3rd Shabbes timeline Magnetar adventure up to date 50 day timeline Newsflash Jerusem Local System Headquarters crop circle rumors uptdate 50 day timeline Another Sydnet Blackout Crop circles began April14th 09 reported May 14th 09 Crop circles began April14th 09 reported May 14th 09 I found myself in Dyonisus the Young Aliens News release Keep Watch on the 17th April 09 Earth tremor felt at Sevenfold Headquarters Sinim 666 calculation A futher expasion relating to Symbols of the past Local System Headquaters wikipedia The chain of command of the Sevenfold Mission. Leviticus 23:16 A diagram of the 50 day Magnetar timeline Leviticus 23:16 Jane Lead connection to the discoverer and of the Sevens Sevenfold sign. in the oneness.