This article
will certainly make people think, if nothing else will.

After examining the fossils of two
hominids that lived nearly 2 million years ago, anthropologists
said that the anatomical features of the adult female and young
male strongly suggest they could be members of a species that
was a direct ancestor of modern humans.
There seems to
be much action happening in China with increased sightings and things.
Just be aware of CGI garbage.

China’s media had a busy month with
credible UFO sightings and dubious UFO videos.
Rumsfeld had
his chance in power and look where we still are, he is relaxed and
retired but this mess still continues but anyway. I have an positive
idea for the US Government, for all Governments that would save allot of
money for the people and perhaps bring about peace

In an exclusive interview, the 9/11
defense secretary lays down the terrible terror truths.
harvest Blood
Red Moon tonight much has been said with heaps of speculation. Oh well I
thoroughly enjoyed the rummage through the scriptures to see if there
was some clues there in the probe.

We ALL of every faith, MUST, pray
for ALL, 4 ALLLL have sinned, ALL have taken advantage,
manipulated even one’s kith& kin; ALL, have wronged mankind, ALL
have cheated,2 many have indulged in debauchery& infidelity.

Brian Culbertson Live from the
Inside- Back in the Day and So Good
What motivates
people to do this eh! the thought of this is incredibly evil and this is
no way to eternal life in the deception. Give me nothing of that.

Sources telling CBS 2 that the
"specific, credible but unconfirmed" intelligence includes
information that al-Qaeda would like to hit Times Square.
Thanks for
connecting with me Dennis ♥
King James
The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of
earth, purified seven times.
About Joseph he said: >>"May the LORD bless his land with the precious
dew from heaven above and with the deep waters that lie below;<<
King James
Joel 2:31
The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before
the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.

Another great track from the
excellent cd "Foreign Exchange" from Paul Brown and Marc
Antoine. This cut is entitled 'French Connection". Enjoy!
King James
Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our
solemn feast day.

This week’s waxing gibbous moon is
well placed for observation.

A terrific song by Acoustic Alchemy
from their album "AArt" (2001). Enjoy! ; )
This was in
2010 in Sweden.

Watch Dodgedemon71's video about
space orbs ufo documentary on Disclose.tv

Watch Vaerospace's video about ufo
cape town real footage documentary on Disclose.tv
Hi my dear
friend .I am at home again. I enjoyed so much my trip. But the most
important thing that ,I learned more about life and friendship .I
remembered you all the time .I love you so much my dear friend and
brother .You taught me about the hope and light in this world .I send
you my warmest hugs .SOON .Marcia.
Bridging the
1st Eden
Job 22:30
He shall deliver the island of the innocent: and it is delivered by the
pureness of thine hands.
by the way
Job 38:17
"Have the gates of death been shown to you? >Have you seen the gates of
the shadow of death?"<
concerning 1st Eden and Dalamatia City from the Valleys of the Shadow of
Death concerning rebellion and default, Consider we are at the end, from
the beginning with the Alpha and the Omega. Jesus.
Ezekiel 34:11
"'For this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I myself will search for my
sheep and look after them.
New International Version
The end has come! The end has come!
It has roused itself against you. It has come!

Blue Note Tokyo / Bob James(key),
Larry Carlton(g),Nathan East(b),Harvey Mason(ds)
I personally
think they are missing the focalisation of the end from the beginning.
Its all mapped out but what is the catalyst I ask them?? What is the
thing the Father in Heaven would point to? and that activates the
evacuation of this planet?

Perry Stone teaches on the rapture.
There is so
much division through out the world as we know on all levels, is it
possible to make the bridge with all mankind??? into a solid unit where
all man can find commonality, leading to brotherhood and yet be yourself
naturally, as you know yourself since a child growing up without outside

Mankind faces extinction, the Prince
of Wales has warned, unless humans transform our lifestyles to
stop mass consumption, run away climate change and destruction
of wildlife.
I thought this
Dutchsince got taken down but anyway here is a video of his on the
Netherlands earthquake.

Watch Kanaeta's video about east
coast united states USA lake anna washington state W.A energy
northwest ENW caltech g documentary on Disclose.tv
In the
Part 1

YAHUWAH says he declares the end
from the beginning or "Bereshith" in Hebrew (Ibriy, Abraya).
This video takes a closer look at the word of YAHUWAH and the m

Watch Scooby01ukuk's video about
General Conspiracies documentary on Disclose.tv

The recent spate of bad weather
delaying sporting events has left fans disgruntled, and some are
searching for explanations. A few people claim the massive heat
waves, hurricanes, earthquakes, tropical storms and
thunderstorms are proof of global warming. Others claim it's the
first sign of the comi
International Version (©1984)
But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet,
the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his
servants the prophets."
Wow, this is

Tentative results excite some, but
do not match other signals well
It never really
ends, when does it end.

ISLAMABAD: Pakistani Taliban, which
is holding over 25 boys as hostages in neighbouring Afghanistan,
has demanded the release of all their comrades from prison in
return for the children. The terror

from "20Th Anniversary Celebration"
(2006) ** Japan edition bonus track
Triangle over

"Only an alert and knowledgeable
citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial
and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and
goals so that security and liberty may prosper together." more..
Today is the
new day of the 8th after the 7th, a day that my mind and soul will
project to Paradise, love and best wishes to the Father of all things in
honour to all the beautiful things in the spiritual experience that led
us to this part in the journey of the Tree of Life from the abyss
connected to the Gabriel Paradise Circuit.
Today is the
Seventh and tomorrow is the eighth .
What I propose is a thought adjuster projection from within yourself,
fused in common with your soul of love and best wishes to the Father in
Paradise tomorrow night in your own way. The whole idea is for us to
project love to Paradise through the opened Gabriel ArchAngel circuit of
this planet connected to Paradise.
I went ot get a
Pizza, enjoying it now mmm.
As I was sitting in the Pizza plaxe I noticed a MAP of the general area,
I realised that where I live is right in the Middle of Triangle made by
arterial roads. In the triangle there 6 sections made by the roads and I
live right in the middle where the circle would be and near a Cross
Road. Reflectivity!
Thing is though
the young in Australia generally know nothing about religion and if they
knew and researched the aspect of religion including this journey they
would understand what s going on. The problem is Atheism even at the top
is rampant including its corruption disguised in spin including
distraction promotion waffle. Real Tafe atheist college government, so
mediocre no spirit and no truth.
There date is
13.75 billion years

Astronomers are now using galaxies
as lenses to explore the distant universe, providing them with
precise tool to measure the size and age of the universe and how
rapidly it is expanding. The measurement determines a value for
the Hubble
This has
significance for me.
Because that's where the End comes from, from in the beginning.
Sincere thanks goes out to my fellow
Brother in Christ 'ppsimmons' (aka Carl Gallups) for creating
this video & sharing the valuable information it contains!
I hope this one
is true and not cgi and I would like to apologise for the swearing and
bad language emanating from this country to an international audience.
Fair Dinkum mate!

"Only an alert and knowledgeable
citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial
and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and
goals so that security and liberty may prosper together." more..
I had to have a
laugh at the opening scene reflecting religion in war which shouldn't be
there. That is not how the 3 Most Highs of the Constellation feel nor
think. All this anger and hatred within the heart of man doesnt go
anyway surely by contrast to the beginnings of all things where there is
no hatred.

Watch Gbrown's video about General
Conspiracies documentary on Disclose.tv

Watch Ghost32's video about The
Sirius Mystery Interview With Robert Temple documentary on

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I would believe this, no matter what is said and demonstrated before the
Seventh trump, the concerning nations will do what they want to do,
following there own will.
You see there
are many mysteries connected to the end and one of them is the Sevenfold
mystery of the SEVEN Churches which I believe is attached to 1st Eden
and Dalamatia City. The beginnings, the Alpha which leads to the Omega
at the beginnings to the beginning unto Paradise.
I have posted
some of his videos bit never saw his full range. At the end of the day
would have to expect this. I run the same risk in what I do but in my
view I would rather, in the best way I can, look more positively towards
the future in what we know which I believe is excellent.

Brian Simpson A longtime studio
musician, musical director, and touring keyboardist to stars as
diverse as Janet Jackson and Dave Koz, Brian Simpson's breakt
I hope it

TOKYO -- Japanese scientists were
warning Thursday that Tokyo could soon be hit by a massive
earthquake, following a surge in seismic activity.
ACTIVITY: Sunspot 1283 is crackling with solar flares. Yesterday, Sept.
6th, the active region produced an M5.3-class eruption at >0150 UT<
followed by a X2.1-class event at>> 2220 UT<<. NASA's Solar Dynamics
Observatory recorded this extreme UV flash from the X-flare:

They came from outer space--and you
can have one! Genuine meteorites are now on sale in the Space
Weather Store.
this is
interesting maybe!

A new Wikileaks UFO cable has been
released! The following statement it´s very STRONG! The cable
includes a message sent from the Embassy Dushanbe to
Could be
landing lights but other than that I have no idea. I thought the date
was interesting. aug 17th, 17=14561

"Only an alert and knowledgeable
citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial
and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and
goals so that security and liberty may prosper together." more..
Urantia Book
>Sooner or later another and greater John the Baptist is due to arise
proclaiming “the kingdom of God is at hand” — meaning a return to the
high spiritual concept of Jesus, who proclaimed that the kingdom is the
will of his heavenly Father dominant and transcendent in the heart of
the believer <

TOKYO -- Japanese scientists were
warning Thursday that Tokyo could soon be hit by a massive
earthquake, following a surge in seismic activity.

A bacterial strain that specifically
targets tumours could soon be used as a vehicle to deliver drugs
in frontline cancer therapy. The strain is expected to be tested
in cancer patients in 2013 says a scientist at the Society for
General Microbiology's Autumn Conference at the University of
Check this out
The spiritual awakening of the sixth century before Christ did not
persist in India, having died out even before the Mohammedan invasion.
I find that the
early life and circumstance of Buddha that led him to the spiritual path
has type in this journey as well. Has much reflectivity!
I pray all
blessing for everyone eh! all the time with strength to keep going day
by day. I pray everyone find inspiration in life to give them needed
spiritual vitality with a light spirit through out the days.
I found that
being part of the journey 100% in the focus, my work life has improved
by better work performance in attitude and staying power as If I work
for the Father in Heaven. Even though its all tough like with many
people of the planet but I feel in adversity comes excellence.
I tell you the
way I feel right now, Jesus Sovereign is going to do a good thing for
us, I know that without a doubt.
Still thinking
about the antichrist guy due to come.
Its quite possible that the Manchild born of the woman in 1st Eden and
Dalamatia City found in Revelation is connected to the Greater John the
Baptist message at the end connected to the Tree of Life in harmony with
John the Baptist symbol in design of the placement of his corrals
designed for recognition at the end, its confirmation dolmen.
Here is a
question answer thing of Lord Rael, who thinks he is Jesus, I don't
know, that's a big call to say you are Jesus.
I don't think I could say that.
I was more interested in the 1st and 2nd video of the antichrist sermon
in the videos. I found the scriptures he used interesting considering we
are from 1st Eden and we are pointing to the Fathers Temple using the
Urantia Book.

Before we answer your most common
questions, it's important that you realize the difference
between the real historic Jesus, and the super-hero version
people tend
I wonder whats
happening in China??

A huge unidentified, luminous disk,
many times larger than the full moon, was observed in the skies
of Beijing and Shanghai on the night of Aug. 20.
I don't mind
this preacher either that I see on Tomorrows world on C31, man he get
stuck into it, he rips into it, he doesnt muck around, I don't mind him
at all, good on him.

Do you want to understand end-time
prophecy? Do you wonder what it means to you, and what you can
do to prepare for the times ahead? This powerful DVD contains
four vital messages providing valuable insights into the
prophesied events that will soon change the lives of everyone
living on planet Eart

Perry Stone teaches on the rapture.
Two bodies, one
head, fields divided in two,
And then to reply to four unheard ones:
Little ones for great ones, clear evel for them,
Lightning at the tower of Aiguesmortes, worse for "Eussouis"
Now look at
this fragment in terms of 1st Eden today, remembering the days of all
generations from the actual beginnings and the beginnings of Dalamatia
City and 1st Eden and know that this journey of the Tree of Life is part
of Spiritual Zion of today where the doors are open to all mankind of
all religion, in simple faith resting in the Paradise Son in friendship
and recognition, Jesus Master Sovereign of this Universe, Jesus your
friend indeed, our fellow brother today.
I just had a
nice and blessed conversation with a fellow faith son of God of the
Islam religion and we blessed each other with love. I feel love and
warmth in my heart and I am at service to all man attached to religion
or unattached to religion for glory of God and the final truth of the
matter in demonstration.
And it is
impossible entirely to divorce purely evolved religion from either magic
or sorcery.
mmm, I see that in evolutionary religion, for sure everywhere.
here is a
search on divorce, a pressure relief valve for wayward relationships
that becomes totaly destructive. Man and Woman are allowed to be
divorced since in many relationships, they miss the point totaly and
many couples are dumb to truth with shallowness where the relationship
don't last.
facilitated the accumulation of capital; it fostered work of certain
kinds; the leisure of the priests promoted art and knowledge; the race,
in the end, gained much as a result of all these early errors in ethical
technique. The shamans, honest and dishonest, were terribly expensive,
but they were worth all they cost.
God is with us;
therefore we have no fear in our hearts. If there be found any virtue in
me, it is the manifestation of Heaven who abides with me. But this
Heaven within me often makes hard demands on my faith. If God is with
me, I have determined to have no doubt in my heart. Faith must be very
near the truth of things, and I do not see how a man can live without
this good faith.
constitutes a fact of relationship between every personality in
universal existence. No person can escape the benefits or the penalties
that may come as a result of relationship to other persons. The part
profits or suffers in measure with the whole.
I received an
email that this office is about to close. Who is there to defend the
rights of women who left victims to the horrible man??? I mean really
horrible man in his evil.
I beseech you
therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies
a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, >>>which is your
reasonable service.<<<(to each other and everyone else)
I could be
wrong in this but I think much of this is due to drug taking like Speed,
crank and ice, I have seen this occur with a friend of mine and when he
stopped all that, it all went away.

The people having them are
experiencing Morgellons, the latest and scariest in the series
of bizarre diseases appearing in the last few years, seemingly
from nowhere. Morgellons is now reaching epidemic proportions in
the U.S. and abroad.
Gee, I hope
this guy is not on some other trip to.
What else could go wrong on this planet??

A retired Chinese general recently
revealed that his country might be planning a surprise missile
attack on the United States. The public comment of Xu Guangyu
came in response to WikiLeaks revelations that last year
Washington had warned its allies beforehand of China’s test of a
missile intercepto
Thank you for
the friendship;)
In this journey
Islam, not Muslim has been ordered to stay away from me, Christianity
like wise. So therefore its just you and me and the truth with a boat
load of faith with God and the spirit of truth only to feed us along
with out thought adjuster, thus the end team.
Job 28:3
He setteth an end to darkness, and searcheth out all perfection: >>the
stones of darkness, and the shadow of death.<<
1st Eden = the shadow of death, the valley of default, in the past. The
truth of all things sets man free today and we speaking about Stones of
the past.

A more severe crash than the one
triggered by the collapse of Lehman Brothers could be on the
way, according to alarm signals in the credit markets.
From the Muslim Bible
Surah 50:41-45
And listen for the Day when the Caller will call out from a place
quite near.
The Day when they will hear a (mighty) Blast in Truth: That will be
the Day of Resurrection. . . .
We know best what they say; And thou are not one to overawe them by
So admonish with the Qur'an such as fear My Warning!
surah 50:41-45 Qaf
C 2 Q 28
The moon in the middle of the night.
(mid night)
The young sage alone with his mind has seen it.
(Seen the path, the truth and the construct)
His disciples invite him to become immortal
His body in the fire.
Look into the
bible to see if I can find reflectivity similar to the Johns corrals.
Can you really
realize the true significance of the Adjuster’s indwelling? Do you
really fathom what it means to have an absolute fragment of the absolute
and infinite Deity, the Universal Father, indwelling and fusing with
your finite mortal natures?
When the Father
in Heaven says I will do something new, it must be something very new
because the Father in heaven never changes right, unchangeable! and yet
we have something new.

"The cathedral in the Spanish city
of Salamanca was constructed in 1102, and is therefore one of
the oldest such constructions in the world. I

This was a fantastic performance by
Eric Darius. From his new CD titled "Goin' all out" The song is
called "Breathe" I am SURE you'll enjoy it!!
I'm really
suspect about lanterns these days and the zoom on video giving the orb

A series of lights disappearing and
appearing over Ghajnsielem, lasted well over 15 minutes.
The corrals of
the Baptist where the arrangement resembles the Tree of Life and we are
from the beginning 1st Eden and Dalamatia city.
thank you for
being my friend I get blessings everyday From God and I give them Back
to MY friends and family always MAY GOD PUT A SONG IN YOUR HEART and

Growing piles of contaminated
sewage, located hundreds of kilometers from Japan's Fukushima
Daiichi nuclear meltdown, are loaded with high levels of
radiactive cesium, and the government has yet to come up with a
policy for the country's latest crisis.
Today they
claim all of the China sea and tomorrow, they claim the world right.

The Indian and Chinese navies were
involved in a face-off in the disputed South China Sea. A
Chinese warship confronted an Indian naval vessel as it left
Vietnamese waters in July.
Some UFO action
in Northern Western Australia.

Only a day after the last reported
UFO sighting in the Northern Territory a Katherine man has not
only seen a mysterious object on the sky - he also took photos
of it.
This might be
seen as threatening growing the stronghold in a country eventually
population and culture take over but remember Muslim is a faith and the
truth of everything will prevail, the truth of Jesus uncompromised will
Prevail, no matter what the motives are in ideological religion taking
over state.
surrounding countries would hate this report and perhaps would be
envious leading to war on part in there whole scheme of things.
The 12 corrals
of John the Baptist on top of the plateau!
The triangle
Circle Chevron set upon the cliff mountain above the Brook of John the
Baptist close by to Engedi.
amazing!! and there is more symbol connection!

The mysterious substance may not be
needed, according to a new theory of gravitational interactions
between matter and antimatter.

One of the many videos from my
banned channel. I decided to re-post it after reading this
story: Minor water leak reported at NC State's nuclear reactor -