


The Genesis Story found inscribed on Sumerian Tablets. The location from where the Genesis story came from in the Bible. Hebrews whilst captivity adopted his story and transmitted it as there own. Like with Noah, it was a local event of Uruk in the local Area, the Hebrews adopted and expanded this story to encapsulate the world, which is not true.


What the Hebrews discovered was the ancient Melchizedek missionaries writings inscribed on tablets. Upon discovery of these tablets the Hebrews studied them as these tablets contained reflections of the Melchizedek thoughts which are are reflected in the Psalms and Proverbs and the Book of Job.

A demographic shift


The last three waves of Andites poured out of Mesopotamia between 8000 and 6000 B.C. These three great waves of culture were forced out of Mesopotamia by the pressure of the hill tribes to the east and the harassment of the plainsmen of the west. The inhabitants of the Euphrates valley and adjacent territory went forth in their final exodus in several directions:... See More

Sixty-five per cent entered Europe by the Caspian Sea route to conquer and amalgamate with the newly appearing white races--the blend of the blue men and the earlier Andites.

Ten per cent, including a large group of the Sethite priests, moved eastward through the Elamite highlands to the Iranian plateau and Turkestan. Many of their descendants were later driven into India with their Aryan brethren from the regions to the north.

Ten per cent of the Mesopotamians turned eastward in their northern trek, entering Sinkiang, where they blended with the Andite-yellow inhabitants. The majority of the able offspring of this racial union later entered China and contributed much to the immediate improvement of the northern division of the yellow race.

>>>Ten per cent of these fleeing Andites made their way across Arabia and entered Egypt.<<<

Five per cent of the Andites, the very superior culture of the coastal district about the mouths of the Tigris and Euphrates who had kept themselves free from intermarriage with the inferior neighboring tribesmen, refused to leave their homes. This group represented the survival of many superior Nodite and Adamite strains.

The Andites had almost entirely evacuated this region by 6000 B.C., though their descendants, largely mixed with the surrounding Sangik races and the Andonites of Asia Minor, were there to give battle to the northern and eastern invaders at a much later date.

The cultural age of the second garden was terminated by the increasing infiltration of the surrounding inferior stocks. Civilization moved westward to the Nile and the Mediterranean islands, where it continued to thrive and advance long after its fountainhead in Mesopotamia had deteriorated. And this unchecked influx of inferior peoples prepared the way for the later conquest of all Mesopotamia by the northern barbarians who drove out the residual strains of ability. Even in later years the cultured residue still resented the presence of these ignorant and uncouth invaders.


The river dwellers were accustomed to rivers overflowing their banks at certain seasons; these periodic floods were annual events in their lives. But new perils threatened the valley of Mesopotamia as a result of progressive geologic changes to the north.

For thousands of years after the submergence of the first Eden the mountains about the eastern coast of the Mediterranean and those to the northwest and northeast of Mesopotamia continued to rise. >>>This elevation of the highlands was greatly accelerated about 5000 B.C.,<<< and this, together with greatly increased snowfall on the northern mountains, caused unprecedented floods each spring throughout the Euphrates valley. These spring floods grew increasingly worse so that eventually the inhabitants of the river regions were driven to the eastern highlands. For almost a thousand years scores of cities were practically deserted because of these extensive deluges.

>>>Almost five thousand years later, as the Hebrew priests in Babylonian captivity sought to trace the Jewish people back to Adam<<<, they found great difficulty in piecing the story together; and it occurred to one of them to abandon the effort, to let the whole world drown in its wickedness at the time of Noah's flood, and thus to be in a better position to trace Abraham right back to one of the three surviving sons of Noah.

It is possible the Sphinx is 7000 years old and was resurrected as a monument pointing to Dilmun and celebrated the peoples that came from also the area of Sumeria.


Similar to what Perry Stone about the 4 spirits that come out of Euphrates. Could this be one coming out of the ancient river banks of the Euphrates?? in locating ancient Aram with correction and purpose?

After the disruptions of the floods in Mesopotamia the remnants of the Andites were the Sumerians where they clung on to their Nodite traditions. Like the traditions of Dilmun including its language and script.


These spring floods grew increasingly worse so that eventually the inhabitants of the river regions were driven to the eastern highlands. >>>For almost a thousand years scores of cities were practically deserted because of these extensive deluges.<<< perhaps between 7000 years and 6000 year period??

There would be many cities under the sands near the old banks of the Euphrates.

The lost cities destroyed by the floods around the 7-6000 year ago mark I believe were rebuilt on mounds by the ancient Sumerians at a later time beginning 4000BC when the floods recessed which seems to match the archaeological record.


The Sevenfold Labyrinth




On the Feb 13 2010, this dropped out of the sky and looks like it aroused some attention.
