The Great Pyramid mystery

More can be found at this Atlantis forum link in the study of the great pyramid,417.msg4404.html#msg4404

the study of the great pyramid,417.0.html

you might have to join but it would be well worth it.

In the following is a brief on the symbol  connection of the Great Pyramid to the Dilmun and the tower of Babel.

The Great Pyramid connection

the thread

No problem, I know Cayce talks about locations in the Americas,  However  if I'm right, I think the reality seems to be pointing to where it all began (our origins) in the Persian Gulf. If I'm right about the 7 commands being discovered in two lost cities beforehand of the event, then that would be the real marker where everything comes together in a unification or as one and would lay the platform of changes of all knowledge on every level and would also set the stage for the second coming with correction involved where all religion and spiritual knowledge will be sorted out once and for all.

Quite possible! Mind you it is written in the scriptures that no one will believe the final end game. Everyone will reject the path. I would say 90% will reject and refuse to believe even in light of evidence.

The final end game which is a complete test and a journey of faith.

If the Seven commands are discovered then its a different ball game and then something might happen as in an endorsement to the truth because a platform has been laid for Paradise to enter the arena as the 7 commands are directly from the Father or Paradise and has all to do with our existence which is all related to the 7 commands, the first moral codes.. I think the end game is all related to the ancient foundations of our origins.

I mean to say we have already discovered one of the cities

insert 30 June 07

A recent discovery of further anomalies in the Persian Gulf
that causes review of the location of Dalamatia?

Strange anomalies found in the Persian Gulf
Could this be Dalamatia city, the home of the Sons of Gods before the fall??

Discovered June 28th 07 Click here


Dalamatia City

We certainly live in interesting times.

here is link to the Noaich 7 commands that I just found.

here is link to the Noaich 7 commands that I just found.

and another link

and the Urantia Book Seven commands search

and here is the circular foundations of Babel inside of first Dilmun built on perhaps a an peninsula!

and another view of the foundations Babel

Babel Gallery / babel_foundations3.jpg

then you have the Egyptian great pyramid symbol found on the plug in the shaft with the Circle in a triangle, actually its a double triangle with a circle in them and is identical to the layout of Babel in Dilmun. 

The following image is the symbol in the shaft mentioned by Toth


Quote Sevens

Each to the other is the Keystone;
each the gateway that leads into LIFE.
Follow the KEY I leave behind me.
Seek and the doorway to LIFE shall be thine.
Seek thou in my pyramid,
deep in the passage that ends in a wall.

Use thou the KEY of the SEVEN,
and open to thee the pathway will fall.
Now unto thee I have given my wisdom.
Now unto thee I have given my way.

Follow the pathway.
Solve thou my secrets.
Unto thee I have shown the way.

I believe this is the symbol of Toth  "deep in the passage that ends in a wall" (insert 13 July 2008 .  It relates to the Last Messenger and is a virtual confirmation of the Symbols of the all the Cities that all connected together..

The double triangle


and of course you have 1stEden of Cyprus as guided by the Urantia Book.

All these places do link in symbolism.

Also the builder of the great Pyramid came from first Dilmun, the land of the Andite race who migrated to Egypt after the breach of Dilmun or could of been told and taught the truth of their origins by the Egyptian priests and subsequently built the great Pyramid.

all the best

The tomb of Jesus and the Vees and the link to Dalamatia city and the Mars



I thought the triangle symbol on the image was significant and interesting. I wonder if this is Islamic art. Interesting. Its the same symbol as on the plug of the Queens shaft found in the great pyramid that goes back to Submerged Dilmun or Dilmat or the Maat as the Egyptians expressed it.

Here is the curious symbol where I have highlighted a few things I realized. Found in the great Pyramid which to me fulfils a scripture in the Bible regarding the Pyramid mystery.

Found on a 8cmX8cm shaft plug in the Shaft leading out of the Queens chamber

and thoughts

"In that day there shall be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the Land of Egypt, and a monument at the border thereof to the Lord, and it shall be for a sign, and for a witness unto the Lord of Hosts in the Land of Egypt" (Isaiah 19:19-20).

This points to submerged Dilmun with the same triangle/circle chevron

and enhanced 3d of Dilmun submerged. This where the first and second attempt Babel was made and it had circular foundations like that of Dalamatia City. Dilmun was only a reflection of Dalamatia City who adopted the same design features.

The Ancient man found on the plug pointing to the Symbol would have to be the custodian over the Great Seventh or Sevenfold Mystery and the realisation of it in the right focalization would confirm the mystery of all the ancient places that share the common triangle symbol which encompasses the Concentric and co planar circles the symbols of Paradise and the truth of our Origins that can be verified in the discovery! for real! The angel is probably the Angel of the Seventh Mystery! Recognized in the Great Pyramid! Just brilliant isn't it!

Here is a page I started ages ago where it evolved in fragment form on the run over time.

web page
