.e. the 7
commands and what it represents.)
The images will be seen in the lake
(The lake of Dalamatia the above image) (The discovery of Dalamatia, the
confirmation. This is exactly what we have seen The city in a lake as
speculated before finding this quatrain, another beforehand experience only
to find it late written about.)
The sculptor looking for new clay.
(New truth and enlightenment through discovery of the ancient places
pointing to all the books.)
He and his followers will be soaked in
(the path of truth, beauty and goodness will be blessed and rewarded.)
Anyway its all interesting
Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:06 am
Post subject:
Consider the
following reference to the Elysian fields which Parallels Dilmun as being
connected to the Elysian fields.
In the following is another Nostradamus quatrain.
Quote: |
The forces of the sea divided into three
parts, 3 locations of the ancient foundations.
The second one will run out of supplies,
The 2nd expedition to 1st Eden ran out of money and was not completed in
In despair looking for the Elysian Fields,
(Elysian fields is directly related to Dilmun direct.)
The first ones to enter the breach will
obtain the victory. "The Breach of Dilmun" Isaiah connection.
(This above appears to be describing the expeditions to the ancient places
(the Elysian fields) Dilmun is directly related to the Elysian fields and
the term Elysian fields can be found in Greek mythology as the land of the
Gods) The Elysian fields could also mean all the ancient submerged locations
relating to the land of the Gods) |
So maybe Dilmun where the Tower of Babel maybe the place where everything
unfolds?? Nostradamus and the books seem to pointing to the location!
Consider the
following reference to the Elysian fields which Parallels Dilmun as being
connected to the Elysian fields.
In the following is another Nostradamus quatrain.
Quote: |
The forces of the sea divided into three
parts, 3 locations of the ancient foundations.
The second one will run out of supplies,
The 2nd expedition to 1st Eden ran out of money and was not completed in
In despair looking for the Elysian Fields,
(Elysian fields is directly related to Dilmun direct but is in metaphor to
1stEden as the places are all the Elysian fields in real truth.)
The first ones to enter the breach will
obtain the victory. "The Breach of Dilmun" Isaiah connection.
(This above appears to be describing the expeditions to the ancient places
(the Elysian fields) Dilmun is directly related to the Elysian fields and
the term Elysian fields can be found in Greek mythology as the land of the
Gods) The Elysian fields could also mean all the ancient submerged locations
relating to the land of the Gods) |
So maybe Dilmun where the Tower of Babel maybe the place where everything
unfolds?? Nostradamus and the books seem to pointing to the location!
Dilmun could be were the Saga may unfold!! Could very well be.
Here is the Dilmun Link to the Elysian fields in the Wikipedia, Note that the
general description is a land of the Gods.
Quote: |
The Elysian Fields lay
on the western margin of the earth, by the encircling stream of Oceanus, and
there the mortal relatives of the king of the gods were transported,
without tasting death, to enjoy an
immortality of bliss (Odyssey 4.563). Lesser spirits were less
fortunate: an eerie passage describes the twittering bat-like ghosts of
Penelope's slain suitors, led by Hermes:
"down the dank
moldering paths and past the Ocean's streams they went
and past the White Rock and the Sun's
Western Gates and past
the Land of Dreams, and soon they
reached the fields of asphodel
where the dead, the burnt-out wraiths of mortals make their home"
(Odyssey 24.5-9, translation by Robert Fagles).
Hesiod refers to the Isles of the Blessed
(makarôn nêsoi) in the Western Ocean (Works and Days). Pindar makes it a
single island. Walter
Burkert notes the connection with
the motif of far-off Dilmun:
"Thus Achilles is transported to the White Isle and becomes the Ruler of the
Black Sea, and Diomedes becomes the divine lord of an Adriatic island."[3]
In Elysium were fields of the pale liliaceous
asphodel, and poplars grew. There stood the gates that led to the house
of Ais (in Attic dialect "Hades"). The place of Judgement?
Elysium in Literature
Among the poets to interpret Elysium is
Virgil, who describes an encounter there between Aeneas and his father
Anchises. Virgil's Elysium knows perpetual spring and shady groves, with its
own sun and lit by its own stars solemque suum, sua sidera norunt (Aeneid
book vi:541).
In the Renaissance, the heroic population of
the Elysian Fields tended to outshine its formerly dreary pagan reputation;
the Elysian Fields borrowed some of the bright allure of paradise.
In Paris, the Champs-Elysees retain their
name of the Elysian Fields, first applied in the late 16th century to a
formerly rural outlier beyond the formal parterre gardens behind the royal
French palace of the Tuileries.
After the Renaissance, as popular poets
became less influenced by reading Greek and Latin literature, and images of
Valhalla entered the popular European imagination, an even cheerier Elysium
evolved for some poets. Sometimes it is imagined as a place where heroes
have continued their interests from their lives. Others suppose it is a
location filled with feasting, sport, song; Joy is the "daughter of Elysium"
in Friedrich Schiller's Ode to Joy.
Dante had a very different idea of the
Elysian Fields - he described them as the very upper level of hell, a place
of peace that the unbaptized and the non-believers who lived virtuous lives
go. It is a place of happiness, but it is closed off from God and thus
remains as hell.
Elysium in Neopaganism
Many Neopagans today, particularly Hellenic
neopagans in the United States, have what most would consider a new-age view
of Elysium. Elysium is seen as a multi-layered paradise, or Heaven, to many
modern neopagans. Some believe that the outer layer of Elysium is
composed of great and beautiful fields, often envisioned in imaginative
descriptions as having green glowing blades of grass and bubbling springs of
glowing water and wine, often made from the nectar of Ambrosia.
Beyond the fields of Elysium, reserved only for the
most righteous and virtuous, is the Golden City
where spirits exist in a state of constant euphoria. Whether or
not such beliefs are based in actual mythology often seems rather
unimportant to many neopagans. Most claim that old myths are simply mortal
accounts and interpretations of the divine, but the same could be argued
about any current beliefs regarding Elysium. Much of what many modern
neopagans believe today regarding Elysium seems to be borrowed from popular
Christian imagery of Heaven.
more in the wikipedia
In the
Renaissance, the heroic population of the Elysian Fields tended to
outshine its formerly dreary pagan reputation; the Elysian Fields borrowed
some of the bright allure of
In Paris, the
Champs-Élysées retain their name of the Elysian Fields, first applied in
the late
16th century to a formerly rural outlier beyond the formal
gardens behind the royal French palace of the
Tuileries. |
Dilmun, Nostradamus and the current Saga all connect.
here is another view of
the Elysian fields
This may explain Nostradamus reflection with the
Elysian fields but I do feel its points to the current discussion of Dilmun.
The Elysian fields are directly connected to
Here is another view
All essentially says the same thing.
Here is another view of
the Elysian fields before the fall. However it appears to be a description of
Quote: |
The Latin world perpetuated most of the
same themes. Ovid, in the Metamorphoses, points to some of the bad things
people did not have to worry about: "Golden was
that first age which ... without a law of its own will
kept faith and did the right. There was no fear of punishment. No
threatening words were to be read on brazen tablets; no suppliant throng
gazed fearfully on its judge's face, but without judges lived secure. ...
There was no need at all of armed men, for
nations, secure from war's alarms, passed the years in gentle ease." |
Here is another
remarkable extract from the
This is a ver big confirmation!!!! and confirms what I been saying the whole
Quote: |
A persistent
theory for many centuries suggested that in this Paradise the just awaited
the resurrection and final judgment -- which early believers
generally thought was closer at hand than we seem to think.
One such view was that Paradise (or ex-paradise)
was in some remote part of the earth, preserved in its original state but
inaccessible except to those possessing a special passport and an angelic
guide. This was connected to the wide belief in the early centuries
that when Jesus made his promise to the good
thief, he was technically reopening the earthly Paradise out of which
God had booted Adam and Eve. |
and this
Quote: |
Gham / ghomeh’ (above, in
that order), and ghan g | ? (below left), in
symbol and metaphor, encompass the sacred garden of eternity, the
rich soil and breasts of life, the fluid humus of anticipation, the river of
sustenance, sustainment, and nurture.
Ghan (to the left) represents the fertile fields of the Crown of Creation,
the eternal fields of the heavens, the Elysian
fields of those blessed by LOVE: living
blossoms opening beneath the ETERNAL SUN of ’ELOHIM* ’AH_VAH, the ONE TRUE
from this
More information can be
found here
Hi As for me my hit rate regarding new UB book
readers is real low.
Out of 1000 people my hit rate would be about .02%. I used to go into great
explanations but I found it made no difference. Now I just say its the new book
written by God and is mentioned in Revelations in the Bible.
Then they challenge me then I point to the discoveries where they can read it
and see it. But still it makes no difference because I feel people are truly not
searching in this direction and many people are still doctrinised by
crystallized error.
Oh well I'm hoping that the seeds I sow will one day germinate but if a person
is not searching from within themselves, forget it! Its useless talking to
them., like blood out of a stone.
Personally, I'm sick of beating around the bush and I just confront them with
challenge, shock and awe treatment using the ancient places. Off course they
cannot answer and when I challenge them to research and study the matter they
run for the hills like a coward.
All the best with the witnessing but I'm afraid God will have to pull something
to demonstrate or else well be in in some future underground bunker speaking the
same stuff. I really have little faith in the religions to embrace anything that
we research and go for. I'm afraid Caligastia has worked in division magic on
the churches and the on the individual with confusion and error doctrine.
Gee I'm hoping I get a better response from the Supreme leader of Iran because
its the only religious government and this research is right up there alley as
they have been looking for the great change. So far I feel they have changed
their tune into a more of a conciliatory fashion. I feel they might have more
ability to click on as the research is like a spear to there own thoughts backed
by the places in their own waters.
Fair dinkum, the ancient places is exactly a stumbling block in truth and it has
restrained their horses and they know they have to have the right attitude if
they want the full benefit of the places. If they don't have right attitude
maybe Paradise might have something to say...who knows we go by faith and faith
alone relying on the Father alone. Cant rely on man and his truth these days as
man is becoming useless to the bone in the things of the Father, simply because
of pride and prejudice.
The churches are experts in manipulating a free
ride on the backs of others using the name of Jesus! and with all the fear and
guilt attached. But when it comes to real truth....They run for the hills like
the spiritual cowards that they are. Thats right the great pastors in light of
real truth. Where are they? hiding as usuall!
I can see there attitude on the end time forum,
they have nothing to say and I find it rather shocking how they attack each
other on crystallised doctrine that is empty. I am treated like an outcast which
is an example of there secular treatment.
That's not a real church of Jesus Christ, they are far from it in there attitude
and lack of research in all the books of religion.
While I'm at it, I reckon there sermons are
shallow to the bone and are more of a side show alley performance. Always
repeating themselves but never delivering the real truth of the matter. Its just
showman stuff full of judgement on others like what I'm doing! That's all
Christianity has been reduced to a side show. Also Christianity through there
manipulation of Government are clearly responsible for the current war we had to
have!! A betrayal of the Fathers will for getting involved in Politics and big
money rather finding complete truth.
Here is a short
study on Mt Sinai in Saudi Arabia.
Quote: |
to about 2000 B.C., Mount Sinai was intermittently active as a volcano,
occasional eruptions occurring as late as the time of the sojourn of the
Israelites in this region. The fire and smoke, together with the
thunderous detonations associated with the eruptions of this volcanic
mountain, all impressed and awed the Bedouins of the surrounding regions and
caused them greatly to fear Yahweh. This spirit
of Mount Horeb later became the god of the
Hebrew Semites, and they eventually believed him to be supreme over
all other gods.[/size] |
I suppose the key would be to find an extinct volcano as recent as 4000 years
ago and see if there is further evidence of short term habitation. That would
probably be the true place of Moses.
from here.
I just found and saw this video, its brilliant. I think these guys have found
the true Mt Horeb in Saudi Arabia.
Here is a image of the the possible location of the lake of the Split Rock
Getting more
compelling all the time
Quote: |
US hopes for breakthrough talks with Iran
A Western diplomat said talks
last month between the European envoy,
Javier Solana, and the chief Iranian
nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani, had looked like a
"good faith effort" to bring both
sides back to the negotiating table. |
I think a path is being cleared ultimately to the ancient places by the Angels.
Well I pray for a positive solution light and I say a path cleared to the
ancient places by the angels that means the Son of Man is invloved to.
Tablet 8
The Targum
from the Beginnings and Facebook timeline