Hi everyone.
Here is a post of majeston with a compile of points that describe Dilmun. I find
it completely intruiging that this also contains remnant descriptions of
"The first known account of a paradisical garden appears on a cuneiform tablet
from ancient Sumer. Here we learn of the mythical place called Dilmun, a pure,
clean, bright place where sickness, violence, and old age do not exist. Dilmun,
however, is a paradise for the gods alone and not for human beings, although one
learns that Ziusudra (= Utnapishtim, the Sumerian counterpart of Noah) was
exceptionally admitted to the divine garden." (An Encyclopedia of Archetypal
From a Sumerian clay table it is said:
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1.Holy is [the place] where
you are; 2.The mountain Dilmun is holy. 3.Holy is the place where you are; 4.......the mountain Dilmun is is holy. 5.The mountain Dilmun is holy, the mountain Dilmun is pure, 6.The mountain Dilmun is pure; the mountain Dilmun is brilliant. 7.Alone in Dilmun they lay down; 8.Where Enki and his consort lay, 9.That place is pure; that place is brilliant. 10.Where Enki and Ninella lay, 11.That Place is pure, that place is brilliant. 12.In Dilmun the raven cried not, 13.The dar-bird its dar-cry uttered not. 14.The deadly lion destroyed not, 15.The wolf a lamb seized not, 16.The dog the weak kid tore not, 17.The dun-animal (sow) the food-grain destroyed not, 18.The planned not for young off spring... 19.The birds of heaven their offspring hatched not, 20.Doves laid noteggs (?)_ 21.Of eye-disease, "it is eye-disease," one said not; 22.Of headache, "it is headache," one said not. 23.To a mother, "mother," one said not, 24.To a father, "father," one said not. 25.In the holy place a libation was poured not; in the city one drank not; 26.The river-man "cross it?" said not; 27.The overseer filled no right hand; 28.The musician "sing," said not; 29.The prince of the city spoke not. 30.Ninella to her father Enki Said: 31."A city thoust founded, a city thou hast founded, its destiny thou hast fiexe; 32.In Dilmun a city thou has hast founded, 33.......thou hast founded a city, 34.........a canal there is not 35...;;;.....thou hast founded a city" |
also another name of Dalamatia in my view was Anduruna
Heaven, ‘An’ in Sumerian, was the top layer of the Universe, situated directly
above the Earth. Besides the stars, Heaven contained a city named
Anduruna and was the original home of the
Here is another reflection of Anduruna which I think is describing Dalamatia and
Dilmun by proxy.
They passed the day at length, they added to the years. (The story of man
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Anu their first-born son rivalled his
forefathers: (the evolutionary leap) Anshar made his son Anu like himself, (family) And Anu begot Nudimmud (EA) in his likeness. He, Nudimmud, was superior to his forefathers: (is this a reflection of Adam somehow.) Profound of understanding, he was wise, was very strong at arms. Mightier by far than Anshar his father's begetter, He had no rival among the gods his peers. The gods of that generation would meet together (Like the time of rebellion appearring) And disturb Tiamat, and their clamour reverberated. They stirred up Tiamat's belly, They were annoying here by playing inside Anduruna. [Heaven, where the gods play] Apsu could not quell their noise And Tiamat became mute before them; (Universal circuits cut off, Planet Urantia isolated) However grievous their behaviour to her, However bad their ways, she would indulge them. |
here is an old post I did sometime ago. It seems to be the story of the 2nd
In the following sounds like the fall and the Seven judges are the Gods, They
dont sound happy speaking. It also seems to reflect the eve story in my view and
the judgment handed down that resulted in the explusion of 1st Eden fallen from
her estate. This account seems to give us an extra account to the account in the
Bible. Note her partner is not there.
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164-172After she had crouched
down and had her clothes removed, they were carried away. Then she made her
sister Erec-ki-gala rise from her throne, and instead she sat on her throne.
The Anuna, the seven judges, rendered their
decision against her. They looked at her -- it was the look of death.
They spoke to her -- it was the speech of anger. They shouted at her --
it was the shout of heavy guilt. The
afflicted woman was turned into a corpse. And the corpse was hung on a hook.
173-175 After three days and three nights had passed, her minister Nincubura (2 mss. add 2 lines: , her minister who speaks fair words, her escort who speaks trustworthy words,) carried out the instructions of her mistress (1 ms. has instead 2 lines: did not forget her orders, she did not neglect her instructions). 176-182 She made a lament for her in her ruined (houses). She beat the drum for her in the sanctuaries. She made the rounds of the houses of the gods for her. She lacerated her eyes for her, she lacerated her nose. In private she lacerated her buttocks for her. Like a pauper, she clothed herself in a single garment, and all alone she set her foot in the E-kur, the house of Enlil. |
Note the 3 days and night, I wonder if that has significants.
Also does the following have connection to Andon and Fonta and the birth of the
Sons of Gods.
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When heaven above was not yet
named Nor earth below pronounced by name, Apsu, the first one, their begetter And maker Tiamat, who bore them all, (Is the following talking about evolutionary man, before the time of being sentient.) Had mixed their waters together, But had not formed pastures, nor discovered reed-beds; (early man, very early man. The time before the Gods.) When yet no gods were manifest, Nor names pronounced, nor destinies decreed, Then gods were born within them. (Self realisation) Lahmu (and) Lahamu emerged, their names pronounced. As soon as they matured, were fully formed, Anshar (and) Kishar were born, superpassing them (Is this the time of Andon and Fonta (Anshar and Kishar) 1,000,000 years ago? born from Lahmu and Lahumu) |
1st Susa from my observation was a city in a lake like Venice in Rome. It was
truly a city in a lake looking from the shore that seemed like White(pure)island)
It was the lead "Tipura, the white island" that led me to
1st Susa.
I feel this speaks of the
tower of Babel, the shrine.
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2.The mountain Dilmun is holy. 3.Holy is the place where you are; 4.......the mountain Dilmun is is holy. 5.The mountain Dilmun is holy, the mountain Dilmun is pure, 6.The mountain Dilmun is pure; the mountain Dilmun is brilliant. |
here are more reflections of the city of Dilmun
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web page Just as cuneiform sources situate Dilmun and Magan on the western shore of the Persian Gulf, recent scholarship has favored locating the region of Mishime (Miæima), attested in pre-Sargonic and Old Akkadian sources, or P/Bashime, as it was generally known in Old Akkadian, Ur III and Old Babylonian texts, along the northeastern coast of the Gulf, roughly between Bushehr and the Shatt al-Arab (ˆatÂt al-¿Arab) estuary (Steinkeller, 1982, pp. 240-2) or possibly more precisely in the area of Bandar-e Deylam (e.g. Vallat, 1993, p. CXXVI). Mishime is first attested during the reign of Eannatum of Lagash (ca. r. 2450-25 BCE) who, in addition to conquering Elam, claims to have raided and destroyed Mishime (Sollberger and Kupper, 1971, pp. 58-59; Selz, 1991, pp. 34, and some aspects of Dilmun found in tablets web page "...Bit-Iakin on the shore of the Bitter Sea, as far as Dilmun's border- all these I brought under one rule..." (p. 335. Potts) "...Uperi, king of Dilmun, whose camp is situated, like a fish, thirty beru (double-hours) away in the midst of the sea of the rising sun..." (p. 334. Potts) Hymns to Enki, who resided at Eridu, stated that the city was at the edge of _the sea_ and the shadow cast by its fruit trees panted [b]by his shrine fell upon the nearby snake marsh. [/b] The Mesopotamians called the salt-marshes marattu meaning "bitter" (marah = bitter), perhaps the Hawr Hammar preserves in Arabic the earlier Mesopotamian marattu ? (Seems to match dilmun submerged Northeastern Persian Gulf.) |
Here is Dilmun beside the sea a city whose layout looks like a fish.
Here is "The Shrine" or the "mountain of Dilmun" = Babel
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Article about Dilmun And, in a tradition that is still carried on today, boats that set off from the mouth of the Tigris and Euphrates have always stopped here to get fresh supplies in sweet water and vegetables. Cuneiform texts reveal that Dilmun was located a two-days sailing distance from Mesopotamia. (remembering that in around 3000BC the waters of the Persian Gulf was further North in Mesopotamia) First Dilmun then submerged in 3000BC, located in North Eastern Iran would of been realistically been 2 days sailing away from Eridu. and On one ancient tablet dated 3100 B.C., Dilmun is described as an "Elysium" where the inhabitants were eternally young and suffered no illnesses, "where the raven did not croak and wolves and lion did not devour their prey." (Sounds like a reflection of the tree of life in Dalamatia which the legend transferred to Dilmun) The name Dilmun is associated with that of Enki, the god of wisdom and water, and the Gilgamesh, King of Uruk in Mesopotamia, whose saga recounts a wonderful mythological tale - a combination of 'A Thousand and One Nights' and images from the Bible. |
Is this a connection between Egypt and Dilmun where a majority of the Dilmunite
refugees went to after the loss of the city in Iran, the first Dilmun. Is this a
reflection and connection of this early time and migration patterns.
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"The lands of Magan [Egypt]
and Tilmun looked up at me. I, Enki, moored the Tilmun-boat at the coast, Loaded the Magan-boat sky high. The joyous boat of Meluhha transports gold and silver." - Sumerian text "The Mesopotamian texts described Tilmun as situated at the 'mouth' of two bodies of water. Could that mean Dilmun could also be located between two large bodies of water at a lower sea level in the Persian Gulf? If Dilmun was located on a peninsula surrounded by water as I suspect it could make sense that Dilmun was also surrounded by water with inland bays. Dilmun could of possibly existed on a peninsula with the sea on one side of the isthmus with inland bays on the other side. ![]() http://www.dalamatiacity.com/babel6.jpg |
I wonder if this is a connection to the man looking elevations of Dilmun and
Babel that did cross Dilmun central across the peninsula. Where the circular
foundations of Babel form the head of a man with the raised canals making the
body, arms and legs connecting to the sea.
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26.The river-man "cross it?" said not; |
the man!