Gate 3
Communion with the Angel of



The third Communion is with the Angel of Air


The Angel of Air,

Who spreads the perfume

Of sweet-smelling fields,

of spring grass after rain,

of the opening buds of the

Rose of Sharon.

We worship the Holy Breath

Which is placed higher

T'han all the other things created.

For, lo, the eternal and sovereign Luminous space,

Where rule the unnumbered stars,

Is the air we breathe in

And the air we breathe out.

And in the moment betwixt the breathing in

And the breathing out

Is hidden all the mysteries of the Infinite Garden.

Angel of Air,

Holy messenger of the Earthly Mother,

Enter deep within me,

As the swallow plummets from the sky,

That I may know the secrets of the wind

And the music of the stars.