Tablet 57
5th April 2010
Earthquake near PHOENIX Easter Sunday.....
The Phoenix of renewal of resurrection. The
resurrection of Jesus day! Our Sovereign and friend we are all his servants and
friends who sup with him by the shore of the Sea.
Here is another article about the earth near
Interesting happenings above and below on Easter
Sunday on the 4th April 2010. Resurrection Day!
Interesting symbols
Interesting symbols
Iceland Volcano Cam Ufo Captured 2 April 2010 ?
Beginning of Easter.
UFO EXPERTS ALIENS are attacking our SHEEP.
Note the A49 (77) and A5 at the connection of the shaded triangle. and note the
A44 or (22 22)
"He and members of his 15(555)-strong team saw the UFOs at work as they spent a
night at a Welsh hill farm monitoring the skies around the Radnor Forest"
I'm not sure what the orbs are doing shooting sheep but have you consider this
>>>They are obtaining the best genetic material for food replication? Could
they be taking samples for the replication and preparation of food to feed a
people in an evacuation condition??? on the run through the heavens??<<<
Food for thought literally maybe??

Also note: the triangular shading of the map and the
50 mile leg like the 50 day Shabbes leg and all the paths.
Amos 3:7-8“Surely the Lord GOD does nothing,
unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. >>>>A lion has
roared! Who will not fear?<<<<< The Lord GOD has spoken! Who can but
Here is a link sent me
of the Book Splashdown 456, by a Dennis Mc Carthy.
i wonder if this has some connection to the Elysian 456 Fields in the Space in
the Magnetar Journey.
and the Magnetar Journey
There must be a
connection here somewhere which connects to the 456 Elysian Fields in the
Magnetar journey.
Here is an interesting
interview but I think this guy needs to read the Urantia book.
Here is a some great
research into Egypt by Ernest Moyers.
Ufos filmed in Dubai, I think 4th April 2010,
note the triangular formation.
getting close to the ancient places.
Dubai is very close to submerged Dalamatia City, its
interesting the Triangle/Pyramid in the formation.
The Mystery of Abydos in Egypt
Consider the ruins surrounded by Submarines and
Helicopters could be the ancient places in today's advanced civilisation, in the
period in the revealing the first submerged places.
And again you have that Abba/Abbes/Abbey/Abyss Abbad
sound in Abydos with Wadi Abbad close by. To think
Dilmun/Babel/Bablod/Bablot is close to a town Abbas Ebn-ed-Ali
It appears that the very early Egyptian culture may have been influenced by Susa
in Elam. Its interesting that Jesus in his travels spent time in Susa pondering.
I wonder what he was pondering as he was surveying the ancient city of Susa. Was
he looking into this time, in his contemplation.
Susa had strong Nodite and Andite influence and was
in connection with the central Nodites at the Persian Gulf Heads, they
were brothers who where connected to fellow brothers in Egypt through the Red
Note: the proliferation of the letters AB = from the
Further up the coast there is a town call Bandar-Deylam,
the Deylam appears to have the Dilmun sound in its pronouncement or Dalam-atia
in Dalamatia. All distant sounds.
Its interesting that some time ago I was led
and studied a Town in Egypt called Deni Abbas which was interesting
But in the following I see the same metaphor in the Journey. If you rearrange
the words and take some out of Abbas Ebn-ed-Ali in Iran near Dilmun.
you get
Abbas Eden Ali, or even Abbas Eden, taking out the B and Ali or even Abbas Den.
Abbas Eden.
Abbas Den
and then if you apply the same with the town of Deni Abbas in Egypt in the same
way you have
Deni Abbas or rearranged Den Abbas, Den Lion,
Remember you have Pharoah Den (ddj) in early Egyptian culture and Abbas means
In the word Eden you have the word Den embedded.

I notice many abbeys have triangles.
6th April 2010
Remember we live in a Normal world everyone????
More pipes.
Everything is Normal??
UFO Conference 2010.
Iceland Volcano Orbs April 4th 2010 on
Resurrection Day.
Very faint
everything is normal!
Entering the Harbour.
Night Vision UFOs 2/2
Surely something is
going on
Right on brother!
Is it a bird an orb or
a Chinese lantern, to me its looks more than an Chinese lantern.
In The Beginning Was The End - Part 1
The Thing is I think Perry is on track and can demonstrate the end comes from
beginning in a limited way but totally overlooks 1stEden of Today in its
revealing including all the other places of the Tree of life.
What he is speaking about is occurring now, right Now.
Although I think he has some interesting points
towards the end. Maybe there might be a greater metaphor and the winepress is
the message of the end times of transition into an another level of
Truth &
Tradition-Michael Rood
Bible teacher
Michael Rood teaches on the traditions that have been handed down.
I really like
Michael Rood I find him quite interesting but note with blending the UB
perspective, the birth date of Jesus is August 21st 7BC.
The priest who
received the dream and sent forth the Magi is called Andamon or Andaman.
7 UFOs Over Poland Flying Low April 2010
UFO orbs flying over a field in Poland hovering by really slow:
Seven Eh!
April 7th 2010
(UFO) I see Ufos over
the Burbank CA sky on 4-05-2 on resurrection day.
Cabolture Queensland
Australia UFO, near where mum lives.
Spain 2010 - Galactic Federation of Light scoutship (3rd April 2010).avi
Bugs but I really like
the bird scene. Life is beautiful.
UFOS UPDATED, APRIL 2010, One of the most intense ufo/orb activity, research it
before you knock it.
EXCLUSIVE!-UFOs in Moscow on April 4th,2010 at 21:43
Its always great to watch
lift off but the orbs could be debris of the tanks.
STS-131 DISCOVERY Launch 5th April 2010 Complete with UFO's HD
Iran vows to strike Israel immediately if attacked
See this is the
problem with Religious Governments fuelled by hatred of there fellow brothers.
Once upon a time Persia financed the rebuild of the temple of Solomon in
Jerusalem. By contrast there is no wisdom in this day fuelled by religious pride
and prejudice bent on division and destruction
of the other.
What a mess!
This is precisely why immature religion must stay
out of politics, commerce and especially Nuclear Bombs.
****News Flash****Iran to announce New Nuclear
Really speaking the truth is on there doorstep and this path of Nuclear Bombs
is clearly the wrong path fuelled by ultimately the Last Rebel in his
infiltration of religion and its confusion and false doctrine. The fruits???
And of course all of this pride and prejudice linked
with false past doctrine of another period of time fuels attitudes and hatreds
which creates terrorism. All stimulated by the fallen God of this Planet
Caligastia in the deception of mankind through religion.
religion is simply used as an excuse to kill
The Iranian people are good and intelligent people
who are just like you and me but its unfortunate the government does a very bad
job all fuelled by some sort of anger, always perpetual.
That is the way for Iran under the water in
discovery and realisation. Discovery of their past and the truth of everything.
I think this is an excellent development, I
really support the church on this one, least they are taking a positive lead
to find out the truth of the matter, people may be critical of the Catholic
church but they humans like us. I think its great that they are looking into
the matter. Good on Peters and Pauls church for this.
Maybe they are sensing a major shift and getting
prepared. Maybe they are taking the ancient places seriously and hopefully the
congregation might know about it soon, as a sign to be prepared for the
I hope so.
I think we know more and therefore being fellow
religionists we should be off service to our fellow brothers of the churches of
Jesus. I think its pointless being conspiratorial about everything and angry
like I get sometimes.
They study the Father and Jesus like we do but from there perspective which has
variations such as ritual. However they are people like you and me we are of
service to them all in positive attitude.
I think the Catholic is being switched on I hope.
They should really look to the beginnings, the
ancient places there they will find the clues and can verify things and can
finance it but have to be truthful and honest and demonstrate it. Its for the
good of all the churches.
In this journey I have crossed paths with the
Catholic Church where coincidental things occurred, I even wrote to the Catholic
Church about this journey sometime ago. I also wrote to a number of
organisations and the Catholic Church was the only response I ever got. I've
always had the feeling this has been monitored and I would hope so by the
Catholic Church. I want them and all the congregation to be successful, in fact
I would like all Christianity to be successful including all the other one God
religions including all the eastern religions who have a feeling for God.
Absolutely to be victorious in the truth of everything. I see the Catholic
Church as my fellow religionist brothers like with all my other Christian
religionist brothers.
Fascinating, Dennis! I'd heard about the meeting but
haven't had time to keep up with the details. This is why we need scientists,
philosophers and religionists interacting. I've certainly NEVER professed to be
a scientist :-). AND, I admire your loving attitude toward the Catholic Church
as well as the other folks around the planet who are our sisters and brothers of
the one God.
G'nite from Texas . . . G'morning to you in Australia!
No worries at all Ann and great Blessings to you and
everyone in Texas in the mighty USA.
I really like this one, note the timestamp and the
Station Identification 7 at 7:34(3+4=7)....77, therefore 777, sevens hahahaha
Couldnt help myself.
Voyage to 1st Eden(38,000 years)with Robert Sarmast,
the Atlantis of the Mediterranean.
Part of the beginnings.
We have to DO this again and verify Dilmun/Babel, revealing the city of the
fallen Gods and further to the South, Dalamatia City, the first Atlantis of the
Persian Gulf which began 500,000 and was destroyed 300,000 years ago.
The first Beginning, the End comes from the beginning.
A major verification is possible verifying the ancient cities of the Tree of
Life and including false Atlantis, Dilmun/Babel the perpetrator of Ritual, the
dulling and reduction of man's mind and soul.
We have made the breakthrough, yes we have, not can but have.
It all comes from the Abyss, the revealing and its
all in the the Bible but the cities are guided by the Urantia Book and the
Universal Government of the Sovereign Jesus.
(1447.4) 131:3.7 “A righteous soul is more to be
desired than the sovereignty of all the earth. Immortality is the goal of
sincerity; death, the end of thoughtless living. Those who are earnest die not;
the thoughtless are dead already. Blessed are they who have insight into the
deathless state. Those who torture the living will hardly find happiness after
death. The unselfish go to heaven, where they rejoice in the bliss of infinite
liberality and continue to increase in noble generosity. Every mortal who thinks
righteously, speaks nobly, and acts unselfishly shall not only enjoy virtue here
during this brief life but shall also, after the dissolution of the body,
continue to enjoy the delights of heaven.”
I take NOTE of this one.
"Those who torture the living will hardly find happiness after death."
Strange Artefacts 1
At around the 9:30 mark note all the information
expressed particularly the interpretation of the script.
"The Son of the Creator comes"
Maybe this is the true meaning pointing to Jesus the
Sovereign in my view.
Pre Sanskrit.

In the following image note the 4 triangles and the
lines that emanate from them.

upon further viewing there is faint 5th triangle
with reflects making the match and you I see a very slight half Pyramid.
Complete match to making the match! after which
looks like a different timeline perhaps a transition. There appears to be
Seven lines in the new timeline after the pyramids. Above the 5th pyramid there
appears to be faint diamonds uplifted from the 4th pyramid to the other 7 lines
timeline like a bridge to another timeline but upilift.

I see similar patterns in the Dubai Orbs lights
relating to the triangle and the so called star constellation beside the script.
I think 4th April 2010

Notice something familiar it has a double meaning in
the pattern.

Note the triangles like the


In relation to the submerged structures of Yonoguni
note the Easter island looking statue in commonality at the centre of the image.

Now here is paper I did in
2005 about the inca (needs redoing) which
may shed more light to the travels of the early Andites throughout the world.
and also here is part of the Targum which began the
search into script that had commonality amongst evolving races reflecting the
past symbols in script today.
April 8th 2010
Ufo makes the news in Costa Rica
Another Huge earthquake - this time 7.9 in
Indonesia April 6 2010
I find it interesting the timestamp of the
earthquake 5:15 or 22:15 UTC interesting numbers the 22, 15(555) and 7
and 9
Flashing light over Pacific HB, California - 6
April 2010
Bright flashing light over Pacific ocean was
recorded in Huntington Beach, California on Tuesday, 6th April 2010.
Freaky Physics Proves Parallel Universes
Getting closer!
and this
UFO's Definite
Craft April 2010 Nightime.
This is cool.
Here is a report from Colin Andrews on the weather
rings across Australia.
One thing I found interesting that there is no radar station at Coffs harbour
but at Grafton which is inland and more to the North. Therefore the concentric
circles are off centre, how is that possible?
Coffs Harbour???mmmmmmm, now remember the UFO floating in front of the harbour
in Uruguay.!
and remember when Jesus refers to the Harbour in his ministry.
Is Jesus coming to the harbour??? Coming to this planet?
In the image below its 15 rings 555.
10th April 2010
Very interesting and the same symbols that we are familiar with in the journey.
In fact these shapes reflect the design of Jerusem, The Local System Capital.
An advanced culture, many capitals on planets and spheres are arranged in the
common shape of the local Universe which I believe is the triangle for this
Universe including the Circle or circles.

If this underlying image within the overexposure of
a Moon image this would point to the non breather brothers that perhaps live
close by to us, The moon is also tied to the evolution of this planet to.
To me it makes sense.
Maybe this civilisation never went into rebellion
like us and our elder brothers are tying to assists us?
Maybe transition is a joint venture of the Non
breathers and the Spiritual realms of this planet including perhaps the higher
levels of nature in the atmosphere of this planet. The Loyal Midwayers are
connected to this realm and are the physical contact points.
An interesting Rod
Flying RODS filmed
during Hollywood shoot
The must like Tony.
From Indira
He who is All-Wise, and All-Knowing, whose Greatness is thus manifested in the
worlds, is to be meditated upon as the Âtman residing in the Ether, in the
Fourth Dimensional Space, in the shining city of Brahman (the Heart). He is the
Controller of the mind and the Guide of the senses and the body. He abides in
the dens...e
body, controlling the heart. He, the Âtman, when manifesting Himself as the
Blissful and Immortal, is seen by the wise through the purity of the heart.
Look at these
fragment in this link WOW
Note references relating >>the Beginning and the End<<
The appearance of Kalki
When the practices taught by the Vedas and the institutes of law, shall
nearly have ceased, and the close of the Koli age shall be nigh, a portion of
that Divine Being who exists of his own spiritual na...ture,
in the character of
Brahma, and who is >>>the Beginning and the End,<<< and who comprehends all
shall descend upon the earth. He will be born as Kalki in the family of an
eminent Brahmin, of Shambhala village, endowed with the eight superhuman
faculties. By his irresistible might, He will destroy all the barbarians and
thieves, and all whose minds are devoted to iniquity. He will then
righteousness upon earth; and the minds of those who live at the end of the
age, shall be awakened, and shall be as pellucid as crystal. The men who are
thus changed by virtue of that peculiar time, shall be as the seeds of human
beings, and shall give birth to a race who shall follow the laws of the Kritya
Age, the Age of Purity.
Vishnu Purana 4.24
Kalki is said to born in a village called Shambhala. Some interpret this as
indicating a village of the same name in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. I
would not jump to that hasty conclusion. The name may be allegorical. Buddhist
scriptures also mention a place of the same name, an invisible, hidden
which will be visible during the end of the Kali Yug. Another interesting
is the reference to God as >>>"who is the Beginning and the End"<<<. Compare
this with
22.13 of the Revelations : I am the Alpha and the Omega, >>>>the Beginning and
End.<<< The two religions, separated by time and space (Hinduism being much
than Christianity) are thought to have little in common.
But as you read through
the next few paragraphs, you shall find some amazing similarity of events
mentioned in the Kalki Purana with those of the Biblical Revelations.
I believe the last fragment Hindu has much truth that can enhance and it can
uplifted greatly to a greater height.
Check out this Rod in
France, its going on in France.
Ifermer(French) were instrumental in the Journey to submerged 1stEden of Cyprus
regarding the images.
There is just so more
to this planet.
When Jesus spent time in 2nd Susa he probably
thought to himself...Im a waiting for you sitting near Dilmun. Susa influenced
UFO Rods Documentary with Jose Escamilla [part 2/4]
This hum in this video
sounds similar to the Hum of the UFO over lake Erie.
PORTUGAL man captures interesting Ufo images on his cell phone
More Clumsy Triangle
video on the 7th April 2010
Triangle Ufo Tucson,
Arizona - Saturday, 3d April 2010
Near miss - Asteroid Passes Between Moon & Earth ! Yes.. we are still here!! -
asteroid 2010 GA6 passed safetly between moon and the earth yesterday:
Report including
Humming sounds.
Any humming UFOs I
call >The Hummer<
I found this
information from a link from Ann Garner. I think this fragment is brilliant.
I believe there has been Harbour metaphor in the UFOs and pattern seen in the
sky and I think its links with the following Fargment.
1466.4) 132:7.4 “Your Buddha was much better than your Buddhism. Buddha was a
great man, even a pr...ophet
to his people, but he was an orphan prophet; by that I mean that he early lost
sight of his spiritual Father, the Father in heaven. His experience was tragic.
He tried to live and teach as a messenger of God, but without God. Buddha guided
his ship of salvation right up to the safe harbor, right up to the entrance to
the haven of mortal salvation, and there, because of faulty charts of
navigation, the good ship ran aground. There it has rested these many
generations, motionless and almost hopelessly stranded. And thereon have many of
your people remained all these years. They live within hailing distance of the
safe waters of rest, but they refuse to enter because the noble craft of the
good Buddha met the misfortune of grounding just outside the harbor. And the
Buddhist peoples never will enter this harbor unless they abandon the
philosophic craft of their prophet and seize upon his noble spirit. Had your
people remained true to the spirit of Buddha, you would have long since entered
your haven of spirit tranquillity, soul rest, and assurance of salvation.
I personaly think this is a very serious thing as I have always felt.
Im not sure if Buddha is safely in the Harbour??????? Its very direct!
Everything just seems
so bright all of a sudden.
Here is the rest of
Perry Stones interpretation ot the Beginning reveals the end.
The Beginning Reveals the End - Part 2
Well if
rapture/evacuation is on the cards, at least we can enjoy the smooth sounds from
the Abyss in the interim and not have a worry.
further additions
11 April 2010
I thought I would check to see if there are any
reports of crop circles.
ahh one rumour
Friday, 09. April 2010 19:17:04 (no details)
The last crop circle in 2009 was on August 29th 2009, an S crop circle in
The first crop circle was on the 14th April 2009
the Antenna
Here is another Colin Andrews report of more weather
radar patterns but this time in the mighty USA, Looks like the patterns are
spreading throughout the world but they dont seem to be the same patterns as in
I draw this to everyone's attention not because I think it offers the complete
answer to what is going on across Australia but it might well offer some of the
answers and also demonstrates from an expert in the field that military
operations ARE EFFECTING weather radar and perhaps
even weather.
Imagine all the plastic and aluminium in the
"(1028.5) 94:2.2And now, with the weakening of
Vedism through the rejection of higher truth, the cult of the Aryans became
subject to increasing inroads from the Deccan. In a desperate effort to stem
the tide of racial extinction and religious obliteration, the Brahman caste
sought to exalt themselves above all else. T...hey
taught that the sacrifice to deity in itself was all-efficacious, that it was
all-compelling in its potency. They proclaimed that, of the two essential
divine principles of the universe, one was Brahman the deity, and the other
was the Brahman priesthood. Among no other Urantia peoples did the priests
presume to exalt themselves above even their gods, to relegate to themselves
the honors due their gods. But they went so absurdly far with these
presumptuous claims that the whole precarious system collapsed beforethe
debasing cults which poured in from the surrounding and lessadvanced
civilizations. The vast Vedic priesthood itself floundered andsank beneath the
black flood of inertia and pessimism which their ownselfish and unwise
presumption had brought upon all India.
(1029.1) 94:2.3The undue concentration on self led certainly to a fear of the
non evolutionary perpetuation of self in an endless round of successive
incarnations as man, beast, or weeds. And of all the contaminating beliefs
which could have become fastened upon what may have been an emerging
monotheism, none was so stultifying as this belief in transmigration — the
doctrine of the reincarnation of souls — which came from the Dravidian Deccan.
This belief in the weary and monotonous round of repeated transmigrations
robbed struggling mortals of their long-cherished hope of finding that
deliverance and spiritual advancement in death which had been a part of the
earlier Vedic faith."I
wonder of this "transmigrations robbed struggling mortals" in reality
robbed people of there eternal life, cessation. In answer I don't know
what to think.
Surely the faith of a man would be recognised even if
there is fault here and there in a religion.
People still recognise transmigration of the Soul in the cycle of life
remaining on this planet.
I take note of this fragment...
"They taught that the sacrifice to deity in itself was all-efficacious, that it
was all-compelling in its potency. They proclaimed that, of the two essential
divine principles of the universe, one was Brahman the deity, and the other was
the Brahman priesthood."
First of all ritual was perpetuated by Caligastia through his minions when it
was not necessary, another sign of the Caligastia effect is "all-compelling" God
does not work by the compulsion of fear....
See More
Another sign comes from here. They raised themselves above God unto themselves.
Clearly a Caligastia infiltration with false doctrine.
"They proclaimed that, of the two essential divine principles of the universe,
one was Brahman the deity, and the other was the Brahman priesthood. Among no
other Urantia peoples did the priests presume to exalt themselves above even
their gods, to relegate to themselves the honors due their gods."
Anyway I cant judge things but I can voice what I comprehend but I can see
faulty things.
Does this still happen today? in eastern religion??
"Among no other Urantia peoples did the priests presume to exalt themselves
above even their gods, to relegate to themselves the honors due their gods."
Is there some in religion who take advantage of this
in today's society?? who raise themselves in the denial of God, relegated as
your imagination in consciousness, whatever you think as its your consciousness
of your own creation within your mind.
I remember I knew a woman years ago who became a Sai
Baba follower and she was instructed to pray to Sai Baba in her meditations and
he will help you in all things and manifest for you.
I knew that was wrong.
Obviously Sai Baba takes advantage of her OWN faith being her faith in
manifestation of realities personal to her but Sai Baba usurps that
faith unto himself like Cali like many other
gurus in India at the moment and usurping the soul and then the material through
some false doctrine to enrich and deceive
When they get the soul then the hand comes out with
obligation through compulsion.
(1126.3) 102:7.3 Those who would
invent a religion without God
are like those who would gather fruit without trees, have children
without parents. You cannot have effects without causes; only the I AM
is causeless. The fact of religious experience implies God, and such a
God of personal experience must be a personal Deity....
You cannot pray to
a chemical formula, supplicate a mathematical equation, worship a
hypothesis, confide in a postulate, commune with a process, serve an
abstraction, or hold loving fellowship with a law.
I went to the BOM to check on a weather report
displaying many rain bearing weather systems all over Australia. Looking on
the national radar I found a faint ring.
Actually, I see 2 rings.

Look at this frame, 2 Rings and a 7 hahahaha
Something strange going on haha wish we lived closer things are getting
Here is the next frame.

7.1 Magnitude Earthquake Rattles Solomon Islands
April 11, 2010 07:19 AM EDT
Another one! Was anyone hurt?i cant read it on phone net isnt working for some
strange reason x
No one hurt from what I understand.
I have to wait till 11:30 for the next frame to
see what it shows up! So far it could be>>> 7, C <<<< and see what the next
frame reveals.
If there was a time to say something, it would be
Right Now in the next frame.
While Im waiting for the next frame, I thought I
would go to the first frame and see what I could find and this is what I
A Pyramid, if you connect the dots!!
Here is the Next frame

Message: Pyramid/Triangle, 7, C, period with a
rod tail >>>>Pyramid or Triangle Seven See Period from a Rod, a large ROD. See
or C could refer to Sea and Sea could mean the Abyss or SPACE!! Rod from the
Abyss and Space and Seven Sees????
III wait till the next frame to confirm that
message is complete.
While Im waiting here is a little message I
found, to me it appears that there still having some problems as I can still
see rings and things.
Interferences eh! where do these interferences come
All of a sudden!!
Here is some further triangulation using Google.
The 11th hour?? all aboard??
Flight to the Sea of Peace on the Seven paths!!!
Essenes DSC.
Sevenfold peace Essenes
Ok here is the last frame.

April 12th 2010
Ok its in the morning some hours later and the ring in WA is still there on
the national BOM
The Ring in WA seems to be there permanently.
Somebody left the switch on.
Im back from work and checked out the BOM, it
appears that there are 2 permanent rings including a partial ring developing
near Townsville.

Currently, in the next frame there appears to be
another partial single line ring which points to Sydney.
Here is the frame of a partial ring pointing
towards Sydney if it means anything.

Orbs and balls of light that create Crop
April 13th 2010
Huge V-Shaped UFO Emitted Beam to monitor cargo
inside C-5 plane - USAF Airma.
Interesting pattern!
The image below reminds me of this.

The 3 Elders or Elder Secondary Midwayer brothers, DEF-456 are acknowledged
throughout all this journey, The Elysian 456 fields, even 1 456 1, 456 in
associated with its letter counterpart of the alphabet is DEF which follows
456, of the Alpha and the Omega.
DEF-456, of the Kingdom of Jesus, the Sovereign of this Universe.
Something to think about today whilst I'm painting
this house which is also another race against time and space in the material to
Painting a house interesting metaphor! Renewal
with dedication!
Like preparing the House before the Lord comes.
Hi Dennis, hope you are well. Have you seen
this amazing site?
Hey thanks Ben Brother, that link looks interesting.
Thanks for the link and great blessings with everything.
I thought this was an interesting link.
Just to think there is a non breather sentient race living close to us on a
UFO Seen Over The City Of Liupanshui In China News
Chinese Ufo report makes the news over there.
I also find it amazing that China Government is quite open about these things,
very surprised. It would be good if China explores everything surrounding these
Orbs. They would find useful information for themselves and the people of
The Urantia Book would really work well for China and for the Government. There
would be instant positive results for the Chinese with this expansion of
information and truth.
I could only wish the Chinese well in there due diligence of the Orbs and
Just say if the Chinese Government adopted the
Urantia Book. One state law would be you to love one another and serve your
brother. hahahaha Funny as it seems it would be interesting to see the results.
Although, I feel its something from the heart nothing you could put in writing I
Just say if the Urantia Book was adopted, the the
Temple of Heaven in Beijing would be serving its original purpose. In service of
the One God, the Father of All, the Original Monotheistic voice of those early
Melchizedek missionaries.
Ufo above Naples Italy April 4 2010 ?
Bright Flashing Light Over Pacific Ocean
Also I checked out the BOM and the Western
Australia. I noticed the permanent ring in Western Australia (W.A.) seems to
be blocking a low pressure system of the coast of Perth and also appears to be
slowing the weather system generally moving to the East.
Ufo News alert - Sheep abduction alley in the
UK is active I
I'm not sure what's happening here, the only thing I
can think of food reproduction. Maybe the eyes and brain contain stem
cells that can be replicated, they need samples??? Perhaps to feed a
people with a variety of food, Perhaps for a flight to the Sea.
Hi Thorpe, I was a member of Ubron but I found the structure to cumbersome and
thread could easily be lost. I put up all on 1stEden and there was no interest
at all. I joined and put up all but eventually I got banned. There
was an Christian end time forum where one year posts were deleted as the forum
wasn't making enough money. (again we see religion and commerce)
I tried joining a UB forum in Aussie and I couldn't join, I wrote to them and
there was never any response.
I joined the 11:11 and put up all on 1stEden and eventually I got banned from
there to. That I couldn't believe it.
All I got banned for, is for what you read everyday on facebook.
The only thing I worry about now is the new database of the UB replacing the
old. I hope they don't delete the old as I have thousands of links directed to
the foundation. If they delete the old database then this targum is sunk.
I hope they don't do this but the signs do not look good at all, it could be a
possibility they may break links.
As far as Im concerned there some people in the UB are dead against what I do
and they have demonstrated that. Being fringe dwelling and having something
different to say, its best that I remain where I am at. Just on facebook
I gave up on forums but I still have one Atheist thread going and that is a
waste of time but they need the truth to and no one converses with them.
I already note there is distance over here to, silence is the communicator.
Nick Pope talks about the UFO Fighter Jet chase west Midlands
in the UK
Here is a very
interesting interview with Graham Hancock.
Ancient Wisdom Of The Lost Ark Pt 1/6
I don't mind Graham Hancock at all, I think he is close to the truth. The
ancient culture before the Egyptians he speaks of is all about Dilmun, its
culture and its destruction, its the Atlantis Story.
The Urantia Book has given the advantage.
For the rest of series go here.
and here are a few
thoughts along the way.
Did you know
2. Early Egyptian Religion(1043.7) 95:2.1 The original Melchizedek teachings
really took their deepest root in Egypt, from where they subsequently spread to
Europe. The evolutionary religion of the Nile valley was periodically augmented
by the arrival of superior strains of Nodite, Adamite, and >>>later Andite
peoples<<<< of the Euphrates valley. From time to time, many of the Egyptian
civil administrators were Sumerians.
We already know about these things because the
Father and Jesus is just fantastic!!!
As India in these days harbored the highest mixture of the world races, so Egypt
fostered the most thoroughly blended type of religious philosophy to be found on
Urantia, and >>>from the Nile valley it spread to many parts of the world.<<<<
The Jews received much of their idea of the creation of the world from the
Babylonians, but they derived the concept of divine Providence from the
Note: the earlier Andite influence in Egypt and
the spread throughout the world the Andite Culture and we have seen evidence
of this in South America.
3. Evolution of Moral Concepts(1045.4)
Although the culture and religion of Egypt were >>>chiefly derived from
Andite Mesopotamia<<< and largely transmitted to subsequent civilizations
through the Hebrews and Greeks, much, very much, of the social and ethical
idealism of the Egyptians arose in the valley of the Nile as a purely
evolutionary development. Notwithstanding the importation of much truth and
culture of Andite origin, there evolved in Egypt more of moral culture as a
purely human development than appeared by similar natural techniques in any
other circumscribed area prior to the bestowal of Michael.
and Look at this honour to Ikhnaton from Paradise.
95:5.2 Since the disappearance of Melchizedek in the flesh, no
human being up to that time had possessed such an amazingly clear concept of the
revealed religion of Salem as Ikhnaton. In some respects this young Egyptian
king is one of the most remarkable persons in human history.
During this time of increasing spiritual depression
in Mesopotamia, >>>>he kept alive the doctrine of El Elyon, the One God, in
Egypt, thus maintaining the philosophic monotheistic channel which was vital to
the religious background of the then future bestowal of Michael<<<<<<.
>>>And it was in recognition of this exploit, among
other reasons, that the child Jesus was taken to Egypt, where some of the
spiritual successors of Ikhnaton saw him and to some extent understood certain
phases of his divine mission to Urantia.<<<<<
Praise the Lord, the Father never forgot the
Ikhnaton, the Vanguard of Monotheism who kept alive the TRUTH.
and the basis of the Ikhnaton One god religion in
95:5.6 Very wisely Ikhnaton sought to establish monotheism under
the guise of the sun-god. This decision to approach the worship of the Universal
Father by absorbing all gods into the worship of the sun was >>>due to the
counsel of the Salemite physician.<<<<
>>>Ikhnaton took the generalized doctrines of the
then existent Aton faith regarding the fatherhood and motherhood of Deity and
created a religion which recognized an intimate worshipful relation between man
and God.<<<
Who Wrote the Psalms of
This could be a clue
The most important of the names of ‘compilers’ are those of David, to whom 73
psalms are ascribed, and the Korahites and Asaph, both of which appear >>>twelve
times in the titles.<<<<
and here is another clue
The third major literary compilation of this
period was the collection of the Psalms, often labeled "The Hymnbook of the
Second Temple." There can be little doubt that the poems were used in
worship, and among scholars there is a growing acceptance of the thesis
that, although many Psalms may be post-Exilic, some are of pre-Exilic
origin.31 The numerous authors listed in the superscriptions
suggests the composite nature of the book, for one psalm is ascribed to
Moses (Ps. 90), seventy-three to David (eighty-three in the LXX),
>>>>>twelve to Asaph, a choir leader<<<<<
(Pss. 50; 73-83), one to Ethan, a leader in the temple singers' guild (Ps.
89), ten to Korah (Pss. 42-49, 84, 85, 87), two to Solomon (Pss. 72, 127),
one has a double title (Ps. 88), and fifty are undesignated.
Here is a strong clue same link as above
The Psalms have been compared with hymnic poetry from Egypt,38 Babylon,39
Assyria40 and Canaan.41 Clearly, similar principles of rhythm and parallelism
were employed in all Near Eastern poetry, and imagery resulting from a common
cosmology or the correspondence of many everyday figures of speech tended to
produce striking resemblances in poetic expression in the Near Eastern world.
Nor can there be any doubt that the literature of Israel was affected by its
>>>>>Ps. 104 employs the same theses and many of the
same expressions as the Egyptian hymn to the sun of Akhenaten so that one is
compelled to agree with J. H. Breasted and others that in some way Akhenaton's
hymn was preserved and was employed by the author of Ps. 104.42<<<<<
Some scholars have found reminiscences of the cosmic battle reported in the
Enuma elish in the Psalms (Pss. 24:1-2; 74:13-14; 93:3-4), or the reapplication
of this ancient concept to new perils where enemies of Yahweh are described in
terms of the powers of chaos.43 Canaanite influence is, perhaps, more clearly
discerned because of the dialectical proximity of Hebrew and Ugaritic,44 but
also in what appears to be the direct borrowing of Canaanite imagery by the
Hebrews. For example, Ba'al is called "Rider of the clouds"45 and Yahweh is
described in the same way (Pss. 68:4; 104:3). The imagery in the Psalms
acclaiming Yahweh's kingship (Pss. 47, 93, 96, 97, 98) is an adaptation of the
Canaanite proclamation of Ba'al as king.46
Here Psalm 104
The LORD's Care for His Creation
104Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, thou art very great; thou art
clothed with honour and majesty. 2 Who coverest thyself with light as with a
garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain: >>>>3 Who layeth the
beams of his chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot: who
walketh upon the wings of the wind: 4 Who maketh his angels spirits; his
ministers a flaming fire: 5 Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it
should not be removed for ever.<<<<<< 6 Thou coveredst it with the deep as with
a garment: the waters stood above the mountains.
>>7 At thy rebuke they fled; at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away.<<
8 They go up [1] by the mountains; they go down by the valleys unto the place
which thou hast founded for them. 9 Thou hast set a bound that they may not pass
over; that they turn not again to cover the earth.
10 He sendeth the springs into the valleys, which run among the hills. 11 They
give drink to every beast of the field: the wild asses quench [2] their thirst.
12 By them shall the fowls of the heaven have their habitation, which sing [3]
among the branches. 13 He watereth the hills from his chambers: the earth is
satisfied with the fruit of thy works. 14 He causeth the grass to grow for the
cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the
earth; 15 And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil [4] to make his
face to shine, and bread which strengtheneth man's heart. 16 The trees of the
Lord are full of sap; the cedars of Lebanon, which he hath planted; 17 Where the
birds make their nests: as for the stork, the fir trees are her house. 18 The
high hills are a refuge for the wild goats; and the rocks for the conies.
19 He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down. 20 Thou
makest darkness, and it is night: wherein all the beasts [5] of the forest do
creep forth. 21 The young lions roar after their prey, and seek their meat from
God. 22 The sun ariseth, they gather themselves together, and lay them down in
their dens. 23 Man goeth forth unto his work and to his labour until the
evening. 24 O Lord, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them
all: the earth is full of thy riches. 25 So is this great and wide sea, wherein
are things creeping innumerable, both small and great beasts. 26 There go the
ships: there is that leviathan, whom thou hast made [6] to play therein. 27
These wait all upon thee; that thou mayest give them their meat in due season.
28 That thou givest them they gather: thou openest thine hand, they are filled
with good. 29 Thou hidest thy face, they are troubled: thou takest away their
breath, they die, and return to their dust. 30 Thou sendest forth thy spirit,
they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth.
31 The glory of the Lord shall endure for ever: the Lord shall rejoice in his
works. 32 He looketh on the earth, and it trembleth: he toucheth the hills, and
they smoke. 33 I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live: I will sing praise
to my God while I have my being. 34 My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will
be glad in the Lord. 35 Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth, and let
the wicked be no more. Bless thou the Lord, O my soul. Praise ye the Lord.
and did you know that the son-in-law of Ikhnaton was
Tutankhamen!! thats why they will never find a Genetic link between them.
95:5.10 Though the monotheistic ideal suffered with the passing
of Ikhnaton, the idea of one God persisted in the minds of many groups. The
son-in-law of Ikhnaton went along with the
priests, back
to the worship of the old gods, changing his name to Tutankhamen. The capital
returned to Thebes, and the
priests waxed
fat upon the land, eventually gaining possession of one seventh of all Egypt;
and presently one of this same order of
priests made
bold to seize the crown.
From Mesopotamia, Dilmun to Egypt to Jerusalem and
now we go from Sinim to Egypt to Dilmun to Dalamatia City!
Jesus was in Jerusalem, Egypt, Mesopotamia(Ur) Elam(2nd Susa).
He knew what was going on then! and that has something to do with today's
journey and all to do with Ikhnaton and the Great Egyptian Mystery locked within
the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid. The Father of All and Jesus will honour
Ikhnaton for his work in this day.
Maybe the location lays somewhere else and the Sphinx points to where the
first Egyptians originated from. Its there lays the clue.
Last Year 2009 on April 14th, the crop circles
began, around a month later this occurred but reported on April 14th 2010.
Mysterious radio waves emitted from nearby galaxy
Vatican Official Declares Extraterrestrial Contact
Is Real
Good, Im sure the Kingdom of Heaven will respond!
That is a Major part of Christianity now believe that UFO contact is real.
Here is an interesting fragment, remember I wrote to
the Catholic Church in Sydney and they were the only ones to reply.
"Balducci revealed to a visiting American professional that >>>the Vatican is
closely following this phenomenon quietly.<<< My informant originally surmised
that the
>>>>Vatican is receiving much information about extraterrestrials and their
contacts with human<<s from >>>>its Nunciatures (embassies) in various
I wrote to them about the ancient places and prophecy.
The End comes from the Beginning.
Here is an interesting between the
"Balducci is a demonology expert and consultant to the Vatican , and since the
Catholic Church has historically demonized many new phenomena that were poorly
understood, his stating that the >>>>Church does not censure these encounters is
all the more remarkable."<<<<
They wont censure this because this is a Kingdom of Heaven project of the
Universe where Jesus is Sovereign of this Universe.
5 times on TV....Letting everyone know. Thats the
They have been proclaiming and have not censured anything. I think they are on
to it and they know something is arising.
Cayce Prophecy: Doom after
Iceland volcano eruption
See what happens eh!
April 15th 2010
A Colin Andrews report
April 15, 2010
ALERT: Earth Changes have been monitored on this site since the publication of
The Complete Idiots Guide to 2012. The trend level of changes is at an all
time high as predicted. Today a repeat of a situation last experienced across
Europe in 1783 has taken place. One of the largest restrictions
to air travel in memory and likely to get worse as Volcanic ash (and gases)
cause chaos. Developing situation
He has been around for a while, maybe the timing is
Johanne, youre English is fine I can understand
everything you say.
Sat April 17th
Meteor flys over Midwestern sky and crashes in
Iowa - did you see it ?
Four UFOS & One Orb. In 10 Minutes.
Consider there is nothing flying in Europe. I must say that is a total
disaster for the airline companies and travellers. I hope the companies dont
go broke over this!!
Filmed 15/04/2010 in the same part of the Sky over a
10 minute period using Yukon Ranger Nightscope and Tripod. No Aircraft flying
over UK due to the Iceland Volcano Eruption. Therefore not Aeroplanes.
If these are Satellites why are they all meeting over my back garden?
Streetcap1 on You Tube -
See More
"Filmed 15/04/2010" a 555 day and the Orbs have the sky.
Note there have been orbs recorded around these volcanoes since the activity
Whats up!
A challenge How does one grow food without
sunlight?? and how does one run this independently without solar and the
system??? Assuming the power grid does not work any more for some reason.
How does one obtain clean water without sunlight. How do we develop the energy
for this cleaning water independently without the Sun or the Grid for energy???
Its a shame that many inventors of the past could of help us in a situation like
this but they either got suppressed or murdered in the past by the big boys....
See More
Now we need this technology today and man suffers because of the selfishness of
the past of those who lusted for power over others in the monopoly.
Now we are not prepared for a worst case scenario because of selfish of the past
and that's the reason for a possible evacuation. Because in a worst case
scenario the whole species would die off and that is not the intention of
Kingdom of Heaven.
What do we do in a worst case scenario. We are
hardly prepared for full scale protection of the species tot he point where our
brothers of the Universe, the Kingdom of Heaven have to lend a hand.
All this because of a lack of wisdom passed aside because of gross selfishness
of the ones who love the money and the power all under this facade.
Regarding religion the only one I see taking a step
in faith is the Catholic Church before all these other branches of Christianity.
They are facing there own sins which have to be dealt with. All it needs is a
sincere prayer of repentance to the Father restitution of some sort perhaps, if
possible, I don't know and CHANGE and MODIFY in accordance to truth demonstrated
which leads to the Urantia Book. written by the Kingdom of Heaven leading us to
the ancient places like with 1stEden/Atlantis of the Med.
The Catholic now accepts that our universal brothers do exist, that is a great
forward step. They must know about the Urantia Book and I have seen subtle
support in symbolism and in timing synchronicity in the movements of the Pope in
different part of the world which has symbolism to the journey from ancient
times in the right time in the timeline.
I think the Catholic Church is moving forward and in the right direction and
don't mind the Pope Benedict. I think he is open minded looking into things and
he researches allot and I'm sure there would be commonality and plus they have a
huge library of the past which I wouldn't mind delving into with freedom and
See More
Another challenge is Mithra content of the past not
associated with Jesus and his message. That has to be dealt with to and people
have to understand the truth of many things and where it came from.
However in all this there is a new path set aside for this in the timing. That
path that is a safe path of passage that will expand and widen us in all ways of
truth and create an understanding that is simply understood and accepted.
Knowing this and being gentle with understanding we become witnesses of the new
path guided by the Urantia Book....
See More
The Catholic Church in the future might be something completely different to
what you see. It blends away into the new but does not destroy the past but
instead builds upon the past into a wider perception of understanding and we can
prove that right now through expeditions and fun, in the verification of what we
already know as written in the new book for the planet.
The Catholic Church is very heavy and overburdened
with ritual of the past, its has to be lightened up. Brightness has come onto
the church away from ritual and the dulling effect of it.
Scientist says Icelandic volcano activity
increases, warns of more travel disruptions.
I think people should store clean water and food.
Hey Sasha, apparently its going to get worse. How
about that !
here is another article.
Ice cap thaw may awaken Icelandic volcanoes...
See More
I would not delay in stocking up some water and food
if you are affected.
Here is an interesting development.
A fellow Islamic country attempting to correct an Islamic republic in the
quest for Nuclear bombs. Nuclear bombs and religion is an absolute disaster
particulary for country whose leaders are in delusion.
I am just so surprised that the Supreme leader backs
all this!! For a religious leader to back all this something is wrong.
All those off shoots of religion that desire Nuclear bombs to destroy the other
guy is just madness in this day and age.
See More
All guided by delusion, utter delusion that the Last Rebel or Cali could only
Do the people of Iran really support this??? The people of Iran that I have met
are not like this, don't think like this. They are very intelligent people and
they have good heritage from the ancient places!! They are smarter than there
leadership at this time surely!
All they want to do is fulfil prophecy in the
deluded way in the wrong path and bring down billions people with them adding
more cost to the planet. The planet has no time to waste with deluded leadership
who desire prophecy fulfilment with a nuclear bomb.
And off course we know the ultimate destination for this bomb, its all so loud
and clear.
The planet must be concerned about this and deal with it for there own
protection. When this crisis is over the leadership around the globe have to
make living conditions better for the people all round the globe so this kind of
thing is minimised and to have the truth of everything demonstrated once and for
So I can say
I read and I see, it harmonises in the relevant levels so it must be true.
The Urantia Book is the Book of the Future destiny
of the planet design and written to uplift all religion in the demonstration of
the new path that Jesus set for us which for all religion. But this can be
blended in a surgical way that takes out the error and uplifts the existing
truth but essentially adds more than what is taken away.
But before
all this can happen it has to be demonstrated,
the truth that is, that's why we need the backing of the Universal Government of
Jesus, the Sovereign our Lord and yet our personal friend.
Really speaking the path is very easy in faith knowing that your future is
eternally assured and we have liberty to express and find things following
thoughts and not be afraid to look into other religions and so forth in the
attempt to find commonality because we know what we are looking for and we can
recognise things.
Thats where the clues are.
I thought this was a cool article.
A Hidden Cosmic Neighbor: Cool Brown Dwarf Found Lurking Near Our Solar System
Sunday April 18th 2010
You know, knowing what we know, concerning
spiritual truth from the heart and soul we become the immortals spiritually
speaking. I reckon that is so cool and it has real definition.
Where ever we go we shed light all over the place
where the angels are beside us making the environment peaceful and pleasant. A
real civilisation builder.
UFO and triangle shape
Ufo news report from the Dominican Republic 16/04/2010
Fast UFO RODs Filmed In Italy Bagheria April
The Urantia Book
By this time the transport seraphim has become an almost transparent,
vibrating, torpedo-shaped outline of glistening luminosity.
the video of the Rod
Monday 19th April 2010
A Rabbinical Look at Romans 11
Here is a video from Perry Stone. Its about Olive Trees and its symbolism.
Personally, I think the Urantia Book people are a super graft in the original
rootstock from the Beginning where no grafts have been made until now.
The Urantia Book is like a Super Graft where all
people from all over the world regardless of religion can graft themselves into
the original rootstock of the Olive Tree and draw from its holiness and
I personally think the days of the Guru is gone
and over, everyone can find there own Guru within themselves called the
thought adjuster but one needs the right information.
Everyone can develop there own personal relationship with the Father just by
being themselves in a normal day without any method in my view. As yo...u
are!!! You don't have to strive to find eternity nor be on a wheel of life
cycle. The wheel of the cycle of life is broken! That does not work and which
has never worked. That notion is purely man made and cannot be proven nor
demonstrated. Simple faith is all that is required! nothing more and nothing
less. Faith of a child. Like you see in a family.
note the 2,134 day, rearranged 1234
Perhaps we get flashes of the home of the thought
Did The CERN LHC Cause Iceland Volcano And
V Shape Formation Iceland Volcano Ballad.
The V formation of the Orbs of the Kingdom of Heaven.
and we know all about it along the journey from
ancient times.
When I see the Triangle mountain in the Volcano I
get all inspired. See that is a major thing for me, its like a major
We are the ones who come from the Mountains with
good news.
Maybe the Volcano is round, connect both symbols,
you have Triangle/Circle.
All pointing to Jesus in symbol, his apparent family tomb, note the symbol at
the entrance.
The Door of Hidden Good.
Weather Modification In Calgary
I thought this was pretty cool.
UFOs Talking With Geometry
Documentary on cattle mutilations
Stan Romanek Presents More Proof
Here is presentation of Perry Stone
Perry Stone: The 12 Gates of the Devil's Graveyard 1/7
Note the Perry's analogy of the appearance of the
Sun and the Stars and at which point. The Rays of the Sun would opf
brought life to the Surface with its life giving energies. The Spirit of
the Lord moving across the Sea before Land appeared, its really the evolutionary
story of planet building.
74:8.2 The legend of the making of the world in six days was an
afterthought, in fact, more than thirty thousand years afterwards. One feature
of the narrative, the sudden appearance of the sun and moon, may have taken
origin in the traditions of the onetime sudden emergence of the world from a
dense space cloud of minute matter which had long obscured both sun and moon.|myth#search-jump-result-0
and to think there was a 12 gates of 1stEden whose
paths led to the Garden City.
Although I disagree with the 6 literal days of
creation idea and the 6000 years from the beginning. But in some area he touches
on the real truth of our past in what occurred.
Also regarding HELL here is the Urantia Book word
Essentially the Hell
is a manmade creation, its really cessation of Personality if found unworthy.
Now look at the end of this video and its
mention of the Persian Gulf, the location of Submerged Dilmun/Babel and
Dalamatia City near one of the ten gates or portals of the planet.
Perry Stone: The 12 Gates of the Devil's Graveyard 5/7
then look what he says in the next video about the Persian Gulf and note the
location of the cities.
Perry Stone: The 12 Gates of the Devil's Graveyard 6/7
Also consider the Volcano in Iceland currently???
In some ways the video series can be confusing but I think knowing what we
know we have better understanding.
Note: the Seven gates that lead to Dalamatia City and 1stEden built in the
natural progression of the journey from ancient times.
Further in part
6 he speaks of Chambers and note the island of Abbadon and its close proximity
to the Submerged Dilmun/Babel. Chambers the Sphinx pointing to
Dilmun/Babel perhaps the Gate where the chambers lay. Maybe physical
chambers, the hidden being revealed hence the journey from the ancient places.
Also sounds similar to Cayce where the Sphinx could be pointing to the
chambers instead....Babel, that is the place of the chambers, the Chambers of
Babel in Dilmun!!!!
Perry Stone: The 12 Gates of the Devil's Graveyard 7/7
UFOs in sky over London during volcanic ash no
fly zone April 2010 ?
Strange objects were recorded in a no fly zone
in sky over London, UK during volcanic ash on Friday and Saturday (16th &
17th April 2010)
RealUfos would also like to hear from anyone reading who may have seen
objects flying in the sky in Europe during this no-fly period.
Vanuatu prepares evacuation from rumbling volcano
Locals Believe Katla Volcano in Iceland Near
Eyjafjallajokull Will Erupt in Seven Days
UFOs V Formation Iceland Volcano 2010 #2
You know in some frames I could count 15 orbs,

The Volcano erupted on the 15th April 2010
Alice: wow! have never seen anything like this
Inserted 20th April 2010
Alice I wonder if T Chase( is right
about this one regarding prophecy and Iceland.
We have to see the results and also Perry Stone.
speaks of the 4 angels that come out of the Euphrates. Could the 4 horseman be
the four angels considering that Perry thinks the island of Abbadon is place but
really speaking Abbadon is very very close to Dilmun/Babel.
I believe Dilmun/Babel this is where the 4 spirits comes from here, the Horseman
on the white horse is the messenger the spirits after that is the correcting
angels maybe.
Also man will not go to Dilmun/Babel to verify because man deep down is fearful
of Dilmun/Babel submerged actual because this is where the chambers are and
where the 4 spirits of the Euphrates live.
Where else would the 4 angels Live in Babel. The message comes from Dilmun/Babel
where all our problems came from and is being revealed for the correction of
everything but man is a weakling not face himself and truth, he runs like a
coward and that makes things worse for him because man knows he has deliberately
sinned against one another and now is the time for man to face himself and the
real truth of himself.
But where is man in light of this, running for cover in fear and trepidation.
Only the ones imbibed with truth can face this and not have a worry in the world
This can happen because Jesus the Sovereign of this Universe is our friend and
What Perry Stone is teaching is not taught in Bible
College, No way known. Perry is going for it and I reckon he knows what's
happening but is introducing the reality of the ancient places in his own blend
of what he sees. I think he is running in parallel with this journey but he is
not destroying the old but using the old in a new perspective in accordance to
the reality.
I give respect to Perry because he is battling for
the truth in an honest and sincere way, if I was a Christian without the UB I
would take note of many things that he says. He could be seeing the same things
as I am seeing but expressing it such a way that a Christian in church could
Although I know there is a jail but there is no perpetual Hell, its personality
extinction. Fall asleep never to awaken. Also the planet was not created in 6000
years and there was a civilisation of the fallen Angles hence Dilmun/Babel. The
city of Oannes and the Annedoti, the snake people with Caligastia as there God,
the God of Fire or the God the Tongue, the sword and the head in the hand
speaking false things leading many people to personality extinction. The ritual
was the tool of bondage and mind dulling employed by the snake people and still
perpetuates today making mankind DUMB and IGNORANT.
Those days are over for all concerned. This is the time when ignorance is
brought to death for mankind or else mankind will not survive.
This is why we go to Dilmun/Babel is to judge this last rebel.
Every ritual in all religion used to find SALVATION
is an utter waste of time.
When we speak of 1st & 2nd Babel in Dilmun we are
speaking of False Atlantis of the Persian Gulf that was built upon a lie.
The first Atlantis is Dalamatia City in the Southern Persian Gulf where the
rebellion occurred not far from Abu Dahbi.
The clues I see in what Perry Speaks of is
the number 4 as in the 4 spirits that come out of the Euphrates, 4 can be 2 2
The island Abbadon is also the name of one of the Angels mentioned in revelation
who holds the Key to perhaps the planetary Jail or some containment area....
See More
Even the word Abbadon has clues, if you rearrange
Don Abba,
Don could mean "Don" like "a Don" a leader and Abba is the Father or it could
be, a name Don Abba or could it be Don Abbes, spiritual leader of the Abbey.
There is a name like that is in this line, there is a Don and Den, it could be
the Same thing same person. I can recognise the the D aspect Don or Den abba or
Den Abbes which I am part of. Like in the Pharaoh Den, ddj aspect.
It could very well be an identification marker of the journey to Dilmun/Babel in
identity in the Metaphor of the Rider of the White Horse and sends the Last
message world wide throughout the Internet in a flash.
It could very well be that the Rider is the Human counterpart of the Universal
Government of Jesus the Sovereign and is named and identified and who somehow
was lead in a journey to ancient places that brought about the message,
proclaimed to the world in the revealing of his journey as it happens.
Maybe the discoverer and messenger of Dilmun is the man who has been given and
holds part the Key of the Universe with his almighty friend and Master Jesus in
this time, in his journey. Jesus the Sovereign, friend and Master has been the
guiding light in all of this.
I praise his name Jesus. Thank you Father, thank you Jesus.
20th April 2010
Strange lights
near Belgium 16th April 2010
If flights from
Belgium were stopped late on the 15th of April - why was this object spotted
in the skies on the 16th of April ?
Helicopters do have Centrifugal air filters and can
still fly I think.
>>>Here is some News about some Nodites who
simply got caught.<<<
Goldman Sachs, eh! Gripped by utter selfishness at great cost to families.
Now we know the truth. The financial meltdown wasn't a mistake – it was a con
Maybe they were using the name Magnetar in vain for
totally the wrong purpose as that word is reserved for the Universal Government.
Magnetar is the name of a fund that was used in the con as I understand today.
A few days I was surprised to see Magnetar coming up allot connected to this.
Magnetar Babel way, what a joke, a bad joke that cost mankind trillions.
Hey this is good news.
I hope it blows over quickly certainly got me going. Maybe the V or the
Triangle did something. Maybe they wanted to get a point across and make there
presence known using a natural situation perhaps??
Iceland volcano eruption situation suddenly
But then there is this report.
New volcano ash cloud prompts fresh flight doubts
Here is some news on another Volcano of the coast of
Italy that show signs of eruptions according to this article.
I thought I would do a search on Volcanos in the
Urantia Book to see if I could find some clues.
Did you know that
59:2.5 330,000,000 years ago marks the beginning of a
time sector of comparative quiet all over the world, with much land again above
water. The only exception to this reign of terrestrial quiet was the eruption of
the great North American
volcano of eastern Kentucky, one of the greatest single volcanic
activities the world has ever known. The ashes of this
covered five hundred square miles to a depth of from fifteen to twenty feet
This could be proven and demonstrated by Geologists,
you could make a consistent triangulation on this in the record.
Here is a search on Volcanic which I think reveals
This fragment is interesting
D. 360,000,000 years ago.
1. The continents emerge and Greenland is a tropic Paradise.
“360,000,000 years ago the land was still rising. North and South America were
well up. Western Europe and the British Isles were emerging, except parts of
Wales, which were deeply submerged. There were no great ice sheets during these
ages. The supposed glacial deposits appearing in connection with these strata in
Europe, Africa, China, and Australia are due to isolated mountain glaciers or to
the displacement of glacial debris of later origin.
The world climate was oceanic, not continental. >>>The southern seas were warmer
then than now, and they extended northward over North America up to the polar
>>>>The Gulf Stream coursed over the central portion of North America, being
deflected eastward to bathe and warm the shores of Greenland, making that now
ice-mantled continent a veritable tropic Paradise.” (674.3) 59:1.17<<<<
Did scientist know this in 1934 in detail?
The planet then seems warmer and more tropical. No icecaps then.
America's Volcanic Past
Kentucky "Though few people in the United States
may actually experience an erupting volcano, the evidence for earlier
volcanism is preserved in many rocks of North America. Features seen in
volcanic rocks only hours old are also present in ancient volcanic rocks,
both at the surface and buried beneath younger deposits."
-- Excerpt from: Brantley, 1994
Just look at that thumbnail and note the 3
circles and connecting the dots the triangle.
Proof that vulcanic ash comes from a Nordic god
The original

Metaphor enhanced.
Just check out the Symbolism of the Volcano in
Iceland that is currently in eruption partially shutting down the system in
It matches the Triangle/Circle Symbols even the V of the 15 ORBS.

more about the V
>>Muslim cleric joins Rev. Pat Robertson
blaming quakes on sinners.<<
Much of what is going is about what's happening in their camp and what IS NOT
happening from themselves no point judging others better to do something that
will persuade people in the doing.
Rod Phenomenon on February 15th 2010
What does this article say about the deplorable
state of religion in Iran in the thinking. How dumb can it be? This is the
mentality that drives the government of Iran in a Nuclear war no doubt, so they
can self fulfil their distorted thoughts of Mahdi which is erroneous.
Their partly responsible for bringing judgement upon themselves in perpetuating
a lie.
Compare Elamite Andite script and compare to the
script found underneath triangle in Uruguay

"The Son of the Creator comes"

Something a little different
UFO picks up Laconia, NH car with teens and drops 180 feet away
Vatican: Belief In
Extraterrestrials Is Ok
by Perry Stone.
This is totally cool and note the Triangle.
Ufo Lights in the sky video No specifics on this Ufo video yet sorry - note the
triangle formation as standard in these sightings:
April 21st 2010
Here are a few interesting events
Friday 16th April 2010,
earth tremor in Adelaide, South Australia
Reports are coming in of a small earthquake which was felt in Adelaide and the
surrounding region of South Australia just after 11.30pm CST on Friday 16th
April 2010 (2pm GMT).
April 20th 2010
Here is a Colin...
Andrew's report on a rare earthquake in Western Australia April 20th 2010
below the RING, a ring in W.A, a I have recently speaking about.
5.8 earthquake the biggest ever in that area, I just saw it on the news.
and news link
Australian Goldfields rocked by largest
earthquake in 50 years
Here is the Ring I was speaking about where
precisely the earthquake in Western Australia occurred.
AMAZING on April 11th 2010, 5 DAYS LATER!!! Before
the Adelaide Earth Tremor I created this image focussed on the Ring in W.A.
again the 555 between events with thew ring as focus point.
The edge of the ring in the middle of the triangle
is North of Adelaide where the earthquake occurred on the 16th April 2010.
Just amazing the order in the timeline all events 5 days apart, 555.
That's pretty full on in the way I see things.
In fact on the 11th April 2010 there was a 7.1
earthquake in the SOLOMON Islands.
3 earthquakes, 5 days apart in a timeline from the ancient places.
All part of the Triangle Symbol pattern symbolic of
the design of Dalamatia City and Dilmun/Babel submerged.
You know I missed these 2 events completely but it
was because of 2 people from 2 different Jobs that mentioned the earthquakes, On
Sunday a bloke just happen to mention the earthquake in Adelaide, I remembered
that and today the other bloke mentioned the earthquake in the Kalgoorlie.
Interesting how it occurred to these 2 guys to mention something about
earthquakes, a thing I had missed....Was God working through them to inform me
of the events leading to the pattern construct.
Looks like the Iceland volcano eruption is
I was a little tired so I thought I would go to bed
early but before I did I thought I would check out the BOM and see if I could
find more patterns.
Look what I found!!

Tree of life reflectivity emanating out of Perth.
22 April 2010
Can anyone confirm this as NASA footage?
If anyone could confirm this footage as genuine this would be great - if so it
offers a starting look into a Ufo encounter with NASA
Mysterious New Object Discovered in Space.
A strange and mysterious new object in space may the brightest and long-lasting
"micro-quasar" seen thus far, a miniature version of the brightest objects in
the universe. The object suddenly began pumping out radio waves last year in the
relatively nearby galaxy M82, some 10 million light-years away. Its discovery
was announced Tuesday. "The new object, which appeared in May 2009, has left us
scratching our heads — we've never seen anything quite like this before," said
researcher Tom Muxlow, a radio astronomer at the University of Manchester's
Jodrell Bank Observatory in England."
The Tehran, Iran/F-4 UFO Incident from some time
This is very big news for me.
Whilst the 555 journey was evolving since April 11th 2010. 2 days after April
11th 2010.
NASA Observatory Sees 500th Huge
Explosion in Deep Space
NASA's Swift satellite detected its 500th
gamma-ray burst on April 13, in an explosion in
the Cassiopeia constellation.
On April 13th 2010 as revealed by NASA there was MAGNETAR FLASH!!!! in
constellation Cassiopeia
Note: it was the 500th detection for Swift. Again the 5
Also Note: Cassiopeia
is located right in the middle of the triangle at the intersect of the
double cross. Right in the Heart of the Universal pattern based on the
Magnetar flashes within the Shabbes Timeline which included the adventures
Here is a Fragment Hidden space explosion
Swift's 500th burst, officially known as GRB 100413B, exploded in
constellation Cassiopeia as a long burst. But it wasn't detected in on-board
analysis of data from the spacecraft's Burst Alert Telescope (BAT), which
was interrupted 18 seconds after the burst, as the satellite slewed to a
pre-planned target.
Instead, GRB 100413B came to light when David Palmer, an astrophysicist at
Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, later analyzed the data.
This video is AMazing, Geelong is 84 kilometres
to the South West from here.
BREAKING NEWS AMAZING footage captured by a Highton businessman
shows mystery balls of light zigzagging across Corio Bay, prompting
speculation it was UFOs.
Businessman Anthony Raduka filmed the footage from the deck of his Highton
home ab...out
midnight on Monday.
The footage shows balls of light flying over Corio Bay at great speed,
dipping as low as street level before zigzagging back up through the
The balls change colour and shape during the 20 mins of footage recorded.
Mr Raduka said the light was too fast to be an aircraft and it travelled in
irregular directions.
Its just amazing in the last couple of Days I've in
walked in the backyard looking at the sky thinking about Rods and Orbs, to see
if I could see one even this morning getting into the car I looked in the sky
and wondered and then Suddenly the Robs are recorded are having fun not far from
By the why Geelong????
think about it!
Gee Long
Gee L-ong
de J-ong
maybe in the metaphor de Jong maybe!!
another indicator but still within in the mandate of Faith in the mystery and
Does that sound like a surname in the near sound?? in the Metaphor
Like the one on this page??
Remember the Orbs did aerial circles/donuts and on occasion I saw the triangle
formation. The Symbols that we recognise from ancient times to today.
I have been speaking about fun and that is precisely
what the ORBS where doing HAVING SOME FUN, indirectly the Father in Heaven is
having fun in the mystery and intrigue.
Here is a link to the Advertiser in Geelong with the
Ok here is where Cassiopeia is located, right in
the heart of the Double Crosses.
Here is the Adventures of Magnetar!!!!! and
Cassiopeia in the middle of the Triangle.

Even lines up with
August 22nd 2008 Magnetar which is in the centreline of the 456 Elysian fields!!
Serious there has been alot of action going
leading maybe to an Action Event beyond all proportions. All these signs are
pointing to the ancient places in support and confirmation received in the
Metaphor of things in my view from the Universal Government of Jesus the
Its just been incredible
What does this mean?
Iran begins war games in Strait of Hormuz (AP) – 5 hours ago TEHRAN, Iran —
Iran's state television says the country's elite Revolutionary Guard has started
large-scale war games in the strategic Strait of Hormuz.The Thursday report says
naval, air and ground units from the Guard will participate in the three-day
games codenamed >>>"The Great Prophet."<<<<
In truth ""The Great Prophet." does not want War, he wants goodwill amongst all
man, all religion. The one who desires war is the Last Rebel Caligastia who is
destined to be adjudged by Jesus.
All these War Games are close to Dalamatia City to
the West.
President Of Iceland: Katla Volcano Will
April 23rd 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
UFO Spotting from Barlaston Downs UK
More Orbs having fun I wonder if its connected to DEF-456
The 3 Elders secondary midwayers brothers.
Maybe the crop circles might occur.
I wonder if Geelong and Barlaston ORBS are
The three Orbs working as a team??
Secondary Midwayers DEF-456 have been here for
around 37,000 years and they were around during the evolution of Dilmun and
Sumeria. They have FULL knowledge of all things concerned.
They know the truth.
This image is part of the last flight of the Space
Shuttle, April 20th 2010.
Note: the V in honour.
This is an interesting video, it appears they are
trying to mate with us considering there is no species like us in this Universe
being a decimal sentient being.
Italian Woman's abduction experience I am serious disturbed and not sure what to
make of this footage - She has the medical scans to prove she has implants in
her brain and body.
The hybrid baby was aborted - warning disturbing footage:
I wonder what evil plans these terrorist hiding
behind statehood are planning in there desire for war, don't they realise they
are in BIG trouble with the Kingdom of Heaven and are out of favour. They also
add to the cost to mankind in these waste of time adventures in Evil, knowing
what they do is wrong and provokes war.
They are all in big trouble, all of them, they all noted and marked by the Most
High. The Most High hears everything they speak of. I'm am quite sure that
Caligastia in the background in the unseen has appeared to them.
All these people have summoned the presence of evil Caligastia as an Angel of
Light and deceives them.
They are all deceived by Cali and its not Allah and it is not the Father in
Heaven doing on this conniving and nefarious schemes with the resultant death
and destruction.
These people all back terrorism and they all
questionable in there motives and for there evil actions, they are noted by the
Most High. That I can Guarantee!
Compare the fun loving Orbs and there friendliness
to these dark, negative people who put people under the spiritual bondage of
Death and Destruction.
If I was an Islamist knowing what I know now I would run away as far you can go
because they will bring death to your doorstep.
No life in these people at just death Zombie full of
mouth and death in the motive and metaphor! They are in the realm of Sin because
they know it is wrong what they do.
They tempt the Father in the worst way! The thing the Father likes is adventure
and satisfying curiosity in a really nice way.
I've had enough of these people despoiling this
planet, we have great challenges to cope with currently, we don't need another
Unfortunately, these are going to make war. They are
all inspired by Caligastia, the Last Rebel on this planet who has an appointment
with Judgement, Judgement comes fro him by the Government of the Universe.
Its either them or you at the end of the day, it
might be more efficient to have out once for all because nothing is going to
alter there motive of going to war especially if it leads to a Nuclear
They will use a Nuclear Bomb and feel good about it in there delusion. They are
very bad people!
Its all prophesied.
Who I really feel for in all of this is the Iranian
themselves, they don't deserve this evil, they deserve much better than this.
The Iranian people are victims of only a few people who are guided by
They have war games near Dalamatia, the Metaphor....War, not discovery and
verification but War.
They make a point and now you know the difference of the beauty of Dalamatia
City and the journey compared to those who wield power near the city in
Alien Signals From Outer Space - Cnn News.
The Signal comes from between Aries and Pisces.
If I go to my Magnetar adventure plot i see that this radio signal is right
next to the tip of the 456 Elysian fields!!
Fancy, 3 signals coming from this area and right next to the po...sition
of Jupiter and Saturn when Jesus was Born then follow the dashed line from
Tell me who is the KING of this Universe Nabadon?
JESUS the Sovereign.
Who can do such thing?....Jesus of Nazareth! the Sovereign Paradise Son
April 24th 2010
While Im battling Malware or Maladjusted ware.
Here is an interesting link about Zero point energy using Magnets.
Keiser Report
№35 UFO Appears On The Backdrop.
Note the the trail of the UFO, iridescent trail, like Seraphim.
Australian SETI-Astronomers
Detect Unknown Signal on the 18th May 2009.
Apparently this CNN space signal report was posted
on Jan 19th 2010, so in relation to the Shabbes/Seventh timeline its an old
report however, the 19th was 3 days before the 22nd Jan 2010, the Midwayer
April 25th 2010
Also the Hacker and the Dishonest software developer
doesnt escape either. He is on my upset list for wasting my tme and trying to
scam CC details out of me like he does with everyone else.
The Anti Virus Vista was a hassle not to mention all the bogus virus and reg &
driver cures including Comodo which contains 2 Trojans and destroys your file
These developers are all scanners working in deception to decieve and to scam,
who live on the misfortune and Backs of man in the hope of getting a CC.
At the end of the day it was a simple AVG restore point that saved the day.
Letting you know that there are so many software scams that infect your
Operating System including all the software under the guise of legitimacy.
Its very gross level how the minds of software development has gone, all these
good minds who become scammers because there is nothing in there life that
raises the level of there mind in the thinking except for material enrichment in
dishonesty, where the worm and the canker lives and eats everything up.
Absolutely infected good minds coming out of our educational system, all
corrupted to make the mighty buck being the only thing that sustains them being
They all have the wrong motive to deceive and all of them are accountable and
questionable in the three questions of Judgment of the personality.
What did you do for you fellow man??
how did you use your wealth????
And there is another question but you can find that out in the Urantia book!!!!!
You hackers and deceptive software developers, you better your act together and
take down that shit of yours which is legacy of CRAP software, because the
following simple Judgement questions will asked of you. If you have nothing to
show in your life YOUR in service to your fellow brother rather than his
destruction, you will not enter the Kingdom off Heaven. This will be the only
existence you know.
I'm sick of you guys creating stumbling blocks for others in deception. You
deserve all you get in your own deception it will come to you if don't turn from
the wide path of deception.
So what does a guy expect from all this dishonesty??
"Little is known about Kirllos, although his ICQ account says he is a
24-year-old who was born in Russia and speaks English, French and Russian."
Money, but that will be all eaten up by life circumstance. There is no future
for a guy like this who persists in dishonesty knowing it is sinful but
continues to do so.
This guy is in big trouble going against his thought adjuster..GOD and with
planetary authorities.
What future is there for him except being a BRIGAND and a thief.
There is no future for a man like that currently, because he disobeys the truth
of his inner soul and he knows that.
Money is the great God of this guy because he was never taught the truth fSo
what does a guy expect from all this dishonesty??
Little is known about Kirllos, although his ICQ account says he is a 24-year-old
who was born in Russia and speaks English, French and Russian.
Money, but that will be all eaten up by life circumstance. There is no future
for a guy like this who persists in dishonesty knowing it is sinful but
continues to do so.
This guy is in big trouble going against his thought adjuster..GOD and with
planetary authorities.
What future is there for him except being a BRIGAND and a thief.
There is no future for a man like that currently, because he disobeys the truth
of his inner soul and he knows that.
This applies to so many people and what there parents taught the Kids in the
early years for man to evolve this wayward thinking in dishonesty.
That's one problem with Russia that after all the years of the denial of God, a
new generation evolves with dishonest thinking to survive with misplaced or no
faith in the proper moral way because he has not been taught the God path in the
first instance.
I think he is Russian not a New Zealander
I don't think the New Zealander is going to Learn Russian except for business
and for diplomatic purposes.
What they do on face book wholesaling is very EVIL
and all of them will not get away with anything. Everything or every action and
MOTIVE is recorded....everything!!
Here is a link of Secular Totalitarianism from the
Urantia Book which I believe is a massive warning for mankind and does predict
war as the final outcome.
Here a few fragments but I believe you must read the whole paper to obtain the
full flavour of what the book is trying to say.
This is the PATH that Richard Dawkins and alike are going down and taking many
unsuspecting people with them to nothingness without that flicker of faith, in
denial or in contradiction of God. Richard Dawkins and all these atheists will
be responsible for this crap that is going to happen.
8. Secular Totalitarianism
(2081.1) 195:8.1 But even after materialism and mechanism have been more or less
vanquished, the devastating influence of twentieth-century secularism will still
blight the spiritual experience of millions of unsuspecting souls.
(2081.2) 195:8.2 Modern secularism has been fostered by two world-wide
influences. The father of secularism was the narrow-minded and godless attitude
of nineteenth- and twentieth-century so-called science — atheistic science. The
mother of modern secularism was the totalitarian medieval Christian church.
Secularism had its inception as a rising protest against the almost complete
domination of Western civilization by the institutionalized Christian church.
(2081.3) 195:8.3 At the time of this revelation, the prevailing intellectual and
philosophical climate of both European and American life is decidedly secular —
humanistic. For three hundred years Western thinking has been progressively
secularized. Religion has become more and more a nominal influence, largely a
ritualistic exercise. The majority of professed Christians of Western
civilization are unwittingly actual secularists.
and here is a massive warning.
(2081.5) 195:8.5 Materialism denies God, secularism simply ignores him; at least
that was the earlier attitude. More recently, secularism has assumed a more
militant attitude, assuming to take the place of the religion whose totalitarian
bondage it onetime resisted. Twentieth-century secularism tends to affirm that
man does not need God. But beware! this godless philosophy of human society will
lead only to unrest, animosity, unhappiness, war, and world-wide disaster.
But even some religion denies God to as we know!!!!
and more
(2081.6) 195:8.6 >>>>Secularism can never bring peace to mankind. Nothing can
take the place of God in human society.<<<<< But mark you well! do not be quick
to surrender the beneficent gains of the secular revolt from ecclesiastical
totalitarianism. Western civilization today enjoys many liberties and
satisfactions as a result of the secular revolt. >>>>>The great mistake of
secularism was this: In revolting against the almost total control of life by
religious authority, and after attaining the liberation from such ecclesiastical
tyranny, the secularists went on to institute a revolt against God himself,
sometimes tacitly and sometimes openly.<<<<<
and this massive fragment of truth and also giving advice not to go back into
the past...devolution like some religions and there evil terrorist Caligastia
inspired deceit under the guise of a Angel of False Light. The book tells to
learn from the Secular movement and move on with God. An example of going past
to the past is the Taliban and Al Queda, all devolution of truth where there was
no truth in the first place.
(2081.7) 195:8.7 To the secularistic revolt you owe the amazing creativity of
American industrialism and the unprecedented material progress of Western
civilization. And because the secularistic revolt went too far and lost sight of
God and true religion, there also >>>>followed the unlooked-for harvest of world
wars and international unsettledness.<<<<
and how about this in the background upplifting.
(2081.8) 195:8.8 It is not necessary to sacrifice faith in God in order to enjoy
the blessings of the modern secularistic revolt: tolerance, social service,
democratic government, and civil liberties. It was not necessary for the
secularists to antagonize true religion in order to promote science and to
advance education.
(2082.1) 195:8.9 But secularism is not the sole parent of all these recent gains
in the enlargement of living. Behind the gains of the twentieth century are not
only science and secularism but also the unrecognized and unacknowledged
spiritual workings of the life and teaching of Jesus of Nazareth.
and more about Secularism.
(2082.3) 195:8.11 The inherent weakness of secularism is that it discards ethics
and religion for politics and power. You simply cannot establish the brotherhood
of men while ignoring or denying the fatherhood of God.
(2082.4) 195:8.12 >>>>Secular social and political optimism is an illusion.<<<<
Without God, neither freedom and liberty, nor property and wealth will lead to
Because all these secularist want complete control over mankind in there
motives, they want to lock it up amongst themselves. The Atheist secularist at
the end of the Day without God becomes like a Hitler. We see the evidence of
that in the murderous adventures of Hitler, Stalin others like Pol Pot and even
the guy in North Korea. All murderers of Humanity. Iran is going that way to
walking with Caligastia in continual call for death and destruction tempting the
Father in fulfilling their prophecy which is wayward and not of the truth of
And finally for all those who desire Death and Destruction you will get your
wish at your OWN PERIL of personality cessation.
(2082.5) 195:8.13 The complete secularization of science, education, industry,
and society can lead only to disaster. During the first third of the twentieth
century Urantians killed more human beings than were killed during the whole of
the Christian dispensation up to that time.
>>>>>And this is only the beginning of the dire harvest of materialism and
secularism; still more terrible destruction is yet to come.<<<<
Religious secularisation is possible as we see in Iran leading to the wrong path
of war and destruction.
The End comes from the Beginning.
The Atheist and extreme wayward secularised religion
will lead to WAR! There is no doubt about it, All those troublemaker leaders
guys in the Middle East all desire war which will back fire in the faces.
In light of expanded truth in the blend, the Atheist
has not got a chance to prove himself, he is an utter failure in his so called
truth of Nothingness.
Secularised religion is also an utter failure as we see the witness in the
Also the religions that deny GOD had better think
The denial of God is a sore point with the Universal Government and the Urantia
Book highlights this and this aspect better be researched more thoroughly by
Buddhists, they are not in the Harbour according to Jesus in the denial of the
Father God of all. It is NOT just consciousness alone but about the CREATOR of
CONSCIOUSNESS.....GOD and MAN working together as a team.
In the doing in the right consistent CONSCIOUSNESS
in the DOING.
Well Looks like the URANTIA FOUNDATION took down
the old simple database that has been online for many years and they broken
thousands of links back to the Book, at least in this Targum.
Therefore this Targum is greatly destroyed.
This is the Legacy and the Help of the Urantia Foundation at the end of the
day...broken links and no reply to email.
After all the years of loyalty to the foundation they just had to do it for the
most petty reason no doubt.
I have no loyalty any more to those who wrought the destruction of this work.
Not one ounce of encouragement ever came from Chicago except for insult in the
action of the destruction of the old Database.
Who is responsible for this narrow minded development throwing out the old and
everything with it.
Makes so mad and angry how these people hiding in an office can do this where I
don't see them in FIELD and who destroy the work of others with purpose.
SEVENS and ME and the Government of Jesus.
What they did is a mistake. Fancy breaking links to Jesus' book leaving
researchers high and dry.
an example of a direct link to source information all broken.
Over 5 years of link backs where I pull 40 Gigabytes for the Book I get this
.....just nothingness now.
They all wages for survival, I get nothing, the only thing that sustains me is
the book and the journey with all the link backs.
The people in that organization now get no support from me at all they are
against what I do in the witness. All I say to the development
bastard for that.
The whole idea was I read and I see but
now, its I see but I cant see and read directly.
Thanks Urantia Foundation from the ancient places for absolutely nothing in the
great quest of bringing out the truth single handedly with no support coming for
you guys at the foundation.
Then they wonder why there isn't more people coming into the UB movement
especially the YOUNG people.
Complete void in encouragement.
I knew that was going to happen soon, the angels told me. I just knew it within
myself this was going to happen soon and I think I know who is responsible.
What a coward mate!
There is nothing I can say nor do because its all
Locked up in monopoly and narrow mindedness and pettiness!
I got suffer it and they aren't going to respond nor do a thing.
Nothing will come from them. Just a victim of there bullshit.
You might as well bring on Judgment, The UB
is going the world way of doing things and there is very little fellowship there
that I have witnessed in the field of the DOING for mankind of all religion.
Nothing comes from there that I can see except office stuff and thinking. They
don't even support those online nor out in the field. They just sit there say
nothing and collect wages.
I tried to join there forum but didn't get the respect of a response.
They collect wages and I have to work
physical jobs just keep me away from going bankrupt and to keep this work going.
Everything and my all went into this work from the ancient places.
Its been like this the whole time juggling everything, walking a fine line in
faith hoping work will turn up which it does. I cant go on social security
because I have no money to do my tax returns so therefore I get not one ounce of
benefit from the Government when I know there are people who sleep all day on
the social security. Its so Pathetic!
So unfair just because of a tax return which I cannot afford, I get no help from
no one, really at the mercy of all. I even asked for a bridging loan from family
to cover for a few days, the CC minimum but nothing came forth in selfishness.
That is TRULY Dutch in there selfishness being there greatest weakness, Money
and Power having the pride and bullshit that follow there crappy conversations
in false pride and always about themselves and there false pride and ugly ego.
We just live in a heartless, cruel and selfish world and everyone is involved no
matter what they say in there crap at the end of the day! A
But there is a day that they don't look forward when the ultimate truth comes
about themselves in the doing and action from within themselves in there lives.
More Orb triangles
Israel 2009 - Galactic Federation Of Light.
Something like this occurred over Mexico and I think Russia just recently.
I believe the following is a clear physical warning
for the Chinese people and for the Pacific nations including Canada, USA and
Southern America when the following occurs and note the current increase in
"(669.1) 58:5.8 Depression of the ocean bottom during the prelife ages had
upthrust a solitary continental land mass to such a height that its lateral
pressure tended to cause the eastern, western, and southern fringes to slide
downhill, over the underlying semiviscous lava beds, into the waters of the
surrounding Pacific Ocean.
>>>>>This so fully compensated the continental pressure that a wide break did
not occur on the eastern shore of this ancient Asiatic continent, but ever since
has that eastern coast line hovered over the precipice of its adjoining oceanic
depths, threatening to slide into a watery grave."<<<<<
Warning for China and for all the Pacific Nations, when this occurs it will be
complete disaster maybe bigger than the deluge of the Mediterranean that
destroyed 1Eden.
Timing? I have no idea but already can geologist and other scientist look into
this. But well they no because of no belief and no research into these things.
Just say this was due very soon, who going to listen
or even warn....No one!
We all know that!
NOW if I had this linked to the old database on this
REPORT no one would find the actual info in the UB online to consider, thanks to
purposeful broken links with the worst small minded motives and thinking.
This is the damage the Urantia Foundation has done to this work of the last 5
Who can find this now especially the common unsuspecting man who have family
like the ones who know this.
I don't see the Urantia Foundation speaking to
Government of this in case this is due soon.
No one brings this information out because they are all to selfish and couldn't
give a hoot because I am secure supposedly! RIGHT!
That developer left damage for me.
This weekend has been nothing but attack from every
direction from all people concerned unsuspectingly.
Very little spiritual support except for the few friends on facebook and that is
it. Other than that everything has been Battle mode with piss weak man and his
crap that cannot be demonstrated even in attitude when he knows better.
I just cant help the way I feel in the betrayal of
the Urantia Foundation in the attempt to destroy my work and the research of
others linking back to the old online UB. I cant change all those links, that
will need a team of people through a 6500 page book in A3 normal font size. No
one will hold there hand to lend a hand that's for sure, oh they expect help but
it comes to helping others forget it. Its all self centred.
Especially the foundation they will leave this die off as they desire. They are
not my friends anymore. They lost me by forsaking me in truth, there is no
loyalty from them to me because they are just a worldly system underneath it
all, in the witness looking in the treatment of others who work for them at NO
cost to the foundation, some people have gone broke for the dissemination for
book and do they care, ....NO! and yet they all collect the wages for survival
a real test of faith when its easy.
Look, if anyone doesn't like what I say
Just leave, take off and cancel your friendship. I'm not interested in the
I'm not going to align with Jesusonian either
because of there witness to...just as bad.
I'm on my own what's new. III link to the new database but don't talk to me UB
office foundation people, you have proven yourself in the witness.
That is not of Jesus what you did with purpose in undermining peoples work.
Taking out the rug from under there feet
And by the way where is the wholehearted witness of the office without wages
working for others to do this work.
Instead of aligning with any of these people.
III start my own Sevenfold UB movement linked to the ancient places and the
Kingdom of Heaven Actual in demonstration.
This is the Sevenfold Team of Planet Urantia under auspices of the Seraphic
Sevenfold Mission of Jesus Christ our Lord and Master Sovereign.
The team that gets results that can be demonstrated.
Stuff it all, Im going it alone with the Sevenfold Mission Urantia.
Im not aligning with the UB foundation nor the Jesusonian I think they are
corrupted in my experience.
All the UB conferences are finished and if people
want to see info they know the website. Im not doing a thing for those who do
nothing for the people who labour for them at there own costs and survival.
They are all selfish and do nothing for no one. Like man himself! I've never
seen such poor internet advise that destroys the old and everything attached to
it for another same database that is just a little more expanded.
Big bloody deal when there are thousands of dead links in trail of disaster and
that pulls 40+ Gigabytes a month with links going to the UB.
What damage did that do, what terrible internet advise was that. They should be
sacked for leaving a bad taste in people mouths who strive for the book and the
That would be the work of Caligastia of unsuspecting
people in ignorance and in there pride, prejudice and talk Bullshit.
This is a major attack on the journey from the
ancient places and one that comes from ones own spiritual family
Well what is new.
That is no spiritual evolution just DEVOLUTION! Like all the other religions of
the planet in there hopeless state in the pride and prejudice.
Thank God I put a fragment of the UB and then the
link, I knew that was the right thing to do not foreseeing this man made
disaster with purpose and without LOGIC.
I'm sure he made money out of it to.
Anyway, the saving Grace in all of this is that from
the beginning, in the natural evolution of the Targum from the Beginning, there
was always a fragment and link to the Ub online. Even if the UB would be
deleted there would enough information to inspire a man to search out the book.
My thought adjuster and no doubt DEF-456 foresaw this.
So whatever man despite his guise under the umbrella of an organisation would
not be able to destroy the Targum in his efforts to disrupt the truth as the
truth relevant fragments was always still retained. Thank the Lord
almighty for that and I was obedient to my adjuster in following the procedure
so whatever damage man would attempt in broken links the story and epic was
retained for the future destiny of mankind.
90% of the broken links now, came from people
in religion not from the secular world nor even the atheist. Believe it or not.
The one and only thread I have going is on the Atheist site and that thread is
flooded with the links direct to the source in the UB where the links are broken
Closed off to the Atheist who needs this information more than anyone as he is
absolute error.
Believe me there is no one servicing the Atheist in truth, not the even the
Urantia People are on there threads and Christians don't last at all, they are
fodder, but the Atheist is fodder for me.
But now they are just left to die off as it appears now. No support from the UB
foundation for the Atheist. Very poor!
Here is the link and look at all the pages on the link 181
Hey Cal whats happening brother. Man there is
just still more happening and story is not over.
Just been to busy with all things. Everything
is in movement and all has the same familiar patterns in all things man.
There is something happening man just be aware
bro and for Physco Diva to.
In relation to thread title.
Yes, fear Islam, major parts of that religion
is false and is not representative of the truth and based on a lie to subdue
man in his natural propensity and destiny. They are under bondage of ritual
that all emanated out of false hood that drove Dilmun/False Atlantis and
Sumeria, all built upon a lie and distortion of the truth and is universal and
also reflects in the system which is built upon the early foundation of Dilmun
post rebellion from Dalamatia City, the beginnings is where the end of
ignorance comes from.
The rebellion was all about the denial of God
creator of all essentially! and that happens today en masse as most are taught
these things but cannot demonstrate.
Where the truth will be demonstrated before all
It is wayward leaning towards death and
destruction ain falsehood and Iran is the nation to watch out for. As that
obtains Nuclear Bombs, the other Islamic terrorists will get more bold and
will attack or provoke destruction
Its happening already.
They are going to hold the world to ransom all
because they are desperate to fulfil prophecy in the absolute wrong way and
will met there destruction in that ill motive of provoking war, death and
The only saviour from Islam is the Kingdom of
Heaven under the Sovereignty of Jesus and I tell you the end will come upon
very suddenly it just will. When the cup is full it will come and there
will be few in the last stand of the truth that can be demonstrated.
The Atheist Site
Islam is racked with more evil than you realise
and its under the domination of the Last Rebel and you can see the witness of
this religion in its own self bondage in its austere drabness and mind dulling
rituals. No colour no life, all imposition of the spirit, full of judgment
and who will be judged and destroyed if it does not review and that will be
the destiny of Islam who has a poor standing in the Kingdom of Heaven and does
not demonstrate itself as worthy relgion for the future of mankind in his true
path in the truth.
And by the way where
are the EVANGELISTS for the Urantia Book and where are the people in the field
for the young pulling there weight. Are we all nice and cosy in the great
final battle of the truth and bringing it out.
Don't speak to me, if no one is going out there to
do his share in this great truth for mankind. If you thinking about your income
forget it and lifestyle forget it.
And what if I'm right and no one lifted a finger in
there self indulgence. Oh that's just a great witness and Jesus comes.
And where are those supporting those in the where to be seen because there all selfish, thinking what can I
obtain for nothing.
Yet they draw but do nothing to help in all this
time! Nothing!
Who is prepared to be laughed at, spurned and
scorned eh! anyone out there for the truth.
Where are all these so called Spiritual Heroes EH!
the great ones, where are where to be seen all running to the hills
and laughing in arrogance.
All I see intellectual garbage and pleasant words
with no heart and soul and certainly passion for mankind in the movement of the
Souls of man. No ACTION mate.
Book reading is only one part of the whole but ACTION in the DOING and
SUPPORTING all the brethren, no matter how diverse they are is another thing and
that is lacking across the board and its exclusiveness in non exclusive uplift.
In all this time I saw nothing from them. Cant even talk about Dilmun, can even
go there because man is weak.
Jesus don't come yet as we not ready to receive
you in attitude in the doing. Mankind is SIMPLY not prepared and is not ready
for your second advent.
Even then it will static, nothing going on he will
not prepared under the present circumstances.
No time is better now or very soon.
That's to my friend in charge of this Universe and don't think for a minute
they ignore these words from the soul of a servant and especially one who
comes from all the cities of the beginnings where there is no one.
Knocking of the old database forsaking all the
directed links to the book was a great blunder of the Urantia Foundation in
misguidance. One of the biggest blunders they have made in my view.
I am completely turned of with these people for
Betrayal! A Judas act for out of fear and disregard.
That is a sin against the Holy Spirit to deny
access of truth from the works of others who labour. No excuse!
I'm still so angry, the only thing that sooths my
soul is the Smooth Sounds of Jazz from the Abyss of the Realm of Dalamatia
Other than that I am in total war and battle mode and will continue to be with
everything that represents untruth in action. If you want to battle with me go
right ahead.
Who care anyway, I have nothing to loose even my
life who cares. I really don't care if they send the goon squad from that other
religion to fix me up but I know they will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven being
agents of Caligastia of Dalamatia City.
He is finished already!
If I bring in Judgment from the beginnings I don't
care because MAN deserves everything he gets, everything.
Personally, I think the process has begun.
Dont think this system loves you forget that, it was
the Banks of the likes of Goldman and Sachs just conned you and ripped you off
trillions by there own design. This is the system we live of utter bondage to a
piece of paper masterfully crafted to ensnare you. Designed not to make you
think in the denial of the Father of all. They will all pay of severe price for
A very severe price!! They are all liars and cheats because the system created
them for the people in the deception. Its all a scam and monopoly of ultimate
proportions and all of them of power are heavily steeped in this evil wrought
upon mankind.
They are all done and dusted for there evil upon mankind where no escapes.
There is nothing that will save them because they have no belief nor faith in
there actions and do not serve mankind for his betterment. Its just the
great money wrought at a huge price of debt enslavement in the hope of
enrichment on the backs of others who are kept back in ignorance.
That's your bloody system of Bullshit and lies that
you want to hold on to that you support.
Why they deny the Father is because they KNOW what
they do is sinful and wrong in the deception and the destruction of all things
on this planet in quest of profit motivation.
That's in religion to, they are all part of it and absolutely too weak to say
and do anything because they are organic to this bloody system of petty people
and small minded people with limited scope because they were not taught the
truth in the first instance.
Why they deny the Father is because they KNOW what
they do is sinful and wrong in the deception and the destruction of all things
on this planet in quest of profit motivation.
That's in religion to, they are all part of it and absolutely too weak to say
and do anything because they are organic to this bloody system of petty people
and small minded people with limited scope because they were not taught the
truth in the first instance.
Don't think this system loves you, forget that, it was the Banks of the likes of
Goldman and Sachs who just conned you and they who control everything and don't
give give a living shit for you.
You are a number and with a money figure of a life time and which that is robbed
from you at birth.
Governments leverage on your productive potential and there is a money figure
placed on your head from birth and that's is yours that Government steal from
you and use that figure as leverage for there own bloody designs. That endowment
or money figure placed on your head at birth is your money designed to help you
in your life for survival but instead people have to beg for assistance from
Government who thieved that money from you in the first place.
That is yours from birth. That's what I mean that Social services is money held
back from you where have to beg virtually. That money is yours already but the
Government have stolen that. There all thieves and brigands on the right side of
the law that they made and man went along with it without not knowing better
because he was deceived by the God of the Tongue Cali..
Hahaha self made law to suit there circumstance which has sin all over it, since
the days of Dilmun.
You think about this for a minute.
If the Universal Government come to the planet for
Judgement, off course they will be ruthless upon Sin. Judgement means
destruction of the designs of Sin and sinners having built a system which is
fill of Sin and Corruption upon man deserves to be destroyed. There will be no
mercy for Sin and for those who purposely sin against his fellow brother.
The system full of Sin will be destroyed by the presence of the Universal
All debt upon the backs for mankind will be forgiven
by the destruction of the Banks and there evil wrought upon man. Goldman
Sachs as an example. That manmade milestone around the neck of man design
to subdue man is going to be thrown into the Abyss and the message for the
destruction of Sin will come from Dalamatia City where the Sin of the Gods
occurred in the deception.
You better be prepared man.
There will be a complete wrought of the Sinners and
the system. This system will not last because its all corrupt and it will bring
man to self destruction and the planet.
And its all in the prophecy in the Dead Sea Scrolls that no one reads because
its outside the bible, how stupid is that thinking!
The original SIN Of the Sons of God and
Caligastia...NOT MAN will be dealt with in Dalamatia City, it will come that
place! Where the rebellion occurred in the first place.
Steven Hawking Says aliens exist and may even be hostile.
When the Iranian Secularised religious
Government get there Nuclear Bomb they will hold the planet to ransom becasaue
they are evil people. Hamas and the guy in the North being part of terrorist
groups will begin war with Israel becuase they will be living in the
confidence of a Nuclear Bomb.
It might be the catalyst for the Judgement and they
will not getaway with a thing. They will meet there own destruction and who
suffers in all of this ...the Good people..
You cant tell that the Government in Iran are under the control of Caligastia
because he is a deceptive Angel of Light and works with deluded people.
Its not Allah unless Allah is Cali and the evidence looks strong. The biggest
clue is the denial of Jesus the Sovereign by Islam and who does that, Caligastia
of Fallen Dalamatia City.... See More
And the greatest metaphor is the WAR GAMES named "The Great Prophet" centered
close by to Dalamatia City, which became the city of the fallen and where the
fallen built a city called Dilmun and transferred knowledge to Sumeria and to
this world we have now.
War, The Great Prophet and Dalamatia City submerged close by where the great
rebellion occurred. All has the same metaphor. WAR, REBELLION, SIN AND
DESTRUCTION. This means war, death and destruction.
Im sure the Good president of USA is realising how
stuffed up the system is left by the evil ones in there wroughts.
I feel sorry for the guy who has a multiple Spiritual Heritage, he is better
than all the other guys who failed in there job.
I think he is good leader and I wish him well. Its Iran you have to watch out
Deception calculated in the board room where all man
suffers the selfishness of the ones with all the power and money in the love of
Its a spiritual DRUG of dependence.
The only thing that may save death and
destruction is an expedition to verify all the cities. The truth demonstrated
will be a blockage for untruth. But no one is going to anything because they
are full there own crap and do nothing in world reality as prophesied except
trying preserve there piece of the pie.
They will all try to save there world but loose the
Soul in the end in the doing nothing being an idle, a simple bystander in all
judgement upon others and knows nothing.
My mind keeps on coming back to this fragment of a
disaster forecast in China on the Eastern Seaboard.
>>>>>This so fully compensated the continental pressure that a wide break did
not occur on the eastern shore of this ancient Asiatic continent,
but ever since has that eastern coast line hovered over
the precipice of its adjoining oceanic depths, threatening to slide into a
watery grave."<<<<<
I believe this could occur sooner than later. Its is possible that with the
extra weight of the water in the Massive dam in China more Earthquakes will be
stimulated. More earthquakes means more changes to the landscape. Now if the
Eastern Seaboard of China Rapidly slides into the Ocean, I can tell you there
will be several Tsunamis, I believe 1000 meters high and that will engulf all of
Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle not to mention all the other towns and
cities on the western Seaboard.
Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong will all be lost in such an event, collectively
there would be well over 2 billion people lost. Just like that, in an instance
with only a few minutes of warning.
W also know another place submerged in the Persian Gulf which was destroyed by a
tidal wave because of Rapid Land subsidence which occurred suddenly.
Here is the fragment
(759.2) 67:5.4 >>>>>One hundred and sixty-two years after the rebellion a tidal
wave swept up over Dalamatia, and the planetary headquarters sank beneath the
waters of the sea,<<<< and this land did not again emerge until almost every
vestige of the noble culture of those splendid ages had been obliterated.
(759.3) 67:5.5 >>>>When the first capital of the world was engulfed,<<<
it harbored only the lowest types of the Sangik races of Urantia, renegades who
had already converted the Father’s temple into a shrine dedicated to Nog, the
false god of light and fire.
We know it was rapid subsidence because of the Gas near Dalamatia City.
Regarding China, Geologist can look into this as the UB is very specific with
the current process.
(link below)
The Science
(668.9) 58:5.7 >>The weight of the oceans is also a factor in the increase
of pressure on the sea beds.<< The lower but comparatively heavier ocean
beds, plus the weight of the overlying water, approximate the weight of the
higher but much lighter continents. But all continents tend to creep into the
oceans. The continental pressure at ocean-bottom levels is about 20,000 pounds
to the square inch. That is, this would be the pressure of a continental mass
standing 15,000 feet above the ocean floor. The ocean-floor water pressure is
only about 5,000 pounds to the square inch. These differential pressures tend to
cause the continents to slide toward the ocean beds.
And the consequence
(669.1) 58:5.8 Depression of the ocean bottom during the prelife ages had
upthrust a solitary continental land mass to such a height that its lateral
pressure tended to cause the eastern, western, and southern fringes to slide
downhill, over the underlying semiviscous lava beds, into the waters of the
surrounding Pacific Ocean.
This so fully compensated the continental pressure that a wide break did not
occur on the eastern shore of this ancient Asiatic continent, but ever since has
that eastern coast line hovered over the precipice of its adjoining oceanic
depths, threatening to slide into a watery grave.
"watery grave" means the destruction of many cities sliding into the watery
grave which means the loss of billions of unsuspecting Souls. Not only in China
but through out the Pacific Rim with only minutes to spare.
Now another place that demonstrates uplift of mountains due to extra weight of
water is the witness of the lands around 1stEden after the great Med flood.
Here is the fragment
(874.7) 78:7.2 >>>>For thousands of years after the submergence of the
first Eden the mountains about the eastern coast of the Mediterranean and those
to the northwest and northeast of Mesopotamia continued to rise.<<<<<
This elevation of the highlands was greatly accelerated about 5000 B.C., and
this, together with greatly increased snowfall on the northern mountains, caused
unprecedented floods each spring throughout the Euphrates valley. These spring
floods grew increasingly worse so that eventually the inhabitants of the river
regions were driven to the eastern highlands. For almost a thousand years scores
of cities were practically deserted because of these extensive deluges.
What are the signs in China, increased weight of the water, increased
earthquakes and associated land changes which could stimulate the current
process of land movement into the sea and it will been sudden. Something that
holds China on the precipice will give way. The more forces and weight that is
applied the quicker the process and we see the signs.
If this forecast occurs soon, the Tsunami will be so big that it would reach
deep in the Willamette valley in Oregon and it will destroy every city and
township on the coast.
And who believes this? no one until it happens and where is the warning, no
warning, man will do nothing to help.
Who will warn and do something? no one! even though we know the forecast.
Off course, if there is no belief, there is no faith and for those who do
nothing just wait and say nothing but instead delete links that helps man.
If this occurs it will be the most devastating thing
ever and it mean the loss of 2 Billion plus people and the USA will loose and
major part of the economy and its population and that will be the same for the
people of China. They will will go down into the water Grave"
I saying this I wish protection for all people in the beforehand but no one will
believe any of this even though it is written! I have nothing against anyone
except those who attempt to damage my work for the Lord.
I just DON'T want to see this but if its forecast and YOU MUST BE PREPARED and
Move inland on a high strong mountain.
In addition, the destruction of the Eastern Board of the USA by the 1000 meter
Tsunami will stimulate the great fault that runs through California with massive
earthquakes and storms.
Who is going to believe his. No one!
If the Eastern Board of China rapidly slides into
the sea Hawaii will be in the Sea, everything will go into the sea. All the
island will be wiped clean of everything.
A real step in faith for survival isn't it.
Also all the BANKS will go to they will be all bankrupt, matter of fact the
whole system will destroyed.
This forecast is really bad man.
If the Eastern Board
of China rapidly slides into the sea Hawaii will be in the Sea, everything will
go into the sea. All the island will be wiped clean of everything.
Then with a Nuclear
Bomb who can stop these Nuclear terrorists with the USA and China out of Action.
That will leave
Russia and Europe to battle against the evil who will take advantage of such a
travesty in natural world events.
China is hanging on
a cliff ready to drop into a watery Grave and there are signs of movement and
Geologist and the USA should help out now and know what is to happen for the
sake of the people.
If this happens the
whole system will collapse and the whole money system goes down the toilet which
is does deserve because it had been abused by man himself upon his fellow
I mean the Urantia Book from the Kingdom of Heaven is forecasting this, its up
to man now to be prepared.
Why dont NASA just get real about this whole thing.
The people finance them how about some truth in all of this. Look how they try
to hide things from the people who is the liar in this??? not the people!
We all know they are here and man still in denial
for out of fear in his sinful heart!
All deniers of the truth that you see with your own
Land subsidence, sinkhole collapse and earth fissure occurrence
Here is a report on Land Subsidence in China already
showing the signs of living on the overhang of a cliff ready to slide in the
"Watery Grave"

here is another image
It appears that man is stimulating this slide into the watery grave.
another fragment from here
"Abstract Land subsidence in China occurs in different regions. It is primarily
caused by excessive groundwater withdrawal. Other reasons for the subsidence
include the oil, warm groundwater withdrawal and the neotectonic movement. The
common characteristics of land subsidence in China are slow, accumulative,
irreversible, and other unique properties. The range of subsidence still keeps
extending and the accumulative subsidence increasing though some measures taken.
Adjustment of the aquifer exploitation practice is a subsidiary way to control
land subsidence, but it cannot solve this problem completely. >>>>In a specfic
way of groundwater changing, the contribution of a certain soil layer to the
total subsidence depends on its compressibility and thickness. Besides the
elasticity, both cohesive soil layers (aquitards) and sand layers (aquifers)
>>>>are observed to be plastic and creep<<<< when the groundwater level
fluctuates in a specific way, which often leads to subsidence delay."
"are observed to be plastic and creep"
Here is the story of the Wedding of Cana from
the Urantia Book where Jesus turned water into wine.
But here is an interpretation of Perry Stone of the wedding of Cana to see the
Wedding feast of Cana.
the Urantia book link you will have to scroll
Here was one difference.
" By noon on Wednesday almost a thousand guests had arrived in Cana, more than
four times the number bidden to the wedding feast. It was a Jewish custom to
celebrate weddings on Wednesday, and the invitations had been sent abroad for
the wedding one month previously"
Weddings were made on a Wednesday according to the UB rather than Tuesday as
Perry mentions.
No worries.
Personally, I don't believe the Earth is 6000 years
old, that is wrong. To much evidence against that thought. Maybe if 6000 years
was 6 billion years no worries but 6000 years no. Jiroft was around 11000 years.
Also day 1 to day 7 is all evolutionary creative in a timeline.
That has to be completely dropped, that is simply
not right.
What happening here is that the time differences of
Paradise is as 1000 thousand years in one human day. thinking Paradise is in the
centre of all things including an Ultimaton.
I think it is a time comparison between the Abode of God in Heaven and a day
here and has nothing to do with the creation timeline.
I think they should drop that to.
Maybe there is some connection of the Advent of the
Melchizedek which is exactly 6000 years ago. Maybe there is some confusion
He was revered as a God towards the end of his rule after his forecast of the
destruction of Sodom and Gommorah
But Im not sure how that would connect to
creation. Essentially the Bible creation story comes from Babylon.
and note the Sumerian timeline of the Kings going back 500,000 years.
Christianity is on the wrong interpretation regarding the 6000 year creation
See More
It does not matter
of the variations in thought, we all have that flicker of faith in the Father
and Jesus and that is main thing in our service to man.
Its our faith that makes us successful not doctrine and dogmas and
interpretations in it variations.
I just want to say that Perry Stone is Good bloke he is in service for man in
the truth of Jesus and the Father and builds faith.
Both Bible and
Urantia Book are accurate with this fragment.
The UB
"(1530.3) 137:4.11 Near at hand stood six waterpots of stone, filled with water,
holding about twenty gallons apiece."
hahah I love this one.
“Now, now, Mother Mary, grieve not over my apparently hard sayings, for have I
not many times told you that I have come only to do the will of my heavenly
Father? Most gladly would I do what you ask of me if it were a part of the
Father’s will — “ and Jesus stopped short, he hesitated. Mary seemed to sense
that something was happening.
Could you imagine the scene looks like Jesus made a slip. hahahaha. I can
understand his concern after he said that, when he realised his slip then the
change of water into wine occurred. In his personal reflection afterwards, he
probably thought I shouldn't said that part.
Happened in the hesitation.
I feel here is
something we can learn in experience with our personal thought adjuster even
though we are not planetary creators but we can create from ourselves and I
believe the thought adjuster is involved in our personal creations to a degree.
The thought adjuster is involved in the creativity of mankind from within.
The UB
And then the Son of Man recalled the admonition of his Personalized Thought
Adjuster in the hills. He recounted how the Adjuster had warned him about the
inability of any power or personality to deprive him of the creator prerogative
of independence of time."
I mean positive
creativity of man that is worthy.
I was intrigued by
this verse regarding the beginning, looking at it from the perspective from the
end from the beginning relating the first cities of the tree of life in
connection to today.
John 2:
And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and
when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good
wine until now. 11 This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and
manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him.
Regarding the Beginning and the end or the Alpha and the Omega the good WINE is
saved till last relating to all things hidden shall be revealed said Jesus. What
is saved till last is the good wine and where the end comes from the beginning
in the destruction of ignorance.
Ufo news in Tennessee
I cant understand why a pilot has to loose a job
over reporting a UFO sighting. It shows what type of people run these
airlines in there fear over others especially when these things concerns all
mankind. It shows how cold and ruthless these operators are in there rule
through fear and innuendo just for seeing a UFO.
In one report a man mentions that UFO sightings in
Tennessee is on the increase and its like building up to a crescendo or perhaps
an event!!!
That's what I'm looking for!! an event.
A positive event of revealing in truth.
That will back up the journey from the Beginnings
where the end of ignorance comes.
CNN: Experts Say Aliens Real! We've been
working with them for over 50 years now!
Goldman executives cheered housing market's
decline, newly released e-mails show
I would definitely believe this.
Bloody Nodite Scumbags of Goldman Sachs nothing but evil people in utter
Not only are they in big trouble with man but also with God. Every
conversation has recorded by the Seraphims and the reports go straight to the
Most High in charge of this Universal Sector and Goldman Sachs or the people
responsible are accountable to the Most High and other have no chance in there
guided Evil
All minions of Caligastia of Fallen Dalamatia City and of Dilmun.
Mankind hates deception, liars and cheats. They
are full of Sin and there over runneth in just plain simple SIN upon mankind!
No law of this planet will protect them from Judgement of there actions.
They will fail the 3 questions.
Apparently according to this Video we have only
2 weeks left.
I have no idea if this right but consider the tempo
of the journey and the conversation and note these things around the Sun with
future calculation. Could 2 weeks be the timing of Evacuation possibly??? or
some incredible event?
Lets TEST this out as being presented. Lets see if
he is right. I am looking for an event as stated. The climate is right, I feel
we are in the right timeline. World events seem to be aligning themselves with
Could be right looks interesting!!!
We know that if anything is to occur, the flicker of faith will be our saviour
directly related to the Father and Jesus the Sovereign Paradise Son.
We are his children and we are safe even if the world system collapses due to a
possible event as presented in the video.
We are in the ARK of truth and its that ark of truth that will save us. If
people don't know this ARK they have 2 weeks possibly!!
So we have to see friends of the brotherhood of
Jesus the Sovereign actual and direct! We are the bride ready for the arrival of
Jesus who adjudges the Age, the bridegroom.
I can see by the video how the end of ignorance can happen in shock and awe!
Praise the Lord eh!
Get your tickets, all aboard in 2 weeks maybe!
Lets see what occurs in the meantime.
What happens on MAY 14th 2010?????
Colter, that is true but they never the Urantia Book
nor any other hard evidence Like 1steden nor any real technology to help in the
physical things.
Thats the difference plus we are tesing out a new revelation which also speaks
Plus no one ever came from the Beginning where the
End comes from, like the Alpha and the Omega in type.
Does any Christian come from the Beginning? no! Not one person in the whole
planet in the moment comes from the beginning to one ever came from
No Christian ever revealed a thing from the Hidden.
Not even the ones who want Nuclear bombs.
Regarding this Video the scripture that comes to mind is this verse from Isaiah.
Isaiah 30:26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun,
and the light of the sun shall be
sevenfold as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the
breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.
The above verse matches. Note the words of Isaiah and the reality The Event,
Sun, Light, Sevenfold Sevenfold the Mission, the journey from the first places,
Dalamatia City, Dilmun and 1stEden and Vans Highland capital. Seven the
counterpart, Seven Days,
Healing the Stroke and Breach which means the official End of the Lucifer
Rebellion in Judgment. We find healing with Jesus present, the Bridegroom.
Apparently according to this Video we have only 2 weeks left.
This could be the arrival of the Universal Government if the Video and
calculation is right. If it was Angona or something the Sun would react but the
Sun doesn't seem to be reacting so I wonder if the Planetary Orbs are of a
different material!! relating to an Artificial planet??
This could mean the Judgement comes where Caligastia id Judged and taken of the
All good if the calculation in the video is right.
Here is another verse that may have Metaphor.
Note in the Journey from the Beginnings, the Banner is the 3 concentric Circles
of Paradise and the Triangle/Circle and in the presentation of Dilmun, Dilmun is
located to the East at the Rising of the Sun looking from the Sphinx.
Numbers 2:3
(Read all of
Numbers 2)
And on the east side toward
the rising of
the sun shall
they of the
standard of the camp of Judah pitch
throughout their armies: and Nahshon
the son of Amminadab shall be captain of
the children of Judah
Psalm 50:1
The mighty God, even the Lord, hath spoken, and called the earth from the
rising of the sun unto the going down thereof.
Psalm 58:8 (Read all of Psalm 58)
As a snail which melteth, let every one of them pass away: like the untimely
birth of a woman, that they may not see the sun.
Read in context
A Prayer for the Punishment of the Wicked
84:11 (Read
all of
Psalm 84)
For the
Lord God is a sun
and shield: the Lord will give grace and
glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.
3:16 (Read all of
Ecclesiastes 3)
And moreover I saw under the sun
the place of judgment, that wickedness was there; and the place of
righteousness, that iniquity was there.
Ecclesiastes 7:11
(Read all of
Ecclesiastes 7)
Wisdom is good with an inheritance: and by it there is profit to them
that see the sun.
April 26th 2010
Honestly Speaking, the true religion of Jesus is
absolutely easy and worthy and no bondage nor ritual is attached, I find
religion in this vain very exciting, dynamic and simple in faith.
Like Children who know so much more in the
expansion, in the Spiritual experience where we can have fun and enjoyment
with the Father, like a Child with his Father and Mother in complete faith and
We are successful there is no doubt about that, we have overcome to a very
bright future. We do have have the victory in Jesus, the victory of the truth
and we are set free. The truth made us free.
Praise the Lord for that.
Really, I am very happy with what the Lord is doing in our lives.
Hi Karen, great blessings eh! in all things, in
everything in your life. No worries at all, absolutely! 100%.
I feel really inspired at the moment!
I just saw you rely. You are so right what could
be easier spreading the good news that comes from the Mountains of the Lord.
What could be easier with such a pleasant message!
This relates to the broken links of the UB online
book discontinued
Hi Dennis,
I can see it is the New Foundation website you are having the issue with,
please contact Jay is the Foundation Office manager and
is the administrator of the website. If you take your concerns directly to him
he should be able to provide a satisfactory answer.
Let me know how you go.
Your bro,
Anyway enough of Negativity, here is a very
interesting article.
Vatican Tied Mount Graham Observatory Launches LUCIFER Telescope.
A connection of the Vatican to a telescope called Lucifer uh????
Why call it Lucifer, I couldn't think of a worse
Why not call the telescope Jesus.
Im confused!
Remember that ash cloud? It didn't exist, says new evidence.
I thought the Lady who filmed this video is a very
nice sensitive lady in such a beautiful setting, Such a nice place for an Orb
to occur. I thought it was totaly beautiful.
UFO Message To Physicist 250410
I was thinking with the dogs in the background
barking maybe there is a presence on the ground that the dog perceives but human
cant see.
Opinion?.. Real Or CG UFO?
I dont know but look interesting.
I wish her all the best and I hope she receives an
answer to her prayer. Great Blessings to a very nice lady.
In the next 2 weeks or so take note of this NIBIRU EXISTS! WE HAVE 2 WEEKS LEFT PEOPLE! Video
Steven Hawking Says aliens exist and may even
be hostile
Its just on the news now as I post, synchronicity, it came to mind before the
news article came on TV.
Chimpanzees show human-like awareness of death
After the Stephen Hawkins News article there was a
News story about the Chimpanzee being more closely related to us Humans.
Here is a A news article on the story
Chimpanzees show human-like awareness of death
Lets see what the Urantia Book says.
(706.1) 62:3.10 Soon after the completion of their home, this couple, veterans
of so many struggles, found themselves the proud parents of twins, the most
interesting and important animals ever to have been born into the world up to
that time, for they were the first of the new species of Primates constituting
the next vital step in prehuman evolution.
(706.2) 62:3.11 Contemporaneously with the birth of these Primates twins,
another couple — a peculiarly retarded male and female of the mid-mammal tribe,
a couple that were both mentally and physically inferior — also gave birth to
twins. These twins, one male and one female, were indifferent to conquest; they
were concerned only with obtaining food and, since they would not eat flesh,
soon lost all interest in seeking prey. >>>>These retarded twins became the
founders of the modern simian tribes. Their descendants sought the warmer
southern regions with their mild climates and an abundance of tropical fruits,
where they have continued much as of that day except for those branches which
mated with the earlier types of gibbons and apes and have greatly deteriorated
in consequence.<<<<<
(706.3) 62:3.12 And so it may be readily seen that man and the ape are related
only in that they sprang from the mid-mammals, a tribe in which there occurred
the contemporaneous birth and subsequent segregation of two pairs of twins: the
inferior pair destined to produce the modern types of monkey, baboon,
>>>>chimpanzee, and gorilla;<<<<< the superior pair destined to continue the
line of ascent which evolved into man himself.
(706.4) 62:3.13 >>>>>Modern man and the simians did spring from the same tribe
and species but not from the same parents.<<<<< Man’s ancestors are descended
from the superior strains of the selected remnant of this mid-mammal tribe,
whereas the modern simians (excepting certain pre-existent types of lemurs,
gibbons, apes, and other monkeylike creatures) are the descendants of the most
inferior couple of this mid-mammal group, a couple who only survived by hiding
themselves in a subterranean food-storage retreat for more than two weeks during
the last fierce battle of their tribe, emerging only after the hostilities were
well over.
Here is a BBC video.
Apparently, what we see in the Chimpanzee today is a
deterioration of a more higher being of that linage, a further devolution.
I wonder what we can learn from this considering the Urantia Book?
I thought this was really cool relating to the early
Lemur, the ancestral frog that was confirmed last year.
Amazing to know about what occurs in the timeline.
(705.8) 62:3.9 You can hardly realize by what narrow margins your prehuman
ancestors missed extinction from time to time.
>>>>>Had the ancestral frog of all humanity jumped two inches less on a certain
occasion, the whole course of evolution would have been markedly changed. The
immediate lemurlike mother of the dawn-mammal species escaped death no less
than five times by mere hairbreadth margins
before she gave birth to the father of the new and higher mammalian order.
But the closest call of all was when lightning struck the tree in which the
prospective mother of the Primates twins was sleeping. Both of these mid-mammal
parents were severely shocked and badly burned; three of their seven children
were killed by this bolt from the skies. These evolving animals were almost
This couple whose treetop home had been struck were really the leaders of the
more progressive group of the mid-mammal species; and following their example,
more than half the tribe, embracing the more intelligent families, moved about
two miles away from this locality and began the construction of new treetop
abodes and new ground shelters — their transient retreats in time of sudden
UFO Triangle Footage Thetford Norfolk England
26th, April ??
The strobe does not have the consistency of aircraft
April 26th 2010 I presume.
15/30.Quran And The Bible In The Light Of
The presenter makes some very good points but the new revelation is the Urantia
Book. The Quran is not the last revelation, however I think there is good
fragments in all the books of our past that all contain clues and truth. But
again its the Urantia Book that brings the complete reality together of past,
present and future in the complete blend of all things. it all comes together in
a demonstratable and unusual way.
Now consider this in Urantia Book considering the Sun on the 4th day I think he
8. The Legend of Creation
(836.14) 74:8.1 The story of the creation of Urantia in six days was based on
the tradition that Adam and Eve had spent just six days in their initial survey
of the Garden. This circumstance lent almost sacred sanction to the time period
of the week, which had been originally introduced by the Dalamatians. Adam’s
spending six days inspecting the Garden and formulating preliminary plans for
organization was not prearranged; it was worked out from day to day. The
choosing of the seventh day for worship was wholly incidental to the facts
herewith narrated.
(837.1) 74:8.2 The legend of the making of the world in six days was an
afterthought, in fact, more than thirty thousand years afterwards.
>>>>One feature of the narrative, the sudden appearance of the sun and moon, may
have taken origin in the traditions of the onetime sudden emergence of the world
from a dense space cloud of minute matter which had long obscured both sun and
Both the Bible and the Quran need correction and the Urantia Book is the Book,
the new revelation before a really big revelation event perhaps!!
He is right about the Long periods of time rather
the 6 days literal. We know that through the Urantia Book and it can be
demonstrated and our spiritual culture I believe can be demonstrated in
discovery literal verification.
He is right about the vegetation and light but
that's cool its the Urantia Book which is the truth.
The Foundations of heaven do exist in energy that
steams from Paradise, that is the foundation and all the galaxies are the
pillars so to speak and we all swirl around Havona and Paradise in counter
clockwise and clockwise fashion. Its all pillars of matter manifestation and the
crowns are us the Sentient beings of faith where the full adjutant Spirit are
alive in us, we are immortal in the father through faith in the the truth of
Jesus' message.
That's the truth of the Pillars and foundation mentioned the Bible and the
Pillars include all the Hidden worlds of Eternity that we traverse.
With all these scientific discoveries and
verifications coming out linked and blended with things of religion using the
Urantia Book as the baseline wraps the whole thing right now in my view.
The verification of the cities would be icing on the cake and a 3rd expedition
to 1st Eden to confirm the Triangle with a circle in the Apex of the Great
Mound, to the North of the temple of Adoration where the 3 co planar symbols
exist on top of the Acropolis of the temple of Adoration where the streams of
water ran down in both directions of the hill right next to the rings.
This can be all linked to the Triangle design of Van highland Capital linked
directly with submerged Dalamatia City. The Great Connection in symbol and
design that contains much symbolism that exists today in many things.
In the following
link is some other clues I found around the Adamson/Van/Amadon highland
capital in Northern Iran in the Kopet Daugh.
The path from Dalamatia City to the Vans
/Adamson/Amadon Highland capital to 1st Eden is the right path.
The good path of truth, the Dilmun path from Dalamatia City with the same symbol
to a degree is laced with distortion.
The Urantia Book is attached to the right path, the new revelation.
The right Path from the Van Highland Capital leads
straight 1stEden where Van built 1stEden and layed the foundations of the symbol
in the design, the circular city with triangle aspects like in the Great Mound
to the North of the Temple of Adoration.
Here is an image which contains some thoughts, triangulations, few ideas where
the great mound could exist.
What I celebrate is the 300,000 years of Truth,
Beauty and Goodness that existed before rebellion, when the all the Sons of God
rejoiced in the truth together and shouted for joy in Dalamatia City as
expressed. I also celebrate the right path of the Tree of Life which makes the
Tipura of the truth of the three Cites that become one in further celebration
of our Spiritual Culture of the Last 500,000 years. Such an Honour that I could
do that and be part of it and so can anyone!
Sublime and Supernal!
One day the Tree of Life will be on this planet for
the Immortals for a Season at least until we get our first Translation temple.
Really its the will of the Father for mankind to
Survive and enter the worlds of eternity to fill a many universes of
personality. How cool is that, we are being taught planetary administration at
this early stage.
Advanced stuff and we have not a worry in the world because Jesus guided the Ark
of the Truth of the Tipura of the 3 cities that become one of the Tree of Life.!
Being immortals supping of the Tree of Life having
many generations of experience we could fix the planet and develop a really
comfortable civilisation for all mankind definitely reaching the Utopian worlds
with everything provided by the earth like energy growing things running all
things that leads to a very low stressed life investing time in spiritual
pursuits in all things of family and other experiences perhaps like in Star Trek
but at peace with the Universe and all the Brothers in the shout of Joy.
Receiving broadcasts from the Universe even on this planet like they did in
Dalamatia City. Like the Dalamatia City Radio Station Network expressing
500,000 years of part mankind's creativity.
Being immortals supping of the Tree of Life having
many generations of experience we could fix the planet and develop a really
comfortable civilisation for all mankind definitely reaching the Utopian worlds
with everything provided by the earth like energy growing things running all
things that leads to a very low stressed life for every family investing time
in worthy spiritual pursuits in all things of family and other experiences
perhaps like in Star Trek but at peace with the Universe and all the Brothers in
the shout of Joy.
Receiving broadcasts from the Universe even on this planet like they did in
Dalamatia City. Like the Dalamatia City Radio Station Network expressing
500,000 years of part mankind's creativity.
Imagine a whole team of immortals making friends
through all the generations and knowing families and all the members throughout
the time and Epoch. Think of all the stories in assisting the planet in worthy
civilisation building adventures for the family as the focus point and
individuals in personal religion of heart, soul and mind in the doing
manifesting positive realities learning to be an administrator.
Evolving spiritual real freedom and liberty imbibed with the Father in Heaven.
Man has to be stabilised and secured. spiritually and physically in preparation
for the great real adventure.
Ezekiel's Temple.
Perhaps the design of the Translation Temple? or the
new and reopened Temple of Adoration that will house the Tree of Life from
Might be an world were Angels and Humans are close
together and more visible.
Now if you could go to Dilmun or Dalamatia City and
lift up the seven Commands that will be the final victory in the verification.
That would be the Ark of the Covenant for the Future stemming from the first
Epochal Revelation right through to the Fifth Epochal revelation which began
with the Urantia Book.
This new Ark is Mentioned in Revelation.

The Image is Jiroft script 9000 years old close to
the Dilmun script including the symbol in the Great Pyramid on the plug.
Look at Psalms 68 regarding Bashan and relate the
fragments to this reality of the journey of the ancient cities from all the
Epochs and the current conversation.
read between the arrows.
4 When the Almighty scattered kings in it, it was white as snow [6] in Salmon.
>>>>15 The hill of God is as the hill of Bashan; an high hill as the hill of
Bashan. 16 Why leap ye, ye high hills? this is the hill which God desireth to
dwell in; yea, the Lord will dwell in it for ever.<<<<<
(The army of God)
>>>>17 The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: the
Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place. 18 Thou hast ascended on
high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea,
for the rebellious also, that the Lord God might dwell among them.<<<<<
>>>>19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of
our salvation. Selah. 20 He that is our God is the God of salvation; and unto
GOD the Lord belong the issues from death. 21 But God shall wound the head of
his enemies, and the hairy scalp of such an one as goeth on still in his
(note the 22 signature and the message from the depths of the Sea relating to a
people....Us in the moment with the message of the cities.)
>>>>22 The Lord said, I will bring again from Bashan, I will bring my people
again from the depths of the sea:<<<<<
(message from the Abyss)
23 That thy foot may be dipped [8] in the blood of thine enemies, and the tongue
of thy dogs in the same. 24 They have seen thy goings, O God; even the goings of
my God, my King, in the sanctuary. 25 The singers went before, the players on
instruments followed after; among them were the damsels playing with timbrels.
26 Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of
Israel. 27 There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and
their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28 Thy God
hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for
us. 29 Because of thy temple at Jerusalem shall kings bring presents unto thee.
30 Rebuke the company [9] of spearmen, the multitude of the bulls, with the
calves of the people, till every one submit himself with pieces of silver:
scatter thou the people that delight in war. 31 Princes shall come out of Egypt;
Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God.
(I'm sure the following is about us and the nature of the journey which includes
the Universe, we do ride the Heavens in the Magnetar journey and everything else
attached in the Sevenfold Journey)
>>>>>>32 Sing unto God, ye kingdoms of the earth; O sing praises unto the Lord;
Selah: 33 To him that rideth upon the heavens of heavens, which were of old; lo,
he doth send out his voice, and that a mighty voice. 34 Ascribe ye strength unto
God: his excellency is over Israel, and his strength is in the clouds. [10] 35 O
God, thou art terrible out of thy holy places: the God of Israel is he that
giveth strength and power unto his people. Blessed be God.<<<<<
We ride the Heavens of Old, in Metaphor our spiritual culture of old. All
related to the heavens of Old and the Sons of God and the rebellion and the
Wrapping up of it.
I think its a complete match in the metaphor and
current reality.
Here is the first part of Psalms 68, to it says it
The God of Sinai and of the Sanctuary
>>>>68Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him
flee before [1] him. 2 As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax
melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.<<<<
>>>> 3 But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them
exceedingly [2] rejoice. 4 Sing unto God, sing praises to his name:<<<<
(We ride the Heavens)
>>>> extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before
him. 5 A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, is God in his holy
habitation. 6 God setteth the solitary in families: [3] he bringeth out those
which are bound with chains: but the rebellious dwell in a dry land.<<<<<<
( we know the sanctuary)
(What we are doing now)
>>>>>7 O God, when thou wentest forth before thy people, when thou didst march
through the wilderness;<<<< (marching through the wilderness alone.)
(The Sun Event...2 weeks video possibly)
>>>>Selah: 8 The earth shook, the heavens also dropped at the presence of God:
even Sinai itself was moved at the presence of God, the God of Israel. 9 Thou, O
God, didst send [4] a plentiful rain, whereby thou didst confirm thine
inheritance, when it was weary.<<<<<
(the current rains at Sevenfold base country, Sinim breaking a 100 year drought
in many areas could be reflection of this reality in scripture)
(What it took the publish the Targum of the Beginning and the company of Angelic
participation seem very great)
>>>>>10 Thy congregation hath dwelt therein: thou, O God, hast prepared of thy
goodness for the poor. 11 The Lord gave the word: great was the company [5] of
those that published it.<<<<<(The word was published daily)
(Who tarries at alone in a room and discovers all the branches of truth of the
Seventh Mystery where Kings flee)
>>>>12 Kings of armies did flee apace: and she that tarried at home divided the
(Though the journey was very tough the outcome was brilliant like on the wings
of a dove in truth and results, the report became great. (Gold and Silver,
Sublime and Supernal)
>>>>13 Though ye have lien among the pots, yet shall ye be as the wings of a
dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold. 14 When the
Almighty scattered kings in it, it was white as snow [6] in Salmon.
(Not sure what Salmon is, a town!)
Ann G Facebook page (nice lady a mover and shaker in
April 28th 2010
Anyway, do you think they would look into the
Urantia Book to know what they do? and how do you think they could obtain this
information when they are not looking for it to know, the snare they walk in
self motivation that does leave an adverse mark on the planet.
What would impress them to look into the matter because it might be important
especially when they are not looking for this kind of information. How does one
wake them up and make them think Gee I should look into this this might be
important for me under the mire of there current thinking and experience with
the UB and truth the last thing on there minds.
Its like with the Atheist site thread, Its the worst
thread in reply but the truth and progress of the journey and thoughts that is
posted on there web in total confrontation has made many of those think. Over
time a underlying friendship even though none expresses has developed and they
always respond hahahaha
That that's the funny part, its always the same guys that keep come back in the
fight but they read the info and they know this journey and they know the UB is
a cut above and yet it can blend beautifully with other books in the
When you look at the outside reality its a real compliment, the read, I see in
the manifestation.
But sometimes I have to fight to battle and get brutal through all the Garbage
to get to the person and sometimes what people do drives me mad in the motive
where I react to remind people that there is a judgement of personality for all
man at the end of the day.
The UB says there is a Judgement and I believe that but how do I wake up a
person going a wrong path to impress him to think otherwise. Judgement will come
and I use that to WAKE UP man. Judgement of personality is a true reality
despite what some may think.
Government deals with things here but personality is Gods domain and survival is
based on faith in the witness of ones life.
The Frauds cast upon man is Judgment stuff of the personality and that makes it
Gods domain even though Government deals with it but there is a higher level
involved and they must know this even though do not look for the truth only how
to escape a sinking ship in court.
I don't hate these guys at all but what they do drives me MAD where I say
something. I cant help myself I just got say something because I know there is a
problem for them. Im adding to what they may already know on this level.
If the journey of the ancient places concerns the
destiny of the planet, some of those elite hierarchy people whoever they will
read this stuff and will know the plummet line, the Universal Standards of
Behaviour and Survival with the right motive.
Also, who speaks to the Terrorist directly from the
stand point of view of religion in this day? to know what he does, does not
assure entry into Paradise and there are many scriptures regarding this. All I
know that since the exposure of this journey terrorism has declined in the
middle east even though that practice still occurs. But I think its on a
downward scale however its the Nuclear Bombs I'm not happy about. I have written
to Iran leadership and explained about the ancient places, revealing the Hidden,
Judgment of personality, prophecy links and introduced the Urantia Book and
there was an indirect response where the British prisoners were released.
But now it appears to be wayward and yet they do these war games around
Dalamatia under the pretence of the Great Prophet, stuff like that make me think
are they trying to draw someone out. Are they trying to repeat another similar
scenario of drawing a response from the Sevens guy. Well, if they know my
journey they know my viewpoint on things and religion and Nuclear Bombs is an
absolute No No!
As I found during the journey that in Islam there is a Sevener forecast to arise
to be some messenger. I sometimes wonder of the Sevener is really Sevens of the
Sevenfold connected to the Sevenfold Seraphic Mission being a human counterpart
and partner in friendship working for the spiritual efficiency of the planet.
I came across this on Dawn Pattons page I don't know
here but I agree with her, I thought this video was beautiful to. I really like
this tune.
I can see that everyone will be completely advanced
sublime and supernal and very beautiful in every aspect of all things contained
and man will be beautiful to to compliment to beauty and love of a woman.
More so than ever before.
I note this in the Urantia Book about Judaism, I see
much truth in thi8s related to the current journey from the beginnings
Judaism from the UB
(1445.1) 131:2.7 “God
is our Father; the Lord is our redeemer. God has created the universal hosts,
and he preserves them all. >>>>>His righteousness is like the
mountains and his judgment like the great deep.<<<<<<>>>> He causes us
to drink of the river of his pleasures, and in his light we shall see light.
It is good to give thanks to the Lord and to sing praises to the Most High; to
show forth loving-kindness in the morning and the divine faithfulness every
night. God’s kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and his dominion endures
throughout all generations.<<<<<<
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not
want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still
waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in the paths of righteousness. Yes,
even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no
evil, for God is with me. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the
days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
I believe the following fragments are
completely relevant to the journey and are clues. The authors of the UB
wouldn't include this had it not be relevant and with purpose. There
would have to be reflectivity to a scenario in the purpose for recognition.
" God is our Father; the Lord is our
redeemer. God has created the universal hosts, and he preserves them all.
>>>>>His righteousness is like the
mountains and his judgment like the great deep."
"His righteousness is like the
mountains and his judgment like the great deep" (Judgement comes from
the Abyss both the Sea, (message)a nd Space, (arrival))
He causes us to drink of the river of his
pleasures, and in his light we shall see light. (river of truth of our
It is good to give thanks to the Lord and to
sing praises to the Most High; to show forth loving-kindness in the morning
and the divine faithfulness every night. (every morning he rouses me up
until late a night for many years now.)
The young man who was afraid in my view is
the most beautiful story in the whole Urantia, every time I read this
passage I always well up in tears. Mind you everything in the Urantia
Book is beautiful but this story really touches my soul.
I see great parallelism between the journey to the ancient places and
this story in a very personal and intimate way and to me it reflects the
complete reality of the journey.
Here are thoughts and what I see in parallel.
Here is the story.
Read in between the arrows will be the focal points and thoughts in
6. The Young Man Who Was Afraid
(1437.1) 130:6.1 >>>While they were up in the mountains, Jesus had a
long talk with a young man who was fearful and downcast. Failing to
derive comfort and courage from association with his fellows, this youth
had sought the solitude of the hills; he had grown up with a feeling of
helplessness and inferiority. These natural tendencies had been
augmented by numerous difficult circumstances which the lad had
encountered as he grew up, notably, the loss of his father when he was
twelve years of age.<<<<
( I know in my life I have suffered from great bouts depression but it
was 16 years ago when I lost love and that devastated and depressed me
for years and years, it was the UB that kept me going through all the
depression, I lost all faith in myself but I had the flicker of faith
for the Father. I lived on a mount and used to go the lookouts and talk
to God with my heart and Soul, throughout my life. Fear did hold me
back in lost confidence, The young man lost his Father and I lost Love
and went to the mountains naturally where I walk and speak with the
Father in my heart and at out loud, for many years)
As they met, Jesus said: “Greetings, my friend! why so downcast on such
a beautiful day? If something has happened to distress you, perhaps I
can in some manner assist you. At any rate it affords me real pleasure
to proffer my services.”
(Praise the Lord, thank you Jesus for speaking with me throughout my
personal tribulation and depression.)
(1437.2) 130:6.2 >>>The young man was disinclined to talk, and so Jesus
made a second approach to his soul, saying: “I understand you come up in
these hills to get away from folks; so, of course, you do not want to
talk with me, <<<<
(I came to the Hills, The Dandenong Ranges, the Arboretum and walk to
getaway and talk with the Father in Heaven in depression many times in
this journey I would walk, in the same way as the Young Man feeling what
he felt the GREAT LOSS of LOVE Although there were many victories in
the discoveries that made me very happy. It was this experience that
gave me the energy to move forward)
>>>>but I would like to know whether you are familiar with these hills;
do you know the direction of the trails? and, perchance, could you
inform me as to the best route to Phenix?”
(Jesus asks direction to the Phenix, Phenix = Phoenix, In this day we
are to find the best way to the renewal of the Phoenix, Phoenix Bird of
transition in this day, transition and renewal of the planet.)
>>>>>Now this youth was very familiar with these mountains, and he
really became much interested in telling Jesus the way to Phenix, so
much so that he marked out all the trails on the ground and fully
explained every detail.<<<<<<
(Like in the journey to the ancient places, I am very interested in
telling you everything that happens in the journey and to expose all the
hidden trails and by-ways that lead to all the ancient places in faith.
I just love to tell people that naturally and how to get there and where
to go, going through all the many branches that all lead to the same
places, the Phoenix of today. Money never prevented me to give this out
unconditionally, it was never held back for price and reward as
mentioned in Isaiah, freely given even though its is worth 2 billion
dollars plus for the Urantia Movement in the dissemination of the book.)
back to the Young man
But he was startled and >>>>>made curious when Jesus, after saying
good-bye and making as if he were taking leave, suddenly turned to him,
saying: “I well know you wish to be left alone with your disconsolation;
but it would be neither kind nor fair for me to receive such generous
help from you as to how best to find my way to Phenix and then
unthinkingly to go away from you without making the least effort to
answer your appealing request for help and guidance regarding the best
route to the goal of destiny which you seek in your heart while you
tarry here on the mountainside<<<<<<
(All I can say is how beautiful, that is exaclty what happened to me
where Jesus shows me the trails to Phoenix in the blend of everything
where I show and share all the branches of the happiness trails to
Phoenix of transition in the GOAL of Destiny in the Targum of the
Beginnings.... "appealing request for help and guidance regarding the
best route to the goal of destiny which you seek in your heart while you
tarry here on the mountainside." That is what I experienced)
>>>>>As you so well know the trails to Phenix, having traversed them
many times, so do I well know the way to the city of your disappointed
hopes and thwarted ambitions.<<<<
(As we have experienced in our own lives "I well know the way to the
city of your disappointed hopes and thwarted ambitions" Jesus also
refers to all the cities especially Dalamatia City and 1st Eden where
the defaults occurred in rebellion)
>>>>>And since you have asked me for help, I will not disappoint you.”
The youth was almost overcome, but he managed to stammer out, “But — I
did not ask you for anything — ”<<<<<<
(I know Jesus will not Disappoint us at all, I have trust and have
faith in Jesus, in all his happiness trails and byways of truth that
lead to great city that Jesus speaks off, Dalamatia City and 1steden,
praise the Lord almighty)
And Jesus, laying a gentle hand on his shoulder, said: “No, son, not
with words but with longing looks did you appeal to my heart. >>>>>My
boy, to one who loves his fellows there is an eloquent appeal for help
in your countenance of discouragement and despair.<<<<<
( The Young man suffered depression but he was a good young man who did
love his fellows in his heart but was clouded by depression but he had a
very nice soul and that was witnessed by Jesus)
>>>>Sit down with me while I tell you of the service trails and
happiness highways which lead from the sorrows of self to the joys of
loving activities in the brotherhood of men and in the service of the
God of heaven.” <<<<<
(Praise the Lord, like in this journey sitting with the Father and Jesus
who guide me through the all the books of relgion following the hidden
fragment and clues that lead to the happiness highways of the truth that
lead to the cities.)
(1437.3) 130:6.3 By this time the young man very much desired to talk
with Jesus, and he knelt at his feet imploring Jesus to help him, to
show him the way of escape from his world of personal sorrow and defeat.
(When I realised very early the Happiness highways of the truth leading
to the cities I wanted to know more and for many years everyday I would
spend 12-18 hrs a day (still do) discovering and realising things along
the tracks with much contemplation and reflection going on hunches
within myself)
>>>>Said Jesus: “My friend, arise! Stand up like a man! You may be
surrounded with small enemies and be retarded by many obstacles, but the
big things and the real things of this world and the universe are on
your side.<<<<<
(The journey to the ancient places has made me strong and helped me
overcome severe depression and prevented much self condemnation of
myself in past mistakes, I might fall back occasionally but not as
much. I realise all the obstacles can be cleared from the path)
>>>>>>The sun rises every morning to salute you just as it does the most
powerful and prosperous man on earth. Look — you have a strong body and
powerful muscles — your physical equipment is better than the average.
Of course, it is just about useless while you sit out here on the
mountainside and grieve over your misfortunes, real and fancied. But you
could do great things with your body if you would hasten off to where
great things are waiting to be done.<<<<<<
(The Sun, attached to Phoenix in Enoch rises each day to salute us, that
is true and we have the whole Universe on our side and man must keep
himself away from depression over past things all the time. We we have
much work to do and its the work of the Lord that will deliver you from
Depression and worry, in doing and manifestation in realisation and
personal discovery that breaks the chains of discovery and knowing the
Father as a friend when you truly know the Father you love people.
The Phoenix rises each day but there will be a new day one day in the
future and no day will be the same after that day.)
>>>>>You are trying to run away from your unhappy self, but it cannot be
done. You and your problems of living are real; you cannot escape them
as long as you live. But look again, your mind is clear and capable.
Your strong body has an intelligent mind to direct it. Set your mind at
work to solve its problems; teach your intellect to work for you; refuse
longer to be dominated by fear like an unthinking animal. Your mind
should be your courageous ally in the solution of your life problems
rather than your being, as you have been, its abject fear-slave and the
bond servant of depression and defeat. But most valuable of all, your
potential of real achievement is the spirit which lives within you, and
which will stimulate and inspire your mind to control itself and
activate the body if you will release it from the fetters of fear and
thus enable your spiritual nature to begin your deliverance from the
evils of inaction by the power-presence of living faith. And then,
forthwith, will this faith vanquish fear of men by the compelling
presence of that new and all-dominating love of your fellows which will
so soon fill your soul to overflowing because of the consciousness which
has been born in your heart that you are a child of God. *<<<<<
(Great advise for every person on the planet, its through this path that
we overcome and become very successful individuals, we are the champions
in the Father of Heaven, we are the Immortals)
(1438.1) 130:6.4 >>>>>>“This day, my son, you are to be reborn,
re-established as a man of faith, courage, and devoted service to man,
for God’s sake. And when you become so readjusted to life within
yourself, you become likewise readjusted to the universe; you have been
born again — born of the spirit — and henceforth will your whole life
become one of victorious accomplishment. Trouble will invigorate you;
disappointment will spur you on; difficulties will challenge you; and
obstacles will stimulate you. Arise, young man! Say farewell to the life
of cringing fear and fleeing cowardice. Hasten back to duty and live
your life in the flesh as a son of God, a mortal dedicated to the
ennobling service of man on earth and destined to the superb and eternal
service of God in eternity.” <<<<<
(Yes, we are reborn of the Sprit and highly successful and loving and we
wish to do good service for one another in the spirit of Love for one
(1438.2) 130:6.5 >>>>>And this youth, Fortune, subsequently became the
leader of the Christians in Crete and the close associate of Titus in
his labors for the uplift of the Cretan believers.<<<<<
(and Fortune will come for the Urantia Book in full dissemination in all
languages, that is the goal of this work to assist in any I can to get
the Urantia book out there because I know all mankind will benefit)
To be honest, if this successful all I want is to do pay of debt, get a
simple base and money to do heaps of expeditions with documentation and
so forth. Whatever happens is OK....... that's if there is no
evacuation. hahahaha
Anyway that was totaly beautiful and I find great parallelism in the
above and note the Young man of today, de Jong means the Young, the
Young man of today who concerns himself with the Cities of
disappointment and thwarted ambitions and the branches and paths
thereof. Young also means Javan that links to Van and the Tree of
Life...ever the Young.
Here is a link about the RICH YOUNG man, a metaphor
for today. Plenty of Rich Young men in the world.
Jesus was the most surprised. Others had expected
him to work a wonder, but that was just what he had purposed not to do. >>>>And
then the Son of Man recalled the admonition of his Personalized Thought Adjuster
in the hills.<<< He recounted how the Adjuster had warned him about the
inability of any power or personality to deprive him of the creator prerogative
of independence of time.\.%20The%20Wedding%20at%20Cana#search-jump-result-0
Seeing past the Media's new hype - ' fear the aliens
This gentleman is intelligent but he is faraway from the truth and does not know
the truth of everything. He should learn more and read the Urantia Book.
That's my advice to Him.
He does not everything and certainly has no experience with Aliens nor UFO and
should more first before making statements that he cannot substantiate. He only
thinks on the level of the world system.
He cant prove such things and he prove the Big Bang
in complete truth how can make a call on UFOS like this. He is parroting
others in FEAR. Like the system does and those who run it.
Yes I believe Carol Rosin more than Stephen Hawkins.
I think she has more credibility on the Subject that Stephen Hawkins. What is
his experience in this area?? First statement he ever made and what's it based
on???? Where is the EVIDENCE?
Where is the EVIDENCE??????? to make such a statement There is no evidence.
They don't fool me and off course they run a Mile from the Great BLUE BOOK.
David, I was thinking this could be a reaction of
Cali through Humans in combat against Arrival of Universal Government?? It
sounds like they might use weapons against the ORBS, War against Heaven
possibly! For real how incredible and we that Jesus by his word would halt this
immediately and it is forecast! By his word!
Hey thanks David for your replies brother.
Where are the real powers taking us? are they so full of fear or are they
running for cover as they realise there judgment comes soon.
At the end of the day we have to evolve a better civilisation uplifting the old
into the NEW in the complete truth of everything where ignorance and fear is
done and dusted for ever.
David, I was thinking this could be a reaction of
Cali through Humans in combat against Arrival of Universal Government?? It
sounds like they might use weapons against the ORBS, War against Heaven
possibly! For real how incredible and we that Jesus by his word would halt this
immediately and it is forecast! By his word!
A friend of mine sent me this, great!
Everything seems to be occurring.
I don't see any weapons like you would with man if the scenario was reversed
In Stargate Universe.
The thing is, the Sentient Universe is not at war like we are with
Alien Caught on Google Earth Street Vie

There has been a rash of 2 Orbs teams throughout
the world in recent days. Seraphims work as teams, 2.
It was really strange earlier in the Day when I
posted the Young who was afraid post, at that moment a really weird and
strange noise came out of my computer speakers for about 1 minute and then
faded out. I just sat there and listened. Was that some contact????
That has never ever
happened before.
At around 5.00 am, just about every morning a
weird noise comes out of TV to like a fast ticking sound that eventually fades
out over time. When I turn the power of it stops, it happens most mornings at
around the same time. I wonder what that is to??
At around 5.00 am,
just about every morning a weird noise comes out of TV to like a fast ticking
sound that eventually fades out over time. When I turn the power of it stops,
it happens most mornings at around the same time. I wonder what that is to??
Has Noah's Ark Been
Found on Turkish Mountaintop?
The so called Ark in Turkey could be something else.
Remember Van and Amadon in legend translated around Ararat so there would be
many legends of this way back then, they probably built a house in honour
Also Ratta, Adamsons wife.. Ratta is very close to Ararat in name and
reflection, it could be a reflection her, Ratta in name and legend.
Ararat was part of the Van/Amadon highland Kingdom based in Iran extending to
Lake Van. Thus, Lake Van. I'm sure the legend and truth that fits this
construction is lost.
Ararat points to Ratta and Van not Noah but perhaps associated with Noah then as
we see in the bible running through the scriptures pertaining to Noah.
Here is a fragment from the Urantia Book
Paper 77...Sevens hahaha
(860.5) 77:4.10 4. The northern Nodites and Amadonites — the Vanites. >>>>>>This
group arose prior to the Bablot conflict. These northernmost Nodites were
descendants of those who had forsaken the leadership of Nod and his successors
for that of Van and Amadon.<<<<
(interesting, so there was conflict between these 2 different races)
(860.6) 77:4.11 Some of the early associates of Van subsequently settled about
the shores of the lake which still bears his name, and their traditions grew up
about this locality. >>>>>Ararat became their sacred mountain, having much the
same meaning to later-day Vanites that Sinai had to the Hebrews.<<<<<
>>>>>>Ten thousand years ago the Vanite ancestors of the Assyrians taught that
their moral law of seven commandments had been given to Van by the Gods upon
Mount Ararat. They firmly believed that Van and his associate Amadon were taken
alive from the planet while they were up on the mountain engaged in worship.<<<<
(The must of had some abode or Temple on Ararat, some holy place that was
perpetuated throughout time.)
(In the following is the Kicker and explains these videos and claims about Noah
and connection in the Bible.)
(860.7) 77:4.12 Mount Ararat was the sacred mountain of northern Mesopotamia,
and since much of your tradition of these ancient times was acquired in
connection with the Babylonian story of the flood, it is not surprising that
Mount Ararat and its region were woven into the later Jewish story of Noah and
the universal flood.
( the following points to the Kopet Daugh in Iran where the capital was located)
(860.8) 77:4.13 About 35,000 B.C. Adamson visited one of the easternmost of the
old Vanite settlements to found his center of civilization.
According to the video I think it is a chamber that
was built 2800BC as a retreat and wood lined the cave for insulation and warmth.
Maybe a temple of retreat in solitude but I don't think its Noahs Ark actual.
I believe this where
Noah lived and his houseboat is long time gone. A myth that was adopted,
expanded and perpetuated in religion.
Here is another image of potential Aram.
Scientists confirm Extraterrestrial genes in Human
29th April 2010
Going through the
posts seeing all the grammar mistakes, I must be tired. Writing and Searching
like a machine where my mind travels too fast, where my mind works faster than
my fingers. Sorry for the English mistakes everyone, just tolerate if you can,
doing my best.
Im just going for it
flat out like a lizard having a drink.
Im looking for something, I want things to go to the next level, its a race I
believe or even a countdown. Im not sure, Im just going to keep on going if I
English and Grammar was my greatest weakness I could
never write well like many. I could never Imagine that would write like this. I
never thought this would happen as I was weak in this area. Just tolerate if you
can, nothing worse than reading posted mistakes I know.
We have the tools from the Father in Heaven.
We know in the Urantia Book this occurs and I
believe its a very beautiful experience.
Looked really beautiful and peaceful, I can imagine
us going through this experience as we pass through.
Note the Amber colour of the Angels and checkout the description of Seraphims,
Amber Hue being the clue and connection between the Video and the book, I read,
I see.
read between the arrows
(438.7) 39:5.14 And now, under the influence of the transformers and the
transmitters, a strange metamorphosis begins as the seraphim is made ready to
swing into the energy currents of the universe circuits.
>>>>>To outward appearance the seraphim grows pointed at both extremities and
becomes so enshrouded in a queer light of amber hue that very soon it is
impossible to distinguish the enseraphimed personality.<<<<<
When all is in readiness for departure, the chief of transport makes the proper
inspection of the carriage of life, carries out the routine tests to ascertain
whether or not the angel is properly encircuited, and then announces that the
traveler is properly enseraphimed, that the energies are adjusted, that the
angel is insulated, and that everything is in readiness for the departing flash.
The mechanical controllers, two of them, next take their positions. By this time
the transport seraphim has become an almost transparent, vibrating,
torpedo-shaped outline of glistening luminosity. Now the transport dispatcher of
the realm summons the auxiliary batteries of the living energy transmitters,
usually one thousand in number; as he announces the destination of the
transport, he reaches out and touches the near point of the seraphic carriage,
which shoots forward with lightning like speed, leaving a trail of celestial
luminosity as far as the planetary atmospheric investment extends. In less than
ten minutes the marvelous spectacle will be lost even to reinforced seraphic
Ollie J
But ... Since the taking of souls is extremely common, why don't we see this
phenomenon more often?
I don't know! I wish I could tell you.
Maybe it has to be on total faith and the appear because there is special
mission involved. They are from the Hidden world realm of eternity and the
mandate is faith.
Plus our eyes have to be anointed to see things,
special spiritual eyes. The UB refers to this, like reinforced Seraphic vision,
same for us reinforced vision to see Seraphims.
UFO In Airforce Commercial.
I thought this was really cool and to think the government may use space based
weapons against this and orbs in the War against Heaven. They might as well
reconsider and perhaps repent within themselves and have a change of heart and
be friendly with the Universe Brotherhood, its not Stargate Universe fighting
the Wraith. Its all fine and very happy out there and they trying to assist in
the catch up because we have been marred with rebellion but it has to be in
UFO In Airforce
Our Universal brothers are not interesting in taking
our Sovereignty away but rather enhance with the truth of all things in love for
one another, its a love for one another mission on a Universal brotherhood scale
and level that does involve the realm of eternity and immortality.
Our Universal brothers are not interesting in taking
our Sovereignty away but rather enhance with the truth of all things in love for
one another, its a love for one another mission on a Universal brotherhood scale
and level that does involve the realm of eternity and immortality.
Its a complete package, a truth does for the repair of all mankind on every
level I'm sure.
Bright Light Was UFO Says East Texan
Venus give me a break, that was impressed and
disturbed by what we and others saw. How can Venus disturb a person like
UFOs - Reverend Barry Downing - Theology
I thought this Video was brilliant,
I think Reverend Barry Downing is absolutely correct
and its the most true thing (beside Jesus of course) I have heard coming out of
Christianity. What he said is absolutely true and I had a laugh at the very
I really respect this Reverend Barry Downing and his
viewpoint. The Urantia could only compliment his thoughts.
Spot on! I'm really exciting in what he said, its
Evolutional/Creational and note the piece about creativity and faith, like we
are on this journey from ancient times. How many levels do we span and consider
in the faith with creativity, in the discovery and recognition not to mention
realisation and connection in parallel to what was foreseen in the past as we
match the reality of today in the moment in the Metaphor?? Truly the
realms of higher levels of thought and consideration stemming from the heart and
Soul with passion imbibed in a truly beautiful spiritual experience in the
timeline walking with the Father in Heaven and Jesus our Sovereign.
Glory to God eh!.
UB word search evolution.
UFO Ring Kings Dominion Virginia June 2009
Maussan, this occurred during Crop Circle season 2009.
Supermassive Black
Hole In The Middle Of Pyramid?
Note the Serpent Characteristics shadow on the
temple and Kulkulkan was white and Blue eyed, a remnant of the 132?? down the
Here the Urantia Book Fragment.
(873.3) 78:5.7 >>>>One hundred and thirty-two of this race, embarking in a fleet
of small boats from Japan, eventually reached South America and by intermarriage
with the natives of the Andes established the ancestry of the later rulers of
the Incas.<<<<<
They crossed the Pacific by easy stages, tarrying on the many islands they found
along the way. The islands of the Polynesian group were both more numerous and
larger then than now, and these Andite sailors, together with some who followed
them, biologically modified the native groups in transit. Many flourishing
centers of civilization grew up on these now submerged lands as a result of
Andite penetration.
Easter Island was long a religious and administrative center of one of these
lost groups. But of the Andites who navigated the Pacific of long ago none but
the one hundred and thirty-two ever reached the mainland of the Americas.
Kulkulkan must of been connected down the line by the 132.
I'm thinking the time span would be around the
12,000 year mark where the Andites 132 made it the Peru and admixed with the
native Andes.
According the Plato, the Egyptians believe Atlantis
which I believe is Dilmun was smashed 12,600 years around this time period when
the Andites travelled throughout the world and perhaps the 132 made it to Peru
and admixed with the Native Andes.
The Andites must of had peculiar Skulls earlier in there evolution man perhaps
replicated Skull lengthening to perpetuate an earlier reality of a race of
people who were in connection with a SNAKE MYTH. Similar to the travels of the
influence Caligastia is some degrees in RITUAL AND TEACHING.
Stone Circle
The following fragments in the Urantia book may
explain the above the Stone Circle Video.
64:0.2 The human race is almost one million years old, and the
first half of its story roughly corresponds to the pre-Planetary Prince days of
Urantia. The latter half of the history of mankind begins at the time of the
arrival of the Planetary Prince and the appearance of the six colored races and
roughly corresponds to the period commonly regarded as the Old
Stone Age.
“The European researches and explorations of the Old
Stone Age have largely to do with unearthing the tools, bones, and
artcraft of these ancient blue men, for they persisted in Europe until recent
times. The so-called white races of Urantia are the descendants of
these blue men as they were first modified by slight mixture with yellow and
red, and as they were later greatly upstepped by assimilating the greater
portion of the violet race.”
(725.2) 64:6.21
80:9.13 These were the times of the New
Stone Age overlapping the oncoming Bronze Age. In Scandinavia it was
the Bronze Age associated with mother worship. In southern France and Spain it
was the New Stone
Age associated with sun worship. This was the time of the building of
the circular and roofless sun temples. The European white races were energetic
builders, delighting to set up great stones as tokens to the sun, much as did
their later-day descendants at Stonehenge. The vogue of sun worship indicates
that this was a great period of agriculture in southern Europe.
80:9.14 The superstitions of this
comparatively recent sun-worshiping era even now persist in the folkways of
Brittany. Although Christianized for over fifteen hundred years, these Bretons
still retain charms of the New
Stone Age
for warding off the evil eye. They still keep thunderstones in the chimney as
protection against lightning. The Bretons never mingled with the Scandinavian
Nordics. They are survivors of the original Andonite inhabitants of western
Europe, mixed with the Mediterranean stock.
Here is another stone video
7. The Living Organism of the Grand Universe
(1276.2) 116:7.1 The
grand universe is not only a material creation of physical grandeur, spirit
sublimity, and intellectual magnitude, it is also a magnificent and responsive
living organism. There is actual life pulsating throughout the mechanism of
the vast creation of the vibrant cosmos. The physical reality of the universes
is symbolic of the perceivable reality of the Almighty Supreme; and this
material and living organism is penetrated by intelligence circuits, even as
the human body is traversed by a network of neural sensation paths. This
physical universe is permeated by energy lanes which effectively activate
material creation, even as the human body is nourished and energized by the
circulatory distribution of the assimilable energy products of nourishment.
The vast universe is not without those co-ordinating centers of magnificent
overcontrol which might be compared to the delicate chemical-control system of
the human mechanism. But if you only knew something about the physique of a
power center, we could, by analogy, tell you so much more about the physical
Here is series of video about the Gods with
information about Skull deformation done in perpetuation and also the perception
of the rulers being associated with the Gods which would is an Andite
characteristic seen throughout our history in their rituals which emanated out
of Dilmun and spread throughout the world. What we see is a glimpse of what was
in the past.
Skull types Urantia Book
8. The Sumerians — Last of the Andites(875.5) 78:8.1 When the last Andite
dispersion broke the biologic backbone of Mesopotamian civilization, a small
minority of this superior race remained in their homeland near the mouths of the
rivers. These were the Sumerians, and by 6000 B.C. they had become largely
Andite in extraction, though their culture was more exclusively Nodite in
character, and they clung to the ancient traditions of Dalamatia. Nonetheless,
these Sumerians of the coastal regions were the last of the Andites in
Mesopotamia. But the races of Mesopotamia were already thoroughly blended by
this late date, as is evidenced by the skull types found in the graves of this
Makes me think whether one of the traditions of
Dalamatia City was Skull deformation that perpetuated throughout history in the
Andite/Nodite culture!
Are we seeing a living vestige of Dalamatia City and its traditions??? Maybe
after the rebellion when the fallen Sons of God admixed with Humans they had
longer skulls associated with the Gods.
I think so.
Interesting Ikhnaton or Akhenaton was visited by
I'm sure he was visited from the air or God or an Arch Angel appeared before
Here is a link to Ikhnaton
5. The Remarkable Ikhnaton
(1047.1) 95:5.1 The teachings of Amenemope were slowly losing their hold on the
Egyptian mind when, >>>>through the influence of an Egyptian Salemite physician,
a woman of the royal family espoused the Melchizedek teachings. This woman
prevailed upon her son, Ikhnaton, Pharaoh of Egypt, to accept these doctrines of
One God.<<<<
(1047.2) 95:5.2 >>>>>Since the disappearance of Melchizedek in the flesh, no
human being up to that time had possessed such an amazingly clear concept of the
revealed religion of Salem as Ikhnaton. In some respects this young Egyptian
king is one of the most remarkable persons in human history.<<<<<<
During this time of increasing spiritual depression in Mesopotamia, he kept
alive the doctrine of El Elyon, the One God, in Egypt, thus maintaining the
philosophic monotheistic channel which was vital to the religious background of
the then future bestowal of Michael.
>>>>And it was in recognition of this exploit, among other reasons, that the
child Jesus was taken to Egypt, where some of the spiritual successors of
Ikhnaton saw him and to some extent understood certain phases of his divine
mission to Urantia.<<<<<
(1047.3) 95:5.3 Moses, the greatest character between Melchizedek and Jesus, was
the joint gift to the world of the Hebrew race and the Egyptian royal family;
and had Ikhnaton possessed the versatility and ability of Moses, had he
manifested a political genius to match his surprising religious leadership, then
would Egypt have become the great monotheistic nation of that age; and if this
had happened, it is barely possible that Jesus might have lived the greater
portion of his mortal life in Egypt.
(1047.4) 95:5.4 Never in all history did any king so methodically proceed to
swing a whole nation from polytheism to monotheism as did this extraordinary
>>>>With the most amazing determination this young ruler broke with the past,
changed his name, abandoned his capital, built an entirely new city, and created
a new art and literature for a whole people.<<<<
But he went too fast; he built too much, more than could stand when he had gone.
Again, he failed to provide for the material stability and prosperity of his
people, all of which reacted unfavorably against his religious teachings when
the subsequent floods of adversity and oppression swept over the Egyptians.
(note the 555 haha)
(1047.5) >>>>>>95:5.5 Had this man of amazingly clear vision and extraordinary
singleness of purpose had the political sagacity of Moses, he would have changed
the whole history of the evolution of religion and the revelation of truth in
the Occidental world.<<<<<<<
During his lifetime he was able to curb the activities of the priests, whom he
generally discredited, but they maintained their cults in secret and sprang into
action as soon as >>>>the young king<<<< passed from power; and they were not
slow to connect all of Egypt’s subsequent troubles with the establishment of
monotheism during his reign.
(1047.6) 95:5.6 Very wisely Ikhnaton sought to establish monotheism under the
guise of the sun-god. This decision to approach the worship of the Universal
Father by absorbing all gods into the worship of the sun was due to the counsel
of the Salemite physician. >>>>Ikhnaton took the generalized doctrines of the
then existent Aton faith regarding the fatherhood and motherhood of Deity and
created a religion which recognized an intimate worshipful relation between man
and God.<<<<<<
4th video
I believe to understand Dogon legend is to know and understand Dalamatia City,
the city of the Sons of God.
3. Dalamatia — The City of the Prince
Note the concentric circles in the revolution of
Video 5
Note the petroglyph of the Pueblo Indians recording
as a Star depicting the crab nebula in formation. Incident, the Crab
Nebula is placed in the 456 Elysian fields triangle in the Shabbes/Seventh
and note the Pueblo Indian concentric circles.
The star people in flying ships, the Cachina, the
Sky Gods!

Apparently, in Chinese culture there was a
benevolent God called Wan Dee and came to Earth and helped man, he was born when
a bright star appeared in the Heavens. Wan Dee , reversed Dee Wan
interesting sound metaphor. In addition we see the snake/Dragon metaphor.
Here is a UB reference to the Dragon and who it
identifies to in Symbolism remembering al this was before Jesus who bound the
85:3.3 The Hebrews worshiped serpents down to the days of King
Hezekiah, and the Hindus still maintain friendly relations with their house
snakes. The Chinese worship of the
dragon is a survival of the snake cults. The wisdom of the serpent was a
symbol of Greek medicine and is still employed as an emblem by modern
physicians. The art of snake charming has been handed down from the days of the
female shamans of the snake love cult, who, as the result of daily
snake bites, became immune, in fact, became genuine venom addicts and could not
get along without this poison.
53:1.6 The
dragon eventually became the symbolic representation of all these evil
personages. Upon the triumph of Michael, “Gabriel came down from Salvington and
bound the dragon
(all the rebel leaders) for an age.” Of the Jerusem seraphic rebels it is
written: “And the angels who kept not their first estate but left their own
habitation, he has reserved in sure chains of darkness to the judgment of the
great day.”
Video 8
About the Genome according top the Urantia Book life
was developed here with no outside interference.
4. The Life-Dawn Era
58:4.1 That we are called Life Carriers
should not confuse you. We can and do carry life to the planets, but we
brought no life to Urantia. Urantia life is unique, original with the planet.
>>>>This sphere is a life-modification world; all life appearing hereon was
>>>>formulated by us right here on the planet;<<< and there is no other world
in all Satania, even in all Nebadon, that has a life existence just like that
of Urantia.<<<<<<<
(1223.4) 111:7.2 May I admonish you to heed the
distant echo of the Adjuster’s faithful call to your soul? The indwelling
Adjuster cannot stop or even materially alter your career struggle of time;
the Adjuster cannot lessen the hardships of life as you journey on through
this world of toil. The divine indweller can only patiently forbear while you
fight the battle of life as it is lived on your planet; but you could, if you
only would — as you work and worry, as you fight and toil — permit the valiant
Adjuster to fight with you and for you. You could be so comforted and
inspired, so enthralled and intrigued, if you would only allow the Adjuster
constantly to bring forth the pictures of the real motive, the final aim, and
the eternal purpose of all this difficult, uphill struggle with the
commonplace problems of your present material world.
Is the Oort cloud Angona??
Persistent Evidence of a Jovian Mass Solar Companion in the Oort Cloud
The Urantia Book "Angona System" word search, some clues?
10. Origin of Inhabited Worlds(465.6) 41:10.1
Some of the variable stars, in
or near the state of maximum pulsation,
are in process of giving origin to subsidiary systems, many of which
will eventually be much like your own sun and its revolving planets.
>>>>Your sun was in just such a state of mighty pulsation when >>the massive
system<< swung into near approach, and the outer surface of the sun began
to erupt veritable streams — continuous sheets — of matter. This kept
up with ever-increasing violence until nearest apposition, when the
limits of solar cohesion were reached and a vast pinnacle of matter,
the ancestor of the solar system, was disgorged. In similar
circumstances the closest approach of the attracting body sometimes
draws off whole planets, even a quarter or third of a sun. These major
extrusions form certain peculiar cloud-bound types of worlds, spheres
much like Jupiter and Saturn.
I wonder if the Oort cloud is the equivalent to
4,500.000.000 in distance at this point in time. If there was a match the Oort
cloud would be the Angona System !!!
(655.9) 57:5.4 >>>>4,500,000,000 years ago the enormous Angona system began
its approach to the neighborhood of this solitary sun. The center of this
great system was a dark giant of space, solid, highly charged, and possessing
tremendous gravity pull.<<<<
(656.1) 57:5.5 As Angona more closely approached the sun, at moments of
maximum expansion during solar pulsations, streams of gaseous material were
shot out into space as gigantic solar tongues. At first these flaming gas
tongues would invariably fall back into the sun, but as Angona drew nearer and
nearer, the gravity pull of the gigantic visitor became so great that these
tongues of gas would break off at certain points, the roots falling back into
the sun while the outer sections would become detached to form independent
bodies of matter, solar meteorites, which immediately started to revolve about
the sun in elliptical orbits of their own.
Maybe not
Could Angona be Sedna??
I don't think Angona has a periodic swing around
the Sun, I think its a wandering system, if it still exists it would on the
angular plain of the retrograde motion 4,500,000,000 years ago which can
broken down into distance. I wonder where it would be situated possibly and if
anything exists in that area of Space where it might be??
58:6.2 Although the evolution of vegetable
life can be traced into animal life, and though there have been found
graduated series of plants and animals which progressively lead up from the
most simple to the most complex and advanced organisms, you will not be able
to find such connecting links between the great divisions of the animal
kingdom nor between the highest of the prehuman animal types and the dawn men
of the human races. These so-called “missing links” will forever remain
missing, for the simple reason that they never existed.
58:6.3 From era to era radically new species
of animal life arise. They do not evolve as the result of the gradual
accumulation of small variations; they appear as full-fledged and new orders
of life, and they appear suddenly.
Sedna is not a system just a small planet but it
would wreck havoc in its periodical swing around the Sun.
Bishop Says Hell Was Invented By The Church.
Here is the UB word search on Hell. You will
see he is right.
Ollie J
Our present selves are the sum of all of our past actions.
Isn't that so true, we are the sum total of all our
decisions. I wish I could of made better decisions but I know I made some good
decisions in faith.
Thank you and all the best blessings for all of us and our sum totals. Least I
know the Father is the way and I know that will improve my and our SUM total.
Praise the Lord that we can see and feel these things. I know what its like with
God, its just horrible to be lost and to find the tracks again.
Icelands Katla Volcano New Seismic Activity 4/28/10,
Eruption Imminent
Read more:
This is Wild!!!!
Hi Christine, when that Orb came close in response
to the laser I thought the Orb seemed either threatened or curious but realised
it was only humans. maybe? Could you imagine being the camera man at that
The ORB comes closer and closer and your eyes open wider and wider hahaha
Carl M
Dennis, I have a photo of a friend motor bike jumping large berm. Behind him is
a huge orb. Google orbs, photo, angels- its interesting how many see and can
photo orbs in action.
Just beyond our range of sight because they quick
and translucent, there in one moment gone in the next.. flash.
The seems to be many kinds of this ultra dimensional species.
Just beyond our range of sight because they quick
and translucent, there in one moment gone in the next.. flash or even visible
for great length of time with WILL and appears by MANDATE.
The seems to be many kinds of this ultra dimensional species.
I think all things respond to the Angels on high and
are under there control as described in Ezekiel and the UB like when
Melchizedek, Van , Adam even Caligastia had influence over that realm when he
was on Earth. They go about within one mind at the time depending on the
Today they don't respond to Caligastia the fallen only to the angels and the
Midwayers in there work which is planetary. Caligastia has no influence in that
Supernal world of truth and the Orbs.
April 30th 2010
(857.7) 77:2.10 When archaeologists dig up the
clay-tablet records of the later-day Sumerian descendants of the Nodites, they
discover lists of Sumerian kings running back for several thousand years; and as
these records go further back, the reigns of the individual kings lengthen from
around twenty-five or thirty years up to one hundred and fifty years and more.
This lengthening of the reigns of these older kings signifies that some of the
early Nodite rulers (immediate descendants of the Prince’s staff) did live
longer than their later-day successors and >>>>>also indicates an effort to
stretch the dynasties back to Dalamatia.<<<<<<
"also indicates an effort to stretch the dynasties back to Dalamatia."
So the Sumerian did know about Dalamatia City, the first city and this explains
how Oannes of the Annedoti came from the Sea to build Dilmun as Dalamatia City
was destroyed by a Tidal wave(Rapide subsidence). The Serpent/Snake people and
Oannes is the Leader who built Dilmun in remembrance and Honour to Nod of the
Nodites. Sumerian culture and writing came out of Dilmun, the Serpent
Caligastia and humans related to this origin where also present in the Garden of
1stEden and through Admixation with this lineage by Adam and Eve resulted in the
2nd default.
The snake culture of the default in both cases is spread throughout the world
throughout all history, in all cultures down through the ages and we can follow
all the tracks of this snake culture and know the truth and with nothing to fear
because we know the truth and we know there cities.
If a though study was done on this you would be surprised how it all fits like a
puzzle and we understand it.
I believe the following is a metaphor and
reflection to the conflict we have in this world especially regarding Nuclear
weapons and wayward religion. I believe its a forecast of the short term
future, in the current reality in the realisation of the metaphor looking
outward in particulary where it leads to and recogni...sing
the spirit of division.
(858.5) 77:3.4 But the Nodites were still somewhat divided in sentiment as to
the plans and purposes of this undertaking. Neither were their leaders
altogether agreed concerning either construction plans or usage of the
buildings after they should be completed. After four and one-half years of
work a great dispute arose about the object and motive for the erection of the
tower. The contentions became so bitter that all work stopped. The food
carriers spread the news of the dissension, and large numbers of the tribes
began to forgather at the building site. Three differing views were propounded
as to the purpose of building the tower: *
(Is the following reflected in attitude throughout the world through
nationalism/religion displaying pride in the past conquests through war to
create aggression with prejudice in racial superiority...Who does this today
in war games pertaining to the Great Prophet associated with war and things.
Who also obtains weapons of mass destruction as see as a source of pride and
threat upon others. Who does today and walks in the past using relgion as a
tool of government???)
>>>>>(858.6) 77:3.5 1. The largest group, almost one half, desired to see the
tower built as a memorial of Nodite history and racial superiority. They
thought it ought to be a great and imposing structure which would challenge
the admiration of all future generations.<<<<<
>>>>>858.7) 77:3.6 2. The next largest faction wanted the tower designed to
commemorate the Dilmun culture. They foresaw that Bablot would become a great
center of commerce, art, and manufacture.<<<<<
(Who reflects the above fragment in this day, in the world system where many
are associated with Babel, the world system of business and money including
all the benefits such as manufacturing and trade. Which faction of Babel
reflects this today?? Not only that, the current world system is built upon
the Dilmun Culture of the past and passed through to us from the Sumerian
Culture, its where business and trade came from. It is the world system!! as
we see it today and as we live in it.)
(So now the stage is set we have 2 oppossing brothers who want the edge over
the other and they are prepared to go to war as we see today. One bother wants
to obtain nuclear bombs and uses religion as a motivational factor to fullfill
there prophecy of the great Mahdi and the other opposing brother does not want
that and is willing to fight to prevent such a thing. One is bellicose a
Nofite feature and other wants to reason go down a better path, they are
Now for this little third faction in the equation that which by type and in
reality of today represents truer of rligion representative of Jesus the
Sovereign represents Dalamatia City and Dilmun in the revealing of the Hidden.
This third faction comes into the picture as a really small voice but is like
a stone living of the Mustard Seed of faith becoomes a great Mountain and
swaloows up the Earth in truth but at this stage the 3rd faction in Babel is a
small stone. Like in David and Goliath this small stone hits the bullseye as
he represents the truth under the auspices of the Sevenfold Mission Urantia.
The journey of the 3rd party is voiced and seen on the Internet, throughout
the world but is promptly thrown out of the picture. This litte office desires
the truth of the cities and the guiding revelation to be knowm. In addition
this Office wishes to and make atonement for the past in honour to the Father
and his guiding truth throughout the ages and to celeberate thje Sovereign
Jesus. In the revealing of the truth for the benefit of mankind in the truth
of all things. The Office desires a good path for all man in his destiny, in
truth with nothing to fear. Living in faith, good healthy positve faith and
with good and stable direction from within and without, imbibed in truth,
beauty and goodness in fellowship with the Father.
In this day we are "The smallest and minority contingent")
>>>>>>(859.1) 77:3.7 3. The smallest and minority contingent held that the
erection of the tower presented an opportunity for making atonement for the
folly of their progenitors in participating in the Caligastia rebellion. They
maintained that the tower should be devoted to the worship of the Father of
all, that the whole purpose of the new city should be to take the place of
Dalamatia — to function as the cultural and religious center for the
surrounding barbarians.<<<<<<<
(859.2) 77:3.8 The religious group were promptly voted down. The majority
rejected the teaching that their ancestors had been guilty of rebellion; they
resented such a racial stigma. Having disposed of one of the three angles to
the dispute and failing to settle the other two by debate, they fell to
fighting. The religionists, the noncombatants, fled to their homes in the
south, while their fellows fought until well-nigh obliterated.
(the journey is about the truth and the cities and by non participation and no
willingness to look into the matter by all the world religions organic to the
system, all systems and the current Babel World System of itself and others is
reflected in the following quote from above.
"The majority >>>>rejected the teaching that their ancestors had been guilty
of rebellion;<<<< they resented such >>>a racial stigma.<<<<"
Can you imagine...Oh that's rubbish that cant be us, we cant have that, we are
associated with the fallen, oh no that cant exist, no one must know. We are
the Gods and so forth etc etc.)
(The advise for the ones who have the truth in the current world conflict that
involves religion where it should not be, is to go the South, leave the
theatre of Death and Destruction, GO South YOUNG MAN in your heart, in the
The religionists, the noncombatants, fled to their homes in the south, while
their fellows fought until well-nigh obliterated."
All the more reason to flee through evacuation while the other brothers just
fight it out to near obliteration.)
(In the current climate in the metaphor of the destruction 1st Babel, there is
probably very little we can do with this truth as that will not affect world
destiny in the current climate, they the bothers are at loggerheads and
nothing will stop all there determination their self vain conquest.) Its
better to know and understand the truth share it with love and in the
meanwhile we will try for the cities with the Father of Heaven as part of the
crew and the head of the Pilot house in his seat with his friends on the Ship
bound for Dalamatia City in the discovery and verification, maybe this could
persuade Iran and its leadership.)
(859.3) 77:3.9 About twelve thousand years ago a second attempt to erect the
tower of Babel was made. The mixed races of the Andites (Nodites and Adamites)
undertook to raise a new temple on the ruins of the first structure, but there
was not sufficient support for the enterprise; it fell of its own pretentious
weight. This region was long known as the land of Babel.
Based on the above test of the truth we could get access into the area of the
Great City of the great prophet at the intrigue of the Government of the
Middle east. Perhaps Maybe!!
Lights on facebook
I inspired with the Urantia Book blended with all
the books of religion, in quest of the verification of Dalamatia City in the
Abyss of the Persian Gulf. To me that's a lights on!
Kucinich Speaks On UFO Disclosure
Elizabeth Kucinich on her husband's Dennis
Kucinich UFO experience and ET disclosure
interviewed by Robert Fleischer:
Venus? No Way! Nibiru! After Sunset 4/26/2010
In the above Post I mentioned go South based upon
"The religionists, the noncombatants, fled to their homes in the south, while
their fellows fought until well-nigh obliterated."
Here is something I found in Job regarding the Pleiades, as I watched the Video
I just posted.
5 Which removeth the mountains, and they know not: which overturneth them in his
anger. 6 Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof
tremble. 7 Which commandeth the sun, and it riseth not; and sealeth up the
>>>>8 Which alone spreadeth out the heavens,<<<<
(related to the Journey of the Magnetar in the Shabbes timeline.)
>>>treadeth upon the waves [2] of the sea.<<<<
(relating to the Presence in the Father in the Pilot House of the Boat to
Dalamatia City in verification, in his Seat of Command with his friends and
>>>>9 Which maketh Arcturus, [3] Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the
(as in the UB, in Babel "The religionists, the noncombatants, fled to their
homes in the south,". We too flee to the South in the possible evacuation
fleeing to the South in the Great Sea possibly to place of safety in the Heavens
were we learn more truth , possible scenario!! and "while their fellows fought
until well-nigh obliterated." Remembering the Kingdom has no interest in war and
the perpetuation of it and wants no part of it in truth but its a reality and
has to be dealt with from on high here, in the final resolve of the truth.
Note the message of the Journey comes from the South (The Land of Sinim, the
land of the great South and from the Far East at the Ends of the World where all
things and the great message comes from. In alliance with all the brothers of
the East and West, in all the lands in the great revealing of the Hidden, guided
by the Sovereign of this Universe Jesus.)
>>>>>10 Which doeth great things past finding out; yea, and wonders without
(Yes, great numbers without compare as we look back into the past in the
revealing all the hidden in the great spiritual ascension of Sentient Man
imbibed in the truth praise the Lord.
The revealing "Which doeth great things past finding out" and yea, and wonders
without number) surpassing the Sevens range in wonders in all the branches and
byways of the river of truth of the our past)
1Enoch 66
14And when the angels shall ascend, the water of the springs shall again undergo
a change, and be frozen.
>>>Then I heard holy Michael answering and saying, This judgment, with which the
angels shall be judged, shall bear testimony against the kings, the princes, and
those who possess the earth.<<<<
See More
>>>>>15For these waters of judgment shall be for their healing, and for the
death of their bodies. But they shall not perceive and believe that the waters
will be changed, and become a fire, which shall blaze for ever.<<<<
1Enoch 80
(the Urantia Book)
>>>>1He said, O Enoch, look on the book which heaven has gradually dropped down;
(86) and, reading that which is written in it, understand every part of it.
2Then I looked on all which was written, and understood all, reading the book
and everything written in it, all the works of man;...
See More
3And of all the children of flesh upon earth, during the generations of the
4Immediately after I blessed the Lord, the King of glory, who has thus for ever
formed the whole workmanship of the world.
5And I glorified the Lord, on account of his long-suffering and blessing towards
the children of the world.
6At that time I said, Blessed is the man, who shall die righteous and good,
against whom no catalogue of crime has been written, and with whom iniquity is
not found.
>>>>>7Then those three holy ones caused me to approach, and placed me on the
earth, before the door of my house.<<<<(def 456)
2Enoch 30
1On the third day I commanded the earth to make grow great and fruitful trees,
and hills, and seed to sow, and I planted Paradise, and enclosed it, and placed
as armed guardians flaming angels, and thus I created renewal.
2Then came evening, and came morning the fourth day....
See More
3[Wednesday]. On the fourth day I commanded that there should be great lights on
the heavenly circles.
Im looking at the Chambers of the South as in Sinim
Job 9:9 (Read all of Job 9) Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and
the chambers of the south.
The chambers to the South and the North are also located in Ezekiel's Temple,
its interesting what they do in these chambers. eating the most holy things.
Ezekiel 42:13 (Read all of Ezekiel 42) Then said he unto me, The north
chambers and the south chambers, which are before the separate place, they be
holy chambers, where the priests that approach unto the Lord shall eat the most
holy things: there shall they lay the most holy things, and the meat offering,
and the sin offering, and the trespass offering; for the place is holy
The dimensions of the side chambers were 5 x 5 x 5 roundabout with a door to the
North and to the South, If its square chamber the 555 signature, if a circle = 5
Ezekiel 41:11 (Read all of Ezekiel 41) And the doors of the side chambers were
toward the place that was left, one door toward the north, and another door
toward the south: and the breadth of the place that was left was >>five<<<
cubits round about.
Might be a clue.
In my view, in the way I see things the 3 doors of
the side chamber it would reflect the 3 cities of the tree of life, if you
connect each door with a line you would have the triangle chevron.
UFO IN NEWS CAST April 29, 2010
That uplifting spirit in discovery and realisation
that I'm normally used to was not there and you could feel the difference.
Its better to have Love, that is the right way its
ascending it gives power to man and peace.
I was just reflecting
myself in contemplation looking at the image of the Dalamatia, it just occurred
to me that the dimensions of the inner wall of the City I measured some time ago
was approximately 15km by 15km by 15km, they are all 555 in the number pattern
that I have recognised.
Note: the main
divisions of Dalamatia City where diamond shaped and in two rows of 5 on top of
each other within the Triangle of the city. The main divisions were all divided
by 5 divisions with a headquarters in the middle seperated by walls and
divisions. Again we see the 5 multiple number again in the design of Dalamatia
5+5 divisions times
5 divisions = 50 divisions, it could make a triangle in shape if arranged.
555, the triangle.
New Pyramid UFO Over Moscow 04-04-2010
28th April, Giza In Front Of The Sphinx
If you read the link, apparently there are threats
to safety circulating around concerning the exposure of this video, that would
be right and that is exactly what you would expect with those who have something
to hide in their self purpose motives that seem ill.
Here is a fragment from St Ephraim that points to
the Persian Gulf regarding the Great Mystery, the Lost Cities.
From Pearl 15
44. "Before me when the Watcher showed himself,-he called
Him his Lord before He was conceived;-and as the Son of the Highest announced
Him to me:-but where His Father is he made not known to me."
45. "Before us he proclaimed in the form of a star-that the
Lord of the Highest is He Who is born;-and over the stars of light thy Son
is ruler,-and unless He commands they rise not."
46. "In your presence, lo!
there are revealed-other mysteries,
that ye may learn the truth;-how in
virginity I bare my Son,-and He is Son of God; go ye, proclaim Him!"
47. "In our presence the Star taught us-that His Birth is
exalted above the world and above all beings is thy Son,-and is Son of God
according to thy saying."
take note Dalamatia City)
48. "The
world on high and
the world below bear witness to Him,-all
the Watchers and the stars,-that He is Son of God and Lord.-Bear
ye His fame to your lands!"
"All the world on high,
in one star,-has stirred up
Persia and she has
learnt the truth,-that
thy Son is Son of God,-and
to Him shall all peoples be subject."
"Peace bear ye to your lands:-peace be multiplied in
your borders apostles of truth may ye be believed-in all the way that ye shall
pass through."
51. "The peace of thy Son, it shall bear us-in tranquillity
to our land, as it has led us hither;-and when
His power shall have
grasped the worlds,-may
He visit our land and bless it!
52. "May Persia rejoice in your glad tidings!-may Assyria
exult in your coming-And when my Son's Kingdom shall arise,-may
He plant His
standard in your country!"
53. Let the
Church sing with rejoicing,-" Glory in the
Birth of the Highest,-by Whom the world above and
the world below are
illumined!"-Blessed be He in Whose Birth all are made glad!
St Ephraim
The Pearl-Seven Hymns on the Faith - Hymns
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11
12 13 -
Fifteen Hymns for the Feast of the Epiphany
In all these fragment, I
realise its about Jesus but I wonder if there is underlying metaphor to this
reality of the ancient cities in the times of the end of ignorance.
May 2nd 2010
I wrote to the Urantia foundation regarding the thousands of dead links due to
the old database being deleted. I requested a suggested and seamless method of
redirecting the old to the new from the old that would take 20 minutes. In
response essentially, there will be no restoration, just nothingness and broken
links from my perspective. I am disappointed as I have to buy more bandwidth
this month for a journey where thousands from all over the world have exposure
to the Ub in a mystery concerning the Heritages of the Ages but the new
revelation in action, direct to the source is not found. The problem is I am
flat broke pushing this journey over the years as you can read in the witness
and timestamp, a journey where the baseline truth is missing, where the
great witness is missing.Whatever I experience and write I cant take down, its part of the witness, part
of the report.
What rings clear in my mind is from the Dead Sea Scrolls when God arrives to the planet, there will be one question:
Why did you not listen to him??????
That is in revelation to. The Dead Sea Scroll are more accurate than Revelation in some ways and should not be discounted by any religion nor movement in the paths of the Father in Heaven....
See More
Like the Shepherd boy who was led to the Cave containing the DSC, he is only a type of the Shepherd boy of the message who is disregarded by many if not all. But this Shepherd boy who is not attached to an human organisation with its thinking, he has huge friends in the Kingdom of Heaven who think on an expanded level.
Regardless what anyone thinks, The End of Ignorance comes from the Beginning and that is sounded everywhere and what is the beginning actual????
What is the beginning?? you tell me!
line 80: The Original Son is universally and spiritually self-conscious. In wisdom the Son is the full equal of the Father. In the realms of knowledge, omniscience, we cannot distinguish between the First and Second Sources;
>>>>>like the Father, the Son knows all; he is never surprised by any universe event; he comprehends the end from the beginning.<<<<<<
The beginning attached to an Universal Event.
What is the Beginning???? Who is from the Beginning????
The Ub
Jesus seemed to see the end from the beginning and whas regarded by the Disciples as the Man from the Beginning. What is the Beginning? Who know spiritually what the beginning is but where does it physicaly???
Where ides it physicaly lay??
What is hidden that is revealed is the BEGINNINGS?? all the Beginnings?? and Who reveals the Begiinings and from where does the Beginning come from?
Jesus through his servants in this day and who needs every tool available functional!
You know what the great mystery of Adar and Purim is
"the end is wedged in the beginning"
and its wedged by a number.
What else remains unrevealed in the verification in the Abyss or in the High Seas, that would make a difference for many people of the planet in there spiritual experience?????? Why does Jesus and the Angels refer to the High Seas in relation to Discovery and Spiritual Expansion?? Are they pointing to something in the metaphor that rests in the SEA or the ABYSS?Something out there lsays submerged in the Ayss where in its journey has all the characteristics where " the spirit struggles and mental uncertainties associated with those >>>faith voyages of daring adventure out upon the high seas of unexplored truth<<<< in search for the farther shores of spiritual realities as they may be discovered by the progressive human mind and experienced by the evolving human soul.<<<<<<<
By the way look at the number patterns of the fragment!!
(1729.6) >155:5.11<< The religion of the spirit means effort, struggle, conflict, faith, determination, love, loyalty, and progress. The religion of the mind — the theology of authority — requires little or none of these exertions from its formal believers. >>>>>>>Tradition is a safe refuge and an easy path for those fearful and halfhearted souls who instinctively shun the spirit struggles and mental uncertainties associated with those faith voyages of daring adventure out upon the high seas of unexplored truth in search for the farther shores of spiritual realities as they may be discovered by the progressive human mind and experienced by the evolving human soul.<<<<<<<
(1729.7) 1>55:5<.12 And Jesus went on to say: “At Jerusalem the religious leaders have formulated the various doctrines of their traditional teachers and the prophets of other days into an established system of intellectual beliefs, a religion of authority. The appeal of all such religions is largely to the mind. And now are we about to enter upon a deadly conflict with such a religion since we will so shortly begin the bold proclamation of a new religion — a religion which is not a religion in the present-day meaning of that word, a religion that makes its chief appeal to the divine spirit of my Father which resides in the mind of man; a religion which shall derive its authority from the fruits of its acceptance that will so certainly appear in the personal experience of all who really and truly become believers in the truths of this higher spiritual communion.”
(1730.1) 1>55:5<.13 Pointing out each of the twenty-four and calling them by name, Jesus said: “And now, which one of you would prefer to take this easy path of conformity to an established and fossilized religion, as defended by the Pharisees at Jerusalem, rather than to suffer the difficulties and persecutions attendant upon the mission of proclaiming a better way of salvation to men while you realize the satisfaction of discovering for yourselves the beauties of the realities of a living and personal experience in the eternal truths and supreme grandeurs of the kingdom of heaven? Are you fearful, soft, and ease-seeking? Are you afraid to trust your future in the hands of the God of truth, whose sons you are? Are you distrustful of the Father, whose children you are? Will you go back to the easy path of the certainty and intellectual settledness of the religion of traditional authority, or will you gird yourselves to go forward with me into that uncertain and troublous future of proclaiming the new truths of the religion of the spirit, the kingdom of heaven in the hearts of men?”
Does something lay in the Abyss that can assist man in his spiritual navigation for the future destiny of the planet??
What is it in the High Seas that will help man in charting the course led by a new revelation that leads us to the hidden. Again we have references such as charts of morality guidance, the compass and ...stabilisation. What is it in the HIGH SEAS that can help manifest this scenario more so?????
Are we to look further in the High Seas or the Abyss like we did with 1stEden? Are they telling us something about the High Seas that can produce a very real reality for the future destiny of man which the hidden that is now revealed and which comes from the High Seas???? the high seas of destiny.I think so
(1086.6) 99:1.3 Urantia society can never hope to settle down as in past ages. The social ship has steamed out of the sheltered bays of established tradition and >>>>has begun its cruise upon the high seas of evolutionary destiny; and the soul of man, as never before in the world’s history, needs carefully to scrutinize its charts of morality and painstakingly to observe the compass of religious guidance.<<<<< The paramount mission of religion as a social influence is to stabilize the ideals of mankind during these dangerous times of transition from one phase of civilization to another, >>>from one level of culture to another<<<.
In this day is says this about true religion not this passive do nothing view in self indulgence.
(1086.5) 99:1.2 Religion must become a forceful influence for moral stability and spiritual progression functioning dynamically in the midst of these ever-changing conditions and never-ending economic adjustments.
In this day is says this about true religion not this passive do nothing view in self indulgence.
(1086.5) 99:1.2 Religion must become >>>a forceful influence for moral stability and spiritual progression functioning dynamically<<<<< in the midst of these ever-changing conditions and never-ending economic adjustments.
"a forceful influence for moral stability and spiritual progression functioning dynamically"
To say and to do something, its in the doing and it is not PASSIVE. Just dont get to relaxed in the do nothing and in the things that reduces mans tools and potential
That speaks for quite allot for many people. Billions actually when it comes to this fragment.
St Ephriam
3. His Birth was in the days of the King whose name was Semha.-Symbol and truth met one another;-King and King, >>Semha and Denha.<<-That kingdom bore His Cross; blessed be He Who took it up!
And in this day where does TRUTH MEET SYMBOL???????? and where can it be found?...THE ABYSS! the Omen of the planet! The Hot Potato of the planet, to hot for man in his perplexity, the place of mystery and trepidation.
So where in the whole planet does Truth meet Symbol and concerns all our Spiritual Culture over the last 500,000 years, from the Beginning??
Anyone have any idea? certainly not in the world system nor in world system religion anmd movements as that would demand a profit or some self serving advantage eh!
Since we are in the High Seas theme what about the Harbour??
People think this is the Harbour but I disagree along with Jesus, the Ancient Places is more the Harbour than any other NO GOD acknowledged religion which is only an extension of the Luicifer Manifesto in the unknowing and unresearched deception that many peop...le in the UB movement still hold on to as there salvation including Astrology and Reincarnation which is FALSE teaching.
They do a good job in Buddhism but they are not in the Harbor and nothing has changed in those religions in 2000 years.
Jesus says this, whether people like it or not. Light can be deceptive to as you all know!
(1466.4) 132:7.4 “Your Buddha was much better than your Buddhism. Buddha was a great man, even a prophet to his people, but he was an orphan prophet; by that I mean that >>>>he early lost sight of his spiritual Father, the Father in heaven.<<<<
His experience was tragic. He tried to live and teach as a messenger of God, but without God. >>>>>>Buddha guided his ship of salvation right up to the safe harbor, right up to the entrance to the haven of mortal salvation, and there, because of faulty charts of navigation, the good ship ran aground.<<<<<<
There it has rested these many generations, motionless and almost hopelessly stranded. >>>>And thereon have many of your people remained all these years.
They live within hailing distance of the safe waters of rest, but they refuse to enter because the noble craft of the good Buddha met the misfortune of grounding just outside the harbor.<<<<<<
>>>>>>And the Buddhist peoples never will enter this harbor unless they abandon the philosophic craft of their prophet and seize upon his noble spirit.<<<<<<Had your people remained true to the spirit of Buddha, you would have long since entered your haven of spirit tranquillity, soul rest, and assurance of salvation.
(1467.1) 132:7.5 >>>>>“You see, Gonod, Buddha knew God in spirit but failed clearly to discover him in mind;<<<<< the Jews discovered God in mind but largely failed to know him in spirit. >>>>Today, the Buddhists flounder about in a philosophy without God,<<<< while my people are piteously enslaved to the fear of a God without a saving philosophy of life and liberty.
You have a philosophy without a God; the Jews have a God but are largely without a philosophy of living as related thereto.
>>>>>Buddha, failing to envision God as a spirit and as a Father, failed to provide in his teaching the moral energy and the spiritual driving power which a religion must possess if it is to change a race and exalt a nation.”<<<<<
Buddhism has not got all it needs to change the planet and destiny. It is in the camp of the Lucifer Manifesto which is Caligastia camp and thats why Busddhism is passive and kept down in the denial of God!
Simply faulty!
Does the following mean that many people have not entered rest because of faulty teaching??.
"Had your people remained true to the spirit of Buddha, you would have long since entered your haven of spirit tranquillity, soul rest, and assurance of salvation."
People rather follow faulty information and resist the Ancient Places rather that than go on a few expeditions to realise the truth even in the UB movement as Im realising in all its hierarchy.
They live in hailing distance eh! Oi! Oi! Oi! over here!!!!! Oi!
I went through a thread of mine "I found a way to prove that God exists" on the Atheist Richard Dawkins site, the place where you want to be with this truth and where the thread remains in hostile territory and all the UB links are broken, its a terrible witness where the UB looks weak and broken. Very unsatisying.
Hell is a manmade religious creation, it does'nt exist, its personality cessation, so therefore Abbadon of Revelation must be someone else that hails on behalf of the Kingdom of Heaven instead of Hell that doesnt exist. Also this servant of the Abyss is a personal friend of Jesus of Nazareth. He has been given the Keys of the Mystery of the ABYSS, opened by ABBADON of the ABYSS who is a human.
Before I go on further I should have look at revelation 9 and understand it more considering it is laced with distortion and error containing much information from evolutionary religion Mithra.
The urantia Book
(1071.4) 97:8.6 New Testament authors and later Christian writers further complicated the distortion of Hebrew history by their well-meant attempts to transcendentalize the Jewish prophets. >>>>Thus has Hebrew history been disastrously exploited by both Jewish and Christian writers. Secular Hebrew history has been thoroughly dogmatized. It has been converted into a fiction of sacred history and has become inextricably bound up with the moral concepts and religious teachings of the so-called Christian nations.<<<<
And the following regarding Revelation which contains much Mithra influences.
line 120: When in temporary exile on Patmos, John wrote the Book of Revelation, which you now have in greatly abridged and distorted form. This Book of Revelation contains the surviving fragments of a great revelation, large portions of which were lost, other portions of which were removed, subsequent to John's writing. >>>It is preserved in only fragmentary and adulterated form.<<<<
Before I go on further, I should have look at revelation 9 and understand it more considering it is laced with distortion and error containing much information from evolutionary religion Mithra.
The urantia Book
(1071.4) 97:8.6 New Testament authors and later Christian writers further complicated the distortion of Hebrew history by their well-meant attempts to transcendentalize the Jewish prophets. >>>>Thus has Hebrew history been disastrously exploited by both Jewish and Christian writers. Secular Hebrew history has been thoroughly dogmatized. It has been converted into a fiction of sacred history and has become inextricably bound up with the moral concepts and religious teachings of the so-called Christian nations.<<<<And the following regarding Revelation which contains much Mithra influences.
line 120: When in temporary exile on Patmos, John wrote the Book of Revelation, which you now have in greatly abridged and distorted form. This Book of Revelation contains the surviving fragments of a great revelation, large portions of which were lost, other portions of which were removed, subsequent to John's writing. >>>It is preserved in only fragmentary and adulterated form.<<<<
Here is revelation 9 and I note the 555 aspect
1The fifth angel,
5 >>Five months<< and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.
10 And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men >>five months.<< ... See More
555, also note the1st, 5th and the 10th verse containing the 5 signature. 10+5 =15, 555.
Much that I read in revelation 9 seems to fantastic and I dont believe it will not come to pass as described because of gross distortion.
In my view there is a spiritual examination that will perhaps last for 5 months when the truth is revealed, the truth will empower the discoverers and proclaimers where humans will feel convicted as they see and read the truth. For many it will be like a sharp sting in the backside.
Those who have the Seal of God will be empowered rather than convicted in guilt in truth, they will have the conviction of truth from the revealed truth. Many will find this a disaster where they all have to rethink, untruth will die but many will not listen, ignore and continue in the sinful ways.
Rev 9
1>>>And the >fifth< angel sounded<<<, and I saw >a star fall from heaven unto the earth:< and >to him< was given the key of the bottomless pit.
2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.
3 And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.
4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; >>>but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.<<<
5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented >>>five months:<<< and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.
6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.
(Those with the truth of the hidden are the crowns of the planet from the revealed Crowns)
7 And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.
8 And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.
(The truth was strong in them and nothing could touch them with the truth of all things, they have faith and are strong)
9 And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.
10 And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men >>five months.<<
(Truth hurts)
>>>11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. [1]<<<<
(The conviction of the truth, spiritual tribulation and before the judgement in 3 step process)
12 One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter.
(Perhaps the revealing of the Hidden in the Persian Gulf near the headwaters of the Euhprates, Dilmun and Dalamatia City construct, the truth is revealed and loosed and not held back however others attempt to hold it back or compromise it.)
13 And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, 14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.
(Simply the destruction of untruth in the 555)
15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, [2] and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.
(Again the 2 number in the 200,000, the number points to number symbolism that is recognised in the journey, a marker. army of the revealing of the Hidden)
16 And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.
(Its all about the truth of everything being revealed with great conviction and spreads throughout the world, Faith is the breastplate.)
17 And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.
(Untruth was destroyed and there is much rubble, perhaps all spiritual rubble and maybe there is much rejection to, more rubble, rubble in the rethink and throoeing inconsistant thoughts...rubble)
18 By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.
(The truth came from within expressed and it was proven without a doubt and that provides the platform for this planetary conviction of the truth)
19 For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt.
(The truth goes out and those who survived kept on going in there usual ways only to meet further doom later)
20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues >>yet repented not<< of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:
21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.
Well there appears to be survivers that continue evil but there is the 2nd process of the 3 step process to come.
Anyway thats just a few thoughts, it might be wrong or right we have to see. Doesnt matter, least I had go and that is the main thing, you have a go
There is simply to much Bull Shit on this planet for us to survive the long term view. Not to mention an abundance of faulty and distroted information which is simply false.
Man has just become a big fat liar in the small and great things. Man is just a liar and a cheat in so many cases. Even the so called great spiritual ones who everyone seems to respect are aligned with faulty information. The whole lot of it is all Caligastia tainted and also in the attitude!
Where the light seems bright but full of holes in the underlying darkness of just simply Bullshit.
Especially that NO GOD buisness, that is total CRAP an utter Lie. No justification for any of that crap.
Where ever man is in denial of the existance of God, you dont get ionto the Kingdom of Heaven. That is the plummtet line. All things associated with the denial of the Father is Caligastia influence all Lucifer stuff. The whole damn lot of it.
Nothing can justify that and especially the ones who teach this rubbish and bind people to meaningless rituals that has no standing in the Kingdom of Heaven whatsoever. Nothing is acknowledged on that level.
That light, in light of the Denial of the Father is Caligastia Light. The decpetive light!Can some one ask the Dalai Lama whether God exists and whether he is personal to man and is there such thing as personality cessation or termination?
There in the answer you will find the truth!
Then upon the answer we can verify the truth behind the greatest discovery ever in the history of mankind and see how they crawl away, like the cowards that they are at the end of the day underneath all there so called light. That will be the truth in the demonstration.
Its the biggest set up and snare ever, the ancient places!
Thats where the lions of the Kingdom of Heaven thresh the truth with there teeth where untruth is utterly destroyed.
I open the door the Abyss where the Seventh Mystery is held and thats is where it is hiodden to be revealed. In the Persian Gulf, The place where Abaddon or Apollo the Star comes from, where the conviction of the truth comes from where no man can stand against especially if we lift the Seven commands.
I have waged war on the BS, in the attitude of man in how he treats people.
For more info read the rev 9 thoughts below.
No one has to like a thing, its not about popularity but the truth and the BS that is rampant everywhere.
Like it or not I really dont care!
I am completely over everyones BS. I want to destory the BS in man.
The Angels of the Abyss can do whatever they see fit, they are loosed to take out Mans BS and the lies he wroughts upon one another.
As Im writing the above, I thought I would check out the BOM to see if I could find any radar weather rings. I noticed that one ring is present and is developing.
you can see it right now
For me they are like little markers where I recognise familiar things in the time line, like the 555 and 22 and sop forth, all little dolmen markers where it indicates a track of truth in faith. Just patterns.

Ufo report from South America
This recent Ufo report from South America - town of Medellin
The mother ship ws probably on above her in the sky.
Larry King Live: Are Aliens a threat?
Could space aliens be out to get us? Stephen Hawking thinks so and he tells Larry and you why! And, what he thinks an alien would look like!
If extraterrestrials could be a danger to us, as Hawking suggests, should we stop trying to contact them? Dan Aykroyd and others (Michio Kaku) debate.
Could space aliens be out to get us? Not for those who walk in truth. But for the Liars and cheats look out.
Aliens have visisted us for decades - Ex-Canadian Defense minister - Hawking is wrong
I thought I would go to the BOM to see if a ring would be present following the Colin Andrews lead.
I went there and this what I found.

In the next frame there is a partial Radar Weather Ring to the North East of the next frame!!

Here is the Colin Andrews link
In the 3rd frame there is a partial ring in Perth. The Ceduna ring appears to be a permament ring.
How about that for timing and synchronisation, in the first instance of the thought to have a look where the Ceduna rings is there and then its gone.
Christine R
Interesting, everyone seems to be coming to the same junction , getting the same feeling but I think it goes deeper as its a examination of the heart and soul in my view in accordance to the plummet line. Yes, but which path does one follow? Which is the right path in amoungst many paths all coming to the same conclusion. But what is the path a safety, the small and narrow path, that little path of demonstratble truth! That mystery unfolding on the run as we walk together in faith.
5th May 2010
How about that for timing and synchronisation, in the first instance of the thought to have a look where the Ceduna rings is there and then its gone.Australia - UFO caught on tape over Corio Bay , April 22 2010
Apparently this is new ORB footage in Dejong, oh sorry I mean Geelong but I cant see the video becuase of ISP restrictions. I note the 22 number pattern signature!! The Domen marker of the journey from the ancient places.
Here is a number of ORB videos during the iceland eruption, I havent seen the videos but they seem interesting.
Re-post - a closer look at the Ufos over Iceland Volcano.
Osama Bin Laden Is Living Comfortably In Iran.
Nothing surprises me these days.
There probably all connected.
Whats there common aim? and who is appearing before them? the deceptive Angel of Light and in my view Caligastia, all the same characteristics.
I'm sure they think they are on a role.
Not Iran, Dennis, but probably in the hills just over the border in Pakistan. But Pakistan is our "ally" so we have to use Iran as an "enemy".
No Worries you probably right, that whole terrorist business is the greatest waste for man at a time when there are more cirtical things to consider. They should lay down there arms and go home and learn the truth of everything and start a new successfull life in the betterment of mankind and his family and be free from all things not of the Father. Be themselves as God remembered them as a child before all the sophistry rubbish of death and destruction entered there minds.
On the night of the 4th May 2010 early in the morning I had a flash Vision dream whilst asleep. In this Dreamvision, I was in the backyard of a house on the edge of the property. There was a large tree that seemed to be standing alone on the edge of a deep pool of water. The tree of very large and Ancient and just stood there on the edge of this pool, standing beside the ...tree and the pool like in a cutaway I could look under the tree and all I could see was water, Lots and lots of water as I was observing, I wondered how this very large and ancient tree could be support itself above the water with all its weight. The vision kept flashing in my mind yesterday including this morning of the 5th May 2010, so I thought I would share the vision with you.
"The Trees of the Abyss"
"The Trees of 1stEden
Ezekiel 31 (King James Version)
The following looks like a very very severe warning and uses the fall of 1stEden of then in the metaphor of today in my view and we are in the journey. It could be very prophetical of todays Assyrian of all descriptions in the Metaphor.
Who is the Assyrian of today? The Assyrians are related to Babylon and the destruction of the The 1st temple. Who is the Pharoah of Today?? Maybe the Assyrian is an example of the past and maybe a description of the ancient Suntites and Cutites that were in 1stEden when the Rock of Gilbraltar broke and destroyed 1stEden of Lebanon and Syria. They were the Western Nodites! The same as the Assyrian.
>1< And it came to pass in >>the eleventh year, in the third month, in the >first< day of the month, that the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
>>>2 Son of man, speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, and to his multitude; Whom art thou like in thy greatness?<<<
3 Behold, the Assyrian was a cedar in Lebanon with fair branches, and with a shadowing shroud, and of an high stature; and his top was among the thick boughs.
(Like 1stEden)
>> 4 The waters made him great, the deep set him up on high with her rivers running round about his plants, and sent out her little rivers unto all the trees of the field. <<
>>5 Therefore his height was exalted above all the trees of the field, and his boughs were multiplied, and his branches became long because of the multitude of waters, when he shot forth.
6 All the fowls of heaven made their nests in his boughs, and under his branches did all the beasts of the field bring forth their young, and under his shadow dwelt all great nations.
(1stEden Adam?)
>>7 Thus was he fair in his greatness, in the length of his branches: for his root was by great waters.
8 The cedars in the garden of God could not hide him: the fir trees were not like his boughs, and the chesnut trees were not like his branches; nor any tree in the garden of God was like unto him in his beauty.
9 I have made him fair by the multitude of his branches: so that all the trees of Eden, that were in the garden of God, envied him.<<
(Downfall, default Adam/Laotta, Eve/Serapatatia, western nodite)
10 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thou hast lifted up thyself in height, and he hath shot up his top among the thick boughs, and his heart is lifted up in his height;
11 I have therefore delivered him into the hand of the mighty one of the heathen; he shall surely deal with him: I have driven him out for his wickedness.
(Consequence of downfall)
>>12 And strangers, the terrible of the nations, have cut him off, and have left him: upon the mountains and in all the valleys his branches are fallen, and his boughs are broken by all the rivers of the land; and all the people of the earth are gone down from his shadow, and have left him.
13 Upon his ruin shall all the fowls of the heaven remain, and all the beasts of the field shall be upon his branches:
14 To the end that none of all the trees by the waters exalt themselves for their height, neither shoot up their top among the thick boughs, neither their trees [1] stand up in their height, all that drink water: for they are all delivered unto death, to the nether parts of the earth, in the midst of the children of men, with them that go down to the pit.
(The Med flood, Lebanon and Syria)
15 Thus saith the Lord GOD; In the day when he went down to the grave I caused a mourning: I covered the deep for him, and I restrained the floods thereof, and the great waters were stayed: and I caused Lebanon to mourn [2] for him, and all the trees of the field fainted for him.<<<
>>16 I made the nations to shake at the sound of his fall, when I cast him down to hell with them that descend into the pit: and all the trees of Eden, the choice and best of Lebanon, all that drink water, shall be comforted in the nether parts of the earth.
17 They also went down into hell with him unto them that be slain with the sword; and they that were his arm, that dwelt under his shadow in the midst of the heathen.
>>>18 To whom art thou thus like in glory and in greatness among the trees of Eden? yet shalt thou be brought down with the trees of Eden unto the nether parts of the earth: thou shalt lie in the midst of the uncircumcised with them that be slain by the sword.
>>>This is Pharaoh and all his multitude, saith the Lord GOD.<<<
Could it also point to the "WATERY GRAVE" Like I spoke about in China not so long ago??? and the effects of it???
(669.1) 58:5.8 Depression of the ocean bottom during the prelife ages had upthrust a solitary continental land mass to such a height that its lateral pressure tended to cause the eastern, western, and southern fringes to slide downhill, over the underlying semiviscous lava beds, into the waters of the surrounding Pacific Ocean. This so fully compensated the continental pressure that a wide break did not occur on the eastern shore of this ancient Asiatic continent,>> but ever since has that eastern coast line hovered over the precipice of its adjoining oceanic depths, threatening to slide into a watery grave.<<
Is that the Trees that go into the Abyss ??? in a day of tribulation??
I hope not but remember in that dream I was wondering what was supporting the ancient tree on the ledge, the Precipice.
NOTHING!! its was all water under the ledge, the precipice! and China is on a Precipice and all along the Easterb there is Subsidence and Fissures and Sink holes and now with extra weight of the Massive dam. Much of these things are due Man, Man maybe accelerating the process of this slippery grave??
Really, its a Natianal Security thing for countries of the Pacific Rim and if something like that happened China falling into the Precipice of Water like the Ancient Tree, it would be the worlds greatest disaster bigger than the flood of 1stEden.
I can say all this but people would say Ah not that guy again!
No Worries you probably right, that whole terrorist business is the greatest waste for man at a time when there are more cirtical things to consider. They should lay down there arms and go home and learn the truth of everything and start a new successfull life in the betterment of mankind and his family and be free from all things not of the Father. Be themselves as God remembered them as a child before all the sophistry rubbish of death and destruction entered there minds.
May 6th 2010
Russian Official leaked Information to aliens ?
UFO over Lake Erie Ohio. Airport and NASA have no answers.
Ufos 4th may in Tucson Arizona and texas San Antonio
7th May 2010
Its May 7th 2010, I have recieved the first crop circle of 2010 created in Rape Seed in the Wiltshire.
The crop circle has simply all the number patterns in the journey from ancient times.

I also want to note that on May 7th 2010 is my Sons birthday Dain, who lives in the mighty USA. I also note that his Mother Sandis is born onb the 1st May, my sone on the 7th May and myself on the 14th May, All Seven day apart beginning on the 4th month May. I think that is quite incredible how the Seven number pattern is present in the day seperation of birth of 3 people.
Happy birthday Dain.
By the way Dain has a Son called Cameron who was born on the 4th July, Independance day the day of Liberty for the USA.
A fine day for a victory!
Sevens family in the timeline, in birth falling on all the right numbers and ates relevant to the Sevens timeline. Its just seems so perfect in the Sevens paths.
The Crop Circle was a also reported on the 5th May 2010, the 5 signature.
Then look at the crop circle itself, it has the Seven circles, the 10 lines, 5 either side of the eye, thus the 55 signature.
The eye in the circle, the eye being 2 triangles.
If you connect the dots you have 3 coplanar circles all with the circle.
In my mind its all reflective of the journey. The 5 liines seem to be radiating from the circles. The source of the 55 signature.
Also note where the Crop Circle is placed reflecting the ancient triangle and circle the crossroads of Destiny. Note the concentric circles of the ancient monument. All part of the family and all connected to the Kingdom of Heaven with a presence and a message for all mankind..

This double triangle symbol is also reflected in antiquity related to the tree of Life in the Van Kingdom. Note: the double triangle symbol of Andonia near the Van Capital in the Kopet Daugh in Iran.
Strange Beam of Light over Wiltshire & First crop circle of 2010 appears
Ufos 4th may in Tucson Arizona and texas San Antonio
UFO Caught On Tape lit up the sky over Cincinnati
May 8th 2010,
This was from Elizabeth K
For becoming Friends with Me, and Please...
I'd LOVE to have YOU become a Member of "The Garden Of Eden". Also Here in "FACEBOOK".!
So Others may Learn from YOU, with YOUR Personal Stories. As this DOES help to Teac...h Others, by YOU using some of YOUR "Lessons WELL Learned" throughout this lifetime. As that IS what "The Garden Of Eden" IS... Lessons of LOVE Shared with Others, so They too may Learn from US ALL.!
As well as... just Sharing ONE'S LOVE with ALL. So go ahead and invite YOUR Friends and Family too, as they also can join with US each day. Sharing Their LOVE With ALL OF US; in the "Garden OF Eden", where only OUR LOVE DOES GROW.!
Also; I can't wait to get to know YOU, as well as YOU getting to know ALL of US too, All From Within..."The Garden Of Eden".!
Elizabeth~HopesB4u2~"The Garden Of Eden"
Thanks very much for your great blessing, that was touching. I joined the Garden of Eden forum, its a real pleasure to part of that. Thank you for your kindness and great blessings in everything, in all things.
You know a 3rd expedition can be achieved where we coould check out all of the temple of Adoration which to me is the Acropolis and further to the North the Great Mound which was built up which has the design of a triangle chevron including a circle in the Apex of the triangle mound. There lays I believe some good man made evidence of the past along with the Temple.
Heard this before hahahaha
We can do it!
and have some fun in religion in the wonderment in the revealing and expansion leading to the paths of the Utopian worlds and it will all come from the places of the Tree of Life, bar DILMUN, the distorted path of Babel perpetuated through the Sumerians who spread the word through out the world. DILMUN a great place for commerce and trade the WALL street of ancient times.
Dilmun/Babel is submerged of the Iranian coast and Babel has lived since those days in Spirit... See More.
Becuase Dilmun/Babel is part of the revealing of the Hidden and is revealed for us to understand about ourselves and the world we live in, in the truth. Not to mention why we feel the way we do in this world.
All part and compliment to the Jesus message and revealing truth is definately part of his personal ministry. What a pleasure to be part of the revealing of the hidden and any one on this planet can be part of it no bars or obstacles.
I believe that anything not aligned in truth can be Aligned in this path, I really believe so. It like a new beginning for mankind.
I believe there is Salvation in this mankind and all the bad can be left behind and everyone can have opportunity for a clean slate anda brand new beginning. If your are sincere in your personal appeal to align in truth your on board to greatest thing that has occured since 2000 years.
This is the result from 2000 years as Jesus waited for us to catch up in all things so we can make this discovery for mankind in the discovery of the beginning where our Lord and Master comes from. Jesus the Sovereign of all this Universe, the Creator of life here. The man from the beginning, where the end of ignorance comes from.
The Truth of Whole Matter. Its really a worthy mission for all man to part of.
Well soon the call has to go out to further verify 1stEden and do a complete study on the place once and for all and its 1st Eden. The Garden where Adam and Eve was expelled out of, to build a 2nd Garden on the sweat of his brow. I believe all things can be linked up in the journey to 1stEden for the 3rd expedition.
Orbs, crop circles, rods everything can be connected through1stEden with a 3rd journey to it. It could be a contact point for mankind but its 1stEden and nothing else. The 1st garden of Eden of the Bible and of the Urantia Book but the book will demonstrate ... See Moreitself, as a book written by the finger of God. Jesus through all the agencies of the Kingdom of Heaven and its goes to the top in Paradise.
I believe the revelators of the Urantia Book in the Kingdom of Heaven wants to take us a journey to all the beginnings.
It can start from 1stEden in a huge virtual journey in the moment in a fabulous presentation that incorporates all levels of knowledge that is Sublime and Supernal.
Like Jesus and Ganid worked together on a new book , Jesus has delivered this book in part to us with so more information for us to test in truth and being led like a child to great discovery of a hidden mystery that is good.
A fine day for a victory of the truth of everything.
May 9th 2010
Apparently, Near Earth Asteroid 2010 GU21 Swoops By Earth On May 5
The Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA) 2010 GU21 was discovered by the Catalina Sky Survey on April 5 2010 (MPEC 2010-G55) and has been designated as a Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (PHA) by the Minor Planet Center. The asteroid will pass within approximately 8 lunar distances on May 05.25 2010 UT… But why wait when we have Joe Brimacombe on our side?
and note the 55, the 5th day of the 5th month on 2010, 55
for its like little dolmen markers.
Blessings from people is just beautifull and only inspires me to share the best I have with my fellow loving brother and sister. I can really see what Jesus was speaking about being in service to mankind on such a loving foundation in the truth of everything.
I think this happend on May 5th to and its still a mystery!
Plunge in US equities remains a mystery
Here is an interesting article on the recent crop circle of May 5th 2010.
You'll notice that crop circles, everyone has different thoughts and I think its ok as that can be broadening for all of us in our views.
In relation to ley lines note the Urantia Book description of the North Polarity of the planet which must have relation to Ley Lines.
Word Search UB Polarity
and note this in relation to Jesus and the Boradcast circuits regarding POLARITY or Ley lines all connecting to the spiritual polarity of the planet..
... See More
(2024.4) 189:3.2 The circuit of the archangels then operated for the first time from Urantia. Gabriel and the archangel hosts moved to the place of the spiritual polarity of the planet; and when Gabriel gave the signal, there flashed to the first of the system mansion worlds the voice of Gabriel, saying: “By the mandate of Michael, let the dead of a Urantia dispensation rise!” Then all the survivors of the human races of Urantia who had fallen asleep since the days of Adam, and who had not already gone on to judgment, appeared in the resurrection halls of mansonia in readiness for morontia investiture. And in an instant of time the seraphim and their associates made ready to depart for the mansion worlds. Ordinarily these seraphic guardians, onetime assigned to the group custody of these surviving mortals, would have been present at the moment of their awaking in the resurrection halls of mansonia, but they were on this world itself at this time because of the necessity of Gabriel’s presence here in connection with the morontia resurrection of Jesus.
The Ancients of Days use this polarity in where they reside to.
I think the pattern of the crop circle represents the Sevenfold and the entwined Paradise Trinity which is made up in part of our Bretheren who went before us.
The oncoming revealing of the Kingdom of Heaven through the Paradise Trinity is only way that our bretheren can be part of the goings on this planet. Not that they are here but they are participant in Heaven and know exactly what's happening, in fact the whole Universe knows whats happening. Everyting is broadcast.
This planet is a definate focal point in the doings of the Kingdom of Heaven, its not passive.
Its a fabulous opportunity for us.

I cant see video at the moment so there faith posts.
UFOs Brooklyn - NBC News
How can the Crab Pulsar and SGR 1806-20 be so different from each ...
If SGR 1806-20 is a magnetar around 900 years old, how in physics can the Crab ... So imagine how effective magnetar flares from the Crab Pulsar would be,
Here is the Urantia Book link to the Crab Nebula.
(464.6) 41:8.4 As a rule, the vast extrusion of matter continues to exist about the residual cooling sun as extensive clouds of nebular gases. And all this explains the origin of many types of irregular nebulae, such as the Crab nebula, which had its origin about nine hundred years ago, and which still exhibits the mother sphere as a lone star near the center of this irregular nebular mass.
Something is interacting with are SUN
This guy has no idea what he is on about in the denial of God. Its easy to look back into the past noting all the problems but he has nothing NEW nor ORIGINAL. Totaly boring and lifeless. They cannot demonstrate a thing like the induvidual religionist can in this day.
These guys and there ideas will never survive as they have no truth on this matter and they refuse to research the matter.
I was on his forum and they could not compete against the ancient places including 1stEden. They cannot demonstrate anything comprable.
All there ideas goes to dust in the done and dusting of the planet.
They have absolutely nothing happening in this field of personal religion of the induvidual of man walking with the Father of Heaven.
Im sure the guy is intelligent but when it comes to this subject in the criticism, he has become DUMB like the rest of the Atheists today, totaly full of dribble and they do run from the truth and they have had the truth exposed and they really have nothing to say except abuse.
You should see and hear the make up of his followers, they are the lowest on the planet in the way they speak and the garbage they come out from there mouths.
This is all part of the Lucifer Manifesto in the denial of God without the evidence. Richard Dawkins like many millions do subscribe to the Lucifer Manifesto. They are Lucifers people in the deinal of the truth and they cannot demonstrate that God does not exist.
It sounds like another faith in of itself. hahahaha.
You have to have faith in the belief that God does not exist, a walking contradiction. But there are najor religions that also believe that a God does not exist????
Is it the same boat that does not make it into the Harbour within calling distance????
We know that traditional do nothing religion just!!!! makes it into the refuge, the ritual people who know the truth JUST make it into the refuge. Not by anything they really did, to me that is lower form of Salvation.
We will just do this and say that and we will make the contract but JUST! because there was no real doing for many.
For religions that deny God but are Noble, all they have to do recognise God and walk in faith!! Thats it, the induvidual can do that and the Great Buddha lets say is the Father Buddha of everything of the Kingdom of Heaven and he wants to be personal to the individual.
God wants to enrich further the relationship of the Buddhists walking God in a more meaningful way. Its doesnt mean Chrsitian or be this or be that. Be what you are but in a more enhanced knowledge that can be deomnstrated.
The Father is your friend and loves all man despite variations.
UFOs Brooklyn - NBC News

UFOs Brooklyn - CW11 News
April 10th - Brooklyn UFOs - Part 2
I see many 5s in the dates timeline
UFO Brooklyn - April 5th 2010

Hezbollah says it's ready for fresh war with Israel – and stronger now.
In my opinion Hezbollah and Iran are all tempting the angels and God to bring on destructive prophecy and they will loose because all the talk is from Caligastia the angel of deceptive light, it is not from the Father nor the Kingdom of Heaven in truth. All last rebel stuff and they will pay for that Sin in there death and destruction that they desire. The leaders of Hezbollah and Iran for there efforts to bring on war will be in front of the Ancient of Days for judgment and they will have no answer. That is the warning for them from the Kingdom of Heaven, go right ahead and tempt the Father and bare the consequences. Hamas are just awaiting in the wings. They are driven by the false light of death and destruction by the God of the Tongue with the sword in one hand and the head in the other. They will all be judged and fail in the current attitude! They do not represent the truth.
They will bring upon there people disaster and more unecessary pain.
They are all very poor leaders with poor results in the fruits and are spiritualy bankrupt and renegades of the untruth.
Thats my opinion! How you know this is by there empty promulgation of death and destruction to the other.
All guided by wayward religion in the deception of Caligastia whose city has been revealed for this purpose, revealing the fallen God of Light and deception so we know who he is and where he comes from.
He is finished for good and the people who follow him will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. A very clear warning. Terrorism does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven and the people who drive this evil sophistry thaqt leads there people the personality cessation, leading to complete death and they will pay for all that SIN. Those leaders only bring people down to a very low level. They are not uplifting at all, very negative. All guided by wayward religion in the deception of Caligastia whose city has been revealed for this purpose, revealing the fallen God of Light and deception so we know who he is and where he comes from.
He is finished for good and the people who follow him will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. A very clear warning. Terrorism does not enter the ... See MoreKingdom of Heaven and the people who drive this evil sophistry that leads there people to personality cessation, leading to complete death. They will pay for all that which is SIN. Those leaders only bring people down to a very low level. They are not uplifting at all, very negative.
They do not know the way for they rejected the way in place for death and destruction.
Even I could do a better job leading there people in the truth and not the BS of death and destruction. I would correct all that false light stuff into the truth. I would achieve far better results than any of those people who have been dumbed down by Caligastia.
The current reality is, the blind and dumb leading the blind to death and destruction.
No, i am just sick of all this terrorist death and destruction for nothing as it originates from pride and prejudice. All rubbish lead by rubbish people and woeful leaders. All the death will be held against these people in the Universal Courts they will not escape if the attitude is maintained in light of the truth.
UFOs Spotted Near Barlaston Downs UK April 2010
UFO Caught On Tape Lit Up The Sky Over Cincinnati
Somebody's Watching
Extranormal Nueva Evidencia OVNI Los Videos De Jua
I dont think they will listen to anything except for themselves. I dont think there is anything we can do because they are bent to bring in there own prophecy of there Shia Mahdi.
I can tell you that there Mahdi does not represent what they believe, actually the opposite. The Mahdi knows that there way is the wrong way for Islam.
They are decievers but sometimes things have to come to pass to draw the final conclusion, so people see for themselves the truth of the matter, mainly from there own people after all the fruitless pain they will cause in there rebellious provocation. They are completely decieved and it will all backfire on them as it is written in prophecy. They will be the biggest failures in there illmotive towards one another and there people are completely imposed upon and decieved.
To me that is the realism that no one can escape from, its the showdown, like in the wild west and they will cop it as the planet corrects these people. The Kingdom of Heaven does recognise there promulgation as it is inconsistant with Universal law of Jesus and the Ancients of Days.
What does Jesus say about the fruits?????? How do you recognise deception? by the fruits in the out work and manifestation and what comes out of the mouth.
Also what does todays religion do in light of this. I dont hear anything from anyone in the public speaking about this directly, in there face. All hiding behind government and government is also doing the bidding of religion where religion should be directly involved to correct in truth and to make good in turning the path.
Well there is one chance to make a change in the promulgation and that is the verification of all the ancient places in there face, in the truth of the matter.
In my view that is the only way, through discovery and recognition. I read I see so even a dumbed down person can understand.
And who is going to do something about it, in the all talk and do nothing world of current religion especialy when they amass fortunes for themselves.
They wont look into it for fear that they loose there power over others in fear. Thats the hypocrisy of all the talk and do nothing when it counts, when the truth has to brought out to be demonstrated.
Thats the realism of current religion. Why am I the only speaking about this, where is the Pope and all big boys of evangelism.
Why am I doing there job that the big boys are suppossed to be doing but do nothing when they have all the resources. I mean they get 10% and the something to demonstrate something that makes a good mark and a good basis for a beginning.
In my opinion the only one who made a difference was Robert Sarmast by going out there in faith to 1stEden, that made a difference. I totaly respect Robert Sarmast in his personal efforts heading towards 1stEden in faith and was successful.
Thats makes a big difference in this world and where is religion to pick up where Robert completed his objective.....NO BLOODY WHERE., all hiding behind manmade doctrine and dogma in the HILLS doing nothing concerning all our spiritual culture.
Completely gutless in all there fortunes and fear laced sophistry in all the hopeless ritual that is not even recognised.
Really bad news and completely useless for the end in making the point of truth in the demonstration all held by fear of this and fear of that. Useless for anything dynamic, always looking for ouitward shallow miracles rather than the truth oif everything.
Here we are, the Spearhead.
scroll up
The Targum
from the Beginnings and Facebook timeline
The light fixtures began to sway and the hanging blinds rocked back and forth as people all over the Phoenix Area felt the rumblings of a 7.2 (7+2=9)magnitude earthquake that rocked the top of the Baja peninsula in Mexico just southwest of Yuma at 3:40 (3+4=7) pm on Easter Sunday. (7+9=15, which = 555)
Within 30 minutes, rippling earthquakes of 4 to 5 magnitude rumbled across southern California. Latest info from US Geological Survey.