The 40 day test

The test of Everything that began on the 4th July 2006
Evolution of the 40 day test
A post with references in scripture to the great test.
The 40 day test
A reflection of the 40 day Test found in Ezra
A timeline scenario image

The ending of the 40 day test and the book that
was written within the test time

The extension of the 40 day test as found in the Quran and is related to what is hidden is being revealed as in the submerged ancient places.  in the end times associated with test of faith in the beforehand! which includes the discovery of the first temples of the Father in Paradise.

Where a great discovery was made on the 16-17th September 06 in the seventh part of Enoch's prophecy which is still proceeding.

Old Test Scenario
Updated Test/Probation Scenario

Test timeline, numeric and script parallels


A test proposal from the Resultant of the discoveries in the Seventh part based on faith and following the threads of truth.

Note: the 40 day test that I proclaimed in July 4th 06 without the knowledge of Enoch's 10 week judgment. The test proclaimed was in the first week of the Seventh month which in the same time period as in the below verse. 

3 And Enoch began to recount from the books and said:
' I was born the
seventh in the first week,
While judgement and righteousness still endured.
(The above date found in Enoch 10 week 01-07/07 judgment process seems like the beginning of the judgment process or in my case a discovery process that led me to the ancient places in the Persian Gulf, it could mark the official beginning of the judgment of mankind, it quite possible that something has been activated.  It was in the Seventh part last year September 16-17 at 12.00pm where I discovered the two submerged Nodite cites as referred to in the Urantia Book.  However at the time of discovery I thought Tipura was Dalamatia, it was only after the discovery of real Dalamatia on June 28th 07 that I named the the Nodite city Tipura  I named one Dilmun city Tipura/Dilmun as that was the lead Tipura and its latitude that led me to the location of the submerged city.  The discovery of  Babel/Dilmun where the tower of Babel existed happen an hour later in the same night.  I believe these places are the activators of the transition process and understand these Nodite cities are the original homes of the fallen Sons of God as mentioned in the Urantia Book and whose current fate rest in the adjudication process of the ancient of days in the matters of the Planet and for the larger universe.

5th August insertion End time update click here  a reflection and further dates  A correction inserted 16thOct 07


Continuing in the threads of the fragments.....

From Baruch and reflections to the forty day test and extension and completion including the whole complete journey including the current conversation..

76 1 And He answered and said unto me: ['Inasmuch as the revelation of this vision has been interpreted to thee as thou besoughtest], hear the word of the Most High that thou mayst know what 2 is to befall thee after these things. For thou shalt surely depart from this earth, nevertheless not 3 unto death, but thou shalt be preserved unto the consummation of the times. Go up therefore to the top of that mountain, and there shall pass before thee all the regions of that land, and the figure of the inhabited world, and the top(s) of the mountains, and the depth(s) of the valleys, and the depths of the seas, and the number of the rivers, that thou mayst see what thou art leaving, and 4 whither thou art going. Now this shall befall after forty days. Go now therefore during these days and instruct the people so far as thou art able, that they may learn so as not to die at the last time, but may learn in order that they may live at the last times.

48 1 And it came to pass after the seventh day, that I prayed before the Mighty One and said 2 'O my Lord, Thou summonest the advent of the times, And they stand before Thee; Thou causest the power of the ages to pass away, And they do not resist Thee;


5th August insertion End time update click here  a reflection and further dates  A correction inserted 16thOct 07