Nostradamus, The Lost Book video clip: Is
there any truth to numerology and the predictions of Nostradamus?
Nostradamus used numerology to convey the hidden meaning of life. This
video clip is courtesy of The History Channel.
The increase in volcanic activity all over
the world is frightening. East of the Indonesian island Java, in the sea
between Java and Bali, a new island has r…
UFO over United Kingdom November 6, 2010
There were numerous UFOs that appeared over the United Kingdom on
November 6, 2010. It appeared that there
Evidence of an advanced civilization buried
beneath the sea that could be more than 10,000 years old. For latest
updates, watch this video
Did you know Gibraltar's Airport runway and
vehicular traffic crossings are at the same level?? Check out these
incredible pictures≈♦≈
Seven8 This
was an interesting video maybe room for self reflection I would say.
Maybe if the motive is wrong using crafty device as it comes back to
haunt them in videos like this.
Clif High's web bot predictions certainly told of more sinkholes being
reported, and yes, appears that they are! Dee Subscribe to
Global_Rumblings Powered by
David Icke has issued a statement to the
Politicians, A good read! We the people hereby Serve Notice, under
Common Law, to all elected politicians,
Watch Fatrock386's video about quantum mayan
201 Draconian reptilian Drac alien invasion hologram holographic project
blu documentary on
Playlist for the full episode:
Jesse goes inside the secret billionaire's boy's club to find out what
caused the financial meltdown and how the group allegedly continues to
manipulate and control the stock market and oil, gold and
Der Spiegel reports on the
growling-ever-louder Indonesian Merapi volcano in an article titled:
Geologists Warning of Mega-Eruption of Merapi. Hat-tip to reader Ike.
Greetings,As usual (Concerning McCoy's
letter 1948, Mars the 17th, but for the others classified documents
too), we find here a classic joker of Roswell myth believers : When
SECRET or TOP SECRET classified documents are exhumed, and ALL documents
pointing NOONE crash have happened and NO Alien mate
Sunday, 31 Oct 2010-
TEMPE, Ariz. - Only on FOX -- for decades, scientists have searched the
skies for radio signals beyond our planet, looking for signs of
extraterrestrial life. But one professor
epic!! WAKE UP PHOENIX!! Please tell me
there will be reports of ppl seeing this in person, otherwise i lose all
realize I might be the only person with evidence that this ever occurr
Great balls of fire have been reported
swooping over Eastern Canada and several U.S. states. Even NASA's on the
A Missouri couple driving along Route 70
near Independence watched "five bright, white lights"
southeast that moved over the highway and stopped at 6:
Seven8 I declare that most of the
verses that contain the term "Shadow of Death" in the Bible is pointing
directly to the 3rd expedition of 1st Eden of Cyprus.
Check out the Verses in reflection to the current journey to 1st Eden on
track to the 3rd Expedition and in relation to the last 2 posts. It is the
valley of the Adam
and Eve default, the Valley of the Shadow of Death. The Adamic default and
we glide across the valley of default in a open clear Bubble submarine
literally fulfilling prophecy. The default was the Shadow of Death and we
are in the literal Valley of the adamic Default.
Bible search for Shadow of Death in King
James Version (English)
Diwali (also spelled Divali in other
countries) or Deepavali[1] is popularly known as the festival of lights.
It is an important five-day festival in Hinduism, Sikhism and Jainism,
occurring between mid-October and mid-November. For most Hindus and
Indians, Diwali is the most important festival of t
Potty sent a Dream Catcher Heart to you.
[swf file=""]
The Urantia Book Paper 73The Garden of Eden (821.1) 73:0.1 THE
cultural decadence and spiritual poverty resulting from the Caligastia
downfall and consequent social confusion had little effect on the
physical or biologic status of the Uran
[swf file=""]
The Urantia Book Paper 73The Garden of Eden (821.1) 73:0.1 THE
cultural decadence and spiritual poverty resulting from the Caligastia
downfall and consequent social confusion had little effect on the
physical or biologic status of the Uran
The Uru created the first civilisation on
Earth is the dawn mists of humankinds beginnings, upon the Australian
continent, from whence they spread it worldwide.
The Uru created the first civilisation on
Earth is the dawn mists of humankinds beginnings, upon the Australian
continent, from whence they spread it worldwide.
[swf file=""]
The Urantia Book Paper 43The Constellations (485.1) 43:0.1 URANTIA is
commonly referred to as 606 of Satania in Norlatiadek of Nebadon,
meaning the six hundred sixth inhabited world in the local system of
Satania, situated in the constella
[swf file=""]
The Urantia Book Paper 43The Constellations (485.1) 43:0.1 URANTIA is
commonly referred to as 606 of Satania in Norlatiadek of Nebadon,
meaning the six hundred sixth inhabited world in the local system of
Satania, situated in the constella
[swf file=""]
The Urantia Book Paper 78The Violet Race after the Days of Adam
(868.1) 78:0.1 THE second Eden was the cradle of civilization for
almost thirty thousand years.
Blond (see below) or fair-hair is a hair
colour characterized by low levels of the dark pigment eumelanin. The
resultant visible hue depends on various factors, but always has some
sort of yellowish colour. The colour can be from the very pale blond
(caused by a patchy, scarce distribution of pigment)
Genetic research indicates that Australian
Aborigines initially arrived via south Asia. Researchers have found
telltale mutations in modern-day Indian populations that are exclusively
shared by Aborigines.
An Icelandic volcano has shown signs it
could be about to burst into life, just months after an eruption from
another volcano caused Europe's biggest air shutdown since World
and God said, Let us make man in our image,
in our likeness The Bible In 2006 an unknown North-American
director/producer, Jon Gress, started to
In the 21st century, major Wiradjuri
groups live in Condobolin, Peak Hill, Narrandera and Griffith. There
are significant populations at Wagga Wagga and Leeton and smaller
groups at West Wyalong, Parkes, Forbes, Cootamundra, Cowra and Young.
The Southern Cross – or Crux to astronomers
– is the best known constellation in the southern hemisphere, and the
only one on our flag!
Watch Scooby01ukuk's video about Aliens &
UFOs documentary on
More evidence of Extra Terrestrial contacts
with Indian Government and MilitaryJuhi Singhal, Special
CorrespondentDecember 19, 2004
France has dispatched a nuclear-powered
warship to the Persian Gulf.
University of British Columbia Professor
published an on-line article that projected an 800m asteroid would hit
Antarctica in the fall of 2012. His article was on the website for 2 days before it abruptly disappeared.
The initial data was gathered by The Balloon-borne Large-Aperture
While Doing My Duties as an A&R I noticed a
blinking light. I cut off the music and grabbed my camera and taped
about 15 minutes worth of a stationary OBJECT in the sky that seemed to
HAVE NEEDED some assistance. As you can see a LIGHT APPEARS and then it
moves closer to the Stationary OBJECT then
Watch Mikeybandb's video about fox news
documentary on
ovni ufo victoriaville oct 2010 ils sont ici
ovni encore a victo extraterrestre filmé au local du band fabule et les
avortons 15h40 23 octobre pas de trucage ILS SONT ICI !!!!!!!! victo
ville sous surveillance extraterrestre
What makes a car go? Piston action. Do we
really need to pump oil, murder countless people in the process, refine
it, transport it all
Dv Pg's blog - "This emission comes from
particles ejected at nearly the speed of light from the surface of the
neutron star interacting with the extremely powerful magnetic field,"
said Kulkarni. This is the first time this phenomenon, predicted by
Oh boy - seriously? This is the kind of
stuff that passes as UFO "evidence"? Even the smallest amount of
critical thinking tells you that's the reflection of the lamp below it
from the camera lens. Without even knowing that can happen, you should
think to yourself "wait,
that 'ufo' looks an awful
Believers range from free-spirited types to
high-powered businessmen. Some are drifters; others are brain surgeons.
PERTH has had its second-driest winter on
record, rain returned to Victoria and the Top End was wet during its dry

UFOs override nuclear warhead controls.
Press Conference. Colin Andrews
Two passengers aboard a San Francisco flight
bound for Atlanta report watching a "whitish, greyish, metallic disc"
for about 10 seconds over Nevada at 1:40 p.m.
Watch Mikeybandb's video about anomalie soho
Photo-sharing community. Discover the world
through photos.
Seven8 Today III be doing a trip to
the Coast to take images of this outcrop which to me looks like an Egyptian
Sphinx sculptured from many thousands of years ago from a natural outcrop
and then my next place to visit are the Djurt Djurt Rocks(Star Rocks) The
Symbol of Bunjil in Cardinia Dam Area.
Banks have enslaved people since their
inception. We need to get rid of the banks, especially the central
banks who destroy our purchasing power by
Hello, I decided to make a new topic.
Tablet 71
The Targum
from the Beginnings and Facebook timeline