
Here is a
prophecy that has come and gone.
A Dec 24th 2011 call date
I expect much the same with Dec 21 2012 but there might be other things.

UPDATE: 12/24/2011 -- 1205AM CST --
the day is here ! we shall see what happens! So far, so good !
:^) read below for more information: blog post with FULL e...

"Describe the
temple to the house of Israel, that they may be ashamed of their
iniquities; and let them measure the pattern. And if they are ashamed of
all that they have done, make known to them the design of the temple and
its arrangement, its exits and its entrances, its entire design and all
its ordinances, all its forms and all its laws. Write it down in their
sight, so that they may keep its whole design and all its ordinances,
and perform them." (Ezekiel 43:10-11)

Scale model pictures of the future
Jewish temple which Ezekiel saw in detail over 2500 years ago!
This scale model and study was done using the specific cubit
dimensions given in the book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel's vision of the
Millennial Third Temple.

Surely he would
be able to distinguish helicopters as opposed to UFO craft, mind you,
there would be a number of news helicopter flying around the building.

Talk of blocking the strategic oil
route through the Strait of Hormuz is a discussion of the past,
a commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guard said Saturday in
comments that seemed to back away from an earlier threat. But he
said Iran had other, unspecified strategies for reacting to any
Western aggre...

Wishing you a
merry-merry New Year ...

But there could
be another factor that no one thought of, it could be an X factor.

Prof Brian Cox explores the
possibility that the World may end in 2012 at the end of the
Mayan Long Count. Watch Brian's film on the nature of time on
BBC2 i...

US president Barack Obama has signed
tough new sanctions into law targeting Iran's central bank and
financial sector in a move likely to deepen acrimony between the
two nations.

Gravel-voiced piano player Pugsley
Buzzard playing live on Good Morning New Zealand tv show.

Caucasians and Asians have partial
Neanderthal DNA (and part Cro-magnon), Africans don't have any.
Neanderthal fossils have NEVER been found in Africa to dat...

Watch Christianufonwo's video about
Klaus Dona Ancient Anomalous Artifacts documentary on

NY*..Love and
great light to YOU ..Dennis...xo

Watch Abovetopvideos's video about
Build December Breaking Story Stevedigiboytv Additional Note
Website Distinguish Hairline documentary on Disclose.tv

"Happy *΄¨)
Έ.΄Έ.*΄¨) Έ.*¨)
(Έ.΄ (Έ.` € New Year! ♥"

15The angel who talked with me had a
measuring rod of gold to measure the city, its gates and its walls.
16The city was laid out like a square, as long as it was wide.
>>>He measured the city with the rod and found it to be 12,000 stadiaa
in length, and as wide and high as it is long.<<<
17He measured its wall and it was 144 cubits thick, by mans
measurement, which the angel was using.
18The wall was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as
19The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of
precious stone.

New Year
blessings to you Dennis!

Dennis,..Wishing You & Yours a joyous,exciting, adventurous new 2012
Year full of many many blessings!! ♥ Rocky & Shell

The 2012 winter solstice will not
bring about destruction of the planet, scientists say.

geopolitical events of 2011 like the United States military pullout from
Iraq, Iran's continued development of a nuclear weapon of mass
destruction, the Afghan War, and the continuation of the Arab Spring
have a connection to the prewritten history that can be found in Bible
prophecy. However, the most significant indicator that we are entering
the times of the end is what has unfolded in the Middle East in 2011 and
what 2012 seems to hold for our world. This is dramatic evidence of the
soon fulfillment of all of Bible prophecy that can be found in God's

1Enoch Chapter 25
1 And he said unto me: 'Enoch, why dost thou ask me regarding the
fragrance of the tree,
2 and why dost thou wish to learn the truth?' Then I answered him
saying: 'I wish to
3 know about everything, but especially about this tree.' And he
answered saying: 'This high mountain which thou hast seen, whose
summit is like the throne of God, is His throne, where the Holy Great
One, the Lord of Glory, the Eternal King, will sit, when He shall come
down to visit
4 the earth with goodness.See

Best wishes
for a sparkling New Year filled with love, happiness and

Happy New Year

The Doobie Brothers, Rockin' Down
The Highway Show Live. with Michael McDonald. Excellent
performance of "Takin' It To The Streets"! From 1996. Black
Water: ...

Elton John singing his smash hit
Philadelphia Freedom at the Royal Opera House. I just love it
with the entire orchestral arrangement. Don't take anything

We are nearly
in 2012, 78 years from A.D. 1934, the 78 year
These thirty-one papers depicting the nature of Deity, the reality of
Paradise, the organization and working of the central and superuniverses,
the personalities of the grand universe, and the high destiny of
evolutionary mortals, were sponsored, formulated,<<<
and put into English by a high commission consisting of twenty-four
Orvonton administrators acting in accordance with >>>a mandate issued by
the Ancients of Days of Uversa directing that we should do this on
Urantia, 606 of Satania, in Norlatiadek of Nebadon, in the year A.D.

The fine sax player known as 'Shilts"
from Down to the Bone fame is here with his solo effort called 'Headboppin"
and the tune is called 'Say Something".

A US aircraft carrier had entered a
zone near the Strait of Hormuz being used by the Iranian navy
for wargames, an Iranian official said Thursday amid rising
tensions over the key oil transit channel.

From the Smooth11Jazz1 Vault...Where
MUSIC is a way of life!

GAZA/JERUSALEM (Reuters)- Israel
killed the leader of an al Qaeda-inspired faction in the Gaza
Strip on Friday, accusing him of involvement in firing rockets
and a planned attack on the Jewish state from

UFO sightings across Ireland have
increased by nearly 70% in just three years.

Its The last
day of the year over here!!! mmmm ominous! about to enter 2012. What
will it behold?? mmmm considering all the prophecy.

Boney James - East Bay from the
Sweet Thing CD on Warner Bro. Records - 1997

The recent earthquakes in the Canary
Islands of late aren't due to Poseidon the earth-shaker, but a
submarine volcano to the south of the island of El Hierro. Hot
magma spewing from beneath the surface of the ocean has injected
volcanic chemicals into the water, staining the sea green.

Volcanic activity in the Red Sea is
causing the formation of a new island in the Zubair archipelago
as lava is cooled by the surrounding seawater and solidifies.
The underwater volcano responsible is located on the Red Sea
Rift, where the African and Arabian tectonic plates are slowly
pulling apart.

One of the first scientific
expedition to a possible location of the lost city of Atlantis,
which occurred in November of 2004. The astonishing results of

Oh no another
Atlantis doco all the same rehash but no mention of 1st Eden. hahaha.
Pity they have the money backing and support they get everything 1st
Eden gets nothing.
That would be right being the truth.

Thanks for your

>>For the free city of the great Crescent sea,
Which still carries the stone in its stomach,<<<
The English fleet will come under the drizzle
>>To seize a branch, war opened by the great one.<<

C 2 Q 28
The moon in the middle of the night
>The young< sage alone with his mind has seen it.
His disciples invite him to become immortal .
His body in the fire (translation, terrestrial escape.)

The Illuminati (plural of Latin
illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both
real (historical) and fictitious. Historically the name refers to the
Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on
May 1, 1776. In more modern contexts the name refers to a purported
conspiratorial organization which is alleged to mastermind events and
control world affairs th...rough
governments and corporations to establish a New World Order. In this
context the Illuminati are usually represented as a modern version or
continuation of the Bavarian Illuminati. just looked it up. neither
here not there. You been listening and reading channelings through AA
Michael?! I Hope! on Blog Radio Linda Dillon speaks with Graham Dewyea.
you should be able to find it easily. Excellent Channeling through
Michael. title is an hour with an angel 12/26
See More

I watched last
night a documentary on the house of Saud, where a prince, a governor of
portion of Saudi Arabia gave an inside view of how the system runs in
Saudi Arabia.
He did this video to avoid the potential of a doomsday scenario by
revealing there lives to increase our understanding. I completely
respected that, utterly and I also join with the Prince in his efforts
to avoid a doomsday scenario.

couldn't watch it
all just zietgiest BS type of thing. I'm really over all this BS in this
topic and all the crap. To much crap around. To many bullshit artists
around with wild imaginations and no hard evidence. There are so many
people around that are unstable that say any thing and people believe

Watch Beforealt's video about Human
Extraterrestrials Visit Earth Predict Golden Culminate 2012
Freeing Evil Doom Foundi documentary on Disclose.tv

I don't know if
this is cgi but when it was captured and let out a shriek, I suddenly
felt this sorry for the confused brother. Im sure the brother will be
experimented on with no real purpose but to cut something up by invading
personal sentient sovereignty.

The presence of
these extraordinary supermen and superwomen, stranded by rebellion and
presently mating with the sons and daughters of earth, >>>easily gave
origin to those traditional stories of
>>the gods coming down to mate with mortals.<<
And thus originated the thousand and one legends of a mythical nature,
but founded on the facts of the postrebellion days, which later found a
place in the folk tales and traditions of the various peoples whose
ancestors had participated in these contacts with the Nodites and their

Just all the same poor witness of untruth
and falsehood that roams the planet.
That does not get into Paradise, utterly evil, all guided by
Caligastia in spirit, the son of perdition who takes life away and
those who take life away like in this condition become the children of
perdition as regarded and will utterly loose everything. They will not
pass into eternity despite all they say because t...hey
have no witness of the truth in today's reality, in there killing
spree of there own children for there own rubbish ego of no standing
in the Paradise
Unbelievable, this is how pathetic religion gets despite heritage
utterly pathetic, absolutely sinful and against the Universal Law and
they pit themselves against the 3 Most Highs of the constellation by
there actions. I petition them to the Justice court of the Ancients of
Days right now, all of them, the perpetrators of Death and destruction
upon the person especially young women, who dare you, you thief of
See More

The Santa who massacred his family
on Christmas morning was a Muslim who was enraged that his
daughter was dating a non-Muslim. Nona Yazdanpanah, 19, ...

#12 May 1977. Album - MOVING ALONG (1977).

Music from Australia and New Zealand
in the year 1975: Sherbet's promo-video for the hit single
'Summer Love' (March, 1975), taken from the 1975 album 'Life....

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope
Benedict ushered in Christmas for the world's 1.3 billion Roman
Catholics on Saturday, urging humanity to see through the
superficial glitter and commercialism of the season

Does anyone
know this guy and who is the we? You might as well throw whole
government in jail by the sounds of it.

Watch Moonconspiracy's video about
documentary on Disclose.tv

As the confidential correspondence
of popes, princes and potentates, the Vatican Secret Archives
have been jealously guarded for centuries.

Human beings
are all gregarious, both tribal and racial.
>>These group segregations are inherent in their origin and
constitution. Such tendencies can be modified only by advancing
civilization and by gradual spiritualization.<<
>> The social, economic, and governmental problems of the inhabited
worlds vary in accordance with >>the age of the planets and the degree
to which they have been influenced by the successive sojourns of the
divine Sons.<<

I can certainly
understand this to be frank.

It has been a while since the US
Central Intelligence Agency admitted it keeps an eye on
everything that appears on Facebook and Twitter. A new report
now says the CIA vengeful librarians have to follow up to
5,000,000 foreign tweets a day.

I think this is
more like it and completely transparent and could be fun for us and very
This is what we should be really doing rather than all this conflict.

American scientists want to enlist
online volunteers to identify signs of alien life in moon images
collected by NASAs Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO).

Oh well, its
all one step closer to war.

No oil will be permitted to pass
through the key oil transit Strait of Hormuz if the West applies
sanctions on Irans oil exports, Iranian Vice President Ali
Rahimi warned on Tuesday

Dennis, i don't
know what you make of this but it's pretty serile.....let me know.....

Thank you for
your fb friendship. Wishing you a happy new year!

Then who are
the other side wolves in sheep clothing eh! fleecing man leaving him
poor in all there holy thou nothing. Look where the people are made by
precisely these fellows in sheep's clothing.

David Frum says Ron Paul's benign
image as a codger unafraid to state his views is belied by
racist newsletters sent out under his name.

What is it about doomsday that draws
a crowd? Time after time, doomsayers have predicted the
breakdown of society on a date certain, stirring up a buzz that
builds to a crescendo and ends in a crash when doomsday doesn't

Good song from the great smooth jazz
producer and guitarist Paul Brown. It's 'Mr. Cool'.

But even this
did not work at first. When the early chiefs would try to iron out
misunderstandings, they often found it necessary, at least once a year,
to permit the tribal stone fights. The clan would divide up into two
groups and engage in an all-day battle.
>>And this for no other reason than just the fun of it; they really
enjoyed fighting.<<

Please visit: MarkoRodin.com
TeslaTech.info WeAreTheChange.Us SpiritualResults.com

~ ):( ~: At
least in this spiritual world..we have what we need > Love, Kindness,
Peace & Harmony !!!!! Let's try to forwarder "All" > into reality !!!!!
> {{{{{ ♥ }}}}} >>> ~

Rhema Marvanne_Gospel singer. Speaks
God's words through songs.

A photo and video analyst for Mutual
UFO Network Marc Dantonio, created a "quadcopter" for a coming
National Geographic special, "The Truth Behind UFOs." The
purpose was to show how technology can fool anyone into thinking
they are seeing a real UFO.

Here is the
Christmas Address of her royal highness Queen Elizabeth 11, Sovereign of
this nation.

Queen Elizabeth Christmas Message
2011 The Queen has celebrated the importance of the family in
her Christmas Day message, describing the wedding of the Duke...

stay safe in
your area kiddo.....

hey boy, just
want to wish you a great year - and you know I often think of you - I
trust you are in a good space - how is your brother travelling and how
is your mum? What is happening with you? Are you good?

So what is the
spiritual status of this planet and judgement.

New International Version (©1984)
Isaiah 27:1
In that day, the LORD will punish with his sword, his fierce, great
and powerful sword, >>Leviathan the gliding serpent<<<>>, Leviathan
the coiling serpent; he will slay the monster of the sea.<<
The judgement of Caligastia, the Snake of rebellion, the serpent of
the Garden of 1st Eden.

You know it
funny, being in the wilderness writing your thoughts for so long you
tend to like the wilderness and all things that you can find in the
wilderness where its just you and God voicing to the world from the

When one is loving and compassionate
in his heart, he will find rest and peace in there itself!! ♥
Merry Christmas! ♥

Good Christmas morning everyone!
It's a beautiful sunny white Christmas day in Colorado (minus
the polar bears :p)! Wishing everyone a warm and loving holiday
with friends and family ♥

International Version (©1984)
Revelation 11:12
Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, "Come up here."
And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on.

Publius Vergilius Maro, usually
called Virgil or Vergil in English (October 15, 70 BC
September 21, 19 BC), was an ancient Roman poet of the Augustan
period. He is known for three major works of Latin literature,
the Eclogues (or Bucolics), the Georgics, and the epic Aeneid. A
number of minor poem...

Four80East is the Toronto based
electro jazz ensemble of Rob DeBoer (keyboards, bass and guitar)
and Tony Grace (percussion); accompanied by various session ...

Cloaked in secrecy for over 400
years, the State Oracle of Tibet has been a strange and mystical
aspect of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. This ancient spiri...

WINNER - International UFO Congress
EBE Award - Best Authentic UFO Footage In A Documentary. Your
about to see miraculous UFO footage that has been authentic...

Watch Velesmyctic's video about
Aliens & UFOs documentary on Disclose.tv

This is the full length version of
the space 1999 TV theme tune, composed by Barry Gray, which
contains both the opening and closing title themes.

Virgil's eclogue: ??????????? "Now
comes the great new age: from Heaven the young man is sent, he
who holds the divine life in himself, who sees God, and is
himself seen by God. This young man will rule the world, for
whom the strength of the fathe

Cant you see
the contrast developing of false light in the promulgation, utterly self
deceived by the snake in the garden by the fruits of there Tree of
desire for fire and false light with malice. The same thing that
destroyed Dalamatia City or the real truth of first Atlantis. The same
thing that destroyed all the cities of the Tree of life with falsehood
leaving failed states.

Amid international and Israeli
controversy over whether or not to attack Iran's nuclear
program, the rulers of the Islamic Republic have just "upgraded"
their strategic objective of wiping Israel off the map and
extended it for the first time to the more ambitious one of
annihilating the Jews worldw...

Merry Christmas
everyone eh! have a great day from the Sevenfold Universe.
Watch Gazelem's video about GOD
Jesus truth creator creation star discovery evidence proof all
everything (EL) (ET) (J documentary on Disclose.tv

This is the
only hope other than that its a wasteland all brought about by wayward
religion. There is no excuse for religion to be like that anywhere to
bring about a failed dysfunction state. I squarely place the blame on
wayward poor of spirit religious teachers who are the worst in the
world, looking at the fruits of there words imposing on others
throughout the world.

Somalia is a direct threat to the
UKs security because it is one of the most dysfunctional
countries in the world, International Development Secretary
Andrew ...

Merry chrismas

The location of the Garden of Eden
remains the subject of much controversy and speculation. There
are hypotheses that place Eden at the headwaters of the Tig...

Sumer and Dilmun
Some of the historians working from within the cultural horhorizons of
southernmost Sumer, where the earliest surviving non-Biblical source
of the Biblical account lies, point to the quite genuine Bronze Age
entrepτt of the island Dilmun (theorized by some to be Bahrain) in the
Middle / Near East, described as
>>'the place where the sun rises' and 'the Land of the Living'.<<
The setting of the Babylonian creation narrative, Enϋma Elish, has
clear parallels with the Genesis narratives. After its actual decline,
beginning about 1500 BC,
Dilmun developed such a reputation as a long-lost garden of exotic
perfections that it may have influenced the story of the Garden of
Eden. Some interpreters have tried to establish an Edenic garden at
the trading-center of Dilmun.
See More

The Tree of
Life and its many names.
Plants often serve as images of the axis mundi. The image of the Cosmic
Tree provides an axis symbol that unites three planes: sky (branches),
earth (trunk) and underworld (roots).[16] In some Pacific island
cultures the banyan tree, of which the Bodhi tree is of the Sacred Fig
variety, is the abode of ancestor spirits. In Hindu religion, the banyan
tree is considered sacred and is called "Ashwath Vriksha" ("I am Banyan
tree among trees" - Bhagavad Gita). It represents eternal life because
of its seemingly ever-expanding branches.

The axis mundi (also cosmic axis,
world axis, world pillar, columna cerului, center of the world),
in religion or mythology, is the world center and/or the
connection between heaven and Earth. As the celestial pole and
geographic pole, it expresses a point of connection between sky
and earth where t...

See if you can
find the Ka
>>> On the walls of a temple at Luxor, where is depicted the birth of
Amenhotep III, the little prince is pictured on the arm of the Nile god,
and >>near him is another child, in appearance identical with the
prince,<< which is a symbol of that entity which the Egyptians called
the ka.<<
>>> This sculpture was completed in the fifteenth century before

The Benu bird
is the prototype of the Greek Phoenix, which Herodotos some 2000 years
later than its first appeareance in ancient texts confused it with.
True, there are mythological similarities between these two creatures,
they are both linked to the sun and to rebirth but the differences are
greater than the similarites and revolve around other matters.

The Fifth World
The Fifth, and most important World Pillar was the Axis Munde around
which the heavens appear to revolve. The Axis Munde represented the
Fifth Cardinal Point.


*./ | \ .*
, '*♥* ' ,
. '* ♫♫♫*'
.. ' *, '♫ ' ,* '
.' * ♫*♥*♫ * '
* , Merry' , * '
.* ' ♫♫*♥*♫♫ ' * '
' ' Christmas . ' '
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones Dennis and wish you all the

The Master
displayed great wisdom and manifested perfect fairness in all of his
dealings with his apostles and with all of his disciples. Jesus was
truly a master of men; he exercised great influence over his fellow men
because of the combined charm and force of his personality.