
About a week from the 15th
anniversary of the 'Phoenix Lights' event, a new set of lights
has national UFO investigators taking a close look at the skies
over the Valley.

In this image
the degrees I wrote came about through spontaneous placement of the
mouse over the locations, in reality the measurements would be
Having said that, note in the coordinates combined the number patterns.

You see Islam brings about failed states
in truth, Islam has lost its footing in truth, they have never had the
footing and cannot demonstrate, Christianity is in a far better
position with the truth and more trueer.
By the fruits you shall know them and what they represent in the
impost is doomed for failure at the end.
All they represent in the image, is simply death and destruction
becoming s...imple
murders and who will loose their life. They will have to stand before
the justice courts of the Ancients of Days as enemies of Jesus and the
Sevenfold Universe.
People who simply think nothing of death and destruction upon his
brother using God name in Vain is destined for loss of their own life.
Whoever is instructing them is false and walks with Caligastia of
false light, the devil of fallen Dalamatia City, the snake of the
Garden of 1st Eden who led the fall of mankind. What you see is
Caligastia' Children in false light, in the fruits of the witness.

USF study
questions possibility of life on Europa

Is there
something tothis

Massive solar flare heading our way
...will it cause any damage or will it be another light show ???

Skeptics! Before you leave a comment
on this video, check out materials about UFOs in solar orbit on
my channel! This is not the fault of the camera! This is...

Originally posted on Hemant's wall

For more documentaries go to
www.DOCUFANS.COM Could the future already be written? This
mammoth series spans human experience to illuminate this
question. Co...

Sounds like
Judge and jury but what about their stains of there soul in illegality
imposing on others with false light and judgement, reflective of
Caligastia in another manifestation of attitude in false light. Utter
false judgement upon others and they don't know a thing about doctrine.
Anyway, they don't escape the pit, at the end.
Hackers group Anonymous take down Vatican website
Group says attack is because of church's scandals, conservative doctrine

Al Green's "Let's Stay Together" is
the 3rd track on Peter White's "by Candlelight' album, released
in 2000. - JC

A pair of steamy explosions on the
Sun’s surface in recent days is sparking the biggest radiation
and geomagnetic storm the Earth has experienced in five years,
space weather experts said Wednesday.

150' Wide
Asteroid 2012 DA14 Headed For Earth

muy buenos dias
mil kisesssssss xxxxxxxxxxx

Hindus Celebrate their Festival "Holi"
to achieve the Goals of the Life in Spir...itual
Way and to Gain the Atmospheric Purity with Joy and
Togetherness.....The Formation, Foundation, Fucntion and
Following of the Hindu Religion alias "Aarya Sanaatan Vaidik
Sanskruti" is Based on Festivity, Felicitation, Fantasy, Faith,
Fulfilment, Science,Spirituality, Sacrifice,Superstition,
Surrender , Charity, Clarity, Calmness, Customs,Culture, Art,
Music, Love, Life, Likes, Traditions, Devotion, Dedications,
God, Holiness, Humanity, Heaven, Humor, Kindness, Punctuality,
Knowledge From Atom to Galaxies, Zero to Infinity [ Anant] ,
Mind & Body ,and so many the Best things in "One Package".
The most traditions of the Hindus are having Science behind it.
It has a History of thousands of years and Geography beyond
Many Many Scientist around the World are working over the Vedas,
all other Spiritual Books of Hindus and Epics like Raamaayan and
Mahaabhaarat to find out Hidden Science [ or written in Coded
Language ] in it. The Nations like Germany are studying on this
Literature in Sanskrit. The Lines of "Maataa Ptaram ruche
Aavabhaaj" in Asyavaamiya Sukta of Rugveda is the example of it.
After applying the "Ka Ta Pa Yaa Di " Sutra to these Lines,
according to Scientists the Information about Distances of
Planets from each other and their Masses and the Distances of
Elecrons, Protons and Neutrons and their Masses is given in it.
Finally, I can just say the World has the Responsibility to work
over this assets of the World from Ancient times and and to
follow the saying in it to "Bring Back the Peace, Shaanti,
Chain, Aman" and to Spread it all Over the Constellations [
Nakshatra] and our Galaxy.......
"Holi" is the "Holy Fire" of Hindus to Burn out all Bad things
in the Mind and to bring back the Friendship in the original
form, to Celebrate the earnings in the and of the "Crops" by the
Farmers, to Felicitate the "Lovely Ones" and to Festivate with
the Family, Friends and others to Enjoy the Life, to Heal the
Wounds on the Hearts, and to throw off the Tensions, boredoms
and Fatigue of the Daily Routine. They call this Particular Fire
as "Holikaa Devi" or "Fire Goddess" and Worship her on this
occasion. They Offer The "Puran Poli" or the Bread with the
mixture of Jaggery and Pulses [ Harbharaa Daal] in it. "Naivedya"
or "Food" to this "Holikaa Devi", Cocconuts are also offered in
it. Then all people Prey for Peace, Prosperity and Love with Man
Kind.....Then all the people Circumabulate around the Holi and
sing songs of Holi, God and their Friendships and Joy.
On the very next day People apply the "Holy" Ash of the "Holi"
on their Forehead and on the Body of each other and enjoy it in
the Festive Mood.
So, Friends I am going to enjoy with my Freinds and Family...
Your Friend Dr. Hemant alias Kalaadaas....
From India alias Hindustaan alias Bhaarat........See

Perry Stone teaches from Israel.

21Knowest thou
it, because thou wast then born? or because the number of thy days is
22Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen
the treasures of the hail,
23Which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of
battle and war?

Isaiah 10:6
I send him against a godless nation, I dispatch him against a people who
anger me, to seize loot and snatch plunder, and to trample them down
like mud in the streets.

Seems that sunspot AR1429 is going
to be interesting to watch for next week. maybe will die down
now but might get stronger. On March ...

Praise the Lord
Sovereign, Jesus Paradise Son for the 456,
Psalm 45:6
Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice
will be the scepter of your kingdom.

This should put
a smile on your face i hope

The Finger Monkey.
The finger monkey is the tiniest living primate in the world....
It’s so small that it can hold on to your finger. This cute
little primate hugs and grips on to your finger so tight that it
pulls your heartstrings and you wish you could take it home with
you. Finger monkeys are, as a matter of fact, pygmy marmosets.
They are also known by the names ‘pocket monkey’ and ‘tiny
lion’. These primates belong to the family Callitrichidae,
species Cebuella and genus C. pygmaea. They are native to
rain-forests of Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia..
Thank you to group: Alternate Thinking for this post:

You know the
path to safety at the end, Eden with the 5th Epochal Revelation. As you
enter through eye of the needle gates where only you can fit in, you are
given new raiment of Life and light with immortality, living in the city
of the Garden of the Tree of Life. Where does the Tree of Life come
from? from the first name place in the bible, 1st Eden of Cyprus
submerged 1500 meters as verified.
Revelation 22:14
"Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to
the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city."

Paul Hellyer:
What Do UFOs Have To Do With Saving The Planet?

I saw on the
news in an interview that Australia is full of water and looks very
hopeful for good seasons to come. Looks likes the Rain of Heaven falls
on this country which was in drought 4 years ago. Interesting thing
change over time.

An American witness inside U.S.
Marine Corps Base Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan, reports there
were many people watching a series of "seven equally spaced
lights" in the sky that appeared and reappeared during one
evening, according to recent testimony from the Mutual UFO
Network (MUFON) witness rep...

Channel 2 in Israel, sourcing a
“senior American official”, says that the decision has already
been made by the Israeli government to attack Iran’s nuclear
facilities. “All U.S. intelligence officials are confident the
Israeli leadership has already decided to attack Iran, unless a
significant chang...

The American Center for Law and
Justice's sources in Iran confirmed Saturday that Iranian pastor
Youcef Nadarkhani is in fact alive, and rumors that he was to
executed Saturday prove to be false.

Secretly filmed video has revealed
the unthinkable: that Syrian hospitals are being used as torture

A real picture!
Norway so pretty.. X x

© copyright /
photo by
Frank Olsen
March 5, 2012
With my new tele zoom lense

1 Behold, speak thou in the ears of my people the words of prophecy,
which I will put in thy mouth, saith the Lord:
2 And cause them to be written in paper: for they are faithful and
3 Fear not the imaginations against thee, let not the incredulity of
them trouble thee, that speak against thee.
4 For all the unfaithful shall die in their unfaithfulness.
See More

I know there is
much blood running in Syria and I say Mt Hermon unto 1st Eden connected
to 5th Epochal revelation, the urantia book is the book for Syria in
this time, in this day for the people. The new way with understanding.

Iran's Supreme Court overturns the
death sentence imposed on an Iranian-American national accused
of spying for the CIA and orders a retrial.

Observations from NASA's Cassini
spacecraft have revealed an oxygen atmosphere around Saturn's
moon Dione. Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists and an
international research team say they've ...

Recorded at the Pizza Express Jazz
Club in London. Featuring Brian Simpson (Keyboards), Randy
Jacobs (Guitar), Frank Felix (Bass) & Marc Parnell (Drums).

Today, I was
shifting antique Chinese furniture in this house under going renovation.
One of the objects we moved was the a replica of a temple in the
forbidden City which has the same belief as in the temple of Heaven, God
Supreme ruler of Heaven.

Historian Bettany Hughes examines
The Minoan eruption of Thera, which was a major catastrophic
volcanic eruption estimated to have occurred in the

Hope your doing
well my friend I really enjoyed this Hope you do as well ♥♥

Kosi has devoted her life to
supporting you to discover the Living Truth and Freedom of who
you really are. All her videos are inspired by this Living
Presence of the Heart. For more info please visit

❤ Just because
you're a good Guy ! ❤

Such a strange
image of headmaster and schoolboy in in the corner in detention,
especially in light of the truth when we know its not like that in the
spiritual, in that kind of image and way.

With 90 percent of ballot boxes
counted, Khamenei acolytes expected to occupy more than
three-quarters of the 290 seats in the Iranian parliament;
result likely to erode authority of Ahmadinejad.

What is the Spear of Destiny, and
where can you get it? debunkery By Keith Veronese Mar 2, 2012
12:20 PM 29,239 204 follow io9.com ...

Tiny droplets of water make the bugs
take on an altogether different look - looking inflated by the
covering of liquid.

No bird can fly without opening its
wings and no one can love without exposing their heart. ~Mark

Nice mellow tune from the fine
guitarist Nils. It's 'Dreamin' from Nils's excellent cd 'Ready
to Play".


Police forces say they have received
a number of calls reporting what is believed to have been a
meteor streaking through the night sky.

Another good tune from the great duo
of Paul Brown and Marc Antoine. Here's 'Sweetness'.

Some call me fearmonger or even
Steven King of YouTube. Sorry people 95% of us will soon no
longer be here on Earth. These events I have told you again and