I wondered
about alignment s of Jupiter and Saturn in 2012. The presenter mention a
few dates

Part I of Alignment story of Jupiter
and Saturn. When researching through possible causes for some
major earthquakes and potential for 2012, a 150 degree ali...

Thank you
Dennis,next Time I read this Book.
I wish nice Week.
Sincerely yours
Ina Vosyliute

A continuing
story, last Thursday for lunch I went to the Fish and Chip shop ordered
my food and received the ticket 6.
So in all the tickets are 44, 8 and 6 at the time I thought 6+8=14(77)
leaving 44 which to me reminded me of the 144, 44 being a double of
22(the Tau, the end.)

Here is a image
of a replica of a temple of the Supreme Lord of Heaven in the Forbidden
City, that a friend and myself carried in this house undergoing

Great tune. The title track from
Peter's 'Promenade" cd. Enjoy!

Revelation 14
14:1 Then I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion,
and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand,
having His Father's name written on their foreheads.
consider Mt Hermon in history, is considered a Mt Sion and as we know in
Matthew, judgement is written down upon a mountain between 2 seas, a
mountain in the province of Dan incorporating Mt Hermon.

Hey you
guy..see you're busy..nice to see you're doing well ღ

A simple
reminder ~ just for YOU today:
Inspiring pictures & quotes found on
Beth Bracaglia's Simply Inspired Page. ☼☼☼ Please feel free to
share! ☼☼☼

Many people are
obsessed with Jesus' linage but everyone forgets that Jesus was part of
a large family whose progeny would of perpetuated in places throughout
the world including France possibly. Jesus shouldn't be just the one
focus but the rest of his brothers and sisters and there movements
should be investigated. Thats where I think the key is.

New Living
Translation (©2007)
Joshua 19:40
The seventh allotment of land went to the clans of the tribe of Dan.

American King James VersionAnd the
seventh lot came out for the tribe of the children of Dan
according to their families.

Watch Dewanisecru's video about
wikileaks bradley manning fbi cia usa julian assange conspiracy
documentary on Disclose.tv

aaah Praise the
Lord at the end of the day, for such an exciting and interesting journey
of the Tree of Life from 1st Eden led by the Book of Life, given to us
by the Father in Heaven & the Kingdom of Heaven, no worries at all. Just
fantastic, nothing like it on the planet.
But note the Book of Life at the end is a book where you can write you
name in, open for all!!! I wonder what type of book or targum that could
be? where you can place your and write your name and be part of the
book!! Wouldn't be the journey of the tree of life on facebook?? I
wonder about that as a literal thing.

Your support is imperative to the
fulfillment of the Foundation's mission to seed The Urantia Book
and its teachings throughout the world. With your help, the
Urantia Revelation will continue its forward march in bringing
the good news of our Father's love to the spiritually hungry
souls of this wor...

David Wilcock Interviews Drake about
the free state project. Drake gives a more detailed account of
what has happened. If you like the show, please consider ...

Shortly after the end of World War
II, Albert Einstein, referring to the new global danger of
nuclear weapons, uttered his now famous warning: “Everything has
changed, save the way we think.” Accordingly, he and Robert
Oppenheimer established the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists to
help warn the pu...

Here is the
position of the stars and planets as seen from Melbourne, Australia on
14th May 1961 at around 4:15am, the time of the birth of the 14561. Note
Jesus had an conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, 3 times in 7 BC, its
seems to me that Jupiter and Saturn are also in a close conjunction on
the 14561 day also on that one date.

A giant solar tornado - five times
the Earth's diameter - swirling at incredible speed of some
186,000 mph has been captured on video by NASA's Solar

Colin Andrews UFO
Research,International UFO Reports, Study of UFOs, Colin Andrews

Teaching by Perry Stone from Israel.

This has to be the greatest UFO show
on earth, recorded yesterday 26-03-12 at 20:20 hours outside
Bawsey Woods King's Lynn UK. Check out the Bright objects h...

This day marks when the Judgement of
all mankind will start... mHI1jjLZxFQ Ancient Egyptian records
translate the Pleiades as Krittikas , female judges of mankind

This Internet Slang page is designed
to explain what the meaning of EH is. The slang word / acronym /
abbreviation EH means... . Internet Slang. A list of common
slang words, acronyms and abbreviations as used in websites, ICQ
chat rooms, blogs, SMS, and internet forums.

♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥

Take the time to be still and
reflect on all the beauty that surrounds your life....
Treat yourself with the care and compassion that you always give
freely to others and allow yourself a day of rest to restore
your energy levels.
For instance, you could sit in the garden, read a good book,
listen to soothing music, meditate – or anything else that
relaxes your body and quietens your mind. Enjoy this “you time”
of peace and tranquillity, your Angels think you deserve it!See

Recorded at the Pizza Express Jazz
Club. Featuring Jaared (saxophone), Oli Silk (Piano/Keyboards),
Marc Parnell (Drums) and Frank Felix (Bass).

Gorgeous tune from the lovely Keiko
Matsui. This is a song called ' Forever Forever".

Hi Dennis, I am
so Grateful to connect and Richer for it my friend, thank you!

Billions of potentially habitable
planets may exist within our galaxy, the Milky Way, raising new
prospects that life could exist near Earth, a study has found.

284, 2+8+4=14(77)
88, 8+8=16, 16|61 reflectivity
140, 14(77) & 1+4=5
combine 14, 5, 61 reflectivity,
14561 which = 17
A prime signature calculated by the pillars, columns and statutes of
the Vatican Promenade.
More at the bottom of this thread.
See More

The Turin Shroud has baffled
scholars through the ages but, his new book, The Sign, Thomas de
Wesselow reveals a new theory linking the cloth to the

There were many citizens of India in Rome,
and often one of Gonod’s own employees would accompany him as
interpreter so that Jesus would have whole days to himself; this gave
him time in which to become thoroughly acquainted with this city of
two million inhabitants. He was frequently to be found in the forum,
the center of political, legal, and business life.
>>>He often went up to the Capitoli...um
and pondered the bondage of ignorance in which these Romans were
as he beheld this magnificent temple dedicated to Jupiter, Juno, and
Minerva. He also spent much time on Palatine hill, where were located
the emperor’s residence, the temple of Apollo, and the Greek and Latin

From St Ephriam
-Symbol and truth met one another;
-King and King, >Semha and Denha.-<
Take out the ha and combine, Sem and Den haha, hahaha

What do you

Hacktivists' collective sets 72-hour
deadline on YouTube after main account is shut down.

Watch Dali777's video about Powerful
message documentary on Disclose.tv

Some very talented studio musicians
led by Wolfganf Haffner. The V.I.P. Club.

We spoke of Dan
and its variants throughout the world, I wondered if there was a den?
I found Semah and Denah!!!

Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's
Birthright by J.H. Allen (The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel)

That's what First Coast resident
Paul Lovely told First Coast News about the creature he found
washed up on the banks of the St. Johns River Wednesday.

Watch Scooby01ukuk's video about
Other Mysteries documentary on Disclose.tv

>>>In this
rendezvous the cream of the civilization of Urantia was forgathering. <<
Without and beyond, the world lay in darkness, ignorance, and savagery.
Eden was the one bright spot on Urantia;<<< it was naturally a dream of
loveliness, and it soon became a poem of exquisite and perfected
landscape glory.

from "20Th Anniversary Celebration"
(2006) ** Japan edition bonus track

Seven8 : Amazing, Imagine what lays under the waters!!

How do you map the expansion of
Earth's earliest civilizations? For years, researchers have
tackled this daunting task on a settlement-by-settlement basis,
searching for clues in mounds of earth throughout the Middle

Perry Stone teaches from Israel.

Retired UNO physics professor Jack
Kasher researched extraterrestrials for 25 years and was known
as the "UFO guy."

Watch Ghost32's video about Raw
Video Camerons View The Mariana Trench documentary on

On my website
http://grahamhancock.com/ we're starting a community
interview feature. Our current community interview is with
paleoanthropologist Milford Wolpoff, the leading proponent of
the multiregional evolution hypothesis that challenges the
'Out of Africa' theory.
If you would like to ask him any questions, now is your
And from early April, we will have Nick Pope as our next
community interview. Nick formerly ran the British
Government's UFO Project and is now recognised as one of the
world's leading experts on UFOs.See

Imagine what lays under the waters!!

How do you map the expansion of
Earth's earliest civilizations? For years, researchers have
tackled this daunting task on a settlement-by-settlement basis,
searching for clues in mounds of earth throughout the Middle