Here is a link that connects the Erythaean Sea to the Persian Gulf, getting closer.
"But one of the mouths of the Araxes flows with clarity into the Caspian Sea. Now the Caspian Sea is by itself, not connected to the other sea; but the sea navigated by all the Greeks and the one outside the Pillars called the Atlantis Sea and Erythaean are truly connected." (Translated by R. Cedric Leonard)
From the above quote we can see that the body of water beyond the Pillars was also known as the Erythaean Sea--this is NOT the Persian Gulf! A word of clarification: the well-known mythologist, Prof. H. J. Rose (1969), says that the Greeks knew of an island in the Far West named Erythaea, the name of this island deriving from "the beams of the setting sun." (p. 111) The body of water surrounding the island of Erythaea would quite naturally be called the Erythaean Sea.
And even though people today associate the Erythaean Sea with the Persian Gulf, there were actually several bodies of water in ancient times called Erythaean (the Greek root ery simply means "red"), one of which was immediately west of Gibraltar (Bulfinch, 1885; Rose, 1969; Stapleton, 1978, et al.). The Erythaean Sea in the above quote is located by Herodotus just "outside the Pillars"
But most importantly, Herodotus tells us that the very same body of water was also called the Atlantis Sea. Some translators are guilty of "fudging" their translations (cf. George Rawlinson's translation), and translate the word in the text as "Atlantic"; but as is clearly demonstrated in the above text, the word actually used by Herodotus is "Atlantis". The accuracy of the Greek text shown here can be verified at any university dealing with classical Greek texts.
But Note this
Prof. H. J. Rose (1969), says that the Greeks knew of an island in the Far West named Erythaea, the name of this island deriving from "the beams of the setting sun." (p. 111) The body of water surrounding the island of Erythaea would quite naturally be called the Erythaean
Dilmun is known as the City of the Rising Sun. The Keyword is the Rising Sun remembering Babel was a Sun Worshipping Temple.
Dilmun/Babel/Atlantis would then be somehow connected to Erythaean Sea.
Apparently the Erythaean Sea is the Passage of Sea that traverses to India so therefore the Persian Gulf heads must be also the Pillars of Hercules. Where Dilmun/Babel and Dalamatia City Lays to the West.
Is this Atlantis?
Previously undiscovered ancient city found on Caribbean sea floor
I think they should check it out but
apparently this is being going on for years with nothing more than a few web
page jump pages.
I tend to relate Atlantis to the Tree of Life since they speak of immortality. I
think there were a few real Atlantis' One in the Med, one in the Persian Gulf
and one in the Iranian highlands. I think the Atlantis story contains a
combination of many things that find commonality with many cities of our past.
I also think that The Atlantis story as related by the Egyptian priests speaks
of Dilmun directly to the East of the Sphinx. I believe the Sphinx is a monument
of the earlier Egyptians who came from the lost city of Dilmun.
However, Dilmun was NOT a city of the Tree of Life but was a city built by the
fallen Sons of God (The Nodites) who had a natural enmity with the Greeks.
Dilmun was built in the memory of Dalamatia City, the first Atlantis.
Also the Persian Gulf has an East West aspect and you have to pass the heads
going west. Dalamatia City and Dilmun was to the West and North West of the
Heads with a continent surrounding.
Dalamatia must be and is South of Dilmun.
Anyway, this is what I'm thinking at the moment.
Hey Brig, apparently the lead
professor of the Egyptian Antiquities drilled bores to get rid of a rising water
table. He said there were no cavities!
I was thinking of verifying Dilmun following the triangle circle in the Great
Pyramid, The rising of the Sun (Dilmun, beginning) and the setting of the of the
Sun emblem (Egypt, the end). Interesting the triangle/circle is the same design
of both cities.
Lets say we go verify the city, Dilmun, the Atlantis of the Egyptians leading to
the real first Atlantis, Dalamatia City.
There should be slabs of early Sumerian writings in Dilmun being similar to the
Aryan language and there maybe some early Dalamatian Script on stone slabs in
Dalamatia City.
This would verify things.
Then I was thinking if there was a cavity under the Sphinx carrying the Hall of
records it could be the Records of Dilmun and Dalamatia City perhaps.
This would be the final completion of the mystery including the Great Pyramid
and the Symbol it contains, The Sphinx leading to the cities Dilmun and
Dalamatia City verified.
This would be the documentary I would piece together regarding all the Atlantis'
Its still a mystery that may have metaphor! N0&feature=player_embedded
This occurred on Jan 3rd
2010, it appears to be a 2 maybe 3 six sided, 3 dimensional stars
superimposed and offset
7th Feb 2010
I'm doing research on Babel focussed on the Sun to see what it reveals. Here is a fragment from Zeitgeist I came across that expresses how religion cults copied from on another regarding there Son of God.
This blend was understood by Jesus who fulfilled all the early cult religions stories of there Son of God. This is explained in detail by a fabulous video presentation by Robert Sarmast. This video beholds more truth than Zeitgeist.
I feel the following image is Nostradamus the End time scenario.

has connection to the Seventh part of the Shabbes timeline.

King tut and UFOs with Joe Maniscalco Mysteries of the tombs Isis Horus Seb
In this video the author mentions at the 1:56 min point, that the Sphinx facing the East is looking towards the land of the Rising Sun. (a clue) The Land of the Rising Sun is Bablod/Bablot and Dilmun is the City of the Rising Sun with its circular temple Babel in the centre of Dilmun submerged in the North Eastern Persian Gulf.
Also there connections he makes concerning the winged serpent. The Winged serpent could be a description of a seraphim and there 4 energy bats but note the there were Seraphim loyal to God and Mischievous Seraphims loyal to Caligastia (Kali/Koli). Some winged serpents as seen in various cultures of the past could be a record of many sightings of these winged seraphims. In these occasions may provided fro much Mischief by the rebellious Seraphims wanting to be worshipped..
The rebellious winged serpent and the many various Gods could be the work and representation of the fallen ex planetary prince Caligastia or Cali for short. The rebel Winged Servants or the rebellious winged Dragons can be equated to the Tongue displaying characteristics we see in our past in God representation and can be seen today world wide in mainly the Sexual level of man in his expression.
In truth, Dilmun was a city created by the Physical Fallen Sons of God (in the spiritual world Rebellious Winged Seraphims/Dragons) and its very possible that this rebellious order is represented by the winged snake culture that evolved out of Dilmun and Jiroft staying closely aligned to past that came out of Dalamatia City. It is in the right context, in truth.
The city Dilmun/Babel was originally built by the Nodites and it seems to me that the snake culture belongs and evolved out Dilmun.
Considering Eve procreated Cain and his Father Serapatatia was a Western Nodite and part of the Nodite Winged Snake culture, The Caligastia in spirit and Gene linage, thus the Snake in the Garden of the Tree of Life submerged of Cyprus. The symbol of the first and second default. Remembering in the first default the rebel Sons of God were not told that they would loose there mortality if they rebelled. They were simply deceived by the Last Rebel Caligastia or Kali.
Consider the Snake and its male physical implication in connection to human Admixation of the fallen sons of God and the default of Adam and Eve in her sexual misadventure with a Nodite. The birth of Cain, the Son of God of the Nodites, the source of the Mother God religion and with connection genetically to the winged snake order or ancient Rebel Winged Snake gene linage. The people of the Snake, the Nodite connection, hence the snake in the 1st Garden of Eden?? in Genesis! the Eve connection with the snake people or the Man of the Snake Gene. Cain!
Note the Snake Symbol is very ancient and perhaps originates from the rebellion in Dalamatia City and migrated to Dilmun the City of the Sun or Babel where it perpetuated and migrated came to Egypt.
The winged serpent is also a perpetuation of the Dragon that is present in many cultures. Its possible that ancient emblem of the Nodites is the Winged Serpent, the Caligastia Emblem.
Remember the Sumerian kept mainly to there Nodite traditions of Dilmun.
2012 Forum • View topic - Serpents in Prophecy
Remember it was racial and cultural headquarters which means the perpetuation of their culture, the Snake people with Caligastia their spiritual leader, the Winged Snake, the Winged deceiver of light. The deceiver Angel Caligastia or Kali and his genetic people of the Snake the Nodites. Not to mention with connection of the Kundalini energy and the expression of the outward downward Tongue.
Believe it or not we \all have Nodite genes to varying degrees and its the Jesus message that alters the effect of these genes on the Human spirit.
After the submergence of Dalamatia the Nodites moved north and east, presently founding the new city of Dilmun as their racial and cultural headquarters
and remembering the Sumerians held close to the racial and cultural Dilmun....Babel. The land where I believe the Snake emblem or the bearded Snake came from Dilmun.
line 96: The elaborate records left by the Sumerians describe the site of a remarkable settlement which was located on the Persian Gulf near the earlier city of Dilmun. The Egyptians called this city of ancient glory Dilmat, while the later Adamized Sumerians confused both the first and second Nodite cities with Dalamatia and called all three Dilmun. And already have archaeologists found these ancient Sumerian clay tablets which tell of this earthly paradise "where the Gods first blessed mankind with the example of civilized and cultured life." And these tablets, descriptive of Dilmun, the paradise of men and God, are now silently resting on the dusty shelves of many museums.
line 97: The Sumerians well knew of the first and second Edens but, despite extensive intermarriage with the Adamites, continued to regard the garden dwellers to the north as an alien race. Sumerian pride in the more ancient Nodite culture led them to ignore these later vistas of glory in favor of the grandeur and paradisiacal traditions of the city of Dilmun.
Jiroft I believe was connected to Dilmun.
In my view the Earliest Atlantean's where the Dilmunite people who beheld the winged Snake Emblem which was perpetuated by the later Andites in Dilmun and later in Egypt.
and note this connection in the Urantia Book regarding the dragon cult emanating out of the Snake Cults of the past.
OF WORSHIP, Oct 19 2000
line 61: The Hebrews worshiped serpents down to the days of King Hezekiah, and the Hindus still maintain friendly relations with their house snakes. The Chinese worship of the dragon is a survival of the snake cults. The wisdom of the serpent was a symbol of Greek medicine and is still employed as an emblem by modern physicians. The art of snake charming has been handed down from the days of the female shamans of the snake love cult, who, as the result of daily snake bites, became immune, in fact, became genuine venom addicts and could not get along without this poison.
Remember the very first Andite was Cain. He was the Union of the Snake people and Eve. Nodite and Adamic= Andite, a new race.
If you fold the Eye you get a 4 sided Pyramid with the circle on top. The same 4 sided Pyramid exists in Jiroft and attached to a triangle circle in their script.
I feel related to Dilmun their racial and cultural headquarters.
Here is the Stepped Pyramid perpetuated in Jiroft and note the 2 circles.
earlier thoughts
Now here is an interesting thought about winged serpents noting that there are loyal seraphims to God as well that are seen by people of the ancient past.
here are some links to a search on prophecies of the winged serpent.
and here is an interesting link about the Serpent Seed.
Serpent seed: Encyclopedia - Serpent seed "Serpent seed" is a term for the belief that Satan had sexual intercourse with Eve, and that Cain was the offspring of the union. Proponents include William M. Branham, the Pastor Arnold Murray, and Sherry Shriner, amongst others. Arnold Murray further believes that the descendants of Cain are the Kenites. Advocates suggest that modern Christian translations of the Old Testament reduce emphasis on this concept. A variation of this belief is central to the beliefs of Two-Seed-in-the-Spirit Predestinarian Baptists
founded by Daniel Parker. Other variations of this belief occur in the Unification Chur ...
It was Serpatatia of the Western Nodites that has sexual intercourse with Eve that produces the Cain linage. All this was guided by Caligastia in the background. The verifies all of the above.
Here is a biblical commentary of winged serpents.
Here is the rattlesnake Cherokee Rattlesnake Prophecy
When the Earth sees the fingers of Spearfinger strike Jupiter, when the ages of the Rings and wheels tell it is the ending of the ages of cycles of 5, this will be the sign for the whole earth, for all the earth will see this thing, to wake up from sleep. These fingers that stuck Jupiter was the comet fragments that hit Jupiter in the 1990s and the whole earth took of is majesty. This was the sign foretold on the Calendar for the Cherokee people to WAKE UP to come out of sleep.
In the year 2004 and 2012 an alignment will take place both on the Cherokee Calendar and in the heavens of the Rattlesnake Constellation both. It is the time of the doublehead serpent stick. It is the time of the Red of Orion and Jupiter against White Blue of Pleadies and Venus. It is the time of the Uku's choosing. It is the time of the Beloved Woman and MYSTERIES OF TIME UNTIME. It is the Time Untime of the THUNDERBOLT and the spirits of Lightning Mountains. (magnetar adventure)
In the year 2004 and 2012 the Cherokee Rattlesnake Constellation will take on a different configuration. The Snake itself will remain, however, upon the Rattlesnake shall be added upon its head feathers, its eyes will open and glow, wings spring forth as a winged Rattlesnake, it shall have hands and arms and in its hands shall be found a bowl. The bowl will hold blood. Upon its tail of 7 rattles shall be the glowing and movement of Pleiades.
And upon the Rattlesnake is also the Milky Way. A crossing of the Milky Way shall be seen at these times.
For the center of the Universe is what many know as the Constellation Sagittarius by modern man. But upon this constellation of is also found the Pleiades Star system which is what is different in the boundary of others and the Cherokee Zodiac.
The Milky Way is ALSO a Tree ... STONE TREE. And upon Stone Tree is as a Tree with a tree trunk, branches, a top, and even roots. The Flower and the Tree is also a tassel as corn. And upon the flower and the tree is the TREE OF LIFE. REBIRTH, RENEWAL, NEW
and another thought
Nefilim - from 'Children of the Matrix' page 71 by David Icke
"The term Nefilim can be translated as "Those Who Descended" or "Those Who Fell From The Heavens". The American researcher David Sielaff emphasizes that the Nefilim or Nephilim are not the sons of the gods (beni ha-Elohim), but the offspring of the interbreeding between the extraterrestrials the Bible calls the Elohim and the daughters of men. The Illuminati bloodlines that rule the world today, therefore, are the Nefilim, the extraterrestrial-human hybrids. They were also known in ancient times as the Rephaim, Emim, Zazummim, and Anakim, all very tall or "giant" people in those days. The biblical Goliath was a Rephaim, and giant in Hebrew is repha. This theme of giants is a constant one. Cave paintings found in places like Japan, South America, and the Sahara Desert, depict giant people with round heads towering over human hunters. Bones of giant people betwe4en 8 and 12 feet tall have been found in mounds in Minnesota and other locations.
Here is more Dilmun research that points to Prophecy.
Ark of the Covenant -- Lost or Hidden Away
and this
The Another true Signs of Imam mahdi-The ARK
(Part 9)
Thanks Atlante but I'm not sure if its
Atlantis. The reason I feel that, it would have to be established somehow it was
a city of immortals having a tree of life.
There seem to be many sunken cities of the past but how do we really know if any
city was that of the immortals?
Im still keen to know if there is cavities under the Sphinx.
8th Feb 2010
I'm collecting information on submerged Dilmun/Babel for a presentation. I saw
this video about the Winged Servant. I thought it was interesting of where the
idea of the Winged Dragon came from.
Here is the Video
King tut and UFOs with Joe Maniscalco Mysteries of the tombs Isis Horus Seb
and here are a few thoughts along the way.
I'm wondering if this is a reflection of a submerged temple a reflection of a submerged city of the Sun.
Ea stands in his watery home the Apsu.
The Egyptian culture also has reflections of underwater temple which suggests submergence of their original of the Sun.
Psalm 50:1 (Read all of Psalm 50)
The mighty God, even the Lord, hath spoken, and called the earth from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof.
I believe Jiroft was directly connected to Dilmun/Babel
Some thoughts es54.htm#thoughts
A quatrain from Nostradamus regarding the one who
looks for a tower in mystery that many builded and at the same time builds a
Tower to Heaven where Heaven responds.
Nostradamus Quatrain
The tower that the many builded, in mystery looked for One, who coming down
would build on earth a tower that lifts up to Heaven.
That Tower wouldn't be Babel/Dilmun by any chance????? Seems reflective!
Ok here is another clue in the Bible from Isaiah
about the Rising of the Sun in metaphor for Dilmun. Its describes the Map of the
revealing of Dilmun/Babel. West to East, looking from Egypt to Dilmun through
the Sphinx.
Isaiah 59:19
So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the
rising of ...the
sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall
lift up a standard against him.
Isaiah 59:19(Inserts)
So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west(Egypt/Sphinx/Great Pyramid
we triangulate to Dilmun),
and his glory from the rising of the sun(Dilmun/Babel Discovery in the
East...Event of truth).
When the enemy shall come in like a flood,(Last rebel revealed and upset)
the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.(The Standard of the
Universal Government is lifted against the Last Rebel were he finds his
judgement...FINAL and ACTUALIZED.)
Then we can have a short break!
YEP, The Snake/tongue God,(Caligastia) Kali meets his final demise
And it all came out of Babel the truth revealed came back to bite current Babel of today, Babel of today better get itself in order because the Last Rebel King of Babel will not found in his place FINAL
But then again Babel in retribution for damage could be destroyed that is a definite possibility. All must be prepared, I reckon for the unexpected! Despise me whatever but just keep that in the back of your mind.
"Isaiah 42 25
I have raised up one from the north, and he shall come: from the rising of the
sun shall he call upon my name: and he shall come upon princes as upon morter,
and as the potter treadeth clay."
The guy from the North could be one of the Brothers from 1stEden of Cyprus who
maintains the flicker of 1stEden throughout the
world. In his personal Journey(Living Targum)This brother from 1stEden seeks the
City of the Rising Sun through the Sphinx and actually cracks the great Seventh
mystery related to the City of the Rising Sun. As it turns out this Targum of
living faith truth comes upon the world, it happens and shapes planetary destiny
as Heaven responds to his call from the City of the Rising Sun.
I think the Sovereign of this Universe Jesus or
the Arch Angel is going to make a stand and statement connected to the City of
the Rising Sun. Dilmun in truth.
This will mark the end of ignorance where the table will be set straight in
truth and demonstration through intuition and recognition in friendship with all
Universal Forces of this Universe.
Isaiah 45:6
That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is
none beside me. I am the Lord, and there is none else.
Description of the Sphinx triangulation in the presentation pointing to
"from the rising of the sun(focus is from Dilmun/Babel), and from the
west(triangulation from the Sphinx/Great Pyramid from the West, pointing East to
Dilmun/Babel, Rising of the Sun)
At the end of the Day I cant help but worship the
Father in Heaven and Jesus and the whole Universal family for there great
Blessings in truth and intrigue.
Praise the Lord, no worries mate, 100% We are all safe.
Psalm 50:1
The mighty God, even the Lord, hath spoken, and called the earth from "the
rising of the sun" unto...
the going down thereof.
In a literal Sense
He called the Earth from the Rising Sun where the city of the Rising Sun lays
Dilmun/Babel. God I believe is sorting out the Heavenly accounts of the Babel
He called the Earth from "the rising of the sun"
The future
19:17 (Read all of
Revelation 19)
And I saw an angel standing in the sun;
and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst
of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together
unto the supper of the great God;
21:23 (Read all of
Revelation 21)
And the city had no need of the
sun, neither of the moon, to
shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light
Revelation 1:16
(Read all of
Revelation 1)
And he had in his right hand seven stars:
and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword:
and his countenance was as the
sun shineth in his strength.
Another place that was called the City of the Sun was Heliopolis Baalbek Lebanon.
The history settlement in the area of Baalbek dates back approximately 9000 years, with almost continual settlement of the tell under the Temple of Jupiter.[1]
19th century Bible archaeologists wanted to connect Baalbek to the "Baalgad" mentioned in Joshua 11:17, but the assertion has not been taken up in modern times. In fact, this minor Phoenician city, named for the "Lord (Baal) of the Beqaa valley" lacked enough commercial or strategic importance to rate a mention in Assyrian or Egyptian records so far uncovered, according to Hélène Sader, professor of archaeology at the American University of Beirut.
Heliopolis, the City of the Sun
After Alexander the Great conquered the Near East in 334 BC, the existing settlement was named Heliopolis, Helios Greek for sun and Polis Greek for city. The city retained its religious function during Greco-Roman times, when the sanctuary of the Heliopolitan Jupiter-Baal was a pilgrimage site. Trajan's biographer records that the Emperor consulted the oracle there. Trajan inquired of the Heliopolitan Jupiter whether he would return alive from his wars against the Parthians.
In reply, the god presented him with a vine shoot cut into pieces. Theodosius Macrobius, a Latin grammarian of the 5th century AD, mentioned Zeus Heliopolitanus and the temple, a place of oracular divination. Starting in the last quarter of the 1st century BC and over a period of two centuries, the Romans had built a temple complex in Baalbek consisting of three temples: Jupiter, Bacchus(Anatolian Dionysus.) and Venus. On a nearby hill, they built a fourth temple dedicated to Mercury
This whole area of Baalbek was Western Nodite territory. The Rephaim is a direct line to the Western Nodites.
Jupiter-Baal was represented locally (on coinage) as a beardless god in long scaly drapery, holding a whip in his right hand and thunderbolts and ears of wheat in his left. Two bulls supported him. In this guise he passed into European worship in the 3rd century and 4th century AD. The icon of Helipolitan Zeus (in A.B. Cook, Zeus, i:570-576) bore busts of the seven planetary powers on the front of the pillarlike term in which he was encased. A bronze statuette of this Heliopolitan Zeus was discovered at Tortosa, Spain; another was found at Byblos in Phoenicia. A comparable iconic image is the Lady of Ephesus (see illustration) (Robert Graves, The Greek Myths I.4).

Another star shaped vessel filmed on Mexico.
The following all points to Dilmun, Dilmun is the land of the Living according to the Sumerians.
Mashu was located in a forest in the "land of the Living", where the names of the famous are written(61). It is alluded to in the episode "Gilgamesh and Humbaba". In this story, Gilgamesh and his friend, Enkidu, travel to the Cedar (or Pine) Forest which is ruled over by a demonic monster named Humbaba. While their motives for going to the Forest included gaining renown, it is also clear that they wanted the timber it contained. Humbaba, who had been appointed by the god Enlil to guard the Forest, is depicted as a one-eyed giant with the powers of a storm and breath of fire, perhaps the personification of a volcano (62). It is only with the help of another god, and a magically forged weapon that Gilgamesh triumphs over Humbaba. But before his battle, Gilgamesh and Enkidu gaze in awe at the mountain called "the mountain of cedars, the dwelling-place of the gods and the throne of Ishtar"(63). They climb onto the mountain, sacrifice cereals to it, and, in response, the mountain sends them puzzling dreams about their futures (64). When they begin to fell trees, Humbaba senses their presence and, enraged, fixes his eye of death on the pair. [17] Although Gilgamesh finally defeats the monster, Enkidu eventually weakens and dies from Humbaba's gaze and curse (65). In addition to its reputation as the "land of the Living", this forest is also a way to the underworld or the other world. For right after killing Humbaba, Gilgamesh continues in the forest and "uncovered the sacred dwelling of the Anunaki"--old gods who, like the Greek Titans, had been banished to the underworld (66). Furthermore, Gilgamesh seems to go into a death-like trance here (67); and in the same general region, the goddess Ishtar, whom Gilgamesh spurned, threatened to break in the doors of hell and bring up the dead to eat with the living (68).
Dilmun is known as the "Land of the Living" which essentially refers to immortality, thus reflectiing the immortality status of the Sons of God in Dalamatia City before the rebellion. "uncovered the sacred dwelling of the Anunaki"--old gods may reflect the Nodites and there dwelling place at Dilmun, they regarded themselves as Gods so to speak and they did have a rebellious spiritual army that created mischief and confusion upon man. This may explain the many Gods beheld by mankind in acknowledgment of their rebel physical mischief. ""uncovered the sacred dwelling of the Anunaki"--old gods" maybe a prophecy in itself relating to its discovery, Dilmun the land of the Living.
Mashu is mentioned directly in the episode "Gilgamesh and the Search for Everlasting Life". This story unfolds after the death of Gilgamesh's friend, Enkidu, a wrenching experience which makes Gilgamesh face his own mortality and go searching for eternal life. It is en route to Utnapishtim, the one mortal to achieve immortality, that Gilgamesh comes to Mashu "the great mountain, which guards the rising and setting sun. Its twin peaks are as high as the wall of heaven and its roots reach down to the underworld. At its gate the Scorpions stand guard, half man and half dragon; their glory is terrifying; their stare strikes death into men, their shining halo sweeps the mountains that guard the rising sun"(69). Gilgamesh is able to convince the Scorpion-people to open the gate and let him enter the long tunnel through the mountains. Eventually Gilgamesh emerges from the tunnel into a fantastic Garden of the gods, whose trees bear glittering jewels instead of fruit (70).
The great mountain could be metaphor to Babel in Dilmun, the land of the living, city of the Rising, the place that guards the rising and setting of the Sun. Note this all distant reflections of Dalamatia City in the good times before the rebellion. All past knowledge hijacked by the Nodites at the time accredited to Dilmun built in perpetuation of Dalamatia City.
In the following is another clue to location of Dilmun/Babel.
In the view of several scholars, Mashu is also the mountain mentioned in the story that Utnapishtim told Gilgamesh. [18] Utnapishtim, sometimes called the "Sumerian Noah", told Gilgamesh how the gods had become angered with humanity and decided on the Flood as one means to exterminate it. A sympathetic god warned Utnapishtim and told him to build a boat and board it with his family, relatives, craftsmen, and the seed of all living creatures (71). After six days of tempest and flood, Utnapishtim's boat grounded on a mountain. He released a dove and a swallow, both of which returned to him. Then he released a raven which did not return; Utnapishtim and his family came down from the mountain. When the disgruntled gods are finally reconciled with the re-emergence of humanity, Utnapishtim and his wife are taken by the god Enlil to live in the blessed place where Gilgamesh found him "in the distance, at the mouth of the rivers"(72).
The goes on to mention Dilmun however I believe Dilmun is Situated submerged. Not near the Taurus mountains.
In his classic study, Armenia in the Bible, father Vahan Inglizian compared the above myths with the Biblical accounts of the Garden of Eden (Gen. 2) and the Flood (Gen.7-8), both of which he sited in eastern Asia Minor (73). Accepting Lehmann-Haupt's equation of the tunnel through Mashu with the naturally occuring subterannean Tigris tunnel near Bylkalein, Inglizian suggested that Mashu should be sought in the Armenian Taurus mountain range, south of Lake Van (74). It is in this same southern area, rather than at Mt. Ararat, that many scholars, including Inglizian, place the mountain of Noah (Gen. 8.4)(75). Inglizian suggested that the phrase "at the mouth of the rivers" describing the blessed land where Utnapishtim lived, should be understood to mean "at the sources of the [Tigris and Euphrates] rivers"(76). This heavenly Dilmun of Mesopotamian mythology was later identified with Bahrain on the Persian Gulf (77).
Great link and revealed much.
The Great Flood - Sumerian Version
Here is an interesting Sumerian Tablet Translation leak about the Holy Migration in Space.
New Sumerian Tablet Leak *** July 2008
At around the 1:51 mark note the mention of the Young men of Dilmun 3 times, related to the Holy Migration in Space, reading the vessels ad administering them. It seems like an evac and Dilmun is the Key. Seems very prophetical to now!
Note, The YOUNG men of DILMUN, hint and clue! if you can see it.
The posters words
This translation showed up on the web about two weeks ago. I learned of it almost a week later. It took several days for me to get feedback from my original sources, all of whom say the translation is authentic
Here is another video
and again at around 2:19 in the following video note there in the Great place of Dilmun, the GODS assembled!!. The Great Gods assembled in DILMUN. A charge was delivered and the fate of the people was sealed.
and this video
The Black Headed people are the Nodites, the off spring of the Fallen Sons of God the Rebellious Nefilim
Now in the following video Marduk is a perpetuation of Adam and Adam is related to 1stGarden of Eden where Sevens comes from. This appears to be related to Dilmun and the revealing of Dilmun. This represents a connection of 1stEden of Cyprus with Dilmun and related to a new revelation...The Urantia Book.
"Marduk opened the gate and the Sons of Dilmun poured forth" We have a live situation here Houston!!
The following video is about the EVACUATION of mankind! as foreseen by the Sumerians.
Here is a text version of tablet 5
another Link
and note this fragment
As the young men of Dilmun (unreadable)
readied the new ship, the new ships, the planned vessels,
Inscribed by Ut napishtim at the direction of Enlil on behalf of Ea,
were made ready in those designated places.
At two and three points (unreadable)
the brave young men of Dilmun readied the vessels
for the (unreadable) journey through the heavens, the holy migration.
The brave young men of Dilmun administered the (unreadable)
"The young" more than just a description? could be a name in the revealing in the metaphor of today's reality, in relation to Dilmun actual.
Here fragment 5
The holy migration across the heavens
The assembled Anunnaki
the gods of the apsu were assembled in the sacred places of old and new.Ea, Ninki, Inanna and Utu,
Enlil beside Ninlil, Adad beside Ninhursag.
Mother Goddess, (unreadable) the wise Mammi
administered divine rights in the light of consecrated fires
while the womb goddess, Belet-ali was present.
The ordained fires, made pure with reeds, cedar and myrtle were burning in the appointed places.
Under the watchfulness, the stewardship of the men of renown, the ancient progenitors,
Umal’s ancient progenitors administered the ordained fires.At three and two points (unreadable) did the (unreadable) wise men make an offering of flour.
After the circle ritual, Umal, his nations and tribes took refuge.
At three and two points, places of (unreadable) on the way through the heavens,
Umal, his nations and tribes washed their hands,
learned the rites and rituals in these places (unreadable) throughout the holy migration.There in those places, Umal, the nations of the earth and the tribes
were made clean again.
In those places, Umal was made clean in a purification bath,
fully immersed, he did emerge clean.As the young men of Dilmun (unreadable)
readied the new ship, the new ships, the planned vessels,
Inscribed by Ut napishtim at the direction of Enlil on behalf of Ea,
were made ready in those designated places.
At two and three points (unreadable)
the brave young men of Dilmun readied the vessels
for the (unreadable) journey through the heavens, the holy migration.
The brave young men of Dilmun administered the (unreadable)The second (unreadable) next (unreadable), the place of Umal’s toil was prepared.
Abundance was bestowed on the land and in the seas
seed, cereals and fruit bearing trees were bestowed upon the land and fishes of all kind in the seas.
Under the firmament Umal shall (unreadable…unreadable…unreadable) not go.
The gods of the apsu, the assembled annunaki did decree:
To the heavens shall Umal look for his bread
and to the divine ordinances shall Umal find his justice.
No more shall Umal (unreadable) in the designated, the sacred places
another link
Jiroft Mythology
Carved into one gray chlorite cup, mythic creatures with human heads and torsos and bulls’ legs hold panthers upside-down by their tails. On the surface of a stone weight shaped roughly like a ladies’ handbag, two horned scorpion-men appear to swim toward each other. “Hunters who were believed to be as powerful as bulls or as agile as lions entered into legend, and their images became animalized as bull-men and lion-men,” the archeologist suggests in explanation
Jiroft and ancient chess in Egypt a connection through a game.
How beautiful Eh!
Feb 9th 2010
More sightings of an Orb in Mexico on Jan 21st 2010
Ufo over Colonia San Miguel Iztapalapa, Mexico City.
Date: 21 January 2010, at 12 hours.
and another video of an orb on Norwayy on Feb 7th 2010.
The atheist Site
Cal guess what I have been making huge
breakthroughs mate while you have been here fiddling with your fingers like a
friend waiting for me to get back from my adventures with the Father of the
Universes to report to my Atheist brothers.
In June 12 2006 US servicemen discovered ancient Sumerian tablets in Iraq and
its now that the interpretation of these tablets are being leaked out on the
net, otherwise it would of been kept under wraps by the Atheist no doubt
Mate these tablets are specific and they confirm what I have been saying and
refers to clues like "the Young men of Dilmun" and related to an
Ark of evacuation or "the Gods assemble in Dilmun". As you know
I've spent the past week putting a presentation together going for Dilmun from
the Sphinx and to find this is incredible. There is another tablet that
confirms the Holy Migration of us through Space and directly
related to Dilmun which in truth is all about Dalamatia City
perpetuated through Dilmun. Dilmun the place where the Rising and Setting of
the Sun is Guarded, the island where the beams of the Sun comes from.
Get ready for the unexpected!
Also there is much Orb activity.
This is HUGE man! Cal!
The timing of this is perfect! Universally perfect in the Synchronicity! Its
like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle coming together on a Universal Stage that is
being observed throughout all the Universes.
This was posted on the Atheist Site
Here fragment 5
The holy migration across the heavens
The assembled Anunnaki
the gods of the apsu were assembled in the sacred places of old and new.Ea, Ninki, Inanna and Utu,
Enlil beside Ninlil, Adad beside Ninhursag.
Mother Goddess, (unreadable) the wise Mammi
administered divine rights in the light of consecrated fires
while the womb goddess, Belet-ali was present.
The ordained fires, made pure with reeds, cedar and myrtle were burning in the appointed places.
Under the watchfulness, the stewardship of the men of renown, the ancient progenitors,
Umal’s ancient progenitors administered the ordained fires.At three and two points (unreadable) did the (unreadable) wise men make an offering of flour.
After the circle ritual, Umal, his nations and tribes took refuge.
At three and two points, places of (unreadable) on the way through the heavens,
Umal, his nations and tribes washed their hands,
learned the rites and rituals in these places (unreadable) throughout the holy migration.There in those places, Umal, the nations of the earth and the tribes
were made clean again.
In those places, Umal was made clean in a purification bath,
fully immersed, he did emerge clean.As the young men of Dilmun (unreadable)
readied the new ship, the new ships, the planned vessels,
Inscribed by Ut napishtim at the direction of Enlil on behalf of Ea,
were made ready in those designated places.
At two and three points (unreadable)
the brave young men of Dilmun readied the vessels
for the (unreadable) journey through the heavens, the holy migration.
The brave young men of Dilmun administered the (unreadable)The second (unreadable) next (unreadable), the place of Umal’s toil was prepared.
Abundance was bestowed on the land and in the seas
seed, cereals and fruit bearing trees were bestowed upon the land and fishes of all kind in the seas.
Under the firmament Umal shall (unreadable…unreadable…unreadable) not go.
The gods of the apsu, the assembled annunaki did decree:
To the heavens shall Umal look for his bread
and to the divine ordinances shall Umal find his justice.
No more shall Umal (unreadable) in the designated, the sacred placesJUDGEMENT OF THE LAST REBEL
and posted on Atlantis Rising
I posted this here awaiting moderation but it will not see the light of day.
I am just fascinated with this.
At around the 3:59 mark it says. On Mount Namush, Zidsudra arranges Seven and Seven cult vessels filled them with Reeds, Cedar and Myrtle where brought the offering to the Summit and scattered the incense in every direction..
Would that in the metaphor infer the spread of the living truth, the witness, the knowledge off throughout the world on the Internet. The 7 and 7 vessels could that refer to the Magnetar Sevenfold Space adventure based on the Seventh or the Shabbes and Sevens.
Seven and Seven Cult Vessels is that a clue? to
the Character and The Seventh timeline? The activator?? The 77, sevens
on a Mountain. The Seven and Seven cult vessels is the SEVENFOLD
expression at the END.
at the 4:40 mark it he transcribes that "You the distant one you shall do your Lord Ja work"
4:46 Once wisdom that came from a thin reed wall (reference to the Tree of Life) you shall do alike, take direction for another, a whole new Ship(Ark) inscribe them on lapus luzi, inscribe them on the appointed tablets. (something to do with a living witness at the end) he lay them on a copper box with reed, cedar and myrtle and hide them away.
tree of life perpetuation in distant Dalamatia following the Nodite traditions.
The Greatest Master of all was is the one who "Saw what was SECRET and revealed what was HIDDEN!" a direct reflection in the metaphor of the reality of NOW. Apparently this person inspected the foundations
Time 5:06 "In the city of the mightiest hero of them all...Inspect the foundation sent forth by Seven masters...The Sevenfold in metaphor...another metaphor to the end reality and fulfilment of this prophecy. That city I reckon would be Dilmun actual submerged pointing to Dalamatia City, like the Sphinx points to Dilmun.
Time 5:32 "Identify the Cornerstone and look underneath", a metaphor to identify the city with the truth and and verify it. Expeditions and things that is the key.
We are fulfilling all of this in the living Targum.
I think its evac and the coming back but who knows until we are there.
Here is the posters views
Earlier this year, a friend told me a story about a major archaeological find in Iraq. He said the US army soldiers happened upon something big and it was all being kept hush, hush. My friend, who is a Near Eastern scholar at a prestigious university, said the US government was putting together a panel to examine and decipher the find. Wow! I thought, pretty wild stuff. Soon enough, I forgot the story and went on with the daily toils, we call life.
When the translation started popping up in several cities throughout the world, I remembered what my friend told me and placed a call to another friend, inside the Metropolitan Museum of Art for the inside scoop. Ironically, in the land of truth and liberty, the country that wants to bring democracy to rest of the world, the translation was easily kept under wraps and as far as I know, this piece here on YouTube is the only copy made public inside the United States. Our lawyers say we are not breaking any laws since the tablets are not even acknowledged to exist. Whatever the case, one has to wonder why the US and British governments are tearing up the land formally known as Sumer, in a mad search for something. Tablets, or perhaps plans for the second ark mentioned in the fragment's 64 lines?
Whatever you think, before you watch this video, prepare yourself for something utterly shocking.
Fragment 2

Jane Lead
"Prophecy of The Eagle & The Condor" John Perkins
10th Feb 2010
Hi Jean, I'm not sure how Quarks tie in with
the Electron or Atom but I feel If scientist made an effort assuming the
Urantia information is correct then maybe we can discover the Ultimaton and
learn how to transmute matter in an instant.
Scientist could take a punt and say. Ok lets assume the Urantia book
information correct regarding this Ultimaton, then lets set up experiments
that would reveal the Ultimaton knowing the conditions of Ultimaton within an
Lets say scientist discover the Ultimaton in this new approach. Then scientist
can say Ok lets manipulate the radial spin and the radius of the Ultimaton
huddle from the centre where Paradise exists???????
The centre of the Ultimaton arrangement, I believe is where antimatter exists.
Knowing this probably allows substance to disappear through the manipulation
of the anti matter aspect of the Ultimaton this is how UFOs enter and leave
differing dimensions in my view through manipulation of the anti matter aspect
by perhaps varying the spin rate and other antimatter manipulations.
Anyway I feel this is the lead for the new world regarding clean energy and
Low cost transportation of huge volumes throughout the world. But I feel the
world has not got the right spirit for this technology. Unfortunately, the
first thought in the use of this is military first thus revealing the motive
which I can understand in this day and age as there are many a mad around.
Maybe CERN should look into this rather than smashing things find out how
about manipulate these things. Antimatter seems to have non personal spiritual
connection into the worlds of the unseen. The eternal dimension beyond time
and space!
I think this is a good discussion using our creative imagination to find out more about these things.
I reckon through these ideas we come on the STAR
TREK/STARGATE track on the way to the utopian worlds of light and life!
Without the Guns off course.
Maybe through electromagnetic oscillation which
creates a harmonic resonance we can affect the radius these Ultimaton. A
frequency resonance would have optimum frequency of pulling things apart.
Just a guess, a creative thought
Hi Sasha,
Maybe the Annunaki is the representation of the Universal Government of the
Sumerians. In metaphor, the Seven Gods of Mesopotamia is really a
representation of the Sevenfold but in truth under One God, the Father in
Jesus is a Sevenfold Paradise Son Creator. Creator of all life in this
Universe. The Sevenfold aspect connects directly to Jesus, the Sovereign. The
ancient Mesopotamian Sevenfold priests were followers of the Melchizedek
therefore making the connection to the Melchizedek. Many of the Psalms were
written by these ancient Sevenfold priests.
The recent tables found in Iraq were written specifically by the Mesopotamian
Sevenfold priests and especially designed for this time in perfect
synchronicity. Like the revealing of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
I believe everything is working in perfect Sevenfold Fashion and the last
trace of truth left by the Sumerians was left till the last. The Best saved
for last. Whoever wrote those tablets was specific for this time, he knew and
foresaw this time and prepared a special box to be opened in this time.
How beautiful is that!
Huge metaphor and connections in just the number patterns in the dates of the
discoveries! and the time in between.
Like 12th June 06, clearly June is the 6th month and the 12th date is 2x6, I
see 6666 in the date of discovery.
Both discoveries are related to Dilmun in a dynamic way, Dilmun is the land of
Babel. The Beast culture in untruth was perpetuated by the Rebel Angels and
the physical Sons of God in Dilmun over 150,00 years where as the late Andites
in Dilmun where more truthful.
12 again, has commonality in the 12th June 06, Tablet discovery.
This was all laid out before I realised this, like actors on a stage! a
universal stage.
Remember, there are the Good Beasts, the broadcast circuit directors and the
Bad Beast which is last remaining Rebel Caligastia who is facing his
The truth of the Bad Beast has to be revealed including his cities in truth.
His cities include Dilmun/Babel that is the home of the Beast, the Spiritual
Beast who influences and lures man with many things like materialism, gross
wealth and power over his brothers in a deceitful way.
This is primarily driving this planet into the ground zero space. This has to
be dealt with it is not Do what you want! or Do out thou! Absolute sophistry
and false.
The 6666 aspect of the date of discovery of the tablets points to the Judgment
of the Spiritual Beast of this planet and this beast will not give up without
a fight that may include the destruction of many things. Like I said it will
be a showdown in truth in the Heavens on this planet and it could mean
The Elysium fields is Dilmun.
Pindar makes it a single Isle. Walter Burkert notes the connection with the motif of far-off Dilmun: "Thus Achilles is transported to the White Isle and becomes the Ruler of the Black Sea, and Diomedes becomes the divine lord of an Adriatic island."
In Elysium were fields of the pale liliaceous asphodel, and poplars grew. There stood the gates that led to the house of Ais (in Attic dialect "Hades").
Now Nostradamus prophecies about the Elysian Fields which has connection to Dilmun/Babel.
The forces of the sea divided into three parts,
The second one will run out of supplies,
In despair looking for the Elysian Fields, (Dilmun direct reference?)
The first ones to enter the breach will obtain the victory.
The breach maybe the breach of the wall where the sea came in and flooded Dilmun and there appears to be victory associated. It also appears that there might be a number of people looking for Dilmun.
The sea split into 3 parts might actually point to the 3 submerged cities, the Tipura (Hindu) where the 3 cities become one in truth. 1stEden, Dilmun and Dalamatia City.
There appears to be a couple of expeditions to Dilmun (Elysian fields) where perhaps on one expedition they run out of supplies.
We know that feeling already with the Second
expedition to 1stEden. Essentially there was not enough money to complete
1stEden to the fullest extent in my view.
That's no one fault its just the way reality goes, we all learn from that.
But the first one in the race to enter the Breach of Dilmun will be
Isn't it beautiful that we know what is to happen
in the beforehand.
This is where mankind has to step up to the plate and do something and get his
act together. If this is the sign of the end of an Age, it could be drastic.
Remember its a shit fight (human terms) between truth and untruth.
Jesus VS the Last Rebel Caligastia in person.
Cali has lost already!
As far as I'm concerned, I don't have to go to Dilmun but I will. I am
successful already in this quest through Jesus the Sovereign as we reckon
together in truth from within myself. That's where the real truth lays.
A search for breach in the bible.
Since the Elysian fields is connected to Dilmun and Nostradamus lets see if there any clues the Bible reveals.
Here is few verses that I thought was interesting.
The breach from Nostradamus.
"The first ones to enter the breach will obtain the victory.
Psalm 60:2 (Read all of Psalm 60)
Thou hast made the earth to tremble; thou hast broken it: heal the breaches thereof; for it shaketh.Psalm 106:23 (Read all of Psalm 106)
Therefore he said that he would destroy them, had not Moses his chosen stood before him in the breach, to turn away his wrath, lest he should destroy them.Proverbs 15:4 (Read all of Proverbs 15)
A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit.In the following is I feel a reflection of something unexpected occurring.
Isaiah 30:13 (Read all of Isaiah 30)
Therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high wall, whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instant.This might be the confirmation of the journey to the ancient places.
Isaiah 30:26 (Read all of Isaiah 30)
Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their woundIsaiah 58:12 (Read all of Isaiah 58)
And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.I think it all reflects the reality.
Here is Nostradamus regarding Dilmun/Babel, Elysian Fields.
97The forces of the sea divided into three parts,
The second one will run out of supplies,
In despair looking for the Elysian Fields, (Dilmun direct reference?)
The first ones to enter the breach will obtain the victory.
And this says it all
regarding Dilmun and the repairing of the Breach and all the other submerged
ancient cities of the Tree of Life.
Verse 911 eh! exactly what comes upon those who promote terrorism throughout the
world, they loose the lot including there eternal life and this happens to those
who perpetuate war because they watch to many war movies and want to be the king
of the pile of crap we have in leadership and that includes the religions to for
doing nothing, thinking everything is cool when its not, not too mention all
there BS judgement upon others.
Anyway the breach will be repaired and it comes from the Ruins of Old, 1stEden,
Dilmun and Dalamatia City.
"I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old" Hence the
ancient places as much as the second temple because whole thing is the witness
of the third Temple in the spirit..
Amos 9:11 In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen,
and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will
build it as in the days of old:
The reason why no one will go to Dilmun is because all the so called heroes of
the planet that you watch on TV are simply gutless wonders, they are simply to
petrified to go to Dilmun for out of fear of loosing the lot which they will
by doing nothing. Sitting on big behind doing nothing and ignoring the reality
will be the worst thing to do.
Where are all the great religions of the Planet, where is the great
Christianity or the great so called Islam in all there usual empty
promulgation, all quite on the western front in light of Dilmun.
Essentially all the main religions have all run to hills like cowards.
And where is the big secular Atheist guy in his
BS, he has certainly run to the hills like the coward and weakling he is and
has always been in light of the truth.
I can see there is big trouble for every level of society because everyone did
the Emu reply upon the approach.
Head in the bloody sand as usual and yet all full of judgment.
There are no heroes on this planet when it comes to the truth.
Another corrupt government in Sri Lanka. See how they act when they have power!! What ever they say in justification is untrue. That mob is all corrupt!
The HOUSE of EDEN is the HOUSE of DAVID and both houses are under the HOUSE of our Sevenfold creator JESUS our Lord and mighty Sovereign of this Universe.
The image, I believe this is the Breach of Dilmun
Actual! I believe it has connection to following verse and journey.
30:26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun,
and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven
days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people, and
healeth the stroke of their wound.
Note the above verse is reflective of this Sevenfold mission from 1stEden to
Dilmun via the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid.
Dilmun/Babel is the City of the Rising Sun and is connected to this Sevenfold
even from ancient Sumerian Sevenfold Mission itself from 7000 years ago.
"the light of the sun shall be sevenfold," The City of the Rising Sun is where
the breach occurred which is Dalamatia City in truth Not Dilmun, Dilmun was a
product of the rebellion. The truth of Dilmun was usurped from Dalamatia City
where the Nodites held close to their traditions of Dilmun not Dalamatia City.
That's why the Sumerian's mention nothing about Dalamatia City from 500,000
years ago to the 150,000-year mark when Suddenly they claim to have built Dilmun
but what happened in between?? The city of the Rising Sun is really an
adaptation taken from Dalamatia City for pride purposes. In actual fact,
Dalamatia City is where the Lucifer rebellion occurred.
In truth, Dilmun is certainly a mark of failure for mankind. The whole idea of
Dilmun came out of rebellion and it retarded the forward mission of this planet.
Dalamatia City is not mentioned and is omitted by the Sumerian's because the
Sumerian's in light of the truth were ashamed of there past, there real past in
those ages and wanted to distance themselves from that rebellion which occurred
in the first city.
Atlantis is the mark of a disaster and Atlantis was supposed to be connected to
the immortals but it wasn't that immortal concept came from somewhere else,
usurped knowledge a lie by the liars and note the Babel of today?? In the same
spirit?? if opportunity arises?? regardless of consequences?? Do what you want
without responsibility?? in the name of profit motivation praise Babel you know
what I mean?? Babel was supposed to be a monument of trade and commerce in past
epochs...Business!!! what's new today??
Welcome to the Atlantis/Babel Planet of today.......hallelujah praise the Lord!!
A planet of War, silly religious wars, pollution, starving families, 50% loss of
species, genocide for the bottom line and everything else to boot.
Welcome Babel Planet! where most praise the lord of materialism and ownership
the great Baalim, in denial of the True God of this Universe Jesus our Lord and
and we are still stuck in the mud.
You cant buy or sell a thing without Babel Uh! RIGHT NOW! You must be in Babel
for existence, isn't that the mark of Babel the beast. We all work for Babel in
the real truth of the matter. We work for the Atlantis of today, like in
American model with all their Babel symbols. We are in the Atlantis of today and
that is the truth.
Now what happened to Babel in truth on 3 occasions.
The first ended by war, the 2nd ended with loose foundations and the 3rd built
in Babylon ran out of interest and money.
In types, in the metaphor of the Babel today. What happened to them??? War,
Loose foundations and went broke in the mean time that is the metaphor for
Planet Babel Atlantis of today. The model of Babel in past Ages is the Model of
Planet Babel of Today. There is not going to be any real long lasting peace
forget it. I wish but I don't think that will be the case.
Planet Babel is in a mess.
11th Feb 2010
Interesting news
Wow! The Sun has become
hyper-dynamic the past few days.
February 7,
Solar active region 1045 has grown at an extraordinary rate the past 48 hours
and has
unleashed multiple solar flares including a major M6 x-ray flare on Feb. 7,
2010 at 0230 UT.
Below are photos of region 1045 taken at 2058 UT on Feb 6, 2010 during an M1.6
There have been many radio bursts as well. Below are some specimens captured
on our
decametric radio telescope array here in New Mexico.
This could be a real problem. That means one guy
can say yes or no. What if there is something vital to a reality and that
one guy says no....your banned! what if this banned information was
important for destiny and mankind, it would never see the light. Man would
be disadvantaged and really dumbed down.
There would probably be an underground internet in response! All this over
control is the product of fear and power.
The USA might be the last Bastian of free speech!
What's the Aussie government got to worry about except for fear itself. Its
a good country with good people why all the fear of??? I feel that is
Anyway I think there is a reduction in terrorism and the Terrorist
organisations are beginning to see the truth of the futility of terrorism
knowing that it is not a path to Paradise. Its a false path and unworthy.
The works that prove these things are the works that will have impact in
truth for the terrorist, persuading them through discovery and recognition
that the path of death and destruction is not the path.
The doctrines that drive the terrorist are false and should be abandoned and
consider everyone is judged for their actions at the end of there life.
The best thing for the terrorist is to abandon the rule of eye for an eye
and go back to family in truth, beauty and goodness and research for the
Leave the Judgment up to the Ancients of Days, everyone will be judged
accordingly no one escapes except for the friends of Jesus the Sovereign.
That is Actual!
You have to convert anger and hatred into truth and there are new leads to
follow and explore that will bring satisfaction.
I find many commonalities of Caligastia to Kali, God of the Tongue. I think
they are the same. Remembering Caligastia was the first of the 200 Sons
of God that Built Dalamatia City. Caligastia was the First rebel.
He is the Beginning of Spiritual Administration of this planet but he will be
the End to being the subject of the end. He is a beginning who reaches
the end, at the end. Kali or Caligastia are servile to the Universal
Government and he faces judgment for his spiritual crimes for the last 200,000
years since he took up the mantle of the Lucifer Rebellion.
Kali is the head of the 10 mahavidyas, and it is said that all mahavidyas are an aspect of Mother Kali. Kali is the first amoung the Mahavidyas. All the Mahavidyas are said to be the manifestations of Kali. This is true.
In all the diffrent belief system of the Mahavidyas Kali is usually first and she is always included amoung the Mahavidyas. She is the terrible and benign mother.
She is the beginning and the end. here is a description of Kali from the Dhyana mantra of Guhya-Kali"She is lustrous like a dark cloud and wears black cloud and wears black clothes. Her tongue lolls her face is dreadful to behold, her eyes are sunken, and she smiles. She wears the crescent moon on her forehead and is decorated with serpents. She drinks wine, has a serpent as a sacred thread, is seated on a bed of snakes, and wears a garland of fifty human heads that hangs all the way down to her knees. She has a large belly, and the thousand-hooded serpent Ananta looms above her head. Shiva is present as a boy beside her. She makes a loud, laughing sound, she is very dreadful, but bestows the desire of the aspirant. There are many stories why Kali hangs her tongue out. The most famous in a newer patriarcal meaning from the Oriya Hindus. I do not believe this meaning for why her tongue is hanging out. I will shorten the story. After
Hindus often claim that their religion is a religion of symbolism.
Where else does the crescent moon and Sword exist throughout the world?? What else has that symbolism?? Does another religion have that emblem as its centrepiece??
It appears that the God of the Tongue is also a God of War. War and promulgation, empty promulgation. Who runs around with the emblem of the crescent moon full of religious promulgation of death and destruction killing others? name of ???????
We have to look for signs in the metaphor in the reality. I can tell you that Caligastia is squarely behind religious terrorism where evil comes out of the tongue guided by the God of the Tongue.
What comes out of the Tongue.
Look at the Rubbish that comes out of the Tongue and influenced, in Spirit within by the Tongue and War God, Caligastia.
Can we see this characteristics in this world where the Tongue God speaks of death and destruction under the Banner of the Last Rebel Kali, the sword and crescent moon.... See More
There could be a real deception going on here. v.
A few examples.
Job 15:5
For thy mouth uttereth thine iniquity, and thou choosest the tongue of the crafty.
Job 20:12
Though wickedness be sweet in his mouth, though he hide it under his tongue;
Job 20:16 (Read all of Job 20)
He shall suck the poison of asps: the viper's tongue shall slay him.
Job 27:4 (Read all of Job 27)
My lips shall not speak wickedness, nor my tongue utter deceit.
Job 29:10 (Read all of Job 29)
The nobles held their peace, and their tongue cleaved to the roof of their mouth.
Job 33:2
Behold, now I have opened my mouth, my tongue hath spoken in my mouth.
Job 41:1
Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down?
Psalm 5:9
For there is no faithfulness in their mouth; their inward part is very wickedness; their throat is an open sepulchre; they flatter with their tongue.
Psalm 10:7
His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud: under his tongue is mischief and vanity.
Psalm 12:3
The Lord shall cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that speaketh proud things:
Proverbs 16:1
The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the Lord.
Proverbs 17:4
A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips; and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue.
Proverbs 17:20
He that hath a froward heart findeth no good: and he that hath a perverse tongue falleth into mischief.
Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Proverbs 21:6
The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death.
The tongue is the enemy, The God of Babel is the God of the Tongue and the biggest arch deceiver who has brought billions to there spiritual death on this planet through the tongue and the spirit behind it.
I'm looking for symbols that reflect the crescent moon and the sword or both or either. It might the clue that points to Caligastia.
Here is an interesting Symbol
Sword, Crescent, and Sphinx
Symbol of the Shriners (The Imperial Council of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine). The group was founded in 1872, and can be joined once the member has become a Master Mason.
Have to look into that one later.
Here is another symbol with the crescent moon and the 5 pointed star.
Star and Crescent (Ottoman symbol on Islamic Flags) |
and here is flag with a sword in it but at one stage in the past it had a crescent moon.
What does the Islamic Crescent moon symbol mean?
Allah's in the sky
But who is Lord of Air or Sky?
It seems to be a very common theme in ancient religious cults.
and here are links to all the Sky Deities.
The sky has important religious significance. Most polytheistic religions have a deity whose portfolio includes or is even limited to the sky. This position is usually reserved for the deity who reigns over the others, or at least is one of the most powerful, and incorporates the concept of the Sky Father.
Sky deities include:
Enlil in Sumerian Culture was God of the Air.
Enlil, The god of the air (from Lil = Air) and storms (Pan-Mesopotamian) at the E'kur temple - Nippur. He was usually portrayed in human form but also appears as a snake to the humans eyes.
and this connection to Lord of the Air
The expanse between heaven and earth, or lil ("air", "wind", "spirit", "breath"), was the realm of the god Enlil ("Lord-Air"). An's other son Enki ("Lord-Earth") was actually the god of the freshwater under the earth.
Enlil ("Lord-Air")
I found this link which refers to various names for the Devil in there ancient culture.
Here is a fragment that I feel points to Caligastia in short.
The Devil and his helpers and aliases
Fred Hamori
A variant of the name, using the other word for death, which meant sickness, also in some related languages, is "Hal, holt" in Hungarian is found among the linguistic relatives of the Hungarian language, the Finno-Ugric languages as "KUL". Some FinnUgor languages call the chief devil to be KUL-ATER. There is an insect that lives in the forest in Europe which drops on your head and bores into your skull, causing certain sicknesses. This is also called in Hungarian KUL-ancs while another special type of demon or evil spirit is called GOLY-HO. This same term for devil is also found in Sumerian, from ancient Mesopotamia, as the "GAL-LU" demons, based on the word for death. Now this word sounds quite similar also to the English - Scottish ghoul name.KUL, GOLYHO
Some FinnUgor languages call the chief devil to be KUL-ATER.
KUL-ATER. is very close to Cali gastia.
Caligastia works on all fronts like War, terrorism and empty tongue promulgation, the big mouth of empty worlds of death and destruction and on the other side through non belief in God. He also works in false sophistry through trances of so called ascended masters which all Bullshit. Also some religion only have partial truth and are outside the Harbour, he manipulates them to and defuses them in lack lustre in accepting fate.
Here is a link I found of the word Sin.
(West Asian mythology)
The moon god of Ur and first son of Enlil, the Sumerian god of earth and air. As ‘lord of the calendar’, his cult exhibited monotheistic tendencies, since it was Sin ‘who determines the destinies of distant days’ and whose ‘plans no god knows’. According to Genesis, Abraham hailed from Ur by way of Harran, both cities devoted to the moon god. In Arabia, Sin was also worshipped under various titles and it is likely that Mount Sinai, first mentioned in Hebrew texts about 1000 BC, was connected with moon-worship.
As ‘lord of the calendar’, his cult exhibited monotheistic tendencies, since it was Sin ‘who determines the destinies of distant days’
I find that quite amazing. The word Sin today is a related to persistent bad.
Perhaps ‘lord of the calendar’ is like a Holy timeline who determines the destinies of distant days’
What comes to mind is this verse which includes what happens to the Moon and Sun in the fulfilmentt of all things that maybe relevant and pertinent to the early cult religion where fragments of truth contained within their books are relevant to this time, in the revealing where these truth fragments are revealed in the right context in truth of the reality as foreseen.
30:26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun,
and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven
days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people, and
healeth the stroke of their wound.
And this expansion of truth is all related to the sevenfold and the ancient Sumerians are part of the End times being ancient Sevenfold servants of the Father.
the light of
the moon shall be as the light of the sun,
and the light of the sun
shall be sevenfold (the connection)
The Seven Days are the Sevenfold Ancients of Days and their light of truth in Judgment.
"the light of seven days,"
and the BREACH is the rebellion and the finalisation of it. It happens in ONE DAY.
"in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people, and
healeth the stroke of their wound."
Light is equated to the Truth and the expansion of truth of the matter in the Sevenfold Demonstration.
Here is an interesting video
The Sumerian and Annunaki update1.2 english
You know Nostradamus write his quatrains from 1555
Prophecies part 1-5.WMV
and here is an interesting development on the renewing of the Sacrifices in Jerusalem set for April 6th 2010. Interesting timing.
Prophecy in the News Update 1/14/10
and heres this, compare this with this journey of the ancient places and note the difference in depth and breadth in truth.
Bible Prophecy in the News : False Messiahs and
You really have to make up your mind but I don't
think so.
I don't now about that lady waving her hands and which God are they speaking about?
This is a very interesting video to.
False teachings in the Last Days
I can see how Christianity is being invaded by weird things. and the I am the Christ movement is false. There is one Christ and that is Jesus Christ the Sovereign of this Universe.
and there video
False Messiahs in Jewish History JewU 165 Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg
By they way I am not the Messiah and I am not the Christ and a bloke from who writes his thoughts in the focalisation to the ancient places. That's all! Even though ope way to find out the last messenger is by Birthdate and Mother name and that would be reflected in other religions of the One God aside from Christianity. That would be the physical verification by birth and prophecy of the birthdate and linage recognition. What does this last messenger focalise on and why! and is his journey reflected in prophecy?? and how does it reflect? Is it consistent to as was foreseen by the ancient prophets.
and check out this video of Benny Hinns.
Note at the 2:11 mark that he foresees Jesus appearing on a platform in Nairobi. I think its about the Maitreya that we just looked earlier in the week.
Here is a series of posts from facebook few days about this man photographed standing on a wooden platform.
connecting Benny Hinns with this false Christ.
Here is an image of the Maitreya.
Apparently he has made his move on the world stage.
This is the man according to Share Int'l
Although the names are different, many believe that they all refer to the same individual: the World Teacher, whose personal name is Maitreya (pronounced my-tray-ah).
Preferring to be known simply as the Teacher, Maitreya has not come as a religious leader, or to found a new religion, but as a teacher and guide for people of every religion and those of no religion.
At this time of great political, economic and social crisis Maitreya will inspire humanity to see itself as one family, and create a civilization based on sharing, economic and social justice, and global cooperation.
He will launch a call to action to save the millions of people who starve to death every year in a world of plenty. Among Maitreya's recommendations will be a shift in
I'm wondering, how he will he prove his
information using the field of science. To me miracles and outward things is
not the level of any change of an age but the truth and demonstrated without
one doubt. Like I read and see, something like that, like through a major
What would be so different in his message to that of his counterpart in the
I wonder what his date of birth is and does it fulfill prophecy?
I notice Share Int'l uses the Christ word but what
happened to Jesus Christ, suddenly deleted, the Jesus word.
Could it be the Last Rebel in disguise??
A counterfeit that is found prophecy in revelation. I don't think world peace
is going to happen without showdown of truth! In the days of change there will
be those who will say I am the Christ come follow me and then find themselves
in the BUSH lost but personally, I think it will come from the Heavens.....
Come follow me.... Jesus Christ.
so who is Benjamin Creme....
Throughout his early years Creme also studied various aspects of esoteric
philosophy, in particular the teachings released in the late 1800s through
Helena Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society, and more recently through Alice
A. Bailey.
Although these teachings led him to believe in the existence of the Masters of
Wisdom ― a group of perfected individuals who are the custodians of the Divine
Plan for this planet ― it nevertheless came as a complete surprise to him
when, in 1959, he was contacted by one of the Masters. He was told, among
other things, that Maitreya, the World Teacher ― the Master of all the Masters
― would return in about 20 years and that he (Creme) would have a role to play
in the event if he chose to accept it....
See More
More than a decade later, in 1972, Creme began a period of arduous training
under his Master's direction to prepare him for his coming task: announcing to
a skeptical world the emergence of the World Teacher, awaited by people of
every religion under his various names ― the Christ, Messiah, Imam Mahdi,
Krishna, Maitreya Buddha. Creme's constant contact with a Master of Wisdom
gives him access to up-to-date information on Maitreya's emergence, plus the
total conviction needed to present this story.
So Lucis publishing, formerly Lucifer Publishing
is behind Share International and the Blavatsky Sophistry. Hahaha!
(Jesus of Nazareth and Maitreya the Christ by Peter Liefhebber, Share
International) (published by Lucis Publishing Co.)
all very subtle off course.
Anyone who follows Benjamin Creme will get lost in the BUSH! he is simply not right about things. Jesus came to bring division into families as stated as there is something coming that will test all man resolve and I don't think it is good for some or even many! Judgement could not be good in light of untruth and disrespect in denouncing the Sovereign, the only Sovereign is Jesus Christ.
Hi Sasha
I know things can seem confusing when there is mass of material concerning end
times and big time messengers and so forth. Personally, I don't know how
anyone can go beyond the Urantia Book in the End Times, its the lead book in
my view of the end times. Its the book that brings an end to ignorance and
untruth because the Urantia Book is dynamic and can be demonstrated even in
the blend with other book's of truth.
Because I know the Urantia Book I am much more peaceful about things because I
know where I come from and I know where I go.
The great beauty about the Urantia Book is that we
can all be involved in bringing out the truth in the demonstration of this
great book, in real life through personal experience.
What beauty is that where anyone can be involved in demonstrating the book in
the personal witness. Totally dynamic. This is what man wants, a dynamic book
and experience that
brings him on a very beautiful journey with God, hand in hand and in path of
love and reckoning together in truth and finding victory in that.
I believe its through all our witnesses in
truth of the Urantia Sevenfold path that will project the book in the world.
Its through our living and dynamic experiences that is the great witness, all
our witnesses projected throughout the world like on face book that is the
witnesses of the UB.
Like the the expeditions to 1stEden walking in faith and making verification
of the natural wall used for purpose and the Temple of Adoration....
See More
And what if we project from the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx that leads to the
verification of Dilmun and eventually Dalamatia City thus fulfilling quite a
few prophecies concerning the city of the rising Sun...Dilmun.
Bringing out the truth in a live, living faith experience. These are the
witnesses including all other personal witnesses and discoveries collectively
that will project the Urantia to the 4 corners of the Earth.
I personally cant help but Praise the Father and
Jesus for all there blessings in the great path. The Father saw it from the
Beginning and he will see it to the End. He will not abandon us in the great
effort of mankind to bring out the truth of everything in the demonstration
of faith. Mankind will be successful in the great quest and he will have all
Universal Government and Family backing with full support!
All systems are go for the great quest!
Praise the Most High the Lord Almighty.
From the bottom of my heart with great
sentiment, I am so glad I have a friend in Jesus. I can honestly say that ever
since Sunday school.
I am glad I have a friend in Jesus.
A few days ago, I looked into the Maitreya the
Christ according to Benjamin Creme. Apparently he appeared in Kenya to a crowd
of Christians.
I was very sceptical about the whole thing being connected to Blatavsky and
Lucifer publishing.
Check out this video on Benny Hinns.
Note at the 2:11 mark that he foresees Jesus appearing
on a platform in Nairobi. I think its about the Maitreya that we just looked
unto earlier in the week.
This guy might be connected in a deception!!!
No worries I should, that's a good idea but I don't pester him with all my
stuff. I'm kinda hoping he is keeping in touch.
Personally Fred, they way the presentation is shaping I don't think anyone
will take up the challenge because its a real HOT POTATO.
The only people that could open the gates to the Site is the Iranian
Government, it rests in their hands and seeing the nature of this presentation
uncovering many things they might not respond.
In my view, its prophecy plus and it might play out different to what they
expect in prophecy in there own books.
The whole house could come down in truth, that's how sensitive it is but God is not working on their timeline, he has his own.
I want Behz to keep tabs, he is a good brother who
walked in faith and accomplished much in going to 1stEden twice. Amazing!
This is all still connected to 1stEden, the flicker of 1stEden, the house of
Adam and now Adam has opened the gates to Dilmun, for the brothers of Dilmun
which is the House and Brothers of Adam/Eden in this day. We are loyal to
Jesus the Sovereign. The one and only!
A connection to 10 councils of Daligastia who proclaims Caligastia of absolute
Sovereign of Urantia.
For three hundred thousand years Caligastia had been in charge of Urantia when
Satan, Lucifer's assistant, made one of his periodic inspection calls. And
when Satan arrived on the planet, his appearance in no way resembled your
caricatures of his nefarious majesty. He was, and still is, a Lanonandek Son
of great brilliance. "And no marvel, for Satan himself is a brilliant creature
of light."
In the course of this inspection Satan informed Caligastia of Lucifer's then
proposed "Declaration of Liberty," and as we now know, the Prince agreed to
betray the planet upon the announcement of the rebellion. The loyal universe
personalities look with peculiar disdain upon Prince Caligastia because of
this premeditated betrayal of trust. The Creator Son voiced this contempt when
he said: "You are like your leader, Lucifer, and you have sinfully perpetuated
his iniquity....
See More
He was a falsifier from the beginning of his self-exaltation because he abode
not in the truth."
Shortly after Satan's inspection and when the planetary administration was on
the eve of the realization of great things on Urantia, one day, midwinter of
the northern continents,
Caligastia held a prolonged conference with his associate, Daligastia, after
which the latter called the ten councils of Urantia in session extraordinary.
(and remember this>>>>>Kali is the head of the 10 mahavidyas, and it is said
that all mahavidyas are an aspect of Mother Kali. Kali is the first amoung the
Mahavidyas. All the Mahavidyas are said to be the manifestations of Kali. This
is true.<<
>>the ten councils=the 10 mahavidyas
This assembly was opened with the statement that Prince Caligastia was about
to proclaim himself absolute sovereign of Urantia and demanded that all
administrative groups abdicate by resigning all of their functions and powers
into the hands of Daligastia as trustee, pending the reorganization of the
planetary government and the subsequent redistribution of these offices of
administrative authority.
Another interesting link about the word Daligastia
and the connection to C and D
Like Daleth means door.
and this
By the way who went to the Himalayas to a
priesthood that filled Blatavsky with wrong and confused information of the
Sevenfold? Now influencing the UN in there spiritual quest of world religion.
Another person of Great Power in Germany also seeked knowledge in the
Himalayas in exploration of it. When his party came back his party came back,
Hitler became a mass murder. Where did this knowledge come from? Knowledge
that created War and Genocide and loose spiritual foundations in truth.
Hijacking the Sevenfold truth and in other hand creating a mass murderer??
Here may lay an explanation from the Urantia Book.
In Tibet may be found the strangest association of the Melchizedek teachings
combined with Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and Christianity. When the Buddhist
missionaries entered Tibet, they encountered a state of primitive savagery
very similar to that which the early Christian missionaries found among the
northern tribes of Europe.
These simple-minded Tibetans would not wholly give up their ancient magic and
charms. Examination of the religious ceremonials of present-day Tibetan
rituals reveals an overgrown brotherhood of priests with shaven heads who
practice an elaborate ritual embracing bells, chants, incense, processionals,
rosaries, images, charms, pictures, holy water, gorgeous vestments, and
elaborate choirs.
>>>>>>>They have rigid dogmas and crystallized creeds, mystic rites and
special fasts. Their hierarchy embraces monks, nuns, abbots, and the Grand
Lama. They pray to angels, saints, a Holy Mother, and the gods. They practice
confessions and believe in purgatory.<<<<<
Their monasteries are extensive and their cathedrals magnificent. They keep up
an endless repetition of sacred rituals and believe that such ceremonials
bestow salvation. Prayers are fastened to a wheel, and with its turning they
believe the petitions become efficacious.
Among no other people of modern times can be found the observance of so much
from so many religions; and it is inevitable that such a cumulative liturgy
would become inordinately cumbersome and intolerably burdensome.
>>>>>>>The following maybe the problem, all the information they hold on to is
perhaps severely infected by Daligastia and Caligastia Sophistry and has never
been corrected with the message of Jesus.<<<<<<<
The Tibetans have something of all the leading world religions >>>>>except the
simple teachings of the Jesusonian gospel: sonship with God, brotherhood with
man, and ever-ascending citizenship in the eternal universe.
The alternative to "the simple teachings of the Jesusonian gospel" is
Caligastia and Daligastia Sophistry and we have seen the effect of that
throughout the world.
Its a copy cat operation with this Himalayan sophistry which now spread
throughout the UN by the minion on the way to uplift the Last rebel and as the
Christ and denouncing the Jesus word.
This leads to Zeitgeist idea of ridding religion of the planet in replacement
of the Himalayan Daligastia/Caligastia Sophistry that leads man to spiritual
death in the denouncement of Jesus by ignoring and relegating Jesus as a good
bloke or one of many nice prophets.
There is another religion that denounces Jesus as mere prophets and beholds
the sign of the Sword and the Crescent moon and beholds the God of the Tongue
who follows the same characteristics in denouncing Jesus.
I wonder which religion that is??
But anyway, I think there is a huge and massive deception and its all under
the cloak of traditionalism, doctrines, rules coupled with pride and prejudice
where the tongue is full of promulgation. Big mouth in hate promulgation and
where no body can think outside these walls.
Who rules like this in fear off! Caligastia and Daligastia in deception and
disguise manipulating evolutionary religion. All religion is infected! there
is one path out of this and it lays in the truth of the Urantia Book and very
much the bible and other books never considered because of doctrines and fear
The wall of ignorance and rule, who created that?
Brahmanism has great faults to and is infected with things that are simply NOT true and is not of Jesus the Sovereign.
Planet Babel has a religion certainly marked out for the unsuspecting and its
does not include Jesus Christ which in effect is a denouncement. Planet Babel
is attempting to separate themselves in non belief and at the same time
adopting twisted Sophistry for other demographics. On the other hand you have
extreme terrorism to create the contrast and
justification of why Planet Babel should not have religion and Jesus. All
Zeitgeist in the ultimate that unfairly concentrates on the weakness of
religion with false things at a time when man never knew that much. Now we
know more in the reply to the Sophistry of Zeitgeist..
All very crafty and nefarious on all fronts of the black stump.
I just wonder if there is a connection
Buddha's full teachings dispel the pain of worldly
existence and self-oriented peace;
May they flourish, spreading prosperity and happiness through-
out this spacious world.
O holders of the Dharma: scholars
and realized practitioners;
May your ten fold virtuous practice prevail.
(and remember
this>>>>>Kali is the head of the 10 mahavidyas, and it is said that all
mahavidyas are an aspect of Mother Kali. Kali is the first amoung the
Mahavidyas. All the Mahavidyas are said to be the manifestations of Kali. This
is true.<<
and this excerpt from the Urantia Book.
Caligastia held a prolonged conference with his associate, Daligastia, after which the latter called the ten councils of Urantia in session extraordinary.
>>the ten
councils=the 10 mahavidyas
Is there a connection between all three??
another fragment
Lama Prayer
Thus, the protector Chenrezig made vast prayers
Before the Buddhas and Bodhisativas
To fully embrace the Land of Snows
So who is Chenrezig?
The original meaning of the name fits the Buddhist understanding of the role of a bodhisattva. The reinterpretation presenting him as an īśvara shows a strong influence of Shaivism, as the term īśvara was usually connected to the Hindu notion of a creator god and ruler of the world. Attributes of such a god were transmitted to the bodhisattva, but the mainstream of the Avalokiteśvara worshippers upheld the Buddhist rejection of the doctrine of any creator god.
An etymology of the Tibetan name Chenrezig is chen (eye), re (continuity) and zig (to look). This gives the meaning of one who always looks upon all beings (with the eye of compassion).
Its not Jesus the Creator God. That's Caligastia and Daligastia in disguise, deceiving man under the cloak of nice and sweet but there is something else. Note the eye aspect. Note Caligastia is the disgraced EX God of this world who desires to reclaim his title, Today, its the vice-regent Machiventa Melchizedek that is the God or Ruler this world who works in partnership with Jesus who is the Sovereign of this Universe. Jesus is a sevenfold Creator Paradise Son.
In any case Buddhism does reject a creator God and where does lead the Buddhist in denouncing Jesus the Sovereign. So now we have the Eye that wants to be God Creator and Ruler of world and the God of the Tongue (Caligastia and Daligastia) two distance personalities with similar agendas. But Jesus Sevenfold Creator Paradise Son is the Ruler of this whole Universe and I uphold his name.
Tibetan Buddhism relates Chenrezig to the six-syllable mantra Om Mani Padme Hum. Thus, Chenrezig is also called Shadakshari ("Lord of the Six Syllables"). The connection between this famous mantra and Avalokiteśvara already occurs in the Karandavyuha Sutra (probably late fourth or early fifth century), one of the first Buddhist works to have reached Tibet (before the end of the fifth century).
in th following is a clue to the omni present effect of Caligastia with people who are open to him unsuspectingly. In many places at the same time.
The thousand arms of Avalokiteśvara
One prominent Buddhist story tells of Avalokiteśvara vowing never to rest until he had freed all sentient beings from samsara. Despite strenuous effort, he realizes that still many unhappy beings were yet to be saved. After struggling to comprehend the needs of so many, his head splits into eleven pieces. Amitabha Buddha, seeing his plight, gives him eleven heads with which to hear the cries of the suffering. Upon hearing these cries and comprehending them, Avalokiteśvara attempts to reach out to all those who needed aid, but found that his two arms shattered into pieces. Once more, Amitabha comes to his aid and invests him with a thousand arms with which to aid the suffering multitudes.
Note that Samsara is untruth, reincarnation does not exist, exactly the opposite, you do not come back to this native planet. You either move on your eternal adventure to the hidden worlds in space on to Paradise or have cessation of existence.
Saṃsāra or Sangsara (संसार), a Sanskrit[1] and Pāli term which translates as "continuous movement" or "continuous flowing", which, in Buddhism, refers to the concept of a cycle of birth (jāti), and consequent decay and death (jarāmaraṇa), in which all beings in the universe participate, and which can only be escaped through enlightenment. Saṃsāra is associated with suffering and is generally considered the antithesis of nirvāṇa (Sanskrit) or nibbāna (Pali). There are several Chinese translations, including 生死 (shēngsǐ, "life-death"), 輪迴 (lúnhuí, "wheel turning"), and 流轉 (liúzhuǎn, "wandering"). The Tibetan term is འཁོར་བ་ 'khor ba; Mongolian: orchilong.
Many Paths to One GodReincarnation, Samsara and Karma
Hindus believe in reincarnation - a belief that the soul is eternal and lives many lifetimes, in one body after another. The soul is sometimes born in a human body, sometimes in an animal body and sometimes in a plant body, etc.. Hindus believe that all forms of life contain a soul, and all souls have the chance to experience life in different forms
No there is only way to Heaven and is through truth that can be demonstrated and the link is Jesus the Sovereign.
This is the TRUTH about REINCARNATION. You would be best to read this. The is Caligastia and Daligastia infection on the subject of reincarnation and there is a creator God of everything.
Results for query "reincarnation"
Search on entire archive
File name (modification date), and list of matched lines (preceded by line numbers)
line 1535: Doctrine of reincarnation
line 75: The orange race was especially given to belief in transmigration and reincarnation. This idea of reincarnation originated in the observance of hereditary and trait resemblance of offspring to ancestors. The custom of naming children after grandparents and other ancestors was due to belief in reincarnation. Some later-day races believed that man died from three to seven times. This belief (residual from the teachings of Adam about the mansion worlds), and many other remnants of revealed religion, can be found among the otherwise absurd doctrines of twentieth-century barbarians.
Very severe Barbarians: the otherwise absurd doctrines of twentieth-century barbarians.
line 51: The undue concentration on self led certainly to a fear of the nonevolutionary perpetuation of self in an endless round of successive incarnations as man, beast, or weeds. And of all the contaminating beliefs which could have become fastened upon what may have been an emerging monotheism, none was so stultifying as this belief in transmigration--the doctrine of the reincarnation of souls--which came from the Dravidian Deccan. This belief in the weary and monotonous round of repeated transmigrations robbed struggling mortals of their long-cherished hope of finding that deliverance and spiritual advancement in death which had been a part of the earlier Vedic faith.
(note the infection of what was once true. ("which had been a part of the earlier Vedic faith")
Many of the early writers in India where the Sethite priests.
line 35: If an animal ate human flesh, it became a fetish. In this way the dog came to be the sacred animal of the Parsees. If the fetish is an animal and the ghost is permanently resident therein, then fetishism may impinge on reincarnation. In many ways the savages envied the animals; they did not feel superior to them and were often named after their favorite beasts.
line 165: Although spornagia neither possess nor evolve survival souls, though they do not have personality, nevertheless, they do evolve an individuality which can experience reincarnation. When, with the passing of time, the physical bodies of these unique creatures deteriorate from usage and age, their creators, in collaboration with the Life Carriers, fabricate new bodies in which the old spornagia re-establish their residences.
line 166: Spornagia are the only creatures in all the universe of Nebadon who experience this or any other sort of reincarnation. They are only reactive to the first five of the adjutant mind-spirits; they are not responsive to the spirits of worship and wisdom. But the five-adjutant mind equivalates to a totality or sixth reality level, and it is this factor which persists as an experiential identity.
line 57: There was, throughout all these regions, a lingering belief in reincarnation. The older Jewish teachers, together with Plato, Philo, and many of the Essenes, tolerated the theory that men may reap in one incarnation what they have sown in a previous existence; thus in one life they were believed to be expiating the sins committed in preceding lives. The Master found it difficult to make men believe that their souls had not had previous existences.
I however do wonder if this is 1111 reflected??
is head splits into eleven pieces. Amitabha Buddha, seeing his plight, gives him eleven heads with which to hear the cries of the suffering
and more
Avalokiteśvara is an important deity in Tibetan Buddhism, and is regarded in the Vajrayana teachings as a Buddha.[citation needed]In the Mahayana teachings he is in general regarded as a high-level Bodhisattva. The Dalai Lama is considered by the Gelugpa sect and many other Tibetan Buddhists to be the primary earthly manifestation of Chenrezig. The Karmapa is considered by the Karma Kagyu sect to be Chenrezig's primary manifestation. It is said that Padmasambhava prophesied that Avalokiteśvara will manifest himself in the Tulku lineages of the Dalai Lamas and the Karmapas.[citation needed]Another Tibetan source explains that Buddha Amithaba gave to one of his two main disciples, Avalokiteśvara, the task to take upon himself the burden of caring for Tibet. That is why he has manifested himself not only as spiritual teachers in Tibet but also in the form of kings (like Trisong Detsen) or ministers.[citation needed]
Other manifestations popular in Tibet include Sahasra-bhuja (a form with a thousand arms) and Ekādaśamukha (a form with eleven faces).[citation needed]
In Tibetan Buddhism, White Tara acts as the consort and energizer of Avalokiteśvara/Chenrezig. According to popular belief, Tara came into existence from a single tear shed by Chenrezig. When the tear fell to the ground it created a lake, and a lotus opening in the lake revealed Tara. In another version of this story, Tara emerges from the heart of Chenrezig. In either version, it is Chenrezig's outpouring of compassion which manifests Tara as a being.
Reincarnation is a totally false doctrine and it does not exist, no one comes back here. All the above does not occur regarding reincarnation.
Its all infected with Dalagastia and Caligastia sophistry.
There is a place in China called Dali.
Hippie paradise of Dali (Mat n Miki's Travels)
Shangri-la was not the kind of place we had expected. It means "home of the dreams" in chinese and its suppose to symbolise an idyllic and perfect place but after the beautiful and tiny town of Litang it turned out to look like any other chinese city. Hence from now on we shall call it by its chinese name Zhongdian. Apparently the scenery around it is beautiful but we had no need to go out of our way for sceneries since the amazing ride through the backdoor had offered us more than enough.
'UFO' on Yorkshire TV - 9th February, 2010
12 Feb 2010
Hey bro, no worries that is great
I was thinking this maybe connected to the entry of the Persian Gulf. And the
land of Dreams perhaps can be equated to Land of the Living or the City of the
Rising Sun.
"down the dank ..
moldering paths and past the Ocean's streams they went and past the White Rock
and the Sun's Western Gates and past the Land of Dreams, and soon they reached
the fields of asphodel where the dead, the burnt-out wraiths of mortals make
their home"
(Odyssey 24.5-9, translation by Robert ***les)
Down the Dank, doesnt that infer submergence. Rapid Submergence is related to
Oil and Gas. The cities Dalamatia Dilmun are on areas of subduction and I know
there is Gas close Dalamatia City where this line of Subduction exists.
Note the East West passage of the crossing, not that dissimilar to the East
West passage of the Rock of Gibraltar crossing.
"down the dank
moldering paths and past the Ocean's streams they went and past the White Rock
and the Sun's Western Gates and past the Land of Dreams, and soon they reached
the fields of asphodel where the dead, the burnt-out wraiths of mortals make
their home"
(Odyssey 24.5-9, translation by Robert ***les)
Note the reference to Oil fields" the fields of asphodel" after passing by the
"Land of Dreams" Dilmun. At the place of Crossing: "Sun's Western Gates" could
reflect Jiroft or the Central Nodite capital built not far from Dalamatia City
near the Persian Heads. There where rivers near the place of crossing and
Dilmun where the Sun rises was built close to a river bank at the place of
crossing. It could reflect both Nodite cities.
Oh! Bro..... it all has to pieced together meticulously, Line by line. This is
just a run through, to bash the trail that can be built upon later!
andWe know
that Babel was a circular temple reflective of Sun worship.
Here ia quatrain of Nostradamus relating the City of the Sun.
81 ...
See More
The royal bird over the city of the Sun,
Seven months in advance it will deliver a nocturnal omen:
The Eastern wall will fall lightning thunder,
Seven days the enemies directly to the gates.
and here is a reflection of Sun Worship in this Sumerian tablet. This connects
Babel to Dilmun through the commonality of the Sun. The Sun=Babel , the
Shrine, the Monument. The Lion! reflecting The Sphinx! in my view
"From the bright covering of thy great heaven may the waters flow,
May the city be refreshed with water, may it drink,
May Dilmun be refreshed with water, may it drink,
May the deep of bitter water flow as a deep of sweet water.
May the city be a resting, an abode of the people,
May Dilmun be a resting, an abode of the people.
Now, O sun-god, shine forth,
O sun-god, stand in heaven;
Bring open water from the womb of the land!
[And] fish, O moon-god, from the water.
In the water-course on the face of the land, O earth's sweet water come!
That from the bright covering of the great heavens water may flow,
Its city be refreshed, may drink,
Dilmun be refreshed, may drink,
The deep of bitter water flow as a deep of sweet water,
The fields and meadows....
>>The city be a house for the multitutes of the land,
Dilmun be a house for the multitudes of the land. <<
>>To shine may the sun-god come forth--let it be so.
He who alone is wise (i.e. Enki)
To Nintu, mother of the land.<<
Note a reference to the Annadoti, the early Nodite fathers! those that came out of the Sea! Lost their city close to the Sea in the South Dalamatia City, A sea can be as big as Galilee.
This repair of the Breach must be related to the Sevenfold sorting. It must be
done at the place where it occurred and at the place where it perpetuated so
people know its the truth in truth. 100% truth. Not one doubt! That's why
these explorations, discoveries and revealing are vital to the Spiritual
economy of this planet.
There is a sleeping OMEN in Dilmun, the city of
the rising Sun, an ancient Omen. There must be something that was foreseen and
that becomes an Omen, a sleeping omen connected to Dilmun/Babel I think that
Omen is the sorting.
It will happen at those places in the focalisation. We don't have to go there
for anything unexpected to happen but it would be good for mankind to test
these things out now that we have the technology.
Robert the Bro
Look up "Annedoti" (Nodite) and their leader Oannes (Nod).
Here is a link
So I will
I had a look at Annedoti as suggested by Bro Behz.
WOW, you can see the reflections of Nodites. That was a great referral bro.
Here is one link I found that has some very interesting information....
See More
Checkout this
[Editor Comment: Read "The Sirius Mystery" by Robert K. G. Temple!
These obviously drifted in here from the Sirius System!]
The traditions of ancient Mesopotamia recount the story of an amphibious
ancestor who taught the arts and crafts of civilization to Mankind.
Written in the Third Century BC by the Babylonian priest Berossus, it
describes the origins of civilization as his forefathers believed it. Although
the works of Berossus have been lost, many fragments have been preserved by a
number of contemporary writers such as Apollodorus, Aleksander Polyhistor, and
Abydens, one of Aristotle's disciples who also wrote an Assyrian history of
his own, now lost. The account speaks of a group of creatures who came out of
the Persian Gulf called "Annedoti" led by one Oannes. They reportedly were
amphibious creatures with the head of a man, the body and tail of a fish, yet
legged like a man.
Led by Oannes, these creatures taught man all of the ancient knowledge.
According to the legend, Oannes instructed Man how to build cities, to found
temples, to compile laws, to survey the lands, and how to grow food. He also
taught them mathematics, the sciences,
and every kind of art. Apollodorus referred to Oannes and the Annedoti as "Musarus."
The word "musarus" means "an abomination" in Greek just as "annedoti" means
"the repulsive ones." In other words, the creatures credited with founding
civilization were frankly described by the ancient
Babylonian people, who revered them, as "repulsive abominations." If the
tradition had been invented, a more normal attitude would be to glorify these
creatures as splendid g--s and heroes. Yet the fact that they chose to
describe their ancestors this way argues for the authenticity of the account.
It was the Babylonian tradition that they owed their knowledge
to creatures who came up from the sea who were disgusting and loathsome to
gaze upon.
Of further significance is that the Oannes of Berossus and Apollodorus bears a
striking resemblance to the Sumerian Enki who founded the Mesopotamian
civilization and brought civilized arts and sciences to mankind. Enki lived in
his water palace or Abzu located on the edge of the Persian Gulf. Enki's Abzu
was sealed and was presumably submersible.
Oannes was said to return to his watery abode in the evening to spend the
night. Even the name Annedoti is quite similar to the people of Enki - the
Anunnaki, from whence it was probably derived. The Greek term may have
originated with the Sumerians and was later carried over as a description of a
race that was both reptilian and loathsome.
When our saurian ancestors arrived here to exploit the resources of this
planet, they must have found the physical conditions here ideal for living,
perhaps very similar to those of their home planet. What were these conditions
that were so compatible to the alien race that came here hundreds of thousands
of years ago?
Oannes and the Nodites are the creatures who
came up from the sea who were disgusting and loathsome to gaze upon.
They were the Nodites from Dalamatia City to build Dilmun and taught man there
version of civilisation under the Babel concept. Rule by fear.
Obviously, the Sumerian's where ashamed of there ancient true history whereby
they omitted the history of Dalamatia maintaining there ancient Nodite pride
heritage with a white wash in truth....
See More
They came out of the waters inferring there city was destroyed by water like a
tidal wave like as in Dalamatia City.
"It was the Babylonian tradition
that they owed their knowledge to creatures who came up from the sea who were
disgusting and loathsome to gaze upon."
and who else in this world wears fish looking hats and clothes staked with
spiritual symbolism?
"They reportedly were
amphibious creatures with the head of a man, the body and tail of a fish, yet
legged like a man" Yes that is true, ugly!
We can see how this representation has been perpetuated throughout the Eons of
time to this day.
The Nodite Sumerian's never embraced the Edenic culture, they stuck to the
remnants of the there own traditions.
there's more read on.
See More
THIS is the history which Berossus has transmitted to us. He tells
us that the first king was Alorus of Babylon, a Chaldæan: he reigned ten sari:
and afterwards Alaparus, and Amelon who came from Pantibiblon: then Ammenon
the Chaldæan, in whose time appeared the Musarus Oannes the Annedotus from the
Erythræan sea.
The Erythræan sea is the Arabian Sea where the place of the East West crossing
is, leading through the Persian heads into the Gulf then past Dalamatia, North
to Dilmun, then to the Oil fields.
There were two cultures of the Nodites, one near the Heads of the Persian Gulf
and the other near new Dilmun north.
We know Dilmun has a East West aspect because the priests of Dilmun evacuated
to the South to their homes that were in the South and Dilmun was near the
However, there is a 50,000 year gap from that of the rebellion in Dalamatia
200,000 and the construct of present New Dilmun 150,000. There must another
place of Abode before the amalgamation of the Nodites to build Dilmun.
I think Jiroft is close to good candidate for one of the Nodite culture around
the Heads however at times of a lower sea level there could of been a soit of
land running east west along the Berbian coast outside the Persian heads.
This could of been the location of that earlier Dilmun or a city in the
Erythræan sea just outside the Heads where Oannes came from with his horde.
Jiroft, close by
to the Persian Heads is set in an ringed Volcano with its 4 sided stepped
Pyramid made by brick and we now the Nodites used bricks rather than stone.
Dilmun would of been built upon sheer slavery! The Nodite way! as inferred,
The Atlantis way, the Bullshit way!
Jiroft and the Snake people
Here is another piece of information.
TG Oannes. (Gr.) Musarus Oannes, the Annedotus, known in the Chaldean "legends", transmitted through Berosus and other ancient writers, as Dag or Dagon, the "man-fish". Oannes came to the early Babylonians as a reformer and an instructor. Appearing from the Erythraean Sea, he brought to them civilisation, letters and sciences, law, astronomy and religion, teaching them agriculture, geometry and the arts in general. There were Annedoti who came after him, five in number (our race being the fifth) -- "all like Oannes in form and teaching the same"; but Musarus Oannes was the first to appear, and this he did during the reign of Ammenon, the third of the ten antediluvian Kings whose dynasty ended with Xisuthrus, the Chaldean Noah (See "Xisuthrus"). Oannes was "an animal endowed with reason . . . whose body was that of a fish, but who had a human head under the fish's with feet also below, similar to those of a man, subjoined to the fish's tail, and whose voice and language too were articulate and human" (Polyhistor and Apollodorus). This gives the key to the allegory. It points out Oannes, as a man and a "priest", an Initiate. Layard showed long ago (See Nineveh) that the "fish's head" was simply a head gear, the mitre worn by priests and gods, made in the form of a fish's head, and which in a very little modified form is what we see even now on the heads of high Lamas and Romish Bishops. Osiris had such a mitre.
The fish's tail is simply the train of a long stiff mantle as depicted on some Assyrian tablets, the form being seen reproduced in the sacerdotal gold cloth garment worn during service by the modern Greek priests. This allegory of Oannes, the Annedotus, reminds us of the "Dragon" and "Snake-Kings"; the Nagas who in Buddhist legends instruct people in wisdom on lakes and rivers, and end by becoming converts to the good Law and Arhats. The meaning is evident. The "fish" is an old and very suggestive symbol in the Mystery-language, as is also "water". Ea or Hea was the god of the sea and Wisdom, and the sea serpent was one of his emblems, his priests being "serpents" or Initiates. Thus one sees why
Occultism places Oannes and the other Annedoti in the group of those ancient "adepts" who were called "marine" or "water dragons" -- Nagas. Water typified their human origin (as it is a symbol of earth and matter and also of purification), in distinction to the "fire Nagas" or the immaterial, Spiritual Beings, whether celestial Bodhisattvas or Planetary Dhyanis, also regarded as the instructors of mankind. The hidden meaning becomes clear to the Occultist, once lie is told that "this being (Oannes) was accustomed to pass the day among men, teaching; and when the Sun had set, he retired again into the sea, passing the night in the deep, "for he was amphibious", i.e., he belonged to two planes: the spiritual and the physical. For the Greek word amphibios means simply "life on two planes", from amphi, "on both sides", and bios, "life". The word was often applied in antiquity to those men who, though still wearing a human form, had made themselves almost divine through knowledge, and lived as much in the spiritual supersensuous regions as on earth. Oannes is dimly reflected in Jonah, and even in John, the Precursor, both connected with Fish and Water.
WGa Oannes, the same as Dag or Dagon, the "man-fish". A generic name for the Initiates of Chaldea, corresponding to the Nagas or "Snake-Kings" of the Buddhist legends, who are said to preserve and guard the ancient truths.
SD INDEX Oannes (Chald) biblical Dagon II 139n
described by Sayce II 226
Ea (wisdom) prototype of II 503
leaves waters to teach wisdom II 495n
man-fish I 264, 345, 394, 654; II 54, 139n
taught Babylonian writing II 226
taught early man I 345; II 190
Triton much like II 578
world created out of water I 345SD INDEX Oannes-Dagon (Chald)
Demiurge II 5
seven divine dynasties & II 366
face book
Here is a image to illustrate some early
thoughts I had regarding this place of Abode in the 200,000 year mark and the
150,000 mark when new Dilmun was built, there must an older Dilmun before.
It appears that the NASA world wind software has devolved into a micky mouse thing, The landsat and other filters are taken off so therefore the images I have are the only ones. Its makes the job more difficult. They say its because of a lack of funds but who knows in the bigger scheme of things. Very disappointing let some good devolve like that. More truth, less war makes for more truth.
This is nice but why did they have to devolve Nasa World wind software Eh! this NO money business when there is trillions in the world.
Now Im back to square one
Ever heard of that NASA devolving a simple software because of no money especially with all the millions they get to produce for mankind. Bah
Here is post from some time ago on all empires forums.
It was revealed to me the that the Dalymites an Iranian tribe or group is
linked close to the North Eastern Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea.
You talked about "Dalamatia" and "Atlantis", I think you know Deylamites/Delymites,
ancient people who lived beside the sea, whether in north of Persian gulf,
modern Deylam -> or in the south of Caspian sea:
I had mentioned this page about them in that thread:
Many things have been said about this
word, it is said "Eylam/Elam" (mountain of the gods), an ancient civilization
the southwest Iran, could be from this word or Greek "Olymi/Olympos". >> "Zeus
(i.e. Elamites, sons of Shem) was the main carrier of the Eden cult,
why he was from the Avvites (of Opis) = Eva, and why the Atamti, the possible
founders of Edom = Adam, were Elamites." <<
Another clue that points to Dalamatia/Deylamites/Delymites in distant
reflection of the name if not Dilmun. All the Ds
The picture is a funeral Pot from 2nd Susa where Jesus walked and studied the
area. He knew what was coming in a distant generation.
Ever hear of
Semah and Denah and
the double crowns in St Ephraim? the author of the Seven Pearls.
Don't worry I deleted the post didn't want unnerve anyone.
Well looks its all happening over here CENSORSHIP.
Yep thats it, the Rule by
fear and the Paranoid.
Censorship is a devolution going the other way!
No doubt it will be geared towards the containment of religion.
Here is an interesting link about Joseph(Yuya) from
the Bible, the royal
vizier of the Pharaoh concerning his linage to Akenanton, Iknantion.
Babel was a sun worship temple in Dilmun not the mun in the Dilmun as in Amun and connection to Solar worship.
Perhaps the descendants of Ikhnaton are the descendants of Joseph(Yuya) from of old.
Throughout the two years of their sojourn at Alexandria, Jesus enjoyed good health and continued to grow normally. Aside from a few friends and relatives no one was told about Jesus' being a "child of promise." One of Joseph's relatives revealed this to a few in Memphis,>>> descendants of the distant Ikhnaton,<<< and they, with a small group of Alexandrian believers, assembled at the palatial home of Joseph's relative-benefactor a short time before the return to Palestine to wish the Nazareth family well and to pay their respects to the child. On this occasion the assembled friends presented Jesus with a complete copy of the Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures.. local/www/data/papers?link = papers/paper122.html&file= /usr/local/www/data/papers /paper122.html&line=180#mf s
What a beautiful moment that would of been for Ikhnatons descendents to see the Child of Promise for there own eyes.
Here is a diagram from the book link.
Here some word play
Examine the 2 syllables of Tuthmosis, The Tut could be a reflection of Toth, Moses reflective of Mosis and was named TutMoses in part after Yuyu(Joeseph) Mosis, Moses, Tuth, Toth, Truth...Moses and Truth, truth and Moses. Note: in Tutankhamen, Tut, Toth, truth, note the amen or amun and note the connection to Dil-mun
Consider the name moon having similarities to the word dil-mun, mun, amun, moon.
Dilmun is like Dalmun note, deleting the L you have D-amun,.
Dilmun named perhaps in honour of Daligastia
noting the
connection. But then the Egyptians refer to Dilmat but was confused for Dalamatia. Something like that. There was confusion because they were under the impression that Dilmun was the city of the immortals and so forth which is was not as the truth of the immortals really occurred in Dalamatia City.
wikipedia on the word Amun
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Amun (disambiguation).
God of creation
Name in hieroglyphs
Major cult center Thebes Symbol two vertical plumes, the ram-headed Sphinx (Criosphinx) Parents none (self-created) Consort Mut Children Khonsu and Monthu (both may be fostered)
Amun, reconstructed Egyptian Yamānu (also spelled Amon, Amoun, Amen, and rarely Imen, Greek Ἄμμων Ammon, and Ἅμμων Hammon), was a deity in Egyptian mythology and Berber Mythology who in the form of Amun-Ra became the focus of the most complex system of theology in Ancient Egypt. Whilst remaining hypostatic deities, Amun represented the essential and hidden, whilst in Ra he represented revealed divinity. As the creator deity "par excellence", he was the champion of the poor and central to personal piety. Amun was self created, without mother and father, and during the New Kingdom he became the greatest expression of transcendental deity in Egyptian theology. He was not considered to be immanent within creation nor was creation seen as an extension of himself. Amun-Ra, likewise with the Hebrew creator deity, did not physically engender the universe. His position as King of gods developed to the point of virtual monotheism where other gods became manifestations of him. With Osiris, Amun-Ra is the most widely recorded of the Egyptian gods.
I'm intriguing with the letter "D" begin further study insert 14th Feb 2010.
Here is wikipedia, again it points to the door, the Daleth. Its the TRIANGLE symbol!! So many Dees.
The D in Dilmun must mean Door or Triangle and is consistent to all the symbols and design of Dilmun..
Here is where extra study began and a link to the point of time later down the track..
here is another link on the Egyptian Term and Symbol for D it may have some metaphor.
The following two tables show the Egyptian uniliteral signs. (24 letters, but multiple use hieroglyphs)
Just look at these symbols that reflect the initials in my name D dj middle initial R, Richard and perhaps the Richard the Lionheart of today. I always knew that about my middle name Richard. When I was a young boy I always identified to Richard the Lionheart and what about the Lion of Judah who opens the books in the end times and here I see it identified with Pharaoh Den in my namesake! And off course this connects to the Sphinx in the "Bridging of the Gulf" which is a presentation I am making at the moment concentrating all materials inclusive of this presentation. Off course Richard the Lionheart is connected to the Holy Grail legend, the Genes of Adam. He was on a Crusade like I am with the ancient places in the realisation, discovery and verification.
Look at the other symbols that relate to R, the God Ra and the bowstring, the witness.
Preceded by
Succeeded by
The R is also representative in this symbol, the MOUTH.
Look at the Metaphor to this work to the ancient places being a living spiritual targul of exploration and discovery..
The ancient Egyptian Hand (hieroglyph) is a hieroglyph with the meaning of "d"; it is also used in the word for 'hand', and actions that are performed, i.e. by the 'way of one's hands', or actions. (Used as a determinative.)
and then look at this another metaphor to the name and look what its connected to!!!
Also used in iconography. Pharaoh Den of the 1st Dynasty used the hand as part of his name: "d + n".
An even earlier usage of hand can be compared to the sister hieroglyph: Hand-fist (hieroglyph). Five fists are held onto a rope bordering a hunt scene on a predynastic cosmetic palette. The damaged Bull Palette from Hierakonpolis is notable since each hand forms the base of a wooden vertical standard, with god-like animals, one standing on top of each!
Pharaoh Den I have to laugh at that one, he was the first Pharaoh, Pharaoh Den and he is connected to the BULL, 5th Month May, hahahahah I have to laugh! 14/5/61, Dennis/Dionysus/Den the young tree of life. journey to the ancient places. Son of Eden Son of Dilmun Son of Dalamatia City in this day in the Seventh Completion in the times of the Olympic winter games and they start tomorrow which is end of the adjust Seventh time the 15th February 2010. I realise this in the back track of some research on the 14th February 2010.
It gets more intriguing to the reality.
Rosetta Stone usage as word: "hand"
The Hand as hieroglyphic also forms the word for 'hand' in the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic language: "ţet." In line 13, (R-13), one of ten ways for honoring the Pharaoh Ptolemy V was to:
...."and let be engraved the Rank: "Priest of the god appearing-(epiphanous), lord of benefits -(eucharistos-Greek)", upon the rings worn on their hands-(hieroglyph)."[1]
In the 1st half of the Rosetta Stone, (the Decree of Memphis (Ptolemy V)), supplied by the Nabayrah Stele, line N-22, there is use of the Hand-hieroglyph as part of an important word that implies the use of 'hands', or 'action'. In speaking of the district, or town that defiled Pharaoh, and had to be defeated, the town is referred to as: ...(the rebels) "they led astray-(Hand hieroglyph: seţeman-sen) the nomes."[2]
Hands like action events hahahahaha, I have to laugh this matches the reality.
Hands, Action, 22, Pharaoh Den, ddj in name, Priest of the god appearing, the whole journey is reflected, its a direct reflection.
Here is a link to Pharaoh Den
Den (or Dewen) was the fourth Egyptian king of the First dynasty.[2] He was the son of Queen Merneith and presumably Djet.[3] Early Egyptian records mention battles against Bedouin tribes in the Sinai during his reign. He was the first to use the title King of the Two Lands, and the first depicted as wearing the double crowns (red and white). The floor of his tomb in Umm el-Qa'ab at Abydos is made of red and black granite, the first time in Egypt this hard stone was used as a building material.[4] During his long reign he established many of the patterns of court ritual and royalty used by later pharaohs and was held in high regard by his immediate successors.[5]
and this from the Urantia Book about the use of stone.
line 106: The Egyptians very early assembled their municipal deities into an elaborate national system of gods. They developed an extensive theology and had an equally extensive but burdensome priesthood. Several different leaders sought to revive the remnants of the early religious teachings of the Sethites, but these endeavors were short-lived. The Andites built the first stone structures in Egypt. The first and most exquisite of the stone pyramids was erected by Imhotep, an Andite architectural genius, while serving as prime minister. Previous buildings had been constructed of brick, and while many stone structures had been erected in different parts of the world, this was the first in Egypt. But the art of building steadily declined from the days of this great architect.
Den |
Ivory label depicting Den smiting an enemy (British Museum) |
33+ years, 1st Dynasty | ||||
Predecessor |
Djet | |||
Successor |
Anedjib | |||
Children |
Anedjib | |||
Mother |
Merneith[1] | |||
Burial |
Tomb in Umm el-Qa'ab, Abydos | |||
Monuments |
Tomb in Umm el-Qa'ab |
February 8, 2010 at 9:57 pm
Its just beautiful brother to find this now in my journey to Dilmun submerged in the North Eastern Persian Gulf. For me the timing of this find is just incredible and confirms everything I have been saying using other scripts and I am on the trail to Dilmun as the Sphinx, the ancient memorial points to the City of the Rising Sun Dilmun/Babel.
What the tablets represents is the Sevenfold confirmation from the Sevenfold priests of ancient Mesopotamia and we are in that journey to Dilmun right now as we speak.
The location of Dilmun/Babel was Discovered around 15 months and 6 or 7 days later at the Apex, on 16 -17th September 05, at 12 midnight (the time Apex) using NASA Worldwind. This part of the journey to Dilmun is part of the Journey to 1stEden of Cyprus, it connects 1st Eden with Dilmun in the revealing in journey to the ancient places and that ultimately connects to Dalamatia City, the city where the tree of life was first kept, further South submerged in the Persian Gulf near the Heads.
As we are the Sons of 1st Eden in the revealing of our day, we are also the Sons of Dilmun in discovery and revealing and it all points to the Father in Heaven and Jesus the Sovereign! Its through Dilmun we verify Dalamatia City in the Verification. Dalamatia City is the First City, the first Atlantis, the city of the Sons of God before rebellion.
But there could be an evacuation as I’ve been saying all along and the Sumerian tablet directly confirms the Sevenfold Message of this day as foreseen and we are in the reality right NOW!!.
Thanks for a great post and great blessings eh!
I really do praise the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven and our Paradise Sevenfold Creator Sovereign Jesus