Tablet 83

The Targum from the Beginnings and Facebook timeline

  • Salute to Discovery

    Watch Scooby01ukuk's video about Aliens & UFOs documentary on


      • Sevens8 Hey Melvis I was wondering can you video tape the launch? that would be great of you could! Maybe we may see something hahaha!

        Friday at 9:28am


        Melvis NotElvis I tape them all the time NASA's cameras are better we also film them in HD and 3D but don't release that to the public. It's really cool in 3D

        Friday at 9:28am

    Man, in his spiritual domain, does have a free will. Mortal man is neither a helpless slave of the inflexible sovereignty of an all-powerful God nor the victim of the hopeless fatality of a mechanistic cosmic determinism. Man is most truly the architect of his own eternal destiny.

    ‎[swf file=""] The Urantia Book Paper 103The Reality of Religious Experience (1129.1) 103:0.1 ALL of man’s truly religious reactions are sponsored by the early ministry of the adjutant of worship and are censored by the adjutant of wisdom.

    Because your world is generally ignorant of origins, even of physical origins, it has appeared to be wise from time to time to provide instruction in cosmology. And always has this made trouble for the future.

    ‎[swf file=""] The Urantia Book Paper 101The Real Nature of Religion (1104.1) 101:0.1 RELIGION, as a human experience, ranges from the primitive fear slavery of the evolving savage up to the sublime and magnificent faith liberty of those civilized morta

    • Sunsista and Doc Huckster like this.


      • Sevens8

        We full well know that, >>>>while the historic facts and religious truths of this series of revelatory presentations will stand on the records of the ages to come,<<<<<

        within a few short years many of our statements regarding the physical sciences will stand in need of revision in consequence of >>additional scientific developments and new discoveries.<<

        The ages to Come eh! the Historic truth of origins and the Truth will stand for the Ages to come

        March 10 at 9:28pm


        Sevens8 Consider the journey to 1st Eden and Dalamatia City is all about what occurred in the Ages of the Past, looking forward to the future.

        March 10 at 9:29pm

    ‎4. The Mystery of God
    The infinity of the perfection of God is such that it eternally constitutes him mystery. And the greatest of all the unfathomable mysteries of God is the phenomenon of the divine indwelling of mortal minds.

    The Urantia Book Paper 1 The Universal Father * (21.1) 1:0.1 THE Universal Father is the God of all creation, the First Source and Center of all things and beings. First think of God as a creator, then as a controller, and lastly as an infinite upholder.

    • Doc Huckster and Inger Groven like this.

      • Sevens8 The manner in which the Universal Father sojourns with the creatures of time is the >most profound of all universe mysteries;< >the divine presence in the mind of man is the mystery of mysteries.<

        March 10 at 8:46pm


        Sevens8 ‎"As a reality in human spiritual experience God is not a mystery. But when an attempt is made to make plain the realities of the spirit world to the physical minds of the material order, >>mystery appears: mysteries so subtle and so profound that only the faith-grasp of the God-knowing mortal can achieve the philosophic miracle of the recognition of the Infinite by the finite, the discernment of the eternal God by the evolving mortals of the material worlds of time and space."<<<

        March 10 at 8:48pm



        Regarding our Mystery.

        We deem that human beings are entitled to share our opinions, and that>>> you are free to conjecture with us respecting the mystery of the ultimate destiny of the Paradise Corps of Finality.<<<

        It seems evident to us that the present assignments of the perfected evolutionary creatures partake of the nature of postgraduate courses in universe understanding and superuniverse administration; and we all ask,

        >>>>“Why should the Gods be so concerned in so thoroughly training surviving mortals in the technique of universe management?”<<<<

        March 10 at 9:18pm

    But do not make the mistake of confusing the teachings of Jesus with the mysteries. The popularity of the mysteries reveals man’s quest for survival, thus portraying a real hunger and thirst for personal religion and individual righteousness.

    The Urantia Book Paper 121 The Times of Michael’s Bestowal (1332.1) 121:0.1 ACTING under the supervision of a commission of twelve members of the United Brotherhood of Urantia Midwayers, conjointly sponsored by the presiding head of our order and the Melchizedek of record, I am the secondary

    • Alan Slocum and Doc Huckster like this.

      • Sevens8 ‎>>Although the mysteries failed adequately to satisfy this longing, they did prepare the way for the subsequent appearance of Jesus, who truly brought to this world the bread of life and the water thereof.<<

        March 10 at 8:44pm

    “There is but one God, the infinite Father, who is also a faithful Creator.” “The divine Creator is also the Universal Disposer, the source and destiny of souls. He is the Supreme Soul, the Primal Mind, and the Unlimited Spirit of all creation.” “The great Controller makes no mistakes. He is resplendent in majesty and glory.”

    ‎[swf file=""]The Urantia Book Paper 2The Nature of God (33.1) 2:0.1 INASMUCH as man’s highest possible concept of God is embraced within the human idea and ideal of a primal and infinite personality, it is permissible, and may prove helpful, to study cer


      • Sevens8

        the thought of a 3rd expedition to 1st Eden and the metaphor of the fragment makes me think it is quite possible for this journey to be catalyst for deliverance.

        Captain infers captain of a boat, the water, the Abyss, the hidden in the Abyss a boat journey to rediscover our foundations, 1st Eden!!

        "the Deliverer of the worlds, and >the Captain of our salvation.<<"

        and it could be related to the deliverer Jesus, an Deliverance event!!! The potential is there in my view

        March 10 at 8:18pm



        ‎>>>Mind is your ship, the Adjuster is your pilot, the human will is captain. The master of the mortal vessel should have the wisdom to trust the divine pilot to guide the ascending soul into the morontia harbors of eternal survival.<<<<

        >>> Only by selfishness, slothfulness, and sinfulness can the will of man reject the guidance of such a loving pilot and eventually wreck the mortal career upon the evil shoals of rejected mercy and upon the rocks of embraced sin.<<<<

        >>>> With your consent, this faithful pilot will safely carry you across the barriers of time and the handicaps of space to the very source of the divine mind and on beyond, >even to the Paradise Father of Adjuster<<<

        March 10 at 8:27pm

    Imagine a world where everything was driven by the earth through DC., the community created its own energy through the Grid by the use of 0 point devices.
    Where most viruses the common cause of disease are eliminated through your blood electrifier and transportation is green and free with on demand energy.

    March 10 at 4:27pm

    • Robin King and Diane Denison like this.


      • Sevens8

        All we are doing is taking the cost of energy out of the equation which means more money in your pocket and if the money system was modified getting out of the compound interest factor where you don't pay more interest than the loan, if at all.

        Life could be easier and less stressful for all by comparison and having truth would make the family environment much happier and more relaxed, less material focussed because of better assurance in survivability in a better system.

        But who has the courage???? Does it take the Judgement of Mankind to bring this about?? after the end

        March 10 at 4:56pm


        Sevens8 Compound interest is a deadly formula and creates what he have today with all its inner and exterior problems.

        Truly a millstone that blinds mankind and makes him fall. Its a life ripp off.

        March 10 at 4:58pm

    I have one of these blood electrifier units. They do work, they kill parasites and reduce pain. Another one of these suppressed inventions.

    Anyway, with the right voltage and amperage it can kill blood virus, If electricity can kill a human imagine what it can do with viruses within the blood.

    Watch Dali777's video about Construct Blood Electrifier Circuit following Beck documentary on

    • Sunsista and Frank Dominic Samaritano like this.


      • Sevens8

        However, I feel the spirit of truth improves your health and helps you to withstand the test of time. Somehow, I feel the vibrations emanating within your heart and the Love of the Father within can radiate your blood to.

        I also feel over time your body and metabolism begins to harmonise perhaps the body harmonises as through the elevation the thought adjuster in tune with oneself and combined with the Spirit of Truth and its effects your body positively over time.

        March 10 at 5:05pm


        Margo Mills I used a homemade zapper a few years agogot the info from Also got into orgone generators after reading the adventures of Don Croft. That site has a ton of info.

        Friday at 2:16pm

    ‎(2033.1) 190:3.1 The fifth morontia manifestation of Jesus to the recognition of mortal eyes occurred in the presence of some twenty-five women believers assembled at the home of Joseph of Arimathea, at about fifteen minutes past four o’clock on this same Sunday afternoon.

    ‎[swf file=""]The Urantia Book Paper 190Morontia Appearances of Jesus (2029.1) 190:0.1 THE resurrected Jesus now prepares to spend a short period on Urantia for the purpose of experiencing the ascending morontia career of a mortal of the realms.


      • Jaime Paredes I've never heard of this, very interesting.

        March 10 at 8:44am


        Sevens8 Hi Jamie, I reckon the Urantia Book is worthwhile investigating. It will stimulate further expansion with what you already know. But everyone has there own experience with the book, no worries at all.

        March 10 at 3:57pm

    The Universal Father never imposes any form of arbitrary recognition, formal worship, or slavish service upon the intelligent will creatures of the universes. The evolutionary inhabitants of the worlds of time and space must of themselves — in their own hearts — recognize, love, and voluntarily worship him.

    The Urantia Book Paper 1 The Universal Father * (21.1) 1:0.1 THE Universal Father is the God of all creation, the First Source and Center of all things and beings. First think of God as a creator, then as a controller, and lastly as an infinite upholder.


      • Sevens8

        hey no worries Dexter,

        "(1651.1) 147:4.7 “4. The level of brotherly love. Still higher is discovered the level of unselfish devotion to the welfare of one’s fellows. On this higher plane of wholehearted social service growing out of the consciousness of the fatherhood of God and the consequent recognition of the brotherhood of man, >there is discovered a new and far more beautiful interpretation of this basic rule of life."<

        March 10 at 5:43am



        I thought this was cool to

        "“6. The spiritual level. And then last, but greatest of all, we attain the level of spirit insight and spiritual interpretation which impels us to recognize in this rule of life the divine command to treat all men as we conceive God would treat them. >>>That is the universe ideal of human relationships.<< And this is your attitude toward all such problems when your supreme desire is ever to do the Father’s will. I would, therefore, that you should do to all men that which you know I would do to them in like circumstances.”"

        March 10 at 5:50am

    All mishief.

    Report: Intel official says 122 mm. rockets are most powerful yet to be smuggled to Afghanistan; convoy capture on Iranian, Pakistani border.

    ‎10th appearance.
    “Peace be upon you. You all know that we have one Father in heaven, and that there is but one gospel of the kingdom — the good news of the gift of eternal life which men receive by faith. As you rejoice in your loyalty to the gospel, pray the Father of truth to shed abroad in your hearts a new and greater love for y
    our brethren.

    ‎[swf file=""]The Urantia Book Paper 191Appearances to the Apostles and Other Leaders (2037.1) 191:0.1 RESURRECTION Sunday was a terrible day in the lives of the apostles; ten of them spent the larger part of the day in the upper chamber behind barred d

      • Sevens8

        You are to love all men as I have loved you; you are to serve all men as I have served you. With understanding sympathy and brotherly affection, fellowship all your brethren who are dedicated to the proclamation of the good news, whether they be Jew or gentile, Greek or Roman, Persian or Ethiopian. John proclaimed the kingdom in advance; you have preached the gospel in power; the Greeks already teach the good news; and I am soon to send forth the Spirit of Truth into the souls of all these, my brethren, who have so unselfishly dedicated their lives to the enlightenment of their fellows who sit in spiritual darkness. You are all the children of light; therefore stumble not into the misunderstanding entanglements of mortal suspicion and human intolerance. If you are ennobled, by the grace of faith, to love unbelievers, should you not also equally love those who are your fellow believers in the far-spreading household of faith? Remember, as you love one another, all men will know that you are my disciples.

        (2042.1) 191:4.4 “Go, then, into all the world proclaiming this gospel of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of men to all nations and races and ever be wise in your choice of methods for presenting the good news to the different races and tribes of mankind.

        >>>Freely you have received this gospel of the kingdom, and you will freely give the good news to all nations.<<>>> Fear not the resistance of evil, for I am with you always, even to the end of the ages. And my peace I leave with you.”<<<

        " for I am with you always, even to the end of the ages."


        March 9 at 10:22pm



        ‎12th appearance.

        "(2044.3) 191:6.2 “Peace be upon you. That which my Father sent me into the world to establish belongs not to a race, a nation, nor to a special group of teachers or preachers. This gospel of the kingdom belongs to both Jew and gentile, to rich and poor, to free and bond, to male and female, even to the little children. And you are all to proclaim this gospel of love and truth by the lives which you live in the flesh. You shall love one another with a new and startling affection, even as I have loved you. You will serve mankind with a new and amazing devotion, even as I have served you. And when men see you so love them, and when they behold how fervently you serve them, they will perceive that you have become faith-fellows of the kingdom of heaven, and they will follow after the Spirit of Truth which they see in your lives, to the finding of eternal salvation.

        (2044.4) 191:6.3 “As the Father sent me into this world, even so now send I you. You are all called to carry the good news to those who sit in darkness. This gospel of the kingdom belongs to all who believe it; it shall not be committed to the custody of mere priests. >>>>Soon will the Spirit of Truth come upon you, and he shall lead you into all truth.<<

        >> Go you, therefore, into all the world preaching this gospel, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the ages.”"<<<


        I am with you always, even to the end of the ages

        March 9 at 10:25pm

    ‎5. The Walk with Two Brothers
    At Emmaus, about >>seven< miles west of Jerusalem,<< there lived two brothers, shepherds, who had spent the Passover week in Jerusalem attending upon the sacrifices, ceremonials, and feasts.

    ‎[swf file=""]The Urantia Book Paper 190Morontia Appearances of Jesus (2029.1) 190:0.1 THE resurrected Jesus now prepares to spend a short period on Urantia for the purpose of experiencing the ascending morontia career of a mortal of the realms.


      • Sevens8 Im thinking maybe Jesus gives us the end game reality construct in the what he says in his Morontia appearances in the Urantia Book.

        Appearance 7 and 14 seems to have reflectivity! in fragments.

        March 9 at 10:04pm ·


        Sevens8 another clue is the location, 7 miles West of Jerusalem walking along with road with the 2 brothers. Instrumental at the end by the Shadow of the Great Rock.

        March 9 at 10:07pm

    Sin, the moon-god, the first of the second triad of gods consisting of Sin, Shamash, and Ishtar (or also Sin, Shamash, and Adad), is the city-god of Urn (OT Ur) in South Babylonia, where his temple, E-kUhshirgal ('house of light'), stood. But the Sin-cult had a strong hold at an early date also at Harran in Mesopotamia is the leading source for reliable military news and military information, directed by John Pike


      • Sevens8

        Ishtar as per link

        >>>Ishtar, often placed third in the triad of divinities along with >Sin and Shamash,<<<< is the most prominent female deity in the Babylonian pantheon.

        Starting with local cults in which, as a female deity, she occupied the chief place, Ishtar came in the end practically to absorb all other goddesses of the Assyro-Babylonian pantheon, so that her name became, even at an early date, a Babylonian appellative for 'goddess.' Whether her cult,> like that of Sin and Shamash, was from the beginning connected with star-worship<< — especially that of Venus—cannot be decided with certainty, although this connexion of Ishtar with the planet Venus and her character as 'queen of heaven' may go back to remote antiquity.<<<

        The name Ishtar, whose origin and etymology are still matter of dispute, does provide any definite conclusion on this point. >>From the Astarte figures of the other Semitic religions, which are in name and character closely related to the Babylonian Ishtar, is is possible to assume a greater antiquity for her character as the goddess of fertility. Her principal seats of worship were Uruk (where she was also worshipped as Nona),<<<

        Akkad (here worshipped as Anunitu), Nineveh, and Arbela. Here too, as is indicated by the very names Nana and Anunitu, are undoubtedly to do with what were originally independent local deities, who came only in the course of time to be connected and identified. This no doubt also accounts for the way in which, in the later Assyro-Babylonion religion, quite heterogeneous elements are combined in the figure of Ishtar

        March 9 at 9:05pm



        All religions teach the worship of Deity and some doctrine of human salvation. The Buddhist religion promises salvation from suffering, unending peace; the Jewish religion promises salvation from difficulties, prosperity predicated on righteousness; the Greek religion promised salvation from disharmony, ugliness, by the realization of beauty; Christianity promises salvation from sin, sanctity; Mohammedanism provides deliverance from the rigorous moral standards of Judaism and Christianity.

        >>The religion of Jesus is salvation from self, deliverance from the evils of creature isolation in time and in eternity.<<

        March 9 at 9:53pm

    Wayne sent me this

    USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, responsible for monitoring, reporting, and researching earthquakes and earthquake hazards

    • Diane Denison likes this.




        Wednesday, March 09, 2011 at 02:45:18 UTC
        Wednesday, March 09, 2011 at 11:45:18 AM at epicenter
        Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones

        38.510°N, 142.792°E

        14 (77) .1 km (8.8 miles)

        168(15) km (104 (14(77)) miles) E of Sendai, Honshu, Japan
        193(13) km (119 (11) miles) SE of Morioka, Honshu, Japa

        March 9 at 7:24pm


        Diane Denison Another earth quake. They just don't stop coming one after another Hahaha I am waiting for the big one to hit the USA..

        March 10 at 5:43pm

    think about the city of the Rising Sun, Dilmun Babel. 10,500 years ago eh! The Submergence of Atlantis. Dilmun/Babel, Sons of Paladies?? Orion, Sevens Stars, The Sphinx, the Monument, pointing to the City of the Rising Sun. The City of the Sun, Dilmun/Babel.

    Watch Dali777's video about Secret Sphinx Edgar Cayce documentary on

    At the inconceivably distant future eternity moment of the final completion of the entire master universe, no doubt we will all look back upon its entire history as only the beginning, simply the creation of certain finite and transcendental foundations for even greater and more enthralling metamorphoses in uncharted infinity.

    ‎[swf file=""] The Urantia Book Paper 106Universe Levels of Reality (1162.1) 106:0.1 IT IS not enough that the ascending mortal should know something of the relations of Deity to the genesis and manifestations of cosmic reality; he should also comprehen


      • Sevens8

        but we can all experience this individually in our own ministry to our brothers close to us.

        This Sevenfold appeal of the Seven Adjutants can have immediate positive affects on a nation and people especially in religious nations or a people.

        The Sevenfold appeal can have good results in a place like Pakistan I feel and an expedition can abound to verify the Sevenfold appeal for a nation and people. Where love for ones neighbour begins to abound in tolerance of the other knowing where one comes from and one goes to.


        March 9 at 6:48am ·


        Sevens8 in Sevenfold appeal in truth and demonstration in action that can save a nation and its people into the Green Pastures beside still Waters as we glide through the Shadow of the Valley of Death shining the light of truth upon the valley floor for all mankind and nations.

        March 9 at 6:51am

    ‎(676.1) 59:2.10 The trilobites were still prominent. These little animals existed in tens of thousands of patterns and were the predecessors of modern crustaceans.

    ‎[swf file=""]The Urantia Book Paper 59The Marine-Life Era on Urantia (672.1) 59:0.1 WE RECKON the history of Urantia as beginning about one billion years ago and extending through five major eras: (672.2) 59:0.2 1.


      • Sevens8

        ‎>>Some of the trilobites had from twenty-five to four thousand tiny eyelets; others had aborted eyes.<<<

        >>As this period closed, the trilobites shared domination of the seas with several other forms of invertebrate life. But they utterly perished during the beginning of the next period.<<

        Just what David Attenborough said the other night

        March 8 at 10:40pm

    ‎(1594.7) 141:7.13 James was astonished at how >>>Jesus seemed to see the end from the beginning.<<<<

    "the end from the beginning"

    ‎[swf file=""]The Urantia Book Paper 141Beginning the Public Work (1587.1) 141:0.1 ON THE first day of the week, January 19, A.D. 27, Jesus and the twelve apostles made ready to depart from their headquarters in Bethsaida.


      • Sevens8

        In this fragment we have the EVENT is connected to the Beginning.

        (76.7) 6:4.7 The Original Son is universally and spiritually self-conscious. In wisdom the Son is the full equal of the Father. In the realms of knowledge, omniscience, we cannot distinguish between the First and Second Sources; like the Father, the Son knows all;

        >>>he is never surprised by any universe event; he comprehends the end from the beginning."<<<

        March 8 at 10:43pm



        Now regarding the rebellion from the beginning.

        "(754.3) 67:1.2 In the course of this inspection Satan informed Caligastia of Lucifer’s then proposed “Declaration of Liberty,” and as we now know, the Prince agreed to betray the planet upon the announcement of the rebellion. The loyal universe personalities look with peculiar disdain upon Prince Caligastia because of this premeditated betrayal of trust. The Creator Son voiced this contempt when he said: “You are like your leader, Lucifer, and you have sinfully perpetuated his iniquity. >>>He was a falsifier from the beginning<< of his self-exaltation because he abode not in the truth.”"<<<

        See that was is being revealed the beginning and the truth about it.

        March 8 at 10:47pm

    the birth of the Religion of John the Baptist.
    Sunday morning, February 24, A.D. 26, Jesus took leave of John the Baptist by the river near Pella, never again to see him in the flesh.

    The Urantia Book Paper 137 Tarrying Time in Galilee (1524.1) 137:0.1 EARLY on Saturday morning, February 23, A.D. 26, Jesus came down from the hills to rejoin John’s company encamped at Pella. All that day Jesus mingled with the multitude.


      • Sevens8

        That day, as Jesus and his four disciple-apostles departed for Galilee, there was a great tumult in the camp of John’s followers. The first great division was about to take place. The day before, John had made his positive pronouncement to Andrew and Ezra that Jesus was the Deliverer. Andrew decided to follow Jesus,

        >>>>but Ezra rejected the mild-mannered carpenter of Nazareth, proclaiming to his associates: “The Prophet Daniel declares that the Son of Man will come with the clouds of heaven, in power and great glory. This Galilean carpenter, this Capernaum boatbuilder, cannot be the Deliverer. Can such a gift of God come out of Nazareth? This Jesus is a relative of John, and through much kindness of heart has our teacher been deceived.

        >>> Let us remain aloof from this false Messiah.” When John rebuked Ezra for these utterances, >>he drew away with many disciples and hastened south.<<<

        >>>>And this group continued to baptize in John’s name and eventually founded a sect of those who believed in John but refused to accept Jesus.

        >>>>A remnant of this group persists in Mesopotamia even to this day.<<<

        March 8 at 9:09pm


        Sevens8 have no need to make request for entrance into the kingdom; you have been with me in the kingdom from the beginning.

        March 8 at 9:18pm


        Sevens8 ‎"in the kingdom from the beginning."

        1st Eden and Dalamatia City, the are the beginnings.

        March 8 at 9:19pm

    Jesus began definitely to plan his program of public labors in behalf of his people and the world, in behalf of every inhabited world throughout his vast universe. Michael’s mortal bestowal was on Urantia but for all worlds of Nebadon.

    ‎[swf file=""]The Urantia Book Paper 136Baptism and the Forty Days (1509.1) 136:0.1 JESUS began his public work at the height of the popular interest in John’s preaching and at a time when the Jewish people of Palestine were eagerly looking for the appe


      • Sevens8 ‎1st Eden and Dalamatia City has this potential linked with Jesus and the Urantia Book blending with the Bible to.

        March 8 at 8:05pm

    ‎(1504.3) 135:8.5 Being engrossed with the details of rapidly baptizing such a large number of converts, John did not look up to see Jesus until the Son of Man stood in his immediate presence. When John recognized Jesus, the ceremonies were halted for a moment while he greeted his cousin in the flesh and asked, “But why do you come down into the water to greet me?” And Jesus answered, “To be subject to your baptism.”

    ‎[swf file=""]The Urantia Book Paper 135John the Baptist (1496.1) 135:0.1 JOHN the Baptist was born March 25, 7 B.C., in accordance with the promise that Gabriel made to Elizabeth in June of the previous year.

    • Robin King likes this.


      • Sevens8 For me its all been quite communication and praises with tear welling on many occasions, its really silent in the room except for the occasional praise the Lord with vigour, right on Father in heaven, everyday, all the time feeling positive. hahaha. When I look into the books and find things of interest it always elevates me spiritually in the experience in the wonderment.

        March 9 at 7:04am


        Sevens8 Its like the Father and I reckon together as he becomes like me and walks with me reckoning together on things as I come across them.

        March 9 at 7:06am

    ‎(1504.3) 135:8.5 Being engrossed with the details of rapidly baptizing such a large number of converts, John did not look up to see Jesus until the Son of Man stood in his immediate presence. When John recognized Jesus, the ceremonies were halted for a moment while he greeted his cousin in the flesh and asked, “But why do you come down into the water to greet me?” And Jesus answered, “To be subject to your baptism.”

    March 8 at 7:19pm

    • Jason Evans and David Pliss like this.


      • Sevens8

        what else can Hover above us you and me.

        "(2062.1) 194:2.12 >>In a way, mankind is subject to the double influence of the sevenfold appeal of the universe spirit influences.<<< The early evolutionary races of mortals are subject to the progressive contact of the seven adjutant mind-spirits of the local universe Mother Spirit.

        >>>As man progresses upward in the scale of intelligence and spiritual perception, there eventually come to hover over him and dwell within him the seven higher spirit influences. >And these seven spirits of the advancing worlds are:"<<<

        "the sevenfold appeal"
        "the progressive contact of the seven adjutant mind-spirits of the local universe Mother Spirit."

        Wow man

        March 9 at 6:08am



        another Hover experience.

        "(304.3) 27:7.5 All the arts of all the beings of the entire universe which are capable of intensifying and exalting the abilities of self-expression and the conveyance of appreciation, are employed to their highest capacity in the worship of the Paradise Deities. Worship is the highest joy of Paradise existence; it is the refreshing play of Paradise. What play does for your jaded minds on earth, worship will do for your perfected souls on Paradise.

        >>>>The mode of worship on Paradise is utterly beyond mortal comprehension,<<<>>> but the spirit of it you can begin to appreciate even down here on Urantia,<<>> for the spirits of the Gods even now indwell you, >>>hover over you, and inspire you to true worship."<<<

        When I find stuff like this on any level, I'm always worshipping within my heart, its just a natural response. I'm just so impressed and excited at the same time and we all share this potential

        March 9 at 6:12am

    If you look at this video regarding Contact at Holloman TAC Air Base you will see a teell tale sign, its the 49th(7x7) airbase, a sevens pattern. I'm seeing the same pattern here as I do in this journey.

    Have a good listen around the 4:56 mark of the video, interesting connection.


    This story inspired the ending of Close Encounters of the Third Kind. If real, I'd give a limb to see the film.

    I had seen one of these white Hot balls descending from the sky whilst driving South through the Willamette valley, Oregon. The 2 balls I saw where white hot not to far from the ground in a field and then it flamed out.
    • Mariana Hudson likes this.

      • Sevens8 it was in broad daylight and the clouds where low to the ground.

        March 8 at 6:23pm

    I know I have speaking of the Line in the Sand but this is bigger than what I was thinking.

    This was just sent to me by one of my subscribers.. A very long FISSURE / CRACK has opened in the ground in Seagi Gulistan Pakistan. there is NO MSM story on this AT ALL.. this is first hand video shot by one of my subscribers family in Pakistan. much love in these times, dutchsin

    ‎10:27:44-951 UT
    Like a reaction to something.

    The Journey to 1st Eden and Dalamatia City is like pieces of a dream as we connect all the fragments in the final Dream in Reality as seen in the past concerning the 2nd advent of Jesus.

    Christopher Cross performing his number one hit "Sailing" live in 1980

    What else occurred on a 12th (66)
    The Urantia Book
    (1503.5) 135:8.2 Jesus’ brothers James and Jude had talked about going down to John for baptism; and now that Jude had come over to Capernaum for the Sabbath services, both he and James, after listening to Jesus’ discourse in the synagogue, decided to take counsel with him concerning
    their plans. This was on Saturday night, January 12, A.D. 26.

    ‎[swf file=""]The Urantia Book Paper 135John the Baptist (1496.1) 135:0.1 JOHN the Baptist was born March 25, 7 B.C., in accordance with the promise that Gabriel made to Elizabeth in June of the previous year.


      • Sevens8 For me I would like to assist the 2nd Advent of Jesus on the planet through the beginning places of the Tree of life connected to his revelation. No worries mate! eh!.

        March 8 at 7:19am


        Sevens8 Jesus was the sign for John but I feel in this day the beginning and the End of the Tree of Life, as in a mystery connected to its cities and the truth attached to a New Revelation Book, The Urantia Book is an excellent catalyst stimulating expeditions and would qualify to bring ion a 2nd Advent of Jesus where he adjudges the Age and where the broadcast circuits are reconnected.

        March 8 at 7:22am

    I agree, its very destructive, separation and chaos.

    Frank Gaffney joins Sean Hannity as they speak with Anjem Choudary on the radio. Choudary is the founder of the banned goup Islam, and is an outspoken advocate of the imposition of Shariah law, both in his home in the United Kingdom and in the United States.


      • Sevens8

        This precisely why the truth must be investigated in expeditions leading to the Urantia Book, the truth of the beginnings. Correcting and elevating religion into a true destiny in truth, beauty and goodness.

        The truth of Jesus and his book, the Urantia Book is the remedy and discovery.

        March 7 at 7:42pm


        Sevens8 This precisely the reason why the true Kingdom of heaven should be proclaimed.

        March 7 at 7:46pm

    I thought this was relevant, I welcome our Universal Brothers from the 1st Eden and Dalamatia City a reconnection of the broadcast circuits from the beginning. That would be good and very special coming from the beginning at the end of ignorance.

    Carol is an Award Winning educator, author, space and missile defence consultant, and was the first corporate manager of an aerospace company, Fairchild Industries. She

    Further division with in the Sinu-Ballah camp that will lead to some conflict within the division of the camp more Separation and Chaos. Like we see in Pakistan heading to failed state status because of wayward views and action in death and destruction in total ignorance.

      • Sevens8 I have research Red Man prophecy and I am in agreement. I feel his spirit and essence like I do with Wurundjeri of this land that I live in with a history that goes back 40,000 years and reflective of Dalamatia City, I feel there essence as I pursue to manifest all there prophecies of Bunjil coming from the stars.

        March 7 at 7:37am



        I feel when I read many books of religion, its a down grade as compared to the Urantia Book plus I am the way I am and never needed Buddhism or any other philosophy to find the truth demonstrate able.

        I am not interested in following philosophies that are outside of the Harbour. I have no interest in giving away my sovereignty to a man of lessor truth, I am not interested in the usurping of others through man made Rote and Ritual leading in the wrong direction.

        March 7 at 7:40am

    Page: ‎7,002 people like this.


      • Sevens8 More people like Atlantis than 1st Eden by the looks of it hahaha. thanks for posting III check it out Wayne.

        March 7 at 6:40am

    In your Sevenfold Mission Angels are always around you

    113:2.7 In the ministry of personal guardianship, the assignment of angels as destiny guardians, seraphim always volunteer their services. In the city of this visitation a certain mortal was recently admitted to the reserve corps of destiny, and since all such humans are personall
    y attended by guardian angels,

    ‎[swf file=""]The Urantia Book Paper 113Seraphic Guardians of Destiny (1241.1) 113:0.1 HAVING presented the narratives of the Ministering Spirits of Time and the Messenger Hosts of Space, we come to the consideration of the guardian angels, seraphim dev

    ‎114:7.17 Your isolated world is not forgotten in the counsels of the universe. Urantia is not a cosmic orphan stigmatized by sin and shut away from divine watchcare by rebellion.

    ‎[swf file=""]The Urantia Book Paper 114Seraphic Planetary Government (1250.1) 114:0.1 THE Most Highs rule in the kingdoms of men through many celestial forces and agencies but chiefly through the ministry of seraphim.


      • Sunsista

        These are the Angels that we need to talk to for better government and social life.

        (1255.7) 114:6.8 4. The angels of nation life. These are the “angels of the trumpets,” directors of the political performances of Urantia national life. The group now functioning in the overcontrol of international relations is the fourth corps to serve on the planet. It is particularly through the ministry of this seraphic division that “the Most Highs rule in the kingdoms of men.

        March 7 at 4:44am


        Sevens8 That was very interesting Cydney.

        March 7 at 6:39am

    ‎(2050.1) 192:3.1 >>At noon on Saturday, April 22,<< the eleven apostles assembled by appointment on the hill near Capernaum, and >>Jesus appeared among them.<< This meeting occurred on the very mount where the Master had set them apart as his apostles and as ambassadors of the Father’s kingdom on earth. And this was the Master’s fourteenth morontia manifestation.

    ‎[swf file=""]The Urantia Book Paper 192Appearances in Galilee (2045.1) 192:0.1 BY THE time the apostles left Jerusalem for Galilee, the Jewish leaders had quieted down considerably.


      • Sevens8 What I'm really happy about that Behz in his step of faith went there 2 times leaving to door wide open for a 3rd to 1st Eden.

        Good on him, right on! that's the spirit mate!

        March 6 at 10:40pm



        You see we have the whole Family sevenfold Universe beside us and we can do things in divine wisdom and in the Glory of our Sovereign Jesus of this Universe who leads us to the Green Pastures beside Still waters in the Shadow of the Valley of Death, 1st Eden the valley of default 1 mile under the water and Dalamatia city where the rebellion occurred where in today's reality we can learn more things.

        March 6 at 10:43pm

    In this presentation are you saw they are not speaking about Thomas and Nathaniel who venture to India speaking about Jesus but over time they got confused the Jesus speaking disciples as Jesus himself. I think that is case. Jesus himself never went to India. Lake Urmia and in Mesopotamia yes but not India.

    Watch Dali777's video about ufo Billy Meier case documentary on

    At the end of the day its about the truth and living together in truth demonstrate able. Learning of each other in truth, beauty and goodness. I'm glad this happens in Indonesia for all the people there.

      • Mariana Hudson Shame a lot of people still think these are man made. Seriously, maybe they should try and make one! lol Nice share :)

        March 6 at 8:12pm


        Sevens8 I agree, I don't think crop circles would be on the Indonesian farmers mind, he would be concerned about the health of his crops rather than man walking over them..

        March 6 at 8:15p


        Margo Mills Thanks Dennis shared.

        March 7 at 3:07pm

    I'm not sure if this is truth either pity they do not read the Urantia Book blending with Bible concerning 1st Eden where you will find difference. The evidence that its a lessor message is that deny Jesus to lower level and raise themselves above.

    Watch Dish4's video about spirit new age gods documentary on

    Isaiah 17:11
    In the day shalt thou make >thy plant to grow,< and in the morning shalt thou make thy seed to flourish: but the harvest shall be a heap in the day of grief and of desperate sorrow.

    Isaiah 17 in King James Version (English Bible).

    I like these brothers I don't underestimate what they see. Absolutely, the hour of temptation has come, the time has arrived. It is here by the witness in the fruit upon all mankind.

      • Sevens8 take into account we have the Urantia Book which does correct a few things and Revelation has been abridged and distorted so something might be misunderstood.

        March 6 at 8:46am


        Sevens8 Although, I am with them in spirit in the brotherhood of Jesus.

        March 6 at 8:48am

    Remember the Behemoth in Job the great ox walking with God and with the Beasts of the field, the Angels of 6 wings in green pastures, the place that Nebuchadnezzar became a wild man(bloke from the Bush) and explored within himself for a 7 year period, to see the end from the beginning in my view, the Aleph and Tau.
    • Mae West likes this.


      • Sevens8 We have the Angel of the Garden on our side in truth. No BS mate!

        March 6 at 8:18am


        Sevens8 and it was good and it prevailed!

        March 6 at 8:21am


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