Tablet 52
The Targum from the Beginnings and Facebook timeline
December 8th 2009
Something is going on and it points to the 22
also note the the midwayer point with the 22 commonality.
9th December 2009
Yesterday I did more research and calculations on the Magnetars and I'm quite sure that our space family is speaking to us through the numbers and its making connection with the numbers of the journey and numbers seen in daily life. Everything has the signature of commonality. I believe from my experience that our elder brothers are speaking to us through the channels of expanded religion which directly points to the Urantia Book as the facility that widens everything. Whilst civilisation evolves new knowledge and technology so does religion in the demonstration, in the proof and in the outcome brought about by faith like a child being led daily following hunches from within and in collaboration with all the spiritual forces of the Kingdom of Heaven which comes from space and from the eternal realms.
Then again no one has believe this because this journey from the beginnings of our spiritual heritage is not based on popularity nor Hollywood. At the end of the day it will just happen in the spontaneity of the Father. The Father will just love it and reveal at the time when he feels inspired to do so. It doesn't matter what we think adverse or in support.
The Father in Heaven will simply do all his pleasure and this is his pleasure, the revealing of the Heritage of the Ages for the benefit of our future survival. Without this we will become extinct as species as in the evidence of all the extinct species in the past 100 years of global commercial development and desire.
Much to think about and no point avoiding as that will lead no where. Unfortunately, everyone has to face the truth of themselves and from where they come from and make reconciliation within themselves. This is the pressure brought about from the Government of the Universe!
Life on this planet should be like that of living in a beautiful garden with love everywhere being shared amongst all as a family and striving for the betterment and enlargement of others and where no fear exists. You are motived by service to others. Service motivation will be the key for a new and evolved society.
But there must something that stimulates man to be in service motivation for others and I believe it has something to do with a revealing of the Universal Government where everything that is hidden will be made manifest before our eyes.
and more
What I figure that in the future on the other side of the black stump a new society will begin and the Tree of Life will be established. There will be those of today who will be physically modified to receive immortality from the tree of life. These individuals will be the spiritual custodians of the planet but also, there will be physical representatives from the eternal realms including Paradise that will be visible and who will assist us in creating a new planetary society.
There will be broadcast flashes from space and Universal Government through the Magnetar circuits and where the immortals on this planet will have to interpret for the people. The Immortals who supp of the Tree of Life will emanate a purple hue and that will be the living evidence that Father does live and is true and is the provider of eternal life.
Those who work for this now will be rewarded on the other side and who have proven themselves as trustworthy in the beforehand of the revealing to the cause of the Father in Heaven and Jesus Sovereign.
Regarding the timing of the Black Stump, I have no idea but there will be signs and I believe the Signs come from Space as like in a beacon.
Some people say this will happen in a thousand years but I say it can happen at any time and I believe there is much spontaneity attached.
All it takes is for one man out of 7 billion people to discover and recognise and then it activates the Epochal key of change and revealing. This aspect has nothing to do with institutions, organisations nor government research. Its all personal to the individual and the Father working as a team in friendship who discovers and recognises the key of change and future evolution related to a worldwide event. That's is the path and one that is spiritual and designed to be a spiritual lesson for all the planet in faith! All this is completely along the Jesus paths of Faith in relevance to personal and planetary destiny.
In the near future we will be a member of the Federation of Loyal Planets and we will have inter Galactic Communications with the greater elder family of the Universe.
It will be so exciting! Way beyond anything that man can come up with, everything today seems so small and petty in various degrees all tied to the dollar and physical existence/survival where most things appear bland.
Even TV with all its murder, rape and kill in the form of social control through fear is an complete embarrassment compared to what's happening. There is nothing on this planet compared to this. Everything just seems so boring and mediocre in attitude! Where as this journey goes to the top of the Universal Chain and is a far step beyond the trivialities and pettiness of life on this planet that people concern themselves with. Much to do with a lack of knowledge and foresight in the long range view beyond existence on this planet. There are very few interested people in this and therefore I know there will be few in the last stand of truth in the demonstration on this side of the Black Stump. There will be much rejection in the silence and much abandonment to the ones who do make the last stand in the truth of everything. That is Guaranteed!!!
The last guy who has the truth and makes a stand to the untruth will be completely and utterly rejected by all, which does includes all religions. That I know that for sure. Just read the Dead Sea Scrolls and you will see the picture of the last stand of the Office of Messiah including the last teacher of righteousness who opens the office for benefit of the times of great change . There will be more rejection of the last message than the rejection in the Jesus' stand of the truth.
Atheist and religionists (all of them) will reject the final construct. Also many prophecies contained in all religions will not come to pass. The True Mahdi for example, in truth will be rejected, there will be no one following him nor helping him. Islam will reject the Mahdi in favour of war, death and destruction which includes the pride and prejudice brought about by Sheik Osama who is a wayward sheik and is deceived by the last rebel sophistry of untruth in the demonstration and witness.
Honestly, these people who promote war and terrorism are staring cessation of existence in the barrel. You cannot enter the gates of Heaven through purposeful destruction of man and family using Gods name in vain following false and untested false man made doctrines that lead to war and destruction. Utterly man made! completely false!
Also the last 2 witness, the olive trees before the throne are not going to Jerusalem with the risk of being slaughtered by idiots who know nothing!...No way! The capital that the 2 witnesses go to and look upon is Jerusem, that is there local capital in Space. There physical capital on this planet are the ancient places of the Heritage of the Ages.
All Jerusalem is today is a geopolitical situation where God is used as an advantage.
Like the Shepherd boy who found the Dead Sea Scrolls is like the Shepherd boy who opens the office of the Messiah. The Office of Jesus is opened by a lone shepherd boy, a servant of the Lord who draws from the prophets of old in his work for the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
Yesterday on the News during the weather there were many 22 and 15.
Today I went to a job Block 22. next to 21 and 20.
Again tonight on the weather the temperature range for tomorrow is between 15-22 all round the city and local country areas many 22s appearing and today I was reminded today that I live on a route 7. The Seven path.
I was looking through some information of Toth because it was getting some hits. The translation is in old English.
Here is what I found regarding numbers that I find in this journey.
Seven are the mansions of the house of the Mighty;
Three guards the portal of each house from the darkness;
Fifteen the ways that lead to Duat.
Twelve are the houses of the Lords of Illusion,
facing four ways, each of them different.Forty and Two are the great powers,
judging the Dead who seek for the portal.
Four are the Sons of Horus,
Two are the Guards of East and West of Isis,
the mother who pleads for her children, Queen of the Moon,
reflecting the Sun.From this link about Atlantis, the land of the immortals like 1stEden of Cyprus regarding Adam and Eve.
Interesting, the commonalities in numbers that comes from ancient times.
Here is a link to the Ka and Ba search in the Urantia Book
Here is results.
line 30: In the conception of the atman the Hindu teachers really approximated an appreciation of the nature and presence of the Adjuster, but they failed to distinguish the copresence of the evolving and potentially immortal soul. The Chinese, however, recognized two aspects of a human being, the yang and the yin, the soul and the spirit. The Egyptians and many African tribes also believed in two factors, the ka and the ba; the soul was not usually believed to be pre-existent, only the spirit.
line 31: The inhabitants of the Nile valley believed that each favored individual had bestowed upon him at birth, or soon thereafter, a protecting spirit which they called the ka. They taught that this guardian spirit remained with the mortal subject throughout life and passed before him into the future estate. On the walls of a temple at Luxor, where is depicted the birth of Amenhotep III, the little prince is pictured on the arm of the Nile god, and near him is another child, in appearance identical with the prince, which is a symbol of that entity which the Egyptians called the ka. This sculpture was completed in the fifteenth century before Christ.
line 32: The ka was thought to be a superior spirit genius which desired to guide the associated mortal soul into the better paths of temporal living but more especially to influence the fortunes of the human subject in the hereafter. When an Egyptian of this period died, it was expected that his ka would be waiting for him on the other side of the Great River. At first, only kings were supposed to have kas, but presently all righteous men were believed to possess them.
line 36: One Egyptian ruler, speaking of the ka within his heart, said: "I did not disregard its speech; I feared to transgress its guidance. I prospered thereby greatly; I was thus successful by reason of that which it caused me to do; I was distinguished by its guidance." Many believed that the ka was "an oracle from God in everybody." Many believed that they were to "spend eternity in gladness of heart in the favor of the God that is in you."
Know here Toth regarding the Ka and Ba, the thought adjuster, Like the experience in this journey in faith with the Father fragment as a partner and friend working together.
Ba is the Essence, living forever.
Ka is the Shadow that man knows as life.
Ba cometh not until Ka is incarnate.
These are mysteries to preserve through the ages.
Keys are they of life and of Death.
Hear ye now the mystery of mysteries:
learn of the circle beginningless and endless,
the form of He who is One and in all.
Listen and hear it, go forth and apply it,
thus will ye travel the way that I go.
Mystery in Mystery,
yet clear to the Light-born,
the Secret of all I now will reveal.
I will declare a secret to the initiated,
but let the door be wholly shut against the profane.These words might be the origins of the name KaBa stone.
And look a this one which may refer to the Shabbes time having 9 cycles with 14 embedded within. 14 Shabbes/Sevenths for one Pyramid.
Tell ye I now of the mystery of cycles
that move in movements that are strange to the finite,
for infinite are they beyond knowledge of man.
Know ye that there are nine of the cycles;
aye, nine above and fourteen below,
moving in harmony to the place of joining
that shall exist in the future of time.
Know ye that the Lords of the Cycles
are units of consciousness sent from the others to unify
This with the All.
Highest are They of the consciousness
of all the Cycles, working in harmony with the Law.
Know They that in time all will be perfected,
having none above and none below, but all One
in a perfected Infinity, a harmony of all in the Oneness of All.
The 49 Shabbes/Sevenths
Know ye that there are nine of the cycles;
aye, nine above and fourteen below,and
moving in harmony to the place of joining (like joining with space from the beginnings)
that shall exist in the future of time. (who make it through the safe path for the future destiny of the planet)
and this is the nature of the journey from the beginnings
are units of consciousness sent from the others to unify
This with the All.
The following appears to be oneness in commonality.
The complete nine cycles with the Shabbes/Seventh within. The Seventh part in the ninth.
Its like the Seventh Magnetar. The 7th in the 9th and spin ratio....9.0783±0.0001 sec
Flash on the 6th month 5th day
on the 6th month June on the 5th day in 2009The source was subsequently confirmed as
a magnetar candidate with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer
(RXTE) observations (G¨o˘g¨u¸s et al. 2009a), which
revealed a spin period of
9.0783±0.0001 sec in the persistent (9+7+8+3=27, 2 and 7 and 2x7=14, 77 Sevens)X-ray emission of the source.
and connected to this
and perhaps this
The Key of Time
List ye, O Man. Take of my wisdom.
Learn of his deep hidden mysteries of space.
Learn of the THOUGHT that grew in the abyss,
bringing Order and Harmony in space.
Know ye, O man, that all exists
has being only because of the LAW.
Know ye the LAW and ye shall be free,
never be bound by the fetters of night.
Far, through strange spaces, have I journeyed
into the depth of the abyss of time,
until in the end all was revealed.
Know ye that mystery is only mystery
when it is knowledge unknown to man.
When ye have plumbed the heart of all mystery,
knowledge and wisdom will surely be thine.
Seek ye and learn that TIME is the secret
whereby ye may be free of this space.
December 10th 2009
Here is some information about Toth
Thoth[1] was considered one of the more important deities of the Egyptian pantheon. In art, he was often depicted as a man with the head of an ibis or a baboon; these animals were sacred to him. His feminine counterpart was Seshat.[2] His chief shrine was located in the city of Khemennu, later renamed Hermopolis by the Greeks (in reference to him through the Hellenic Greeks' interpretation that he was the same as their god Hermes) and Eshmûnên in the Coptic rendering. In that city, he led the local pantheon of the region known as the Ogdoad, and its eight principal deities. He also had numerous shrines within the cities of Abydos, Hesert, Urit, Per-Ab, Rekhui, Ta-ur, Sep, Hat, Pselket, Talmsis, Antcha-Mutet, Bah, Amen-heri-ab, and Ta-kens.[3]
He was often considered as the heart, which, according to the ancient Egyptians, is the seat of intelligence or the mind, and tongue of the sun god Ra; as well as the means by which Ra's will was translated into speech.[4] He had also been related to the Logos of Plato[4] and the mind of God[5] (see The All). In the Egyptian mythology, he has played many vital and prominent roles in maintaining the universe, including being one of the two deities (the other being Ma'at) who stood on either side of Ra's boat.[6] Later in ancient Egyptian history, Thoth became heavily associated with the arbitration of godly disputes,[7] the arts of magic, the system of writing, the development of science,[8] and the judgment of the dead.[9]
the other being Ma'at = Dalamatia city, the first place of the Sins of God.
Egyptologists disagree on Thoth's nature depending upon their view of the Egyptian pantheon. Most Egyptologists today side with Sir Flinders Petrie that Egyptian religion was strictly polytheistic, in which Thoth would be a separate god. His contemporary adversary, E. A. Wallis Budge, however, thought Egyptian religion to be primarily monotheistic[27] where all the gods and goddesses were aspects of the God Ra, similar to the Trinity in Christianity and devas in Hinduism.[28] In this view, Thoth would be the aspect of Ra which the Egyptian mind would relate to the heart and tongue.
His roles in Egyptian mythology were many. Thoth served as a mediating power, especially between good and evil, making sure neither had a decisive victory over the other.[29] He also served as scribe of the gods,[30] credited with the invention of writing and alphabets (ie. hieroglyphs) themselves.[31] In the underworld, Duat, he appeared as an ape, A'an, the god of equilibrium, who reported when the scales weighing the deceased's heart against the feather, representing the principle of Ma'at, was exactly even.[32]
The ancient Egyptians regarded Thoth as One, self-begotten, and self-produced.[20] He was the master of both physical and moral (ie. Divine) law,[20] making proper use of Ma'at.[4] He is credited with making the calculations for the establishment of the heavens, stars, Earth,[33] and everything in them.[4] Compare this to how his feminine counterpart, Ma'at was the force which maintained the Universe.[34] He is said to direct the motions of the heavenly bodies. Without his words, the Egyptians believed, the gods would not exist.[35] His power was almost unlimited in the Underworld and rivaled that of Ra and Osiris.[20]
The Egyptians credited him as the author of all works of science, religion, philosophy, and magic.[36] The Greeks further declared him the inventor of astronomy, astrology, the science of numbers, mathematics, geometry, land surveying, medicine, botany, theology, civilized government, the alphabet, reading, writing, and oratory. They further claimed he was the true author of every work of every branch of knowledge, human and divine.[37]
Fear grips Mbozi as tremors hit the area
By Stephano Simbeye, Mbozi
Fear has gripped residents of Mbozi District in Mbeya Region following series of tremors that have hit the area for the past three consecutive days.
Some people area reported to be sleeping outside their houses for fear of housed crumbling over them as the reported destruction of houses in neighbouring Malawi.
According to US Geological Survey, the epicentre of the tremors is 110 miles (175 km) north of Mzuzu in Malawi and 75 miles (125 km) southeast of Mbeya municipality. (175+125=300)
The US based institution reported yesterday that a quake of 5.9 magnitude struck northern Malawi on Tuesday, close to the Tanzanian border.
The quake, only 6.2 miles (10 km) deep, followed a series of tremors that hit the uranium-rich Karonga District, for two (2) days running.
But reports from Mbozi said the residents started to experience the tremors on December 5, this year at around 9pm. or 21:00
Witnesses said the first wave of tremors lasted for at least three (3) minutes and it happened thrice. (3)
"This trend has forced us to abandon our houses and to sleep outside,"said Ms Isabela Mwamoto, a residdent of Mwenge Street in Vwawa town.
"Many houses here are not strong enough to withstand the shocks," she said.
Another resident of Itaka ward in the district, Mr Alan Kihala, told this newspaper over the telephone that they experienced another major tremor yesterday morning.
However, no serious injuries or damages have been reported until late yesterday apart from raising fears.
Mr John Sinyinza from Mpemba ward, said he has heard about earthquakes happening in distant places like Japan and other Asian countries, but he has never experienced anything like that here.
Mbozi district commissioner Gabriel Kimolo, confirmed the incidents, noting that many people have panicked.
He said he has already communicated with TMA Mbeya office, urging the agency to clarify the situation so as to calm down the residents.
Here are the earthquake measurement and the distance.
earthquake measurement 5.9 and 6.2 distance
If I add all component I get this result.
time 9pm. or 21:00
the epicentre of the tremors is 110 miles.
9+11=20 or 21+11=32, 3+2=5
It seems interesting that the earthquakes of recent seem to cause little damage and casualties. I just wonder because there appears top be some communication happening between the Magnetars and earthquakes with the same commonalities as the journey from the beginning is it calming the planet to a degree? As strange as it seems, Could it be that earth wants to speak with someone? Like a child screaming for some to talk with or keep company? and because of this number commonalties on all levels in the communication the earth settles down because there is someone hearing the planet, so to speak.????
I just wonder about that? Personally, If in fact this is the case...In faith, I would like to embrace the planet as my friend and continue to speak with the Earth in the numbers during this time of the revealing of the hidden.
I just wonder if the planet has a form of consciousness like an organism that we can connect to??
I Praise the Lord, Sovereign Jesus and the Father of all of Heaven.
I've just been reading the Zadokite document written by the Essenes and you could say that in the following could be a clear description of what may befall the planet concerning the standards of Judgment, there could be some severity but in the Urantia Book Judgment seems to have a different flavour, we have to see what happens. I believe something is to occur remembering that I have opened the Office of the Messiah on behalf of my Essene brothers and for the Kingdom of Heaven. I was inspired to do so because I do feel a deep feeling of brotherhood with the Essenes and especially with the last teacher of righteousness from those days and the sadness he felt when he closed his office. They are my friends so I felt inspired to uphold there prophecy by reopening the great Office of the Messiah
The Leaders of the great Office of the Messiah is Sovereign Jesus and Melchizedek including all the brotherhood family of all the Kingdom of Heaven. I do not underestimate the Last Teacher of Righteousness from those times in his prophecy of the opening of the office of the Messiah and who kept all the scripts safe for this time so at the right time they would be discovered and fulfil themselves when the right fellow Sevenfold brother would come along, to activate and unlock the potential of the WORD in conjunction with everything else, adding its part in the forming of a oneness in demonstration as a result of the WORD! the written word along with great worship the great Father of all and thanks to Jesus the Sovereign and Melchizedek...right on!
including the Sevenfold Peace.
Here is a fragment of the Zadokite document including the Judgment standard. Please don't take lightly! read carefully! The Dead Sea Scrolls where discovered by the Shepherd boy, Like the Shepherd boy of today who opens the Office of the Messiah for this latter day purpose of the Kingdom of Heaven.
It is to this that allusion is also made in the statement: 'I will exile Sikkuth your king and Kiyyun your image, the star of your God. . . beyond Damascus' [cf. Amos 5.26).
The expression 'Sikkuth your king' refers to the Books of the Law, [for the word 'Sikkuth' is to be explained from the like-sounding sukkah, 'tabernacle')** as in the passage of Scripture which says: 'I will raise up the fallen sukkah [tabernacle] of David' [Amos 9.11].
* Heb. even as God has said: 'Between a man and his wife and between a father and his son'-a loose quotation from Num. 30.17.
** These words have here been inserted in order to bring out the word-play in the Hebrew original.
The expression 'king' denotes the congregation;28 and the expression 'Kiyyun your image' refers to the books of the prophets29 whose words the House of Israel has de-spised.80
As for the 'star', that refers to every such interpreter of the Law as indeed repairs to 'Damascus',31 even as it is written: 'There shall step forth a star out of Jacob, and a sceptre shall rise out of Israel' [Num. 24.17].82 The 'sceptre', it may be added, is the leader of the community, for in the exercise of his office he shall 'batter all the sons of pride',88 as the Scripture says. (that's true)
In the former visitation, these faithful men escaped, while those that turned back were delivered to the sword. Such will be the fate also of those who in the latter days will have entered God's Covenant but not held fast to these things. Them will God punish unto extinction by the hand of Belial.
The day on which God will carry out the punishment will be that to which the prophet alluded when he said: 'The princes of Judah have become like them that remove landmarks; I will pour out My wrath upon them like water' [Hos. 5.10]. They shall hope for healing, but the blemish shall cling to them. They are all of them apostates in that they have not turned from the way of the treacherous but have sullied themselves with wantonness and with wicked lucre and with the nursing of grudges against their fellows and with hatred of their neighbors. They have cheated their own kin and have had contact with lewdness and have been overbearing by virtue of wealth and possession and have done every man of them what was right in his own eyes, and have preferred the stubbornness of their own hearts, and have not kept aloof from the rabble, but have behaved lawlessly and highhandedly, walking in the way of the wicked.
Concerning them has God said: 'Their wine shall prove the poison of serpents and the cruel venom of asps' [Deut 32.33]. The wine' in question is their conduct; the 'serpents' are the kings of the nations; and the 'venom [Heb. ro'sh] of asps' is the chief [Heb. ro'sh] of the Grecian kings who will come to wreak vengeance upon them.
Those that have been 'builders of the rickety wall' and 'daubers of veneer upon it'34 have never considered all this, because the man who walks in wind, who raises whirl-winds, who spouts lies-the kind of man against all of whose ilk God's wrath has always been kindled-has kept spouting at them.
Howbeit, what Moses said of old, 'Not for thy righteousness nor for the uprightness of thy heart art thou going in to possess these nations but because of His love wherewith He loved thy forefathers and because He would keep the oath' [cf. Deut. 9.5],85 applies equally to those in Israel who in those latter days show repentance and eschew the way of the rabble. The same love which God showed to the men of old who pledged themselves to follow Him will He show also to their successors. The ancestral Covenant shall stand good for them.
But inasmuch as He hates and abominates all that 'build a rickety wall', His anger has been kindled against them; and all who reject His commandments and forsake them and go on walking in the stubbornness of their own hearts will be visited with such judgment as has been described. It is to this that Jeremiah was referring when he spoke to Baruch the son of Neriah,36 and Elisha when he spoke to his servant Gehazi.87
All those that entered into the new covenant in 'the land of Damascus' but subsequently relapsed and played false and turned away from the well of living waters shall not be reckoned as of the communion of the people nor inscribed in the roster of it throughout the period from the time the teacher of the community is gathered to his rest until that in which the lay and the priestly messiah [anointed] assume their office.88
insert 2ndOctber 07 The Office of the Messiah opened 2nd Oct 07
(I would like to mention there are many laws mentioned in the Zadokite document concerning this office. However all those early Essene laws have been replaced by the simple law of Jesus. We all in this spiritual office love one another and is the basis of the brotherhood of man and Fatherhood of the Father. However there may be clues to the consummation of times that we see in this journey to the ancient places.)
The same applies also to all that entered the company of the 'specially holy and blameless'39 but were loath to carry out the rules imposed upon the upright Every such man is, as it were, like 'one molten in the furnace' [Ezek. 22.22].[bible link] When his deeds come clearly to light, he shall be cast out of that company as being one who has no share
among the disciples of God. Men of knowledge shall reprove him according to his perfidy until he repent and thereby resume his place among the specially holy and blameless-that is, until it become clear that his actions are again in accordance with the interpretation of the Law adopted by the specially holy and blameless. Meanwhile, no man shall have commerce with him in matters either of property or of employment, for he has been cursed by all the holy ones of God on high.
The same applies again-in the future as it did in the past-to all who commit their hearts to idolatry and walk in the stubbornness of their hearts. All such have no portion in the household of the Law [Torah].
The same applies, once again, to all of their fellows that relapse in the company of scoffers. These too shall be judged; for they will have spoken error against the righteous ordinances and have rejected the Covenant of God and the pledge which they swore in 'the land of Damascus'
-that is, the new covenant.40 Neither they nor their families shall have a portion in the household of the Law [Torah].
About forty years will elapse from the death of the teacher of the community until all the men who take up arms and relapse in the company of the Man of Falsehood are brought to an end.41 At that time, the wrath of God will be kindled against Israel, and that will ensue which is described by the prophet when he says: 'No king shall there be nor priest nor judge nor any that reproves aright' [cf. Hos. 3.4].
But they of Jacob that have repented, that have kept the Covenant of God, shall then speak each to his neighbor to bring him to righteousness, to direct his steps upon the way. And God will pay heed to their words and hearken, and He will draw up a record of those that fear Him and esteem His name,42 to the end that salvation shall be revealed for all God-fearing men. Then ye shall again distinguish the righteous from the wicked, him that serves God from him that serves Him not. And God will 'show mercy unto thousands, unto them that love Him and keep His commandments'-yea, even unto a thousand generations.
As for those schismatics43 who, during the era when Israel was behaving perfidiously and defiling the sanctuary, indeed departed from the Holy City, relying (solely) on God, but who subsequently, without much [ad]o,* reverted to the popular [tre]nd-all of those shall be subjected to judgment by the sacred council,44 each according to his character.
Those too who indeed entered the Covenant but subsequently broke through the bounds of the Law-all of those shall be 'cut off from the midst of the camp' at the time when God's glory is made manifest to Israel. And along with them shall go those that sought to turn Judah to wickedness in the days when it was being put to the test.
0f the future reward of the faithful (B. xx, 27-34)
Howbeit, all that hold fast to these enactment's, going and coming in accordance with the Law; that hearken to the voice of the Teacher; that make confession before God, saying: Just and truthful are Thy judgments against us, for we have done wickedly, both we and our fathers, in that we have gone contrary to the statutes of the Covenant; all who raise not their hands against His holy statutes or His righteous judgments or His truthful ordinances; all who learn the lessons of the former judgments wherewith the men of the community were adjudged in time past; all who give ear to him who imparts the true interpretation of the Law and who do not controvert the right ordinances when they hear them-all of these shall rejoice and their hearts shall be strong, and they shall prevail over all that dwell in the world. And God will accept their atonement, and because they took refuge in His holy name they shall indeed see salvation at His hand.
Praise the Lord in the Kingdom of Heaven for helping us and giving us guidance.
11th December 2009
taken from
The mysterious spiral light show over Norway’s skies on December 9 has been called a spiral UFO, mysterious spiral light, new astral phenomenon, a “spinning ‘Catherine wheel-style’ spiral of white light”, and “Star-Gate” by top scientists whom, according to The Sun, are “baffled”:
A MYSTERIOUS giant spiral of light that dominated the sky over Norway this morning has stunned experts — who believe the space spectacle is an entirely new astral phenomenon.
Thousands of awe-struck Norwegians bombarded the Meteorological Institute to ask what the incredible light — that could be seen in the pre-dawn sky for hundreds of miles — could possibly be.
The phenomenon has been dubbed ‘Star-Gate’ — as the world’s top scientists and the military lined up to admit they were baffled.
However it was missile failure
According to the Straits Times, it’s not baffling at all, instead the phenomenon was caused by a Russian nuclear-capable Bulava failed missile test.
From the Straits Times:
MOSCOW – Russia’s new nuclear-capable Bulava missile has suffered a new failure in testing which was the likely source of a mysterious light that appeared over Norway, Russian newspaper reports said Thursday.
The submarine-launched Bulava missile was test-fired from the Dmitry Donskoi submarine in the White Sea early Wednesday but failed at the third stage, the Kommersant and Vedomosti newspapers reported, quoting defence sources.
The test was the 13th test-firing of the Bulava and the ninth time that the launch has failed, Vedomosti said. The missile is central to Russia’s plan to revamp its ageing weapons arsenal but is struggling with development problems.
Kommersant said the reported test-firing before dawn on Wednesday morning coincided with the appearance of an extraordinary light over northern Norway that captivated observers. Images of the white light that appeared in the sky above the Norwegian city of Tromso prompted explanations ranging from a meteor, northern lights, a failed missile or even a UFO.
IDB RSM-56 Bulava – a bad start: (December 9, 2009 …
Russia. The second day of power and Minobor … … Russian SLBM ICBM Bulava Missile Military Navi Nuclear SS-NX-30 3M30 RSM-56 Bulava ICBM Topol Russia
However the plot thickens
Russian authorities have denied Norwegian press suggestions that it was a missile test that produced a strange contrail. But perhaps it was a military laser or directed energy anti-satellite test.
The again the BBC confirm a missile launch.
Oh well, it looks like it was manmade and by the way why do we need more nuclear bomb research? Don't we have enough Nuclear deterrents?
December 13th 2009
I would like to acknowledge this brother in support of this mission. I praise the Lord for Urantia Brothers such as this person.
Here is a link to his website where he has been very generous in acknowledging this journey from ancient times and the office of the Messiah and its function..
Praise the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven for brothers like this.
Today I went visit my Urantia fellow reading friend from many years and explained what's been happening with the journey and the number occurrences on all levels.
Read the following paper particularly the end section in relation to the Magnetars and the Number reoccurrences that are happening on all levels.
She mention the Paper 116
The paper was outstanding but it was last sections that to me reflect this exact journey regarding all the occurrences.
You have been instructed in the relationship of God the Sevenfold to the Supreme Being, and you should now recognize that the Sevenfold encompasses the controllers as well as the creators of the grand universe. These sevenfold controllers of the grand universe embrace the following:
1. The Master Physical Controllers.
2. The Supreme Power Centers.
3. The Supreme Power Directors.
4. The Almighty Supreme.
5. The God of Action--the Infinite Spirit.
6. The Isle of Paradise.
7. The Source of Paradise--the Universal Father.
These seven groups are functionally inseparable from God the Sevenfold and constitute the physical-control level of this Deity association.
The bifurcation of energy and spirit (stemming from the conjoint presence of the Eternal Son and the Paradise Isle) was symbolized in the superuniverse
Page 1274
sense when the Seven Master Spirits unitedly engaged in their first act of collective creation. This episode witnessed the appearance of the Seven Supreme Power Directors. Concomitant therewith the spiritual circuits of the Master Spirits contrastively differentiated from the physical activities of power director supervision, and immediately did the cosmic mind appear as a new factor co-ordinating matter and spirit.
The Almighty Supreme is evolving as the overcontroller of the physical power of the grand universe. In the present universe age this potential of physical power appears to be centered in the Seven Supreme Power Directors, who operate through the fixed locations of the power centers and through the mobile presences of the physical controllers.
The time universes are not perfect; that is their destiny. The struggle for perfection pertains not only to the intellectual and the spiritual levels but also to the physical level of energy and mass. The settlement of the seven superuniverses in light and life presupposes their attainment of physical stability. And it is conjectured that the final attainment of material equilibrium will signify the completed evolution of the physical control of the Almighty.
In the early days of universe building even the Paradise Creators are primarily concerned with material equilibrium. The pattern of a local universe takes shape not only as a result of the activities of the power centers but also because of the space presence of the Creative Spirit. And throughout these early epochs of local universe building the Creator Son exhibits a little-understood attribute of material control, and he does not leave his capital planet until the gross equilibrium of the local universe has been established.
In the final analysis, all energy responds to mind, and the physical controllers are the children of the mind God, who is the activator of Paradise pattern. The intelligence of the power directors is unremittingly devoted to the task of bringing about material control. Their struggle for physical dominance over the relationships of energy and the motions of mass never ceases until they achieve finite victory over the energies and masses which constitute their perpetual domains of activity.
The spirit struggles of time and space have to do with the evolution of spirit dominance over matter by the mediation of (personal) mind; the physical (nonpersonal) evolution of the universes has to do with bringing cosmic energy into harmony with the equilibrium concepts of mind subject to the overcontrol of spirit. The total evolution of the entire grand universe is a matter of the personality unification of the energy-controlling mind with the spirit-co-ordinated intellect and will be revealed in the full appearance of the almighty power of the Supreme.
The difficulty in arriving at a state of dynamic equilibrium is inherent in the fact of the growing cosmos. The established circuits of physical creation are being continually jeopardized by the appearance of new energy and new mass. A growing universe is an unsettled universe; hence no part of the cosmic whole can find real stability until the fullness of time witnesses the material completion of the seven superuniverses.
In the settled universes of light and life there are no unexpected physical events of major importance. Relatively complete control over the material creation has been achieved; still the problems of the relationship of the settled universes
Page 1275
to the evolving universes continue to challenge the skill of the Universe Power Directors. But these problems will gradually vanish with the diminution of new creative activity as the grand universe approaches culmination of evolutionary expression.
In the evolutionary superuniverses energy-matter is dominant except in personality, where spirit through the mediation of mind is struggling for the mastery. The goal of the evolutionary universes is the subjugation of energy-matter by mind, the co-ordination of mind with spirit, and all of this by virtue of the creative and unifying presence of personality. Thus, in relation to personality, do physical systems become subordinate; mind systems, co-ordinate; and spirit systems, directive.
This union of power and personality is expressive on deity levels in and as the Supreme. But the actual evolution of spirit dominance is a growth which is predicated on the freewill acts of the Creators and creatures of the grand universe.
On absolute levels, energy and spirit are one. But the moment departure is made from such absolute levels, difference appears, and as energy and spirit move spaceward from Paradise, the gulf between them widens until in the local universes they have become quite divergent. They are no longer identical, neither are they alike, and mind must intervene to interrelate them.
That energy can be directionized by the action of controller personalities discloses the responsiveness of energy to mind action. That mass can be stabilized through the action of these same controlling entities indicates the responsiveness of mass to the order-producing presence of mind. And that spirit itself in volitional personality can strive through mind for the mastery of energy-matter discloses the potential unity of all finite creation.
There is an interdependence of all forces and personalities throughout the universe of universes. Creator Sons and Creative Spirits depend on the co-operative function of the power centers and physical controllers in the organization of universes; the Supreme Power Directors are incomplete without the overcontrol of the Master Spirits. In a human being the mechanism of physical life is responsive, in part, to the dictates of (personal) mind. This very mind may, in turn, become dominated by the leadings of purposive spirit, and the result of such evolutionary development is the production of a new child of the Supreme, a new personal unification of the several kinds of cosmic reality.
And as it is with the parts, so it is with the whole; the spirit person of Supremacy requires the evolutionary power of the Almighty to achieve completion of Deity and to attain destiny of Trinity association. The effort is made by the personalities of time and space, but the culmination and consummation of this effort is the act of the Almighty Supreme. And while the growth of the whole is thus a totalizing of the collective growth of the parts, it equally follows that the evolution of the parts is a segmented reflection of the purposive growth of the whole.
On Paradise, monota and spirit are as one--indistinguishable except by name. In Havona, matter and spirit, while distinguishably different, are at the
Page 1276
same time innately harmonious. In the seven superuniverses, however, there is great divergence; there is a wide gulf between cosmic energy and divine spirit; therefore is there a greater experiential potential for mind action in harmonizing and eventually unifying physical pattern with spiritual purposes. In the time-evolving universes of space there is greater divinity attenuation, more difficult problems to be solved, and larger opportunity to acquire experience in their solution. And this entire superuniverse situation brings into being a larger arena of evolutionary existence in which the possibility of cosmic experience is made available alike to creature and Creator--even to Supreme Deity.
The dominance of spirit, which is existential on absolute levels, becomes an evolutionary experience on finite levels and in the seven superuniverses. And this experience is shared alike by all, from mortal man to the Supreme Being. All strive, personally strive, in the achievement; all participate, personally participate, in the destiny.
The grand universe is not only a material creation of physical grandeur, spirit sublimity, and intellectual magnitude, it is also a magnificent and responsive living organism. There is actual life pulsating throughout the mechanism of the vast creation of the vibrant cosmos. The physical reality of the universes is symbolic of the perceivable reality of the Almighty Supreme; and this material and living organism is penetrated by intelligence circuits, even as the human body is traversed by a network of neural sensation paths. This physical universe is permeated by energy lanes which effectively activate material creation, even as the human body is nourished and energized by the circulatory distribution of the assimilable energy products of nourishment. The vast universe is not without those co-ordinating centers of magnificent overcontrol which might be compared to the delicate chemical-control system of the human mechanism. But if you only knew something about the physique of a power center, we could, by analogy, tell you so much more about the physical universe.
Much as mortals look to solar energy for life maintenance, so does the grand universe depend upon the unfailing energies emanating from nether Paradise to sustain the material activities and cosmic motions of space.
Mind has been given to mortals wherewith they may become self-conscious of identity and personality; and mind--even a Supreme Mind--has been bestowed upon the totality of the finite whereby the spirit of this emerging personality of the cosmos ever strives for the mastery of energy-matter.
Mortal man is responsive to spirit guidance, even as the grand universe responds to the far-flung spirit-gravity grasp of the Eternal Son, the universal supermaterial cohesion of the eternal spiritual values of all the creations of the finite cosmos of time and space.
Human beings are capable of making an everlasting self-identification with total and indestructible universe reality--fusion with the indwelling Thought Adjuster. Likewise does the Supreme everlastingly depend on the absolute stability of Original Deity, the Paradise Trinity.
Man's urge for Paradise perfection, his striving for God-attainment, creates a genuine divinity tension in the living cosmos which can only be resolved by the evolution of an immortal soul; this is what happens in the experience of a single mortal creature. But when all creatures and all Creators in the grand
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universe likewise strive for God-attainment and divine perfection, there is built up a profound cosmic tension which can only find resolution in the sublime synthesis of almighty power with the spirit person of the evolving God of all creatures, the Supreme Being.
[Sponsored by a Mighty Messenger temporarily sojourning on Urantia.]
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I believe what is happening in this journey particularly the Magnetars are the resultant of the following.
In the seven superuniverses, however, there is great divergence; there is a wide gulf between cosmic energy and divine spirit; therefore is there a greater experiential potential for mind action in harmonizing and eventually unifying physical pattern with spiritual purposes.
and remember I questioned a couple of days ago, is the planet a living organism that has a form of consciousness that one can communicate with, as like in the number patterns as found in small harmless earthquakes, the same number pattern can be found reflected in the Magnetars and the Journey from ancient times and in daily life.
Could this be the answer, it sure feels like it.
The grand universe is not only a material creation of physical grandeur, spirit sublimity, and intellectual magnitude, it is also a magnificent and responsive living organism. There is actual life pulsating throughout the mechanism of the vast creation of the vibrant cosmos.
In Paradise energy and spirit is one and in the Seven super universes they are different but the same and the key is to harmonise them in the oneness as like in the number patterns that run from top to the bottom of this journey that embraces space, the earth and the Heritages of the Ages including all mankind. All this is coordinated through the Sevenfold over control of matter and spirit in collaboration with Father which includes personality.
I must say its a privilege doing this work for he Father in Heaven being a servant for the Lord but more than that, he is a friend even when on your own and searching through the scripts the Father has been the best company. Speaking through the scripts where the Father guides in a focalisation through to discovery and recognition where the oneness in the completion is a very beautiful experience. Its been like this the whole time in the focalisation of the ancient places from the beginning.
driving down the highway I saw a phone number on a larger sign ending with 222, I drive further down the highway on to see another phone number on a large sign ending with 222. Before that I was driving down route 7, I looked in the revision mirror in the corner I see a car reflecting the registration numbers 221.
From Magnetars in space to daily living to crop circles to Ancient cities from beginning all reflecting the numbers of oneness. Reality is a sea of matter and spirit and the key is to manifest them in a one ness of reality through Spirit dominance.
December 14 2009
Just got back from work and following the Earthquake scenario because I think there is something behind it.
Earthquakes hit Sumatra Island
The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Tue, 12/08/2009 8:57 AM | National
Two earthquakes, each measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale, hit Bengkulu and North Sumatra provinces on Tuesday morning. There were no damages or injures reported.
The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency reported that earthquake hit North Sumatra at 5:06 a.m., with its epicenter located at 177 (1+7+7=15, 555) kilometers southwest of Gunung Sitoli at 12 kilometers beneath the surface.177
7:11interesting pattern
The other quake hit at 7:11 a.m., with the epicenter located at 21 (7+7+7=21) kilometers northwest of Bintuhan in Bengkulu, at 17 kilometers beneath the surface.another pattern
Earlier this year, a number of aftershocks have hit Bengkulu, which is one the country’s most vulnerable provinces to earthquakes. The latest powerful quake rattled Bengkulu on Sept. 12, 2007, killing nearly 90 people.
Reflecting all the numbers in the calculation, the earth appears to be responding by looking at the symmetrical number patterns..
Mild tremors in city, epicentre in Koyna region
Express News Service
Posted: Dec 13, 2009 at 0501 hrs IST
Pune Many parts of Konkan and Western Maharashtra
, including Pune, felt tremors measuring 4.9 (4+9=13 or 49=7x7=49) on the Richter scale on Saturday evening. This is the second earthquake of almost the same magnitude within a span of one month.
The epicentre of the quake was 28 (7+7+7+7=28) kms south of Koyana Dam in the hilly regions of Jinti village near Dhebevadi, meteorological department officials said. No damage has been reported in the city. The seismological observatory of the India Meteorology Department’s Pune office recorded the quake at 5.22 (22=1111)pm. As many as four aftershocks of magnitude 3.2 to 3.4 (3.4+3.2=6.6) were recorded in the next 5 to 10 (5 &10 =15, 555) minutes. Superintendent engineer of Koyana Dam N V Shinde said the dam was completely safe. “The dam has been strengthened a few years back to sustain a tremor of magnitude of 7 on the Richter scale,” he said.
Assistant meteorologist M T Jadhav said it was a moderate shock. “It was felt in 150 to 200 (15=555, 20=5555 or 555 & 2) kms radial distance from the epicentre. Besides Pune, the shock was felt in parts of Satara, Sangli, Kolhapur, Ratnagiri, Raigad and Sindhudurg districts,” he said.
“Earthquakes in Koyana region in monsoon is not unusual. This time the tremors were felt after monsoon. While the previous quake of magnitude 4.8 (12) was felt on November 14, (7x7=14 Sevens, or 1+4=5) a mild shock of 3.12 (3+1+2=6, or simply 123=6) ) was felt on December 5,” he said.
Jadhav said, the shocks might be due to activities in Arabian Sea during and after cyclone Phyan. “It cannot be said the tremors were felt only due to the cyclone, but sometimes such phenomenon is related to earthquakes,” he said.
Many numbers that reflect commonality with all things in this journey on all levels from the bottom to the very top, all consistent and I feel the planet is responding because perhaps some one is clicking on in a mode that the earth can respond in the confirmation of the greatest journey!
Again note the earth quakes are note devastating as if imply a calming or a soothing of the planet....maybe! just have to see the outcome.
All I can say is praise the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven, thank you Jesus for the way and through the great new revelation....The Urantia Book.
More earthquakes
Oklahoma County Records Another Small Earthquake Sunday
Posted: Dec 14, 2009 4:09 AM (4=2222) Updated: Dec 14, 2009 2:06 PM
OKLAHOMA COUNTY -- Oklahoma County felt its fourth earthquake in seven days Sunday morning at about 2:40 (2+4=6)a.m. The 3.4 (3+4=7) magnitude quake was in the Jones-Spencer area in eastern Oklahoma County according to The United States Geologic Society.
People in Midwest City, Arcadia and as far as the Oklahoma City capitol area reported feeling the quake.
No damage was reported.
The Oklahoma Geological Survey says the number of earthquakes in Oklahoma County that have been strong enough to be felt is above average this year.
More than twice as many earthquakes were felt in the county this year than are normally felt in all of Oklahoma.
The biggest quake in Oklahoma this year measured 3.7 (3+7=10, 55) on the Richter scale and struck Aug. 28 (7+7+7+7=28, sevens) in eastern Oklahoma County, near where three temblors have been recorded this month.
That quake is far in intensity from the last deadly earthquake in the United States, which killed two people in December 2003.(2+3=5) The U.S. Geological Survey says that quake measured 6.6 (6+6=12) and was centered near Paso Robles, Calif.
Scientists aren't sure what's causing the increase in earthquakes in Oklahoma.
Related Story 12/12/2009: Spencer Area Records 3.1 Magnitude Earthquake Saturday Morning
The Associated Press contributed to this story
and the related story
Spencer Area Records 3.1 Magnitude Earthquake Saturday Morning
Posted: Dec 13, 2009 2:43 AM Updated: Dec 14, 2009 3:21 AM
OKLAHOMA COUNTY -- The United States Geologic Society confirmed an early morning earthquake near Spencer and Jones.
At 5:34 (345 3+4=7 +5=12) ) a.m., a 3.1 (3+1=4) magnitude quake was felt by residents in that area. No damage has been reported.
On Friday, there was a 2.8 (2+8=10)magnitude earthquake recorded at Arcadia.
Add 4+10=14, 7+7=14, 77, Sevens)
Quakes rattle Southland and Kapiti
Last updated 10:16 13/12/2009
Earthquakes struck both the North and South Islands within minutes of each other early Sunday morning.
The first quake measuring 4.2 (4+2=6) on the Richter Scale jolted the Kapiti Coast at 5.38 (5+3+8=16, 1+6=7) am.
GNS Science reported it was centred 30km north west of Otaki and was 50km deep.
The quake was reported to have been felt at Raumati Beach.
Five minutes later a 5.0 magnitude quake struck the Southland area. (555)
GNS Science says the quake hit 5.43 (5+4+3=12)am, 100km west of Tuatapere, north-west of Invercargill, at a depth of 30km.
It may have been felt in Southland and southern Fiordland, it said.
Here is another that occurred a few days ago.
Earthquakes jolt Aceh and Maluku
Bandarlampung (ANTARA News) - Earthquakes with different magnitudes rocked Sinabang and Meulaboh in Aceh province, and Saumlaki in Maluku province on Thursday.
The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reported that an earthquake measuring 5.9 on the Richter scale jolted areas in Aceh at 04:28 (4x7=28, sevens) West Indonesia Time (WIB) on Thursday morning.
BMKG said the epicenter of the earthquake was located at 2.71 (2+7+1=11) degrees northern latitude and 95.58 (9+5+5+8=27, 2x7=14, 77, sevens) degrees eastern longitude at a depth of 10 km under sea level.
It was also located some 90 (9) km northwest of Sinabang, 169 (1+6+9=16, 1+6=7) km southwest of Meulaboh, 179km numbers added=17, 1+7=8) southwest of Blangpidie, 181 (numbers added=10, 55) km southwest of Labuhanhaji, and 186 (1+8+6=15, 555) km southwest of Tapaktuan, all in Aceh province.
But BMKG said the earthquake did not have a potential to trigger tsunami and therefore the people were asked to stay calm.
In less than four hours later on Thursday another earthquake measuring 5.0 on the Richter scale jolted Southwest Maluku district town of Saumlaki in Maluku province at 08:13 (All numbers added 12) a.m. (WIB), or 10:13 a.m. Eastern Indonesia Time (WIT).
According to BMKG report, epicenter of the magnitude 5.0 earthquake was located 7.46 (all numbers added =17) degrees southern latitude and 129.28 (1+2+9+2+8=22) degrees eastern longitude at a depth of 146 (1+4+6=11) km under the sea level.
It was also located at 233 km northwest of Saumlaki, 429 (4+2+9=15, 555) (km northeast of Dili, Timor Leste, 434 km northwest of Tual, 443 km southeast of Ambon, and 599 km northwest of Darwin, Australia.233, 8 all whole numbers added.
434, 11,
443, 11
429, 15
599, 23
68, 6+8=14, 77 sevensIndonesia is prone to seismic upheavals due to its location on the so-called Pacific "Ring of Fire", an area of volcanoes and fault lines encircling the Pacific Basin.
On Tuesday this week Pagaralam town in South Sumatra was rocked by a 5.1-magnitude earthquake with its epicenter located 17km (numbers added 8) southwest of Bintuhan in Bengkulu province at 7:38 (all numbers added 18, 1+8=9) a.m local time.
BMKG said the epicenter of the earthquake was located at 4.74 (4+7+4=15, 555) degrees southern latitude and 103.19 (1+3+1+9=14, 77 sevens) eastern longitude at a depth of 21 (3x7=28) km below sea level.
The magnitude of the earthquake was powerful enough to be felt by the people in Pagralam, Lahat, and other areas in South Sumatra and Bengkulu and prompted them to rush out of their houses and office buildings in panic. (*)Sevens
December 15th 2009
Very Interesting blog regarding the Jelly fish crop circle and the numbers.
Seven Tentacles or 7/10 Tacles
My real concern here is the numerology the formation displays. You will recall that Four is the number of Material Reality, of the World, while Seven is the number of Spirit and Revelation. Both of these numbers have long been of great interest to me. Classically the Squaring of the Circle, the marriage between the Earth involves 4, the square and 1, God, the circle. It is only a tiny step to propose a reconciliation between the 4, Earth and 7, Spirit though it is not clear what geometric form 7 should take.
Is this perhaps another indication that the World is approaching a reconciliation with Spirit? We should also note here that four added to seven gives eleven, the first number of the Master Number Sequence which relates to contact with other dimensions.
In the Menorah, we have a horizontal line of seven circles and a vertical line of four circles. The circles of spirit are shown in lilac while the four of the world are shown in brown.
This was my own experience with the Jelly fish.
maybe the numbers are representative of the Sevenfold controllers as expressed in the Urantia Book.
You have been instructed in the relationship of God the Sevenfold to the Supreme Being, and you should now recognize that the Sevenfold encompasses the controllers as well as the creators of the grand universe. These sevenfold controllers of the grand universe embrace the following:
1. The Master Physical Controllers.
2. The Supreme Power Centers.
3. The Supreme Power Directors.
4. The Almighty Supreme.
5. The God of Action--the Infinite Spirit.
6. The Isle of Paradise.
7. The Source of Paradise--the Universal Father.
These seven groups are functionally inseparable from God the Sevenfold and constitute the physical-control level of this Deity association.
For example maybe 555 represents 5. The God of Action--the Infinite Spirit. and the 222 or twos is representative of 2. The Supreme Power Centers. Like in the 22 dates of the flashing Magnetars emanating from "The Supreme Power Centers" by the 3. The Supreme Power Directors. and like 7 or Sevens 777 is the expression of the Father "7. The Source of Paradise--the Universal Father."
The common numbers that are contained in the full adventure is perhaps representative of the work of each Sevenfold part which makes up the oneness of the Seven.
Number patterns would be one way of communication which the whole Universe family would do without revealing themselves. Remembering the journey is one of faith being guided by the Father in all things moving mountains and even the spirit of a Universe!
The Journey of faith is one of embrace and marriage with the Sovereign of this Universe. Jesus Christ our Lord. Praise the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven!
December 16th 2009
Here is an partial article from Newsweek about Mighty Magnetar.
Article: Debut of a Mighty Magnetar.(new star emits powerful waves)(Brief Article)
After a startling cosmic blast from 20,000 light-years away, astronomers introduce a strange new class of stars
There isn't enough air out on the fringes of our atmosphere to carry any sound, so the bombardment began silently. For five minutes on Aug. 27, starting at 2:22 a.m. Pacific time, a blast of deadly X-rays and gamma radiation blew through research satellites orbiting the Earth, overloading their sensors. It slammed into the upper atmosphere, sending electrons flying and disturbing long-range radio transmissions. Then, luckily for us, the rays dissipated harmlessly. An alien airstrike? No. The aggressor, scientists announced last week, was a magnetar--a ...
Again the 222 arises associated with Magnetar in the actual timing the Magnetar flash.
Here is a full story from another link.
Here is a fragment
On August 27, 1998 a giant flare from SGR 1900+14 set new records for the most intense flux of gamma-rays ever detected from a source outside our solar system. It blitzed gamma-ray and X-ray detectors on seven different spacecraft at locations throughout the solar system. Especially useful data were recorded by three experiments: the Russian Konus detector on the geo-space science Wind space probe which was orbiting near the Sun-Earth equilibrium point ("L1"), upstream of the Earth in the solar wind; the Italian-Dutch Beppo-SAX gamma-ray/X-ray observatory, in low Earth orbit; and a gamma-ray detector aboard the Ulysses spacecraft, a joint effort of the European Space Agency and NASA that was orbiting the Sun in a polar orbit at roughly the distance of Jupiter.
NASA's Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE), another Earth-orbiting X-ray observatory, was pointed away from SGR 1900+14 when the burst occured, but it nevertheless recorded a strong signal. High-energy photons were diffusing through the metal shields surrounding its X-ray detectors. However, one proven workhorse for SGR studies, the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) aboard NASA's orbiting Compton Gamma-ray Observatory, detected nothing. The BATSE team, led by mild-mannered Charles Meegan (who is BATSE-MAN) ran out of luck that day: the Compton Observatory was on the far side of the Earth at the time of the flare.
The flare hit the Earth on it's night side, in the zenith over the western Pacific Ocean, at 1:22 A.M. Hawaii time. It was intense enough to strongly ionize the Earth's outer atmosphere, affecting radio communications.
main link
SGR 1900+14 emitted a giant flare on Aug. 27, thats 6 days after Jesus birthdate 21st Aug 7bc.
Anyway brother Atheist, this year there where a couple more magnetars that came to my attention. There is about 6 magnetars that have the 222 pattern connected to them in time of flash and position.
Not only that the 222 has connection to this precise journey, the crop circles and the Shabbes timeline.
There is something definitely going on. This is beyond coincidence and its purpose driven.
I think I know what all the Numbers mean from 1 to 7.
The Atheists site
Anyway brother Atheist, this year there where a couple more magnetars that came to my attention. There is about 6 magnetars that have the 222 pattern connected to them in time of flash and position.
Not only that the 222 has connection to this precise journey, the crop circles and the Shabbes timeline.
There is something definitely going on. This is beyond coincidence and its purpose driven.
Another pattern is the 555
It means thisThe Sevenfold controllers
You have been instructed in the relationship of God the Sevenfold to the Supreme Being, and you should now recognize that the Sevenfold encompasses the controllers as well as the creators of the grand universe. These sevenfold controllers of the grand universe embrace the following:
1. The Master Physical Controllers.
2. The Supreme Power Centers.
3. The Supreme Power Directors.
4. The Almighty Supreme.
5. The God of Action--the Infinite Spirit.
6. The Isle of Paradise.
7. The Source of Paradise--the Universal Father.
These seven groups are functionally inseparable from God the Sevenfold and constitute the physical-control level of this Deity association.
The Sevenfold controllers
I know there will be mock but I feel there is something good here for all of us including the Atheist.
I have a gut feeling that there will be a marriage of Space and us and a feast or a celebration and the Atheist is invited.
I invite the Atheist to this feast because he is my friend and I like to share with my friends.
I just wonder if the 456 in the ultimate interpretation is this, a coordination between the 3 of 456. Just a thought!
4. The Almighty Supreme.
5. The God of Action--the Infinite Spirit.
6. The Isle of Paradise
and consider the relationship with
1. The Master Physical Controllers.
2. The Supreme Power Centers.
3. The Supreme Power Directors.
7. The Source of Paradise--the Universal Father.
the Universal Father is solely reserved for the personality. The Personality is the sole domain of the Father in Paradise and is directly connected to Jesus the Sovereign.
Here is another List that widens the field specifically.
Therefore does Paradise Deity attenuate and otherwise qualify the extra-Paradise personalizations of divinity, thus bringing into existence the Supreme Creators and their
Page 1270
associates, who ever carry the light of life farther and farther from its Paradise source until it finds its most distant and beautiful expression in the earth lives of the bestowal Sons on the evolutionary worlds.
And this is the origin of God the Sevenfold, whose successive levels are encountered by mortal man in the following order:
1. The Creator Sons (and Creative Spirits).
2. The Ancients of Days.
3. The Seven Master Spirits.
4. The Supreme Being.
5. The Conjoint Actor.
6. The Eternal Son.
7. The Universal Father
(Interesting 456)
The first three levels are the Supreme Creators; the last three levels are the Paradise Deities. The Supreme ever intervenes as the experiential spirit personalization of the Paradise Trinity and as the experiential focus of the evolutionary almighty power of the creator children of the Paradise Deities. The Supreme Being is the maximum revelation of Deity to the seven superuniverses and for the present universe age.
By the technique of mortal logic it might be inferred that the experiential reunification of the collective acts of the first three levels of God the Sevenfold would equivalate to the level of Paradise Deity, but such is not the case. Paradise Deity is existential Deity. The Supreme Creators, in their divine unity of power and personality, are constitutive and expressive of a new power potential of experiential Deity. And this power potential of experiential origin finds inevitable and inescapable union with the experiential Deity of Trinity origin--the Supreme Being.
God the Supreme is not the Paradise Trinity, neither is he any one or all of those superuniverse Creators whose functional activities actually synthesize his evolving almighty power. God the Supreme, while of origin in the Trinity, becomes manifest to evolutionary creatures as a personality of power only through the co-ordinated functions of the first three levels of God the Sevenfold. The Almighty Supreme is now factualizing in time and space through the activities of the Supreme Creator Personalities, even as in eternity the Conjoint Actor flashed into being by the will of the Universal Father and the Eternal Son. These beings of the first three levels of God the Sevenfold are the very nature and source of the power of the Almighty Supreme; therefore must they ever accompany and sustain his administrative acts.
Like in this journey from the beginnings.
" God the Supreme, while of origin in the Trinity, becomes manifest to evolutionary creatures as a personality of power only through the co-ordinated functions of the first three levels of God the Sevenfold. "
The first three levels of God the Sevenfold.
1. The Creator Sons (and Creative Spirits).
2. The Ancients of Days.
3. The Seven Master Spirits.
This journey is backed by Jesus the Sovereign with the involvement with the Ancients of Days and the Seven Master Spirits through the Magnetar broadcasts. Its a complete coordination by the Kingdom of Heaven from these 3 levels and everything manifests in the physical from these levels. The Kingdom of heaven responds in coordination with the reality in time space through all the agencies of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Philippine volcano threatens to erupt forcing thousands to evacuate
The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) raised the alert level saying that “magma is close to the crater and hazardous explosive eruption is possible.” The service reported that 23 (2+5=5)volcanic-related earthquakes were reported and ash was shot from the mount. Night-time views showed lava flowing freely down the sides of the mountain.
Albay Governor Joey Salceda said 21,000 had been evacuated as of Tuesday night. More than 50,000 people live within the five mile “danger zone” and authorities are working to have all evacuated by Thursday. Areas under evacuation include all or parts of the cities of Legazpi, Tabaco and Ligao, and the towns of Daraga, Camalig, Guinobatan, Santo Domingo, Bacacay, and Malilipot.
Emergency management official Jukes Nunez said, "It's 10 (5+5=10, 55)days before
Christmas. Most likely people will be in evacuation centers, and if Mayon'
activity won't ease down we will not allow them to return to their homes. It's difficult and sad, especially for children."
The volcano had been showing signs of more activity in recent weeks but Monday’s activity increased that greatly. Officials said that while there is a threat of a major eruption, Mayon could just as well settle down.
Situated 200 miles southeast of Manila, the 8,070-foot(8+7=15, 555) (2,460-meter) Mayon Volcano is the most active in the nation and past eruptions have turned deadly.
Lava cascades down the slopes of Mayon volcano in Legazpi
city, Albay province, at dawn Tuesday Dec. 15, 2009 about 500
kilometers (310 miles) south of Manila, Philippines. The
Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, PHIVOLCS,
has raised the five-alert level to three following increased activity
of the country's most active volcano and residents are prohibited
from venturing into the 6-kilometer (4 miles) permanent danger
zone. (AP Photo/Nelson Salting)
More amazing images in our
slideshow below.
Lava cascades down the slopes of Mayon volcano in Legazpi city, Albay province, at dawn Tuesday Dec. 15, 2009 about 500 kilometers (310 miles) south of Manila, Philippines. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, PHIVOLCS, has raised the five-alert level to three following increased activity of the country's most active volcano and residents are prohibited from venturing into the 6-kilometer (4 miles) permanent danger zone. In December 2006 ash deposits from a previous eruption rolled down its slopes at the onslaught of a typhoon killing more than a thousand residents living around the cone-shaped volcano. (AP Photo/Nelson Salting)
Lava cascades down the slopes of Mayon volcano in Legazpi city, Albay province, Monday Dec. 14, 2009, about 500 kilometers (310 miles) south of Manila, Philippines. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, PHIVOLCS, has raised the five-alert level to three following increased activity of the country's most active volcano and residents are prohibited from venturing into the 6-kilometer (4 miles) permanent danger zone. In December 2
Mayon volcano in Legazpi city, Albay province, spews ash Monday Dec. 14, 2009 about 500 kilometers south of Manila, Philippines. The country's most active volcano remains on "alert level 2" and residents are still prohibited from venturing into the 6-kilometer permanent danger zone. In December 2006 ash deposits from previous eruption rolled down its slopes killing more than a thousand residents living around the cone-shaped volcano. (AP Photo/Nelson Salting)Note the numbers 14(77, Sevens) & 15(555), very significant number patterns in the journey and related to the Earth as like a volcano.
The 555 and 77 calculation and other familiar number pattern relating to an volcano where an eruption occurs in the course of the earth event posts just at the right time in the right context.
and look what lays at the foot of the volcano.
More lava flows from Mayon | 12/16/2009 12:26 PM
MANILA, Philippines - Lava continued to flow from Mayon Volcano's mouth coupled with more high frequency volcano earthquakes, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said Wednesday.
Phivolcs said in its 8 a.m. report that it has recorded 78 (Seven/Eight & 7+8=15, 555) high frequency volcanic earthquakes and tremors for the past 24 hours.
"The volcanic earthquakes represent magma ascent towards the crater of the volcano while tremors were associated to the detached fragments of lava and rockfalls," the agency said.
Phivolcs said lava that have flowed out of the volcano has reached 700 meters to 800 (7&8) meters downslope below the crater.
Minor Earthquakes Reported Near Jones Again
posted 12/16/09 9:46 am
Jones - The U.S. Geological Survey is again reporting the recording of a minor earthquake near Jones - about 25 (5x5=25) miles northeast of Oklahoma City.
The magnitude 2.4 earthquake was recorded Tuesday about 1 mile from Jones. No injuries or damage was reported.Quakes of magnitude 2.5 to 3 (2.5+3=5.5, 55) are generally the smallest felt by people.
The quake is the fourth recorded in the area since Friday. The previous three ranged from magnitude 2.8 to 3.4 (3+4=7)Sevens
I saw a documentary of the Star of Bethlehem on TV which presented many ideas. Amongst many ideas there was a scientist that did confirm the Urantia Books rendition of Jesus' birth with precision being born Aug 21st 7BC. Apparently its was major conjunction or a triple conjunction in the constellation of Pisces, the conjunction did form a circle in Pisces and does confirm all written in the Urantia Book.
Another theory is about a roman coin found in Antioch, minted on the Back is a bright star in the constellation of Aries speak, some believe its Jupiter in the constellation of Aries Aries looking back at the star/Star. Apparently this occurred in the 6BC and some theorize that that represents the star of Bethlehem., Antioch ad Orontem
AE 6.21g / 19.5mm / -
Ob: Zeus' laureate head right
Rv: ΕΠΙ ΣΙΛΑΝΟV ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕΩΝ - Aries the Ram, head reverted running right, star above, ΓΜ (year 43) below
Mint: 13-14 AD
Ref:RPC I 4269; BMC Galatiaia pg 159, 6
The "Star of Bethlehem Coin" Roman Syria, Silanus, Legatus Augusti pro praetore, 12 - 14 A.D.
The event he goes on to describe is a rather meaningless event to us today - a double occulation of the "regal star" Jupiter by the moon in the constellation of Aries in the year 6 BC. While not significant to us, to the Magi this event was highly significant. To the Magi, Aries was the sign of Judea, and this event signaled the birth of a King.
Syria, Antioch ad Orontem
Whatever the case, a double occulation can be demonstrated to have literally occurred in 6 BC and would have been of great significance to the astrologically focused Magi. The fact that such an even was memorialized on a coin issued in the city of Antioch certainly demonstrates that the event was significant, even within the Roman empire. Shown below is my coin with outlines to illustrate the star and the Aries ram clearly, along with partial legends.
But on second thoughts could it be representative of this journey. Could the coin be a farseeing prophecy of the journey from the beginnings? The 456 is part of Aries and Aries is looking back towards the Magnetar star where it occurred??
Note that 456 in the following, includes the constellation of Aries, Taurus and Gemini in a triangle with Aries looking back?
And note the 456 and the location of the recent Magnetars of this year.
Jupiter starts the year at 26 degrees of Aquarius, goes in to Pisces on January 18th, enters
Aries on June 6th, retrogrades on July 23rd at 3 degrees, and retros into Pisces on September 9th, goes direct on November 18th at 23 degrees and ends the year at 26 of Pisces.
So thinking about it further Jupiter enters the Aries Constellation on June 6th on the 6th Month
Aries is a March 21 to April 20
again we see the 20, 21 and 22 consider the date of the Magnetar behind Aries, 22nd August 2008. Is this another clue given by Jesus on the cross as he recited from the Psalms 20 21 22.
and Note the 8 sided star perhaps representing the Magnetar of Aug22nd 2008 Magnetar seen in the ancient past.
Tablet 52