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Rapture reflections in a Hadith

Post  Sat Aug 04, 2007 12:59 pm

Incidentally, September 18th 07 is one year and later day after the two Dilmun/Nodite cities referred in the UB where found using NASA worldwind software.

Babel/Dilmun and 1st Susa was found on September 16-17th at midnight.

And if we connect "And nothing will prevent the people who will be in the Garden of Eden from seeing their Lord except the curtain of Majesty over His Face"

Could this be a parallel of the above Hadith script in the actual reality and therefore could it be that September 18th 07 could be a good date for rapture. I'm not to sure hot on the doctrines of Rapture but I have seen it the scriptures and in the dead sea scrolls. The Elect and the holy race descending with Jesus to witness the judgment and Ive seen it in Enoch to.

To me I see much metaphor. Like the Nodite cities where seen in the images one day before that date and they where the cities built by the fallen (so called) Gods. To me that has hallmarks of the subject of the discovery looking deeper, the reason for why we have confusion on this planet. The 2 cities discovered in the same night has great significants and the day after a prophecy in an Hadith completes.

Don't you find that totally interesting!! Its the mystery and the truth of the mystery has been broken and then something executes in the reality and its all to do with the ancient places as mentioned in metaphor to the 1st Garden of Eden.

Surely that has to mean something!!

"And nothing will prevent the people who will be in the Garden of Eden
Thats right, no matter what the reality is out there in the world nothing will prevent this from occurring. If that happens then I would say that would be a very obvious sign. That the first stages of Judgment has occurred if a rapture occurs.

Hey but these are only my thoughts on the matter and personally I'm quite perplexed about many things that are quite possible. Going by these verses.

I personally think there is truth hidden in all the books just like in this sharing. I am quite sure that the ancient places will light up all the relevant and hidden fragments which point to the places. To me this is the best connection and parallel that Ive seen so far that directly states it and gives a forecast date in accordance to my own reality of the 40 day test and its blending and extension with Enoch. Perhaps the Seventh Part is still be in progress. But for how much longer? Lest we forget Jesus' Birthdate 21st August 07BC. On the 22 August 07 will be the new millennium 2000 Jesus' UB date. You just never know.

And the nocturnal omen arises in the 2nd Month and completes in seven months on the Ninth month, Feb 7th - Sept 7th, 07

Anyway, September looks like a very interesting time period within my own personal research.

The numbers for me just stack up with perfection. There is Seven beforehand synchronicities with 7 markers or Sevenfold groupings all over this.

I think its the seal, the Seventh Seal, quite possible! To me it has the Seventh Angel aspect all over it.

I cant help to see and think of all the matches in the beforehand, spontaneous declarations and then finding it scripture or in the Seven timeline.

Is someone trying to tell us something??

Another thing Lets say that this correct is and actually on the cards. If by chance a rapture occurs (3 billion to one) and lets say this feed of information closes and it becomes obvious there is a population that simply vanishes worldwide. Mind you I have no idea how many but I would think the Elect would be few. I'm not sure!

I'm contemplating many things in terms of the end times, its quite compelling from what I see and there is a period in sight that I can see. I was thinking if this occurs around these dates then I'm sure a tribulation will occur perhaps. I wonder if people will read these posts? the archive if these feeds stopped, I wonder if you'll miss me...ahahaha!

Well there is a great archive of info to work with that was given in the in the spirit of the Holy Spirit I believe. It would be useful to man as he endures, I reckon and it was probably the purpose of the journey to leave a testament, like the ark of the testament, without me realizing at the time but until sometime in the future! Perhaps after an event? Who knows only the father. But somehow I think the Father is leading us with clues and even date period...if I'm right!!

Well this is what I think.

If rapture occurs then all will fulfill and then when Jesus comes back with his Sons, the Elect, the great heavenly gathering in the presence of the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven and the Ancients of Days and the Most High. it will be a great time for the remnants that still hold to faith in the Father in truth, beauty and goodness in the spirit of Lord Jesus.

In revelation it speaks about "all the books being opened including the book of life"

The thing is, if I kept this back and withheld this information for price or reward. How utterly useless would it be for the purposes of the Father?? in the on coming beforehand event. You never know this journey could be life boat to the final execution of judgment.  I can understand Isaiah in what he meant by that not for price or reward!  Given out of concern for my fellow brother whoever it is.

Whilst this information that I spill forth may seen utterly useless to most and completely out there. You never know it could quite valuable after the rapture and will be the testament for those left behind that people might really on to and which leads to the new book. Thats where it leads and incorporates all the existing books. The completion. In the time after rapture, this would be one source or a main source that would provide a safe passage to judgment by everything that has been spoken about. The ante will have been raised!! When it becomes obvious and great fear will set in, I'm sure of it. However when regrouped and the dust settle focus can be given to this knowledge all the knowledge. If this is the case no doubt somebody will be activated to find the ancient places. To verify.

This is where the problem arises, I reckon this could be the time of the anti Christ, the vulnerable period. Where everything is up in the air and there is great perplexity among everyone. Everyone becomes suddenly spiritual, no doubt the religions will and then its a matter of interpretation with the evidence in the beforehand left behind.

This may be the demonstration in this case! Remember he who discovers this will not taste death which in effect infers rapture for people who do the will of the Father. Also in Nostradamus he speaks the same where the one is invited to be immortal which infers translation which again speaks of rapture in the beforehand of judgment.





The hidden treasures will spill forth at his command.

He will stay on this Earth for a period of forty days

Its just like in the above "He will stay on the earth for forty days" So what happens after 40 days? that person must go somewhere like into "the Kingdom of Heaven"

This in itself refers to rapture or being taken away or being invited to be immortal.

Even sharing this I feel a close to this testament where it enters a new phase of manifestation. It could occur that the places will be verified in the in between time or it could be reserved exclusively for those after the execution of judgment. Where this ancient places might be risen from the depths of the waters, where what is hidden will be reserved post judgment to his people.

They might discover it in part through submersibles and so forth however it may be verified in full where you could walk around Dalamatia city or 1stEden.

The Ark of the Testament, like a life a lifeboat of truth that leads somewhere in the in between time.
post rapture - pre judgment. Is this the purpose I ask myself.

Its just like in type to Noah and the ark and Deluge of 40 days. This journey could be in type and the new book with all relevant books with the relevant truth that lights up could be the life boats post rapture and then to judgement. It will establish itself.

However in this case, we are in type to the animals that entered the ark of life.


Some Urantia Book Gems

They stopped in Jericho on the way up to Jerusalem and were overtaken by a delegation from Mesopotamia that had come to confer with Jesus. The apostles had planned to spend but a day here, but when these truth seekers from the East arrived, Jesus spent three days with them, and they returned to their various homes along the Euphrates happy in the knowledge of the new truths of the kingdom of heaven.


Do not strive with men--always be patient. It is not your kingdom; you are only ambassadors. Simply go forth proclaiming: This is the kingdom of heaven--God is your Father and you are his sons, and this good news, if you wholeheartedly believe it, is your eternal salvation."


The second week of the sojourn at Bethany beyond Jordan, Jesus took Peter, James, and John into the hills across the river and south of Jericho for a three days' rest. The Master taught these three many new and advanced truths about the kingdom of heaven. F


The apostles were beginning to recognize the unaffected friendliness of Jesus. Though the Master was easy of approach, he always lived independent of, and above, all human beings. Not for one moment was he ever dominated by any purely mortal influence or subject to frail human judgment. He paid no attention to public opinion, and he was uninfluenced by praise. He seldom paused to correct misunderstandings or to resent misrepresentation. He never asked any man for advice; he never made requests for prayers.

James was astonished at how Jesus seemed to see the end from the beginning. The Master rarely appeared to be surprised. He was never excited, vexed, or disconcerted. He never apologized to any man. He was at times saddened, but never discouraged.


Although Peter, James, and John could not understand very much of what Jesus said on this occasion, his gracious words lingered in their hearts, and after the crucifixion and resurrection they came forth greatly to enrich and gladden their subsequent ministry. No wonder these apostles did not fully comprehend the Master's words, for he was projecting to them the plan of a new age.


and from


Greece provided a language and a culture, Rome built the roads and unified an empire, but the dispersion of the Jews, with their more than two hundred synagogues and well-organized religious communities scattered hither and yon throughout the Roman world, provided the cultural centers in which the new gospel of the kingdom of heaven found initial reception, and from which it subsequently spread to the uttermost parts of the world.


The Gospel of John, the last of the narratives of Jesus' earth life, was addressed to the Western peoples and presents its story much in the light of the viewpoint of the later Alexandrian Christians, who were also disciples of the teachings of Philo.

          At about the time of Christ a strange reversion of feeling toward the Jews occurred in Alexandria, and from this former Jewish stronghold there went forth a virulent wave of persecution, extending even to Rome, from which many thousands were banished. But such a campaign of misrepresentation was short-lived; very soon the imperial government fully restored the curtailed liberties of the Jews throughout the empire.

          Throughout the whole wide world, no matter where the Jews found themselves dispersed by commerce or oppression, all with one accord kept their hearts centered on the holy temple at Jerusalem. Jewish theology did survive as it was interpreted and practiced at Jerusalem, notwithstanding that it was several times saved from oblivion by the timely intervention of certain Babylonian teachers.

          As many as two and one-half million of these dispersed Jews used to come to Jerusalem for the celebration of their national religious festivals. And no matter what the theologic or philosophic differences of the Eastern (Babylonian) and the Western (Hellenic) Jews, they were all agreed on Jerusalem as the center of their worship and in ever looking forward to the coming of the Messiah



          Throughout preceding ages religion had chiefly been an affair of the tribe or nation; it had not often been a matter of concern to the individual. Gods were tribal or national, not personal. Such religious systems afforded little satisfaction for the individual spiritual longings of the average person.

          In the times of Jesus the religions of the Occident included:

          1. The pagan cults. These were a combination of Hellenic and Latin mythology, patriotism, and tradition.

          2. Emperor worship. This deification of man as the symbol of the state was very seriously resented by the Jews and the early Christians and led directly to the bitter persecutions of both churches by the Roman government.

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          3. Astrology. This pseudo science of Babylon developed into a religion throughout the Greco-Roman Empire. Even in the twentieth century man has not been fully delivered from this superstitious belief.


          4. The mystery religions. Upon such a spiritually hungry world a flood of mystery cults had broken, new and strange religions from the Levant, which had enamored the common people and had promised them individual salvation. These religions rapidly became the accepted belief of the lower classes of the Greco-Roman world. And they did much to prepare the way for the rapid spread of the vastly superior Christian teachings, which presented a majestic concept of Deity, associated with an intriguing theology for the intelligent and a profound proffer of salvation for all, including the ignorant but spiritually hungry average man of those days.

          The mystery religions spelled the end of national beliefs and resulted in the birth of the numerous personal cults. The mysteries were many but were all characterized by:

          1. Some mythical legend, a mystery--whence their name. As a rule this mystery pertained to the story of some god's life and death and return to life, as illustrated by the teachings of Mithraism, which, for a time, were contemporary with, and a competitor of, Paul's rising cult of Christianity.

          2. The mysteries were nonnational and interracial. They were personal and fraternal, giving rise to religious brotherhoods and numerous sectarian societies.

          3. They were, in their services, characterized by elaborate ceremonies of initiation and impressive sacraments of worship. Their secret rites and rituals were sometimes gruesome and revolting.

          4. But no matter what the nature of their ceremonies or the degree of their excesses, these mysteries invariably promised their devotees salvation, "deliverance from evil, survival after death, and enduring life in blissful realms beyond this world of sorrow and slavery."

          But do not make the mistake of confusing the teachings of Jesus with the mysteries. The popularity of the mysteries reveals man's quest for survival, thus portraying a real hunger and thirst for personal religion and individual righteousness. Although the mysteries failed adequately to satisfy this longing, they did prepare the way for the subsequent appearance of Jesus, who truly brought to this world the bread of life and the water thereof.

          Paul, in an effort to utilize the widespread adherence to the better types of the mystery religions, made certain adaptations of the teachings of Jesus so as to render them more acceptable to a larger number of prospective converts. But even Paul's compromise of Jesus' teachings (Christianity) was superior to the best in the mysteries in that:

          1. Paul taught a moral redemption, an ethical salvation. Christianity pointed to a new life and proclaimed a new ideal. Paul forsook magic rites and ceremonial enchantments.

          2. Christianity presented a religion which grappled with final solutions of the human problem, for it not only offered salvation from sorrow and even from death, but it also promised deliverance from sin followed by the endowment of a righteous character of eternal survival qualities.

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          3. The mysteries were built upon myths. Christianity, as Paul preached it, was founded upon a historic fact: the bestowal of Michael, the Son of God, upon mankind.

          Morality among the gentiles was not necessarily related to either philosophy or religion. Outside of Palestine it not always occurred to people that a priest of religion was supposed to lead a moral life. Jewish religion and subsequently the teachings of Jesus and later the evolving Christianity of Paul were the first European religions to lay one hand upon morals and the other upon ethics, insisting that religionists pay some attention to both.

          Into such a generation of men, dominated by such incomplete systems of philosophy and perplexed by such complex cults of religion, Jesus was born in Palestine. And to this same generation he subsequently gave his gospel of personal religion--sonship with God.



  • line 129: The Jewish traditions of heaven and hell and the doctrine of devils as recorded in the Hebrew scriptures, while founded on the lingering traditions of Lucifer and Caligastia, were principally derived from the Zoroastrians during the times when the Jews were under the political and cultural dominance of the Persians. Zoroaster, like the Egyptians, taught the "day of judgment," but he connected this event with the end of the world.




  • line 67: It was only natural that the cult of renunciation and humiliation should have paid attention to sexual gratification. The continence cult originated as a ritual among soldiers prior to engaging in battle; in later days it became the practice of "saints." This cult tolerated marriage only as an evil lesser than fornication. Many of the world's great religions have been adversely influenced by this ancient cult, but none more markedly than Christianity. The Apostle Paul was a devotee of this cult, and his personal views are reflected in the teachings which he fastened onto Christian theology: "It is good for a man not to touch a woman." "I would that all men were even as I myself." "I say, therefore, to the unmarried and widows, it is good for them to abide even as I." Paul well knew that such teachings were not a part of Jesus' gospel, and his acknowledgment of this is illustrated by his statement, "I speak this by permission and not by commandment." But this cult led Paul to look down upon women. And the pity of it all is that his personal opinions have long influenced the teachings of a great world religion. If the advice of the tentmaker-teacher were to be literally and universally obeyed, then would the human race come to a sudden and inglorious end. Furthermore, the involvement of a religion with the ancient continence cult leads directly to a war against marriage and the home, society's veritable foundation and the basic institution of human progress. And it is not to be wondered at that all such beliefs fostered the formation of celibate priesthoods in the many religions of various peoples.


    and, from


    • line 229: 10. The guarantee of the freedom of religious practices to the end that all of these other social activities may be exalted by becoming spiritually motivated.

    • line 296: If men would maintain their freedom, they must, after having chosen their charter of liberty, provide for its wise, intelligent, and fearless interpretation to the end that there may be prevented:


    Urantia mortals are entitled to liberty; they should create their systems of government; they should adopt their constitutions or other charters of civil authority and administrative procedure. And having done this, they should select their most competent and worthy fellows as chief executives. For representatives in the legislative branch they should elect only those who are qualified intellectually and morally to fulfill such sacred responsibilities. As judges of their high and supreme tribunals only those who are endowed with natural ability and who have been made wise by replete experience should be chosen.

    If men would maintain their freedom, they must, after having chosen their charter of liberty, provide for its wise, intelligent, and fearless interpretation to the end that there may be prevented:

    1. Usurpation of unwarranted power by either the executive or legislative branches.

    2. Machinations of ignorant and superstitious agitators.

    3. Retardation of scientific progress.

    4. Stalemate of the dominance of mediocrity.

    5. Domination by vicious minorities.

    6. Control by ambitious and clever would-be dictators.

    7. Disastrous disruption of panics.

    8. Exploitation by the unscrupulous.

    9. Taxation enslavement of the citizenry by the state.

    10. Failure of social and economic fairness.

    11. Union of church and state.

    12. Loss of personal liberty.

    These are the purposes and aims of constitutional tribunals acting as governors upon the engines of representative government on an evolutionary world.

    Page 799

    Mankind's struggle to perfect government on Urantia has to do with perfecting channels of administration, with adapting them to ever-changing current needs, with improving power distribution within government, and then with selecting such administrative leaders as are truly wise. While there is a divine and ideal form of government, such cannot be revealed but must be slowly and laboriously discovered by the men and women of each planet throughout the universes of time and space.

    [Presented by a Melchizedek of Nebadon.]


    line 97: "The kingdom of heaven is also like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man discovered. In his joy he went forth to sell all he had that he might have the money to buy the field."

    After the people had asked a few questions, Jesus spoke another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed which a man sowed in his field. Now a mustard seed is the least of seeds, but when it is full

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    grown, it becomes the greatest of all herbs and is like a tree so that the birds of heaven are able to come and rest in the branches thereof."

    "The kingdom of heaven is also like leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, and in this way it came about that all of the meal was leavened."

    line 97: "The kingdom of heaven is also like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man discovered. In his joy he went forth to sell all he had that he might have the money to buy the field."

    "The kingdom of heaven is also like a merchant seeking goodly pearls; and having found one pearl of great price, he went out and sold everything he possessed that he might be able to buy the extraordinary pearl."

    "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a sweep net which was cast into the sea, and it gathered up every kind of fish. Now, when the net was filled, the fishermen drew it up on the beach, where they sat down and sorted out the fish, gathering the good into vessels while the bad they threw away."

    Many other parables spoke Jesus to the multitudes. In fact, from this time forward he seldom taught the masses except by this means. After speaking to a public audience in parables, he would, during the evening classes, more fully and explicitly expound his teachings to the apostles and the evangelists.

    and from



    On Sabbath, June 22, shortly before they went out on their first preaching tour and about ten days after John's imprisonment, Jesus occupied the synagogue pulpit for the second time since bringing his apostles to Capernaum.

    A few days before the preaching of this sermon on "The Kingdom," as Jesus was at work in the boatshop, Peter brought him the news of John's arrest. Jesus laid down his tools once more, removed his apron, and said to Peter: "The Father's hour has come. Let us make ready to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom."

    Jesus did his last work at the carpenter bench on this Tuesday, June 18, A.D. 26. Peter rushed out of the shop and by midafternoon had rounded up all of his associates, and leaving them in a grove by the shore, he went in quest of Jesus. But he could not find him, for the Master had gone to a different grove to pray. And they did not see him until late that evening when he returned to Zebedee's house and asked for food. The next day he sent his brother James to ask for the privilege of speaking in the synagogue the coming Sabbath day. And the ruler of the synagogue was much pleased that Jesus was again willing to conduct the service.


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    Before Jesus preached this memorable sermon on the kingdom of God, the first pretentious effort of his public career, he read from the Scriptures these passages: "You shall be to me a kingdom of priests, a holy people. Yahweh is our judge, Yahweh is our lawgiver, Yahweh is our king; he will save us. Yahweh is my king and my God. He is a great king over all the earth. Loving-kindness is upon Israel in this kingdom. Blessed be the glory of the Lord for he is our King."


    When he had finished reading, Jesus said:

    "I have come to proclaim the establishment of the Father's kingdom. And this kingdom shall include the worshiping souls of Jew and gentile, rich and poor, free and bond, for my Father is no respecter of persons; his love and his mercy are over all.

    "The Father in heaven sends his spirit to indwell the minds of men, and when I shall have finished my work on earth, likewise shall the Spirit of Truth be poured out upon all flesh. And the spirit of my Father and the Spirit of Truth shall establish you in the coming kingdom of spiritual understanding and divine righteousness. My kingdom is not of this world. The Son of Man will not lead forth armies in battle for the establishment of a throne of power or a kingdom of worldly glory. When my kingdom shall have come, you shall know the Son of Man as the Prince of Peace, the revelation of the everlasting Father. The children of this world fight for the establishment and enlargement of the kingdoms of this world, but my disciples shall enter the kingdom of heaven by their moral decisions and by their spirit victories; and when they once enter therein, they shall find joy, righteousness, and eternal life.

    "Those who first seek to enter the kingdom, thus beginning to strive for a nobility of character like that of my Father, shall presently possess all else that is needful. But I say to you in all sincerity: Unless you seek entrance into the kingdom with the faith and trusting dependence of a little child, you shall in no wise gain admission.

    "Be not deceived by those who come saying here is the kingdom or there is the kingdom, for my Father's kingdom concerns not things visible and material. And this kingdom is even now among you, for where the spirit of God teaches and leads the soul of man, there in reality is the kingdom of heaven. And this kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

    "John did indeed baptize you in token of repentance and for the remission of your sins, but when you enter the heavenly kingdom, you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.

    "In my Father's kingdom there shall be neither Jew nor gentile, only those who seek perfection through service, for I declare that he who would be great in my Father's kingdom must first become server of all. If you are willing to serve your fellows, you shall sit down with me in my kingdom, even as, by serving in the similitude of the creature, I shall presently sit down with my Father in his kingdom.

    "This new kingdom is like a seed growing in the good soil of a field. It does not attain full fruit quickly. There is an interval of time between the establishment of the kingdom in the soul of man and that hour when the kingdom ripens into the full fruit of everlasting righteousness and eternal salvation.

    "And this kingdom which I declare to you is not a reign of power and plenty. The kingdom of heaven is not a matter of meat and drink but rather a life of progressive righteousness and increasing joy in the perfecting service of my

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    Father who is in heaven. For has not the Father said of his children of the world, `It is my will that they should eventually be perfect, even as I am perfect.'


    "I have come to preach the glad tidings of the kingdom. I have not come to add to the heavy burdens of those who would enter this kingdom. I proclaim the new and better way, and those who are able to enter the coming kingdom shall enjoy the divine rest. And whatever it shall cost you in the things of the world, no matter what price you may pay to enter the kingdom of heaven, you shall receive manyfold more of joy and spiritual progress in this world, and in the age to come eternal life.

    "Entrance into the Father's kingdom waits not upon marching armies, upon overturned kingdoms of this world, nor upon the breaking of captive yokes. The kingdom of heaven is at hand, and all who enter therein shall find abundant liberty and joyous salvation.

    "This kingdom is an everlasting dominion. Those who enter the kingdom shall ascend to my Father; they will certainly attain the right hand of his glory in Paradise. And all who enter the kingdom of heaven shall become the sons of God, and in the age to come so shall they ascend to the Father. And I have not come to call the would-be righteous but sinners and all who hunger and thirst for the righteousness of divine perfection.

    "John came preaching repentance to prepare you for the kingdom; now have I come proclaiming faith, the gift of God, as the price of entrance into the kingdom of heaven. If you would but believe that my Father loves you with an infinite love, then you are in the kingdom of God."

    When he had thus spoken, he sat down. All who heard him were astonished at his words. His disciples marveled. But the people were not prepared to receive the good news from the lips of this God-man. About one third who heard him believed the message even though they could not fully comprehend it; about one third prepared in their hearts to reject such a purely spiritual concept of the expected kingdom, while the remaining one third could not grasp his teaching, many truly believing that he "was beside himself."


    Here is some Gems that might relate



    James was astonished at how Jesus seemed to see the end from the beginning. The Master rarely appeared to be surprised. He was never excited, vexed, or disconcerted. He never apologized to any man. He was at times saddened, but never discouraged.




    Mankind's struggle to perfect government on Urantia has to do with perfecting channels of administration, with adapting them to ever-changing current needs, with improving power distribution within government, and then with selecting such administrative leaders as are truly wise. While there is a divine and ideal form of government, such cannot be revealed but must be slowly and laboriously discovered by the men and women of each planet throughout the universes of time and space.




    As many as two and one-half million of these dispersed Jews used to come to Jerusalem for the celebration of their national religious festivals. And no matter what the theologic or philosophic differences of the Eastern (Babylonian) and the Western (Hellenic) Jews, they were all agreed on Jerusalem as the center of their worship and in ever looking forward to the coming of the Messiah

    and lastly



    Do not strive with men--always be patient. It is not your kingdom; you are only ambassadors. Simply go forth proclaiming: This is the kingdom of heaven--God is your Father and you are his sons, and this good news, if you wholeheartedly believe it, is your eternal salvation."




    Post  Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:15 am

    Sermon the Kingdom, the UB



    On Sabbath, June 22, shortly before they went out on their first preaching tour and about ten days after John's imprisonment, Jesus occupied the synagogue pulpit for the second time since bringing his apostles to Capernaum.
    A few days before the preaching of this sermon on "The Kingdom," as Jesus was at work in the boatshop, Peter brought him the news of John's arrest. Jesus laid down his tools once more, removed his apron, and said to Peter: "The Father's hour has come. Let us make ready to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom."

    Jesus did his last work at the carpenter bench on this Tuesday, June 18, A.D. 26. Peter rushed out of the shop and by midafternoon had rounded up all of his associates, and leaving them in a grove by the shore, he went in quest of Jesus. But he could not find him, for the Master had gone to a different grove to pray. And they did not see him until late that evening when he returned to Zebedee's house and asked for food. The next day he sent his brother James to ask for the privilege of speaking in the synagogue the coming Sabbath day. And the ruler of the synagogue was much pleased that Jesus was again willing to conduct the service.

    Page 1536
    Before Jesus preached this memorable sermon on the kingdom of God, the first pretentious effort of his public career, he read from the Scriptures these passages: "You shall be to me a kingdom of priests, a holy people. Yahweh is our judge, Yahweh is our lawgiver, Yahweh is our king; he will save us. Yahweh is my king and my God. He is a great king over all the earth. Loving-kindness is upon Israel in this kingdom. Blessed be the glory of the Lord for he is our King."

    When he had finished reading, Jesus said:
    "I have come to proclaim the establishment of the Father's kingdom. And this kingdom shall include the worshiping souls of Jew and gentile, rich and poor, free and bond, for my Father is no respecter of persons; his love and his mercy are over all.
    "The Father in heaven sends his spirit to indwell the minds of men, and when I shall have finished my work on earth, likewise shall the Spirit of Truth be poured out upon all flesh. And the spirit of my Father and the Spirit of Truth shall establish you in the coming kingdom of spiritual understanding and divine righteousness. My kingdom is not of this world. The Son of Man will not lead forth armies in battle for the establishment of a throne of power or a kingdom of worldly glory. When my kingdom shall have come, you shall know the Son of Man as the Prince of Peace, the revelation of the everlasting Father. The children of this world fight for the establishment and enlargement of the kingdoms of this world, but my disciples shall enter the kingdom of heaven by their moral decisions and by their spirit victories; and when they once enter therein, they shall find joy, righteousness, and eternal life.

    "Those who first seek to enter the kingdom, thus beginning to strive for a nobility of character like that of my Father, shall presently possess all else that is needful. But I say to you in all sincerity: Unless you seek entrance into the kingdom with the faith and trusting dependence of a little child, you shall in no wise gain admission.

    "Be not deceived by those who come saying here is the kingdom or there is the kingdom, for my Father's kingdom concerns not things visible and material. And this kingdom is even now among you, for where the spirit of God teaches and leads the soul of man, there in reality is the kingdom of heaven. And this kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

    "John did indeed baptize you in token of repentance and for the remission of your sins, but when you enter the heavenly kingdom, you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.

    "In my Father's kingdom there shall be neither Jew nor gentile, only those who seek perfection through service, for I declare that he who would be great in my Father's kingdom must first become server of all. If you are willing to serve your fellows, you shall sit down with me in my kingdom, even as, by serving in the similitude of the creature, I shall presently sit down with my Father in his kingdom.

    "This new kingdom is like a seed growing in the good soil of a field. It does not attain full fruit quickly. There is an interval of time between the establishment of the kingdom in the soul of man and that hour when the kingdom ripens into the full fruit of everlasting righteousness and eternal salvation.
    "And this kingdom which I declare to you is not a reign of power and plenty. The kingdom of heaven is not a matter of meat and drink but rather a life of progressive righteousness and increasing joy in the perfecting service of my
    Page 1537
    Father who is in heaven. For has not the Father said of his children of the world, `It is my will that they should eventually be perfect, even as I am perfect.'

    "I have come to preach the glad tidings of the kingdom. I have not come to add to the heavy burdens of those who would enter this kingdom. I proclaim the new and better way, and those who are able to enter the coming kingdom shall enjoy the divine rest. And whatever it shall cost you in the things of the world, no matter what price you may pay to enter the kingdom of heaven, you shall receive manyfold more of joy and spiritual progress in this world, and in the age to come eternal life.

    "Entrance into the Father's kingdom waits not upon marching armies, upon overturned kingdoms of this world, nor upon the breaking of captive yokes. The kingdom of heaven is at hand, and all who enter therein shall find abundant liberty and joyous salvation.

    "This kingdom is an everlasting dominion. Those who enter the kingdom shall ascend to my Father; they will certainly attain the right hand of his glory in Paradise.
    And all who enter the kingdom of heaven shall become the sons of God, and in the age to come so shall they ascend to the Father. And I have not come to call the would-be righteous but sinners and all who hunger and thirst for the righteousness of divine perfection.

    "John came preaching repentance to prepare you for the kingdom; now have I come proclaiming faith, the gift of God, as the price of entrance into the kingdom of heaven.
    If you would but believe that my Father loves you with an infinite love, then you are in the kingdom of God."

    When he had thus spoken, he sat down. All who heard him were astonished at his words. His disciples marveled. But the people were not prepared to receive the good news from the lips of this God-man. About one third who heard him believed the message even though they could not fully comprehend it; about one third prepared in their hearts to reject such a purely spiritual concept of the expected kingdom, while the remaining one third could not grasp his teaching, many truly believing that he "was beside himself." (my words Is this percentage of unbelievers the same scenario in this case of the journey to the ancient places?)


    Post  Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:04 am the end from the beginning rapture


    Gospel Thomas 1
    And he said, "Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death."

    and here is another intersecting parallel from the Book of Thomas.

    "Tell us how our end will be." Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning; he will know the end and will not experience death,"

    Again the above refers to Rapture!

    No doubt about it! "he will know the end and will not experience death" Because the elect and faithful will be translated and ascend to the kingdom of Heaven.

    Taken away for rest only to witness the execution of judgment or some transition or revealing of truth.


    Isaiah 46:10 Parallel Translations
    NASB: Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things which have not been done, Saying, 'My purpose will be established, And I will accomplish all My good pleasure'


    and the urantia book



    James was astonished at how Jesus seemed to see the end from the beginning. The Master rarely appeared to be surprised. He was never excited, vexed, or disconcerted. He never apologized to any man. He was at times saddened, but never discouraged.




    Post  Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:55 am


    Form the UB

    From the Sermon on the Kingdom.

    "This kingdom is an everlasting dominion. Those who enter the kingdom shall ascend to my Father; they will certainly attain the right hand of his glory in Paradise. And all who enter the kingdom of heaven shall become the sons of God, and in the age to come so shall they ascend to the Father.And I have not come to call the would-be righteous but sinners and all who hunger and thirst for the righteousness of divine perfection.

    in the age to come (rapture before the new Epoch) Rapture!! before the age.

    Who knows may be September might be spot on and be a good time for a rapture!

    I feel it will be a beautiful moment for the elect to meet with Jesus our friend in Heaven in the beforehand.

    It could be a Architectural sphere, on of the abodes of Heaven. The Elect could be residing there temporarily only to come back and tell of there witness in the presence of the The Father, Lord Jesus, The Melchizedeks, the angels and the tree of Life! perhaps in the temple that descends from Heaven.

    Built upon Paradise designs and materials.  Our very own translation temple given by the "kingdom of Heaven" to mankind.

    This new world of Jesus will be on another level and will be an absolute improvement to what we have today. It will be a real Utopian world with a great improvement in pollution free technologies where food, clean water and shelter will be all be provided. As we build this new far reaching inter space community with the help of Paradise.

    It will be a real up step where man will be free and respected on all levels and will not be subject to the harsh will of others and few!

    When this begins to arise with a major sign of Rapture there will be many people that will be set free within their souls knowing that the end of what know is in sight! Remember nothing will prevent this. When the mystery is uncovered by man and it could be any one, once it is in the consciousness of man ...its activated and begins to run where no man can stop it!

    It runs its course!

    I'm sure where are in the EVENT HORIZON of change, all the numbers stack up and the events.

    I'm sure rapture is the sign that will signify the transition and change.

    I sense we are about to enter the Star Trek/Stargate of change in real life where no man has ever gone to. This is real up step and the real leap for mankind. In truth!

    And this is the testimony of Change where prophecy is fulfilling itself!

    Whatever happens in the world today nothing will prevent this. It will just happen and those who click on to this will know when it happens or the general timing! They will have a confidence.

    I say yea! and Right on!!




    I agree to, I think we are slipping into the Seven years

    But there is rapture.

    Have confidence! like your forefathers of the union

    The Lord Jesus will come through and the union will stand! and that means everyone!

    Jesus the Messiah is on the way, swiftly he approaches to the rescue of the planet!


    « Reply #7 on: Today at 09:41:45 pm »

    An early interpretation of Nostradamus



    C 2 Q 28
    The moon in the middle of the night . . .
    On that night in the western Pacific on the flight deck of the Adriatic Sea, drifting with a full moon on a still night inspired to find the ancient places. Looking yonder in the silvery moon.
    The young sage alone with his mind has seen it.
    (Seen the path, the truth and the construct)
    His disciples invite him to become immortal . . .
    (invited to partake of the tree of life by the angels.  become immortal, translation.)
    His body in the fire.
    (translation fire passing through to the next dimension of existence, the Angelic realm.)

    The disappearance of the Young Sage could be all related to Rapture! His rapture would be the sign that tribulation and judgment is on the way .

    If this is the case in this journey to the ancient places and rapture does occur. I would suggest the whole site Hey but if it doesnt happens I will be here! to whether the storm.

    and more on the the younger sage



    The realm left to two they will hold it very briefly,
    Three years and seven months passed by they will make war:
    The two Vestals will rebel in opposition,
    Victor the younger in the land of Brittany.

    Land of Brittany could be a colony of Britain in the future.  The war could be a spiritual war and could begin with the Rapture!

    and this one...says it all, its about Post Rapture and judgment


    Through the deserts of the free and wild place,
    The nephew of the great Pontiff will come to wander:
    Felled by seven with a heavy club,
    By those who afterwards will occupy the Chalice.

    "By those who afterwards will occupy the Chalice" When the elect and faithful come back

    The temple of Heaven coming down, that will be the true seat!



     Last Edit: Today at 6th Aug 09:44:33 pm by sevens »


    Icon 1 posted 08-05-2007 11:34 PM

    I believe something is stirring in the heavens from what I'm finding in the research.

    be prepared all.

    Those with no faith and disbelieve will miss out in the first opportunity.

    Rapture will be the great sign!

    Everyone's day is approaching soon keep vigilant in the month of September because the Atlantis Gods are here to bite your asses from your disbelief.

    Either you're in or out, no in between! and crappy pitiful spiritual bribery! only sincerity and truth!

    No mucking around this time around, Paradise means business now! The call will come soon through mass disappearance of the Elect and faithful who are true in doing the will of the Father. after this obvious sign occurs, the mass planetary tribulation begins. The Elect are the future leaders that will help to fix this planet with Jesus. Like it or leave it!

    Jesus will have the last laugh in the planetary saga.


    Everything looks good and all the numbers fall into place with perfection, unlike anything on this planet.

    Yes and it all came from the 40 day test that was declared on 4th July 06.

    Least the Tuvalans will be happy! they will get there home back. No thanks to current mankind

    So if I disappear, as according to the scriptures and you don't here from me for perhaps seven years, be rest assured, I and the elect will be a back with Kingdom of Heaven on Earth to witness the execution of disbelief, unfaithfulness, disloyalty to the Father without repentance.

    The second opportunity will be the actual judgment of the rebellion by Paradise with the Ancient Days. If you don't get your act together by then and respond with your heart, there are no other chances.

    It might as well be as if you were never born. You might as go join the rebels with no hope of survival.

    Anyway we are coming in to the period of change.

    Hey! you can mock all you like but no one will prevent this first rapture sign of happening! After the event all the elect that stablise this planet will be taken and then the planet is left with the devices of the last rebel Caligastia.

    But he will be finally thwarted by Jesus, the King!.

    This is the ultimatum to disbelievers and arrogant people within there own selfish world. It can be anyone and no doctrine is going save no one. This journey is of the individual soul and of faith and living in accordance to the 10 commandments, no stuffing around.

    Your either in or out in the first opportunity.


    Icon 1 posted 08-05-2007 11:59 PM


    Times is approaching soon, get prepared!

    The Gods are coming!!!!!!

    Justice, the law, the Maat, is appearing in the great disappearance.

    That will be the great sign.]

    Its coming soon. The journey to the ancient places is the demonstration of truth in the beforehand!

    The King is Coming!


    [ 08-06-2007, 12:02 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]

    « Reply #8 on: Today at 03:04:56 am » 5th Aug 07


    The Pearl-Seven Hymns on the Faith

    Hymn I.
    The Pearl-Seven Hymns on the Faith from the Eastern Christian Church of Syria 300BC written by St Ephraim

    1. On a certain day a pearl did I take up, my brethren; I saw in it mysteries pertaining to the Kingdom; semblances and types of the Majesty; it became a fountain, and I drank out of it mysteries of the Son.

    I put it, my brethren, upon the palm of my hand, that I might examine it: I went to look at it on one side, and it proved faces on all sides. I found out that the Son was incomprehensible, since He is wholly Light.

    In its brightness I beheld the Bright One Who cannot be clouded, and in its pureness a great mystery, even the Body of our Lord which is well-refined: in its undividedness I saw the Truth which is undivided.

    It was so that I saw there its pure conception,-the Church, and the Son within her. The cloud was the likeness of her that bare Him, and her type the heaven, since there shone forth from her His gracious Shining.

    I saw therein His trophies, and His victories, and His crowns. I saw His helpful and overflowing graces, and His hidden things with His revealed things.

    2. It was greater to me than the ark, for I was astonied thereat: I saw therein folds without shadow to them because it was a daughter of light, types vocal without tongues, utterances of mysteries without lips, a silent harp that without voice gave out melodies. (The internet and the information that comes through without the utterances of lips.)

    The trumpet falters and the thunder mutters; be not thou daring then; leave things hidden, take things revealed. Thou hast seen in the clear sky a second shower; the clefts of thine ears, as from the clouds, they are filled with interpretations.

    And as that manna which alone filled the people, in the place of pleasant meats, with its pleasantnesses, so does this pearl fill me in the place of books, and the reading thereof, and the explanations thereof.

    And when I asked if there were yet other mysteries, it had no mouth for me that I might hear from, neither any ears wherewith it might hear me. O thou thing without senses, whence I have gained new senses! (sounds like a description of the internet and it branches with spread of knowledge.)

    (Here is the clue to the ancient places an answer to the previous question)

    3. It answered me and said, "The daughter of the sea am I, the illimitable sea! And from that sea whence I came up it is that there is a mighty treasury of mysteries in my bosom! Search thou out the sea, but search not out the Lord of the sea!

    "I have seen the divers who came down after me, when astonied, so that from the midst of the sea they returned to the dry ground; for a few moments they sustained it not. Who would linger and be searching on into the depths of the Godhead?
    (tells you quite clearly that the God head is submerged under the sea where Divers come and go and bring the mystery to dry land. Its confounding and they search the God head for truth. It is the discovery of the 7 commands in my view)

    "The waves of the Son are full of blessings, and with mischiefs too. Have ye not seen, then, the waves of the sea, which if a ship should struggle with them would break her to pieces, and if she yield herself to them, and rebel not against them, then she is preserved?
    (the effect of the discovery under the waves of the sea and the effect it has for the rebellious and some good advice.)

    In the sea all the Egyptians were choked, though they scrutinised it not, and, without prying, the Hebrews too were overcome upon the dry land, and how shall ye be kept alive? And the men of Sodom were licked up by the fire, and how shall ye prevail? (Judgment)

    "At these uproars the fish in the sea were moved, and Leviathan also. Have ye then a heart of stone that ye read these things and run into these errors? O great fear that justice also should be so long silent!" (Error and fear that occurs post rapture up to judgment).

    4. "Searching is mingled with thanksgiving, and whether of the two will prevail? The incense of praise riseth along with the fume of disputation from the tongue, and unto which shall we hearken? Prayer and prying [come] from one mouth,and which shall we listen to?
    (Looks like there is two people involved in the discoveries of the ancient places, this represents parting of the ways, which path do you choose! obstinate mankind! which voice will you listen to, the one disputation or the voice of truth??)

    "For three days was Jonah a neighbour [of mine] in the sea: the living things that were in the sea were aftrighted, [saying,] "Who shall flee from God? Jonah fled, and ye are obstinate at your scrutiny of Him!"


    « Reply #9 on: Today at 05:21:29 am »


    Here is another fragment from Hym2 of the Hym of the pearls by St Ephraim 300AD.

    Looking for clues for rapture and relation to the ancient places or the treasure of the planet.

    Fragment of hymn 2 of the pearl.



    Our Lord had brethren and yet not brethren, since He was an Only-Begotten. O solitary one, thou type exact of the Only-Begotten! There is a type of thine in the crown of kings,[wherein] thou hast brothers and sisters.

    Goodly gems are thy brethren, with beryls and unions as thy companions: may gold be as it were thy kinsman, may there be unto the King of kings a crown from thy well-beloved ones! When thou camest up from the sea, that living tomb, thou didst cry out. Let me have a goodly assemblage of brethren, relatives, and kinsmen. As the wheat is in the stalk, so thou art in the crown with princes:and it is a just restoration to thee, as if of a pledge,  that from that depth thou shouldest be exalted to a goodly eminence.Wheat the stalk bears in the field;  thee the head of the king upon his chariot carries about.

    O daughter of the water, who hast left sea, wherein thou wert born, and art gone up to the dry land, wherein thou art beloved: for men have loved and seized and adorned themselves with thee, like as they did that Offspring Whom the Gentiles loved and crowned themselves withal.

    It is by the mystery of truth that Leviathan is trodden down of mortals: the divers put him off, and put on Christ. In the sacrament of oil did the Apostles steal Thee away, and came up. They snatched their souls from his mouth, bitter as it was.

    Thy Nature is like a silent lamb in its sweetness, of which if a man is to lay hold, he lifts it in a crucial form by its ears, as it was on Golgotha. He cast out abundantly all His gleams upon them that looked upon Him.
    2. Shadowed forth in thy beauty is the beauty of the Son, Who clothed Himself with suffering when the nails passed through Him. The awl passed in thee since they handled thee roughly, as they did His hands; and because He suffered He reigned, as by thy sufferings thy beauty increased.

    And if they showed no pity upon thee, neither did they love thee: still suffer as thou mightest, thou hast come to reign I Simon Peter showed pity on the Rock; whoso hath smitten it, is himself thereby overcome; it is by reason of Its suffering that Its beauty hath adorned the height and the depth.

    and another fragment



    Thou didst show thy beauty among the abjects to show whereto thou art like, thou Pearl that art all faces. The beholders were astonied and perplexed at thee. The separatists separated thee in two, and were separated in two by thee, thou that art of one substance throughout.
    It seems to me there is division amongst the discovers and the confusion perhaps amongst the religions.

    They saw not thy beauty, because there was not in them the eye of truth. For the veil of prophecy, full as it was of the mysteries; to them was a covering of thy glistering faces: they thought that thou wast other [than thou art], O thou mirror of ours! and therefore these blind schismatics defiled thy fair beauty.

    Exactly right they not the beauty in the beforehand moment because they never had the eye of truth to see these things as they proclaim, Pride and Prejudice.



    To-day Godhead sealed itself upon Manhood, that so with the Godhead's stamp Manhood might be adorned.

    and another fragment from St Ephraim.  How instrumental is Enoch in this journey to the Ancient places!!  Here is a direct reference to Enoch which connects to the part knowledge base of this project which comes from Enoch.


    The soul of just men perceive in the Son a Medicine of life; and so it felt desires that He might come in its own days, and then would it taste His sweetness. Enoch was longing for Him,

    Hey a message for the Banks


    Watch not we as usurers, who thinking on money put to interest, watch at night so oft, to reckon up their capital, and interest.

    18. Again, the diver brings up-out of the sea the pearl.-Be baptized and bring up from the water-purity that therein is hidden,-the pearl that is set as a jewel-in the crown of the Godhead.


    Post  Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:09 pm


    Fifteen Hymns for the Feast of the Epiphany.

    18. Again, the diver brings up-out of the sea the pearl.-Be baptized and bring up from the water-purity that therein is hidden,-the pearl that is set as a jewel-in the crown of the Godhead. The Godhead is the ancient places from the sea. I mean this is so obvious now.


    The tower that the many builded, in mystery looked for One, who coming down would build on earth a tower that lifts up to Heaven.

    reference to the journey to the ancient places and the discovery of the circular foundations of the tower of Babel in Dilmun. I have found it through the books of religion and mystery.

    This is direct reference again to Dilmun through Babel like in Isaiah "rising of the Sun"


    Post  Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:49 pm


    It is by the mystery of truth that Leviathan is trodden down of mortals: the divers put him off, and put on Christ

    Mankind finds the mystery, the rebels are defeated by mankind himself through the uncovering of the mystery, Those divers who discover the 7 commands become followers of Jesus the King and our friend.

    Where does the Leviathan live? in the abyss, from the sea, the truth comes from the sea, the treasure house.

    All from St Ephraim 7 hymns of the pearl.

    Here is another fragment. How true is this to the current reality in the journey to the ancient places.



    The trumpet falters and the thunder mutters; be not thou daring then; leave things hidden, take things revealed. Thou hast seen in the clear sky a second shower; the clefts of thine ears, as from the clouds, they are filled with interpretations. .Interesting that this experience is the second time around, the first time was upon discovery in July 06. But this time around the research and the discoveries are much deeper and more defined in the reality and encompasses every submerged place. When I made the call last year I suppose it did falter but I did find the 2 Nodite submerged Dilmuns which relates to today. 

    And as that manna which alone filled the people, in the place of pleasant meats, with its pleasantnesses, so does this pearl fill me in the place of books, and the reading thereof, and the explanations thereof Well what can I say, the complete journey to the ancient places has been all through the books and through software and the Internet. The focalisation was the ancient places and the fragment which relate to them. I never realized that the journey could lead to potential rapture of the elect.

    Even in light of the hardship in doing this, the discoveries throughout the books has been manna from heaven. Everything about this revealing of the ancient places is just Manna from heaven, from the throne of the Father.

    leave things hidden, take things revealed." referring to on the run revealing in following the bidding of the Father in the books.  Taking what is revealed on the run, as we move down the timeline.


    Post  Mon Aug 06, 2007 10:01 pm


    recorded by the last teacher of righteousness of the Essenes.


    Yea, I tell thee truly,
    The paths are seven The sevenfold truth is all about this place, points to the journey
    Through the Infinite Garden, To the ancient places, the submerged treasure houses.
    And each must be traversed The ancient places is in parallel to restoration and each of us individually must traverse the path to the Father.
    By the body, the heart and the mind As one, To encompass the whole truth and live the best you can.
    Lest thou stumble fall in Disbelief and ignore and not investigate, this could be the problem...consider all things.
    Into the abyss of emptiness. one could be very disappointed in this for not believing particularly if this leads to rapture.
    For as a bird cannot fly with one wing, All knowledge must be considered, all the books have to examined properly.
    So doth thy Bird of Wisdom Wisdom has to be searched for.
    Need two wings of Power and Love The full array, the full compilment of truth, complete. simple faith!

    To soar above the abyss Victory through wisdom in the books and victory through the rapture. The abyss is the post rapture/tribulation/judgment period of the remnant.
    To the Holy Tree of Life. The Tree of life is associated, the destination of the raptured and ultimately the remnant.

    The above could be advise and a life boat to the oncoming time. I feel its good advise now to prepare yourself now and also gives advise of wisdom for the remnant on how to overcome the post rapture, tribulation and Judgment period.

    When it happens everyone will looking into the books. and the threads left behind will be the life boats, the real Ark. Like St Ephraim said, it is greater than the Ark, all this knowledge is the Ark of the Testament of the Rapture!

    Im so sure this research is right and right on the mark!

    A demonstration of rapture would prove the research and the journey and verification of the places in rapture alone! And what if the Seven commands where discovered post rapture, a double confirmation on the highest level.

    It would also prove the rapture. Undivided!


    Hymn II.

    Blessed He Who sealed our soul, and adorned it and espoused it to Himself. Blessed He Who made our Body a tabernacle for His unseen Nature. Blessed He Who by our tongue interpreted His secret things. Let us praise that Voice whose glory is hymned with our lute, and His virtue with our harp. The Gentiles have assembled and have come to hear His strains

    Blessed be the Physician Who came down and amputated without pain, and healed wounds with a medicine that was not harsh. His Son became a Medicine, that showed sinners mercy. Blessed be He Who dwelt in the womb, and wrought therein a perfect Temple, that He might dwell in it, a Throne that He might be in it, a Garment that He might be arrayed in it, and a Weapon that He might conquer in it.

    Post  The Rapture declaration to the Ancients of Days Tuesday Aug 07, 2007 8:37 pm

    I petition to the Ancients of Days in the Universal courts of Jerusem in faith to call in Rapture on planet Earth and invite Jesus to come on behalf of mankind at the earliest possible convenience of the Father and the Ancients of Days. I invite Jesus to help fix the planet through his guidance and participation as described in the scriptures. I make this declaration based on my personal journey to the ancient places and the truth I feel I have uncovered and discovered. I feel I have uncovered the Seventh mystery so on the basis of that I make this declaration to the universal courts of the Ancient of Days that rapture be declared as revealed in the Scriptures inside and outside the Bible which includes the Urantia Book and the relevant Hadith. Done!


    If I'm wrong, I look like a fool over the timeline slowly the research will become part of a planetary end time statistic. However, If I am right and correct in this research and journey there will be a rapture disappearance as described in the scriptures at some stage in the near future. That will verify the journey and suddenly initiate the next stage of discovery and act as a life boat at the same time extending to all the books of religion pertinent to the journey.

    That I am sure its the "Ark of the Testament" that is the life boat post rapture and its connected to the ancient places as in a real virtual time fight for the survival of mankind and his destiny! This also refines the scriptures in all books of all religions where truth is defined through demonstration. Its very serious business!

    Too late to turn back now as the petition is now lodged in the universal courts ready for reply! Man has to make this petition himself! Like in a court but this courts is of the heavenly courts of the universal rulers. The Ancient of Days, its in there realm now of jurisdiction. Its been placed in a sheer act of faith and confidence in the journey encompassing the research to the first places of the Sons of Gods right through to Adam and Eve to our times.

    What's done is done!  Note that this is a spontaneous declaration where I have just noticed the date post declaration Aug 07, 2007 8:37 pm,. sevens! amazing!  how appropriate!  No premeditation, I just woke up, in my contemplation I felt aroused to do it and did it! made the declaration..

    Its is of Paradise and Universal government interest.

    I feel the time is ripe in the research, everything has fallen into place, all pieces of the puzzle have come together as best as possible considering the budget. It needs several expeditions to verify and recover from all the places, the Seven commands stone slabs. This would have happen post rapture - pre judgment. This would verify the truth as laid out in the beforehand to the event of rapture. The ancient places itself would be the confirmation and another great sign that Jesus is our King and friend is on the way! with the holy race not to mention all the angels.


    Icon 1 posted 08-07-2007 04:08 PM

    Orion von Koch

    For sure! For sure. Orion Lets got it on. ahahahahahahah Lets go forth where no man has gone before! ahahah

    I made the declaration about an hour ago based on some fragments that I uncovered in my research and through the personal journey. Because mankind is going nowhere at this pace!

    I made the petition of Rapture to the Ancient of Days based on some fragments that I uncovered in my research and through the personal journey to the ancient places. Because mankind is going nowhere at this pace!

    I just made the declaration here,2615.0.html

    Because Man I'm sick of the crap and the terrorism. Who can do anything about it and find a real one! It out of control.

    I personally couldn't care if this out or in of doctrine.

    This is the journey of Sevens, the instructions of Seven, the Seven doctrine. ahahahahahahah Im having a laugh!

    Either in or out! If you have no faith! ahahah

    simple as that!

    anyway see what happens on the good ship sevens, I'm telling you if this journey is right to the ancient places this should not be under estimated. If I'm right in my research there will be a demonstration and it may be severe and disappointing for many because they missed the first portal but there is a second portal. I'm just letting you know in the beforehand and consider everything!

    Something like this could happen at any time, any hour and we are in the season. People may think religion is some joke but in this journey its real and virtual and happening. It appears that a relevant correction may occur where religion maybe the only thing we have left even though the scriptures will be refined as through the reality.

    Living religion at the end of the day might be the only life boat mankind has!!  The parable of the Sower would define this beforehand of the reality.



    [ 08-07-2007, 04:10 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]

    « Reply #7 on: August 05, 2007, 09:41:45 pm »


    An early interpretation of Nostradamus



    C 2 Q 28
    The moon in the middle of the night . . .
    The young sage alone with his mind has seen it. (Seen the path, the truth and the construct)
    His disciples invite him to become immortal . . . (invited to partake of the tree of life by the angels.  become immortal, translation.)
    His body in the fire. (translation fire passing through to the next dimension of existence, the Angelic realm.)

    The disappearance of the Young Sage could be all related to Rapture! His rapture would be the sign that tribulation and judgment is on the way .

    If this is the case in this journey to the ancient places and rapture does occur. I would suggest  download the whole site Hey but if it doesn't happens I will be here! to whether the storm.

    and more on the the young sage



    The realm left to two they will hold it very briefly,
    Three years and seven months passed by they will make war:
    The two Vestals will rebel in opposition,
    Victor the younger in the land of Brittany.

    Land of Brittany could be a colony of Britain in the future.  The war could be a spiritual war and could begin with the Rapture!

    and this one...says it all, its about Post Rapture and judment



    Through the deserts of the free and wild place,
    The nephew of the great Pontiff will come to wander:
    Felled by seven with a heavy club,
    By those who afterwards will occupy the Chalice.

    "By those who afterwards will occupy the Chalice"  When the elect and faithful come back




    Through the power of three temporal kings,
    the sacred seat will be put in another place,
    where the substance of the body and the spirit

    will be restored and received as the true seat

    The temple of Heaven coming down, that will be the true seat!

    Perhaps this could be about Victor the Young or Younger achieves the ultimate victory and is quite happy with the title Victor!!!!



    Chief of the world will the great Chyren be, World ruler, the victor.
    Plus Ultra behind, loved, feared, dreaded: (According to mythology the pillars bore the warning Nec Plus Ultra) Perhaps in metaphor going beyond the Pillars of Hercules to find truth with respect to the search and proclamations in the journey to the submerged ancient first places.  Also the demonstration of Plus Ultra behind this journey is "loved, feared, dreaded"
    His fame and praise will go beyond the heavens, It could be that if this project is 100% successful as I see it in the Plus Ultra, going beyond the pillars.  This huge project will be recognized throughout the "Kingdom of Heaven" even to Paradise.  Also the Holy world ruler seems like Melchizedek.
    And with the sole title of Victor will he be quite satisfied.  It appears that great accomplishment is adorned with the title Victor Sounds like this world ruler has made a great victory and is recognized in Heaven.  It sounds like this world ruler is very happy with the title.  I wonder if that "The Young/er.



    PLUS ULTRA Wikipedia

    Nec Plus Ultra

    Earl Rosenthal, author of The Palace of Charles V in Granada (1985), has researched the origin of the of the motto. It is closely associated with the Pillars of Hercules, which according to Roman mythology were built by Hercules, near the Straits of Gibraltar, marking the edge of the then known world. According to mythology the pillars bore the warning Nec Plus Ultra (also Non Plus Ultra,"nothing further beyond"), serving as a warning to sailors and navigators to go no further.

    Its interesting that Plus Ultra is related in the Straits of Gibraltar.  Interesting that the Gibraltar dam is a main focus in the Discovery of Atlantis project and related to the destruction of 1stEden as well.

    Here is some more thoughts on Nostradamus in relation to the reality of the ancient palaces.

    In the following is research from other researchers regarding "Chyren" (do a page search to get to the spot).

    However the above could very well be a reflection of Melchizedek in the new Kingdom.

    In the following sounds like a very large humbling and to me could be a reflection of the end time outcome after rapture.  Even this research and proposal vexes the rebels.



    "The sacred pomp will come to lower its wings,
    Through the coming of the great legislator:
    He will raise the humble, he will vex the rebels,

    He will be born on earth none his emulator." (C.5:79)

    In the following in my mind is all about the Judgment process of the Ancient of Days. a time period after rapture.



    "The present times with the past,  The present reality and things of the past is adjudged by the Ancients of Days.
    Will be judged by the great Jovialist:

    The world too late will be tired of him, Its too late for the world to click on a current religions are tired and cant deal with this event?? perhaps?
    And disloyal through the clergy jurist." (C.10:73)

    Speaks for it self disloyalty in the clergy, it appears there is a falling away from traditional religion by there own clergymen.

    In the following I find an interesting one.  Mind you I am interpreting these in relation to the journey to the ancient paces.



    "Comets without tails, move silently
      Like an event or something unusual in the heavens
    Panic abounds. An offering rejected, a tailed comet Panic at first seems like a proposal is made, a deal but is rejected.  I can see that happening in the post rapture/prejudgment scenario.  Also the comet seems to change its characteristics.
    Glides among the bees, dies, and heads of state  This Im not sure??
    Nonplused. Signatures in the sand ignored by all." Sounds like a proposal is ignored based on fluid foundations like sand and governments conspire.  Nonplused at the failure

    Well it is speculation see what turns up next.

    The following appears to have characteristics of the judgment period.


    "A salver flies, comes to rest in the New City(A salver is a flat tray of silver, perhaps a UFO looking thing.)
    Hate flourishes for the entity within. Battle lines Battle lines are drawn, Government response
    Drawn. Fears of disease mask truth while three There is great fear and trepidation, fear of chemical warfare.
    Leaders in secret, unite against a false threat. sound's like there is rejection to the offer and the leaders hatch a plan against a non threatening gesture by the representatives. Typical mankind government! No faith!
    The bees sting amid thunderclaps and lightning bolts, Looks like there is a response and some confrontation.
    Confusion. Fear. Awe. The fish trembles, Great concern and confusion in Battle.
    Governments are strangely silent while the heavens
    Flash ominous messages to the populace. East and West darken
    . Physical planetary government is physically overcome and does not know what do or what to say.
    Revolution without bloodshed, without strife Conflict finishes, Great change occurs without war without any conflict.
    Men in unhappy confusion strive for perfections Man great changes his ways and strives for personal perfection, its truly a spiritual experience.
    Beyond their ken. Failure, then elation.
    Earth's forces give way to a new power above the clouds. Earth forces gives way to the "Kingdom of Heaven" and the will of The Father in Paradise.

    Twenty plus two times six will see the lore of the heavens 132?? or 2012
    Visit the planet in great elation. Disease, pestilence,
    Famine dies. Rome rejoices for souls saved. The Learned The Church is happy
    Smile in awe. Astrology confirmed. For science, a new beginning." Exactly right! Everyone is happy and just smiles in awe, In addition, it seems to happen where Science harmonized with Religion makes the big discoveries of the ancient places, the first places. Everything forms a conjunction.

    Here is link with some other views.

    Hey Look at this last line in the following Quatrain, its reference of Babel to the Romans (perhaps Church)



    "One whom the gods of infernal Hannibal ( not sure, sounds like the Gods and a conqueror.
    Will bear to be reborn, terror of humans Does this mean rebirth of the past becomes a perplexing experience if you ignorant.
    Never more of horror nor worse days Seems like change for the better
    In the past than will come by Babel to Romans." Does that mean to say that the past will come through Babel, directly relating the Babel in the journey to the ancient places.

    "The trembling of land at Mortara
    Cassiterides St. George half sunk to the bottom
    Drowsy peace the war will awaken
    In the temple at Easter abysses ripped open."

    "The aimless army of Europe will depart
    Collecting itself near the submerged isle:
    The weak fleet will bend the phalanx
    At the navel of the world a greater voice substituted."


    There you have it Babel directly mentioned the past facing us.


    Post  Thu Aug 09, 2007 10:03 am

    Ive been thinking about this parable in the past few days.

    I thought it was completely appropriate piece from the UB considering the times we are in. I really sense there is a marriage feast about to happen. I'm so sure this marriage feast is very soon, I also sense we will be caught for that marriage feast where we can be with our friend Jesus in a really heavenly environment. All very interesting.




    After the scribes and rulers had withdrawn, Jesus addressed himself again to the assembled crowd and spoke the parable of the wedding feast. He said:

    "The kingdom of heaven may be likened to a certain king who made a marriage feast for his son and dispatched messengers to call those who had previously been invited to the feast to come, saying, `Everything is ready for the marriage supper at the king's palace.' Now, many of those who had once promised to attend, at this time refused to come. When the king heard of these rejections of his invitation, he sent other servants and messengers, saying: `Tell all those who were bidden, to come, for, behold, my dinner is ready. My oxen and my fatlings Page 1895 are killed, and all is in readiness for the celebration of the forthcoming marriage of my son.' But again did the thoughtless make light of this call of their king, and they went their ways, one to the farm, another to the pottery, and others to their merchandise. Still others were not content thus to slight the king's call, but in open rebellion they laid hands on the king's messengers and shamefully mistreated them, even killing some of them. And when the king perceived that his chosen guests, even those who had accepted his preliminary invitation and had promised to attend the wedding feast, had finally rejected his call and in rebellion had assaulted and slain his chosen messengers, he was exceedingly wroth. And then this insulted king ordered out his armies and the armies of his allies and instructed them to destroy these rebellious murderers and to burn down their city.

    "And when he had punished those who spurned his invitation, he appointed yet another day for the wedding feast and said to his messengers: `They who were first bidden to the wedding were not worthy; so go now into the parting of the ways and into the highways and even beyond the borders of the city, and as many as you shall find, bid even these strangers to come in and attend this wedding feast.' And then these servants went out into the highways and the out-of-the-way places, and they gathered together as many as they found, good and bad, rich and poor, so that at last the wedding chamber was filled with willing guests. When all was ready, the king came in to view his guests, and much to his surprise he saw there a man without a wedding garment. The king, since he had freely provided wedding garments for all his guests, addressing this man, said: `Friend, how is it that you come into my guest chamber on this occasion without a wedding garment?' And this unprepared man was speechless. Then said the king to his servants: `Cast out this thoughtless guest from my house to share the lot of all the others who have spurned my hospitality and rejected my call. I will have none here except those who delight to accept my invitation, and who do me the honor to wear those guest garments so freely provided for all.'"

    After speaking this parable, Jesus was about to dismiss the multitude when a sympathetic believer, making his way through the crowds toward him, asked: "But, Master, how shall we know about these things? how shall we be ready for the king's invitation? what sign will you give us whereby we shall know that you are the Son of God?" And when the Master heard this, he said, "Only one sign shall be given you." And then, pointing to his own body, he continued, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." But they did not understand him, and as they dispersed, they talked among themselves, saying, "Almost fifty years has this temple been in building, and yet he says he will destroy it and raise it up in three days." Even his own apostles did not comprehend the significance of this utterance, but subsequently, after his resurrection, they recalled what he had said.

    There is many warnings in this one and I would really study this. This is like a basis for Rapture to be with Jesus at the wedding feast with his people only. Faith people!

    This is very exciting how this parable has been in mind for the last 2 days and reading through it completely impresses me.

    I for one would like to hand out invites to the wedding of Jesus and his people. Open to all no matter what or where! No matter who.

    Any takers before the boat leaves!

    Lets go to see our friend we have in Jesus.

    Anyway I believe this is a very real thing and keep in mind and be prepared at any time any place, it will just happen.

    Thinking on the Logistics I would say that the Seventh Angel will announce the completion of the Seventh mystery will the recording is still in process. Therefore it could happen at anytime as I feel I have discovered the main bulk and all the knowledge form all over the place is forming a oneness. I feel the Seventh Angel will declare the earth belongs to Jesus and then Rapture occurs to be with Jesus for all his people of faith, a mustard seed is fine.

    Thats when we vanish and nothing else happens for a period of time. The world will be in shock and everyone will experience a general quickening to the matter before them. Then perhaps the prophecies will begin...maybe in the way as described or perhaps with some slight variation.

    But there will always be that unknown in the back of everyones mind in this period, all I say is have faith in the demonstration and where it leads to. In the, in between time, most people will become more spiritual and will look for the knowledge of what occurred. Well if this occurs, I'm glad I was helpful in someway to help people on the Path as mankind goes through the Abyss to the judgment of the last rebel and the return of us all.

    All the while we will be in the Kingdom of Heaven having real rest and revitalization in a new body that would respond to the tree of life of immortality. In this time I believe that Jesus will be planning for the new planet where we will be all involved and participate in building a new world. Everyone will have there role in the new world with Jesus and Melchizedek but I think Jesus eventually will do other things in his universe as this planet stabilizes. But his Holy Spirit will always be with us which is Jesus thinking on the trinity level.


    Icon 1 posted 08-10-2007 03:52 AM

    Absolutely Tom and I think the ancient places of former things of old are directly related to these places as found in Isaiah and other books that parallel.. Mind I have discovered 3 areas that fits the UB description in addition to all the knowledge and clues about this time.

    In order for Christians to understand the logistics and the main point they will have to extend themselves and read other books besides the Bible.

    They maybe forced to do this just by a mass disappearance of the Elect and faith followers.

    This would be the confirmation and the great sign in my view that this research actually leads to somewhere solid and measurable in both religion and science.

    The Universe is not interested in the current political leaders that lie and spin and actually strengthen the bondage mankind is under. Mainly through life time debt and fear. Paradise rejects this unequivocally

    If rapture happens in this timeline there will be massive stock market crash, there already seems to be signs that mortgage market is unsustainable. The reason for the breakdown in the mortgage market is because everyone is living of the backs of others, mainly the financial institutions.

    Who just couldn't damn only if there is money in it, regardless of the consequences to mankind.

    They will be routed out of there positions and more than likely Banks will be non profit organization dealing with money in the future.

    Understanding that usury is completely illegal in the Universe of the "kingdom of Heaven" and thats part of the reason Paradise is here to deal with this problem including dealing with the past mistakes of the Sons of God, it all comes back to first places like Babel/Dilmun.

    Banks in the future will never be a money making venture again. It will all belong to the people because it is something that is common to all man and should never be for profit, like pharmaceutical companies , same thing but different day.

    When the Bible talks about the captives being set free, in one aspect this relates to the banks ..All debt will be forgiven by the "Kingdom of Heaven" because lifetime debt for profit is completely and utterly illegal in the universe courts.

    Everyone will be corrected and given something to think about in this demonstration by the "Kingdom of Heaven"


    PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 3:16 am    Post subject:

    Hey no worries Iris, I enjoyed that .

    However I feel it is related to the submerged place considering the 4 first places were two temples of the Father, 1stEden and Dalamatia with artifacts (Contents, Utensils, Gold) and the lesser two gardens are the 2 Nodite cities Artifacts (Contents, Silver, utensils) the 7 commands in two cities? Then the reference to the 1st Garden of Eden and his people seeing his face in majesty which to me is a description of a rapture or caught up in heaven, the lect and is connected to 1st Eden where the journey began, really speaking 1Eden led me to the Persian Gulf earlier Civilizations of the Gods and man. In metaphor and in actual virtual reality it could very well be related to seeing Jesus or Isa in the Garden of Eden related to object of the search but in Metaphor relates to the time of rapture of the Elect and faithful in Heaven post rapture/pre judgment or transition where we all see the face of our friend Isa or Jesus in majesty and it related by extension of the experience to all the ancient places.

    That to me that was the main point and also many of the other things related, Its about being in Heaven not on this planet in this particular case, I think.

    Anyway that's what I saw in this, relating to the personal journey to the ancient places, the first places.

    Like for example in this Nostradamus quatrain.



    "One whom the gods of infernal Hannibal ( not sure, sounds like the Gods and a conquerer.
    Will bear to be reborn, terror of humans Does this mean rebirth of the past becomes a perplexing experience if your ignorant to matter.
    Never more of horror nor worse days Seems like change for the better
    In the past than will come by Babel to Romans." Does that mean to say that the past will come through Babel to perhaps the Church in Rome, directly relating submerged Babel in the journey to the ancient places.

    The truth will arise from Babel, the source of the problems of the planet and it will be dealt with in Babel/Dilmun and the word will spread to Rome, the Church.

    Plus Ultra means there is something beyond the pillars like is journey to the ancient places a real Plus Ultra experience.


    PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 5:44 am    Post subject:

    Gosh Iris!

    I know exactly what your talking about.

    I don't have to be reminded its a individual journey and relationship with the Father in Heaven who resides within you through the thought adjuster. Through the personal experience.

    But if course most people don't even think this way and therefore other measures may come to pass that will make man think about his destiny with the Father within and without.

    Also most people these days need some viable and measurable evidence directly and indirectly where they read and see. I think that is quite fair thing and in this journey it would be something that would build faith. I feel this could be a good thing and its guided by the great Urantia Book thank to the petitions of the midwayers, that the Father provided a great Book. Thats exactly what is the great true book written in the hands of angels.

    That essentially provided the path for the greatest in earth for the benefit of all mankind if wishes to get on board. As far as Im concerned these first are the events that Jesus referred to in many of the books.

    Anyway here is a thread where you can read the latest thread on what I think in the journey to the ancient first places that began with the journey to 1st Garden which began for me along time ago, 14 years from first desire within myself to discover the places. Thats where Robert Sarmast was very helpful in the journey to the first places as he went out there in faith and confirmed the wall of the 1st Garden spoken about in the Urantia Book. Whilst my individual journey has been somewhat different the gravity of it has just been immense and it does involve Paradise and direction.

    Why I feel this way is because I can see reflections in all the scriptures inside and outside the bible including the Quran, the UB and all the books I can get my hands on. There is a definite thread of mystery and intrigue to the ancient places that does tell a foreword story in destiny.

    Here is a link on my latest focalisation using pieces here and there making the connections with my soul as the guide.

    End times or transition!! Enters a new phase,2615.0.html

    you might have to join up but its in the Urantia Book thread then under the thread title. "End times or transition!! Enters a new phase" Its the only place where I don't get deleted.

    If you want to look into it further here is a link with all my little discoveries since November 2003 on the day Discovery of Atlantis hit the news. It was a very interesting period.

    In the website are personal thoughts of the scriptures which I believe has some connection where I am focalised on the ancient places and the reflections that it presents to me at the time.

    Note this is an on the run and beforehand journey of having with unusual time space discoveries and experiences in a read about them later on in the future. Like the 40 day test I proclaimed in July 4th 2006 only to read about it and its conclusion only just recently. It is a 40 day period that was on the earth and it extended itself to 439 days which is Sept 18th 07.

    Being alerted to the time frame of that particular personal proclamation to the Ancients of Days made in a spontaneous way on July 4th 06, of course alerted me to that fact when reading about it recently. Also consider the many metaphors of forty days in the Bible. Like 40 days in the wilderness, for Jesus, 40 years, Thats why I actually chose a 40 day test as I used the 40 days as the time period for the test, The Jesus Test or the Israelite test. And where did take the Israelites to, the Promised land, in this case the promise land of the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven.

    There are many other references to the this test like in the Dead Sea Scrolls and other areas of the Quran. The you start reading about rapture events and metaphors of that all over the place still within the time being led in the scriptures without pride or prejudice. Thats the key to last Seventh Mystery. Just the fact I those this name because of the website name and then to find it all over, all of the books of religion even in Nostradamus, speaking of which uses a surname that I'm familiar with.

    All I try to do is embrace the commonalities of all religious culture focalised on the first places which leads to a unity in spirit and in simple truth which is the truth of Jesus our lord and personal friend though the thought adjuster who is the Father not the mention the function of the Holy Spirit. Its the ultimate all in one, in one that finds unity similar to the unity I find in the journey to the ancient places in discovery in the areas that they are supposed to be.

    I rejoice in the Lord and to the Most High to bring this about for mankind.

    all the best

    Last edited by sevens on Fri Aug 10, 2007 6:15 am; edited 1 time in total

    Sorry I forgot to say that in regards to Son of Man Enoch and Jesus, it is in the Urantia Book which I subscribe to. Whether you want to accept that or not is up to you.

    But I accept it the Urantia Book as the new Book from Paradise for the new Epoch we are about to enter in.

    I love this excerpt out of Enoch



    1Enoch 46:2
    He answered and said to me: This is the Son of man, to whom
    righteousness belongs; with whom righteousness has dwelt; and
    who will reveal all the treasures of that which is concealed; for the
    Lord of spirits has chosen him; and his portion has surpassed all
    before the Lord of spirits in everlasting uprightness.




    1Enoch 58 5 And after this it shall be said to the holy in heaven
    That they should seek out the secrets of righteousness, the heritage of faith:
    For it has become bright as the sun upon earth,
    And the darkness is past.




    15 And he said unto me:
    He proclaims unto thee peace in the name of the world to come;
    For from hence has proceeded peace since the creation of the world,
    And so shall it be unto thee for ever and for ever and ever.

    Jesus as he studied Enoch could see himself in the scriptures, that why he used the Son of Man according to the UB. If you don't like it. I would suggest petition your objection to the Ancient of Days.


    Hi Iris and Fatboy 2

    Absolutely, to both of your posts, they where nice to read and I really appreciated your thoughts. I loved the fragment out of Rodan. How true is that.

    I'm inspired that I would like to study Rodan more and find more of his truth in life. Beautiful words of wisdom.

    Thanks for your words I feel blessed.


    For Sure Geo

    I agree with you, it makes sense to me what your saying and I can see the same logic .

    It funny I was watching the News and this financial commentator was speaking and the condition of the Stock Market. I could see real perplexity in his face about the situation, something like I haven't seen before quite in that way. The problem is the Stock Market is underpinned by fear and uncertainty with the hope prosperity and yet based on faith in a way. Faith in the rise of prosperity through a world wide system. Anything that resembles change would bring perplexity into the market also the prices on things is outrages like housing and lifetime debt for the majority and that would play a factor, the unaffordability of things for most.

    Like rapture that would bring about an unconditional change to the stock market. Sometimes I wonder whether this conversation does has an effect in the markets, through an impending change beyond mans control.

    All I know that the Union will stand and it will stand tall, brothers of the Union. I believe the forefathers that layed the platform of the Union did have the Father in mind with the ultimate conclusion of "The Kingdom of Heaven: on earth in mind. They where people who did love the Father in there own personal way and really wanted to do the will of the Father in creating the Union of the USA.  The Union was viechle that kept man together in crisis.  In the greater sense, on the spiritual level we will all stand tall in the union of the Fatherhood of the Father and brotherhood of mankind.

    We will all stand tall, the elect in the "Kingdom of Heaven" everyone here is this forum. Because we had faith and we continued to be vigilant and shared our thoughts and personal discoveries with fellow mankind and with Jesus our brother and friend and with the Universe.

    Well I praise the Lord that we are in his Ark of the Testament of Rapture even in the beforehand. I also believe the Seventh mystery has power and might and the word of the Lord is true and ultimately is the last word and that would ripple through the fabric of mans thoughts including his institutions. We are all like Noah's family, building the Ark of truth that will one day set sail in the infinite sea of peace.

    Well Hallelujah for that! for that great gift as given by Jesus our friend and brother. A great friend we have in Jesus our true Saviour.


    Also consider

    According to my UB research Jesus birthday is on the 21 August 21st 07, in actual fact this year 07 is actually 00 we are in 2000 AD (Jesus Date UB). Well I think that is a special year and like in the parables of the Feast, I think would be a good time to have a feast with the bridegroom the elect and faithful ones. Jesus was human and birthdays was special to him on earth with his family. I believe that day his birthday on earth in this turn of the millennium would be very symbolic and would make all logic and sense.

    That could be a preferred date but AAh! you know, its all speculation at the same time but I feel its worth considering! It could be a normal as the same time too.

    But then again the scriptures and the greater scriptures does say that will come and will not tarry. So again we have that great chasm of perplexity but then again I suppose we have to let that go and have faith in each day.


    Post UFO Over O’Hare Airport: New Report Sun Aug 12, 2007 3:48 am


    UFO Over O’Hare Airport: New Report
    Author Leonard David

    The National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP), based in Vallejo, California, has investigated that November 7 incident allegedly involving an unidentified aerial object that violated controlled airspace at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport.

    As viewed by airline and airport employees at O’Hare, the object was round and revolving, gray in color and metallic. It hovered at an altitude less than 1,900 feet above ground level.

    “The identity of the UAP [unidentified aerial phenomenon] remains unknown,” notes the over 100 page NARCAP report.

    The group has called for an official government inquiry into the matter, noting that their analysis suggests that a “significant air safety problem existed at O’Hare International Airport” given the UAP incident. The NARCAP assessment of the sighting states further inquiry should be carried out “to evaluate whether or not current sensing technologies are adequate to insure against a future incident such as this.”

    The report in its entirety can be viewed at

    Meanwhile, the Chicago airport sighting — and a host of other UFO-related insights — are to take center stage at the Mutual UFO Network’s (MUFON) 38th International UFO Symposium, to be held August 10-12 in Denver, Colorado.

    Drop by the event in the travel convenience of choice, be it car, airplane, or UFO - but first teleport yourself via Internet to the MUFON site at:


    PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 8:39 pm    Post subject: Stone Age Settlement Found Under English Channel



    Heather Whipps
    Special to LiveScience Fri Aug 10, 10:05 AM ET

    Erosion on the floor of the English Channel is revealing the remains of a busy Stone Age settlement, from a time when Europe and Britain were still linked by land, a team of archaeologists says.

    The site, just off the Isle of Wight, dates back 8,000 years, not long before melting glaciers filled in the Channel and likely drove the settlement's last occupants north to higher ground.

    "This is the only site of its kind in the United Kingdom," said Garry Momber, director of the Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology, which led the recent excavations. "It is important because this is the period when modern people were blossoming, just coming out of the end of the Ice Age, living more like we do today in the valleys and lowlands."

    End of Ice Age caused channel flood

    Lobsters mucking around the seabed at the site about 10 years ago revealed a cache of Mesolithic flints, prompting further excavations that uncovered two hearths (ancient ovens) dangling precariously from the edge of an underwater cliff.

    Burnt wood fragments gouged with cut marks and a layer of wood chippings were found lying under 35 feet of water during the latest dig. Divers brought the material to the surface still embedded in slabs of the sea floor that were carried up in specially-designed boxes, which were then pieced back together and examined and dated in the lab.

    "We now have unequivocal evidence of human activity at the site," Momber told LiveScience. "There were people here actively making stuff and being quite industrious."

    At 8,000-years-old, the settlement is the only underwater Mesolithic site in Britain, though it is probably part of a much larger area of occupation yet to be uncovered, Momber said.

    As the climate began to warm up near the end of the Ice Age about 10,000 years ago, people were moving into Northern Europe and settling down in the many river valleys left behind by melting glaciers, Momber explained. Many of the valleys, such as the ones now beneath the English Channel, were eventually inundated completely when temperatures returned to normal.

    "A good chunk of the material left behind from this cultural period is eventually going to be found underwater," Momber said.

    Underwater sites better preserved

    Despite the logistical problems of underwater archaeology, the Isle of Wight site and others like it are usually better preserved than their counterparts on land, Momber said.

    When the floodwater rose slowly in the English Channel, it deposited layers of silt atop the settlement, encasing it in an oxygen-free environment that preserves even organic materials such as wood and food.

    "With underwater sites, all the trappings of a society are going to remain, not just the stone," Momber said. The trade-off is an environment that can carry away the precious remains at any time—a real concern at the Isle of Wight settlement.

    "The erosion of this site would be a loss of information to humanity, not just the washing away of a bit of material," he said. "There is the potential to find so much more there; there is so much to learn."

    * Original Story: Stone Age Settlement Found Under English Channel

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    PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 9:16 pm    

    Hi Iris

    Sounds pretty good to me, what would be good is a unity of all things that which (the every day bloke on the streets) man can comprehend that will lead them to the Father. I feel even if the unifying force of the Father which can embraces art and science without exclusivity, pride and prejudice would definitely have positive effects in leading man by faith to the Father in "The Kingdom of Heaven"

    I feel that Rodan was right and that was to "seek first the realities of heaven" which is defiantly part of the path that reaches unification, a oneness on all levels of every part of truth and that sets the captives of fear.... free, through truth and enlightenment through discoveries, I feel that is essential for man to overcome and to have certainty in ways that includes discovery, even of the first places. That would be an ultimate revelation for man to be shared with all brothers and sisters with no pride or prejudice only invitation to enjoin and expand in support of the fathers truth.

    I also feel that "in all of man's efforts to stabilize society and facilitate the solution of its material problems." is so true. Society has to reduce the fear level through certainty and with truth, which can be demonstrated for the purpose of the Father. This may have been foreseen and documented by precious books and is also part of the great mystery. I believe that such a demonstration of the Father through the enlargement of religion gives man a perfect opportunity for his ultimate destiny.

    A more enhanced and fear reduced society with less fear through a fair and high level demonstration would bring about more brotherhood and mutual prosperity for all which would fix all our problems.

    I feel, we are at a time where all this possible and can be an actuality of the potential of the highest degree.

    On another note, if the prophecies actualizes but with variation, are correct we could witness Jesus coming again which maybe first example of Infinite and finite living in the Ultimate situation.

    The future Epoch could be the first example of Ultimacy that will be the basis of the extending universes of the ultimate beyond the finite time/space reality. It would be like finite and eternity living side by side completely conscious of each other. The Absolute and the Ultimacy living side by side. This planet could be the first example through the improved ascension process that Jesus our friend and brother brought to this planet.

    Quite possible thought and potential but its a matter actualizing the greatest potential and that is my aim in this journey. To actualize the reality directly to Paradise in my personal journey to the ancient places.

    Plus its great fun and affords great journey.

    Personally, I just cant help proclaim this beautiful experience because I'm just inspired in the Father and his works which really includes the great Urantia Book.



    One basic conception of the absolute level involves a postulate of three phases:

    1. The Original. The unqualified concept of the First Source and Center, that source manifestation of the I AM from which all reality takes origin.

    2. The Actual. The union of the three Absolutes of actuality, the Second, Third, and Paradise Sources and Centers. This triodity of the Eternal Son, the Infinite Spirit, and the Paradise Isle constitutes the actual revelation of the originality of the First Source and Center.

    3. The Potential. The union of the three Absolutes of potentiality, the Deity, Unqualified, and Universal Absolutes. This triodity of existential potentiality constitutes the potential revelation of the originality of the First Source and Center.

    The interassociation of the Original, the Actual, and the Potential yields the tensions within infinity which result in the possibility for all universe growth; and growth is the nature of the Sevenfold, the Supreme, and the Ultimate.

    In the association of the Deity, Universal, and Unqualified Absolutes, potentiality is absolute while actuality is emergent; in the association of the Second, Third, and Paradise Sources and Centers, actuality is absolute while potentiality is emergent; in the originality of the First Source and Center, we cannot say that either actuality or potentiality is either existent or emergent--the Father is.

    and this one I just found..fantastic



    While the Seven Master Spirits are hardly expressive of threefold Deity, they are the eternal portrayal of sevenfold Deity, the active and associative functions of the three ever-existent persons of Deity. By and in and through these Seven Spirits, the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, or the Infinite Spirit, or any dual association, is able to function as such. When the Father, the Son, and the Spirit act together, they can and do function through Master Spirit Number Seven, but not as the Trinity. The Master Spirits singly and collectively represent any and all possible Deity functions, single and several, but not collective, not the Trinity. Master Spirit Number Seven is personally nonfunctional with regard to the Paradise Trinity, and that is just why he can function personally for the Supreme Being.

    I'm just thinking the Sevenfold scheme and the Supreme Being breaking new ground into the Ultimacy, the first time ever to happen through a rebellion torn and hardened planet in the finite. Where the infinite and finite co join in ultimacy! The Ultimate revelation!

    Could this be the New Heaven and Earth!




    But when the Seven Master Spirits vacate their individual seats of personal power and superuniverse authority and assemble about the Conjoint Actor in the triune presence of Paradise Deity then and there are they collectively representative of the functional power, wisdom, and authority of undivided Deity--the Trinity--to and in the evolving universes., Such a Paradise union of the primal sevenfold expression of Deity does actually embrace, literally encompass, all of every attribute and attitude of the three eternal Deities in Supremacy and in Ultimacy. To all practical intents and purposes the Seven Master Spirits do, then and there, encompass the functional domain of the Supreme-Ultimate to and in the master universe.

    As far as we can discern, these Seven Spirits are associated with the divine activities of the three eternal persons of Deity; we detect no evidence of direct association with the functioning presences of the three eternal phases of the Absolute. When associated, the Master Spirits represent the Paradise Deities in what may be roughly conceived as the finite domain of action. It might embrace much that is ultimate but not absolute.

    just brilliant. The Supreme being in the world stage of action.

    Remember Enoch and the Sevenfold instruction and a new heaven and new earth, the ultimate. finite and infinite in Union.!



    Quote: Excerpts from the book of Enoch 300 B.C. A mystery that is unfolding in the current planetary timeline.

    1 Enoch 104:10 Another mystery also I point out. To the righteous and the wise shall be given books of joy, of integrity, and of great wisdom. To them shall books be given, in which they shall believe;

    1 Enoch l04:ll And in which they shall rejoice. And all the righteous shall be rewarded, who from these shall acquire the knowledge of every upright path.

    1 Enoch 92:l2 Afterwards, in the seventh week a perverse generation shall arise; abundant shall be its deeds, and all its deeds perverse. During its completion, the righteous shall be selected from the plant of everlasting righteousness; and to them shall be given the sevenfold doctrine respecting every part of his whole creation,

    1 Enoch 92:17 The former heaven shall depart and pass away; a new heaven shall appear; and all the celestial powers shine with sevenfold splendor for ever. Afterwards likewise shall there be many weeks, which shall externally exist in goodness and in righteousness.

    1Enoch 1:8 Then shall all belong to God; be happy and blessed; and the splendor of the Godhead shall illuminate them

    Ultimate/Finite/Evolution but not absolute.


    No worries,

    Thats OK we all have our own views.

    I just believe there is something really special about the book and I'm really inspired and with all the books of religion. They are just great from every culture.

    all the best

    Post  Sun Aug 12, 2007 4:31 am The standard of rapture

    In the following I believe is a standard for the elect and faithful for the Feast with Jesus.

    The standard of rapture

    Quote: link

    As to the chances of mortal survival, let it be made forever clear: All souls of every possible phase of mortal existence will survive provided they manifest willingness to co-operate with their indwelling Adjusters and exhibit a desire to find God and to attain divine perfection, even though these desires be but the first faint flickers of the primitive comprehension of that "true light which lights every man who comes into the world."





    The mortal races stand as the representatives of the lowest order of intelligent and personal creation. You mortals are divinely beloved, and every one of you may choose to accept the certain destiny of a glorious experience, but you are not yet by nature of the divine order; you are wholly mortal. You will be reckoned as ascending sons the instant fusion takes place, but the status of the mortals of time and space is that of faith sons prior to the event of the final
    Page 448 amalgamation of the surviving mortal soul with some type of eternal and immortal spirit.

    It is a solemn and supernal fact that such lowly and material creatures as Urantia human beings are the sons of God, faith children of the Highest. "Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God." "As many as received him, to them gave he the power to recognize that they are the sons of God." While "it does not yet appear what you shall be," even now "you are the faith sons of God"; "for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you have received the spirit of sonship, whereby you cry, `our Father.'" Spoke the prophet of old in the name of the eternal God: "Even to them will I give in my house a place and a name better than sons; I will give them an everlasting name, one that shall not be cut off." "And because you are sons, God has sent forth the spirit of his Son into your hearts."

    All evolutionary worlds of mortal habitation harbor these faith sons of God, sons of grace and mercy, mortal beings belonging to the divine family and accordingly called the sons of God. Urantia mortals are entitled to regard themselves as being the sons of God because:


      1. You are sons of spiritual promise, faith sons; you have accepted the status of sonship. You believe in the reality of your sonship, and thus does your sonship with God become eternally real.

      2. A Creator Son of God became one of you; he is your elder brother in fact; and if in spirit you become truly related brothers of Christ, the victorious
      Michael, then in spirit must you also be sons of that Father which you have in common--even the Universal Father of all.

      3. You are sons because the spirit of a Son has been poured out upon you, has been freely and certainly bestowed upon all Urantia races. This spirit ever draws you toward the divine Son, who is its source, and toward the Paradise Father, who is the source of that divine Son.

      4. Of his divine free-willness, the Universal Father has given you your creature personalities. You have been endowed with a measure of that divine spontaneity of freewill action which God shares with all who may become his sons.

      5. There dwells within you a fragment of the Universal Father, and you are thus directly related to the divine Father of all the Sons of God



    all the best

    « Reply #19 on: Today at 06:55:22 am »


    Note the triangle and circle, the symbol that goes back right back to the first places and connects to the symbol on the Pyramid shaft plug.


    One box had an inscription Joshua Ben Joseph the exact name of Jesus in the Urantia Book.

    more to add to the mystery, however I believe the UB account that his bones where dissolved using a time/space technique. 

    However I felt the symbolism was fascinating and points to the Bible and its secret relating to the pyramid which connects to the first submerged places.

    Much on the movie I do discount and is speculation.  I believe the UB account more accurate.  But that's my view.

    A UB search on Mary Magdalene

    Digging into the circle within a triangle symbol

    I feel that they researchers are relating the symbol with the followers of Jesus.

    How intriguing is this.  Note we have followed the circle in a triangle symbol before I saw seeing this particular information.

    Here is the video where they link the circle in a triangle link with the followers of Jesus.

    Here is the circles in a triangle symbol the very same found on the plug of the shaft in the great pyramid.

    The temples in Dilmun where triangles with a hole in the middle of the roof of the temple.

    But the symbolism goes back even further to Dalamatia which was built on the design of Jerusem, the Jerusem Triangles that are 100 of them divided in 10 triangles in each subdivision.

    Dalamatia City was built this design, a smaller version of the Jerusem circles

    and the original

    The rediscovery of the tomb

    The Circle in the Triangle Chevron.

    I believe this all connects right up to Jesus to Jerusem triangles and circles.

    Interesting inscriptions found on the wall.

    Interesting shapes

    The researchers saw the 3 mmm' but in actual fact they were probably a depiction of the Dalamatia city triangles in metaphor to the Jerusem triangles as spoken about by Jesus perhaps in a intimate way with his followers.

    The Martian Triangles or the 3 mmms

    and now look at the triangle and circle chevron in the Van highland headquarters the home of the Adamson civilisation as mentioned in the Urantia Book.

    Here is more research on the Admason civilisation

     And the triangles of Dalamatia City


    Dalamatia city triangles.

    and note the triangles on this Sumerian Seal particularly the 3m or the 3w formation, similar to the triangles of Dalamatia city of Jerusem.


    Also Note Dalamatia, the triangle City


    Another view


    lets have a look at Mars again.  I you look carefully at the WWW lines of Mars, they seem to match the  www lines that appear on the Sumerian seal!!

    Near the face of mars

    Here is a view in the another view

    Note the triangle pointing directly to the circle in the chevron,  The circular shape is risen and is symmetrical.

    The Chevron turned around

    Interesting Mars features, again the triangles MMM or WWW or VVVes features and similar to the Sumerian seal

    the Sumerian seal

    and an image with everything

    Here some interesting videos on the anomalies of Mars.

    Video 1

    and here is another video

    Vdeo 2

    Here is more information about Mars designated as a non breather planet

    Here is "The Mars Test"

    more evidence on Mars

    and more on Mars

    A junction on the journey to Mars
    At this point I have been talking about Mars being the origin of the race that lives close by and by the way its a non breather race not a sub breather.   But Now I have reached another Junction, Perhaps the Moon is the Home base of the a Non breather race that live nearby to Urantia as mentioned in the Urantia Book and these are the reasons why.


    In the following is speculation about this structure close to near 5 pointed pyramid.

    Perhaps it has all to do with the fifth planet that exploded due to its orbit close by another planet.  Perhaps the explosion of the the 5 planet affected Mars along time ago.  Perhaps this may symbolize this.

    According to the book the Bethlehem report, if the fifth planet was still orbiting according to his calculations at the birth of Jesus in 7BC the fifth planet in accordance to alignment with other planets at 12 noon would form a perfect 5 pointed star.  Bob feels Ceres might be the remains of this fifth planet.

    Also there is a quatrain in Nostradamus of to watch out the initials D & M III have to dig it out but I found the perhaps connection interesting.

    Here is Quatrain, I wonder if this has anything to do with it, I just find it interesting how it related to the naming of this pyramid which may symbolism to Jesus' birth confirming the fifth plant Cres and it demise and signified in the missing planet which makes up a 5 pointed star.  Ceres may have been responsible for great damage on Mars where perhaps the inhabitants lived above ground.

    When the inscription D.M. is found
    in the ancient cave, revealed by a lamp
    Law, the King and Prince Ulpian tried,
    the Queen and Duke in the pavilion under cover.


    In relation to the above quatrain I am interested in the first 2 sentences

    We obviously see the D.M. naming and of the pyramid and we see the 5 edge missing which may have supposed to signify Ceres which was destroyed.  The exact birth of Jesus 12.00 noon at 21st August 07 was reflected in the 5 star alignment if Ceres was never destroyed.


    However, bear in mind we are talking about 4.0 billion years ago very interesting.

    Here is the Urantia Book reflection of the Fifth planet.

    PAPER 57 - THE ORIGIN OF URANTIA, Oct 19 2000

    • line 141:           Shooting stars occur in swarms because they are the fragments of larger bodies of matter which have been disrupted by tidal gravity exerted by near-by and still larger space bodies. Saturn's rings are the fragments of a disrupted satellite. One of the moons of Jupiter is now approaching dangerously near the critical zone of tidal disruption and, within a few million years, will either be claimed by the planet or will undergo gravity-tidal disruption. The fifth planet of the solar system of long, long ago traversed an irregular orbit, periodically making closer and closer approach to Jupiter until it entered the critical zone of gravity-tidal disruption, was swiftly fragmentized, and became the present-day cluster of asteroids.


    Law, the King and Prince Ulpian tried,
    the Queen and Duke in the pavilion under cover.

    The Last two sentences in Metaphor seems to imply judgement where all the rulers run under cover of there fortresses.  Its seems the leaders are in hiding.

    When the inscription D.M. is found
    in the ancient cave, revealed by a lamp

    The lamp seems to imply discovery of something significant that can be identified as D.M. like in the naming of the 5 star pyramid.  The ancient cave is all the places and Jesus is revealing all even in Mars.  Its incredible that it came out of the tomb.  Also consider the name of the first place Dalamatia especially the first syllables Dala Matia  DM



    and Babel/Dilmun again the circle in the triangle.  These are the foundation of the circular tower of Babel, the circle in a triangle.

    The Baby Tomb in the tomb was Judah, Son of Jeshua, Jesus was head of the family after Jesus' death and Mary was pregnant with Amos from the Urantia Book.  Unfortunately Amos died of flu at a young age..  It could be that Amos was nicknamed Judah as Amos the prophet and  came from the Southern Hills of Judah. I wonder if Amos was nicknamed Judah in a kingly form. Nicknames seem to be common in those days.  It possible!  Interesting connection

    In Jeremiah 13  is a connection to Amos and Judah
    Jer 1:3-6 -- "In the thirteenth year of Josias, son of Amos, king of Judah,

    than the rest of the verses

    even until this day for three-and twenty years, I have spoken persistently to you, rising early and speaking, and even though the LORD sent to you his servants the prophets, sending them early; (but you hearkened not, and listened not with your ears;) saying, 'Turn you every one from his evil way, and from your evil practices, and you shall dwell in the land which I gave to you and your fathers, of old and for ever. Go you not after strange gods, to serve them, and to worship them, that you provoke me not by the works of your hands, to do you hurt. But you hearkened not to me.'


    More circle in the triangle symbol


    In the following is a complete description of the Jerusem.



    The purely local and routine affairs of Jerusem are directed from the one hundred triangles. These units are clustered around the ten marvelous structures domiciling the local administration of Jerusem. The triangles are surrounded by the panoramic depiction of the system headquarters history. At present there is an erasure of over two standard miles in this circular story. This sector will be restored upon the readmission of Satania into the constellation family. Every provision for this event has been made by the decrees of Michael, but the tribunal of the Ancients of Days has not yet finished the adjudication of the affairs of the Lucifer rebellion. Satania may not come back into the full fellowship of Norlatiadek so long as it harbors archrebels, high created beings who have fallen from light into darkness.

    When Satania can return to the constellation fold, then will come up for consideration the readmission of the isolated worlds into the system family of inhabited planets, accompanied by their restoration to the spiritual communion of the realms. But even if Urantia were restored to the system circuits, you would still be embarrassed by the fact that your whole system rests under a Norlatiadek quarantine partially segregating it from all other systems.

    But ere long, the adjudication of Lucifer and his associates will restore the Satania system to the Norlatiadek constellation, and subsequently, Urantia and the other isolated spheres will be restored to the Satania circuits, and again will such worlds enjoy the privileges of interplanetary communication and intersystem communion.

    There will come an end for rebels and rebellion. The Supreme Rulers are merciful and patient, but the law of deliberately nourished evil is universally and unerringly executed. "The wages of sin is death"--eternal obliteration.

    The Jerusem Circles




    The residential reservations assigned to the major groups of universe life are designated the Jerusem circles. Those circle groups which find mention in these narratives are the following:

    1. The circles of the Sons of God.

    2. The circles of the angels and higher spirits.

    3. The circles of the Universe Aids, including the creature-trinitized sons not assigned to the Trinity Teacher Sons.

    4. The circles of the Master Physical Controllers.

    5. The circles of the assigned ascending mortals, including the midway creatures.

    6. The circles of the courtesy colonies.

    7. The circles of the Corps of the Finality.


    Each of these residential groupings consists of seven concentric and successively elevated circles. They are all constructed along the same lines but are of different sizes and are fashioned of differing materials. They are all surrounded by far-reaching enclosures, which mount up to form extensive promenades entirely encompassing every group of seven concentric circles.

    Page 524 1. Circles of the Sons of God. Though the Sons of God possess a social planet of their own, one of the transitional-culture worlds, they also occupy these extensive domains on Jerusem. On their transitional-culture world the ascending mortals freely mingle with all orders of divine sonship. There you will personally know and love these Sons, but their social life is largely confined to this special world and its satellites. In the Jerusem circles, however, these various groups of sonship may be observed at work. And since morontia vision is of enormous range, you can walk about on the Sons' promenades and overlook the intriguing activities of their numerous orders.

    These seven circles of the Sons are concentric and successively elevated so that each of the outer and larger circles overlooks the inner and smaller ones, each being surrounded by a public promenade wall. These walls are constructed of crystal gems of gleaming brightness and are so elevated as to overlook all of their respective residential circles. The many gates--from fifty to one hundred and fifty thousand--which penetrate each of these walls consist of single pearly crystals.

    The first circle of the domain of the Sons is occupied by the Magisterial Sons and their personal staffs. Here center all of the plans and immediate activities of the bestowal and adjudicational services of these juridical Sons. It is also through this center that the Avonals of the system maintain contact with the universe.

    The second circle is occupied by the Trinity Teacher Sons. In this sacred domain the Daynals and their associates carry forward the training of the newly arrived primary Teacher Sons. And in all of this work they are ably assisted by a division of certain co-ordinates of the Brilliant Evening Stars. The creature-trinitized sons occupy a sector of the Daynal circle. The Trinity Teacher Sons come the nearest to being the personal representatives of the Universal Father in a local system; they are at least Trinity-origin beings. This second circle is a domain of extraordinary interest to all the peoples of Jerusem.

    The third circle is devoted to the Melchizedeks. Here the system chiefs reside and supervise the almost endless activities of these versatile Sons. From the first of the mansion worlds on through all the Jerusem career of ascending mortals, the Melchizedeks are foster fathers and ever-present advisers. It would not be amiss to say that they are the dominant influence on Jerusem aside from the ever-present activities of the Material Sons and Daughters.

    The fourth circle is the home of the Vorondadeks and all other orders of the visiting and observer Sons who are not otherwise provided for. The Most High Constellation Fathers take up their abode in this circle when on visits of inspection to the local system. Perfectors of Wisdom, Divine Counselors, and Universal Censors all reside in this circle when on duty in the system.

    The fifth circle is the abode of the Lanonandeks, the sonship order of the System Sovereigns and the Planetary Princes. The three groups mingle as one when at home in this domain. The system reserves are held in this circle, while the System Sovereign has a temple situated at the center of the governing group of structures on administration hill.

    The sixth circle is the tarrying place of the system Life Carriers. All orders of these Sons are here assembled, and from here they go forth on their world assignments.

    The seventh circle is the rendezvous of the ascending sons, those assigned mortals who may be temporarily functioning on the system headquarters, together Page 525 with their seraphic consorts. All ex-mortals above the status of Jerusem citizens and below that of finaliters are reckoned as belonging to the group having its headquarters in this circle.

    These circular reservations of the Sons occupy an enormous area, and until nineteen hundred years ago there existed a great open space at its center. This central region is now occupied by the Michael memorial, completed some five hundred years ago. Four hundred and ninety-five years ago, when this temple was dedicated, Michael was present in person, and all Jerusem heard the touching story of the Master Son's bestowal on Urantia, the least of Satania.
    The Michael memorial is now the center of all activities embraced in the modified management of the system occasioned by Michael's bestowal, including most of the more recently transplanted Salvington activities. The memorial staff consists of over one million personalities.

    2. The circles of the angels. Like the residential area of the Sons, these circles of the angels consist of seven concentric and successively elevated circles, each overlooking the inner areas.

    The first circle of the angels is occupied by the Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit who may be stationed on the headquarters world--Solitary Messengers and their associates. The second circle is dedicated to the messenger hosts, Technical Advisers, companions, inspectors, and recorders as they may chance to function on Jerusem from time to time. The third circle is held by the ministering spirits of the higher orders and groupings.

    The fourth circle is held by the administrator seraphim, and the seraphim serving in a local system like Satania are an "innumerable host of angels." The fifth circle is occupied by the planetary seraphim, while the sixth is the home of the transition ministers. The seventh circle is the tarrying sphere of certain unrevealed orders of seraphim. The recorders of all these groups of angels do not sojourn with their fellows, being domiciled in the Jerusem temple of records. All records are preserved in triplicate in this threefold hall of archives. On a system headquarters, records are always preserved in material, in morontia, and in spirit form.

    These seven circles are surrounded by the exhibit panorama of Jerusem, five thousand standard miles in circumference, which is devoted to the presentation of the advancing status of the peopled worlds of Satania and is constantly revised so as to truly represent up-to-date conditions on the individual planets. I doubt not that this vast promenade overlooking the circles of the angels will be the first sight of Jerusem to claim your attention when you are permitted extended leisure on your earlier visits.

    These exhibits are in charge of the native life of Jerusem, but they are assisted by the ascenders from the various Satania worlds who are tarrying on Jerusem en route to Edentia. The portrayal of planetary conditions and world progress is effected by many methods, some known to you, but mostly by techniques unknown on Urantia. These exhibits occupy the outer edge of this vast wall. The remainder of the promenade is almost entirely open, being highly and magnificently embellished.

    3. The circles of the Universe Aids have the headquarters of the Evening Stars situated in the enormous central space. Here is located the system headquarters of Galantia, the associate head of this powerful group of superangels,  Page 526 being the first commissioned of all the ascendant Evening Stars. This is one of the most magnificent of all the administrative sectors of Jerusem, even though it is among the more recent constructions. This center is fifty miles in diameter. The Galantia headquarters is a monolithic cast crystal, wholly transparent. These material-morontia crystals are greatly appreciated by both morontia and material beings. The created Evening Stars exert their influence all over Jerusem, being possessed of such extrapersonality attributes. The entire world has been rendered spiritually fragrant since so many of their activities were transferred here from Salvington.

    4. The circles of the Master Physical Controllers. The various orders of the Master Physical Controllers are concentrically arranged around the vast temple of power, wherein presides the power chief of the system in association with the chief of the Morontia Power Supervisors. This temple of power is one of two sectors on Jerusem where ascending mortals and midway creatures are not permitted. The other one is the dematerializing sector in the area of the Material Sons, a series of laboratories wherein the transport seraphim transform material beings into a state quite like that of the morontia order of existence.

    5. The circles of the ascending mortals. The central area of the circles of the ascending mortals is occupied by a group of 619 planetary memorials representative of the inhabited worlds of the system, and these structures periodically undergo extensive changes. It is the privilege of the mortals from each world to agree, from time to time, upon certain of the alterations or additions to their planetary memorials. Many changes are even now being made in the Urantia structures.The center of these 619 temples is occupied by a working model of Edentia and its many worlds of ascendant culture.  This model is forty miles in diameter and is an actual reproduction of the Edentia system, true to the original in every detail.

    Ascenders enjoy their Jerusem services and take pleasure in observing the techniques of other groups. Everything done in these various circles is open to the full observation of all Jerusem.

    The activities of such a world are of three distinct varieties: work, progress, and play. Stated otherwise, they are: service, study, and relaxation. The composite activities consist of social intercourse, group entertainment, and divine worship. There is great educational value in mingling with diverse groups of personalities, orders very different from one's own fellows.

    6. The circles of the courtesy colonies. The seven circles of the courtesy colonies are graced by three enormous structures: the vast astronomic observatory of Jerusem, the gigantic art gallery of Satania, and the immense assembly hall of the reversion directors, the theater of morontia activities devoted to rest and recreation.

    The celestial artisans direct the spornagia and provide the host of creative decorations and monumental memorials which abound in every place of public assembly. The studios of these artisans are among the largest and most beautiful of all the matchless structures of this wonderful world. The other courtesy colonies maintain extensive and beautiful headquarters. Many of these buildings are constructed wholly of crystal gems. All the architectural worlds abound in crystals and the so-called precious metals.

    Page 527 7. The circles of the finaliters have a unique structure at the center. And this same vacant temple is found on every system headquarters world throughout Nebadon. This edifice on Jerusem is sealed with the insignia of Michael, and it bears this inscription: "Undedicated to the seventh stage of spirit--to the eternal assignment." Gabriel placed the seal on this temple of mystery,and none but Michael can or may break the seal of sovereignty affixed by the Bright and Morning Star.

    Some day you shall look upon this silent temple, even though you may not penetrate its mystery.

    Other Jerusem circles: In addition to these residential circles there are on Jerusem numerous additional designated abodes.

    Urantia Book search on the Seventh stage of Spirit.



    The seventh jubilee marks entrance into the mortal finaliter corps and the beginning of the eternity service. The attainment of the seventh stage of spirit realization by a finaliter will probably signalize the celebration of the first of the jubilees of eternity.




    One of us holds the opinion that this vacant place in the corps will be filled by some type of being of origin in the new universe of their future service; the other inclines to the belief that this place will be occupied by some type of Paradise personality not yet created, eventuated, or trinitized. But we will most likely await the entrance of the finaliters upon their seventh stage of spirit attainment before we really know.

    and more



    The Perfectors of Wisdom will always require this complement of experiential wisdom for the completion of their administrative sagacity. But it has been postulated that a high and hitherto unattained level of wisdom may possibly be achieved by the Paradise finaliters after they are sometime inducted into the seventh stage of spirit existence. If this inference is correct, then would such perfected beings of evolutionary ascent undoubtedly become the most effective universe administrators ever to be known in all creation. I believe that such is the high destiny of finaliters

    and more and more



    Within the completed power-personality synthesis of the Supreme Being there will be associated all of the absoluteness of the several triodities which could be so associated, and this majestic personality of evolution will be experientially attainable and understandable by all finite personalities. When ascenders attain the postulated seventh stage of spirit existence, they will therein experience the realization of a new meaning-value of the absoluteness and infinity of the triodities as such is revealed on subabsolute levels in the Supreme Being, who is experiencible. But the attainment of these stages of maximum development will probably await the co-ordinate settling of the entire grand universe in light and life.

    there is much in the seventh stage of spirit search in the urantia Book link in the above


    Icon 1 posted 08-12-2007 09:29 AM

    Hey Riven

    where are you!!!

    I'm making big connections, the symbolism, a circle in a triangle.

    I'm making big connections, the symbolism is all pointing from Jesus' so called tomb to the great Pyramid to the Dilmun triangular temples to the triangles and diamonds divisions in Dalamatia city all the way to the Jerusem circles and triangles, the universal capital of this system.

    Man I think we are getting close and think years ago when we met the conversion and look at it know, the evolution of it to a great prospect and I think will be a great new reality provided by the Atlantis Gods, so to speak.

    all the best

    all the best

    Post  Sun Aug 12, 2007 11:13 pm

    I strongly feel this is the standard of Rapture

    I believe this the standard of attitude The Kingdom of Heaven requires for rapture!

    I think this includes quite a number of people and seems like a very simple attitude. I'm mean we all do that here in our own way.

    And here is a study on the family tomb of Jesus.

    I was interested in the triangle and circle symbol but does lead to the ancient places and all the way up to the Universe Capital of the Universe of Jesus.
    It might give us clues for this end times scenario.


    PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:02 pm    Post subject:

    Rest assured the Family of Jesus is probably in the capital with Jesus.

    How interesting the whole journey. Completely and utterly compelling and totally inspiring! The prospect of it. in virtual reality in this time!


    The seventh jubilee marks entrance into the mortal finaliter corps and the beginning of the eternity service. The attainment of the seventh stage of spirit realization by a finaliter will probably signalize the celebration of the first of the jubilees of eternity.

    Like I said in a end time forum all it takes is for one guy to work the last mystery out and make the right connections to the plan and path and then Suddenly!

    Just one person, that all its takes to enter transition as foreseen in part by all the prophets.

    Like for the finaliters in Paradise.


    PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:17 pm    Post subject:

    absolutely 100%, yeah but what about the Ultimacy stage of existence...Wow! What a prospect, of a new heaven and earth in Ultimacy for the first time through unlocking of the mystery of the temple of Michael here in Urantia.

    or something like that. Ahh its fun to contemplate.

    Wow wouldn't that be something else!


    all the best


    Im looking into circle in triangle symbols to see how they have perpetuated over the eons of time.


    However I found this.


    This is first that I have found that the Buddhist are expecting a messiah of there own.

    Maitreya: the name of the Antichrist (Riddles in Stone)

    The Test or the choice!


    Although here is another view point.  Ahh it interesting but I feel more convinced with this research through the books.


    I don't think the Maitreya is the anti Christ.  But I don't the leader is the New Maitreya either.  I prefer the biblical and Urantia account.

    Although I see the same Triangle symbolism.

    Maitreya From The West

    Here is another view

    Maitreya Project


    A link into more about the triangle symbols and how they have perpetuated over the years and what meaning the symbol derived over time.


    ALL-SEEING EYE: A universal symbol representing spiritual sight, inner vision, higher knowledge, insight into occult mysteries. Look at your $1 bill. 

    EYE in top Triangle of the PYRAMID: Masonic symbol for the all-seeing eye of god - an mystical distortion of the omniscient (all-knowing) Biblical God. You can find it on the $1 bill. See triangle, Eye of Horus, the Franklin Institute website, and the symbol for the U.S. government's new Total Information Awareness (TIA) System.

    and the eye of Horus, another parallel.

    A favorite crafts project in schools, it represents the eye of Egyptian sun-god Horus who lost an eye battling Set. Pagans use it as a charm to ward off evil. (See All-Seeing Eye)

    Notice that the picture shows a compound symbol - several symbols joined together to give a more complex meaning. It includes an unbiblical cross and, at the bottom, part of a face inside the rays of the sun. (See Sun)

    and look at this Kabbalistic triangle.  Look at the triangle with the circle in the middle of it.


    and the eye of proveidence

    The Eye of Providence or the all-seeing eye is a symbol showing an eye surrounded by rays of light or a glory, and usually enclosed by a triangle. It is sometimes interpreted as representing the eye of God keeping watch on humankind (see Divine Providence). Though more commonly interpreted by many as an enlightened few, seperated from the base of the pyramid, which is the rest of human kind.

    PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 9:51 pm    Post subject: Fossils Could Force Rethink of Human Evolution


    Long before humans and Neanderthals lived side by side in Europe, two other species of early humans were coexisting in Africa, a controversial new study claims.

    Researchers working in Kenya have found evidence that Homo habilis survived hundreds of thousands of years longer than previously thought and coexisted with another early human species, Homo erectus.

    "There was more than one species of early man for an extended period of time in East Africa," said study team member Frank Brown of the University of Utah.

    Ian Tattersall, a paleoanthropologist at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, said the new fossils support existing evidence that more than one species of Homo, the genus to which our species belong, inhabited Africa about 1.5 million years ago.

    "This is definitely evidence for two coexisting lineages," said Tattersall, who was not involved in the study.

    The discoveries, detailed in the Aug. 9 issue of the journal Nature, could force scientists to rethink the evolutionary relationship between the two species. But some scientists are skeptical of the new claims.

    Sister species

    H. habilis is the earliest known member of the genus Homo. And H. erectus was the first human ancestor to resemble modern humans. Due to the many overlaps in their anatomy, it was previously thought that H. erectus was descended from H. habilis. While that might still be the case, the new findings open the possibility that the H. habilis and H. erectus once shared a common ancestor from whom they split.

    The researchers identified one of the fossils as a 1.44 million-year-old partial jawbone belonging to H. habilis. Prior to the discovery, the most recent H. habilis fossil was a 1.6 million-year-old specimen discovered by paleoanthropologist Richard Leakey and his team in 1984 and dubbed "Turkana Boy."

    The other fossil uncovered at the site is a 1.55 million-year-old skullcap undoubtedly belonging to H. erectus. Its small size compared to other known H. erectus skulls indicates the species might have been sexually dimorphic, with males physically larger than females. Most sexually dimorphic primates, such as gorillas and baboons, tend to mate with multiple partners, so it's possible H. erectus did as well, the researchers say.

    The two fossils were discovered in 2000 in eons-old volcanic ash in the Illeret region of Kenya, just east of Lake Turkana where Richard Leakey made his discovery.

    According to standard theory, H. erectus evolved from H. habilis, perhaps by way of an intermediate known as H. ergaster. The relationship between H. erectus and us, Homo sapiens, is murky and controversial. According to the "Out of Africa" human migration model, H. erectus was the first early human to leave Africa in substantial numbers, but it was later replaced by members of H. sapiens, which made the same journey.

    According to an alternative idea of our species' origin, the scattered bands of H. erectus that originally left Africa simultaneously evolved into H. sapiens in different parts of the world.

    Peaceful coexistence

    Scientists think Neanderthals and modern humans competed with each other, with the end effect being that our species is the only members of Homo left on the planet. In contrast, H. habilis and H. erectus, appear to have avoided clashing with one another.

    "The fact that they stayed separate as individual species for a long time suggests that they had their own ecological niches, thus avoiding direct competition," said study team member Meave Leakey, Richard Leakey's wife.

    Based on the shape of their jaws and teeth, scientists think the diet of H. habilis included more vegetation and less meat than H. erectus. This is similar to the situation between gorillas and chimps today: Both apes live in the same habitats, but gorillas eat more tough vegetables than chimps, who are expert hunters.

    Not fully convinced

    The new findings raise the possibility that H. erectus and H. habilis are actually sister species descended from a common ancestor who lived 2 to 3 million years ago. "Their co-existence makes it unlikely that H. erectus evolved from H. habilis," Leakey said.

    However, it's also possible that H. erectus evolved from a small band of isolated H. habilis and the two species continued to live side by side for several hundreds of thousands of years afterwards, said Tim White, a paleoanthropologist at the University of California, Berkeley.

    White, who was not involved in the study, said he is not fully convinced the unearthed jawbone does indeed belong to H. habilis, and he thinks many of his colleagues will be skeptical as well.

    "It's going to be quite a controversial claim," White told LiveScience. "There's a great deal of overlap in not only size but also shape between H. erectus and H. habilis, so their claim that this is H. habilis is likely to be viewed very skeptically by the community"

    "The question that people are going to be asking is very simple: How do you know this is not the upper jaw of H. erectus? Since the two are so similar in their jaw and teeth," White added. "And the other thing about H. habilis is that it is not a particularly well defined or well known species even after almost 50 years after its discovery."

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    seems to confirm the urantia book


    The Great Seal


    The seal and the eye



    Mayans Doomsday Prophecy part 1 of 5

    Icon 1 posted 08-13-2007 04:59 AM      


    O well least you got your best shoes on.

    By the way I found a symbolic link out of Jesus' family tomb to the Great Pyramid, Dilmun, Dalamatia City and points to Mars just slight North of the Face of Mars.

    The same symbol from Jesus' family tomb.

    Another sign on top of all the others that we are very close.

    The sign of the great pyramid is inside the shaft on the plug. The symbol then points to Dilmun to there triangle temples with circular hole on the too. The Pyramids is a 3d rendition of these earlier temples. Unreal man to find the great pointer in the Pyramid that has direct connection to Jesus and bible prophecy.

    Everything will accelerate as we close to solving the complete mystery on the run and by the way this is a very big piece of puzzle forming a coherent oneness.

    Ive inserted the Mars triangles or the 3 mmm's image

    The connections in this journey are inter intergalactic reaching to the triangles of the universe capital from Jesus' family tomb to Mars to the capital of this Universe and through all the ancient first places in symbolism, the triangle and the circle inside. The greater universe are very interested in the uncovering of the great mystery and all are observing with great expectation.


    [ 08-13-2007, 05:04 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]

    Icon 1 posted 08-13-2007 04:26 PM

    Hi tom

    Probably not because its most likely a fairly new word adopted.

    But there are other references using other words that speak similar things and parables that point to it. Like the Parables of the Feast, the wedding feast and the bridegroom. When they both comeback.

    Also I haven't just looked in the Bible but in Enoch and the UB and St Ephraim and other sources, a spread.

    Its spread across the books in the most subtle ways and clues in my view.


    [ 08-13-2007, 04:28 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]


    I agree with you, it seems so out there that it almost seems incomprehensible for such a thing to happen.

    Yes I also agree there has been many people saying the same things but nothing happens.

    However I feel there is path for this to happen has to be unlocked by ourselves.

    Angels will help but man has to work out the final mystery himself so he can see for himself. I feel in my own personal research in all the things we are getting awfully close.

    Smiley, I think there are many references where the Elect and faithful ones will be taken by the bridegroom for a feast, Also there seems to be texts posted that seem to support this without mentioning rapture or trinity. The UB Parable of the feast is all about rapture and also about the sower.

    But its not only in the bible, the scenario but in all the books. Logically speaking I think a rapture or being caught up would be a perfect non violent way of getting mans attention, to make him think and consider things that normally he couldn't give a damn about. Man is simply self centered and selfish and full of pride and prejudice to even listen. Something has to jolt him into thinking, real thinking about his destiny!

    Thats what I think Rapture is all about to make man think.

    I know I mention dates and so forth in my research but those dates are from the research which fits like a glove which also reflects my personal experience.

    Like for example: rapture

    From the Sermon on the Kingdom.



    "This kingdom is an everlasting dominion. Those who enter the kingdom shall attain the right hand of his glory in Paradise. And all who enter the kingdom of heaven shall become the sons of God, and in the age to come so shall they ascend to the Father. And I have not come to call the would-be righteous but sinners and all who hunger and thirst for the righteousness of divine perfection.

    I feel the highlight in the above related to ascend which can cover rapture.

    Here is the standard of Rapture or personality survival. Whether it be through translation or through death.



    As to the chances of mortal survival, let it be made forever clear: All souls of every possible phase of mortal existence will survive provided they manifest willingness to co-operate with their indwelling Adjusters and exhibit a desire to find God and to attain divine perfection,even though these desires be but thefirst faint flickers of the primitive comprehension of that "true light which lights every man who comes into the world."

    and here is a piece from St Ephraim who tells us to look into the sea for the Godhead, which includes the ancient places and tells of the effect of the discoveries in physical, like in this journey.



    3.It answered me and said, "The daughter of the sea am I, the illimitable sea! And from that sea whence I came up it is that there is a mighty treasury of mysteries in my bosom! Search thou out the sea, but search not out the Lord of the sea!

    "I have seen the divers who came down after me, when astonied, so that from the midst of the sea they returned to the dry ground; for a few moments they sustained it not. Who would linger and be searching on into the depths of the Godhead?

    Again tells us the key to the mystery is in the sea and describes the lone researcher looking for the truth in the sea and also infers that he is successful.



    Fifteen Hymns for the Feast of the Epiphany.

    18. Again, the diver brings up-out of the sea the pearl.-Be baptized and bring up from the water-purity that therein is hidden,-the pearl that is set as a jewel-in the crown of the Godhead. (The Godhead is the ancient places from the sea. I mean this is so obvious now.)

    and in the following in my mind is about the Tower of Babel submerged and is the subject of great change and seems confirmed here. In mystery looked for one, that is true in this journey.

    The tower that the many builded, in mystery looked for One, who coming down would build on earth a tower that lifts up to Heaven.

    In the Quran it describes the 40 days test that extended itself that I declared on this very forum on July4th 06 and clearly describes the characteristics of the research to a tee.



    The hidden treasures will spill forth at his command.

    He will stay on this Earth for a period of forty days; the length of the first day will be one year, the second day will be equal to one month, the third day will be equal to a week and the remaining days will be normal

    In calculation this period equals 439 days, the full length of the 40 day test, which started on 4th July 06 and finishes on September 18th 07. Also Enoch was born in the first week of the Seventh month.

    OIn the following is again from a Hadith from the Quran



    He will be unable to enter Makkah because the Malaikah will be guarding the Holy City and nor will he be able to enter Madina because there will be Malaikah guarding each of the seven entrances to Madina; From Madina he will proceed towards Shaam where Imaam Mahdi will be stationed.

    Finally Isa (Isa is Jesus) will descend from the heavens and pursue him and eventually kill him at present day Lydda (Baad Lud). I think Babel ludd or simply Babel related to the submerged places.

    Well this exactly what I have saying that great change will happen in Babel/Dilmun because essentially thats where most of our problems occurred so it will finish there. The end is at the beginning!!!

    Again from the Hadith is an exact overview of the whole project and the discovery of all the relevant to truth submerged places, they have all been located.

    rapture 19


    Narrated Abdullah bin Qais:

    Allah's Apostle said, "Two gardens, the utensils and the contents of which are of silver, and two other gardens, the utensils and contents of which are of gold.

    And nothing will prevent the people who will be in the Garden of Eden from seeing their Lord except the curtain of Majesty over His Face.

    4 submerged cities 2 of them previous temples of the Father have been located in the NASA images and we have been to the 1stGatrden of Eden twice as in the Urantia Book. This little piece "And nothing will prevent the people who will be in the Garden of Eden from seeing their Lord except the curtain of Majesty over His Face"

    Just says it all. The ancient places by extension through the Garden of Eden is all mentioned in the above and and just recently discovered in confirmation within this time frame.

    "And nothing will prevent the people who will be in the Garden of Eden from seeing their Lord except the curtain of Majesty over His Face"

    RAPTURE or being caught up! So all 4 places have been discovered and all that seems left is rapture where we will see the Face of Lord Jesus.

    He is the true God not the deceptive mob that rule the system, currently.

    Anyway there is loads more but as you can see I feel this journey to the ancient places is all related to discovery of the mystery and rapture before correction and transition.


    Here is warning about this time, I would keep an open mind and check things out. The worst thing in all of this is Pride and Prejudice.


    Jesus said, as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city. Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

    This is the difference with all the other dudes claiming rapture, this project is a working project on the run and is all about real discovery of real places of our past its not just about scripture, there is a physical element to it.

    All the best

    [ 08-14-2007, 02:54 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]

    With respect to the 3M triangles of Mars north of the Face of Mars.

    Is any one interested in coming with me to Mars to verify the ruins????


    having a laugh.

    someone must be interested in an expedition to Mars.

    Its amazing that out of Jesus family tomb it took me to mars and the capital of the this Universe.

    Jesus family tomb actually held a very big mystery that unlocked many things in this journey to the ancient places and unlocked a journey to the galactic heavens like Mars and Jerusem.

    What a story and an accomplishment for the glory of the Father, fantastic Jesus and the angels. He is so alive in this full life project.

    There are no dead works here in this one.

    Well if rapture happens as expected. I would like an angel to take me to Mars to check it out the 3M triangles, personally. See what happens but I believe its possible and I cant see any reason why it cant happen in that time.


    Icon 1 posted 08-14-2007 03:47 A

    Nostradamus inferring rapture.



    C 2 Q 28
    The moon in the middle of the night . . .point of inception, I know what this refers to.
    The young sage alone with his mind has seen it.(Seen the path, the truth and the construct)
    His disciples invite him to become immortal . . . (invited to partake of the tree of life by the angels. become immortal, translation.)
    His body in the fire. (translation fire passing through to the next dimension of existence, the Angelic realm.)


    [ 08-14-2007, 03:47 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]

    Icon 1 posted 08-14-2007 04:28 PM


    yes we are all a bit cuckoo

    But you never know about anything these days, as two realms come closer together, day by day no matter how cuckoo it sounds. Many magical things could happen and I believe are happening.

    Hey Seek you coming on this adventure in the yellow submarine?


    [ 08-14-2007, 04:33 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]

    Hi Smiley,

    How is it going?

    I really appreciate you research and post and thoughts on the matter.

    There seems to be vast view on Rapture or physical ascension.

    From all the main parables I read of Jesus Like the feast and Sower I find is all about physical ascension, an ascension that I believe will part of the demonstration and those with faith even of a mustard seed will ascend.

    This is the standard of physical ascension translation.



    As to the chances of mortal survival, let it be made forever clear: All souls of every possible phase of mortal existence will survive provided they manifest willingness to co-operate with their indwelling Adjusters and exhibit a desire to find God and to attain divine perfection, even though these desires be but the first faint flickers of the primitive comprehension of that "true light which lights every man who comes into the world."

    I suppose at the end of the day it comes down to what you accept in information. By shutting down people who endeavor to help others and who may prophecy along the way as in the way of Cayce is a bit harsh.

    You say you read the bible 7 times, what is that a ritual where we say OH wow! I was wondering have you read the Urantia Book and made the cross links. Or have you read St Ephraim particularly the mystery of Solomon. That's is a real reflection of many things that I'm familiar with in the journey to the ancient places which is the CROWN like the 3MMM triangles found in the family tomb of Jesus and all the ancient places.

    But because Christians are taught to never except anything other than the bible I feel is a system which is doomed for failure and rebuke for failure to seek their heritage of ages! Failure to see and recognize because of pride and prejudice. This is going to be a real problem for the individual and could lead to disappointment.

    By the way Smiley how do you propose the end times finish?? Whats your step by step proposal for the end times? And would that be based on your personal experience and journey or what you read in speculation.

    Also Atlantis Gods where the first Kings of Atlantis. Dalamatia City is Atlantis, it is the first place where the Sons of gods were together and civilized man. Dalamatia City in the Persian Gulf is the Atlantis and relates to the great Pyramid directly.

    Anywhere else for Atlantis you are dreaming and treading soil with loose foundation.

    I think degrading this post to misc is just an insult to the Atlantis Gods who wish to reveal themselves in this time, actually another word Atlantis is Paradise. If you read your bible.

    I was wondering Smiley Are the book burner who razed all the good threads on this forum including "Discovery of Atlantis" where we are left is the same ole conversation with same ole self vain gloriousness of some that leads no where near a great discovery. Just chatter and going around in circles.


    Icon 1 posted 08-15-2007 05:27 AM      



    I agree with you Tom. Here is something Ive been thinking and contemplating about. Its just a thought.

    The circular foundations of the Tower of Babel.



    Is Babylon the same as Babel? Does the end happen in Babel rather than on Baghdad or near Baghdad Iraq?

    Could it Babel as in the submerged City? in the North Eastern Persian Gulf?

    Its all to do with a mystery is the mystery related to the end of the Mystery of Babylon or Babel.

    There is the Seventh Mystery and there is the Mystery of Babylon/Babel 2 mystery one ends the other.

    Could it be related to this location. Is this part of the journey part of the breaking of Babel through truth and realization.
    Babel is exactly where the NODITE system came from as we know it today, it began from here and so it will end there. From what I understand in Bible Babylon or Babel will be destroyed, does that mean that the NODITE system as we know it is destroyed. I feel this points to the NODITE system foundation and could includes the architects and followers of the System of Babel.

    I believe this has many ramifications to the actual system that we live under. I believe this is a accurate interpretation regarding the Babel system. I wouldn't invest in the Stock Market because its influenced by fear. What about if the fat lady really sings? What happens to the Stock Market then, being underpinned by greed and fear?? Perhaps Gold would be better to have through the tribulation, money wont have the same worth. Part of the wake up call and to redefining with the Father in mind.

    Whats happens then when the Father has the last say through Jesus.


    Post  Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:10 am

    sissco wrote:

    I'm raging at this because I am a Brit! I'm not surprised though...we've got stupid politicans who only listen to what their advisors tell them rather than listen to the people! I've no trust in our useless politicians and quite frankly have very little time for them just be grateful you're all Americans and not living here in a Dump called Britain!


    I completely agree most politicians if not all, are just spin doctors and liars. They don't have even enough individuality to make decisions on there own.

    I tell you the terrorist guided by the Sharia spiritual domination, just couldn't give a crapper for human rights and life. Where ever the Sharia law domination goes only spells death and destruction and failed states.

    Sharia law is hardly a standard of Paradise, its a domination of ones will over another and that's all it is, it has nothing to do with God in real truth. It is doomed for failure like many other things on this planet that is wayward. Its is a failure doctrine, one of many in the final analysis.

    'The truth will rip all the false doctrines apart, However man, the spiritual coward that he is will deny and run to the hills like the failure he is for not seeking the heritage of the ages.

    Sharia doctrine and other doctrines which take ones personal sovereignty away through force and imposition are all marked for destruction. Bel has failed and will fail more so, he is also marked for destruction by the Ancients of Days and those who promote his adjenda of rule by force, they will most likely not be here.

    All false doctrine where ever it may lay will be kicked of the planet including there supporters.

    Thats my beef for the day.


    Post  Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:10 am


    The movement said that the establishment of a Caliphate, a global Muslim empire, is the only way to liberate Muslims from "racism," "degradation," and "occupation." Hizb Ut-Tahrir leader Ata Khalil Abu Al-Rashtha said that the Ramallah gathering was the first of its kind in the PA. Al-Rashta is a civil engineer from Hevron region.

    I'm not sure what they are on about as they are very racist themselves against Non Muslims.

    Its funny because in there book it says that Isa (Jesus) is coming to shut down Satan in Babellud. What I cant understand if they respect Jesus why don't even venture to love one another even there enemies.

    Anyway, I don't think they will be successful at all as Paradise has different intentions rather than all this death and destruction through terrorism. For a people that basically supports terrorism they really fall into a situation where the Father cant help them, because again they are full of pride and prejudice and studying limitation with error in the interpretation in all things without any objectivity. They are the victims of the last rebel and they don't know it. The last rebel has infiltrated there ranks through division with self vain gloriousness ideas in error.

    In the Quran it does prophecy that Islam will end with the world, well I know Islam will finish in the form that we know it because it simply promotes death and destruction of even there own people, quite willingly.

    I am not impressed with the fruits of there religion that causes death and destruction and failed states and will imposition over others. It will not work and its doomed to failure by Paradise.

    From what I see in my research and in the journey and discovery of the first places with all the messages they are on the losing end because of there attitude. They will not make the standard of Paradise which is truth, beauty and goodness and everything that Jesus mentions.

     The ones supporting terrorism will not make it to Paradise because they willingly sin with there teachers teaching error for there own political purpose.

    This may seem a little far fetched but it the new book supported by the discoveries that might have chance to break through the death and destruction crap that we see.

    The origins of Islam evolved out of Judaism and Christianity of the Eastern branch which got absorbed. It just simple as that. Its is not the new revelation and is full spiritual bondage and denigration of women as third rate citizens. Its is a religion that is devolving into the lowest level with very little intellect and power. Ive been apart of there forums which ultimately I got banned. Believe me there is nothing there, not like we have here. Its all bankrupt, morally.

    They will come into a great shock and rebuke from Paradise if they don't get there act together. I am not confident of that they can, because they have been dumbed down with outworn rituals which are not relevant to Paradise nor in todays world.

    I have no faith in those terrible misguided leaders, there all bad and use religion as an excuse for political purpose, thats why Church and State does have its problems like we see in Islam and in the failed states of barbarism, Sudan a clear example. I tell you they are in great sin at the moment and they are dragging the whole world with them.

    I believe through the UB and the ancient places it can counter all the crap. By simple truth in your face!

    The Quran is compilation of Eastern Christian and Judaism ideas mixed with no doubt, a few of there own limited ideas by the fruits.

    The Quran is not written in the hands of angels like the Urantia Book and it cannot demonstrate like the Urantia Book and the ancient first places and if it does demonstrate something it will come against them as I can see in my personal research and journey. But they will run to the hills running from truth.

    Thats my second beef for the day. Gee I must really pissed off at the world currently.

    I really want this second coming to happen now soon because man is going no where and I want to go somewhere positive.

    By putting all the books on the table like in the ancient places I challenge them in truth but they will not win through there intellect! There only alternative for them is death and destruction if they cant overcome truth. That's how useless it is and that's why Jesus our Lord has to come back to correct this problem because we cannot do this feat, it needs Paradise to bring out the truth of things.


    Post  Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:10 am

    As far as I'm concerned "The Union" will stand and everyone here will stand tall in confidence in the "The Union of the Kingdom of Heaven"

    Like I saw the members of congress "Together" standing at the steps of Congress singing that great olden American hymn right after 911 so shall we all stand in "The kingdom of Heaven"

    The Union will stand by the might and power of the Father in heaven and as Jesus our lord and Saviour, our best friend and good brother.

    Praise the Lord for that great blessing.

    The vision of George Washington will stand and be victorious!

    We do have a friend in Jesus. Our only hope!


    Post  Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:10 am


    Emergency workers and grieving relatives in northern Iraq, meanwhile, pressed ahead with recovery efforts two days after a quadruple suicide truck bombing in the village of Qahataniya near the Syrian border. The attacks - the deadliest of the Iraq war - targeted Yazidis, a small Kurdish-speaking sect whose members are considered to be blasphemers by Muslim extremists.

    Dakhil Qassim, the mayor of the nearby Sinjar town, said reports by other local officials that the casualty toll had risen to 500 dead and more than 375 wounded were true.


    How these perpetrators survive, they will not see the Face of God nor Paradise.

    This is the kind of evil that Father will destroy and those people.

    and now I come back to those famous words of the misguided that misleading those in Indonesia.



    The movement said that the establishment of a Caliphate, a global Muslim empire, is the only way to liberate Muslims from "racism," "degradation," and "occupation." Hizb Ut-Tahrir leader Ata Khalil Abu Al-Rashtha said that the Ramallah gathering was the first of its kind in the PA. Al-Rashta is a civil engineer from Hevron region.

    Such fruits of hypocrisy and clear example of evil and self vain gloriousness coupled with murder, straight, flat out murder.

    They will not survive the perpetrators and will never see the face of the Father.

    Did they ever spare a thought for the widows and orphan's they crate in a cruel evil world. So that action is in the name of Allah eh!!! Well Allah would be highly insulted by this act of evil.

    They the perpetrators of evil will never achieve there ego and misguided goals for world domination.

    Paradise and Allah and the 12 Imam will come against them with fury.

    They really sinned with this one.


    Post  Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:10 am


    Emergency workers and grieving relatives in northern Iraq, meanwhile, pressed ahead with recovery efforts two days after a quadruple suicide truck bombing in the village of Qahataniya near the Syrian border. The attacks - the deadliest of the Iraq war - targeted Yazidis, a small Kurdish-speaking sect whose members are considered to be blasphemers by Muslim extremists.

    Dakhil Qassim, the mayor of the nearby Sinjar town, said reports by other local officials that the casualty toll had risen to 500 dead and more than 375 wounded were true.


    How these perpetrators survive, they will not see the Face of God nor Paradise.

    This is the kind of evil that Father will destroy and those people.

    and now I come back to those famous words of the misguided that misleading those in Indonesia.



    The movement said that the establishment of a Caliphate, a global Muslim empire, is the only way to liberate Muslims from "racism," "degradation," and "occupation." Hizb Ut-Tahrir leader Ata Khalil Abu Al-Rashtha said that the Ramallah gathering was the first of its kind in the PA. Al-Rashta is a civil engineer from Hevron region.

    Such fruits of hypocrisy and clear example of evil and self vain gloriousness coupled with murder, straight, flat out murder.

    They will not survive the perpetrators and will never see the face of the Father.

    Did they ever spare a thought for the widows and orphan's they create to live in this cruel evil world. So that action is in the name of Allah eh!!! Well Allah would be highly insulted by this act of evil.

    They the perpetrators of evil will never achieve there ego and misguided goals for world domination.

    Paradise and Allah and the 12 Imam will come against them with fury.

    They really sinned with this one and with all the other crimes against mankind!

    Its so true what Petra posted, this is see as the current reality. Petra posted a spot on verse for this scenario.



    (Isa 9:16) For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.

    (Isa 9:17) Therefore the Lord shall have no joy in their young men, neither shall have mercy on their fatherless and widows: for every one is an hypocrite and an evildoer, and every mouth speaketh folly. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

    So this mass destruction in Northern Iraq is representative of the so called great Sharia law eh! Is this what Sharia law does to mankind. Is this the ultimate conclusion to Sharia law, death and destruction upon innocent people going about there normal lives. Sharia Law, deemed by Paradise is doomed for failure and rebuke from Paradise and from the 12th Imam.

    Paradise including the 12 Imam is Not happy about this at all! They will put a final stop to this evil behavior!



    Quote: rapture

    The realm left to two they will hold it very briefly,
    (Inserted August 17th 07)
    The treasure houses of the planet is given to two, in the great discoveries of the ancient places. 1st Eden by Robert Sarmast November 2004 and Dalamatia, Babel/Dilmun and 1st Susa and Adamson civilisation by Sevens throughout the timeline since 2004. The Adamson Civilisation was discovered due to a quest, Robert Sarmast put forward, an open quest of discovery.


    The two could be the very same two mentioned in the following post from St Ephraim about the discovery of the ancient places. Here is an excerpt "4. "Searching is mingled with thanksgiving, and whether of the two will prevail?" Its from the hymns of the Seven Pearls by St Ephraim (Eastern Christian Church, The Church of Philadelphia, Abner's headquarters.. Brilliant. A major connection and parallel.

    Three years and seven months passed by they will make war:
    Inserted 17 August 07,
    Inserted 17 August 07,  November 2003 A presentation was made by myself at a UB conference, it was a great presentation. Simultaneously the release of the book Discovery of Atlantis by Robert Sarmast was released, 3 years and seven months later which arises on June 07. It was in the month of June on June 28th Discovery of Dalamatia was made by Sevens and 6 days later we begin the second season of the 4th of July test declared to the ancients of Days in 06. The test has extended itself as reflected in an Hadith and has turned into a 439 day test ending on September 18th 07.. It was in the month of June on June 28th 07 Discovery of Dalamatia was made by Sevens.  This seems to fulfill the above verse in the quatrain.

    The two Vestals will rebel in opposition,
    Keepers of the sacred fire in metaphor of truth.  Perhaps the two want things to change for the positive and use this place for man to wake up to him himself.  In opposition to death and destruction together in opposition.

    Victor the younger in the land of Brittany. The Younger Sage who is victorious from the great land of Sinim in the future.
    Land of Brittany could be a colony of Britain in the future, like the great Southern sunburnt land of Sinim in the far east. The source of the journey mentioned in Job. The war could be a spiritual war and could begin with the Rapture!


    Information on the Vestals Virgins


    Vestal Virgin

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Image of a Roman Vestal Virgin

    In Ancient Rome, the Vestal Virgins (sacerdos Vestalis), were the virgin holy priestesses of Vesta, the goddess of the hearth. Their primary task was to maintain the sacred fire of Vesta. The Vestal duty brought great honor and afforded greater privileges to women who served in that role. They were the only female priests within the Roman religious system.

    In mythology, the infamous Tarpeia, daughter of Spurius Tarpeius, was a traitorous Vestal Virgin. Rhea Sylvia, who was raped by Mars and conceived Romulus and Remus, and Tuccia, whose chastity was questioned, were sometimes accounted prototypes of Vestal Virgins.

    The discovery of a "House of the Vestals" in Pompeii made the Vestal Virgins a popular subject in the 18th century and the 19th century.*/2/33.html



    Icon 1 posted 08-18-2007 12:43 AM

    I appreciate the posts, seek, they where very interesting and I saw much in much of the fragments, thanks for that.

    In my case for me, At the end of the day I said what I wanted to say and I'm not arguing or debating this any longer. This what I think in accordance to a journey to the ancient places with the discoveries and messages along the way appearing in the timeline of the journey throughout all the books for myself.

    I will know around Sept 30 07 whether this 3 years seven month research was right.

    If I'm right, it will be interesting. If I'm wrong no big deal.

    see ya later


    [ 08-18-2007, 01:19 AM: Message edited by: sevens ]

    A time line riddle .  How I entered into the mystery of the ancient places.  I declared the 40 day test on July4th 06 .  I extended my 40 day test to cover a 70 day period which ended September 11th adapting it to Enochs 10 week end time judgement process ends since it started in the same month and fisrt week as I found out later. .  In the Seventh Part I discovered the two Nodite Dilmun cities.  Babel/Dilmun and1st Susa on September 16-17 at 12.00am 06.  6 days after the end of the 10 week Enoch test.   second stage of the test.

    On June 28th 07 I discovered Dalamatia City as described in the Urantia Book on 6 days before the second season of the 40 day test. Like a perfection in the timeline of discovery that have order in time and in prophecy  I just feel into through this discovery journey.

    I see in the following the characteristics in Jesus' words that describe the timing of the discoveries 6 days before, at the beginning of the 40 day test or Enoch's 10 week judgement and the discovery of the first city Dalamatia 6 days before the great test.

    Just looking at the numbers 6 days before  then 70day prophecy period and 6 days at the end another  discovery earlier at the beginning.

    So the numbers separated by discovery and days and prophecy  is

    6 - 70 - 6

    The number of our planet is 606 and I see a 7 which could mean Sevenfold in the timeline.  Quiet possible.

    6 discovery 70  prophecy Enoch judgment period and 6 days day

    and what did Jesus say to Thomas

    and here is another intersecting parallel from the Book of Thomas.

    "Tell us how our end will be." Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning; he will know the end and will not experience death,"

    I see parallels in this mystery

    Remember Thomas did have his doubt about Jesus' resurrection, this could be the same situation.

    In this journey

    Dalamatia is the Beginning,  you have to look at the end of the prophecy timeline to find the beginning at Dalamatia which is the beginning when discovered, the beginning was discovered at the end of the journey  in the complete timeline.  This is the confirmation of the condition and stipulated by the Lord Jesus.  In perfection of discoveries and timelines in prophecy.


    Im amazed.

    Post  Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:43 pm

    A time line riddle. Little out there but could be important for the future. Who knows!

    How I entered into the mystery of the ancient places. I declared the 40 day test on July4th 06 . I extended my 40 day test to cover a 70 day period which ended September 11th adapting it to Enoch's 10 week end time judgment process, since it started in the same month and first week as I found out later.. In the Seventh Part I discovered the two Nodite Dilmun cities. Babel/Dilmun and 1st Susa on September 16-17 at 12.00am 06. 6 days after the end of the 10 week Enoch test. second stage of the test.

    On June 28th 07 I discovered Dalamatia City as described in the Urantia Book on 6 days before the second season of the 40 day test. Like a perfection in the timeline of discovery that have order in time and in prophecy I just feel into through this discovery journey.

    I see in the following the characteristics in Jesus' words that describe the timing of the discoveries 6 days before, at the beginning of the 40 day test or Enoch's 10 week judgment and the discovery of the first city Dalamatia 6 days before the the second season the the 40 day test Enoch timeline in a literal sense.

    Just looking at the numbers 6 days before then 70day prophecy period and 6 days at the end another discovery earlier at the beginning.

    So the numbers separated by discovery and days and prophecy is

    6 - 70 - 6

    The number of our planet is 606 UB) and I see a 7 which could mean Sevenfold in the timeline. Quiet possible.
    6days discovery 70days prophecy Enoch judgment period and 6 days after another discovery but at the end according to the Hadith which says the test extends to 439 days which September 18th 07 One day after the the Dilmuns was discovered in 06. I find that quite symbolic.

    and what did Jesus say to Thomas

    and here is another intersecting parallel from the Book of Thomas.



    "Tell us how our end will be." Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be. [b]Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning; he will know the end and will not experience death,"[/b]

    I see parallels in this mystery

    Remember Thomas did have his doubt about Jesus' resurrection, this could be the same situation.
    In this journey

    Dalamatia is the Beginning, you have to look at the end of the prophecy timeline to find the beginning at Dalamatia which is the beginning when discovered, the beginning was discovered at the end of the journey within the complete timeline. This is the confirmation of the condition and stipulated by the Lord Jesus. In perfection of discoveries and timelines in prophecy.


    Icon 1 posted 08-18-2007 02:39 PM


    The Riddle

    In the following is some thoughts I had last night considering timeline in discovery and in prophecy periods. Like in this journey.

    I post this for Seeks benefit and for his investigation because I think he is one guy that perhaps sees similar things and seems wide and deep. I thought this may be worth investigating.

    If this is the key that activates a process that been dormant in prophecy, well so be it.

    If the "kingdom of Heaven" has to deal with things on this planet then the knowledge and truth of Babel and the first places has to come out to be dealt with. Thats why the treasure houses that have been preserved with purpose has to come out.

    If this research is right then it would have to prove itself. As fas as I know the closest approach Paradise of its self can make from the eternal to Finite is through the timeline of things and the pattern it shapes. Its marker!

    The following is only based on my personal journey. Remember that in these things, all it takes is for one human to see it and then it runs. There appears to be two mysteries in the end time scenario, The mystery of Babel which is the mystery that has to be revealed in truth as this forms the reason of the adjudication. Then you have the Seventh Mystery which is the Mystery that embraces the first places of the whole journey.

    The Seventh angel is representative of the Sevenfold Teaching Mission. There is corp of very large Seraphims that run this outpost on this planet. The run operations for the cause of truth and righteousness. I believe its them that, The Sevenfold angels that call the end of the mystery of Mankind. However the Sevenfold mystery deals directly with the Mystery of Babel or the events of the first default of the Sons of Gods who fell from there first estate.

    Well I can see that we are close through my journey in the ancient places.

    Here is some calculations of the journey in discovery and prophecy.

    A time line riddle. Little out there but could be important for the future. Who knows! Thats why its here. This could verification of the journey.

    How I entered into the mystery of the ancient places. I declared the 40 day test on July4th 06 . I extended my 40 day test to cover a 70 day period which ended September 11th adapting it to Enoch's 10 week end time judgment process, since it started in the same month and first week as I found out later.. In the Seventh Part I discovered the two Nodite Dilmun cities. Babel/Dilmun and 1st Susa on September 16-17 at 12.00am 06. 6 days after the end of the 10 week Enoch test in the 06 literal season 07 is the second season of the test!

    On June 28th 07 I discovered Dalamatia City as described in the Urantia Book on 6 days before the second season of the 40 day test, 4th July Like a perfection in the timeline of discovery that have order in time and in prophecy I just feel into through this discovery journey.

    I see in the following the characteristics in Jesus' words that describe the timing of the discoveries 6 days before, at the beginning of the 40 day test or Enoch's 10 week judgment and the discovery of the first city Dalamatia 6 days before the the second season the the 40 day test Enoch timeline in a literal sense.

    Just looking at the numbers 6 days before then 70 day prophecy period and 6 days at the end another discovery earlier at the beginning.

    So the numbers separated by discovery and days and prophecy is

    6 - 70(prophecy days) - 6
    6 - 439(days literal) - 6

    The number of our planet is 606 (UB) and I see a 7 which could mean Sevenfold in the timeline. Quiet possible.

    6days discovery 70days prophecy Enoch judgment period and 6 days after another discovery but at the end according to the Hadith which says the test extends to 439 days which September 18th 07 One day after the date but a year later when the Dilmuns was discovered in 06. I find that quite symbolic.

    Here is an illustration discovery timeline


    and what did Jesus say to Thomas

    and here is another intersecting parallel from the Book of Thomas.

    The Another true Signs of Imam mahdi-The ARK (Part 9)


    "Tell us how our end will be." Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, [color=red]the beginning, that you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be[/color]. [color=blue]Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning; he will know the end and will not experience death,"[/color]

    I see parallels in this mystery

    Remember Thomas did have his doubt about Jesus' resurrection, this could be the same situation.
    In this journey

    Dalamatia is the Beginning, you have to look at the end of the prophecy timeline to find the beginning at Dalamatia which is the beginning when discovered, the beginning was discovered at the end of the journey within the complete timeline. This is the confirmation of the condition and stipulated by the Lord Jesus. In perfection of discoveries and timelines in prophecy.

    Two events, two locations, two mysteries unfolding, two discoveries in the images.

    In my personal view it seems that a platform is layed out for verification. If this journey is true then it should come to pass. Remembering the 40 days test was a test for all things, The books, mankind which included the "Kingdom of Heaven" A test of faith! The faith of mankind but a precondition has to be met or discovered then it runs. This would be the mystery of the "Kingdom of Heaven" It would make all logical sense that would happen in this way.

    Rapture or adjuster translation fusion would have to be a met precursor for this thought process to have any merit.

    If that occurs then its authentic and mankind better get his together for a final end of the mystery and that wont happen for years.

    Rapture would be the only way for man to recognize something. I don't think there is any other way.

    Everything is being tested.

    Its funny Isaiah said they would learn and re study doctrine and murmur while I suppose the elect would be learning other things with some rest.


    [ 08-18-2007, 03:46 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]

    Icon 1 posted 08-18-2007 11:39 PM

    No worries, I'm awake.

    I like to find out for myself whether time is linear or cyclical.

    thank you. I appreciate your help.

    UB p 97 the UB



    The scribe of Deuteronomy had portrayed the Great Choice --as between the good and the evil, the blessing and the curse. Isaiah the first had preached a beneficent king-deliverer

    just checking some stuff out, The great choice eh!


    [ 08-18-2007, 11:41 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]


    I found this article basically against the idea of rapture



    What’s Up With the Rapture?

    Thanks to proliferation of the wildly popular (and wildly problematic) Left Behind books, many Christians, including some Catholics, believe in the rapture.

    The rapture theory holds that Christ will come silently, in a hidden way, to remove “born-again believers” from this world just before the “Great Tribulation,” when the Anti-Christ (cf. Mt 24:12) and the Beast (cf. Rev 13-17) rise to cause global havoc and bloodshed.

    The Rapture theory first appeared toward the end of the 19th century among some American Protestants who were fixated on the end-times. Prior to the 19th century, the rapture theory, as it’s commonly understood, was unheard of.

    So is rapture an 19th century doctrine that was inserted or something?

    Eheheheh! whats up?

    Well if there is no rapture and we are wrong! then we are headlong for judgment and tribulation.

    At the end of the day all these verses where the doctrines comes from seems like a matter of interpretation.

    However, for my own reasons and because I feel Ive seen reflections of rapture in other BC books. I think Rapture would be the most logical thing in the purposes of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth to happen. I feel if the "kingdom of Heaven wanted to make a point i think now would be a good time and rapture would be a good start.

    Rapture was always a faith thing but I do see reflections else which seems support the case and in with the timeline I'm working with. Another thing, I'm not sure if there would be very many people and I wondering if it would be noticed. I don't think so and if it did, it would forgotten very quickly.

    As far as I'm concerned there is beautiful window of opportunity for the "Kingdom of Heaven" in this timeline right now!


    Post  Wed Aug 22, 2007 6:32 am

    Well looks like 21 August 07 is just a normal day, no doubt a day full of death and destruction somewhere in the world based on false doctrine.

    My next date of interest is 7th September 07, this is a date derived from my personal experience in the journey to the ancient places and is based on the declaration on the Quest of the Seven commands made 7 months prior (Feb 7th 07)without premeditiation. This is based on one of Nostradamus quatrain "Seven months in advance it will deliver a nocturnal omen:" This quatrain seems to match the timeline of this certain this proclamation of mine regarding the "Quest for the Seven commands" made in Feb 7th 07.

    Note that this date is speculation and is purely based on my thoughts and experience in this journey.

    all the best see what happens, perhaps a nocturnal omen will deliver itself and arise in the month of September, 7 months in the beforehand!

    While Im here here is another huge quatrain which speaks of the ancient first places and the reality we are in currently.



    He will come to expose the false topography, This refers to the NASA artificial 3d images of submerged Dalamatia City and the two Nodite cities to the North.

    the urns of the tombs will be opened. The urns or the artifacts of all the cities will be opened/discovered and recovered and will change everything of history and what we know. One day?? when man pulls his finger out and gets on to it!!!! Thats when man gets over his doctrine to see for himself!

    Sect and holy philosophy to thrive, This adventure to the submerged first places is all to do with truth and nothing but truth, that will affect Religion, philosophy and science. This rids the planet of crappy false doctrine with reliable expanded information with discoveries and recoveries to back the beforehand in faith information. You read it and you see it.

    black for white and the new for the old. Thats right, like in the bible, Old useless information for this day, like false crappy doctrine will be replaced with new expanded knowledge and truth which harmonises on all levels of science and religion, its an harmonisation, a oneness. Not the ridiculous division we have in science and religion today, not to mention all the stupidity in the analysis because of pride and stupid prejudice and no research with a biased heart.


    Post  Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:16 am

    No worries Trophy of Grace

    I appreciate your reply, Im still looking into the Babel/Babylon to see if its the same thing.

    Im not sure if this helps but here is a post from Seek in this forum;f=20;t=000162;p=1
    Where I opened a discussion on rapture.

    The following reply is from Seek which I thought mentioned a few interesting things concerning revision.



    PS, prior to the revision mandated by the Papacy and subsequint approval of those revisons by the same, the word "Babel" was often times replaced by the word "Babylon".

    Just as God's "Holy One's" were later revised to be the..."Saint's", having now a distinctly Roman flavor, born of the habit of the Roman Church making many of its own..."saints".

    Prior to the 1881 AD mandated revison of all Christian text/Bible's...the He-Goat had SIX, not five, but SIX horns and the first horn was called the horn of sight (sight ie prophecy) and the last horn (the tail of the dragon, the tail of the Chimaera) was called the little horn of sight, as well there were verses about that last little horn of sight which were totally removed as a consequence of that He-Goat revision done in the Book of Daniel.

    Before the 1881 AD revision, the Bible told us WHO that HORN of sight THAT WAS..."WAS", it was that first Grecian HORN of the chimaera/He-goat's mountain/kingdom.

    (PS there are two more son's, one that IS not, he is the prince of the 7th terrible beast kingdom.

    And then there is that last heir or last one the tail of this dragon image kingdom, and he IS the -ONE-that "IS", he is the one of the 8th kingdom yet he came by way of the former ie the 7th.....

    SEVEN TIMES MUST PASS OVER said Daniel before the the golden head/King/ONE/human Sun of Babel will be restored....

    The seventh must end, must passover (See Daniel), he is slain and ariseth not as many say he will, but one of the prince of the seventh head/age) blood shall take the throne of this 7th head prince, and through flatteries shall he be seated as KING, (I believe we are talking borthers here)but though he is of the 7th which will passover, he never the less is not of the royal bloodline of that THRONE which he takes by FLATERIES, that is why at his seating as KING an entirely NEW KINGDOM emerges as a result.

    Even though he is of the 7th he yet is not a true heir to it, only of it by flatteries and his (Blood?) conncetion to the seventh head prince...does he (this 8th one)succeed to the the throne of the 7th head prince's dominion/throne.)

    The harlot couldn't keep us like a hen under her wings in the days of inquisition, later her power for doing inquisition was removed, so she found another way to alter our faith and perceptions of the Word of God and his many holy ones...what she did was mix lies with truth onto the table of God.

    What she did was try to hide information regarding the God given prophecy from our eyes.

    creating a state of confussion...which is afterall exactly what "Babel" means.

    It has other far reaching effects, it has effectively scattered the lambs and sheeps in many directions, to now we (sometimes) heatedly debate what is truth and what is not, what is false teaching and what is not etc, we point fingers at each other, and let loose our arrows upon one another as a result, divided we have not the strength to stand upright, we fall instead as the devoured prey.

    (PS, the above statements are not directed at people's here but at us as peoples in general, though I must confess the peoples here are less aggressive than most I have encountered elsewhere, for this I am most grateful)

    This seems to be the state for all those of Abraham's house, from the sons to the bondservants etc.

    The attack as it were, is or seems to be upon and directed at destroying this house utterly and all that dwell within its walls under it's God.

    This being the the real dark shadow that hovers over us all, this NWO conspiracy, which many think has no bases what so ever, a conspiracy of world leaders under a religious world leader ...all seen in Revelations fornicating (acts of rebellion by those onced upon a time whom were born of of the breath of God's spirit/wisdom, acts of rejection etc against God and acts of adultery against God whom is the Bridegroom) those that left us and God, found there way here in the great Harlot mother's scarlet bed.

    I thought it was interesting considering there appears to be some revision of the word Babel to Babylon from what I read in the above. Im not so interested in the conspiracy theory but only in the revision and what was revised.

    I was thinking does anyone know about these revisions.

    I certainly brings to light some of the revisions that have been done to the bible in fairly recent times.

    all the best

    Post  Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:56 am

    I think that since there appears to be evidence of revision to the Bible by the Papacy, I think one should be very careful about the book of revelations.

    I feel Revelations has been tampered through out its history. I'm not sure what the Papacy has changed but I'm sure there would be a few other things than Babel/Babylon.

    Who knows what's been altered by the Papacy.

    That's why when Jesus comes again, it will be in his own time, in his own way. Not the Pope's way nor the Churches way as suggested in the revelations. How do we know what is true and what has been tampered with ??????? I am not against any one at all. I want to know is the truth behind the matter, not rubbish and I do understand why man would alter things to suit himself. Its just in his nature concerning power.

    Also about the rapture, even though I would like it to happen and in full support of it. Once again how do we not know if this has been added doctrine in a fairly recent time.

    I'm just being objective here.

    Believe me the credibility of my research rests on Rapture and verification of the places. If neither happens well then my research will become another end time statistic. I think Rapture is necessary for mankind to wake up to himself. Unless something like this happens mankind will go his way destroying the planet and its people for the next 1000 years.

    Without Rapture things wont change for a thousand years. It will be some ole death and destruction cycle through out the planet. The people will be saying where is GOD! The more we go through this cycle of predicting Rapture and the more it doesn't happen, the more loss of credibility the Bible and the churches go through and that would be directly related to the false addition at the whim of some papacy. See the effect of adding doctrine where it should not be!

    As far as I'm concerned regarding Rapture.... Bring it on!!! Bring on Rapture!!...I hope that doctrine concerning Rapture is true because if it is not true happen there will be many disappointed people squarely because of wrong doctrine and mans additions along the way.

    If the Father wanted to bring in a new truth or an expansion of the current truth. Without rapture and verification it will take 1000 years for a new revelation to click on!! There is no way man on global scale will click on to a expanded truth he is to dumb and stupid and full of his garbage to be useful in the "Kingdom of Heaven"

    Another another note I was told about a doco about Christianity and its commercial/materialism appearance which included Pastor Haggard. If this is where Christianity is going. Man and Christianity is in trouble, big trouble, if man relies on these self vain glorious soothsayers he has very little chance of getting to the truth of everything. If you guys rely on these people for truth YOU are in trouble of not finding the truth behind the whole matter!!! I'm glad I'm a small lone humble SEVENFOLD operation on a fantastic mission of truth and righteousness, the great Seraphic mission of the Sevenfold scheme, direct of the Ancient of Days operation, You bet brother!! . I'd rather have this poor operation than all the money, glory and churches in the world. Money and power and spirituality in the Father is a hard thing to handle for any man, that is a real test of faith! to handle money, wealth, and a following of people who idolizes the leader. I wouldn't want that for me, its better to stay in the background, small and humble concerning these things only glorying in the real truth of the matter!!

    It maybe very well the case that the Father will highlight inconsistency in all our books first so we see the truth of the matter, in real truth and then bring on some rapture to demonstrate his faithfulness to mankind. But I'm sure there are few lessons we all have to go through first! Perhaps! Im like trying to read the mind of the Father concerning this rapture case.

    Trying to dig out the truth of everything! Also everything about Babel, the source root of the problems of the planet is all going to come out and be exposed to ultimate truth of Judgement of the rebel Sons of God.



    Post  Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:16 am

    No worries Trophy of Grace

    I appreciate your reply, Im still looking into the Babel/Babylon to see if its the same thing.

    Im not sure if this helps but here is a post from Seek in this forum;f=20;t=000162;p=1
    Where I opened a discussion on rapture.

    The following reply is from Seek which I thought mentioned a few interesting things concerning revision.



    PS, prior to the revision mandated by the Papacy and subsequint approval of those revisons by the same, the word "Babel" was often times replaced by the word "Babylon".

    Just as God's "Holy One's" were later revised to be the..."Saint's", having now a distinctly Roman flavor, born of the habit of the Roman Church making many of its own..."saints".

    Prior to the 1881 AD mandated revison of all Christian text/Bible's...the He-Goat had SIX, not five, but SIX horns and the first horn was called the horn of sight (sight ie prophecy) and the last horn (the tail of the dragon, the tail of the Chimaera) was called the little horn of sight, as well there were verses about that last little horn of sight which were totally removed as a consequence of that He-Goat revision done in the Book of Daniel.

    Before the 1881 AD revision, the Bible told us WHO that HORN of sight THAT WAS..."WAS", it was that first Grecian HORN of the chimaera/He-goat's mountain/kingdom.

    (PS there are two more son's, one that IS not, he is the prince of the 7th terrible beast kingdom.

    And then there is that last heir or last one the tail of this dragon image kingdom, and he IS the -ONE-that "IS", he is the one of the 8th kingdom yet he came by way of the former ie the 7th.....

    SEVEN TIMES MUST PASS OVER said Daniel before the the golden head/King/ONE/human Sun of Babel will be restored....

    The seventh must end, must passover (See Daniel), he is slain and ariseth not as many say he will, but one of the prince of the seventh head/age) blood shall take the throne of this 7th head prince, and through flatteries shall he be seated as KING, (I believe we are talking borthers here)but though he is of the 7th which will passover, he never the less is not of the royal bloodline of that THRONE which he takes by FLATERIES, that is why at his seating as KING an entirely NEW KINGDOM emerges as a result.

    Even though he is of the 7th he yet is not a true heir to it, only of it by flatteries and his (Blood?) conncetion to the seventh head prince...does he (this 8th one)succeed to the the throne of the 7th head prince's dominion/throne.)

    The harlot couldn't keep us like a hen under her wings in the days of inquisition, later her power for doing inquisition was removed, so she found another way to alter our faith and perceptions of the Word of God and his many holy ones...what she did was mix lies with truth onto the table of God.

    What she did was try to hide information regarding the God given prophecy from our eyes.

    creating a state of confussion...which is afterall exactly what "Babel" means.

    It has other far reaching effects, it has effectively scattered the lambs and sheeps in many directions, to now we (sometimes) heatedly debate what is truth and what is not, what is false teaching and what is not etc, we point fingers at each other, and let loose our arrows upon one another as a result, divided we have not the strength to stand upright, we fall instead as the devoured prey.

    (PS, the above statements are not directed at people's here but at us as peoples in general, though I must confess the peoples here are less agressive than most I have encountered elsewhere, for this I am most grateful)

    This seems to be the state for all those of Abraham's house, from the sons to the bondservants etc.

    The attack as it were, is or seems to be upon and directed at destroying this house utterly and all that dwell within its walls under it's God.

    This being the the real dark shadow that hovers over us all, this NWO conspiracy, which many think has no bases what so ever, a conspiracy of world leaders under a religious world leader ...all seen in Revelations fornicating (acts of rebellion by those onced upon a time whom were born of of the breath of God's spirit/wisdom, acts of rejection etc against God and acts of adultery against God whom is the Bridegroom) those that left us and God, found there way here in the great Harlot mother's scarlet bed.

    I thought it was interesting considering there appears to be some revision of the word Babel to Babylon from what I read in the above. Im not so interested in the conspiracy theory but only in the revision and what was revised.

    I was thinking does anyone know about these revisions.

    I certainly brings to light some of the revisions that have been done to the bible in fairly recent times.

    all the best

    Post  Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:19 am

    Hi Arch Michael,

    You could be right, to be honest I don't know to much about Nostradamus', all I'm doing is attempting to read into his quatrain based on my personal experience to these submerged places. To see if there are some relevant characteristics in the beforehand and in the recent past in the journey.

    You could be right he could be all wrong. We have to see what occurs in the future.

    For all we know he could be proven right or wrong. Lets see what happens.

    He could of been drugged up and documented what he felt he saw, I'm not sure but I am sure it was a pure faith thing on his behalf. I'm sure he did this for the benefit of mankind in the future. A benefit we could reap in todays times.....maybe!

    Although from what I heard, Nostradamus did good things in his life time, apparently he helped to find the answer to the black plaque in Paris or some work similar to that.

    Its all speculation in faith until the cows come home and deliver what they have for mankind. Thanks for you reply .

    all the best

    Post  Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:19 am


    Hi Arch Michael,

    You could be right, to be honest I don't know to much about Nostradamus', all I'm doing is attempting to read into his quatrain based on my personal experience to these submerged places. To see if there are some relevant characteristics in the beforehand and in the recent past in the journey.

    You could be right he could be all wrong. We have to see what occurs in the future.

    For all we know he could be proven right or wrong. Lets see what happens.

    He could of been drugged up and documented what he felt he saw, I'm not sure but I am sure it was a pure faith thing on his behalf. I'm sure he did this for the benefit of mankind in the future. A benefit we could reap in today's times.....maybe!

    Although from what I heard, Nostradamus did good things in his life time, apparently he helped to find the answer to the black plaque in Paris or some work similar to that. However I can relate to Nostradamus in sacrificing his career to do what he thought was the will of the Father in his life, I suppose it is a personal choice that all should respect. Like the choice we make in our own life in what we sacrifice in doing the Will of the Father in our own lives. It could be career or other things what ever the person feel is the thing for him.

    No man!! on second thoughts. Nostradamus was a Good guy, he loved his fellow brother and compromised himself in risk to bring this information to the future, in this day. His fruits bore good things for mankind. I can relate to him in the way that when you discover a great planetary mystery of the past, present and future that is linked to the Most High and Destiny. That's all you want to do, that is persist in finding out the ultimate in the things of the Father. In the journey as you feel you're being led and lock into the path and when you start finding things at particular points you are just inspired to walk more into the journey. In the journey of the Father things of the world seem quite secondary including career and money because all you want to do is find out more about the Father.

    I am absolutely sure that Nostradamus went through the same experience where things of the world seemed very secondary to him compared to the blessing he received from his own personal journey, doing the will of the Father in his life which I believe encompasses this journey to the ancient submerged cities, from what I read and see in this path.

    Funny thing, it could be in today's journey that we could see the full impact of his Quatrains.

    Its all speculation in faith until the cows come home and deliver what they have for mankind. Thanks for you reply .




    Post  Thu Aug 23, 2007 6:12 am


    Here is a study I did on the video I saw called the "The Jesus Tomb"

    As usual I probably got carried away. I definitely have my own views on this which is influenced by the UB rendition and does have interesting connections. I relate and focalise it on the current journey to see if I can find connections.

    A little tidbit, The little child's tomb Judah, Son of Jeshua" From what I know, Joseph dies in an accident while Mary was pregnant with Amos, according to the UB. When Joseph died, Jesus became the head of the Family. He had to become the Father figure. Unfortunately the Baby died at a young age. I'm speculating that Little Amos was also nicknamed Judah as Amos the prophet came from the "Southern Hill of Judah" So therefore you have Judah nicknamed for Judah Son of Jeshua. No son of Mary Magdalene! It was not Jesus calling to have family in the way of DNA.

    This could be proven if the DNA of the child and Mary's bones matched.

    With the research, the images is focused on symbolism but it interesting!

    Note the thread to Jerusem, then to Dalamatia City to "an interesting place" and the Capital of this Universe! Jerusem in description, common design and in symbolism.


    Post  Thu Aug 23, 2007 5:30 am Planet 606

    Hi Trophy of grace,

    I am absolutely surprised with your post, completely amazed by those numbers 606. Ive used dj606 as a nickname for some time before I used sevens because of which basically is a record of this journey. I must admit its text and scripts everywhere and needs more work. However its a journey which started 3 years and seven months on the run compiling the research live as it happens. The reason I used 606 is from The Urantia Book

    Here are some excerpts on search on "Planet 606" in the Urantia Book



    PAPER 74 - ADAM AND EVE, Oct 19 2000

    * line 39: This Jerusem pair left behind them on the capital of Satania and elsewhere, one hundred offspring--fifty sons and fifty daughters--magnificent creatures who had escaped the pitfalls of progression, and who were all in commission as faithful stewards of universe trust at the time of their parents' departure for Urantia. And they were all present in the beautiful temple of the Material Sons attendant upon the farewell exercises associated with the last ceremonies of the bestowal acceptance. These children accompanied their parents to the dematerialization headquarters of their order and were the last to bid them farewell and divine speed as they fell asleep in the personality lapse of consciousness which precedes the preparation for seraphic transport. The children spent some time together at the family rendezvous rejoicing that their parents were soon to become the visible heads, in reality the sole rulers, of planet 606 in the system of Satania.



    * line 129: It is just 993,408 years ago (from the year A.D. 1934) that Urantia was formally recognized as a planet of human habitation in the universe of Nebadon. Biologic evolution had once again achieved the human levels of will dignity; man had arrived on planet 606 of Satania.

    Incredible find and discovery in this time and the use 606 from an independent source is quite intriguing.

    But thats not the number of the Anti Christ..No way! This planet is the 606th inhabited planet of this Universe Nebadon.

    This interesting time space experience in truth in the journey

    considering the level of the conversation.

    Also I posted this a couple of days ago

    In this part of the journey I felt I saw 606 reflected in equal segments of the discoveries of the ancient places and with a Seven in the middle. I made up a timeline link to see it graphically, its in complete as there is still Haggai end time prophecy to come in which is on the 24th September I think.

    Maybe as we venture forth in the future more, connections in discovery may occur.

    I also want to say that at times I seem a little off tap, yeah well thats part of it I suppose! I hope I haven't upset to many along the way. But I have put a dead line with this, at around the end of September. and Seven days for good measure!

    Whatever the truth is in the matter I really want this to work for all mankind and for us all. I'm not the expert in Doctrine, really. With Rapture see what happens.

    But I have all faith and thats the main thing and not matter how diverse we are, we are all brothers in the sight of the living Father in the "Kingdom of Heaven"

    I'm just so inspired with the discovery and the multiple/multilevel connections. But I am absolutely sure this is not the work of the Anti Christ, No way everyone. This is a Jesus and The Father in Heaven project with all the angels. Surely you can see this in the posts in all the connections a desire to find the truth not to mention the discoveries along the way in the timeline.. I really think this work could be for the future in case something like Rapture happens. Least there is record left behind that I think would be relevant and useful, thats if prophecy fulfills itself.

    This is like the "III be back" but just read this! in the meantime.

    However, it would be good to follow up on the 606 element and see what other connections may arise that is relevant. If we clicked on this in our own way in the books we know best, thinking of the Jewish books theology, we could come up some interesting stuff. I am so sure that there is much to be uncovered in the books and also in the Catholic Vaults with other records very first churches.

    Even my email has 606 in it, what a laugh that one is! Amazing!

    Here is a search on "Symbol 606" Interesting how technology relies on the symbol 606.

    Here is a Lythern Hymn from Page 606 from here



    "O'er the Distant Mountains Breaking"
    by John S. B. Monsell, 1811-1875

    1. O'er the distant mountains breaking
    Comes the redd'ning dawn of day,
    Rise, my soul, from sleep awaking;
    Rise and sing and watch and pray.
    'Tis thy Savior,
    'Tis thy Savior,
    On His bright returning way.

    2. O Thou Long-expected, weary
    Waits my anxious soul for Thee;
    Life is dark, and earth is dreary,
    Where Thy light I do not see.
    O my Savior,
    O my Savior,
    When wilt Thou return to me?

    3. Nearer is my soul's salvation;
    Spent the night, the day at hand.
    Keep me in my lowly station,
    Watching for Thee till I stand,
    O my Savior,
    O my Savior,
    In Thy bright, Thy promised land.

    4. With my lamp well trimmed and burning,
    Swift to hear and slow to roam,
    Watching for Thy glad returning
    To restore me to my home.

    Come, my Savior,
    Come, my Savior,
    O my Savior, quickly come.

    Hymn #606
    The Lutheran Hymnal
    Text: Matthew 24:42
    Author: John S.B. Monsell, 1863, ab.
    Composer: Johann G. Stoerl, 1711
    Tune: "O Jerusalem, du Schoene"



    כּוֹל ‎ kôl
    (Chaldee); corresponding to 3605 - all, any, + (forasmuch) as, + be- (for this) cause, every, + no (manner, -ne), + there (where) -fore, + though, what (where, who) -soever, (the) whole.


    כּול כּל o
    כּוֹל כּוֹל ‎ kôl kôl
    kole, kole
    From 3634 properly the whole; hence all, any or every (in the singular only, but often in a plural sense): - (in) all (manner, [ye]), altogether, any (manner), enough, every (one, place, thing), howsoever, as many as, [no-] thing, ought, whatsoever, (the) whole, whoso (-ever).

    Here is another interesting study on Rapture



    From the Urantia Papers, page 568:

    "Techniques of terrestrial escape. There is fundamentally only one way in which individual human life can be initiated on the inhabited worlds, and that is through creature procreation and natural birth; but there are numerous techniques whereby man escapes his terrestrial status and gains access to the inward moving stream of Paradise ascenders



    "While there is this dematerializing technique for preparing the Adams for transit from Jerusem to the evolutionary worlds, there is no equivalent method for taking them away from such worlds unless the entire planet is to be emptied, in which event emergency installation of the dematerialization technique is made for the entire salvable population. If some physical catastrophe should doom the planetary residence of an evolving race, the Melchizedeks and the Life Carriers would install the technique of dematerialization for all survivors, and by seraphic transport these beings would be carried away to the new world prepared for their continuing existence. The evolution of a human race, once initiated on a world of space, must proceed quite independently of the physical survival of that planet, but during the evolutionary ages it is not otherwise intended that a Planetary Adam or Eve shall leave their chosen world."


    spot on Rapture


    Deut 30:1-6: 

    "And when all these things come upon you, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before you, and you call them to mind among all the nations where Yahweh your God has driven you, and return to Yahweh your God, you and your children, and obey his voice in all that I command you this day, with all your heart and with all your soul; then Yahweh your God will restore your fortunes, and have compassion upon you, and he will gather you again from all the peoples where Yahweh your God has scattered you. If your outcasts are in the uttermost parts of heaven, from there Yahweh your God will gather you, and from there he will fetch you; and Yahweh your God will bring you into the land which your fathers possessed, that you may possess it; and he will make you more prosperous and numerous than your fathers. And Yahweh your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your offspring, so that you will love Yahweh your God with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live.


    I thought that was a spot on study.

    interesting reading considering it was before 2000 and here we are in 2007, I like some of things author is saying considering it was a while back where the journey is more defined..

    I see this a clear warning and prepare yourselves




    25:27 -- Then you shall say to them, Thus says Yahweh of hosts, the God of Israel: Drink, be drunk and vomit, fall and rise no more, because of the sword which I am sending among you.

    25:28 -- And if they refuse to accept the cup from your hand to drink, then you shall say to them, Thus says Yahweh of hosts: You must drink!

    25:29 -- For behold, I begin to work evil at the city which is called by my name, and shall you go unpunished? You shall not go unpunished, for I am summoning a sword against all the inhabitants of the earth.

    25:30 -- You, therefore, shall prophesy against them all these words, and say to them: Yahweh will roar from on high, and from his holy habitation utter his voice; he will roar mightily against his fold, and shout, like those who tread grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth.

    Jer 25:31-38 -- The clamor will resound to the ends of the earth, for Yahweh has an indictment against the nations; he is entering into judgment with all flesh, and the wicked he will put to the sword.

    Thus says Yahweh of hosts: Behold, evil is going forth from nation to nation, and a great tempest is stirring from the farthest parts of the earth! And those slain by Yahweh on that day shall extend from one end of the earth to the other. They shall not be lamented, or gathered, or buried; they shall be dung on the surface of the ground.

    Wail, you shepherds, and cry, and roll in ashes, you lords of the flock, for the days of your slaughter and dispersion have come, and you shall fall like choice rams. No refuge will remain for the shepherds, nor escape for the lords of the flock.

    Hark, the cry of the shepherds, and the wail of the lords of the flock! For Yahweh is despoiling their pasture, and the peaceful folds are devastated, because of his fierce anger. Like a lion he has left his covert, for their land has become a waste because of the sword of the oppressor, and because of his fierce anger

    think about it! and consider the current conversations in this timeline. I would BRACE!



    Jer 25:12

    MT: Then after seventy years are completed, I will punish the king of Babylon and that nation, the land of the Chaldeans, for their iniquity, says Yahweh, making the land an everlasting waste.

    LXX: And when the seventy years are fulfilled, I will take vengeance on that nation, and will make them a perpetual desolation.

    Is that The King of Babel in metaphor taken from Babylon and his main follower? Is the "the land of the Chaldeans," Iran??


    Post  Thu Aug 23, 2007 6:12 am


    Here is a study I did on the video I saw called the "The Tomb of Jesus "

    As usual I probably got carried away. I definitely have my own views on this which is influenced by the UB rendition and does have interesting connections. I relate and focalise it on the current journey to see if I can find connections.

    A little tidbit, The little child's tomb Judah, Son of Jeshua" From what I know, Joseph dies in an accident while Mary was pregnant with Amos, according to the UB. When Joseph died, Jesus became the head of the Family. He had to become the Father figure. Unfortunately the Baby died at a young age. I'm speculating that Little Amos was also nicknamed Judah as Amos the prophet came from the "Southern Hills of Judah" So therefore you have Amos nicknamed for Judah Son of Jeshua. No son of Mary Magdalene! It was not Jesus calling to have family in the way of DNA.

    This could be proven if the DNA of the child and Mary's bones matched.

    With the research, the images is focused on symbolism but it interesting!

    Note the thread to Jerusem, then to Dalamatia City to "an interesting place" and the Capital of this Universe! Jerusem in description, common design and in symbolism.

    And then I discovered this last night in reference to Judah and Amos. Maybe the child was named Amos after the following verse but nicknamed Judah. So at the end of the Day Amos nicknamed Judah, Son of Jeshua who was the father figure and head of the Family after Joseph died in an accident.



    In Jeremiah 13 is a connection to Amos and Judah
    Jer 1:3-6 -- "In the thirteenth year of Josias, son of Amos, king of Judah,

    the rest of the verses

    even until this day for three-and twenty years, I have spoken persistently to you, rising early and speaking, and even though the LORD sent to you his servants the prophets, sending them early; (but you hearkened not, and listened not with your ears;) saying, 'Turn you every one from his evil way, and from your evil practices, and you shall dwell in the land which I gave to you and your fathers, of old and for ever. Go you not after strange gods, to serve them, and to worship them, that you provoke me not by the works of your hands, to do you hurt. But you hearkened not to me.'

    Digging a little deeper in speculation.

    Josias, son of Amos, king of Judah
    Judah, son of Jesus (as on the bone box)
    Amos, son of Jesus, King of Judah (UB Amos was the child name that died but was probably named after the above verse, Jesus was head of the family then.)
    Judah/Amos, son of Jesus.
    Perhaps Amos was nicknamed Judah similar to how Jose was regarded as a nickname, same principle.

    Also the above verse appears to related to kingship "King of Judah" and maybe through this child a little puzzle is created by the naming of the child. Who does that? the head of the Family? Its really needs DNA testing, all the bones. I'm thinking that even young Amos seems significant in this journey to the places considering what the rest of verse reveals. Maybe this is another message from the so called family tomb of Jesus.


    Post  Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:39 pm

    No man!! on second thoughts. Nostradamus was a Good guy,

    yes I'm for Nostradamus.

    I would like to see for myself whether there is something in his quatrains. Has anyone met Nostradamus to flame his behind?

    I'm sure there are a few pastors these days that have used drugs. I wonder about that.

    Im sure that no ones perfect!

    Also Mike



    Don't waste your precious time and energy on such foolishness. Rather, spend that time studying something of The Bible....

    Mike without the Bible and the Urantia Book and other books, this journey would not of been possible.

    what's with the above, read the bible business, inflexible, uncompromising, yet no one shows anything that convinces me otherwise, until someone can demonstrate like with the ancient first places, I will keep on going on the path.

    All Ive seen is doctrine and more doctrine without any demonstration. Why should I believe you, without seeing it for myself, why should I believe any man with his doctrine!! ideas and speculation Knowing it came from an organisation of man of some sort.

    Im not going to believe anyone of there theories until they can demonstrate to me and I can see it for myself with completion.

    Thats what this test is all about putting up everything on the table to test it as against the path of the first places, If you cant demostrate or what is demonstrated fails.

    Then, See ya later buddy! and that's is exactly what I think. Man is sick of Junk doctrine that leads to death and plays in the hands of the Rebel through division. Where no one demonstrates a thing.

    I think mankind has had enough of junk doctrine and junk man that ultimately leads to death and destruction through division. These first places and the "Kingdom of Heaven" is going to rid of junk doctrine and the junk people that promotes untested information that never goes beyond speculation but has a devastating effect on man in some cases. Like these failed religions and states where great massacres happen in the name of God but is really a money making venture at the end of the day.

    Im not talking about Iraq. Even though I feel Iran sees Iraq as an ultimate prize.



    Hey No worries Mike.

    I look forward to the person your speaking about. That would be a God send.

    I wish that person comes soon, if I can make his job easier I would be happy to do so!

    But hey we walk in faith and trusting in the Lord that he is guiding us and sure we all have our individual thoughts and all of us are doing there best in the personal journey.

    Hey if the expected person to clarify the truth is around, I invite wholeheartedly to join in and help us.

    I thought the test of everything in relation to first ancient places was perfect in the sense that books say its there or make subtle references to it, so why not test it out to see the truth for itself. Mind you in doing this I'm testing the Urantia Book mainly. In all honesty its the Urantia Book that is being tested to its fullest extent in the physical.

    So really I say lets test the UB in by doing an expedition to Dalamatia City and test all the information about this place. Lets put the UB on the firing line since its the most recent revelation in this time and speaks of these places. By doing this we are also inviting the Father since its his books in essence!

    Actually I offer an invitation to the Father, Jesus, the Melchizedeks and all the Seraphim's and other angels and the star students to be part of this testing of the books in the journey to the ancient places. I want the Father to be part of this!

    I invite everyone! I really want the universe to be part of this great story in every aspect as seen in prophecy! If this is the true story of the planet then I feel rapture will occur and be honored. Its part of the 7th Mystery I'm sure it is! I'm sure we are really close!!! I feel it in my heart!

    Since I found reflections in all the other Books including the Bible lets put them up for testing as well. Personally from what I see and from what I experienced in this journey. I am 100% all books with relevance will pass the test, all of them capture the great moment but in parts. But when gathered together, combined and harmonized paints a very beautiful picture worthy of rapture occurs. Regardless of doctrine agree or not I think this journey to the ancient places combined with all the messages is worthy of rapture!

    Just a thought.

    I was thinking something like this in this journey could be a very beautiful opportunity for the faith sons of normal folk to be part of history that will sustain itself forever. The great blessings of Paradise are open for normal folk as like in the parable of the feast.

    This could be on coming of the feast you know!

    I feel the doors of Paradise are open with this most gracious invitation to the faith sons the elect whoever they are.

    all the best Mike.




    If rapture from my own observations is part of this journey. Well I sign standing tall and confident and I know that anyone that even halfheartedly has faith will enjoin in the feast!

    I know it a bold thing to say but I feel rapture would be the second stage of this 40 day test that was on the earth!. Where heaven abodes would be prepared. The third part would coming back as the elect and the the witnesses.

    Regardless of doctrine agree of not this rapture would be the most logical part in the lifting the ante in the greater message to mankind in the journey to the ancient places. It just makes sense to me and I can see it happening. It might occur to wake man up because I don't think man is awakening to the what has been activated in the search for the ancient places.

    It just makes me think that the voice of God will come from the abyss. I would suggest the ancient first places that contain the real history of this planet with a message for us and rapture might very well part of the message and what is to come!

    If all is correct, it is good that a record is left behind so it could be studied of what was in the beforehand but in future case looking back to the beforehand that is past. I'm not sure for how long the website might be up though. I personally think if such was the case, divine translation would be the true confirmation of all the information and would stand tall, solid and unbreakable.

    I think Rapture is a sure option and really speaking I think this journey and the ancient places is the only thing on the planet that is closest to rapture in the research, discovery and journey.


    Post  Sat Aug 25, 2007 1:00 pm

    In the following is from Enoch Chapter 10 and looking at it in metaphor to this times. I see similar characteristics of this journey. Also I see curious thing that I feel points to a rapture where the earth is goes through earth changes. Read the end of Chapter 10. It describes this journey.

    Dont mind links and earlier thoughts in between.


    Chapter 10

    1 Then said the Most High, the Holy and Great One spake, and sent Uriel to the son of Lamech, 2 and said to him: 'Go to Noah and tell him in my name "Hide thyself!" and reveal to him the end that is approaching: that the whole earth will be destroyed, and a deluge is about to come 3 upon the whole earth, and will destroy all that is on it.

    I believe this thesis of the Noah story

    An interesting thesis on the relationship of the Noah Story, The Bible and the Eastern Mediterranean deluge

    Additional research

    Plato's description of Atlantis in point form.

    And now instruct him that he may escape 4 and his seed may be preserved for all the generations of the world.' And again the Lord said to Raphael: 'Bind Azazel hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: and make an opening 5 in the desert, which is in Dudael, and cast him therein. And place upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there for ever, and cover his face that he may 6,7 not see light. And on the day of the great judgement he shall be cast into the fire.

    And heal the earth which the angels have corrupted, and proclaim the healing of the earth, that they may heal the plague, and that all the children of men may not perish through all the secret things that the

    8 Watchers have disclosed and have taught their sons. And the whole earth has been corrupted 9 through the works that were taught by Azazel: to him ascribe all sin.'

    The call, Judgment of the latter days in essence given over 2300 years ago

    And to Gabriel said the Lord: 'Proceed against the bastards and the reprobates, and against the children of fornication: and destroy [the children of fornication and] the children of the Watchers from amongst men [and cause them to go forth]: send them one against the other that they may destroy each other in 10 battle: for length of days shall they not have. And no request that they (i.e. their fathers) make of thee shall be granted unto their fathers on their behalf; for they hope to live an eternal life, and 11 that each one of them will live five hundred years.' And the Lord said unto Michael: 'Go, bind Semjaza and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves

    12 with them in all their uncleanness. And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgement and of their consummation, till the judgement that is

    13 for ever and ever is consummated.
    In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire: and 14 to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined for ever.

    And whosoever shall be condemned and destroyed will from thenceforth be bound together with them to the end of all 15 generations. And destroy all the spirits of the reprobate and the children of the Watchers, because 16 they have wronged mankind. Destroy all wrong from the face of the earth and let every evil work come to an end:

    In the following is information concerning the tree of life at the end of the epoch.

    and let the plant of righteousness and truth appear: ("tree of life" Jesus prophecy) and it shall prove a blessing; the works of righteousness and truth' shall be planted in truth and joy for evermore.

    17 And
    then shall all the righteous escape, And shall live till they beget thousands of children, And all the days of their youth and their old age Shall they complete in peace. 18 And then shall the whole earth be tilled in righteousness, and shall all be planted with trees and 19 be full of blessing. And all desirable trees shall be planted on it, and they shall plant vines on it: and the vine which they plant thereon shall yield wine in abundance, and as for all the seed which is sown thereon each measure (of it) shall bear a thousand, and each measure of olives shall yield 20 ten presses of oil. And cleanse thou the earth from all oppression, and from all unrighteousness, and from all sin, and from all godlessness: and all the uncleanness that is wrought upon the earth 21 destroy from off the earth. And all the children of men shall become righteous, and all nations 22 shall offer adoration and shall praise Me, and all shall worship Me. And the earth shall be cleansed from all defilement, and from all sin, and from all punishment, and from all torment, and I will never again send (them) upon it from generation to generation and for ever.

    Is this prophecy currently being fulfilled?? revelation 10 20 Daniel 2 Jesus prophecy 1st Eden/Atlantis discovery The Urantia Papers new books

    Chapter 11

    1 And in those days I will open the store chambers of blessing which are in the heaven, so as to send 2 them down upon the earth over the work and labour of the children of men. And truth and peace shall be associated together throughout all the days of the world and throughout all the generations of men.'

    It seems to me that something from the realms of Paradise is presented that proves itself. Then the righteousness will escape which points to this exact point in time in the flow and ebb of the conversation and in the discoveries and the images.

    Really speaking an expedition has to be performed to prove this research, it appears to me its proven in the images as we view the anomalies. However Nostradamus specifically points to the artificial images and in another area points to 2 expedition that went to 1stEden where the second one ran out of supplies, meaning money. He also makes reference to the Elysian fields which involves Dilmun but could involve Dalamatia City and the massive structures.

    all the best

    Icon 1 posted 08-25-2007 06:15 PM

    Also here is knowledge from the Urantia Book regarding terrestial escape. Its an option and does relate to translation which is rapture in the other dimension.

    From the Urantia Papers, page 568:

    "Techniques of terrestrial escape. There is fundamentally only one way in which individual human life can be initiated on the inhabited worlds, and that is through creature procreation and natural birth; but there are numerous techniques whereby man escapes his terrestrial status and gains access to the inward moving stream of Paradise ascenders



    "While there is this dematerializing technique for preparing the Adams for transit from Jerusem to the evolutionary worlds, there is no equivalent method for taking them away from such worlds unless the entire planet is to be emptied, in which event emergency installation of the dematerialization technique is made for the entire salvable population.

    If some physical catastrophe should doom the planetary residence of an evolving race, the Melchizedeks and the Life Carriers would install the technique of dematerialization for all survivors, and by seraphic transport these beings would be carried away to the new world prepared for their continuing existence.

    The evolution of a human race, once initiated on a world of space, must proceed quite independently of the physical survival of that planet, but during the evolutionary ages it is not otherwise intended that a Planetary Adam or Eve shall leave their chosen world."

    spot on RAPTURE

    Deut 30:1-6:
    "And when all these things come upon you, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before you, and you call them to mind among all the nations where Yahweh your God has driven you, and return to Yahweh your God, you and your children, and obey his voice in all that I command you this day, with all your heart and with all your soul; then Yahweh your God will restore your fortunes, and have compassion upon you, and he will gather you again from all the peoples where Yahweh your God has scattered you. If your outcasts are in the uttermost parts of heaven, from there Yahweh your God will gather you, and from there he will fetch you; and Yahweh your God will bring you into the land which your fathers possessed, that you may possess it; and he will make you more prosperous and numerous than your fathers. And Yahweh your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your offspring, so that you will love Yahweh your God with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live.

    Icon 1 posted 08-25-2007 06:15 PM

    Also here is knowledge from the Urantia Book regarding terrestial escape. Its an option and does relate to translation which is rapture in the other dimension.


    From the Urantia Papers, page 568:

    "Techniques of terrestrial escape. There is fundamentally only one way in which individual human life can be initiated on the inhabited worlds, and that is through creature procreation and natural birth; but there are numerous techniques whereby man escapes his terrestrial status and gains access to the inward moving stream of Paradise ascenders




    "While there is this dematerializing technique for preparing the Adams for transit from Jerusem to the evolutionary worlds, there is no equivalent method for taking them away from such worlds unless the entire planet is to be emptied, in which event emergency installation of the dematerialization technique is made for the entire salvable population.

    If some physical catastrophe should doom the planetary residence of an evolving race, the Melchizedeks and the Life Carriers would install the technique of dematerialization for all survivors, and by seraphic transport these beings would be carried away to the new world prepared for their continuing existence.

    The evolution of a human race, once initiated on a world of space, must proceed quite independently of the physical survival of that planet, but during the evolutionary ages it is not otherwise intended that a Planetary Adam or Eve shall leave their chosen world."

    spot on RAPTURE

    In the following I see in metaphor to the journey to the ancient places in the Persian Gulf and in terms of rapture and the promises of the Father in the "Kingdom of Heaven"



    Deut 30:1-6:
    "And when all these things come upon you, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before you, and you call them to mind among all the nations where Yahweh your God has driven you, and return to Yahweh your God, you and your children, and obey his voice in all that I command you this day, with all your heart and with all your soul; then Yahweh your God will restore your fortunes, and have compassion upon you, and he will gather you again from all the peoples where Yahweh your God has scattered you. If your outcasts are in the uttermost parts of heaven, from there Yahweh your God will gather you, and from there he will fetch you; (Rapture in metaphor) and Yahweh your God will bring you into the land which your fathers possessed, that you may possess it; and he will make you more prosperous and numerous than your fathers. And Yahweh your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your offspring, so that you will love Yahweh your God with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live.

    here is a very interesting website.

    I see much in the authors research considering he was not aware of the ancient places and its significants to the planetary mystery.

    the blessing and the curse, which I have set before you A reflection of the current test of mankind?? In this time.

    In this case we are not talking about a looming catastrophe of the planet. We are talking about judgment and adjudication of the rebels and there seed. I don't think Paradise is interesting in the Seed of the rebels and the damage they have caused .

    I seriously think that the salvable population in this case of Urantia is people of Faith, simple faith and who love for one another and follow the 10 commandment or the Seven commands.

    That I think its the standard.

    Here is the Urantia Book standard of personality survival for this time of oncoming crisis.

    As to the chances of mortal survival, let it be made forever clear: All souls of every possible phase of mortal existence will survive provided they manifest willingness to co-operate with their indwelling Adjusters and exhibit a desire to find God and to attain divine perfection, even though these desires be but the first faint flickers of the primitive comprehension of that "true light which lights every man who comes into the world."

    and the following is also a very strong probability of Jesus being involved in this journey to the ancient places. I know from the Urantia Book Jesus was very interested in Archeology and history whereby he extended his stay in Ur for 2 weeks of Ur. Jesus in this case would be very very interested in the ruins we see and this journey. I have no doubt of that.



    PAPER 170 - THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, Oct 19 2000

    * line 128: Although Jesus referred one phase of the kingdom to the future and did, on numerous occasions, intimate that such an event might appear as a part of a world crisis ; and though he did likewise most certainly, on several occasions, definitely promise sometime to return to Urantia, it should be recorded that he never positively linked these two ideas together. He promised a new revelation of the kingdom on earth and at some future time; he also promised sometime to come back to this world in person; but he did not say that these two events were synonymous. From all we know these promises may, or may not, refer to the same event

    PA new revelation which has been fulfilled and world crisis. I they are synonymous and connected because it has all to do with adjudication and the correction. It would all have to be connected. Totaly! I cant imagine it not!

    [ 08-25-2007, 06:25 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]

    It seems to me that many movie seem to have subtle reflections to the changes and the things that are occurring.

    In the journey to the ancient places I feel rapture is a viable option and the most logical thing to happen.

    Here is something I rediscovered and posted last night out of Enoch.

    In the following is from Enoch Chapter 10 and looking at it in metaphor to this times. I see similar characteristics of this journey. Also I see curious thing that I feel points to a rapture where the earth is goes through earth changes. Read the end of Chapter 10. It describes this journey.

    Dont mind links and earlier thoughts in between.


    Chapter 10

    1 Then said the Most High, the Holy and Great One spake, and sent Uriel to the son of Lamech, 2 and said to him: 'Go to Noah and tell him in my name "Hide thyself!" and reveal to him the end that is approaching: that the whole earth will be destroyed, and a deluge is about to come 3 upon the whole earth, and will destroy all that is on it.

    I believe this thesis of the Noah story

    An interesting thesis on the relationship of the Noah Story, The Bible and the Eastern Mediterranean deluge

    Additional research

    Plato's description of Atlantis in point form.

    And now instruct him that he may ""escape"" 4 and his seed may be preserved for all the generations of the world.' And again the Lord said to Raphael: 'Bind Azazel hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: and make an opening 5 in the desert, which is in Dudael, and cast him therein. And place upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there for ever, and cover his face that he may 6,7 not see light. And on the day of the great judgement he shall be cast into the fire.

    And heal the earth which the angels have corrupted, and proclaim the healing of the earth, that they may heal the plague, and that all the children of men may not perish through all the secret things that the

    8 Watchers have disclosed and have taught their sons. And the whole earth has been corrupted 9 through the works that were taught by Azazel: to him ascribe all sin.'

    The call, Judgment of the latter days in essence given over 2300 years ago

    And to Gabriel said the Lord: 'Proceed against the bastards and the reprobates, and against the children of fornication: and destroy [the children of fornication and] the children of the Watchers from amongst men [and cause them to go forth]: send them one against the other that they may destroy each other in 10 battle: for length of days shall they not have. And no request that they (i.e. their fathers) make of thee shall be granted unto their fathers on their behalf; for they hope to live an eternal life, and 11 that each one of them will live five hundred years.' And the Lord said unto Michael: 'Go, bind Semjaza and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves

    12 with them in all their uncleanness. And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgement and of their consummation, till the judgement that is

    13 for ever and ever is consummated. In those days they shall be ""led off"" to ""the abyss"" of fire: and 14 to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined for ever. (the test ?? and rejecting it perhaps!)

    And whosoever shall be condemned and destroyed will from thenceforth be bound together with them to the end of all 15 generations. And destroy all the spirits of the reprobate and the children of the Watchers, because 16 they have wronged mankind. Destroy all wrong from the face of the earth and let every evil work come to an end:

    In the following is information concerning the tree of life at the end of the epoch.

    and let the plant of righteousness and truth appear: ("tree of life" Jesus prophecy) and it shall prove a blessing; the works of righteousness and truth' shall be planted in truth and joy for evermore.

    17 And then shall all ""the righteous escape"" And shall live till they beget thousands of children, And all the days of their youth and their old age Shall they complete in peace. 18 ]And then shall the whole earth be tilled in righteousness, and shall all be planted with trees and 19 be full of blessing. And all desirable trees shall be planted on it, and they shall plant vines on it: and the vine which they plant thereon shall yield wine in abundance, and as for all the seed which is sown thereon each measure (of it) shall bear a thousand, and each measure of olives shall yield 20 ten presses of oil. And cleanse thou the earth from all oppression, and from all unrighteousness, and from all sin, and from all godlessness: and all the uncleanness that is wrought upon the earth 21 destroy from off the earth. And all the children of men shall become righteous, and all nations 22 shall offer adoration and shall praise Me, and all shall worship Me. And the earth shall be cleansed from all defilement, and from all sin, and from all punishment, and from all torment, and I will never again send (them) upon it from generation to generation and for ever.

    Is this prophecy currently being fulfilled?? revelation 10 20 Daniel 2 Jesus prophecy 1st Eden/Atlantis discovery The Urantia Papers new books

    Chapter 11

    1 And in those days I will open the store chambers of blessing which are in the heaven, so as to send 2 them down upon the earth over the work and labour of the children of men. And truth and peace shall be associated together throughout all the days of the world and throughout all the generations of men.'

    It seems to me that something from the realms of Paradise is presented that proves itself. Then the righteousness will escape which points to this exact point in time in the flow and ebb of the conversation and in the discoveries and the images.

    Really speaking an expedition has to be performed to prove this research, it appears to me its proven in the images as we view the anomalies. However Nostradamus specifically points to the artificial images and in another area points to 2 expedition that went to 1stEden where the second one ran out of supplies, meaning money. He also makes reference to the Elysian fields which involves Dilmun but could involve Dalamatia City and the massive structures.

    1 Before these things Enoch was hidden, and no one of the children of men knew where he was 2 hidden, and where he abode, and what had become of him


    and let every evil work come to an end: and let the plant of righteousness and truth appear:

    The exact reflections of the journey to the ancient places, these temples of the Father 1stEden and Dalamatia are a direct connection to the knowledge of the tree of life. Truth Appears, which is exactly what has happened in this journey and discoveries where the truth just appears out of nowhere and comes to a final construct at the end and thats the end.

    The truth just appears.

    This is also related to a thing of a work of truth and righteousness. Where what is set before man will prove itself.

    and it shall prove a blessing;

    For many but it may prove to be a curse for some.

    It will prove itself in Truth and Righteousness where the truth will appear and will prove itself.

    I suggest the ancient places and the journey and the discoveries along the way which has direct connection to the Urantia Book and all the books of religion that is relevant and that includes quite a number from numerous cultures.

    all the best

    Post  The Land of the Rising Sun, reflections of Babel/Dilmun in the North or Dilmun of the East


    Rev 7:217

    2 Then I saw another angel ascend from
    the rising of the sun, with the seal of the living God, and he called with a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm earth and sea,
    3 saying, "Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God upon their foreheads."
    4 And I heard the number of the sealed, a hundred and forty four thousand sealed, out of every tribe of the sons of Israel,

    Could the above be directly connected with this Journey and discovery of the Ancient places in the connection of "another angel ascend from the rising of the sun" particularly the term "rising of the sun" Could this term be linked to the references to Dilmun in its relation to "the rising of the sun". Could this journey and what is uncovered as in the cities of the rising sun, the seal, and its through the test of faith, that the elect of 144,000 as mentioned in the Revelations that are selected and caught up with God ready for the new world.

    References "to the rising sun" seal which I think is the seventh mystery and the submerged cities.

    Another reference



    "Isaiah 42 25 I have raised up one from the north, and he shall come: from the rising of the sun shall he call upon my name: and he shall come upon princes as upon morter, and as the potter treadeth clay."

    another from Isaiah



    6 That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the Lord, and there is none else

    Here is another from an unexpected source



    Abu Hurairah said,
    "The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, 'There are three
    things which, when they appear, no good will it do a soul to believe in
    them then, if it believed not before nor earned righteousness through its
    Faith. They are: The Dajjaal, the Beast, and the rising of the sun from the

    that was interesting

    Malachi 1 11 For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same my name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place incense shall be offered unto my name, and a pure offering: for my name shall be great among the heathen, saith the Lord of hosts




    The royal bird over the city of the Sun, (Dalamatia image)
    Seven months in advance it will deliver a nocturnal omen:

    The Sumerian's about Dilmun

    Dilmun, sometimes described as "the place where the sun rises" and "the Land of the Living" is the scene of a Sumerian creation myth and the place where the deified Sumerian hero of the flood, Ziusudra (Utnapishtim), was taken by the gods to live for ever.

    Note the connection Sumerian Noah, Babel was built in Dilmun. The seal is connected to these cities that are arising in truth.


    Hey from my research I think we are in this moment.

    Not scare mongering or anything like that. But the discovery of the first cities are part of this and the indictment is originating from these places.

    No crap


    25:27 -- Then you shall say to them, Thus says Yahweh of hosts, the God of Israel: Drink, be drunk and vomit, fall and rise no more, because of the sword which I am sending among you.

    25:28 -- And if they refuse to accept the cup from your hand to drink, then you shall say to them, Thus says Yahweh of hosts: You must drink!

    25:29 -- For behold, I begin to work evil at the city which is called by my name, and shall you go unpunished? You shall not go unpunished, for I am summoning a sword against all the inhabitants of the earth.

    25:30 -- You, therefore, shall prophesy against them all these words, and say to them: Yahweh will roar from on high, and from his holy habitation utter his voice; he will roar mightily against his fold, and shout, like those who tread grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth.

    Jer 25:31-38 -- The clamor will resound to the ends of the earth, for Yahweh has an indictment against the nations; he is entering into judgment with all flesh, and the wicked he will put to the sword.

    Thus says Yahweh of hosts: Behold, evil is going forth from nation to nation, and a great tempest is stirring from the farthest parts of the earth! And those slain by Yahweh on that day shall extend from one end of the earth to the other. They shall not be lamented, or gathered, or buried; they shall be dung on the surface of the ground.

    Wail, you shepherds, and cry, and roll in ashes, you lords of the flock, for the days of your slaughter and dispersion have come, and you shall fall like choice rams. No refuge will remain for the shepherds, nor escape for the lords of the flock.

    Hark, the cry of the shepherds, and the wail of the lords of the flock! For Yahweh is despoiling their pasture, and the peaceful folds are devastated, because of his fierce anger. Like a lion he has left his covert, for their land has become a waste because of the sword of the oppressor, and because of his fierce anger.

    I think the second stage is translation and those left behind will really feel it, in there souls and the fire within ones soul will be very evident. Everyone will miss everyone and there will be much sorrow in this event.

    Unfortunately, the last rebel may be given more rope, that means a change I think for the worse. I think the world will make some false alliance in light of the event but will be broken and may lead to war. But then thats the interesting part, thats when a great return is predicted and the great judgment occurs. Those who haven't reconciled themselves see ya later. That was the last train to Paradise on earth and then great earth changes occur.

    There could be variation but this what I feel at the moment.

    good luck all!

    I want to add that.

    Ive been thinking about all those UFOs you see in the skies I believe are they seraphic transports that can enter in and escape out of this dimension into the Angelic realm of existence. I am absolutely sure they here on mass for a purpose. perhaps even rapture in the first stage. Thinking about these transports, they are made of a different material similar to Paul's description of another greater substance. In the other realm there are more elements that make up wider selection of materials. Thats why the metals that have been recovered are not found in this dimension and are not recognized.

    Rapture or translation is necessary for humans for space travel to an architectural world in the other dimension reality. It is a world that is prepared for the elect of this planet. Faith Sons of the Father, that can be anyone who has faith no matter who. The Paradise invitation is open to all who has faith. Simple faith, faith of a child that is teachable and spiritually coherent and has desire through inspiration of truth, setting you free.

    If this happens in this timing those left behind who never had faith are left here to deal with everything thats pretty well bad on all accounts with every nation.

    Thats largely due to false sophistry sought after by man given by Caligastia the last remaining rebel in the spiritual realm. Thats why he was left on the planet solely to see his final outcome and so that man can see the rebel for himself and know the truth, for his eyes only.

    Some societies in past maybe connected to this and gained knowledge and used the knowledge for self gain and we see the results like in the state of the planet and rumors of war going around not to mention all the suicide terrorism.

    But then everything comes good for the Father in the end, and everything returns to him in truth.

    Here is some research by a UB researcher about Seraphic transports and perhaps may give more of an idea about the Seraphic transports we see or UFOs man sees in the sky.

    All that is hidden is being revealed! said in the Book of Enoch

    all the best



    I don't know man.

    This image here are the triangles that where the first learning centers for civilization.

    This construction is built upon the design of the Capital of this Universe. Jerusem.

    Now if you look at the plan view of part of Dalamatia City you see a www or mmm formation.

    If you look in the tomb of Jesus' family ?? you the same shape www or mmm shape

    Then if you look at this Sumerian Seal you see the same effect

    then if you look above the face of Mars you see a similar effect

    All this shape and design goes back to Jerusem the Capital of the Universe.

    Re: Do You Believe There Is Massive Impending Doom For Humanity?Quote
    I research this because I really enjoy it and leads to something very solid as in real discoveries in the prophetical timeline and its just something that is beyond this realm.

    Plus in this journey I leave the shores mediocrity, small mindedness and shallow thoughts into something quite phenomenal that is planetary and quite deep in greater understanding. If this affect my fellow man, III tell him if it may effect him.

    I'm sure you do the same for me.

    wouldn't you??

    this could mean the activation.

    from the first places

    all found in all the books of religion in all the cultures.

    Everyone had a piece of the end time.

    Like a puzzle completed.

    Icon 1 posted 08-28-2007 03:20 AM      Profile for sevens     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 

    Hey seek

    No worries about the Urantia Book. I would be happy to share this book with you.

    I read it 15 or 14 years ago, it took me 5 weeks uninterrupted reading 6-7 hours a day. It was the most inspiring read for me especially when I read about 1st Garden of Eden, that was when I really had a desire to find the lost Garden. However, some years later down the track I was really inspired to see that Robert Sarmast was heading directly towards the Garden in a Book called Discovery of Atlantis coupled with an expedition a year later. After 2 expeditions he verified the wall that was described in The Urantia Book.

    Even the journey right from the beginning that led to the book and the journey towards 1stEden was amazing and how things manifested through faith.

    However, after the 2nd Expedition the journey continued on. The path of the journey then took an amazing turn into the scriptures by myself to see if I could find reflections of the ancient places in the Bible and all the books of religion I could find even the Quran.

    Going through journey and being led the whole way in the books focalising on the ancient places only I found the most amazing connections and parallels.

    That just made all sense to me, The journey went all over the place on many levels. Finding connections and parallel completely and utterly inspired deep within my soul. The Holy Spirit has sustained me all the way as I was going through a major crisis because of a loss of a relationship and someone whom I loved very much. That took about 10 years to get over that whilst doing the research simultaneously to the ancient places was my salvation.

    I can truly say that in all my hardship through the journey, The Father has sustained me the whole through inspiration, discovery and finding great secrets, mysteries and connections, he was truly faithful to me even when I made mistakes in my life and ventured to change my ways as best as I could he helped me through the books of religion and through the inward experience. The Father and all the angels where truly faithful and blessed beyond my wildest dreams.

    I feel all is arising even as I write this testimony. I am very thankful to the Father and Jesus and Holy Spirit for helping me out in my time of personal crisis and depression and I can truly say that I love him much in all aspect. The Father is truly a great friend. Right on!

    Thanks God.

    It was 3 years and Seven months that I truly began to document my little finds, it was slow because I had to pick up threads which relates to the point of realization of the significants of a discovery.

    In the beginning they were little finds and discoveries mainly of location, description of the area, to see if there where parallels and after a while I started to find purpose and meaning whilst finding more about the background as reflected in the books.

    That has always continued and has never stopped and now the research tells me that we are at crucial stage in the journey. Like in rapture.

    Here is the website that has evolved in the time.

    Most of the time I'm on forums copying everything that I write. I find realizing on the run has been very fruitful as it makes you study and find things to back up your thoughts and hunches.

    Its when you discover parallels and connections that you are just in awe and in real joy.

    Anyway thats what the urantia Book has done for me


    Re: Affirmation: NESARA and First Contact Updates.Quote
    Here is a timeline that Ive been working with in my research.

    My research also shows me that September of this year 07 is the Month of another phase in this transition. I believe it will be decision time based on faith and is directly connected to the submerged first places. It could be time mass translation.

    The Image is yet incomplete Malachi is involved in this and his prophecy finishes in September 24th.

    [link to]

    No worries,

    The difference is the Sun is fusion rather different to our current technology.

    Would fusion be the positive alternative to destruction. Where we fuse energy rather than separate it. Even by manipulating the radial spin of the ultimaton does approach anti matter. Maybe that is the key increasing the radial spin and shortening the radius of the 3 rings of ultimatons that cluster and orbit the nucleus.

    Ultimatons is what makes an electron.

    There are 3 distinct orbits from the heaviest to the lightest. In the center the spin nears the speed of light and is where Paradise exists. In the central part.

    I believe the new energy source for the planet is anti matter by the varying of radial spin and radius of these ultimatons that make up the electron.

    By increasing the spin would accelerate the general spin of the ultimaton and then by varying the radius of the orbit would speed the electron and therefore give off energy tapping into antimatter. The reverse to matter, this would therefore give out energy through the loss of matter.

    Anyway I reckon that's where the answer lays digging into the antimatter section of the electron and trading matter for energy through the variation of spin and radius, like spinning off energy from a spinning top. In this case we speed the top to the point of antimatter peeling of energy as a spin off.

    All you would be doing is applying a technique that would add to the momentum of the spin of the ultimaton that would alone increase the spin, with increased spin of the ultimaton which would affect the radius of its orbit. The heavy elements would give of energy peeling of one layer after another when you come to the paradise section, the antimatter part, the eternal part, the timeless part. Taping into the eternal, never ending streaming of energy of antimatter direct from Paradise.

    Anyway I thought that sounded cool where much of it has been inspired by the UB.


    Icon 1 posted 08-29-2007 07:31 PM

    I was thinking ultimaton.

    Apparently in its evolution its pussiant energy ultimately changes where ultimatons form. As the spin rate of these ultimatons slow down and huddle together they form matter.

    So matter is related to the radial spin rate of the ultimatons increase the spin rate and you have antimatter. Perhaps if you slow down the spin rate matter gets heavier and therefore may disrupt energy. Its like peeling of energy as said before in the way of harnessing it. If a technique of this could developed we could be living of antimatter by increasing the momentum of matter or may be the trick is in by speeding up spin to the antimatter elements.

    There all thoughts for energy harnessing from Paradise in the new world of the "Kingdom of Heaven of earth"

    All ideas are welcome for new energy for the new world.


    [ 08-29-2007, 07:32 PM: Message edited by: sevens ]

    Post  Sun Sep 02, 2007 5:28 am

    I found this Gem in Ezra, I'm not sure of the chapter, I found in my research. To me it describes everything about this journey. to a tee.



    [22] If then I have found favor before thee, send the Holy Spirit into me, and I will write everything that has happened in the world from the beginning, the things which were written in thy law, that men may be able to find the path, and that those who wish to live in the last days may live."

    Well thats is exactly the case in this journey, for sure 100%. This is a definite thread or path to investigate. I reckon!

    Here is the rest of the post
    (this bookmark is a large download wait for it to complete and refresh)

    Its quite astonishing how it reflects everything in the journey. It amazing rediscovering something from the past that fulfills everything that has happened.


    PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:14 am    Post subject:

    maybe the one pointing the finger should observe oneself from a third party point of view rather than the superior and above than thou attitude.

    Or is that to much and prejudice to see that??

    or was that he without attitude cast the first stone?? say what? haha


    PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:31 am    Post subject:


    humanity still needs rules and rule enforcement to prevent us from hurting each other.

    pity about that when the UB speaks of self regulation.




    That Charges $$$ Money for Spiritual Advice .

    its interesting that Jesus speaks rather firm about combining spiritual and obtaining money through the spiritual. I suppose its a kin to receiving commission on a sale. People have a tendency to compromise there trust to the client for best deal because of the fat commissions, its a similar situation we have with the sub prime market, the drive for extra commission, the self drive that brought the industry to its knees and will get worse.

    Because man went for the jugular in his efforts to reap as much as he could get there compromising the client.

    Is suppose big money and the influence of people through the spiritual would be like a drug that a leader could get addicted to. Money, power and influence with a motive a self sustainment but at a severe cost for the client.

    That's why I'm sure that Jesus forbade religion and economics because he knew how man can be vulnerable to spiritual compromise.


    PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:46 am 

    Nup its a whole lot of rubbish and purely mans fear driven imagination.

    It amazes me that I get deleted and edited and then you see crazy non relevant threads like this and no worries they are kept.

    must be a relative.


    PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:58 am    Post subject:

    The problem is, people put energy and feeling into there thread and then they see it all dismantled from there own point of view.

    Off course people get upset and react and how do you know they are right in dismantling threads in the scheme of things.

    What are we some child with no experience in this spiritual walk. Just about all the UB readers are ex Christians who were treated like children. So what I'm saying they are not new born spiritual persons, many people here do have past experience and are not stupid for some person to come around and just delete way in accordance to his own limitations in his view point and research. I think its insulting to say the least particularly when you don't even know the person nor ever have conversed with him. Why should I respect that. How can I respect that!

    No one is baby around here. People here can think for themselves and be able to express themselves fully.

    Did Jesus ever delete anyone or suppressed a persons thoughts. No! because he believes in freedom of speech or expression..



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