Distant reflections to Dalamatia City, the first place through there myths.
In the following, to me is an amazing discovery of the Dogon mythology in fragment form that I feel reflect the reality of first places in symbolism. Civilization came to man by Sons of God in Dalamatia the first built by the Sons of God when there was loyalty among them. One of the many skills taught to man in Dalmatia was weaving which has perpetuated today..
The following image is an article of cloth woven by the Dogon which contains V patterns that I believe resemble the distant reflections of the diamond/triangular design of the subdivisions which resemble the shape of Vees as seen in the images of the city. The Vees or triangle chevron in the Dogon cloth is the same pattern found in the design of Dalamatia City. This chevron is also found in key locations on the planet including the tomb of Jesus' family, this symbol even reflects the same anomalies near the face Mars.
From what I understand the Dogon mythology was that handed to them by mythical semi spiritual mortals who seemed to reflect the reality and knowledge of the existence of the first places where the original Sons of God taught man civilization. I get the impression that this divine truth that are represented in there cosmology may have relevance in this day of the end times and which may reflect an expanded truth in the Same V reflection. I believe this expanded revelatory truth is arising in this time and is directly related to God.
There Dogon life and thoughts are most likely very distant reflections of the first learning center contained and reflected in their culture and in their weaving as the triangle chevron contains the story of the fallen Gods of our universe. The reflection of this very ancient story was passed onto the Dogon when there forebears where in Egypt some thousands of years ago under the influence of the distant Andite traditions and religions influenced Egypt thousands of years ago and thus passed onto to the Dogon.
The following link is where I received the following information and may cast light into the final mystery from the Dogon perspective.
Other thoughts on the Atlanteans - Andites
I am amazed at the Veees found in there cloth weaving, this pattern has many connections in symbolism that in my mind points to Dalamatia City and Dilmun through the use of the triangle or the V. No doubt this pattern passed on down from Dalamatia City through to Dilmun in the Andite culture and through to the/Egyptian culture as represented in the importance of the triangle symbol. These same reflections in the symbolism are expressed through there reality of the first places passed on to the Dogon.
From this link
http://www.adireafricantextiles.com/africantextintro7.htmWithout doubt the most elaborate account of the religious and symbolic significance of weaving in an African society was that provided by the Dogon sage Ogotemmêli to the celebrated and controversial French ethnographer Marcel Griaule. As part of a complex narrative that apparently related all aspects of Dogon life to cosmological symbolism, the old man explained that each stage of spinning and weaving thread was a symbolic analogy to human reproduction and resurrection - "the making of cloth symbolizes the multiplication of mankind." Underlying this imagery however, there was a more arcane linkage between the origin of weaving and the creation of the world itself.
The face of the seventh Spirit ancestor became a living loom as he transmitted divine word in the form of cloth. Because of the link between weaving and the word, the processes of spinning and weaving could only be done in daylight hours. To work at night would be to weave silence and darkness into the cloth
Dogon marriage cloth - imported thread embroidered on local indigo dyed cotton strips.
(the cloth also reflects the Shabbes timeline in total)
Note the half triangle similar to the Seventh Part
More common than this kind of extended cosmological analogy are myths that recount where or how the ancestors first learnt to weave. The Tukolor are one of the main weaving peoples of Senegal and Gambia. The weaving group among the Tukolor, called Maabo, preserve a body of myths and weavers' lore that explains the secrets of the various looms parts, procedures to ensure effective weaving, and powers to protect the weavers from rivals. All of these are believed to have been passed on down the generations from their mythical ancestor Juntel Jibali. This ancestor who was himself half-man, half-spirit, came across a jinni spirit weaving in the forest while he was collecting firewood. He watched for a long time, listening to all the incantations the jinni spoke as he wove. Eventually he was able to make away with the loom itself, carrying it back to his fishing village in a canoe. Juntel's mother, who was herself a spirit, then taught him how to grow and prepare the necessary cotton thread. [see Dilley for details.] Similarly the Asante have several mythological accounts of the origins of kente weaving.
Hand woven cloth is sometimes regarded as having a spiritual potential not found in manufactured fabrics. An example of this is the wearing of bogolanfini (see here) by the Bamana of Mali to absorb "nyama", a dangerous and polluting power released by activities such as hunting and in circumcision ceremonies. Among the Bunu Yoruba in Nigeria Elisha Renne found that special white cloths were used in healing women thought to be linked to water spirits. However although certain cloths have spiritual significance it is highly unusual for the imagery on cloths to directly represent spiritual entities. One exception though is the Aso Olona or Ogboni cloths of the Ijebu Yoruba, where the designs depict various types of water spirit.
The Vees found in Jesus tomb
The Vees of Mars
Here is some other link with interesting information about the Dogon and the mythologies
A fragment from the above link that appears to have parallels to the creation of the Sons of Gods and the Fall of the them, loosing there first estate at Dalamatia. It also appears and the Death and resurrection of Jesus to restore is also mentioned in metaphor. Perhaps perpetuated from the Egyptian religion which essentially is the Andite belief that originated from the first places.
(In brackets) are my thoughts are in this color
Allegedly, when the Dogon left Egypt, they brought with them sacred knowledge in the form of oral traditions, perhaps handed down by the ancient priests of Egypt.
The Dogon creational tale is laced with metaphors that are similar to other legends of creation throughout the world. One need only compare them and understand their metaphoric content, to understand the nature of our reality, past, present, and future.
According to Dogon mythology, Nommo was the first living being created by Amma, the sky god and creator of the universe.
He soon multiplied to become six pairs of twins. [This is a metaphor for one source/soul splitting into two - yin /yang, when it enters into the electromagnetic energies of third dimension. See twin flames] [Also see 12 Around 1] (I happen to believe its a reflection of the creation of the Sons of God)
One twin rebelled against the order established by Amma, thereby destabilizing the universe. (The Fall of Dalamatia and reflective of the Lucifer rebellion) [The focus in our duality has always been to restore balance, through healing, especially as many myths foretell that at the end of time there will be a judgement day.]
In order to purify the cosmos and restore its order, Amma sacrificed another of the Nommo, whose body was cut up and scattered throughout the universe. (The death of Jesus but more important is what he accomplished in defeating the rebel through his advent. It also reflects reflections of Horus who was cut up.) This distribution of the parts of the Nommo's body is seen as the source for the proliferation of Binu shrines throughout the Dogon region. (This is similar to the story of Isis -- Osiris -- and Horus.) (The knowledge spread throughout the world)
The Dogon are famous for their astronomical knowledge taught through oral tradition, dating back thousands of years, referencing the star system, Sirius. Sirius is the dog star. It is linked with the Egyptian goddess Isis. The astronomical information known by the Dogon since that time, was not discovered and verified until the 19th and 20th centuries, making one wonder how the Dogon came by this knowledge. Their oral traditions say it was given to them by the Nommo. The source of their information may date back to the time of the ancient Egyptian priests.
More cloth design of the Dogon, note the triangles and diamonds maybe another reflection in the metaphor. It seems to have reflection of the Pyramid looking from above downwards.