A company of twenty-seven followed Adamson
northward in quest of these people of his childhood fantasies.
Adamson and Ratta had a family of sixty-seven children. They gave
origin to a great line of the world’s leadership, but they did
something more.
The reckoning
of time by the twenty-eight-day month persisted long after the days of
Adam. But when the Egyptians undertook to reform the calendar, about
seven thousand years ago, they did it with great accuracy, introducing
the year of 365 days.

I was just reflecting within myself
in contemplation looking at the image of DaSevens8lamatia,
it just occurred to me that the dimensions of the inner wall of
the City I measured some time ago was approximately 15km by 15km
by 15km, they are all 555 in the number pattern that I have
>>>>twelve thousand years ago<<> a second attempt to erect the tower of
Babel was made. The mixed races of the Andites (Nodites and Adamites)
undertook to raise a new temple on the ruins of the first structure, but
there was not sufficient support for the enterprise; it fell of its own
pretentious weight. This region was long known as the land of Babel.
These creatures
constituted the intelligence corps of the Prince’s administration. They
ranged far and wide, studying and observing the world races and
rendering other invaluable services to the Prince and his staff in the
work of influencing human society remote from the planetary

Mona Simpson, an author and
biological sister of Steve Jobs, said her brother’s final words
were “Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow,” in an Oct. 16 eulogy she
delivered that was published Sunday in The New York Times.

In the
Urantia Book, it speaks of the old Melchizedek Headquarters
located in a Sevens8
Continue Reading
In the Urantia Book, it speaks of
the old Melchizedek Headquarters located in a place in China
called See Fuch 2500BC. Here is the Urantia Book extract.
2000 line 96: As the Salem missionaries passed through Asia,
spreading the doctrine of the Most High God
salvation through faith, they absorbed much of the philosophy
and religious thought of the various countries traversed. But
the teachers commissioned by Melchizedek and his successors
did not default in their trust; they did penetrate to all
peoples of the Eurasian continent, and it was in the middle of
the second millennium before Christ that they arrived in
China. At See Fuch, for more than one hundred years, the
Salemites maintained their headquarters, there training
Chinese teachers who taught throughout all the domains of the
yellow race. It was through missionary extracts that I
realised the name of the City had been changed. Here is an
extract from a researcher regarding this name change.In
Morrison's text there is a placename that is spelled "Suifu".
This refers to the present-day town of Yibin, which was
formerly known as Xufu. "Xufu" I must say it was a real
adventure to find this place but within a few hours, I found
the traces of See Fuch left behind that would confirm the
Urantia Book information along the Path.
Where our
journey of the Tree of Life takes us to the abyss, Fifteen hundred
meters underwater to the 1st Garden of Eden.
Sevens8 added a new photo.
materialism, atheism, is the maximation of ugliness, the climax of the
finite antithesis of the beautiful. Highest beauty consists in the
panorama of the unification of the variations which have been born of
pre-existent harmonious reality.
Accumulations of wealth early became the
badge of social distinction. Individuals in certain tribes would
accumulate property for years just to create an impression by burning
it up on some holiday or by freely distributing it to fellow
This made them great men.
>>>>Even modern peoples revel in the lavish distribution of Christmas
gifts, while rich men endow great institutions of phSevens8ilanthropy
and learning.
Man’s technique varies, but his disposition remains quite

Watch Ghost32's video about The
Dropa Stone Mystery David Sereda documentary on Disclose.tv
The modern
phrase, “back to nature,” is a delusion of ignorance, a belief in the
reality of the onetime fictitious “golden age.”
>>The only basis for the legend of the golden age is the historic fact
of Dalamatia and Eden.<<> But these improved societies were far from the
realization of utopian dreams.<
A pre existent
civilisation before 1st Eden.
"Association early became the price of survival. The lone man was
helpless unless he bore a tribal mark which testified that he belonged
to a group which would certainly avenge any assault made upon him.
>>Even in the days of Cain it was fatal to go abroad alone without >some
mark of group association.<< Civilization has become man’s insurance
against violent death, while the premiums are paid by submission to
society’s numerous law demands"

Thank you! Everything in me says
"Thank you!" Angels listen as I sing my thanksSevens8.
I kneel in worship facing your holy temple and say it again:
"Thank you!" Thank you for your love, thank you for your
faithfulness; Most holy is your name, most holy is your Word.
The moment I called out, you stepped in; you made my life large
with strength. Psalm 138:2Sevens8
Here is another
trinity effect of the Sun and clouds on another morning at dawn on the
coast in Queensland.
If you feel
hemmed in spiritually and loosing faith feeling small. Eh don't fear as
International rescue is on the way and that includes the Sevenfold
Universal Rescue.

Perry Stone teaches from Israel.
What about
abbadon in the end times??
Abaddon (Hebrew: אֲבַדּוֹן, 'Ǎḇaddōn, Greek: Apollyon, Latin:
Exterminans, Coptic: Abbaton, meaning "A place of destruction", "The
Destroyer", "Depths of Hell") in the Revelation of St. John, is the king
of tormenting locusts and the angel of the bottomless pit.[1] The exact
nature of Abaddon is debated, but the Hebrew word is related to the
triliteral root אבד (ABD), which in verb form means "to perish."

Abaddon (Hebrew: אֲבַדּוֹן, 'Ǎḇaddōn,
Greek: Apollyon, Latin: Exterminans, Coptic: Abbaton, meaning "A
place of destruction", "The Destroyer", "Depths of Hell") in the
Revelation of St. John, is the king of tormenting locusts and
the angel of the bottomless pit.[1] The exact nature of Abaddon
is de…

There's a strange brightening in the
Uranian atmosphere and amateur astronomers can help investigate
what it is.
I wonder if
some of these hardened clay artwork exist under the sands in Dalamatia
City from the abyss.
Mek did a great deal to advance the culture of the Andonites and to
improve the art of the blue man. A blend of the blue man with the Andon
stock produced an artistically gifted type, and many of them became
master sculptors. >>They did not work in stone or marble,<> but their
works of clay, hardened by baking, adorned the gardens of Dalamatia.<<
Ever wondered
where the Star Wars Villian comes from?? the fallen rebel Sons of God
from there fallen City with there fallen angels using fire and light in
there display to the normal people.
Red hot pokers and rebel midwayers to create effect.
The first
central bank ever was Dalamatia City Bank, 500,000 years ago.
It was among these enlightened groups educated in the Dalamatia schools
that the first commercial credit was practiced.
>From a central exchange of credits they secured tokens which were
accepted in lieu of the actual objects of barter.<<> The world did not
improve upon these business methods for hundreds of thousands of years.<
The Quest of
the Sevens commands that we should lift them up one day!
"This was the law of Dalamatia for almost three hundred thousand years.
And many of the stones on which this law was inscribed now lie beneath
the waters off the shores of Mesopotamia and Persia. It became the
custom to hold one of these commands in mind for each day of the week,
using it for salutations and mealtime thanksgiving."

Today is set to be the start of a
new era of cheap power, as a new type of low-cost nuclear
reactor goes live in front of an audience of scientists and
media representatives in Bologna
Sevens8 added a new photo.
Sevens8 added a new photo.
Here is another
Sheep shearing shed.
Sevens8 added a new photo.
I was
interested in the time 17:00, in this journey 17=14561
UFO Firing a Laser Beam Was Taken on Lasco 2 2011-10-27 >17:00< 27=999

UFO Firing a Laser Beam Was Taken on
Lasco 2 2011-10-27 17:00
Isaiah 13:10
The stars of heaven and their constellations will not show their light.
The rising sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light.
I believe this
King James Bible
So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and >>his glory
from the rising of the sun.<<
When the enemy shall come in like a flood, >>the Spirit of the LORD
shall lift up a standard against him.<<
Standard Version (©2001)
Then I saw another angel >>>ascending from >the rising of the sun,<<<
with the seal of the living God, and he called with a loud voice to the
four angels who had been given power to harm earth and sea,

Studio musician formed band that
included Chuck Loeb that called themselves 'The V.I.P. Club".
Here's 'Into the Light' from their cd release "Coconut Kiss".
When you view
the redness of Australia, its is the sign of this.
Following these submergences, many of the shore lines were considerably
elevated so that the earlier deposits were covered by mud or shale.
There is also a red sandstone stratum which characterizes one of the
Devonian sedimentations, and this red layer extends over much of the
earth’s surface, being found in North and South America, Europe, Russia,
China, Africa, and Australia. Such red deposits are suggestive of arid
or semiarid conditions, but the climate of this epoch was still mild and

Excellent rains were received over
the Queensland cropping belt and parts of NSW over the past
fortnight, with up to 45mm in some areas, giving crops a good
drink and will help keep them going for another 4-6 weeks.

A team of researchers that made
headlines for decoding a secret society's 18th century
manuscript is working to reveal the secret behind an even more
mysterious book -- one that the world has yet to decode.
Then I say who
is Baiame and how is related to???
>>The Baiame myth tells how Baiame came down from the sky to the land,
and created rivers, mountains, and forests.<> He then gave the people
their laws of life, traditions, songs, and culture. <
He also created the first initiation site. This is known as a bora; a
place where boys were initiated into manhood. When he had finished, he
returned to the sky, and people called him the Sky Hero or All Father or
Sky Father.[2]

In Australian Aboriginal mythology
Baiame (Baayami or Baayama) was the Creator God and Sky
Father[1] in the dreaming of several language groups (e.g.
Kamilaroi, Eora, Darkinjung, and Wiradjuri), of Indigenous
Australians of South-East Australia.
Remember this
video and the Mt Kaputar Sunset Video? In the video you see the
information board about the Kamilaroi Aboriginals how lived around Sawn
Rocks and Mt Kaputar.
Also note for many years I have been speaking about Dilmun/Babel City of
the Rising Sun in the land of the rising sun. You can locate
Dilmun/Babel if you look at where the Sun cuts the horizon, as you stand
between the feet of the Sphinx.
Ramsey Lewis ~
Tequila Mockingbird
Live version
Oli Silk - Chill Or Be Chilled

Recorded at Pizza Express Jazz Club
in London. Featuring Chuck Loeb (Guitar), Oli Silk (Keyboards),
Andrew Small (Drums) & Frank Felix (Bass). For details ofSevens8
This is belong
to youSevens8.

An inspirational video and spiritual
message from RedefineYourReality.com Awaken to Light. For over
100 hours of great videos and spiritual wisdom visit: httSevens8

Uploaded to
2 Baby owls
seen beside the driveway
hey, One beat
music festival in Mouth Abu (Rajasthan) on 5th November 2011. To grab
your pass visit the following link
frenz pls like this page :)

Favorited on
9,500 years ago, the Med flooded.
Cyrus then, had a land bridge to Lebanon. a city lays beneath
4,950 feet of ocean with 300' wide walls that goes around a
table mountain for 5.2 miles - discovered 11-11-2004 aboard the
Flying Enterprise - LimassoSevens8
Life Carriers
may employ every possible natural resource and may utilize any and >all
fortuitous circumstances< which will enhance the developmental progress
of the life experiment, but we are not permitted mechanically to
intervene in, or arbitrarily to manipulate the conduct and course of,
either plant or animal evolution.
I wonder if
this is a type and shadow from the ancient past of the 144,000 mentioned
in revelation and what happened to them.

A 7.3 MAGNITUDE earthquake in Turkey
could have killed up to 1000 people, the head of a seismological
institute says.
From the year
A.D. 1934 back to the birth of the first two human beings is just
993,419 years.
The presence of
these extraordinary supermen and superwomen, stranded by rebellion and
presently mating with the sons and daughters of earth, easily gave
origin to those traditional stories of the gods coming down to mate with
>>And thus originated the thousand and one legends of a mythical nature,
but founded on the facts of the postrebellion days, which later found a
place in the folk tales and traditions of the various peoples whose
ancestors had participated in these contacts with the Nodites and their

"Only an alert and knowledgeable
citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial
and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and
goals so that security and liberty may prosper together." more..

Relates the significance of the
chevron symbol and its inclusion on a first-century tomb Jesus
tomb found in East Talpiot, Jerusalem.
and lastly from
ancient times and culture.
Sevens8 added a new photo.
Sevens8 added a new photo.
Sevens8 added a new photo.
Sevens8 added a new photo.
Sevens8 added a new photo.
Sevens8 added a new photo.
Sevens8 added a new photo.
Sevens8 added a new photo.
Sevens8 added a new photo.
Sevens8 added a new photo.
I love the
colours in this dawn image.
This one was a
good shot to.
What about this
glimpse of the face at dawn one morning whilst was up North.

100,000+ UFO Videos, Mysteries,
2012, Above Top Secret, Prophecy, Ghosts, Paranormal Activity
Videos, Photos, Podcasts and Conspiracy Forum.
Note the shadow
shape in the corner. I wonder if they realised that?

Perry Stone teaches from Israel.
See what the
ancient astronaut theorists say.
the big day eh!
21st Oct 2011

Queen arrives for 16th Australia

The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope
recently produced a map of the night sky. Out of 1873 new
sources, nearly 600 were complete mysteries. In this week's
ScienceCast, researchers speculate on the nature of the mystery
objects--including the possibility that they are made of dark
On the way back
in Lismore I thought I would grab something to eat.
As I was eating i was read an article about the earth reaching 7 Billion
in a few days whereas 12 years ago it reached 6 billion. I immediately
thought of patterns, the 6 and 7, 12(66) apart and reading the article
on the 17th October.

She's a 40-year-old mother of eight,
with a ninth child due soon. The family homestead in a Burundi
village is too small to provide enough food, and three of the
children have quit school for lack of money to pay required
Hi I'm back
after a gruelling 2 weeks.
I saw this amazing documentary last night and thought I would it.
I understand allot more in what we live in.

A series of films about how humans
have been colonised by the machines we have built. Has the
onward march of progress come to a shuddering halt?
Nice to meet
you Dennis..hope to get to know you some./connielee
Hey hi, III be
be up north for another week but in the meantime great blessingsSevens8Much
happening eh! dont you think!!!!
Bill Rodriguez

It often times seems like our lives
are shrouded in darkness, secrecy and mystery. And because of
that we sometimes search for someone who can possibly lead us
out of this confusing darkness and into the clarity of a lighter
existence and a brighter future, for our own little piece of
Just in case
anyonw is worried about "2012"Sevens8. ViA:

Watch Scooby01ukuk's video about
General Conspiracies documentary on Disclose.tv
Around the 2
million year mark
The great ice sheets of this period were all located on elevated
highlands, not in mountainous regions where they are found today. One
half of the glacial ice was in North America, one fourth in Eurasia, and
one fourth elsewhere, chiefly in Antarctica. Africa was little affected
by the ice, >>>>but Australia was almost covered with the antarctic ice
I know some
will disagree but I agree with him, if anything will happen, it will be
on a spiritual level and it will concern religion and the truth and I
agree enjoy 2013.

Watch Scooby01ukuk's video about
General Conspiracies documentary on Disclose.tv
Pretty soon,
III be driving up North, III be gone for about 7 days, so all the best
eh and great blessings in the meantime.
I'm looking at
the triangle and near circle symbol in the centre on top of the
mountain, close to the Corrals of John the Baptist.
I'm looking for the corresponding Hebrew or Aramaic letter for the
symbol. I think it corresponds to the symbol Teth.
Looks like this
is spreading by its own momentum and does indicate that people are not
very happy with the Goldman Sachs World rulers as mentioned by one of
there traders on TV.

Inspired by the events in New York
City, protesters begin assembling in several cities across the
Tablet 108
The Targum
from the Beginnings and Facebook timeline