» Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:05 pm
Here is the latest crop circle from Italy.
Di Margherita Campaniolo
Data: 05/06/09

Apparently it has the same pattern as this

Its all to do with the Kingdom of Heaven.
Note the Local System Headquarters Symbol in the
Apex of the triangle, the Universe Symbol of Government.
sevens » Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:42 am
Hey Physco Bunny
I really appreciate your images of the hill and crop circle in the background
such a beautiful area and a place I would like to visit in the future. I think
your tours would be absolutely intriguing and one would learn much.
I was wondering the crop circle markings in the back ground was that man made?
You mentioned you noticed a couple of people making the circles. Is that the
circle your referring to?
I also noticed the symbol to ward of Evil used in the past, I find it
incredible that a German crop circle would highlight a symbol used readily in
England. I'm thinking did the Germans in Hesse in the past used the same
symbol with the same purpose in there area?
I see many commonalities in all the crop circles such as the commonality of
the White Horse, the threefold ancient symbol and the Sevenfold symbols. I ask
myself what are telling us throughout all the direct and indirect associated
symbols. I have an idea but it has to be verified.
I think the more we seriously ask questions and wonder these things the more
they will respond in helping us to understand. I'm sure they could tell us
directly. However, I feel point of it is faith where it pushes us to question
many things which I feel is the purpose of the symbols, to make us think
particularly on there level in the current planetary reality we find ourselves
in. To find synchronicity of there thoughts and intention and to help us
decipher a message that will occur at the change of an Age. But man has to
work this out for himself because it involves a spiritual journey that
determine our future destiny.
I'm absolutely sure it has all to do with the destiny of the planet and its
inhabitants and what the future beholds.
Physco Bunny, I really appreciate and enjoy your input on these things. I hope
soon we will both realize the truth of the matter together as the truth
Thanks for being on this study journey. I like the company and Im interested
in your worthy input and I respect your input greatly.
All the best
» Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:46 am
Physco Bunny
I also mentioned earlier that the crop circle
design from Hesse in Germany resembled the marks used to ward off witches
in one part of the West Country.
When I found the Uffington/Wayland's Smithy photos, I also found 2 snaps
of one example from a stone surround to a window barn in one village.
Every window had this design carved there. This village was rather
superstitious, and it had historical grounds to be cautious about the
supernatural. It had a twin village - like many in the Cotswolds. After
the ravages of the Black Death, the other village lost so many people it
was left abandoned. Stones from the houses of the dead were recycled to be
used in new constructions.
Just fascinating and completely intriguing.
» Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:52 am
crazymonkie_ wrote:Oh yeah- I
think I've seen that symbol before. Can't remember where, though.
Thanks for joining in, I'm curious where you found the symbol and in relation
to what.
Thanks for your input, it would be good to work out the mystery.
I have a feeling all the crop circles and the commonality of the Sevenfold
aspects of the symbols has all to do with the
Seventh/Sevenfold mystery
mentioned in revelation and I think the opening of the Seven Seals is
connected in the opening of the Seven Sealed book that only one man opens with
the Universal Governments help.
I personally think the rider of the White Horse is a human
figure who is the Abaddon he is a Father/Teacher figure who walk with the
Father of Heaven and does his will and holds the key to Judgment by activating
through his work, Judgment and the arrival of the Universal Government.
Abaddon to me is the Rider and holders of the keys like breaking the Seventh
Mystery through a personal daily experience throughout all the books of
religion in the testing of the Urantia Book, the new revelation for mankind by
the Father in Heaven. Abaddon appears to be one and same person that
revelations speak of related to the Seven Seals and Seventh Mystery. That's my
thought but hey, that can change to as the evidence reveals itself. I'm going
on those hunches!
sevens » Sun Jun 07,
2009 8:57 am
In reflection, there has been much that has been
revealed and with much speculation, To prove what I say and to know that I am
close to the truth of the matter of the End Days or a change of an Age I put
it in the Universal Government hands that the next crop circle should confirm
beyond all human abilities a crop circle that would completely and utterly
confirm this journey of the ancient cities in all the symbolism that we are
familiar with in this epic journey.If
all is right in the thoughts, the next crop circle should reveal this utterly
where its convincing. It should be the best circle ever and the biggest and
behold all the symbolism....a real giant one that no man could make in one
summers night.
Like covering 4 whole fields, an absolute giant!
Something that Government would be interested in.
and to spice it up a bit what about if the Symbol
was the Jane Lead symbol.
Jane Lead means alot to me because I discovered she
wrote about the Office of the end days opening after I opened the Office of
the Messiah! There are many things that she wrote about which concerns this
actual journey to the ancient places and actually gives some advice in some
ways in her writings. She writes much about many characteristics of this
journey of the End Times or change of an Age or an revelatory spiritual Uplift
of an Age. This age comes in To accelerate us perhaps to prepare us for a
judgment now or in a thousand years time but I think now because we will not
get there in a thousand years at this rate?

Ok I count 25 circles in the Jane Lead symbol
where have had 24 current reported crop circles requesting another confirming
the symbols. See what occurs.
I give that thought up to the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven.
You know the Queen of England being the Head of
the Church of England would be interested in the reception of the Universal
Sovereign of this Universe, Jesus. I believe the UK and its citizens and all
the forefathers throughout history throughout one of the Last Kingdoms of this
planet today would be very interested in arrival of the Kingdom of Heaven in
full glory for ever more. Wouldn't it be good if the UK, one of the last
kingdoms on Earth actually supports and acknowledges the Universal Sovereign
in his arrival. From one Kingdom to another where its Sovereigns meet in the
first contact of a truly Universal and Spiritual uplift. A kingdom that would
survive throughout the Judgment process and I say No worries mate! Truly a
Kingdom where its sovereigns (hopefully) would lead its people and the
Commonwealth to safety in the Sevenfold way.
all the past would be interested in the reception of the Sovereign of this
For evermore.
» Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:15 am
'It's raining shapes every day'
John Vidal on the bizarre revival of crop circles - and advice on how to make
your own
Friday, 05 June 2009
As of yesterday, there have been more than 20
major formations spotted. Potts, who could claim to be something of an
expert on the subject, has a hunch that this will be a good summer for
circles: "The crops are not true enough yet. Weather permitting, I'd say
the best ones will start now. In the next two weeks there should be a
burst of activity."
Francine Blake, who founded the Wiltshire crop circle study group in 1995,
shares Potts's optimism. She and other self-appointed investigators
identify, measure, photograph, and report on all formations. They go
circle-spotting at night in likely places, send crop stalks for chemical
analysis in university laboratories (yes, really), and have more than
6,000 crop circles on their database.
She was excited by the jellyfish: "It's
fantastic. When we look at it, it's got seven
small circles, or moon shapes. It's describing the magnetic
field of Earth," she says. She too is optimistic about the summer ahead:
"This year started much earlier. There's one every day now. It is very
intense already. I have never seen such complex designs in rape in all my
years of studying this subject. Usually, the season starts with a nice
little pattern, a tri-petal flower or such like, one or maybe two in rape
if we are lucky. But this year they are big, complex and numerous right
from the start."
"What does this mean?" Blake asks on her blog. "It means that we
have to take note that something extraordinary is happening. Crop circles
are not normal occurrences, they do not fit in too well with our usual
beliefs. This of course is not to everyone's liking - it is not easy to
face the unknown."
From this you may gather that Blake eschews more prosaic explanations for
the circles. In fact the professional circle world divides neatly. One
hemisphere is occupied by questors, spiritualists and paranormalists, such
as Blake; the other by makers, tricksters and artists.
The first group can tell from post-holes, foot tracks, and other clear
signs that the majority are made by humans. But they argue that many crop
circles - perhaps 20% - defy rational explanation. Their research suggests
that "true circles" are created in a very few minutes by a blast of
energy. According to some, the crop cells become swollen and are bent down
at the nodes, or joints. Others say the cellular structure of the plants
is affected and that the composition of the soil is altered. A few
circles, they say, display a phenomenal level of complexity and would be
difficult to draw on paper, let alone in a field after dark.
Blake dismisses any idea that the phenomenon is driven by art or by money.
"Something important is happening. It's raining shapes every day now.
Nothing man-made could be like this. That's why people can't get their
heads round it
sevens » Sun Jun 07,
2009 11:49 pm
Hi Physco Bunny
I really appreciate your work, I have briefed through it but when I get back I
will go through it more thoroughly but it is truly intriguing the work on
Its interesting regarding types, that in ancient Greek history Dionysus had a
Son called Dionysus the Younger or Dennis the Younger and who was actually
taught by Plato himself and consider I with the same name (dropping the er)
today being involved in the Discovery of Atlantis or the Discovery of 1stEden
realizing this a connection in type back to the past in actual name that has
connection to Plato directly. The great year of Plato today stimulated that
realization that occurred only about one month ago.
Consider 1stEden of Cyprus is the Atlantis of the Med 38,000 years ago and
Dalamatia City(500,000), the first Atlantis in the Persian Gulf that I
discovered in June 26th 2007 to me is an amazing connection in today's reality
having name connections in ancient Greek Culture.
Are we part of prophecy today in its unfolding?
I have to go.
» Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:32 am
No problem whatever you think lets see if anything
further occurs.
When I reveal my thoughts, just note I'm only probing to see if there is a
connection. thats all!
What I'm doing is setting up a scenario in words and in a purpose built
timeline for a response and perhaps confirmation.
Crazy and outlandish as it seems, Its a set up from my part.
If nothing happen that relates no worries I can understand that but if
something reveals itself??
what if????? What then?????
The next couple of weeks will be crucial to this individual journey.
sevens » Mon Jun 08,
2009 3:37 am
crazymonkie_ wrote:
sevens wrote:
crazymonkie_ wrote:Oh
yeah- I think I've seen that symbol before. Can't remember where,
Thanks for joining in, I'm curious where you found the symbol and in
relation to what.
I see it in the face of every child. In the breaking of the dawn of each
In case you can't tell, I'm being sarcastic.
I said I don't know. How can I show what I can't remember?
Thanks for your input, it would be good to
work out the mystery.
Nah, not so much a mystery. I have a feeling I probably read it in
something published by Llewellyn (surprise, surprise.) So basically just
more pseudo-historical Theosophy BS. I'm really sure it wasn't any
reputable book or article (IE: from someone who doesn't talk about 'magick'
or keep acting like crop circles haven't been debunked at least a
half-dozen times).
No problem, no worries I understand how you
I don't have any problem with that.
See what occurs!
By the way, this journey is not theosophy crap and
neither is the Urantia Book as that comes directly from the Kingdom of Heaven.
This is pure Monotheistic religion in your face. No UN backed Theosophy here
including Doctrines and Dogmas. For that you have to go to the UN for
Sophistry and to a church for doctrines and dogmas. I think this real stuff
action, on the run as we go probing and exploring thoughts based on what is
written and we find and connect in the physical. This has never happened
before to this extent in religion or to any other confusing Lucifer Sophistry
that will never save a thing.
Essentially this is the biggest thing that has ever occurred in Monotheistic
religion. Ever! and Jesus, the Sovereign is right behind this as part of his
personal ministry.
sevens » Mon Jun 08,
2009 3:40 am
charleslemartel wrote:
Chiclets wrote:This
thread needs some some good recipes
Just make them full of esoteric symbols and
Like a recipe for a Sevenfold Cake for the arrival.
Well if there is truth in this, I say to the Universal Government bring on a
giant crop circle for the benefit of the Atheist and for the religionist alike
and confirm the journey. No worries mate!
sevens » Mon Jun 08,
2009 4:41 am
Sorry man, thats just the way it is.
You will have to go somewhere else to get the English you want to read.
I can't help you here.
see ya
sevens » Mon Jun 08,
2009 4:48 am
Don't worry about it mate, you will not get what
you want regarding good English here.
You'll just have to wade through it and if you cant follow it, just move on to
another thread that will give you the English satisfaction you desire.
I'm just a bloke from the Bush, not a English writer and never will be.
Then again we are both capable of English mistakes and errors especially in
spelling...."magick'" aren't we both! Any other vulnerabilities that you would
like to express?
» Mon Jun 08, 2009 4:54 am
crazymonkie_ wrote:Ok, let me put
it another way.
I've been reading Sartre's "Being and Nothingness" in translation from the
French, and I can understand what he's saying better than what you're
It's about CLARITY. I can't even dig out what the hell you're trying to
If I need to write a book in the traditional way, I will call on you to be a
co author and you can help me.
sevens » Mon Jun 08,
2009 5:06 am
I cant understand why you're so hostile.
Big deal! I don't care about what you think about the English.
Anyway, what type of a book are you writing about?
Is your book about your own sophistry BS? and can it be proven whatever the
content is?
Have ever tried to test the English in the Urantia Book?
or is it like, I cant read that with crossed
sevens » Mon Jun 08,
2009 6:30 am
Since we are speaking Symbol relating to the crop
Here is some information from the Urantia Book aboiut the 3 concentric circles
that might shed light on some of the symbols seen in the crop circles.
Word search on "Symbol" in the Urantia Book. Melchizedek is the founder of
Jerusalem and is directly connected to Jerusem the Local systems capital.
line 46: In personal appearance, Melchizedek resembled the then blended Nodite
and Sumerian peoples, being almost six feet in height and possessing a
commanding presence. He spoke Chaldean and a half dozen other languages. He
dressed much as did the Canaanite priests except that on his
breast he wore an emblem of three concentric circles,
the Satania symbol of the Paradise Trinity. In the course of his
ministry this insignia of three concentric circles became regarded as so sacred
by his followers that they never dared to use it, and it was soon forgotten with
the passing of a few generations.
line 59: The symbol of the three concentric circles, which Melchizedek adopted
as the insignia of his bestowal, a majority of the people interpreted as
standing for the three kingdoms of men, angels, and God. And they were allowed
to continue in that belief; very few of his followers ever knew that
these three circles were emblematic of the infinity,
eternity, and universality of the Paradise Trinity of divine maintenance and
direction; even Abraham rather regarded this symbol as standing for
the three Most Highs of Edentia, as he had been instructed that the three Most
Highs functioned as one. To the extent that Melchizedek taught the Trinity
concept symbolized in his insignia, he usually associated it with the three
Vorondadek rulers of the constellation of Norlatiadek.
sevens » Mon Jun 08,
2009 6:39 am
This is what I am expecting and I believe the
revealing of the Magnetar system and the crop circles are related.
line 162:
The rebellion has ended on
Jerusem]. It ends on the fallen worlds as fast as divine Sons arrive. We
believe that all rebels who will ever accept mercy have done so. We await
the flashing broadcast that will deprive these traitors of personality
existence. We anticipate
the verdict of Uversa will be announced by the executionary
broadcast which will effect the annihilation of these interned rebels.
Then will you look for their places, but they shall not be found. "And
they who know you among the worlds will be astonished at you; you have
been a terror, but never shall you be any more."
And thus shall all of
these unworthy traitors "become as though they had not been." All
await the Uversa decree.
Today, I wonder which individuals are the "unworthy
traitors" on this planet and who strive to keep man in spiritual
bondage for their own ends. I think the world controllers like the Banks have
betrayed the trust of mankind in their duty of care by using usury as a weapon
of bondage against mankind in selfishness.
Usury does not exist in the Universe at large, its only on this planet that it
exists. So who is out of step in the truth living the life of untruth and
deception? the last rebel domain!
I suppose someone could write a good English book about that.
and this extract
Satan could come to Urantia because you had no Son of
standing in residence--neither Planetary Prince nor Material Son. Machiventa
Melchizedek has since been proclaimed vicegerent Planetary Prince of
Urantia, and the opening of the case of Gabriel vs. Lucifer has
signalized the inauguration of temporary planetary regimes on all the
isolated worlds. It is true that Satan did periodically visit Caligastia
and others of the fallen princes right up to the
time of the presentation of these revelations, when there occurred the first
hearing of Gabriel's plea for the annihilation of the archrebels.
Satan is now unqualifiedly detained on the Jerusem prison worlds.
Since Michael's final bestowal no one in all Satania has
desired to go to the prison worlds to minister to the interned rebels. And
no more beings have been won to the deceiver's cause. For nineteen hundred
years the status has been unchanged.
We do not look for a removal of the present Satania
restrictions until the Ancients of Days make
final disposition of the archrebels. The system circuits will not be
reinstated so long as Lucifer lives. Meantime, he is wholly inactive.
sevens » Mon Jun 08,
2009 7:07 am
I'm looking for the design of the Broadcast circuits that may
give us a clue to the current symbols of the circles. ... ine=68#mfs
The superuniverse and Paradise-Havona broadcasts are
received on Jerusem in liaison with Salvington and by a technique
involving the polar crystal, the sea of glass. In addition to provisions
for the reception of these extra-Nebadon communications, there are three
distinct groups of receiving stations.
These separate but tricircular groups of stations
are adjusted to the reception of
broadcasts from the local worlds,
from the constellation headquarters, and from the capital
of the local universe. All these broadcasts
are automatically displayed so as to be discernible by all types of beings
present in the central broadcast amphitheater; of all preoccupations for
an ascendant mortal on Jerusem, none is more engaging and engrossing than
that of listening in on the never-ending stream of universe space reports.
So the broadcast circuit transmitters design, the tricircular groups are
perhaps similar in design to this recent crop circle arrangement.

The messages come from Jerusem our local System
I think all the relevant crop circles messages
come from the Judgment seat in the Local system Capital.
\Tri-\ [Gr. tri- or L. tri-, sometimes through French; akin
to L. tres three, and E. three. See Three.]
[1913 Webster]
1. A prefix meaning three, thrice, threefold;
as in
tricolored, tridentate.
[1913 Webster]
» Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:06 am
Hi Physco Bunny,
Thank you for being part of this journey in the exploration of the truth of
the matter.
Here is a link to a scholar who I respect greatly, he is a friend. He like
myself blend both the Urantia Book in conjunction with the Bible and all the
other books of religion.
I was reading his analysis of the time we are in and I thought maybe you would
like to check out some of his work that may provide clues to where we are at
in the timeline as I see it.
In many aspects Ernest's work has been a great revelation for me in this
journey to the beginnings and has assisted me in exploration of the truth from
the beginnings.
I hope you enjoy his work and could provide clues as to what is happening at
this time.
All the very best and I really appreciate your participation in this great
work that I feel it will lead mankind into wider and deeper waters of truth
that will last for evermore.
I pray that for this project and for all mankind and thank you for being on
this journey as a friend. A friend of mine is a friend of the Sovereign of
this Universe.
» Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:48 am
In revelation John speaks of the Sea of Glass
where the receiving stations exist. He is a fragment from the UB that speaks
of the Harp and the relationship with the Sea of Glass.
line 157: John the Revelator saw a vision of the arrival of a class of
advancing mortals from the seventh mansion world to their first heaven,
the glories of Jerusem. He recorded: "And I saw as it were a sea of glass
mingled with fire; and those who had gained the victory over the beast
that was originally in them and over the image that persisted through the
mansion worlds and finally over the last mark and trace,
standing on the sea of glass, having the
harps of God, and singing the song of deliverance from mortal fear and
death." (Perfected space communication is to be had on all these
worlds; and your anywhere reception of such communications is made
possible by carrying the "harp
of God," a morontia contrivance compensating for the inability to
directly adjust the immature morontia sensory mechanism
to the reception of space
The Harp of God would be used to understand the broadcasts coming from space.
Note: this is what we will all experience in our eternal adventure throughout
the realms of the hidden worlds.
All of us who have faith and are friends of the Father will see and experience
Those who reject the Father and Heaven generally, will not experience this as
there blessing will only exist here and no where else.
This includes the Atheist and for those whose promulgation is death and
destruction which includes some members of religion.
In effect the Atheist is the walking dead as he has no life in any eternal
future, he is the walking dead already in the realms of the truth. He has no
part of anything and is rather insignificant and anything he says has no value
at all with no future.
After the Atheist passes through death he will not be repersonalised, it will
be black of no existence. The Atheist marks his own personality death and will
never enter the Kingdom of Heaven headed by Jesus, the Sovereign.
» Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:08 am
Here is the baseline truth, you read it if your
Or is that to much for you.
Know where your come from and where you are going, its in your hands.
You don't know where you come from and you have no idea where you are going at
present. Your sophistry will not save you and there is no future for you at
present and you will lead people to their death in your attitude of resistance
and rebellion coupled with bias, prejudice and sheer ignorance with arrogance.
By the way where is your evidence and experience of anything?????
sevens » Tue Jun 09,
2009 1:46 am
Normally, I would record Earthquakes in the timeline but I have
no room.
But in this timeline and especially now, there have been many Earthquakes that
I feel is part of the synchronization. ... =en&tab=wn
Just looking for possible signs in conjunction with the
crop circles and journey to ancient times.
» Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:21 am
Pyshco Bunny and everyone.
Here is the latest Crop circle
Bishop Cannings, nr Devizes, Wiltshire.
Reported 8th June.

I see 3 sets of Sevens circles on the outer part of the design.
I see 3 fish (fishers of men) leading into the centre.
Connecting the dots on the cardinal circle points of the design leading
inwards I see a triangle and circle and to me this all the aspects of the
receiving stations.
At this time I would like to give up praises to the Father in the Kingdom of
Such beauty and its another Sevenfold symbol coupled with the threefold symbol
of the Trinity.
» Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:39 am
Thanks for the lovely patterns and posts but I'm a
little distracted with the latest crop circle.
I wish there was a way to know that this crop circle is man made.
If its some one doing this I wish they would admit to this and show evidence
that they actually made this.
Again there are no reports of arrest and no one is admitting this and if it is
humans they are very busy creating them.
If it is humans they must reading my website and forming these crop circles in
Until there is evidence of human creativity undoubtedly, I'm going believe
they are from the Heavens.
But to me, the timing seems perfect.
I'm just curious why do you think they are manmade?
The crop circle seems to be beside a main road and
someone would of seen lights during the making of the circle at night in its
construction but no reports??
» Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:49 am
Thats a good point you made.
Oh well, I hope it isn't some deception which is typical of man I suppose!
But then there are reports back to the 15th century of crop circles blamed
on the devil. Why would people back then create these circles when food was
an absolute priority?
Today, if it is manmade crop lets be entertained by idiots who are nothing
but deceivers with nothing better to do.
» Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:49 am
Thats a good point you made.
Oh well, I hope it isn't some deception which is typical of man I suppose!
But then there are reports back to the 15th century of crop circles blamed
on the devil. Why would people back then create these circles when food was
an absolute priority?
Today, if it is manmade crop lets be entertained by idiots who are nothing
but deceivers with nothing better to do.
Hey No worries Physco Bunny
I know the feeling, in this journey most of the days for me on this journey
have been 12-18 hours a day finding connections relevant to where I am led. I
usually start first thing in the morning and many many times I would go to
about 11 at night and sometimes till about 2 usually I can further but I know
I need sleep.
May times I have gone to bed feeling very satisfied with what I came across
during the day.
At this time I just hope the crop circles are for real and not manmade.
If they are, I wish someone would come forward.
Anyway, I suppose we have to see what occurs in the future and I hope the next
one is more convincing than any other crop circles we have seen and
demonstrates that it is not manmade. I really don't want to waste time with
manmade deceptions. There is too much deception around these days.
By the way, I love you work regarding the Fibonacci sequence and the excellent
patterns it demonstrates, thanks for sharing that with me.
All the best and have a good rest.
sevens » Tue Jun 09,
2009 7:04 am
Physco Bunny
I wrote to Stuart Dike of
and asked him a few questions about these recent crop circles.
I also noticed they are having a conference happening in early August.
I was wondering if you were curious to check out the conference to find out
more about these circles?
I'm not sure where Blightly is but if it was close to Wiltshire would you
consider attending the conference?
Just a thought. ... fault.aspx
Actually anyone reading this, would you be interested in going to this
conference? to find out more and hopefully get to the truth of the matter
perhaps?Here is a link I thought interesting.
Note the first and fourth crop circle.

» Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:39 am
Here is an interesting Link and explains much
about crop circles.
Here some examples of man crop circles

Quite pathetic actually.
Can man actually do this in the making of a crop circle?

The issue is that no man-made crop circle has
satisfactorily replicated the features associated with the real
phenomenon, and this has baffled scientists and researchers. Crop circles
are created by a force seemingly at odds with modern science. Central to
the hoax argument is that a physical object is required to flatten the
crop to the ground, resulting in the breaking of the plant stems. In
genuine formations the stems are not broken but bent (left), normally
about an inch off the ground at the plant's first node.
The plants appear to be
subjected to a short and intense burst of heat which softens the
stems to drop just above the ground at 90�,
where they reharden into
their new and very permanent position without damaging the plants.
Plant biologists are baffled by this phenomenon and farmers, who know how
the land ticks, are baffled by this. It is the singlemost method of
identifying the real phenomenon.
Research and laboratory
tests suggest that microwave or ultrasound may be the only method capable
of producing such an effect.
» Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:58 am

Crop circles are sometimes accompanied by
trilling sounds, since captured on tape and analysed by NASA as artificial
in origin, with a harmonic component in the infrasonic range.
The detection of electromagnetism also differentiates genuine formations
from fakes. This naturally-occuring energy is known to exist at ancient
sites such as stone circles, long barrows, tumuli, dolmens and menhirs, and
in churches and cathedrals which were built upon these sites. Crop circles,
sacred sites and other places of worship are also found upon intersecting
points along the Earth's invisible energy grid, and the size and shape of a
crop circle is typically determined by the area of these 'node' points on
the Earth's surface. The frequencies of this energy are associated with
changes in brainwave patterns and affect the body's biophysical rhythm, so
it is not unusual to find reports of people experiencing heightened states
of awareness and healings in crop circles- a situation also common to sacred
sites. People may also experience dizziness, disorientation and nausea-
effects caused by prolonged exposure to infrasound or microwave frequencies.
Biophysical evidence includes plants' expanded epidermal walls, and
drastically extended node bends in fresh formations (normal right, crop
circle far right); also observed are distortions of seed embryos, and the
creation of expulsion cavities in the plants as if they have been heated
from the inside. In genuine formations there is a disruption of the plant's
crystalline structure, as these microscope photos demonstrate. Yet in all
cases, the plants are not damaged and will continue to grow and ripen if
left untouched. This would not be possible had they been trampled by force.

Genuine crop circles are areas of gently laid and swirled plants which
create a floor in mathematical proportions similar to the Golden Mean, the
vortex nature uses to create precision organisms such as shells, sunflowers,
the spatial relationship of the bones in the human hand and galaxies. The
floor of crop circles can have up to five layers of weaving, all in
counterflow to each other, with every seed head intact and placed beside
each other as if arranged in a museum case; the centres can contain nested,
woven, crested, or wreathed swatches of plants- sometimes the center will
consist of a single standing plant.
They are not perfectly round but slightly elliptical (a hoax, requiring a
fixed central rope, cannot achieve this adequately). Their edges are crisply
defined from the flattened crop as if drawn with a compass and incised with
surgical precision. Hoaxes, by comparison, bear a stylistic resemblance to
tuffs of greasy, uncombed hair- and, of course, all their plants have been
trampled, bruised and crushed.
Other anomalies indicate an increase infra red output within and around a
new formation, indicating that both the heat content of the plants and the
watershed have been affected. Evidence even exists of four non-naturally
occuring, short-life radioactive isotopes in the soil inside genuine crop
circles (these dissipate after three or four hours); the soil in around them
appears to have been baked.
Mathematically, genuine crop circles encode obscure theorems based on
Euclidian geometry as well as the unalterable principles of sacred geometry.
They have the capacity to alter the local electromagnetic field so that
compasses cannot locate north; cameras, cellular phones and batteries fail
to operate, and aircraft equipment fails whilst flying over them. Then there
are levels of background radiation up to 300% above normal, radio
frequencies falling dramatically or rising sharply within their perimeters,
animals in local farms avoiding that particular area or simply acting
agitated hours before one materializes, and car batteries in entire villages
failing to operate the morning after one is found nearby. In some of the
major events, entire towns are left without power.
Since genuine formations materialize at crossing points along the Earth's
magnetic energy currents, they are influencing the energy pattern of local
phehistoric sites. They reference local Neolithic sites in
size/shape/direction, and are dowsable upon entry, with as many as 150
concentric rings of energy outside their physical perimeter. In fact, a year
after they have been harvested and the field ploughed and re-sown, the
energy imprint of the formations will still be dowsed, long after their
physical traces have vanished.
This area of research has allowed for the possibility of crop circles as a
healing force, and they are already being successfully employed in radionics,
flower essences and resonance therapy around the world, both for people and
environments in distress.
sevens » Tue Jun 09,
2009 8:33 am
and further
Genuine crop circles are areas of gently laid
and swirled plants which create a floor in mathematical proportions
similar to the Golden Mean, the vortex nature uses to create precision
organisms such as shells, sunflowers, the spatial relationship of the
bones in the human hand and galaxies.
The floor of crop circles
can have up to five layers of weaving, all in counterflow to each other,
with every seed head intact and placed beside each other as if arranged in
a museum case; the centres can contain nested, woven, crested, or
wreathed swatches of plants- sometimes the center will consist of a single
standing plant.
Crop circles are generally formed at night between the hours of 2-4 AM,
traditionally during the shortest evenings of the English year when darkness
lasts but four hours,
in fields eagerly watched by farmers, military, laser alarms, scientists or
hundreds of enthusiasts in their sleeping bags hoping to be the lucky ones
to witness a crop circle forming. Some of those lucky few have witnessed
large balls of brilliant colour project a beam of golden light into a field
which next morning displays a new crop circle.
despite many stakeouts and fields rigged with top surveillance equipment,
crop circles have appeared out of the mist right under the noses of those
looking for them.
On one occasion, the Circlemakers even materialized in full view of the
British Prime Minister's heavily-guarded country residence
» Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:11 am
Here is another interesting link with crop circle
Here the Circle makers hopeless attempt in
making crop circles where its just out and they were sprung many times.
The deceivers obviously.
It just hasn't got the same characteristics as
a normal crop circle and many usual anomalies associated with the genuine crop
circles do not exist. Apparently, they lay claim to crop circles they have
never made, kinda tells a story about there credibility.
Sound like a bunch of scammers and deceivers.
Take another example, from Longwood Warren in 1995 (above
left), a crop formation depicting the orbits of planets in the inner solar
system to an accuracy of 99%. The number of circles in the 'asteroid belt'
depict the exact number of years the alignment shown actually occurs in
the heavens; furthermore, the overlay clearly demonstrates Hawkins'
Theorem II, where the relationship between the large circle and asteroids
is an exact octave. This one occurred in total darkness. Compare this to
Team Satan/circlemakers' effort on the right, created in remote New
Zealand with help from two powerful lights suspended above the field, and
witnessed by the local townspeople. The hoaxers clearly fail to bisect a
simple hexagonal framework in the centre, and the rest of the design falls
out of alignment at most points. Furthermore, the depiction of the
Mandelbrot Set- normally an elegant cardeoid shape made from a
computer-generated series of mathematical calculations- is nothing more
than a crude circle with a chunk removed from the top.
But how were they able to achieve such a complex pattern anyway? It has
since been revealed that this field was earlier staked out with ropes and
pins, prior to the making of the formation. Little wonder that when the
work was aired in 'Secrets of Deception' the team is seen working the crop
virtually freehand.
Not to take credit away from their elaborate endeavour on the other side
of the world. Yet when the hoaxers tried to achieve the same exercise back
in more densely-populated England, they were immediately caught. Which
just goes to show how much harder it is to pull the wool over people's
eyes when you try to do this kind of thing back in a country where the
local residents actually outnumber the sheep!
So when you see Team Satan/the circlemakers (names Rod Dickinson, John
Lundberg, Will Russell) laying claim to crop circles whose geometrical,
biophysical and electromagnetic properties have, to this day, proved to
have been created beyond the capacity of boot and plank of wood, you are
witnessing a deception in itself. By grafting their inferior work to the
real phenomenon, they gain attention through association and without
showing a slither of evidence in support of their claims.
It is worth remembering that any number of terrorist organizations often
claim the same bomb, demonstrating just how much easier it is to get
credit and the glory than to perform the work yourself.
Sounds like Last Rebel camp to me.
» Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:56 am
Physco Bunny,
Can you tell me more about this pattern.
Its a Sevenfold pattern.

» Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:24 pm
sevens » Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:31 pm
Hi Physco Bunny,
Yes, I was really impressed at the close match to, it just came into my head
to superimpose I was surprised how the Seven based crop circle fit very
closely to the Fibonacci patterns that you put together, a joint venture mate
of taking it further with your help. I was really impressed with the journey
yesterday, it was a good day.
The spiritual metaphor I see in this is that nature follows the Fibonacci
sequence and to me that directly points to the Father in Heaven and Jesus, the
Sovereign, being a creator with the Father of this Universe. I believe they
are connecting directly with us through the crop circles leaving their
Sevenfold signature and the threefold symbols as you pointed out. This is the
Trinity signature of both the Father and Jesus including the Conjoint actor
which is connected to the Holy Spirit.
The circles have Paradise all written all over them and is making connection
with mankind in this time.
This is a good thing for all religion to be part of this demonstration
spiritually which will form a revelatory correction departing from the
evolutionary aspect of religion we have today. To me this points to the
upgrade of all religion and thoughts. Any Sophistry will be wiped out in the
demonstration of Heaven which comes down to Earth and if the crop circles are
right and not manmade, this is beginning of a great revelatory experience for
Man and God. This is the kind of stuff that would eliminate wars and terrorism
between man following this path.
This would be religions answer to the questions of God eventually. At this
time, I really thank and praise the Father in Heaven and Jesus, the Sovereign
of the Universe. This whole journey has his mark all over it coming to the
climax of the crop circles presented in the timeline of timely fashion.
Well that's my thought at this time as walk in faith!
» Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:52 pm
That was interesting your last post.
Maybe we can uncover something or make a connection somehow. Perhaps, it could
lead to somewhere where no man has considered and then discovered before.
Ill be re reading your post to try and understand it further and see what
thoughts may come to mind.
Its seems to me that 3,6,7 are key numbers 4 and 9 seem common to and 5 to.
One guy mentioned that combining all the symbols together might make on great
symbol and message.
Seemed plausible to me.
» Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:44 pm
The Fisher of Man crop circle is ta Sevenfold and
Trinity crop circle in the oneness.

Everything comes out of Paradise from the oneness through the Paradise Trinity
into the Abyss of Space and the fishes, like the fishes in the Ocean are the
Sevenfold worlds of time and space with all inhabited worlds. The inhabited
worlds are the Sevenfold worlds of time/Space. The Oneness in the middle is
Paradise and everything comes out of Paradise. I reckon that is the highest
spiritual interpretation for this crop circle.
» Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:07 pm
No, not at this time unfortunately.
Maybe the key is working out the Fibonacci sequence to replicate one of the
crop circles.
Perhaps like this one, it might lead somewhere going on a hunch.

Perhaps 2 sets of 3 pattern superimposed over each
other offset by 30 degrees or something...I don't know
There is also 6 or 12 circles in the pattern overlaid over each other that
comes close to a match of the pattern.
In the crop circle, the pattern is made by circles but the fib sequence is a
spiral, I wonder what the sequence would be for a circle or perhaps what makes
a circle. then orientate the circles to make the pattern and see how the Fib
numbers work out to. One set of 6 circles runs clockwise and the other run
counter clockwise. Symmetry.I thought
this one was the best by far both spirals
Maybe! shrugging.

sevens » Tue Jun 09,
2009 10:47 pm
I think its all very interesting working with the
I hope these circles are for real, I hope they get the results that confirm
authenticity, I wrote to a few people hopefully they will respond.
I think I have a good idea on the metaphor but that has to be confirmed more
so in my view.
If we are on the right track the next crop circle should
indicate that.
sevens » Wed Jun 10,
2009 5:55 am
When I look at your examples of the Mandela's, the
first thing I notice, being on this focalization is the design of the Local
System Capital or the symbol of Universality in my view.
Like a 2 crosses superimposed on each other and set 45 degrees apart.
Just a moment ago I was looking at what I call the
the Broadcast receiver
crop still remember on previous crop circles I would look at other features in
the vicinity that might shed light and extend the symbol.
Well, have a look at the 2 circular features either side of the Broadcast
receiver circle. 3 co planar circles, like the other crop circle near the
white horse which was flanked by 2 other circles, thus 3 co planar circles.

Same characteristic of using natural or manmade
features to extend the symbol.
Here is the crop circle and the 2 flanked circles near the white horse.

Here is a link to the bent nodes in the Man O War
crop circle definitely not man made.
» Wed Jun 10, 2009 6:06 am
Here is a link to the bent nodes in the Man O War
crop circle definitely not man made. ... ports.html

In the report note the 7th frame

Here more information on another interesting crop circle note the boundary is
like 2 sides of a triangle. Perhaps pointing to an event that began on
May 31st 09

Note the the conclusion

Conclusion: the formation depicts the end of wars and a
renewed destination of humanity in connection with “the end of history”.
Marc Smulders
Man made? NO WAY
» Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:41 am
debunker wrote:Hello Sevens,
Why do you even care when the end of days will be? I am far more concerned
about my own end of days rather than the end of this world...
just a thought,
I just think in my own thoughts and journey that the change of an Age is soon
or around the corner, it may come before your End of Days which would affect
you and everyone else.
Its just my thoughts through my journey but for me
personally if my End of Days came, It wouldn't bother me as I know what to
look forward to, I'm excited about the eternal future adventure.
I reckon, if you know the Father as a friend
and walk with him in your heart, worry about the eternal future doesn't even
come into the mind.
Still remember there could be an evacuation of
the faithful and who do the will of the father before the End of Days
We could be all part of that evacuation to.
» Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:55 am
I have a general question. Do of the people who
attend this forum, do they come out of the Islam religion?
Well if most the people do, I hope that my journey helps anyone in any it can.
I feel quite at home here.
I must admit my heritage is Christian but since reading and following the
Urantia tracks my thoughts of religion have expanded so much so where
religious divide makes no difference to me. It has nothing to do with Rote and
Ritual or anything its more of a spiritual relationship/friendship where the
Father is on my mind all the time, thats the effect of the Journey of the
ancient places. It's really good and I am very happy about it all, especially
this crop circle experience. Its fantastic and a real coordination of Space
and Mankind walking together in synchronicity, as friends in relaxed way
discovering great things along the way, each day.
The world system could never give me this kind of experience where I feel much
joy each day and a real strengthening of spirit.
I'm very confident in the UB information blended with religious books.
» Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:32 am
Physco Bunny,
When I look at the world mandala
I see the word
Dalamatia, rearranged Dalama,
Dala means door,
mat or maat means truth and Justice and
tia means regalia.
The Mandalas design have the characteristics of the Local system headquarters.

Dalamatia City, the first city built by the
Sons of God was the first Atlantis which was built 500,000 years ago and now
lays submerged in the Persian Gulf.
In the centre of the city was the first circular temple of the Father which
protected the Tree of Life. The Sons of God of God supped of the tree of life
which gave them immortality until rebellion occurred 200,000 years ago.
The city was a triangle city with a circular temple inn the
middle...Triangle/Circle city.
We can find this city NOW! and change everything for the next thousand years
when the our first Translation temple comes down to Earth from Heaven as we
enter into the Epoch of Light and Life and beyond!

The Top of the Jellyfish crop circle look at it in
» Wed Jun 10, 2009 11:22 am
Physco Bunny no worries
I'm going by the Urantia Book triangulation and its information, this is
outside the general thoughts of today, this is like a new thought. I wouldn't
expect people to believe this no problem.
Did you know the Med was called the Dalmatia Sea long time ago.
» Wed Jun 10, 2009 11:26 am
debunker wrote:
Dilmun is widely thought to refer to
Bahrain, which is in the Persian Gulf.
True, but the funny thing is Dilmun sounds VERY FOREIGN... not only it has
no meaning in Arabic, it sounds nothing like Arabic. (I'm just butting in
without any particular reason
No problem Debunker, I'm going by the Urantia Book triangulation, Dilmun in
Bahrain is probably the third Dilmun which perhaps formed after the Second
Dilmun Submerged of Iran I think around 10,000-12,000 years ago.
We can go there to and verify the ancient foundations of Babel according to
the Urantia information.
Dilmun is an ultimate perpetuation of Dalamatia City, the Egyptian called
Dalamatia City/Dilmun Dilmat.
» Wed Jun 10, 2009 11:35 am
Ah no worries
The Language of Dalamatia City was more Aryan and I think Dilmun of Iran had a
similar language Aryan, that maybe the clue.
The clue maybe in this tablet, found in Jiroft in Iran near the Persian Heads.
Note: the triangle/circle Symbols, like that in the design of 2nd Dilmun, a
commonality. This inscription dates back 11,000 years before Sumerian text and
it was found under a square pyramid.
Another commonality that perhaps bridges the gap from 2nd Dilmun to the great
pyramid Triangle/Circle symbol on the plug coming out the queens burial tomb.

See how this triangle/Circle symbol is reflected in the crop circles which
makes connection to all the ancient places.
This Southern Nodite eventually Andite city, Jiroft would of been around the
times of 2nd Dilmun, submerged of Iran and goes right back to Dalamatia City
submerged near the Persian Heads. When you read about the legends of Dilmun
always note, its ultimately about Dalamatia City, the Bright triangle First
Here is Dalamatia City

I believe this is the foundations of Babel in 2nd Dilmun, submerged of Iran.

sevens » Wed Jun 10,
2009 12:32 pm
Crop circles
season 2009 starts early in the British Isles ... tish-Isles
The crop circles season in 2009 came early this year.
It does not usually occur until July
through August each year.
But a few have been
sighted as early as April. Just the first few days of June 2009,
three have been reported and two resembled wildlife - a jellyfish and a
dragonfly. The first jellyfish crop circle in the world was sighted on
June 2, 2009 in Oxfordshire, Great Britain.
Why are more crops circles showing again
so early and in abundance? What is the meaning of wildlife designs being
added to the collection? How can these intricate designs so perfect
in geometry and proportions can be considered a hoax? There are more
questions than answers as more conduct research on crop circles, paving
the way for annual crop circle tours.
I wonder why the crop circles are beginning
early which have all the matching symbols?
» Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:29 am
Perhaps a little synchronicity
Megan's life
keeps going in circles
Belinda Scott | 11th June 2009
CROP circles may not be everyone's cup of tea but they are a source of
fascination for many.
Just what they are will be the subject of a public talk and presentation
in Coffs Harbour on June 19.
Sydney-based nurse, artist and crop circle researcher Megan Heazlewood
will give a presentation on the global phenomenon and related phenomena.
She has been studying circles for nine years and has visited the sites of
some of the most dramatic ones in Wiltshire, England.
Ms Heazlewood said 12,000 crop circles had been documented and archived
since 1983, with the circles averaging hundreds of metres in diameter.
June 19 09 is when the Shabbes timeline finishes.
I thought it was interesting.
I wonder if there will be more crop circles
until then! I reckon there great and makes good fun for me exploring them
wondering what they mean in the focalization.
» Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:54 am
I thought the following article was an interesting development
proposed by Putin of Russia, interesting how it comes in the timeline and I do
get many hits from Russia more so than the UK.
I think this a good step for our future destiny.
Just recently he proclaimed a one God I thought that was also another
interesting development.
Maybe he is also thinking about the future with realism. I say good on him and
if the world can come to the party on this one I say well done.
He is putting the challenge out there.
Russia might abandon nukes if others do ... -others-do
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on
Wednesday that Russia is willing to abandon nuclear weapons, if the United
States and all other countries that have them do the same.
"If those who made the atomic bomb and used it are ready to abandon it -
like, I hope, other nuclear powers officially and unofficially owning them
- of course we will welcome and facilitate this process in all ways,"
Putin said, according to state-owned RIA Novosti news agency.
Putin spoke at a meeting with German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter
Steinmeier, who said earlier that the idea of scrapping nuclear arms
altogether rather than limiting their proliferation
was a real prospect.
I wish them well in this Endeavour.
sevens » Thu Jun 11,
2009 4:17 am
A breaking report from the recent Fish Crop
My theories may have been a bit wild in the
past but this one is different - this fish formation is almost shouting at
me and telling me that Its THE SEVEN SEALS OF REVELATION…..
and further....
It is synchronicity that this FISH points to the first week in seventh
month. A third witness makes it true. The highway A-361 is
19x19 and the comment by Sigrid
Renner for the "Dragonfly"
showed a SoHo picture sunspot at
19:19 on May 29,
2009 showing a clock at about 7:19
PM. Something is pointing to
July 7th at about
7:19 PM, maybe. The
full moon is in a penumbral eclipse on
July 7th. See map
of 361 KB

And the Shabbes/Seventh timeline finished on the
19th June 09...6 in 9
Maybe there aligning with 7s timeline ending on
the 19th June and the Sevens crop circles are related to the 19th???? Maybe
there pointing to that date rather than July 7th 09???
» Thu Jun 11, 2009 4:44 am
Here is report on the Dragonfly and a few words
about the Jellyfish.
» Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:15 am
More on the Fish Crop Circle report
This is the most interesting part: As we
finally exited the formation I felt as
If I was being PUSHED.
My friend Paul thought that I had passed out ! At first I thought it was
Paul that gave me a nudge, but Paul was still few a feet behind me. As we
continued to walk along the tramline I started to feel as If I was drunk
and started to place my left leg across my right as if I wanted to trip
myself up. I can truly say
that I have never felt this before and its made me anxious about visiting
any new formations. I have felt good feeling energy in crop circles
before but definitely nothing like this. As I sat in my car i then
REMEMBERED why i came here in the first place and then i had a flash
vision of people FALLING OVER. My theories may have been a bit wild in the
past but this one is different - this fish formation is almost shouting at
me and telling me that Its THE SEVEN SEALS OF REVELATION…..
Whilst it may fun going through this crop circle experience, the report
highlights just how serious this is. I think all the crop circles really mean
business and is a warning us of what is to come and I think the crop circles
are to be taken very seriously.
I don't think its a joke.
When judgment comes no will believe it in the beforehand like in Jesus' and
Noahs time. It will be like Noahs time when Signs are given but people think
its a joke or simply ignore it because there to busy to take note of the
Universe Government Schedule.
Just the fact that this researcher is being pushed out of the circle tells me
something and there appears to be very serious energy about the messages in
these crop circles, not be to be taken lightly.
sevens » Thu Jun 11,
2009 5:26 am
Mill Hill and the White Horse.

Is the above an identification of the association of the White
Horse in Revelation to the Sevenfold considering the crop circle is formed of
the Fibonacci 1:03 sequence which makes up the Sevenfold Pattern.
The small circle is the reference point which allows this identification.
Seven, Sevenfold and the White Horse
The small circle could be the individual where the Sevenfold Crop Circle
associates with the White Horse.
Its a candidate for major fulfillment in ancient prophecy!
sevens » Thu Jun 11,
2009 6:29 am
Here is a study into the symbols of the crop
circle on 4th May 09.
I believe all these crop circles could be the work of the Secondary Midwayers
who connect with Space and ancient times, its a line runs through the
Sevenfold directly with The Trinity in Paradise. We are of the Sevenfold
worlds of the Father in Paradise. The Sovereign is part of the Trinity! The
Trinity is the head of the Sevenfold worlds of time and Space in this
I believe the following is the Signature.
Clatford, nr Manton, Wiltshire.
Reported 4th May 09.

Here is another
Sevenfold circle at Telegraph Hill in 2004, having the Same Sevenfold features
if you add up the circles and bumps.

» Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:52 am
And again
the Triangle and circles
effect using the normal features of the local area such as the edge of the
field and the Freeway.Peaks Down,
nr Swindon, Wiltshire.
Reported 9th May 09

» Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:10 am
Its interesting that this crop circle on May 10th
appeared in the next field where an earlier crop circle occured flanked by two
natural circles. These crop circles are both next to another White Horse.
Roundway Hill (2), nr Devizes, Wiltshire.
Reported 10th May.
and the earlier crop circle near the White Horse.

All saying the same story
2 Sets of 2 crop circle pointing to the White Horse.
» Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:53 am
A Close
Encounter at Alton Priors (An eye witness account) ... 2007y.html
sevens » Thu Jun 11,
2009 8:07 am
I find June an interesting month considering
Dalamatia City was discovered June 28th 07, the same actual month the
only Light without Magnetar emanated its Flash I think on June 10th 07.
The Current Shabbes timeline finishes on June
19th 09 and the Shabbes timeline came out of the realization of the
June 07, light without heat magnetar and the flash of Jan 22nd 09 Magnetar.
The time difference added, leading to the 14 Sabbaths/Seventh timeline.
June 10, 07, Magnetar light with heat emanation.
9 days
June 19th 09, Shabbes Timeline Ends.
9 days
June 28th 07, Dalamatia City Discovered and revealed.
9 days
July 7th 09
Shabbes/Seventh timeline ends 9 days short of 2 years since the discovery of
Dalamatia City.
9+9+9=27 = 2 Sevens or 2x7=14, seven seven, sevenfold.
or 2+7=9 or 7-2=5
Now I have seen this 999 and 5 effect in an
earlier calculation playing with the numbers of the Jane Lead Symbol.

June 09 is and interesting month! Its like a huge time clock
that begins in space, Local System Capital to the First city and then to the
» Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:11 am
Sorry, but I thought this was an interesting name.
Polish.....................BogI thought
was interesting to
Low Breton................Done
sevens » Thu Jun 11,
2009 9:45 am
That was interesting Physco Bunny.
How in one culture, Gods name evolved to Bogey and how some people today speak
of the Bogey man as like some supernatural being to fear and people do use the
word Bogey to fear.I was thinking of the
dutch word "donder" and how some people have used the term Donderhead or is it
Dunderhead. I realize people use various names of God from past cultures in
there general language its interesting how these words are still with us in
our language, names and slang that I have heard expressed.
Like Gud perhaps became Good or God.
» Thu Jun 11, 2009 10:32 am
Population Explodes on Land and Sea!
The jellyfish population has been expanding in
“jellyfish blooms” in oceans around the globe, and now the explosion
includes a 600-foot-long crop circle in England!

Waylands Smithy, nr Kingstone Coombs, Oxfordshire.
Reported 29th May 09.
The June 10, 2009,
issue of Science Daily noted that we are seeing “major increases in jellyfish
numbers, which appear to be the result of human activities.”
On June 9th, the Mother
Nature Network reported that
“Giant jellyfish weighing up to 440 pounds are taking over areas of the
world’s oceans ...Their numbers are swelling thanks to decreased competition
from fish (due to overfishing). Currently, giant Nomura jellyfish measuring
over six feet in length and weighing up to 440 pounds are growing in numbers.”
Why? Because all the fish are disappearing.
» Thu Jun 11, 2009 10:48 am
Here is an interesting aspect of the report of the
Fish Crop Circle, making a definition of the 8 spoked wheel, the Local System
Capital of this Universe. It all points to Jesus. It seems to have all the
parallels and commonalities of the Sevenfold journey with associated Crop
Circles completing the Spiritual Metaphor.

An early circular ichthys symbol,
created by combining the Greek letters ΙΧΘΥΣ, Ephesus.
The use of the Ichthys symbol by early Christians. Ichthus (ΙΧΘΥΣ, Greek
for fish) can be read as an acrostic, a word formed from the first letters
of several words. It compiles to "Jesus, God's son, savior," in ancient
Greek "Ἰησοῦς Χριστός, Θεοῦ Υἱός, Σωτήρ", Iēsous Khristos Theou Huios,
Iota (i) is the first letter of Iēsous (Ἰησοῦς), Greek for
Chi (kh) is the first letter of Khristos (Χριστóς), Greek for
"Christ" or "anointed".
Theta (th) is the first letter of Theou (Θεοῦ), that means "God's",
genitive case of Θεóς, Theos,
Upsilon (u) is the first letter of huios (Υἱός), Greek for
Sigma (s) is the first letter of sōtēr (Σωτήρ), Greek for
Historians say the twentieth century use of the
ichthys motif is an
adaptation based on an
Early Christian symbol which included a small cross for the eye or
the Greek letters "ΙΧΘΥC".
An ancient adaptation of
ichthus is a wheel which contains the letters ΙΧΘΥΣ superimposed
such that the result resembles
eight-spoked wheel.
Clare Kingston
» Thu Jun 11, 2009 11:03 am
This eight
spoked wheel has connection with Nostradamus and the one male who
writes the book. The Trees of Eden written by an English speaking One Male who
lives in the Commonwealth of the UK, the Land of Sinim. Look into the book and
you will see the Lion reflecting the author who opens the book found in
Created on Saturday,
27 December 2008
PM 15=(555)
27= 2 Sevens or 7x2=14
Seven Seven. Equates to the Jane Lead Symbol calculation. and 27,
2+7=9...another 9 in the time equation of the journey.
and the Lion
Created on Wednesday,
April 2009
9:40 PM. Like in the
Jane Lead symbol calculation we see the characteristic
999 and the 4 also 2+9=11
the Secondary Midwayer numeric symbol or 9-2=7

amazing posted
Thu Jun 11,
2009 11:03
Like the Fibonacci Sevenfold pattern 1:03
» Thu Jun 11, 2009 11:36 am
yea! yea! yea!
Praise the Lord eh! The Lord of the Universe, Jesus the Sovereign, Paradise
Another great and successful day.

Done Deal! with the bloke from the
Bush! The bloke of the Waves and the bloke of the Trees with a message that
came from
Bog of the whole Universe!!!
Previous names for God
» Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:58 pm
Hi Physco Bunny,
No about problem about my recent posts, its me getting carried away in my
thoughts to see if there something lays there...No worries. Taking it to the
But the 8 spoke wheel was interesting and some of the Buddhist thoughts sounds
similar to the Zoroastrian thoughts. Like right thoughts, right deeds, right
speech...something like that.
The information about Dalmatia was interesting to, particularly how that
similar sounding name to Dalamatia does pop up in recent History related to a
tribe and in the name of the nearby Sea.
» Thu Jun 11, 2009 10:05 pm
I'm reading this report, just reading away to see
what this report reveals Im familiar with, suddenly I see this fragment.
I’m seeing the 28th. The child to be born on
the 28th.
Then I think to myself of the Discovery of Dalamatia City, the triangle City,
the First City. Discovered on the 28th June 2007.
Then that arouses my curiosity leaving no stone unturned. To me if feels like
a confirmation in a way as the date correlates.
Crop Circle predicts the coming of the Christ child ... 2007t.html
I'm just looking at anything from anywhere at the moment to see if there is
parallel in the reality of the Journey.
Further, In relation to this person you read this and then I
look at the context of this journey.
I encourage you to listen to this being brought forth, as
you will experience the energy and the unfolding of this wondrous message.
As I said at the beginning, this is a profound vision. It tells of an
event which will transform consciousness on this planet as we have known
it. It tells of the coming forth on Earth of an aspect of that great soul
that sent forth the one we know as Jeshua or Jesus, the first soul created
after the seraphim and cherubim, the one known throughout the cosmos as
“The Radiant One” because of his great light. His birth will trigger the
Ascension process on planet Earth.
It just mirrors what I have been saying about the Universe Government and
Jesus the Sovereign. You probably understand why I get so compelled
particularly with the advent of the Crop Circles in this journey in a purpose
built strategic timeline.
» Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:38 am
In my experience the Urantia Book has proved
itself and your quite welcome to test it out for yourself but you have to read
it all to make judgment.
That is all.
» Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:36 am
The whole reason for this website is because
Religion failed in its witness and duty of care no doubt expressed through
sevens » Fri Jun 12,
2009 9:48 am
And only now understand a little more on the
triangular "seal" with numbers that you showed earlier. It is good to look
at new ideas and concepts, but I am struggling to keep up with where your
thoughts are going. You seem to be racing ahead of me.
Hi Physco Bunny
I must admit my mind works fast on the look out for any leads that reflects my
path and direction at the time.
I just keep on posting as I see it so its on the record and doesn't become a
lost thought. I copy everything for the record and that's why the living on
the run book became a precept upon precept and line upon line journey quite
In this day I can't rely on religion to give me the full story as they are
controlled by Doctrine and Dogma and do fail to look outside of themselves.
That's all religions.
I can honestly say that the Urantia Book has expanded my knowledge and faith
through demonstration as I walk in faith with the Father of all the Universes
and as a friend where there is no fear.
Like a great friend with you all the time and including the angels of your
For all people here, the Universe is friendly and wants to help out people
individually in the spiritual sense.
One thing for sure all religion needs a new slogan if its to
elevate and survive through to the New Epoch to come, not this pathetic half
baked brainwash stuff we see about us where mans mind is taken away and turned
into a walking Zombie full of fear and ear with a mouth of no demonstration!
Always living in the past and never living in the Future in its promulgation
which is nothing but death and destruction. Just Rubbish!
Both main religions are in deep crap at the
moment and are gutless to admit it. They will not show nor demonstrate the
full truth of everything. They become betrayers to man by hiding the truth for
there own ends and means.
» Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:37 am
People think we have rapture to look forward to
and we are right because we go to church on Sundays and pay
tithe.....Bullshit.....Evacuation will not happen for them. Rapture will be
used as a correction for religion for the untruth people live daily and speak
in the name of the Father and Jesus to.
» Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:58 am
Well there is Seven days before the Shabbes
timeline completes.
See what happens or see where the journey leads to. We walk in faith eh!
I wonder if the Crop Circles have finished?
We are definitely at the CROSSROADS and note the triangle
The Last Crop Circle...The Fish and the Emblem.

crossroads (World English Bible)
Obadiah 1:14
Don’t stand in the crossroads
to cut off those of his
who escape. Don’t deliver up
those of his
who remain
in the day of distress.
says it all!
We could be 7 days
potentially from the Day of Distress,
Planetary Distress will happen after Evacuation and the system will breakdown
and everyone will be debt free because all banks will collapse....If this day
happens soon. This is where the system will apply an emergency system as we
all know and that's when the beast arises to maintain control. But the
salt(the elect) of the earth will be taken off planet.
Mind you after this, there will be great hatred
towards Christianity because they did nothing to warn because of their own
pride and prejudice and that's when the persecution begins...unfortunately,
this is where all the religious leader fail in a mire of CRAP and have nothing
to say.
It comes down to a poor bloke from the bush who brings
it in for God as he is the only that can be relied on to speak the truth and
was Fair Dinkum about the truth and left a massive record for the benefit of
the left behind.
Thy way is in the sea,
and thy path in the great
waters, and thy footsteps are
not known.
The above is where the message comes from but
who cares uh! Who lifts a finger?...No one including all the name brand
religions and that's the reason for this day of distress. Because the
religions did nothing, just ran to the hills like cowards in light of the
truth of everything!
Posted: Today at 12:14
You are my friends, I want all to be successful.
Here is my new home
The Crop Circles that are happening are working in
line with the Shabbes/Seventh timeline.
There is a lot of things going on beyond the
division of religion.
sevens » Sat Jun 13,
2009 12:31 am
While I was expressing my warm views last night
another crop circle was reported in the same field as the Dragonfly Crop
nr Cherhill, Wiltshire.
Reported 12th June 09.
The Emblem of Universal Government ... 2009b.html

Note: the circular swirls of the wheat at the base of the Neck and the Head
and which connects to the swirls of the big circle at the top. 3 Co planar
Circles in a line running upwards within the swirls of the Wheat.
Note: 11 small circles, the Signature of the
1111 secondary midwayers.
Notice the flames?????? Arrival!
The Eagle Crop Circle near the Dragonfly.

Connect the circles on the top and you have a triangle with a circular tuft of
wheat in the middle...Triangle/Circle. Also note 3 circles surrounding the One
circle, the threefold trinity symbol.
It appears to be an emblem of Universal Government.
There are 12 Feathers either side 12x2=24. This could be pointing to the 24
counselors that surround the Judgment Seat in the Local System Capital.
The three circles around the Neck is again the threefold/Triangle/Circle
Symbol of this Universe.
16 tail feathers?
it could be 61 or 6+1=7
Rather timely crop circle.
Its been equated to this symbol which is a symbol of Government.

Here is part of the report.
There are possibly some similarities with the Zoroastrian bird symbol to be
found in this crop formation. Zoroastrianism is the oldest of the revealed
world-religions, and it has probably had more influence on mankind, directly
and indirectly, than any other single faith. There are also important
elections going on in Iran today. Persia being the geographic area where this
belief system was formed. ... 2009b.html
a thought

Whilst I was here yesterday with my last post a
new Crop Circle was formed.
The Symbol has been linked to Zoroasterism in
Symbol, in some views and which I think its beautiful.
To me its the Symbol of the Universal Government
and for me it points to the arrival of the Universal Government.
I think we have to brace and prepare our souls for
evacuation in light of what is to come. I think the salt of the Earth will be
evacuated for the preservation of the best of Human Species and that involves
faith and having a relationship with the Father of the Whole Universe within.
Its part of a preparation of the New Epoch in the uplift of man. I believe
there will be a judgment. I believe this is the preservation scheme of this
planet for the next 1000 years and beyond.
You are my friends, I want you to be utterly,
prepared, happy and successful for when the Sovereign of this Universe comes.
Whilst I was here yesterday with my last post a
new Crop Circle was formed.
The Symbol has been linked to Zorasterism in
Symbol, in some views and which I think its beautifull.
To me its the Symbol of the Universal Government
and for me it points to the arrival of the Universal Government.
I think we have to brace and prepare our souls for
evacuation in light of what is to come. I think the salt of the Earth will be
evacuated for the preservation of the best of Human Species and that involves
faith and having a relationship with the Father of the Whole Universe within.
Its part of a preparation of the New Epoch in the uplift of man. I believe
there will be a judgment. I believe this is the preservation scheme of this
planet for the next 1000 years and beyond.
You are my friends, I want you to be utterly,
prepared, happy and successful for when the Sovereign of this Universe comes.
» Sat Jun 13, 2009 5:06 am
Here is an image of a recent Sevenfold Symbol next
to the ghost of another crop circle on 08/08/08
Below Milk Hill, nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire.
Reported 2nd June
Report comments

Combine circles we have 3 co planar circles and
Sevenfold signature.
Also the same Sevenfold Symbol points the White Horse.

» Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:24 am
Here are thoughts on the Emblem of the latest
emblem crop circle.
The Phoenix ... ments.html

Here are some fragments from the Book of Enoch
Of the very marvellous elements of the sun.
12 1 And I looked and saw other flying elements of the sun, whose names
are Phoenixes and Chalkydri, marvellous and wonderful, with feet and tails
in the form of a lion, and a crocodile's head, their appearance is
empurpled, like the rainbow; their size is nine hundred measures, 2 their
wings are like those of angels, each has twelve, and they attend and
accompany the sun, bearing heat and dew, as it is ordered them from 3 God.
Thus the sun revolves and goes, and rises under the heaven, and its course
goes under the earth with the light of its rays incessantly.
The angels took Enoch and placed him in the east at the sun's gates.
13 1 Those men bore me away to the east, and placed me at the sun's gates,
where the sun goes forth according to the regulation of the seasons and
the circuit of the months of the whole year, and the number of the hours
day and night. 2 And I saw six gates open, each gate having sixty-one
stadia and a quarter of one stadium, and I measured them truly, and
understood their size to be so much, through which the sun goes forth, and
goes to the west, and is made even, 4 and rises throughout all the months,
and turns back again from the six gates according to the 5 succession of
the seasons; thus the period of the whole year is finished after the
returns of the four seasons.
They took Enoch to the West.
14 1 And again those men led me away to the western parts, and showed me
six great gates open corresponding to the Eastern gates, opposite to where
the sun sets, according to the number of the days three hundred and
sixty-five and a 2 quarter. Thus again it goes down to the western gates,
and draws away its light, the greatness of its brightness, under the
earth; for since the crown of its shining is in heaven with the Lord, 3
and guarded by four hundred angels, while the sun goes round on wheel
under the earth, and stands seven great hours in night, and spends half
its course under the earth, when it comes to the eastern approach In the
eighth hour lights, and the crown of shining, and the sun flames forth
more than fire.
The elements of the sun, the Phoenixes and Chalkydri broke into song.
15 1 Then the elements of the sun, called Phoenixes and Chalkydri break
into song, therefore every bird flutters with its wings, rejoicing at the
giver of light, and they broke into song at the command of the Lord. 2 The
giver of light comes to give brightness to the whole world, and the
morning guard takes shape, which is the rays of the sun, and the sun of
the earth goes out, and receives its brightness 3 to light up the whole
face of the earth, and they showed me this calculation of the sun's going.
the gates which it enters, these are the
great gates of the computation of the hours 4 of the year; for this reason
the sun is a great creation, whose circuit lasts twenty-eight years, and
begins again from the beginning.
sevens » Sat Jun 13,
2009 9:30 am
Here is some fragment from Baruch about Phoenix.
5 1, 2 And I Baruch said to the angel, Let me
ask thee one thing, Lord. Since thou didst say to me 3 that the dragon
drinks one cubit out of the sea, say to me also, how great is his belly?
And the angel said, His belly is Hades; and as far as a plummet is thrown
(by) three hundred men, so great is his belly. Come, then, that I may show
thee also greater works than these.
(Here is the magnetar reference
6 1 And he took me and led me where the sun goes forth; and he showed me a
chariot and four, under which burnt a fire, and in the chariot was sitting
a man, wearing a crown of fire, (and) the chariot (was)
drawn by forty angels. And behold a
bird circling before the sun, about nine
3 cubits away. And I said to the angel, What is this bird? And he said to
me, This is the
4, 5 guardian of the earth. And I said, Lord, how is he the guardian of
the earth? Teach me. And
the angel said to me, This bird flies alongside of the sun, and expanding
his wings receives its fiery
6 rays. For if he were not receiving them, the human race would not be
preserved, nor any other
7 living creature. But God appointed this bird thereto. And he expanded
his wings, and I saw on his right wing very large letters, as large as the
space of a threshing-floor, the size of about four
8 thousand modii; and the letters were of gold. And the angel said to me,
Read them. And I read,
9 and they ran thus: Neither earth nor heaven bring me forth, but wings of
fire bring me forth. And
10 I said, Lord, what is this bird, and what is his name? And the angel
said to me, His name is called
11 Phoenix. (And I said), And what
does he eat ? And he said to me, The manna of heaven and
12 the dew of earth. And I said, Does the bird excrete? And he said to me,
He excretes a worm, and the excrement of the worm is cinnamon, which kings
and princes use. But wait and thou shalt
13 see the glory of God. And while he was conversing with me, there was as
a thunder-clap, and the place was shaken on which we were standing. And I
asked the angel, My Lord, what is this sound? And the angel said to me,
Even now the angels are opening the three hundred and sixty-five gates
14 of heaven, and the light is being separated from the darkness. And a
voice came which said, Light
15 giver, give to the world radiance. And when I heard the noise of the
bird, I said, Lord, what is this
16 noise? And he said, This is the bird who awakens from slumber the cocks
upon earth. For as
men do through the mouth, so also does the cock signify to those in the
world, in his own speech.
For the sun is made ready by the angels, and the cock crows.
7 1, 2 And I said, And where does the sun begin its labours, after the
cock crows? And the angel
said to me, Listen, Baruch: All things whatsoever I showed thee are in the
first and second heaven, and in the third heaven the sun passes through
and gives light to the world. But wait, and thou
3 shall see the glory of God. And while I was conversing with him, I saw
the bird, and he appeared
4 in front, and grew less and less, and at length returned to his full
size. And behind him I saw the shining sun, and the angels which draw it,
and a crown upon its head, the sight of which we were
5 not able to gaze upon; and behold. And as soon as the sun shone, the
Phoenix also stretched out
his wings. But I, when I beheld such great glory, was brought low with
great fear, and I fled and
6 hid in the wings of the angel. And the angel said to me, Fear not,
Baruch, but wait and thou shalt also see their setting.
8 1 And he took me and led me towards the west; and when the time of the
setting came, I saw again the bird coming before it, and as soon as he
came I saw the angels, and they lifted the crown
2, 3 from its head. But the bird stood exhausted and with wings
contracted. And beholding these things, I said, Lord, wherefore did they
lift the crown from the head of the sun, and wherefore is
4 the bird so exhausted? And the angel said to me, The crown of the sun,
when it has run through
the day four angels take it, and bear it up to heaven, and renew it,
because it and its rays have been defiled upon earth; moreover it is so
renewed each day. And I Baruch said, Lord, and wherefore 5 are its beams
defiled upon earth? And the angel said to me, Because it beholds the
lawlessness and unrighteousness of men, namely fornications, adulteries,
thefts, extortions, idolatries, drunkenness, murders, strife, jealousies,
evil-speakings, murmurings, whisperings, divinations, and such like, which
are not well-pleasing to God. On account of these things is it defiled,
and therefore is it renewed.
6 But thou askest concerning the bird, how it is exhausted. Because by
restraining the rays of the
7 sun through the fire and burning heat of the whole day, it is exhausted
thereby. For, as we said
before, unless his wings were screening the rays of the sun, no living,
creature would be preserved.
9 1 And they having retired, the night also fell, and at the same time
came the chariot of the
2 moon, along with the stars. And I Baruch said, Lord, show me it also, I
beseech of thee, how
3 it goes forth, where it departs, and in what form it moves along. And
the angel said, wait and thou shalt see it also shortly. And on the morrow
I also saw it in the form of a woman, and sitting
on a wheeled chariot. And there were before it oxen and lambs in the
chariot, and a multitude of
4 angels in like manner. And I said, Lord, what are the oxen and the
lambs? And he said to me,
5 They also are angels. And again I asked, Why is it that it at one time
increases, but at another
6 time decreases? And (he said to me), Listen, O Baruch: This which thou
seest had been written
7 by God beautiful as no other. And at the transgression of the first
Adam, it was near to Sammael when he took the serpent as a garment. And it
did not hide itself but increased, and God was
8 angry with it, and afflicted it, and shortened its days. And I said, And
how does it not also shine always, but only in the night? And the angel
said, Listen: as in the presence of a king, the courtiers cannot speak
freely, so the moon and the stars cannot shine in the presence of the sun;
for the stars are always suspended, but they are screened by the sun, and
the moon, although it is uninjured, is consumed by the heat of the sun.
» Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:48 am
8 1 And he took me and led me towards the
west; and when the time of the setting
came, I saw again the bird coming
before it, and as soon as he came I saw the angels, and they
lifted the crown
2, 3 from its head.
and this fragment
Why has this formation been created on this
particular day? In this respect we find a remarkable series of
formations this year:
3rd June: Dragon-fly (yatesbury2009), an eccentric insect that in
astrological respect fits with the eccentric character of Uranus. This
formation arose on the day that the position of Uranus relative to the
sun was identical as on the 14th June 2012.
8th June: 3 fishes (bishopcannings2009b), referring to the god of the
see and the planet Neptune. This formation arose on the day that the
position of Neptune relative to the sun was identical as on the 14th
June 2012.
12th June: a Nibiru-like chicken: As Nibiru is the same planet as the
dwarf planet Sedna, this formation arose on the day that the position of
Sedna relative to the sun was identical as on the 14th June 2012!
All this formations also refer to Venus and or Jupiter. This is also
true regarding this formation: on the day of the formation, the position
of Venus relative to Sedna (16 degrees difference) is about the same,
but opposite to the position on the day of the recreation of the world
(about -17 degrees difference). Note that the 2 x 12 feathers of the
wings seem to refer to the 12th planet and the year 2012, while the 16
feathers of the tail equal the numerological value of 14 / 6 / 2012 (sum
of ciphers equals 16).
I’m looking forward for the animal that will pop up on the 14th June
this year!
Schoolboy survives meteorite strike
14:00 AEST Sat Jun 13 2009
7 hours 48 minutes ago
Gerrit Blank escaped with an injured hand after he was hit
by a meteorite.
A schoolboy has
survived being hit by a meteorite that came crashing down to earth at
Gerrit Blank, 14,
was walking to school in Essen in western Germany when he saw a "ball of
light" in the sky hurtling towards him, Britain's The Telegraph
newspaper reports.
Tablet 38