No serious man
I'm not joking and it appears that the Universal Government is responding to
the timeline that has been set. The crop circles and its patterning including
the timing is the evidence of the coordination. My gut feelings tell me that
battalions of the Universe Government is in array for the execution of the
last rebel in the process of Judgment.
This is all to do with religion and its correction across the board.
However, the journey leading to Judgment is based on faith and the books of
all the prophets. No voices, no trances just sheer study and connection of
truth in the parallel following the clues going in inner hunches within the
I know this journey is unusual and many will laugh but I feel this is a real
reality coming to pass and I wish all the best to everyone and their families.
No worries at all
This came in last night reported on the 29th May 09

Waylands Smithy, nr Kingstone Coombs, Oxfordshire.
Reported 29th May 2009.
How many circles are there in the center?
Consider the 4 circles in the above row and the timing of the current timeline
of the relevant Shabbes.
Also note the coplanar circle symbols by each circle in the above row.
Its getting closer to the defining moment.
Some say its related to a Sun burst but it could also relate to a Magnetar

Thanks for taking the time for checking my work, I really appreciate your kind
words. It has been a long daily journey for the last few years where i have
thrown everything into it. I feel we are coming close to the consummation of
prophecy contained in all the books of religion.
I feel there is real coordination of the Spiritual forces of the Local System
Government and all things will emanate from the Judgment Seat surrounded by the
24 elders in the Local System Headquarters from where all things come from
concerning our planet which includes many other sentient planets in our
I sense judgment is on the way and we have to be prepared in hearts for the
reception of the Sovereign of this Universe as he comes to visit us to perform
the final Judgment.
Jesus is about the come to adjudge the age and this message I feel is the
counterpart of what is to come.
Also the character in the end days who assists Jesus is identified in name and
in birth who does fulfill Quranic prophecy knowing that my Mother name is Ina or
Armina and whose maiden name is contained within the Shabbes word meaning
Seventh. Ever considered Mabus...abus...abbes and consider the BarAbbes in the
story of Jesus. Also in Sikh religion the last guy who kills Koli is born on the
14th May and that is my birthday.
Everything is being fulfilled right now as we speak and its the most beautiful
and compelling journey on the planet, there is no other message on the planet
representative of the Universe Government except for this message.
In my heart I pray for all Muslims and Christians and there families and anyone
can be part of this journey of truth to the end of this age.
all the best and great blessings
sevens » Mon Jun 01,
2009 1:20 am
This just came into the office.
I thought it was interesting! ... 9060139653
Earthquakes: Allah’s wrath or geological occurrence?
By Faraz Omar
WHY do earthquakes occur? A student of geology will say they are a result
of a sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust that creates seismic
waves. That’s the process of how earthquakes occur, but not an answer to
why earthquakes occur.
A better phrased question will be: Who causes earthquakes to occur and
why? Allah says in the Qur’an:
“Say: ‘He has power to send torment on you from above or from under your
feet, or to cover you with confusion in party strife, and make you to
taste the violence of one another.’” (Qur’an, 6:65)
Allah sends earthquakes as a punishment for some because of their sins and
as a reminder or warning for others to repent and mend their ways. Allah
says in the Qur’an:
“And We sent not the signs except to warn…” (Qur’an, 17:59)
Just as Allah sends down blessings for His creation in the form of rain,
good cultivation and abundance of sustenance, He also sends down warnings
and punishments in the form of earthquakes and tsunamis. Allah says:
“And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands
have earned. And He pardons much.” (Qur’an, 42:30)
The above verse is of particular importance. It shows that whatever
calamity that strikes us is a result of our wrong deeds. Moreover, Allah
pardons a lot. Meaning, the punishment doesn’t come except when people
have crossed all limits. The place where a calamity strikes may have both
good and bad people. When sins rise in a community and a punishment is
sent down, it also affects the good people. While that calamity is a
punishment for the sinners, it becomes a source of purification or a
reminder for the good doers. The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to seek
refuge with Allah from His torment and punishment.
Increase in the frequency of earthquakes is also a sign of the Day of
Judgment. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “The Hour (Last Day) will
not be established until (religious) knowledge will be taken away (by the
death of religious learned men), earthquakes will be very frequent, time
will pass quickly, afflictions will appear, murders will increase and
money will overflow amongst you.” (Al-Bukhari, 2/17 no. 146)
The prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) seems ever
approaching. Time is passing by quickly, though the day still has 24
hours. The religiously learned are fewer than the past and crime rate has
increased multifold.
Allah says in the Qur’an:
“Evil has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men have
earned, that He (Allah) may make them taste a part of that which they have
done, in order that they may return.” (Qur’an, 30:41)
The calamities are not a full recompense, but only a part for what man
does. Were we to be punished for all that we do, there would be no
creature living on earth.
“And if Allah were to punish men for that which they earned, He would not
leave a moving (living) creature on the surface of the earth; but He gives
them respite to an appointed term, and when their term comes, then verily,
Allah is Ever All-Seer of His slaves.” (Qur’an, 35:45)
The purpose of calamities is, as mentioned in the verse quoted earlier,
“…in order that they may return.” They are a lesson for us to return to
the straight path and to return to the obedience of God. Disasters are a
lesson for us to repent to Allah for our sins and reform ourselves. Allah
has promised reward and blessings in this life and the hereafter for those
who truly turn to Him in repentance.
“…Except those who repent and believe (in Islamic Monotheism), and do
righteous deeds; for those, Allah will change their sins into good deeds,
and Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Qur’an, 25:70)
“And if the people of the towns had believed and had the Taqwa (piety),
certainly, We should have opened for them blessings from the heaven and
the earth, but they belied (the Messengers). So We took them (with
punishment) for what they used to earn (polytheism and crimes).” (Qur’an,
Refuting atheistic belief
It is unfortunate that some Muslims have also started to speak like
atheists. Scoffing when it is told that earthquakes are because of sins
and arguing that it is no more than a natural geological activity. First
of all atheists have no ground for their assertion because they don’t
believe God exists which is the biggest lie ever uttered. It is a direct
rejection despite the lucid signs in form of the perfect creation and
faultless system created by God.
Their argument about earthquakes being the result of natural geological
activity holds no more ground than a claim that this published article on
paper or website is a result from the functioning of a machine (printer or
computer) without any effort of a human brain behind it that has made it
make sense.
Writing and getting it printed is much simpler an activity than the
complex and perfect system of this universe that include earthquakes. It
is blasphemy to claim that there’s no Almighty Creator controlling and
overseeing what is happening in the world. – SG
Earthquakes are also part of the Shabbes/Seventh/Sabbath timeline.
sevens » Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:27 am
I personally think that Islam is in for a very rude shock and
awakening but by the time they realize it will be too late.
That is one religion that will undergo a huge and grave correction. All the
terrorists including the coordinators will not enter Paradise.
What the Islamist is doing today is not in the Will of the Father in Paradise.
This is a warning to the islamist from the Universal Government headed by the
Sovereign Jesus.
He will be here soon to adjudge the present Age, its either intervention or
foolish humans will annihilate the human species.
Unfortunately, the Islamist version of religion is infiltrated by the Last
Rebel which has made the islamist dumb to the current realities and will of
the Universal Government.
The Universal Government of Paradise only listens and acts to the truth of the
Sovereign Jesus and not Sharia Law Where ever Sharia goes so does death and
The Universe is opposed to Sharia Law because where ever it goes so does
sophistry, imposition, death, destruction, worthless rote and rituals and
failed states.
Sharia will never be successful and will never rule the planet, if anything
Sharia will be destroyed by the Government of this Universe.
Also all controllers and leadership of this planet are on notice and there is
nothing no one can do because the judgment process has been activated through
the Seventh Mystery. The great mystery of all mankind where there is
unfinished business.
Nations that support the Sovereignty of Jesus, head of the Universal
Government of this Universe will survive.
It comes to evolve or desist.There is a penalty for
Sharia in its troublemaking in tempting Paradise in the end days and for
sending many to their death. Its simply a religion of spiritual bondage for
Just follow the crop circles in its symbolism and messages. But
you wouldn't know who to do that would you.
» Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:17 am
The Taliban are just a scourge on planetary
civilization, a devolution of religion. The Taliban will be wiped out in
It will not last and the Universal Government is opposed to the Taliban, there
cup is full of sins against humanity and who have been dumbed down by the Last
Rebel who they follow in deception.
Its simply evil. They will not enter Paradise for all there terrorist actions
against civilization and individuals.Al
Qaeda are in the same boat. There paths of no truth all lead to personality
extinction by the Ancients of Days....that is there path extinction! along
with their awful and dumbed down sophistry.
The Universal Government of Jesus the Sovereign does not
hear the prayers of Violence and terrorism against fellow man. All there
prayers go nowhere and the Angels cannot and will not help them unless they
fully repent to the Father and mankind and go back to their families and stop
all violence and humble themselves before the Sovereign of this Universe.
This also applies to warring nations to.
If the Taliban and all others stop war and do this in the
physical demonstration then the US and others will follow suit in respect and
war will cease and Paradise will be more favorable but currently the Taliban
and all other terrorist groups have no chance. They are like the walking dead
as if they were not born.
sevens » Mon Jun 01,
2009 5:20 am
Sovereign Jesus : Could you please define what is
this "Sovereign Jesus"?
Does " Sovereign Jesus" give you set of laws or Sharia to implement in the
Does Jeus give you any Sharia?
Do you know any Christian state which follow Sovereign Jesus?
Sovereign Jesus : Could you please define what
is this "Sovereign Jesus"?
Jesus has been elevated from 2000 years ago by the Father as the head of this
Universal Government for this Universe and he comes as written in the Quran as
well as in the bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Does Jeus give you any Sharia?
The simple of message of Jesus Sovereign is love one another and if you allow
that to be written in your heart you desire not to hurt your fellow brother
which includes all mankind showing tolerance and respect for one another. In
full compliance within your soul, with right motives you immediately follow
the commandments.
Does Jeus give you any Sharia?
The 10 commandments or the Seven commands are relevant for today without
compromise. These laws are firm and any compromise to kill one another using
scripture or verses is false.
This is the law, Love one another as you love yourself. By doing this you love
the Father and are relationship with him as a friend...Nothing to do with rote
and ritual. Rote and ritual comes to nothing, the truth is in the ultimate
motive of a man followed by his action towards all mankind no matter what
religion he hails from.
Do you know any Christian state which follow
Sovereign Jesus?
I don't know any nation that follows Jesus message to the letter, however
there are many individuals within the nations that do follow the message of
Understand that this system of things of the world is fully corrupted and The
Father is NOT going to save this system of things. There will be an evacuation
of the Salvable through the Seven paths of the infinite garden.
The rest will be left behind for judgment.
It is only those who do the will of the Father following Jesus' guidance in
their motives that will escape judgment.
The will of the Father is to preserve the families for the future and who are
in relationship and friendship with the Father and the Universal Government
and who show themselves worthy in the witness of their actions towards one
Sharia Law does not exist in the Universe at large that is a manmade doctrine
of control and imposition using fear which is an spiritual offense and does
not respect free will of the individual.
You know my website all the information is there where the "on the run"
research is freely available for you.
You have study and research it to know the drift.
You have to see for yourself and piece it all together.
I'm not going give my pearls to the swine/carp bottom feeders who hang of
every word I say with you as the exception. You seem like a reasonable guy
capable of a normal converse.
I would be quite happy to work with you and see if we can find some good
connections and parallels but I'm not going give it here to such a useless
forum with useless people who no chance of survival in the attitude.
There is no reason why the Atheist and religionist cant work together to find
truth harmonized with science. But the majority here are way off the mark and
are not capable of a normal conversation in the research and discussion.
Its not even a debate here just a slanging match and its a laugh and yet sad
at the same time.Actually the Carp bottom feeder
here may actually speed up the Judgment process in the witness of the
attitude. This explains the recent crop circle in
support of this undertaking because the Universal Government and the Ancients
of Days are watching like all the other watchers who have been here for at
least 500,000 years and now we come into the consummation of everything as
And look at man in this day in what comes out of his mouth?
Worthy of survival? hardly! And it will very hard for man in what is
The English Word Hell
The old English word hell comes from helan, and means to cover or
conceal. Similar words coming from the same root have a similar
Hill for example is a mound of dirt or stone that covers the level
surface of earth. Hull is the covering of a nut or the covered part
of a ship. Heal is the covering of a wound. Hall is a building space
which is used to cover people or goods. Hole is an uncovering.
In the early days to hell potatoes meant to cover them, as to store
them in a cellar or underground. To hel a house meant to cover a
portion of it with tile. The term heling a house is still used in
the New England portions of the United States.
At first the use of hell had no pagan meaning to it. It was simply
used as the common grave of man. To go to hell in the old English
language meant simply that one was dead and buried. It was in
Germany and England that the word began to evolve into the pagan
unscriptural meaning of eternal punishment.
Poor Translation
The original meaning of the word hell
is not so much a poor translation of the Hebrew sheohl (English
Transliteration sheol) and the Greek Haides (English transliteration
hades), however, as the word has evolved into a pagan meaning the
modern day translation of hell is misleading.
The Catholic Douay Version translates sheohl as hell 64 times and
once as death. The King James Version translates sheohl 31 times as
hell, 31 times as grave and 3 times as pit.
This is common in older translations as well, such as is used by the
English Revised Version (1885) where sheohl is transliterated in
many cases but most of the occurrences were translated as grave, or
pit. Hell being used 14 times. The American Standard Version (1901)
transliterated sheohl in all 65 occurrences and haides in all ten of
its occurrences, though the Greek word Geenna (English Gehenna) is
translated hell.
The Hebrew Sheohl
The Hebrew word sheohl is the unseen resting place of the dead. It
is not to be mistaken for the Hebrew words for individual burial
place ( qever - Judges 16:31 ), grave ( qevurah - Genesis 35:20 ),
or individual tomb ( gadhish - Job 21:32 ) but rather the common
grave of all mankind whatever the form of burial might be.
The Greek teaching of the immortality of the human soul and hell
began to infiltrate Jewish teachings probably around the time of
Alexander The Great. The Bible itself, however, is in stark contrast
to the teachings of pagan origin regarding the soul, which is not
immortal ( Ezekiel 18:4 ) and therefore can't suffer forever in
hell. The Bible also teaches that there is no consciousness in hell.
( Ecclesiastes 9:4-10 ).
Sheol corresponds with the Greek Haides, both being the unseen
resting place of the dead. It is not a place of fire, but of
darkness ( Job 10:21 ) a place of silence ( Psalm 115:17 ) rather
than a place filled with tortured screams.
The Greek Haides
The Greek word Haides corresponds to
the Hebrew Sheohl as is indicated by the apostle Peter's reference
to Psalm 16:10 at Acts 2:27-31 where Jesus had fulfilled David's
prophecy that Jesus would not be left in hell. Likewise Jesus
himself said that like Jonah, he would spend three days in hell. (
Jonah 1:17 - Jonah 2:2 / Matthew 12:40 )
The Greek word Haides occurs 10 times in the Christian Greek
scriptures. ( Matthew 11:23 / Matthew 16:18 / Luke 10:15 / Luke
16:23 / Acts 2:27 / Acts 2:31 / Revelation 1:18 / Revelation 6:8 /
Revelation 20:13 / Revelation 20:14 ).
It means the unseen place. In ten of the occurrences of haides it is
in reference to death. It is not to be confused with the Greek word
for grave ( taphos ), tomb ( mnema ) or memorial tomb ( mnemeion ),
but is rather the common resting place of the dead. The place of
Jesus also uses haides at Matthew 11:23 and Luke 10:15 in a
figurative way to indicate the debasement of Capernaum compared to
Also see The Rich Man And Lazarus below.
The Greek Gehenna
Unlike the Hebrew sheohl and the
Greek haides, there is really no excuse for mistaking the Greek
Geenna (Hebrew Geh Hinnom - English Transliteration Gehenna) with
the notion of any hell, either the old English word meaning covered
or the pagan hell of today's Christianity.
The Christian Greek Gehenna is a literal place - a valley that lies
South and South-West of ancient Jerusalem. It is the modern day Wadi
er-Rababi ( Ge Ben Hinnom ), a deep, narrow valley.
Today it is a peaceful and pleasant valley, unlike the surrounding
dry and rocky terrain, and most certainly unlike the pagan /
apostate Christian hell.
In the days of unfaithful Kings Manasseh and Ahaz idolatrous worship
of the pagan god Baal was conducted in the place which was then
known as Geh Hinnom, ( the valley of Hinnom ) including human
sacrifices to fire. It is ironic that the pagan custom burning in
fire would have so clearly infiltrated the Christian teachings,
considering that this practice was a detestable thing to Jehovah
God, and his prophets spoke of a time when this place would be
turned into a defiled and desolate place. ( 2 Chronicles 28:1-3 / 2
Chronicles 33:1-6 / Jeremiah 7:31-32 / Jeremiah 32:35 ).
The prophecy was fulfilled in the days of faithful King Josiah, who
had the place, especially the area known as Topeth polluted into a
refuse heap. ( 2 Kings 23:10 )
So it was that in the days of Jesus and the early Christian
congregations, that the valley was known as a literal place where
the carcasses of criminals and animals were thrown, having no hope
for resurrection. The refuse there was kept burning with sulphur,
which is abundant in the area. When Jesus used Gehenna as a
figurative - a symbolic reference to the spiritually dead the people
in the area knew what he was talking about.
The Greek Tartarus
The Greek word Tartarus is found only once in scripture, at 2 Peter
2:4. It is often mistranslated as hell. Tartarus in the Christian
Greek scriptures refers to a condition of debasement, unlike the
pre-Christian pagan tartarus ( Homer's Iliad ) which is a
mythological prison.
Peter refers to the angels who in the time of Noah foresook thier
original positions and became men in order to have relations with
the women of earth. The result was their offspring being giants, the
Nephilim, who caused so much trouble God had to bring forth the
flood. ( Genesis 6:1-4 / Ephesians 6:10-12 / Jude 1:6 ).
The characters were to long for a quote.
Good on ya Daystar,
I support what you are doing. But I'm afraid the dye is cast for this lot.
This lot have been tested and judged already going down the road to
personality extinction. Either in Judgment or after normal physical death.
This will be the only reality they will know, better of not being born. They
will not enter eternity!
Either way they have failed and there is very little chance of survival for
them unless they repent but that wont happen because the are the children of
the Last Rebel who is about to meet his execution along with the children.
By the way the Lake of Fire is the Dark Space body that the Local Universal
Government headquarters surround. Lucifer and Satan and the rest of the
rebels are interned on a detention satellite that surrounds this Lake of
fire or Dark Space Body who are ready for the Adjudication and execution of
the Ancients of Days. When that happens the Execution broadcast of the Last
rebel will come through Magnetar system which will affect the whole planet.
The planet will be brought into darkness inferring a planetary EMP shock
The whole system will come crashing down but we will be evacuated before it
happens and I think the crop circles in the Shabbes/Seventh timeline is the
sign that Evac comes soon.
Its your choice fool your life is on your
hands. But you wouldn't know what to do with it right! Because you are a fool of
the highest degree. Dumbest person I ever met not to mention your other dumber
That a real problem for Physco she has no idea what to do.
It will come.
You all have really screwed yourself in no way out scenario by the witness.
Run in denial Choobos, good for no one and nothing a
complete selfish asshole.
You should enjoy eating that.
When all electrical systems of the planet are shutdown and food runs out that's
what you will be eating.
Eating crap like a Carp.
A self prophecy of your demise.
sevens » Mon Jun 01,
2009 10:36 am
True but this is different and in synchronization
with the Universal Government. The Crop circles are the sign in the Shabbes
Also no other prophet or end time guy has ever hailed from the beginnings like
I do. The beginnings is where the end shall come from. No other guy has
harmonized science with religion and no other guy has ever combined all the
books of prophecy along with new book written given by the Kingdom of Heaven.
A book which utterly proves itself in the actual discovery based upon what is
This project does hail from 1stEden of Cyprus and names and birth are also
matched to the actual reality of today and foreseen in the books of all
No man ever gone to where this journey of the ancient places leads to.
Completely unique and foreseen.
Not even Mohammad or any representative of Mohammed has been on these paths
reserved for the End times in the final presentation.
They never saw the complete end times only in fragments.
Its only the last guy at the end that brings in all prophecy together in
oneness and fulfills it.The last time there was
coordination of space and man was in the times of Moses and Hebrews coming out
of Egypt.
show me the evidence!
Out of 24 crop circles in the last 46 days has anyone been arrested or has
anyone admitted anything to anyone.
Has there been news reports of this?
Any information coming from established sources?
At these circles are there gum wrappers or rubbish left behind that proves man
was there during formation.
This is all done at night and some of these circles are huge and are done with
precision without lights and what about the 3d aspect on some of these
circles, like the alien holding the binary code plate warning to man in his
hand virtually next to one of those telescopes on Government land.
Lights would be required and would be noticed from miles away.
The Farmer is interested in turnover and maximizing his profits. He is not
interested in destroying his crops for a few circles. What would be the point.
Anyway that was a fair thought you put forward. But I don't think its matches
the reality.
Actually Stern swallow there is no such thing as
Its straight to personality extinction.
Hell is mans manmade thought through mankind's religious evolution and is not
consistent to what really happens to the soul after death if it falls short of
the spiritual standards of Paradise or simply rejects the Kingdom of Heaven.
For those who fail to survive its BLACK, you wouldn't even be conscious.
Come on board mate to the hidden worlds then we
can have a morontia coffee together sometime in the future and have a laugh of
what happened here.
I was wondering check out the Urantia Book in your research and go through the
discoveries and all the verifications. I'm sure that would stimulate you in your
research and perhaps give you a wider, deeper and better perspective of
Investigate it, I'm sure you will find it interesting.
I was speaking to SternSwallow or do you speak
for him as well as for yourself?
The final witness of the journey from the
beginning places in the on the run journey to the ancient places that will bring
on the coming down of Heaven to earth were all people of the planet will
The event is linked to the revealing of the ancient places
like 1stEden, Dalamatia City and Vans highland capital. The journey is in the
compilation of the on the run forum replies which is a record the journey and
discovery to all these places of past of unknown Epochs and the being in the
moment of discovery and its journey.
Essentially its a diary of the path of the Tree of Life based
on the Urantia Book written by the Kingdom of Heaven. My is journey leads to the
discovery and the verification of the locations of the cities.
But the journey is leading to Judgment and the Arrival of the
Local System Government for the business of this planet and it may also mean the
evacuation of the friends of the Sovereign Jesus when he judges the present age.
» Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:26 pm
Im sure humans have created crop circles Ive seen
the documentries. But I would think they would be very basic and there is some
difficulty and how do you get the 3d effect being on the ground at night?.
But there are some crop circles that I believe that are beyond human ability.
24 crop circles in 46 days and no reports of people beingn apprehended, All of
them at night.
Im sure some humans make crop circle but not all of them.
sevens » Mon Jun 01,
2009 11:28 pm
byteresistor wrote:I'm
out of this thread. This is too silly.

That's what they said to Jesus and Mohammed to
No different and a shallow outlook.
Actually you fulfill prophecy about the last message at the end time.
I've made some serious connection beyond crop circles but you haven't got the
will to properly research everything.
You must have a low concentration span or not sincere in the quest for truth
and off far too judgmental having not examined everything.
I think your silly and no different to the atheists I have to contend with on
other threads.
You know the last message is completely rejected that's why there is some much
rebuke for religion at the end according to the Dead Sea scrolls and
Revelation and the name and birth is also fulfilled but you wouldn't know
How do you propose the end times to happen then? What's the activator? What do
you think? Show us some evidence of your thoughts that parallel and fulfill
prophecy in all the books including the Quran.
What does Isaiah say, line upon line, precept upon precept Like on a forum
compiling posts replies. How do propose the line upon line occurs....Like an
daily on the run journey where all is recorded. That's why its rejected
because people don't take the time to read through things because they are
lazy and fulfilled in there own limited knowledge.
I can show script of the Government coming down to Earth which parallel this
journey which has all to do with Space and the Light with heat magnetar the
connection to Government.
sevens » Mon Jun 01,
2009 11:51 pm
Spend years doing this work each
day and some guy in 5 minutes says Oh thats silly.
I feel really offended. In 5 minutes we have judgment already and what if its
all true. How will your judgment go? in 5 seconds upon examination?
You know many people have been murdered to get all the truth to this point and
you say oh that's silly you show NO respect for the past nor for the people
who died along the way for the Sovereign to get this information fulfilled.
Now I feel annoyed and slight angry.
Where talking about 500,000 years history of the path of the tree of life and
you wipe it off in 5 minutes.
You show NO love nor respect of the people of truth from the past and to the
Universal Government who are attempting to help us and religion.
Oh well you guys have the point and the
I think from now on we have to see what occurs.
But honestly there is not much more I can make available to the Atheist.
I think we have to await the arrival of the Universal Government then we will
see the results in the final witness.
Other than that there is not much more I can add to these posts and to be honest
the thread are a joke and the Atheist will pay for his mockery of the Universal
Government and the Sovereign and there will no turning back and no other
500,000 years worth of history and atheist mocks tour planetary past not to
mention all the people who sacrificed there life to this truth here. The Atheist
for his mockery will not survive either way. The Atheist is just a heartless
cold blooded person, no different to a reptilian.
sevens » Tue Jun 02,
2009 12:36 pm
Yes I know its bad a poor witness.
I've been on this atheist site, it such a low level of abuse in all the
replies it brought me a low level and that reflected in the last post. I just
I apologies.
Fair enough if people don't want to believe this. I know what I know and
that's what I know through this journey to 1stEden as written in the Urantia
Book and verified.
This whole journey is an off shoot of the expeditions to 1stEden and the
spiritual experience has been unbelievable but its only me that knows what its
all about. Because, I researched it and posted my results and thoughts along
the way, the copied work on the forums naturally became a line upon line
record over time.
I don't expect people to believe this.
No worries at all.
Personally, I think I have come to the end of the journey in the record, its
been a little short of 5 years and in the past 3.5 years its been the forum
work including the most intriguing journey of discovery in all the books of
What happens after this I have no idea but I do anticipate something. But its
so strange that I found myself in the books and the journey but no one is
going to believe that.
all the best
sevens » Tue Jun 02,
2009 1:07 pm
With the crop circles, all I know is that much of the patterns
in the circles does match the symbolism of this journey from 1stEden,
Dalamatia City, Dilmun/Babel, the great pyramid and even at the entrance of
Jesus' family tomb and notably the Local System Capital grid with its
surrounding spheres which matches the star of David symbol if you connect the
dots/sphere seeing it from our planetary perspective.
All the symbols of these cities are contained in the crop circles. Either the
hoaxers, if any are reading this construct and making these circles in
parallel to this journey from the beginnings or perhaps its something way
beyond us that is reacting and directionalising the circles in the timing!
50/50, but I have a strong feeling its the Local Universal Government hinting
to us of there arrival.
Its just what I see and what I react to it in viewing these circles in
parallel with the journey to Eden and other cities of unknown Epochs.
I mean here is the latest and there is no
suggestion of Hoaxers. Actualy the experts are having a conference about these
circles and they seem quite serious about it. I think I know what the crop
circles mean in some ways. I dont think they know what they mean but I have a
good idea knowing the symbols. ... field.html
Apparently the latest circle is 3 times the size of all of them.
Crop circle experts ready for Wiltshire
8:03am Tuesday 2nd June 2009
Crop circle investigators are preparing for their annual
conference in Marlborough as 2009 shapes up for a bumper season of formations.
Speakers from all over the world will be attending the
conference at Marlborough College on August 8 and 9 to share their theories on
how and why the designs appear.
Clare Oatley of the Wiltshire Crop Circle Study Group, which
is organising the conference, said: “The conference has been running for
14 years and each year new and popular
speakers are found to delight their audience.
“This year is no exception. There are crop circle researchers
coming from Holland, France and of course the UK, fascinating speakers talking
about local lay lines and the discovery of ancient pyramids in Bosnia.”
Wiltshire, and particularly the triangle bounded by
Devizes, Marlborough and Pewsey, is a hot spot for crop formations. Last year
between April and September 77 crop circles
appeared in Wiltshire alone.
So far this year 14 designs
have been reported in Wiltshire in oilseed rape and, more recently, barley, more
than ever before at this stage in the season. Ms Oatley said: “Year after year
the designs amaze researchers and enthusiasts who come in their thousands from
all over the world to visit them.”
Conference tickets are available from the Wiltshire Crop
Circle Study Group’s website at
or by phoning (01380) 739966.
sevens » Tue Jun 02,
2009 2:36 pm
See its like in the Jellyfish pattern
Sevens Jellyfish

My interpretation of the Jellyfish is ....."its the Sevens Jellyfish" from the
It is the Sevens Jellyfish from the Local System Headquarters perhaps theough
the broadcast circuits responding and supporting this Journey of the ancient
places back to the beginnings and which extends to space eve beyond to the
Systems capitals even to Paradise.
This why I think its the Sevens Jellyfish!
From bottom to the top I see
7 tentacles
2 sets of 7 circles attached on the middle tentacle. or 14 circles
4 sets of 3 coplanar circles as in the design of the Temple of 1stEden
which housed the Tree of Life in the central circular courtyard and to the
North, the Mount of Adoration and we know the area. Like a half square
If you look closely at the rings of the Body you will count 7 circles. 4
at the base and 3 interconnecting. 7 circles.
Counting the lines of above 7 rows where the Seventh row meets the top
circle or a one or a oneness.Also if
you look from above of the Jellyfish you see 3 concentric circle which is
the Symbol of Paradise or the symbol of the Melchizedek
And 12 separate circles can counted on the
Sevens to the One. or Seven to oneness.
I believe The Sevens Jellyfish is responding to with harmonization with the
journey to the ancient places. Consider, Dalamatia City and 1stEden are
submerged and the Sevens Jellyfish comes from the Abyss where the ancient
cities and temples of the Father lays and space is responding to the message.
I'm sure this is the key and the Local System Government is coming which means
an event at some stage soon.
The Sevens Jellyfish confirms it. And this is my answer to the Atheist who I
was battling in regarding what is approaching but off course the
response is abuse. Its unreal. Also the thread of the Atheist site was opened
after getting banned from the
Richard Dawkins site because, I was speaking truth of the places and what it
meant where I received a bad reaction.

Giant jellyfish
invades Earth... in the form of a mysterious crop
circle By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 11:49 AM on 02nd June 2009 ...
sevens » Tue Jun 02,
2009 3:00 pm
The Seven Jellyfish has the signs of Paradise all
over it coming from the abyss and from Space which to me means the arrival of
the Ancients of Days because they the Head of the Sevenfold. The Seven
Adjutant Spirits that makes up all man. This project is directed by the
Sevenfold Seraphic Corps who have a base here in the Spiritual world.
The Judges of Personality, The Ancients of Days are close.
To me, in the way I see things the Sevens Jellyfish could be the
response/confirmation from deep space of some of the earlier petitions that I
made to the Ancients of Days and they are responding and coming along with the
Justice Courts of the Universe.
The Symbol of Paradise incorporates the Sevenfold like in the Jellyfish and it
has Seven tentacles. Which means exactly that.
Usually a jellyfish traps his victims like a snare as expressed in the bible.
The last message is described like a snare where no one believes him.
Maybe the journey from the beginnings is like a snare of truth and it actually
brings a visitation in the final witness on this side of the age?
» Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:03 am
Thanks for the responses, it was interesting to
read about the spiritual positions of people.
Ive been looking into the Jelly fish
further and I read in another article that this crop circle is located near
the White Horse.
Here is a fragment of a news Article reported on May 14th (my birthday) about
the Crop cirles that began on April 14th 09. (Note: 14 is also a key number in
this journey being 2x7) ... rlborough/
The first formation appeared in a field close to Avebury stone circle on
April 14.
It is classic in its simplicity and bodes well for the rest of the season.
A few days later, on April 19, a twin-eye
design appeared in a field of rape close to West Kennett Long Barrow.
It is 211ft in diameter and was first seen from the air early in the
It is particularly large and complex for an early spring formation.
It is in marked contrast to the rather primitive shape that appeared at
Liddington Castle hill fort near Chiseldon on April 25. It is simply four
asymmetric circles connected by straight lines.
A stunning spiral design arrived at Roundway Hill, Devizes, close to
Millennium White Horse, on April 29. It measures around 200
ft across and is also in rape.

Apparently the Jellyfish circle was not that far from the same white horse.
The 600ft by 250ft pattern on farmland
near Ashbury – just a few miles from the iconic Uffington White Horse
chalk landmark – appeared at the weekend.
Experts are claiming it to be the first of its kind in the world and said
that as well as looking like a jellyfish, it also replicates the Earth’s
magnetic field.
The circle was found in a barley field at Wayland’s Smithy – a burial
chamber close to the ancient Ridgeway trail – off the B4507 from Ashbury
to Uffington.
sevens » Wed Jun 03,
2009 10:15 am
Continuing on from the above.
What comes to mind is that the White Horse,
is another key feature that exists closeby to these related crop circles. What
comes to mind is the White Horse mentioned in revelation thinking it has
something to do with this journey to the ancient places, the beginnings where
it relates to the Shabbes timeline that Im working with.
Here are the verses in revelation speaking of the White Horse and how it
relates to this journey.
Revelation 6:2
And I saw, and behold a white horse:
and he that sat on him had
a bow; and a crown was given unto him:
and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
(The white Horse is the last guy and his message, He had a bow of truth
delivering the message world wide through the internet. The crowns are the
ancient places, 1stEden and all the other cities of the path pof the Tree
of Life. He goes forth and conquers everything by Unlocking the Seventh
Mystery and confirm the Space administration.)
Revelation 19:11
And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon
him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and
make war.
(This last guy and his message on his white horse is faithful and true and
can be relied on and in righteousness he assists in brings in judgment and
does make war on false things and untruth. Changes everything! The
Universe Government backs him up because he was truthful and faithful to
the course of Paradise)
Revelation 19:14
And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses,
clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
(The last guy on his white horse actually brings Heaven down to Earth where
the angels came down on their white horse. That means visitation and arrival
of the Universal Government.)
The blokes from Eden of Cyprus hold the crowns.
sevens » Wed Jun 03,
2009 11:22 am
I believe the White Horse relates directly to
the Great White Horse coming down to adjudge the age, Jesus the Sovereign I
also feel this has parallel to the Crop circles in seeing the Parallel of
the Sevenfold connection and the Symbol of Paradise. I believe this whole
journey is a very strong candidate for the last message before the arrival
of the Universe Government.
I see a complete match and what connects all things are the connecting
symbols from ancient times times leading to Space and now crop circles in
synchronization with a timeline. Its like Man walking with God in many ways
in a very complete spiritual experience of being led in all the books,
discovering things in the connection and parallel, going on hunches from
within and following them and finding what I thought and discovering the
experience later as written. Rejoicing always at any discovery and then
experience of oneness from within with the Father in Heaven. Breaking new
ground for man and laying tracks for him to widen in the future. To verify
what is written in the physical, the tie in of all the books in a oneness
And now space is responding through the crop circles that point to our
ancient heritages confirming the journey as foreseen in the bible.
I reckon its such a grouse journey unsurpassed! What else could the end days
or the change of an age be other than a construct like this from ancient
times pointing to the Future Space 2009.
sevens » Wed Jun 03,
2009 11:22 am
I believe the White Horse relates directly
to the Great White Horse coming down to adjudge the age, Jesus the Sovereign I
also feel this has parallel to the Crop circles in seeing the Parallel of the
Sevenfold connection and the Symbol of Paradise. I believe this whole journey
is a very strong candidate for the last message before the arrival of the
Universe Government.
I see a complete match and what connects all things are the connecting symbols
from ancient times times leading to Space and now crop circles in
synchronisation with a timeline. Its like Man walking with God in many ways in
a very complete spiritual experience of being led in all the books,
discovering things in the connection and parallel, going on hunches from
within and following them and finding what I thought and discovering the
experience later as written. Rejoicing always at any discovery and then
experience of oneness from within with the Father in Heaven. Breaking new
ground for man and laying tracks for him to widen in the future. To verify
what is written in the physical, the tie in of all the books in a oneness
And now space is responding through the crop circles that point to our ancient
heritages confirming the journey as foreseen in the bible.
I reckon its such a grouse journey unsurpassed! What else could the end days
or the change of an age be other than a construct like this from ancient times
pointing to the Future Space 2009.
Just looking at the search crowns looking for clues.
Here is a curious one ... wn&ver=kjv
And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like
unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a
sharp sickle.
sevens » Wed Jun 03,
2009 11:39 am
In the following image.
Note the natural circular formations on either side of the crop circle, 3 co
planar circles.
Note the Bush land that has an open triangle shape with a natural circle
below, the same symbol as on Jesus' family tomb. All symbols of the Journey.
Note the crop circle itself appears to have 3 concentric circles. The Symbol
of Paradise and the shape is the same shape as the local system capital.
The crop circle is specially placed near natural formations that form the
symbols of this journey. They using natural formations that have the relevant
pattern that would fit the message and confirm the journey to the ancient
places. Matching symbols.

sevens » Wed Jun 03,
2009 12:05 pm
Here is more information about eh White Horse
Very interesting and does parallel this journey in many ways. Its a possible
Revenlation 19
The Rider on the White Horse
11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and
he that sat upon him was
called Faithful and True, and in righteousness
he doth judge and make war.
12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and
on his head were many
crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he
himself. 13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his
name is called The Word of
14 And
the armies
which were in heaven followed him
upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
And out of his mouth goeth
a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule
them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness
and wrath of Almighty God.
16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF
KINGS, AND Lord OF LordS. 17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and
he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst
of heaven,
Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the
great God; 18 That ye may eat the flesh of
kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the
flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men,
both free and bond, both small and great. 19 And I saw the beast, and the
kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war
against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought
miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the
mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were
cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. 21 And the remnant
were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword
proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their
Note how Heaven followed him, like responded to him the
person on the White Horse.
There a few more horses after the white horse ... +6&ver=kjv

Here is a video of the crop circle
The massive jellyfish thoroughly trounces
the 350ft Wiltshire yin-yang symbol mysteriously cut last week into a barley
field near Devizes, a crop circle hot spot.
The design is not strictly a circle, of course, and is a
long way from the simple shapes that appeared in the 1980s and gave rise to
the name 'crop circle'.
Some argue that the patterns are the work of artists
with access to computers and plenty of volunteers - but
crop circle enthusiasts say summer nights are just too short to accomplish
such complex work secretly
» Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:07 pm
Here is a video of the Jellyfish crop circle.
Fragment ... ircle.html
The massive jellyfish thoroughly trounces the 350ft Wiltshire yin-yang symbol
mysteriously cut last week into a barley field near Devizes, a crop circle hot
The design is not strictly a circle, of course, and is a long way from the
simple shapes that appeared in the 1980s and gave rise to the name 'crop
Some argue that the patterns are the work of artists with access to computers
and plenty of volunteers - but
crop circle enthusiasts say summer nights are just too short to accomplish
such complex work secretly.

» Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:14 am
Physco Bunny
that was truly interesting I really learned something there and found the post
Don't you think its was interesting how the first crop circle and the last so
far are close to a white horse.
I was wondering why do you think the crop circles are close to white horses.
Do you think the White horse in the symbols has reflections to the White Horse
in revelations? Do you think the White Horse in revelation was the main
influence of the white horses created by the forefathers.
Does the White Horse sculptures go back beyond
2000 years?
» Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:50 am
Here is a reported crop circle in Italy May 25th
Cerchio nel grano a Brugherio (MB).
Reported 25th May.

A second crop circle in Germany on June 2nd 09.
Ehlen, Hessen (Hessia).
Reported 30th May.

Interesting symbols.
» Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:11 am
And here is another Crop Circle rumor near another
White Horse??
Under White Horse, Stanton St Bernard
Crop: Barley
Description: unsure
Discovery: 02/06/09
Name: Deborah
Status: Waiting for second confirmation and photographic evidence
They keep on coming
Apparently there was crop circle last year near this location.
Last year on the 8/8/08 ... =103&pos=7
I think this is the white horse near Stanton St Bernard

and look at all the crop circles that have been discovered near this location. ... a=N&tab=wi
Quite amazing.
Obviously the White Horse is very significant
to the creators of the Crop Circles.

» Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:19 am
Psycho Bunny wrote:I don't want
to feed any odd beliefs here, but the design from the field in Germany (Ehlen,
Hesse) is identical to symbols carved in the stone window surrounds of old
barns and farmhouses, down here in the West Country.
Originally I thought they were masons' marks, but I was put right by
someone with some knowledge of local folklore and customs. Apparently the
circular-based three-fold design was used to ward off witches and demons.
Hi Physco Bunny
I find that rather fascinating of the commonality in symbol of the German crop
circle design and the parallel with the symbol used in the West Country to
ward of witches and demons.
Its interesting how the threefold symbol is used and I wonder where that
perception began in folklore. What the basis for this belief in the threefold
symbol that wards of Evil. I'm thinking its related to the bible like with the
White Horses....well in my view. I think the White Horses as you say created
by wealthy landowners who were perhaps inspired with the White Horse in
Personally, in light of today's crop circles I think it tells the story of the
symbol coming down to earth and mowing everything like present knowledge and
understanding. I know there are words to this effect that I have read
concerning this circle symbol from Heaven. I think I read that in Nostradamus'
work. I have to check that...or was it Baruch, Jeremiahs assistant?
So we crop circles, white Horses and threefold protection symbols.
» Fri Jun 05, 2009 11:13 am
My views about crop circles has keyed up because
of the journey to the ancient places as written in the Urantia Book blended
with all the relevant books of religion in the focalization to the ancient
The crop circles confirms much of the symbolism that stretches way back to our
unknown past which is being revealed today. Since being on this journey my
view of things has widened considerably where I integrate many things from all
over the place where I see a parallel or commonality in my focalization to the
ancient places. Its been like a major revelation, discovery and realization
each day being led by the books helped by my unseen elder brothers in the
looking for evidence.
Its an unreal experience and so compelling, Crop circles are like icing on the
cake for me which display all the symbols of the Cities of our past like
Dalamatia City, 2nd Dilmun, even up to space as with the Magnetar Broadcast
system. I think the Crop Circles is a signature that the Interspace broadcast
circuits are about the open as adjudication comes closer and when they do look
out mankind because when the first full broadcast comes that will the
execution broadcast of the Last Rebel who still remains on this planet.
I think the crop circles are a definite warning to mankind.
The spirit of Quickened understanding is associated with the broadcast
Circuits to. Quickened understanding so that we can decipher what the
Universal Government is telling us in the main point. Last time these circuits
were opened was 200,000 years but rebellion closed the circuits so we are like
babies now at this time in the understanding the communications of the circles
in the spiritual metaphor and the actual reality of the Universal Government
virtually in our face.
These crop circle have to lead somewhere????
sevens » Fri Jun 05,
2009 11:36 am
Another curiosity that intrigued me was the
Cern Abbas Giant. Apart from private parts in interested in the club and what
that represents.
The commonality for me is how many Abbas/Abbes thatere in this journey.
BarAbbes in Jesus time
The Shabbes Timeline which has my mother maiden name Abbes and forms part of
the Shabbes.
Cern Abbas has a metaphor to me being an abbas and reflects the nature of much
of my writing in the discovery of what it means.
Shabbes means Sabbath or Seventh and I look at my nick name which I chose
years ago because of Sevenfoldbooks, the author of Sevenfoldbooks Sevens, it
seemed logical to me. I never realized how the import of the Seven is spread
throughout all the books of religion.
The biggest blow out is how the Mahdi Mother is name Ina or Armina which is my
mother name praise the Lord. In Sikhism the guy who kills Koli (The last
rebel) or who brings in Judgment is Born 14th May, my birthday.
Anyway, lets just see what happens but intriguing eh! Leys say if all this
comes to pass from writing in a room. Writing a book, like a living book where
action happens simultaneously in putting the pieces together of the final
mystery. From writing in a room alone and nothing else oh well except work to
keep the office going and living on faith alone walking with the Father of
Heaven as friends and where no fear exists.
That would be the witness and touching space in the connection and what we
have seen demonstrated already in the timeline.
Moving mountains with faith, the right stuff, its almighty.
Its just a fantastic journey of all proportion.
sevens » Fri Jun 05,
2009 11:42 am
Psycho Bunny wrote:Hi
There is one obvious reason why White Horses and crop circles (assuming
they are man-made) are linked. Most White Horses are on hillsides, which
can be seen for miles around. They sites of the White Horses also provide
a convenient viewing platform from which to admire the artistry of the
crop circles below - which is what I saw from the Uffington White Horse a
few years ago.
But the Uffington White Horse is the only one with genuine antiquity.
The Long Man of Wilmington in Sussex was thought to be very ancient, but
now it seems it is only 400 years old.

That make sense to but personally I think the
Crop Circles come from another place but the White horse would be good viewing
area. Maybe back in those times they viewed crop circles from the White
Horses. Could be the purpose...Interesting thought!
» Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:33 pm
Here is a crop circle that was reported on the 1st
May 09 in Germany. May 1st 09 is a very very significant date for me. The
birth of the Sevenfold church but I think its more a brotherhood, A Sevenfold
Spiritual Brotherhood and there was a crop circle created on that great day.
Wattenbach, Hessen (Hessia).
Reported 1st May. ... 2009a.html

If you look at the design of the
crop circle you see 6 circles behind the Seventh circle in the middle. SEVEN
circles, same symbolism, The Sevenfold! The 4 spokes to me, appear to be the
Local system Headquarters grid in space with its spheres that surround the
dark space body, these hidden worlds harnesses the energy of the this Dark
Space body.Another The Sevenfold Crop
Zierenberg, Hessen (Hessia),
Reported 21st May. ...
Note the circle circles in the background meet
at one place with the Seventh in the middle...Seven to one or the Seven
meeting a oneness or oneness in the Seven.
» Fri Jun 05, 2009 1:31 pm
In the above is the design of total space. Like a
Maltese cross embalmed in this crop circles and the black part in between is
"The areas between the four arms would
separate them somewhat as the midspace zones
separate pervaded and unpervaded space"
This means that's all of Paradise down to all the perfected worlds to the Time
Space universes of the Seven Super universes are involved in this from top to
bottom even unto Paradise.
That's the symbol of the Sevenfold and all of space to Paradise...meeting in
one place right here! Good ole Earth.And
now here is the crop circle on May1st 09 the birth of the Sevenfold
brotherhood which is also another Maltese cross representing the design of the
time/space worlds.
All the same symbolism of Paradise and design
like with all the other ancient cities to reflect the design of the other
In the May 1st 2009
crop circle we see the same symbol of Paradise of the Time/Space worlds with
again the same Maltese Cross design of
the time/space worlds. Similar to all the ancient cities that reflect the
design of the their cities on the basis of the Heavenly capitals in its

sevens » Fri Jun 05,
2009 2:03 pm
If we study following crop circle again we
can see another Sevenfold Symbol Crop Circle including the Symbol of the
Paradise Trinity. The Threefold Symbol.
Note the black and white circles, one smaller inner circle with outer black
circle. 2 circles in the circle in total 6 outer circles with the middle
circle being the Seventh, the Seven circle. Each circle meets at the same
point in the middle. The Sevenfold is encapsulated within the Trinity, the
Paradise Trinity. Direct to Paradise! Through the Sevenfold!
Ehlen, Hessen (Hessia).
Reported 30th May

Interesting these Sevenfold circles are reported in the area in Germany Hessia.
I find that interesting to.
It all seems to connect to the Sevenfold and the Paradise Trinity in the
symbols all meeting in the Oneness of trinity and Sevenfold in oneness meeting
at the same place in the middle. The basis of all existence.
» Fri Jun 05, 2009 2:20 pm
I think this is another Sevenfold Crop Circle. In
the moiddle you can see 6 petals and another smaller petals within a Seventh
circle in the background of both sets of petals. All encompassed by a circle
with energy lanes being broadcast from petal to another like in space
communications throughout all space. Like through the Magnetar systems from
space reaching this planet.
Bishop Cannings, nr Devizes, Wiltshire. Reported 24th May.

you look closely each petal broadcasting to another another represents a
circle and which also meets in the middle of the Sevenfold Circle. Sevenfold
to oneness with 24 circles revolving around the Sevenfold meeting in the one
same spot in the middle of the circle. Eternity and Sevenfold!
sevens » Fri Jun 05, 2009 2:36 pm
Another Sevenfold crop circle
Note the six circles in a straight line 3 either side with
the seventh in the middle
note the Seven lines
from one end to another...Sevenfold. Note the six circles on the outer
part of the design in both cases. We are part of the seventh Super universe in
brotherhood with the six other Super universes of time/space.
Note: the 2 sets of seven laneways...thus 14 laneways the run through the
middle of the seventh between the Seventh middle circle see how it connects
with the other 6 circles either side all circulating in a oneness and harmony
of the Sevenfold.

sevens » Fri Jun 05,
2009 2:51 pm
In the following is another Sevenfold crop circle
of the Sevens.
If you count the outer circles in a circle you will count Seven circles, now
moving inwards and counting the next row of circles in a circle you will count
Seven, Going inwards to the next layer counting in a circle you will count
again Sevens . 3 sets of Seven circles and In the middle of the Circles you
find another just one circle in a oneness of Sevens, the Sevenfold all
connected together in Space all speaking with each other.

Sevens descending inwards to a oneness.
Here is a more difficult one

sevens » Fri Jun 05,
2009 2:59 pm
Another Sevenfold crop circle.
All six srrounding the Seven
All Cannings Bridge, nr Stanton St Bernard, Wiltshire. Reported 6th May 09.

» Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:31 pm
Have you ever consider
Abbadon the angel from Abyss
perhaps reveals space to mankind and where judgment comes and the Last rebel
is executed.
Abaddon = Abba which is interpreted in Hebrew as "Father."
Abaddon = Addoni which is interpreted in Hebrew as "Teacher/Master."
consider the Abb/Abba/Abbas/Abbes connection in the journey to the ancient
places. The message is from the submerged cities which has ties in with Space
in the Abyss, the real abyss meaning Space, Judgment from the Local System
Headquarters through the broadcast Circuits and the presence of Jesus to
Adjudge the age.Perhaps means evacuation
of the Salvable in the beforehand!
» Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:20 am
Crop Circle keep on taining down
Knoll Down, nr Beckhampton, Wiltshire.
Reported 1st June

Below Milk Hill, nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire.
Reported 2nd June.

Note the 3 coplanar circles and the triangle/circle pattern at the end of each
point of the design.
Also note each coplanar circle pattern at each point equals 7 seven circles
and there are Seven points to the design. A Sevenfold crop circle!
Note the 8 circled circle band at the edge of the
design.... The oncoming of the Sevenfold from Space.
If you look at the design There also appears to be Seven wave type features
within the design, they are all orderly and seem to have eyes and mouths like
the side view if a eagles face.
Little London, nr Yatesbury, Wiltshire.
Reported 3rd June.

There has been a crop circle just about everyday suggesting to me we are
getting closer to something or a climax.
» Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:26 am
Here is another Sevenfold crop circle, the latest.
New Farm, nr Chiseldon, Wiltshire.
Reported 5th June.

Note the 3 circles with a second circle within and overlapped by a Seventh
circle also note the Paradise Trinity symbol. All circles meet the middle in
the oneness.I can also see a triangle
and circle in the middle made up by the 3 smaller circles.
Imagine this Sevenfold Crop circle was reported yesterday whilst this study
was taking place.
The Sevenfold timing is impeccable and very supporting.
sevens » Sat Jun 06,
2009 8:44 am
expozIslam wrote:it
does not matter what islam they follow. all islam is evil,
I think Islam has been infiltrated by the Last Rebel where he has made people
DUMB in the religion.
People are feeble minded in that religion.
Its a failed religion and will never be successful and world wide. Where ever
it goes man loses his freedom and fear is used against him. Islam will not
last Judgment being on the way.
Rote and ritual will fail Islam, they miss the point utterly and the leaders
suck to. They are bad leaders all of them. The Quran is inaccurate and has
many problems and is full of manmade thoughts only. It takes much from the
bible and screws around with it, it will never prove itself like I can prove
the Urantia Book and the Bible.
The leaders have made the Islam people very DUMB and feebleminded.
» Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:07 am
Islam is completely out of step with the will of
the Father in Paradise and if it doesn't correct itself now which it will not
because of it rebellious nature it will not survive. Christianity will survive
through correction but in a expanded form but not Islam.
It is doomed, its witness is too bad. The angels find it hard to work with
Islam, if at all because of its treatment on women and its promulgation of
death and destruction, its only BS motto.
Its made its people into many liars and many areas, its just walking
hypocrisy.It does not demonstrate a
single thing.
If Islam does not correct it will be seen as Spiritual Strangers by the
Sovereign of this Universe.
» Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:50 am
Im still looking in Abaddon and who he is.
Im breaking down the name to see if there something in the meaning that can
point us to some realisations.
Abad means
The boy's name Abad \a-bad\ is a variant of
Abbott (Old English), and the
meaning of Abad is "father,
and Don means
A head, tutor, or fellow at a
college of Oxford or Cambridge.
A college or university professor.
Archaic. An important
Now abbes means
Usage: Dutch
Means "son of Abbe". More links on Abbes"
Surname: Abbes
This most interesting and unusual surname is a variant of 'Abbs, itself a
nickname patronymic form of the popular 'Abel' introduced by returning
Crusaders from the Holy Land. 'Abel' itself derives from the Hebrew given name
'Hevel' meaning 'breath or vigour'. The
personal name 'Abel' (Hevel) was borne by the son of Adam, who was murdered by
his brother Cain. It was very popular as a given name in Christendom during
the Middle Ages, when there was a cult of 'suffering innocence' which Abel
represented. For reasons unclear the surname was widespread in
East Anglia, and is well represented in
its various forms in the registers of the area. The surname is now found as
Abbs, Abbis, Abbiss, Abbys, Abbes,
Abson, Abbison etc, and all are patronymic spelling of Abb.
and more"
The boy's name Abbas \a(b)-bas\ is of Arabic and Hebrew origin, and its
meaning is "stern, somber; father". In Arabic, this name is used to refer to a
lion, equivalent to referring to the king of the beasts as Leo in the
English-speaking world. One of Muhammad's uncles was named Abbas. Judaism and
Islam demonstrate their common roots in this name. Israeli statesman Abba Eban.
Abbas has 6 variant forms: Ab, Abba, Abbe, Abbey, Abbie and Abo
Baby names that sound like Abbas are Jabes, Ebisu and Jabez.
An abbess (Latin abbatissa, fem. form of abbas, abbot) is the female superior,
or Mother Superior, of an abbey of nuns."
sevens » Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:59 am
In relation to Abaddon, he is Father teacher figure and
actually delivers a message that brings on Judgment and execution of the Last
Rebel including Lucifer and Satan and the rest of the Rebel band.
Its appears that the message of Abaddon comes from the Abyss and who holds the
key of Judgment. It could be possible that this journey to the ancient places
is the key of Judgment and certain components of the Abaddon name points to
many parallels, in name of the Character involved in this journey. I also note
that whilst my mothers maiden name is Abbes my Father surname is also
reflected as the effect of the Tree of Life and his surname, the Young relates
directly to the Javan who were the Greeks and who originally came from North
Eastern Iran near Van Highland Capital that I discovered 40 miles from Shirvan
where the Mahdi message comes from.
This journey is fascinating. I think Abaddon is the rider of the White Horse
and who is a Spiritual Father/Teacher of the Spiritual Abbey of the Planet
because his message is completely consistent with the Will of the Father.
Abaddon actually brings in the judgment of the Last Rebel and identity is
masked in the name.
Praise the Lord eh!Its interesting that
Abyss sounds similar to abbess, it could thought of as the message that comes
from Abbes from the abbey or abbot or the Abyss.
sevens » Sat Jun 06,
2009 11:10 am
Obviously the message of Abbes comes from the
Abyss from where 1stEden, Dalamatia City and Dilmun exist.
I also want to say that my Father name Bas (in short) is also within the abbas
Bas Names for Baby
2 -bas names for boys. Listing -bas baby names 1-2. Abbas and Barnabas are
uncommon -bas baby names. Click on each -bas name for details and
[variants], or search for -bas names for girls by suffix
Here is the Wikipedia on Abaddon
In the homily by Timothy, Abbaton was first
named Muriel, and had been given the task by God of collecting the earth
which would be used in the creation of Adam. Upon completion of this task,
the angel was then named to be guardian. Everybody, including the
angels, demons, and corporeal entities, felt fear of him.
Abbaton engaged in prayer and ultimately obtained
the promise that any men who venerated him during their lifetime stood the
chance of being saved. Abbaton is also
said to have a prominent role in the Last Judgement, as the one
who will take the souls to the Valley of Josaphat.[3] He is described in
the Apocalypse of Bartholomew as being present in the Tomb of Jesus
at the moment of his resurrection.
[edit] Identifying Abaddon
The symbolism of Revelation 9:11 leaves the exact identification of
Abaddon open for interpretation. Some bible scholars believe him to be the
antichrist[4] or Satan.[5][6][7]
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Abaddon is Jesus. [8][9](However,
original Jehovah's Witness doctrine stated that Abaddon was Satan.)[10]
Some also believe Abaddon to be just an angel. Concerning the angel
holding the key to the bottomless pit from Revelation 9 and 20, Gustav
Davidson, in A Dictionary of Angels, Including the Fallen Angels, writes:
In Revelation 20:1 he "laid hold of the dragon, that old serpent, which is
the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years." According to the
foregoing, Apollion is a holy (good) angel, servant and messenger of God;
but in occult and, generally, in noncanonical writings, he is evil [11].
They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss,
whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon.
Based on the above post quote
In the homily by Timothy,
Abbaton was first named Muriel, and
had been given the task by
God of collecting the earth which would be used in the
creation of Adam. Upon completion of this task, the angel
was then named to be guardian
Abaddon is related to 1stEden and Adam and that does parallel
with this journey 100%
The way I see the next quote is that those who listens and do
in the message of Abaddon in the last days will be saved from
Judgment...The Paths of Seven. It appears that Abaddon is the
Last Messenger and brings the rebellion to a finish where the
rebels are executed.
Abbaton engaged in prayer
and ultimately obtained the promise that any men who
venerated him during their lifetime stood the chance of
being saved.
Abbaton is
also said to have a prominent role in the Last Judgement,
the one who will take
the souls to the Valley of Josaphat.[3] He is
described in the Apocalypse of Bartholomew as being
present in the Tomb of Jesus at the moment of his
sevens » Sat Jun 06,
2009 11:51 am
Remember the 5th Seal where there are locusts that
attack the enemies of the Lord, apparently this occurs for 150 days, 5
months.. I notice the complete timeline including the Shabbes timeline does go
for 150 days beginning Dec 3rd 2008 finishing on June 19th 09.
In this time the world has changed in many aspects in this 150 day time
period.And remember the abyss is space
to and that where the arrival of the local system headquarters comes from.
A visitation of all levels of existence and from the Sevenfold Judges, the
Ancients of Days.
It will be like in the Days of Noah!