Ever since the
Lucifer rebellion the Edentia Fathers have exercised a special care over
Urantia and the other isolated worlds of Satania. Long ago the prophet
recognized the controlling hand of the Constellation Fathers in the
affairs of nations.

The Bhimbetka rock shelters
(Devanagari: भीमबेटका पाषाण आश्रय) are an archaeological World
Heritage site located in Raisen District in the Indian state of
Madhya Pradesh. The Bhimbetka shelters exhibit the earliest
traces of human life in India; a number of analyses suggest that
at least some of the

A stream of dusty fragments from a
comet born in the outermost reaches of the solar system has hit
the Earth on a path that leads astronomers to conclude the comet
itself could be "potentially hazardous" if it crashes
This is
certainly interesting Report for the carbon tax and climate warming

Global warming predictions have
followed UN models and trends in describing how Earth traps heat
due to carbon dioxide. The increased gases and rising
temperatures would create large amounts of water vapors to
develop into clouds. Those clouds would trap larger amounts of
heat and devastate the pl

From "Diamonds" (2010) I don't own
the copyright on this recording. The video is for entertainment
purposes only.
The Golden Rule
about the Tree
of Life and its following!!
About Thor!
An interesting
side note: after getting the story of Atlantis from the Egyptians, Solon
sailed straight to Cyprus and helped an ancient king there build a city
like the one he had heard about in the story of Atlantis. If he only

I will be traveling to Cyprus in
early June to begin the process of making a documentary about
this work. There have been two major documentaries about it
already, but they weren’t written or produced by me or my team.
It has never been explained properly before, except in book
form, and not too m
I thought this
was interesting.

I thought this
was very intriguing.

They are out there – and they are
back in the Territory. Top End UFO spotters went through a long
UFO dry spell, but after the recent sightings of several strange
phenomena on Territory skies there is no doubt “the guys from
upstairs” are back in our nick of the world.

Smoothjazz - Peter White - Just Give
Me a Chance From CD "Good Day"
something too
look forward to and i believe we are in the flow of the spiritual river
that leads there.
petition with but a single exception: Satan was allowed to make periodic
visits to the apostate princes on the fallen worlds until another Son of
God should be accepted by such apostate worlds, or until such time as
the courts of Uversa should begin the adjudication of the case of
Gabriel vs. Lucifer.
13 Howbeit
when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:
for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that
shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
With the
passing of a decade, Melchizedek organized his schools at Salem,
patterning them on the olden system which had been developed by the
early Sethite priests of the second Eden. Even the idea of a tithing
system, which was introduced by his later convert Abraham, was also
derived from the lingering traditions of the methods of the ancient
In reading "7.
The Further Evolution of Religion" and essentially the whole paper to
give me a better understanding of the religions we have on this planet
and to develop a better attitude perhaps.
I still feel as
little ill, cant do that much but I found this interesting.

French scientists have confirmed
with computer models that Gliese 581d, a planet orbiting a red
dwarf star about 20 light years from here, has a stable
atmosphere, comfortable temperatures, and a surface covered in
liquid water. It's the first planet orbiting another star that
could definitely suppo
Sal-Om Dennis,
Thanks for the connection! Sal-Om means I salute the Divinity, God in
you:) ~~

What was supposed to be a unity
protest in Cairo’s Tahrir Square on Friday turned into a show of
political force by ultra-religious demonstrators, reports.
‘This,’ one young businessman said, ‘is my worst nightmare’

Good tune from the great producer
and musician Paul Brown. From Paul's sophomore solo cd "The
City' this is 'Las Vegas". Enjoy!
It is the
presence of the divine Spirit, the water of life, that prevents the
consuming thirst of mortal discontent and that indescribable hunger of
the unspiritualized human mind.
We are the
Children of Light from 1st Eden and from the cities of the Tree of Life.
"The children of light" search, that we are!
The heavens of
heavens search in the Urantia Book.
The throne of the Infinite is the eternal dwelling place of the Father
in the heaven of heavens; he fills all things and proclaims his laws to
universes upon universes. And the Father also rules within the hearts of
his children on earth by the spirit which he has sent to live within the
souls of mortal men.

Recorded at Pizza Express Jazz Club.
Featuring Michael Lington (Saxophone), Steve Oliver (Guitar),
Marc Parnell (Drums) & Frank Felix (Bass). For details of
I declare the
Sevenfold A Team, bearing out of the garden of 1st Eden, the A teams of
gardeners of truth with the good seeds of truth beauty and goodness from
the Tree of Life out of the Garden out of the Temple of the Father. The
material Paradise symbol that Adam pointed to.
The Master
never said, “Come to me all you who are indolent and all who are
dreamers.” But he did many times say, “Come to me all you who labor, and
I will give you rest — spiritual strength.” The Master’s yoke is,
indeed, easy, but even so, he never imposes it; every individual must
take this yoke of his own free will.
Paradise values
of eternity and infinity, of truth, beauty, and goodness, are concealed
within the facts of the phenomena of the universes of time and space.
But it requires the eye of faith in a spirit-born mortal to detect and
discern these spiritual values.
Its all by
stealth for such an impost usurper religion that even the Most High cant
relate to anymore because its all outdated and in the distant past and
you could never achieve eternal life based on those spiritual usurper
laws. I reckon if you like Sharia Law you go to Iran or some other

Islamic extremists have launched a
poster campaign across the UK proclaiming areas where music,
alcohol, gambling, drugs, porn and prostitution are banned.
The (70 x 7)
The entire above formula was based upon the jubilee/Sabbath structure of
the bible, which occurred in unbroken cycles of seven days or years,
with additional special 7 x 7 (49) days or years, (Lev.23-25). (The 50th
year does not break the regular ongoing cycles; hence, the 50th year is
simply the first year of the next jubilee cycle.)

Daniel 9:24-27 (King James Version)
{24}Seventy weeks [490 Years] are determined upon thy people and
upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to
I found this
quite interesting about Elenin, good to watch in full screen.

(Please note: a "quiet music"
version of this video is available in the 'Video Response'
section of this page - just scroll down) -- (Best to view movie
in F
~My all time favorite~
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace
there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and
clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they
too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are
vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your
own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing
fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of
trickery. But let not this blind you to what virtue there is; many
persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of
heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be
cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do
not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of
fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with
yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and
the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear
to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And
whatever your labors and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken
dreams; it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
~Max Ehrmann, 1927
I have this
really bad virus.
For ages silent
barter continued before men would meet, unarmed, on the sacred market
place. These same market squares became the first places of sanctuary
and in some countries were later known as “cities of refuge.” Any
fugitive reaching the market place was safe and secure against attack.
The Promise of
Restoration and Renewal
14 Again the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, 15 Son of man, thy
brethren, even thy brethren, the men of thy kindred, and all the house
of Israel wholly, are they unto whom the inhabitants of Jerusalem have
said, Get you far from the Lord: unto us is this land given in
circumstances rendered it impossible for the Jews to fulfill their
divine destiny as messengers of the new gospel of religious freedom and
spiritual liberty. They could not break the fetters of tradition.
Jeremiah had told of the “law to be written in men’s hearts,”

Er The quality really sucks but the
song sounds really great :D ^^;
Here am I. And
all this he will do if you refrain from oppression, condemnation, and
vanity. The Father rather desires that you draw out your heart to the
hungry, and that you minister to the afflicted souls;
On normal
worlds the garden headquarters of the violet race becomes the second
center of world culture and, jointly with the headquarters city of the
Planetary Prince, sets the pace for the development of civilization.
Paul also had a
view of the ascendant-citizen corps of perfecting mortals on Jerusem,
for he wrote: “But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the
living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of
angels, to the grand assembly of Michael, and to the spirits of just men
being made perfect.”

Studio musician formed band that
included Chuck Loeb that called themselves 'The V.I.P. Club".
Here's 'Into the Light' from their cd release "Coconut Kiss".
Looks like we
have an companion.

Asteroid Found Locked Into Earth's
Orbit: Meet Our Traveling Companion
Do you think
its a very small meteorite?
Now this youth
was very familiar with these mountains, and he really became much
interested in telling Jesus the way to Phenix, so much so that he marked
out all the trails on the ground and fully explained every detail. But
he was startled and made curious when Jesus, after saying good-bye and
making as if he were taking leave, suddenly turned to him, saying:
Infinite love
Dennis, you makes our world a better place, just because you exist,
filled with so much Love for Life, You are special, infinite love
beloved of life we are infinitely bless, by God and is infinite love of
something to be
aware of.

NASA has warned of a
once-in-a-lifetime ‘space storm’ after the sun wakes ‘from a
deep slumber’ sometime around 2013, causing ‘20 times more
economic damage than Hurricane Katrina’.
The superaphic
custodians of knowledge are the higher “living epistles” known and read
by all who dwell on Paradise. They are the divine records of truth, the
living books of real knowledge.
Talk about
reporting in the lions den.

Watch this video before it is taken
down forever. This might be your last chance!
kick goals
Supreme and
self-acting Adjusters are often able to contribute factors of spiritual
import to the human mind when it flows freely in the liberated but
controlled channels of creative imagination.
John and the
Judgement Seat another example of thought adjuster projection into the
Sevenfold Universe.
John the Revelator called them the four and twenty elders: “And round
about the throne were four and twenty seats, and upon the seats I saw
four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment.”
30 Foot Sea
Creature Washes Up On Uk Beach
Melchizedeks occupy a world of their own near Salvington, the universe
headquarters. This sphere, by name Melchizedek, is the pilot world of
the Salvington circuit of >seventy primary spheres,< each of which is
encircled by >six tributary spheres< devoted to specialized activities.
These marvelous spheres — >seventy primaries and 420 tributaries —
<(note the patterning eh!)
All patterns of
reality occupy space on the material levels, but spirit patterns only
exist in relation to space; they do not occupy or displace space,
neither do they contain it. But to us the master riddle of space
pertains to >the pattern of an idea.<
The kingdoms of
this world, being material, may often find it necessary to employ
physical force in the execution of their laws and for the maintenance of
order. In the kingdom of heaven true believers will not resort to the
employment of physical force.
The purpose of
religion is not to satisfy curiosity about God but rather to afford
intellectual constancy and philosophic security, to stabilize and enrich
human living by blending the mortal with the divine, the partial with
the perfect, man and God. It is through religious experience that man’s
concepts of ideality are endowed with reality.

Watch Unitb166er's video about
United States Drone Attacks in_ Somalia documentary on
Elenin: The
"cluster" and the hour of truth. Confusion at NASA.
Hello Dear
Dennis .I remenber you and thanks for writting interesting things and
for teaching us .Thousand hugs and I send you so much LOVE my dear
friend .MARCIA
Mankind should
understand that we who participate in the revelation of truth are very
rigorously limited by the instructions of our superiors. We are not at
liberty to anticipate the scientific discoveries of a thousand years.
Watch this
video from the perspective of the Fathers Temple in 1st Eden and
consider the change it does bring about if there was full focus. Imagine
the anger!!!! and not the clues, the beginning and foundations of the

This is yet another chuck missler
commentary i decided to upload and share with the world. The
most logical and thought out briefing i have ever heard on the
end-time events.

Recorded at the Pizza Express Jazz
Club in London. Featuring Brian Simpson (Keyboards), Randy
Jacobs (Guitar), Frank Felix (Bass) & Marc Parnell (Drums). For
as a group, must never concern themselves with anything but religion,
albeit any one such religionist, as an individual citizen, may become
the outstanding leader of some social, economic, or political
reconstruction movement.
And these men
'dug the well'-that well whereof it is written, 'Princes digged it,
nobles of the people delved it, with the aid of a mehoqeq' [Num. 21.18].
The 'well' in question is the Law. They that 'digged' are those of
Israel who repented and departed from the land of Judah to sojourn in
the land of Damascus'. *
Before the
Sanhedrist court Jesus declined to make replies to the testimony of
perjured witnesses. There was but one question which would always elicit
an answer, whether asked by friend or foe, and that was the one
concerning the nature and divinity of his mission on earth.

Considering the musical journey that
Brian Hughes has been on since becoming one of Contemporary
Jazz's most popular guitarists, it's beautifully appropriate
seems to be
much Orb action going on.

But it is clear that Swedish
treasure hunters found a giant circle on the Baltic seabed. The
bay was a mirror in the morning on June 19. Six of the nine crew
members aboard the fishing vessel lake was s
This might be
the influence that drove the guy to murder innocent people.

Watch Remanuelli's video about
norway freemason murders documentary on Disclose.tv
Whose is up for
a 3rd expedition to 1st Eden? to bring the truth to the heart and soul
of Man demonstrated. Who wants to rid the confusion of this planet in
discovery and recognition?

The blond killer of at least 93
people in Norway sees himself as a righteous crusader on a
mission to save European "Christendom" from a tide of Islam.
check out this
as a true scene in the past like we see in the movies.
No wonder the
Greeks had mythological traditions that they were directly descended
from gods and superhuman beings.

Voice of Evangelism, Perry Stone
Ministries, Manna Fest
Even the
compass needle is responsive to this solar influence since it turns
slightly to the east as the sun rises and slightly to the west as the
sun nears setting. This happens every day,
“This new
kingdom is like a seed growing in the good soil of a field. It does not
attain full fruit quickly. There is an interval of time between the
establishment of the kingdom in the soul of man and that hour when the
kingdom ripens into the full fruit of everlasting righteousness and
eternal salvation.

Pine Bush, NY and 80+ other places
have this same kind - been around for decades apparently (see
pinebushufo.com). This type morphs shape from small fireball
I'm still
confused with Elenin.

Elenin is a very dangerous cosmic
object. Sometimes we need to watch what an object does as well
as watching the object while looking for clues. Elenin is not
visible to the naked eye, but does appear to have an EM effect
on our solar system at distances of 14+ AUs. Elenin is also
dangerous because

A mysterious ice ball has appeared
in Milovice forest in the Czech Republic, with some reports
suggesting it could be an 'alien' object.

THE 32-year-old suspected of
massacring at least 80 young people at a summer camp and setting
off a bomb in downtown Oslo that killed at least seven is a
mystery to investigators: a right-winger with anti-Muslim views
but no known links to hardcore extremists.

Recorded at Pizza Express Jazz Club.
Featuring Bob Baldwin (Keyboards), Steve Oliver (Guitar), Marc
Parnell (Drums) & Frank Felix (Bass). For details of upco
Jeremiah 22:19
He shall be buried with the burial of an ass, drawn and cast forth
beyond the gates of Jerusalem.

Studio musician formed band that
included Chuck Loeb that called themselves 'The V.I.P. Club".
Here's 'Into the Light' from their cd release "Coconut Kiss".
All Paradise
conduct is wholly spontaneous, in every sense natural and free. But
there still is a proper and perfect way of doing things on the eternal
Isle, and the directors of conduct are ever by the side of the
>>“strangers within the gates”<<
If this video
is fair dinkum, I reckon that is a Midwayer in semi physical
demonstration and I feel I can hear the pattering of footsteps in

Watch Djdamm's video about
dimesional being mystery documentary on Disclose.tv
Here are some
thoughts of the CMEs of the Sun.

Gigantic Object discovered near our
Sun - The Solar Anvil Six weeks of solar activity - timelapse
from June 1. 2011 to July 12. 2011 Composit of images from
What! a UFO in
good ole Melbourne, cool!
Is there more
to the bomb blast in Norway?
Thanks for
accepting my Friendship

Watch Ghost32's video about Retired
USAF Major George Filer Discloses His Alien Contact documentary
on Disclose.tv
Check this out
and consider the journey of the True of Life from Eden and Dalamatia
City in this day as war and deception rages on!
5 triangles
within each other
and here you
go, the persecutions of the Christians have begun and we support these
people and they betray.
All judicial
problems are first reviewed by the council of the Melchizedeks. Twelve
of this order who have had certain requisite experience on the
evolutionary planets and on the system headquarters worlds are empowered
to review evidence, digest pleas, and formulate provisional verdicts,
which are passed on to the court of the Most High, the reigning
Constellation Father.

ExplorersWeb by explorers. The world

Recorded at the Pizza Express Jazz
Club in London. Featuring Brian Simpson (Keyboards), Randy
Jacobs (Guitar), Frank Felix (Bass) & Marc Parnell (Drums). For
How about this
for 7 & 8, Seven8 metaphor concerning the Seventh and the Eighth bases
in out DNA. Amazing timing, interesting parallel.
"Now, with a finding published online in the July 21, 2011, issue of the
journal Science, "

For decades, scientists have known
that DNA consists of four basic units -- adenine, guanine,
thymine and cytosine. Those four bases have been taught in
science textbooks and have formed the basis of the growing
knowledge regarding how genes code for life. Yet in recent
history, scientists have expa
Even his human
mind is saying good-bye to the throne of David. Step by step this human
mind follows in the path of the divine.
2 Kings 19:31
>>For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant,<< and>> they that
escape out of mount Zion:<<>> the zeal of the Lord of hosts shall do
knowing the truth and being of the spirit of the Lord. Its the Spirit of
the Lord that gives life drinking of the living waters of the tree of
Life. For me that is the Joy of the Lord and knowing him as a friend.
disclose.tv/ seems off-line. oh well.
1 Kings 8:1
Then Solomon assembled the elders of Israel, and all the heads of the
tribes, the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel, unto king
Solomon in Jerusalem, that >>>they might bring up the ark of the
covenant of the Lord<> out of the city of David, which is Zion.<< and
Eden qualifies.
Matthew 1:17
So all the generations from Abraham to David are >fourteen generations;<
and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are >fourteen
generations;< and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are
>fourteen generations.<
Zechariah 2:7
Deliver thyself, O Zion, that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon.
Micah 4:10
>Be in pain, and labour to bring forth, O daughter of Zion,<> like a
woman in travail: for now shalt thou go forth out of the city, and thou
shalt dwell in the field,< and> thou shalt go even to Babylon;<> there
shalt thou be delivered; there the Lord shall redeem thee from the hand
of thine enemies.<
Looks like the
Red triangles out near the Sun. I hope its not some data flaw.
See its just
another pride and prejudice filled scam with spiritual arrogance that
should go back where it came from simply. Just go back home if you dont
like Dogs and pets, Don't spread your false lies here and impose on
Western free civilisation.

Two Islamic organizations based in
Lerida have asked the City Council to enact local rules to
prohibit the presence of dogs in both city buses and in some
areas frequented mostly by Muslims, as dogs are considered
“unclean” in Islam.
I don't know
about these guys either, Look around and what are they trying to do. I
don't believe NATO and Western Civilisation is the enemy, whilst things
can and will evolve, the enemy is the one spreading false light to usurp
you in the spirit under the threat of fear and innuendo and killing
everything under the Sun.

NATO is looking into claims that
hackers have breached its security and accessed scads of
material so confidential the hacker group itself deemed it
irresponsible to publish them all, despite a series of
international raids Tuesday designed to corral the hacking
I tend to
believe this researcher more than all these other characters with there
doomsday outlook. Elenin will pass by, I will greet Elenin nice to meet
you and pass by no worries at all.

Astronomer and blogger Ian Musgrave
from South Australia has been active in debunking the
misinformation and nonsense that is being disseminated about
Comet Elenin. He has written several wonderful posts featuring
the actual realities of this long-period lump of dirty
To Friendship!

OF ❤ SUSAN and RAB ❤ ⋱ ⋮ ⋰ ⋯❤⋯ ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ Listen to the Voice Of
Love from within you hear it. a still, small voice that st
Its all in the
fruits that lead to personality extinction and never entering the
eternal. This is the penalty of Sin and rebellion in light of the truth
of the Most High today.

Smooth Jazz saxophonist Euge Groove
releases his sixth solo CD, Sunday Morning. He calls it an
expansion of his last CD, Born 2 Groove, which features the cu

From the album Hi-Lo Split Slideshow
photos are grabbed from General Luna's Facebook page.
its a spiritual
scam in order to enlarge the foothold. Its all emotional blackmail based
on untruth. I think its should sent back home, this false light system
and Australia and the USA should be more altruistic about these things
because its not good as we can see in the fruit of there witness unto
spiritual slavery.

The victim of an alleged Sharia Law
assault has admitted he is suffering from a drinking problem.
i prefer this
than all the Lord Rael stuff. There are for clues in this than the
Templar armies which again is the distant past and is not part of today
except in the minds of a few.

Who or what is the Anti-Christ? When
will the Anti-Christ appear or is he already here? Where does
this mysterious Beast power come from? Does the Bible t
Lord Rael is
going Gangsta.
But is it really the spirit of the Jesus Sovereign to be Gangsta like
this, honestly at this time. I still prefer to be part of an Army of
simply Gardeners spreading the good seed of good news all over the
place. Far more relaxing.

On May 22nd, Lord Ra-El said He
would chastise the Christians in America. On May 23rd, He
devastated the heart of the "Bible Belt" with tornadoes. This
Then you have
this, Man O man! War and why? Do any normal family of any nation really
want to go to war? How about we all learn something about the ultimate
truth which is on approach from the beginning!

Whether this goes critical in
September, or at some time in the future is of no matter. War is
coming to the world, as it always does when the economies of
empires collapse and national interests over resources collide.
These companies
are taking steps to reduce the risk of holding Treasury bonds >>or
angling for ways to make profits from any possible upheaval.<< And even
if a deal is reached in Washington, some in the industry fear that the
dickering has already harmed the country’s market credibility.

Lawmakers in Washington are racing
to reach a deal to save the country from defaulting on its debt,
but financial players are devising doomsday plans in case the
clock runs out.
Dennis, I
appreciate the connection. ♫•♥Namaste♥•♫

New data reveals a ‘super-Earth’
next door, astronomically speaking
Modern society
is in reverse. Slavery has nearly disappeared; domesticated animals are
passing. >>>Civilization is reaching back to fire — the inorganic world
— for power.<<<
I just watched
a ridiculous Video on the Dajjal apparently they think the eye in the
triangle is the sign of Dajjal. Well you know the design of Dalamatia
City, Dilmun/Babel and Vans Highland places are all triangle and circle
I thought I
would do a search in the Urantia Book and find out whether Monogamy was
consistent with Universal Law and whether it is the right way for future
destiny of mankind and his civilisation.

Watch Gloomylunatic's video about
Federal Reserve BANK CON exposed documentary on Disclose.tv
By contrast to
the journey of the tree of life and its cities from the beginning look
at this article in spirit by contrast you and you tell me where the
truth of the Sevenfold Universe lays.

Iran says it will continue resisting
its arrogant enemies until their annihilation.
When I read the
Odes of Solomon to me its like reading about this journey of the Tree of
Life from 1st Eden and with heart and Soul. I gravitate to the Odes of
Solomon such a brilliant and true book, a truly wise book that makes
many references to the beginning.
Ode of Solomon
Ode 41
8 All those will be astonished that see me, For from another race am I;
The goal of
eternity is ahead! The adventure of divinity attainment lies before you!
The race for perfection is on! whosoever will may enter, and >>>>certain
victory will >crown the efforts of every human being who will run the
race of faith and trust,<<<
Odes of Solomon
Ode 9
9 A stone of great price is it; and there have been wars on account of
the crown.
I come forth
from the Eternal, and I have repeatedly returned to the presence of the
Universal Father. I know of the actuality and personality of the First
Source and Center, the Eternal and Universal Father.

Such a smooth and mellow piano
piece. From his CD, 'Sacred Roots'.
The Stone.
The Gospel of
Thomas 18 declares
>>>"Tell us how our end will be." Jesus said, "Have you discovered,
then, the beginning, that you look for the end?<<
>> For where the beginning is, there will the end be.>>Blessed is he who
will take his place in the beginning;<<>> he will know the end and will
not experience death,"<<<

One of the best of many gems from
the guitar of Chuck Loeb. Chuck Loeb (born 1955 Nyack, New York)
is a guitarist who performs numerous styles of music, most
Ode 8
>>1 Open ye, open ye your hearts to the exultation of the Lord: 2 And
let your love be multiplied from the heart and even to the lips, 3 To
bring forth fruit to the Lord, living [fruit], holy [fruit], and to talk
with watchfulness in His light.<<
>> 4 Rise up, and stand erect, ye who sometime were brought low: 5 Tell
forth ye who were in silence, that your mouth hath been opened.<<<
Ode 7
>>>1 As the impulse of anger against evil, so is the impulse of joy over
what is lovely, and brings in of its fruits without restraint:<> 2 My
joy is the Lord and my impulse is toward Him: this path of mine is
excellent:<> 3 For I have a helper, the Lord. 4 He hath caused me to
know Himself, without grudging, by His simplicity:<<
>>12 And the
end was revealed before thee:<<>> for what thou gavest, thou gavest
freely: <<
13 So that thou mayest not draw them back and take them again: >>14 For
all was revealed before thee as God, and ordered from the beginning
before thee: and thou, O God, hast made all things. Hallelujah,<<

Read 'Police: Phone-hacking
whistleblower found dead' on Yahoo! News. Police say Sean Hoare,
the whistleblower reporter who alleged widespread hacking at the
News of the World, has been found dead.
Mark of the
definitely some
action going on there.
I note the
timeline of the TRIANGLE, 2011-7-16 and time 3:46:05, rearrange, 3456,
notably 3 & 456 sequence, 3+4+5+6=18(666) at the triangle.
Universal Reflectivity!

Watch Parapsychologis's video about
Sharia Law and Jihad documentary on Disclose.tv
7. The circles
of the finaliters have a unique structure at the center. And this same
vacant temple is found on every system headquarters world throughout
reflectivity of
the Soul and following reflectivity as I have seen, Ive seen
Here is a big
secret and mystery
4. The mystery
religions. Upon such a spiritually hungry world a flood of mystery cults
had broken, new and strange religions from the Levant, which had
enamored the common people and had promised them individual salvation.
These religions rapidly became the accepted belief of the lower classes
of the Greco-Roman world.
Because of the
presence in your minds of the Thought Adjuster, it is no more of a
mystery for you to know the mind of God than for you to be sure of the
consciousness of knowing any other mind, human or superhuman.
It should be
made clear that professions of loyalty to the supreme ideals — the
psychic, emotional, and spiritual awareness of God-consciousness — may
be a natural and gradual growth or may sometimes be experienced at
certain junctures, as in a crisis.
Joseph was not
of the line of King David. Mary had more of the Davidic ancestry than
Joseph. True, Joseph did go to the City of David, Bethlehem, to be
registered for the Roman census,
I personally
believe Jesus had NO progeny because that was not part of his mission. I
think people have over blown the close friendship Jesus had with Mary
Magdalene in suspicion.
Thats what I
mean by the beauty of our civilisations that we can express and be
ourselves from our heart, as an Iraqi elderly man said last night in an
interview being in Australia is being in Paradise by contrast. That was
his witness.

AFP - Iran has arrested another
female reporter wanting to cover the women's football World Cup
in Germany, a press report said on Sunday, saying she was being
held in Tehran's notorious Evin jail.
how to get rid of it
Once you are on the internet, click the menu button, select downloads.
This will bring up a list with all of your downloads and then click and
hold (similar to when deleting call history). After a few seconds it
will give you the option to save or delete. Click delete.
I don't know
what's happening here, I though just simply light exposure or the sun
piercing cloud cover, with the ball I'm not sure what that is?

Watch Dodgedemon71's video about
ship orbs space moon sun ufos documentary on Disclose.tv

Something big is going on at Giza,
and the internet is on fire with speculation about it. The
internet is abuzz with the news about new findings in the Great
Pyramid on Egypt's Giza Plateau. It has been reported that
strange markings have been found inside what many of the news
reports have been cal

JAKARTA — An Indonesian volcano saw
its biggest eruption in weeks on Sunday, sending huge clouds of
ash 3,500 metres (11,500 feet) into the sky, an official said.
7/15/2011 --
6.0 magnitude earthquake in Chile, plates are moving quickly
Still going
after all these years Dennis hope all is well bro.:)

[A] long narrow peninsula—almost an
island—projecting westward from the eastern shores of the
Mediterranean Sea.The coast line of this land mass was
considerably elevated, and the neck connecting with the mainland
was only twenty-seven miles wide at the narrowest
Tablet 99
The Targum
from the Beginnings and Facebook timeline