Tablet 77
The Targum
from the Beginnings and Facebook timeline

About Magnetic shifts and sun flares
I thought this was a
very interesting location for a UFO to appear.
Watch Pindz's video about UFO Over Giza
Pyramid Filmed BBC documentary on
I always liked this
one to. I thought Chaka Khan was great.
Its is Heaven.
Music from Australia and New Zealand in
the year 1984: The Eurogliders' promo-video for the hit single
'Heaven (Must Be There)' taken from the 1984 album 'This Island'.
This line-up of the Eurogliders features UK musician Ron Francois on
bass. His pre-Eurogliders CV features stints with The S
Here is an old song
from 1976 of an New Zealand band called DRAGON. I really dug this song and
wondered about my direction in whether I was heading the right direction.
The more I walk the path of 1st Eden each day the more I feel it is the
right direction as the Hidden further reveals itself in many ways in
Music from Australia and New Zealand in
the year 1976: Dragon's promo-video for the hit single 'This Time
(In The Right Direction)', taken from the 1977 album 'Sunshine'.
Note: Dragon posing as a four piece after the death of drummer Neil
Storey. Artist(s) Origin: Auckland, New Zealand P
7 lights eh!
Here is a fragment of information that was
posted by Carlos, i thought this was extremely helpful in the research of
1st Eden in the path of the Tree of life.
Carlos Leite da Silva
My friends, I would like to call your attention to the following abstract.
In my view, this has “Adamic blood” written all over it. This is the
abstract from
a report by Patrick D. Evans et al (including Bruce T. Lahn), from the
Ive been feeling Rain
for Western Australia since the are in drought conditions. I felt strongly
about this about 7 days ago and now they have much rain hopefully drought
breaking in some areas.
Lets the music in
World/Universal destiny on track in the path of the Tree of Life as guided
by the Voice in the Garden leading us to the 1st Eden Garden the author of
the Eden papers. Let Eden be an equisite poem to the World in Destiny of the
positive the kind in the celebration of man in his creativity in soul and
I always thought this
was fascinating about Enoch and Space where Jerusem is.
I wrote the winter of 1997-1998. This one shows how a mysterious
object described in the Book of Enoch is, in fact, a black hole. EL
Just looking around to
see what others thought of Enoch, Enoch was the Seventh from Adam from 1st
Eden and he did not die but translated in translation fire and now sits on
the Judgement seat in Jerusem concerning this day.
I thought this was an
interesting study.
As we know but we also
know another way that is the immortal path in the realm of immortality.
1975 stereo Lyrics Hearts of fire
creates love desire Take you high and higher to the world you belong
Hearts of fire creates love desire High and higher to your place on
the throne We've come together on this special day To sing our
message loud and clear Looking back we've touched on s
We've only begun
before the Rising Sun.
After the love is gone
what is left?
Earth, Wind and Fire playing "After the
love has gone" live.
Recorded live in Barcelona during the
'Touch The World Tour' Amazing performance!
I can see this as
being a true reality after the soul Vaccination of the nations, the Planet
enters into the pre era of Light and Life, the period of Boogie Wonderland
as the truth reveals itself from the hidden and sets man free from the
fetters of fear and bondage, only the Father in Heaven and his servant
friends can do this in the Divine Legacy of this planet.
A 1979 video of Boogie wonderland by
Earth Wind and Fire for everyone to enjoy - Raynon
The people of the US
can expect and very positive Soul Vaccination in truth. A positive virus
that will spread through the nations into other nations. The Soul
Vaccination of the Sevenfold Trans Universal Government of God on the path
of the tree of Life on track to its cities.
I remember touring
with this band in Australia on the road crew years ago, this song always
touched my heart.
Blood Sweat & Tears - You Make Me So
Very Happy (video clip emailed from an old friend)
Here is the Song long
train running and other inspirational song from the 80s. Reflective of a
long Journey running in the path of the Tree of life in love and service.
Here is an all time
great song from the Doobie Brothers that represents part of the building of
the early foundations of this journey since a teenager growing up. A song
that still perpetuates in the Journey of the Tree of Life in this day of
2010. An experience that comes down from the 70s, a time of great growth for
man in his personal expression through his music.
Here's some validation for us. straight
from the Mother.
"The realms of the finite exist by virtue of the eternal purpose of God.
Finite creatures, high and low, may propound theories, and have done so,
as to the necessity of the finite in the cosmic economy, but in the last
analysis it exists because God so willed. The universe cannot
be explained, neither can a finite creature offer a rational reason for
his own individual existence without appealing to the prior acts and
pre-existent volition of ancestral beings, Creators or procreators."
This should not
The classic ending to the orignal Planet
of the Apes. There are spoilers in this video, so if you've never
seen this movie before you probably shouldn't see this
**SPOILERS: The pointed object at 1:45 is the Statue of Liberty's
torch! The shot after that is the crown!** Note: This video was
I can understand his
fear of the Beast. "get your filthy hands of me". planet of the Apes.
So true and does
reflect what people think around the world.
IN the flood of dramatic diplomatic
cables released by WikiLeaks, there is a disturbing message for
politicians, officials and authorities around the world.
C 2 Q 28
The moon in the middle of the night
>The young sage< alone with his mind has seen it.
His disciples invite him to become immortal. (translation)
His body in the fire. (translation fire)
1 Enoch 92:12
Afterwards, in the seventh week a perverse generation shall arise; abundant
shall be its deeds, and all its deeds perverse. During its completion, the
righteous shall be selected from the plant of everlasting righteousness; and
to them shall be given the sevenfold doctrine respecting every part of his
whole creation,
“The pyramid has three
caves with openings shaped like >>triangles<< on its façade and is filled
with red-hued pipes >leading into the mountain< and a nearby salt water
lake,” says China’s state-run Xinhua agency.
No one seems to know the origin or the
meaning behind a mysterious pyramid that sits atop Mount Baigong in
western China that local legends claim is an alien
Dennis, not to press
the issue too much; but this is a great interview w/Julian. He is so
authentic and has no fear to speak truth to ignorance. He is clear in what
he is about.
I heard on the grape
vine that there might be some negotiation for a 3rd to 1st Eden in 2012 so
Im not sure whether I should retract my push for 1st Eden or not. Im sure
the doco will be along he same lines as the others.
See what happens.
Perry Stone: The Bethlehem Factor, 12/17/2010
I thought this video of Perry Stone was excellent, many many clues and
reflectivity to this journey from the beginning. Note the number 14(77)
and associated with Adam, 14(77) generations to David and David 14(77) to
Jesus and consider his birthdate
is on the 21st(777) Aug 7BC(7). Consider the 14/5/61 birthdate aspect from
Voice of Evangelism, Perry Stone
Ministries, Manna Fest
The current buzz
I thought this was great and a very good
speech by Julian assange. I felt it mirrored some of the flow of speak in
the the Urantia Post fb page thread especially the commonality in the
discussion about the prisoners in the dedication of 1st Eden and his
compliment to the British Westminster System of Justice.
Right on brother! Exactly
in the flow of recent posts in the journey of events.
the Urantia Book. Here in lays the Sevenfold
Instruction concerning 1stEden.
In >>>this rendezvous the cream of the civilization of Urantia was
forgathering.<<<< Without and beyond, the world lay in darkness,
ignorance, and savagery. >>>>Eden was the one bright spot on Urantia;<<<<
it was naturally a dream of lovelines, and >>>>>it soon
became a poem of exquisite and perfected landscape glory.<<<<
Divine Legacy, coming
around in full circle and in great beauty.
How True bro!
Anti Gravity
Dr. Podkletnov;..a real down to Earth
scientist! trying to get liftoff,
Like Oprah Winfrey
said, Australia is like the End of the Yellow Submarine. How true is that
coming from 1st Eden and where the push comes from, Sinim, the great Land of
the South at the Ends of the Earth where djeri(written vertial obelisk) is
written by the Grub in the Tree (djeri) beside the Djurt rocks.
"I find it easy and pleasant to worship one
who is so great and at the same time so affectionately devoted to the
uplifting ministry of his lowly creatures. I naturally love one who is so
powerful in creation and in the control thereof, and yet who is so
perfect in goodness and so faithful in the loving-kindness which
us. I think I would love God just as much if he were not so great and
powerful, as long as he is so good and merciful. We all love the Father
more because of his nature than in recognition of his amazing attributes."
~Testimony of a Divine Counselor on the Nature of God
A quote shared by Joseph Michael from the Urantia Book, Paper 2.5.7
Watch Scooby01ukuk's video about Aliens
& UFOs documentary on
How do you explain
Watch Scooby01ukuk's video about Ghosts
& Spirits documentary on
Mysterious Origins Of
Watch John302's video about mysterious
anciet civilizations documentary on
Researchers in Germany are reporting
that they may have cured a man of HIV infection. If true, that would
represent a scientific advance, but not necessarily a treatment
advance, said researchers familiar with the work.
Wayne sent me this
link to.
A news report from New South Wales Here
in Australia 2009 reporting on CHEMTRAILS!! what more can I say???
Hey wayne sent me this
fabulous Video.
Stacy Westfall riding horse with no
tack. Can your horse do this!?
Is it about the Cities
of the Persian Gulf as well in the presentation of Mankind from the
Beginning? Is it about Dalamatia City and Dilmun/Babel. Is this where we
must look as well as 1stEden. Going deeper into the Past of our Origins! Is
this the Signal from Space for us today?
I can see how 1st Eden
can be the beginnings of "The healing of the Nations"
100.7.18 Jesus was
the perfectly unified human personality. And today, as in Galilee, he
continues to unify mortal experience and to co-ordinate human endeavors. He
unifies life, ennobles character, and simplifies experience. He enters the
human mind to elevate, transform, and transfigure it. It is literally true:
“If any man has Christ Jesus within him, he is a new creature; old things
are passing away; behold, all things are becoming new.”
The object as reported
by the SETI scientist calculates this object heading for this planet on the
Southern Polarity is due to arrive on Dec 15th 2012.
It would be good to set the date of the 3rd expedition for 1st Eden around
this time. It could be earlier due to weather and season.
E.T. does not need to phone home
anymore, someone, or something is on it’s way to earth. SETI
Astrophysicist Craig Kasnov has announced the approach to the Eart
The Urantia Book
The modern age will refuse to accept a religion which is inconsistent with
facts and out of harmony with its highest conceptions of truth, beauty,
and goodness.
(Big clue)
>>>>>The hour is striking for >>>a rediscovery<<< of the true and
>>>original foundations<<< of present-day distorted and compromised
urantia book
No. I came not to take away that which you had from your forefathers but to
show you the perfected vision of that which your fathers saw only in part.
that means the Bible is invloved and must be used for the end times of
To back up the last post here is a fragment
that Jesus himself who will bring us back to the Garden, He will meet us
there. I have no doubt!
10:7-9 When Adam and Eve heard these words from God, they cried a bitter
cry; and Adam entreated God to let him return into the garden, and look at
it a second time. 8 But God said to Adam,
"I have made you a promise; when that promise is fulfilled, I will bring
The Promise of Jesus of Nazareth3:1-2
God said to Adam, "I have ordained on this earth days and years, and
you and your descendants shall live and walk in them, until the days
and years are fulfilled; when I shall send the Word that cr
It seems logical that
Jesus would meet us in 1st Eden in the approach in the ADVENT OF HIS COMING
Now Im trying to find some scriptures that could infer that reality in a
literal sense.
Many Sightings in the
USA lately and unexplained but we know what they are and what they
triangle over Houston
Note the song rapture
in the finish of the Set. Its not a Helicopter.
Have a good day /
At the end of the Day man will have to tend to
his own spiritual vine in the best truth he can find.
Concerning 1st Eden it is highly possible that nothing will happen so you
have go according to your own faith. All words can be spoken but at the
end of the day ts up to man and that's pretty well it. No doubt if there is
something there
man will usurp.
27, 2004 It has now been three months since the earthquake decimated
Bam, killed thousands, and destroyed the historic Citadel of Arg-i-Bam.
Watch Mystery747's video about UFO
landing Japan documentary on
Century 1 verse 69
>The great mountain, seven stadia round,<
After peace, war, famine, flooding.
It will spread far, drowning great countries,
>Even antiquities and their mighty foundations.<
In light of the above and the journey, I can tell that maybe people in the
USA are sensitive to change where people are slowly waking up but in Sinim
the land is asleep apart from very few people.
So what about the
UFOs? eh!
Century 1 verse 69
>The great mountain, seven stadia round,<
After peace, war, famine, flooding.
It will spread far, drowning great countries,
>Even antiquities and their mighty foundations.<
Hey I was thinking the
3rd expedition to 1st Eden should occur on 2012.
Check out this report,
it coming brace eh! But we are prepared for this event aren't we and note
the 3 triangles!!!!!????? a reflection???? of the reality in this journey
mmmmmmm interesting!!
Hey Wayne sent me this link, Its a WIKILEAKS
UFO bombshell coming our way!
Consider, when you read this, the First expedition occured at 1st Eden in
2004. No wonder all is quite on the Western Front, the Government have
been warring against our intergalactic brothers who have arrived for the
revealing of the Kingdom of Heaven event. In
other words the Dilmun/Babel system and the Baalim priests are in trouble.
If true an unprecedented release of UFO
related information is about to happen. Thanks to the eternal
vigilance of Wikileaks a large announcement in regards to
Wayne sent me this
link, I wonder what was idea of killing people inline for unemployment
benfits. The most evil and cowardly act not even animals do this.
Paul Joseph Watson | Armed Forces
staffer sent text message warning acquaintance to stay away from
shopping street.
The waters of the Persian Gulf may be
hiding a lost civilization that could change our understanding of
human history, according to new research.\n
"What do you feel
when you let go of the wheel? Can you take a leap of faith, will you face a
change of pace? There are worlds out there, beyond compare going on a
journey, somewhere far out East, well find the time to show you, wonders
never cease."
Artist :Morcheeba Lyrics : Wonders Never
Cease What do you feel When you let go of the wheel Can you take a
leap of faith Will you face the change of pace There are worlds out
there Beyond compare Going on a journey Somewhere far out east We'll
find the time to show you Wonders never
Theory Points to Civilization Under Persian Gulf
Dec. 11) -- The waters of the Persian Gulf may be hiding a lost civilization
that could change our understanding of human history, according to new
Off there was Brothers
Johnson. Stomp! in what will be the greatest celebration of mankind.
Absolutely Father, we
write the Epic song for the Father in Heaven for 1st Eden and the Beginning.
Reflective of the
relationship of Angels and Man personal to every individual on this planet
and beyond.
I will be waiting for you and the Father in Heaven will meet us all. Love
will bring us back to him in truth and demonstration in the witness.
We know where REAL
LOVE comes from!
The Keys of Enoch
speaks of the vibratory aspect of Music. This Song is for all of us in the
Rich Divine Spirit of Love.
Be the Best, nothing less than wonderful in Sevenfold Splendour.
Occasionally, I drive
to Queensland and pass by Byron Bay, the furthest Eastern part of Australia
near Mt Warning on track to the Gold Coast. All part of the Greater Journey.
How lovely is your
dwelling place. Maranatha Music
How lovely is it Lord!
Be refreshed in the Presence of our Lord
your dwelling place Almighty Lord: There's a hunger deep inside my
soul Only in your presence are my heart and flesh restored, how
lovely is your dwelling place In your courts there's
After 4 years off re
association with Christianity I went to the Mighty United States after
about enjoyed music like this, this music was with me in the early journey
of being a fisher of Fish from the air which led to the path of the Tree of
Life through the Mighty Urantia Book now in the blend with the Bible and the
Books of Religion in the Epic to 1st Eden. Praise the Lord almighty!
©1978, Maranatha! Music Words and Music
by Diana Ball, Soloist of this song is Jack Searle.
I thought is was a
very song it can happening to anyone where dreams come tumbling down BUT not
in a Big Country where you can take your dreams with you on the Mountain
Transport vehicle?
Merkabah (Hebrew: מֶרְכַּבְ ,מרכבה, and
מִרְכֶּבֶת "chariot", derived from the consonantal root r-k-b with
general meaning "to ride") is the throne-chariot of God, the
four-wheeled vehicle driven by four "chayot" (Hebrew: "living
creatures"), each of which has four wings[1] and the four faces of a
I really loved this
song from 1976, I felt this song in my heart.
DIRECTION 1976. Album - READY TO DEAL (1975).
The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of
Enoch®is a textbook that states the issues of the future in
spiritual and scientific prose. The Keys examine the puzzles of life
and give a spiritual explanation as to why we exist in this reality.
In essence, it provides both the scenario of an ongoing past/prese
However this song was
a major influence in my life before the Stylus years, Love was already
making its self known to me laying its foundation that I desired in those
early days. I found this song on my first Chart stopper Album that I had
Released in 1971 was a top 10 hit for
Sherbet featuring Daryl Braithwaite on vocals
Here was another
Melbourne Band in 1975 which was very popular. I have great memories of this
time, I remember them as support act for Creedence Clearwater Revival in
Festival Hall that I saw with my dad at the age 10 I think.
Music from Australia and New Zealand in
the year 1975: Sherbet's promo-video for the hit single 'Summer
Absolutely, Everything
will work out fine in the Path of the Tree of Life.
No worries at all Mate! No Worries at all! 100%
Promo Video 1978 70's soul/pop group
Stylus, the only Australian artists ever released by Motown Records
in the USA. Stylus toured with George Benson,
Here is STYLUS So Much Love.
One of there premier song of Stylus which reflects the Message of the
whole journey of the Tree of Life in attitude with the Father of Heaven in
an almighty love relationship that involves the whole Universe of the
Eternal down to Space time within the brotherhood of Man with the Angels
on this planet and
Peter Cupples performs Leave Me The Rain
live on the Midday Show
Stylus Funky Music
should be remixed in deeper sounds of today's world.
I can relate to this and Bushwalks with God in
contemplation of the Journey of the Tree of Life in the WORLDS BEST KEPT
SECRET, until revealed from the hidden. World Origins from the beginning.
Praise the Lord, thank you Father in Heaven in the greatest EPIC ever in
the history of Mankind in the Revealing of the Sevenfold Trans- Universal
Government of God.
This was the first song I heard of Stylus in
the early 70s. I just loved this song for all my life and when you listen
to the Lyrics of the island in my mind and Heaven Eye you know the song is
more than Make believe, its a reality in the journey of the Tree of Life.
Job 22:30 He shall deliver the island of the innocent: and it is delivered
by the pureness of thine hands.
Martin show early 90's . 70's
soul/pop group Stylus, the only Australian artists ever released by Motown Records in the USA. Stylus toured with George Benson, Average
White Band, Ike & Tina Turner, and Australia's "Little River Band".
Japan's Toshiba-EMI re-issued 3 Stylus CD's in 1998/
Here was an Australian
Band that I was really into when I was growing upo at around 17-18 mark. I
just into that at the time and form some inspirations for the future. This
band was a great influence on me. What ever they are doing I wish them all
the best. Every one of them.
1992 Live Vizard 70's soul/pop group
Stylus, the only Australian artists ever released by Motown Records
in the USA. Stylus toured with George Benson, Average White Band,
Ike & Tina Turner, and Australia's "Little River Band". Japan's
Toshiba-EMI re-issued 3 Stylus CD's in 1998/99.
I remember this from
the early years.
I was watching wierd
or what and there was a story on Orbs some thinks its Electrical discharge
from earth lighting up plasma as the discharge intersect with each other
creating plasma electrical ball. It seemed like a reason thought and was
demonstrated in a lab.