Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:17 am
Since there seems to be some confusion with the position of the Last Magnetar
in Jan 22nd now positioned in the constellation of Norma.
I'd thought I would look into to Norma and see if there are some prophecies
about this constellation.
Here is some information on the constellation of Norma, looking for clues to

Norma (pronounced /ˈnɔrmə/) is a small and inconspicuous constellation
in the southern hemisphere between
Scorpius and Centaurus. Its name is
Latin for normal, referring to
a right angle, and
is variously considered to represent a
rule, a carpenter's square, a set
square or a level.
Norma was originally known as the
Southern Triangle (no relation to Triangulum Australe) or
Quadrans Euclidis (Euclid's square). It was given its current name by
Nicolas Louis de Lacaille during his stay at the Cape of Good Hope from
1751 to 1752. He called it L'Équerre et La Règle (the set square and the
ruler); it was known more formally by a Latin translation,
Norma et Regula, which eventually
became shortened to Norma.
Changes in the boundaries of the constellations since Lacaille’s time
have resulted in the removal of a number of bright stars from Norma. In
particular, the stars that Lacaille designated α and β have been
transferred to Scorpius and are now known as N Scorpii and H Scorpii
All has metaphor to Jesus being a carpenter
a carpenter's square, and who lays down
the set square or the plummet line of truth as in the line of the Magnetars
intersecting with the home of Jesus in the first 50 day period of the
Sevenfold timeline.
Here is a prophecy about Norma found written by an unknown scholar in the year
that by Liber Vaticinationem Quodam
Instinctumentis was born. After looking at the fragment the actual
words of the first sentence actually describes the current scenario in the
Magnetar find being in Norma and the quarrelsome world we have and all the
division, it seems the right scenario.
"Around AD
(aha) one of the most extraordinary books of prophecy, the Liber
Vaticinationem Quodam Instinctumentis, was born.
Written by an
unknown scholar, it is the only prophetic book to provide exact
63:1 This norma will
only be fresh born
When none but the quarrelsome wolf
Has lifted up his arm against another
In the Empire for one hundred years.
"The manuscript divides history into a series of overlapping periods.
Each of these is called a norma...The
normae cover fixed periods of
time, usually 60 or
144 years, and
the prophecies...are very
and now in metaphor we have the Magnetar of Norma, flashing at us with a new
Norma and a timeline date.
From this link ... 16111.html
and here is another fragment of this Norma from another link.
Norma 63:7
For the third (world war), the earth shakes, The throat of the Gaul (France)
is ravaged. Many die fleeing from the awful
winds, The sun halts in its path in the
The norma will die when the wolf
(Germany) is hacked to
It could have metaphor to a war, a nuclear war or it could have Metaphor to
the Universal correction following the the Magnetar time map. Hard to say.
The wolf is ultimately the Last Rebel and it could be about Judgment.
In relation to this year of discovery of the Magnetar2 2009, I'd thought I
would look back to 1909 subtracting a 100 years to see if there was anything
significant that occurred in that time that may relate to this time in
here is a link
Year 1909 (MCMIX)
was a common year starting on Friday
(link will display full calendar) of the Gregorian calendar (or a common
year starting on Thursday of the 13-day-slower Julian calendar).
On a quick scan there wasn't anything that significant
that jumped out me so I went to see if there were prophecies related to 1909
or predictions. 19 to 09????
I found this book title
Boyd, Hannah Villiers., A
voice from Australia, or, An inquiry into the probability of New Holland
being connected with the prophecies relating to New Jerusalem,
Partridge, London, 1856

ahahahahaha how interesting and how true!
and here is another link about 1909, and do a browser search on 1909.
A link connected to rapture and varies debates rapture
another link but 1909 seems to be marker and there is much speak about
rapture...a metaphor in its own way that connects to the timeline??
Here is a book published in 1909 ... cles-(1909)/isbn/9780766172555.htm
Book Description:
Religion and Miracles (1909)
Author: George A. Gordon
Mr. Gordon is unwilling that anyone who may look into this volume
should fail to grasp his purpose in writing it. He has no interest in
the destruction of the belief in miracle. He is concerned to show that
where miracles has ceased to be regarded as true,
Christianity remains in its essence
entire that the fortune of religion is not to be identified with the
fortune of miracle that the message of Jesus Christ to the world is
independent of miracles, lives by its own
reality and worth, self-evidencing and self-attesting.
Contents: issue defined belief in God and miracle Jesus Christ and
miracle Christian life and miracle eternal gospel.
A message for this precise time?
and here is a very intriguing link with an interpretation with a 1909
reference. To me its like a word marker metaphor that connects to this
scenario...Upon or ON. In metaphor to this journey Upon from On from the
The Mark of the Beast cannot be a Computer Chip
Many have been led to believe that the mark of the beast must be an
implanted computer chip such as a biochip or verichip, partially
because the KJV Bible states that the mark is in the hand or in the
forehead. Chip implantAs the mark of the beast is symbolic, “in” or
“on” is not relevant but for the sake of clearing up this
misconception, we will discuss this speculation that scripture says is
not allowed or necessary. Below you will find three of the scriptures
concerned. The Strong’s number for the word that the KJV Bible has
translated as “in” is G1909 and
I have given the Thayer definition below as it is easier to
understand. The word “in” does not even qualify for a mention.
Thayer Definition: G1909 epi
1) upon, on, at, by, before.
2) of position, on, at, by, over, against.
3) to, over, on, at, across, against.
The Greek word 1909 “epi” means
“upon or on” and you will also
note that exactly the same Greek word (1909) is used in all these
verses and the KJV Bible actually did get it correct in just one place
in the latter part of Revelation 20:4. There you will note they
translated exactly the same Greek word
“1909” as “upon” which is correct.
Other Links about Norma
From what I can see there are numerous reference and debates about rapture and
things of rapture, agree or not. 1909 seems to be a marker for this type of
discussion and could it purposely design to point to the actual timeline of
the journey. The nines have certainly appeared during the journey and we are
100 years from 1909. 789! Sevens8 in 09...Just wondering. All little
metaphors that intrigue you and leads you on.
02-11-2009 06:42 PM
Because of this
Sorry, we do not permit the following HTML tag or attribute: Parenthesis in
HTML tag
Here is a post about the constellation of Norma and digging around to see if
there are connection to this journey.
I have posted ion the Google forum to find out why I get a different location
when I insert the Galactic Coordinates?? rather than the Norma constellation.
Either way there is fountain of knowledge in both location and now in the Norma
location it intersects the home of Jesus.
Unreal!! Another dimension in the adventures of Magnetar that opens up a new
wealth of truth in the journey of Space Headquarters.
Well check this out the confirmation!
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Thu Feb
12, 2009 3:00 am
He here is another intriguing fragment from a link related to
the Hindu Prophecy of the One coming. I was amazed by the date period
especially with the 14th, especially in relation
14/5/61 but I was born on a new moon in
Blue moon year.
~ Kalki Purana, I[2], Verses 11 and 15
Kalki is born to a man named Vishnujasha and a woman named Sumati in the
Hindu month of Baisakha, which starts from
14th or 15th April and lasts till
or 15th May. So, Kalki will be born
12 days from the full moon day (after
14th/15th April), which can be anytime
between 26th April to 15th May.
I[2]. V.31 also says that he had
three elder brothers. According to I[2] V.32, the King of the
land where Kalki is born is named Vishakhjupa. As per I[2] V.4,
the mission of Kalki's life is to destroy Koli
- the equivalent of the Anti-Christ (in whose name the present age is
named). Koli signifies a person as well as the vices which are peculiar
to this age. As per I[3], V.25 Kalki was
given a white horse, which he rode during
his conquests all over the world. In fact Kalki is always
symbolized as riding a white horse.
Compare this with the Revelations :
19:11 I saw the heaven opened, and
behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it is called
Faithful and True. In
righteousness he judges and makes war.
from this link
Regarding the 14th May 1961 The Birthdate of Sevens fulfills the above
prophecy in the Hindu Religion.
Here is a table of the New and Full Moons in around that time
Year |
New Moon |
First Quarter
Moon |
Last Quarter |
1961 |
Apr 15 05:39 |
Apr 22 21:50 |
Apr 30 18:42 |
May 7 15:57 |
May 14
16:56 |
May 22 16:19 |
May 30
04:38 |
Jun 5 21:19 |
So, Kalki will be born 12 days from the full moon day
(after 14th/15th April), which can be anytime between 26th April to 15th May
it seems 2 days out where its 14 days from the new moon.
~ Kalki Purana, I[2], Verses 11 and 15
Kalki is born
to a man named
Vishnujasha and a woman named Sumati in the Hindu month of Baisakha,
which starts from
14th or15th April and lasts till
14th or 15th
and full moon days for 2009
April 9 (Thursday)
April 25 (Saturday)
May 9 (Saturday)
May 24 (Sunday
Second last day of the Baisakha month!! the eleventh hour ahahaha.
And I was born in Shambala, the home of the ancient places of the Sevenfold.
Here is information on the Baisakhi Festival
The Baisakhi Festival falls on April 13th or April 14th and marks the
beginning of the solar year. People of North India, particularly Punjab
thank God for good harvest. Visit to Gurudwaras, Vaisakhi processions
and traditional performances are the highlights of the day. Baisakhi has
special significance for Sikhs as on this day in 1699, their tenth Guru
Gobind Singh Ji organized the order of the Khalsa.
The legends of Baisakha ... sakhi.html
Baisakhi Day
Baisakhi Day or Vaisakhi Day of
March 30th, 1699
is of significant importance for the Sikhs. It was on this day that Guru
Gobind Singh - the Tenth Guru of the Sikhs founded the Akal Khalsa
(Community of the Pure) at a ceremony organized at Keshgarh Sahib near
Anandpur. The Akal Khalsa played a significant role in resistance
against Mughal rule.
Every year on April 13 Sikhs celebrate with pomp and gusto the
birth of the Khalsa Panth.

Here is another fragment from here
~ Vishnu Purana 4.24
Kalki is said to born in a village called Shambhala. Some interpret this
as indicating a village of the same name in the Indian state of Andhra
Pradesh. I would not jump to that hasty conclusion. The name may be
allegorical. Buddhist scriptures also
mention a place of the same name, an
invisible, hidden kingdom, which will be visible during
the end of the Kali Yug.
Another interesting thing is the reference to God as "who is the
Beginning and the End". Compare this with 22.13 of the Revelations :
I am the Alpha and the
Omega, the Beginning and the End. The two religions, separated by
time and space (Hinduism being much older than Christianity) are thought
to have little in common. But as you read through the next few
paragraphs, you shall find some amazing similarity of events mentioned
in the Kalki Purana with those of the Biblical Revelations.
Afterwards, Sumati, the wife of Vishnujasha became pregnant.... Kalki
descended to earth (as a human) in the month of Baisakha on the
day after the full moon.
So, Kalki will be born 12 days from the full moon day (after
14th/15th April), which can be anytime between
26th April to 15th May. I[2]. V.31
also says that he had
three elder brothers. 14561
Chain of Command, my brothers.
Moon Phase
Calendar 09
11:36 P.M.25
12:27 A.M
A Bikrami, or Desi year, is a solar year which starts
on the 13 of March, or the start of Spring, and consists of 365 days. Some of
its months consists of 30 days, some are of 31 and others are of 32 days. This
calendar is in traditional use in
Punjab (both in
India and
Pakistan). Later the use was changed to other calendars including the
Islamic calendar, the NanakShahi Calendar and the
Gregorian Calendar.[1]
S.No. |
Month Name |
Duration |
1. |
Chetar |
Mid of March to Mid of April |
2. |
Visakh |
Mid of April to Mid of May |
3. |
Jeth |
Mid of May to Mid of June |
4. |
Har |
Mid of June to Mid of July |
5. |
Sawan |
Mid of July to Mid of August |
6. |
Bhadon |
Mid of August to Mid of September |
7. |
Asoo |
Mid of September to Mid of October |
8. |
Katten |
Mid of October to Mid of November |
9. |
Maghar |
Mid of Novemberto Mid of December |
10. |
Poh |
Mid of December Mid of January |
11. |
Mah |
Mid of January Mid of February |
12. |
Phaggan |
Mid of February to Mid of March |
A day consists of 8 Pahars. Early morning is called Subah
Sajrey after that comes Dhammi vela then Pesheen vela then
Deegar vela then nimasheen vela then Sota vela and then
Raat vela and then adh raat vela
more sandgrad dates to
1753 |
1799 |
1899 |
1969 |
1999 |
2099 |
2103 |
Jan |
9 |
10 |
12 |
13 |
15 |
15 |
16 |
Feb |
8 |
9 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
13 |
14 |
Mar |
10 |
11 |
12 |
14 |
15 |
15 |
16 |
Vaisakh Apr |
9 |
10 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
14 |
15 |
Jeth May |
10 |
11 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
15 |
16 |
Prophecies of Don Bosco which may have some reflections
for this journey!
More information about Magnetars

Figure 2: Isolated pulses from two RRATs, PSR J1443-60 and
PSR J1819-1458. The lower part of each plot shows the dispersion of the
pulse as a function of frequency and the upper plot shows the de-dispersed
pulse profile (click on image for larger version). Image credit: M
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:08 am
Here is plot of the known Magnetar activity along the broadcast circuits our
Central universe of Nebadon extending outwards through Magnetar broadcast


Prophecy Update: Signs in the Heavens. A MUST SEE
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God
I went to the Google forum I asked a simple question to resolve something and
I got banned with one post taken .
Oh well Looks like Google is anti religious or anti Christ research.
How disappointing that religion is banned from Google forums just because of a
simple question regarding coordinates. I didn't even speak about religion.
What a hypocrisy Google is and from my experience there they are definitely
against religion and its research for betterment. In real truth fro my
See how the message of religion is persecuted and damned and judged. all I
ways displaying are the magnetars.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:40 pm
I went to the Google forum I asked a simple question to resolve
something and I got banned with one post taken .
Oh well Looks like Google is anti religious or anti Christ research.
How disappointing that religion is banned from Google forums just because of a
simple question regarding coordinates. I didn't even speak about religion.
What a hypocrisy Google is and from my experience there they are definitely
against religion and its research for betterment. In real truth fro my
See how the message of religion is persecuted and damned and judged by
deletion. All I did was displaying the magnetars.
Anyway little does anyone realize that this Magnetar timeline construct
could very well be the snare as spoken of by Isaiah. Everyone just mocks but
just say if all comes to pass?? It will be to late!
Huge Israeli Nat-Gas Find Even More Massive Than Expected ! Wed Feb 11, 2009
11:35 pm
Thats great, I feel happy for Israel and its people.
This also proves that the Mediterranean Basin rapidly subsided. This is
evidenced by gas, a product of rapid subsidence and proves the Med basin was
flooded and subsided rapidly when the Gilbraltar dam busted 38,000 years ago.
I think there is oil and Gas under Eden to.
Huge Israeli Nat-Gas Find Even More Massive
Than Expected !
( A massive natural gas find
off the coast of Haifa which was lauded as capable of fueling all of Israel
for 15 years is actually more than 60 percent larger than originally
estimated, according to the American partner in the drill, Noble Energy Inc.
Israeli companies Isramco Negev 2, Delek Drilling, Avner Oil Exploration,
and Dor Gas Exploration had the majority of the stake on the dig – named
Tamar-1 – which is estimated at a potential of 5 trillion cubic feet of
natural gas. That estimate is up from January, at which time the partners
believed the well contained 3 million cubic feet of gas.

The team will keep their drilling rig in the area for two more wells they
believe may be present as well.
The implications of this discovery to Israel cannot be overstated," said
Noble Energy Chief Executive Officer Charles Davidson, in a statement issued
after following the revision of the estimate.
Isramco shares, which have skyrocketed 736 percent since the start of the
year, were 7.2 percent higher on Wednesday morning compared with declines of
over 2 percent in the broader market.
attacks former Iranian president,25197,25041360-15084,00.html
Mob attacks former Iranian president
A FORMER Iranian president who is seeking a return to office has been
attacked by an angry stick-wielding mob - hours after hardline leader
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced he will unclench his nation's fist and
open the door for dialogue with the US.
Amid celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the Islamic revolution on
the streets of Tehran, Mohammed Khatami was set upon yesterday until his
followers repelled them while chanting "Khatami, Khatami, we support
Mr Khatami was escorted from the street by his bodyguards, who took him
to shelter in a nearby building, according to the former president's
Baran Foundation.
During the revolutionary celebrations, attackers waving sticks
approached the cleric, shouting "death to Khatami - we do not want
American government".
Two days earlier, Mr Khatami had announced he would run against
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in June elections.
Mr Khatami was elected to the presidency in 1997, capturing almost 70
per cent of the vote. Succeeded in 2005 by Mr Ahmadinejad, he blamed
hardline elements in the clerical establishment for obstructing his
reformist agenda.
Mr Ahmadinejad told crowds of more than a million that Iran was "ready
for a dialogue in a climate of equality and mutual respect".
"The Iranian nation will welcome true changes," he said. "The era of
bullying is over and the era of dialogue has started."
The remarks were the most positive yet from the Iranian President since
Barack Obama stated after his inauguration that "if countries like Iran
are willing to unclench their fist, they will find an extended hand from
They were coupled, however, with stinging attacks on the old regime of
George W. Bush and calls for the former US president to be tried and
punished for his alleged crimes.
"The world does not want the dark era of Bush to repeat," Mr
Ahmadinejad said. "If some people seek to repeat
that experience even by other means they should know that they will face
a much worse fate than Bush's."
Mr Obama said yesterday that he was "looking at
areas where we can have constructive dialogue, where we can directly
engage with them".
"My expectation is that in the coming months
we will be looking for openings that can be created where we can start
sitting across the table face to face that will allow us to move our
policy in the new direction," he said.
Some in the crowd saw a degree of politicking in Mr Ahmadinejad's speech
after Mr Khatami announced his election run. Mr Khatami has not stated
his position on talks with the US, but he has continued the reformist
agenda that he tried and failed to implement as president.
Many Iranians are tired of their social, political and economic
isolation and may be looking to Mr Khatami as a more likely hope of
establishing new relations with the West.
Many who doubt that a moderate could win the backing of the Supreme
Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, however, may feel Mr Ahmadinejad stands a
better chance.
I think its better that they talk and find a compatible dialogue rather than
going to war and especially in this timeline as a snare could have been laid.
Especially for all that reject!
If a justice broadcast is to come through the broadcast circuits then I
suggest they hop along a bit and make friends and extend to Israel and perhaps
get ready for this justice broadcast. In the Bible it says that for the
nations that listen they will be successfull.
is set
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:06 pm
Well in recent days there has been talk of possibilities of funding.
Unfortunately, it was a scam. So now there is no hope to verify the places in
a short time. No one is interested in exploring this area not even for
confirmation sake!
Ive been deleted and banned from Google which really disappoints me as I never
spoke about religion.
However, in this time an end time construct has been set up and laid up on the
table. A timetable calculated using many sources that achieves a oneness
linking both Heaven and Earth in the format and demonstration. It could be
possible that we may witness man speaking with the Heavens, the Kingdom of
Heaven based on a faith journey that emanates out of the trees of Eden.
What is displayed in my view is a snare or a trap, its between the Universe
and man now as a timetable has been set up from my faith experience in the
journey. So now the snare is set and has been activated and no one can stop it
as it comes to the truth of the matter in true reality which includes the
Universe Government!
Its could be a evolve or desist scenario down to the plummet line. You know
when Jesus shuts the door, its shut.
If a magnetar shows itself in that time appointed then we know that it is a
solid confirmation but we won't know for a week later. If that confirmation
arrives then its on for the third period which is equally divided in Sabbaths
finishing on a 49th day and where the next day is 50, a Friday Sabbath. If all
is confirmed I would suggest that the churches in the third period really
activate and perhaps make light of this timetable in case that the 4th
Magnetar is the Justice Broadcast.
It could be related to Rapture of the first fruits or to the Justice broadcast
or something else. Whatever happens its a construct that involves the real
Government of everything.
The first broadcast, the Justice one is the first. I think it will be a loud
directionalised broadcast spoken of in the Bible where the mountains will
melt! It will be full of directionalised energy and sound.
Anyway, all that is reserved for the scammer and for the unrighteous.
This could be for real but we wont know a thing for at least March 17 or later
if a report comes through.
Its platform of truth and demonstration and it does test my journey which I
have no problem with.
The road to judgment was always based on faith and
activation and nothing else! The Universe can only guide us through faith,
that the test for us which comes to the truth. However, if man is stubborn to
evolve then he must go through correction.
The Living trap

With links
I wouldn't underestimate nothing in this time.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Fri Feb 13, 2009
2:43 am
Here is an expansion of the Shabbes Sevenfold
timeline in accordance to the adventures of Magnetar!
With links
02-13-2009 03:22 AM
A further evolution
with links
Originally posted by Cyrus Shahmiri
sevens, it is interesting to read this thread:
Greek presence in Iran since 2nd millenium B.C.
You talked about "Dalamatia" and "Atlantis", I think you
know Deylamites/Delymites, ancient people who lived
beside the sea, whether in north of Persian gulf, modern Deylam -> or in the south of Caspian sea: I had mentioned this page about
them in that thread: Many things have been said about
this word, it is said "Eylam/Elam" (mountain of the gods), an ancient
civilization in the southwest Iran, could be from this word or Greek "Olymi/Olympos".
>> "Zeus (i.e. Elamites, sons of Shem) was the main carrier of the Eden
cult, explaining why he was from the Avvites (of Opis) = Eva, and why the
Atamti, the possible founders of Edom = Adam, were Elamites." <<
That is a remarkable find and just shows how the general name
of very ancient places do perpetuate throughout the Eons of time.
Its interesting that is a people of that name and reflects the
first place where the Sons of God taught man.
From what I understand when Dalamatia City rapidly subsided and
destroyed by a tidal wave some of the Sons of God started a new civilisation
near the headwaters and I think Jiroft is the last reflection of the this very
ancient civilisation.
However, another group went to Elam which was bigger then and
started there own civilisation. Eventually, all these tribes got together and
built Dilmun in the North Eastern Iran. The tower of Babel (1stAttempt) was
constructed in there new Dilmun where another attempt was made in 10,000BC.
I suspect that Dilmun submerged due to subsidence and rising
sea levels around the time of Noah's flood maybe earlier.
1stSusa, I calculated submerged 8,000 years during Noah's
flood, a local event.
The inhabitants then re located to current second Susa.
From about 25,000 years ago the Nodites and the Adamites to the
North amalgamated and formed the Andite race who are known for colossal works
and who migrated to the world.
Dilmun was built upon the design of Dalamatia City and also
perpetuated its grandeur of the home of the Sons of God.
Here is a find from 1st Susa which I believe perpetuate Dilmun
and Babel and ultimately Dalamatia City in perpetuation.
Here is a close up view of Babel in Old Dilmun.
Here is another view from and distance
Further to the North I believe they built crops and had a wall
constructed which breached during the floods.
I believe that this is the site of first Susa before the flood
destroyed it.
Here is some calculation.
All the best
Personally, I think this is the real thing. Way beyond
anything we have seen and I think all the relevant prophecies are activated. I
think its close to first contact in the real sense. Beyond Hollywood!
A further further evolution.
It appears that BADE
and from THE BEGINNING are the major
keywords in this construct.
Its just incredible the last week or so but then everyday has
been like this one impression after another.
will mock my work which is fully rejected problem at all to me but I
think things are accelerating rapidly now. Popularity has no bearing with this
directionalised project.
Its beyond going out to the ancient places to verify because
of absolute no interest from all Mankind so now we go to the next stage and
that's where the correction lays!
People will mock my work which is fully rejected
problem at all to me but I think things are accelerating rapidly now.
Popularity has no bearing with this directionalised project as it has all to
do with past business of the Universal Government and the Kings of the Earth
with mankind in general.
All this project wants to get to is the END!
One thing for sure all those leaders of those nations better
hop to and get on it while there is some time left but there is an appointed
time and I think I found the timeline which to me has perfection and oneness.
1 a suffix
found in nouns denoting action or process or a person or
persons acting, appearing in loanwords from French and sometimes from
Spanish (cannonade; fusillade; renegade), but
also attached to native stems:
blockade; escapade; masquerade.
partly from Middle English bidden, from Old English
biddan; akin to Old High German bitten to entreat, and
perhaps to Sanskrit bādhate he presses; partly from Middle English
beden to offer, command, from Old English bēodan; akin to
Old High German biotan to offer, Greek pynthanesthai to
examine, Sanskrit bodhi enlightenment
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:13 pm
This whole chapter has many reoccurrences of BADE
I think Jesus is speaking about right NOW being one of the messages through
Remember pre judgment is a journey of Faith.
4 reoccurrences of the word BADE and 6
reoccurrences of BIDDEN all from Jesus
in one sitting. He was describing precisely the junction I believe we are in
now! Hint!
Jesus Heals the Man Who Had Dropsy
14And it came to pass, as he went into the house of one of the chief
Pharisees to eat bread on the sabbath day, that they watched him. 2 And,
behold, there was a certain man before him which had the dropsy. 3 And
Jesus answering spake unto the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, Is it
lawful to heal on the sabbath day? 4 And they held their peace. And he
took him, and healed him, and let him go; 5
And answered them, saying, Which of you
shall have an **snip** or an ox fallen into a pit, and will not
straightway pull him out on the sabbath
day? 6 And they could not answer him again to these
A Lesson to Guests and a Host
7 And he put forth a parable
to those which were
bidden, when he marked how they chose out the chief rooms; saying
unto them, 8 When thou
art bidden of any man to a wedding,
sit not down in the highest room; lest a
more honourable man than thou be bidden of
him; 9 And
he that bade thee and him come and
say to thee, Give this man place; and thou begin with shame to
take the lowest room. 10 But when thou
art bidden, go and sit down in the
lowest room; that when he that bade thee
cometh, he may say unto thee, Friend, go up higher: then
shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with
thee. 11 For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and
he that humbleth himself
shall be exalted. 12 Then said he
also to him that bade him,
When thou makest a dinner or a supper, call not thy friends, nor thy
brethren, neither thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbours; lest they also
bid thee again, and a recompence be made thee. 13
But when thou makest a feast, call the
poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: 14 And thou shalt be blessed; for
they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed
the resurrection of the just.
The Parable of the Great Supper
15 And when one of them that sat at meat with him heard these things, he
said unto him, Blessed
is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God. 16
Then said he unto him, A certain man
made a great supper, and bade many:
17 And sent his servant
at supper time to say to them that were bidden, Come; for all
things are now ready. 18 And they all with one consent began to make
excuse. The first said unto him, I have bought a piece of ground, and I
must needs go and see it: I pray thee have me excused. 19 And another
said, I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them: I pray
thee have me excused. 20 And another said, I have married a wife, and
therefore I cannot come.
21 So that servant came, and shewed his lord these things. Then the
master of the house being angry said to his servant, Go out
quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the
poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind. 22 And the servant
said, Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room. 23
And the lord said unto the servant, Go
out into the highways and hedges, and
compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. 24 For I say
unto you, [b]That none of those men which
were bidden shall taste of my supper.
The Cost of Discipleship
25 And there went great multitudes with him: and he turned, and said
unto them, 26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and
mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his
own life also, he cannot be my disciple. 27
And whosoever doth not
bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. 28 For
which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and
counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? 29 Lest
haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it,
all that behold it begin to mock him, 30 Saying, This man began to
build, and was not able to finish. 31 Or what king, going to make war
against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he
be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with
twenty thousand? 32 Or else, while the other is yet a great way off, he
sendeth an ambassage, and desireth conditions of peace. 33
So likewise, whosoever
he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my
disciple. 34 Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his savour,
wherewith shall it be seasoned?
35 It is neither fit for the land, nor yet
for the dunghill; but men cast it out. He that hath ears to hear, let
him hear.
Completely relevant to our times in this instant.
"at the resurrection of the just."
This means a Paradise is on the way!
Mob attacks former Iranian president Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:34 am
Its all crazy, everything!.. Im not sure about flattening Iran and whether
that's a good idea. I think the only solution is a huge wake up call by God.
Like in a serious demonstration of truth that has real bite.
Demonstration in words I dont think has been overly successful. Personally, I
think all resources of faith has been exhausted. It could be reality beyond
faith that may ensue.
This is going to be a problem in this time but resistance to
Paradise or the Sevenfold and its message is useless. This is precisely why the
Judgment of mankind will be severe because of mans futile resistance to coming
of Paradise! and Zoroaster speaks of the last guy helped by the invisible heroes
of the ages and Bading and Bidden comes from the
Beginning from all our forefathers and there were 2 parts to this
Also Islam has it that Jesus comes back with Mahdi. So its
in all the religions and therefore makes it the business of Paradise.
This is the message of all the forefathers of the all empires
of the past and it has all to do with past business from the beginning!
Im sorry I know its a problem but this is the reality. So
which side is one? as the parting of the ways are in process. The
Here is a video that speaks of the near economic term and I
all this revealing come for a reason!!
Things dont look good for the world in the future including all
empires of the world including the religious ones. This is precisely why this
message comes because the future does not look good! This is why there faith
Sons will be the ones successfull and when I mean faith sons I mean a man and
his faith in God that's it. Its a test of his faith.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:31 am
Manna Fest 358 Harvest First Fruits Rain and Rapture 1 of 3
The Harvest of the first fruits is March/April???? Could that have metaphor
to this time period considering the above.
Could that mean 09?? Are we in the time before the harvest?? Literally?
I got a strong feeling that we are in the time of first fruits harvest and
it Bade from the Beginning.
The first fruits apparently is a Metaphor or a picture of the rapture.
Note Pentecost is 50
days after the Passover??
I tell you I believe that the all the messages in the above is the time. Im
sure of it now!
Point of interest since I got banned from Google earth forum, all my Google
hits have more than halved in a instant. That would be right of the worlds
largest company running scared from a single small guy individual.
It appears that the final harvest comes 7 years later.
The wheat harvest is around May/June. All seasons seem to correspond with
the end days rapture construct.
Point of interest since I
got banned from Google earth forum, all my Google hits have more than halved
in a instant. That would be right of the worlds largest company running
scared from a single small guy individual.
What a laugh!
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Sun Feb 15, 2009 6:02 am
If I see this right , after the event. The world system will be
very angry at the remaining Christians who never made first fruits for what
ever reason and that's when the persecution and world lock down commences in
It will be just a horrible time that why the true today of Jesus will be
spared from this bad time in the badlands to come.
Then we will see the truth of our lovely capitalists system and the Atheists
who run it attempting to maintain ownership of the planet. There will be mass
confusion and tribulation and food and homelessness might be a problem!
All like in the movies coming back to Hollywood in real reality, coming back
to bite with the truth!
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God
This video is interesting as its pointing out the 70 shavouts
of Daniel.
2009 seems to be the beginning of the final seven year jubilees in the feast.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:07 pm
Im just thinking about the timing.
In my Sevenfold timeline the 40 day
Baruch timeline and 10 days later 50
It seems to parallel in the timing in the story of Jesus.
For example Baruchs 40 = the time of the Ascension of Jesus, 40 days.
Pentecost occurred 10 later on the 50th day.
The both time periods seem to match in both scenarios and could be a type to
the actual timing of the ascension of the elect.
Personally the elect ascending to be presented to Jesus would be only a small
band of people in the last stand of uncompromised truth that can be
demonstrated. Personally I feel there is much correction to be done in
Christianity and that's the reason for the 7 year refining time.
I also notice there has been an instant purge on the dalamatiacity which to
me is evidence that it beholds truth like a stone in the shoe. ahahahaha
I dont even care about hits or anything because this journey belongs to the
reality of the ascension of the elect in the time beforehand.
Its the message that no one likes but that's the truth and man hates change
and truth in this case! But this time man has to evolve or desist and that
includes the multi billion dollar monopolies that purge the poor small
individual religionist man who didn't even post up anything about religion
except what I found using the software.
All Im concerned about is to get the truth out and that is it. That is my
mission done and I have no intention on staying on this planet one second
longer when the 7 years of tribulation begin in earnest.
No way. Ive had enough of my tribulation trying to get this truth out where
all are against it.
As far I am concerned there will a very few in the last stand of Jesus, in his
truth, not the Mithra false truth embedded in Christianity and the Mother God
concept which is a lie.
But the actual truth of the religion of Jesus and how he lived it with his
brother and towards all man. The simple truth!
Also I dont believe in the sacrifice model. I believe that the sacrifice
notion was wrong right from the beginning of mankind in his fear. I dont think
Jesus agrees with the sacrifice truth to get Gods favor. That was wrong
perception right from the beginning of man. God doesn't need sacrifices at all
just a heart full of his truth and honesty and sincerity.
Jesus is the Son of God victorious and is approachable in just simple prayer
of a child.
If I make a mistake and I see my error and I pray to God that I am sorry with
a sincere heart and look out not to do it again that is sufficient. One
doesn't need to go to an altar. A person can make a decision for God anywhere,
anytime and does not need to go to church to find truth. I have demonstrated
this in this journey. Man can find the Father by his individual walk and the
church is helpful in that it can assist man to find God but religion must
never be used as a tool of emotional blackmail or as a tool of fear. That's
the worst one, the fear use of religion as it simply uses religion on the
wrong premise.
All a guy needs is all the books and a willing heart to work
through all the books as they all blend at the end of the day but its knowing
the right tracks and that's where the UB helps helps to bring about the bible
in the most exciting and appreciative way.
Gee, I can even battle against the Atheist where he utterly fails to prove
himself. I can go to places and just slash and burn the chaff of untruth
and with no come back at all. Where even multi billion dollar monopolies run
scared where they delete the truth which is a sign of utter cowards.
That's what I mean, resistance is futile for these people but in there
resistance there is nothing but a hard track for them in the future. I will
not be around to see this and I have no desire to be some stupid hero, except
to come back with Jesus and to lend a hand in the new world to come in its
That's it man and that's all Im concerned about now.
For the rest of you guys that up to you! If you want to hold on the obsolete
dogma and doctrine that's up to you. For me, I am not sticking around this
joint! I really want to be with Jesus in the very near future. I want to be
with my friend Jesus and learn more for the future. I dont want to be around
here in this time because people are generally horrible and just suck at the
end of the day.
You guys can have your lovely BS Capitalist or Socialist Nodite system that
brought man to his knees at the end of the day due to the utter selfishness of
the capitalists. Id rather be with the Jesus service motive team. You can have
and defend your BS system.
From the journey of the Heritages of the Ages the Beginnings, I really invite
or Bade Jesus and the Ark to come.
Come Jesus Come meet us here, we need your help from your friends and brothers
on this planet.
Meet us here brother friend Jesus.
I Bade from the Beginning for Jesus our friend
and brother to come.
persian_gulf/index.htm/kPlaylist/ ... aylist.m3u
How many Abbes are there? Even in the
Saga of Jesus' death there was a Barabbes or an Abbes there, like in this
journey! I just see real reflections here.
As you can see Im curious about the number of Abbes' that are
reflected in this stage of the journey. For example in this case, The
Sevenfold Shabbes Timeline, Bar- Abbes in the case of the
freedom fighter exchanged for Jesus during his trial and an Abbes from my mother
side in the journey of the heritages of the Ages bringing out the truth using
all the books to seek out the truth that will set one free in a greater
expansion as demonstrated. A battle of truth verses untruth, a fight for
the freedom of truth of itself in the demonstration.
Anyway have a look at the reflections of Bar-Abbas or Son of
Abbas and compare the type reflections in this journey!
According to the gospels, it was customary for the Romans
to release a Jewish prisoner during the Passover festival. The Roman
governor Pontius Pilate tried to use this custom as an excuse to release
Jesus. But a crowd in the courtyard demanded that a prisoner named Barabbas
be freed instead, and Pilate eventually gave in to the pressure. Thus
Barabbas was released, and Jesus was crucified.
In books and movies, Barabbas is usually depicted as an evil
criminal. But he may have actually been a freedom
fighter in the Jewish resistance to the Romans. Evidence for this
can be found at Mark 15:7, which says that he was in prison because he had
taken part in a recent uprising. In fact, some biblical scholars think that he
was an important rebel leader. If so, this would explain why the crowd shouted
for his release, because any leader in the fight against the hated Romans
would be very popular with the common people.
(So Bar Abbas was a freedom fighter who obviously
believed in truth and Justice and fought for the freedom of the Jewish people
and who was popular.)
But Jesus was also very popular with the common people. When
he entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, he was greeted by large excited crowds.
Many people believed that he was the long-awaited Messiah, who with God's help
would overthrow all oppressive rulers and establish a new eternal Kingdom of
But if Jesus and Barabbas were both very popular, why did
the crowd call for Jesus to be crucified and Barabbas to be released? The
likely explanation is that the crowd was dominated by employees of the Jewish
religious authorities. Their servants and henchmen would have been in the
courtyard, and probably composed a significant part of the gathering there.
Also, because Jesus was arrested late at night and brought before Pilate early
the next morning, most of his followers probably didn't know where he was, or
what was happening to him. And his closest followers had apparently gone into
hiding out of fear of arrest.
Thus the Jewish leaders could have told their servants and
henchmen to shout for Barabbas to be released, and the rest of the crowd could
have then joined in. This explanation is supported by Mark 15:11, which says
that the "chief priests stirred up the crowd to have Pilate release Barabbas
instead." But why did the Jewish leaders want Jesus to die instead of
Barabbas? The answer is that many of the common people believed that Jesus
was the Messiah, and this made him a threat to their authority.
The Mystery of Barabbas
The so-called "mystery of Barabbas" refers to some
puzzling similarities between the released prisoner and Jesus himself. The
most striking similarity concerns their names. Some ancient Syriac copies of
Matthew, and a few other ancient sources, call the freed prisoner "Jesus
bar Abbas". The name Barabbas can be obtained from this by dropping the
name "Jesus" and changing "bar Abbas" to "Barabbas". Furthermore, the phrase
"bar Abbas" can be translated as "son of the Father", which could
possibly be applied to Jesus himself, since he sometimes used the word "Abba"
(father) in referring to God.
From this evidence, many scholars have concluded that
Barabbas' original name was "Jesus bar Abbas". Other evidence indicates
that this name was intentionally altered by later Christian writers. One
well-documented case involves the scholar Origen, who reportedly promoted the
change for reverential reasons, because he didn't want the name "Jesus" to be
associated with a criminal.
(The Abbas in the Bar-abbas means "Son of the Father"
with the name of Bar Abbas his his first name being the Jesus!
Jesus bar Abbes.
Interesting commonality to this journey considering my
first name means Servant of Dionysus (in Greek) and my second last
name of Abbes is from my Mothers side whose name is Ina which in fact
fulfills Islamic prophecy of the Mahdi. Also my Birthdate
14/05/61 reflects another
fulfillment in Sikh prophecy that the person who kills Koli will be born on
the 14th or 15th of May. Hence my Birthdate on a new moon in a blue
moon year in the 14th May 61.)
Another similarity between the two men relates to their
possible roles as rebel leaders. The gospel of Mark says that Barabbas had
been imprisoned for taking part in a revolt, and his popularity with the
crowd suggests that he had been one of its leaders. But from the viewpoint
of the Romans, Jesus could have also appeared to be a rebel leader. Many
people were calling him the Messiah, a title which implied that he would
overthrow the existing government. He had a large number of followers, many of
whom might be easily swayed into taking part in a revolt. In fact, his earlier
attack on the temple merchants could be regarded as a "mini-revolt".
Thus, both men may have had the same name, and both of them
could have appeared to be rebel leaders, at least from the Romans' viewpoint.
These similarities are known as the "mystery of Barabbas". Some people
think that the similarities are too close to be accidental and have looked for
another way to explain them. According to one radical theory, in the original
story Jesus himself was the imprisoned rebel leader, and Barabbas is an
invented "fictional duplicate" inserted into the story to play that role
instead. The motive for such a change would be to cover up the fact that Jesus
had tried to organize a revolt against the Romans and was crucified as a
But this theory is mostly speculation, and its supporters
have to resort to questionable arguments to explain the details. For these
reasons, most scholars are unconvinced. In fact, Jesus was a common name in
ancient Palestine, and uprisings against the Romans took place quite
frequently. Therefore it shouldn't be surprising that a rebel leader with the
same name as Jesus would happen to be in Roman custody on the day of the
Note: The gospels
don't say what Barabbas did after he was released. But other ancient sources
do preserve some traditions about him. According to one tradition,
on the day he was released he went to Golgotha and
watched Jesus die on the cross. Some sources also say that he
was later killed while taking part in another revolt against the Romans.
(Praise the Lord, I could imagine what was going through
his mind and just to think that in future generations another Abbes arises
to seek the truth of the Heritage of the Ages in order to seek the liberty
of truth in the demonstration, to free the yoke of ignorance and untruth inn
the demonstration and to share it with man. A fulfillment of the deep
desire of Bar-abbas for the freedom of his people in those times but in this
day under the Banner of Jesus and who will be successfull.) Jesus Bar
Abbes Wow! The same Eh!

All this was designed from the beginning and the identity of
the Person reveals itself in his journey at the end to provide reassurance to
him that his message is the right message for this time and is on track as
foreseen by all the prophets coming into a conjunction of truth and
realisation in the oneness at the final end of his mission. This is
why I feel we are very close for the elect to meet and learn from Jesus
himself during the whole tribulation as it appears to endures a Seven year
Amazing in the end saga that you have Jesus, the Shabbes
timeline, The fulfilled desire of possibly Jesus Bar Abbas in the end
through a later day Son of Abbes who seeks the same desire in the Shabbes
timeline and on the look out for the next signal from the Kingdom of Heaven in
the confirmation.
In this day Jesus and a Son of Abbes working together
for the final great fulfillment of prophecy in the great manifestation on the
run in faith, a complete departure from any violence and imposition but
instead through a simple discovery and realisation through the journey of the
heritages of the Ages and bringing out the truth for man on the run in the
realisation and expressing it freely!.
Jesus Barabbas
In a minute few of the Greek texts of the New Testament,
Barabbas is referred to as Yeshua bar Abba which translates roughly to
("Jesus son of the Father"). Some scholars, such as
Maccoby and
Benjamin Urrutia, claim that this should be thought as the name of Jesus
Christ due to his habit of always praying to God as
meaning "Father." According to the theory, when the multitude demanded the
freedom of "Jesus Barabbas," it was Jesus of
Nazareth they meant.
I tend to think it was 2 people with the same first name. I
think that is the real truth. I think the church view is biased in order
to maintain the doctrine in its effort to keep it sanitized
Here are more other thoughts on Jesus and Bar Abbas
Jesus bar Joshua
Jesus Bar Abbas or Jesus, Son of Abbas.
and in this day
Another Bar Abbes, Son of Abbes freedom fighter for truth in type for
(Servant of Dionysus but really Servant of Jesus) or Son of Abbes
The Servant Abbes in this day! working with Jesus from
the beginning, the heritage of the Ages.. What a type and thought and its
all in the name and Birthdate. It was marked from the Days of Jesus bar
Joshua and Jesus bar Abbas from the beginning and its all comes from the
beginning in this day where the message comes from Jesus and Son of Abbes in
type ahahahaha.
Jesus bar Joshua and the servant Son of Abbes working together
for the truth in the last days working together for the freedom of the people
from the Yoke of bondage, falsehood and untruth.
After reading the Urantia account, maybe
the real moral, focus and ultimate truth lays in of the story
of the thief on the cross who, next to Jesus asked for forgiveness due to
his own realisation.
Here is a fragment that intrigued me.
"Lord, remember me when
you come into your kingdom."
And then Jesus said, "Verily, verily,
I say to you today, you shall sometime
be with me in Paradise."
"you come into your kingdom"
"I say to you today, you shall
sometime be with me in Paradise"
Very powerful and could have double literal metaphor in this
day before the evacuation of the elect and faithful before evacuation. Im
mean people who know God and do the will of the Father wholeheartedly, they will
be plucked as the new leaders of tomorrow from the ones who do the work and will
of the Father today.
Jesus comes for his Kingdom on this planet today.
more links
Matthew 27:11-26
(New Revised Standard) Now
Jesus stood before the governor; and the governor asked him,
Are you the King of the Jews? Jesus said, You say so.
But when he was accused by the chief priests and elders, he did not answer.
Then Pilate said to him, Do you not hear how many
accusations they make against you? But he gave him no answer, not even to
a single charge, so that the governor was greatly amazed. Now at the festival
the governor was accustomed to release a prisoner for the crowd, anyone whom
they wanted. At that time they had a notorious prisoner, called Jesus
Barabbas. So after they had gathered, Pilate said to them,
Whom do you want me to release for you, Jesus Barabbas
or Jesus who is called the Messiah?
For he realized that it was out of jealousy that they had handed him over.
While he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent word to him,
Have nothing to do with that innocent man, for today I
have suffered a great deal because of a dream about him. Now the chief
priests and the elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas and to have
Jesus killed. The governor again said to them, Which of the
two do you want me to release for you? And they said,
Barabbas. Pilate said to them, Then what should I do
with Jesus who is called the Messiah? All of them said,
Let him be crucified! Then he asked,
Why, what evil has he done? But they shouted all the more,
Let him be crucified! So when Pilate saw that he could do nothing, but
rather that a riot was beginning, he took some water and washed his hands
before the crowd, saying, I am innocent of this man's blood;
see to it yourselves. Then the people as a whole answered,
His blood be on us and on our children! So he released Barabbas for them;
and after flogging Jesus, he handed him over to be crucified.
Jesus Bar Abbas desired freedom for his people but went
about it the wrong way, hr furthered his ambitions down the wrong path of
violence which was the wrong path.
Here are more links with other views.
Here is what the Urantia Book mentions about Barabbas
in a search.
Praise the Lord
One of the brigands railed at Jesus, saying, "If
you are the Son of God, why do you not save yourself and us?" But when he had
reproached Jesus, the other thief, who had many times heard the Master teach,
said: "Do you have no fear even of God? Do you not see that we are
suffering justly for our deeds, but that this man suffers unjustly?
Better that we should seek forgiveness for our sins and
salvation for our souls." When Jesus heard the
thief say this, he turned his face toward him and
smiled approvingly. When the malefactor saw the face of Jesus
turned toward him, he mustered up his courage, fanned the flickering flame of
his faith, and said, "Lord, remember me when
you come into your kingdom."
And then Jesus said, "Verily, verily,
I say to you today, you shall sometime
be with me in Paradise."
The Master had time amidst the pangs of mortal
death to listen to the faith confession of the believing brigand. When this
thief reached out for salvation, he found deliverance. Many times before this
he had been constrained to believe in Jesus, but only in these last hours of
consciousness did he turn with a whole heart toward the Master's teaching.
When he saw the manner in which Jesus faced death upon the cross, this thief
could no longer resist the conviction that this Son of Man was indeed the Son
of God.
line 110: As the crowd surged up on
the steps of the building, Pilate heard them calling out the name of one
Barabbas. Barabbas was a noted political agitator and murderous
robber, the son of a priest, who had recently been apprehended in the act of
robbery and murder on the Jericho road. This man was under sentence to die as
soon as the Passover festivities were over.
line 111: Pilate stood up and
explained to the crowd that Jesus had been brought to him by the chief
priests, who sought to have him put to death on certain charges, and that he
did not think the man was worthy of death. Said Pilate: "Which, therefore,
would you prefer that I release to you, this
Barabbas, the murderer, or this Jesus of Galilee?" And when Pilate
had thus spoken, the chief priests and the Sanhedrin councilors all shouted at
the top of their voices, "Barabbas, Barabbas!" And when the
people saw that the chief priests were minded to have Jesus put to death, they
quickly joined in the clamor for his life while they loudly shouted for the
release of Barabbas.
line 117: whose worst crime is that
he figuratively calls himself the king of the Jews?" But this was not a wise
statement for Pilate to make. The Jews were a proud people, now subject to the
Roman political yoke but hoping for the coming of a Messiah who would deliver
them from gentile bondage with a great show of power and glory. They resented,
more than Pilate could know, the intimation that this meek-mannered
teacher of strange doctrines, now under arrest and charged with crimes
worthy of death, should be referred to as "the king of the Jews." They
looked upon such a remark as an insult to everything which they held sacred
and honorable in their national existence, and therefore did they all let
loose their mighty shouts for Barabbas's release and Jesus' death.
line 119: Pilate indicated to those
assembled before him that he wished to read the communication which he had
just received before he proceeded further with the matter before him. When
Pilate opened this letter from his wife, he read:
"I pray you have nothing to do with this innocent and just man whom they call
Jesus. I have suffered many things
in a dream this night because of him." This note from Claudia
not only greatly upset Pilate and thereby delayed the adjudication of this
matter, but it unfortunately also provided considerable time in which
the Jewish rulers freely circulated among the crowd
and urged the people to call for the release of
Barabbas and to clamor for the crucifixion of Jesus.
line 122: Then again Pilate appealed
to them regarding the release of the Passover prisoner, saying: "Once more I
ask you, which of these prisoners shall I release to you at this, your
Passover time?" And again the crowd shouted, "Give us Barabbas!"
line 123: Then said Pilate: "If I
release the murderer, Barabbas, what shall I do with Jesus?" And once
more the multitude shouted in unison, "Crucify him! Crucify him!"
line 154: Pilate was afraid of a
tumult or a riot. He dared not risk having such a disturbance during Passover
time in Jerusalem. He had recently received a reprimand from Caesar, and he
would not risk another. The mob cheered when he ordered the release of
Barabbas. Then he ordered a basin and some water, and there before the
multitude he washed his hands, saying: "I am innocent of the blood of this
man. You are determined that he shall die, but I have found no guilt in
him. See you to it. The soldiers will lead him forth." And then the mob
cheered and replied, "His blood be on us and on our children."
PAPER 187 - THE CRUCIFIXION, Oct 19 2000
line 28: The two thieves
crucified with Jesus were associates of Barabbas
and would later have been put to death with their leader if he had not been
released as the Passover pardon of Pilate. Jesus was thus crucified in the
place of Barabbas.
line 93: This young man,
the penitent brigand, had been led into a life of violence and
wrongdoing by those who extolled such a career of
robbery as an effective patriotic protest against political oppression and
social injustice. And this sort of teaching,
plus the urge for adventure, led many otherwise
well-meaning youths to enlist in these daring expeditions of robbery.
This young man had looked upon Barabbas as a hero.
Now he saw that he had been mistaken. Here
on the cross beside him he saw a really great man,
a true hero. Here was a hero who fired his zeal and inspired
his highest ideas of moral self-respect and quickened all his ideals of
courage, manhood, and bravery. In beholding Jesus, there sprang up in
his heart an overwhelming sense of love, loyalty, and genuine greatness.
Doesn't bother me at all to mention this concerning my
identity and the tie in to this adventure. No one is going to see my
face anyway and I will be unknown because I wont be around and will not be
found. Myself and many others will be plucked up in the final event this
side of tribulation. When the elect evac occurs then the tribulation is
on. On for Good! The mainline churches who will be left behind a
will have to rethink all there doctrine in this time in light of the truth.
This will be the correction of the Christian Church.
I think the point of this witness was to produce a day to
day journal of the thoughts in the path to the ancient places. Perhaps
this record becomes relevant in the tribulation, it could be a guide for
people as to what was going on at the time and in details the process.
This may actually lead to several expeditions verifying the places to see if
the witness is in actual fact true. This could be the model and the
purpose of this on the run, day by day written journey at the end of the day.
It will be also evident the lack of interest from all sides
of the equation including the mainline churches in their utter slackness who
will have to learn doctrine properly, the proper doctrine of Jesus according
to his teachings not according to mans evolutionary religious thoughts adopted
by past religions.
When the elect evac occurs this will be the only witness in
the world relating to this most major event that the world has ever witnessed
but the website wont last long and should be downloaded upon realisation.
If my hunches are right if an event like Elect evac occurs
then this will be "The Witness of the Covenant" for our day.
It just occurred to me that when the Kolbrin bible
speaks of the last messenger or the scribe being the "son of a thief".
Is that referring to the Son of Abbas who was robber with Zealous views and
reflects The "son of Abbas" in our day as being related in name of the
scribe in the end days?
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Sun Feb 15, 2009 11:31 pm
Here is a type reflection of the Freedom fighter Bar Abbas
"Son of Abbas" in the Jesus time and the type reflection in this journey
of the Heritage of the Ages.
02-15-2009 09:24 PM
I hold a little hope that some good
can be found there.
That would be amazing to find these records and just say if Cayce was right on
this one?
Personally, I think we are ready now! I think this time is as good any in the
future. I really believe now is the time.
02-15-2009 09:26 PM
Brig, I was thinking hedging his bets
with what, its either there or not!
Im really keen for the A.R.E. to go out there and check it out, that would be
great and would be a positive to do in their quest of truth.
It could either really good or very disappointing and it does test out the truth
of the matter.
Im wondering it could be the witness found in the bible that comes from this
area at the border of Egypt. If verified of course, they might find the records
of the Andites who migrated to Egypt from the east over the many thousands of
02-15-2009 11:46 PM
I suppose to know whether Cayce was
fiction is to do the drill and lets see what it turns up.
I hope the ARE get there soon to find out what is in that cavity. That would
be the only to know whether Cayce was fiction or not in this case. And good on
Mr Zahi Hawass for at least thinking about it.
What Next? Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:02 am
For me rapture of the elect, the construct is waiting to happen.
After rapture of elect evac for the new Government the 7 year tribulation
will begin and that's when the Anti Christ leader guy comes to deceive
people and make out he is part of it and people believe him and project
him. He will hijack anything and then he will twist it to for his purpose.
I reckon he gets carried away with himself and makes a fatal mistake like
in the temple where he sets himself up as God of the world. Yep the false
God and he attempts to control everything like the economics of the world.
This will the system version of a God of the world. Rapture will expose of
the system for what it really is. Smoke and mirrors and deception!
Most likely the Catholic church will fall in line and laws will made
regarding as to what religion to follow. Wont be a problem for the
Catholic Church as they believe in Mary more than Jesus. It will be the
resurrection of the Mother God religion brought down from ancient times.
Digressing to the past as that is the only place to go. Running from
Jesus, the truth.
The Catholic Church believe in Mary, they dont believe in Jesus and give
no respect to Jesus through the falsehood of the immaculate Mary dogma
which is the perpetuation of the Ishtar, Isis, Mithra religion and so
forth. Many Catholics are deceived by there own! Mary cannot do anything
for any man as she is on her own personal journey in adventure throughout
the universe, she would be appalled at how this religion makes her out to
be something that she is not. Mary was simply the Mother of Jesus where
she has the right attributes and cannot speak for anyone on this planet.
All those miracles I believe are of the last rebel in the deception and
because the Catholic church are out of step with the truth they are
vulnerable to the sophistries of the last rebel and the false impressions
he casts to maintain this false hood.
They have to cover up rapture or
make some appalling excuse, this will be the way they will do it. Just
through lies while people are vulnerable! They will be left behind! for
correction or the Catholic church may desist entirely as punishment of all
the lies and untruth over the last 2000 years, there bag of Sins are full
and the Catholic church have so much to answer for in there deception.
Isn't it just false and evil, twisting the truth for the re control of the
masses. The weird thing is they know it, all of them in the hierarchy! The
only way for escape for the Catholic Church is real repentance to Jesus
and change that wrong dogma of Mary the Immaculate. But that wont happen
because they are stuck between a rock and a hard place and there honesty
is the true test of there faith including the Pope especially knowing that
much doctrine comes from Mithra in perpetuation.
To be honest its the Catholic Church that are under the inquisition of
the Universe Government. The pressure will be and is upon them for change
by the Universe, actually the Universe will insist on it or desist! that's
the choice for the Catholic Church.
They all know about Mithra as the evidence is deep in there dungeons of
truth that is held back and that is the truth to, the holding back of the
truth of there origins. Many churches who don't live by the teachings of
Jesus uncompromised will go this way to, especially the rich ones who use
there tailored doctrine as a weapon of fear and spiritual torment, the l
love in the name of Jesus and at the same time use of the fear weapon of
The reason for the so called backslider is because the church has not
got the full truth and the use of fear does not work on that individual.
People wake up to it very quickly which places a very ugly spin on
religion. The congregation cant be blamed as this manipulation comes
from the Hierarchy who all responsible and will be left behind for
correction to meet the anger of the congregation.
The pastor better make sure he is right in his truth or else it will
backfire on him and it will point to his motives, the truth motive!
Is the
Vatican easing humanity toward alien disclosure?
Is the Vatican easing humanity toward alien disclosure?
Church astronomer latest to speak of
"space brothers"
Posted: May 18, 2008
8:35 pm Eastern
© 2008 RaidersNewsNetwork
Thomas Horn
May 18, 2008 – (Raiders News Network) Vatican chief astronomer Father
Jose Gabriel Funes in a long interview with the L'Osservatore Romano
newspaper this week made news by saying
there is a certain possibility of
intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, and that such notion
"doesn't contradict our faith."
"How can we rule out that life may
have developed elsewhere? Just as we consider earthly creatures as 'a
brother,' and 'sister,' why should we not talk about an
'extraterrestrial brother'? It would still be part of creation," he
The statements by Funes are the latest
in a string of recent comments by Vatican astronomers confirming a
belief that discovery may be made in the near future of alien life,
including intelligent life, and that this discovery would not unhinge
the doctrine of Christ.
In 2005, another Vatican astronomer, Guy Consolmagno tackled this
subject in a 50-page booklet, Intelligent Life in the Universe, in
which he concluded that chances are
better than not that mankind is facing a future discovery of
extraterrestrial intelligence.
Approximately 7 years ago Monsignor Corrado Balducci made similar news
when he said ETs were actually already
interacting with earth and that some of the Vatican's leaders were
aware of it.
Before his death in 1999, maverick Catholic theologian Father Malachi
Martin hinted at such more than once. In 1997, while on Coast to Coast
AM radio, Art Bell asked him why the Vatican was heavily invested in
the study of deep space at Mt Graham Observatory in southeastern
Arizona. As a retired professor of the Pontifical Biblical Institute,
Father Martin was uniquely qualified to hold in secret, information
pertaining to the Vatican's Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT)
project at the Mount Graham International Observatory (MGIO). Martin's
answer ignited a firestorm of interest among Christian and secular
UFOlogists when he said,
"Because the
mentality... amongst those who [are] at the... highest levels of
Vatican administration and geopolitics, know that, now, knowledge of
what's going on in space, and what's approaching us, could be of great
import in the next five years, ten years."
Those cryptic words "...what's approaching us, could be of great
import in the next five years, ten years," was followed in subsequent
interviews with discussion of a mysterious
"sign in the sky"
that Malachi believed was approaching from the North. People familiar
with Malachi believe he may have been
referring to a near-future arrival of alien intelligence.
If ET life is something Vatican officials have privately considered
for some time, why speak of it so openly now, in what some perceive as
a careful doctrinal unveiling over the last 24 months? Is this a
deliberate effort by church officials to "warm-up" the laity to ET
Disclosure? Are
official church publications on the subject an attempt to soften the
blow before disclosure arrives, in order to help the faithful retain
their orthodoxy in light of unprecedented forthcoming knowledge?
There might be a more mundane explanation for the Vatican's recent
interest in all things spacey.
Writing on Thursday, May 15th
for Newsweek (The Vatican and Little Green Men), Sharon Begley noted
that "[this] might be part of a push to demonstrate the Vatican’s
embrace of science (in 1992 it apologized for that whole unfortunate
Galileo mess, after all)... Interestingly, the Vatican has plans to
host a conference in Rome next spring to mark the 150th anniversary of
the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin’s seminal work on the theory of
evolution. Conference
organizers say it will look beyond entrenched ideological positions—
including misconstrued creationism.
The Vatican says it wants to reconsider
the problem of evolution 'with
a broader perspective' and says an 'appropriate consideration is
needed more than ever before.'"
The 'appropriate consideration' Begley mentions may have been alluded
to by Guy Consolmagno two years ago in an interview with the Sunday
Herald. That article pointed out how Consolmagno's job included
reconciling "the wildest reaches of science fiction with the
flint-eyed dogma of the Holy See" and that his latest mental meander
was about "the Jesus Seed" - "a brain-warping theory which speculates
that, perhaps, every planet that harbours intelligent, self-aware life
may also have had a Christ walk across its methane seas, just as
Jesus... did here on Earth in Galilee. The salvation of the
Betelguesians may have happened simultaneously with the salvation of
the Earthlings," the article said. This sounds a bit like holy
panspermia to me -- the idea that life on earth was "seeded" by
something such as an asteroid impact -- but in this case "the seed"
was divinely appointed and reconciled to Jesus / God.
Do other religions agree with the Vatican on ET brethren?
Following L'Osservatore Romano's interview with Jose Funes, Muslim and
Jewish leaders joined to say their religion could accommodate an ET
reality, while a scholar for the Russian Orthodoxy excluded the
possibility of extraterrestrial intelligence.
The question of how the world's political and religious communities
would respond if suddenly faced with visitors from beyond is something
world religions and even the US Government has studied. Paul Davies of
The Atlantic Monthly wrote in 2003 that the discovery of even a single
bacterium somewhere beyond Earth could force mankind to revise its
understanding of who we are and where we fit into the cosmic scheme of
things. Davies speculated that such a find could throw the human race
into a spiritual identity crisis that could leave some gasping for
faith in God.
In contrast, the Alexander UFO Religious Crisis Survey of ministers
indicated that a majority of people--both religious and
non-religious--not only believe in but could accept an ET reality
without throwing God out with the bathwater.
Davies hopes this is true. As a cosmologist he sees order in the
universe, including the anthropic balances that make life possible
elsewhere. This has led to a deep personal interest in the subject of
God and ET in which his response to either an ET discovery or
visitation would be compatible to his religious ideas. He says the
discovery of extraterrestrial life might actually substantiate
biblical creation, not challenge it, if mankind is--as the Alexander
UFO Religious Crisis Survey suggests--ready for it.
A fresco located above the altar at the Visoki Decani Monestary in
Kosovo, Yugoslavia shows "The Crucifixion," a painting made in 1350.
Two flying objects with beings inside them are visible in the top left
and right of the fresco.
Professor Anthony Tambasco of Georgetown University not only believes
the world--including its religious people--is ready for ET, but
responding to NASA's recent press releases about life potentially
existing on Mars, he said that if the discovery of life is
substantiated, "it will not unravel traditional biblical convictions,
but rather provide an opportunity to enlarge or broaden them."
In a related CCN article, Sayyid Syeed of the Islamic Society of North
America said, "Most Muslims would also welcome the discovery of life
off of Earth." The Koran refers to Allah as the God of 'worlds,' he
said, not just one world.
Rabbi James Ruden of the American Jewish Committee says most Jews also
leave open the possibility of life on other planets in their
interpretation of Genesis.
But What If ET Is Already Here, And He's the Devil?
Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) are historically connected to the
idea of extraterrestrial life. In some cases, behavior of these
strange sightings have left witnesses feeling as if they had observed
something alive, not mechanical. "I have become thoroughly convinced
that UFOs are real," popular Christian writer Hal Lindsey once wrote.
"I believe these beings are not only extraterrestrial but supernatural
in origin. To be blunt, I think they are demons."
In Angels Dark and Light, Gary Kinnaman accepts UFO sightings as the
manifestations of angels of darkness. "My main reason for thinking
this is that UFO sightings have never, at least to my knowledge, led a
person closer to God. In fact, most UFO experiences have just the
opposite effect."
Associate professor of psychology Elizabeth L. Hillstrom points out in
her book Testing the Spirits that a growing number of scholars support
similar conclusions of UFOnauts being synonymous with historical
From a Christian perspective, Vallee’s explanation of UFOs is the most
striking because of its parallels with demonic activity. UFO
investigators have noticed these similarities. Vallee himself, drawing
from extrabiblical literature on demonic activities, establishes a
number of parallels between UFOnauts and demons....Pierre Guerin, a
UFO researcher and a scientist associated with the French National
Council for Scientific Research, is not so cautious: "The modern
UFOnauts and the demons of past days are probably identical." Veteran
researcher John Keel, who wrote UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse and other
books on the subject, comes to the same conclusion: "The UFO
manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of
the age-old demonological phenomenon."
Other theologians caution against connecting UFOs with demonology.
They say if UFOs represent anything supernatural at all, the
unidentified objects could be manifestations of good angels, while
phenomenon such as so-called alien abduction is more in line with
manifestations of demons. In other words, good "Watchers" observe
earth from UFOs (using what one evangelical theologian recently
referred to as "celestial conveyances") while fallen Watchers such as
those spoken of in the apocryphal Book of Enoch do evil.
Whatever intelligence is behind much of this mysterious heavenly
activity, one thing is for sure, a long history of UFO sightings in
connection to momentous or major religious historical events exists,
as illustrated in the images included in this article.
Regardless of the
position one takes on UFOs specifically, the possibility of open
contact with intelligent extraterrestrial life has never been better
according to those who study deep space for the Vatican.
Looks like the Catholic Church are considering many things which is Good,
least there is a mainline religion prepared to look at these things and face
the truth head on and speak about it.
Least the Catholic Church are taking the lead in the truth of everything. It
appears that they are reviewing the whole truth, from top to bottom and they
should and if they are bold, they will be blessed for being honest and
sincere in this case and I would encourage them further in the update of
religion. There are Doctrines which are not correct and now would be a good
time to review.
I wish them well in there review of things and I hope they are considering
the Urantia truth, actually Im sure they are reviewing the whole thing and
blending it with all the books to bring a higher understand in a more
expanded field.
Obviously the Local System Headquarters would support that and compliment
there direction of review by there own response in space. If I am right in
this hunch well I bless the Pope in his review and I think the Pope is not
to bad to look at things with a honest heart in this case and I hope its the
same in all future cases no matter how challenging it is. I encourage him
further for sure and perhaps the Catholic Church can take the lead in this
great review for other religions.
That's all that is required a good non violent review of all things with
truth leading the pathway and being honest about it. Man would respect that
more than anything regardless of all the conspiratorial BS.
If the Catholic Church continues in this good path of review it will not
be that bad in the winnowing and actually they might be quite successfull in
pathway of change for the future. Its is a far better step than going back
to the past things which are obsolete now.
Like with individuals and other corporate bodies if they dont review and
widen there viewpoint and continue to resist the evolution of progress then
they will desist as the truth will pass them by.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:23 am
Here is a link to some videos that I really enjoyed.
I think you will enjoy them to.
The prophets of old were very good in describing the current events.
Essentially, Islam will make peace but then will use the peace to make war.
Simple as that as that has been there method in all there warfare.
I can see clearly how the pres of Iran is trying to pave the way for Mahdi
which I think is the Anti Christ considering the aggressive tone of death
and destruction.
I just so glad that Jesus lives and he his hand on the situation and I'm so
glad there is an escape clause through the rapture avoiding the experience
of this this awful Anti Christ figure that the pres of Iran is trying to set
up thinking he is some Messiah! who destroys things and imposes his ideas
over people!
Obviously the Seven year will be under the rule of some religious deceptive
figure but his reign is cut short through is own mistakes and he does get
destroyed including his friends and that means countries.
Honestly speaking the system in Iran will only last Seven years of rule
after the rapture and then will be get destroyed including the current
regime and its manipulators.
Obviously Jesus comes and that is it.....the end!
Islam you will not be successful in your ultimate goal if you tread the path
of death and destruction under the deception of peace. Also countries that
support satellite states and use them for political purposes no matter of
the loss of life through war used in a diversion will be destroyed
ultimately and will not reach there goal. And those who disobey the Lord
will not pass to Paradise and perhaps suffer personality extinction.
The Father of all things will intervene and will protect his people Israel
and beside that Islam will not last into the new world with Jesus at the
head of Governance!
If Islam maintains its current path it will be destroyed! including all
those who use peace to deceive and make war, they will be destroyed and will
never make it into Paradise.
That is the hard truth for Islam from the Local System Headquarters!
If you have a complaint I suggest you pray to the Ancient Days and put up a
petition in the Universal courts of Justice buddy! That can be done by an
From Paradises view War is illegal, its wrong, it should never happen as we
have a mind and you will not pass to Paradise in the spiritual motivation of
war and inflicting pain.
That's the Law!
From Paradises view War is illegal, its wrong, it should
never happen as we have a mind and you will not pass to Paradise in the
spiritual motivation of war and inflicting pain using the name of Paradise
in order to deceive people in throwing there life away.
Only Jesus can fix this up, He is the only one. I complain about it but it
is Jesus the only one that can remedy this problem.
It would be an utter Sin to import a Nuclear Device into Jerusalem, the
Capital of the Melchizedek, Sage of Salem and blow the place up. I pray to
the Father from this Sevenfold outpost that the Father in Heaven safeguard
Israel from this act and this never happens.
Reply #124 on: Today at 08:51:49 pm »
All the b
Books of religion are involved in the end times.
Each book has its own contribution.
Even DSC, have you tried reading those. In some books its about the last
teacher of righteousness in the end times.
You know Jesus only lived a few miles from an Essene outpost! I often wonder
if there was interaction between them. Actually there is a record of one of
Jesus' sermons called the Sevenfold Sermon as recorded by the Essenes during
the ministry of Jesus.
Have you read that? or you dont read those things because its not in the
bible?? or is it the one book only policy.
Shabbat or Shabbos
(Hebrew: שַׁבָּת, shabbāt, shabbes, "rest/inactivity"), is the
weekly Sabbath or day of rest in Judaism, Seventh-day Adventism, or
Seventh Day Baptism, starting at sundown on
Friday till sundown on Saturday, symbolizing the seventh day in
Genesis, after the six days of creation. Though it is commonly said to be
the Saturday of each week, it is observed from sundown on Friday until
the appearance of three stars in the sky on Saturday night. The exact
time therefore differs from week to week and from place to place,
depending on the time of the sunset.
02-16-2009 09:25 PM
Ahhh these stayed archaeologist who
are just running scared to these things emanate out of books.
I mean what is the problem?
The books says something is there, there is a cavity there and people dont
want to have a look!! in case they find something which may change many
Whats wrong with this world! Its boring and stayed.
Lets have a look, OH no we cant do that! BS.
If they look and its only a cavity and nothing in it then Cayce's thoughts are
wrong, another thought bites the dust. However, if they find records and
things, well this gives people something to think about and gives credence to
Cayce's thoughts regarding records which I believe would be of the earlier
Oh no cant look at that! The excuses are all crap , the whole lot! It probably
due to some religious prejudice that prevents this.
If anything Zahi should make a big deal of it and produce the doco as a test.
Ok these guys say that and there is cavity there. Lets see if they are right!
A test of truth! Zahi would do well in something like this.
Come on Zahi do it man! Lets see the truth!
Why is it that with these things, Archaeologist or the
system just runs scared. They dont want these new discoveries to happen if it
changes things. Isn't it just full fear and apprehension and the tax payer
pays for this and the people are not given the monies worth.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God
It just ocurred to me like on the Videos but from a spiritual perspective
That the plan of the Last Rebel is to blow up the Capital of the Melchizedek
as a going away symbolic gesture of his ultimate hatred towards the Father,
Jesus and Melchizedek. The last Rebel is truly gone insane including his
physical children. Thats the intention to blow the Meclhizedek capital and
has no care for the humnans there which includes all humanity in the area.
Thats his goal! Its has all to do with the Melchizedek and physical
children! He going to blow Jerusalem up if he can. That would be his
ultimate goal in this case and he will do it as the video suggests through
peace as written in the Bible. That would tie in everything found regarding
this end time event. I think the Pastor is right on the mark. Good on him!
But dont Iran understand that they will come under the same plight by a
response. And then Russia will respond and USA will respond. Total world
annihilation! Jerusalem would be the starting pointing in order to create a
world wide holocaust and therefore wipe out the species!
Thats his only thought and current motivation. If you want to save the
world, Jerusalem must be saved at all costs.
Worldwide annihilation would begin Jerusalem Wow! I can see the construct
and the importance of its protection.
He the Last Rebel is trying to wipe us out and thats why rapture comes and
perhaps another rapture at the end. I dont know but that would be logical as
there would be a remanant on the planet that salvable. That would mean that
whole planet is emptied by a series of rapture processes.
Now think about this fragment
* line 55: While there is this dematerializing technique for preparing
the Adams for transit from Jerusem to the evolutionary worlds, there is
no equivalent method for taking them away from such worlds
unless the
entire planet is to be emptied, in which
event emergency installation of the
dematerialization technique is made [b]for
the entire salvable population.
and furthe Check this out
If some physical catastrophe should doom
the planetary residence of an evolving race, the Melchizedeks and the
Life Carriers would install the technique of dematerialization for all
survivors, and by seraphic transport these beings would be
carried away to the new world prepared for their continuing
existence[/b]. The evolution of a human race, once initiated on a world
of space, must proceed
quite independently of the physical survival of that planet, but
during the evolutionary ages it is not otherwise intended that a
Planetary Adam or Eve shall leave their chosen world.
unless the entire planet is to be emptied,
event emergency installation of the
dematerialization technique
some physical catastrophe should doom the
planetary residence of an evolving race, the Melchizedeks and the Life
Carriers would install the technique of dematerialization for all survivors,
The evolution of a human race, once initiated
on a world of space,
You piece all the above fragments and compare that to the desires of the
Last Rebel working through Human agents who, in their delusion are helping
to the Last Rebel to annihilate the Human race through Nuclear Holocaust.
A nuclear Holocaust would be
some physical catastrophe should doom the
planetary residence of an evolving race, the Melchizedeks and the Life
Carriers would install the technique of dematerialization for all survivors,
where the whole planet has to be emptied
unless the entire planet is to be emptied,
through an event, an emergency event like a Manmade event perhaps not from
space like Meteor but through a Nuclear Holocaust!
event emergency installation of the
dematerialization technique
The "dematerialization technique" is all about Rapture.
The Urantia Book Confirms RAPTURE and
we are heading for Ground Zero Human Race through Nuclear ground Zero which
would mean a staged rapture process because its based on faith and many
people still have to learn the truth, that's why its a staged rapture
process so it gives people time to know everything about everything and then
make the decision based on faith! That's the mercy of the Father and of
Jesus to organize this in this way, to save as many people as possible from
Nuclear Holocaust. Dont hold onto material things! or say III check back
with you or some time later or try some stupid delay or even being full of
prejudice, this is about survival, we either evolve quickly or we simply
Obviously many people will spurn, scorn and so forth and they are the ones
that will perish because they have no faith or faith in the wrong things and
fail any rapture process.
The Melchizedeks organize the rapture and those who make rapture are the
children of the Melchizedek and therefore Jesus children.....US praise the
That's the faith we have in Jesus! hooray I celebrate already!
The first fruits rapture of the elect will be the ones who do this work on
any level I suppose and who out warning people and watching. I presume.
The ones that ignored or whatever in the first rapture will learn from the
recent rapture and from the information left behind. Then comes a real
quickening and then perhaps Seven years later a second coming coming occurs
for the remnant before planet Earth blows and becomes inhabitable or perhaps
we all come back again in Seven years. Im thinking about it.
If we are taken to another planet I figure the life carriers and other
agents will rehabilitate the planet from a waste land to a garden of Eden
and then we come back to a renovated earth.
I think the salvable have to be off planet when the Justice broadcast comes.
It will be like a huge roar where the sound vibration melts the mountains
and those mad men remaining will not be found in there places, they will
disappear perhaps in molten lava.
Like a pit of fire literally as described in the bible.
This is why the Magnetars have been flashing
us because they are signals, the signs in Heaven that we can
interpret. See what happens eh!
What Next?
How true! 
May be but you guys have to demonstrate that in evidence rather than
some sarcastic answer.
Where is your evidence and your witness in your own experience.
Least Im putting my neck on the line. Something I dont see any of you guys
do. Just doctrinal arguments in the revolving door of BS going no where half
the time.
Just say Im right at the end of the day. Yeah you guys are full of **snip**
with youre dribble and non relevance in the reality.
Its you guys that will be learning your lessons soon in doctrine as Isaiah
points out and where you will murmur like a lazy **snip** that you guys are.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:03 pm
Ive been thinking about the 2
witnesses thought in Revelation.
If I see it from this prospective of the journey to the ancient places and
space. Im thinking the only 2 witnesses that currently exist are the ones that
comes from Eden with the witness of Eden that can be read and witnessed.
The journey appears to be a joint journey in parallel with each witnesses
experiencing his own personalized role in the journey and are together in
spirit but each does his own thing.
There are no witnesses other than the witness from Eden which is from the
beginning. The journey from the Beginning also includes an adventure into
space through the magnetar system which revealed the location of the local
System Headquarters JERUSEM from where the Judgment seat resides including the
24 elders. So the gates of the city are open from Space! as in us being aware
of the location of the Local system capital and judgment seat. We are now in
the witness of the capital.
This is where the Justice broadcast and the operations of rapture emanates
In the journey to space trying to decipher the relevance from the flashes, its
is observed that a 4X50 day period was constructed that appears to parallel
certain Shabbes' in the timeline but its in the 2nd period after Magnetar 2
that attention has been aroused. We are aware whether people agree or not.
Knowing that the spirit of quickened understanding is related to these
broadcast flashes led to a construct that makes complete sense to me. And
regarding the 2 witnesses, essentially there witness goes out to the world in
light of the revealed gates of Jerusem (Jerusalem in Heaven) revealing the
gates of Heaven.
In other words the guys from Eden are witnessing in front of the revealed
gates of Jerusem, the Local Systems Capital where the judgment seat resides.
The Magnetar broadcast system that is connected to the capital can also be
used a tool of Justice, it is a weapon of Paradise being revealed to serve out
justice upon the last rebel and the rebellious!
The witness of the 2 witnesses that goes out as we know it is completely
rejected, abandoned, slaughtered, scorned, rejected, everything that man can
heap on it, he will....which he has. Religions reject it, the Atheist reject
it, on all levels its rejected. That's OK I expected that.
The witness of Eden dies, its dead falls on deaf ears, falls flat, goes no
where absolutely no interest. The expected magnetar may happen or not but we
wont find out for a while so its a faith thing. But just say if it occurs
again on time, the signal from space but because of the time lag in
information people are blind to it or the information maybe held back as you
can understand.
People say ahh nothing happened, its was false Its all B.S, he is full of
**snip** blah blah blah, talks crap...false and all that!. We know that now!
As a result the message of the 2 witnesses falls in a heap of rubble and
because people think they are safe as Magnetar never occurred, not knowing
anything they rejoice and share fellow mock in the way of fellow mock
compliments and so forth. They share presents!
And for the 3 days (3 day Magnetar period) there message lies in a rubble of
crap for three timeline period reflective of the calculation, The Shabbes
Seventh Calculation.
But at the end something occurs and resurrects the dead message of the
witnesses. Like a rapture!
The after math of all this is dread! because of the gross under estimation.
Note in Nostradamus image, the triangles reflective of this Shabbes time line
and the book is about the trees of Eden.
I dont think the 2 witnesses is about literal Jerusalem but the about the
local System headquarters Jerusem and its gates where the witness comes form
including its weapon of justice. The witness lays dead within its gates as
witnessed by the 24 elders nothing much occurs except for a small loose band
of faith sons.
For me this period is going to be bad. We already witness the revolt to the
this witness and the scorn has already began.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:35 pm
People who dont know the truth will follow the Anti Christ,
they will give him the keys to the world and will be uplifted to be their
Saviour as the final evolution of man as God himself. And you can be like to!
Ive heard that **snip** before and the guy ended up in jail because of his
dishonesty in truth!
The thing is like with all man he will make a fatal mistake. Like with any man
given power and delight and time to think with all the money he becomes over
confident and thinks he is God of the New World
Capitalist Order mixed God/Man and feels this power from within himself
and over projects himself.
The scam is exposed and that's when the real locked down really begins including
the persecution of the ones who reveal the true nature of the deception and the
truth of the matter, in truth as seen in the beforehand in this day.
I believe this to be the reality of the Anti Christ and prepared for the
occasion but he will need a demonstration to back his bullshit and the only
demonstration that does exist in this day is the journey to the ancient places
where Eden has been verified including all the symbols.
My role in al of this was just to get the message and process out which included
all the discoveries and realizations. The witness of the covenant as it will be
witnessed in the future as written.
Bold, I know but I walk in faith and Im
wholehearted with Jesus and that will be the difference. Jesus is my King not
some world system crapartist.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:44 pm
Essentially, I feel my mission in this time of the process is over Ive done my
role but will continue to observe and I have no intention of expeditions as
that has been reserved for the Anti Christ most likely. Its the only
demonstration around there is no other on the planet, he has go to the
beginnings himself with a twisted truth empowering himself.
None has come after me and knock me off as I will not found in my place and
people will come looking but I will not be around to be found except my
writings and the crap around here.
Doesn't bother me that I wont be around for any expeditions but I have a
feeling in a newly renovated earth that the ancient places like Dalamatia City
and 1stEden will be above water for our inspection compliment of the life
carriers and other spiritual agencies involved in the renovation. Around the
cities we will be all gathered at the end of the journey in a newly renovated
world with all the species and just give praise to the Father in the Kingdom
of Heaven with Jesus our creator, friend and brother beside us in complete joy
and victory upon the last rebel and finding ourselves in a good new world to
inhabit. There would be no real place for safety
except the bush in survival mode. That would be only place where one could hide
from the beast system is the bush, like the Kalahari Bushman ahahaha.
Praise the Lord!
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:08 pm
The woman leading a small band of faith sons for protection in the wilderness
could be all about the real truth. Not a location but the truth of the truth
including all sources.
The beforehand witness before the rapture
could be the only thing of safety on the planet. Not a location so much
but refuge in the truth of the matter as known from the beginning and that
emantes from the beginning and the true story! not the lies and put on!
There would be no real place for safety except the bush in survival mode. That
would be only place where one could hide from the beast system is the bush,
like the Kalahari Bushman ahahaha.
The Woman who leads to the remnant to safety is most likely a woman figure who
knows the truth in the beforehand and sees the deception and begins an
underground movement away from society and spreads the truth through
underground Network means. Remember there will be censorship and persecution.
Its the knowing of the real truth in comparison the Anti Christ message that
stimulates here like me to get the truth out there and a small band follows.
It would have to be connected to the truth of the matter, the record as
preserved like in a website download and printed....with syntax editing off
course ahahahahahah.
The women leader would be a women of truth and would lead a small band to
safety and the Father will protect her and the small band. Its this band of
truth followers and revealers that grows and will be preserved in the last
judgment which should be close to a holocaust.
Meanwhile, towards the end if the tribulation all the nations are virtually at
war because of the revealing of the Anti Christ's deception. Man wakes up to
the ruse! and nations respond due to a catastrophe, like a Nuclear explosion
in Jerusalem which begins the Armageddon. Some event that will led to a very
quick nuclear resolve and then the Judgment really comes.
The woman leader will be a close friend to Jesus and will work with him in
faith as I do and will be very courageous but will not be found as the Father
will hide her and the small band of remnant.
The small band grows to a large following and will be evacuated right before
judgment or Armageddon perhaps, then the Justice broadcast comes perhaps after
the bombs have gone off or soon after. The rapture of the small band will be
another demonstration for man to bring himself back from the brink but by then
most of the leaders are mad and people of no faith or in faith wrong things
that fail.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God
Oh crap
Just a link to Urantia guy and 606 is number designation of a planet.
Doesn't mean a thing fool.
Whats that got to do with 666 and all that. Nothing!
remember Lucifer was the leader of this constellation and Satan was
there to and both of them went into rebellion the names still exist in the
naming of a constellation as in the in the time before rebellion.
Go talk to God about that.
Your just an **snip** if your make your all time attack on that link and a
designation number of a planet.
Move on man from here.
Be a hero to your lovely capitalist system.
Sure the rebel isn't whispering in your ear? you sound like those bloody
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God
Look I know having a name like Satania of this constellation is just a bad
legacy in the name as it turned out. What a horrible naming legacy to have
considering all the things that have occurs since the beginning of
rebellion...For sure. Im sure the name of this constellation will be changed
after judgment as if they never existed.
But its the truth of the matter and I can be a pussy and avoid this subject.
Sounds bad "Satania" but its only a name that will be changed. That's the
product of the rebellion!
Sorry man! that's the way it goes.
How about we rename this constellation from Satania to "Sissco the Kid"
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:39 pm
man no problem
Many of your questions are in the UB.
Look, I know you dont agree with it but dont be so direct and just say its all
BS or else all I see is a red flag and then I get way off focus into
The pressure is on for me I get really sensitive to these kinds of attacks.
Might be a game for you have a laugh but for me its deadly serious!
Hey man
I could be wrong but I want to see for myself in the timeline of this journey.
Hey man I could be wrong but I want to see for myself in the timeline of
this journey. Im testing out the UB to in this whole journey, its a test of
the book and the information blending with the bible as that has truth. One
book blends and expands the picture of the other. Explanation and prophecy
working together coming into a oneness of purpose.
that's all.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:47 pm
Yeah no worries!
I dont want to argue anymore I just got no energy for it and I find it
exhausts me.
lets just see.
Swift/XRT observations of SGR
1627-41's flux decay
on 3 Jun 2008; 12:33 UT
Andrea Tiengo (
NUMBER: 7777
SUBJECT: Reactivation of SGR 1627-41
DATE: 08/05/29 00:34:50 GMT
FROM: David Palmer at LANL <>
D. Palmer (LANL), P. Esposito (INAF-IASF Milano), S. Barthelmy (GSFC),
J. R. Cummings (GSFC/UMBC), N. Gehrels (GSFC),
G. L. Israel (INAF-OA Roma), H. Krimm (GSFC/USRA),
T. Sakamoto (GSFC/ORAU), R. Starling (U. of Leicester)
The soft gamma-ray repeater SGR 1627-41 re-activated on
May 28th 2008 with a series of hard
X-ray bursts detected by Swift/BAT (Palmer et al., GCN #7777,
ATEL #1548),
RXTE/PCA (Woods et al., ATEL #1549)
and Konus-Wind (Golenetskii et al., GCN #7778).
Its persistent X-ray emission was detected in the same day by Swift/XRT at
the highest flux level ever observed from this source (Palmer et al. GCN #7777,
ATEL #1548).
Five further 2 ks long Swift/XRT observations in Photon
Counting mode were performed starting on May 29th (about 30 hours after
the first burst detected by BAT). In all pointings SGR 1627-41 is
significantly detected in the 0.3-10 keV energy range and the following
results are obtained:
Some posts on the 28th May
Kaduri death
China Earth quake
Information of the Messiah via John Gill
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God
Following the Magntar trail.
Here is an interesting thing I found
Swift/XRT observations of SGR 1627-41's flux decay
on 3 Jun 2008; 12:33 UT
Andrea Tiengo (
NUMBER: 7777
SUBJECT: Reactivation of SGR 1627-41
DATE: 08/05/29 00:34:50 GMT
FROM: David Palmer at LANL <>
D. Palmer (LANL), P. Esposito (INAF-IASF Milano), S. Barthelmy (GSFC),
J. R. Cummings (GSFC/UMBC), N. Gehrels (GSFC),
G. L. Israel (INAF-OA Roma), H. Krimm (GSFC/USRA),
T. Sakamoto (GSFC/ORAU), R. Starling (U. of Leicester)
The soft gamma-ray repeater SGR 1627-41
re-activated on May 28th 2008 with a series of
hard X-ray bursts detected by
Swift/BAT (Palmer et al., GCN #7777, ATEL #1548), RXTE/PCA (Woods et al.,
ATEL #1549) and Konus-Wind (Golenetskii et al., GCN #7778). Its persistent
X-ray emission was detected in the same day by Swift/XRT at the highest
flux level ever observed from this source (Palmer et al. GCN #7777, ATEL
Five further 2 ks long Swift/XRT observations in Photon Counting mode were
performed starting on May 29th (about 30 hours after the first burst
detected by BAT). In all pointings SGR 1627-41 is significantly detected
in the 0.3-10 keV energy range and the following results are obtained:
182+2+3= 187days
from May 28th 09 - Dec 3rd realisation 185days and to Jan22nd 09
Magnetar 205th day difference in Dec 3rd realisation and Magnetar 2 =
50 days...needs review!
Magnetar May
28th 09, 14 days past my birthday 14/5/61, sevens.
This was around the time of the China earthquakes.
This magnetar is right in the Constellation of Norma and next to the other
Magnetar detected in Jan 22nd 09. Again forms a direct line to the center of
the Universe Nebadon in Sag and then to Vulpecula where I believe our Local
System Headquarters is.
HELP! My Pastor Says We Are Not In The End Times Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:06 pm
As far as Im concerned the end comes form the beginning and we
know the beginning agree or not. The beginning for us comes from Space, the
Kingdom of Heaven. However, on this planet we have 2 major beginnings that
will will be revealed first before the end.
Isaiah is full of the beginnings and it function for the end.
What has been hidden shall be revealed......Jesus
then the end shall comes, it also means exposing the last rebel, that is part
of the revealing and therefore part of the end times.
The beginnings reveal the Last Rebel and the whole story.
Re: Why
ET fulfillment in This Generation?
I agree with what you say no worries but sometimes I wonder whether the
meaning of the Fig tree and Israel could also apply to the last message
being branches of truth expanding like a fig tree, leaves of information
being tender but grows over time as the message gets deeper into the heart
of the matter concerning the end. I know there is a scripture where God
speaks of his little Sabboath, his little Seven who brings back his Israel
or Jacob or something like going on memory. I sometime wonder if the fig
tree also has metaphor to effect of Gods little Sabboath bringing back
Israel or Jacob through the message.
The lamp post in front of the Altar
are they figurative of the fig trees?
ILL look for it.
I was just wondering if it could be seen in this way as well.
I enjoyed the points in the initial post. Makes sense to me.
With calculation Oh well we all have calculation ahahahahaha for me, its
just a wait see on the calculation but who knows the will of the Father. It
will happen at the appointed time and thats it.
SABAOTH-A Hebrew word meaning "hosts" that has been
used over the years to denote the heavenly hosts. In a more personal sense it
means an actual angel or, one of the archons. Sabaoth is also used as a
spelling for the angel Sabaoc, who with other angels was removed from official
lists by Church officials in 745 as ineligible for veneration by the faithful.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:51 am
Hi here is the latest diagram of the recent Magnetar Flashes. The Magnetar
marked in Red is the latest that I
realized yesterday.
Look at this perfect line that slices through the Milky way and particularly
the Central Part of the our Universe Capital.
This latest realisation of this Magnetar was 14 days after 14/5/61 and it
confirms the order of these Magnetar broadcast circuits that runs in a
consistent straight through the Jesus Capital Territory!
There has to be more to these Magnetars.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Thu Feb 19, 2009 11:46 am
The Magnetar Plot throughout the Milky way

Magnetar Plot 2

Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:09 pm
I agree, I reckon there would be heaps of them apparently when
they burst you have to be there on the spot to detect them which makes it
difficult. Although they seem to have that under control from what I see
working with a number of telescopes that detect Gamma Rays. Although, I must
say these Magnetars dont seem to be a daily event from what I can tell.
I also think timing of these Magnetars flashes for me are just intriguing
following the hunches and especially in relation to the conversation at the
time. Im getting this feeling that its all very dynamic in compliment of the
thought and track. It just seems like a strategic pattern to me.
Im thinking what would be the signs in Heavens when we are told to look up. Im
sure it has to be something unique and different to a meteor that everyone
expects. For me personally it would be a confirmation of the symbolism in the
journey going by Gut of course.
It would be something that you would relate to that would have great spiritual
import on the commonality of the symbol.
Im sure we
have that daily in our lives in our personal walk with Jesus whereby this
relationship or path, in the commonality of truth happens to reach far away
places on Earth as in Heaven!
Thanks for looking.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Fri Feb 20, 2009 2:10 am
Sissco man.
Dont you go through links to Simbad this is all based on Astronomy and
religion we know that the quarantine will be lifted where the execution
broadcast comes from Space.
How do expect that to happen in a logical normal way.
Jesus just shows up without any
background information and understanding in the beforehand!
Or do you expect Jesus comes and man does nothing.
Like show me Jesus then III think about it.
When it comes it comes suddenly and you will be caught out in your cynicism
even though I use science to see if there is a connection to the final
Also one has to prove on the same basis that the research is wrong including
the UB, therefore you have to show and demonstrate comparable evidence to the
opposite and you cannot except "Oh its all BS" but how do you know on all
levels? and show me!
That's not good enough man and brings no satisfaction in knowledge nor even in
All Im saying is lets get this through and see if it leads somewhere like a
final consummation of truth parallel and connected.
By the way Sissco I use the bible in demonstration more than anyone here. I
haven't seen your bible scriptures and do you have any researching using the
bible that we can see?
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Fri
Feb 20, 2009 2:22 am
I agree, I reckon there would be heaps of them apparently when they
burst you have to be there on the spot to detect them which makes it
difficult. Although they seem to have that under control from what I
see working with a number of telescopes that detect Gamma Rays.
Although, I must say these Magnetars dont seem to be a daily event
from what I can tell.
Yes, I think there could be many but there's just no way of knowing. As
far as I know the number of telescopes pointing up every day are only
able to actually cover a tiny percentage of the sky. In fact I was
watching a tv programme a few months ago here in UK about telescopes and
amateur astronomers who setup their own observatories in their back
yards, and apparently the professionals rely on the amateurs to point
out new objects and changes in the sky by stumbling on them by accident,
because the sky is just so huge to watch!
So even with new technology, we are only ever watching tiny parts of the
I would agree with what you say...No problem.
I just want to see where this thread of enquiry leads to.
I know what you mean about amateur astronomers. By uncle D Abbes who is a
amateur astronomer got his name in the Astronomy books for discovering
something out of his backyard through is telescope. I cant remember what is
was but its there documented.
III have to give him a call.
no worries
See what happens eh!
Islamic TV founder 'beheaded wife'
That Sharia Law is wrong and false!
For once, Sevens, you and I agree on something!
I agree!
Islamic TV founder 'beheaded wife' Fri Feb 20, 2009 2:35 am
Its all last rebel stuff and his sophistries. That is not an aspect of the
Kingdom of Heaven, what is displayed in the article, its spiritual oppression
of the Last Rebel and his children.
That is not from Paradise nor the Kingdom of Heaven. Sharia Law is bad news
and is not reflective of truth. Why I know its bad news because its simply
violent and its a Kangaroo court and has no place nor recognition in the
Justice courts of the Ancient of Days.
It not recognized as a worthy code of law and does not represent Paradise!!!
The law of love and forgiveness is recognized in the courts of the Ancients of
Days throughout the Universe, all Seven of them.
All the promulgation and the disrespect to their women is all the insane Last
Rebel doctrines which has nothing to do with the truth of everything.
Sharia Law is rule by fear and oppression and that's why I know its from the
last rebel. Its not ruled by truth that can be demonstrated in any whatsoever!
Its no different to a dictatorship who rule by fear and oppression. No
different to Hitler's rule.
Countries who adopt Sharia Law rule only by fear oppression, war , speak of
war and propaganda looking to annihilation as the answer! Its is anti
civilisation! and will have no place in the new world of Jesus to come. If
anything in reverse Sharia Law will be annihilated!
It will fail!
This planet will move forward and not go back to primitive,
barbaric, unevolved feudalism nor even so called evolved feudalism!
What's this radical business??
only radical business that will ever happen is from the Kingdom of Heaven from
the Sovereign Jesus Christ in truth and demonstration in parallel and
harmonization! in order to expand understanding and truth to bring down the
great divide between all man in a spirit of Brotherly love for one another in
the spirit of Fatherhood of the God living in TRUTH completed victory!
Truth and understanding victory!
Prepping you to take The Mark - videos Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:29 am
The mark isn't a physical mark put into your hand or accept the
mark is to deny Jesus.
Is that to believe in the ideals and acceptance of the mark and what it stands
Oh Come Jesus Come meet us here very quickly! ahahahahahaha!
that's all I can say!
I dont want any mark, I just want be with Jesus my friend in a new reality!
Like a feast reality!
I just want to get to the rapture ASAP. The last train out of the badlands
before disaster.
Im really relying on these Magnetars as one part of the truth and as the
sign of oncoming things. Whatever the sign in heaven is, it will be a subtle
initially but will increase like the revolutions of motor, it will speed up to
the climax!
The escape hatch for the elect!
Its truly like running away to the hills before disaster comes which leads
to human extinction due to Nuclear war! and Holocaust of the human kind! I
dont care running away to the hills on this one!
In this case Im running to the Magnetars as the hills of safety where the
signal comes from, the beacon on the hill the light flashing from
space watchtower 7!
Prepping you to take The Mark - videos Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:59 am
Yeah I saw the videos.
Looks like its all happening behind a smile and subtlety.
Its all so smooth, create the problem and then you have solution...... sucker!
Create the crime and then create the solution
but its the same arresting more power unto himself!
Im sure there would be a world event that stimulate this world wide!
It could be rapture of the elect! then we know Jesus is message is true in the
demonstration and that means the system would have to protect itself from the
truth. That would mean dominance and oppression.
A just say if the effect of
GAMMA coupled with electromagnetic and x-ray waves comes directionalised
through the Magnetar broadcast circuits with its high electromagnetic energy
burning all these chips within the body. Flaring in fire within the arms and
foreheads of people of chips burning in their body and brains.
Like a pit of fire isn't it or like an arrow of fire burning from within!
For those left behind if my speculation is right, It will be either join
the system or live in the Bush, in a community type environment living,
growing food and making back to basic things without anything to do with the
system and bartering might be an option amongst a separate network of trade
perhaps underground. This should be organized now that's the purpose of the
church to provide beforehand wisdom to make preparations and organize with
given instructions for those who maybe confused and need direction in the left
behind group. Who ever it is!
The above verse (v.24) may be one of the most sought after verses
to understand in the scriptures. Men have tried to apply this in all kind of
ways hoping that it would reveal its secret. Maybe it just wasn’t in God’s
timing for it to be understood before now, because the literal understanding of
what it really describes is very plain. The word weeks was
translated from the Hebrew word Shabuwa meaning a period of
Seven and also Feast of Weeks, one of the seven Feasts of the Lord:
(shaw-boo'-ah); Noun Masculine, Strong #:
7620: seven, period of seven (days or years), heptad, week; Feast of
Weeks (Shavuot)
In the original
Hebrew, Shabuwa is in plural form; meaning FeastS of
Weeks rather than only one Feast of Weeks. This verse reads: “Seventy
Shabuwas or Shavuots are determined.” Shavuot is one of the feasts call
“The Feast of Weeks” ( known as Pentecost in the Christian churches). There is
only one “Feast of Weeks” per year. To extend the clarity to the fullness of the
verse, it literally reads, “Seventy Feasts of Weeks” (or 70
Yrs) are determined from some starting point unto God’s Rest.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:06 am
It just seems like that the last rebel and his nefarious schemes is embedded
in all levels of society simply playing one of against the other leading to
total destruction of the human kind. That's the plan and all are deceived!
completely deceived in the terrible path that is taken by the world in
their rebel given lusts.
The doctrine of the Last rebel is in Banking, world domination agenda and then
you have the doctrine of death and destruction of religion against the system
seeking its destruction. The rebel is the middle of this playing the strings.
One against the other leading to a climax. I believe Jesus will spare us from
All attributes of the doctrine of the last rebel is nothing but total control
and oppression, death and destruction promulgation of religious devolution
with only a the small band of Jesus ' people who know the truth as it happens.
A believe me, the elect of religion today are deceived if they think its all
cool and the end times are not happening according to scripture!
Islamic TV founder 'beheaded wife'
There is nothing good about Sharia Law. It does not bring
about the goodness in man and does not compliment his higher senses and it could
never ever lead to an uncovering of a mystery of Paradise. Its full of double
standards not acceptable to the laws of the Universe as witnessed in truth in
today's world.
It will never be victorious, Jesus will not let us go back to the past. There
will be a severe judgment and that's one religion that has so much to loose for
its disobedience to the Laws of Paradise in truth. It will fail and all will
becomes disillusioned rapidly the truth bares its witness.
If anything, it will attempt to bring the end of the world obviously through
some Nuclear terrorism but Jesus has something else in mind and that's why the
world will go on except for Sharia Law as that so called law will become extinct
like Islam in its own self fulfilling prophecy, in the judgment of mankind. It
will destroy itself in its attempt to deceive and destroy the nations, it really
has become another stronghold of the Last Rebel as he works one side against
another where both sides worship him unknowingly or even knowingly.
Mind you, on the other side all the system controllers will go to. It will
happen for both sides of the great divide of division.
There will be only truth and that is Jesus' truth and his religion, individual
relationship with the Father in truth, beauty and goodness.
Its a lesser message as it relies on war and terrorism as the
solution but then again the Nations have much to answer for to where their
architects like Rumsfeld all this characters have brought disaster to the land.
Islam is a lesser message as it relies on war and terrorism as
the solution but then again the Nations have much to answer for to where their
architects like Rumsfeld all this characters have brought disaster to the land.
Also they have denigrated the position of Jesus standing in the Universe and
have disrespected the Master. This denigration is purely the aspect of the Last
Rebel where a war lord with questionable standards from the 600AD is put on a
higher standing than the prince of peace and this includes all the evils
standards that come with war that's why I know its a lesser message by a long
shot and is not consistent with Paradise in truth! But then western
nations also use their religion as a tool of destruction to to so it sin from
My last post I will not make it to the board.
Moderator you listen to what I just said
Its going to come from religion that's the attempt is made and which side arse
you with?
I never be back here delete all the pearls of safety.
All those who side in this attempt, in spirit will not make it into Paradise,
that's the warning.
You are in real spiritual jeopardy and there is no way except for the Jesus'
message of truth. That's in Quran prophecy to.
forget it I want nothing to do with this forum as it will lead
to the destruction of mankind and all the families of the world.
I know what is to comes and its Nuclear terrorism! driven by the death and
destruction promulgation of Islam. This is where the beginning of the woes come
Thank God that there is an evacuation and which comes quick because the remnant
will come back to rein habit this planet and Islam will have no part of it as
they will be responsible for great act that simply brings woe unto man and for
WHAT! What was achieved in such an act of evil and drove that act....The Last
rebel in manipulation of religion to bring about our end.
Biggest idiots I know who have no ears to listen and very little that I see
witnessed in the action.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God
Well I think the end comes soon.
I think David Icke makes many good and valid points in his presentation and I
understand what he means about research. Its a fulltime job constantly
scanning reading going by instincts.
Its a hard job especially without any support from anyone.
However, I felt there was a consideration he was missing and that was
regarding religion in its role in the end time of change. That has all to do
with the motivation of a Nuclear detonation under the guise of peace and
security motivated by a religion of war and promulgation.
Well this morning I cut my bridges that I made from the religion who desires
these very poor outcomes and made it plain that I will nothing to do with a
religion that brings about a nuclear detonation that begins the real woes of
man and to the extinction of human kind species.
I told them that this Mahdi has abandoned Islam and will have nothing to do
with it in communication through the forum system as it will be responsible
for a Nuclear detonation, a product of the Last Rebels nefarious schemes used
in deluded religion. Like I said to them, the Master of Mahdi is Jesus and no
other and he awaits for the ark and has abandoned this planet to its own
devices looking forward for when the Ark comes to evacuate the people of Jesus
and his friends.
That's it, Islam will go by the way side and I have abandoned all
efforts to help Islam through this nefarious times of many evil schemes played
upon mankind using utter deception. War through peace and security!
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:29 pm
Well, I can see the Ark of Safety coming as I see no way out. I thought the
ancient places could be the thing to make man think but I have abandoned any
thought of going out there. Unfortunately man is not truly interested as
there is too much to loose, Simple. So we go the other way through the point
of no return. The PNR.
I think there is no escape from the ultimate demise except through an
evacuation to save the highest type of human which is based on the standard
of faith, faith expressed in Jesus teachings, words and living it.
I dont think there is a political solution out of this and a New World Order
will make it worse from the other side of the equation. Its a total last
rebel tie up and set up dividing each other with only one player playing the
The problem lays much in religion and ignorance of education, science and
the truth of religion from the beginnings that can be demonstrated.
Eventually, it will lead to a major conflict because some **snip** in their
delusion thinking they are doing the will of God based on the wrong things
organizes a Nuclear detonation laying waste to millions of families. That's
because of some stupid religious promulgation causing motivation guided by
hatred. That could never enter Paradise!
If a person is taught in such a limited way in ignorance and feeble
mindedness how can one learn and perceive higher thoughts following pure
faith without some poor limitation based on untruth that cant be
demonstrated and has never been demonstrated to bring in world lasting peace
and harmony.
Civilisation has gone far ahead to come back to feudal times of 600AD with
all its injustices and cruelty like we see today in the religious barbarism
and promulgation. Like getting hit over the head with a stick if you had a
unique thought.
There is no way the new world will have anything to do with this. That
expression of violence is fruitless and we have to move forward in
civilisation for all mankind in brotherly love and not through war and its
Anyway for these reason I have abandoned the Islam religion in forums and
now move forward to the arrival of the Ark of safety like in Noah's and we
are at the time. There is nothing that can be done, based on faith that
hasn't been tried before......Im sure of that! And that's why we have to be
evacuated, there is no other option and talks of peace with a dumbed
religion will not do it, they are too limited by the last rebel by all his
antics of oppression of thought and propaganda through religion in this
time. Its incompatible and inconsistent for the future and does not bring
They dont have to come after me, I and we will all be gone soon through the
ark of safety with Jesus at the helm, piloting the ark to the land of safety
for his people. The Universe admin has given up on the admin of this planet
to go through to its own self destruction as the Last Rebel will be
unrestrained when the Ark leaves. After Man has destroyed himself or has
taken off by the Justice broadcast, the Universe administration will fix the
planet and its wasted lands for us to rein habit then the Ark arrives.
But this time when we come back we have to do a better job than this
business we see today!
Everything is all wrong and upside down and people are terribly fearful and
Thank you Jesus being our Saviour in this and thanks for foreseeing this
from the past into the future and making measure to reach a good outcome for
his people. Truly a Saviour of the human kind where he fulfilled everything
of everything in order to save us in this day before war and judgment of
You know I feel sorry for the United midwayers where they have to
witness this destruction even of the work but they now where the true
destiny lays. But still it would be hard to witness. But they will happy to
see us back again like a true family of love for one another!
They are truly my friends, I Love to give honour to the 3
secondarys DEF-456 of the old
Arattian kingdom and Primary 123 the first
from Dalamatia City through to the 123 the
first, one of 24 elders of the judgment seat who have blessed me much
and who have been my great companions throughout all my life and this
journey and I will miss them much when the Ark leaves. I embrace them as my
elders brothers part of the ole 7 Sevenfold
outpost team of Urantia pre judgment. One day we will be reunited and very
happy and in great joy in the victory of truth!
I embrace them as my elders brothers part of the ole
Sevenfold outpost team of Urantia.
One day we will be reunited and very happy and in great joy in the
victory of truth!
I know the Father knows the time but I think we are ready to be evacuated
as nothing more can be done based on faith and no one is listening at all.
I know the Father knows the time but I think we are ready to be evacuated
as nothing more can be done based on faith and no one is listening at all.
From this Sevenfold I call it in from the way I see it! No more to be
had from man the conclusion is here in front of us.
They are truly my friends, I Love to give honour to the 3
secondarys DEF-456 of the old
Arattian kingdom and Primary 123 the first
from Dalamatia City through to the 123 the
first, one of 24 elders of the judgment seat who have blessed me much
and who have been my great companions throughout all my life and this
journey and I will miss them much when the Ark leaves. I embrace them as my
elders brothers part of the ole 7 Sevenfold
outpost team of Urantia pre judgment. One day we will be reunited and very
happy and in great joy in the victory of truth!
I know the Father knows the time but I think we are ready to be evacuated as
nothing more can be done based on faith and no one is listening at all.
From this Sevenfold watchtower outpost I
Sevens, call in Seraphic reinforcements and place the petition of evacuation
and expulsion in the justice courts of the
Ancients of Days for the immediate evacuation of the salvable planet
Urantia before the complete annihilation of the human kind! I also ask for
the removal of the Last Rebel from Planet Urantia 606 and final adjudication
of the Lucifer rebellion to its final conclusion and end There is no
more to be had from man, the conclusion is here in front of us. Petitioned
from the young brother of DEF-456, Human sentient being and fellow faith
son, servant of Jesus, friend and representative of all the crowns of the
heritage of the ages of ancient times, representative of the generations of
the ages through the beginning including the Sevenfold cities of the
Melchizedek and Gabriel, representative of the Archangel domain Urantia.
And off course I ask this with Jesus beside me King of All Kings. The
Sovereign King Jesus piloting the Ark of Safety for mankind.
Come Jesus Come. Meet us here!
It is Done, it is finished!
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Sat Feb 21, 2009 9:24 am
First Fruits part 1 (Timing of Rapture and Resurrection)
Panoramic Bible study brought to you by David Eells from Unleavened Bread
Ministries. For the rest of this series please go to:
Bob Jones and Ryan Wyatt: We’re Going To Spend Eternity With Our Gods
All true!
Here is another perspective with the oncoming destroyer as in the Kolbrin
Bible or the equivalent to Wormwood in Revelation or the Angona System as in
the UB.
All about the end times.
Planet X / Nibiru 2012 Flyby Scenarios -
February 2009 Report
Is Nibiru's Approach Path Hidden in the Avebury Crop Circle ?
(May 14th 2008 the image of Nibiru was released!
is what's Next mmm Nibiru/Angona system/Wormwood/destroy Sat Feb 21, 2009
4:50 pm
Like I said it will be rapture because of an Islamic Nuclear holocaust being
the worst and the most spiritually bankrupt religion on the planet with the
poorest witness and or these reasons below.
Planet X / Nibiru 2012 Flyby Scenarios - February 2009 Report
Is Nibiru's Approach Path Hidden in the Avebury Crop Circle ?
Nibiru/Planet X photos taken January 2008 - Study Findings
Because Islam denigrates Jesus position, I dont think they will have a
chance in rapture as they seem appear to worship a war lord rather than a
prince of peace.
Whatever you call it Nibiru/Angona system/Wormwood or the destroyer its on
its way and it has been confirmed and already a cover up has been attempted
by the authorities so you know there is truth behind it.
Jesus comes with the ark for his people before the arrival of this space
thing. Islam will try the rule the world but it will fail miserably. That
religion is in deep trouble and because they are bloody minded ignorant
bordering on stupid and they will not to listen to a thing, that's how
dumbed and benumbed they are.
Might be a hard job saving the lovely capitalist system. Most of them
capitalist self styled elite will be in Bunkers and the rest of the suckers
and losers can fend for themselves, tough luck eh! if you're not a
capitalist, that's the Nodite ark of the current system. Just a cold hearted
cruel system where only the elite find so called safety! Like that jerk who
owns the bank of Antigua. What a suck how unworthy for the new world. That's
the typical capitalist arsehole ripping of the people because of his lusts
for shit.
The system could prepare for the people now but they will not because
they are essentially evil and some see it as convenient but they will be
destroyed to for their indolence and their unworthy stupid system.
When this thing arrives everything will go up in flames. The things we see
today will be all destroyed through raging fires throughout the world and no
water. Dont hold on to material things when this arrives or when rapture
comes....Let go everything material, it will not mean a thing.
I believe there will be a first fruits rapture and that will consolidate
the truth and after another in gathering will occur as the rest will follow
the first fruits. I reckon the ingathering or the wheat harvest will occur
right when this thing is close. By then there should be billions to be
People who still reject will be on their own to fend for themselves and most
likely be destroyed in Molten Lava or some fire.
The chips in people will most likely ignite in flames because
Nibiru/Angona system/Wormwood or the destroyer is highly charged
electrically and has great gravity potential and could effect those chips of
human mind control. The will burn in the flesh of people down to there
brains and inside there body.
Everyone that has failed escape will all go MAD! There will be MADNESS on
the planet due to burning chips and utter desperation.
By the way as Nibiru/Angona system/Wormwood or the destroyer comes
closer the Sun will react in wild solar storms this explains the correct
increase of activity of the Sun and heating up of the planets in the Solar
Nibiru/Angona system/Wormwood or the destroyer is essentially the
Father of our Solar System.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God
The truth that dominates the UN in there spiritual influence is dominated by
the teachings of H.P. Blavatsky, Alice Bailey part of the (Lucifer
Publishing Company)
Will all fail miserably and the Antichrist under the influence of these
teachings will fail.
The UN would have better opportunity to boot out these wrong sophistries of
the Last Rebel and his subtle agents.
The truth in these writings are false and will lead man to disaster.
Here is an extract of who backs these Sophistries
".."...The Baileys' reasons for choosing the original name (Lucifer
Publishing Company) are not known to us, but we can only surmise that
they, like the great teacher H.P. Blavatsky, for whom they had enormous
respect, sought to elicit a deeper
understanding of the sacrifice made by Lucifer."
Man will not be successful while under the influence of these Lucifer
teachings. There is no opportunity in the future for Lucifer and soon he
will be judged and his children will go with him to extinction and that
includes those who follow Satanism and Satanism in the UN under the guise of
Bailey and Blavatsky.
Those thoughts are simply the manipulation of the Last Rebel.
And listen to this utter rubbish and this what is behind the UN. Lucifer and
his so called sacrifice what rubbish! See Lucifer trying to imitate Jesus.
What a loser and a liar and the people who follow this will also loose
sought to elicit a deeper understanding of
the sacrifice made by Lucifer."
what rubbish!
The UN better be careful having this false doctrine influence them! Actually
they will not be successfull, this doctrine will bring the UN great
disappointment and bring them to its knees as they realize there error in
First fruits rapture will highlight that.
Lucifer is a looser and so is Satan and Caligastia . They have all losers
and they have lost this war and that's why the seek to destroy the mankind
on there terms. But Jesus wont allow that as he has an escape plan.
Anyway poor Lucifer ahahahahahahahah yeah Im really crying, I have no
pity on him at all including his children.
He deserves everything he gets in court and the same with his people who
have brought nothing but a curse to the Planet Earth.
All Satanism and its children are simply walking living curses of
humanity, whatever they touch they will destroy, manipulate and lay waste
through there imposition. They are all accursed and they have limited time
judging by Wormwood and they are going mad already. There fate is
personality extinction regardless of any event and this goes for there
All the Lucifer BS will lay to waste! and people in droves will abandon
Lucifer and the UN spiritual philosophy as it is purely untruth. The
UN will go by the wayside and will not receive the blessings of God because
of this accursed thing they have in there bowels. The God of
everything is the Father and Jesus and they rule everything.
And of course the Lucifer deception influences very much the
lovely Capitalist System through
Greed Selfishness and Lust, living of the
backs of man seeking purely material riches and ease. Well that
standard is soon to end and the great Lovely Capitalist system as we know it
will be destroyed because Wormwood is on the way and its confirmed.
The whole thing is going come crashing down and it will be like chaff in
the wind and everything one will go Mad with nowhere to hid nor to run to.
They will all gnash there teeth for out fear. That is the price for
rejecting Jesus and the Full, Full and extended message in the End Times.
I tell you all the governments are evil and are doing nothing for man as
wormwood approaches. This is the proof of the utter selfishness of man in
his utter evil thoughts all driven by the UN Lucifer philosophy. This is the
failure it brings when it comes to the time when Man needs truth and
truthful people in Government.
In light of Wormwood the Government will disappoint you, there is no
doubt about it and they know it to but there just to gutless to be truthful.
Because honesty and truthfulness is not one of there attributes, essentially
nothing but liars and cheats like the capitalist system they support. Look
at the example in recent times. Also this why I got banned from Google
earth forum just another example of there cowardess.
Doesn't matter now as Wormwood approaches.
Matthew 16:25
For whosoever will save
his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake
shall find it.
Dont hold on to a thing...Let go and go for heaven in the rapture time to
prepare now.
Forget the house when the time comes nor the business.....everything. That's
what's Jesus says and dont say Ive just got to do this because when rapture
comes its here, decision time and no stuffing around. If you hold on to
material things of the world you will loose it anyway like in a jeopardy.
This is why the poor will be more successful because Jesus will be the only
thing he has.
What Next?
We are all so judgmental and thinking we are expert.......dont we all!
thinking we are experts but when truth arrives oh run to the hills in
doctrine and dogma but where is the demonstration in all the crap. How about
living it for a change and doing something.
Dont talk about it just do it
and live the scriptures. No one wants talk just truth in the demonstration.
People are sick of talk, live the witness be a worthy witness for Jesus and
go out there and impress people with your witness of yourself.
I reckon you're all of the wall in your self imposed limitations and limited
view point in Mithra tainted doctrine and dogma.
All these conversations are just parroting the pastor in a divided church
body. Reigns with confusion amongst the body. People a sick and tired with
all these doctrine arguments that belong to another religion in many
aspects. Cant even demonstrate a single just talk blah blah blah! BS most of
the time with no substance nor depth!.
What Next?
We are all so judgmental and thinking we are expert.......dont we all!
thinking we are experts but when truth arrives oh run to the hills in
doctrine and dogma but where is the demonstration in all the crap. How about
living it for a change and doing something.
Dont talk about it just do it and live the scriptures. No one wants talk
just truth in the demonstration. People are sick of talk, live the witness
be a worthy witness for Jesus and go out there and impress people with your
witness of yourself.
I reckon you're all of the wall in your self imposed limitations and limited
view point in Mithra tainted doctrine and dogma.
All these conversations are just parroting the pastor in a divided church
body. Reigns with confusion amongst the body. People a sick and tired with
all these doctrine arguments that belong to another religion in many
aspects. Cant even demonstrate a single just talk blah blah blah! BS most of
the time with no substance nor depth!. Nothing to inspire anyone!
Re: Who
Wants To See "KRON3" Banned? Voice Your Opinion Here!!! Sat Feb 21, 2009
8:21 pm
What's the problem with Kron3, he sounds like an intelligent guy with
something to say.
He is exploring the truth of the matter for himself.
We all have speculations out there.
Who are you to judge and ban. How about ban yourself.
How can you bring judgment upon fellow people when I see no
demonstration from yourself on anything just pastor parroting.
I would pull your head in a give Kron3 a go.
He might be a good researcher in areas where you have no idea of and
could learn from.
That's what I think of your judgment and stupid Last Rebel inspired
thread of deleting people no different to those Islamist and Atheist in
there banning BS, weak bastards. Especially when you have nothing to
show yourself in truth and not even demonstrated.
Good on Brother Matt for resisting your low level calls of banning,
maybe you should move on where they do that crap!
Re: The
UFO phenomenon and spiritual deception
Ufos are of the family of the Kingdom of Heaven.
I work with them, they will help us in the rapture. There symbolism in many
crop circles is pointing to the evacuation event.
ahahahahahahahahahahahahah enjoy the ride!
The only deception around here is the last rebel who is in every aspect of
our society. That's where you should be looking within this so called lovely
system that is imposed on mankind and soon to be a Intel p4 implanted in
your forehead and body for the purposes of mind control that's where your
last rebel crap lays.
He wants to control over every thought and everything material thing of the
human even his movements and this is the Last Rebel current project working
through his evil deceptive agents in the Government and IBM.
The last Rebel wants total physical and mind control over the unit and
that's how he blinds man further to the message of Jesus in the end Times.
Total arrest and control of the individual, the desire of the last Last
Rebel with his evil agents. No different to Nazism but more subtle but we
are heading towards a controlled workforce in every aspect and there is no
way of escape from the Chip system once implanted.
This is the true desire of Government and the evil agents hidden in the
background. Mass total control over the mind and body and people will give
themselves over because they are intentionally dumbed down, stupid and
indolent on everything!
It is exactly what Orwell was writing about in big brother, that was a true
insight into the real truth of what is to come after rapture. Everything is
being prepared right now as we speak.
They will introduce working on the emotions of fear and how smooth are they.
Working with fear of the things that a human loves and cares for. Aren't
they evil knowing that there agenda is total mindal, financial and movement
control of the human work unit. They want an obedient workforce like a
Nodite in true fashion in his way of building the version of BS Babel in
this day!
By the way this is the old man Bushs New
World Order it this that he was speaking about and promoting, this is
where it will leads to.
Now if a person rebels with the implanted chip, all that has to be done is
flick a switch and it change his mind or induce some pain to make him
orderly. Like a mouse in a test tube!
These are evil realities that man looks forward to regarding his
lovely Capitalist system under the
current system of the Last Rebel.
Christians will be the only ones opposing this and that's why they are
In God we trust eh! but which God????
So this is where the famous USA, land of freedom and liberty ends up
becoming a Fascist Capitalist work force with no freedom and all in the
total control of the Government who controls your every step. Disobey and we
will change your mind literally through an electromagnetic frequency
designated for that particular chip in your body with instructions from the
Government to behave or desist, no opinions and thoughts! They will know
your every thought. You could get a fine for just thinking something.
It might seem simple and innocent for now but it will go the way of mind
control through electromagnetic energy and they have the plans already for
the upstep of this chip, bloody evil dark people doing this. There's you're
real UFO people Unidentified
Through the chip they will know everything about your bodily endorphin
levels, all kinds of readings. Man O man, such evil that is about to come on
the people and it will be induced through depression and recession by these
same Nodites.
Now they want another go at it scamming the people with the same Nodites in
These are the same people in wall street who rip off people in the first
instance and then take billions for themselves and these are the ones
financing this chip program and the government are in bed with these
arsehole Nodites of old. Why they even bailed them out and at the same time
they the Wall/Fraud street Nodites squandered billions in the same breath
and who can do anything about it. They dont Love you nor even care for your
family all they care about is control over you like any Nodite Suck
Capitalist. Wall street has already proven itself to be an utmost failure
for man and who are run by rip off merchants and financial Soothsayers who
know **snip** and have no love for man in general, all you are is cattle,
controlled cattle ready for the slaughterhouse ready for the chip of
Shows you the hierarchy and the truth of the sick system we have and of the
bad people that run it all, evil with evil intent.
Thank God that Jesus and the Universe System Government comes and they
will destroy everything that this system has imposed on mankind.
What Next? Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:17 pm
We do not chatter "godless" words. Nor do we generally argue about
words, but doctrines...end time doctrines and dogma.
Sorry but that's the witness, man pitted against each other in doctrine
going in circles and making very little progress. While in the meanwhile
things have accelerated to the final reality and we are still arguing over
stuff. There is no time argument now in light of the reality that faces us
all and we have to think about what within us and whether that's is
acceptable unto the Lord.
Time over for arguing doctrine now, the truth of the matter comes and that
will be the truth, the final truth.
study 589 1. PRIMITIVE MAN
When the Planetary Prince arrives on a primitive world, the evolved
religion of fear and ignorance prevails. The prince and his staff make the
first revelations of higher truth and universe organization.
These initial presentations of revealed religion are
very simple, and they usually pertain to the affairs of the local system.
Each new dispensation extends
the horizon of revealed religion, and the Magisterial Sons extend the
revelation of truth to portray the affairs of
local universe and all its tributaries.
MAN New revelations of truth characterize these ages, and the Most
Highs of the constellations begin to rule in the
affairs of men. Truth is revealed up to the
administration of the constellations
and During the closing centuries of the post-Adamic age there develops
new interest in art, music, and literature, and this world-wide awakening is
the signal for the appearance of a Magisterial Son. The crowning development
of this era is the universal interest in intellectual realities, true
philosophy. Religion becomes less nationalistic, becomes more and more a
planetary affair. New revelations of truth characterize these ages, and
Most Highs of the constellations begin to rule in the
affairs of men. Truth is revealed up to the
administration of the constellations.
SON MANEach new dispensation extends the horizon of revealed
religion, and the Magisterial Sons extend the
revelation of truth to portray the
affairs of the local universe and all its tributaries.
The revelations of truth are extended to
include the superuniverse. Entirely new systems of education and
government grow up to supplant the crude regimes of former times.
The physical administration of a world during this age requires about
one hour each day on the part of every adult individual; that is, the
equivalent of one Urantia hour. The planet is in close touch with universe
affairs, and its people scan the latest broadcasts with the same keen
interest you now manifest in the latest editions of your daily newspapers.
These races are occupied with a thousand things of interest unknown on your
The golden age is coming on apace; the temporal goal of the long and
intense planetary evolutionary struggle is in sight. The reward of the ages is
soon to be realized; the wisdom of the Gods is about to be manifested.
and The physical administration of a world during this age requires about
one hour each day on the part of every adult individual; that is, the
equivalent of one Urantia hour. The planet is in close touch with universe
affairs, and its people scan the latest
broadcasts with the same keen interest you now manifest in the latest
editions of your daily newspapers. These races are occupied with a thousand
things of interest unknown on your world.
It was of the conclusion of the terminal mission of the Teacher Sons (at
least that would be the chronology on a normal world) that John wrote: "I saw
a new heaven and a new earth and the new Jerusalem coming down from God out of
heaven, prepared as a princess adorned for the prince."
This is the same renovated earth, the advanced planetary stage, that the
olden seer envisioned when he wrote: "`For, as the new heavens and the new
earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, so shall you and your
children survive; and it shall come to pass that from one new moon to another
and from one Sabbath to another all flesh shall come to worship before me,'
says the Lord."
The revelation of truth is now extended to the central universe and to
Paradise. The races are becoming highly spiritual. A great people has
evolved and a great age is approaching. The educational, economic, and
administrative systems of the planet are undergoing radical transformations.
New values and relationships are being established. The kingdom of heaven is
appearing on earth, and the glory of God is being shed abroad in the world.
These initial
presentations of revealed religion are very simple, and they usually pertain to
the affairs of the local system.
Each new dispensation extends the horizon of revealed religion,
and the Magisterial Sons extend the revelation of truth to portray the affairs
of the
local universe and all its
tributaries. 3. POST-ADAMIC MAN
New revelations of truth characterize these ages,
and the Most Highs of the constellations begin to rule in the
of men. Truth is revealed up to
the administration of the constellations.
and the Most Highs of the
constellations begin to rule in the
affairs of men. Truth is revealed
up to the administration of the
constellations. 4. POST-MAGISTERIAL SON
Each new dispensation extends the horizon of
revealed religion, and the Magisterial Sons extend the
revelation of truth to portray the
of the local universe and all its tributaries.
The revelations of truth
are extended to include the superuniverse. Entirely new systems of
education and government grow up to supplant the crude regimes of former times.
5. Spiritual insight. The brotherhood of
man is, after all, predicated on the recognition of the fatherhood of God. The
quickest way to realize the brotherhood of man on Urantia is to effect the
spiritual transformation of present-day humanity. The
only technique for accelerating the natural trend of social evolution is that of
applying spiritual pressure from above, thus augmenting moral insight
while enhancing the soul capacity of every mortal to understand and love every
other mortal. Mutual understanding and fraternal love are transcendent
civilizers and mighty factors in the world-wide realization of the brotherhood
The revelation of truth is now extended to
the central universe and to Paradise.
The races are becoming highly spiritual. A great people has evolved and a great
age is approaching.
The Urantia Book encompasses all the revelations
pertaining to the Universe combining "spiritual
pressure from above" but what is spiritual pressure
from above? How does manifest? Is it just the Urantia Book? or
does it refer to other things.
The two most important crop circles ever. No joke
Jaime Maussan - Crop Circle Date May 2012 16th UFO Congress
Mayan Calender crop circle
Jaime Maussan and Santiago Garza 2006 UFO Activity Mexico p8
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God
I was given a link to check out and I believe this is the location of the
False Christ.
In the following links, note how they mention Christs but never associated
with Jesus nor any mention of the Kingdom of Heaven. The false Christ will
imitate the message of Jesus but will not associate with Kingdom of Heaven.
Big distinction. I note the English is very smooth and subtle and written very
well like the chip presentation so simple and sweet and yet so diabolical with
its ultimate motive.
The Anti Christ or the false Christ will emante from the UN and most likely is
being prepared for the great deception. I believe the False Christ will draw
from the world of Alice Bailey and Batalvsky including there shallow confusing
rendition of the Sevenfold an imitation of the False Christ.
Lucis = Lucifer.
Here are some links for your review but note the subtle and smooth words which
is a deception.
The Hierarchy of Light, the Last Rebel can imitate an angel of light! ... y_of_light
The also have A Time of Expectancy for messenger ... expectancy
World Goodwill ... oodwill__1
They have triangles in there symbolism another copy cat in symbolism. ... /triangles
The worship of the triangle that leads to great invocation ... nformation
Another deception leading man to the worship of a symbol. The triangle has
been hijacked so many times. ... nformation
Its all so new age and nothing to do with Heaven nor Jesus just Last rebel
stuff of deception. ... erature__1
The False Christ will come out of the UN, its the only place it will come
from and they are preparing him already for the job.
On the other hand the Last Rebel is working on all the other fronts in his
nefarious schemes like working with death and destruction through religion
and then he works on the Human mind control chip at the same time.
Can you see the last rebels operations. He doesn't give a crap for anyone
except his desire to worshipped as God with his physical counterpart and
this explains why the false Christ set himself up in temple to be worshipped
as a God the physical stand in for the Last Rebel but that's where its all
goes all wrong.
But they cannot get around the Urantia Book and that's why they stay clear
of the Urantia Book because they know the power of it and its teaching and
evidence that has been demonstrated already. That's why there has been no
further progress to the ancient places. its all forbidden.
The false Christ will have to arise soon as time is running out for him and
wormwood is on the approach. When Wormwood arrives the whole system will
collapse and the deception will be destroyed!
Id say that's in around 3 years and all sites are being observed by the
UN currently. That's what I mean it could be a real hijack of this journey
but you guys know the truth in this time and that's the main thing.
It will be done in a masterly and very convincing way. There is nothing on
the planet that can be demonstrated except for the ancient places and we
have verified 1stEden. It would have to be a hijack of the places, it just
happens that the Jesus army got there first and the last rebel hates it
because the truth is already out there and the thunder is already claimed by
Jesus and his servants.
The false Christ mouth will be nothing but a wuss and a pussy where he
has to manufacture just crap to deceive with no faith walk involved
just the twisting of the truth to deceive the world!
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:58 am
Ive been looking at the rituals of the triangle from the Lucifer site with the
Last Rebel invocation. ... nformation
Note that Dalamatia City was the original home of the last rebel. Dalamatia
City was por is a submerged triangle city. It appears that the last rebel may
have some sentiment about this city ands this explains the rituals around the
The last rebel was the Planetary prince of the Earth for 300,000 years before
the rebellion. The triangle symbol does mean something to the last rebel where
he attempts to apply a form of worship of the symbol.
Dalamatia City, the triangle city with
the circular temple in the middle.

The difference with this journey of the symbols which does encompass Dalamatia
City is that we dont worship symbols to make progress, we just look upon the
symbols to find commonality of similar symbols in differing time periods in
other places. We dont have to worship a triangle at all or even apply a
meaningless form of worship to create a invocation. All we have to do is
simply pray to our friend Jesus and he responds appropriately. That's the
Also Dalamatia City relates directly to the Urantia Book and the Last Rebel
and the UN will not touch the Urantia Book because they are fearful of it and
they cant really go to Dalamatia City as that is the realm of Jesus and the
true Sevenfold mission.
The last rebel is stuck between a rock and a hard place regarding his original
home Dalamatia City. He cant use it for his purposes as it has already been
discovered and spoken about. That was the purpose of writing about it over a
number of forums. The truth of the matter is out there. Even if my website
goes down or forcibly taken down the information is still out there intact on
the forums.
The false Christ cannot use the ancient places as they are already claimed by
the Servants of Jesus. ahahahahaha. That was probably the reason why the
information was to be given out freely so it cant be used deceptively by
anyone else as the truth is already known.
So what can the False Christ use? He cant use the bible as that professes
Jesus as king, he cant use the UB as that is part of Jesus' final presentation
until the planet gets to light and life (utopia) So what can he use?
I suspect that the information he will draw from is the Sevenfold deceptive
information of Alice Bailey and Blatatsky. That's all!
But having read some of there version of Sevenfold information there is not
enough to impress or even to create a huge impression upon the world with this
information. The only way to make an impression is by some visual or so called
scam miracle and where authority is given to him by the UN as there last hope.
The UN have the money and resources and who could make a following for this
false guy.
Being short of good information that can be verified he will have supplement
his presentation in the way of silly miracles, scams and tricks.
Because most people of the planet dont have nor appreciate the truth of Jesus
our friend they become dumb and they will give him power in there ignorance of
the spiritual forces that run this planet and will be sucked in and deceived.
Really speaking, the UN should abandon the False Christ operation as
there is just not enough verifiable information for the false Christ to work
with. It would be all ethereal talk which would confuse people in there
The UN would better of to adopt Jesus as the master and work within his truth
and forget this last Rebel rubbish as he is useless to anyone and will be
judged and sent to extinction. They should abandon the Alice Bailey and
Blavatsky sevenfold deception as that will not work for them and they do not
have the backing of the real Sevenfold Seraphic Mission Urantia.
The UN should adopt a great research platform and investigate the Bible with
guidance with the bible experts and the Urantia Book and bring in the truth
properly, in truth and in demonstration like going out to the places, in
That will be successfull for them but where they are headed now, forget it! it
will a hard job for them manufacturing a false Christ from the works of Bailey
and Blavatsky rubbish of the Last Rebel and his Lucifer publishing looser
deceptive mates.
I want to add that the Local Universe Headquarters dont
listen to Alice Bailey and Blavatsky, they listen to the servants of Jesus and
work with only the Servants of Jesus as they are friends to the Judgment Seat
and all of the 24 counselors.
The 24 counselors are way above me but you know what! What they really love
and appreciate and back fully, is the friendship and the love between one
another and working together in sincerity and in goodness rebuilding the
temple of heart and of Jesus. That's why they are responding to this massive
project and they are keen to help in full force and that's why this journey is
going places, all the way to the Kingdom of Heaven and ultimately to the
Father of all things. The Father and Jesus are involved and they just love it
and are very happy! I say great!
It is a good wholesome family project of the Kingdom of Heaven and that's
why this project will be ultimately successful even in light of Wormwood and
we have not one thing to fear because Jesus protects his servants and people.
Glory be to the Father and Praise Jesus!!!! yea!
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:09 am
comes and the real
Sevenfold Apocalypse is out there with
plenty of time to research for the individual.
What perfect timing is that of the Judgment seat and with ample time to check
things out.
When the first evacuation of the elect it will be a good demonstration for the
second stage ingathering before judgment. Utterly merciful and with plenty of
time to asses and make decisions for the individual.
After the second stage evacuation, the rest are on the own relying on there
devices and that will be it for them. Im confident at some stage after the 2nd
evacuation the Justice broadcast will arrive for the rest and they will not be
found. When we arrive back it will be empty planet renovated for us and will
be in our annals forever.
Praise the Lord, he is GOOD and LOVES his family.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:10 am
I tell you the UN and all the leaders of the world are going to need the full
Jesus truth before Wormwood comes.
All the Leaders of the UN should forget there lusts for power and concentrate
on the coming reality of Wormwood.
Planetary Evacuation is the only escape hatch for them, there is no other way,
they should turn to Jesus and verify and ask for help and assistance before
the real woes of man comes. This will bring the UN on course and all the
participating nations and leaders of the world. The leaders in turn should
prepare the people as the woe of man, Wormwood comes.
If this occurred, Jesus will assist in full and will help provide a new UN
Charter of the One World Government of Humanity which will guide us to the era
pof Light and Life in a 1000 years based on the truth of Jesus and that does
include the Urantia Book with the Bible and all the books that led us to the
verifiable truth of everything.
Yes that includes Obama, Putin the Chinese president and the rest.
If they reject, then there is no future for them as according to the prophecy
of Wormwood which is on the way.
Wormwood will destroy nations and its people if they dont listen.
A very friendly hand is extended to them from the ancient places and the
Kingdom of Heaven.
If the nations did obey and was honest to the people and were truthful to the
people, Jesus Sovereign will save them.
There is no other way to escape
WORMWOOD. This is the only answer for them, there is no other answer
and the Last Rebel will go and cannot be relied on and could never be relied
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:10 am
I tell you the UN and all the leaders
of the world are going to need the full Jesus truth before Wormwood comes.
All the Leaders of the UN should forget there lusts for power, wars and
concentrate on the coming reality of Wormwood.
Planetary Evacuation is the only escape hatch for them, there is no other way,
they should turn to Jesus and verify and ask for help and assistance before
the real woes of man comes. This will bring the UN on course and all the
participating nations and leaders of the world. The leaders in turn should
prepare the people as the woe of man, Wormwood comes.
If this occurred, Jesus will assist in full and will help provide a new UN
Charter of the One World Government of Humanity which will guide us to the era
of Light and Life in a 1000 years based on the truth of Jesus and that does
include the Urantia Book with the Bible and all the books that led us to the
verifiable truth of everything.
Yes that includes Obama, Putin the Chinese president and the rest.
If they reject, then there is no future for them as according to the prophecy
of Wormwood which is on the way.
Wormwood will destroy nations and its people if they dont listen.
A very friendly hand is extended to them from the ancient places and the
Kingdom of Heaven.
If the nations did obey and was honest to the people and were truthful to the
people, Jesus Sovereign will save them.
This is the only answer for them, there is no other answer and the Last Rebel
will go and cannot be relied on and could never be relied upon.
In this circumstance where is the truth of Blavatsky and Alice Bailey? Eh!
What help can these people provide in the way of specific guidance in light of
a great Woe Wormwood. Nothing!
This is how useless there information is. Does nothing for man when he needs
real help as it concerns his existence. Useless information that falls by the
wayside and demonstrates that it was never the truth in the first place.
It was never in the beforehand and never was and is useless for man in light
of Wormwood!
By the way
will not make it into Paradise and will not be evacuated. Jesus cannot
support terrorism committed in the name of Paradise. Terrorism is a grave sin
and is not acceptable and the terrorist and those who back the terrorists with
bad interpretations will not be evacuated
under any circumstances! They all will go the way of the Last rebel
This also applies to the those including
religious Governments who desire to detonate a Nuclear Bomb in either
New York or Jerusalem, if they persist they will not enter Paradise under any
circumstances and will be left behind for the justice broadcast of personality
They must repent and change their lives. Like go back to their family and
humble themselves before the Lord and before mankind.
This is the warning of Paradise for the
Terrorist....Now Listen!
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:36 am
In the following video could be one way the Last rebel deceives
the planet.
Note: this research extends through to deep space through the Magnetar system
and Wormwood which is 3 years away. These are specific signals I am observing.
The following seems to be completely restricted to within the Planetary
boundaries and is just sophistries, if this is an actual reality!
This would be one way people would be deceived into believing a false Christ
in this orchestration.
I would agree with this.
and consider the use of the chip in your brain in
this scenario???? ... re=related
check out from 7 minute mark.
This would be the way the UN would do it and set the stage for the False
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:23 am
Check this out
Massive UFO Space Object Skims the Sun
(Sky report) ... re=related
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:23 am
Check this out
Massive UFO Space Object Skims the Sun
(Sky report) ... re=related
UFO at WTC - BRAND NEW RELEASE ! ... re=related
9/11 - Strange things in the sky on 911 ... re=related
!!! ... re=related
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:27 pm
He is post from here
Just note that our Space brothers confirm like the Bible that there will be a
great deception and many broken promises and the conduit is closing which I
believe is directly related to Wormwood..
This all confirms prophecy of the great deception in the end times as the Last
Rebels final stand in deception. The rebels thoughts are "if I go down so does
the human race". It appears that many things will be promised but will not
come to pass. Gee this could only come from BS man and his mate the Last
rebel. None other than man, typical of man.

The 2002 Chilbolton Crop Circle ET Face and Disk Message Appeared in wheat on
August 15, 2002 Crabwood, Hampshire UKThe crop circle disk had a binary code
message, the message was decoded exactly as it appears here:
Beware of the bearers of FALSE gifts and
theirBROKEN PROMISES.Much PAIN but still Time.Believe.There is GOOD out
When the Space brothers come resistance is
futile. They can close all electrics of the planet in a total shutdown
just by the word and no violence off course. This would be a protective
measure. Military are useless against this, they cannot compete, its better to
discuss but that wont happen. Im sure of it!
This is the last card that Von Braun,
the German rocket scientist was speaking about.
We either evolve quickly walking with Jesus with the right heart or we
desist, its as simple as that and there is no going back. Its truly a walk in
faith and within the mandate of Faith, no outward miracles or impressions just
shear research and finding the connection and walking in faith and no going
through silly mediums which is one and the same person, the Last rebel and
human mate!
Miracles on the outward is not necessary for the truth to come to pass. That
will be the difference in the right message and the message of the False
Christ who will be full of spin and BS.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Mon Feb 23, 2009 7:17 pm
I suppose crop circles are matter of opinion at the end of the day. But
personally, I cant see how there intricate design can be manufactured
overnight by man unless its some huge conspiracy and without Farmer Joe
noticing all these people on his farm with lights and so forth. Like the crop
circle near the Avery telescope. Its right under there noses, if humans made
that, you would see lights and the authorities would arrest for trespassing
unless they permission from farmer Joe. I respect what you say no problem but
I cant see how these designs are made by humans overnight without foot prints,
paper wrappers and cigarette butts on the ground.
As a demonstration, Ive seen people making these crop circles overnight as an
experiment where the outcome is definitely not the same as an authentic crop
circle. There was strong evidence of human presence with footprints all over
the place and including an definitely inferior design.
To me they remain a great mystery. Eventually, Im sure the truth of these
circles will come out confirmed and be verified by who makes day!
No worries
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of GodMon Feb 23, 2009 7:27 pm
That is entirely possible Siscco but the symbolism in the design just blows me
away, it would have to be emanating from some high level intelligence who
understands our symbolism and attempting to relay a message and yet still
based within the mandate of faith.
Its "One of those things" definitely
eh! ahahahaha but to me quite an important thing that I find parallel in the
What about the Mayan designs representing the end calendar....over night. I
know the Mexican would even waste there time manufacturing something like
Personally, I would like to get more concise information about this Nibiru or
Wormwood, to me that's a really serious thing.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:27 pm
I tend to think there is something in it and part of a very large plan of
restoration and I feel the designs are purely there is warn us and to assist.
However I feel the whole is based on faith to a large degree and they have to
work within that mandate. Thats why you cant quite discount it as a hoax. Its
one of those things you cant conclusively say its a scam. Any thing beyond
faith they have to "Butt out" hehe
I personally think its a wait and see scenario. I think there is too much
overall evidence that they exist. I dont think its a human scam and feel that
the intentions of the UFO are honorable. That's my feeling. We shall see!
ahahahah what a laugh all this, chasing circles and signs in the heavens.
Since they have technology that is beyond us they could easily invade and
dominate us through imposition with there ideas but they dont, they keep
hidden or just out of touch where it makes you think or think again. The Human
imposes on fellow man with his ideas but these guys dont. That's the
difference of us and them!
I feel strongly that creation is just so vast where there are sentient beings
that are older and more experience than ourselves and have more control over
themselves. There like our elder brothers in the time/space reality. I believe
they are willing us help us as no one can rely on man looking at the state of
things on the planet.
This planet seems to be in 2 thoughts, one of Jesus and his truth including
all of his teachings and one of the Last Rebel and his crap.
We are in the middle of it in this great spiritual battle of truth.
Do you feel we are in almighty battle of the truth in this day? Do you feel
the tension? that deep spiritual tension of the times?
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:41 pm
I know Im a little different to rest in the way I see things and what I use
but Im definitely in the Jesus camp for sure.
There is no point being in the loser camp of the Last rebel. When people begin
to see the loser sophistries of the Last Rebel they will all abandon even the
Satanist will review his position with the true God of all. Well thats what Im
The Satanist has no chance and its better for him to abandon the Last Rebel,
repent and come in the better camp of success in the Jesus camp.
Anyone who sticks in the Satanist crowd, in light of the current reality is
just an idiota! Simple idiota, no matter how smart he may think he is.
All those back boardroom rituals performed by the leaders of major
corporations will be cut from there rebel Father and they will go mad and make
wrong decisions and be lost. There is only one way out and that's all to do
with Jesus and his truth. It will be hard for the rich as they have all to
loose and they will reject Jesus to stay by there material things and riches.
Just a walking disaster that is looming.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:54 pm
Hey Siscco
How hard would it be for us to make crop circles at night. I mean what a laugh
Could you imagine, hey siscco get of the lines man, oh no I made the wrong
angle. Just prop up the piece of wheat with this. Hey Oranges you got it wrong
man, its supposed to be a circle not some odd shape. ahahahahah
Hey siscco where are those Manchester chicks that supposed to help us eh!
Oh lets have a break. wrappers, butts and so forth.
Reviewing the circle: What a crappy design with foot prints in the wheat all
over the place ahahaHha.
There's Farmer Joe lets hide!!!
Oh lets just have beer at the pub, its to hard.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:18 am
Just out of curiosity I looked up the "Wormwood" in the Bible ... 27&ver=kjv
Looking at it from my prospective, the following contains many many messages
about Wormwood and its visiting devastation and the choices that are before
Well in my view using the bible seems to fit the oncoming aspects of Nibiru or
Wormwood or the Angona System currently visiting now!
Wormwood' (King James Version)
Deuteronomy 29:18
Lest there should be among you man, or
woman, or family, or tribe, whose heart
turneth away this day from the Lord our God, to go and serve
the gods of these nations; lest there should be among you a root that
beareth gall and wormwood;
(that above red highlight squarely points to the day of the Lord in
relation to Wormwood the visiting Star. It also points to a choice between
the truth of Wormwood or follow the denial of the nations. We see that
today in the Sky software where section have been balsked apprently hiding
Wormwood from view.
Obviously there is a choice for man to make and it relates to Jesus the
Saviour of man through the evacuation of the planet. To me its like if you
stay you will be destroyed from the gaul of Wormwood.
"to go and serve the gods
of these nations;" This is the choice many will make to go forth
and serve the Gods of the nations and this I believe points directly to
the UN and there false Christ transmitted throughout the world and through
mid control frequencies where you hear voices in your head.
Quite possible
Proverbs 5:4
But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a twoedged sword.
(two edged sword of truth with only way of escape.)
Jeremiah 9:15
Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will
feed them, even this people, with wormwood, and give them water of gall to
Jeremiah 23:15
Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts
concerning the prophets; Behold,
I will feed them with
wormwood, and make them drink the water of gall: for from the
prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all the land.
(This to me has metaphor to false Christ and impersonators of Jesus.)
Lamentations 3:15
He hath filled me with bitterness, he hath made me drunken with wormwood.
(In metaphor again the effect of Wormwood over the planet)
Lamentations 3:19
mine affliction and my misery,
the wormwood and the gall.
(Remembering the past event in its last visit comparing his affliction to
Wormwood, the woe of man.)
Amos 5:7
Ye who turn judgment to wormwood,
and leave off righteousness in the earth,
(Evacuation leaving unrighteousness back on earth)
Revelation 8:11
And the name of the star
is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became
wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
(Its a visiting star which means a visiting system a dark space body, highly
changed and with an intense gravity field...enough to create a solar system or
cause major disruption.)
All of the above really described the NOW
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:32 am
Look at the chapter where this verse about Wormwood comes from.
Revelation 8:11
And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the
waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were
made bitter.
The Seventh Seal
How relevant is that?
I just figured that the Six vials are all related to the visiting Wormwood
star system and the its complete effects in one hit.
This is the effect of wormwood complete.
A fragment
7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail
and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the
third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up. 8
And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning
with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became
blood; 9 And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and
had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed. 10 And
the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven,
burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the
rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; 11
And the
name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of
the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because
they were made bitter. 12 And the fourth angel sounded, and
the third part of the sun was smitten,
and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars;
so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a
third part of it, and the night likewise. 13 And I beheld, and heard an
angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe,
woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices
of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!
Looks like Wormwood fills the 1/3 of the sun and its a visiting star system
which much debris and rubbish trails and in orbit. Looks like the moon cop
much of it because it has no atmosphere.
Looks like wormwood might come between us and the Sun. Looks like all our days
and nights are all mixed up and confused along with confused weather.
Obviously there is a message from the universe headquarters delivered by the
Angels no doubt ArchAngels to me it sounds like there is a broadcast of woe
and the rest remaining get to hear. Looks very dire for those who choose to
remain after there material things.
That great mountain is obviously an orbiting satellite crashing into the sea
causing tidal waves, earthquakes and much destruction.
There seems to be another satellite hitting the Surface of the Earth
Anyway, its all about this visiting star Wormwood and what the world system
looks forward to with its oncoming.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:30 am
I believe this large fragment out of Deuteronomy
Deuteronomy 29 (King James Version) ... 29&ver=kjv
Im centering on Wormwood and looking at thing in relation to today current
viewpoint in this journey to the ancient places.
10 Ye stand this day all of you before
the Lord your God; your captains of your tribes, your elders, and your
officers, with all the men of Israel, 11 Your little ones, your
wives, and thy stranger that is in thy camp, from the hewer of thy wood
unto the drawer of thy water: 12 That thou shouldest enter [1] into
covenant with the Lord thy God, and into his oath, which the Lord thy
God maketh with thee this day: 13 That
he may establish thee to day for a people
unto himself, and that he may be unto thee a God, as he hath said
unto thee, and as he hath sworn unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac,
and to Jacob. 14 Neither with you only do I make this covenant
and this oath; 15 But with him that standeth here with us this day
before the Lord our God, and also with him that is not here with us this
day: 16 (For ye know how we have dwelt in the land of Egypt; and how we
came through the nations which ye passed by;
17 And ye have seen their abominations,
and their idols, [2] wood and stone, silver and gold, which were among
them:) 18 Lest there should be
among you man, or woman, or family, or tribe, whose heart turneth away
this day from the Lord our God, to go and serve the gods of these
nations; lest there should be among you a root that beareth gall [3] and
wormwood; 19 And it come to
pass, when he heareth the words of this curse, that he bless himself in
his heart, saying, I shall have peace, though I walk in the imagination
[4] of mine heart, to add drunkenness to thirst: 20 The Lord will not
spare him, but then the anger of the Lord and his jealousy shall smoke
against that man, and all the curses that are written in this book shall
lie upon him, and the Lord shall blot out his name from under heaven. 21
And the Lord shall separate him unto evil out of all the tribes of
Israel, according to all the curses of the covenant that are written in
this book of the law: 22 So that the generation to come of your children
that shall rise up after you, and the stranger that shall come from a
far land, shall say, when they see the plagues of that land, and the
sicknesses which the Lord hath laid upon it; 23 And that the whole land
thereof is brimstone, and salt, and burning, that it is not sown, nor
beareth, nor any grass groweth therein, like the overthrow of Sodom, and
Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboim, which the Lord overthrew in his anger, and
in his wrath: 24
Even all nations shall say,
Wherefore hath the Lord done thus unto this land? what
meaneth the heat of this
great anger? 25 Then men shall say,
Because they have forsaken the covenant
of the Lord God of their fathers, which he made with them when he
brought them forth out of the land of Egypt:
26 For they went and
served other gods, and worshipped them, gods whom they knew not, and
whom he had not given unto them:
27 And the anger of the Lord was kindled
against this land, to bring upon it all the curses that are
written in this book:
28 And the
Lord rooted them out of their land in anger, and in wrath, and in great
indignation, and cast them into another land, as it is this day.
29 The secret things belong unto the
Lord our God: but those things which
are revealed belong unto us and to
our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.
The secret things in this day are the ancient places of previous Epochs.
Information about Planet/ Nibiru
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:53 am
Here is another depiction of Wormwood that completely matches today's reality
ion truth.
Consider the world system today does worship Baalim and are associated with
many rituals concerning this old cult. Baalim is emphasized by SEXX Fertility
and real estate or ownership of land which is predominates today's society.
Our whole society is all about Sex, Food and Ownership BAALIM! ... +9&ver=kjv
This is about Wormwood and the reason why destruction comes upon man. Its
because of Baalim and the worship of other false Gods.
Ruin and Exile Threatened
12 Who is
the wise man, that may understand this? and who is he to whom the
mouth of the Lord hath spoken, that he may
declare it, for what the land
perisheth and is burned up like a wilderness, that none passeth through?
13 And the Lord saith,
Because they have forsaken my law which I set before them, and have not
obeyed my voice, neither walked therein;
14 But have
walked after the imagination [6] of their own heart, and
Baalim, which their fathers taught them:
15 Therefore thus saith the
Lord of hosts, the God of Israel;
Behold, I will feed them, even this people,
wormwood, and give them water of
gall to drink.
16 I will scatter them also among the heathen, whom neither they nor
their fathers have known: and
I will send a sword
after them, till
I have consumed them.
17 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Consider ye, and call for the mourning
women, that they may come; and send for cunning women, that they may
18 And let them make haste, and take up a wailing for us, that our eyes
may run down with tears, and our eyelids gush out with waters.
19 For a voice of
wailing is heard out of Zion, How are we spoiled!
we are greatly
confounded, because we have
forsaken the land, because our dwellings have cast us out.
20 Yet hear
the word of the Lord, O ye women, and let your ear receive the
word of his mouth, and teach your daughters wailing, and every one her
neighbour lamentation.
21 For death is come up
into our windows, and is entered into our palaces, to cut off the
children from without, and the young men from the streets.
22 Speak, Thus saith the
Lord, Even the carcases of men shall fall as dung upon the open field,
and as the handful after the harvestman, and none shall gather them.
To me it matches this reality of today journey considering Wormwood is a Star
and it has been spitted and confirmed but it also points to the captivity of
the Hebrews and apparently this Wormwood would of been in a previous orbit
close to Earth around the time of the Hebrew captivity.
another match in the way I see it!
This verse speaks precisely about the harvest or the Harvest man, the reaper
(evacuation) and the followers of Baalim, the left behind.
22 Speak, Thus saith the
Lord, Even the carcases of men shall fall as dung upon the open field,
and as the handful after the harvestman, and none shall gather them.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Tue Feb 24, 2009 12:08 pm
The rest of the fragment in Jeremiah 9 speaks precisely about this time in the
time of Wormwood. ... +9&ver=kjv
The Knowledge of God Is Man's Glory
23 Thus saith the Lord,
Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,
neither [b]let the mighty man glory in his might, let
the rich man glory in his riches: [/b]
24 But let him that glorieth glory in
this, that
understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exercise
lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness,
in the earth: for in
these things I delight, saith the
25 Behold,
the days come, saith the Lord, that I will punish [7] all them
which are
circumcised with the
26 Egypt, and
Judah, and
Edom, and
the children of Amman, and Moab,
and all that are in the
utmost [8] corners, that
dwell in the wilderness:
for all
these nations are uncircumcised, and all the house of Israel are
uncircumcised in the heart.
To me its another match in metaphor and does fit for today. The Bible is a
very dynamic book in the way I see it.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Tue Feb 24, 2009 12:23 pm
And here is another fragment concerning the conditions of the day concerning
Wormwood, Note how its about Space and Orion and out of its bands lie a rouge
Wormwood star.
Amos 5
4 For thus saith the Lord unto the house of Israel, Seek ye me, and ye
shall live: 5 But seek not Bethel, nor enter into Gilgal, and pass not
to Beersheba: for Gilgal shall surely go into captivity, and Bethel
shall come to nought. 6 Seek the Lord, and ye shall live; lest he break
out like fire in the house of Joseph, and devour it, and there be none
to quench it in Bethel. 7
who turn judgment to wormwood, and leave off righteousness in the
earth, 8 Seek him that maketh
the seven stars
Orion, and
turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark
with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out
upon the face of the earth: The
Lord is his name: 9 That strengtheneth the spoiled [1] against the
strong, so that the spoiled shall come against the fortress.
10 They hate him
that rebuketh in the gate, and they
abhor him that speaketh uprightly.
11 Forasmuch therefore as your treading is upon the poor, and
ye take from him burdens
of wheat: ye have built houses of hewn stone, but ye shall not
dwell in them; ye have planted pleasant [2] vineyards, but ye shall not
drink wine of them. 12 For I know your
manifold transgressions and your mighty sins: they afflict the just,
they take a bribe, [3] and they turn aside the poor in the gate from
their right. 13 Therefore the prudent shall keep silence in that time;
for it is an evil time.
14 Seek good, and not
evil, that ye may live: and so the Lord, the God of hosts, shall
be with you, as ye have spoken.
15 Hate the evil, and love the good, and
judgment in the gate: it may be that
the Lord God of hosts
will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph
To me its another match and does relates to Judgment and Wormwood, the
approaching browns dwarf and its tributaries.
In relation to the following verse and to the journey of the ancient places.
To me, the Seven Stars represents the Local System Headquarters in metaphor
being the capital of the Sevenfold in this local Universe. The physical of the
capital location appears to have 9 in total stars including the dark space
body in the middle. In addition this in name and metaphor represents the
Sevenfold Stargate which I named the Capital Grid upon discovery, its the gate
where judgment comes from.
Loosening the belt of Orion could mean that wormwood comes from that
location of Orion or represents the loosening or the opening of the broadcast
circuits and also has a representation of Evacuation turning disaster into
8 Seek him that maketh
the seven stars
Orion, and turneth
the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that
calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:25 pm
Thanks for having a look ArchMichael.
To me it looks very compelling.
Yesterday I went to visit a friend of mine and began discussing it. I started
to go through the scenario as I dont speak about it much. There is no point as
people think that Im mad but this friend is open to knowledge like I am so I
usually share my journey.
I started to piece the whole construct looking at it from the beginning places
and the journey and how it ties in with deep space as in the revealing of the
Local System Headquarters and its revealing in relation to the journey and the
current connection with Wormwood or Nibiru coming to this Solar System. As I
started to explain things I started to see this whole scenario in full,
drawing from many aspects and I started to realize the logic behind it.
I was thinking about the rapture process. It would be like a door and path you
would see before you where you would walk through. From another perspective
you would just disappear, floating upward I suppose.
Anyway that was some creative imagination.
I think personally ArchMichael that we should be attentive to any worthy
information that leaks out about Nibiru or Wormwood. Even though there were no
further expeditions to these places to verify. Wormwood then in this case is
the main signal, the great confirmation.
For me the message comes from the beginning, from the Local Space Headquarters
from where all things comes from including the beginning for us all and its
related to the oncoming of the great woe of man where evacuation or rapture is
part of the oncoming saga where a judgment occurs.
To me its a complete construct and I can see how the bible is instrumental in
all of this, the prophets of old saw it all in fragments to complete at the
end in the actual Event Horizon of TRUTH in actuality.
Which leads to think are we prepared for the great step in faith concerning
rapture? When its upon us. I mean we speak of it but are you or we willing to
make the great step of faith when its in front of you? The actual step.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:35 pm
Yes I agree with you, I think the standard is based on faith
in the Lord and his guidance and having faith of a child in wholeheartedness
which is counted for righteousness.
Yes, the Lord says come over here and no body comes for whatever reason, that is
counted unrighteousness like in the feast when the first invitations where given
out. ArchMichael.
And how is all going the happen, I mean the actual process, the invitation and
from where does it comes from? and in what form and what does it involve being a
hidden thing revealed???
Does any one know?
What is the hidden thing being revealed??? Do you know? Does anyone know?
What is the hidden being revealed? It has to come from the beginning! There is
no other place but the beginning and its involves our past and Space, another
beginning and where unfinished business lays, that comes from the all beginnings
also. Its the beginnings being revealed right now and man is slow to realize.
I also reckon that the beginnings of Earth and Space including Wormwood is the
Seventh Mystery! The Vials are the
effects of wormwood in one huge reality event including Wormwood. The masses
have no idea what is to idea! I reckon forget about economics it just
pure survival of faith and preparation.
I believe everyone has to prepare now, its not a matter of doctrine in who is
more correct which is OK but we have had 2000 years of that and now its
preparation time for the fulfillment of all things in prophecy, personally
And its all going to be a really personal experience for all of us and mankind
in general.. really personal. It will strike the heart of every man on this
planet and there will be no escape from the real true reality of everything of
now and of the beginnings.
Jesus our friend and real true Saviour...I mean
literal Saviour as it is written is involved in all these realities
coming together from the beginning.
Consider my message is not a nice a message for any one really, its the worst
and the most terrifying message on the planet. Where most people like to hear
good things and pleasant experiences with material gain. This message speaks
nothing of the nature of that. Only survival of the faith fittest! in Jesus'
guidance, our literal Saviour. Jesus is the only way through evacuation he has
prepared for us the way from the beginning that has been revealed but rejected
off course ahahahahahahahahah.
Oh well! that's why judgment comes as there is no other way.
The Universe Headquarters will fulfill its words from the beginning with Jesus
our Saviour at the helm piloting the ark of safety.
Praise yea the Lord, thanks Father for your help.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God
I appreciate the time and effort you put into this.
I have had some strange dreams and feelings of intense regency. The
problem is I am praying and asking for guidance and direction as how to
I mean what exactly are we to do?
I already pray/seek God's face/live for the kingdom of Heaven/and things
of the such.
I guess my question is what physically are we to do?
I want to do all I can to protect my family/ friends and even strangers,
but what can I do?
This question is to any and all who have some answers.
This is probably in the wrong place but nevertheless would love to have
Hi God's 11:11 Girl
No worries thanks for dropping by. I really appreciate your post in whatever
you say. I enjoy the company.
I think personally, the coming events will be separated in a twofold rapture
event before the planet meets the full force of of Wormwood.
In the beginning the message wont be regarded much because people are to busy
with other things and being in the knowledge of this one cant impose the
message through fear as no really comes into the full appreciation of the
truth under the compulsion of fear in truth.
Like with any loving family if a son has to be corrected by the Father then
shall the events follow. I believe the rapture or evacuation will be of the
direct elect and the doers of the truth of the Father in their lives knowing
God and are the ones who are now activating throughout the world warning
people to prepare before the arrival of Wormwood.
I also believe that journey and the revealing of Eden in 2 expeditions by
Robert Sarmast and the discovery of the location of Dalamatia City by myself
in the NASA images including all the other associated places following the
symbols of past Epochs is part of this complete message. Unfortunately much of
it has been rejected and man has turn his face on the beginnings to the
appeals to loom, into it regarding an expedition to verify.
Anyway the message is not heard. So what happens that at the appropriate time
the first evacuation occurs of the 1st wave. Then people begin to realize Oh
its true and all they have is this record of the events and journey leading up
to it which was proven to be the truth of the matter, the Covenant of the Ark
in the end times.
Its only then that that your friends and parents will realize that God's 11:11
Girl was absolutely correct. But because God's 11:11 Girl ;left a record what
was going on with links to the information in case so the parents and friends
know the truth they begin to review things for themselves like many people
people left behind because they had no time or for a myriad of reasons.
Anyway when they begin to realize and understand and go through the journey
they will begin in effect to learn the truth and therefore re learning
doctrine as according the prophecy in Isaiah that left behind in the record of
the Ark.
In effect you leave behind a safety pack of end times or an an information
emergency pack of truth. Also in this way you have imposed on anyone because
in the before hand time people will not accept what you say like what I
experience. They just laugh it off so therefore I dont say much and I plod
along. Little do they realize what is being revealed, discovered and realized
along the way.
But anyway there is nothing much one can do except leave the safety pack of
Like in any loving family, Jesus is all mercy and so is the Father and when a
Son or Daughter realizes the truth and the error of there way and turn their
face towards the Father and Jesus our Saviour. Off course, the Father and
Jesus will extend their hand of mercy. Like in any good family where a
correction of the Son take places and at the end the Son realizes his error
and turns his face asking for forgiveness. Jesus is the same with his children
in repentance and to move on he will extend his hand of mercy like the thief
on the cross at the last moment asking for mercy in repentance. Its the same
principle, its the type for the in between time.
I believe there will be a second in gathering of those soul who understand and
desire help from Jesus.
When the Barley harvest comes Im confident this website wont last and therefore it should
be all downloaded and printed in case. I got some back CD's and partially
handed out in case.
Maybe I should sell the CD in case there is a problem with the website in
those times in case it goes down so people have a record and have direction in
there awaiting the second evacuation wave.
After the second evacuation wave the Ark of the Covenant on the run will be
useless for anyone then.
That's where the evil are left behind and who are found wanting and are not
fit for the evacuation nor survival. Unfortunately that is the case.
But people do have an opportunity and Jesus will save as many salvable as
possible by all the appropriate methods. No doubt about that. Jesus will save
as many as possible before Wormwood comes. Because we are his children and
they are our Father and they love us all and want to help us evolve quickly to
save but in truth.
I the meantime because people will not research nor take the time to consider
there will be many who be left behind...I mean many and many who profess many
So as part of the survival pack I would include information on.
Food, water shelter maybe a bunker. oxygen wont last long. Seeds, ways of
producing DC electricity independently, globes, batteries rechargeable, Jeans
and practical clothes and footwear, distilling water through Solar if solar is
available, fuel but you have to be electrically independent. Everything you
that will need to be independent for at least 3 years. Water and canned baked
beans ahahahahahah
Then all the books, the Bible, the Urantia Book, Enoch all of them so they
have reference to truth and a printed copy of the journey so they can review
and learn everything as it happened in the beforehand to the 1st wave
In the in between time society have to learn work together knowing the truth
and be prepared and to share the truth so all people can be saved. That will
be time of great change and direction.
In the between time the UN should go out there and verify the ancient places,
all of them and confirm the Urantia Book as authentic and they themselves
prepare the people with the saving message of Jesus. That's the only escape
hatch for them and that's is the truth.
There will be troubles times in those in between times but people hopefully
will access to the sites.
Anyway, that's my assessment all you can do is make a survival pack of
information available and with beforehand recommendations.
I mentioned about selling perhaps a monthly subscription of monthly downloads
of the website as it evolves. To be honest, Its a tricky one, the commerce and
for reward question regarding this record which I have always avoided. It gets
driven by money.
The again people can download the site but if the site goes down most of the
images wont work. So its incomplete.
The CD if subscribed to would have to run on a laptop with fully functional
There would have to be a presentation on the recommendation of survival
through links to videos on technology with the ion record that is available
Just seems so bizarre to have these thoughts of a downloadable on the run
record of a website survival pack in the beforehand based on the one the run
journey in case it comes to pass which I feel confident about.
Oh well now that I have thought about it, it comes to a decision on whether I
should follow this path in having a subscriber based survival pack of truth as
record in the before hand. I would like the guidance of my brothers and God's
11:11 Girl on this one on whether I should do something like this based on the
It could be very important if all this occurred as spoken and there was a
fully functional record left behind which becomes an ark of information and is
responsible for many being saved in the in between time of both evacuations.
I suppose the income of this venture could secure this office of the Messiah
in the beforehand time but Im not sure when the time of the 1stEvac comes it
could be anytime. So I have to make a decision on this.
Actually Im think Im coming close so any recommendations of a survival pack in
the in between evac would be good.
Then I have to administer all this and I would rather write ahahahahah that's
why the website needs real work to make it fully functional off line.
The problem is, I dont want to be writing for a subscriber base being where
income comes from as that can have a corrupting effect like we see
You know. Money comes and the power of it and your writing to an audience.
Im not sure about that one??
Then I have all that copyright business and you know all that. How does one
overcome that in a shirt space of time and who will assist me in the
Or do I make a run for it or something??? and do it and worry about all that
later? because of the urgency of time. Time might be against us because of all
these obstacles.
Well I know I can sell a T shirt ahahahahahaha
And then all the Naysayer...Oh Ummmmm come what may! ahahahahahahahahah
One strategy is to get the word The Sevenfold
out there through all underground means to the grass roots of civilization.
Like pamphlets and any downloads that derive from that person or nickname like
God's 11:11 Girl, there would have to be income on the subscriber base like an
affiliate program that would extend online for any areas throughout the world.
All that would all have to be manged! ................... another Oh Ummmm
Maybe a quest of truth could be attached to the Sevenfold project planet Earth
Where the proceeds of the subscriber base could fund a project to Dalamatia
City to prove the information.
So in essence it becomes a project of the people who in a step of faith
participates and therefore includes any person anyway.
This would be a way of contribution to the Sevenfold project and the Quest of
the Seven Commands and I would include a third expedition to 1styEden.
You have to quest of truth attached with a journey that contains a message
truth and of warning and it could become a movie a presentation that delivers
a merciful message and a message of reconsider and consider.
That would be the one the run plan of what can be done now.
Any volunteers ahahahahahahah
But in all this time the website is available freely to anyone and they can
see it evolve on the run no one needs money to have access to the truth.
The commercial venture is only a downloadable website that can be run on a lap
tap independent of the internet and suggestions of survival with access to
knowledge and as it was realized as I went along the way with
directionalisation of the Sevenfold Seraphic Mission planet Urantia. Earth!
Thanks God's 11:11 Girl
that stimulated some very worthy ideas there of what can be done Now! from the
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:58 pm
Then again apart from all the ideas of the above the time
factor of the 1st wave could be related to this time period in the following
image with a link below.
It could be simply get the message and for the hills.

With links
But who knows we go by faith!
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Thu Feb 26, 2009 11:26 am
Apparently Wormwood comes from around the belt of Orion and maybe the
following could have something to do with it.
Wormwood on the approach

Mystery deepens
in the 16.00 mark of the above video there is a user that joined on May 14th
08 and uploaded 232 videos in 4 hours about Nibiru and associated videos and
which were taken down soon after. I was intrigued by the joining date and
the connection with this journey 14/5/61
Does this Video
Stars missing in Orion of Interest to Nibiru
have something to do with this
orion (King James Version)
Job 9:9
Which maketh Arcturus,
Orion, and Pleiades, and
the chambers of the south.
Job 38:31
Canst thou bind the sweet influences of
Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?
Amos 5:8 (Read all of Amos 5)
Seek him that maketh
the seven stars and Orion, and
turneth the shadow of death into the
morning, and maketh the day dark
with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth
them out upon the face of the earth: The
Lord is his name:
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:58 am
looking into the stars in the bible and seeing if I can find a connection to
the effects of the passage of Wormwood. ... ar&ver=kjv
Genesis 37:9 (Read all of Genesis 37)
And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said,
Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon
and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.
Numbers 24:17 (Read all of Numbers 24)
I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there
shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a
Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab,
and destroy all the children of Sheth.
Job 9:7 (Read all of Job 9)
Which commandeth the sun, and it riseth not; and sealeth up the stars.
Isaiah 13:10 (Read all of Isaiah 13)
For the stars of heaven and the constellations
thereof shall not give their light: the sun
shall be darkened in his going forth, and the
moon shall not cause her light to shine.
(eclipse of wormwood by the Moon)
Is that a description of the passage of the dark space body between the moon
and the sun where the Moon is the eclipse of the Dark Space Body?
Look at this fragment from Isaiah 13, its all about the Now and the oncoming
of Wormwood. ... 13&ver=kjv
6 Howl ye; for the day
of the Lord is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the
7 Therefore shall all hands be faint,
and every man's heart shall melt:
8 And they shall be afraid: pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them;
they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth: they shall be amazed
[3] one at another; their faces shall be
as flames.
9 Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce
anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners
thereof out of it.
For the stars of heaven and
the constellations thereof shall not give
their light: the sun shall be
darkened in
his going
forth, and the moon shall not cause
her light to shine. (moon eclipse of Wormwood.)
11 And I will punish the world for their
evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the
arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the
12 I will make a man
more precious than fine gold;
even a man than
the golden wedge of Ophir.
13 Therefore I will
shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place,
in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.
14 And it shall be as the chased roe, and as a sheep that no man taketh
up: they shall every man turn to his own people, and flee every one into
his own land.
15 Every one that is found shall be
thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the
sword. 16 Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their
eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished.
17 Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, which shall not regard
silver; and as for gold, they shall not delight in it.
18 Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall
have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eye shall not spare
Wormwood sounds horrifying and indiscriminate.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Thu Feb 26, 2009 11:48 am
Here is a search on the Shadow of Death and I believe these fragments apply to
Job 12:22
discovereth deep things out of darkness, and
bringeth out to light the shadow of death.
and look at this in context to today's scenario of the approach and passage of
Wormwood and the effect.
12 With the
ancient is wisdom; and [b]in length
of days understanding[/b].
13 With him is wisdom and strength, he hath counsel and understanding.
14 Behold, he breaketh down, and it cannot be built again: he shutteth
up [4] a man, and there can be no opening.
15 Behold, he withholdeth the waters, and they dry up: also he sendeth
them out, and they overturn the earth. 16 With him is strength
and wisdom: the deceived and the deceiver are his.
17 He leadeth counsellors away spoiled, and
maketh the judges fools. 18 He
looseth the bond of kings, and girdeth their loins with a girdle.
19 He leadeth princes away spoiled, and overthroweth the mighty.
20 He removeth away the speech [5] of the
trusty, and taketh away the understanding of the aged. 21 He
poureth contempt upon princes, and weakeneth [6] the strength of the
22 He discovereth
deep things out of darkness, and bringeth out to light the shadow of
death. 23 He increaseth the nations, and destroyeth them:
he enlargeth the nations, and straiteneth [7] them again.
24 He taketh away the heart of the chief of
the people of the earth, and causeth them to wander in a wilderness
where there is no way. 25 They grope in the dark without light,
and he maketh them to stagger [8] like a drunken man.
The effect of the truth of the journey.
Job 28:3
He setteth
an end to darkness, and searcheth
out all perfection: the stones of darkness, and
the shadow of death.
The Shadow of Deatrh is Wormwood as it makes its passage and causes an
eclipse shadow, the shadow of death.
Again a message
Job 34:22
There is no
darkness, nor shadow of death, where the workers of iniquity may
hide themselves.
Job 38:17
Have the
gates of death been opened unto thee? or hast thou seen
the doors of the shadow of death?
Doesnt the following sound applicable in this scenario as Jesus guides
the ark through the Valley of the Shadow of Death.
Psalm 23:4
Yea, though I walk through
the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: for
thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff
they comfort me. (The Valley of the Shadow of Death could
the Orbit of Wormwood.)
Isaiah 9:2
The people
that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that
dwell in the land of the shadow of death,
upon them hath the light shined.
Jeremiah 13:16
Give glory to the Lord your God,
before he cause darkness, and before
your feet stumble upon the dark mountains, and,
while ye look for light, he turn
it into the shadow of death, and
make it gross darkness.
Matthew 4:16
The people which
sat in darkness saw great light; and
to them which sat in the region and shadow
of death light is sprung up.
Luke 1:79
To give light to them
that sit in darkness and in the shadow of
death, to guide our feet into the
way of peace.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Thu Feb 26, 2009 11:54 am
Job 28:3
He setteth
an end to darkness, and searcheth
out all perfection: the stones of darkness, and
the shadow of death.
Amos 5:18
unto you that desire the day of the Lord!
to what end is it for you? the day of the
Lord is darkness, and not light.
Psalm 29:9
The voice of the Lord maketh the hinds
to calve, and discovereth the forests:
and in his temple doth every one speak of
his glory.
Psalm 18:15
Then the channels of waters were seen,
the foundations of the world were discovered
at thy rebuke, O Lord,
at the blast of the breath of thy nostrils.
Isaiah 57:8
Behind the doors also and the posts hast
thou set up thy remembrance: for
thou hast discovered thyself to another
than me, and art gone up;
thou hast enlarged thy bed, and
made thee a covenant with them; thou
lovedst their bed where thou sawest it.
The hidden discovered and revealed.
02-26-2009 12:01 PM
Anyway good luck for the people of the
US. I hope they make it through OK.
But I think they have been duped somewhere along the way.
The majority of business in the US
are honest, hardworking people just like everyone else.
I have no doubts about that at all.
I just think with Wormwood coming its going to be an outright disaster for the
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:34 pm
Psalm 11:3
If the foundations be destroyed, what
can the righteous do?
connects the foundations with the righteous.
Psalm 104:5
Who laid
the foundations of the earth, that
it should not be removed for ever
Isaiah 24:18
And it shall come to pass, that
he who fleeth from the noise of the fear
shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of
the midst of the pit shall be taken in the
snare: for the windows from on high are open, and the
foundations of the earth do shake.
Isaiah 40:21 Have ye not
known? have ye not heard? hath it not
been told you from the beginning?
have ye not understood from the foundations
of the earth?
Pointing to where the message comes from, the beginning....Have
you not been told???
All reflections of the beginning places and its message for today.
Isaiah 58:12
And they
that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou
shalt raise up the foundations of many
generations; and thou shalt be called,
The repairer of the breach, The
restorer of paths to dwell in.
Raising the beginning, revealing the past.
Restoration from the past in truth.
Micah 6:2
Hear ye, O
mountains, the Lord's controversy, and
ye strong foundations of the earth:
for the Lord hath a controversy with his
people, and he will plead with Israel.
Unfinished business of the past.
In Metaphor
Acts 16:26
And suddenly there was a great
earthquake, so that the foundations of the
prison were shaken: and immediately
all the doors were opened, and every
one's bands were loosed.
It will be like this when we Jesus comes. The truth will
set us free.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:34 pm
Proverbs 29:25
The fear of man bringeth a snare: but
whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.
Man own fear and lack of research in this time will be his own undoing and
therefore a snare from within himself....through his own fear as he has to
much to loose. He will attempt to save his life but will loose it due to his
own fear and wanton ignorance.
Isaiah 8:14
And he shall be for
a sanctuary; but for a stone of
stumbling and for a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel, for
a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
In this day, Jesus is again a sanctuary but a stumbling block to many who
walk in there own fear.
Like a gin associated with a snare. To be successfull its a matter of
letting go of the material before Wormwood comes. A gin is like a fallen
angel and the snare of today is actually associated with the adjudication of
the Last rebel who is a Gin and who is a snare of untruth misleading people
into a trap. The Last rebel is the snare!
How typical is this verse
Isaiah 29:21
That make a man
an offender for a word, and
lay a snare for him that
reproveth in the gate, and turn
aside the just for a thing of nought
This will happen for sure undoubtedly!
Jesus himself confirms the snare that will come
Luke 21:35
For as a
snare shall it come on all
them that dwell on the face of the whole
The snare for the end times is the message, no body will believe it and
they turn there face and that's why it becomes a total snare. Simple as
that! The snare is the total rejection of the message before the End Times.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:37 pm
The characteristics of the last message and this journey to the ancient places
is line upon line and precepts upon precepts Fragments with fragments making a
oneness on the run.
Isaiah 28:10
For precept
must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon
line; here a little, and there a
Isaiah 28:13
But the
word of the Lord was unto them
precept upon precept, precept upon precept;
line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a
little; that they might go, and fall
backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken. Precisely
all people will reject the last message being on the run and not like a
traditional book. As the spirit flows using all the books on the run as
it is written!
Isaiah 28:17
also will I lay to the line, and
righteousness to the plummet: and the
hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies,
and the waters shall overflow the hiding
The hiding place is the ancient places being revealed, the truth
of the ancient places becomes like a flood of truth and revealment. The
truth will prove itself and change knowledge and sweep away the lies. No
one is going to believe the last message because its not traditional.
Isaiah 34:11
But the cormorant and the bittern shall
possess it; the owl also and the raven shall dwell in it: and
he shall stretch out upon it the line of
confusion, and the stones of
Stones of emptiness could reflect Wormwood and its visiting tributaries
and debris not to mention all the spiritual confusion.
Isaiah 34:17
And he hath
cast the lot for them, and his hand
hath divided it unto them by line:
they shall possess it for ever, from generation to generation shall they
dwell therein.
The inheritance of the Heritage of the Ages given to the Family
of Jesus. These are the crowns of the planet. The Crowns of the Ages our
Isaiah 44:13
The carpenter stretcheth out his rule;
he marketh it out with a line; he fitteth it with planes, and
he marketh it out with the compass,
and maketh it after the figure of a man,
according to the beauty of a man; that it may remain in the house.
The compass, the location, the beauty of a man, the spiritual
relationship between God and Man in the journey and the on the run
document of the ancient Houses that remains in the house forever.
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:44 pm
Here is an interesting video
UFO Fleet, Mexico November 3,2008 AMAZING ! (Must See)
Nov 3rd 09 , the 3rd seems to be an interesting date, that's precisely one
month before I realized the Light without Heat
Magnetar which has a direct link to the spiritual luminosity of the
Universal administrators or the Kingdom of Heaven and points directly to the
local System Headquarters Capital.
Here is another video of the same thing but in the UK on
Dec 19th 2008
However it could be lamps.
UFOs Fleet Revealed over Halesowen UK
December 19 2008 "UFO, Mystery Lights or
dozens of lanterns"
Actually both the 3rd and the 19th, disregarding the month is very significant
for me in my timeline. For example: I realized the Magnetar on Dec 3rd and the
Shabbes times finishes in the 4th period on the 50th day on June
19 08 on the 6th month....456
It might mean something with regards to the timing and the commonality of the
date numeral in relation to the appearance of the UFO fleet and the date
numeral commonality Im tracking.
Now this sighting was seen on the Dec 9th 08
UFO Fleet Signs Formation over Santiago Chile
Diciembre 9, 2008
This looks like something I have seen before.

In the following, Im not sure if the following is true but it looked
interesting and note the symbolism. Symbols we are familiar with like in the
date numerals.
UFO TR-3B No not this time "Is a Good Hoax Man Made"

The TR-3B could be a man made thing
(A replication sounds like something we are familiar with)
Could the False Christ use this technology??
The TR-3B

Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:51 am
Is it manmade, part of the false Christ concept or is the real deal UFOs
Alien Triangle UFO , Or The TR-3B ASTRA
I feel if this is part of the Anti Christ message it will only be limited to a
planetary operation and not have roots in deep space.
UFO - The TR-3 family
Here is a real weird one.
Flying Manta Ray Filmed at 20,000 ft. From
Airplane Window
In this video are crop circles. I noticed this crop circle has similar design
to the Local System Capital headquarter Grid Patten.
I also believe that Wormwood is displayed in the image as the large ball
approaching our solar environment. Just my thoughts but it could mean
UFOTV: Crop Circle Mystery Part 1-In The Air

Essential Im trying to discover common symbols of these things that might lead
us to a correct interpretation. The last message will come together in all
truth in all area and will have common symbolism that runs parallel to the
message and journey of the End Times and to the final end.
Its like the commonality in this image of our space brothers to this journey
to the ancient places.
The two most important crop circles ever. No

Now how end time is this message and completely relevant.
Beware of the bearers of FALSE gifts and theirBROKEN PROMISES.Much
PAIN but still Time.Believe.There is GOOD out there.We Oppose
Says it all!!!!!!!!!!
in my mind.
Im not sure if I see Jesus' face but I thought the occurance was
I thought the guy SHOTTED some good shots
Praise the Lord!
Dalamatia, the original home of the Sons of God Sat Feb 28, 2009 4:11 am
The ETs are probably in amongst us
Small Alien Caught on Camera by Florida Couple ... re=related
Tablet 33