Tablet 78
The Targum
from the Beginnings and Facebook timeline
This is why we have such extraordinary
and extensive watch care on this planet.
119.8.8 Urantia is the sentimental shrine of all Nebadon, the chief of ten
million inhabited worlds, the mortal home of Christ Michael, sovereign of
all Nebadon, a Melchizedek minister to the realms, a system savior, an
Adamic redeemer, a seraphic fellow,
an associate of ascending spirits, a morontia progressor, a Son of Man in
the likeness of mortal flesh, and the Planetary Prince of Urantia. And
your record tells the truth when it says that this same Jesus has promised
some time to return to the world of his terminal bestowal, the World of
the Cross.
Hey uh, this is the
second cube now and this is more impressive now, there it seems to be a trail.
What happening eh! in the Heavens?? Does this mark the advanced arrival of
the Ancients of Days of the Sevenfold trans-Universal Government of God!! Is
this the Evac/rapture capsule of the Salvable??
Watch E6722maj's video about sun soho
solar ufos documentary on
Is aw this doco
sometime ago, I had some thoughts at the time on it. Really speaking The
Urantia Book just fills all the gaps, we can prove many points about 1st
Eden including the 4 rivers and other things. What there demonstrating in
the Persian Gulf is the "City of the Sun" on the Banks of the 4 rivers,
Dilmun/Babel. Thanks to Dr Zarins we know that Dilmun/Babel sunk 7-8000
years ago.
This is a reflection
of the journey of the Tree of Life Edenbound!
Odes of Solomon
Ode 1
1 The Lord is on my head like a crown, and I shall not be without Him.
2 >>They wove for me a crown of truth,<< and >>it caused thy branches to bud
in me.<<
Watch Mikeybandb's video about ufo rod
documentary on
Watch Mikeybandb's video about ufo
australia documentary on
Just some comments
All of the evidence points toward a conclusion that the sun is
"communicating" with radioactive isotopes on Earth, said Fischbach.
But there's one rather large question left unanswered. No one knows how
neutrinos could interact with radioactive materials to change their rate
of decay.
doesn't make sense according to conventional ideas," Fischbach said.
Jenkins whimsically added, "What we're
When researchers found an unusual
linkage between solar flares and the inner life of radioactive
elements on Earth, it touched off a scientific detective
The Prayer of Dalamatia City when all
the Sons of God rejoiced as one at one time, like it can happen today.
(747.5) 66:5.15 Father of all, whose Son we honor, look down upon us with
favor. Deliver us from the fear of all save you. Make us a pleasure to our
divine teachers and forever put truth on our lips. Deliver us from
violence and
anger; give us respect for our elders and that which belongs to our
This goes along way to
proving the Green, Orange or indigo Man in Israel. Right on!
Israeli archaeologists say they may have
found the earliest evidence yet for the existence of modern man.
Here is a line in the sand of Jesus
which still applies today in view.
(1680.4) 150:3.2 Late that evening Jesus gave the united group a memorable
talk on >>Magic and Superstition.<< In those days >the appearance of a
bright and supposedly new star was regarded as a token indicating that a
great man had been born on earth.< Such a star
having then recently been observed, Andrew asked Jesus if these beliefs
were wel
Caught up with an old
acquaintance of mine about shooting some video. The ball is rolling. We
decided to catch up in a week and try it out.
Gives me a little time to piece it together.
How interesting I
wonder if they are aware of this End Time no worries construct in
consideration of our approach to 1st Eden and Dalamatia City???? in thought
and evolving in the action of the event!
The Great verse of Thomas about the
"Tell us how our end will be." Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, the
beginning, that you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there
will the end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning;
he will know the end and will not experience death,"
infers translation
from the beginning.
The End comes from the
Beginning , so if we look at the Bible what is the beginning..1st Eden
and about Adam and Eve. In this day who is the 2nd Adam? Jesus thats why we
should go to 1st Eden. The great clue comes from the beginning of the Bible
1st Eden.
(767.4) 68:4.4 Prior
to the liberating and liberalizing instruction of the Dalamatia teachers,
ancient man was held a helpless victim of the ritual of the mores; the
primitive savage was hedged about by an endless ceremonial.
And it should be made
plain in this record that all these teachings portraying monotheism were
largely derived, directly or indirectly, from the preachments of the
missionaries of Machiventa Melchizedek, who went forth from their Salem
headquarters to spread the doctrine of one God >> the Most High to the
ends of the earth.<<
This might explain why Phoenician scripts
and things where found in Australia going beyond there Point of No return.
(1737.4) 156:4.3 Many of the leaders in the manufacture of Tyrian purple,
the dye that made Tyre and Sidon famous the world over, and which
contributed so much to their world-wide commerce and consequent
enrichment, believed
in the kingdom.
This might explain why phoencian scripts
and things where found in Australia going beyond there Point of No return.
(1737.4) 156:4.3 Many of the leaders in the manufacture of Tyrian purple,
the dye that made Tyre and Sidon famous the world over, and which
contributed so much to their world-wide commerce and consequent
enrichment, believed
in the kingdom. When, shortly thereafter, the supply of the sea animals
Watch Ghost32's video about Was Tiwanaku
Built Ancient Alien Astronauts documentary on
I feel I have to do
some short video to explain the journey and some of my thought concerning
1stEden. The setting will be the Aboeretum of Olinda in top of the mountain,
in the Garden, the place where I walked much in this journey contemplating
amoungst the ancient rocks and creeks of around this Garden.
Here is Benny Hinns
going off all angry, Im not sure if that is the right approach witness in
these times but then again i get carried away with things I suppose.
Watch Ghost32's video about Benny Hinn
Exposes Islam The War Against Christ documentary on
Hey.I'm seeing nothing but 7's and
11's since solstice, Dennis. Every time I look at the clockit's weird!
Today I woke up, the clock said 7:43am (7/7) and the inside temperature
was 65 (11).and then there's all those times I woke up at 2:54am (11)
last week.what's going on over here?
Don't forget on 12/11/10 (33) we were having
that peak experience at 1:11pm, (3) my time, which was 7:11am your
time.Holy Thunder, Batman!
Amazing stuff 5000
years ago and no doubt related to the 132 Andites that arrived there early
in Inca History.
Watch John302's video about pyramids
ancient lost documentary on
A Free Offer of Mercy
to All
Isaiah 55
Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no
money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and
without price.
This is very exciting,
3 Orbs of sorts in a triangle above Solomons Wall. The Wall of Wisdom. The
orbs also demonstrate, for our benefit the video interface problem, in very
fast moving ORB objects.
Watch Scooby01ukuk's video about Aliens
& UFOs documentary on
Proverbs 15:4
A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach
in the spirit.
Looks this sighting
was right above me Melbourne, the Cuity of the Enterprize, The Boat that
Batman was on. Warburton is not far from me. I note the timestamps of the
i am living in southern ireland and have
seen strange orange lights in the sky. First it was a pair of lights
that came from the east and moved towards NW just under the plough.
These were quickly followed by another pair of lights and then by
one single light. They all followed the same direction.
Red Orb Ufo Mass
Sighting over Carolina Dec 24th 2010
These men of God
visited the newborn child in the manger. The >>only supernatural event<<
associated with the birth of Jesus was this announcement to Ardnon and his
associates >>by the seraphim of former attachment to Adam and Eve in the
first garden. *<<
Very interesting story
The rediscovery of an ancient text
called 'The Revelation of the Magi,' which has been translated as
very different version of the Three Wise Men's journey to Bethlehem,
has sparked a new debate among historians and religious scholars.
5 circles
Wayne sent me a link
on some Tsunami stations in the Pacific on event mode after a few
earthquakes in Bonin Japan. Things to look out for.
Read about new web functionality. You
may view the classic recent and historical maps by clicking the
links on the left menu.
Here is a word search
on "the Path" many clues and much uplift. Very clear and definite path for
I like to give her honour to the Queen
of the Commonwealth of Nations who speaks an excellent message for
Christmas. She is absolutely right and her speech has a very deep metaphor
in truth. The Monarchy is a type of the Kingdom of Heaven and I think she
likes the idea of Kicking Good Spiritual Goals for mankind in the ultimate
message of Jesus.
The Queen has highlighted the importance
of sport in her Christmas Day message. Here is her speech in full.
Have you ever checked
out the "this way " aspect of the Urantia Book? I believe this search can be
used as a fast track way to learn, looking at all the search results and
then back engineering in the script of what was and what it became and the
way way it occurred. All various which this ways can be studied.
I'm looking over an old post (12-11-10)
as I write my paper on the new discovery of Dalamatia City, and you wrote
thisI'm wanting to know more about the beast gene. What are your
thoughts on that and how they are affecting people today?
"I'm happy that I am connected with you guys and the Chris H research
through you guys. Its fantastic
where I learn much, Im thrilled with your thoughts. I think you are right
and it will take the full Mansion worlds experience to eliminate the Mark
of the Beast >>>>being a Gene affected condition<<<< that we did suffer
from in the Spiritual mainly in attitude but Jesus came to our rescue with
the truth of the matter."
"I reckon Nebuchadnezzar went through what we are going through today in a
seven year period Eating with the Beasts of the Field of the throne room
of God, working with the Angels of Six Wings, the beasts in the field in
Quick Understanding."
Merry Christmas
everyone and have a happy new year!
From the no worries land.
I noticed the end part
of this song on the radio this afternoon I thought I better check into it.
I'm encouraged that was on the play list on 89.9 light. I'm glad I
remembered that connection.
The lead single (featuring Floyd
Wilkerson) from Donald Lawrence's 2nd solo project entitled "The Law
of Confession, Part I". The album was released February 3, 2009 on
the Zomba Gospel/Quiet Water Entertainment Label. The single is
available on iTunes.
If there are bombings killing Christian
with purpose in rebellion then the perpetrators have to deal with the
Ancient of Days to enter into Paradise and the 10 commandments will apply
the killer in the witness.
There is no saving Grace for defiling the Holy Spirit who works with
people who desire to manifest good fruits in there life
family in harmony with the Father of Paradise, The Father in Heaven.
Christian Today > Barnabas Fund is
calling for urgent prayer over the Christmas and New Year period for
Christians living in persecution hotspots in light of a series of
threats and attacks against..
Here is a report of 10
AMBER Orbs (Seraphim or Seraphic transport) on convoy that appeared 10pm at
night. One day after the disclosure of the New Zealand Government files on
Here is the Perry
stone report, looks like he had a record year and the Mannafest broadcast
worked out well. I think he is a good bloke and very sincere. Whilst there
are variations in some things, in general its the same page as this journey.
Voice of Evangelism, Perry Stone
Ministries, Manna Fest
It is about time science should say its word regarding the problem, and it
did. SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), an independent
non-commercial organization, released a sensational statement.
Three giant spaceships are heading towards Earth. The largest one of them
is 240 kilometers wide. Two others are smaller. At
the objects are beyond the orbit of Pluto.
Dec 22nd, 2010
It will be interesting
When?? they are released.
Watch Demobe's video about Stephen
Bassett On- Wikileaks And UFO_ET Documents documentary on
Sensational I reckon.
Scientists say an entirely separate type
of human identified from bones in Siberia co-existed and interbred
with our own species.
In the first few frame
is the record of the first "Light without Heat" Magnetar in Vulpecula where
I made calculation and pieced the together the 8 sided star symbols based
upon the local stars surrounding this Light with Heat Magnetar.
At the end of the day
man has to step up to the plate, man has to elevate himself to God in his
research. I believe the Kingdom of Heaven is lowering itself to Man for his
understanding and truth. Man has to step up to the challenge in faith and
truth. No compromise to the demonstrated truth for mankind! It is what it is
and nothing else!
I believe this chapter runs parallel to
the journey to the ancient places in this case 1st Eden. Hhave a look
deeper from the 1st Eden point of view in the parallelism.
The Word Made Flesh
1>>>>In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,<<<<< and
the Word was God. >>>>>2 The same was in the beginning with God.<<<<< 3
things were made by him; and without him
was not any thing made that was made.
I've been adding
scriptures to the 1st Eden approach, see what you think! I reckon there are
heaps scriptures that connect, seeing it from the 1st Eden and Journey point
of view, to the beginning which is the end.
Here is another
prediction but I am not sure why May 21st 2011??
Its funny I was
walking out my room last night at about 11.00pm when I thought I saw the
flash fade of a being type thing in an half a second, its like I caught it
out in the middle of it fading out. I thought to myself I must be tired but
then I thought it could be an Angel to. This is the second this has
occurred, the other time I was living in Sassafras on the Dandenongs Ranges
where the same thing occurred.
Watch Josepobre's video about ancient
alien angel documentary on
Most of the witnesses who have sighted
the snake ran for their lives. Since the horrendous jungle reptiles
eat live cattle a human would be a quick snack.
Official HQ Video of The Avalanches
"Since I Left You". Produced by Robbie Chater from the album Since I
Left You. Dir: Blue Source (2001) Winner MTV Europe Best Video Award
2001 Voted # 4 Pitchfork Media's Top 50 Music Videos of the 2000s.
The Album 'Since I Left You' voted # 10 in P
Watch Demobe's video about Storm
uncovers lost Roman statue documentary on