Chapter 66

Enoch instructs his sons and all the elders of the people, how they are to walk with terror and trembling before the Lord, and serve him alone and not bow down to idols, but to God, who created heaven and earth and every creature, and to his image.

1And now, my children, keep your souls from all injustice, such as the Lord hates.

2Walk before his face with terror and trembling and serve him alone.

3Bow down to the true God, not to dumb idols, but bow down to his similitude, and bring all just offerings before the Lord’s face. The Lord hates what is unjust.

4For the Lord sees all things; when man takes thought in his heart, then he counsels the intellects, and every thought is always before the Lord, who made firm the earth and put all creatures on it.

5If you look to heaven, the Lord is there; if you take thought of the sea’s deep and all the under-earth, the Lord is there.

6For the Lord created all things. Bow not down to things made by man, leaving the Lord of all creation, because no work can remain hidden before the Lord’s face.

7Walk, my children, in long-suffering, in meekness, honesty, in provocation, in grief, in faith and in truth, in reliance on promises, in illness, in abuse, in wounds, in temptation, in nakedness, in privation, loving one another, till you go out from this age of ills, that you become inheritors of endless time. (The new Epoch.)

8Blessed are the just who shall escape the great judgment, for they shall shine forth more than the sun sevenfold, for in this world the seventh part is taken off from all, light, darkness, food, enjoyment, sorrow, paradise, torture, fire, frost, and other things; he put all down in writing, that you might read and understand. (The Urantia Book, the fathers revelation.)


The Targum from the Beginnings
"on the run thoughts"

1st Eden   Dalamatia City   Northern Dilmun   Eastern Dilmun   Babel   Susa   Van/Adamason civilisation


Recorded from various forums over the timeline beginning around 2005 eventually overlapping and transitioning to facebook.


Forum research replies TABLETS  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46  47  48  49  50  51 52  53  54 55 56  57  58  59  60  61 62 63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70 71 72  73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82  83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
unedited links in the following, Click timestamp for full post.
111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133,


Click here New research into 1st Eden in Job 38, 22 28 Psalm 9, 18, 29 58, 68 Daniel  2  4  7  10  12 Isaiah 8, 28, 29,  30, 58, Genesis 7  Amos 9, Revelation 5  10  20  Micah 1  Joel 2  Nahum 3   Jeremiah 23   Jonah 2 other texts.

The Books of Enoch

1Enoch 66 80  The anti terrorist scripts 94 99 102  Part of Enoch's end vision 62

2 Enoch 8 30 31 33 34 35 36 40 45 47 48 54 65 66

Has the great seal been broken?


Click here For the Hymns of the Pearls by St Ephraim

Click here for the Book of Toth

Click here Nostradamus Quatrains

Click here The Nag Hammadi Library, The Apocalypse of Peter

Click here The Lost City of "Dalamatia" discovered

Click here The Lost City of "1st Dilmun" discovered

Click here  Aleister Crowley and Sevenfold

Click here A collection of personal replies in various forums in the timeline of the search for Eden in the scripts and in discovery of Dalamatia.

Click here George Washington's Vision and its possible link to the current timeline.

Click here  Antimatter the utopian energy and its study.  What are the clues to antimatter and how could it help this planet.

Click here  An analysis on the end times and its characteristics regarding the End times, Judgment day.

Click here Seven hymns of St Ephraim of the Eastern Christian church 200AD - early300AD.  Incredible connection to the scenario.

Click here Ivan Panin and sevens

Click here  Verses 11 Judgment day connection?? and some 9/11 connections perhaps

Click here "The unifying effect" parallels between Ezekiel, 1Enoch, Psuedographia books, Sumerian tablet and Egyptian book of the dead.

Click here Here is a link to a very interesting thesis linking The Noah Flood with the Eastern Mediterranean Sea deluge.

Click here for additional Mediterranean deluge research.

Click here for ongoing research into the Island of Maati mentioned in the Egyptian book of the dead.

Click here for Sumerian influences on the Inca and Aztec culture

Click here  12 gates of Eden

Click here for the Jesus and the garden prophecy

Click here for ongoing research into the Amorites

Click here about The sphinx, the riddle and the Isle of Maati, 1st Eden, Atlantis.

Click here Discovering Atlantis through the writings of Diordorus

Click here on thoughts about Edgar Cayce's Atlantis Rising prophecy.

Click here  Sevenfold connections in  OKEANOS & THE CONSTELLATION OF KALLISTO & PARALLELS

Click here for a highlight of Tennyson's work The Mermaid and its Sevenfold connections and interesting descriptions of the sunken city now discovered of Cyprus.

Click here for other disaster records.

Click here of the Sevenfold and Marduk connection.

Click Here for the Sevenfold truth connection with the Essenes.

Click here for the Jesus and the Egyptian connection study (ongoing).

Click here for 1stEden/Atlantis/isle of Maati/Sevenfold research on the run (ongoing).

Click here for word search for Book of Mormon latter day clues.

Click here for Urantia Book extracts for the second coming of Jesus.

Click here The Ark of his Testament.

Click here  The Last Days, The Eden Connection, Mountain of the Lord

Click here  The Samson Story and the Riddle of the Test, the last days

Click here Jacob's Prophecy concerning His Sons which is all about the end Days, this time know and its connection to Eden of Cyprus.

 Click here  God's Assurance to Israel in the last times especially the probation time in the Testing period. experience in the moment of time.

Click here  Isaiah 44  Another Vision of the last days and the again another confirming message of the current timeline of the test and Cyrus.

Click here Isaiah 45 The Commission to Cyrus and Eden and The Test The proclamation of the Father

Click here Isaiah 46 The appeal to mankind, The appeal to reconsider the Testing period.

Click here Isaiah 51 Gods assurance before the test.

Click here  Isaiah 52 The Lord servant and the message of the test and the effect

Click here  Another signs of the times

Click here  Jesus, the stone and the parable.