I was driving home this afternoon, as I was driving around through the
streets I came to a bend which had 87 painted on the curving. I
recognised the 87 in reflection to 78, I drove a little further and
recalled the 78 aspect in revelation and it occurred to me that what the
verse is speaking about is the impostor 78 because the man-child born of
the woman is taken to the throne room of God.
"King James 2000 Bible
Revelation 17:11
And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the
seven, and goes into perdition."

Video footage of what appears to be
a public hanging in Iran in which a group of men are standing on
buses with ropes draped round their neck fixed to a bridge
before they drive away has emerged.

NASA confirms the Hopi Blue Star
Kachina and brave trader on BBC interview warns everyone to
prepare for the next 12 months. Mirror, jcattera , Thank You, ww...

Watch Willkillyouall's video about
nasa ufo latest 2011 news documentary on Disclose.tv
About Hindu and I am very happy.
I am amazed it links directly to Adam in 1st Eden. I praise God for
that, Glory to God.
1. The Sethite period.
The Sethite priests, as regenerated under the leadership of Amosad,
became the great post-Adamic teachers. They functioned throughout the
lands of the Andites, and their influence persisted longest among the
Greeks, Sumerians, and Hindus.
>>>>>Among the latter they have continued to the present time as the
Brahmans of the Hindu faith. The Sethites and their followers never
entirely lost the Trinity concept revealed by Adam.<<<<

3 luces extranas un dia de mucho
aire y quemasones en Baja california por la noche
Apparently, mmmm

There have been many discussions
going on recently about a conspiracy with the supposed discovery
of one of the fabled Hall of Records in Egypt. Many researchers
are claiming that both the Egyptian government and Zahi Hawass
are covering up the discovery.
I really don't the earth is about to end
also but I do believe we are in times of truth being revealed from the
hidden attached to Revelation which would change ideas and perception in

We're getting so many reassurances
from NASA these days that the world is not about to be destroyed
by some space-borne phenomenon that I'm starting to wonder if
there's something the space agency isn't telling us. Read this
blog post by Edward Moyer on Cutting Edge.
I was impressed by this video.

"Only an alert and knowledgeable
citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial
and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and
goals so that security and liberty may prosper together." more..

Watch Scooby01ukuk's video about
Aliens & UFOs documentary on Disclose.tv
I wonder if this is another example of our
hostility towards our Universal brothers!!
I wonder if there was an hostile exchange.

"Only an alert and knowledgeable
citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial
and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and
goals so that security and liberty may prosper together." more..

The USS GG 67 Shiloh (A Ticonderoga
class missile cruiser) was patrolling the Pacific Ocean when its
radar detected a UFO and visually. The object was disc-shaped
resembling two deep saucers placed together, somewhat like a
smooth image of the planet Saturn. The disk approached the
Shiloh and began ...

Athens. It is believed that the tomb
of Alexander the Great and the Ark of the Covenant have been
found on the Greek Island of Thasos, announced Russian
Grekomania.ru, which is information partner of the Greek
Minister of Culture and Tourism. Head of the research group
Pitia Nikolaos Kumardzis anno...
hahaha what a laugh but honestly I would not get all superstitious about
1111. I know there is 1111 secondary midwayers close to us but I don't
think 1111 superstition is there objective but the full truth about you.

Rumors that groups would try to hold
spiritual ceremonies at 11:11 a.m. on Nov. 11, 2011, at an
Egyptian pyramid prompted its closure.

"Only an alert and knowledgeable
citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial
and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and
goals so that security and liberty may prosper together." more..
This leader seems to be quite definite about
the the reality and quite prophetic in his own way.
I would like to see if what he says comes to pass in his demonstration
of what he thinks. Seems to be laying a political platform for himself.
See what happens but I still think they are forgetting the beginning and
are quite blind to it along with the new revelation which they should
research and explore. The urantia Book.

Watch Renseor's video about Thrive
Unconventional Documentary Premiering Online 111111
Thrivemovement documentary on Disclose.tv
Oil prices could surge to $175-200 per
barrel if Israel attacks Irans nuclear facilities, leading to the
closure of an important oil route, according to market observers.
Tensions between the two arch foes have escalated after the
International Atomic Energy Agency 2011/11/08/iranian-nuclear-program-what%E2%80%99s-in-the-iaeas-report
it had credible evidence of Tehrans nuclear weapons plan.
Ok its 11:11 at 11:11 2011, even though WW1
officially finished on at 11/11 at 11:00, I missed it by 1 minute to pay
my respects to the fallen from war, so I thought the 11:11 marker would
be good.
That would be 11/11/11 @ 11:11
and yet the White House denies virtually all
that is happening. What about all the incidences and so forth and
experience in people lives.

A study shows even the most detailed
look into space would miss objects up to 33ft wide - which is
larger than any of the probes and greetings we have sent out
into space.
Gospel of Thomas
(5) Jesus said: Know what is before thy face, and what hidden from thee
shall be revealed unto thee; for there is nothing hidden which shall not
be made manifest.

Irans Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are convinced that the End of Days
has come. To truly understand how just how dangerous Irans
regime really is, American leaders need to better understand
Shia eschatology.
Just as Im writing all these threads and
about to hit the sack, I see this in the news, amazing!
We agree on something but we should be exploring the truth not creating
arms and bombs and moving forward. We should be testing the truth while
we can.
Peter of the New Testament of the Bible was
right to and good on him because we are acting it out, today in reality.
1 Peter 1:20
>>He was chosen before the creation of the world, <>>>but was revealed
in these last times for your sake.<<
eh! eh! we are there/here in the journey and reality.
I was speaking Moslem friend we found much
commonality, we also spoke about Dajjal, a beast so to speak in Muslim.
Apparently there is another book according to my friend that speak about
dajjal, his one eye which I believe is his symbol and something about a
tree, like no other tree on earth.
The Tree of Life I presume!!! and perhaps with its accompanying journey?
Its all madness for religion to be involved
in these crafty devices.

Iran continued working on nuclear
weapons at least until last year, including efforts to shrink a
Pakistani warhead design to fit atop its ballistic missiles, a
report from United Nations inspectors said.
There you go, even in light of all the
conspiracies. Maybe the aliens should try sending a nice postcard.
Something different and interesting.

A study shows even the most detailed
look into space would miss objects up to 33ft wide - which is
larger than any of the probes and greetings we have sent out
into space.
Carbon Tax on the way in this
I still don't agree with it when we have water drop technology. Why
tax the people
These solar temperatures operate to enormously speed up the ultimatons
and the electrons, at least such of the latter as continue to maintain
their existence under these conditions.
>>>>You will realize what high temperature means by way of the
acceleration of ultimatonic and electronic activities<<>> when you
pause to consider that one drop of ordinary water contains over one
billion trillions of atoms.<<
>This is the energy of more than one hundred horsepower exerted
continuously for two years.<
The total heat now given out by the solar system sun each second is
sufficient to boil all the water in all the oceans on Urantia in just
one second of time.

Opinion: Op-ed: In wake of damning
UN report on Irans nuclear plan, world must prepare for war

A 400m-wide asteroid passes by
Earth, on a path closer to the planet than the Moon, much to the
delight of astronomers.

The same area of the sun that
produced an X-class flare which narrowly missed earth last week
is now taking aim directly at our planet.

Another great track from the
excellent cd "Foreign Exchange" from Paul Brown and Marc
Antoine. This cut is entitled 'French Connection". Enjoy!

Uploaded to
The Garden of the Great Rock upon
the top of the Mount of the Dandenong Ranges Australia. I was
told by a hairs breadth of an faint local legend of how the
local natives came to this rock during the summer months up to
even recent times in the...
That was amazing

A massive flock of starlings is
known as a murmuration. These murmurations are a natural
phenomenon of swirling bird flight patterns that mesh, break
apart and come together again, seemingly without any chaos or
UFO 5th November 2011 Triangular Shape
9:45am NZL time is it closest approach
between the Moon and the Earth.

"An asteroid that is bigger than an
aircraft carrier will dart between the Earth and the moon this
week. It will be the closest encounter by such a huge rock...

Good one from the fine keyboard
player Brian Simpson's "It's All Good" Cd. This one's entitled
"Saturday Cool".
The whole scenario seem to have SNARE
written all over it. Iran wants Israel to attack to find justification
for the rhetoric. Its one of those snares you cant get out of looking
from the Israel point of view, they have no real choices and Iran wants
them to attack.
Transparent UFO

Watch Scooby01ukuk's video about
Aliens & UFOs documentary on Disclose.tv

Perry Stone teaches from Israel.
Primitive man the Andonites had black
eyes and a swarthy complexion, something of a cross between yellow and
See what happens there.

A revealing exploration of one of
the world's most influential books.

Watch Isotrop's video about Wwwnoob
documentary on Disclose.tv
In this video they are very close to the location of Dalamatia City,
Perhaps Dalamatia City was an island in the middle of these converging
Garden of Eden - LOCATED!
Songs 4 Woship - Let Your spirit rise within
me & I will arise

UBtheNEWS documents how new
discoveries and scientific advances increasingly support The
Urantia Book's account of planetary history. The Urantia Book
was published in 1955.

Great tune from Rick Braun. The
title track from his Night Walk cd".

Halbert Katzen has created this
fantastic site which was written for non Urantia Book readers
which provides new reports periodically on the corroborations of
the history and science in The Urantia Book that have emerged
since its publication.

UBtheNEWS documents how new
discoveries and scientific advances increasingly support The
Urantia Book's account of planetary history. The Urantia Book
was published in 1955.
Foxhall people research
In fact, they are depicted as being the first humans to inhabit England,
but the remains of the Foxhall peoples were the last to be uncovered
through archaeology (at least as of the mid-1930's). They crossed from
France to England by way of a land bridge now submerged beneath the
North Sea and English Channel.

The Vatican called Monday for
radical reform of the world's financial systems, including the
creation of a global political authority to manage the economy.
Next you "beat a tree" spare a thought for Andon, the originator of the
Andon taught his children to settle disputes by each beating a tree with
a stick, meanwhile cursing the tree; the one whose stick broke first was
the victor. The later Andonites used to settle disputes by holding a
public show at which the disputants made fun of and ridiculed each
other, while the audience decided the winner by its applause.
5. Power the craving to be
Treasure lending was carried on as a means of enslavement, one hundred
per cent a year being the loan rate of these ancient times.<<
>> The moneylenders made themselves kings by creating a standing army
of debtors. Bond servants were among the earliest form of property to
be accumulated, and in olden days debt slavery extended even to the
control of...
the body after death.<<<
we think its bad today eh!
I speak of the cities of refuge to day in the spirit from the
"For ages silent barter continued before men would meet, unarmed, on the
sacred market place. These same market squares became the first places
of sanctuary and in some countries were later known as >cities of
>Any fugitive reaching the market place was safe and secure against
3. Differentiation based on religion. The medicine men were the first
human beings to be exempted from physical toil; they were the pioneer
professional class. The smiths were a small group who competed with the
medicine men as magicians.
>>Their skill in working with metals made the people afraid of them. The
white smiths and the black smiths<<<>> gave origin to the early
beliefs in white and black magic.
>>And this belief later became involved in the superstition of good and
bad ghosts, good and bad spirits.<<
The first human foresight was directed toward the preservation of fire,
water, and food. But primitive man was a natural-born gambler;<<> he
always wanted to get something for nothing, and all too often during
these early times the success which accrued from patient practice was
attributed to charms. Magic was slow to give way before foresight,
self-denial, and industry.

Watch 8seconds's video about ufos
orbs aliens documentary on Disclose.tv

really windy and a lot of shaking
!!but I guess it worths it !!! song is"Slowdown" with Kenneth
Crouch(keys) Eric Valentine (Drums) Ernest Tibbs (Bass) & Dio...
The mound of Babel in Dilmun City, submerged
around 10,000 years ago or so.
The Phoenix and the Tree of Life at the dawn
of the new spring Day.

Paul Hardcastle released some albums
as the Jazzmasters in the '90s in addition to his normal output.
If men would maintain their freedom, they
must, after having chosen their charter of liberty, provide for its
wise, intelligent, and fearless interpretation to the end that there may
be prevented:

Watch Streetcap1's video about ufos
after china launch spacecraft ovnis ufo ovni orbit nasa
documentary on Disclose.tv

Watch Scooby01ukuk's video about
Aliens & UFOs documentary on Disclose.tv

A Russian spacecraft will soon be
launched to Phobos, a Martian moon, and return soil samples to
Whilst I was up north, I had many occasions
to read the Urantia Book as the thought occurred to me. Every time I read
the book I learnt something new. This was one section in the book that
took my interest one dawn morning when the sun was bright.
7. Primitive Clubs and Secret Societies

British officials consider
contingency options to back up a possible US action as fears
mount over Tehran's capability
The entire mechanism of spirit intelligence and communication channels
is at the disposal of the constellation Most Highs.
They are in perfect touch with their superiors on Salvington and with
their direct subordinates, the sovereigns of the local systems. They
frequently convene in council with these System Sovereigns to deliberate
upon the state of the constellation.

Moscow (RIA Novosti) Jan 27, 2011 -
Russian astronomers have predicted that asteroid Apophis may
strike Earth on April 13, 2036. Apophis will approach Earth at a
distance of 37,000-38,000 kilometers on April 13, 2029. Its
I had a really nice pictorial post with
thoughts coupled with images on leader beaters thread and it got all
deleted. What a shame! That was one of the finest things I ever put

Music from the
Smooth11JazzVault....where MUSIC is a way of life....

Brian Simpson Live at Jazz Fest West
2008. Andre Berry...Bass, Yarone Levy...Guitar, Donnell Spencer
Jr. ...Drums

Smooth Jazz - Peter White - Love
Will Find You - From CD "Good Day"
To me this and another good reason for evacuation of the planet as it
does effect our Genes. Apparently, this radioactive pollution is world
wide now.

"Only an alert and knowledgeable
citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial
and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and
goals so that security and liberty may prosper together." more..
OMG this househgold has gone through 7
electric kettles made in China in one year. I am so upset at the poor
quality of Chinese made goods. Its absolute rubbish, I have never seen
anything like this in my life. Its almost a complete scam on us all.
Thats what it feels like, a commercial revolving door scam with poor
products designed to break, Off course underlying profit motivation is
what drives it to keep the till going with more wastage for the tip.

song: smooth groove artist: paul
hardcastle album: the jazzmasters II For high quality downloads
of these and all other Hardcastle/Jazzmasters tracks and Vid...
In this day right! as we see in the
witness even in religion.
Revelation 13:10
If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity he will go.
If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword he will be
>This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the
Waiting in the endurance of the Lord, to further uncover the hidden in
revealing with all ts truth, for all mankind.

Tom Waits "Road to Peace" from the
album "Orphans - Brawlers, Bawlers and Bastards".
There is disaster is happening in Egypt
again. Oh man!
This points to the the beginning
ancient cities of the Tree of Life. Eden and Dalamatia City qualify in
this verse.
"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun."
so true!

The Early Show: Snow delays
Halloween in several Mass. locales - Worcester, several
municipalities around it tell families to put off
trick-or-treating until later in week
Sevens8added a new
This image at dawn is reflection of the 1st Garden of Eden connected to
the mainland by a twenty seven! mile isthmus.
An image of the 1st Garden island of Eden, in the clouds, in the
metaphor within the journey of the tree of life with the Sun above,
shining its health rays upon all of mankind, from in the beginning with
the tree of life unto waters of Eternity.
Tablet 109
The Targum
from the Beginnings and Facebook timeline