Japanese authorities are operating on the presumption that
possible meltdowns are under way at two nuclear reactors, two
days after a massive earthquake, a government official said
Ok, check out the 3 green dots in the circle,
The triangle/Circle chevron where the circle at the bottom. Looks all
familiar and within a large circle.
I was more interested in the craft rather than
all the conspiracy.

Watch Remanuelli's video about Nazi bush family crime ring
documentary on Disclose.tv
thanks for the add . . .
When a religion imposes its so called truth on
others or else death and destruction to me that is a sign of dying and
faulty religion.
The ultimate truth in harmonisation with facts and witness will vanquish
error. The witness of truth will attract people without any imposition.

Filmed hours before the tsuanmi, And i got a Video of a UFO
Leaveing the water just before the tsumani hits the ground..
freaky shit
Look like the Meltdown is on. Oh now! this
should settle the case for 0 point energy.

UPDATE 1102 am CST 3/12/11 here is the tweet .. search it
yourself! its real.. meltdown is occuring *****(twitter@caribnews)
NHK World: The owner of Fukushima 1 nuclear power plant has
announced a meltdown is occurring at the plant*****
They must be evac craft getting ready for
service of the Kingdom of Heaven for this seventh bestowal planet of

I'll get to the Stereo images
later. I wanted to point this out and get your take on this.
LASCO2 and LASCO3 are different cameras
Japan's fears of nuclear mayhem recede as
nuclear reactor starts to cool

Physicists feared second explosion would create radioactive
cloud as residents react with panic, jamming city's exit roads
I do wonder who or what the 144,999 are. Since
they are related to future World Government after Judgement, they must
be connected to the ancient Government Cities of the 1 and 2nd Epoch,
1st Eden and Dalamatia City including Vans Highland capital. It must be
related to the Beginning of Spiritual Government on this planet.
Will March 19 'Supermoon' Trigger Natural
>>>On March 19,< the moon will swing around Earth more closely than it
has in the past >18 years,<<< lighting up the night sky from just
221,567 miles (356,577 kilometers) away.

On March 19, the moon will swing around Earth more closely
than it has in the past 18 years, lighting up the night sky
from just 221,567 miles (356,577 kilometers) away. On top of
that, it will be full. And one astrologer believes it could
inflict massive damage on the planet.
Not good!

Japan's massive earthquake caused a power outage that disabled
a nuclear reactor's cooling system, triggering evacuation
orders for about 3,000 residents, as the government declared
its first-ever state of emergency at a nuclear plant.

This is a quick demo, more videos coming soon. Part 1 is a
mechanical overunity device. It is the new operation of
planetary gearset power transmission under demonstration test.
Part 2 is a magnetic coil overunity device. It is Tesla and
Edward Leedskalnin works and research. Both device have an ove
The Volcano erupted at 21:19:42 precisely on
11/3/11, the Earthquake occurred 2:46 local time on 11/3/11.

Watch Reversec's video about Ufos Extraterrestrials Japan
Quake documentary on Disclose.tv
I would take heed!!
A replacement for Nuclear energy devices.

The first wave of the tsunami that came to hawaii after a
earthquake in chile.
Is it Haarp?

Benjamin Fulford explains HAARP The Ultimatum : Benjamin
Fulford (Part 1 of 3) Tokyo, Japan February, 2008 The son of a
Canadian diplomat, Benjamin Fulford rebelled against his
upbringing and at the age of 17 made his way by boat into the
heart of the Amazon to live with a tribe of for
Im thinking of the Precipice of China and the
effect of the 8.9 earthquake on the Precipice.
>> Depression of the ocean bottom during the prelife ages had upthrust a
solitary continental land mass to such a height that its lateral
pressure tended to cause the eastern, western, and southern fringes to
slide downhill, over the underlying semiviscous lava beds, into the
waters of the surrounding Pacific<<Ocean.

Watch Streetcap1's video about ufos ovnis starship mothership
nasa esa soho streetcap1 documentary on Disclose.tv
This could be a time for "International
Rescue" truly.
There are many views about the Messiah coming
and I think Jesus gives the clues in his morontia appearances and in the
timeline of his certain appearances reflecting certain patterns that
would be recognised later and connected to a new Revelation.
another article!
Ok it looks like its on another bloody war
because stupid people.

Watch Kanaeta's video about fox news channel insider qaddafi
libya documentary on Disclose.tv
I thought this was interesting. Well done.

Watch John302's video about power elite nwo bankers
rothschilds documentary on Disclose.tv
Im not sure if I posted this but I know think
these people make up stories.
1. Supervising Assistants. The first order of
the supervising seraphim are assigned to >the collective work of the
Constellation Fathers,< and they are the >ever-efficient helpers of the
Most Highs.<> These seraphim are primarily concerned with >>the
unification and stabilization of a whole constellation.<<
that means us.
The Father constantly and unfailingly meets
the need of the differential of demand for himself as it changes from
time to time in various sections of his master universe. The great God
knows and understands himself; he is infinitely self-conscious of all
his primal attributes of perfection. God is not a cosmic accident;
neither is he a universe experimenter.
Hopi Elders issue statement: NOW YOU MUST TELL
further down the link
The fifth order of angels, the planetary helpers, are attached to the
Adamic mission, always accompanying the Planetary Adams on their world
(583.1) 51:3.2 >>These Gardens of Eden< are
so named in honor of Edentia, the constellation capital<<<>>>, and
because they are patterned after the botanic grandeur of the
headquarters world of the Most High Fathers.<<>>Such garden homes are
>>usually located in a secluded section and in a near-tropic zone.<<
Here is another video, I just wonder if there
was an mini evac, the back up this
Hey Check this video out, I wonder how many
people they find, I just wonder if there was an evacuation of some sort.
I hope the video is real, its a thought. I mean they a re very nice and
the Urantia Book speaks highly of Japanese heritage. There concept of
Buddhism is the highest concepts in Buddhism and Shinto came from the

UFO fleet in seen above Japan prior to Earthquake and Tsunami
- more footage! Massive UFO activity in Japan prior to
Earthquake Michael Cohen m.cohen@allnewsweb.com It began with
a report three weeks ago of a UFO fleet being seen by
witnesses as it moved over Japan's Mount Fuji before the
I thought this was very beautiful, a nice
departure from stuff.

Astonished astronomer Oleg Bartunov, 51, caught the spectacle
on camera during a Himalayas expedition in Nepal.
Here is good example of some liquefaction.

Watch Gloomylunatic's video about AMAZING footage documentary
on Disclose.tv

Scientists do not know what to
think about: South America is bursting at the seams. In
southern Peru, suddenly appeared a huge crack length of 3 km
and a width
A track for expeditions of the beginnings.
Perhaps beginning at the sphinx pointing Dilmun/Babel and verifying the
place then going back further continuing the expedition to Dalamatia
City revealing the very first beginning(the real Atlantis from the
first) then going through the story in the Kopet Daugh Vans
place(temporary Atlantis then to 1st Eden (the other Atlantis, Behzad
brother revealed.)
I thought it could of been aircraft doing
night circuits but I cant see a strobe nor navigation lights.
Looks like I could of been hacked, the
computer did a reboot by itself at 7:00 hahaha
Looking at the things that exists and in truth
Uranium can still stay in the ground in the new world to come where
there will no need for Nuclear energy nor Bombs. Plus I think there are
better cures for cancer that where suppressed.

Japan was warned more than two years ago by the international
nuclear watchdog that its nuclear power plants were not
capable of withstanding powerful earthquakes, leaked
diplomatic cables reveal.
It should be breeze where a person can be a
discoverer and an explorer of the beginnings and of the truth for
themselves . Planetary and Universal looking forward to the real
adventure where the Father in Heaven walks with you and comforts you in
the journey.

Because this is the greatest song that has existed to date!
AND because i couldn't find the studio version on youtube,
enjoy this masterpiece! Disclaimer: why would i put a
disclaimer? WMG can't take this video down because i do not
profit from it. muahahaha (evil laugh)
Then we arrive at the location full of
anticipation and with enough funding for a full expedition of the whole
valley studying a whole array of things including a photographic mission
if possible, so eventually you can discover the Valley of the Shadow of
Death, the Valley of default for yourself.
cool and relaxing.
I claim this verse for the Realm of Paradise
and the journey to the Garden of 1st Eden of Adam and Eve.
Revelation 2:7
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the
churches; >>To him that >>overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of
life,<<>> which is in the midst of the paradise of God<<<
Some people in Bahrain want to replace
Kingship with a republic. Personally, Kingship is a type and shadow of
the Kingdom of Heaven. Republics and atheism don't exist in the kingdom
of Heaven, its only Kingship.

AFTERSHOCK The epicentre was located in Shizuoka prefecture,
about 120km southwest of the capital, and near Mount Fuji, The
another paper I enjoyed reading.

Locations of the Tree of LifeThe image to the left shows the
four locations where the Tree of Life grew. The first is in
the southern most area of what would become Mesopotamia. It is
where the celestials first touched down. It was here they
built the first city of Dalamatia that the Andites would l

Freund, a University of Hartford professor, believes he and
his research team have found the legendary island-city
described by Plato in about 360 B.C. as having "in a single
day and night disappeared into the depths of the sea."
Using satellite photography, ground-penetrating radar,
I thought this was a cool link to.

Hero of the RebellionIf one had to pick the most valiant
person in our planet's history it would have to be Van. Even
today if you look at a map of present day Turkey you will see
Lake Van. Its ancient name immortalizes Van the steadfast. The
kingdom of Urartu translates as the kingdom of Van. It
Hey Wayne sent me this

GEOSCIENCE Australia say there has been a 4.0 magnitude
earthquake off Innisfail, Far North Queensland, Australia.
I laughed at this one.

One of four northbound lanes on the Sydney Harbour Bridge is
closed after a load of gravel was dumped from a truck on to
the road.
Think about the Metaphor of Japan to rest of
the world.
Land of the "Land of the Rising Sun" and I speak of Dilmun/Babel the
"City of the Rising Sun"
What happened to Dilmun/Babel? flooding due to sea level rise, the same
with Japan! To me that expresses itself to rest of the world system.
Interesting paper
I noted this fragment
The lovers went further, where they met a mountain river, but no sooner
had they fallen to drink than it evaporated. >>>The young man then dug
to reach underground springs,<<<<

So where was the first garden? If you look at the island of
Cyprus you will see a long arm of land extending toward the
mainland. If you were to drain the Mediterranean Sea the arm
today would almost connect completing the mountain range that
existed tens of thousands of years ago. By re-elevating t

"By Your Side", a dynamic album from Hillsong Music
Australia. Recording an eruption of praise and exquisite live
worship led by Darlene Zschech, Russell Fragar, Reuben Morgan,
Marty Sampson and team. I Love classic Hillsongs!!!! Don't
forget to RATE!!!

Bette Midler preforms wind beneath my wings live on The Royal
Variety Performance in Blackpool UK for the Queen
1st Eden is the only bright spot on the
planet in amoungst all the confusion and disaster, we must foregather
and go there all together as one where I read and see and maybe meet
Jesus where we go to him the 2nd Adam.
Hey what if the Father in Heaven is doing
something like really getting involved! and did the Sun eclipse as a
demonstration for us, to reassure us that he is in involved and all is
This is very interesting, something eclipsed
the Moon on the 7:14:56 mark to 7:15:03
That is wild, look at the numbers, Hour 7(7), minutes 14(77) & 15(555,

Watch Ghost32's video about DTV Special Report Soho Something
Eclipsed The Sun documentary on Disclose.tv
Its not Atlantis just another submerged city
that was destroyed by a Tsunami like we precisely saw with Japan.
Wishful thinking but this is a regurgitated story for years.

Amid the overwhelming international attention being paid to
the ongoing tragic, and in the case of its nuclear reactors,
dangerous, situation in Japan after Friday's earthquake and
tsunami, it was, very understandably, easy to miss Sunday's
National Geographic special "Finding Atlantis." In the spe
3rd Nuclear explosion in Japan.
Isaiah 40
>> 31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew [7] their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be
weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."<<<
I just feel a need to check out second Isaiah.
And thus may be found the writings of this second Isaiah in the book of
that name, embracing chapters forty to fifty-five inclusive.
I was looking at some old posts and I found
this earlier reported earth quake near Sendai, 3 days before the big
Wednesday, March 09, 2011 at 02:45:18 UTC
Wednesday, March 09, 2011 at 11:45:18 AM at epicenter

USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, responsible for monitoring,
reporting, and researching earthquakes and earthquake hazards
I think it will be too late.

As blood flowed and Moammar Gadhafi's regime appeared to be
Nato beating back rebels, NATO officials scheduled a meeting
Thursday to discuss the international

The powerful earthquake that unleashed a devastating tsunami
Friday appears to have moved the main island of Japan by 8
feet (2.4 meters) and shifted the Earth on its axis.
some new streams

Listen to the cool and deep sounds of Dalamatia City.The
coolest and deepest radio network that sounds from the
Abyss.Enter below the Seven Gates of Dalamatia City to find
out more.
again 14(77) concerning the messenger of Jesus
John the Baptist.
John had no school from which to graduate at the >>age of fourteen<<,
but his parents had selected this as the appropriate year for him to
take the formal >Nazarite vow.<
the Fourteen 14(77) aspects of Personality.
Personality Survival
(1225.1) 112:0.1 THE evolutionary planets are the spheres of human
origin, the initial worlds of the ascending mortal career. Urantia is
your starting point; here you and your divine Thought Adjuster are
joined in temporary union.
I love this story and I see reflectivity of
number patterns.
Although the crowd engaged in numerous arguments, the chief controversy
was about a certain citizen of Tiberias who had arrived the preceding
day in quest of Jesus. This man, James of Safed, had a son about
>fourteen< years old, an only child, who was severely afflicted with
I'm sorry to say but if the Chinese precipice
cracks because of the recent earthquake in Japan and submerges, the
planet will uninhabitable this is because of Nuclear Fission power
plants. It really comes down to the early decision of the Fathers of
Energy and profit and who suppressed 0 point energy devices.
this clue about environment and manipulation.
Since the quality of the mind capacity for development in this eastern
group was so definitely inferior to that of the other two groups, >>the
Life Carriers, with the consent of >their superiors,<<>> so manipulated
the environment as further to circumscribe these inferior prehuman
strains of evolving life.<<
The number 14(77) in the urantia Book.
(707.1) 62:4.2 When >about fourteen years of age,< they fled from the
tribe, going west to raise their family and establish the new species of
Primates. And these new creatures are very properly denominated Primates
since they were the direct and immediate animal ancestors of the human
family itself.
>The work of the Thought Adjuster constitutes
the explanation of the translation of mans primitive and evolutionary
sense of duty into that higher and more certain faith in the eternal
realities of revelation.<<>> There must be perfection hunger in mans
heart to insure capacity for comprehending the faith paths to supreme
attainment.<<>> If any man chooses to do the divine will, he shall know
the way of truth. <<
Just think, in the next 1000 years translation
will be a more common occurrence leading to our first Translation
Truly Utopian and we are on the path from the beginning. People will be
looking for translation rather than death.
Orbs coming out of volcano??
"Indeed, our sun has a similar fate in
approximately 4 billion years time."
In my view that's not that long away since we speak and involve
ourselves in eternity and its truth..

Has an even cooler brown dwarf been discovered? If so, this
"ultra-cool" object has an atmospheric thermostat set at
around room temperature.
Tablet 85
The Targum
from the Beginnings and Facebook timeline