It just came to mind,
The Rock of all ages.
The Rock upon which the Tree of Life is plant, the beginnings.
Enter the 12(66) gates
of Eden in the great virtual Epic of Mankind.
(1035.1) 94:7.1
Contemporary with Lao-tse and Confucius in China, another great teacher of
truth arose in India. Gautama Siddhartha was born in the sixth century
before Christ in the north Indian province of Nepal. His followers later
made it appear that he was the son of a fabulously wealthy ruler,
Amazing Orb fleet, I
note the triangle configuration including the diamond shape. I noticed the
time 10(55):21(777)
555 eh!

"Buckle your seatbelts. A major
life change is upon you. This change
should not
be viewed as being "positive" or "negative," since all
change is but a natural part of life's flow. Perhaps this change is
answer to your prayers, so continue seeing and feeling yourself
at peace." ~Doreen Virtue ♥
Oh well Yes I can understand that but
when you make war in attitude against the USA the more prices will go up.
The more the other one God religion make war on the USA the more they will
suffer in rising prices and an Islamic Government is not going to look
after the people as we have seen in demonstration. There all practically
states ruling by the gun and fear in the final analysis.
this is like Deluge

BREAKING NEWS Queensland Smashed Over
Night MASSIVE Never Seen Before Floods
You would think its
planet but then it comes back.
Police fire tear gas as thousands rally
in capital, Dhaka, to vent their anger at record 9.25 per cent
plunge in stocks.
The first Wikileaks U.S. diplomatic
cable that mentions UFOs has just been released. It is based on
comments by Yuriy Zhadobin, chairman of the intelligen
Ive never seen so much
rain in Australia, it reminds me of Noahs Ark in the 40 days and 40 nights
of rain.
Flood waters have cut the southeastern
Queensland city of Gympie in two, with about a dozen businesses
already under water. According to the Courier Mail, the Bureau of
Meteorology has warned the
As I watching the last video I was
reminded about the Phoenician who travelled to the end of the world to
find the purple die shell fish. I thought i would try and find a link to
Gympie where some Phoenician script was found and see if they have shell
fish there as that would of been the desired cargo of the Phoenician
dye shell fish at around that time. A Royal colour.
"Today, I was witness to a great
tragedy. I observed from my point of standing on the beach sands,
three families on their way to the island with a dead relative. They
had been presumptuous of their skills in crossing the waters which
had assumed the position of the ebb some short
Again here is a
presentation in truth about the Nomadic Andites, note how the common design
and construction takes the Pacific route through the islands on to Japan and
probably back to India and Egypt. A home of the Andites, Imhotep the builder
of the Great Pyramid was an Andite which connects the Andites to Egypt.
Watch Senzalamundi's video about
senzalamundi lost cities south america pacific documentary on
I believe these videos
are saying the same thing as all the others, its about consciousness but
where is the creator of Consciousness. Its about consciousness but No God.
Just religion under guise without God. State of being without God, only
consciousness. Seems a little random, consciousness only and what of it.
An Icelandic MP says US officials have
subpoenaed personal details from Twitter relating to her activities
with the whistle-blowing website Wikileaks.
Gee almost looks
designed in the U.S.
uSfkiktDekA l3Qgu6u8CGw LOS ANGELES. The
brand-new Chinese combat aircraft, the United States to tremble.
Stealth Planet J-20 is said to be at least as good
I believe we about to
Enter the SEVENTH Stage in a time to come.
"(627.1) 55:4.3 This is merely the first of the successive administrative
adjustments which attend the unfolding of the >>successive ages of
increasingly brilliant attainment on the inhabited worlds<< as they pass
from the first to the seventh stage of settled existence."
1. The Morontia
(2020.4) 189:1.1 At two forty-five Sunday morning, the Paradise incarnation
commission, consisting of seven unidentified Paradise personalities, arrived
on the scene and immediately deployed themselves about the tomb.
(1143.5) 104:1.2
>>The second presentation of the Trinity was made by Adam and Eve in the
first and second gardens.<< These teachings had not been wholly obliterated
even in the times of Machiventa Melchizedek about thirty-five thousand years
Here is a presentation
on Vortex Mathematics. Amazing!
Randy Powell explains vortex math
and the ABHA Torus from the beginning. Expanding on the work of
Marko Rodin. Contact Randy directly at or
visit his website at
Absolutely right on
and I was amazed at the Symbols of this new mathematical formula, I note the
Triangle and the circle, a point of connection in the middle, a replication
of the Design of Dalamatia City, Vans highland Capital and the Dilmun/Babel
transmitted to Egypt.
reposted from: danielofd0ria -
believe that the alchemical process of turning lead into gold in the
process of ascension Here is how to REPOST THIS VIDEO (directions):
1. Download Youtube Downloader here:
I was trying to find a
connection of Eden and the second coming, I found this link. Even though I
other thoughts on somet hings but I was interested in the 1st Eden
Edgar Cayce (pronounced "Kay-see") was a
simple Sunday School teacher who, over the span of his lifetime
(1877-1945), had more near-death experiences than anyone ever
documented. Cayce learned at a young age that when he was
hypnotized, he could leave his body and journey into the afterlife
Just think this is
potentially within our grasp.
Ive been using the term "people of the
Garden" and I just discovered it in the Urantia Book.
(583.2) 51:3.3 A Planetary Adam and Eve are, in potential, the full gift
of physical grace to the mortal races. The chief business of such an
imported pair is to multiply and to uplift the children of time. But there
is no immediate interbreeding
between "the people of the garden" and those of the world;
(1915.2) 176:2.5 But
the times of the reappearing of the Son of Man are known only in the
councils of Paradise; not even the angels of heaven know when this will
Mesopotamia had it
first and the noise is the rebellion.
The Councils of Heaven and how they
relate to us being part of the Reserve Corp of Destiny for this planet.
(1258.3) 114:7.11 On Urantia the reserve corps of destiny, though having
no permanent head, does have its own permanent councils which constitute
its governing organization. These embrace the judiciary council, the
historicity council,
the council on political sovereignty, and many others.
Every religion will
have its own dilemma in truth with challenge in the revealing of Jesus the
How could
Consciousness get you through this??
God is sending His judgment tool. The
same one He sent at the flood and at Exodus. This thing, not a
comet, not a planet, will kill over four and one half billion
people, and the rest will spend their time searching g for food and
water. It is a
the catch cry for all
these researchers is Consciousness but no God. I believe all good things
worthwhile are retained by the evolving Supreme but I feel personality
repersonalisation is lost in just sheer denial of God himself.
Apparently, it could
be New Years Fireworks? But when I walked on the beach 6 weeks ago with dead
birds everywhere there were no celebrations of any type.
Experts believe a loud noise or event
was behind the mass death of as many as 5,000 red-winged blackbirds
and starlings in Arkansas on New Year's Eve, when they all flew into
buildings at night, veterinarian Dr. John Fischer said Wednesday.
I thought this was
Watch Talks2dead's video about global
warming ancient civilization documentary on
(556.11) 48:7.11 9.
Action achieves strength; moderation eventuates in charm.
(556.12) 48:7.12 10. Righteousness strikes the harmony chords of truth, and
the melody vibrates throughout the cosmos, even to the recognition of the
(553.6) 48:6.25 It is
the task of the mind planners to study the nature, experience, and status of
the Adjuster souls in transit through the mansion worlds and to facilitate
their grouping for assignment and advancement. But these mind planners do
not scheme, manipulate, or otherwise take advantage of the ignorance or
other limitations of mansion world students.
(439.1) 39:5.15 While
planetary space reports are received at noon at the meridian of the
designated spiritual headquarters, the transporters are dispatched from this
same place at midnight. That is the most favourable time for departure and is
the standard hour when not otherwise specified.
(437.2) 39:5.3 1.
>>>The Voices of the Garden.<<< When the planetary course of human evolution
is attaining its highest biologic level, there always appear the Material
Sons and Daughters, the Adams and Eves, to augment the further evolution of
the races by an actual contribution of their superior life plasm.
Its full on rain in
this country and since the circles to.
Colin Andrews Report: Australia have
suffered record floods following a year of unexplained radar circles
on Australia Bureau of Meteorology system.
Pretty bad and could
never stand, what a scam. I 'm just happy I know what I know, learning more
where I can be and express myself and make progress.
1995 - Hidden cameras go inside the
London Scientology Org.
look like there are
many things dying around the world.
looks like a triangle,
that occurred last night.
Im sure this will
upset a few people, there seems to be a real push for this, i wonder what is
stimulating this?
Here is another
prediction for the End of Days 21st May 2011, No worries but for me I dont
know dates just looking for signs of the times in the way I view things but
lets have a look., 21st=777 & 5, 5th month, its seven days past my
The Blaze is a news, information and
opinion site brought to you by Glenn Beck and a dedicated team of
writers, journalists & video producers. Our goal is to post, report
and analyze stories of interest on a wide range of topics from
politics and culture to faith and family.
How true, very true.
Watch Zaff4444's video about truth nwo
sheeples documentary on
Trying to prevent more WikiLeaks
embarrassments, the Obama administration is telling federal agencies
to take aggressive steps, NBC News has learned.
Ok here is some
Wikileaks juicy stuff about recent UFO experiences. Note the
Triangle/Circle Symbol, like in the Shabbes Seventh timeline still in
operation, the common triangle/Circle symbol in reflectivity.
A new report circulating in the Kremlin
today prepared for President Medvedev by Russian Space Forces (VKS)
45th Division of Space Control says that an
I have no doubt in the
word of Thomas, an apostle of Jesus about the Beginning where the End comes
I believe when Adam
and Eve comes including Jesus and the whole family, this I believe begins
"the healing of the nations" begins in earnest. I believe the Healing of the
Nations is associated with Adam and Eve and the tree of Life for at least a
thousand years of Genetic uplift before the translation temple comes.
The problem is the
imposition of religion without free will and the degradation of women. All
this takes civilisation backward for a thousand years like we see with the
witness of the Taliban in power.
MMM this is
interesting, the thing is we already live in a Police State, what's new with
all the state run innuendo on TV, all conditioning of Police and state via
threat with cameras everywhere, words like, well will get you, you have no
chance, we do this well do that. Thats all I see of Police and state thereat
advertising, if you do this we will do that all robotic where you have to
run the gauntlet on everything
Like what did they do
to be so defensive?? Just another thing over mankind obviously judging by
the reaction. Bit worried are we?? I wonder why?
From here on in this
journey its about deep religion if any one that wants to jump ship you can,
no worries right now, you can leave thios place. I prefer no baggage or
In my numerous
contemplation I believe there will be a Judgement meaning a clean sweep of
the Planet of the spiritual darkness but before that occurs the elect and
faithful will be preserved and will return after the Judgement. In my
thoughts I believe Adam and Eve and there progeny will come back and uplift
what is left in faith is, only the faithful who KNOW Jesus as a friend and
not as a stranger will be preserved.
I am so honored to be
your friend. Peace, love, oneness, joy, prosperity and light now and always
Watch Pazuzu11's video about Ufo alien
orb documentary on
Totaly cool, a bell
shaped UFO like in Westall 66.
Here is some early
thoughts about the Mesopotamian influence of the Inca and throughout the
Americas through the migration of the Nomadic Andites.
Below are links to various websites and
pictures that paint a picture of the birth of the Inca knowledge
through Sumerian and Indian knowledge that was transported by boats
along the massive Pacific Island land bridge that extended from
Japan through Polynesia across to the coast of South Ame
Gee, I want to get on
a boat now and go to 1st Eden with a high potential of meeting Jesus the
Sign at 1st Eden of Cyprus.
Another great Sign of
1stEden and the Judgement of Mankind found in the Book of Jubilees.
23 testified against (them) all. And he was taken from amongst the children
of men, and we conducted him into the Garden of Eden in majesty and honour,
and behold there he writes down the condemnation.
Book of Jubilee extract reveals new
approach to interpretation extracts out of the book Jubilees.
Physical discovery Sign Future Judgment Book of Enoch spiritual
I just bumped into
some early research trying to make connection then. Boy for me, its gone a
long way since those days. So defined in this day.
Does the book of the Gates which depict
mans journey to heaven as he passes through the 12 hours or the 12
gates also a literal depiction of the 12 gates of Eden as expressed
in the Urantia Book?
River waters are still on the rise in
northeastern Australia, where flooding has affected some 200,000
people. In eastern Queensland, the Fitzroy river is threatening to
submerge half of the city of Rockhampton. And in the west of the
state, the floods have claimed their first life - a woman h
A flood that has consumed much of
northeastern Australia and been described as reaching "biblical
proportions" is now also a killer, after a woman drowned while
trying to cross a flooded causeway this weekend.
I can relate and I
know who I can rely on.
I wonder how you're feeling There's
ringing in my ears And no one to relate to 'cept the sea Who can I
believe in I'm kneeling on the floor There has to be a force who do
I phone The stars are out and shining, but all I really want to
know Oh won't you show me the way I want you
Whatever it is, totaly
another clue
"(1026.1) 93:10.11 This is the story of Machiventa Melchizedek, one of the
most unique of all characters ever to become connected with the history of
Urantia and >>>>a personality >who may be destined to play an important role
in the future experience< of your irregular and unusual world."<<<<
mmmmmm intertesting!!
I also promise that I
will sometime return to this world, where I have lived this life in the
flesh and achieved the experience of simultaneously revealing God to man and
leading man to God. Very soon must I leave you and take up the work the
Father has intrusted to my hands, but be of good courage, for I will
sometime return. In the meantime, >>my Spirit of the Truth of a universe
shall comfort and guide you.<<< (an
I'm told this is the
episode with the Whale..It is like the whale floating in space maybeI'm
just beginning to watch it now Interesting how it starts with everybody
dead on a frozen destitute planetand it's called The Naked TimeI call
this the Age of Transparency with Wikileaks, the Internet, Michael Moore,
Oprah, Obama's transparency laws with the interests, etc.they are naked!
We know who you are!
Star Trek: The Original Series - The
Naked Time on IMDb: Movies, TV, Celebs, and more
An interesting
observation is that Google search does not recognise the word Dalamatia or
dalamatia city anymore from what i can tell, only unless you group the words
and add the .com
Great research and
studies for anyone.
mmmm interesting!!
wtf guys Wikileaks nailed it for real
now..I found this on imgur wtf. Happy New Year everybody.. Much of
luck and happiness to all of
(871.5) 78:3.9 These
racial distributions, associated with extensive climatic (871.5) For the
Incas to be given and reflect the Noah Story due to the roving Andites they
would of touched down in Sth America at least within the thousand years from
5000BC, 7000 years ago.
For your consideration.. THE RULERS OF
THE WORLD: a new Project Avalon video interview _nLgHnC6BdE Havent
seen it all myself, just though Id provide it
Dear Dennis! Very
Happy New Year to you and to your family! Peace, prosperity and good health
in 2011! I am Nadia Gill, a Urantia Book Reader from Pakistan. Nadia
Gill-Urantia Book Study Group Pakistan
We just finished ringing in the new year
in Ontario (Oshawa, about 50km outside of toronto) and went outside
for a smoke. 6 of us were outside and observed a red/pink orb flying
north over our houses. Each orb was followed by another and there
was a string of about 10 of them. Each one moved fairly
mmm interesting I
wonder what they are?
°**°.Έ☆ ★
╔╗╔╦══╦═╦═╦╗╔╗ ★ ★ ★
║╚╝║══║═║═║╚╝║ ☆Έ.°**°.Έ☆
║╔╗║╔╗║╔╣╔╩╗╔╝ ★ NEW YEAR ☆ 2011!!
╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╝═╚╝ ♥¥☆★☆★☆¥♥ ★☆
Prophetic Secrets
Revealed in Moses Tabernacle
Here is the latest and a few more clues from the perspective of the
Sanctuary, Just reminds me of the shape of the Cube near our Sun. Squares!
Voice of Evangelism, Perry Stone
Ministries, Manna Fest
A nation in fear,
however I believe at the end of the day that if man new more about the
ultimate truth that can be demonstrated he would feel better in all aspects
of himself with immortality assured. In this truth he can arise all the fear
where he is more loving based where the abuse is lessened as man spiritually
evolves in the revelatory experience of God with knowledge in demonstration
making it the Truth.
Jesse Venture went looking for who was
tracking him when he was governor and was incensed by when he found.
Chips, rocks packed with equipment, multinational companies working
with the FBI spying on us all - State of freedom in 2011. Colin
Andrews report
In the last few
seconds of this video he mentions the ark and its shape like a Cube which
reminds me of the cube that was photographed around the Sun. Could the Ark
story, a local event of Noahs family and his animals story, expanded
worldwide be a real metaphor for an evac/rapture? Look at his life reading
the Signs of Flooding, ever increasing each year where he creates an Ark of
safety, perhaps like in this day??
Watch Uforeportlive's video about Aliens
Evidence NASA Conspiracy Proof Government Cover-up Visitations From
Other Planets U documentary on
I thought this was
quite realistic.
I thought this was an interesting video
that encapsulates the symbol of the Triangle for the Common man according
to the Egyptians and note how the Word according this Egyptians made the
Pyramid, the Triangle Symbol. Block by Block and precept upon precept,
line upon line and I was interested to see how the Ultimation is making
known to researchers.
I believe all this
information in terms of cultural stories are all related to Nomadic Andites
throughout the world, spreading essentialy the stories about themselves in
Myth , Legend encapsulated in their History, reflective of there truth that
we can identify due to the Urantia Book.
Here some real UFO ORB
action on 4th July, independance day. To me it has a real message in the
Happy New Year
May you're New Year be
ripe with new discoveries and cosmic ideals.Blessings upon you in GREAT
abundance are yet to come!!
Love and Light,
Discoveries Search, The Urantia Book
(1109.2) 101:4.1 >>>Because your world is generally ignorant of origins,
even of physical origins,<<<>>> it has appeared to be wise from time to
time to provide instruction in cosmology. And always has this made trouble
for the future. The laws of revelation hamper us greatly by their
the impartation of unearned or premature knowledge.
Oh well, what can you
do, fear driving more fear and that is the level. Who can do anything about
China is preparing for conflict 'in
every direction', the defence minister said on Wednesday in remarks
that threaten to overshadow a visit to Beijing by his US counterpart
next month.
Here is a video series
about the 7 Seals, I have'nt seen it yet so let see if there are some
parallels in the research to our journey Tree of Life Eden bound. Many
videos I watch like this I see many extra things that does compliment the
These are brilliant videos connecting
the book of Revelation with historical fact, and that it has been
unfolding on time since it was written. Refuting
In my view, there
appears to be approval from on high regarding disclosure. There appears to
be a real UFO buzz happening in New Zealand.
I can never get enough of these googley
hypnotic eyed sumerian artefacts, but the differing opinions in this
video appear to suggest this was more