UFO david sereda nasa ufos FLYING SAUCER DISC SHAPE CRAFT shape
imposters LOOK CLOSE phoenix ariz

David Sereda at the Ancient of Days 2004 Conference in Roswell,
New Mexico. David talks about the incredible video footage taken
by the Mexican military, whi

The conclusions presented here will shock and amaze you! Boldly
going where no scientists have gone before The Debate! The
Conclusions! The Wonder! Schola

Atma Ananda teaches Self-Being Strategy based on main
principles of development using traditional techniques. Her
own 20 years spiritual experience can be described in two
parts. First 10 years, she got background in Western culture
getting Master degree
in philosophy, working in universities and publishing houses,
practicing Christian and Occult methods. Next 10 years she
spent in 10 Asian countries studying and working with above 50
original masters, getting many initiations and certificates,
and writing 25 books printed in total run of 110 000 copies
(available in 5 languages in 35 countries). Her unique path
was described in her Out of Biography. Her teaching is based
on her holistic spiritual experience (check the authors
web-site for details).
262 people like this.
earthquake in
New Zealand 6.1 Mag

USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, responsible for monitoring,
reporting, and researching earthquakes and earthquake hazards
Ok continuing
on the Judgment saga it will be interesting what Ra-EL who claims he is
Jesus has to say in the matter!!! He is in charge of a huge Templer army
of some sort, one of many many armies of this planet, not very original.
An example of
where the world loves kick something when its down in its condemnation
with Mock and what defence is there in this scenario really.
So while the
world is carrying on post failed prophecy date call, I/we have tabled a
solution, a plan for Eden in the Greater Message of Jesus that would
emanate from the Garden by the people of the Garden.
A message of discovery and realisation with recognition.
He is silent
but we are not.

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - With no sign his forecast of Judgment
Day arriving on Saturday has come true, the 89-year-old
California evangelical broadcaster and former civil engineer
behind the pronouncement
interesting orb
action in the Volcano eruption.

Russia believes we are getting invaded by aliens. Must read the
report. Also I read a report stating that all these earthquake
What if we all
for a walk to day in our gardens that we love to walk and express what
we feel is the answer to the end time prophecy in our own way when we
get back. It could be an exercise, in light of current disappointment
that can take us onto more positive fields of thought and side step all
the outside of the garden stuff.
From what I can
see its past 6pm in all paces and its normal, its was a failed prophecy,
a complete failure but for me there was some consolation truth prizes.
It made me study the matter where I learnt some thing as you know about
the last message.

My facebook experience is so rich with spirituality and friends
who value the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood/Sisterhood
of ManI want to thank you all for so many warm and loving
thoughts everyday..it's so amazing and brings so much love
into my life!!

Perry Stone teaches in Israel.
connected to
the 3rd post down, here is a clue to the Messiahs Message regarding
recognition in his coming.

Recorded at Pizza Express Jazz Club in London. Featuring Oli
Silk (Keyboards), Mark Jaimes (Guitar), Andrew Small (Drums),
Joe Becket (Percussion) & Julian C
Source of the
Cult of the Tree of Life 38,000 years ago and beyond.
About the
lingering tree cult traditions that still perpetuates today.
The Patagonians still worship trees, as did the early Semites. Long
after the Hebrews ceased tree worship, they continued to venerate their
various deities in the groves. Except in China, there once existed a
universal cult of the tree of life.

The video is kinda slow because I
recorded it off Windows Media Player, Enjoy and remember there
will be more to come! Artist: Tim Bowman Album: Tim Bowman T
The Lord has
said to me, You are my Son; this day have I begotten you. Ask of me,
and I will give you the heathen for your inheritance and the uttermost
parts of the earth for your possession. You shall break them with a rod
of iron; you shall dash them in pieces like a potters vessel.
Charlie sent me
this, Inspiring.
34:7.8 Having started out on the way of life everlasting, having
accepted the assignment and received your orders to advance, do not fear
the dangers of human forgetfulness and mortal inconstancy,
Saturday, 21
May 2011 at 5:34:00 AM EDT.

Find out current local time in New York New York U.S.A.. Get
New York's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore
New York's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.

My name is Beth Kearney and have lived in the Holmes Point area
of Kirkland for 30 plus years. On Tuesday morning May 10th,
2011, my husband & I witnessed the most unusual events unfold on
the North end of Lake Washington, unlike anything we've ever
seen before.

Harold Camping's 'end of the world' May 21st Doomsday is less
than 5 hours away.
Articles coming
out on Google News regarding Harold Campings 21st May 201 Judgment day>>
by the its 6:05 and everything is normal.

Recorded at Pizza Express Jazz Club in London. Featuring Chuck
Loeb (Guitar), Oli Silk (Keyboards), Andrew Small (Drums) &
Frank Felix (Bass). For details of
more crapture

One Big money making scam to me. Also it is to bring in new
Followers of Jesus as quickly as possible. Mother of Two
Daughters atempts to Murder her children
More articles
Salivating for the embarrassment they think, but we are not there here
yet. 6 pm remember?
Oh well there will be lessons to be learnt in this and it will be hard
for someone. But I dont know who yet, we have to see!! But I can see the
Judgment has begun and the atheist is just rubbing his hands not to
mention loss of Faith.

While the followers of radical evangelist Harold Camping prepare
to meet their maker, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg took
a more relaxed attitude.
hahaha I had a
great laugh at this and maybe its reflective to this scenario, what a
sense of humour. hahaha!
Apparently he
has gone straight to the top in this day

A very rare video of Macho Man Randy Savage being interviewed i
found on an old VHS tape. Its hilarity is undescribable! lmao!!
Here is some
research on another prediction.

Watch Shaggietrip's video about niburu 2012 myan planets stars
documentary on Disclose.tv

Hmmmmmm. Atmosphere above epicentre
of deadly Japan earthquake heated up 'rapidly' in days before
disaster The atmosphere directly above the fault zone which
produced Japan's
♥ Endless
Blessing from Esoteric Temple!!! ♥
Dennis: I
really like your viewpoints they are thought out and to the point. If
you would please take a look at my last two posts and see if you agree
that I just might have a point. Take care and who knows we maybe meeting
somewhere else soon haha

There's something special about Bonnybridge, Scotland. Since
1992, the small town has been the sight of an unusually high
number of UFO sightings. In fact, Bonnybridge lies in what UFO
believers call
Chill or be
Chilled in that half an hour that we might be in.
Ok 11:59 and
know 12:00 Midnight we enter the New Spring Day lets wait for 30 minutes
in reflection from within ourselves.
11:55 5
minutes to go until May 21st 2011.
Revelation 8:1
And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven
about the space of half an hour.

Another great track from the excellent cd "Foreign Exchange"
from Paul Brown and Marc Antoine. This cut is entitled 'French
Connection". Enjoy!
time 11:22pm
May 20th 2011
In an ark
approaches travel lite.

Rocco Ventrella DRUMS: Greg Grangier BASS: Frank Felix GUITAR:
Matt Park
ok hit counter
6628 hits at 11:00pm
667777 at 11
time 10:35
If nothing happens then we are both wrong even thought we know the truth
about date calling. If a planetary destroying wave earthquake occurs
then Harold Camping is right. However, If something beautiful happens
that we can witness with our own eyes then I am right. If we are still
here then we must know we must go to 1st Eden and check out all the
places straight away.

The great band Fourplay's 'Fourplay X" had this nice tune called
'Cinnamon Sugar" Enjoy!
time 9:55
approaching the end of the last day if Harold Camping prophecy works
out. I hope Eden lent some gravity and depth at the same time. Rather
than destroying Planets with wave earthquakes and destruction of
Universes. Instead I pray for something positive, like a beautiful
revealing of the Kingdom of Heaven something nice that everyone can
We catch the
Morning dance tomorrow.

Spyro Gyra performing at the 1991 JVC Newport Jazz Festival.
From my private collection. Enjoy (circa: 1991) All TV
promos, news clips, airchecks, music r
and we catch
the Sun with love and warmth in our hearts expressing itself from
The End Time
construct is like Sugar and Spice, a little here and a little there to
give it flavour that man can savour.
One thing for
sure there is Good News and it comes from "the Bright spot" from 1st
Eden for the planet.

Smooth Jazz pioneers Fattburger with one of their best tunes.
'Good News". Enjoy!
Right or Wrong,
Come what in May, keep the faith eh! no worries.

Smokin' track from the fine guitarist known as U-Nam. It's '
Back from the 80's" with the tune "Keep the Fath". Enjoy!

Some great guitar work from U-Nam on a tune called 'Breezin
M.A.' from his 'Back from the 80's" CD. Enjoy!
Just a kiss

U-Nam performs @ Catalina Jazz Trax Festival in Avalon ,CA on
10/21/2007 Song : Just A Kiss & Goodbye Band : Gorden Campbell :
Drums Melvin Davis : Bass Dio
We have been
speaking about Libya with all its problems and also Harold Camping is
expecting a massive earthquake to surround the planet!!! on May 21st
2011 at 6pm Planetary ongoing
Have a look at this!

8.4 Earthquake Hits Near Cost of Libya! 8.4 earthquake hit near
cost of Libya today afternoon.
im just looking
at my click counter and it registers 6606 hits, seen at 8:21-8:22pm.
Just noting for the record.

Smooth Jazz saxophonist Euge Groove
releases his sixth solo CD, Sunday Morning. He calls it an
expansion of his last CD, Born 2 Groove, which features the cu
In any event
lets stay together, it our love within us that will make us brand new.
No dates but the love within us for a fellow mankind.
this prank is
linked to 21t May 2011 just say if the prank backfires, what would you
say then???? hahaha

Anonymous is in the midst of planning a world wide prank, this
time, targeting UFO enthusiasts and wellalmost everyone else.
If you aren't familiar with
Apparently, the
Russians know about tomorrows 21st May 2011 predicted Judgment day.

The campaign to inform the public about the date of the rapture
and the end of time, as predicted by American Christian radio
networks Harold Camping, appears to have come to Russia.
Revelation Chapter 17:17
>>For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and
give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be
>>18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth
over the kings of the earth.<<
Could that be Dalamatia City and Eden ??
here is another
article about May 21st 2011 with some other additional calculation.

Judgment Day is coming this Saturday, May 21, beginning at 6
p.m., according to Harold Camping, the president of the
Christian broadcaster Family Radio. Could he be wrong? He
wouldn't be the first. Here are five failed Judgment Day
Here is another
article with Harold Camping Calculation.

Judgment Day May 21: Harold Camping, the head of the Family
Radio broadcasting network, has calculated that the apocalypse
will begin on May 21. Do his numbers add up for a judgment day
this weekend?

May 18, 2011: The battle for Earth will start in Tokyo.Thats
what some people must have been thinking as they witnessed a
countless number of UFOs appear above
We enter
Paradise Rest as we engage the material symbol of the Sabbath from 1st
Eden, we are set free in truth, in the journey of the Tree of Life of
the Seventh, Mystery of the Seventh Bestowal planet of our Sovereign
Jesus with all his people.
Just thinking
about the queen in her speech yesterday, I was thinking about Westall 66
and the Sevens Ellen triangulation. Look at the names of the surrounding
streets and look at the reality of 1st Eden with its journey.
I feel so much
warmth and love in your heartyou are truly blessed and you live as
one with the Fatherthank you for your friendship, DennisLove &
Light I send to you for your journey ♥
1st May 2011
There was a
crop circle on the 7th May 2011 and 10(55) days later another crop
circle occurred on the 17th May 2011 as reported.
12(66)th May
mmmm 17th May
14561=17, mmmm
If I do a
calculation and rearrangement of the Magnetar dates of flashing, in the
triangle of the Magnetar Panorama, I can achieve the 14561 on the
Magnetar dates connecting to the DEF-456 Elysian Fields Triangle in
Space, the place of the Golden Apples, apples of Immortality.
Seven seems to
be a feature in the TajMahal, I noted 22 rooms and 10(55) directions.
Quite an interesting video.

Watch Nikk83's video about Taj Mahal Vedic Hindu Shiva Temple
documentary on Disclose.tv
Here is another
person that claims he is Jesus. I'm not going to judge him but do you
understand what he saying? and do you find it complicated? does it
resonant that simplicity? to hard to think and feel, technical but I
don't feel the love in spirit somehow. Not wide enough to encapsulate a
full experience, like in a journey on an array of things following
hunches daily in a focalisation of truth demonstrated.
Man O man
I was very
inspired by this speech of the Queen the Sovereign. Completely inspired
and this the truth. I witness great truth and sincerity in her speech.

On the second day of her historic visit to Ireland the Queen has
delivered a speech at a state banquet in her honor at Dublin
This is why the
Urantia Book came in to protect the bible with understanding and the
truth about the bible which we know and to elevate where these people
cannot get around. The Urantia Book diffuses the denigration of religion
in ways that man cannot combat., 1st Eden is a good example in the I
read and See.
So now I go to
work and sweat a bt and think about all this in anticipation for the
weekend in prophecy by Harold Camping and his friends. All the best and
good wishes in prophecy and fulfillment to family church from 1st Eden.
Well tomorrow
is D Day according Harold Camping of Family Church, a testing day of the
truth and from what I read in th Urantia Book the message isnt
completely right and its not coming from the right source as according
to the Urantia Book.
I mean, I really wish it would happened Im on board no worries but I
have do have doubts from what I read.
Scientists have
unintentionally precipitated mankind into a materialistic panic; they
have started an unthinking run on the moral bank of the ages, but this
bank of human experience has vast spiritual resources; it can stand the
demands being made upon it.
So there is an
underlying Motive behind all the rhetoric. So its just part of the scam
to secure things right!!! So there was a greater motive other than peace
and liberty eh! Just a sham all of a sudden. Just another replacing
another in an underlying Motive.

WASHINGTON In 2006, three years after the Russian government
had charged Mikhail Khodorkovsky then the country's wealthiest
businessman with fraud and moved to break up his Yukos oil
company, U.S. diplomats had had enough.
I saw a post
from Maya about these exploding transformers, could be the Sun eh! Just
another little sign.

"Transformers", transformers, who knows WTF they are really up
to something is up! Nothing is as it seems to be trying to
be.. Me-to-the-oW?!!?!
This is cool.

Oli Silk performs on the Jimi King Show. Sky.fm Smooth Jazz.
December 2009.
I still this
I reckon if
21st May doesnt work go for Eden full bore, forget about dates, the key
may lay in Eden. The first steps are being made praise and glory be.
You know why
this planet doesnt make it because of the views like this in no
demonstration at all. Lifeless nothingness!

I kind of agree with him on this one
A belief that heaven or an afterlife awaits us is a fairy story
for people afraid
That would be
right wouldn't it with all the money in the world, its the debt that
kills this planet the compound interest factor. Countries have reached
ceiling debt levels and are in more trouble that ever before because of
plain simple selfishness being blinded to the material level with all
that comes with it.

In case you haven't noticed, the world is on the verge of a
horrific global food crisis. At some point, this crisis will
affect you and your family. It may
The one great
and truest sign of the last message in the whole journey is that it meet
rejection and it is Guaranteed to be a failure. Ok!
Jesus answered: >>>>>Elijah indeed comes first to prepare the way for
the Son of Man, >who must suffer many things and finally be rejected.<<<
from the last
post, fragment from Enoch
There shall be the great eternal judgement,
In which He will execute vengeance amongst the angels.
16 And the first heaven shall depart and pass away,
And a new heaven shall appear,
>>And all the powers of the heavens shall give >sevenfold light.<<
Today Elijah,
Enoch and John the Baptist came to mind in relation to the End times of
Ignorance. I was wondering if there any connections that maybe relevant
to any event? First, I wanted to see if I could find clues in the
urantia Book.

He is very, very sure that the world will end on May 21.
this is whats
all about eh!

Engines are overrated. The Gamera human-powered helicopter
managed its first flight with a record-setting attempt at the
University of Maryland. Read this blog post by Amanda Kooser on
I was thinking
of dates and its call on things, contemplating that Elijah was given a
date in his departure where he had time to prepare to give his things
away even double the power of his staff he had given to Elisha.
So there is evidence of a date call concerning a translation. Ahh no
worries there is a precedent.
I think the
next name given to a new highway should be called the Happiness Highway
in honour of all our destination along the happiness Highway then off
course you have the happy trails and paths that branch off to good
things from the Happiness Highway like a Tree of Life. That should be
the Metaphor.
We all kick
goals in our own way in faith walking with God within us, radiating love
and warmth because we are set free in truth and we can fly high. No
For ever all of
us unto eternity and that is guaranteed in simple faith.

one of the best acid jazz bands from the 90s I love this
songnight and sexy ..yeah
The adventure
never stop unto Paradise.
where dreams do
come true.

Recorded at Pizza Express Jazz Club. Featuring Jeff Golub
(Guitar), Andy Newmark (Drums) & Paul Turner (Bass). For details
of upcoming gigs at Pizza Express
We are High
Flyin, you better believe it.

Recorded at Pizza Express Jazz Club. Featuring Dave Koz
(Saxophone), Brian Simpson (Keyboards), Tony Mason (Drums) &
Frank Felix (Bass). For details of upcom
Just the way
you are eh! No worries at all eh! Just the way you in all things with
Love and warm in your Soul and Spirit, the source of life within you,
the thing that makes this world and Universe run, the life the spirit of
the Father within you expressing itself as you. As like no else on this
planet or even Universe. You are Unique!

Recorded at Sky.fm Smooth Jazz Week at the Pizza Express Jazz
Club. Greg Grainger (Drums), Matt Park (Guitar) and Frank Felix
(Bass, out of view).
I still like
this one.
Chilling at the
club for a bit.

Recorded at Sky.fm Smooth Jazz Week at the Pizza Express Jazz
Club. Greg Grainger (Drums), Matt Park (Guitar) and Frank Felix
(Bass, out of view).
I came across
this last night, he also is attaching to May 21st 2011. Apparently he
has an announcement to make in the 21st May 2011. See what happens eh!
Looks like this person is throwing himself in the date.
In this circle
you have the 5 circle aspect and the 8 pronged circle. I know in this
journey the is the 5 aspect and the 8 pointed star of the Sevenfold
Stargate of the Light without Heat(Spiritual Luminosity of the Deities)
Magnetar in Vulpecula.
Hey a crop
Circle for the friends in Indonesia, How cool!
I also found
the day after May 22nd interesting, if I parallel the date May 21st 30
AD, in the Urantia Book.

this Hoax is already a failure and if it is actually carried out
it will be reported as such to MUFON, NUFORC,
AboveTopSecret.com, GodLikeProductions.com and anywhere else
that it turns up.. seriously. UFO hoaxes are uncool usually they
SUCK and just reinforce the ideas of all of the non-belivers an
I think this is
good news.

A 45-year-old man now living in the Bay Area may be the first
person ever cured of the deadly disease AIDS, the result of the
discovery of an apparent HIV immunity gene.
The tone of the
journey in the last couple of days looks very appealing where I don't
even think abut Judgement. I think this is the tone that the Father
could respond to, coming from the Edenic Garden in Love with love.
Perhaps my
friend was right, maybe there might be a rapturous event of Love
sweeping the planet?? I can see that feeling what I feel right now.
I think there
is an increase measure of Love going around, I'm feel Love and warmth
and radiance in my heart expressing itself. Is this just me???
Have a Blessed
new week My Dear Soul Bro.Dennis! Be happy and Be Blessed!
Love & Light~ Jane
you can tell
the difference in spirit and life in the real reality going on from the
hidden in revealing.
Atheist Water from the Lifeless springs, wouldn't even get onto a ducks
back let alone water of a ducks back mate!

In an exclusive interview with the Guardian the cosmologist
shares his thoughts on death, M-theory, human purpose and our
chance existence
following on
from the last post
At the end of the day you have this May 21st coming together from 3
points in a parallel singularity regarding common things in thought and
proclamation relating to prophecy and end times.
But what about
the next day on the 22nd May 30 AD Sunday? the day after the 21st May
Is there a clue
in the Urantia Book about May 21st in the times of Jesus.???? that may
have some embedded relevance or Metaphor to this reality today
concerning the Kingdom of heaven and this planet today in the reality of
prophecy coming to pass relating to Judgement??
Based on my
last post May 21st 2011 could be a strong possibility according to my
realisation linked to May 21st 2008 of Nehza the Boy God who slays the
There appears
to be real commitment to this date. I mean yes but what happens if there
is no event? Thats what I'm concerned about.

May 21, 2011. The Rapture,
Armageddon, the End of the World. That is what is being
publicized on billboards now all over the United States.
Job 38
14 It is turned as clay to the seal; and they stand as a garment.
15 And from the wicked their light is withholden, and the high arm shall
be broken.
A little
intrigue for the day

13th crystal skull found in Germany belonging to hitlers Right
hand man Himler on the roof of a shanty town house for years.
I mean this is
a really big call based on one calculation!! I don't think the tone is
sublime and supernal enough to attract anything worthwhile and what
depth, breadth and width is there really. A little fear driven, doesnt
attract but repels, I'm not sure if Jesus pertains that same attitude of
fear upon man in underlying threat.
We are the
HIDDEN NEW DAY SPRING for the new day of this planet and we are set free
in truth and its good news. we are the good news for the planet, there
is no other bright Spot good news of the bright sparks of the planet. We
are the bright sparks in truth with the Father in heaven.
A voice told a
friend that there is going to be rapturous Love event rather than
physical rapture. We have to what occurs no worries I'm keen for any
major good event in truth. For me I'm focused on 1st Eden, I'm not
thinking about date calling on any day. Full of peril.
This is Franks Link, pretty interesting, I'm
going to Bed but it sparks of some thoughts for tomorrow.

HDTV version update pt2 - Dec 09 - Image shows Vatican viewed
from above - St Peter's Key - Masonic star map! Wayne Herschel's
narrated full version followin
The soul of
just men perceive in the Son a Medicine of life; and so it felt desires
that He might come in its own days, and then would it taste His
sweetness. Enoch was longing for Him,
The tower that
the many builded, in mystery looked for One, who coming down would build
on earth a tower that lifts up to Heaven.
he, through
faith most throughly cleansed, mounted up in heaven to see Him. Moses
saw Him and Elijah; the meek man from the depth ascended, the zealous
from on high descended, and in the midst beheld the Son. They figured
the mystery of His Advent:
Hymn V. St
Ephraim 7 Pearls
1. O gift that camest up without price with the diver! Thou laidest hold
upon this visible light, that without price rises for the children of
men: a parable of the hidden One that without price gives the hidden
Look out for the Day Spring
About Stones
>>Thy stone flees from a comparison with the Stone [which is] the Son.<<
>For >thy own generation is from the midst of the deep,< that of the Son
of thy Creator is from the highest height; He is not like thee, in that
He is like His Father.<<
The pearl
itself is full, for its light is full; neither is there any cunning
worker who can steal from it; for its wall is its own beauty, yea, its
guard also! It lacks not, since it is entirely perfect.

Recorded at Pizza Express Jazz Club.
Featuring Marc Antoine (Guitar), Paul Brown (Guitar), Andy
Whitmore (Keyboards) Otto Williams (Bass) & Tony Mason (Drums

Recorded at the Pizza Express Jazz Club in London. Featuring
Peter white (Guitar), Dave Koz (Saxophone), Randy Jacobs
(Guitar), Brian Simpson (Keyboards), Fr

Recorded at the Pizza Express Jazz Club. Featuring Jaared
(saxophone), Oli Silk (Piano/Keyboards), Marc Parnell (Drums)
and Frank Felix (Bass).
A song written
by John Mark eh! mmm hahaha

Recorded at Pizza Express Jazz Club. Featuring Marc Antoine
(Guitar), Jessy J (Saxophone), Andy Whitmore (Keyboards), Otto
Williams (Bass) & Tony Mason (Drum
CULBERTSON-one more day
Having a short
break at the club, chilling out.

Peter White performing "My Prayer" at Pizza Express Jazz Club in
London - November 2008. With Oli Silk (kybds), Frank Felix
(bass), Marc Parnell (drums).
3. Not as the
moon does thy light fill or wane; the Sun whose light is greater than
all, lo! of Him it is that a type is shadowed out in thy little compass.
O type of the Son, one spark of Whom is greater than the sun!-
5. Who would
give a pearl to the daughter of the poor? For when it hangs on her, it
becomes her not. >Gain without price that faith,< all of which becomes
all the limbs of men. >>But for no gold would a lady exchange her
Hymn 1V from St
Ephraim 7 pearls
1. The thief gained the faith which gained him, and >brought him up and
placed him in paradise.<> He saw in the Cross a tree of life; that was
the fruit<>, he was the eater in Adam's stead.<
from Hymn 3 st
Ephraim 7 pearls.
>>Thou art like Eve who was clothed with nakedness. Cursed be he that
deceived her and stripped her and left her.<> The serpent cannot strip
off thy glory. >>In the mysteries whose type thou art, >>women are
clothed with Light in Eden.<<<
O daughter of
the water, who hast left sea, wherein thou wert born, and art gone up to
the dry land, wherein thou art beloved: for men have loved and seized
and adorned themselves with thee, like as they did that Offspring Whom
the Gentiles loved and crowned themselves withal.
The Two
I saw therein
His trophies, and His victories, and His crowns. I saw His helpful and
overflowing graces, and His hidden things with His revealed things.
"Making it
happen" Action, Action of the Ages.
Isaiah 2
10 Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, for fear of the Lord,
and for the glory of his majesty.
Enter the Rock eh! the Rock Jesus sits upon and we are about the Rock.
There is also another Rock, the Acropolis Hill in 1st Eden, Adam has
some advise for us today in metaphor about this Rock no different to
ancient times.
but by thy
littleness >the crown is made great, like as the Son, by whose
littleness Adam was made great.<
I believe the
following is about the Cities of the Tree of Life and it could be an
additional reflection of the website and the gates to the city.

Journey to the ancient places of our origins that encompasses
planetary destiny. Join in the oneness of truth revealing itself
before our eyes. The pearl of great price, hidden in a field and
I thought this
was interesting from St Ephraim 300AD eastern Christian Church about
Tarshish and the isles.
I just want to
find the place of love in my heart I want to find the source of what I
feel in my heart in life and light today. I want to go to 1st Eden to
and go in the Garden of valley of the Shadow of Death and illuminate the
place, inferring submerged.
Further to the
last post concerning 21st May 2011 judgement speculation of family
church, if rapture evacuation does not occur I suggest we make tracks to
1st Eden in a 3rd expedition, the answer may lay there in what we find
further in theme of the people and the Garden, of the Tree of Life, the
glimpse of light and life. The bright spot!, the only spot where the
bright sparks come from in truth.
In a world
where many countries are going down in Government and things wrapped in
faulty ideology, an 3rd expedition can be a "bright spot" for man, it
truly is the only bright spot on the planet in amidst a world of turmoil
and sheer Barbarism. The people of the Garden are also "Bright Sparks"
to, from the Bright Spot" who are set free in truth and with a new
Revelation from the Father in Heaven.
Just to think
we will all know each other in the Heaven at some stage in the future.
Not exactly sure on the date though hahaha.
Happy Birthday
I think this is
beautiful when a voice from the past is revealed from the Hidden.
Everyone I
appreciate the Birthday message with great blessings, I really
appreciate it, I cant reply to everyone I'm sorry but I'm really praying
for many good things for us all in Sevenfold Splendour, that's all I can
do really and find things. Great Blessings everyone and may all good
things happen for us and our family and friends.
Frank Sent me
this, I feel the things crossing the sky seem to have animal reaction
like us especially if we are being hassled by lasers.
Tablet 93
The Targum
from the Beginnings and Facebook timeline