Lately I have been speaking to French people. I am impressed by the beauty in
the language that I read I also feel they have great warmth and love from the
feeling I get within myself. I am inspired by this a really desire to be of
service for the French people in the quest of truth, beauty and goodness.
The French...
people through ifermer assisted the 1st expedition to 1stEden. Great Praises to
the French people in this great assistance. I feel I want understand the French
people more as my Genes is also attached to the French people through my Fathers
side down through the Hougonaut persecutions when they moved to Holland.
I feel a sense of brotherhood with French people and particularly through the
fine witness of French people I have met.
You know, if there is opportunity to verify these tracks, like going to Dilmun
and then Dalamatia City, I would want ifermer and the French people to be
involved. My family from long ago came from the Aquataine/Navarro area and Im
sure its part of this journey that connects with France and origins in the
metaphor and in actuality.
Also the clues of the Holy Grail originated from the Henry the Younger and the
Richard 1st period, given by Perceval The Holy Grail is related to the tree of
Life and the submerged cities in my view.
The clue in the final realisation, in the revealing links and with the name
Richard where again you have the LION symbol. That name Richard is part of a
broader name that reflects all components of the revealing. Also the Elysian
fields is a great feature in this journey, fluer de lyse, elyse, Elysian fields,
it all has the same metaphor. In another religion the Mothers name is honoured
and another religion of Guru Nanak, the birthdate of the Revealer matches, the
one who kills Coli or Kali, the Serpent of the Garden. The great mystery is all
to do with.....forever young, supping of the tree of life of the truth, assured
100% by Jesus the Sovereign.
The Urantia Book assists us in the quest of the truth verified.
The LION symbol is also found in British Monarchy and is the under pinning
symbol of Sovereignty. Consider the current journey from the Sphinx and the
Great Pyramid pointing to Origins!!
Consider the Lion of Judah, the Revealer who represents the Father in Heaven.
Consider Richard the Lionheart and connection to the cup of the Holy Grail which
in truth is all about the truth of everything. The great revelation saved for
the end in the process of uplift all connected to the Tree of Life, the Holy
Grail of Immortality in the real and ACTUAL journey of the cities of the Tree of
How Grand is that for us all and the Sovereign Jesus comes for his people who
walk by simple faith of a child...No rituals just loving and knowing the Father
in Heaven.
What a beautiful Father is that.
Genes go beyond borders.
Hi Johanne, I understand, I sometimes get on a stream and do tend
to write much. I will shorten my thoughts. Thank you and all blessing in
everything in all things.
Gustalane or Gastilane or Custalane or Custilane is the name
something like that.
I wonder what the meaning in the French Language?
III have to do more research on this name.

make to research into genealogy?? Gusta Lane 1. Birth: Death: Sex: F. Father:
Mother: 1. Changed: 14 Jul 2001 00:21:47. Spouses & Children. Ellsworth Siegrist
(Husband) b. 5 Nov 1859 ...
Thank you Johannes III look into it.
Looks like its becoming more obvious in my mind from
what I see.
Here is another video two Orbs
Another Orb in Mexico March 16th 2010
Apparently there was another
Magnetar that was reported breakling through the Embargo on these reports.
Here is the date of this Magnetar
2009 September 15, interesting, on the 15.......555
Why did people numbered this with 2244, did they do this
purposely or subconciously?? without realising the significants of these number
patterns in an ongoing reality!
And more triangle reports in Italy.
More interesting stuff
in 2009
I reckon its all happening and it will intensify worldwide. I think the
Universal Government of Jesus of Nazereth is lending a hand in the way I see
Earthquake in Cuba
I hope so to, Ive heard no reports yet.
David Fabe sent me a link of a documentary about the Hesseldon lights.The
Spirals in the Snow is produced by a Light without Heat source as in the
evidence which in my mind proves, it is Seraphims who are light with heat
beings. The Orbs are light without heat and therefore are connected to Seraphim
or other types of A...ngels.
Also note that these Orbs carry other sources like you can see in the video,
like a Seraphim carries a soul. To me it all points to perhaps Seraphim,
Cheribum or Sanobim.
The Urantia Book Light without
As far as Im concerned this the Real Stuff, the Right stuff for
the planet.
The Kingdom of Heaven Stuff.
Another Sighting.
Orb Seraphim in Japan March 2010

and phobos
I see on Phobos, six circles and the Seventh surrounded by a
large circle perhaps a lake.
In the bottom right I see 3 concentric circles in a courtyard
perhaps the Tree of Life situated there??


I see 7 large black dots within the 3 circles.
My view on the Norway Ice pattern.
Its like a confirmation of the extension to the Shabbes timeline represented
by the 2 dots at the flattened Apex in the centre.
Ripples in a pond, like in a Universe.
Orb and triangle Sighting above Niagara falls.
Filmed on the March 20th and 21st 2010.
Check out the last part of the video ...bizarre
Glasgow Orb March 22nd 2010
The End Time
Prophecy of the Net and 153 Fish
I see alot of metaphor in this video.
I remember way back then, I was on the largest tuna
boat in the Western Pacific flying a Helicopter spotting Tuna out at sea. I had
finished reading the Urantia Book when we caught the largest Jag ever, 400 tons
of Tuna. I remember circling the catch in the air remembering the words within
myself "today fishers of fish, tomorrow fishers of Men". That year was a record
breaking year for M.V. Adriatic Sea.
The job was all about spotting the signs...the initial training in my view. I
remember spotting that Log from miles away following a faint black spot on the
Horizon on a silvery day. It was about 5 minutes before the other guy spotted
the signs and about 10 bmin efore we spotted this huge mass of fish hanging
around a log.
Even in them times there was metaphor playing its role in preparation of a
future role in the journey to 1stEden and beyond, playing out the metaphor in
reality. Coming from a book I just read properly from cover to cover on a boat
with little distraction in the wide expanse of the Sea.
Also the province of Dalmatia lines the Adriatic Sea, The Mediterranean was
originally called the Sea of Dalmatia by the Romans. The metaphor of Dalamatia
City submerged in the Abyss.
The scriptures used are very valid and makes all sense and is a
very good description of the last message, the net from ancient times which I
believe is the snare because people will not look into it and judge....Like in
Noah's/Zidsudras day, like in the days like Sodom and Gomorrah where disbelief is
on the march.
Mark 16:2
And very early in the morning the first day of the week, >>>they came unto the
sepulchre at the rising of the sun.<<<<
Look at the
Metaphor of today from ancient times.
3 And they said among themselves,
>>> Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?<<<<...
See More
4 And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away: for it was very
5 And entering into the sepulchre, they saw >>>>a young man<<<< sitting on the
right side, clothed in a long white garment; and they were affrighted.
6 And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted:
Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here:
behold the place where they laid him.
7 But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter >>>>>that he goeth before you
into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you.<<<<<<
8 And they went out quickly, and >>>>fled from the sepulchre; for they trembled
and were amazed:<<<<< neither said they any thing to any man; for they were
I love Jesus, who goes before us and rolls the stone away by >>the Young man<<
and sits in the sepulchre, at the RISING of the SUN which points to Dilmun and
then Dalamatia City via the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid.
Certainly a reflection of today.
What was the
message of the Young Man.
7 But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter >>>>>that he goeth before you
into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you.<<<<<<
Go to the Sea of Galilee or in this Day to the Sea/Abyss where we will find the
truth and verified truth of Jesus the Risen, where his glory is, at the Rising
of the Sun.
The story of "6. THE YOUNG MAN WHO WAS AFRAID" has always
inspired me and does have Metaphor to the ancient cities of the Tree of Life.
Here is the fragment
"I well know you wish to be left alone with your disconsolation; but it
would be neither kind nor fair for me to receive such generous help
from you as to how best to ...find
my way to Phenix and then unthinkingly
to go away from you without making the least effort to answer your
appealing request for help and guidance regarding the best route to the
goal of destiny which you seek in your heart while you tarry here on
the mountainside. As you so well know the trails to Phenix, having
traversed them many times,
>>>so do I well know the way to the city of
your disappointed hopes and thwarted ambitions.<<<<<
And since you have
asked me for help, I will not disappoint you." The youth was almost
overcome, but he managed to stammer out, "But÷I did not ask you for
Good Fortune,
like the Fortune of the Kingdom of Heaven it will reap from now on.
Like 4-5 billion
plus new and uplifted souls for the Kingdom of Heaven. A great Harvest at the
and of Epochal Season with a new and uplifted way.
The good thing
about it we can bring Good Fortune for all religions and its members of the
world in the uplift through demonstration in the Tipura of the cities in the end
of ignorance.
Truly the message of Good tidings that come from the mountains of God.
this UFo sighting the UFO flys between the first set of guide cables
inside the mast and INSIDE the second set of guide cables.
It looks to me
as if it was pasted over...In slow motion you see the blur effect quite well
around the object
Yes I thought I
saw a blur in front of the mast as if it was pasted but I'm not sure.
This One appears closer to home
The Metaphor for the Setting of the Sun
Luke 4:40
Now when the sun was setting, all they that had any sick with divers diseases
brought them unto him; and he laid his hands on every one of them, and healed
and from the Urantia Perspective same scenario and match in the
line 79:
Soon after the setting of the sun,
as Jesus and the apostles still lingered about the supper table,
Peter's wife heard voices in the front yard and, on going to the
door, saw a large company of sick folks assembling, and that the
road from Capernaum was crowded by those who were on their way to seek healing
at Jesus' hands. On seeing this sight, she went at once and informed her
husband, who told Jesus.
When the Master stepped out of the front entrance of Zebedee's
house, his eyes met an array of stricken and afflicted humanity. He gazed upon
almost one thousand sick and ailing human beings; at least that was the number
of persons gathered together before him. Not all present were afflicted; some
had come assisting their loved ones in this effort to secure healing.
The sight of these afflicted mortals, men, women, and
children, suffering in large measure as a result of the mistakes and misdeeds of
his own trusted Sons of universe administration, peculiarly touched the human
heart of Jesus and challenged the divine mercy of this benevolent Creator Son.
But Jesus well knew he could never build an enduring spiritual movement upon the
foundation of purely material wonders. It had been his consistent policy to
refrain from exhibiting his creator prerogatives. Not since Cana had the
supernatural or miraculous attended his teaching; still, this afflicted
multitude touched his sympathetic heart and mightily appealed to his
understanding affection.
A voice from the front yard exclaimed: "Master, speak the
word, restore our health, heal our diseases, and save our souls." No sooner had
these words been uttered than a vast retinue of seraphim, physical controllers,
Life Carriers, and midwayers, such as always attended this incarnated Creator of
a universe, made themselves ready to act with creative power should their
Sovereign give the signal. This was one of those moments in the earth career of
Jesus in which divine wisdom and human compassion were so interlocked in the
judgment of the Son of Man that he sought refuge in appeal to his Father's will.
When Peter implored the Master to heed their cry for help,
Jesus, looking down upon the afflicted throng, answered: "I have come into the
world to reveal
Page 1633
the Father and establish his kingdom. For this purpose have I
lived my life to this hour. If, therefore, it should be the will of Him who sent
me and not inconsistent with my dedication to the proclamation of the gospel of
the kingdom of heaven, I would desire to see my children made whole--and--" but
the further words of Jesus were lost in the tumult.
Jesus had passed the responsibility of this healing decision
to the ruling of his Father. Evidently the Father's will interposed no
objection, for the words of the Master had scarcely been uttered when the
assembly of celestial personalities serving under the command of Jesus'
Personalized Thought Adjuster was mightily astir. The vast retinue descended
into the midst of this motley throng of afflicted mortals, and in a moment of
time 683 men, women, and children were made whole, were perfectly healed of all
their physical diseases and other material disorders. Such a scene was never
witnessed on earth before that day, nor since. And for those of us who were
present to behold this creative wave of healing, it was indeed a thrilling
Micah 5:8
And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles in the midst of many people
as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as >>>>a young lion among<<<< the
flocks of sheep: who, if he go through, both treadeth down, and teareth in
pieces, and none can deliver.
The Young Man who rolled the Stone and sat in the Sepulchre of
Jesus wore White Raiment. What metaphor does white Raiment behold in this day?
Here is a bible search on White Raiment.
Those who saw the
Young Man of White Raiment sitting in the Sepulchre spiritual eyes where
Revelation 3:18 (Read all of Revelation 3)
I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich;
and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy
nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest
They perhaps saw the future in the metaphor at the time.
Revelation 3:5
He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not
blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my
Father, and before his angels.
The Resurrection,
Todays Sabbath timeline ends on the 28th May 2010.
>>>>Mathew 28 ..
In the end of the sabbath,<<<< (The Shabbes finishes ion the 28th
May 2010) as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary
Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. 2 And, behold, there was [1]
a great earthquake:
>>>>>for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back
the stone from the door, and sat upon it. <<<<<<
>>>>3 His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow:<<<<<
4 And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men. 5 And the
angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek
Jesus, which was crucified.
6 He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the
Lord lay.
Another moment when the Raiment is Pure white is related to
Transfiguration or even translated.
The Transfiguration
17 And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and
bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, >>>>2 And was transfigured before
them: and his face >>did shine as the sun,<< and h...is
raiment was white as the light.<<<<< 3 And, behold, there appeared unto them
Moses and Elias talking with him.
When the three had been fast asleep for about half an hour, they were suddenly
awakened by a near-by crackling sound, and much to their amazement and
consternation, on looking about them, they beheld Jesus in intimate converse
with two brilliant beings clothed in the habiliments of the light of the
celestial world. And Jesus' face and form shone
with the luminosity of a heavenly light. These three conversed in a strange
language, but from certain things said, Peter erroneously conjectured that the
beings with Jesus were Moses and Elijah; in reality, >>>>they were Gabriel and
the Father Melchizedek<<<<. The physical controllers had arranged for the
apostles to witness this scene because of >>>Jesus' request.<<<<<
The Silvery Cloud!!!!!
The Urantia Book
While Peter was yet speaking, >>>>a silvery cloud drew near and overshadowed the
four of them<<<<. The apostles now became greatly frightened, and as they fell
Page 1754
down on their faces to worship, they heard a voice, the same that had spoken on
the occasion of Jesus' baptism, say: >>>>>"This is my beloved Son; give heed to
him." And when the cloud vanished,<<<<< again was Jesus alone with the three,
and he reached down and touched them, saying: "Arise and be not afraid; you
shall see greater things than this." But the apostles were truly afraid; they
were a silent and thoughtful trio as they made ready to descend the mountain
shortly before midnight.
The Transfiguration occurred on August 15th....555
6 days before his birthdate 21st Aug 7BC.
At two forty-five Sunday morning,
the Paradise incarnation commission, consisting of
seven unidentified Paradise personalities, arrived on the scene
Page 2021
immediately deployed themselves about the tomb.
At ten minutes before three, intense vibrations
of commingled material and morontia activities began to issue
from Joseph's new tomb, and at two minutes past three o'clock, this Sunday
morning, April 9, A.D. 30, the resurrected morontia form and personality of
Jesus of Nazareth came forth from the tomb.
Sunday morning, April 9, A.D.
2:45 the Paradise incarnation commission,
consisting of seven unidentified Paradise personalities, arrived on the scene
5 minute gap
2.50 At ten minutes before three, intense
vibrations of commingled material and morontia activities began to issue from
Joseph's new tomb.
12 minute gap
3:02 the resurrected morontia form and personality
of Jesus of Nazareth came forth from the tomb.
Here is the full story of the Appearances of Jesus from the
Urantia Book Perspective.
The young man who rolled the Stone away was a Secondary Midwayer.
As they made ready to remove the body of Jesus from the tomb
preparatory to according it the dignified and reverent disposal of
near-instantaneous dissolution, it was assigned the
secondary Urantia midwayers to roll away the stones from the entrance of the
tomb. The larger of these two stones was a huge circular
affair, much like a millstone, and it moved in a groove chiseled out of the
rock, so that it could be rolled back and forth to open or close the tomb.
When the watching Jewish guards and the Roman soldiers, in the dim light of the
morning, saw this huge stone begin to roll away from the entrance of the tomb,
apparently of its own accordŻŻwithout any visible means to account
for such motionŻŻthey were seized with fear and panic, and they fled
in haste from the scene. The Jews fled to their homes, afterward going back to
report these doings to their captain at the temple. The Romans fled to the
fortress of Antonia and reported what they had seen to the
centurion as soon as he arrived on duty
And did you know that Jesus tomb faced the East towards the
rising of the Sun, Like the Sphinx.
Note this fragment
A little before three o'clock this
Sunday morning, when the first signs
of day began to appear in the
east, five of the women started out
for the tomb of Jesus. They had prepared an abundance of special embalming
lotions, and they carried many linen bandages with them. It was their purpose
more thoroughly to give the body of Jesus its death anointing and more carefully
to wrap it up with the new bandages.
and note the clues here
Mary Magdalene ventured around the smaller stone and
dared to enter the open sepulchre. This tomb of
Joseph was in his garden on the hillside on the eastern side of the road, and
it also faced toward the east.
By this hour there was just enough of the dawn of a
new day to enable Mary to look back to the place where the
Master's body had lain and to discern that it was gone. In the recess of stone
where they had laid Jesus, Mary saw only the folded napkin where his head had
rested and the bandages wherewith he had been wrapped lying intact and as they
had rested on the stone before the celestial hosts removed the body. The
covering sheet lay at the foot of the burial niche.
Like the Sphinx facing the East where the Sun Rises,
so as in the case of Jesus tomb. Jesus tomb was facing the East towards
the Rising of the Sun.
Family tomb of Jesus

Clues to the location of the Jesus' tomb.
It was about half past three o'clock when the five
women, laden with their ointments, arrived before the empty tomb.
As they passed out
of the Damascus gate, they encountered a number
of soldiers fleeing into the city
more or less panic-stricken, and this caused them to pause for a few minutes;
but when nothing more developed, they resumed their journey.
and another clue
This tomb of Joseph was in his garden on
the hillside on the eastern side of the road, and
it also faced toward the east.
The Tomb would be on the Nablus Road on the Eastern Side on the
Hillside facing East in the Garden.
Google View

Here is information the of the Garrison of Antonia in Jerusalem
where the Roman Solders fled to when the Stone from Jesus tomb was Rolled away
by the Secondary Midwayers.
A model of the Antonia Fortress - currently in
Israel Museum.
I realised yesterday that Eden has has Den in it like Pharaoh Den
25 March 2010
Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine
[2] them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. >>>>10 For
precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon
line; here a little, and there a little: 11 For with stammering [3] lips and
another tongue will he
speak to this people. <<<<<<
12 To
whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and
this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear. 13 But the word of the Lord
was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line
upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall
backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.
The Nature of the Journey.
19 From
the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall
it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to
understand the report.
march 25th 2010
I hope they are not Chinese lanterns.
DNA tests uncover mummy of King Tut's father Akhenaten.
We know in the The Urantia that this is true!
That is very interesting Christine, that they knew this already
in their own culture. There is probably much more the Sudanese have within their
ancient culture that confirms things!
I am no author of any book, just a bloke from the Bush lending a
hand to the Father in Heaven where I write on the run and release everything
that I find which makes up the Targum from the Beginning which has been running
since 2004.
The Targum is about 6500 pages, A4 print size. Its a whopper of a book filled
with thoughts and connections.
What is that? only 40 meters away.
I share the same excitment as this good man but i still think
they are Seraphims.
Here is the Argentina UFO report. The second sighting occured on
the 15th Dec at 5 pm... 555 signature!
The UFO can shutdown the whole system down if they wanted but they are
restricted by the same Universal mandate of faith like Jesus but then again
things can happen for demonstration purposes.
Babel should take note...!!
If the system is shut down by the Universal Brotherhood/ Universal Government so
is BABEL. They can shut down Babel just like that, in an instant and man cannot
do a thing about it even the military are stopped dead in its tracks.
A world wide EMP can occur and the Argentina Case is a clear example of what can
happen worldwide.
Take note but no one will except for a very few.
The UFO cannot reveal themselves until the Father in Heaven give
it the GO. Until then, the UFOs will always be in the background demonstrating,
reminding man of the TRUTH!
Father will back up the truth but it will not BACK UP Babel,
everything in Babel will be lost and destroyed for ever and that means records,
electronic records destroyed by an EMP possible. Totally destroyed within an
instant and it came with warning but no one listened nor heeded.
Babel of today is screwed already, they will loose the lot.... everything! All
records everything and there is nothing that can be done.
150,000 year old failure to be wrought for evermore.
The system that has failed mankind miserably. Reaching a score of
F- or even an G if that score exists. Utterly failed mankind in truth.
I just think the Kingdom of Heaven is loosing its patience with
shallow man.
Because that's all he is dumbed down and shallow. Just a slave
dog for the minions.
who is deceived with non thinking shallowness.
The institutions will not tell you the truth, its only the poor
who loves God who will tell you the truth because he has nothing to loose. He
has lost the lot.
No Ritual just honest one time repentance from the Soul.
and then do better.
Babel is revealed today so it can be destroyed by the witness of
the truth demonstrated. Because people today avoid the truth of Babel as seen in
the images and turn there backs on the truth of the matter. Make the scenario
more dangerous than ever before and that is squarely because of man's informed
The Babel leaders who keep and ...
See Moredistort
the truth away from man will pay a big price(everything will be taken away from
man) for all his decisions and very severely. I can see how the wrath of God can
be kindled by the rejection of the truth by his creation.
Hi Mireille, isn't it so amazing that the true way to the Father
in based on simple faith and a decision in the doing. No ritual, no nothing just
your heart in sincerity.
How easy is that compared to what we see about us today's ritual driven world,
driving man into the ground by things that are meaningless and useless in the
I'm light of this, man is
foolish to reject truth and in that decision he has no backing from the Kingdom
of Heaven in such a woeful decision based on nothing but pure pride and
prejudice stemming out of Ritual
All God needs from you....ALL God needs from you.....is that you
love your brothers and your sisters, and never stop trying to bring them light.
The light of love...not the light of more information.
Judgment is for God. When we do it, it is always only a reflection of our inner
world. The mind is a mirror that way. It's a trick to think you can judge and
not be judged yourself, subconsciously, by your own self. You drink your own
poison and get sickened along with the intended victim.
Loving without condition nor judgment is hard. It's work. That's why being on a
spiritual path involves spiritual discipline. Forgiveness is work. Refraining
from judgment is work. Means it's no fun much of the time. It's much more
gratifying to be angry and judgmental. It feels empowering. But it's a trap....
See More
For each of us, the road to Paradise is a loooooong one.
Hi Krista, thanks for writing. I thought what you wrote was very
true and has truth. Absolutely.
Sometimes I can a little judgmental and thats my quest to not be
to judgmental. Its gets all fiery sometimes when I look into things. Thats the
easiest thing to be judgmental, well for me anyway.
Anyway the love of Money has massive power over man and the man
who controls the money has major influence over man. Money is very powerful and
it can be all consuming in the quest of money. A great motivator that can build
a man, an empire. Money can corrupt for the unsuspecting and it changes
personalty in my view as man becomes more confident within himself. Money can be
a builder and destroyer! all depends on what is in our hearts.
For me personally I find money and the world of money completely boring,
ultimately boring I cant help what I feel. I find the Kingdom of Heaven and its
work ultimately refreshing and exciting, wholeheartedly like a child. Its like
going back to early childhood feelings of discovery and exploration of the local
area riding my bike into new territory. It brings back early glimpses of
realities of when I was a kid having relation to this journey of God with myself
within myself as I venture to the territories of the ancient places.
I feel younger in my heart and softer as a person with more love capacity in my
heart. I love to be in service to mankind in this way. I find this direction in
the high seas of adventure thrilling and I can see the effects of it, even
physicaly. I find I dont age as quick thinking everyday on this level looking
for more clues and patterns that I can recognise....
See More
The Father is Good and Jesus is my friend in the spiritual experience, that I
know and he leads me through the Shadow of the Valley of Death I shall not want,
the love of Money is the Shadow in the valley of Death and I shall not want is
the passport through the Shadow of the Valley of Death and Death is personality
cessation by gaining the world and loosing your soul in the LOVE of MONEY.
By the Way I am aging hahahah arent we all.
Isnt that an incredible experience!!! an experience in itself, I believe the
Soul can be fortified against the affects of Aging where you are eternaly young
in your heart in harmony with the Father in the Love. It will make you look
younger no matter what age you are!
Love makes you younger....and good cream hahahaha.
The LOVE of Money makes you look old, very rapidly.
The love of God helps you do the worst things, even to yourself,
when you're lost and deseased. But Gid gives a 2nd chance, and the one who does
bot take the 2nd chance will be taken off his soul, and die forever.
Hey you know what!
There will come a time where money will be required to fulfill this quest and I
cant stand the idea of asking for money! I really dont like the idea of asking
people for money!
Ive seen people loose there money and that is not pleasant. This adventure in my
mind hopefully will give restitution to the investors of 1stEden as I cant stand
the thought of investors loosing money on such a worthy project of the Father in
Heaven. All must win in the brotherhood of Jesus when it comes to this adventure
past, persent and future.... See More...
See More
Maybe a public float might be the answer but I know people would go pft on first
site because its all about religion and origins. If a institution provides the
money they can lock it up!
Governments can do that to. Any expedition on this level is fraught with
problems considering its locations.
Maybe III just put out a request direct to the Kingdom of Heaven that if this
should be the will of the Father that I should to go out there and verify these
places, please provide the Money and expertise.
I also lodge this request in the Justice Courts of the Ancients of Days as this
I believe this all concerns the Judgment of Mankind in the adjudication of the
Praise the Father in the Kingdom of heaven.
Now because this planet is Domain of the ArchAngels(praise the
Lord) we have direct access to the Father in our request through the ArchAngel
Circuit and I reckon I got an immeadiate response just by what is welling up
within me in the spiritual experience. Its very soft and loving and yet very
beautiful and strong and loving. Wells tears!
See MoreAnyway,
the request is out there and sent within my heart to the father and the Ancients
of Days and soon we will see the results.
It could be that the Father himself might come and lend a hand in response to
the heart felt feelings of a small faith Son on this planet in the quest of the
Seven commands.
Yes - I believe that increasing union with the Thought Adjuster -
the fragment of God within - will keep you younger and healthier. You are
becoming more divine child, one with your source - and less human ego.
I think, Dennis, that money has no positive or negative signification all by
itself. Greed is a problem. Selfishness is a problem. Lack of compassion is a
problem. Money is not the problem.
It takes a loooong time to change a world, and it happens day by day, person by
person, action by action. The arrival of Light and Life happens slooooowly over
time, over thousands of years....because it takes that long for all the people
of a planet to really get it that we are all family and we need to love and
support one another....
See More
Patience, my friend....light and life are not accelerated by anger for the
ignorant masses and their rich overlords....just love people, even if they are
rich and ignorant.
Youre right, it makes all sense what you say.
Beam me up brother!
No worries at all! brothers I'm ready!
Well I think hahahaha.
That's what I used to say also. But now I have so much I want to
learn before...
I wonder...
I really never researched UFOs but you did. Do you think there really is more
activity going on or is it that communications allow us to find out more?
If there is more activity I fantasize that maybe they are preparing some kind of
energy field or net that will come to be used sooner or later...
I think both.
I think there are more reports because of communication and I think activity is
on the increase because man is quickening to the reality of the truth slowly but
surely but in my view not quick enough hahahaha.
I dont want to be here for the next 20 years writing hehehe
See More
I'm really keen for the next level of the process which to me speaks of Heaven
in the evacuation.
But I will do what it takes for the ultimate revealing of the
truth of everything.
Whilst in evacuation, we all will be learning about everything of
the kingdom of Heaven, we will be taught administration and leadership on all
levels only to come back and repair the planet and make a real long lasting
civilisation for the individual and the Family in all of the truth.
The Atheist and the Babel people are finished already! There are
just walking Zombie with no life in them.
I'm trying to catch up on you already existing writing so 20
years more...seems like a challenge
(I'm really keen for the next level of the process which to me
speaks of Heaven in the evacuation.)
Is this what your timeline graphics brings you to?
I just want to get through this and see where it leads to and
what comes to pass, there seems to be good signs around us.
I feel something like this too
I'm just going to sit in this room and write until the Kingdom of
Heaven comes to pass in the revealing. I'm going to write this journey in to the
Judgement because there is not one person proclaiming from the ancient places,
the beginning where the end shall come....line upon line
I'm glad you're doing it and I'm able to communicate with you. I
always thought the Urantia Book contains so much information I wished somebody
out there was using all this and shed some new light about them.
Well will just keep on going moving and looking forward..
is an update from Colin Andrews on the lastest phoenomenas happening in
Australia, the land of much activity of all levels! Australia
wake up something is happening by the reports that Government cannot
explain but the individual religionist can explain.
I believe the Battle at the Gates is turning.
The 8 spoked wheel found in 2nd Susa and reflective of the Design
of Dilmun/Babel.

The 8 spoked
wheel found in 2nd Susa and reflective of the Design of Dilmun/Babel.
Dilmun/Babel submerged in the North Eastern Persian Gulf.
The Atlantis of
the Persian Gulf in Default.
The Real Atlantis was Dalamatia City further to the South where the Truth of the
Tree of Life lived for 300,000 years when there was harmony between the Sons of
Hi Christine, I
believe Dilmun had influence in some aspects in the Atlantis Story,( my
thought). Much information can be found about Dilmun in the UB and the same with
Dalamatia. Atlantis is associated with immortality so I link it with Dalamatia,
Atlantis leaders fell into disrepute so they did in Dalamatia. All very common I
Great, Dennis....
thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and discoverings....
No worries at
all, I hope youre having a good day.
A horizontal view of Babel in Dilmun and of the Canals leading to
the centre of commerce and trade from the sea.
Note that in real life this location would be smoother than what
you see, there is exaggeration to highlight features in Bryce in a 3d way based
on light and shade of the original NASA worldwind Landsat which is downgraded
A close up of the Babel Mount, the circular temple of Sun Worship of the Nodites
and eventually the Andites
of Dilmun.
From what I can ascertain the Temple Mount of Babel in Dilmun within the Circle
does face the East where the Sun rises in Dilmun. The image above is facing
Babel looking to the South.
The Appears to be 3 sub mounts below the Apex.
I believe this place influenced the Atlantis Legend held by the Egyptians for
10,000 thousand years.
I believe that the Sphinx was a monument to this pace in the East Where the Sun
rises. Dilmun or Dilmat.
This place was one of the homes of Ritual perpetuated for the planet needlessly
in default, an act not a thought!!
If reckon the Seven commands would be there near the sub mounts including the
Central mounts left by the Andites knowing the demise of Dilmun was on the way.
I just hope they left a time capsule for the future generation who would
discover it in the truth of everything, verifying everything.

Here is another perspective of the Temple of Babel in Dilmun.

Another Babel perspective.

And another perspective of Babel in Dilmun submerged.

I found this fragment on Ann Garners page. I thought it was
excellent. "faith voyages of daring adventure out upon the high seas of
unexplored truth in search for the farther shores of spiritual realities as they
may be discovered by the progressive human mind and experienced by the evolving
human soul."
Shiela agreed - excellent!
You are quite welcome, Love, Light and Peace
Dilmun/Babel from the top view, the temple does face the East.
I notice a town Abbas ???(cant read the end, Bandar I think) close by on the
shore, I note the Abbas sound signature close to Babel, like in the ShAbbes
connection or the maiden name itself. Abbes.
Ok I just looked into the name Abbas in what it means.
Guess w...hat!
The Arabic name Abbas means - lion
Abbas means LION and Abbes means Spiritual Leader of the Abbey, Shabbes means
Seventh or Seven, Shabbat.
Consider the Sphinx presentation or the presentation of the Lion.
The short name of my physical Father is Bas as in Bas-tiaan.
Richard, my middle name is also associated with the Lion, the Lion heart in
history in the era when the legend of the Holy Grail came out.
Connect all the name in the metaphor and I think you have a match, the Lion of
Judah who cracks the Seventh/Sevenfold mystery of the end times.
You know everything in the bible relating to the Lion probably has deep metaphor
to the Lion Faith Son who cracks the last mystery at the end. Maybe the journey
of the Lion is so significant in the Universal workings that great emphasis is
placed on this faith son at the end. He must of been known before birth to find
such accuracy in the final actual.
Much would have to be invested in the path for this faith Son to find himself on
the path by seeing reflections that is deep in family and in other things. Its
all consistent with how I perceive the Universe runs, it would have to be linked
to family in the names and birth and recognised elsewhere in fragment form in
other places of spiritual culture of which combined in the actual reality finds
completion in the final reality of the what was foreseen by the prophets.
But then I found another definition of Abbas
Abbas is a Arabic boy name. The meaning of the name is `Simple, Primitive`
That would be right, the journey is rather simple in fragment form.
Apparently an Abbas was related to Muhummad as an uncle who formed an empire.
(566-652) Uncle of the prophet Muhammad and founder of the Abbasid dynasty.
Found on
Much metaphor and connection in the name Abbes/Abbas and all connected to first
and maiden name of the Mother as seen in Islam text with its Armina/Ina
Hey Note the birth and date of Uncle Abbas.
(566-652) note the numbers the 5s and the 6s.
There is also a Lion connection to Dionysus in Greek Legend regarding a ship in
the seas.
Here is a very interesting fragment.
In the Orphic theogony (which differs substantially from the more well-known
cosmogony of Homer and Hesiod), Dionysus appears successively in three forms:
Phanęs-Dionysus, the bisexual god of Light, burst from the silver egg of the
cosmos (the so-called Orphic Egg is sometimes depicted as an egg girt with a
serpent) at the beginning of time.
The beginning of time was Dalamatia City 500,000 years ago.
Somehow, Dionysus is connected to the Beginning of Time.
from here
Still remember the Silvery Cloud above Jesus in the transfiguration on Hermon.
Note the egg circular shape of Dilmun/Babel and its relation to the beginning of
time and the Serpent, the connection of serpent that can be related to Oannes of
the Annadoti in Dilmun, the Snake/Serpent people and its connection to the first
default in Dalamatia City.
"burst from the silver egg of the cosmos (the so-called Orphic Egg is sometimes
depicted as an egg girt with a serpent) at the beginning of time."
Remembering Dalamatia was omitted out of Sumerian Lore and placed in Dilmun,
there history is distorted out of underlying shame and guilt in my view.

Here is the a close up on the Dalamatia City temple of the Tree
of life.
The Beginning of Time. To me its all consistent.
I even see a Seven shape encompassing the shape of the complex of the tree of
life and the administration chambers.
The City of Diamonds, the City of Brightness.
The beginning of time.
What to expect to...
find in the Gardens of Dalamatia under dirt and including a HINT.
Mek did a great deal to advance the culture of the Andonites and to improve the
art of the blue man. A blend of the blue man with the Andon stock produced an
artistically gifted type, and many of them became master sculptors. They did not
work in stone or marble, but their works of clay, hardened by baking, adorned
the gardens of Dalamatia.
Great progress was made in the home arts, most of which were lost in the long
and dark ages of rebellion,>>>>never to be rediscovered until modern

line 34: The second presentation of the Trinity was made by Adam and Eve in the
first and second gardens.
These teachings had not been wholly obliterated even in the times of
Machiventa Melchizedek about thirty-five thousand years later, for the
Trinity concept of th...e
Sethites persisted in both Mesopotamia and Egypt
but more especially in India, where it was long perpetuated in Agni,
the Vedic three-headed fire god
The Gardens of Dalamatia City and what to find there and the
information about the buildings of Dalamatia including the middle building, the
The 12 Spoke wheel symbol about the Central court of the Tree of
Life in Dalamatia City.

Walled paths of Dalamatia City and further adjustment.
I can see the Seven Signature in the Design incorporated in the Triangle.

The 10 Divisions of Dalamatia City and the walls.
Making the Match note the triangles of Dalamatia and the making
the match connection in the Metaphor. Note the triangles in Red making the
Here is a link

It was the TRIANGLES found in
Jesus' family tomb that alerted me to the significants of the triangles. I had a
feeling it was more than script as highlighted in the video upon first response
in the discovery.
Here was the thread I was following at the time which led me to the t...riangles.
The thread was posted Sat Aug 12, 2007 at 06:55:22 am
note the 22, the 6 and the 55 and note the 12 and 7!!
The Synchronicity!
The Vees or MMs at the time.

Well what a journey, the past
couple of days have been remarkable for me.
I think it was because of the love.
That enhanced me!
Turning the Battle at the Gates with the Ensign of
The Kingdom of Heaven, the 12 pointed symbol of the Tree of Life as realised!
The BEST! is yet to come!!
For Sure Brother, no worries at all!
We definitely have the victory in the truth that can be demonstrated. Really its
a bout time for religion. Religion will come into its time!
What a smart lady using the
flashlight to communicate. I felt this presentation a real blessing and the
Got to go to work Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Did you know we are type 0
I thought this was a very good presentation. I agree with much he says but
consider the Kingdom of Heaven is a type 3 if not a type 7 civilisation where
this kingdom is all around us but not in our line of eyesight, that's all. Thats
why faith is important and the Jesus truth is the truth for us to be a type 1
The way forward to the type 3 or 7 civilisation is
through the uplift and catch up of religion and I know the Urantia Book is the
book bring all things together in the demonstration of the enlargement.
We are already connected to the book of the type 3 civilisation. Im sure they
await us also rapture is connected to a type 3 or type 7 inter Galactical
We already represent the Universal Government of Jesus the Sovereign who is the
creator of this Inter Galactical type 7 and interplanetary government....
See More
If science could look into the UB and connect to this civilisation that would be
good. Even the little we know even in this journey I believe we are way ahead we
know what is destined for science linked with this Type 7 civilisation.
What I'm finding is that we have democracy but the
Structure of the Kingdom of Heaven is purely built upon the structure of the
Family, like everyone's family working in its full potential.
This is why the family is upmost in the Kingdom of Heaven as its a type of the
spiritual structure of the Tye 7 civilisation. The whole idea of Dalamatia was
Civilisation for the perpetuation of a healthy
family. One thing rebellion never destroyed was the idea of the family unit as
that is a fundamental thing to our existence and the time/space realities
created allowed our spiritual experience to be tied to the family hence
civilisation. Family should be the source of strength for a member in best sense
but then I believe Love forms the basis of potential excellent and strong family
unit. Why do we have many problems in family and with individuals in family. Why
are there so many break ups?
Before I go to work. this happened in Queensland on the 23rd
March 2010.
Note 15 dots, 555
Scroll to bottom.
and this image

March 22, 2010. A quarter
ring over south west.
March 22, 2010. A quarter
ring over south west.
Sunset was at 7:08pm
I can understand reflection but there were a series of
photographs taken within 15 sec.. It similar to a craft I saw was on one of
Andrew Prykas Crop Circle images in 2009.
UFO Fleet Seen With Solar Obliteration Technique
This is for real I believe perhaps a Seraphim.
The Nazi Bell Pt.1-5
Not the gentleman was the ariel commander of
the 415th
30th March 2010
Ufo over Tracy March 26th 2010
UFO Riddle of the Skies Series
And note the Spirals dated from
80,000 to 100,000 years old. Was there an advanced civilisation who has superior
baking or manufacturing techniques in Ural mountains
Orbs Brazil
It was only 2 days ago....The
Now here is the latest which only happened yesterday and
another Cyclone.
Cyclone Paul hits northern coast of Australia and just as before a new series of
mysterious rings explode over the national radar system.
NATO Report is smoking gun:

I count 16 Concentric rings,
My Mother lives on the 8th line, the middle.

Another bunch of Bullshit artist who kept the real truth away from the people.