Who isKala?? Wouldnt be Kal short for
Kala: Encyclopedia - Kala
Kala. KALA (Kaiserslautern All Lifestyles Alliance) - Gay Straight
Alliance at KAHS High School Kala (hindu) Kala (java) (god) Kala,
Afghanistan (place) Kala, in a hindu context can also mean time or >>the
God of Death.<<< Other related archivesKala (hindu), Kala
(java), hindu.
I was interested in this part.
>>the God of Death.<<<

Kala. KALA (Kaiserslautern All
Lifestyles Alliance) - Gay Straight Alliance at KAHS High School
Kala (hindu) Kala (java) (god) Kala, Afghanistan (place) Kala, in a
hindu context can also mean time or the God of Death. Other related
The Duat could be
Australia, the place where RA goes to at night. Going from East to West
under the horizon, past the equator and beyond. This would be the entering
the Duat, the underworld. The Under world at night where RA goes to. Might
explain all the worlds with Ra in them from ancient times in australia and
the Pacific islands.

In Egyptian mythology, Duat (or Tuat)
(also called Akert, Amenthes, or Neter-khertet) is the underworld.
The Duat is a vast area under the Earth, connected with Nun, the
waters of the primordial abyss. The Duat is the realm of the god
Osiris and the residence of other gods and supernatural beings. I
Its possible this
could be the 3rd Site of Babel in Mesopotamia in remembrance of the Great
Dilmun/Babel of the past 300BC
Know the Adamite Sumerian got it all confused in forgotten knowledge of
there past
Here is the Isthmus of
The line and
connection that links the Monument, The Dilmun/Babel/Atlantis Line.
"I have found a
shaft, going 29 meters [95 feet approximately] vertically down into the
ground, exactly halfway between the Chefren Pyramid [the middle pyramid] and
the Sphinx.
The area is
constructed of blocks up to 25 ft long. Almost flush with the water table
and therefore the Nile, it is likely it was always part filled with water,
leaving a central plinth protruding like an island in the centre. The walls
surrounding the building are 20 ft thick, red sandstone.
mmm interesting, Djer
and Osiris associated

Tomb of Djer, and later, the Tomb of
Osiris in the Umm el Ga'ab district at Abydos
The Urrt Crown of Djurt Djurt in Sinm
but at the time it was all Eden and never knew about the location of
Dalamatia City.
DARKNESS. The Osiris the scribe Ani, whose word is truth, saith:-

I have no doubt that the Egyptian book
of of the dead is another description of the the 1st garden of Eden,
Atlantis which is located to the North Submerged between Cyprus and
Syria. The rendition of Atlantis given to Plato's grandfather by the
Egyptian priests was simply another expression of
(433.3) 39:3.9 These
transit personalities are so organized that they can simultaneously utilize
all three of the universally distributed lines of energy, each having a
clear space velocity of 186,280 miles per second. These transporters are
thus able to superimpose velocity of energy upon velocity of power until
they attain an average speed on their long journeys varying anywhere from
>>>555,000 to almost 559,000<<<
I very much enjoyed
this and just of the timing and synchronisation of its revealing!! The Lost
Tomb of Osiris where water want about the tomb. Like the water that went
about a circular canal about the Tree of life in the centre, the path of
Immortality in truth. Amazing find! however, I dont about discounting
anything in prophecy which he left the door open on. Fair thing.

Watch Ghost32's video about The Hidden
Tomb Osiris God Underworld documentary on Disclose.tv
Volcano News
January 2011
On >5th January ash emissions extended over 500 km< ENE of the volcano and
ashfall was recorded in the Komandorsky Islands. On >5th December 2010< ash
emissions reached a distance of 838 km NE of the volcano.
the 838 is the same number as time to location I think? on the UFO fleet
video filmed by a passenger.