Tablet 89

The Targum from the Beginnings and Facebook timeline


    The title cut from the new Euge Groove album S7VEN LARGE. In stores and online beginning May 17, 2011

    I thought this was an interesting development

    "New Delhi: Weeks after a preacher from Oakland, California, US, predicted the end of the world on May 21, 2011, hoardings have cropped up overnight across India warning the people about same. "

    Weeks after a preacher from Oakland, California, US, predicted the end of the world on May 21, 2011, hoardings have cropped up overnight across India warning the people ablout same.


      • View all 28 comments



        its the page where I found SeeFuch in the Urantia Book or Suifu or today Yibin. Its was through the writings of a Christian Missionary in the early 20th century that made the connection for me. Right on!

        Its the location of the capital of the Melchizedek Missionaries in the Orient for about 100 years at 2500 B,C.

        Currently on of the temple on the hill is the Boy God Nehza temple. The triangle Chevron symbol also stands at the top of another temple there. Nehza is the boy God, the young God who slays the Dragon with his Ring/Circle single-handedly

        April 28 at 9:18am


        Sevens8 Sufui is in China.

        April 28 at 9:19am

    how would you enforce that?

      • Rebecca Bencini That's crazy dude! Hahaha!

        April 28 at 4:21am


        Sevens8 Totally Mad eh! especially when they come to you, what do I stand in the corner in denial when they come to me so I don't cop a fine. How would the cop be writing a ticket for speaking to an Alien who appeared to me hahahaha.

        April 28 at 6:01am


        Sevens8 The last line of defence for the Government in law eh! in power over you eh! hahaha

        April 28 at 6:01am



      • Sevens8 Little fear based but knowing the wider reality man does have the victory in truth.

        April 27 at 8:58pm


        Sevens8 It was a good video. I enjoyed the last interview of the Doctor.

        April 27 at 9:48pm

    Father in Heaven, I pray for protection for all of us from this Nuclear radiation some how. I am really bothered about this.

    April 27 at 7:23pm


      • View all 25 comments

        Mia Goldsmith Very great.

        April 27 at 7:36pm


        Somonai UrAnid It is always a spiritual task to be in peace. Danger to security happens a lot, not only globally as with nuclear radiation fall-out. It is one more hazard to material existence. The technology to fix it must become available.

        April 28 at 12:15pm

    World famous Dr Russell Blaylock gives real advise on how we can protect ourselves from radiation, and a sober assessment of how our governments go for "cove


      • Sevens8 Such a pity that we have speak like this, how to clean out radiation out of your body and food. Such a terrible thing to consider for the planet. Yet we do have 0 point energy devices where God supplies the energy. That is natural, this part 0 point free energy is going back to God or Nature.

        April 29 at 4:00am


        Sevens8 Going 0 point Free Energy in my view is the Will of the Father for this planet, for sure undoubtedly!

        April 29 at 4:01am

    Peggy Arnold gave a rose to you.



      • Sevens8 thanks

        April 27 at 6:25pm


        Sevens8 mmm smells nice.

        April 27 at 7:43pm

    Welcome to the equivalent of Credit Card debt making the minimum each month to survive. Much of the adventure I suppose is over by the looks of it. What are the people to do? Where did all this come from and what happened I ask in the dream?

    The International Monetary Fund has just dropped a bombshell, and nobody noticed, writes Brett Arends.


      • Sevens8 The USA strives to bring a vote to man and Adam and Eve did exactly the same in 1st Eden by introducing representative government, Democracy.

        But the people weren't that bright then as in today in some places of the planet.

        April 27 at 6:17am


        Sevens8 Adam and Eve spoke of democracy in 1st Eden, so democracy for Government on this planet is the right way for today.

        April 27 at 6:19am

    I here we are virtually supporting Al Queda elements in Libya, weren't these people taught to hate us with intent on destroying us and now we offer support for them. How does all that work. In one hand we are against them then in the other we support them??????

    April 27 at 3:56am


      • View all 28 comments


        Sevens8 When a whole nation is inspired with this truth oif everything nothing can hold the people back in resurrection least of all debt. But man and country have to work as a team from the top to the bottom in the spiritual brotherhood with a goal to repair and remake oneself in truth.

        April 27 at 5:31am


        Sevens8 The USA can do this and has all the potential and vigor in the people to remake and elevate and evolve a new society.

        April 27 at 5:32am

    TED Fellow Marcin Jakubowski gives a 4 minute talk on the Global Village Construction Set & Open Source Ecology.


      • Sevens8 In every Sin is the Seed of its own destruction!!!!!

        April 27 at 4:22am


        Sevens8 We are in that Sin right now.

        April 27 at 4:22am

    Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, whose outspoken libertarian views and folksy style made him a cult hero during two previous presidential campaigns, will announce on Tuesday that he's going to try a third time.


      • Sevens8 interesting eh!

        April 29 at 3:55am

    ‎5. The first century after Christ. As a religious teacher, Jesus of Nazareth started out with the cult which had been established by John the Baptist and progressed as far as he could away from fasts and forms.

    ‎[swf file="​a/ub-mp3/U92.mp3"] The Urantia Book Paper 92The Later Evolution of Religion (1003.1) 92:0.1 MAN possessed a religion of natural origin as a part of his evolutionary experience long before any systematic revelations were made on Urantia.


      • Sevens8 John the Baptist one of the 4 and twenty Elders who sits around the Judgement Seat.

        April 26 at 1:57pm



        and these fragment regarding our religious evolution

        6. The sixth century after Christ. Mohammed founded a religion which was superior to many of the creeds of his time. His was a protest against the social demands of the faiths of foreigners and against the incoherence of the religious life of his own people.

        (1010.3) 92:5.15 7. The fifteenth century after Christ. This period witnessed two religious movements: the disruption of the unity of Christianity in the Occident and the synthesis of a new religion in the Orient. In Europe institutionalized Christianity had attained that degree of inelasticity which rendered further growth incompatible with unity. In the Orient the combined teachings of Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism were synthesized by Nanak and his followers into Sikhism, one of the most advanced religions of Asia.

        (1010.4) 92:5.16 The future of Urantia will doubtless be characterized by the appearance of teachers of religious truth — the Fatherhood of God and the fraternity of all creatures. But it is to be hoped that the ardent and sincere efforts of these future prophets will be directed less toward the strengthening of interreligious barriers and more toward the augmentation of the religious brotherhood of spiritual worship among the many followers of the differing intellectual theologies which so characterize Urantia of Satania

        April 26 at 1:59pm

    The the 123 and 456 connection in N.S.A. UFO communication files reminds of this alphabet I tried to make some time ago in the journey​MagnetarBurach4.htm



        Here is a thread from the Imamway Muslim website at around July 09-07-2008 .9th July(7th) in 08.789,

        I was banned with Sevens but it appears that sevens8 still works.good.​showthread.php?p=18501#pos​t18501

        I cant believe 759 like it. Thats interesting being in Muslim areas of the Internet, good on them I say. I hope this track works for all of us as in our heart we believe in the Father of Kingdom of Heaven and Paradise same God really. We just have to clear the things that divide us in truth thats all.

        No big deal, that can happen and be good for us all and everyone can part of this great elevation in the evolution of the truth as demonstrated before our own eyes

        April 26 at 1:33pm

    at the 7:59 mark you will notice in the image 7.8% Connect and SAVE hahaha I had to have laugh! hahaha

      • Sevens8 Sevens8 kind of stuck but works great and is seen in Revelations but Sevens 8 was not influenced by Revelation from the Bible that was something I Identified later.

        April 26 at 7:04am



        I was never interested in using my name except here on facebook with my friends. The way I got Sevens was through http://www.dalamatiacity.​com/ I was looking for a nickname instead of using my name and I thought sevens was cool reflecting the website.

        That was the first thought. Not realising how important Seven is in the end time change of an Age from ignorance, in the journey of the Tree of life in its patterning. Something you realise later but at the time it was just spontaneous actions according to need and being stimulated and inspired by the Urantia Book, the Bible including other books with the evidence of 1st Eden

        April 26 at 7:15am - Water -- just a liquid or much more? Many researchers are convinced that water is capable of "memory" by storing information and retrievi

    I believe this article really speaks and describes the Andites of old and renown who did visit South America.

    The evidence for ancient human contact with extra terrestrial beings lies in the megalithic structures around the world, an author says.

    By the sounds of it the Global Corporate Government alliance regarding the monopolisation of Energy has really stuffed this planet up. The Corporate Scam with energy has virtually destroyed the DNA on this planet.

    Grounds for evacuation of the Salvable!

    Nuclear Facts A very clued in professional who will not be bought or intimidated into silence: Dr Helen Caldicott, true to style, tells it as it is. As she sees it, you wont usually hear the truth so listen up.. Nuclear fallout from Japan and Canada

    I couldn't watch all of it but I thought it was interesting.

    Perry Stone teaches on location in Israel.


      • Sevens8 The Rest and Comfort of the Tree of Life from the beginnings.

        April 26 at 5:12am


        Sevens8 which is all connected to Paradise Rest on Earth.

        April 26 at 5:13am

    In was interested in the event that occurred on 1561, on the 14th April(4th month)

    its almost 14561, the 456 between the ones,, the only number missing is the number 4, However this event occurred on the 14th on the 4th month making up the 14561. Apparently this event was seen as an forecast for a future event, I hope he wasn't eating mouldy rye bread.
    It might be CGI

    Watch Remanuelli's video about ufo alien grey demon documentary on


      • Sevens8 However, it could be trut, was this UFO being attacked or shot at where the UFO went to water to escape the projectile of energy from above?? I sense the black line is some energy projectile.

        April 25 at 6:11pm

    ॐ ♥~ Greetings Dennis, it's so good to connect with you here ~♥ ॐ
    ~♥*Wishing peace, much love & light for you & all you hold dear*♥~

    April 25 at 5:55pm


      • Sevens8 Hey no worries Roger all the best blessings in all things going eh!, it s good to be your firend thanks.

        April 25 at 6:00pm

    I think this is very reasonable.

    Watch Mystery747's video about 2012 nasa nibiru space universe black holes mayan alien ufos documentary on


      • Sevens8 I think people have to consider these things to. Thats why evidence as best as possible is the best and that's why ancient places verification associated with the Urantia Book is very important. So that you know its the truth in the physical and spiritual and nothing else.

        April 25 at 4:56am


        Sevens8 We have done this with 1st Eden twice and we can do this again but in full light of 1st Eden looking forward to destiny in verification in elevated knowledge and truth that you experience everyday and can recognise.

        April 25 at 5:49am

    In a speech days after a disagreement with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that Iran’s religious leadership would remain the ultimate authority.


      Sevens8 From what I can tell Ahmadinejad is not informed on everything. Maybe he is being seen as getting carried away with himself in prophecy, tempting realities that should not be tempted.

      April 25 at 5:52am


      Sevens8 Maybe normalisation would be good and a better way working with the planet in better destinies and accepting things and moving forward.

      April 25 at 5:54am

    If you go to this link "NSA releases 29 messages from space?" you will see some commonalities there such as D=4 E=5 F=6 and so on however if you rearrange it can be DEF-456

      • Sevens8 Moon, I think you are brilliant, we are all brilliant in truth, personal truth tracking along this planet. I think much credit has to be given to our elder brothers in the Spiritual Realm of this planet. Without guidance this would not be possible I myself could not do this, impossible, I reckon. The bond is the love in willing service from the heart and soul to one another between all of us.

        April 26 at 1:16pm


        Sevens8 extending outward.

        April 26 at 1:17pm

    Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider are rumoured to have found the elusive so-called "God Particle".

    People across the globe are working together to help scientists analyze data from NASA's Hubble, Kepler, and LRO instruments. And they're making surprising discoveries of their own!

    Near Death Experience.

    FULL VERSION of the top "Life After Death" story on the web (20 minutes). Brought to you by This powerful mini-documentary was score


      • Dudley Perrin Thank you for posting..The Power of Prayer

        April 25 at 6:19pm


        Chari Hibner Iiams NDE here too love hearing and reading about these stories!

        April 26 at 1:37pm

    This is very interesting, an apparition in the Sunlight in Abidjan, Many people seem to notice the event and reacted to it, so I'm thinking the video must be right.

      • View all 28 comments

        Sevens8 I have a feelling it will be good for many and bad for many, depends where your heart is in general I sense.

        April 25 at 5:10am


        Sevens8 ‎"crown on the sun" that was interesting forgotten. Crown of the Sun, like the Rising Sun, like the Land of the Rising Sun, like the Crowns of the Planet connected to the Sun and what is behind within the Sun.

        April 25 at 5:13am

    First Crop Circle for the Year.

      • Forgotten Muse when ever a CC shows up i like to take it all apart break it down find out how its made.

        April 25 at 10:26am


        Sevens8 I used to be right in to crop circles but I think last year there were a few human ones, I kind off lost interest how I believe god can use the fake one for his purpose. Maybe the person inspired to make a fake could actually send a message in the parallel without him realising.

        April 25 at 5:50pm

    Does if have any spiritual foundation or import for the people? and what current realities is he speaking off?
    Good on them, certainly a pleasant contrast to North Korea.

      • Sevens8 I can definitely see how the Union of the people can survive the End Times of Ignorance and be intact. I just know that George Washington in his Vision was right and true blue.

        April 24 at 5:18am


        Sevens8 I have no doubt the Melchizedek was very active in that time of George Washington assisting to set the destiny of the People of the USA for the future Ages. in a resurrection like in today's times.

        April 24 at 5:23am

    Just for having spiritual faith in Jesus.

    According to the 2011 report of Open Doors, the Human Rights group, up to 50,000 Christians are imprisoned by the North Korean regime for their faith and are regularly tortured and suffer inhuman and cruel treatment.


      • Sevens8 In fact, 400,000 people in North Korea look to the Saviour for help.

        April 24 at 5:02am


      • Linda Hodge Let's dance Dennis.

        April 23 at 10:52pm


        Sevens8 hey for sure Linda.Grouse!

        April 26 at 5:09am

    Ed Calle "Reasons" From The Album: "Sunset Harbor" Ed Calle: Tenor Sax. Tony Concepcion: Trumpet. Dana Teboe: Trombone. Steve Roistein: Keyboards. Mike Levin

    From the 1995 soundtrack to the motion picture "Waiting To Exhale", written by Babyface.

    The future hope of the planet with Clean and Free electricity without the Carbon Tax including its sophistry.

    Team Searl is launching a global campaign in which everyone can participate! Would you like to make a difference to honor EARTH DAY 2011?! You can show the p


      • Sevens8 So why cant have one of these devices in my house? or house in the future!! hahaha but anyway, why cant I have so I can give electricity to my community for free?

        Why cant I simply have on? and install it in my dream house? eh! what is stopping me? The system???? eh!

        April 23 at 9:44pm


        Sevens8 the carbon tax sophistry people??? eh!

        April 23 at 9:45pm


        Sevens8 The People would also like to know the answers to?

        April 23 at 9:47pm

    From the new album entitled South Beach. This has a similar sound to "Whatcha Gonna Do":​=vfp6leoad2w and that's not a ba

    XFM 92.3 Philippines Fourplay Fortune Teller # Bob James: Keyboards # Larry Carlton: Guitar # Nathan East: Bass & Vocals # Harve

    April 23, 2011 – PACIFIC – HONIARA: A strong 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of the Solomon Islands on Saturday, but there were no immediate reports of damage and no tsunami warning was issued. The US Geological Survey (USGS) said the earthquake hit at 3:16pm (0416 GMT) at a depth of 81 kilometres and centered 171 kilometers southeast of the capital Honiara.

      • Sevens8 Hey no worries Kat

        April 23 at 7:38pm


        Sevens8 the heading to Solomon Islands from my place 28(7777) degrees and a little bit!

        April 23 at 7:48pm

    Boney James Sweet Thing, Thornton Winery May 8 2010

    Smooth Jazz - Peter White - Love Will Find You - From CD "Good Day"

    I'm encouraged by this openness by the N.S.A. Good on them for looking into the matter and loosening up. I agree with what the presenter was saying, I find it very encouraging to and it brings the people closer to Government in a better more fulfilling relationship.
    Invasion of alien or the approach of the Kingdom of heaven or Paradise. Heaven on Earth!

    s8Nc-gG7vIY Dr. Carol Rosin a former NASA scientist turned Disclosure Project witness shares very important information with us. Keep in mind this was back in

    Irish astronomer says he has successfully tracked UFO’s

    Amazing stone and overtime many people forgot.

    A relatively small stone–just four feet high–is being credited with saving the lives of those living in a small Japanese town when the tsunami hit.

    In blessings I feel, discovery, recognition with realisation in curiosity lays the Paradise Rest that can invigorate the soul after a hard days work. Its a different rest than in the material.

    April 22 at 9:56pm


      • Tony Ma There is joy in voluntary study, unselfish service and spontaneous worship.

        Discovery due to curiosity belongs to voluntary studying. Not many people have yet discovered such joy as you

        April 23 at 2:38am

    Happy Easter everyone, all good wishes and blessings for you and your family, no worries at all, eh! Really no matter who you are and where you come from all the best eh! in everything happening in your life.

    April 22 at 8:50pm


      • Sevens8 Hey No worries Ben, great massive blessings for you and your family, I hope things are going very well for you. No worries at all mate! 100%

        April 23 at 4:24am


        Jojo Marling And a Happy Easter to you and yours Dennis God Bless

        April 24 at 9:23am

    I am sending you my best wishes for Easter!

    I 'm sending my best wishes with this Easter Egg


      • Sevens8 Hey thanks John, all great blessings for you brother in absolutely everything. Thank you for that Easter Cheer of100% Good News.

        April 22 at 8:26pm


        Sevens8 Jesus definitely laid a excellent path for us.

        Thank you Jesus for this day. Its a real pity you had to die without fully accomplishing your material/spiritual goal set out in your mandate on Mt Hermon but we can help today to complete you mission with fullness.

        No worries Jesus we are at service for you and mankind.

        April 22 at 8:40pm


        Sevens8 We can make this day an excellent day for you and mankind.

        April 22 at 8:41pm

    A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Japan late Thursday, shaking buildings in the capital Tokyo, the US Geological Survey said.


      • Sevens8 and families which is very important becasue the kids are the future and they have know the truth in a way where they can appreciate on there level with a simple understanding of where they come from and where they go.

        April 22 at 8:36pm


        Sevens8 One thing you can be certain off 1st Eden does exist and we have proved that and we can prove some more, so in teaching 1st Eden and therefore the Tree of Life with Adam and Eve is a definite reality that can be taught with confidence, it is not myth nor a legend as atheists speak off. Its is a reality 1st Eden as proven in the two expeditions.

        April 22 at 8:44pm

    Thats what I thought too, fake body material. Just typical of the liars around with those stupid clicks and rapid fake movement

    A video of what was claimed to be a mutilated alien corpse, which scored hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube, has turned out to be fake.

    The bestowal of Michael terminated the Lucifer rebellion in all Satania aside from the planets of the apostate Planetary Princes. And this was the significance of Jesus’ personal experience, just before his death in the flesh, when he one day exclaimed to his disciples, “And I beheld Satan fall as lightning from heaven.” He had come with Lucifer to Urantia for the last crucial struggle.

      • Sevens8 By the way this the Sage of Salem "Machiventa Melchizedek" who blessed Abraham and his family, the whole family right??

        April 21 at 8:28pm



        ‎" The rebellion has ended on Jerusem. It ends on the fallen worlds as fast as divine Sons arrive. We believe that all rebels who will ever accept mercy have done so. We await >>the flashing broadcast<< that will deprive these traitors of personality existence.<<<

        >>>> We anticipate the verdict of Uversa will be announced by the executionary broadcast which will effect the annihilation of these interned rebels.<<<<

        Then will you look for their places, but they shall not be found. “And they who know you among the worlds will be astonished at you; you have been a terror, but never shall you be any more.” And thus shall all of these unworthy traitors “become as though they had not been.” All await the Uversa decree."<<<

        So do I await

        April 21 at 8:30pm

    So what is the catch cry for today “self-assertion and liberty.” right, Isn't it what we seen in the replacement of governments and things.

    Where ever you hear that you know its origins of false light.

      • Sevens8 You see Caligastia must alone and isolated here because there is forecast an execution broadcast to come..

        April 21 at 8:57pm

        Teresa M Daniel-Evans wow no way

        April 21 at 8:59pm

    The crop circle found in Melek Holland is the same crop circle found in Westall 66.

    The pattern is at the 1:03:49 mark and I note the triangle /Circle Chevron. Another landmark in the concentric circles.

    Watch Dali777's video about Alien Messages documentary on


      • Margo Mills The same orbs of light that we see on the ufo vids make the crop circles in about 30 seconds. I've seen it on a video.

        April 22 at 12:58am

        Margo Mills Ok, posted the video that has the orbs making the crop circles.

        April 22 at 1:19am


        Sevens8 I thought the link was interesting Margo, how various patterns that we are familiar with can be displayed in shapes and patterns with perfection if one looks at the Concentric circles more so.

        April 22 at 8:48pm

    Thats right anything to spoil a nice day, just inline with the truth of themselves more bad fruits in provocation, more nefarious mischief.

    Metropolitan police officers carry out security checks on drains and lamp posts along the Mall ahead of the Royal wedding in London April 14, 2011. Picture taken April 14, 2011


      • Sevens8

        How about they go back to where they come and shout at the sands of the desert maybe the sand might listen to them.

        fragment of bad taste.

        "MAC said on its website its aim was to disrupt the April 29 wedding.

        "We find that one of the biggest advocates of British imperialism, Flight Lieutenant Prince William, wishes to enjoy an extravagant wedding ceremony, ironically at the expense of the tax-payer," the website says.

        "We promise that should they refuse, then the day which the nation has been dreaming of for so long will become a nightmare."

        None listens to them and who takes advantage of social security purposely and at the same condemns the civilisation that feeds and houses them???

        they are completely in error and they themselves are judged by there own judgement on others as they have a big LOG in there own eye

        April 21 at 4:25pm

    Hey Cydney sent me this link of a Grey, look real and the Video camera man must be in liaise with the Grey. I have no idea why there has to be clicks and rapid movement pretty annoying.

    Discussion about A very good view of a Grey. New video.Pin! at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies, UFOs and more!


      • Sunsista You're right when I look at the other link I see the same alien form too bad.

        April 21 at 11:00pm


        Sunsista The thing on that other video is not another life form that's what intestines look like from a large animalthey may even be human!!

        April 21 at 11:01pm

    UFOs Monitor Sakurajima Volcano - Earthquake Light Japan: Nibiru Update April 2011


      • Sevens8 Amazing lights and thing coming out of the Volcano.

        April 21 at 4:14pm


        Sevens8 thanks Wayne, no worries!

        April 21 at 4:15pm

    And here we are killing ourselves on this planet either for profit motivation or in religious error. Either way it sucks.

    Watch Kanaeta's video about ufos alien threat UFO ALIENS NEPHILIM ROTHSCHILD DAYS NOAH ALL SEEING EYE space moon plane documentary on


      • Sevens8 Life abounds and here we are killing it. Just fantastic man in complete error and confusion. Well done nothing on this level looking at the spiritual fruits of nothingness.

        April 21 at 9:19am


        Sevens8 as opposed to the spiritual fruits of discovery and realisation. Man just becoming a fool a big fool without truth.

        April 21 at 9:20am

    These guys responsible for this are on the list of the Ancient of Days. They go to court after there own death. They don't enter the Kingdom of Heaven ever unless they repent which I doubt because they are the fruits of the display of Islam in fruit and in action.

      • Sevens8 and decisions of others in there confused thought by the confused others. Death iis the fruit of this death and destruction, chaos and separation which is Sin.

        April 21 at 8:29am


        Sevens8 The Kingdom of Heaven wants no part in Chaos and Separation, I know this because the spirit of Brotherhood with all man, no matter who he is, its the better path.

        April 22 at 9:06pm

    High UFO action!

    sorry if it was posted before what do you think guys? NP4Q_4KtxBM


      • Sevens8 Hey no worries Lyn thanks for joining in and sharing, if you come across the video send me a link, that's great.

        April 21 at 5:31pm


        Sevens8 That was a cool video Wayne.

        April 21 at 5:31pm

    I thought I would watch Westall 66 again, occurred April 6th 1966 before Easter, seems like a good time for an expanded Westall 66.

    Watch Ghost32's video about Westall 1966 Suburban UFO Mystery FULL Australia documentary on


      • Sevens8 The Westall 66 Crop Circle, the Concentric Circles, the pattern of Paradise. Glory be Father in Heaven.

        April 20 at 9:53pm


        Sevens8 Its quite possible that Westall 66 is a signal point for the future, a point to be recognised but in the right context and reality before the main Event. Its a Dolmen Landmark.

        April 20 at 10:08pm

    Does this fragment point to Non breathers on the moon in a subtle way.

    >>If mortals should inhabit a planet devoid of air, like your moon, they would belong to the separate order of nonbreathers.<< This type represents a radical or extreme adjustment to the planetary environment and is separately considered. Nonbreathers account for the remaining one and one-half per cent of Satania worlds.

    ‎[swf file="​a/ub-mp3/U49.mp3"] The Urantia Book Paper 49The Inhabited Worlds (559.1) 49:0.1 ALL mortal-inhabited worlds are evolutionary in origin and nature. These spheres are the spawning ground, the evolutionary cradle, of the mortal races of time and space.


      • Sevens8

        On the nonbreathing worlds the animal species are radically unlike those found on the atmospheric planets. The nonbreathing plan of life varies from the technique of existence on an atmospheric world; even in survival their peoples differ, being candidates for Spirit fusion. Nevertheless, these beings enjoy life and carry forward the activities of the realm with the same relative trials and joys that are experienced by the mortals living on atmospheric worlds. In mind and character the nonbreathers do not differ from other mortal types.

        translation is common

        April 20 at 9:27pm



        and they are a rare sentient being in our Universe.

        The majority of inhabited planets are peopled with the breathing type of intelligent beings. But there are also orders of mortals who are able to live on worlds with little or no air. Of the Orvonton inhabited worlds this type amounts to less than seven per cent. In Nebadon this percentage is less than three. In all Satania there are only nine such worlds.

        (563.5) 49:3.2 There are so very few of the nonbreather type of inhabited worlds in Satania because this more recently organized section of Norlatiadek still abounds in meteoric space bodies; and worlds without a protective friction atmosphere are subject to incessant bombardment by these wanderers. Even some of the comets consist of meteor swarms, but as a rule they are disrupted smaller bodies of matter

        April 20 at 9:27pm


      • Sevens8 All the promulgation people see is death and destruction to the people essentially and that's it. Complete unworthy of anything that is not the attitude of Salvation.

        April 21 at 3:26am



        And by the way those evil people who are responsible for this are on the list of the Justice Courts of Ancients of Days. You don't kill Christians and not suffer the penalty of the Universal Judges of personality survival.

        How can the fruits of this religion survive anything?? It is destined for failure and its own destruction as it beholds the seed of its own destruction including its people of the Death promulgation with Action.

        #1 Muslims Massacre Christians in Nigeria: Christians vs Muslims - part 1 of 2​ch?v=ahz3BEhkyh

        April 21 at 3:33am

    How would you be eh!

    Energizing, Fun, Upbeat are a few words that describe this jazz/funk group from Ohio. The Urban Jazz Coalition is a real pleasure to watch perform. As you ca

    Marcus Johnson w/ Mike Philips - Chill Vibe Experience

    Great Solos on this Jazzy "So Fresh, So Clean" Track More live jazz videos can be seen at http://www.chillvibexp.wordpre​

    Time for chill at the club.

    Recorded at the Pizza Express Jazz Club in London. For details on upcoming gigs visit​vents Featuring Marc Antoine (Guitar), Gr

    How cool, orb lights for the class.
    The video is at the bottom of the link, ahh pretty cool.

      • Chris Yandall MJ has some good kick ass soul rockin vibes

        April 20 at 3:44pm


        Sevens8 Music can go places that many things cant, the Universal Vibe we can relate to. Amazing commonality!

        April 20 at 4:15pm

    I agree with this gentleman, I believe in Free Will of choice and I know the Father wishes all man to come into his understanding and truth of things. But no one can force anyone through the usual fear methods.

    Hey guys, i recently turned to Christianity, all of my research led me to the conclusion that it is the truth, and I wanted to

    Hey its Big Foot! What do you think, Big Foot or Man in costume? looks real.

      • Sevens8 and its so close to you, do you get concerned?

        April 20 at 3:10pm


        Maya Dyson Well, I've heard that the calls can travel for miles so not scary butdisconcerting yeafor sure!

        April 20 at 3:12pm

    Sweet dreams Dennis! ♥

    April 20 at 8:38am


      • Sevens8 Sweet dreams for you to Julienne, may your day be full of light from the heart and soul expressing itself in radiance.

        April 20 at 2:34pm

    I counted 12 orb lights.
    ‎>Almost five thousand years later,< as the Hebrew priests in Babylonian captivity sought to trace the Jewish people back to Adam, they found great difficulty in piecing the story together;

    ‎[swf file="​a/ub-mp3/U78.mp3"] The Urantia Book Paper 78The Violet Race after the Days of Adam (868.1) 78:0.1 THE second Eden was the cradle of civilization for almost thirty thousand years.


      • Sevens8 same with you eh! 100% no worries full light across the spectrum for you to, no worries at all.

        April 20 at 4:51am

    Im watching this at the moment, its very interesting.

      • Sevens8 They are truly a blessing for us today as we watch and compare with realisation.

        April 20 at 5:13am


        Sevens8 and we know the truth more because they just confirmed it.

        April 20 at 5:20am

    Thank you for the add Dennis. Many blessings to you, hope to learn more about you ♥

    April 19 at 4:53pm

    Does anyone know if this is true? Like facebook that was going to shutdown a month ago which was false, I expect the same here.

    Watch John302's video about google videos documentary on


      • Sevens8 I totally agree, its like a deep sleep or a blindness that covers the land through fear. I feel we see through this.

        April 20 at 5:37am


        Angelic Readings We do

        April 20 at 8:04am

    What's happening to the countries is part of change and that may include China judging by there reactions. In truth there is nothing to fear, out of step with truth is all to fear. There is new information from the Kingdom of heaven that can really assist all of China including its leadership in this issue.

      • Sevens8 thats great Teresa, are you noticing an ever growing thing within yourself walking the walk of truth and realisation?

        April 20 at 5:29am


        Sevens8 Are you noticing that your natural gifts are increasing more so because of a inner spiritual comfort everlasting and increasing?

        April 20 at 5:32am

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